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Bond Servant

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bond-servant; one bound to service without wages:

Revelations 7:3 saying, “Do not harm the earth, or the sea, or the
trees until we have sealed the bond-servants of our Ĕlôhîym upon
their foreheads.”
δουλος doulos; used only for bond-servant

‫ים א&ת‬+‫חי‬- ‫ה‬- ‫רור‬2‫בצ‬+ ‫ה‬5‫רור‬2‫י צ‬+‫נ‬8‫ד‬:‫ה נ<פ<ש א‬5‫ת‬2‫הי‬5 2‫ך ו‬5 ‫ש‬2
< ‫פ‬-‫בק&ש א<ת נ‬- ‫ל‬2 ‫ך ו‬5 ‫פ‬2 ‫ד‬5 ‫ר‬2 ‫ל‬+ ‫ם‬5‫ם אד‬5‫ק‬5‫י‬-‫ו‬
‫כט‬:‫ כה‬,‫ שמואל א‬:‫ע‬-‫קל‬5 ‫ה‬- ‫ף‬-‫ך כ‬2 ‫תו‬2‫ה ב‬5‫ל <ענ‬2 ‫ק‬- 2‫ך י‬5 ‫ב<י‬2‫י‬8‫א&ת נ<פ<ש א‬2‫ך ו‬5 ‫ה<י‬8‫ל‬P‫ה א‬5‫ו‬8‫ה‬2‫י‬
If men rise up to pursue you, and to seek your soul; the soul of my adoni shall be bound
in bond of life with Yəhwôâh Elohe~cha; and the souls of your enemies, he shall sling
out, as from the hollow of a sling: Samuel 1, 25:29

‫ המשפטים‬Ha'mishəpotiym (the judgments or the laws) of

‫ ע)ב)ד‬E've'd (bond-servant / slave)
By Stephen Houston bond-servant of “Ahavətiy et ADONAI ” (my Master Eloah)
Yəhwôâh our Ĕlôhîym and Adoni (my master) Yәshua Ha’Mashiyach "I will not go
out free." In this the Year of release

The bond-servant becomes:

‫ ע<ב< ד‬Eved ‫י‬0‫ר‬2‫ב‬0‫ ע‬Ivriy ‫ה‬7‫רצ‬2 0‫ נ‬Nirtza: Hebrew bond-servant (a Hebrew slave found to be
acceptable; whose ear has been pierced) who works for his master eternally
(indicate that he is now part of the master's family [eved Nirtza). ‫ עבד נרצע‬modern
Hebrew/Aramaic eved nirtsa
‫ה‬7‫צ‬2‫ר‬0‫ נ‬Nirətza / Nirtza means “To be accepted or pardoned, to be appeased "
root word ‫ה‬5‫צ‬5‫ ר‬Ratza be willing,consent,desire,pardon,to favor,to please,accepted.

‫צ&ה‬2‫ ר‬Rtzei accept, want.

‫ה‬7‫צ‬2‫ר‬0‫ נ‬Nirətza~
‫ רצה‬ratsah Strong's meaning accept,
want; to be pleased with, be favorable to, accept favorable
Definition: to be pleased with, be favorable to, accept favorably
(Qal) to be pleased with, be favorable to) to accept) to be pleased, be determined) to
make acceptable, satisfy) to please) (Niphal) to be accepted, be pleased with) (Piel) to
seek favor of ) (Hiphil) to please, pay off) (Hithpael) to make oneself acceptable or
pleasing Part of Speech: verb a primitive root Same Word by TWOT Number: 2207
Aramaic; ‫ה‬5‫צ‬5‫ ר‬Ra'tza'~; be willing, consent,desire,pardon,to favor,to please

:5‫את<יה‬8‫ט‬-‫ל ח‬5‫בכ‬2 ‫ם‬+‫לי‬- ‫פ‬2 ‫כ‬+ ‫ה‬5‫ו‬8‫ה‬2‫ד י‬-‫מי‬+ ‫ה‬5‫קח‬2 ‫ל‬5 ‫י‬+‫ה כ‬5‫ונ‬:‫ה ע‬7‫רצ‬2 0‫י נ‬+‫אה כ‬5‫צב‬2 ‫אה‬2‫מל‬5 ‫י‬+‫ה כ‬5 ‫או &אל<י‬2‫קר‬+ 2‫ם ו‬+-‫רושל‬2
5 ‫ל ל&ב י‬-‫רו ע‬2‫דב‬-
‫ב‬:‫ מ‬,‫ישעיה‬
Da'b'ru A'l Lei'v Y'ru'sha'la'm V'ki'r'u Ei'le'~'ha Ki'y Ma'l'a'~ Tz'va'a'~ Ki'y
Nirətza~ A'vo'na'~ Ki'y La'k'cha'~ Mi'ya'd Y'ho'va'~ Ki'f'la'yi'm B'cha'l
Cha'to'~'te'~'ha: Y'sh'a'y'h, M:v

Speak comfortably to Yərushalam, and cry to her, that her fighting is ended, that her
iniquity is pardoned; for she has received from Yəhôwâh's hand double for all her sins:
Isaiah, 40:2

‫ה‬5‫ו‬8‫ה‬2‫ה י‬7‫צ‬2‫ר‬0‫ה נ‬5‫ ו‬8‫ה‬2‫ה י‬7‫צ‬2‫ר‬0‫ <עב<ד נ‬bond-servant Nirtza to Yəhwôâh

‫י‬-‫בד‬5 ‫ע‬: ‫הנ&ה‬+ ‫או‬5‫צמ‬2 ‫ת‬+ ‫את<ם‬2‫שתו ו‬+

2 ‫י י‬-‫ד‬5‫ב‬:‫הנ&ה ע‬+ ‫בו‬5‫רע‬2 ‫ת‬+ ‫את<ם‬2‫אכ&לו ו‬8‫י י‬-‫בד‬5 ‫ע‬: ‫הנ&ה‬+ ‫ה‬+‫ו‬8‫ה‬P‫י י‬5‫נ‬8‫ד‬:‫ר א‬-‫ה אמ‬8‫לכ&ן כ‬5
‫יג‬:‫ סה‬,‫ ישעיה‬:‫את<ם ת&בשו‬2‫חו ו‬5‫שמ‬+ 2‫י‬
Therefore thus says ‫ה‬+‫ו‬8‫ה‬P‫ י‬Ye'ho'wi'~ Ĕlôhîym, Behold, my servants (avadai)
(avadai) shall eat, but you shall be hungry; behold, my servants (avadai) shall
drink, but you shall be thirsty; behold, my servants (avadai) shall rejoice, but
you shall be ashamed: Isaiah, 65:13

‫יד‬:‫ סה‬,‫ ישעיה‬:‫ילו‬+‫תי&ל‬2 ‫ח‬- ‫שב<ר רו‬+

& ‫כא&ב ל&ב ומ‬2 ‫מ‬+ ‫קו‬:‫צע‬2 ‫ת‬+ ‫את<ם‬2‫טוב ל&ב ו‬+‫נו מ‬8‫ר‬5‫י י‬-‫ד‬5‫ב‬:‫נ&ה ע‬+‫ה‬
Behold, my servants (avadai) shall sing for joy of heart, but you shall cry for
sorrow of heart, and shall howl for trouble of spirit: Isaiah, 65:14

‫ים יום‬+‫יא‬+‫ב‬2‫הנ‬- ‫י‬-‫בד‬5 ‫ע‬: ‫ל‬5‫אל&יכ<ם א<ת כ‬: ‫ח‬-‫<של‬

2 ‫א‬5‫הז<ה ו‬- ‫יום‬-‫ד ה‬-‫ם ע‬+‫רי‬- ‫צ‬2 ‫מ‬+ ‫בות&יכ<ם &מ <אר<ץ‬:‫או א‬2‫צ‬5‫שר י‬:
< ‫יום א‬-‫ן ה‬+‫למ‬2
‫כה‬:‫ ז‬,‫ ירמיה‬:-‫ח‬8‫של‬2 5 ‫שכ&ם ו‬-
Since the day that your fathers came forth out of the land of Egypt until this
day I have sent to you all my servants (avadai) the prophets, from early in the
morning: Jeremiah, 7:25

On the ground of the sin thus referred to again, the proclamation of punishment
is renewed, and the different fates awaiting the servants of Yəhwôâh and those
by whom He is despised are here announced in five distinct theses and
antitheses. "Therefore thus saith Adonai, Yəhwôâh: Behold my servants will eat,
but ye will hunger; behold my servants will drink, but ye will thirst; behold my
servants will rejoice, but ye will be put to shame; behold my servants will exult for
delight of heart, but ye will cry for anguish of heart, and you will lament for
brokenness of spirit. And ye will leave your name for a curse to my chosen ones,
and Adonai, Yəhwôâh, will slay thee; but His servants He will be call by another
name, to that whoever blessed himself in the land will bless himself by the
Ĕlôhîym of truthfulness, and whoever swearers in the land will swear by the
Ĕlôhîym of truthfulness, because the former troubles are forgotten, and because
they have vanished from mine eyes."

The name Adonai is connected only with the name of Yəhwôâh for the purpose
of affirming that he is Ĕlôhîym of salvation and judgment has the power to carry
out His promises and threats into execution. Starving, confounded by the
salvation they had rejected (‫ תבשו‬as in Isa 66:5), crying and wailing (‫ילו‬0‫ל‬1‫תי‬2
Tə'yeiliylu, as in Isaiah, 65:14 and ‫יל‬0‫ל‬1‫י‬2‫ י‬Yəyeiliyl Isaiah,15:2 , with a double
preformative; For sorrow of heart and crushing of spirit (‫ שבר‬Shever), rendered
very well by the lxx συντριβη, as in Isa 61:1, συντετριμμενους broken-hearted ),
The rebellious ones are left behind in the land of captivity, whilst the servants
of Yəhwôâh enjoy the richest blessings from Ĕlôhîym in the land of promise
(Isaiah 62:8-9). The former, perishing in the land of captivity, leave their name to
the latter as shəvuah (oath), i.e., to serve as a formula by which to swear, or
rather to execrate or curse (Numbers 5:21), so that men will say, "Yəhwôâh slay
thee, as He slew them." This, at any rate, is the meaning of the threat; but the
words ‫ך‬. ‫ית‬
0 ‫מ‬3 ‫וה‬
5 Ve'hemiytəcha (and will kill you) ‫ והמיתך‬cannot contain the actual
formula, not even if we drop the Vav, as Knobel proposes, and change ‫לבחירי‬
into ‫ ;לבחיריו‬for, in the first place, although in the doxologies a Hebrew was in the
habit of saying "Bareichə Shəmei~" (bless his name) instead of ‫ יהי‬yəhiy sheim
baruch ( his name be blessed), he never went so far as the Arab with his
Allah tabar "Allah. knows and you knows not.", but said rather ‫ך‬0 ‫ר‬: ‫ב‬. ‫ת‬3
Yi'təbareichə will be blessed. Still less could he make use of the perfect
(indicative) in such sentences as "may he slay thee," instead of the future
(voluntative (voluntative Optative: Obtainable Wish)) ‫מית‬.
3 ‫י‬, unless the perfect
shared the operative force of the previous future by virtue of the consecutio
temporum (a grammar rule from Latin that disciplines the relationship between
the tenses in subordinate sentences. Consecutio temporum has very rigid). And
secondly,the indispensable ‫ כהם‬or ‫ כאלה‬would be wanting (see Jeremiah 29:22,
cf., Genesis 48:20). We may therefore assume, that the prophet has before his
mind the words of this imprecatory (to call down harm, especially a curse, on
somebody) ) formula, though he does not really express them, and that he
deduces from it the continuation of the threat. And this explains his passing from
the plural to the singular.

Their name will become an execration; but Yəhwôâh will call His servants by
another name (cf., Isaiah 62:2), so that henceforth it will be the Ĕlôhîym of the
faithfully fulfilled promise whose name men take into their mouth when they
either desire a blessing or wish to give assurance of the truth (to bless one's self
with any one, or with the name of any one;

No other name of any Ĕlôhîym is now heard in the land, except this gloriously
attested name; for the former troubles, which included the mixed condition of
Israel in exile and the persecution of the worshipers of Yəhwôâh by the despises
of Yəhwôâh, are now forgotten, so that they no longer disturb the enjoyment of
the present, and are eve hidden from the eyes of Ĕlôhîym, so that all thought of
ever renewing them is utterly remote from His mind.

This is the connection between Isaiah 65:16 and Isaiah 65:13-15.& Genesis
31:49 for example, but as in Genesis 13:16. What follows is the result of the
separation accomplished and the promise fulfilled. For the same reason Ĕlôhîym
is called Elohe'amein, "the Ĕlôhîym of Amein," i.e., the Ĕlôhîym who turns what
He promises into absolute fact and Amein (Co2 1:20). The epithet derived from
the confirmatory Amein, which is thus applied to Yəhwôâh, is similar applied to
the expression in Rev 3:14, where Yəshua is called "the Amein, the faithful and
true witness." The explanatory kı̂y (for)is emphatically repeated in ‫כי‬, as in Gen
33:11 and Samuel1 19:4 (compare Job 38:20).

The inhabitants of the land stand in a close and undisturbed relation to the
Ĕlôhîym who has proved Himself to be true to His promises; for all the former
evils that followed from the sin have entirely passed away.

Hurt: The term (noun and verb) represents a large number of Hebrew words, of which the
chief are ra` (verb ra`a`), "evil" (Gen 26:29; 1 Sam 24:9; Ps 35:4, etc.), and shevor or shever
(from Shiveir/Shibeir), "a fracture" or "breaking" (Jer 6:14; 8:11,21; 10:19; compare Ex
22:10,14). In Greek a principal verb is adikeo, "to do injustice" (Luke 10:19; Rev 2:11; 6:6,
etc.); once the word "hurt" is used in the King James Version (Acts 27:10, story of Sha'ul's
shipwreck) for υυ ́βρις hubris, "injury" (thus the Revised Version (British and American)). In
the Revised Version (British and American) "hurt" sometimes takes the place of other words
in the King James Version, as "sick" (Proverbs 23:35), "breach" (Isa 30:26), "bruise" (Jer
30:12; Nah 3:19); sometimes, on the other hand, the word in the King James Version is
exchanged in the Revised Version (British and American) for "evil" (Josh 24:20), "harm"
(Acts 18:10), or, as above, "injury" (Acts 27:10). These references sufficiently show the
meaning of the word--harm, bruise, breaking, etc. In Jeremiah (ut supra; as stated or cited
above) the word is used figuratively for moral disease or corruption.

The Mashiyach is called ‫י‬+‫נ‬8‫ד‬:‫ א‬adoni (my master) and in every one of its 164 occurrences
adoni (my master) means a superior who is not Eloah. ADONAI on the other hand refers
exclusively to the One Eloah in all of its 449 occurrences. ADONAI is the title of Deity
and adoni never designates Deity.

Mar 10:44 “And whoever wishes to be first among you, shall be bond-servant (Eved
Hebrew and Aramaic δουυ λος doulos; a slave, bondman, bond-servant ; one who gives
himself up to another’s will those whose service is used by Ha’Mashiyach in extending
and advancing his cause among men, devoted to another to the disregard of one’s own
interests) of all.

THE Tőrâh OF THE bond-servant

Exodus 19:16 “And it came to pass on the third day in the morning, that there were
thunders and lightning, and a thick cloud upon the mount, and the voice of the trumpet
exceeding loud; so that all the people that was in the camp trembled."
It is hard to imagine what Yisra’el must have witnessed as they stood at the base of
Mount Sinai. To see the mountain smoke, to feel the ground quake, to hear the sound of
voices, thundering and the blast of the shofar must truly have been awe inspiring and,
let's face it, terribly frightening. No wonder they told Moshe in Exodus 20:19, "Speak
thou with us, and we will hear (shama: Hear, understand and obey): but let not Ĕlôhîym
speak with us, lest we die."

They were ready to listen, as long as Ĕlôhîym would speak through Moshe. In fact, they
told Moshe that if he would be the intermediary (to stand in the breach), they would
definitely "hear" and "do" all that Yəhwôâh commanded. Even Ĕlôhîym thought that this
was a good idea (Deuteronomy 5:28). So, now that He had their undivided attention, He
prepared to give them His ordinances. What would be first? There were many things for
them to learn considering they had only known the "Lash Law"(forced labor). What
awesome command would He give them in addition to the Ten Commands already

:‫ם‬5‫ל‬8‫ע‬2‫דו ל‬5‫עב‬: -‫ע ו‬- ‫ר &צ‬2 ‫מ‬- ‫ב‬- ‫נו‬2‫יו א<ת אז‬5‫נ‬8‫ד‬:‫ה ורצע א‬5‫זוז‬2‫המ‬- ‫ה <דל<ת או א<ל‬- ‫ישו א<ל‬+‫הג‬+ 2‫ים ו‬+‫ה‬8‫ל‬P‫הא‬5 ‫יו א<ל‬5‫נ‬8‫ד‬:‫ישו א‬+‫הג‬+ 2‫ו‬
‫ו‬:‫ כא‬,‫שמות‬

Then his master shall bring him to the judges; he shall also bring him to the door, or to
the door post; and his master shall bore his ear through with an awl; and he shall serve
him forever: Exodus, 21:6

‫ ורצע‬Və'ro'tza'a is a word used only one time in the scriptures

In strongs the use ‫ רצע‬ratsa to bore, pierce the ear this is a Aramaic word ‫ע‬-‫רצ‬2 R'tza'a to
bore with the awl: esp. to perforate or (or to grove) the ear of a Hebrew bondsman:
meaning to take possession of. See Jastrow

When thou shalt buy a Hebrew servant, six years he shall serve; and in the seventh year
he shall go out free for nothing. If in his body he shall come in, in his body he shall go
out; if he is master of a woman, then his woman shall go out with him. If his master shall
give him a woman, and she shall bear him sons or daughters, the woman and her children
shall be his master’s, and he shall go out in his body. And if saying the servant shall say, I
love my master, my woman, and my children; I will not go out free; then his master shall
bring him unto Ĕlôhîym, and shall bring him unto the door, or unto the door-post; and his
master shall bore through his ear with his awl; and he shall serve him forever. When thou
shalt buy a Hebrew servant," signifies those within the set-apart ones who are in the
truths of Yəhôwâh's word and are not living their lives according to there ways; "six
years he shall serve," signifies a state of labor and of some examination (trial, or testing)
and of the consequent confirmation of truth; "and in the seventh year he shall go out free
for nothing," signifies a state of truth confirmed without exertion on his part; "if in his
body he shall come in," signifies truth without delight; "in his body he shall go out,"
signifies a state of truth without delight also after examination (trial, or testing); "if he is
master of a woman," signifies truth with delight adjoined; "then his woman shall go out
with him," signifies a state of truth with delight conjoined also after examination (trial, or
testing); "if his master shall give him a woman," signifies righteous from the Ru’ach
HaKodesh adjoined to truth while in examination (trial, or testing); "and she bear him
sons or daughters," signifies the truths and righteous thence derived; "the woman and her
children shall be his master‘s," signifies that righteous adjoined to truth by the Ru’ach
HaKodesh, together with the Tzədaka~ (righteousness: to uphold the every
"word" and letter of Yəhôwâh's Covenant as commanded. fairness: the
condition of being just or impartial, equity: treatment of others, or a general
condition characterized by justice, fairness, and impartiality, justice). In
truth: ‫ה‬5‫דק‬5 ‫צ‬2 Tzədaka~ is not about giving; ‫ה‬5‫ק‬5‫ד‬2‫ צ‬Tzədaka~ is about being
adjoined to truth (‫ה‬5‫מונ‬P‫ א‬Emûnâ~ is belief/faith in truth and obedience to that
truth:, ‫ים‬+‫א ¦מנ‬P Emuniym (faith)fulness; the ‫ אמ&ן‬Amein

‫ה‬5‫ק‬5‫ד‬2‫ צ‬Tzədaka~ for this is the Tőrâh and the prophets

αγάπη agápē noun means Tzədaka~ which is the highest form of love

Agápē is the most commonly used Greek word for love... it means to love
and serve Ĕlôhîym and your fellow man in Tzədaka...

Romans 14:17 For the reign of Ĕlôhîym is not eating and drinking, but in
Tzədaka (Hebrew Tzədaka Greek δικαιοσυνη dikaiosune) and shalom and
joy in the Ru’ach HaKodesh.

αγαπαω agapao transitive active verb. It is an unselfish "love," ready to


Ahava~ transitive active verb. It is an unselfish "love," ready to serve.

‫ד‬8‫ב‬:‫ ע‬Avod: serve: ‫ד‬8‫ב‬:‫לע‬- La'avod: to serve

δουλευω douleuo serve. διακονια diakonia to serve

For this is the Tőrâh and the prophets.

Mat 22:40 “On these two commands hang all the Tőrâh and the Prophets.”

Mat 22:37 And Yəshua said to him, “You shall ‫ה‬5‫ב‬:‫ אה‬Ahava~ Yəhwôâh your
Ĕlôhîym with all your heart, and with all your being, and with all your
Mat 22:38 “This is the first and great command.

Mat 22:39 “And the second is like it, ‘You shall ‫ת‬-‫ב‬:‫ אה‬A'havat (as You love
your self): your neighbors as yourself.’

The Golden Rule ‫ה‬5‫דק‬5 ‫צ‬2 Tzədaka~ that states one has a right to just treatment,
and a responsibility to ensure justice (‫ צ<ד<ק‬Tzedek ) for others.

Mat 7:12 “Therefore, whatever you wish men to do to you, do also to them,
for this is the Tőrâh and the Prophets.

‫יח‬:‫ יט‬,‫ ויקרא‬:‫ה‬5‫ו‬8‫ה‬2‫י י‬+‫אנ‬: ‫ך‬5 ‫מו‬5‫ך כ‬5 ‫ע‬: ‫ל &ר‬2 ‫ת‬5 ‫ב‬2 ‫ה‬- ‫א‬2‫ך ו‬5 ‫ע <מ‬- ‫בנ&י‬2 ‫ר א<ת‬8‫ט‬+‫א ת‬8‫ל‬2‫ם ו‬8‫ק‬+‫א ת‬8‫ל‬

You shall not avenge, nor bear any grudge against the children of your
people, but you shall love (5‫ת‬2‫ב‬-‫אה‬2‫ ו‬Və'ahavəta) your neighbor as yourself; I
am Yəhwôâh: Leviticus, 19:18

2 ‫ה ומ‬5‫דק‬5 ‫צ‬2 ‫שות‬:‫לע‬- ‫ה‬5‫ו‬8‫ה‬2‫ך י‬2 ‫רו <ד <ר‬2‫שמ‬2
5 ‫יו ו‬5‫חר‬: ‫א<ת ב&יתו א‬2‫יו ו‬5‫בנ‬5 ‫צו<ה א<ת‬- 2‫שר י‬:
< ‫ן א‬-‫מע‬- ‫ל‬2 ‫יו‬+‫עת‬2 ‫ד‬-2‫י י‬+‫כ‬
‫יט‬:‫ יח‬,‫ בראשית‬:‫יו‬5‫על‬5 ‫דב<ר‬+ ‫שר‬: < ‫ם א&ת א‬5‫רה‬5 ‫ב‬2 ‫ל א‬-‫ה ע‬5‫ו‬8‫ה‬2‫יא י‬+‫הב‬5 ‫ן‬-‫מע‬- ‫ל‬2

For I know him, that he will command his children and his household after
him, and they shall keep the way of Yəhwôâh, to do justice and judgment;
that Yəhwôâh may bring upon Avraham that which he has spoken of him:
Genesis, 18:19

‫לד‬:‫ יד‬,‫ משלי‬:‫את‬5‫חט‬- ‫ים‬+‫ל ¦אמ‬2 ‫ <חס<ד‬2‫רומ&ם גוי ו‬2‫ה ת‬5‫דק‬5 ‫צ‬2

Righteousness (‫ה‬5‫דק‬5 ‫צ‬2 Tzədaka~) exalts a nation; but sin is a reproach to any
people: Proverbs, 14:34

‫ט‬:‫ טו‬,‫ משלי‬:‫ב‬5‫אה‬P <‫ה י‬5‫דק‬5 ‫צ‬2 ‫רד&ף‬- ‫מ‬2 ‫שע ו‬5
5 ‫ך ר‬2 ‫ה <ד <ר‬5‫ו‬8‫ה‬2‫ת י‬-‫עב‬: ‫תו‬

The way of the wicked is an abomination to Yəhwôâh; but he loves him who
follows after righteousness (Tzədaka~): Proverbs, 15:9

‫ג‬:‫ כא‬,‫ משלי‬:‫ח‬-‫ב‬5‫מז‬+ ‫ה‬5‫ו‬8‫יה‬-‫ר ל‬5‫בח‬2 +‫ט נ‬5‫שפ‬+

2 ‫ה ומ‬5‫דק‬5 ‫צ‬2 ‫שה‬:‫ע‬

To do Tzədaka~ and justice (‫ט‬5‫שפ‬+

2 ‫ ומ‬U'mishəpat) is more acceptable to
Yəhwôâh than sacrifice: Proverbs, 21:3)

and truths thence derived, shall not be appropriated to truth; and he shall go out in his
body," signifies the state after examination (trial, or testing), which is merely one of
confirmed and implanted truth; "and if saying the servant shall say," signifies thought
then from the implanted truth; "I love my master, my woman, and my children," signifies
the delight of the remembrance of Ru’ach HaKodesh Tzədaka~; "I will not go out free,"
signifies the delight of obedience; "then his master shall bring him unto Ĕlôhîym,"
signifies a state into which he then enters according to Divine order; "and shall bring him
to the door, or unto the door-post," signifies a state of communication of truth confirmed
and implanted with Ru’ach HaKodesh righteous; "and his master shall bore through his
ear with his awl," signifies a representative of obedience; "and he shall serve him
forever," signifies to eternity.

. When thou shalt buy a Hebrew servant. That this signifies those within the set-apart
ones who are in the truths of Yəhôwâh’s word and not in righteous according to them, is
evident from the signification of "buying," as being to procure and appropriate to one’s
self; and from the signification of "a Hebrew servant," as being those within the set-apart
ones who are in the truths of Yəhôwâh’s word and not in goodness of life according to
them; for "servant" is predicated of those who are in truth and not in the corresponding
goodness of life, and in general, of truth relatively to goodness, and "Hebrew" is
predicated of those things which are of the set-apart ones , and of those things which are
of some service. That it is predicated of those things which are of the set-apart, also that
it is predicated of those things which are of some service. As in what now follows, the
menservants and maidservants of the sons of Yisra’el are treated of it must be told what
the statutes concerning them involve in the internal sense. Everyone can see that the
statutes contain within them secret things of heaven, because they were spoken and
commanded orally by Yəhôwâh to Moshe on Mount Sinai, and because they follow
immediately after the words of the Tőrâh. Apart from such secret things they would be
merely civil and public laws like the laws of other nations on earth, in which there is no
secret thing of heaven. But the secret things here contained are not manifest except to the
angels in the heavens, consequently not to men except by the internal sense; for this
teaches how the angels perceive the Word, consequently it teaches the secret things that
are within the Word. What and of what quality these secret things are, will be plain in the
following explication of each particular.

[2] That a general idea may be had, it shall be briefly told what is specifically meant by
"Hebrew servants" in the internal sense. In the Ru’ach HaKodesh set-apart ones, which
the sons of Yisra’el represented, there are two kinds of men: there are those who are in
the truth of faith and not in the corresponding righteous of life, and there are those who
are in the Tzədaka~ and in the corresponding truth of faith. They who are in the
Tzədaka~ and in the corresponding truth of faith are they who constitute the very set-
apart ones itself, and are men of the internal set-apart ones. In the internal sense of the
Word these are they who are called the "sons of Yisra’el." These are of themselves free,
because they are in righteous; for they who are led by Yəhwôâh by means of Tzədaka~
are free. But they who are in the truth of faith and not in the corresponding Tzədaka~ of
life are men of the external Ru’ach HaKodesh ones. These are they who in the internal
sense of the Word are meant by the "Hebrew servants." They are represented by servants
because those things which are of the external set-apart ones are relatively nothing else
than things of service. The case is similar also with the truth of faith relatively to the
Tzədaka~ ; for the truth of faith serves for introducing the man of the set-apart ones into
the Tzədaka~ .

[3] Be it known moreover that he who makes everything of the set-apart ones, thus
everything of salvation, to consist in the truth of faith and not in the righteous , and who
also does righteous from obedience only and not from the affection which is of the love,
cannot be regenerated, as can those who are in the righteous , that is, who do what is
righteous from the affection of love. They can indeed be reformed, but not re generated.
Their reformation is here treated of in the internal sense in the laws concerning
menservants and concerning maidservants. The secret things of this reformation are not at
this day known to anyone, for the reason that an almost total ignorance prevails within
the set-apart ones of what the truth of faith effects toward salvation, and what the
Tzədaka~ effects. Nay, it is not known what charity is, or that charity and faith must
marry together for Ru’ach HaKodesh to exist in man; for the marriage of Tzədaka~ and
truth is the marriage of set-apart ones, because it is heaven in man.

Six years he shall serve. That this signifies a state of labor and of some examination (trial,
or testing) and of the consequent confirmation of truth, is evident from the signification
of "six years," as being states of labor and examination (trial, or testing). That "six"
signifies labor and examination (trial, or testing); and that "years" signify states. That the
confirmation of truth is also signified is because Ru’ach HaKodesh truth (You have
hidden in me the fountain (Yəhôwâh's Word) of understanding and the counsel
(Ru’ach HaKodesh) of truth. (To achieve knowledge of the truth through the
Ru’ach HaKodesh)" (1QH) Column 13 The Dead Sea Scrolls;The Thanksgiving
Scrolls) , which is called the truth of faith, is confirmed by labor and examination (trial,
or testing). It is said "somewhat of examination (trial, or testing),"‘because they who are
in the truth of faith and not in the corresponding Tzədaka~ of life are not admitted into
any grievous examination (trial, or testing), that is, into temptation, because they would
yield. For Adonai cannot flow in with them by means of Tzədaka~, and thus defend them
against the evils and perversion of the truth which assail in temptations. They are only
external men, and whatever flows in from Adonai must flow in through the internal man
into the external. When men are not in the righteous , the internal man is not open, for
righteous is that which opens the internal man, and which dwells there.

And in the seventh year he shall go out free for nothing. That this signifies a state of
truth confirmed without exertion on his part, is evident from the signification of "the
seventh year," as being a state of the conjunction of Tzədaka~ and truth; for by "the
seventh year" is signified the like as by "the seventh day," or "the sabbath." That by this
is signified the conjunction of Tzədaka~ and truth, or the heavenly marriage, thus the
state of peace which succeeds after a state of servitude. But here, as those who are in
truth and not in the corresponding Tzədaka~ of life are treated of, by "the seventh year" is
signified a state of confirmed truth. The reason is that with such there is no conjunction
of truth and Tzədaka~, as there is with those who are in the Tzədaka~ , and who are
understood in the representative sense by the sons of Yisra’el; but instead of this
conjunction there is the confirmation of truth. And from the signification of "for nothing"
(gratis), as being without exertion on their part; for when they are in labor and in some
examination (trial, or testing) the truth of faith with them is confirmed by Adonai without
any effort of theirs. The like is signified by "for nothing," or "freely" in these passages:--

I will give unto him that is a-thirst (eager or longing for something) from the
fountain of the water of life freely (Rev. 21:6).

He that heareth, let him say, Come; and he that is athirst, let him come; and he
that will, let him take the water of life freely (Rev. 22:17). (water of life;
Yəhwôâh Word through the Ru'ach Hakodesh.)

Everyone that thirsts, go ye to the water, and he that hath no silver; go ye, buy and
eat; go ye, I say, buy wine and milk without silver and without price (Isa. 55:1);

And so with respect to water, which signifies the Ru’ach HaKodesh things of faith, and
concerning which Adoni thus speaks in John:--

Yəshua said, Every one that drinks of this water shall thirst again; but whosoever
drinks of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall
give him shall become in him a fountain of water springing up unto eternal life
(John 4:13, 14).

