Rice Mungbean
Rice Mungbean
Rice Mungbean
2016, 000, 17
DOI: 10.1002/jpln.201600043
Nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) deficiencies are key constraints in rainfed lowland rice (Oryza
sativa L.) production systems of Cambodia. Only small amounts of mineral N and P or of organic
amendment are annually applied to a single crop of rainfed lowland rice by smallholder farmers.
The integration of leguminous crops in the pre-rice cropping niche can contribute to diversify the
production, supply of C and N, and contribute to soil fertility improvement for the subsequent
crop of rice. However, the performance of leguminous crops is restricted even more than that of
rice by low available soil P. An alternative strategy involves the application of mineral P that is
destined to the rice crop already to the legume. This P supply is likely to stimulate legume growth
and biological N2 fixation, thus enhancing C and N inputs and recycling N and P upon legume
residue incorporation. Rotation experiments were conducted in farmers fields in 20132014 to
assess the effects of P management on biomass accumulation and N2 fixation (d15N) by mungbean (Vigna radiata L.) and possible carry-over effects on rice in two contrasting representative
soils (highly infertile and moderately fertile sandy Fluvisol). In the traditional system (no legume),
unamended lowland rice (no N, + 10 kg P ha1) yielded 2.8 and 4.0 t ha1, which increased to
3.5 and 4.7 t ha1 with the application of 25 kg ha1 of urea-N in the infertile and the moderately
fertile soil, respectively. The integration of mungbean as a green manure contributed up to 9 kg
of biologically fixed N (17% Nfda), increasing rice yields only moderately to 3.54.6 t ha1. However, applying P to mungbean stimulated legume growth and enhanced the BNF contribution up
to 21 kg N ha1 (36% Nfda). Rice yields resulting from legume residue incorporation (green
manure useall residues returned and grain legume useonly stover returned) increased to
4.2 and 4.9 t ha1 in the infertile and moderately fertile soil, respectively. The forage legume
use (all above-ground residues removed) provided no yield effect. In general, legume residue
incorporation was more beneficial in the infertile than in the moderately fertile soil. We conclude
that the inclusion of mungbean into the prevailing low-input rainfed production systems of Cambodia can increase rice yield, provided that small amounts of P are applied to the legume. Differences in the attributes of the two major soil types in the region require a site-specific targeting of
the suggested legume and P management strategies, with largest benefits likely to accrue on infertile soils.
Key words: biological N2 fixation / delta15N / Oryza sativa / rainfed rice/ Vigna radiata
1 Introduction
Rainfed lowland rice is the dominant food crop in the low-input
agricultural systems of Cambodia. The main production area is
characterized by highly weathered sandy Fluvisols with low organic matter and N contents (Seng et al., 2001), extremely low
available P contents, and low-activity material dominating the
clay fraction (White et al., 1997). Mineral fertilizer sources are
often unaffordable to small-scale producers (Blair and Blair,
2014), the efficiency of recommended application rates is
highly variable, and profitability is often low (Seng et al., 2001),
possibly the result of leaching losses of nutrients other than P.
Only low amounts of farmyard manure (FYM) are generally applied due to the limited number of farm animals.
pH (water, 1 : 5)
EC / dS
CEC / cmolc
Total N / g
Total organic C / g
Available P / mg
Available K / mg
Sand / %
Silt / %
Clay / %
class b
Loamy sand
Loamy sand
on topsoil samples (020 cm); pH and EC measured using a 1 : 5 ratio of soil to water.
Total N and C determined by automatic elemental analyzer. Modified Olsen method.
bTexture determined with the pipet method.
od). In 2014, the management of mungbean residues was further differentiated on the infertile soil only, including the residue
treatments (1) green manure legume with all residues returned, (2) grain legume with only stover returned, and (3)
forage legume with the total above-ground biomass removed. Phosphorus was applied basally at a rate of 10 kg ha1 as
triple superphosphate (TSP, 20% P). In the case of mineral
fertilizer-N treatment, 25 kg of N ha1 were applied as urea in
three equal splits basally, at the maximum tillering, and the
panicle initiation stages. Potassium was uniformly broadcast
basally at 30 kg K ha1 as KCl. The treatments and nutrient application schedules and rates are presented in Table 2. Individual treatment plots of 45 m 45 m were arranged in a
randomized block design using four replications.
