The Characteristic Morphological of Mimosa Pudica
The Characteristic Morphological of Mimosa Pudica
The Characteristic Morphological of Mimosa Pudica
Tristanti Rakhmaningrum
Biology Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural sciences, State University of
Malang , Malang, Indonesia
E-mail: [email protected]
Mimosa pudica including a type of wild grass that grows on the ground abandone,
roadsides and open areas expose to the sun. This plant is a family of Fabaceae, tribe members
legumes are scattered in various tropical areas. This plant has a characteristic spiny stems,
round-shaped flowers are pink, with double pinnate leaves. This plant has a unique, that when
touched, leaves quickly to close / wither.
Keywords: Mimosa pudica, morphology
Mimosa pudica can grow in various places. These plants can thrive without any special
treatment either in the fertile soil and a rid though, therefore, farmer soften refer to it as a
parasite. This plant is called Mimosa pudica because if the leaves are held then leave sit will
shut, so the term "shameif held". The leaves are wilted temporary because after a few minutes
the situation will be restored to normal.
Observation of the Mimosa pudica carried out in the park around the car park area of the
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science at the State Universityof Malang. Observations
made during the day, ie on Tuesday, 28 October 2015. The observations focused on plant
morphology. Data is recorded along with a photo of the parts plants.
: Magnoliophyta
: Magnoliopsida
: Fabales
: Fabaceae
: Mimosa
: Mimosa pudica
Mimosa pudica is found widely in the park around the car park area of the Faculty of
Mathematics and Natural Sciences at the State University of Malang.
Figure 1.Mimosa pudica that thrives in the park.
In addition to observing the habitat (Figure 1), we also observe parts of the plant Mimosa
pudica. These plants have leaves, stems, flowers, fruits, seeds, and roots (Figure 2).
Figure 2.(a) Morphological Mimosa pudica. Red arrows indicate the leaves. Black arrows
indicate interest. Yellow arrows indicate the stem. (b) A. Fruits B. Seeds C. Root
Form leaves are pinnate compound leaves two perfect double. The leaf tip pointed, base
rounded, flat edge, upper and lower surfaces slippery, 6-16 mm long, 1-3 mm wide, green,
generally purple leaf edge. If the leaves are touched will closes with pinnate. The fins will
meet and gather with 4 to 5.5 cm long. Mimosa pudica have spherical rod. On the whole there
is a stem hair and have spines that stick, rod plant Mimosa pudica with hair brush at an angle
that leads to the surface of soil or downward. Flowers of Mimosa pudica are round like a ball,
stemmed, purple / red, very small petals that have a white membrane. Shaped fruit pods,
flatlike a line. Seeds are round and flat. Mimosa pudica included plant seed that is enclosed
(angiospermae) and breed by seed. These plant have strong roots.
The uniqueness of this plant is the leaves, which when touched, blown and heated will
soon closes (Figure 3). This is caused by changes in turgor pressure on the bone leaves. This
motion is called motion seismonasti, which influenced by their sense of touch (tigmonasti),
on leaf Mimosa pudica thigmonasty will happen no matter from which direction of the touch.