But at the present day there are those who are like the woman with whom adoni (Yәshua)
spoke at the well, and who answered, adon (master), give me this water, that I thirst not,
neither come hither to draw (John 4:15).

That waters signify Ru’ach HaKodesh things, is evident from many passages in the
Word; and that they also signify Perversion of the truth, let the following passages, in
addition to those already cited, serve for confirmation. In Isaiah:--

This people hath refused the waters of Shiloah that go softly; therefore behold
Yəhôwâh brings up upon them the waters of the river, strong and many, and he
shall go over all his banks (Isaiah 8:6, 7).

The waters that go softly, here denote things Ru’ach HaKodesh, waters strong and many,
Perversion of the truth. Again:--

Woe to the land shadowing with wings, which is beyond the rivers of Ethiopia;
that sends ambassadors upon the sea, and in vessels of papyrus upon the waters.
Go, ye swift messengers, to a nation meted out and trodden down, whose land the
rivers divide (baza'; to divide) (Isaiah 18:1, 2),

Denoting the Perversion of the truth which is of the land shadowing with wings.

[3] Again:--
When you passes through the waters I will be with you, and through the rivers
they shall not overflow thee (Isaiah 43:2).

The waters and rivers denote difficulties, and also Perversion of the truth. In Jeremiah:--

What hast thou to do with the way of Egypt, to drink the waters of Shihor? And
what hast thou to do with the way of Assyria, to drink the waters of the river?
(Jeremiah 2:18),

Where waters denote Perversion of the truth from mans self-reasoning. Again:--

Who is this that riseth up as a river? As the rivers his waters are in commotion.
Egypt riseth up as a river, and as the rivers his waters toss themselves; and he
said, I will rise up, I will cover the earth, I will destroy the city and the inhabitants
thereof (Jeremiah 46:7, 8),

Where again waters denote Perversion of the truth from mans self-reasoning. “When we
fail to align our lives with eternal principles – temporal or Ru’ach HaKodesh – we
eventually will resort to unsound reasoning and subsequent sinful action wanting
something good but not wanting to obey the Tőrâh that bring the desired fruit of living in
harmony with the Tőrâh in our lives. Sin is the Perversion of the Tőrâh: that manifests
itself through the desires of the hearts.”

[4] In Ezekiel:--

Thus saith Ha’Adonai Yəhôwâh, when I shall make thee a desolate city, like the
cities that are not inhabited, when I shall bring up the deep upon thee, and the
great waters shall cover thee, then will I bring thee down with them that descend
into the pit (Ezekiel 26:19, 20).

Waters here denote evils and the Perversion of the truth therein. In Habakkuk:--

Thou didst tread the sea with thine horses, the mire of many waters (Habakkuk
3:15), Hebrew idiom the mire of many waters; a mire of confusion,and falsity

Where waters denote Perversion of the truth. In John:--

And the serpent cast forth after the woman, out of his mouth, water as a river that
he might cause her to be carried away by the stream (Rev. 12:15, 16).

Here waters denote Perversion of the truth and lies. In David:--

Send Thine hand from above, rescue me and deliver me out of great waters, out of
the hand of the sons of the stranger, whose mouth speaks lies, and their right hand
is a right hand of falsehood (Ps. 144:7, 8).
Great waters here manifestly denote Perversion of the truth; the sons of the stranger also
signify Perversion of the truth.

That the "waters" here and in the following verses signify Perversion of the truth, is
evident from the passages of the Word adduced at the beginning of this chapter, and at
(verse 6), where a "flood" or inundation of waters is treated of. It is there shown that
inundations of waters signify desolations and temptations, which involve the same as
Perversion of the truth; for desolations and temptations are nothing else than inundations
of Perversion of the truth that are exacerbated by evil spirits. That such "waters" signify
Perversion of the truth, is because in the Word "waters" in general signify what is Ru’ach
HaKodesh, that is, what is of understanding, of reason, and of intellectual-knowledge;
and as they signify these they also signify their contraries, for every falsity is a something
pertaining to intellectual-knowledge, and appears as a thing of reason and understanding,
because it is of man’s thought.

[2] That "waters" signify Ru’ach HaKodesh things, is evident from many passages in the
Word; and that they also signify Perversion of the truth, let the following passages, in
addition to those already cited, serve for confirmation. In Isaiah:--

This people hath refused the waters of Shiloah that go softly; therefore behold
Yəhwôâh brings up upon them the waters of the river, strong and many, and he
shall go over all his banks (Isaiah 8:6, 7).

The "waters that go softly," here denote things Ru’ach HaKodesh, "waters strong and
many," Perversion of the truth. Again:--

Woe to the land shadowing with wings, which is beyond the rivers of Ethiopia;
that sends ambassadors upon the sea, and in vessels of papyrus upon the waters.
Go, ye swift messengers, to a nation meted out and trodden down, whose land the
rivers have divide (Isaiah 18:1, 2),

Denoting the A perversion of truth originating in the deceitfulness which is of the "land
shadowing with wings."

[3] Again:--

When thou passes through the waters I will be with thee, and through the rivers
they shall not overflow thee (Isaiah 43:2).

The "waters" and "rivers" denote difficulties, and also a perversion of truth originating in
the deceitfulness . In Jeremiah:--

What hast thou to do with the way of Egypt, to drink the waters of Shihor? And
what hast thou to do with the way of Assyria, to drink the waters of the river?
(Jeremiah 2:18),
Where "waters" denote Perversion of the truth from reasoning. Again:--

Who is this that riseth up as a river? As the rivers his waters are in commotion.
Egypt riseth up as a river, and as the rivers his waters toss themselves; and he
said, I will rise up, I will cover the earth, I will destroy the city and the inhabitants
thereof (Jeremiah 46:7, 8),

Where again "waters" denote A perversion of truth originating in the deceitfulness from

[4] In Ezekiel:--

Thus saith Adonai Yəhôwâh, when I shall make thee a desolate city, like the cities
that are not inhabited, when I shall bring up the deep upon thee, and the great
waters shall cover thee, then will I bring thee down with them that descend into
the pit (Ezekiel 26:19, 20).

"Waters" here denote evils and the Perversion of the truth there from. In Habakkuk:--

Thou didst tread the sea with thine horses, the mire of many waters (Habakkuk

Where "waters" denote Perversion of the truth. In John:--

And the serpent cast forth after the woman, out of his mouth, water as a river that
he might cause her to be carried away by the stream (Rev. 12:15, 16).

Here "waters" denote Perversion of the truth and lies. In David:--

Send Thine hand from above, rescue me and deliver me out of great waters, out of
the hand of the sons of the stranger, whose mouth speaks a lie, and their right
hand is a right hand of falsehood (Ps. 144:7, 8).

“Great waters" here manifestly denote Perversion of the truth; the "sons of the stranger"
also signify Perversion of the truth.
Thus far "Noah" has been treated of, or the regenerate man called "Noah," who were in
the "ark," and were "lifted up above the waters." The subject will now be those
descendants of the Most Ancient set-apart ones who were under the waters, or were
submerged by the waters.

The Call for Servants

Exodus 21:1-6 "Now these are the judgments which thou shalt set before them. If thou
buy a Hebrew servant, six years he shall serve: and in the seventh he shall go out free for
nothing. If he came in by himself, he shall go out by himself: if he were married, then his
wife shall go out with him. If his master has given him a wife and she have born him sons
or daughters; the wife and her children shall be her master's, and he shall go out by
himself. And if the servant shall plainly say, I love my master, my wife, and my children;
I will not go out free: Then his master shall bring him unto the judges; he shall also
bring him to the door, or unto the door post; and his master shall bore his ear through
with an awl; and he shall serve him for ever." This was for the rest of his life. The entire
Tanakh is types and shadows of the Brit Chadashah believer’s life, a natural picture of
Ru’ach HaKodesh truth that would be realized in Ha'Mashiyach.

So what could this possibly be saying to us today as believers? There is nothing in the
Tanakh that is just history or to tell a story of something that happened, but there to teach
Ru’ach HaKodesh truths. Even Yәshua said His words were spirit and life. The entire
Word of Ĕlôhîym is Ru’ach HaKodesh and alive. Yәshua was the Word, the Tőrâh made
flesh. He lived it through out in His life, fulfilling it, not doing away with it. He lived the

Of all the Tőrâh Ĕlôhîym could have started with, it strikes me as odd that He would
begin with the Tőrâh of a servant. You see little difference between the slavery of their
time and that of our own history, with the exception of the mistreatment of slaves that
some were guilt of. They were purchased, but with a time limitation for their service.
Back to the issue of this seeming odd that Ĕlôhîym would begin with the Tőrâh of a
bought servant, that is, unless there is a deeper meaning contained within the instructions.

Actually, I think that "deeper meaning" is exactly what He wished to convey. Ĕlôhîym
loved to paint word pictures to teach Ru’ach HaKodesh truth using natural things.
Yәshua also did this in His teaching. Consider that when the people pleaded with Moshe
to intercede (to stand in the breach) on their behalf, they pledged to " shama: hear"
understand and "obey." Yəhwôâh told Moshe they were "right in all that they have
spoken" (Deuteronomy 5:27-28). “Go thou near, and hear "shaa ma: hear" understand
and "obey.” all that Yəhwôâh our Ĕlôhîym shall say: and speak thou unto us all that
Yəhwôâh our Ĕlôhîym shall speak unto thee; and we will hear it, and do it. And
Yəhwôâh heard the voice of your words, when ye spoke unto me; and Yəhwôâh said unto
me, I have heard the voice of the words of this people, which they have spoken unto thee:
they have well said all that they have spoken.” Yet, in the following verse (V.29),
Yəhwôâh reveals something about the people when He says, "O that there were such an
heart in them, that they would fear me, and keep all my commandments always, that it
might be well with them, and with their children for ever!" (Deuteronomy 5:29).

They didn’t have the heart to follow through with their words and Yəhwôâh knew it.

It seems to me that Ĕlôhîym was already convinced that, though this generation that came
out of Egypt might "obey; shama “the words they were told, they would not "hear”
“shama “the message”. This suggests to me that their motive, their provocation to "obey"
was fear. It was the same as when they were in Egypt. They obeyed the Egyptians
because they feared the whip. Same attitude, same motivation! "All the people that were
in the camp trembled” (Exodus 19:16). Deuteronomy 20:18 “And all the people saw the
thundering, and the lightning, and the noise of the trumpet, and the mountain smoking:
and when the people saw it, they removed, and stood afar off.” They were terrified of
Ĕlôhîym and of coming near to Him. They were willing to serve Him because they feared
Him, but Ĕlôhîym desired for them to serve because they loved Him and appreciated
what He had done for them. This issue is why the first mishpat or judgment Yəhwôâh
teaches them of is the law of the bond-servant.

First of all, this law does not pertain to an sakı̂yr; “hired laborer, hired servant”, who
agrees to a certain wage for a certain amount of work. Yəhwôâh is addressing the issue of
a servant, Ha'eved; one who is bonded to serve a household without being paid wages, no
compensation – a slave. After serving six years, the master releases the servant, who is
free to go his own way accompanied by his family under the conditions prescribed by the
Tőrâh. Yet, as verse five points out, the servant may, of his own free will, decide to stay
with his master. The Tőrâh says, if he plainly says, "I love my master…" In Hebrew the
text reads, Ahavətiy et ADONAI -" I love my master Ahavətiy et ADONAI
." The Hebrew word of master is translated as ‘adon, master, owner’ and it comes from
an unused root meaning to rule, sovereign, human or divine. It is the same as the
compound name of Ĕlôhîym in scripture beginning with “ADONAI -". That is very
interesting because this is one of the titles used for Yәshua, as in Psalm 110:1.
“Yəhwôâh, (yeh-hoo-ahh'; or more accurately the Father) said to adoni (referring to
Yәshua), Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies your footstool.”
Please notice that the servant professes love for ADONAI, He then says, "I will not go out
free." The bond-servant has made a decision to remain a servant, but this time it is
forever. In other words, he is released from bondage by his adoni, but for love of his
ADONAI, he gives up his freedom to become a servant of his master all the days of his
life. This servant is no longer a slave but a ‫ <עב<ד‬Eved ‫י‬+‫בר‬2 ‫ע‬+ Ivriy ‫ה‬7‫רצ‬2 0‫ נ‬Nirtza Hebrew bond-
servant (a Hebrew slave to be acceptable; whose ear has been pierced) who works for his
master eternally, but definitely not a hireling, but a willing bond-servant, like Sha’ul and
the other Brit Chadashah talmidim s.

Love And Obedience

What does this say to us? The servant was willing to give up his freedom out of love for
his master. That was a decision based not on fear, not on intellectual assent, but upon the
condition and attitude of his heart. This seems to be the message that the Father conveys
in this principle and that tells me that Ĕlôhîym isn't focused primarily on what my hands
do as much as what is in my heart to do. In other words, he may have my hands and even
my mind, but if He doesn't have my heart, then He doesn't have me. Many ‘serve’
Ĕlôhîym, but not really, because they are not doing His Will or His desire, but their own
way with a man made religious covering they have made for themselves. It is what they
choose to do for Ĕlôhîym and not what He has asked them do in, as a servant of His
This principle is expressed in the Hebrew, shama, (Deuteronomy 6:4-5) which begins,
"Hear, O Yisra’el: Yəhwôâh our Ĕlôhîym is one: And thou shalt love Yəhwôâh your
Ĕlôhîym with all thine heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might." Notice that
love that prompts true obedience begins in the heart. From there it manifests in the soul
or consciousness of man and finally in our hands and feet, our might. Don't miss the
point: obedience - servitude - MUST begin in the heart if it is to please ADONAI you’re
ADONAI and adoni, Yәshua. Remember when He said, “Ye call me teacher
(διδασκαλος didaskalos) and adoni: and ye say well; for so I am” (John 13:13). Please
note the “I AM.” It has a dual connotation and application, for Yәshua is the great “I
AM.” He said, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Avraham was, I am” (John 8:58).
The reader should also remember that it is this command, the shama, that Yәshua
recognized as the first and greatest command in (Mark 12:29-31). “And Yәshua
answered him, The first of all the commandments is, Hear “shama”, O Yisra’el;
Yəhwôâh our Ĕlôhîym is one ADONAI : And thou shalt love Yəhwôâh Your Ĕlôhîym
with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with your entire mind, and with all your
strength: this is the first commandment. And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt
love your neighbor as yourself. There is none other commandment greater than these.”
Along with the command to love one's neighbor as one would love himself, love of
Ĕlôhîym is the very foundation of Tőrâh obedience. The Scripture declares this to be
greater than all burnt offerings and sacrifices in (Mark 12: 33). For it to be any other way
will not work! Consider Yisra’el at the base of Mount Sinai.

‫ניו )את‬M‫אד‬P ‫הים והגישו )אל ה )דל)ת או )אל המזוזה ורצע‬M‫אל‬N ‫ניו )אל ה‬M‫אד‬P ‫והגישו‬
‫ו‬:‫ כא‬,‫ שמות‬:‫לם‬M‫בדו לע‬P‫ע וע‬V‫אזנו במרצ‬

Then his master shall bring him to the judges; he shall also bring him to the door, or to
the door post; and his master shall bore his ear through with an awl; and he shall serve
him forever: Exodus, 21:6

‫ ורצע‬Və'ro'tza'a is a word used only one time in the scriptures

In strongs the use ‫ רצע‬ratsa to bore, pierce the ear this is a Aramaic word ‫ר "צע‬# R'tza'a to
bore with the awl: esp. to perforate or (or to grove) the ear of a Hebrew bondsman:
meaning to take possession of. See Jastrow

‫ז‬:‫ מ‬,‫ תהילים‬:‫א שאלת‬M‫וחטאה ל‬

P ‫א חפצת אזנים כרית לי עולה‬M‫ז)בח ומנחה ל‬

You do not desire sacrifice and offering; you have dug open my ears; you have not
required burnt offering and sin offering: Psalms, 40:7

5‫ית‬+‫ר‬5‫ כ‬Ko'ri'y'so dug

‫ית‬+‫ר‬2‫ כ‬Kə'ri'y's groove

‫ כרת‬Ch'r's to make final,to separate

‫ית‬+‫ר‬2‫ כ‬K'ri'y's the groove in the mountain slopes made by running water

2‫ת‬-‫ ר‬Ra't Awe a feeling of amazement and respect mixed with fear that is often coupled
with a feeling of personal insignificance or powerlessness.

5‫ת‬+‫ר‬5‫ כ‬cut or grove

Psalms 40:4 Blessed is that man who has made Yəhwôâh his trust, And has not turned to
the proud, And those turning aside to falsehood.

Psalms 40:5 O Yəhôwâh ‫אלהי‬

N E'lo'hiy', many are the wonders Which You have done, and
Your purposes toward us; There is no one to compare with You; I declare and speak: They
are too many to be numbered.
Psalms 40:6 Slaughtering1 and meal offering You did not desire; You have opened my ears;
Burnt offering and sin offering You did not ask for.
In sacrifice and offering you have not delighted; mine ears you have opened (to your Tőrâh; your
Tőrâh is in my heart ); burnt-offering and sin-offering have you not required.
It isn't sacrifices and offerings which you really want from your people. Burnt animals bring no
special joy to your heart. But you have accepted the offer of my lifelong service. (bond-
servant) Then I said, "See, I have come, just as all the prophets foretold. And I delight to do
your will, my Ĕlôhîym, for your Tőrâh is written upon my heart!"
Verses 6, 8: In sacrifice and offering you have not delighted; burnt-offering and sin-offering you
have not required: I delight to do your will, O ĔLÔHÎYM, and your Tőrâh is in my inner parts. It
is evident from these Words, that burnt-offerings and sacrifices were merely representative of
external worship, and that when they were separated from internal worship, they were
idolatrous; this must be plain to every man of sound reason, for what is an altar, but
something of stone, and what is burnt-offering and sacrifice but the slaying of a beast? If
worship be Divine, it must represent the Ĕlôhîym’s principles which should be known and
acknowledged, and from which worship should be paid to him whom they represent

‫טז‬:‫ לג‬,‫ איוב‬:‫ם‬M‫סרם יחת‬M‫אנשים ובמ‬P ‫ז)ן‬M‫אז יגל)ה א‬

Then he opens the ears of men, and with discipline seals their instruction:
Job 33:16 then He opens the ears of men, and seals their instruction,
you have dug open my ears :Hebrew idiom (informs, reveals, instructs)
1Samuel 15:22 Then Shemu’ĕl said, “Does Yəhwôâh delight in burnt offerings and slaughterings,
as in obeying the voice of Yəhwôâh? Look, to obey is better than an offering, to heed is better
than the fat of rams.

‫ להבין‬Lə'ho'vi'y'n (to understand)

‫ב‬:‫ א‬,‫ משלי‬:‫י בינה‬V‫לדעת חכמה ומוסר להבין אמר‬
To know wisdom and instruction; to perceive the words of understanding: Proverbs, 1:2
Psalms 40:7 Then I said, “See, I have come; In the scroll of the Book it is prescribed for me.
Psalms 40:8 I have delighted to do Your pleasure, O my Ĕlôhîym, And Your Tőrâh
is within my heart1.” Footnote: 1Ps. 37:31, Ps. 119:11, Isa. 51:7, Heb. 10:7-9.
They had been in bondage (‫לות‬2‫ב‬+‫ ס‬Sivəlot;Bondage, Repression, Oppression, Burden)
before adoni Yәshua freed them. He reminded them of this when He uttered the first
command (in ordinal sequence) at Sinai; (Exodus 20:2) "I am Yəhwôâh your Ĕlôhîym,
which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage (Sivəlot)."
Now freed, they had a decision to make; to obey and come into Ĕlôhîym’s house, or to go
their own way. They chose to accept Ĕlôhîym’s Tőrâh and yet, the record shows that their
heart was not in it. Ĕlôhîym was right, they didn’t have a heart to follow throw with what
they said. It is just talk.

Have you ever made a promise or commitment to Yəhwôâh that at the moment, whether
because of emotion, fear or manipulation by someone, or you were in a mess and wanted
Ĕlôhîym’s help and you made a promise that you may have been sincere about at the
time, but then you didn’t have the heart to follow through and keep it.

Emotions are not a good foundation for a solid commitment. It takes a solid decision,
based on understanding and knowledge and commitment to what you believe in and not
being moved by emotions of the moment to make a good decision that you will keep. any
‘commitment’ based on something that is of the moment, fear, anxiety, sympayour, or
feelings of any kind will not last. Feelings alone do not equal quality or make for a
quality commitment. Emotions of the moment are fleeting. You can see what is called a
tearjerker movie and be moved to tears. Some men are good at manipulating emotions.
Ĕlôhîym wants commitment that comes from the heart based on who He is and what He
has done and our yielding our lives to Him in a decision based on eternal things and faith.
The very ones who saw the awesome manifestations on Sinai; the ones who proclaimed, "
Exodus 32:4 And he took this from their hand, and he formed it with an engraving tool,
and made a molded calf. And they said, “This is your mighty one, O Yisra’ĕl, that
brought you out of the land of Mitsrayim!” (Exodus 32:4). We are told in Matthew
12:34, that out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks!

Now, notice the connection between the first command - "I am Yəhwôâh your Ĕlôhîym,
which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage," the
greatest command – “thou shalt love Yəhwôâh your Ĕlôhîym with all thine heart, and
with all your soul, and with all your might" and the first ordinance, the Tőrâh of the
bond-servant. Do you see the connection with “I love my master … I will not go out free
(out of his house)?” First of all, Moshe clearly connects redemption from Egypt to the
bond-servant being set free in Deuteronomy 15:15. “And thou shalt remember that thou
was a bondman in the land of Egypt, and Yəhwôâh your Ĕlôhîym redeemed thee …”
Secondly, these three commands are all motivated by love. Finally, the first two are
actually demonstrated in the law of the bond-servant. The master sets the bondman free.
The free man, because he loves his master, freely serves him with all of his heart, soul
and might.

Ĕlôhîym didn’t just want Yisra’el's hands because they weren't in mud pits anymore. He
didn't just want their minds because they were free from the tyranny of the taskmasters.
Above all, He wanted their hearts. He wanted those who would plainly say, Ahavətiy et
ADONAI, "I love ADONAI . I will not go out free." Recall how Ĕlôhîym exclaimed in
Deuteronomy 5:29, "Oh, that they had such a heart in them that they would fear me and
always keep my commandments, that it might be well with them and with their children
‫ג‬:‫ ט‬,‫ ישעיה‬:‫ן‬5‫די‬2 ‫מ‬+ ‫יום‬2‫ת כ‬5 8‫ת‬+‫הח‬- ‫ג&ש בו‬8‫נ‬-‫מו &שב<ט ה‬2‫שכ‬+ ‫מט&ה‬- ‫א&ת‬2‫ל ס¦ב×לו ו‬8‫י א<ת ע‬+‫כ‬
For you have broken the yoke of his burden (‫ ס¦ב×לו‬Subalo), and the staff of his shoulder,
the rod of his oppressor, as in the days of Midian: Isaiah, 9:3

Getting Attached To Ĕlôhîym’s House

Ĕlôhîym desired then as He does now, that His people would have a heart within them to
surrender their own will to His. In short, He looks for those willing to be bond-servants in
His house. Remember, when the servant made the decision to remain with his master as a
servant, it was forever. Understand there were unpublicized benefits of this decision,
however. Yes, the servant remained a servant but as a member of his master's house for
their relationship has now changed. Consequently, his master was to provide for, care for
and protect that servant. By becoming a permanent servant - by being part of that
household - he and his children would FOREVER be taken care of.

To illustrate this principle, that servant had to, first of all, appear before the elders and
publicly announce his decision. He was then taken to the door of his master's house,
where he would set his ear against the door or doorpost and allow his master to pierce his
ear with an awl. The result would be that the servant would be literally attached to the
door and symbolically be joined to his master's house. And now, we come to the real
message of this commandment.

If one is to come into the House of Ĕlôhîym’s, he must do so as a bond-servant and that
means he must, first of all, give up his freedom. There are no rebels in Ĕlôhîym’s house.
There will be no rebels in Heaven. You come humbling yourself, declaring your need for
the master and your commitment to serve Him. Then He becomes your ADONAI and
therefore Savior. You can’t have Him as Savior without yielding to His authority. It is
both or neither. You can’t just go to Yәshua for fire insurance. He offers you only one
thing – true salvation is a covenant relationship. It is a divine exchange program. It is His
life for yours.

You cannot be a servant if you are clinging to your freedom (Freedom, Self-
determination, Lack of restrictions). I know that goes against the theology of some, but
nevertheless, that is the methodology of becoming a servant. If you can overcome that
obstacle, then you must allow Him to "attach" you to the door of His house. No one
comes into Yəhôwâh's house except by way of the DOOR!

Perhaps, this is one of the reasons Yәshua said in John 10:9, "I am the door: by me if
any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.” And in
John 14:6, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man come unto the Father, but by
me." Translated (John 14:6 “The Tőrâh is the way, the truth and the life. No one comes
to the father but through the Tőrâh” Yәhoshua said: (as the Tőrâh manifested in the flesh
and as the shaliach; agent of Yahûwâh).

You can’t enter into Ĕlôhîym’s house without coming through the door – Yәshua.
Though many try, through man made religions and other means. Of them Yәshua said,
“He that entered not by the door into the sheepfold, but climbed up some other way, the
same is a thief and a robber.” Thieves don’t get into heaven, beloved.

Psalm 40:1-2 "I waited patiently for Yəhwôâh; and he inclined unto me, and heard my
cry. He brought me up also out of an horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet
upon a rock, and established my goings."

It is difficult to say with 100% certainty what David had in mind when he recited these
words. It could have been any one of a number of events that transpired in his life, in
which Ĕlôhîym's sovereignty intervened to deliver him from affliction.

Then again, maybe, he was speaking on behalf of the whole house of Yisra’el who were
delivered from their affliction in Egypt. Notice the terminology David employs. "I waited
patiently"; Yisra’el was in bondage for four centuries. "He… heard my cry"; Ĕlôhîym
heard the cry of His people (Exodus 3:7). "He brought me up out of an horrible pit, out of
the miry clay"; Yisra’el labored in the clay pits of Egypt making bricks for Pharaoh’s
cities. And finally, "(He) set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings (steps)";
when Ĕlôhîym freed them, He took them to Horeb, the mountain of Ĕlôhîym and there
He established the way in which they were to walk, the Tőrâh.

The word "rock" mentioned in Psalm 40 is the Hebrew word sela‛ (not to be confused
with the other Selah found in many of the Psalms.), which is defined as a craggy or lofty
rock, a fortress. Perhaps that is why this word is used multiple times to speak figuratively
of Ĕlôhîym. He is this rock!

This word, Selah, is the same word used to describe the rock from which Yisra’el was
given water to drink (Numbers 20:8-11). The talmidim Sha’ul speaks about that same
rock and likens it to the Ha’Mashiyach.
He says in 1 Corinthians 10:4, “And did all drink the same Ru’ach HaKodesh drink: for
they drank of that Ru’ach HaKodesh Rock that followed them: and that Rock was
Mashiyach (literally, Ha’Mashiyach)." In other words, the rock in the wilderness and the
rock in Psalm 40 are one and the same - that is the Ha’Mashiyach, which brings me to my
next point.

Though David is using language suggestive of his own experiences, as well as Yisra’el’s,
could it be that he is, in fact, speaking of the Ha’Mashiyach? Considering that David is a
picture of Ha’Mashiyach, I'd say that this is very likely. So then, what does this affiliation
have to do with the Tőrâh of a bond-servant?

my servants (avadai) David

You already know that the bond-servant Tőrâh are based on the relationship between the
Ĕlôhîym of Yisra’el and those He delivered from "the land of Egypt" and the "house of
bondage." Hopefully, you also now see the ties between the opening passages of Psalm
40 - deliverance from bondage - and the Tőrâh of a bond-servant - "(He) set my feet" and
"established my going (steps)."

King David is referred to throughout the Scriptures as "my servants (avadai)." In

Hebrew, the word "servant" is Eved, and should, therefore, be rendered "bond-servant or
slave." If David is considered a bond-servant, it seems obvious to me that he is quite
familiar with the concept of a bond-servant and that makes Psalm 40 of particular interest
to us.

As we said earlier, though David speaks in terms reminiscent of his own life and of the
Exodus from Egypt, he is likely speaking of the TRUE ROCK in the wilderness, the
Ha’Mashiyach. Coupling this assertion with the fact that, according to Ezekiel 37:24,
Ha’Mashiyach is the TRUE DAVID, saying; “And David my servants (avadai) shall be
king over them; and they all shall have one shepherd: they shall also walk in my
judgments, and observe my statutes, and do them,” then Psalm 40 takes on yet another
interesting perspective. That is, not only is David speaking of the True Rock,
Ha’Mashiyach in Psalm 40, but the True David, the Ha’Mashiyach is speaking to us
through those same words!

My Ears You Have Opened

Psalm 40:6 "Sacrifice and offering thou didst not desire; mine ears hast thou opened:
burnt offering and sin offering hast thou not required."

Why would David claim that Yəhwôâh did not require nor desire for the people to bring
their burnt offerings and their sacrifices when the Tőrâh is full of commands for them to
do just that very thing? First of all, David isn't saying this, King David Ha’Mashiyach is.
Why does He say this? It goes back to something we stated earlier in this teaching.

Remember that the people, because of fear, told Moshe to speak to Ĕlôhîym and then
report to the people His commands. They pledged to "hear" and "obey." Yet, we know
that Ĕlôhîym already knew it was not in their heart to do so for He laments, "O that there
were such an heart in them, that they would fear me, and keep all my commandments
always, that it might be well with them," (Deuteronomy 5:29). So, we conclude that their
willingness to obey was based, not on love for the Father, but the fear of Him.

Therefore, it seems that the statements in Psalm 40 that Ĕlôhîym neither desires nor
requires sacrifices speaks more about the intent of the heart with which they are given. In
other words, Ĕlôhîym does not desire sacrifices given out of fear or religious obligation.
He does require burnt offerings from someone whose heart is far from Him. He desires
that His people serve Him simply because they love Him; not just in word and deed, but
with all of their being.

Now, please notice that sandwiched between these two statements in verse six, is the
declaration, "mine ears hast thou opened." This is a provocative statement for it, once
again, ties us to the Tőrâh of the bond-servant. If Ĕlôhîym desires that we obey Him
because we love Him then it is implied that we have opened our ears to HEAR, not the
words of the Tőrâh, but the MESSAGE of the Tőrâh. Thus, we "hear" and "obey." There
are many who can hear, but few who obey, and consequently are unable to walk out the
Tőrâh in a balanced manner.

Consider that the ear, used for hearing, also contains the center of balance. When one
develops an ear infection, it is almost impossible to walk straight. The same can be said
for those who hear the words of the Tőrâh but miss the message.

Perhaps this is why we are instructed to "Hear O Yisra’el; Yəhwôâh is one." And perhaps
that is the reason Ha’Mashiyach through David says, "Sacrifice and offering thou didst
not desire; mine ears hast thou opened." In other words, you have made it possible for me
to, not only hear the words, but discern the message. How did He do that?

The Hebrew word translated as "opened" in Psalm 40:6 (7) is Ko'ri'y'so, which should be
literally interpreted as "bored open" or "pierced" as with an awl. Translation - I hear your
words and understand their message because you have allowed and I have accepted to
become a bond-servant - I am attached to your house. My ear is not only opened by the
awl, but my ear is open to hear you because I love you.

Who makes this statement? David or the Ha’Mashiyach, Yәshua? If the Ha’Mashiyach,
then we have another very interesting development here. That is, the Ha’Mashiyach is
saying that He also is a bond-servant. He has submitted His will to the master, the Father
in heaven. As Yәshua said, "Not my will, but thine be done." (Luke 22:42) But that
wasn’t the first time Yәshua said such a thing. John 6:38 “For I came down from
heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me.” Before that in John
5:30 Yәshua said, “I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my
judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath
sent me.”