2.4 Analyses
Composites of seven topsoil (020 cm) samples per plot
were analyzed for pH and EC using a 1 : 5 ratio of soil and
water (Vernier LabQuest portable meters), total C and N were
determined with an automatic element analyzer (Euro EA
Elemental Analyzer series 3000), available P and K were
determined photometrically after bicarbonate extraction (Olsen method), and the texture was assessed using the pipet
method. To determine the biological N2 fixation by mungbean,
only above-ground plant parts were used for d15N natural
abundance analysis. Maize was used as reference plant. It
was grown in 2 m 1 m micro-plots located within each
mungbean plot and harvested at the same day as the legumes using a 0.6 m 1.0 m sampling frame. Samples of
mungbean and maize were oven-dried at 70C for 48 h, milled
at < 0.1 mm, and analyzed for N isotope ratios in duplicates
at the Institute of Crop Science and Resource Conservation,
Department of Plant Nutrition, University of Bonn, Germany,
using an ANCA-SL 2020 mass spectrometer. The share of N
Table 2: Treatments, seasonal management, and nutrient application in the field experiments. Treatments 14 were applied in both the infertile
and the moderately fertile soil, while treatments 58 were applied only in the highly infertile Fluvisol (Prey Khmer, Cambodia, 2014).
Pre-rice transition
season treatments
Unamended control
Bare fallow
Urea-N +P
Bare fallow
Green manure -P
Mungbean P
BNFb-N + P
Green manure +P
Mungbean + P
Grain legume -P
Mungbean P
Grain legume +P
Mungbean + P
Forage legume -P
Mungbean P
Forage legume +P
Mungbean + P
3 Results
3.1 Mungbean performance
% Ndfa
d15N of reference plant d15N of N2 fixing legume
d15N of reference plant B
N fixed
% Ndf
legume kg ha1 :
Table 3: Effect of P supply on growth, N2 fixation, and yield of the 56 d mungbean (infertile sandy Fluvisol, Cambodia, 2014).
0 kg P ha1
10 kg P ha1
N2 fixation / %Ndfa
17 1.7
36 2.6
9 0.1
21 2.6
31 2.2
47 4.8
N2 fixation / kg
N accumulation / kg
Grain yield / kg
Sig. = Least Significant Difference (LSD), with **P < 1% and *P < 5%. Mean values standard deviation (SD).
Table 4: Effects of a 56 d old pre-rice mungbean crop and of the P application strategy on the grain yield of rainfed lowland rice in two contrasting soils of Cambodia (2013 and 2014).a
2.99 c
2.82 bc
4.18 b
Urea N
(25 kg N and 10 kg P ha1)
3.74 ab
3.45 a
4.70 ab
Mungbean P
(10 kg P ha1 applied to rice)
3.53 bc
3.11 abc
4.71 a
4.61 a
Mungbean +P
(10 kg P ha1 to the legume)
4.21 a
3.61 ab
4.86 a
4.83 a
followed by same letters in a column are not significantly different at P < 5% by Least Significant Different (LSD).
yields even further. However, such benefits were only significant in the infertile soil. Thus, the residue management of the
mungbean was further modified in the second year of the
study on the infertile soil only. Irrespective of P application
and residue management, the mungbean significantly increased the yield of the subsequently grown crop of rainfed
rice above the no-N amendment but not above the mineral
N-amended treatments (Table 5). When P was applied to
mungbean instead of rice, both complete (green manure
scenario) and partial (grain legume scenario) residue return
increased the rice grain yield similar to the urea treatment.
However, the complete removal of crop residues (forage legume scenario) showed no effects of rice yield.
4 Discussion
4.1 Benefits from mungbean technology
The present study shows that the integration of mungbean as
a rotation crop during the pre-rice niche in rainfed production
systems of Cambodia is not only feasible but can be highly
beneficial, potentially providing grain as human food, animal
feed, and biomass for green manuring in addition to enhancing rice production. The diverse benefits accruing from cultivating legumes in the pre-rice niche of Asian production systems have been reviewed by Becker (2003). Also, carry-over
effects of P application on subsequent rice crops have been
reported before (Somado et al., 2003) and were observed
here. The applied P was used by mungbean, stored in the
above-ground biomass, and at least partially used for N2 fixation and N accumulation in the biomass. The incorporation of
P-amended mungbean thus not only increased the C and N
cycling, it also enhanced the P supply to and P uptake by
rice, as indicated by low residual soil P contents after one legume-rice cropping cycle (Table 5). Similar carry-over effects
of P have been reported in fallow legumeupland rice rotations in West Africa (Somado et al., 2006) and were shown
here for the first time for legume rotations in rainfed rice in
While the present study largely supports the positive reports
on legume benefits, neither the reported time limitation for the
establishment and the incorporation of pre-rice legumes nor
the availability of appropriate legume seeds (Ali and Narciso,
1994) appear to be limiting factors in the Cambodia case.
