For example, an address that references an output of an SLC 500 is O:5/0. That
O:5/0 means that it is a physical output.
O:5/0 means that it uses Slot 5 (the 6 physical slot) in the rack.
O:5/0 means that it is the first output on the card.
Remember that the first slot in an SLC 500 rack is Slot 0. That means a card that
is installed
a relay within the PLC. The internal coil has no connection to the outside world.
It does not connect to an output card. Internal coils are used to store
information. The contacts of this relay can then be used multiple times in
other parts of the program.
How to Program RSView32 Copyright 2009 Modern Media engineersandtechnicians.com
10.1.5. The normal screen font is Arial 12, black. The minimum screen font
is Arial 10, black.
10.1.6. The status of the system is indicated on every screen. The font is
Arial 18, bold, black.
10.1.7. If an alarm occurs, a yellow graphic with the text ALARM of
sufficient size is displayed to draw the attention of the operator. The
font is Arial 16, bold, red. A separate RESET button allows the
operator to reset the alarm.
10.2. Equipment Symbols
10.2.1. All equipment symbols will be 3-D, shaded, and drawn from the
Graphic Libraries within RSView. Icons will be animated using colors to
indicate the state of the equipment.
10.2.2. The position and status of all valves are indicated by the fill color
of the respective valve icon. Valve icon colors are displayed as
follows: Closed: red Open: green Alarm: yellow
10.2.3. The status of all pumps and motors valves are indicated by the fill
color of the respective icon pump and motor icon colors are displayed
as follows: Stopped: red Running: green Alarm: yellow
10.3. Screen Descriptions
10.3.1. There are 6 screens in the system, described as follows: Screen 1 - System View An overall system view is shown, similar to the example
shown in this document. The Mixing Tank Weight is displayed numerically.
How to Program RSView32 Copyright 2009 Modern Media engineersandtechnicians.com
this area. All screens in the system are available from this menu. The current batching step is displayed from all
screens. The current time and date is displayed on each
So, what did we get from the scope? Lets summarize:
System Monitoring
From an HMI and SCADA standpoint, we see there are 6 screens required. The
screen resolution is 1024 x 768.
In RSLogix, the B3 (binary) file is commonly used for all the internal coils.
There are many other words in other files that have bits you can use as internal
coils, but we are going to stick with the B3 file for our application.
B3:0/0 means that it references an internal Binary file
B3:0/0 means that it uses the first word in the table
B3:0/0 means that it is the first bit in the word.
Note that, unlike the Output and Input files, you have to use the file number in
the address. In this case, the default file number is 3.
A timer is a programmable instruction that lets you turn on or turn off bits after
a preset time.
The two primary types of timers are TON for timer on delay and TOF for timer
off delay.
Timers in A-B SLC and MicroLogix processors use file 4 for their timers.
T4:0 means that it references an internal Timer file
T4:0 means that it uses the first timer in the table
The address T4:0 simply refers to the timer. Each timer has bits that turn on
after the timing function is complete. You can address this bit by simply putting
a /DN after the timer address. DN stands for done.
For example, if timer T4:0 is a TON (timer on delay), then the bit T4:0/DN will
turn on after the timer has reached its preset value.
A counter is a programmable instruction that lets you turn on or turn off bits
after a preset count has been reached.
There are different types of counters available in the RSLogix, but the CTU
(counter up) instruction covers everything we will talk about here.
Counters in A-B SLC and MicroLogix processors use file 5.
C5:0 means that it references an internal Counter file
C5:0 means that it uses the first counter in the table
How to Program RSView32