In The Scroll Of The Book

Psalm 40:7-8 "Then said I, Lo, I come: in the volume of the book it is written of me, I
delight to do your will, O my Ĕlôhîym: yea, your Instructions (The Hebrew word, Tőrâh)
is within my heart."

Immediately after the hint in verse six that Ha’Mashiyach is a bond-servant of Yəhwôâh,
we find conclusive evidence that it is DEFINITELY the Ha’Mashiyach making these
statements. Who else can make the claim, "In the scroll of the book it is written of me"?
Not the man, King David! What scroll and what book would the writer be referring to?
He has to be speaking of the Tőrâh Scroll, within which is revealed the heart of Ĕlôhîym,
manifest in the person of Y’shua (Yәshua), the Ha’Mashiyach.

It is the Ha’Mashiyach who then exclaims, "I delight to do your will, O my Ĕlôhîym." It
is not a burden. It is not enslavement, but a delight, a joy, to do the will of the Father.
This is the claim of the Ha’Mashiyach. Furthermore, He reveals that the Tőrâh has been
written, not on tablets of stone but upon His heart. More than exalting the WORDS of the
Tőrâh, it is the MESSAGE, the very essence of the Tőrâh that our Father (‫ינו‬+‫ אב‬Avinu)
desires to write upon our hearts and it is the Ha’Mashiyach who FIRST reveals this.

Not My Will

Jeremiah 31:31, 33 "Behold, the days come, saith Yəhwôâh, that I will make a new
covenant with the house of Yisra’el, and with the house of Yәhudâh. . . . But this shall be
the covenant that I will make with the house of Yisra’el; After those days, saith Yəhwôâh,
I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their
Ĕlôhîym, and they shall be my people."

Obviously, there is more to this passage than meets the eye; much more than we have
time or space to delve into here. Yet, I do want you to understand that it has ALWAYS
been Ĕlôhîym’s intention that the Tőrâh be upon our heart because the true message of
the Tőrâh can only be understood by the heart. It was always intended that the
Ha’Mashiyach would be the One to write these things upon our heart because He is the
One who gave the Tőrâh; moreover, He is the Tőrâh! He is the Word made flesh.

And so, what is His message? Simply this: Ĕlôhîym has always desired to find those
willing to give up their own freedom in order to become His bond-servant. He has always
desired for those who serve Him to do so with a heart that says, "Not my will, but thine
be done." And so, because we didn't get it, He became flesh and dwelt among us and
showed us, by His own example, what we must become in order to hear and understand
what the Master is saying.

Whom The Son Sets Free

John 8: 35-36 "And the servant abide not in the house for ever: but the Son abides
forever. If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed."

When Yәshua made this statement, it was to a group of people who believed on him.
Yet, He obviously contends that, though they hear His words, they don't perceive His
message, hence, this statement or proclamation. But what does He mean? Could it be that
Yәshua is alluding to the Tőrâh of the bond-servant?

"The servant abides not in the house for ever." Correct. He is released after six years of
service (Exodus 21; 2). "But the son abided ever (or forever)." Is it possible that the
servant, because he loves his master and attaches himself to his master's house
FOREVER (Exodus 21:5-6) is actually becoming a son? John 1:12 " But as many as
received him, to them gave he power (privilege, freedom) to become the sons of Ĕlôhîym
, even to them that believe on his name."

In other words, THE SON (Yәshua), the DOOR of Adonai’s house, provides the way and
opportunity for those willing to be bond-servants, to become a SON of Ĕlôhîym. In short,
if you truly want to be free, then you must give up your freedom. Ĕlôhîym does
everything with man through His divine exchange program, called covenant. You must
attach yourself to ADONAI 's house by way of the door - the SON (Yәshua) - and forever
become an obedient servant of the Master, following His rules simply because you love
Him. Then, and only then, are you free indeed!

This covenant. is the covenant relationship or divine exchange. You must give up your
life to receive His life. The problem with most people is that they want all the benefits
and privileges and freedom of being in Ĕlôhîym’s house and being a son, but they want
none of the responsibilities of sonship! They want to be in Ĕlôhîym’s house, they want
fire insurance, they want prosperity, blessing, protection, healing and all that Ĕlôhîym has
to offer without being attached to His house, without coming by way of the door,
Yәshua, to have their ears circumcised, by giving up their rights to do as they please, so
they can hear and understand what Ĕlôhîym is saying and follow Him. There is no other

In John 7:17 Yәshua said, “If anyone desires to do His desire, he shall know concerning
the teaching, whether it is from Ĕlôhîym, or whether I speak for myself.” You will never
know the true teaching; you will never hear and understand the Ru’ach HaKodesh things
of Ĕlôhîym and His will for your life, until you are willing to do what He tells you.
Ĕlôhîym knows your heart and the motives and attitude of your heart, He discerns and
when your heart is not right and you are not committed to do and obey His words, He
will not reveal Himself to you in a direct and personal way. John 14:21 “He that hath my
commandments, and keeps them, he it is that loves me: and he that loves me shall be
loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.” Yәshua doesn’t
manifest Himself, reveal Himself to everyone. True belief is relationship that comes by
revelation. Ĕlôhîym revealing Himself to you.

In conclusion: As a servant (in reality a slave who gets no remuneration and nothing for
his work), having gained his freedom, then gives it up to willing become now a bond-
servant, being joined to the house of his master, the relationship is then changed and in
reality he becomes a son, adopted by the master and each have new responsibilities to one
another. The servant is now required to serve and obey his master, and the master is
required to provide, protect and care for his servant.
This is my story. I was a, slaves of sin with no hope. He willingly paid the price for us to
set us free from our bondage to sin and Ha’satan. Then we, having been set free from
slavery, turning and submitting our lives to serve Him, asking Him to become our
ADONAI, willing give up the right of self choice to do His will and thereby come into
covenant with the Father and become sons of Ĕlôhîym. Now, truly free in Mashiyach!
But our freedom comes by way of covenant with Him and obedience and responsibility,
not rebellion and saying, I have been set free, now I am free to choose for myself and
enjoy myself to the full. You can do that, but then you will never have His best and you
will never know the joys, blessing and power of sonship. Ĕlôhîym desires not servants,
but sons. John 15:15 “Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not
what his master does: but I have called you friends (philos, fee'-los; literally “a friend–
this is a covenant expression); for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made
known unto you.” Not to anyone, not to the religious crowd, not to the Sun-day
morning bunch. But to those who hear and obey Him. (V.14) “Ye are my friends, if ye
do whatsoever I command you.”

Being a Bond Servant

Many do not understand the role of a bond-servant in relation to our Master Yәshua. We
Americans instinctively cringe at the thought of servitude, slavery, or bondage. And no
wonder since our country was founded on freedom, in the very act of breaking away from
servitude to the King of England. A dictionary definition of a bond servant is someone
bound to labor without wages. A synonym of bond servant is slave. Now before we throw
out this whole idea, let’s look at what Ĕlôhîym’s Word says about the law of the bond
servant and how it might apply to us.

"Now these are the judgments which you shall set before them: "If you buy a Hebrew
servant, he shall serve six years; and in the seventh he shall go out free and pay nothing.”
If he comes in by himself, he shall go out by himself; if he comes in married, then his
wife shall go out with him. "If his master has given him a wife, and she has borne him
sons or daughters, the wife and her children shall be her master’s, and he shall go out by
himself.” But if the servant plainly says, ‘I love my master, my wife, and my children; I
will not go out free,’ "then his master shall bring him to the judges. He shall also bring
him to the door, or to the doorpost, and his master shall pierce his ear with an awl; and he
shall serve him forever." (Exodus 21:1-6 The first judgments given to the children of
Yisra’el (after the 10 Commandments) were the instructions about servants. But there is
something interesting mentioned in verse 5:

"But if the servant plainly says, ‘I love my master, my wife, and my children; I will not
go out free,"

This is a big decision, a choice for life. The judges (v. 6) were present to witness the
servant’s willingness to become a bond servant to the master, his willingness to give up
his freedom to the master, to work for the master and to do his will.

Why would anybody not want to be set free? Who wants to be under the bondage of a
Tőrâh, ordinances and statutes do not make us slaves. In fact, they make us free! For
example, look at America. We probably have more Tőrâh on our books than any other
nation, yet we are considered one of the freest nations on the earth. Take our traffic
Tőrâh, without them there would be chaos on the streets. It is easy to see the value of the
Tőrâh especially when everybody obeys them. Ĕlôhîym set His Tőrâh in place for us, for
our good. Ĕlôhîym wants us to obey Him, to be a servant (a bond-servant) to Him. He is
our master, we are His servants.

Many today want to be rulers not servants. Many large egos rule the Church and have
little desire to be servants to all. However we have clear instruction in Ĕlôhîym’s Word
about this very subject.

"Yet it shall not be so among you; but whoever desires to become great among you shall
be your servant.” And whoever of you desires to be first shall be slave of all. "For even
the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for
many." (Mark 10:43-45)

Yәshua came to serve.

"For who is greater, he who sits at the table, or he who serves? Is it not he who sits at the
table? Yet I am among you as the One who serves. (Luke 22:27)

Yәshua is our example.

We are to do as He has shown us. Yәshua took the form of a bond servant.

But made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bond-servant, and coming in
the likeness of men. (Philippians 2:7)

Yәshua came to do the will of His father.

Then I said, ‘Behold, I have come—In the volume of the book it is written of Me — To
do Your will, O Ĕlôhîym.’ (Hebrews 10:7)

We must allow Ĕlôhîym to have all authority in our lives. We do this because of our
love for our Master.

"You shall love Yəhwôâh your Ĕlôhîym with all your heart, with all your soul, and with
all your strength. (Deuteronomy 6:5)

The above verse (in similar form) is repeated about 14 times in the Bible. Perhaps this is

But how do we become bond-servants to the Most High Ĕlôhîym?

But Yәshua answered him, saying, "It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but
by every word of Ĕlôhîym.’" (Luke 4:4)
By reading Ĕlôhîym’s Word, (all of the Scripture,.

Every word that proceeds from Him is for our good; for our edification

Every word of Ĕlôhîym is pure (‫ה‬5‫רופ‬2‫ צ‬Tzərufa~ is tried, is pure or proven); He is a shield
to those who put their trust in Him. (Proverbs 30:5) ‫ים‬+‫ס‬8‫ח‬-‫ ל‬Lachosiym (to who shelter,to
who trust) root ‫ס&י‬8‫ ח‬Cho'sei'y who trust; stem root ‫סו‬:‫ ח‬Cha'su (trust)

Every word? Does this include Ĕlôhîym’s commandments and His Tőrâh?

My tongue shall speak of Your word, For all Your commandments are ‫ <צד<ק‬Tzedek.
(Psalms 119:172)

Your Tzədaka~ (5‫ך‬2‫ת‬5‫ק‬2‫ד‬+‫ צ‬Tzidəkatəcha ) is an everlasting Tzedek And Your Tőrâh (5‫תך‬2 ‫ר‬5 ‫תו‬2‫ו‬
Vətőrâtəcha) is truth (‫מ<ת‬P‫ א‬Emet). (Psalms 119:142)

For this is the love of Ĕlôhîym, that we keep His commandments. And His
commandments are not burdensome. (1 John 5:3)

Can we be truly unburdened?

"Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Take My
yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find
rest for your souls. "For My yoke is easy and My burden is light." (Matthew 11:28-30)

How do we find rest for our souls? By taking the yoke and burden of Yәshua. But notice,
these things are light (praise Ĕlôhîym).

The one who is truly free has chosen to serve only Ĕlôhîym. No matter what happens, he
lets his Master take care of it for him, this is freedom and peace. Submit yourself to
Ĕlôhîym totally and completely. Then suddenly, your are set free. Free from the
worrisome burdens that plague our everyday lives, free of the offenses taken at every
turn, free to serve the Master, the Good Master. He will fight for us, He will stand in the
gap for us, and He will do all for us as we submit to Him and do everything He says.

A true bond-servant to Yәshua will have peace.

"These things I have spoken to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will
have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world." (John 16:33)

What examples are there in the Word about being bond servants of the Master?

The Yisra’elites were bond-servants of Ĕlôhîym.

‘For the children of Yisra’el are servants to me; they are my servants (avadai)s whom I
brought out of the land of Egypt: I am Yəhwôâh your Ĕlôhîym. (Leviticus 25:55)
Moshe was a bond-servant. Ĕlôhîym Himself says so.

‫ז‬:‫ יב‬,‫ במדבר‬:‫ן הוא‬5‫אמ‬P <‫י נ‬+‫ל ב&ית‬5‫בכ‬2 ‫משה‬

< ‫י‬+‫בד‬2 ‫ע‬- ‫א כ&ן‬8‫ל‬

Not so with my bond-servant Moses, for he is the trusted (‫ן‬5‫מ‬P‫ נ<א‬Neeman; trustworthy,
approved, faithful,reliable) one in all my house: Numbers, 12:7

David was a servant.

I am your bond-servant; Give me understanding, that I may know your testimonies.

(Psalms 119:125)

Make your face shine upon your servant, and teach me your statutes. (Psalms 119:135)

Your word is very pure; therefore your servant loves it. (Psalms 119:140)

Yәshua was a bond-servant.

"To you first, Ĕlôhîym, having raised up His bond-servant Yәshua, sent Him to bless
you, in turning away every one of you from your iniquities (πονηρια poneria utter
corruption, depravity, injustice (‫ה‬7‫לת‬7 2‫ ^עו‬Avəlata~ or ‫ט_ה‬a‫ מ‬Mu'te~ (injustice); of
Ĕlôhîym’s Tőrâh)." (Acts 3:26)

The talmidims were bond-servants

Sha’ul, a bond-servant of Yәshua Mashiyach, called to be an talmidim, separated to the

Good News of Ĕlôhîym (Romans 1:1)

Sha’ul and Timothy your, bond-servants of Yәshua Mashiyach, to all the set-apart ones
in Mashiyach Yәshua who are in who are in Philippi, with the overseers and attendants:
: (Philippians 1:1)

James, a bond-servant of Ĕlôhîym and of Yәshua Mashiyach, to the twelve tribes which
are scattered abroad: Greetings. (James 1:1)

Notice that James had no problem with saying, a bond-servant of Ĕlôhîym and of
Yәshua Mashiyach.

Simon Peter, a bond-servant and talmidim of Yәshua Mashiyach, to those who have
obtained like precious faith with us by the Tzədaka~ of our Ĕlôhîym and Savior Yәshua
Mashiyach: (2 Peter 1:1)

Jude, a bond-servant of Yәshua Mashiyach, and brother of James, to those who are
called, sanctified by Ĕlôhîym the Father, and preserved in Yәshua Mashiyach: (Jude 1:1)
Consider the parable of the talents.

"For the kingdom of heaven is like a man traveling to a far country, which are called his
own servants and delivered his goods to them.” And to one he gave five talents, to
another two, and to another one, to each according to his own ability; and immediately he
went on a journey… "After a long time Yəhwôâh of those servants came and settled
accounts with them.” So he who had received five talents came and brought five other
talents, saying, ‘Adoni, you delivered to me five talents; look, I have gained five more
talents besides them.’ "His Adon said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; you
were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy
of your Adon "He also who had received two talents came and said, ‘Adoni, you
delivered to me two talents; look, I have gained two more talents besides them.’ "His
Adon said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a
few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your Adon.’
"Then he who had received the one talent came and said, ‘Adoni, I knew you to be a hard
man, reaping where you have not sown, and gathering where you have not scattered seed.
‘And I was afraid, and went and hid your talent in the ground. Look, there you have what
is yours.’ "But Adon answered and said to him, ‘You wicked and lazy servant, you knew
that I reap where I have not sown, and gather where I have not scattered seed. ‘So you
ought to have deposited my money with the bankers, and at my coming I would have
received back my own with interest. (Matthew 25:14-15, 19-27, emphasis added)

Ĕlôhîym’s will is for His servants to increase in the gifts that He gives them. His will is
defined in His Word, in the scriptures

Perhaps, to some, obeying Ĕlôhîym’s Tőrâh seems like bondage. But remember Tőrâh
give us freedom.

We are made free in being a bond-servant because we put all our burdens on Him. If we
fully serve Him, fully give our lives over to Him, fully desire to do His will, not ours, He
becomes our Good Master who cares for and is concerned about His servants. Yәshua
said to turn the other cheek. Why? Maybe, because as His servants, our Master will take
care of our issues. We don’t try to fix our issues with our feeble human attempts, with our
frequent misunderstandings, with our frequently misplaced anger. Our Master does.

For we know Him who said, "Vengeance is Mine, I will repay," says Yəhwôâh. And
again, "Yəhwôâh will judge His people." (Hebrews 10:30)

He will repay. We do not need to worry about it.

"I have been crucified with Mashiyach; it is no longer I who live, but Mashiyach lives in
me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of Ĕlôhîym, who
loved me and gave Himself for me. (Galatians 2:20).

I can do all things through Mashiyach who strengthens me. (Philippians 4:13)
Praise Ĕlôhîym for these things; not by our reasoning, not by our strength, but through
Ha’Mashiyach who lives in us.

A servant’s prayer:

Most High Ĕlôhîym, thank You for all You do. You are the one true Ĕlôhîym; you who
are King of the Universe. Who am I that You would take notice of me? You gave your
only Son to live and die for all mankind; and for me. Will you help me in my desire to be
Your bond servant? Teach me You’re Way. Teach me You’re Path which is true and
righteous. Teach me to be a good servant. Teach me to humble myself to allow the spirit
of Yәshua Ha’Mashiyach to flow in me. May I not quench Your spirit, but instead may I
honor and glorify You with all I do, with all I say, and with all I think. Most Holy One, I
desire to hear You say, well done, good and faithful servant.

In the name of Yәshua Ha’Mashiyach. Amein.

A prayer to Our father in heaven: by Nehemia Gordon

‫ם‬+‫מי‬- ‫ש‬-
5 ‫ינו <שב‬+‫ אב‬A'vi'y'nu She'ba'sha'ma'yi'm

Our father in heaven

‫ך‬5 ‫מ‬2 ‫ש‬+ ‫ש‬2‫קד‬- ‫ת‬2 +‫ י‬Yeet-əka'dəsh Shee'mə'kha

May your name be sanctified

‫ך‬5 ‫ת‬2 ‫כו‬2‫מל‬- ‫ך‬2 ‫ב &ר‬5 ‫ת‬2 +‫י‬2‫ ו‬Ve'yeet'ba'rei'kh Ma'l'khoot'kha

My your kingdom be blessed

‫ב <אר<ץ‬2 ‫ם ו‬+‫מי‬- ‫ש‬-

5 ‫שוי ב‬5‫הי<ה ע‬2 +‫ך י‬5 2‫צונ‬2‫ ר‬Re'tzon'kha Yee-he-ye'~ A'suy Ba'sha'ma'yi'm U'v'e're'tz

Your will shall be done in heaven and on earth

‫ת&ן‬+‫ת‬2‫ ו‬Ve-tee-tay-n ‫מ&נו‬2‫ח‬-‫ ל‬La'ch'mei'nu ‫ית‬+‫יד‬+‫מ‬2‫ ת‬T'mee'deet

Give us our daily bread continually/ daily

‫נו‬5‫חול ל‬2‫ ומ‬oo-mə-chol La-nu ‫ש<ר‬:‫א‬-‫את&ינו כ‬8‫ט‬-‫ ח‬Cha'to'~'tei'y'nu Ka'a'she'r

forgive us the debt of our sins as we forgive

‫ים‬+‫חל‬: ‫נו מו‬2‫ח‬-‫אנ‬: A'na'ch'nu M'v'cha'li'y'm ‫נו‬5‫אים ל‬+‫חוט‬-‫ ל‬La'ch'o'ti'a'y'm La'nu

the debts of those who sin against us

‫יא&נו‬+‫תב‬2 ‫אל‬2‫ ו‬V'a'l T'vi'y'ei'nu ‫ן‬8‫יז‬5‫ס‬5‫ ל&יד&י נ‬Lee-day Nasayzon

Do not bring us into the hands of a test

‫מר&נו‬2 ‫ש‬2
5 ‫ ו‬V'sha'm'rei'nu ‫ע‬5‫ל ר‬5‫מכ‬+ Mee-kol Ra'a

and protect us from all evil

‫ אמ&ן‬Amein

Matthew 6:24 “No one is able to serve two masters, for either he shall hate the one and
love the other, or else he shall cleave to the one and despise the other. You are not able to
serve Ĕlôhîym and mammon.
Luke 16:13 “No servant (οικετης oiketes; one who lives in the same house as another,
spoken of all who are under the authority of one and the same householder) is able to
serve two masters, for either he shall hate the one and love the other, or else he shall cling
to the one and despise the other. You are not able to serve Ĕlôhîym and mammon.”
(μαμμωνας mammonas: Personification of wealth where it is personified and opposed
to Ĕlôhîym). (Αντιτασσομαι antitassomai opposed, different, divergent, disparate to
Ĕlôhîym) Mammon is a Aramaic (māmonā) word, that signifies... sensual, secular self, is
the mammon which cannot be served in conjunction with Ĕlôhîym (personified as a false
Ru’ach HaKodesh understanding
That man cannot be principled at the same time in good and in evil, or in love to the
Adonai and self-love, since one must be the ruling love, and the other must serve, This
doctrine however is rejected by those who are in self-love (Narcissism, Narcissists,
Psychopaths, self aggrandizement), and who on that account seek worldly reputation, not
aware that all their secret purposes and thoughts are exposed to the light of the Ĕlôhîym’s
Truth, and that the love of human reputation, when exalted above that light, it is an
infernal love (personified as a false Ĕlôhîym)

Notice the following Greek words studies:

οικετης oiketes; one who lives in the same house as another, spoken of all who are
under the authority of one and the same householder. Like a family member.

Δουλος doulos: bond-servant

1b) metaphorically, one who gives himself up to another’s will those whose service is
used by Mashiyach in extending and advancing his cause among men
1c) devoted to another to the disregard of one’s own interests
Part of Speech: noun
A Related Word by Thayer’s/Strong’s Number: from G1210
Citing in TDNT: 2:261, 182

A servant (θεραπων) therapon menial attendant (as if cherishing): - servant; denoting a

willing servant who serves out of respect

N.T... Comp. Rev 15:3. Often in Lxx, mostly as translation of, servant, slave, bondman.
Also, when coupled with the name of a Ĕlôhîym, a worshiper, devotee. Sometimes
applied to angels or prophets. Of Moshes, θεραπων (servant) κυριου (Brother) of
Ĕlôhîym, Ecc 10:16. Hebrew na‛ar a boy, lad, servant in Class. And in the N.T. the word
emphasizes the performance of a present service, without reference to the condition of
the doer, whether bond or free. An ethical character attaches to it, as to the kindred verb
θεραπευειν: service of an affectionate, hearty character, performed with care and fidelity.
Hence the relation of the θεραπων therapoo n is of a nobler and freer character than that
of the δουυ λος doulos or bond-servant. The verb is used of a physician's tendency of the
sick. Ξενοφῶν Xenophon (mercenary) (Mem. iv. 3, 9) uses it of the g*ds taking care of
men, and, on the other hand, of men's worshiping the g*ds (ii, 1. 28). See Eurip. Iph.
Taur. 1105; and on heal, Mat 8:7; Luke 10:15, and on is; The Greeks, with their strong
sense of personal freedom, held a rather low view of servants. They did not exalt the
servant’s position, but they did have a keen understanding of various aspects involved in
the servant concept. They developed a remarkable variety of terms to express different
aspects of it.2 these terms naturally shade into each other and frequently it is not
necessary to seek to bring out the different shades of meaning involved. But each term
can be used to convey its own distinct emphasis.
Perhaps the most common was the word, “a slave and a bond-servant. “As the opposite of
a man who is “free,” this term carries the thought of one who belongs wholly to his
master and is obligated to do his master’s will. The early assembly found it a fitting term
to express the Ru’ach HaKodesh reality that a believer belongs wholly to his heavenly
ADONAI and consequently must obey Him in total submission.

The term οικετης oiketes (a fellow resident) was often used as the practical equivalent of
the word δουυ λος (cf. 1 Pet 2:18), but it is more specific and denotes “a house-slave.” It
portrays a closer and more intimate relationship between servant and master than
δουυ λος doulos (cf. Rom 14:4).

Two kindred terms, μισθιος misthios and μισθωτος misthotos, both rendered “hired
servant,” embody the picture of one working for pay. These self-centered terms are not
used in the New Testament in connection with its “servant” teaching. Yәshua used the
latter term of the inferior “hireling” as contrasted to the “good shepherd” (John 10:12–
Another term is θεραπων (therapon) , denoting a willing servant who serves out of
respect and concern for others; it carries a note of tenderness. As a technical term it was
used to denote one who rendered a service of healing (cf. the English word “therapy”).
The word παις, which means “child, (The word comes from the Greek παιδαγωγέω
(paidagōgeō); in which παῖς (país, genitive παιδός, paidos) means "child" and άγω (ágō)
means "lead"; so it literally means "to lead the child". In Ancient Greece, παιδαγωγός
was (usually) a slave who supervised the instruction of his master’s son (girls were not
publicly taught).The Latin-derived word for pedagogy: child-instruction)” was at times
used of a person who was a slave (The verb originally means to take in hand. Acts 3:21);
so used, the term expressed the affectionate attitude of the master toward his servant. This
term is used of Mashiyach as the Son and Servant of Ĕlôhîym, the noun λατρευς
originally meant one who worked for pay, rather than out of compulsion as a slave; hence
he was a hired servant. But in the Septuagint and the New Testament the cognate verb
(λατρευω latreuoo from λατρις latris (a hired menial ;) is always used of to serve to
Ĕlôhîym) δουλευειν). He who practices deceit shall not stay within his house; he who
speaks lies shall have no continuance (‫ יכון‬is more than equivalent to ‫ )נכון‬before (under)
his eyes. Every morning (‫ לבקרים‬as in Psa 73:14; Isa 33:2; Lam 3:23, and ‫לבקרים‬, Job
7:18), when Yahûwâh shall have taken up His abode in Yeruselem , will he destroy all
evil-doers (‫ רשעי‬as in Psa 119:119), i.e., incorrigibly wicked ones, wherever he may meet
them upon the earth, in order that all workers of evil may be rooted out of the royal city,
which is now become the city of Yahûwâh (Psalms 101:8 ).

‫כה‬:‫ ט‬,‫ בראשית‬:‫חיו‬‰ ‫א‬2

Ž ‫ה ל‬Ž‫הי‬0
2 ‫ים י‬0‫—בד‬
‰ ‫ד ע‬Ž‫ב‬Ž‫נע‡ן ע‬‰‫כ‬2 ‫‡י‘אמר ארור‬
Ž ‫ו‬

And he said, Cursed be Canaan; a slave (assistant) of slaves (bond-

servant) shall he be to his brothers: Genesis, 9:25

‫כו‬:‫ ט‬,‫ בראשית‬:‫מו‬‰‫ד ל‬Ž‫ב‬Ž‫כ‡נע‡ן ע‬2 ‫יהי‬0

0 ‫שם ו‬
1 ‫ל‘הי‬
1 ‫א‬Ÿ ‫ה‬‰‫ה‘ו‬2‫ך י‬2 ‫רו‬‰‫‡י‘אמר ב‬
Ž ‫ו‬

And he said, Blessed be Yəhwôâh Ĕlôhîym of Shem; and Canaan

shall be his slave (“bond-servant”): Genesis, 9:26

‫כז‬:‫ ט‬,‫ בראשית‬:‫מו‬‰‫ד ל‬Ž‫ב‬Ž‫כ‡נע‡ן ע‬2 ‫יהי‬0

0 ‫שם ו‬
1 ‫י‬1‫אהל‬
£ ‫ב‬2 ‫שכ‘ן‬0
2 ‫י‬2‫ת ו‬Ž‫פ‬Ž‫לי‬2 ‫ל‘הים‬
0 ‫א‬Ÿ ‫ת‬2
2 ‫י‡פ‬

Ĕlôhîym shall enlarge Japheth (Yefes), and he shall live in the tents
of Shem; and Canaan shall be his slave (“bond-servant”): Genesis, 9:27

‫לד‬:‫ כד‬,‫ בראשית‬:‫י‬0‫הם אנ‘כ‬‰

‰ ‫אבר‬
2 ‫ד‬Ž‫ב‬Ž‫‡י‘אמר ע‬
‡ ‫ו‬

And he said, I am Avraham's servant (“bond-servant”): Genesis, 24:34

‫נב‬:‫ כד‬,‫ בראשית‬:‫ה‬‰‫ה ל‡יה‘ו‬‰‫רצ‬2 ‫ש ‡תחו א‬0

2 ‫יהם ו‡י‬1
Ž ‫בר‬0
2 ‫את ד‬Ž ‫הם‬‰
‰ ‫אבר‬
2 ‫ד‬Ž‫ב‬Ž‫ש ‡מע ע‬
‰ ‫שר‬
Ž ‫‡א‬
— ‫הי כ‬2
0 ‫ו‡י‬
And it came to pass, that, when Avraham's servant ( “bond-servant”)
heard their words, he worshiped to Yəhwôâh, bowing to the earth:
Genesis, 24:52

,‫ בראשית‬:‫שיו‬‰
‰ ‫את —אנ‬2
Ž ‫הם ו‬‰
‰ ‫אבר‬
2 ‫ד‬Ž‫ב‬Ž‫את ע‬2
Ž ‫תה ו‬‰ ‫ק‬0
2 ‫מנ‬1 ‫את‬2
Ž ‫ח‘תם ו‬
‰ ‫קה —א‬2
‰ ‫ב‬0‫את ר‬Ž ‫חו‬2‫של‬2
‡ ‫ו‡י‬

And they sent away Rebekah their sister, and her nurse, and
Avraham's servant (“bond-servant”), and his men: Genesis, 24:59

‫איש‬0 ‫ל‘מ‘תינו‬
1 ‫את —ח‬Ž ‫נו‬‰‫תר ל‬‰ ‫פ‬0
2 ‫ר לו ו‡י‬Ž‫ספ‬2
‡ ‫חים ו‡נ‬0 ‫ב‬‰ ‫שר ‡ה ‡ט‬2
‡ ‫ד ל‬Ž‫ב‬Ž‫י ע‬0‫בר‬0
2 ‫תנו ‡נע‡ר ע‬‰ ‫א‬0 ‫שם‬2
‫יב‬:‫ מא‬,‫ בראשית‬:‫תר‬‰ ‫פ‬‰ ‫‡חל‘מו‬ —‫כ‬

And there was there with us a young man, a Hebrew, servant ( “bond-
servant”) to the captain of the guard; and we told him, and he
interpreted to us our dreams; to each man according to his dream he
did interpret: Genesis, 41:12

‫לג‬:‫ מד‬,‫ בראשית‬:‫חיו‬‰ ‫א‬Ž ‫ם‬0‫ה‡נע‡ר י‡ע‡ל ע‬2

‡ ‫י ו‬0‫ד ל‡אד‘נ‬Ž‫ב‬Ž‫ך ‡ת ‡חת ‡ה‡נע‡ר ע‬‰ ‫ד‬2 ‫‡ב‬
2 ‫א ע‬‰‫שב נ‬1
Ž ‫‡תה י‬
‰ ‫ע‬2‫ו‬

Now therefore, I beg you, let your servant (“bond-servant”) remain

instead of the lad a slave to my master; and let the lad go up with his
brothers: Genesis, 44:33

