The title serves as evidence of indefeasible and incontrovertible title to the property in favor of respondents, whose names appear therein. As registered owners, respondents are entitled to possession of the subject property and their certificate of title prevails over possession claimed by petitioners. Petitioners are mere intruders with respect to the subject property and have no right to own or possess it, while respondents have the right to exercise all attributes of ownership including possession.
The title serves as evidence of indefeasible and incontrovertible title to the property in favor of respondents, whose names appear therein. As registered owners, respondents are entitled to possession of the subject property and their certificate of title prevails over possession claimed by petitioners. Petitioners are mere intruders with respect to the subject property and have no right to own or possess it, while respondents have the right to exercise all attributes of ownership including possession.
The title serves as evidence of indefeasible and incontrovertible title to the property in favor of respondents, whose names appear therein. As registered owners, respondents are entitled to possession of the subject property and their certificate of title prevails over possession claimed by petitioners. Petitioners are mere intruders with respect to the subject property and have no right to own or possess it, while respondents have the right to exercise all attributes of ownership including possession.
The title serves as evidence of indefeasible and incontrovertible title to the property in favor of respondents, whose names appear therein. As registered owners, respondents are entitled to possession of the subject property and their certificate of title prevails over possession claimed by petitioners. Petitioners are mere intruders with respect to the subject property and have no right to own or possess it, while respondents have the right to exercise all attributes of ownership including possession.
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G.R. 203397, December 9, 2015
TORRENS TITLE IS ENOUGH EVIDENCE OF OWNERSHIP The title serves as evidence of indefeasible and incontrovertible title to the property in favor of respondents, whose names appear therein; and that as registered owners, they are entitled to possession of the subject property. As against possession claimed by the petitioners, respondents' certificate of title prevails. "[M]ere possession cannot defeat the title of a holder of a registered [T]orrens title x x x." Petitioners are mere intruders with respect to the subject property; they have no right to own or possess the same. On the other hand, as registered owners of the subject property, respondents have the right to exercise all attributes of ownership including possession which they cannot do while petitioners remain there.
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