While the additional labor requirements for land preparation,
legume seeding and biomass incorporation can range from
20 to 62 labor-d ha1, labor-limitations are not perceived as a
constraint to green manure adoption at the current cost of
labor in rural Cambodia of < 5 US$ d1 (unpublished own
survey data). In addition, from a cross-sectional study of
> 250 rice field trials, Becker et al. (1995) showed a comparatively higher N use efficiency of legume residues than of mineral N fertilizers in rainfed environments with sandy soils, con-
Table 5: Effect of P fertilizer and mungbean residue management (green manure, grain, forage uses) on grain yield of rainfed rice and residual
available soil P at the end of the experiment (infertile sandy Fluvisol, Cambodia 2014).
P added / kg ha1
N added / kg ha1
2.82 e
3.45 a
1.09 c
23 (9)a
3.11 cd
2.32 ab
34 (21)
3.41 ab
0.62 cd
16 (6)
3.06 cde
2.26 ab
23 (14)
3.42 ab
0.30 d
2.91 de
1.88 bc
2.80 e
0.41 d
Overall model
Residue management
P management
Residual P management
aNumbers in brackets denote amounts of derived from biological N fixation. Different letters in a column denote significant differences at
P < 0.05 by Least Significant Different (LSD). Significant at *P < 5% and **P < 1%, respectively.
bResidual available soil P by Olsen method .
ditions that prevail in the study area. Finally, Olk et al. (2005)
highlight the need for multi-purpose species to maximize legume adoption in rice-based systems. The mungbean in the
present study fulfills these criteria and Southern Cambodia
appears thus an ideal environment for maximizing benefits
and achieving large-scale adoption.
In both study years and at each of the study sites, legume failure has been observed in some plots, either due to excessive
rainfall and flooding in 2013 on the infertile soil site or due to
water shortages in 2014 on the moderately fertile soil site
during the dry-to-wet season transition period. Variability in
the onset and the intensity of monsoon rains has increased
during the past decade (Hoyos and Webster, 2007), already
affecting planting dates (Lundqvist and Falkenmark, 2010),
thus, potentially jeopardizing the benefits of suggested technology options. The uncertainty in the outcome of an investment in a pre-rice legume is thus considered to be the main
disincentive for adoption of mungbean technology. The provision of a wider variety of available multi-purpose legume
germplasm may contribute to reduce such limitations.
5 Conclusions
We conclude that the integration of mungbean into the prevailing smallholder rainfed rice-based systems can substitute
mineral fertilizer N, enhance C, N, and P cycling, and increase the yield of rice, provided that small amounts of P are
applied to the legume. Climatic risks of legume failure and differences in soil attributes require a site-specific targeting of
the suggested legume and P management strategies, with
largest benefits likely to accrue in normal years without
early flood or drought, and on infertile soils, which are widespread in the larger Mekong region (Cambodia, Northeast
Thailand, and Laos).
This research was supported by grants provided by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) via the German Academic Exchange Service
(DAAD) and the fiat panis Foundation, Ulm, Germany under
grant PN29/2014.
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Systems, in Ladha, J. K., Garrity, D. P. (eds.): Green Manure
Production Systems for Asian Ricelands. The International Rice
Research Institute (IRRI), Manila, Philippines, pp. 173195.
Amanuel, G., Kuhne, R. F., Tanner, D. G., Vlek, P. L. G. (2000): Biological nitrogen fixation in faba bean (Vicia faba L.) in the Ethiopian
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Becker, M. (2003): Potential von Leguminosen zur Grundungung und
Einsatzmoglichkeiten im tropischen Reisanbau. Habilitation
treatise, Norderstedt, Germany.