‫מד‬:‫ יב‬,‫ שמות‬:‫תה א‘תו אז י‘אכ‡ל בו‬2

‰ ‫ומל‬
‡ ‫סף‬‰
Ž ‫קנ‡ת כ‬2 ‫מ‬0 ‫איש‬0 ‫ד‬Ž‫ב‬Ž‫ל ע‬‰‫כ‬2‫ו‬

But every man's servant (“bond-servant”) who is bought for money,

when you have circumcised him, then shall he eat of it: Exodus,

‫ב‬:‫ כא‬,‫ שמות‬:‫ם‬‰‫חנ‬0 ‫שי‬2

0 ‫‡חפ‬
‰ ‫א ל‬1‫צ‬1‫ת י‬0‫בע‬0 ‫‡ש‬
2 ‫ים י‡ —עב‘ד וב‬0‫שנ‬
‰ ‫שש‬
1 ‫י‬0‫בר‬0
2 ‫ד ע‬Ž‫ב‬Ž‫ה ע‬Ž‫קנ‬2 ‫ת‬0 ‫י‬0‫כ‬

If you buy a Hebrew servant (“bond-servant”), six years he shall serve;

and in the seventh he shall go out free, for nothing: Exodus, 21:2
,‫ שמות‬:‫קל‬1 ‫ס‬0
‰ ‫השור י‬2
‡ ‫יו ו‬‰‫תן ל‡אד‘נ‬0
1 ‫ים י‬0‫קל‬‰ ‫ש‬
2 ‫לשים‬
0 ‫ש‬2 ‫סף‬Ž
Ž ‫אמה כ‬
‰ ‫ג‡ח ‡השור או‬0‫ד י‬Ž‫ב‬Ž‫אם ע‬0

If the ox shall gore a manservant (“bond-servant”) or a maidservant

(“bond-servant”); he shall give to their master thirty shekels of silver, and
the ox shall be stoned: Exodus, 21:32

‰ ‫ד ו‬Ž‫ב‬Ž‫קנו ע‬2 ‫ת‬0 ‫הם‬Ž ‫מ‬1 ‫ם‬Ž‫יב‘תיכ‬0
1 ‫סב‬2 ‫שר‬
Ž ‫ם —א‬0‫את ‡הגוי‬1 ‫מ‬1 ‫ך‬2 ‫ל‬‰ ‫היו‬0
2 ‫שר י‬
Ž ‫ך —א‬‰ ‫ת‬2 ‫מ‬‰ ‫‡א‬
— ‫ך ו‬‰ ‫ד‬2 ‫‡ב‬
2 ‫ע‬2‫ו‬
‫מד‬:‫ כה‬,‫ויקרא‬

Both your male slaves(“bond-servant”), and your female slaves(“bond-

servant”) , which you shall have, shall be of the nations that are around
you; of them shall you buy male slaves and female slaves: Leviticus,

‫ר‘ ‡ע‬2‫בז‬0 ‫קה ו‬‰

‰ ‫ד —חז‬‰‫בי‬2 ‫שם‬ ‰ ‫מ‬0 ‫ך‬‰ ‫ל‘הי‬
Ž ‫א‬Ÿ ‫ה‬‰‫ה‘ו‬2‫ך י‬‰ ‫א‬0
— ‫ם ו‡י‘צ‬0‫צ ‡רי‬2 ‫מ‬0 ‫ץ‬Ž‫אר‬Ž ‫ב‬2 ‫ית‬0
‰ ‫הי‬‰ ‫ד‬Ž‫ב‬Ž‫י ע‬0‫ת כ‬2
‰ ‫ז ‡כר‬‰2‫ו‬
‫טו‬:‫ ה‬,‫ דברים‬:‫בת‬‰ ‫ש‬ ‡ ‫את יום ‡ה‬Ž ‫ך ‡לע—שות‬‰ ‫ל‘הי‬Ž ‫א‬Ÿ ‫ה‬‰‫ה‘ו‬2‫ך י‬‰ 2‫צו‬0 ‫ן‬1‫ה ע‡ל כ‬‰‫טוי‬2‫נ‬

And remember that you were a servant (“bond-servant”) in the land of

Egypt, and that Yəhwôâh your Ĕlôhîym brought you out from there
with a mighty hand and with a stretched out arm; therefore Yəhwôâh
your Ĕlôhîym commanded you to keep the sabbath day:
Deuteronomy, 5:15

‫ר‬‰‫דב‬‰ ‫את ‡ה‬Ž ‫ך‬‰ 2‫מ ‡צו‬2 ‫י‬0‫ן אנ‘כ‬1‫ך ע‡ל כ‬‰ ‫ל‘הי‬
Ž ‫א‬Ÿ ‫ה‬‰‫ה‘ו‬2‫ך י‬‰ ‫ד‬2 ‫פ‬0
2 ‫ם ו‡י‬0‫צ ‡רי‬2 ‫מ‬0 ‫ץ‬Ž‫אר‬Ž ‫ב‬2 ‫ית‬0
‰ ‫הי‬‰ ‫ד‬Ž‫ב‬Ž‫י ע‬0‫ת כ‬2
‰ ‫ז ‡כר‬‰2‫ו‬
‫טו‬:‫ טו‬,‫ דברים‬:‫ה ‡היום‬Ž‫‡הז‬

And you shall remember that you were a slave (“bond-servant”) in the
land of Egypt, and Yəhwôâh your Ĕlôhîym redeemed you; therefore I
command you this thing today: Deuteronomy, 15:15

:‫ן‬1‫—שה כ‬
Ž ‫ך ‡תע‬‰ ‫ת‬2 ‫מ‬‰ ‫‡א‬
— ‫אף ל‬2‫ם ו‬‰‫ד עול‬Ž‫ב‬Ž‫ך ע‬‰ ‫ל‬2 ‫ה‬‰‫הי‬2
‰ ‫ת ו‬Ž‫דל‬Ž ‫וב‬
‡ ‫נו‬2‫באז‬2 ‫תה‬‰ ‫ת‬‰
‡ ‫נ‬2‫צ ‡ע ו‬1 ‫ר‬2 ‫את ‡ה ‡מ‬Ž ‫ת‬‰ ‫ח‬2 ‫ק‬‰
‡ ‫ל‬2‫ו‬
‫יז‬:‫ טו‬,‫דברים‬
Then you shall take an awl, and thrust it through his ear to the door,
and he shall be your servant (“bond-servant”) forever; And also to your
female slave you shall do likewise: Deuteronomy, 15:17

‫יב‬:‫ טז‬,‫ דברים‬:‫ה‬Ž‫אל‬1 ‫ה‬‰ ‫ים‬0‫את ‡ה »חק‬Ž ‫ית‬

‰ ‫ש‬‰
0 ‫ע‬2‫ת ו‬2
‰ ‫ש ‡מר‬2
‰ ‫ם ו‬0‫רי‬‰ ‫צ‬2 ‫מ‬2
0 ‫ית ב‬0
‰ ‫הי‬‰ ‫ד‬Ž‫ב‬Ž‫י ע‬0‫ת כ‬2
‰ ‫ז ‡כר‬‰2‫ו‬

And you shall remember that you were a slave (“bond-servant”) in

Egypt; and you shall observe and do these statutes: Deuteronomy,

‫טז‬:‫ כג‬,‫ דברים‬:‫יו‬‰‫ם —אד‘נ‬0‫מע‬1 ‫ך‬‰ ‫י‬Ž‫אל‬1 ‫ל‬1‫נצ‬‰0‫שר י‬

Ž ‫יו —א‬‰‫אל —אד‘נ‬Ž ‫ד‬Ž‫ב‬Ž‫יר ע‬0‫סג‬2 ‫ל‘א ‡ת‬

You shall not deliver to his master the slave ( “bond-servant”) who has
escaped from his master to you: Deuteronomy, 23:16

‫ך ‡לע—שות‬‰ 2‫מ ‡צו‬2 ‫י‬0‫ן אנ‘כ‬1‫שם ע‡ל כ‬

‰ ‫מ‬0 ‫ך‬‰ ‫ל‘הי‬
Ž ‫א‬Ÿ ‫ה‬‰‫ה‘ו‬2‫ך י‬‰ ‫ד‬2 ‫פ‬0
2 ‫ם ו‡י‬0‫צ ‡רי‬2 ‫מ‬2
0 ‫ית ב‬0
‰ ‫הי‬‰ ‫ד‬Ž‫ב‬Ž‫י ע‬0‫ת כ‬2
‰ ‫ז ‡כר‬‰2‫ו‬
‫יח‬:‫ כד‬,‫ דברים‬:‫ה‬Ž‫ר ‡הז‬‰‫ב‬‰‫את ‡הד‬Ž

But you shall remember that you were a slave (“bond-servant”) in

Egypt, and Yəhwôâh your Ĕlôhîym redeemed you there; therefore I
command you to do this thing: Deuteronomy, 24:18

:‫ה‬Ž‫ר ‡הז‬‰‫דב‬‰ ‫את ‡ה‬Ž ‫ך ‡לע—שות‬‰ 2‫מ ‡צו‬2 ‫י‬0‫ן אנ‘כ‬1‫ם ע‡ל כ‬0‫רי‬‰ ‫צ‬2 ‫מ‬0 ‫ץ‬Ž‫אר‬Ž ‫ב‬2 ‫ית‬0
‰ ‫הי‬‰ ‫ד‬Ž‫ב‬Ž‫י ע‬0‫ת כ‬2
‰ ‫ז ‡כר‬‰2‫ו‬
‫כב‬:‫ כד‬,‫דברים‬

And you shall remember that you were a slave (“bond-servant”) in the
land of Egypt; therefore I command you to do this thing:
Deuteronomy, 24:22

‫ה‬:‫ לד‬,‫ דברים‬:‫ה‬‰‫ה‘ו‬2‫י י‬0‫ץ מואב ע‡ל פ‬Ž‫אר‬Ž ‫ב‬2 ‫ה‬‰‫ה‘ו‬2‫ד י‬Ž‫ב‬Ž‫משה ע‬
Ž ‫שם‬
‰ ‫מת‬‰
‰ ‫ו‡י‬

So Moshes the servant (“bond-servant”) of Yəhwôâh died there in the

land of Moab, according to the word of Yəhwôâh: Deuteronomy,
:‫אמ‘ר‬1‫משה ל‬
Ž ‫ת‬1‫ר‬‰‫ש‬2‫ן נון מ‬0‫הוש ‡ע ב‬2
» ‫אל י‬Ž ‫ה‬‰‫הו‬2‫‡י‘אמר י‬
Ž ‫ה ו‬‰‫הו‬2‫ד י‬Ž‫ב‬Ž‫משה ע‬
Ž ‫י מות‬1‫אחר‬
— ‫הי‬2
0 ‫ו‡י‬
‫א‬:‫ א‬,‫יהושע‬

And it was after the death of Moshes the servant (“bond-servant”) of

Yəhwôâh that Yəhwôâh spoke to Yəhôshua ben Nunn the son of
Nun, Moshes' ‫ת‬1‫שר‬ ‰ ‫מ‬2 (attendant Məshoreis) , saying: Yəhôshua ben
Nunn, 1:1

‫ם‬Ž‫לכ‬‰ ‫יח‬0
‡ ‫מנ‬1 ‫ם‬Ž‫ל‘היכ‬
1 ‫א‬Ÿ ‫ה‬‰‫הו‬2‫אמ‘ר י‬1‫ה ל‬‰‫הו‬2‫ד י‬Ž‫ב‬Ž‫משה ע‬
Ž ‫ם‬Ž‫תכ‬2 ‫א‬Ž ‫ה‬‰‫צו‬0 ‫שר‬
Ž ‫ר —א‬‰‫ב‬‰‫את ‡הד‬Ž ‫כור‬‰‫ז‬
‫יג‬:‫ א‬,‫ יהושע‬:‫ץ ‡הז‘את‬Ž‫האר‬‰ ‫את‬Ž ‫ם‬Ž‫לכ‬‰ ‫תן‬‰ ‡ ‫נ‬2‫ו‬

Remember the word which Moshes the servant (“bond-servant”) of

Yəhwôâh commanded you, saying, Yəhwôâh your Ĕlôhîym has given
you rest, and has given you this land: Yəhôshua ben Nunn, 1:13

1 ‫ם‬Ž‫ל‘היכ‬ 1 ‫א‬Ÿ ‫ה‬‰‫הו‬2‫שר י‬ Ž ‫ץ —א‬Ž‫האר‬‰ ‫את‬Ž ‫מה‬‰ ‫ה‬1 ‫שו ג‡ם‬2‫ר‬‰‫י‬2‫ם ו‬Ž‫ככ‬‰ ‫ם‬Ž‫חיכ‬1 ‫‡א‬
— ‫ה ל‬‰‫הו‬2‫יח י‬0
‡ ‫נ‬‰‫שר י‬
Ž ‫ע‡ד —א‬
‫ר‬Ž‫עב‬1 ‫ב‬2 ‫ה‬‰‫הו‬2‫ד י‬Ž‫ב‬Ž‫משה ע‬
Ž ‫ם‬Ž‫לכ‬‰ ‫תן‬‰ ‡ ‫שר נ‬ Ž ‫אותה —א‬
‰ ‫תם‬Ž ‫ש‬0
2 ‫יר‬0‫ם ו‬Ž‫תכ‬2 ‫»ש‬
‡ ‫ר‬2‫ץ י‬Ž‫אר‬2
Ž ‫תם ל‬2
Ž ‫שב‬2
‡ ‫הם ו‬‰
‫טו‬:‫ א‬,‫ יהושע‬:‫מש‬Ž ‫ש‬ ‰ ‫זר‡ח ‡ה‬2 ‫מ‬0 ‫ן‬1‫רד‬2 ‡‫‡הי‬

When Yəhwôâh should give your brothers rest, as he has given you,
and when they also shall possess the land which Yəhwôâh your
Ĕlôhîym gives them; then you shall return to the land of your
possession, and enjoy it, which Moshes Yəhôwâh's servant ( “bond-
servant”) gave you on this side of the Jordan toward the sunrise:
Yəhôshua ben Nunn, 1:15

‫ים‬0‫בנ‬‰ ‫בח —א‬2

‡ ‫מז‬0 ‫משה‬Ž ‫ר תור‡ת‬Ž‫ספ‬2 1 ‫תוב ב‬‰‫אל ‡ככ‬‰1 ‫שר‬0
2 ‫י י‬1‫בנ‬2 ‫את‬Ž ‫ה‬‰‫הו‬2‫ד י‬Ž‫ב‬Ž‫משה ע‬ Ž ‫ה‬‰‫צו‬0 ‫שר‬Ž ‫‡א‬
,‫ יהושע‬:‫מים‬‰ 0 ‫של‬
2 ‫בחו‬2
2 ‫ז‬0‫ה ו‡י‬‰‫יו ע‘לות ל‡יהו‬‰‫על‬‰ ‫ל ו‡י‡ע—לו‬Ž‫רז‬2 ‫יהן ‡ב‬1
Ž ‫יף —על‬0‫הנ‬1 ‫שר ל‘א‬
Ž ‫מות —א‬1‫של‬2

As Moshes the servant (“bond-servant”) of Yəhwôâh commanded the

people of Yisra'el, as it is written in the Book of the Tőrâh of Moshes,
an altar of whole stones, over which no man has lifted up any iron;
and they offered on it burnt offerings to Yəhwôâh, and sacrificed
peace offerings: Yəhôshua ben Nunn, 8:31
‫ם‬0‫י‬0‫לו‬2 ‫ים ‡ה‬0‫כ‘הנ‬
— ‫ד ‡ה‬Ž‫נג‬Ž ‫ארון‬‰‫ה ל‬Ž‫ומז‬ 0 ‫ה‬Ž‫מז‬0 ‫ים‬0‫ע‘מד‬
2 ‫טיו‬‰ ‫ש‘פ‬22 ‫ים ו‬0‫ש‘טר‬2 2 ‫יו ו‬‰‫קנ‬2
1 ‫אל וז‬‰
1 ‫שר‬0
2 ‫ל י‬‰‫כ‬2‫ו‬
‫בל‬‰ ‫י‬1‫אל מול ‡הר ע‬Ž ‫יו‬2‫חצ‬Ž ‫ה‬2
‡ ‫ים ו‬0‫רז‬0 ‫ג‬2 ‫אל מול ‡הר‬Ž ‫יו‬2‫חצ‬Ž ‫ח‬‰‫זר‬2‫א‬‰ Ž ‫ר כ‬1‫ה ‡כג‬‰‫הו‬2‫ית י‬0‫בר‬2 ‫אי —ארון‬1 ‫נ‘ש‬
‫לג‬:‫ ח‬,‫ יהושע‬:‫ה‬‰‫אש‘נ‬0‫בר‬‰ ‫אל‬‰ 1 ‫שר‬0 2 ‫ם י‬‰‫הע‬‰ ‫את‬Ž ‫ך‬2 ‫ר‬1 ‫ב‬2
‰ ‫ה ל‬‰‫הו‬2‫ד י‬Ž‫ב‬Ž‫משה ע‬
Ž ‫ה‬‰‫צו‬0 ‫שר‬ Ž ‫‡א‬

And all Yisra'el, and their elders, and officers, and their judges, stood
on this side of the ark and on that side before the priests, the Levites,
who carried the Ark of the Covenant of Yəhwôâh, the foreigner as
well as he who was born among them; half of them over opposite
Mount Gerizim, and half of them over opposite Mount Ebal; as
Moshes the servant (“bond-servant”) of Yəhwôâh had commanded
before, that they should bless the people of Yisra'el: Yəhôshua ben
Nunn, 8:33

‰ ‫א‬Ÿ ‫ית‬1‫ב‬2‫ם ל‬0‫י ‡מי‬1‫ש‘אב‬2
— ‫ים ו‬0‫עצ‬1 ‫י‬1‫ח‘טב‬2
2 ‫ד ו‬Ž‫ב‬Ž‫ם ע‬Ž‫מכ‬0 ‫ת‬1‫כר‬‰0‫ל‘א י‬2‫אתם ו‬
Ž ‫ים‬0‫‡תה —ארור‬
‰ ‫ע‬2‫ו‬
‫כג‬:‫ ט‬,‫יהושע‬

Now therefore you are cursed, and there shall none of you be freed
from being slaves (“bond-servant”), and hewers of wood and drawers of
water for the house of my Ĕlôhîym: Yəhôshua ben Nunn, 9:23

‫ים‬0‫חר‬Ÿ ‫ה‬Ž ‫ב‬Ž‫חר‬Ž ‫י‬0‫פ‬2‫ם ל‬1‫הוש ‡ע ו‡י‡כ‬2

» ‫לכ‡ד י‬‰ ‫יהם‬1
Ž ‫לכ‬2 ‫ל ‡מ‬‰‫את כ‬2
Ž ‫ה ו‬Ž‫אל‬1 ‫ה‬‰ ‫ים‬0‫לכ‬‰ ‫מ‬2 ‫י ‡ה‬1‫ער‬‰ ‫ל‬‰‫את כ‬2
‫יב‬:‫ יא‬,‫ יהושע‬:‫ה‬‰‫ה‘ו‬2‫ד י‬Ž‫ב‬Ž‫מ‘שה ע‬ Ž ‫ה‬‰‫צו‬0 ‫שר‬ Ž ‫‡א‬
— ‫אותם כ‬

And all the cities of those kings, and all the kings of them, did
Yəhôshua ben Nunn take, and struck them with the edge of the
sword, and he completely destroyed them, as Moshes the servant
(“bond-servant”) of Yəhwôâh commanded: Yəhôshua ben Nunn, 11:12

‫י‬0‫גד‬‰ ‫‡ל‬2‫י ו‬0‫»אובנ‬

1 ‫לר‬‰ ‫»שה‬
‰ ‫ר‬2‫ה י‬‰‫ה‘ו‬2‫ד י‬Ž‫ב‬Ž‫מ‘שה ע‬Ž ‫ה‬‰‫תנ‬0
2 ‫הכום ו‡י‬0 ‫אל‬‰
1 ‫שר‬0
2 ‫י י‬1‫ובנ‬
2 ‫ה‬‰‫ה‘ו‬2‫ד י‬Ž‫ב‬Ž‫ה ע‬Ž‫מ‘ש‬
‫ו‬:‫ יב‬,‫ יהושע‬:‫‡שה‬ Ž ‫מנ‬2 ‫בט ‡ה‬Ž ‫ש‬
1 ‫י‬0‫‡חצ‬
— ‫ל‬2‫ו‬

Them did Moshes the servant of Yəhwôâh and the people of Yisra'el
strike; and Moshes the servant (“bond-servant”) of Yəhwôâh gave it for
a possession to the Reubenites, and the Gadites, and to half the tribe
of Manasseh: Yəhôshua ben Nunn, 12:6
‫י‬0‫גד‬‰ ‫‡ל‬2‫י ו‬0‫»אובנ‬
1 ‫לר‬‰ ‫»שה‬
‰ ‫ר‬2‫ה י‬‰‫ה‘ו‬2‫ד י‬Ž‫ב‬Ž‫מ‘שה ע‬Ž ‫ה‬‰‫תנ‬0
2 ‫הכום ו‡י‬0 ‫אל‬‰
1 ‫שר‬0
2 ‫י י‬1‫ובנ‬
2 ‫ה‬‰‫ה‘ו‬2‫ד י‬Ž‫ב‬Ž‫ה ע‬Ž‫מ‘ש‬
‫ו‬:‫ יב‬,‫ יהושע‬:‫‡שה‬ Ž ‫מנ‬2 ‫בט ‡ה‬Ž ‫ש‬
1 ‫י‬0‫‡חצ‬
— ‫ל‬2‫ו‬

Them did Moshes the servant (“bond-servant”) of Yəhwôâh and the

people of Yisra'el strike; and Moshes the servant of Yəhwôâh gave it
for a possession to the Reubenites, and the Gadites, and to half the
tribe of Manasseh: Yəhôshua ben Nunn, 12:6

Ž ‫‡א‬
— ‫חה כ‬‰
‰ ‫זר‬2 ‫מ‬0 ‫ן‬1‫רד‬2 ‡‫ר ‡הי‬Ž‫ב‬1‫בע‬2 ‫מ‘שה‬
Ž ‫הם‬‰ Ž ‫תן ל‬‰
‡ ‫שר נ‬
Ž ‫תם —א‬‰
‰ ‫‡חל‬
— ‫קחו נ‬‰
2 ‫י ל‬0‫גד‬‰ ‫ה‬2
‡ ‫י ו‬0‫ראובנ‬
1 ‫ה‬‰ ‫מו‬0‫ע‬
‫ח‬:‫ יג‬,‫ יהושע‬:‫ה‬‰‫ה‘ו‬2‫ד י‬Ž‫ב‬Ž‫מ‘שה ע‬ Ž ‫הם‬‰Ž ‫תן ל‬‰

With whom the Reubenites and the Gadites have received their
inheritance, which Moshes gave them, beyond the Jordan eastward,
as Moshes the servant (“bond-servant”) of Yəhwôâh gave them:
Yəhôshua ben Nunn, 13:8

‫ץ‬Ž‫האר‬‰ ‫את‬Ž ‫ל‬1‫ל ‡רג‬2 ‫נ ‡ע‬1‫ר‬2 ‫ש ‡ב‬1‫קד‬‰ ‫מ‬0 ‫א‘תי‬

0 ‫ה‬‰‫ה‘ו‬2‫ד י‬Ž‫ב‬Ž‫מ‘שה ע‬
Ž ‫ל‘ח‬
‡ ‫ש‬0
2 ‫י ב‬0‫ה אנ‘כ‬‰‫שנ‬
‰ ‫ים‬0‫בע‬2
‰ ‫ן אר‬Ž‫ב‬
‫ז‬:‫ יד‬,‫ יהושע‬:‫י‬0‫בב‬2 ‰ ‫ם ל‬0‫שר ע‬ Ž ‫‡א‬
— ‫ר כ‬‰‫ב‬‰‫אשב א‘תו ד‬‰
1 ‫ו‬

Forty years old was I when Moshes the servant ( “bond-servant”) of

Yəhwôâh sent me from Kadesh - Barnea to spy out the land; and I
brought him back word as it was in my heart: Yəhôshua ben Nunn,

Ž ‫מנ‬2 ‫בט ‡ה‬Ž ‫ש‬
1 ‫י‬0‫‡חצ‬
— ‫ן ו‬1‫אוב‬2‫ד ור‬‰‫ג‬2‫תו ו‬‰‫‡חל‬
— ‫ה נ‬‰‫ה‘ו‬2‫הנ‡ת י‬2» ‫י כ‬0‫ם כ‬Ž‫בכ‬2
2 ‫קר‬2 0 ‫ם ב‬0‫י‬0‫לו‬2 ‫ק ‡ל‬Ž‫חל‬1 ‫אין‬1 ‫י‬0‫כ‬
‫ז‬:‫ יח‬,‫ יהושע‬:‫ה‬‰‫ה‘ו‬2‫ד י‬Ž‫ב‬Ž‫מ‘שה ע‬ Ž ‫הם‬‰ Ž ‫תן ל‬‰
‡ ‫שר נ‬ Ž ‫חה —א‬‰‰ ‫זר‬2‫מ‬0 ‫ן‬1‫רד‬2 ‡‫ר ‡לי‬Ž‫ב‬1‫מע‬1 ‫תם‬‰ ‰ ‫‡חל‬
— ‫קחו נ‬‰2‫ל‬

But the Levites have no part among you; for the priesthood of
Yəhwôâh is their inheritance; and Gad, and Reuben, and the half
tribe of Manasseh, have received their inheritance beyond the Jordan
on the east, which Moshes the servant (“bond-servant”) of Yəhwôâh
gave them: Yəhôshua ben Nunn, 18:7

‫מעו‬2 ‫ש‬
2 ‫‡ת‬
0 ‫ה ו‬‰‫ה‘ו‬2‫ד י‬Ž‫ב‬Ž‫מ‘שה ע‬
Ž ‫ם‬Ž‫תכ‬2 ‫א‬Ž ‫ה‬‰‫צו‬0 ‫שר‬ Ž ‫ל —א‬‰‫את כ‬1 ‫תם‬2
Ž ‫ש ‡מר‬
2 ‫אתם‬
Ž ‫יהם‬1
Ž ‫‡י‘אמר —אל‬
Ž ‫ו‬
‫ב‬:‫ כב‬,‫ יהושע‬:‫ם‬Ž‫תכ‬2 ‫א‬Ž ‫יתי‬0 0 ‫צו‬0 ‫שר‬
Ž ‫כ‘ל —א‬2‫י ל‬0‫קול‬2‫ב‬
And said to them, You have kept all that Moshes the servant ( “bond-
servant”)of Yəhwôâh commanded you, and have obeyed my voice in
all that I commanded you: Yəhôshua ben Nunn, 22:2

£ ‫ם ל‬Ž‫לכ‬‰ ‫כו‬2‫נו ול‬2‫‡תה פ‬
‰ ‫ע‬2‫הם ו‬‰
Ž ‫ר ל‬Ž‫ב‬0‫שר ד‬Ž ‫‡א‬
— ‫ם כ‬Ž‫חיכ‬1 ‫‡א‬
— ‫ם ל‬Ž‫ל‘היכ‬
1 ‫א‬Ÿ ‫ה‬‰‫ה‘ו‬2‫יח י‬0
‡ ‫הנ‬1 ‫‡תה‬
‰ ‫ע‬2‫ו‬
‫ד‬:‫ כב‬,‫ יהושע‬:‫ן‬1‫רד‬2 ‡‫ר ‡הי‬Ž‫ב‬1‫בע‬2 ‫ה‬‰‫ה‘ו‬2‫ד י‬Ž‫ב‬Ž‫מ‘שה ע‬
Ž ‫ם‬Ž‫לכ‬‰ ‫תן‬‰ ‡ ‫שר נ‬
Ž ‫ם —א‬Ž‫‡תכ‬
2 ‫ץ —א »חז‬Ž‫אר‬Ž ‫אל‬Ž

And now Yəhwôâh your Ĕlôhîym has given rest to your brothers, as
he promised them; therefore now return, and go to your tents, and to
the land of your possession, which Moshes the servant ( “bond-servant”)
of Yəhwôâh gave you on the other side of the Jordan: Yəhôshua ben
Nunn, 22:4

‫ה‬‰‫ה‘ו‬2‫ד י‬Ž‫ב‬Ž‫מ‘שה ע‬Ž ‫ם‬Ž‫תכ‬2 ‫א‬Ž ‫ה‬‰‫צו‬0 ‫שר‬ Ž ‫ה —א‬‰‫את ‡התור‬2 Ž ‫ה ו‬‰‫צו‬2 ‫מ‬0 ‫את ‡ה‬Ž ‫מא‘ד ‡לע—ש‘ות‬2 ‫מרו‬2 ‫ש‬
0 ‫ר‡ק‬
‫דו‬2‫עב‬‰ ‫ל‬2 ‫קה בו ו‬‰ ‫ב‬‰
2 ‫לד‬2 ‫ותיו ו‬2
‰ ‫מצ‬0 ‫שמ‘ר‬02 ‫ל‬2‫יו ו‬‰‫רכ‬‰ ‫ד‬2 ‫ל‬‰‫בכ‬2 ‫ת‬Ž‫לכ‬Ž ‫ל‬‰2‫ם ו‬Ž‫ל‘היכ‬
1 ‫א‬Ÿ ‫ה‬‰‫ה‘ו‬2‫את י‬Ž ‫ה‬‰‫אהב‬2
— ‫ל‬
‫ה‬:‫ כב‬,‫ יהושע‬:‫ם‬Ž‫שכ‬2 2 ‫ל נ‡פ‬‰‫ובכ‬
2 ‫ם‬Ž‫בכ‬2 ‫ב‬2
‡ ‫ל ל‬‰‫בכ‬2

But take diligent heed to do the commandment and the Tőrâh, which
Moshes the servant (“bond-servant”) of Yəhwôâh charged you, to love
Yəhwôâh your Ĕlôhîym, and to walk in all his ways, and to keep his
commandments, and to cleave to him, and to serve him with all your
heart and with all your soul: Yəhôshua ben Nunn, 22:5

‰ ‫שר‬Ž
Ž ‫ע‬‰‫מאה ו‬1 ‫ן‬Ž‫ה ב‬‰‫ה‘ו‬2‫ד י‬Ž‫ב‬Ž‫ן נון ע‬0‫הוש ‡ע ב‬2
» ‫מת י‬‰
‰ ‫ה ו‡י‬Ž‫אל‬1 ‫ה‬‰ ‫ים‬0‫בר‬2
‰ ‫י ‡הד‬1‫אחר‬
— ‫הי‬2
0 ‫ו‡י‬
‫כט‬:‫ כד‬,‫יהושע‬

And it came to pass after these things, that Yəhôshua ben Nunn the
son of Nun, the servant (“bond-servant”) of Yəhwôâh, died, being one
hundred and ten years old: Yəhôshua ben Nunn, 24:29

‫ח‬:‫ ב‬,‫ שופטים‬:‫ים‬0‫שנ‬

‰ ‫שר‬Ž
Ž ‫ע‬‰‫מאה ו‬1 ‫ן‬Ž‫ה ב‬‰‫ה‘ו‬2‫ד י‬Ž‫ב‬Ž‫ן נון ע‬0‫הוש ‡ע ב‬2
» ‫מת י‬‰
‰ ‫ו‡י‬

And Yəhôshua ben Nunn, the son of Nun, the servant ( “bond-servant”)
of Yəhwôâh, died, being one hundred and ten years old: Judges, 2:8
‫כו‬:‫ ט‬,‫ שופטים‬:‫ם‬Ž‫שכ‬
2 ‫י‬1‫טחו בו ‡ב —על‬2 ‫ב‬0
2 ‫ם ו‡י‬Ž‫שכ‬0
2 ‫רו ב‬2‫חיו ו‡י‡ע‡ב‬‰ ‫א‬2
Ž ‫ד ו‬Ž‫ב‬Ž‫ן ע‬Ž‫ב‘א ‡גע‡ל ב‬‰‫ו‡י‬

And Gaal the son of Ebed came with his brothers, and went over to
Shechem; and the men of Shechem put their confidence in him:
Judges, 9:26

