Terror Is Um
Terror Is Um
Terror Is Um
When their governments failed to provide the means for legitimate political
dissent or jobs, many disillusioned Muslim young people around the world joined
Islamist organizations that used encouraged Jihadis (fighters of holy war) to use
terrorism to oust corrupt regimes and establish regimes based on sharia, Islamic
law. Many Islamic groups were hostile to the West, particularly the United States.
Much of their anger was fueled by the spread of Western culture, which
threatened or undermined old traditions and practices. Many young jihadis
gained military training and experience fighting with the taliban and other Islamic
mujahideen groups against the Soviet occupation in afghanistan in the 1980s.
After the Soviet defeat in Afghanistan, the Taliban managed to wrest power from
its rivals and established an extreme theocracy. Its leader, Mullah Omar, provided
a safe haven for one of the most extreme Islamic groups, al-qaeda, which was
led by a disaffected Saudi Arabian, osama bin laden. In 1998 bin Laden issued a
fatwa (religious proclamation) urging jihad against the United States. Al-Qaeda
members placed bombs that killed hundreds in Nairobi, Kenya, and attacked a
U.S. military ship in Yemen.
On suicide missions al-Qaeda members skyjacked planes that crashed into the
world trade center in New York City and the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., on
September 11, 2001. These were the most devastating terror attacks that the
United States had ever experienced on its home territory. The United States and
coalition forces retaliated and successfully overthrew the proal-Qaeda Taliban
regime in Afghanistan; however they failed to destroy either the Taliban or alQaeda. Osama bin Laden managed to escape and continued to orchestrate
terror attacks against U.S. forces and supporters. These included suicide bomb
attacks on trains in Madrid, Spain, and the transit system in London, England.
Terrorism is a problem which the country has been continuously facing for more
than two-three decades but now has emerged as a global problem against which
an internationally united battle has to be fought incessantly. Violent behaviour in
order to create an atmosphere of fear in the society or a part of it for political
ends is generally termed as Terrorism. It is an organized and systematic use of
violence to achieve an end. Many a times words like terrorism, insurgency, civil
war, revolution, guerilla war, intimidation and extremism are often used
interchangeably. Though they differ in kind and meaning, one thing is
fundamental to all - the word violence. For instance, great practitioners of fear
and violence like Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Mao etc cannot be called Terrorists.
Moreover, violence used for personal gains like dacoity or robbery cannot be
termed as Terrorism. Terrorism, as understood in the simplest sense will always
include a target group, death and destruction of property through acts of violence
and a perverted political purpose. It is also illegal and unlawful in nature with a
purpose of creating fear and panic in the minds and psyche of people at large, to
make the masses feel impotent and helpless, to discourage rational thinking and
to lead to a reactionary tendency in the people.
Terrorists resort to various ways to accomplish these goals like planting crude
home-made bombs, hand-grenades or other explosives in a shopping centre or a
crowded place like a railway-station or a bus stand or even a bus, train or
aeroplane, kidnapping, assassination or hijacking. Different terrorist activities all
over the world may have
different aims, but a few goals, common to all may be underlined. It may be
because they want a regime to react or they intend to mobilize a mass support
through fear, to eliminate opponents or enemies or to magnify their cause.
To talk of terrorism in India, it is essentially a political creation. The cross-border
militancy in Kashmir, the Naxalite violence in Bengal, Bihar, Andhra Pradesh and
the ULFA terrorism in Assam have all narrow political goals. The problem of
identity created terrorism to rise in Nagaland and Mizoram, vengeance became
the cause of terrorism in Manipur and Tripura while 'class-enemity' causes the
Naxalite violence in different parts of Bengal, Bihar and Andhra Pradesh. The
blowing up of the Air India Boeing 'Kanishka' killed nearly 300 innocent people,
the anti-Sikh riots after the assassination of Mrs.Indira Gandhi resulted in a
massacre of more than 300 Sikhs in Delhi, the violence against KashmiriPandits, the Naxalite insurgency are all various faces of the demon of terrorism.
Terrorism is one of the major threats to world peace toady. Terrorist activities of
the Irish Republican Army, terrorism in Sri Lanka spread by the LTTE, Red Army
in Japan, Palestinian Guerrillas in Israel, Kurds in Iraq, Basques in Spain, Red
Brigade in Italy etc are all instances of terrorism all over the world. The terrorist
attack on World Trade Centre and the Pentagon in USA on September 11, 2001,
the siege of innocent children as hostages in Russia etc indicate at the growing