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of Horticulture and
Forestry Sciences, Huazhong
Agricultural University, Wuhan,
430070, PR China
2University College of Agriculture,
University of Sargodha, Sargodha,
3Sector Advisor Horticulture,
USAID, Lahore, Pakistan
4College of Horticulture, Fujian
Agriculture and Forestry University,
5Citrus Research Institute,
Sargodha, Pakistan
6Department of Pomology, College
of Agronomy and Biotechnology,
China Agriculture University,
Bejing, China
*Corresponding authors e-mail:
[email protected]
Key words:
Food security, malnutrition,
horticultural crops, urban
agriculture, protected cultivation
Food security is frequently elucidated in term of food
availability but its four basic parts are food
availability, access, utilization and stability. Food
security is the condition when the entire population
possesses continuous economic, social and physical
access to adequate, nutritious and hygienic food which
fulfills their nutritional requirements to facilitate an
active lifestyle. Development and poverty elevation
can occur by ensuring sufficient security of food over
the entire demographic spectrums; individual,
household, national, regional and global levels (World
Food Summit 1996). In developing countries like
Pakistan, food security is an important concern. The
Cite As: Hameed S, MA Nawaz, W Ahmed, A Shehzadi, F Hussain, N Munir, MN Khan, F Hayat (2016) Potential of horticultural
crops to ensure food security in Pakistan. J. Environ. Agric., 1(1): 74-79.
purpose towards the food front, given that they are the
most inexpensive source of wholesome food, and
therefore exhibit the potential to fulfill the food
demand of Pakistan. Taking the fertility of Pakistani
soil into account, farmers are permitted to grow
substantial volume of products throughout the year,
allowing them to raise sufficient product sold at
attractive prices, therefore allowing them maintain
themselves financially. It takes little time to grow
sufficient volume of vegetables and can be utilized as
intercrops. The soil fertility will also be enhanced
through the growth of vegetables; moreover, the
grown produce will also provide feed for farm
animals. Therefore, farmers are made available with a
wide assortment of possible crops to grow, allowing
them to adjust to different crops according to the
demand. The soil and natural climate of Pakistan is
attractive for the development of agriculture industry,
facilitating the growth of a diverse range of crops.
Given that vegetable cultivation requires considerable
labor, beginning from initial sowing to harvesting and
marketing, it acts as a consistent source of
employment, especially in the rural regions. The yields
of vegetables are higher compared to cereal and
other agronomic crops. Generally, vegetables
provide five to ten times more produce compared to
cereals, while also growing over a quick basis, with
lucrative returns and sustainability of growth. Thus, it
is safe to suggest that vegetable cultivation should be
increased (Adel 2001).
In home or kitchen gardening, vegetables, fruits
and herbs are extensively cultivated for domestic use,
whereas some larger plots are utilized for the
production of a wide assortment of vegetables based
on the season. Local produce, for example, broad leaf
mustard, radish, pumpkins, chili and beans can be
grown inside any household for facilitating fresh and
nutritious vegetables for use in homes, sparing the
owners from purchasing these products from the
markets. Gardens can be used for throwing organic
waste, allowing the soil to become more fertile and
nutritious. It is also possible to utilize the unused space
around the household for the production of vegetables.
The primary objective of this sort of farming is to yield
fresh crops to the household on daily basis, facilitating
the mitigation of malnutrition (Farooq 2015).
Similarly, urban regions have little space for the
growth of vegetables; however, roof and terraces can
facilitate the growth of product through small and
large crop pots. Vegetable forcing is another unique
procedure of growing vegetable inside urban
structures, cellars, greenhouses, cold farms and other
simulated settings. It is considered to be amongst the
most intensive form of vegetable cultivation. These
procedures provide
Quantity (grams)
Agricultural crops
Figure 1 Limited diversification in crops on farm less than five hectares
Source: Agriculture Census of Pakistan (1990-2010)
Increased production of fruits and vegetables will
reduce load on cereal crops. It will uplift the economic
status of small farmer through direct and indirect