‫קידו‬0 ‫פ‬2 ‫בל‬2

» ‫»בע‡ל וז‬
‡ ‫ר‬2‫ן י‬Ž‫נו —הל‘א ב‬Ž‫‡בד‬2 ‫י ‡נע‬0‫ם כ‬Ž‫שכ‬
2 ‫ומי‬
0 ‫ך‬2 ‫ל‬Ž ‫ימ‬0
Ž ‫מי —אב‬0 ‫ד‬Ž‫ב‬Ž‫ן ע‬Ž‫‡י‘אמר ‡גע‡ל ב‬
Ž ‫ו‬
‫כח‬:‫ ט‬,‫ שופטים‬:‫חנו‬‰ 2 ‫נו —אנ‬Ž‫‡בד‬
2 ‫ומדו ‡ע ‡נע‬
‡ ‫ם‬Ž‫שכ‬ 2 ‫י‬0‫שי —חמור —אב‬21 ‫את אנ‬Ž ‫דו‬2‫ב‬0‫ע‬

And Gaal the son of Ebed said, Who is Abimelech, and who is
Shechem, that we should serve him? Is he not the son of Jerubbaal?
and Zebul his officer? Serve rather the men of Hamor the father of
Shechem, for why should we serve him: Judges, 9:28

‰ ‫שכ‬
2 ‫אים‬0 ‫ב‬‰ ‫חיו‬‰ ‫א‬2
Ž ‫ד ו‬Ž‫ב‬Ž‫ן ע‬Ž‫ה ‡גע‡ל ב‬1‫הנ‬0 ‫אמ‘ר‬1‫מה ל‬2
‰ ‫תר‬2
‰ ‫ך ב‬2 ‫ל‬Ž ‫ימ‬0
Ž ‫אל —אב‬Ž ‫ים‬0‫אכ‬2‫של‡ח ‡מל‬0
2 ‫ו‡י‬
‫לא‬:‫ ט‬,‫ שופטים‬:‰‫יך‬Ž‫על‬‰ ‫יר‬0‫הע‬‰ ‫את‬Ž ‫ים‬0‫צר‬‰ ‫ם‬‰‫הנ‬2 0‫ו‬

And he sent messengers to Abimelech privately saying, Behold, Gaal

the son of Ebed and his brothers come to Shechem; and, behold,
they fortify the city against you: Judges, 9:31

‫מן‬0 ‫אתו‬0 ‫שר‬

Ž ‫ם —א‬‰‫הע‬2
‰ ‫ך ו‬2 ‫ל‬Ž ‫ימ‬0
Ž ‫קם —אב‬‰
‰ ‫יר ו‡י‬0‫הע‬‰ ‫שע‡ר‬
‡ ‫תח‬Ž
‡ ‫ד ו‡י‡ע—מ‘ד פ‬Ž‫ב‬Ž‫ן ע‬Ž‫א ‡גע‡ל ב‬1‫צ‬1‫ו‡י‬
‫לה‬:‫ ט‬,‫ שופטים‬:‫ב‬‰‫‡ה ‡מ —אר‬

And Gaal the son of Ebed went out, and stood in the entrance of the
gate of the city; and Abimelech, and the people who were with him,
rose from the ambush: Judges, 9:35

‫ה‬Ž‫תים —הלוא ז‬0 ‫ש‬0

2 ‫פל‬2 ‫י‬1‫שר‬
‰ ‫אל‬Ž ‫יש‬0‫‡י‘אמר אכ‬
Ž ‫ה ו‬Ž‫אל‬1 ‫ה‬‰ ‫ים‬0‫בר‬0 2 ‫הע‬‰ ‫מה‬‰ ‫תים‬0 ‫ש‬0 2 ‫פל‬2 ‫י‬1‫שר‬
‰ ‫‡י‘אמרו‬
2 ‫ו‬
‫אתי בו‬‰
0 ‫מצ‬‰ ‫ל‘א‬2‫ים ו‬0‫שנ‬ ‰ ‫ה‬Ž‫מים או ז‬‰
0 ‫ה י‬Ž‫תי ז‬0 ‫א‬0 ‫ה‬‰‫הי‬‰ ‫שר‬
Ž ‫אל —א‬‰
1 ‫שר‬0
2 ‫ך י‬2 ‫ל‬Ž ‫מ‬Ž ‫שאול‬ ‰ ‫ד‬Ž‫ב‬Ž‫ד ע‬0‫דו‬‰
‫ג‬:‫ כט‬,‫ שמואל א‬:‫ה‬Ž‫פלו ע‡ד ‡היום ‡הז‬‰ 2 ‫מיום נ‬0 ‫אומה‬‰ ‫מ‬2

Then said the princes of the Philistines, What are these Hebrews
doing here? And Achish said to the princes of the Philistines, Is this
not David, the servant (“bond-servant”) of Saul the king of Yisra'el, who
has been with me a year or more, and I have found no fault in him
since he came over to me to this day: Samuel 1, 29:3

0 ‫—מל‬
‰ ‫איש ע‬2
0 ‫ד ל‬Ž‫ב‬Ž‫י ע‬0‫י אנ‘כ‬0‫צר‬2 ‫מ‬0 ‫‡י‘אמר ‡נע‡ר‬
Ž ‫אתה ו‬ ‰ ‫ה‬Ž‫מז‬0 ‫אי‬2 1 ‫אתה ו‬
‰ ‫מי‬2
0 ‫ד ל‬0‫דו‬‰ ‫‡י‘אמר לו‬
Ž ‫ו‬
‫יג‬:‫ ל‬,‫ שמואל א‬:‫לשה‬ ‰ ‫ש‬ 2 ‫יתי ‡היום‬0
0 ‫חל‬‰ ‫י‬0‫י כ‬0‫י —אד‘נ‬0‫בנ‬2
1 ‫ו‡י‡ ‡עז‬

And David said to him, To whom do you belong? and from where are
you? And he said, I am a young man of Egypt, servant to an
Amalekite; and my master left me, because three days ago I fell sick:
Samuel 1, 30:13

‫בא‬‰ ‫י‬0‫אתה צ‬
‰ ‫יו ‡ה‬‰‫אל‬1 ‫ך‬2 ‫ל‬Ž ‫מ‬Ž ‫‡י‘אמר ‡ה‬
Ž ‫ד ו‬0‫דו‬‰ ‫אל‬Ž ‫או לו‬2‫קר‬0
2 ‫יבא ו‡י‬0
‰ ‫ושמו צ‬
2 ‫ד‬Ž‫ב‬Ž‫שאול ע‬
‰ ‫ית‬1‫ב‬2‫ול‬
‫ב‬:‫ ט‬,‫ שמואל ב‬:‰‫דך‬Ž ‫‡ב‬ 2 ‫‡י‘אמר ע‬
Ž ‫ו‬

And there was of the house of Saul a servant (“bond-servant”) whose

name was Ziba; And when they had called him to David, the king said
to him, Are you Ziba? And he said, Your servant ( “bond-servant”) is he:
Samuel 2, 9:2

‫מאז‬1 ‫י‬0‫‡אנ‬
— ‫ך ו‬‰ ‫י‬0‫ד אב‬Ž‫ב‬Ž‫ה ע‬Ž‫הי‬2 ‫א‬Ž ‫ך‬2 ‫ל‬Ž ‫מ‬Ž ‫י ‡ה‬0‫ך —אנ‬‰ ‫ד‬2 ‫‡ב‬
2 ‫שלום ע‬2 ‰ ‫אב‬2‫ת ל‬2 ‰ ‫אמר‬2
‡ ‫תשוב ו‬‰ ‫יר‬0‫הע‬‰ ‫אם‬2
‫לד‬:‫ טו‬,‫ שמואל ב‬:‫ית‘פל‬ Ž ‫ח‬0 ‫את —עצ‡ת —א‬1 ‫י‬0‫תה ל‬2 ‰ ‫ה ‡פר‬2
1 ‫ך ו‬‰ ‫ד‬Ž ‫‡ב‬
2 ‫י ע‬0‫‡אנ‬
— ‫‡תה ו‬
‰ ‫ע‬2‫ו‬

But if you return to the city, and say to Absalom, I will be your
servant, O king; as I have been your father's servant till now, so will I
now also be your servant (“bond-servant”) ; then may you defeat for me
the counsel of Ahithophel: Samuel 2, 15:34

‡ ‫ש‬02 ‫דול ל‬‰‫המון ‡הג‬‰ ‫ה‬Ž ‫יתי‬
0 ‫א‬‰
0 ‫ימע‡ץ ר‬
‡ ‫ח‬0 ‫‡י‘אמר —א‬
Ž ‫שלום ו‬2‰ ‫אב‬2‫שלום ‡ל‡נע‡ר ל‬ ‰ ‫ך‬2 ‫ל‬Ž ‫מ‬Ž ‫‡י‘אמר ‡ה‬
Ž ‫ו‬
‫כט‬:‫ יח‬,‫ שמואל ב‬:‫מה‬‰ ‫תי‬2 0 ‫ ‡דע‬‰‫ל‘א י‬2‫ך ו‬‰ ‫ד‬Ž ‫‡ב‬
2 ‫את ע‬2
Ž ‫ך יואב ו‬2 ‫ל‬Ž ‫מ‬Ž ‫ד ‡ה‬Ž‫ב‬Ž‫ת ע‬Ž‫א‬

And the king said, Is the young man Absalom safe? And Ahimaaz
answered, When Joab sent the king's servant, and your servant, I
saw a great tumult, but I knew not what it was: Samuel 2, 18:29
‫של‘מ‘ה‬02 ‫ד ל‬Ž‫ב‬Ž‫ה ע‬‰‫מנ‬2
‰ ‫שה אל‬ ‰ ‫א‬0 ‫ה‬‰‫רוע‬2‫אמו צ‬0 ‫שם‬2
1 ‫ה ו‬‰‫רד‬1 ‫צ‬2 ‫מן ‡ה‬0 ‫תי‬‰
0 ‫פר‬2 ‫א‬Ž ‫בט‬2
‰ ‫ן נ‬Ž‫ם ב‬‰‫בע‬‰
2 ‫ר‬‰‫י‬2‫ו‬
‫כו‬:‫ יא‬,‫ מלכים א‬:2‫לך‬Ž ‫‡מ‬Ž ‫ד ב‬‰‫ם י‬Ž‫ר‬‰‫ו‡י‬

And Jeroboam the son of Nebat, an Ephraimite of Zereda, Solomon's

servant, whose mother's name was Zeruah, a widow, lifted up his
hand against the king: Kings 1, 11:26

Ž ‫ת —אל‬2
‰ ‫בר‬0
‡ ‫ד‬2‫יתם ו‬0
‰ ‫תם ו‡ —ענ‬2
‰ ‫—בד‬
‡ ‫ה ו‡ע‬Ž‫ם ‡הז‬‰‫לע‬‰ ‫ד‬Ž‫ב‬Ž‫ה ע‬Ž‫הי‬2 ‫ת‬0 ‫אם ‡היום‬0 ‫אמ‘ר‬1‫יו ל‬‰‫אל‬1 ‫רו‬2‫ד‡ב‬2‫ו‡י‬
‫ז‬:‫ יב‬,‫ מלכים א‬:‫מים‬‰ 0 ‫ל ‡הי‬‰‫ים כ‬0‫—בד‬
‰ ‫ך ע‬‰ ‫ל‬2 ‫היו‬2
‰ ‫ים ו‬0‫ים טוב‬0‫בר‬2

And they spoke to him, saying, If you will be a servant ( “bond-servant”)

to this people this day, and will serve them, and answer them, and
speak good words to them, then they will be your servants ( “bond-
servant”) forever: Kings 1, 12:7

‫ג‬:‫ יז‬,‫ מלכים ב‬:‫חה‬2

‰ ‫מנ‬0 ‫שב לו‬‰
Ž ‫ד ו‡י‬Ž‫ב‬Ž‫הוש ‡ע ע‬
1 ‫הי לו‬2
0 ‫ך אשור ו‡י‬2 ‫ל‬Ž ‫מ‬Ž ‫סר‬Ž ‫א‬2
Ž ‫מנ‬2
‡ ‫של‬
‡ ‫ה‬‰‫על‬‰ ‫יו‬‰‫על‬‰

Against him came up Shalmaneser king of Assyria; and Hoshea

became his (“bond-servant”), and paid him tribute: Kings 2, 17:3

Ž ‫ה‬‰‫צו‬0 ‫שר‬ Ž ‫ל —א‬‰‫את כ‬1 ‫יתו‬0‫בר‬2 ‫את‬Ž ‫רו‬2‫יהם ו‡י‡ע‡ב‬
Ž ‫ל‘ה‬
1 ‫א‬Ÿ ‫ה‬‰‫ה‘ו‬2‫קול י‬2‫מעו ב‬2 ‫ש‬
‰ ‫שר ל‘א‬
Ž ‫ע‡ל —א‬
‫יב‬:‫ יח‬,‫ מלכים ב‬:‫ש‘ו‬‰‫ל‘א ע‬2‫מעו ו‬2 ‫ש‬ ‰ ‫ל‘א‬2‫ה ו‬‰‫ה‘ו‬2‫ד י‬Ž‫ב‬Ž‫ע‬

Because they obeyed not the voice of Yəhwôâh their Ĕlôhîym, but
transgressed his covenant, and all that Moshes the servant o( “bond-
servant”) f Yəhwôâh commanded, and would not hear them, nor do
them: Kings 2, 18:12

‰ ‫את‬2
1 ‫ה ו‬‰‫כי‬‰ ‫מי‬0 ‫ן‬Ž‫בור ב‬2‫את ‡עכ‬2
Ž ‫ן ו‬‰‫שפ‬
‰ ‫ן‬Ž‫יקם ב‬
‰ ‫ח‬0 ‫את —א‬2 Ž ‫כ‘הן ו‬
1 ‫ה ‡ה‬‰‫קי‬2
0 ‫חל‬0 ‫את‬Ž ‫ך‬2 ‫ל‬Ž ‫מ‬Ž ‫צ‡ו ‡ה‬2‫ו‡י‬
‫יב‬:‫ כב‬,‫ מלכים ב‬:‫אמ‘ר‬1‫ך ל‬2 ‫ל‬Ž ‫מ‬Ž ‫ד ‡ה‬Ž‫ב‬Ž‫ה ע‬‰‫—שי‬ ‰ ‫את ע‬2 1 ‫ר ו‬1‫‡הס‘פ‬

And the king commanded Hilkiah the priest, and Ahikam the son of
Shaphan, and Achbor the son of Michaiah, and Shaphan the scribe,
and Asaiah a servant (“bond-servant”) of the king's, saying: Kings 2,
:‫ד בו‬‰‫מר‬0
2 ‫שב ו‡י‬‰
‰ ‫ים ו‡י‬0‫שנ‬
‰ ‫של‘ש‬
‰ ‫ד‬Ž‫ב‬Ž‫קים ע‬‰
0 ‫הוי‬2‫הי לו י‬2
0 ‫בל ו‡י‬Ž ‫ב‬‰ ‫ך‬2 ‫ל‬Ž ‫מ‬Ž ‫אצ‡ר‬Ž‫דנ‬2 ‫ב ‡כ‬2
» ‫ה נ‬‰‫על‬‰ ‫מיו‬‰
‰ ‫בי‬2
‫א‬:‫ כד‬,‫מלכים ב‬

In his days Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon came up, and Jehoiakim

became his (“bond-servant”) three years; then he turned and rebelled
against him: Kings 2, 24:1

‫ך‬2 ‫ל‬Ž ‫מ‬Ž ‫אצ‡ר‬Ž‫דנ‬2 ‫ב ‡כ‬2

» ‫ך נ‬2 ‫ל‬Ž ‫‡מ‬
Ž ‫ה ל‬‰‫שנ‬
‰ ‫ה‬1‫שר‬Ž2 ‫שע ע‬ ‡ ‫ת‬2 ‫שנ‡ת‬2 ‫היא‬0 ‫ש‬Ž‫ה ל‡ח‘ד‬‰‫בע‬2 ‫ש‬2 0 ‫ישי ב‬
0 ‫מ‬0 ‫ש ‡ה —ח‬Ž‫ובח‘ד‬

‫ח‬:‫ כה‬,‫ מלכים ב‬:‫ם‬‰‫רושל‬2 ‰ ‫בל י‬Ž ‫ב‬‰ ‫ך‬2 ‫ל‬Ž ‫מ‬Ž ‫ד‬Ž‫ב‬Ž‫חים ע‬0 ‫ב‬‰ ‫ן ר‡ב ‡ט‬‰‫אד‬2
— ‫בו ‡זר‬2‫בא נ‬‰ ‫בל‬Ž ‫ב‬‰

And in the fifth month, on the seventh day of the month, which is the
nineteenth year of king Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, came
Nebuzaradan, captain of the guard, a servant ( “bond-servant”) of the
king of Babylon, to Yərushalam: Kings 2, 25:8

1 ‫תנ‬0 ‫אל ל‘א‬‰
1 ‫שר‬0
2 ‫אתה י‬
‰ ‫י‬0‫ד ל‬Ž‫ב‬Ž‫ך ע‬‰ ‫תי‬2
0 ‫‡צר‬2‫אתה י‬
‰ ‫י‬0‫‡בד‬
2 ‫י ע‬0‫אל כ‬‰
1 ‫שר‬0
2 ‫י‬2‫ה י‡ע—ק‘ב ו‬Ž‫אל‬1 ‫ר‬‰‫זכ‬2
‫כא‬:‫ מד‬,‫ישעיה‬

Remember these, O Jacob and Yisra'el; for you are my servants

(avadai) (“bond-servant”); I have formed you; you are my servants
(avadai) (“bond-servant”); O Yisra'el, you shall not be forgotten by me:
Isaiah, 44:21

‫ך‬‰ ‫תי‬0 ‫ת‬2

‡ ‫שיב ונ‬
0 ‫ה‬2
‰ ‫אל ל‬‰
1 ‫שר‬0
2 ‫י י‬1‫צור‬2‫טי י‡ע—ק‘ב ונ‬1 ‫ב‬2 ‫ש‬
0 ‫את‬Ž ‫ים‬0‫הק‬2‰ ‫ד ל‬Ž‫ב‬Ž‫י ע‬0‫ך ל‬‰ ‫יות‬
2 ‫ה‬2 ‫מ‬0 ‫קל‬‰
1 ‫‡י‘אמר נ‬
Ž ‫ו‬
‫ו‬:‫ מט‬,‫ ישעיה‬:‫ץ‬Ž‫האר‬‰ ‫ה‬1‫קצ‬2 ‫תי ע‡ד‬‰ 0 ‫שוע‬2‫היות י‬0 2 ‫ם ל‬0‫אור גוי‬2‫ל‬

And he says, It is a light thing that you should be my servants

(avadai) (“bond-servant”) to raise up the tribes of Jacob, and to restore
the preserved of Yisra'el; I will also give you for a light to the nations,
that may salvation may be to the end of the earth: Isaiah, 49:6

‫אל ‡הבור‬Ž ‫הו‬‰‫מי‬2

2 ‫ר‬0‫את י‬Ž ‫תנו‬‰2 ‫י נ‬0‫ך כ‬2 ‫ל‬Ž ‫מ‬Ž ‫ית ‡ה‬1‫ב‬2‫הוא ב‬2‫יס ו‬0‫סר‬‰ ‫איש‬0 ‫כושי‬
0 ‫ך ‡ה‬2 ‫ל‬Ž ‫מ‬Ž ‫ד‬Ž‫ב‬Ž‫ש ‡מע ע‬0
2 ‫ו‡י‬
‫ז‬:‫ לח‬,‫ ירמיה‬:‫מן‬‰ 0 ‫ני‬2‫ב‬0 ‫שע‡ר‬2
‡ ‫יושב ב‬1 ‫ך‬2 ‫ל‬Ž ‫מ‬Ž ‫ה‬2
Now when Ebed (“bond-servant”) of -Melech the Kushite, one of the
eunuchs who was in the king's house, heard that they had put
Jeremiah in the pit; the king was sitting then in the Gate of Benjamin:
Jeremiah, 38:7

‫ח‬:‫ לח‬,‫ ירמיה‬:‫אמ‘ר‬1‫ך ל‬2 ‫ל‬Ž ‫מ‬Ž ‫אל ‡ה‬Ž ‫‡בר‬

1 ‫ד‬2‫ך ו‡י‬2 ‫ל‬Ž ‫מ‬Ž ‫ית ‡ה‬1‫מב‬0 ‫ך‬2 ‫ל‬Ž ‫מ‬Ž ‫ד‬Ž‫ב‬Ž‫א ע‬1‫צ‬1‫ו‡י‬

Ebed - Melech (“bond-servant of the king”) went forth from the king's
house, and spoke to the king, saying: Jeremiah, 38:8

‫את‬Ž ‫ית‬0
‰ ‫ה —על‬2
‡ ‫שים ו‬‰
0 ‫ל‘שים —אנ‬
0 ‫ש‬ 2 ‫ה‬Ž‫מז‬0 ‫ך‬‰ ‫ד‬2 ‰‫בי‬2 ‫אמ‘ר ‡קח‬1‫כושי ל‬
0 ‫ך ‡ה‬2 ‫ל‬Ž ‫מ‬Ž ‫ד‬Ž‫ב‬Ž‫את ע‬1 ‫ך‬2 ‫ל‬Ž ‫מ‬Ž ‫ה ‡ה‬Ž‫ ‡צו‬2‫ו‡י‬
‫י‬:‫ לח‬,‫ ירמיה‬:‫מות‬‰‫ם י‬Ž‫טר‬Ž ‫ב‬2 ‫מן ‡הבור‬0 ‫יא‬0‫ב‬‰‫הו ‡הנ‬‰‫מי‬22 ‫ר‬0‫י‬

Then the king commanded Ebed - Melech (“bond-servant of the king”) the
Kushite, saying, Take from here thirty men with you, and pull up
Jeremiah the prophet out of the pit, before he dies: Jeremiah, 38:10

1‫בלוי‬2 ‫שם‬
‰ ‫מ‬0 ‫קח‬0
‡ ‫ר ו‡י‬‰‫האוצ‬‰ ‫אל ‡ת ‡חת‬Ž ‫ך‬2 ‫ל‬Ž ‫מ‬Ž ‫ית ‡ה‬1‫ב‘א ב‬‰‫דו ו‡י‬‰‫בי‬2 ‫שים‬‰
0 ‫ה —אנ‬‰ ‫את‬Ž ‫ך‬2 ‫ל‬Ž ‫מ‬Ž ‫ד‬Ž‫ב‬Ž‫קח ע‬0
‡ ‫ו‡י‬
‫יא‬:‫ לח‬,‫ ירמיה‬:‫ים‬0‫בל‬‰ ‫אל ‡הבור ‡ב —ח‬Ž ‫הו‬‰‫מי‬2 2 ‫ר‬0‫אל י‬Ž ‫חם‬2
1 ‫של‬2
‡ ‫חים ו‡י‬‰
0 ‫מל‬2 1‫ובלוי‬
2 ‫חבות‬‰ ‫ס‬2

So Ebed - Melech (“bond-servant of the king”) took the men with him, and
went to the house of the king under the treasury, and took from there
old rags and worn out clothes, and let them down by ropes into the pit
to Jeremiah: Jeremiah, 38:11

‫לות‬0‫חים ‡ת ‡חת אצ‬‰

0 ‫מל‬2 ‫ה‬2
‡ ‫חבות ו‬‰ ‫ס‬2 ‫לואי ‡ה‬
1 ‫ב‬2 ‫א‬‰‫שים נ‬ 0 ‫הו‬‰‫מי‬2 2 ‫ר‬0‫אל י‬Ž ‫כושי‬
0 ‫ך ‡ה‬2 ‫ל‬Ž ‫מ‬Ž ‫ד‬Ž‫ב‬Ž‫‡י‘אמר ע‬
Ž ‫ו‬
‫יב‬:‫ לח‬,‫ ירמיה‬:‫ן‬1‫הו כ‬‰‫מי‬22 ‫ר‬0‫ים ו‡י‡ע‡ש י‬0‫בל‬‰ ‫‡ח‬
— ‫מ ‡ת ‡חת ל‬0 ‫ך‬‰ ‫י‬Ž‫ד‬‰‫י‬

And Ebed - Melech (“bond-servant of the king”) the Kushite said to

Jeremiah, Put now these old rags and worn out clothes under your
armpits under the ropes; And Jeremiah did so: Jeremiah, 38:12

‫ב‬:‫ יז‬,‫ משלי‬:‫ה‬‰‫‡חל‬

— ‫‡חל‘ק נ‬
— ‫אחים י‬
0 ‫ך‬2 ‫תו‬2‫יש וב‬0‫מב‬1 ‫ן‬1‫בב‬2 ‫מש‘ל‬0
2 ‫יל י‬0‫שכ‬
2 ‫ד ‡מ‬Ž‫ב‬Ž‫ע‬
A wise slave (“bond-servant”) shall have rule over a son who causes
shame, and shall have part of the inheritance among the brothers:
Proverbs, 17:2

‫י‬:‫ ל‬,‫ משלי‬:‫ת‬‰ ‫מ‬2 ‫אש‬2

‰ ‫ך ו‬‰ ‫ל‬2 ‫ל‬Ž ‫ק‬2
‡ ‫ן י‬Ž‫יו פ‬‰‫אל —אד‘נ‬Ž ‫ד‬Ž‫ב‬Ž‫שן ע‬2
1 ‫אל ‡תל‬

Do not accuse a servant (“bond-servant”) to his master, lest he curse

you, and you be found guilty: Proverbs, 30:10

‫כב‬:‫ ל‬,‫ משלי‬:‫חם‬‰

Ž ‫שב‡ע ל‬0
2 ‫י י‬0‫בל כ‬‰
‰ ‫נ‬2‫ך ו‬2 ‫מלו‬0
2 ‫י י‬0‫ד כ‬Ž‫ב‬Ž‫ת‡ח‡ת ע‬

For a slave (“bond-servant”) when he becomes king; and a fool when he

is filled with bread: Proverbs, 30:22

‫ה‬‰‫ש »בע‬
2 ‫ה‬2
‡ ‫ה ו‬‰‫האל‬‰ ‫ינו‬1‫על‬‰ ‫ך‬2 ‫‡ת ‡ת‬
0 ‫ך ו‬‰ ‫ל‬Ž ‘‫ק‬2‫שמו ‡ע ב‬
2 ‫תי‬2
0 ‫בל‬2
0 ‫סור ל‬2‫ך ו‬‰ ‫ת‬‰
Ž ‫את תור‬Ž ‫רו‬2‫ב‬‰‫אל ע‬‰
1 ‫שר‬0
2 ‫ל י‬‰‫כ‬2‫ו‬
‫יא‬:‫ ט‬,‫ דניאל‬:‫טאנו לו‬‰ ‫ח‬‰ ‫י‬0‫ל‘הים כ‬ 0 ‫א‬Ÿ ‫ה‬‰ ‫ד‬Ž‫ב‬Ž‫מ‘שה ע‬Ž ‫תור‡ת‬2‫ה ב‬‰‫תוב‬2‫שר כ‬ Ž ‫—א‬

And all Yisra'el have transgressed against your Tőrâh, and turned
aside, so as not to obey your voice; therefore the curse and the oath
which are written in the Tőrâh of Moshes, the servant ( “bond-servant”)
of Ĕlôhîym, have been poured out upon us, because we have sinned
against him: Daniel, 9:11

‫מה‬‰ ‫ש‬2
‰ ‫כ‘ח ונ‬
‡ ‫י‬0‫—מד ב‬
‰ ‫‡תה ל‘א י‡ע‬ ‰ ‫מע‬1 ‫י‬0‫‡אנ‬
— ‫ה ו‬Ž‫י ז‬0‫ם —אד‘נ‬0‫ר ע‬1‫לד‡ב‬2 ‫ה‬Ž‫י ז‬0‫ד —אד‘נ‬Ž‫ב‬Ž‫ך יוכ‡ל ע‬2 ‫הי‬2
‫יז‬:‫ י‬,‫ דניאל‬:‫י‬0‫ה ב‬‰‫ש —אר‬0
2 ‫ל‘א נ‬

For how can the servant (“bond-servant”) of adoni talk with my adoni?
For now no strength remains in me, nor is there any breath left in me:
Daniel, 10:17

‫ו‬:‫ ח‬,‫ עזרא‬:‫ים‬0‫כר‬‰ ‫ז‬2 ‫שים ‡ה‬

0 ‫מ‬0 ‫מו —ח‬0‫ע‬2‫תן ו‬‰
‰ ‫ן יונ‬Ž‫ד ב‬Ž‫ב‬Ž‫ין ע‬0‫עד‬‰ ‫י‬1‫בנ‬2 ‫ומ‬

And of the sons of Adin; Ebed the son of Jonathan, and with him fifty
males: Ezra, 8:6
‫שר‬Ž ‫ל‘הים —א‬
0 ‫א‬Ÿ ‫ה‬‰ ‫בתור‡ת‬2 ‫ת‬Ž‫לכ‬Ž ‫ל‬‰ ‫ה‬‰‫שבוע‬02 ‫ה וב‬‰‫באל‬2 ‫אים‬0 ‫וב‬
‰ ‫יהם‬1
Ž ‫יר‬0‫יהם אד‬
Ž ‫ח‬1 ‫יקים ע‡ל —א‬0
0 ‫‡מ —חז‬
‫ינו‬1‫ה —אד‘נ‬‰‫ה‘ו‬2‫ות י‬2‫מצ‬0 ‫ל‬‰‫את כ‬Ž ‫‡לע—שות‬2‫שמור ו‬0
2 ‫ל‬2‫ל‘הים ו‬
0 ‫א‬Ÿ ‫ה‬‰ ‫ד‬Ž‫ב‬Ž‫מ‘שה ע‬
Ž ‫בי‡ד‬2 ‫ה‬‰‫תנ‬02‫נ‬
‫ל‬:‫ י‬,‫ נחמיה‬:‫יו‬‰‫חק‬2 » ‫טיו ו‬‰ ‫פ‬‰ ‫ש‬
2 ‫ומ‬

They join with their brothers, their nobles, and enter into a curse, and
an oath, to walk in Ĕlôhîym's Tőrâh, which was given by Moshes the
servant (“bond-servant”) of Ĕlôhîym, and to observe and do all the
commandments of Yəhwôâh Adoneiynu (our Master), and his
judgments and his statutes: Nehemiah, 10:30

,‫ דברי הימים א‬:‫חע‬2

‰ ‫ושמו י‡ר‬
2 ‫י‬0‫צר‬2 ‫מ‬0 ‫ד‬Ž‫ב‬Ž‫שן ע‬
‰ ‫ש‬2
1 ‫נות ול‬‰‫אם ב‬0 ‫י‬0‫ים כ‬0‫בנ‬‰ ‫שן‬
‰ ‫ש‬2
1 ‫ה ל‬‰‫הי‬‰ ‫ל‘א‬2‫ו‬

Now Sheshan had no sons, but only daughters; And Sheshan had a
slave (“bond-servant”), an Egyptian, whose name was Jarha:
Chronicles 1, 2:34

‫ש‬Ž‫ת ק‘ד‬Ž‫אכ‬Ž‫מל‬2 ‫כ‘ל‬2‫ת ל‬Ž‫קט‘ר‬2 ‫בח ‡ה‬2

‡ ‫מז‬0 ‫ע‡ל‬2‫ה ו‬‰‫העול‬‰ ‫בח‬2‡ ‫מז‬0 ‫ים ע‡ל‬0‫טיר‬0 ‫ק‬2 ‫יו ‡מ‬‰‫ובנ‬
‰ ‫אהר‘ן‬2
— ‫ו‬
,‫ דברי הימים א‬:‫ל‘הים‬ 0 ‫א‬Ÿ ‫ה‬‰ ‫ד‬Ž‫ב‬Ž‫מ‘שה ע‬
Ž ‫ה‬‰‫צו‬0 ‫שר‬ Ž ‫כ‘ל —א‬2‫אל כ‬‰1 ‫שר‬0
2 ‫ר ע‡ל י‬1‫לכ‡פ‬2 ‫שים ו‬‰
0 ‫קד‬£ ‫‡ה‬

