Legal Basis in Requiring Discharge Permit

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Legal Basis in requiring Discharge Permit & Posting of


DAO 10, series of 2005 (Implementing Rules and

Regulations of RA 9275)
Sec. 14 Discharge Permits. The Department shall require owners
or operators of facilities that discharge regulated effluents pursuant
to this Act to secure a permit to discharge. the discharge permit
shall be the legal authorization granted by the Department to
discharge wastewater: Provided, That the discharge permit shall
specify among others, the quantity and quality of effluent that said
facilities are allowed to discharge into a particular water body,
compliance schedule and monitoring requirement.
14.9 Effectivity of the Discharge Permit. The Discharge
Pemrit shall be valid for a maximum period of Five (5) years from
date of its issuance, renewable for 5-years periods. The Department
may, however, renew the discharge permit valid for a longer if the
applicant has adopted waste minimization and waste treatment
technologies, consistent with incentives currently provided has been
paying the permit fees on time.
14.13 Posting of Permit. The permittee shall display the
permit on the facility or installation in such manner as to be clearly
visible and accessible at all times. In the event that the permit
cannot be so placed, it shall be mounted in an accessible and
visible place near the installation covered by the permit. Any person
who shall will willfully deface, alter, forge, counterfeit, or falsify any
permit shall be punished in accordance with law.

14.16 Self-Monitoring Reports. The Regional Offices shall

require the permittee to submit a quarterly self-monitoring report
on a prescribed form under oath signed by the Managing Head and
the Pollution Control Officer or any registered chemical or sanitary
engineer as designated/assigned by the managing Head as PCO.
Specifically, the report shall contain the quality and quantity of
wastes discharged daily or periodically, as the case may be; the
characterization and laboratory analyses conducted, preferably by a
duly licensed and

recognized/accredited laboratory by the

Department; and such other material information the Regional

Office may require from the permittee. The DENR Regional Offices
shall validate information in the SMRs.
The self-monitoring report shall be submitted to the Regional
Offices within fifteen (15) calendar days after the end of each

Sec. 27. Prohibited Acts. The following acts are hereby

Discharging, depositing or causing to be deposited material of

any kind directly into the water bodies or along the margins of
any surface water, where, the same shall be liable to be
washed into such surface water, either by tide action or by
storm, floods or otherwise, which could cause water pollution
or impede natural flow in the water body;


Discharging regulated water pollutants without the valid

required discharge permit pursuant to this Act or after the
permit was revoked for any violation of any condition therein;


Refusal or failure to submit reports whenever required by the

Department in accordance with this Act;


Refusal or failure to designate pollution control officers

whenever required by the Department in accordance with this

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