And Aaron and his sons offered upon the altar of the burnt offering,
and on the altar of incense, and were appointed for all the work of the
most holy place, and to make an atonement for Yisra'el, according to
all that Moshes the servant (“bond-servant”) of Ĕlôhîym had
commanded: Chronicles 1, 6:34

0 ‫א‬Ÿ ‫ה‬‰ ‫ד‬1‫א‘הל מוע‬
Ž ‫ה‬‰‫הי‬‰ ‫שם‬‰ ‫י‬0‫עון כ‬2‫ב‬0‫בג‬2 ‫שר‬
Ž ‫מה —א‬‰
‰ ‫מו ל‡ב‬0‫הל ע‬‰ ‫ק‬‰ ‫ל ‡ה‬‰‫כ‬2‫של‘מ‘ה ו‬
2 ‫כו‬2‫ל‬1‫ו‡י‬
‫ג‬:‫ א‬,‫ דברי הימים ב‬:‫ר‬‰‫ב‬2‫‡מד‬
0 ‫ה ב‬‰‫ה‘ו‬2‫ד י‬Ž‫ב‬Ž‫מ‘שה ע‬
Ž ‫שה‬‰ ‰ ‫שר ע‬ Ž ‫—א‬

And Solomon, and all the congregation with him, went to the high
place that was at Gibeon; for there was the Tent of Meeting of
Ĕlôhîym, which Moshes the servant (“bond-servant”) of Yəhwôâh had
made in the wilderness: Chronicles 2, 1:3
‫ו‬:‫ יג‬,‫ דברי הימים ב‬:‫יו‬‰‫מר‘ד ע‡ל —אד‘נ‬0
2 ‫יד ו‡י‬0‫דו‬‰ ‫ן‬Ž‫של‘מ‘ה ב‬
2 ‫ד‬Ž‫ב‬Ž‫ט ע‬‰‫ב‬2‫ן נ‬Ž‫ם ב‬‰‫בע‬‰
2 ‫ר‬‰‫קם י‬‰
‰ ‫ו‡י‬

Yet Jeroboam the son of Nebat, the servant ( “bond-servant”) of

Solomon the son of David, is risen up, and has rebelled against his
master: Chronicles 2, 13:6

‫ה‬‰‫מיהוד‬0 ‫יא‬0‫הב‬2
‰ ‫ם ל‬0‫י‬0‫לו‬2 ‫ת ע‡ל ‡ה‬‰ ‫‡ש‬
2 ‫דר‬‰ ‫‡י‘אמר לו ‡מדו ‡ע ל‘א‬Ž ‫הר‘אש ו‬‰ ‫ע‬‰‫ד‬‰‫יהוי‬0‫ך ל‬2 ‫ל‬Ž ‫מ‬Ž ‫א ‡ה‬‰‫קר‬0
2 ‫ו‡י‬
‫ דברי‬:‫דות‬1‫הע‬‰ ‫א‘הל‬2
Ž ‫אל ל‬‰ 1 ‫שר‬02 ‫לי‬2 ‫הל‬‰ ‫ק‬‰ ‫ה‬2
‡ ‫ה ו‬‰‫ה‘ו‬2‫ד י‬Ž‫ב‬Ž‫מ‘שה ע‬
Ž ‫שאת‬ 2 ‫את ‡מ‬Ž ‫ם‬0‡‫ירושל‬ ‰ ‫ומ‬ 0
‫ו‬:‫ כד‬,‫הימים ב‬

And the king called for Jehoiada the chief, and said to him, Why have
you not required the Levites to bring in from Yәhudâh and from
Yeruselem the tax levied by Moshes, the servant ( “bond-servant”) of
Yəhwôâh, and of the congregation of Yisra'el, for the tabernacle of
the Testimony: Chronicles 2, 24:6

‫ל‘הים ע‡ל‬
0 ‫א‬Ÿ ‫ה‬‰ ‫ד‬Ž‫ב‬Ž‫מ‘שה ע‬
Ž ‫שאת‬ 2 ‫ה ‡מ‬‰‫יא ל‡יה‘ו‬0‫הב‬2
‰ ‫ם ל‬0‡‫ירושל‬0
‰ ‫ה וב‬‰‫יהוד‬0‫תנו קול ב‬0
2 ‫ו‡י‬
‫ט‬:‫ כד‬,‫ דברי הימים ב‬:‫ר‬‰‫ב‬2‫‡מד‬
0 ‫אל ב‬‰1 ‫שר‬0

And they made a proclamation throughout Yәhudâh and Yeruselem,

to bring to Yəhwôâh the tax that Moshes the servant ( “bond-servant”) of
Ĕlôhîym laid upon Yisra'el in the wilderness: Chronicles 2, 24:9

‫פר‬1 ‫ן ‡הסו‬‰‫שפ‬
‰ ‫את‬2
1 ‫ה ו‬‰‫מיכ‬0 ‫ן‬Ž‫דון ב‬2‫את ע‡ב‬2
Ž ‫ן ו‬‰‫שפ‬
‰ ‫ן‬Ž‫יקם ב‬
‰ ‫ח‬0 ‫את —א‬2
Ž ‫הו ו‬‰‫קי‬2
0 ‫חל‬0 ‫את‬Ž ‫ך‬2 ‫ל‬Ž ‫מ‬Ž ‫צ‡ו ‡ה‬2‫ו‡י‬
‫כ‬:‫ לד‬,‫ דברי הימים ב‬:‫אמ‘ר‬1‫ך ל‬2 ‫ל‬Ž ‫מ‬Ž ‫ד ‡ה‬Ž‫ב‬Ž‫ה ע‬‰‫—שי‬ ‰ ‫את ע‬2 1‫ו‬

And the king commanded Hilkiah, and Ahikam the son of Shaphan,
and Abdon the son of Micah, and Shaphan the scribe, and Asaiah a
servant (“bond-servant”)of the king, saying: Chronicles 2, 34:20

δοῦλος (doulos) bond-servant

Matthew 10:24 Οὐκ ἔστιν μαθητὴς ὑπὲρ τὸν διδάσκαλον οὐδὲ δοῦλος ὑπὲρ τὸν
κύριον αὐτοῦ.
"A disciple is not above his teacher, nor a bond-servant above his master.
Noun: Nominative Singular Masculine
Matthew 10:25 ἀρκετὸν τῷ μαθητῇ ἵνα γένηται ὡς ὁ διδάσκαλος αὐτοῦ καὶ ὁ
δοῦλος ὡς ὁ κύριος αὐτοῦ. εἰ τὸν οἰκοδεσπότην Βεελζεβοὺλ ἐπεκάλεσαν, πόσῳ
μᾶλλον τοὺς οἰκιακοὺς αὐτοῦ.
It is enough for the disciple that he be like his teacher, and the servant like his
master. If they have called the master of the house Beelzeboul (Beelzebub was
substituted for Beelzeboul in the Syriac translation and Latin Vulgate), how much
more those of his household!
Noun: Nominative Singular Masculine
Matthew 18:26 πεσὼν οὖν ὁ δοῦλος προσεκύνει αὐτῷ λέγων· μακροθύμησον ἐπ'
ἐμοί, καὶ πάντα ἀποδώσω σοι.
The servant therefore fell down and knelled before him, saying, master, have
patience with me, and I will repay you all!'
Noun: Nominative Singular Masculine
Matthew 18:28 ἐξελθὼν δὲ ὁ δοῦλος ἐκεῖνος εὗρεν ἕνα τῶν συνδούλων αὐτοῦ,
ὃς ὤφειλεν αὐτῷ ἑκατὸν δηνάρια, καὶ κρατήσας αὐτὸν ἔπνιγεν λέγων· ἀπόδος εἴ
τι ὀφείλεις.
"But that servant went out, and found one of his fellow servants, who owed him
one hundred denarius, and he grabbed him, and took him by the throat, saying,
'Pay me what you owe!'
Noun: Nominative Singular Masculine
Matthew 20:27 καὶ ὃς ἂν θέλῃ ἐν ὑμῖν εἶναι πρῶτος ἔσται ὑμῶν δοῦλος·
Whoever desires to be first among you shall be your bond-servant,
Noun: Nominative Singular Masculine
Matthew 24:45 Τίς ἄρα ἐστὶν ὁ πιστὸς δοῦλος καὶ φρόνιμος ὃν κατέστησεν ὁ
κύριος ἐπὶ τῆς οἰκετείας αὐτοῦ τοῦ δοῦναι αὐτοῖς τὴν τροφὴν ἐν καιρ ῷ;
"Who then is the faithful and wise servant (bond-servant), whom his master has set
over his household, to give them their food in due season?
Noun: Nominative Singular Masculine
Matthew 24:46 μακάριος ὁ δοῦλος ἐκεῖνος ὃν ἐλθὼν ὁ κύριος αὐτοῦ εὑρήσει
οὕτως ποιοῦντα·
Blessed is that servant (bond-servant) whom his master finds doing so when he
Noun: Nominative Singular Masculine
Matthew 24:48 ἐὰν δὲ εἴπῃ ὁ κακὸς δοῦλος ἐκεῖνος ἐν τῇ καρδίᾳ αὐτοῦ· χρονίζει
μου ὁ κύριος,
But if that evil bond-servant should say in his heart, 'My master is delaying his
Noun: Nominative Singular Masculine
Mark 10:44 καὶ ὃς ἂν θέλῃ ἐν ὑμῖν εἶναι πρῶτος ἔσται πάντων δοῦλος·
Whoever of you wants to become first among you, shall be bond-servant of all.
Noun: Nominative Singular Masculine
Luke 7:2 ἑκατοντάρχου δέ τινος δοῦλος κακῶς ἔχων ἤμελλεν τελευτᾶν, ὃς ἦν
αὐτῷ ἔντιμος.
A certain centurion's bond-servant, who was dear to him, was sick and at the point
of death.
Noun: Nominative Singular Masculine
Luke 12:43 μακάριος ὁ δοῦλος ἐκεῖνος ὃν ἐλθὼν ὁ κύριος αὐτοῦ εὑρήσει
ποιοῦντα οὕτως.
Blessed is that bond-servant whom his master will find doing so when he comes.
Noun: Nominative Singular Masculine
Luke 12:45 ἐὰν δὲ εἴπῃ ὁ δοῦλος ἐκεῖνος ἐν τῇ καρδίᾳ αὐτοῦ· χρονίζει ὁ κύριός
μου ἔρχεσθαι, καὶ ἄρξηται τύπτειν τοὺς παῖδας καὶ τὰς παιδίσκας, ἐσθίειν τε καὶ
πίνειν καὶ μεθύσκεσθαι,
But if that bond-servant says in his heart, 'My master delays his coming,' and
begins to beat the men bond-servants and the maid-bond-servants , and to eat and
drink, and to be drunken,
Noun: Nominative Singular Masculine
Luke 12:47 ἐκεῖνος δὲ ὁ δοῦλος ὁ γνοὺς τὸ θέλημα τοῦ κυρίου αὐτοῦ καὶ μὴ
ἑτοιμάσας ἢ ποιήσας πρὸς τὸ θέλημα αὐτοῦ δαρήσεται πολλάς·
That bond-servant, who knew his master's will, and didn't prepare, nor do what he
wanted, will be beaten with many stripes,
Noun: Nominative Singular Masculine
Luke 14:21 καὶ παραγενόμενος ὁ δοῦλος ἀπήγγειλεν τῷ κυρίῳ αὐτοῦ ταῦτα. τότε
ὀργισθεὶς ὁ οἰκοδεσπότης εἶπεν τῷ δούλῳ αὐτοῦ· ἔξελθε ταχέως εἰς τὰς πλατείας
καὶ ῥύμας τῆς πόλεως καὶ τοὺς πτωχοὺς καὶ ἀναπείρους καὶ τυφλοὺς καὶ χωλοὺς
εἰσάγαγε ὧδε.
"That bond-servant came, and told his master these things. Then the master of the
house, being angry, said to his bond-servant, 'Go out quickly into the streets and
lanes of the city, and bring in the poor, maimed, blind, and lame.'
Noun: Nominative Singular Masculine
Luke 14:22 καὶ εἶπεν ὁ δοῦλος· κύριε, γέγονεν ὃ ἐπέταξας, καὶ ἔτι τόπος ἐστίν.
"The bond-servant said, master, it is done as you commanded, and there is still
Noun: Nominative Singular Masculine
John 8:34 ἀπεκρίθη αὐτοῖς ὁ Ἰησοῦς· ἀμὴν ἀμὴν λέγω ὑμῖν ὅτι πᾶς ὁ ποιῶν τὴν
ἁμαρτίαν δοῦλός ἐστιν τῆς ἁμαρτίας.
Yәshua answered them, "Most certainly I tell you, everyone who commits sin is
the bond-servant of sin.
Noun: Nominative Singular Masculine
John 8:35 ὁ δὲ δοῦλος οὐ μένει ἐν τῇ οἰκίᾳ εἰς τὸν αἰῶνα, ὁ υἱὸς μένει εἰς τὸν
A bond-servant doesn't live in the house forever. A son remains forever.
Noun: Nominative Singular Masculine
John 13:16 ἀμὴν ἀμὴν λέγω ὑμῖν, οὐκ ἔστιν δοῦλος μείζων τοῦ κυρίου αὐτοῦ
οὐδὲ ἀπόστολος μείζων τοῦ πέμψαντος αὐτόν.
Most certainly I tell you, a servant is not greater than his master, neither one who
is sent greater than he who sent him.
Noun: Nominative Singular Masculine
John 15:15 οὐκέτι λέγω ὑμᾶς δούλους, ὅτι ὁ δοῦλος οὐκ οἶδεν τί ποιεῖ αὐτοῦ ὁ
κύριος· ὑμᾶς δὲ εἴρηκα φίλους, ὅτι πάντα ἃ ἤκουσα παρὰ τοῦ πατρός μου
ἐγνώρισα ὑμῖν.
No longer do I call you servants, for the servant doesn't know what his master
does. But I have called you friends, for everything that I heard from my Father, I
have made known to you.
Noun: Nominative Singular Masculine
John 15:20 μνημονεύετε τοῦ λόγου οὗ ἐγὼ εἶπον ὑμῖν· οὐκ ἔστιν δοῦλος μείζων
τοῦ κυρίου αὐτοῦ. εἰ ἐμὲ ἐδίωξαν, καὶ ὑμᾶς διώξουσιν· εἰ τὸν λόγον μου
ἐτήρησαν καὶ τὸν ὑμέτερον τηρήσουσιν.
Remember the word that I said to you: 'A servant is not greater than his master.' If
they persecuted me, they will also persecute you. If they kept my word, they will
keep yours also.
Noun: Nominative Singular Masculine
Romans 1:1 Παῦλος δοῦλος Ἰησοῦ ⇔ Χριστοῦ, κλητὸς ἀπόστολος ἀφωρισμένος
εἰς εὐαγγέλιον θεοῦ,
Paul, a servant of Yәshua Mashiyach, called to be an talmidim , set apart for the
Good News of Ĕlôhîym,
Noun: Nominative Singular Masculine
1 Corinthians 7:21 δοῦλος ἐκλήθης, μή σοι μελέτω· ἀλλ' εἰ καὶ δύνασαι ἐλεύθερος
γενέσθαι μᾶλλον χρῆσαι.
Were you called being a bond-servant? Don't let that bother you, but if you get an
opportunity to become free, use it.
Noun: Nominative Singular Masculine
1 Corinthians 7:22 ὁ γὰρ ἐν κυρίῳ κληθεὶς δοῦλος ἀπελεύθερος κυρίου ἐστίν.
ὁμοίως ὁ ἐλεύθερος κληθεὶς δοῦλός ἐστιν Χριστοῦ.
For he who was called in the Master being a bond-servant is the Master's free man.
Likewise he who was called being free is Mashiyach's bond-servant.
Noun: Nominative Singular Masculine
1 Corinthians 7:22 ὁ γὰρ ἐν κυρίῳ κληθεὶς δοῦλος ἀπελεύθερος κυρίου ἐστίν.
ὁμοίως ὁ ἐλεύθερος κληθεὶς δοῦλός ἐστιν Χριστοῦ.
For he who was called in the Master being a bond-servant is the Master's free man.
Likewise he who was called being free is Mashiyach's bond-servant.
Noun: Nominative Singular Masculine
Galatians 1:10 ἄρτι γὰρ ἀνθρώπους πείθω ἢ τὸν θεόν; ἢ ζητῶ ἀνθρώποις
ἀρέσκειν; εἰ ἔτι ἀνθρώποις ἤρεσκον, Χριστοῦ δοῦλος οὐκ ἂν ἤμην.
For am I now seeking the favor of men, or of Ĕlôhîym? Or am I striving to please
men? For if I were still pleasing men, I wouldn't be a servant of Mashiyach.
Noun: Nominative Singular Masculine
Galatians 3:28 οὐκ ἔνι Ἰουδαῖος οὐδὲ Ἕλλην, οὐκ ἔνι δοῦλος οὐδὲ ἐλεύθερος, οὐκ
ἔνι ἄρσεν καὶ θῆλυ· πάντες γὰρ ὑμεῖς εἷς ἐστε ἐν Χριστῷ Ἰησοῦ.
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither
male nor female; for you are all one in Mashiyach Yәshua .
Noun: Nominative Singular Masculine
Galatians 4:7 ὥστε οὐκέτι εἶ δοῦλος ἀλλὰ υἱός· εἰ δὲ υἱός, καὶ κληρονόμος διὰ
So you are no longer a bond-servant, but a son; and if a son, then an heir of
Ĕlôhîym through Mashiyach.
Noun: Nominative Singular Masculine
Ephesians 6:8 εἰδότες ὅτι ἕκαστος ἐάν τι ποιήσῃ ἀγαθόν, τοῦτο κομίσεται παρὰ
κυρίου εἴτε δοῦλος εἴτε ἐλεύθερος.
knowing that whatever good thing each one does, he will receive the same again
from the Master, whether he is bound or free.
Noun: Nominative Singular Masculine
Colossians 3:11 ὅπου οὐκ ἔνι Ἕλλην καὶ Ἰουδαῖος, περιτομὴ καὶ ἀκροβυστία,
βάρβαρος, Σκύθης, δοῦλος, ἐλεύθερος, ἀλλὰ [τὰ] πάντα καὶ ἐν πᾶσιν Χριστός.
where there can't be Greek and Jew, circumcision and uncircumcision, barbarian,
Scythian, bond-servant,freeman; but Mashiyach is all, and in all.
Noun: Nominative Singular Masculine
Colossians 4:12 ἀσπάζεται ὑμᾶς Ἐπαφρᾶς ὁ ἐξ ὑμῶν δοῦλος Χριστοῦ Ἰησοῦ,
πάντοτε ἀγωνιζόμενος ὑπὲρ ὑμῶν ἐν ταῖς προσευχαῖς, ἵνα σταθῆτε τέλειοι καὶ
πεπληροφορημένοι ἐν παντὶ θελήματι τοῦ θεοῦ.
Epaphras, who is one of you, a servant of Mashiyach, salutes you, always striving
for you in his prayers, that you may stand perfect and complete in all the will of
Noun: Nominative Singular Masculine
Titus 1:1 Παῦλος δοῦλος θεοῦ, ἀπόστολος δὲ Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ κατὰ πίστιν
ἐκλεκτῶν θεοῦ καὶ ἐπίγνωσιν ἀληθείας τῆς κατ' εὐσέβειαν
Paul, a servant of Ĕlôhîym, and an talmidim of Yәshua Mashiyach, according to
the faith of Ĕlôhîym's chosen ones, and the knowledge of the truth which is
according to Ĕlôhîym,
Noun: Nominative Singular Masculine
James 1:1 Ἰάκωβος θεοῦ καὶ κυρίου Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ δοῦλος ταῖς δώδεκα φυλαῖς
ταῖς ἐν τῇ διασπορᾷ χαίρειν.
James, a servant of Ĕlôhîym and of the Master Yәshua Mashiyach, to the twelve
tribes which are in the Dispersion: Greetings.
Noun: Nominative Singular Masculine
2 Peter 1:1 Σίμων / Συμεὼν Πέτρος δοῦλος καὶ ἀπόστολος Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ τοῖς
ἰσότιμον ἡμῖν λαχοῦσιν πίστιν ἐν δικαιοσύνῃ τοῦ θεοῦ ἡμῶν καὶ σωτῆρος Ἰησοῦ
Simon Peter, a servant (bond-servant) and talmidim of Yәshua Mashiyach, to
those who have obtained a like precious faith with us in the Tzədaka~ of our
Ĕlôhîym and Savior, Yәshua Mashiyach:
Noun: Nominative Singular Masculine
Jude 1:1 Ἰούδας Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ δοῦλος ἀδελφὸς δὲ Ἰακώβου, τοῖς ἐν θεῷ πατρὶ
ἠγαπημένοις καὶ Ἰησοῦ Χριστῷ τετηρημένοις κλητοῖς·
Jude, a servant (bond-servant) of Yәshua Mashiyach, and brother of James, to
those who are called, sanctified by Ĕlôhîym the Father, and kept for Yәshua
Noun: Nominative Singular Masculine
Revelation 6:15 καὶ οἱ βασιλεῖς τῆς γῆς καὶ οἱ μεγιστᾶνες καὶ οἱ χιλίαρχοι καὶ οἱ
πλούσιοι καὶ οἱ ἰσχυροὶ καὶ πᾶς δοῦλος καὶ ἐλεύθερος ἔκρυψαν ἑαυτοὺς εἰς τὰ
σπήλαια καὶ εἰς τὰς πέτρας τῶν ὀρέων
The kings of the earth, the princes, the commanding officers, the rich, the strong,
and every slave (bond servant) and free person, hid themselves in the caves and in
the rocks of the mountains.
Noun: Nominative Singular Masculine

‫י‬-‫בד‬5 ‫ע‬: Avodai my servants (avadai)

‫מב‬:‫ כה‬,‫ ויקרא‬:‫עב<ד‬5 ‫מ <כר<ת‬2 ‫מ‬+ ‫רו‬2‫מכ‬5 +‫א י‬8‫ם ל‬+‫רי‬5 ‫צ‬2 ‫מ‬+ ‫ם &מ <אר<ץ‬5‫ת‬8‫י א‬+‫שר הוצ&את‬:
< ‫י ה&ם א‬-‫ד‬5‫ב‬:‫י ע‬+‫כ‬

For they are my servants (avadai)s, which I brought forth out of the land of
Egypt; they shall not be sold as slaves: Leviticus, 25:42

,‫ ויקרא‬:‫ה&יכ<ם‬8‫ל‬P‫ה א‬5‫ו‬8‫ה‬2‫י י‬+‫אנ‬: ‫ם‬+‫רי‬5 ‫צ‬2 ‫מ‬+ ‫ם &מ <אר<ץ‬5‫י אות‬+‫שר הוצ&את‬:
< ‫י ה&ם א‬-‫בד‬5 ‫ע‬: ‫ים‬+‫בד‬5 ‫ע‬: ‫רא&ל‬5 ‫ש‬+
2 ‫בנ&י י‬2 ‫י‬+‫י ל‬+‫כ‬
For to me the people of Yisra'el are servants; they are my servants (avadai)s,
whom I brought forth out of the land of Egypt; I am Yahûwâh your Ĕlôhîym:
Leviticus, 25:55

‫ה‬5‫את‬2‫שם ו‬5 ‫ים‬+‫צת‬2 ‫פ‬- +‫נ‬2‫י ו‬-‫ח &אל‬-‫של‬+

2 ‫שר ת‬:
< ‫קום א‬5‫המ‬- ‫ד‬-‫ם ע‬5‫בי‬- ‫רות‬2‫ב‬8‫שימ&ם ד‬:
+ ‫י א‬+‫אנ‬: -‫ה ו‬5‫מ‬5‫נון י‬5‫לב‬2 ‫ה‬- ‫ן‬+‫דו מ‬+‫ר‬8‫י י‬-‫ד‬5‫ב‬:‫ע‬
‫כג‬:‫ ה‬,‫ מלכים א‬:‫י‬+‫לת&ת <לח<ם ב&ית‬5 ‫י‬+‫פצ‬2 ‫שה א<ת <ח‬: < ‫תע‬- ‫ה‬5‫את‬2‫ש א ו‬+

my servants (avadai)s shall bring them down from Lebanon to the sea; and I
will convey them by sea in floats to the place that you shall tell me, and will
have them discharged there, and you shall receive them; and you shall meet
my wishes by providing food for my household: Kings 1, 5:23

+ ‫ך י‬5 ‫ד ע&ינ<י‬-‫חמ‬2 ‫מ‬- ‫ל‬5‫ה כ‬5‫הי‬5 2‫ך ו‬5 ‫בד<י‬5 ‫ע‬: ‫בת&י‬5 ‫א&ת‬2‫ך ו‬5 ‫ת‬2 ‫שו א<ת ב&י‬2‫חפ‬+ 2‫ך ו‬5 ‫י &אל<י‬-‫ד‬5‫ב‬:‫ח א<ת ע‬-‫<של‬
2 ‫ר א‬5‫מח‬5 ‫כע&ת‬5 ‫ם‬+‫י א‬+‫כ‬
‫ו‬:‫ כ‬,‫ מלכים א‬:‫חו‬5‫לק‬52‫ם ו‬5‫ד‬5‫בי‬2

Yet I will send my servants (avadai)s to you tomorrow about this time, and
they shall search your house, and the houses of your servants; and it shall be,
that they shall put in their hand on whatever pleases you and take it away:
Kings 1, 20:6

,‫ מלכים א‬:‫ט‬5‫הושפ‬2
5 ‫ה י‬5‫א אב‬8‫ל‬2‫יות ו‬+‫ב ×אנ‬5 ‫ך‬5 ‫בד<י‬5 ‫ע‬: ‫ם‬+‫י ע‬-‫בד‬5 ‫ע‬: ‫כו‬2‫ט י&ל‬5‫הושפ‬2
5 ‫אב א<ל י‬2‫הו ב<ן אח‬5‫י‬2‫חז‬- ‫א‬: ‫ר‬-‫אז אמ‬

Then said Ahaziah the son of Ahab to Jehoshaphat, Let my servants (avadai)s
go with your servants in the ships; But Jehoshaphat would not: Kings 1,

,‫ מלכים ב‬:‫ב<ל‬5‫יז‬+‫ד א‬-‫מי‬+ ‫ה‬5‫ו‬8‫ה‬2‫בד&י י‬2 ‫ע‬- ‫ל‬5‫דמ&י כ‬2 ‫ים ו‬+‫יא‬+‫ב‬2‫הנ‬- ‫י‬-‫בד‬5 ‫ע‬: ‫דמ&י‬2 ‫י‬+‫מת‬2 ‫ק‬- +‫נ‬2‫ך ו‬5 ‫נ<י‬8‫ד‬:‫אב א‬2‫ה א<ת ב&ית אח‬5‫ית‬+‫הכ‬+ 2‫ו‬
And you shall strike the house of Ahab your master, that I may avenge the
blood of my servants (avadai)s the prophets, and the blood of all the servants
of Yahûwâh, at the hand of Jezebel: Kings 2, 9:7

‫י‬-‫ות‬2‫מצ‬+ ‫רו‬2‫שמ‬2
+ ‫ים ו‬+‫רע‬5 ‫ה‬5 ‫רכ&יכ<ם‬2 ‫ד‬- ‫מ‬+ ‫ר ¦שבו‬8‫ז<ה ל&אמ‬8‫ל ח‬5‫יא&י כ‬+‫ב‬2‫ל נ‬5‫ד כ‬-‫בי‬2 ‫ה‬5‫יהוד‬+‫רא&ל וב‬5 ‫ש‬+
2 ‫בי‬2 ‫ה‬5‫ו‬8‫ה‬2‫ד י‬-‫ע‬5‫י‬-‫ו‬
‫יג‬:‫ יז‬,‫ מלכים ב‬:‫ים‬+‫יא‬+‫ב‬2‫הנ‬- ‫י‬-‫בד‬5 ‫ע‬: ‫ד‬-‫בי‬2 ‫אל&יכ<ם‬: ‫י‬+‫חת‬2 ‫ל‬- ‫ש‬5 ‫שר‬:
< ‫א‬-‫ת&יכ<ם ו‬8‫ב‬:‫י א<ת א‬+‫ית‬+‫צו‬+ ‫שר‬:< ‫ה א‬5‫תור‬-‫ל ה‬5‫ככ‬2 ‫י‬-‫ח¦קות‬

Then Yahûwâh warned Yisra'el, and Yәhudâh, by all the prophets, and by all
the seers, saying, Turn from your evil ways, and keep my commandments and
my statutes, according to all the Tőrâh which I commanded your fathers, and
which I sent to you by my servants (avadai)s the prophets: Kings 2, 17:13

‫י‬-‫בד‬5 ‫ע‬: ‫ן‬-‫מע‬- ‫ל‬2 ‫שה‬P

< ‫ה בו כ&ן <אע‬5‫רכ‬5 ‫ב‬2 ‫י‬+‫ית&הו כ‬+‫שח‬-
2 ‫ר אל ת‬-‫אמ‬2‫<שכול ו‬
2 ‫בא‬5 ‫ירוש‬+‫הת‬- ‫מצ&א‬5 +‫שר י‬:
< ‫כא‬- ‫ה‬5‫ו‬8‫ה‬2‫ר י‬-‫ה אמ‬8‫כ‬
‫ח‬:‫ סה‬,‫ ישעיה‬:‫ל‬8‫כ‬-‫ית ה‬+‫שח‬- 2 ‫י ה‬+‫לת‬2 ‫ב‬+ ‫ל‬2

Thus says Yahûwâh, As the new wine is found in the cluster, and one says,
Destroy it not; for a blessing is in it; so will I do for my servants (avadai)s'
sakes, that I may not destroy them all: Isaiah, 65:8

‫י‬-‫בד‬5 ‫ע‬: ‫הנ&ה‬+ ‫או‬5‫צמ‬2 ‫ת‬+ ‫את<ם‬2‫שתו ו‬+

2 ‫י י‬-‫ד‬5‫ב‬:‫הנ&ה ע‬+ ‫בו‬5‫רע‬2 ‫ת‬+ ‫את<ם‬2‫אכ&לו ו‬8‫י י‬-‫בד‬5 ‫ע‬: ‫הנ&ה‬+ ‫ה‬+‫ו‬8‫ה‬P‫י י‬5‫נ‬8‫ד‬:‫ר א‬-‫ה אמ‬8‫לכ&ן כ‬5
‫יג‬:‫ סה‬,‫ ישעיה‬:‫את<ם ת&בשו‬2‫חו ו‬5‫שמ‬+ 2‫י‬

Therefore thus says Yahûwâh Ĕlôhîym, Behold, my servants (avadai)s shall

eat, but you shall be hungry; behold, my servants (avadai)s shall drink, but
you shall be thirsty; behold, my servants (avadai)s shall rejoice, but you shall
be ashamed: Isaiah, 65:13

‫י‬-‫בד‬5 ‫ע‬: ‫הנ&ה‬+ ‫או‬5‫צמ‬2 ‫ת‬+ ‫את<ם‬2‫שתו ו‬+

2 ‫י י‬-‫ד‬5‫ב‬:‫הנ&ה ע‬+ ‫בו‬5‫רע‬2 ‫ת‬+ ‫את<ם‬2‫אכ&לו ו‬8‫י י‬-‫בד‬5 ‫ע‬: ‫הנ&ה‬+ ‫ה‬+‫ו‬8‫ה‬P‫י י‬5‫נ‬8‫ד‬:‫ר א‬-‫ה אמ‬8‫לכ&ן כ‬5
‫יג‬:‫ סה‬,‫ ישעיה‬:‫את<ם ת&בשו‬2‫חו ו‬5‫שמ‬+ 2‫י‬
Therefore thus says Yahûwâh Ĕlôhîym, Behold, my servants (avadai)s shall
eat, but you shall be hungry; behold, my servants (avadai)s shall drink, but
you shall be thirsty; behold, my servants (avadai)s shall rejoice, but you shall
be ashamed: Isaiah, 65:13

‫י‬-‫בד‬5 ‫ע‬: ‫הנ&ה‬+ ‫או‬5‫צמ‬2 ‫ת‬+ ‫את<ם‬2‫שתו ו‬+

2 ‫י י‬-‫ד‬5‫ב‬:‫הנ&ה ע‬+ ‫בו‬5‫רע‬2 ‫ת‬+ ‫את<ם‬2‫אכ&לו ו‬8‫י י‬-‫בד‬5 ‫ע‬: ‫הנ&ה‬+ ‫ה‬+‫ו‬8‫ה‬P‫י י‬5‫נ‬8‫ד‬:‫ר א‬-‫ה אמ‬8‫לכ&ן כ‬5
‫יג‬:‫ סה‬,‫ ישעיה‬:‫את<ם ת&בשו‬2‫חו ו‬5‫שמ‬+ 2‫י‬

Therefore thus says Yahûwâh Ĕlôhîym, Behold, my servants (avadai)s shall

eat, but you shall be hungry; behold, my servants (avadai)s shall drink, but
you shall be thirsty; behold, my servants (avadai)s shall rejoice, but you shall
be ashamed: Isaiah, 65:13

‫יד‬:‫ סה‬,‫ ישעיה‬:‫ילו‬+‫תי&ל‬2 ‫ח‬- ‫שב<ר רו‬+

& ‫כא&ב ל&ב ומ‬2 ‫מ‬+ ‫קו‬:‫צע‬2 ‫ת‬+ ‫את<ם‬2‫טוב ל&ב ו‬+‫נו מ‬8‫ר‬5‫י י‬-‫ד‬5‫ב‬:‫נ&ה ע‬+‫ה‬

Behold, my servants (avadai)s shall sing for joy of heart, but you shall cry for
sorrow of heart, and shall howl for trouble of spirit: Isaiah, 65:14

‫ים יום‬+‫יא‬+‫ב‬2‫הנ‬- ‫י‬-‫בד‬5 ‫ע‬: ‫ל‬5‫אל&יכ<ם א<ת כ‬: ‫ח‬-‫<של‬

2 ‫א‬5‫הז<ה ו‬- ‫יום‬-‫ד ה‬-‫ם ע‬+‫רי‬- ‫צ‬2 ‫מ‬+ ‫בות&יכ<ם &מ <אר<ץ‬:‫או א‬2‫צ‬5‫שר י‬:
< ‫יום א‬-‫ן ה‬+‫למ‬2
‫כה‬:‫ ז‬,‫ ירמיה‬:-‫ח‬8‫של‬2 5 ‫שכ&ם ו‬-

Since the day that your fathers came forth out of the land of Egypt until this
day I have sent to you all my servants (avadai)s the prophets, from early in
the morning: Jeremiah, 7:25

‫ה‬:‫ כו‬,‫ ירמיה‬:‫עת<ם‬2 ‫מ‬- ‫ש‬2 ‫א‬8‫ל‬2‫ח ו‬- 8‫של‬2

5 ‫שכ&ם ו‬-
2 ‫ה‬2‫אל&יכ<ם ו‬: ‫ח‬- ‫ &ל‬8‫י ש‬+‫כ‬8‫שר אנ‬:
< ‫ים א‬+‫בא‬+ 2‫הנ‬- ‫י‬-‫ד‬5‫ב‬:‫בר&י ע‬2 ‫ד‬+ ‫ל‬-‫ע ע‬- 8‫שמ‬+

To listen to the words of my servants (avadai)s the prophets, whom I sent to

you, sending them from early in the morning, but you have not listened:
Jeremiah, 26:5
‫א‬8‫ל‬2‫ח ו‬- 8‫של‬2
5 ‫שכ&ם ו‬-
2 ‫ים ה‬+‫בא‬+ 2‫הנ‬- ‫י‬-‫ד‬5‫ב‬:‫אל&יה<ם א<ת ע‬: ‫י‬+‫חת‬2 ‫ל‬- ‫ש‬5 ‫שר‬:
< ‫ה א‬5‫ו‬8‫ה‬2‫א¦ם י‬2‫י נ‬-‫בר‬5 ‫ד‬2 ‫עו א<ל‬2‫שמ‬5 ‫א‬8‫שר ל‬:
< ‫ת א‬-‫תח‬-
‫יט‬:‫ כט‬,‫ ירמיה‬:‫ה‬5‫ו‬8‫ה‬2‫א¦ם י‬2‫עת<ם נ‬2 ‫מ‬- ‫ש‬2

Because they have not listened to my words, says Yahûwâh, which I sent to
them by my servants (avadai)s the prophets, sending them from early in the
morning; but you would not hear, says Yahûwâh: Jeremiah, 29:19

‫יבו‬+‫ה&יט‬2‫ה ו‬5‫רע‬5 ‫ה‬5 ‫כו‬2‫דר‬- ‫מ‬+ ‫יש‬+‫א א‬5‫ר ¦שבו נ‬8‫ח ל&אמ‬- 8‫של‬2 5 ‫שכ&ם ו‬-
2 ‫ים ה‬+‫בא‬+ 2‫הנ‬- ‫י‬-‫בד‬5 ‫ע‬: ‫ל‬5‫אל&יכ<ם א<ת כ‬: ‫ח‬-‫<של‬
2 ‫א‬5‫ו‬
‫א‬8‫ל‬2‫ת&יכ<ם ו‬8‫ב‬:‫לא‬-2‫לכ<ם ו‬5 ‫י‬+‫תת‬- 5‫שר נ‬:< ‫ה א‬5‫דמ‬5 ‫א‬: ‫ה‬5 ‫ושבו א<ל‬
2 ‫ם‬5‫בד‬2 ‫ע‬5 ‫ל‬2 ‫ים‬+‫א &חר‬: ‫ים‬+‫ה‬8‫ל‬P‫חר&י א‬: ‫כו א‬2‫אל &תל‬2‫לל&יכ<ם ו‬2 ‫ע‬- ‫מ‬-
‫טו‬:‫ לה‬,‫ ירמיה‬:‫י‬5‫עת<ם &אל‬2 ‫מ‬- ‫ש‬2 ‫א‬8‫ל‬2‫כ<ם ו‬2‫נ‬2‫ית<ם א<ת אז‬+‫הט‬+

I have sent also to you all my servants (avadai)s the prophets, sending them
from early in the morning, saying, Return now every man from his evil way,
and amend your doings, and go not after other Ĕlôhîyms to serve them, and
you shall dwell in the land which I have given to you and to your fathers; but
you have not inclined your ear, nor listened to me: Jeremiah, 35:15

‫את‬8‫ז‬-‫ה ה‬5‫ &עב‬8‫ת‬-‫ר ה‬-‫דב‬2 ‫ו א&ת‬8‫ש‬:‫תע‬- ‫א‬5‫ר אל נ‬8‫ח ל&אמ‬- 8‫של‬2

5 ‫שכ&ים ו‬-
2 ‫ים ה‬+‫יא‬+‫ב‬2‫הנ‬- ‫י‬-‫בד‬5 ‫ע‬: ‫ל‬5‫אל&יכ<ם א<ת כ‬: ‫ח‬-‫<של‬
2 ‫א‬5‫ו‬
‫ד‬:‫ מד‬,‫ ירמיה‬:‫י‬+‫שנ&את‬5 ‫שר‬: <‫א‬

But I sent to you all my servants (avadai)s the prophets, sending them from
early in the morning, saying, Oh, do not do this abominable thing that I hate:
Jeremiah, 44:4

‫ים‬+‫מ‬5‫בי‬- ‫ים‬+‫בא‬2 +‫הנ‬- ‫רא&ל‬5 ‫ש‬+

2 ‫יא&י י‬+‫ב‬2‫י נ‬-‫ד‬5‫ב‬:‫ד ע‬-‫בי‬2 ‫ים‬+‫מונ‬2‫קד‬- ‫ים‬+‫מ‬5‫בי‬2 ‫י‬+‫רת‬2 ‫ב‬- ‫ד‬+ ‫שר‬:
< ‫ה הוא א‬5‫את‬-‫ה ה‬+‫ו‬8‫ה‬P‫י י‬5‫נ‬8‫ד‬:‫ר א‬-‫ה אמ‬8‫כ‬
‫יז‬:‫ לח‬,‫ יחזקאל‬:‫על&יה<ם‬: ‫ך‬5 ‫ת‬2 8‫יא א‬+‫הב‬5 ‫ל‬2 ‫ים‬+‫שנ‬5 ‫הה&ם‬5

Thus says Yahûwâh Ĕlôhîym; Are you he of whom I have spoken in old times
by my servants (avadai)s the prophets of Yisra'el, who prophesied in those
days for many years that I would bring you against them: Ezekiel, 38:17
‫ה‬5‫ו‬8‫ה‬2‫ם י‬-‫מ‬5‫שר ז‬:
< ‫כא‬- ‫רו‬2‫אמ‬8‫י‬-‫שובו ו‬5‫י‬-‫ת&יכ<ם ו‬8‫ב‬:‫שיגו א‬+ + ‫לוא ה‬:‫ים ה‬+‫יא‬+‫ב‬2‫הנ‬- ‫י‬-‫בד‬5 ‫ע‬: ‫י א<ת‬+‫ית‬+‫צו‬+ ‫שר‬:
< ‫י א‬-‫ ¦חק‬2‫י ו‬-‫בר‬5 ‫ד‬2 ‫ך‬2 ‫א‬
‫ו‬:‫ א‬,‫ זכריה‬:‫נו‬5‫את‬+ ‫שה‬5 5 ‫לל&ינו כ&ן ע‬5 ‫ע‬: ‫מ‬- ‫כ‬2 ‫רכ&ינו ו‬5 ‫ד‬2 ‫כ‬+ ‫נו‬5‫שות ל‬:‫לע‬- ‫אות‬5‫צב‬2

But my words and my statutes, which I commanded my servants (avadai)s

the prophets, did they not take hold of your fathers? So that they repented
and said; As Yahûwâh of hosts intended to do to us, according to our ways,
and according to our doings, so has he dealt with us: Zechariah, 1:6

‫נון‬5‫לב‬2 ‫עצ&י‬: ‫רות‬2‫לכ‬+ ‫ים‬+‫דע‬2 ‫ך יו‬5 ‫בד<י‬5 ‫ע‬: ‫שר‬:

< ‫י א‬+‫עת‬2 ‫ד‬-5‫י י‬+‫אנ‬: ‫י‬+‫נון כ‬5‫לב‬2 ‫ה‬- ‫ים &מ‬+‫גומ‬2‫אל‬2‫רושים ו‬2
+ ‫ים ב‬+‫רז‬5 ‫א‬: ‫עצ&י‬: ‫י‬+‫ח ל‬-‫ושל‬
‫ז‬:‫ ב‬,‫ דברי הימים ב‬:5‫בד<יך‬5 ‫ע‬: ‫ם‬+‫י ע‬-‫בד‬5 ‫ע‬: ‫הנ&ה‬+ 2‫ו‬

Send me also cedar trees, cypress trees, and algum trees, from Lebanon; for I
know that your servants know how to cut timber in Lebanon; and, behold,
my servants (avadai)s shall be with your servants: Chronicles 2, 2:7

‫י‬+‫בד‬2 ‫ע‬- Avədiy my servants (avadai)

Search for '‫י‬+‫בד‬2 ‫ע‬- '

‫ך‬5 ‫י‬+‫כת‬2 ‫ר‬- ‫י ו &ב‬+‫כ‬8‫ך אנ‬5 ‫ת‬2 ‫א‬+ ‫י‬+‫א כ‬5‫יר‬+‫ך אל ת‬5 ‫י‬+‫ם אב‬5‫רה‬5 ‫ב‬2 ‫ה&י א‬8‫ל‬P‫י א‬+‫כ‬8‫אמ<ר אנ‬8‫י‬-‫הוא ו‬-‫ה ה‬5‫ל‬2‫לי‬- ‫ב‬- ‫ה‬5‫ו‬8‫ה‬2‫יו י‬5‫א &אל‬5‫י&ר‬-‫ו‬
‫כד‬:‫ כו‬,‫ בראשית‬:‫י‬+‫ד‬2‫ב‬-‫ם ע‬5‫רה‬5 ‫ב‬2 ‫בור א‬:‫בע‬- ‫ך‬5 ‫ע‬: ‫ר‬2 -‫י א<ת ז‬+‫רב&ית‬2 ‫ה‬+ 2‫ו‬

And Yahûwâh appeared to him the same night, and said, I am the Ĕlôhîym of
Abraham your father; fear not, for I am with you, and will bless you, and
multiply your seed for my servants (avadai) Abraham's sake: Genesis, 26:24

‫ז‬:‫ יב‬,‫ במדבר‬:‫ן הוא‬5‫אמ‬P <‫י נ‬+‫ל ב&ית‬5‫בכ‬2 ‫משה‬

< ‫י‬+‫ד‬2‫ב‬-‫א כ&ן ע‬8‫ל‬

Not so with my servants (avadai) Moshes, for he is the trusted one in all my
house: Numbers, 12:7
‫לה<ם‬5 ‫ת&ן‬8‫י נ‬+‫כ‬8‫שר אנ‬:
< ‫אר<ץ א‬5‫הז<ה א<ל ה‬- ‫ם‬5‫הע‬5 ‫ל‬5‫כ‬2‫ה ו‬5‫הז<ה את‬- ‫רד&ן‬2-‫הי‬- ‫ר א<ת‬8‫ב‬:‫ה קום ע‬5‫עת‬- 2‫י מ&ת ו‬+‫ד‬2‫ב‬-‫מש<ה ע‬
‫ב‬:‫ א‬,‫ יהושע‬:‫רא&ל‬5 ‫ש‬+2 ‫בנ&י י‬2 ‫ל‬+

Moshes my servants (avadai) is dead; now therefore arise, cross over the
Jordan, you, and all this people, to the land which I give to them, to the
people of Yisra'el: Joshua, 1:2

2 ‫ין‬+‫מ‬5‫ממ<נו י‬+ ‫סור‬5‫י אל ת‬+‫ד‬2‫ב‬-‫משה ע‬
< ‫ך‬5 2‫צו‬+ ‫שר‬:
< ‫ה א‬5‫תור‬-‫ל ה‬5‫ככ‬2 ‫שות‬:‫לע‬- ‫ר‬8‫שמ‬+
2 ‫ד ל‬8‫א‬2‫ץ מ‬-‫אמ‬P <‫ק ו‬-‫חז‬: ‫ק‬-‫ר‬
‫ז‬:‫ א‬,‫ יהושע‬:2‫שר &ת &לך‬:
< ‫ל א‬8‫כ‬2‫יל ב‬+‫שכ‬-
2 ‫ן ת‬-‫מע‬- ‫ל‬2

Only be strong and very courageous, that you may observe to do according to
all the Tőrâh, which Moshes my servants (avadai) commanded you; turn not
from it to the right hand or to the left, that you may prosper wherever you
go: Joshua, 1:7

‫י‬+‫י כ‬+‫נ‬2‫ל<ה א<ת אז‬8‫ג‬2‫י ו‬-‫על‬5 ‫מכ<ם‬+ ‫ל<ה‬8‫א&ין ח‬2‫שי ו‬+

- ‫ם ב<ן י‬+‫י ע‬+‫בנ‬2 ‫ת‬5‫כר‬2 ‫ב‬+ ‫י‬+‫נ‬2‫ל<ה א<ת אז‬8‫א&ין ג‬2‫י ו‬-‫על‬5 ‫לכ<ם‬2 ‫רת<ם ¦כ‬2 ‫ש‬2
- ‫י ק‬+‫כ‬
‫ח‬:‫ כב‬,‫ שמואל א‬:‫הז<ה‬- ‫יום‬-‫ר&ב כ‬8‫א‬2‫י ל‬-‫על‬5 ‫י‬+‫בד‬2 ‫ע‬- ‫י א<ת‬+‫בנ‬2 ‫ים‬+‫&הק‬

That all of you have conspired against me, and there is none who tells me that
my son has made a covenant with the son of Jesse, and there is none of you
who is sorry for me, or tells me that my son has stirred up my servants
(avadai) against me, to lie in wait, as at this day: Samuel 1, 22:8

‫ל‬5‫ד כ‬-‫מי‬+ ‫ים ו‬+‫שת‬+

2 ‫פל‬2 ‫ד‬-‫מי‬+ ‫רא&ל‬5 ‫ש‬+
2 ‫י י‬+‫עמ‬- ‫ע א<ת‬- ‫הושי‬
+ ‫י‬+‫ד‬2‫ב‬-‫ד ע‬+‫דו‬5 ‫ד‬-‫בי‬2 ‫ר‬8‫ד ל&אמ‬+‫דו‬5 ‫ר א<ל‬-‫ה אמ‬5‫ו‬8‫ה‬2‫י י‬+‫ו כ‬8‫ש‬:‫ה ע‬5‫עת‬- 2‫ו‬
‫יח‬:‫ ג‬,‫ שמואל ב‬:‫ב&יה<ם‬2‫י‬8‫א‬

And then do it; for Yahûwâh has spoken of David, saying, By the hand of my
servants (avadai) David I will save my people Yisra'el from the hand of the
Philistines, and from the hand of all their enemies: Samuel 2, 3:18
‫ה‬:‫ ז‬,‫ שמואל ב‬:‫י‬+‫בת‬2 ‫ש‬2
+ ‫ת ל‬+‫בי‬- ‫י‬+‫בנ<ה ל‬2 ‫ת‬+ ‫ה‬5‫את‬-‫ה ה‬5‫ו‬8‫ה‬2‫ר י‬-‫ה אמ‬8‫ד כ‬+‫דו‬5 ‫י א<ל‬+‫בד‬2 ‫ע‬- ‫ת א<ל‬5 ‫ר‬2 ‫מ‬- ‫א‬2‫ך ו‬2 ‫&ל‬

Go and tell my servants (avadai) David, Thus said Yahûwâh, Shall you build
me a house for me to dwell in: Samuel 2, 7:5

‫ח‬- ‫פ &ס‬+ ‫י‬+‫ך כ‬2 ‫ה <מ <ל‬- ‫ך א<ת‬2 ‫ &א &ל‬2‫ה ו‬5 ‫על<י‬5 ‫ב‬-‫רכ‬2 ‫ <א‬2‫מור ו‬:‫הח‬- ‫י‬+‫שה ל‬2
5 ‫חב‬2 ‫ך <א‬5 ‫ד‬2 ‫ב‬2 ‫ע‬- ‫ר‬-‫י אמ‬+‫י כ‬+‫מנ‬5 ‫ר‬+ ‫י‬+‫ד‬2‫ב‬-‫ך ע‬2 ‫ה <מ <ל‬- ‫י‬+‫נ‬8‫ד‬:‫ר א‬-‫אמ‬8‫י‬-‫ו‬
‫כז‬:‫ יט‬,‫ שמואל ב‬:5‫ב <דך‬2 ‫ע‬-

And he answered, My master, O king, my servants (avadai) deceived me; for

your servant said, I will saddle me an ass, that I may ride on, and go to the
king; because your servant is lame: Samuel 2, 19:27

:‫י‬+‫רת‬2 ‫ח‬5 ‫ב‬5 ‫שר‬:

< ‫ם א‬-‫רושל‬2
5 ‫ן י‬-‫מע‬- ‫ל‬2 ‫י ו‬+‫ד‬2‫ב‬-‫ד ע‬+‫דו‬5 ‫ן‬-‫מע‬- ‫ל‬2 ‫ך‬5 <‫בנ‬2 ‫ל‬+ ‫ד <את&ן‬5‫ע &שב<ט <אח‬5‫קר‬2 ‫א <א‬8‫ה ל‬5‫לכ‬5 ‫מ‬2 ‫מ‬- ‫ה‬- ‫ל‬5‫ק א<ת כ‬-‫ר‬
‫יג‬:‫ יא‬,‫מלכים א‬

But I will not tear away all the kingdom; but will give one tribe to your son
for David my servants (avadai)'s sake, and for Yərushalam's sake which I
have chosen: Kings 1, 11:13

:‫רא&ל‬5 ‫ש‬+
2 ‫בט&י י‬2 ‫ש‬+ ‫ל‬8‫כ‬+‫ה מ‬5‫י ב‬+‫רת‬2 ‫ח‬- ‫ב‬5 ‫שר‬:
< ‫יר א‬+‫הע‬5 ‫ם‬-‫רושל‬2
5 ‫ן י‬-‫מע‬- ‫ל‬2 ‫ד ו‬+‫דו‬5 ‫י‬+‫בד‬2 ‫ע‬- ‫ן‬-‫מע‬- ‫ל‬2 ‫הי<ה לו‬2 +‫ד י‬5‫ה <אח‬5 ‫שב<ט‬-
& ‫ה‬2‫ו‬
‫לב‬:‫ יא‬,‫מלכים א‬

But he shall have one tribe for my servants (avadai) David's sake, and for
Yərushalam's sake, the city which I have chosen from all the tribes of
Yisra'el: Kings 1, 11:32

< ‫תו א‬8‫י א‬+‫רת‬2 ‫ח‬- ‫ב‬5 ‫שר‬:
< ‫י א‬+‫בד‬2 ‫ע‬- ‫ד‬+‫דו‬5 ‫ן‬-‫מע‬- ‫ל‬2 ‫יו‬5‫חי‬- ‫מ&י‬2‫ל י‬8‫שת<נו כ‬:
+ ‫שיא א‬5
+ ‫י נ‬+‫דו כ‬5‫מי‬+ ‫ה‬5‫לכ‬5 ‫מ‬2 ‫מ‬- ‫ה‬- ‫ל‬5‫ח א<ת כ‬-‫א <אק‬8‫ל‬2‫ו‬
‫לד‬:‫ יא‬,‫ מלכים א‬:‫י‬5‫ת‬8‫ח¦ק‬2‫י ו‬-‫ות‬2‫מצ‬+ ‫ר‬-‫שמ‬5
But I will not take the whole kingdom from his hand; but I will make him
prince all the days of his life for David my servants (avadai)'s sake, whom I
chose, because he kept my commandments and my statutes: Kings 1, 11:34

‫י‬+‫י ל‬+‫רת‬2 ‫ח‬- ‫ב‬5 ‫שר‬:

< ‫יר א‬+‫הע‬5 ‫ם‬-‫ירושל‬+
5 ‫י ב‬-‫פנ‬5 ‫ל‬2 ‫ים‬+‫מ‬5‫הי‬- ‫ל‬5‫י כ‬+‫ד‬2‫ב‬-‫יד ע‬+‫דו‬5 ‫ל‬2 ‫יר‬+‫יות נ‬P‫ן ה‬-‫מע‬- ‫ל‬2 ‫ד‬5‫נו <את&ן &שב<ט <אח‬2‫לב‬+2‫ו‬
‫לו‬:‫ יא‬,‫ מלכים א‬:‫שם‬5 ‫י‬+‫שמ‬2 ‫ום‬8‫ש‬5‫ל‬

And to his son will I give one tribe, that David my servants (avadai) may have
a lamp always before me in Yərushalam, the city which I have chosen to put
my name there: Kings 1, 11:36

< ‫כא‬- ‫י‬-‫ות‬2‫מצ‬+ ‫י ו‬-‫שמור ח¦קות‬+ 2 ‫י ל‬-‫בע&ינ‬2 ‫שר‬5 5 ‫הי‬- ‫ת‬5 ‫שי‬5
+ ‫ע‬2‫י ו‬-‫רכ‬5 ‫ד‬2 ‫ב‬+ ‫ת‬5 ‫כ‬2 ‫ל‬- ‫ה‬5 2‫ך ו‬5 <‫צו‬- ‫א‬: ‫שר‬:
< ‫ל א‬5‫ע א<ת כ‬-‫שמ‬+2 ‫ם ת‬+‫ה א‬5‫הי‬5 2‫ו‬
,‫ מלכים א‬:‫רא&ל‬5 ‫ש‬+ 2 ‫ך א<ת י‬5 ‫ל‬2 ‫י‬+‫תת‬- 5‫נ‬2‫ד ו‬+‫דו‬5 ‫ל‬2 ‫י‬+‫ית‬+‫בנ‬5 ‫שר‬:
< ‫כא‬- ‫ן‬5‫אמ‬P <‫ת נ‬+‫בי‬- ‫ך‬5 ‫ל‬2 ‫י‬+‫ית‬+‫בנ‬5 ‫ך ו‬2 ‫מ‬5 ‫ע‬+ ‫י‬+‫ית‬+‫הי‬5 2‫י ו‬+‫בד‬2 ‫ע‬- ‫ד‬+‫דו‬5 ‫שה‬5

And it shall be, if you will listen to all that I command you, and will walk in
my ways, and do what is right in my sight, to keep my statutes and my
commandments, as David my servants (avadai) did; that I will be with you,
and build you a sure house, as I built for David, and will give Yisra'el to you:
Kings 1, 11:38

‫י‬+‫בד‬2 ‫ע‬- ‫ן‬5‫עמ‬: -‫ך א<ת נ‬5 ‫י &אל<י‬+‫חת‬2 ‫ל‬- ‫ש‬5 ‫הנ&ה‬+ ‫ך‬5 ‫הז<ה &אל<י‬- ‫ה &ספ<ר‬- ‫בוא‬2‫ה כ‬5‫עת‬- 2‫ר ו‬8‫רא&ל ל&אמ‬5 ‫ש‬+
2 ‫ך י‬2 ‫ה &ספ<ר א<ל <מ <ל‬- ‫ב&א‬5‫י‬-‫ו‬
‫ו‬:‫ ה‬,‫ מלכים ב‬:‫תו‬2‫רע‬- ‫צ‬5 ‫מ‬+ ‫תו‬2‫ספ‬- ‫א‬: -‫ו‬

And he brought the letter to the king of Yisra'el, saying, And when this letter
reaches you, know that I have sent Naaman my servants (avadai) to you, that
you may cure him of his leprosy: Kings 2, 5:6

‫לד‬:‫ יט‬,‫ מלכים ב‬:‫י‬+‫ד‬2‫ב‬-‫ד ע‬+‫דו‬5 ‫ן‬-‫מע‬- ‫ל‬2 ‫י ו‬+‫ענ‬: ‫מ‬- ‫ל‬2 ‫ה‬5‫הושיע‬2
+ ‫את ל‬8‫ז‬-‫יר ה‬+‫הע‬5 ‫י א<ל‬+‫נות‬-‫ג‬2‫ו‬
For I will defend this city, to save it, for my own sake, and for my servants
(avadai) David's sake: Kings 2, 19:34

‫את‬8‫ז‬-‫יר ה‬+‫הע‬5 ‫ל‬-‫י ע‬+‫נות‬-‫ג‬2‫את ו‬8‫ז‬-‫יר ה‬+‫הע‬5 ‫א&ת‬2‫ך ו‬5 ‫ל‬2 ‫י‬+‫ך אשור אצ‬2 ‫ף <מ <ל‬-‫מכ‬+ ‫ה ו‬5‫שנ‬5 ‫<שר&ה‬
2 ‫חמ&ש ע‬: ‫ך‬5 ‫מ<י‬5‫ל י‬-‫י ע‬+‫פת‬2 ‫ס‬- 8‫ה‬2‫ו‬
‫ו‬:‫ כ‬,‫ מלכים ב‬:‫י‬+‫בד‬2 ‫ע‬- ‫ד‬+‫דו‬5 ‫ן‬-‫מע‬- ‫ל‬2 ‫י ו‬+‫ענ‬: ‫מ‬- ‫ל‬2

And I will add to your days fifteen years; and I will save you and this city
from the hand of the king of Assyria; and I will defend this city for my own
sake, and for my servants (avadai) David's sake: Kings 2, 20:6

< ‫ל א‬8‫כ‬2‫ות כ‬8‫ש‬:‫לע‬- ‫רו‬2‫שמ‬+
2 ‫ם י‬+‫ק א‬-‫ם ר‬5‫בות‬:‫לא‬- ‫י‬+‫תת‬- 5‫שר נ‬:
< ‫ה א‬5‫דמ‬5 ‫א‬: ‫ה‬5 ‫ן‬+‫רא&ל מ‬5 ‫ש‬+
2 ‫יד <רג<ל י‬+‫הנ‬5 ‫ל‬2 ‫יף‬+‫ס‬8‫א א‬8‫ל‬2‫ו‬
‫ח‬:‫ כא‬,‫ מלכים ב‬:‫שה‬8‫מ‬ < ‫י‬+‫ד‬2‫ב‬-‫ם ע‬5‫ת‬8‫ה א‬5‫צו‬+ ‫שר‬: < ‫ה א‬5‫תור‬-‫ל ה‬5‫לכ‬2 ‫ים ו‬+‫ית‬+‫צו‬+

Neither will I make the feet of Yisra'el move any more from the land which I
gave to their fathers; only if they will observe to do according to all that I
have commanded them, and according to all the Tőrâh that my servants
(avadai) Moshes commanded them: Kings 2, 21:8

:‫ל כוש‬-‫ע‬2‫ם ו‬+‫רי‬- ‫צ‬2 ‫מ‬+ ‫ל‬-‫ים אות ומופ&ת ע‬+‫שנ‬5 ‫שלש‬5 ‫ח&ף‬5‫י‬2‫רום ו‬5‫הו ע‬5‫עי‬2 ‫ש‬2
- ‫י י‬+‫בד‬2 ‫ע‬- ‫ך‬2 ‫ל‬- ‫ה‬5 ‫שר‬:
< ‫כא‬- ‫ה‬5‫ו‬8‫ה‬2‫אמ<ר י‬8‫י‬-‫ו‬
‫ג‬:‫ כ‬,‫ישעיה‬

And Yahûwâh said, Like my servants (avadai) Isaiah has walked naked and
barefoot three years for a sign and wonder upon Egypt and upon Kush:
Isaiah, 20:3
The Book of Esther, which dates from the second century B.C.E., cites
decrees enacted by Ahasuerus relating to the Yahudi dispersed throughout
the provinces of his empire from Hodu to Kush. Hodu is Hebrew for India;
Kush is Ethiopia. Talmudic and midrashic literature also mention spices,
perfumes, plants, animals, textiles, gems and crockery which either bear
names of Indian origin or are indigenous to the country
‫לה‬:‫ לז‬,‫ ישעיה‬:‫י‬+‫בד‬2 ‫ע‬- ‫ד‬+‫דו‬5 ‫ן‬-‫מע‬- ‫ל‬2 ‫י ו‬+‫ענ‬: ‫מ‬- ‫ל‬2 ‫ה‬5‫הושיע‬2
+ ‫את ל‬8‫ז‬-‫יר ה‬+‫הע‬5 ‫ל‬-‫י ע‬+‫נות‬-‫ג‬2‫ו‬

For I will defend this city to save it for my own sake, and for my servants
(avadai) David's sake: Isaiah, 37:35

‫ח‬:‫ מא‬,‫ ישעיה‬:‫י‬+‫הב‬: 8‫ם א‬5‫רה‬5 ‫ב‬2 ‫ע א‬-‫ך ז<ר‬5 ‫י‬+‫רת‬2 ‫ח‬- ‫ב‬2 ‫שר‬:
< ‫ב א‬8‫ק‬:‫ע‬-‫י י‬+‫בד‬2 ‫ע‬- ‫רא&ל‬5 ‫ש‬+
2 ‫ה י‬5‫את‬2‫ו‬

But you, Yisra'el, are my servants (avadai), Jacob whom I have chosen, the
seed of Abraham my friend: Isaiah, 41:8

:5‫יך‬+‫סת‬2 ‫א‬2‫א מ‬8‫ל‬2‫ך ו‬5 ‫י‬+‫רת‬2 ‫ח‬- ‫ב‬2 ‫ה‬5‫י את‬+‫בד‬2 ‫ע‬- ‫ך‬5 ‫ל‬2 ‫ר‬-‫מ‬8‫א‬5‫ך ו‬5 ‫י‬+‫את‬5‫קר‬2 ‫ה‬5 ‫יל<י‬+‫אצ‬: ‫אר<ץ ו &מ‬5‫צות ה‬2‫מק‬+ ‫ך‬5 ‫י‬+‫קת‬2 -‫חז‬P ‫שר <ה‬:
‫ט‬:‫ מא‬,‫ישעיה‬

You whom I have taken from the ends of the earth, and called you from its
farthest corners, and said to you, You are my servants (avadai); I have chosen
you, and not cast you away: Isaiah, 41:9

‫א‬:‫ מב‬,‫ ישעיה‬:‫יא‬+‫ם יוצ‬+‫גוי‬-‫ט ל‬5‫שפ‬+

2 ‫יו מ‬5‫על‬5 ‫י‬+‫י רוח‬+‫תת‬- 5‫שי נ‬2
+ ‫פ‬-‫ה נ‬5‫צת‬2 ‫ר‬5 ‫י‬+‫יר‬+‫בח‬2 ‫ך בו‬2 ‫מ‬5 ‫ת‬2 ‫י <א‬+‫בד‬2 ‫ע‬- ‫ה&ן‬

Behold my servants (avadai), whom I uphold; my elect, in whom my soul

delights; I have put my spirit upon him; he shall bring forth judgment to the
nations: Isaiah, 42:1

‫יט‬:‫ מב‬,‫ ישעיה‬:‫ה‬5‫ו‬8‫ה‬2‫כע<ב<ד י‬2 ‫עו&ר‬+ 2‫ם ו‬5‫של‬2

¦ ‫כמ‬+ ‫עו&ר‬+ ‫י‬+‫ח מ‬5‫<של‬
2 ‫י א‬+‫אכ‬2‫מל‬- ‫כ‬2 ‫ &חר&ש‬2‫י ו‬+‫ד‬2‫ב‬-‫ם ע‬+‫י א‬+‫עו&ר כ‬+ ‫י‬+‫מ‬

Who is blind, but my servants (avadai)? or deaf, as my messenger whom I

sent? Who is blind as he who is perfect, and blind as Yahûwâh's servant:
Isaiah, 42:19
‫א‬:‫ מד‬,‫ ישעיה‬:‫י בו‬+‫רת‬2 ‫ח‬- ‫ב‬5 ‫רא&ל‬5 ‫ש‬+
2 ‫י‬2‫י ו‬+‫בד‬2 ‫ע‬- ‫ב‬8‫ק‬:‫ע‬-‫ע י‬-‫שמ‬2 ‫ה‬5‫עת‬- 2‫ו‬

Yet now hear, O Jacob my servants (avadai); and Yisra'el, whom I have
chosen: Isaiah, 44:1

‫ב‬:‫ מד‬,‫ ישעיה‬:‫י בו‬+‫רת‬2 ‫ח‬- ‫ב‬5 ‫ישרון‬+

¦ ‫ב ו‬8‫ק‬:‫ע‬-‫י י‬+‫בד‬2 ‫ע‬- ‫א‬5‫יר‬+‫ך אל ת‬5 ‫ <ר‬2‫עז‬2-‫מ <בט<ן י‬+ ‫ך‬5 ‫ר‬2 ‫ <צ‬8‫י‬2‫ך ו‬5 ‫ש‬8‫ע‬
< ‫ה‬5‫ו‬8‫ה‬2‫ר י‬-‫ה אמ‬8‫כ‬

Thus says Yahûwâh who made you, and formed you from the womb, who will
help you; Fear not, O Jacob, my servants (avadai); and you, Jeshurun, whom
I have chosen: Isaiah, 44:2

‫כא‬:‫ מד‬,‫ ישעיה‬:‫י‬+‫שנ‬5

& ‫תנ‬+ ‫א‬8‫רא&ל ל‬5 ‫ש‬+
2 ‫ה י‬5‫י את‬+‫ך <עב<ד ל‬5 ‫י‬+‫רת‬2 ‫צ‬- 2‫ה י‬5‫י את‬+‫ד‬2‫ב‬-‫י ע‬+‫רא&ל כ‬5 ‫ש‬+
2 ‫י‬2‫ב ו‬8‫ק‬:‫ע‬-‫ר &אל<ה י‬5‫כ‬2‫ז‬

Remember these, O Jacob and Yisra'el; for you are my servants (avadai); I
have formed you; you are my servants (avadai); O Yisra'el, you shall not be
forgotten by me: Isaiah, 44:21

‫ד‬:‫ מה‬,‫ ישעיה‬:‫י‬+‫תנ‬5 ‫ע‬2 ‫ד‬-2‫א י‬8‫ל‬2‫ך ו‬5 2‫כנ‬- ‫א‬: ‫ך‬5 ‫ש <מ‬+
2 ‫ך ב‬5 ‫ל‬2 ‫א‬5‫קר‬2 ‫ <א‬5‫י ו‬+‫יר‬+‫בח‬2 ‫רא&ל‬5 ‫ש‬+
2 ‫י‬2‫ב ו‬8‫ק‬:‫ע‬-‫י י‬+‫ד‬2‫ב‬-‫ן ע‬-‫ע‬-‫מ‬2‫ל‬

For Jacob my servants (avadai)'s sake, and Yisra'el my elect, I have called
you by your name; I have surnamed you, though you have not known me:
Isaiah, 45:4

‫ג‬:‫ מט‬,‫ ישעיה‬:‫אר‬5‫תפ‬2 ‫ך <א‬5 ‫ב‬2 ‫שר‬:

< ‫רא&ל א‬5 ‫ש‬+
2 ‫ה י‬5‫י את‬+‫בד‬2 ‫ע‬- ‫י‬+‫אמ<ר ל‬8‫י‬-‫ו‬

And said to me, You are my servants (avadai), O Yisra'el, in whom I will be
glorified: Isaiah, 49:3
‫יג‬:‫ נב‬,‫ ישעיה‬:‫ד‬8‫א‬2‫ה מ‬-‫ב‬5‫ג‬2‫שא ו‬+
5 ‫נ‬2‫רום ו‬5‫י י‬+‫בד‬2 ‫ע‬- ‫יל‬+‫שכ‬-
2 ‫הנ&ה י‬+

Behold, my servants (avadai) shall prosper, he shall be exalted and extolled,

and be very high: Isaiah, 52:13

‫יא‬:‫ נג‬,‫ ישעיה‬:‫ל‬8‫ב‬2‫ס‬+‫ם הוא י‬5‫ת‬8‫ונ‬:‫ע‬-‫ים ו‬+‫רב‬- ‫ל‬5 ‫י‬+‫בד‬2 ‫ע‬- ‫יק‬+‫צד‬- ‫יק‬+‫צד‬2 -‫תו י‬2‫דע‬- ‫ב‬2 ‫ע‬5‫שב‬+
2 ‫רא<ה י‬2 +‫שו י‬2‫פ‬-‫ל נ‬-‫עמ‬: ‫&מ‬

He shall see the labor of his soul, and shall be satisfied; by his knowledge did
my servants (avadai) justify the righteous One to the many, and did bear
their iniquities: Isaiah, 53:11

‫ל‬-‫ים ע‬+‫ת‬8‫א‬+‫הב‬: -‫י ו‬+‫ד‬2‫ב‬-‫בב<ל ע‬5 ‫ך‬2 ‫ר <מ <ל‬-‫דר<אצ‬2 ‫כ‬- ‫בו‬2‫א<ל נ‬2‫ה ו‬5‫ו‬8‫ה‬2‫א¦ם י‬2‫פון נ‬5‫חות צ‬2‫שפ‬+ 2 ‫ל מ‬5‫י א<ת כ‬+‫חת‬2 ‫ק‬- ‫ל‬52‫ח ו‬- ‫ &ל‬8‫י ש‬+‫נ‬2‫הנ‬+
‫בות‬2‫חר‬5 ‫ל‬2 ‫ה ו‬5‫ש &רק‬+
2 ‫ל‬2‫ה ו‬5‫שמ‬2
- ‫ים ל‬+‫מת‬2 ‫ש‬2 - ‫ים ו‬+‫מת‬2 ‫ר‬- ‫ח‬: ‫ה‬- 2‫יב ו‬+‫סב‬5 ‫ה &אל<ה‬5 ‫ם‬+‫גוי‬-‫ל ה‬5‫ל כ‬-‫ע‬2‫ה ו‬5 ‫ישב<י‬
2 ‫ל‬-‫ע‬2‫את ו‬8‫ז‬-‫אר<ץ ה‬5‫ה‬
‫ט‬:‫ כה‬,‫ ירמיה‬:‫ם‬5‫עול‬

Behold, I will send and take all the families of the north, said Yahûwâh, and
Nebuchadrezzar the king of Babylon, my servants (avadai), and will bring
them against this land, and against its inhabitants, and against all these
surrounding nations, and will utterly destroy them, and make them an
horror, a thing to be hissed, an everlasting ruin: Jeremiah, 25:9

‫י לו‬+‫תת‬- 5‫שד<ה נ‬-

5 ‫ת ה‬-‫חי‬- ‫ם א<ת‬-‫ג‬2‫י ו‬+‫ד‬2‫ב‬-‫בב<ל ע‬5 ‫ך‬2 ‫ר <מ <ל‬-‫דנ<אצ‬2 ‫כ‬- ‫בו‬2‫ד נ‬-‫בי‬2 ‫ה &אל<ה‬5 ‫צות‬5‫אר‬: ‫ה‬5 ‫ל‬5‫י א<ת כ‬+‫תת‬- 5‫י נ‬+‫כ‬8‫ה אנ‬5‫עת‬- 2‫ו‬
‫ו‬:‫ כז‬,‫ ירמיה‬:‫דו‬2‫עב‬5 ‫ל‬2

And now I have given all these lands to the hand of Nebuchadnezzar the king
of Babylon, my servants (avadai); and the beasts of the field have I given him
also to serve him: Jeremiah, 27:6
‫ך &מ <אר<ץ‬5 ‫ע‬: ‫ר‬2 -‫א<ת ז‬2‫חוק ו‬5‫ך &מר‬5 ‫ע‬: ‫מושי‬
+ ‫י‬+‫נ‬2‫הנ‬+ ‫י‬+‫רא&ל כ‬5 ‫ש‬+
2 ‫ת י‬-‫אל &תח‬2‫ה ו‬5‫ו‬8‫ה‬2‫א¦ם י‬2‫ב נ‬8‫ק‬:‫ע‬-‫י י‬+‫ד‬2‫ב‬-‫א ע‬5‫יר‬+‫ה אל ת‬5‫את‬2‫ו‬
‫י‬:‫ ל‬,‫ ירמיה‬:‫יד‬+‫חר‬: ‫מ‬- ‫א&ין‬2‫ן ו‬-‫אנ‬: ‫ש‬2 - ‫ט ו‬-‫שק‬2
5 ‫ב ו‬8‫ק‬:‫ע‬-‫שב י‬2
5 ‫ם ו‬5‫בי‬2 ‫ש‬+

Therefore do not fear, O my servants (avadai) Jacob, says Yahûwâh; nor be

dismayed, O Yisra'el; for, behold, I will save you from afar, and your seed
from the land of their captivity; and Jacob shall return, and shall be quiet
and at ease, and none shall make him afraid: Jeremiah, 30:10

‫כא‬:‫ לג‬,‫ ירמיה‬:‫י‬5‫רת‬2 ‫ש‬2

5 ‫ים מ‬+‫הנ‬: 8‫כ‬-‫ם ה‬+‫י‬+‫לו‬2 ‫ה‬- ‫א<ת‬2‫או ו‬2‫כס‬+ ‫ל‬-‫ך ע‬2 ‫ &ל‬8‫יות לו ב&ן מ‬2‫מה‬+ ‫י‬+‫ד‬2‫ב‬-‫ד ע‬+‫דו‬5 ‫ר א<ת‬-‫י ¦תפ‬+‫ית‬+‫בר‬2 ‫ם‬-‫ג‬

Then also my covenant with David my servants (avadai) may be broken, that
he should not have a son to reign upon his throne; and with the Levites the
priests, my ministers: Jeremiah, 33:21

:‫י‬+‫ת‬8‫רת&י א‬2 ‫ש‬2

5 ‫ם מ‬+‫י‬+‫לו‬2 ‫ה‬- ‫א<ת‬2‫י ו‬+‫בד‬2 ‫ע‬- ‫ד‬+‫דו‬5 ‫ע‬-‫רב<ה א<ת ז<ר‬2 ‫ם כ&ן א‬5‫הי‬- ‫ד חול‬-‫מ‬+‫א י‬8‫ל‬2‫ם ו‬+‫מי‬- ‫ש‬-
5 ‫א ה‬5‫צב‬2 ‫ספ&ר‬5 +‫א י‬8‫שר ל‬:
‫כב‬:‫ לג‬,‫ירמיה‬

As the host of heaven cannot be counted, nor the sand of the sea measured; so
will I multiply the seed of David my servants (avadai), and the Levites who
minister to me: Jeremiah, 33:22

‫אשיב א<ת‬
+ ‫י‬+‫ב כ‬8‫ק‬:‫ע‬-‫י‬2‫ק ו‬5‫שח‬+ 2 ‫ם י‬5‫רה‬5 ‫ב‬2 ‫ע א‬-‫ים א<ל ז<ר‬+‫של‬8‫מ‬
2 ‫עו‬2‫ר‬-‫מז‬+ ‫ת‬-‫קח‬- ‫מ‬+ ‫אס‬2‫י <אמ‬+‫בד‬2 ‫ע‬- ‫ד‬+‫דו‬52‫קוב ו‬:‫ע‬-‫ע י‬-‫ם ז<ר‬-‫ג‬
‫כו‬:‫ לג‬,‫ ירמיה‬:‫ים‬+‫מת‬2 ‫ח‬- ‫ר‬+ 2‫ם ו‬5‫שבות‬2

Then will I cast away the seed of Jacob, and David my servants (avadai), and
not take any of his seed to be rulers over the seed of Abraham, Isaac, and
Jacob; for I will cause their captivity to return, and have mercy on them:
Jeremiah, 33:26

‫בב<ל‬5 ‫ך‬2 ‫ר <מ <ל‬-‫דר<אצ‬2 ‫כ‬- ‫בו‬2‫י א<ת נ‬+‫חת‬2 ‫ק‬- ‫ל‬52‫ח ו‬- ‫ &ל‬8‫י ש‬+‫נ‬2‫הנ‬+ ‫רא&ל‬5 ‫ש‬+
2 ‫ה&י י‬8‫ל‬P‫אות א‬5‫צב‬2 ‫ה‬5‫ו‬8‫ה‬2‫ר י‬-‫ה אמ‬8‫אל&יה<ם כ‬: ‫ת‬5 ‫ר‬2 ‫מ‬- ‫א‬2‫ו‬
‫י‬:‫ מג‬,‫ ירמיה‬:‫על&יה<ם‬: ‫ירו‬+‫פר‬2 ‫ש‬- ‫ה א<ת‬5‫ט‬5‫נ‬2‫י ו‬+‫ת‬2‫מנ‬5 ‫ט‬5 ‫שר‬: < ‫ה &אל<ה א‬5 ‫ים‬+‫בנ‬5 ‫א‬: ‫ל‬5 ‫ל‬-‫מע‬- ‫מ‬+ ‫או‬2‫כס‬+ ‫י‬+‫מת‬2 ‫ש‬2
- ‫י ו‬+‫ד‬2‫ב‬-‫ע‬
And say to them, Thus says Yahûwâh of hosts, the Ĕlôhîym of Yisra'el;
Behold, I will send and take Nebuchadrezzar the king of Babylon, my
servants (avadai), and will set his throne upon these stones that I have
hidden; and he shall spread his royal pavilion over them: Jeremiah, 43:10

5 ‫ם ו‬5‫בי‬2 ‫ש‬+ ‫ך &מ <אר<ץ‬5 ‫ע‬: ‫ר‬2 -‫א<ת ז‬2‫וק ו‬8‫ח‬5‫ך &מר‬5 ‫ע‬: ‫מוש‬
+ ‫י‬+‫נ‬2‫הנ‬+ ‫י‬+‫רא&ל כ‬5 ‫ש‬+
2 ‫ת י‬-‫אל &תח‬2‫ב ו‬8‫ק‬:‫ע‬-‫י י‬+‫ד‬2‫ב‬-‫א ע‬5‫יר‬+‫ה אל ת‬5‫את‬2‫ו‬
‫כז‬:‫ מו‬,‫ ירמיה‬:‫יד‬+‫חר‬: ‫מ‬- ‫א&ין‬2‫ן ו‬-‫אנ‬: ‫ש‬2 - ‫ט ו‬-‫שק‬2
5 ‫וב ו‬8‫ק‬:‫ע‬-‫י‬

But do not fear, O my servants (avadai) Jacob, and be not dismayed, O

Yisra'el; for, behold, I will save you from far away, and your seed from the
land of their captivity; and Jacob shall return, and be in rest and at ease, and
none shall make him afraid: Jeremiah, 46:27

‫ה‬5‫שמ‬5 ‫ך‬5 ‫י‬+‫חת‬2 ‫ד‬- ‫ה‬+ ‫שר‬:

< ‫ם א‬+‫גוי‬-‫ל ה‬5‫בכ‬2 ‫ה‬5‫כל‬5 ‫שה‬P
< ‫י <אע‬+‫י כ‬+‫ך אנ‬5 ‫ת‬2 ‫א‬+ ‫י‬+‫ה כ‬5‫ו‬8‫ה‬2‫א¦ם י‬2‫ב נ‬8‫ק‬:‫ע‬-‫י י‬+‫ד‬2‫ב‬-‫א ע‬5‫יר‬+‫ה אל ת‬5‫את‬
‫כח‬:‫ מו‬,‫ ירמיה‬:5‫ <קך‬-‫אנ‬: ‫א‬8‫ק&ה ל‬-‫נ‬2‫ט ו‬5‫שפ‬+ 2 ‫למ‬- ‫ך‬5 ‫י‬+‫רת‬2 ‫ס‬- +‫י‬2‫ה ו‬5‫כל‬5 ‫שה‬P
< ‫א <אע‬8‫ך ל‬5 ‫ת‬2 8‫א‬2‫ו‬

Do not fear, O my servants (avadai) Jacob, says Yahûwâh; for I am with you;
for I will make a full end of all the nations where I have driven you; but I will
not make a full end of you, but correct you in due measure; yet I will not
leave you unpunished: Jeremiah, 46:28

:‫ע<ה‬8‫ר‬2‫לה<ן ל‬5 ‫הי<ה‬2+‫הוא י‬2‫ם ו‬5‫ת‬8‫רע<ה א‬2 +‫יד הוא י‬+‫דו‬5 ‫י‬+‫בד‬2 ‫ע‬- ‫תה<ן א&ת‬2 ‫ה <א‬5‫רע‬5 2‫ד ו‬5‫ע<ה <אח‬8‫על&יה<ם ר‬: ‫י‬+‫ת‬8‫מ‬+‫הק‬: -‫ו‬
‫כג‬:‫ לד‬,‫יחזקאל‬

And I will set up one shepherd over them, and he shall feed them, my
servants (avadai) David shall feed them, and he shall be their shepherd:
Ezekiel, 34:23

‫בנ&י‬2 ‫בנ&יה<ם ו‬2 ‫ה ו‬5‫ה &המ‬5 ‫על<י‬5 ‫שבו‬5

2 ‫י‬2‫בות&יכ<ם ו‬:‫ה א‬5‫שבו ב‬5 2 ‫שר י‬:
< ‫ב א‬8‫ק‬:‫ע‬-‫לי‬2 ‫י‬+‫ד‬2‫ב‬-‫לע‬2 ‫י‬+‫תת‬- 5‫שר נ‬:
< ‫אר<ץ א‬5‫ל ה‬-‫שבו ע‬5
2 ‫י‬2‫ו‬
‫כה‬:‫ לז‬,‫ יחזקאל‬:‫ם‬5‫עול‬2‫לה<ם ל‬5 ‫שיא‬5 + ‫י נ‬+‫ד‬2‫ב‬-‫ד ע‬+‫דו‬52‫ם ו‬5‫ד עול‬-‫בנ&יה<ם ע‬2
And they shall dwell in the land that I have given to Jacob my servants
(avadai), where your fathers have dwelt; and they shall dwell in it, they and
their children, and their grandchildren for ever; and my servants (avadai)
David shall be their prince for ever: Ezekiel, 37:25

‫ך‬5 ‫ב‬2 ‫י‬+‫ם כ‬5‫חות‬-‫ך כ‬5 ‫י‬+‫מת‬2 ‫ש‬2

- ‫ה ו‬5‫ו‬8‫ה‬2‫א¦ם י‬2‫י נ‬+‫ד‬2‫ב‬-‫יא&ל ע‬+‫לת‬2 ‫שא‬2 ‫בב<ל ב<ן‬5 ‫ ¦ר‬2‫ך ז‬5 ‫ח‬: ‫ק‬5 ‫אות <א‬5‫צב‬2 ‫ה‬5‫ו‬8‫ה‬2‫א¦ם י‬2‫הוא נ‬-‫יום ה‬-‫ב‬
‫כג‬:‫ ב‬,‫ חגי‬:‫אות‬5‫צב‬2 ‫ה‬5‫ו‬8‫ה‬2‫א¦ם י‬2‫י נ‬+‫רת‬2 ‫ח‬- ‫ב‬5

On that day, says Yahûwâh of hosts, I will take you, O Zerubbabel, my

servants (avadai), the son of Shealtiel, says Yahûwâh, and will make you like
a signet ring; for I have chosen you, says Yahûwâh of hosts: Haggai, 2:23

‫י‬+‫בד‬2 ‫ע‬- ‫יא א<ת‬+‫י &מב‬+‫נ‬2‫הנ‬+ ‫י‬+‫ה כ‬5‫שי מופ&ת &המ‬2

& ‫י אנ‬+‫ך כ‬5 ‫פנ<י‬5 ‫ל‬2 ‫ים‬+‫שב‬8‫י‬-
2 ‫ך ה‬5 ‫ &רע<י‬2‫ה ו‬5‫דול את‬5‫הג‬- ‫ה&ן‬8‫כ‬-‫ע ה‬- ‫הוש‬2
¦ ‫א י‬5‫ע נ‬-‫שמ‬2
‫ח‬:‫ ג‬,‫ זכריה‬:‫ח‬-‫<צמ‬

Hear now, O Joshua the high priest, you, and your friends who sit before you;
for they are men of good omen; for, behold, I will bring my servants (avadai)
the Branch (Zemach): Zechariah, 3:8

‫כב‬:‫ ג‬,‫ מלאכי‬:‫ים‬+‫פט‬5 ‫ש‬+

2 ‫ים ומ‬+‫רא&ל ¦חק‬5 ‫ש‬+
2 ‫ל י‬5‫ל כ‬-‫ר&ב ע‬8‫ח‬2‫י אותו ב‬+‫ית‬+‫צו‬+ ‫שר‬:
< ‫י א‬+‫בד‬2 ‫ע‬- ‫שה‬8‫מ‬
< ‫ת‬-‫רו תור‬2‫כ‬+‫ז‬

Remember the Tőrâh of Moshes my servants (avadai), which I commanded

him in Horeb for all Yisra'el, with the statutes and judgments: Malachi, 3:22

‫ד‬:‫ פט‬,‫ תהילים‬:‫י‬+‫בד‬2 ‫ע‬- ‫ד‬+‫דו‬5 ‫ל‬2 ‫י‬+‫עת‬2 ‫ב‬- ‫ש‬+

2 ‫י נ‬+‫יר‬+‫בח‬2 ‫ל‬+ ‫ית‬+‫בר‬2 ‫י‬+‫רת‬- ‫כ‬5

I have made a covenant with my chosen, I have sworn to David my servants

(avadai): Psalms, 89:4
‫כא‬:‫ פט‬,‫ תהילים‬:‫יו‬+‫חת‬2 ‫ש‬2
- ‫שי מ‬2
+ ‫קד‬5 ‫שמ<ן‬2
< ‫י ב‬+‫ד‬2‫ב‬-‫ד ע‬+‫דו‬5 ‫י‬+‫את‬5‫מצ‬5

I have found David my servants (avadai); with my holy oil have I anointed
him: Psalms, 89:21

‫ים‬+‫ה‬8‫ל‬P‫ר&א א‬2‫שר י‬5

5 ‫י‬2‫ם ו‬5‫יש ת‬+‫אר<ץ א‬5‫הו ב‬8‫מ‬5‫י א&ין כ‬+‫יוב כ‬+‫י א‬+‫בד‬2 ‫ע‬- ‫ל‬-‫ך ע‬5 ‫ב‬2 ‫ל‬+ ‫ת‬5 ‫מ‬2 ‫ש‬:
- ‫ן ה‬5‫שט‬-
5 ‫ה א<ל ה‬5‫ו‬8‫ה‬2‫אמ<ר י‬8‫י‬-‫ו‬
‫ח‬:‫ א‬,‫ איוב‬:‫ע‬5‫ר &מר‬5‫ס‬2‫ו‬

And Yahûwâh said to Satan, Have you considered my servants (avadai) Job,
that there is none like him in the earth, a blameless and upright man, one who
fears Ĕlôhîym, and turns away from evil: Job, 1:8

‫ים‬+‫ה‬8‫ל‬P‫ר&א א‬2‫שר י‬5

5 ‫י‬2‫ם ו‬5‫יש ת‬+‫אר<ץ א‬5‫הו ב‬8‫מ‬5‫י א&ין כ‬+‫יוב כ‬+‫י א‬+‫בד‬2 ‫ע‬- ‫ך א<ל‬5 ‫ב‬2 ‫ל‬+ ‫ת‬5 ‫מ‬2 ‫ש‬:
- ‫ן ה‬5‫שט‬-
5 ‫ה א<ל ה‬5‫ו‬8‫ה‬2‫אמ<ר י‬8‫י‬-‫ו‬
‫ג‬:‫ ב‬,‫ איוב‬:‫ם‬5‫חנ‬+ ‫עו‬2‫בל‬- ‫ל‬2 ‫י בו‬+‫י &תנ‬+‫תס‬2 -‫תו ו‬5‫ב ¦תמ‬2 ‫יק‬+‫חז‬: ‫מ‬- ‫ד<נו‬8‫ע‬2‫ע ו‬5‫ר &מר‬5‫ס‬2‫ו‬

And Yahûwâh said to Ha'Satan, Have you considered my servants (avadai)

Job, that there is none like him in the earth, a blameless and an upright man,
one who fears Ĕlôhîym, and turns away from evil? And still he holds fast to
his integrity, although you moved me against him, to destroy him without
cause: Job, 2:3

‫יג‬:‫ לא‬,‫ איוב‬:‫י‬+‫מד‬5 ‫ע‬+ ‫ם‬5‫רב‬+ ‫ב‬2 ‫י‬+‫מת‬5 ‫א‬: -‫י ו‬+‫בד‬2 ‫ע‬- ‫ט‬-‫שפ‬+
2 ‫אס מ‬2‫ם <אמ‬+‫א‬

If I despised the cause of my manservant or of my maidservant, when they

contend against me: Job, 31:13

‫י‬+‫בד‬2 ‫ע‬- ‫יוב‬+‫א‬2‫דכ<ם ו‬2 ‫ע‬- ‫ב‬- ‫ה‬5‫ית<ם עול‬+‫על‬: ‫ה‬- 2‫יוב ו‬+‫י א‬+‫בד‬2 ‫ע‬- ‫כו א<ל‬2‫ים ול‬+‫ה א&יל‬5‫בע‬2 ‫ש‬2
+ ‫ים ו‬+‫פר‬5 ‫ה‬5‫בע‬2 ‫ש‬+ ‫לכ<ם‬5 ‫חו‬2‫ה ק‬5‫עת‬- 2‫ו‬
:‫יוב‬+‫י א‬+‫בד‬2 ‫ע‬- ‫כ‬2 ‫ה‬5‫כונ‬2‫י נ‬-‫רת<ם &אל‬2 ‫ב‬- ‫ד‬+ ‫א‬8‫י ל‬+‫ה כ‬5‫בל‬5 2‫מכ<ם נ‬5 ‫ע‬+ ‫ות‬8‫ש‬:‫י ע‬+‫לת‬2 ‫ב‬+ ‫ל‬2 ‫<שא‬5 ‫יו א‬5‫פנ‬5 ‫ם‬+‫י א‬+‫על&יכ<ם כ‬: ‫פל&ל‬- ‫ת‬2 +‫י‬
‫ח‬:‫ מב‬,‫איוב‬
Therefore take now seven bulls and seven rams, and go to my servants
(avadai) Job, and offer up for yourselves a burnt offering; and my servants
(avadai) Job shall pray for you; for to him I will show favor in not dealing
with you according to your folly, for you have not spoken of me what is right,
as my servants (avadai) Job has: Job, 42:8

‫י‬+‫בד‬2 ‫ע‬- ‫יוב‬+‫א‬2‫דכ<ם ו‬2 ‫ע‬- ‫ב‬- ‫ה‬5‫ית<ם עול‬+‫על‬: ‫ה‬- 2‫יוב ו‬+‫י א‬+‫בד‬2 ‫ע‬- ‫כו א<ל‬2‫ים ול‬+‫ה א&יל‬5‫בע‬2 ‫ש‬2
+ ‫ים ו‬+‫פר‬5 ‫ה‬5‫בע‬2 ‫ש‬+ ‫לכ<ם‬5 ‫חו‬2‫ה ק‬5‫עת‬- 2‫ו‬
:‫יוב‬+‫י א‬+‫בד‬2 ‫ע‬- ‫כ‬2 ‫ה‬5‫כונ‬2‫י נ‬-‫רת<ם &אל‬2 ‫ב‬- ‫ד‬+ ‫א‬8‫י ל‬+‫ה כ‬5‫בל‬5 2‫מכ<ם נ‬5 ‫ע‬+ ‫ות‬8‫ש‬:‫י ע‬+‫לת‬2 ‫ב‬+ ‫ל‬2 ‫<שא‬5 ‫יו א‬5‫פנ‬5 ‫ם‬+‫י א‬+‫על&יכ<ם כ‬: ‫פל&ל‬- ‫ת‬2 +‫י‬
‫ח‬:‫ מב‬,‫איוב‬

Therefore take now seven bulls and seven rams, and go to my servants
(avadai) Job, and offer up for yourselves a burnt offering; and my servants
(avadai) Job shall pray for you; for to him I will show favor in not dealing
with you according to your folly, for you have not spoken of me what is right,
as my servants (avadai) Job has: Job, 42:8

‫כט‬:‫ ו‬,‫ דברי הימים א‬:2‫לוך‬-‫י ב<ן מ‬+‫ד‬2‫ב‬-‫ישי ב<ן ע‬+

+ ‫ן ב<ן ק‬5‫אול א&ית‬8‫שמ‬-
2 ‫ל ה‬-‫אח&יה<ם ע‬: ‫י‬+‫רר‬5 ‫מ‬2 ‫בנ&י‬2 ‫ו‬

And their brothers the sons of Merari stood at the left hand; Ethan the son of
Kishi, the son of Abdi, the son of Malluch: Chronicles 1, 6:29

‫ד‬:‫ יז‬,‫ דברי הימים א‬:‫שב<ת‬5

5 ‫ת ל‬+‫בי‬- ‫ה‬- ‫י‬+‫בנ<ה ל‬2 ‫ת‬+ ‫ה‬5‫א את‬8‫ה ל‬5‫ו‬8‫ה‬2‫ר י‬-‫ה אמ‬8‫י כ‬+‫בד‬2 ‫ע‬- ‫יד‬+‫דו‬5 ‫ת א<ל‬5 ‫ר‬2 ‫מ‬- ‫א‬2‫ך ו‬2 ‫&ל‬

Go and tell David my servants (avadai), Thus said Yahûwâh, You shall not
build me a house to dwell in: Chronicles 1, 17:4

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