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Hindawi Publishing Corporation

Journal of Chemistry
Volume 2015, Article ID 530607, 6 pages

Research Article
Cartilage Tissue Engineering Using Combination of
Chitosan Hydrogel and Mesenchymal Stem Cells
Dechao Yuan,1,2 Zhu Chen,1 Tao Lin,1 Xuwei Luo,1 Hua Dong,3 and Gang Feng1,2

Institute of Tissue Engineering and Stem Cells, Nanchong Central Hospital and the Second Clinical Institute of
North Sichuan Medical University, 97 Renmin South Road, Nanchong, Sichuan 637000, China
Sichuan Medical University, 319 3rd Block of Zhongshan Road, Luzhou, Sichuan 646000, China
School of Chemistry, University of Edinburgh, Kings Buildings, West Mains Road, Edinburgh EH9 3JF, UK
Correspondence should be addressed to Hua Dong; [email protected] and Gang Feng; [email protected]
Received 2 October 2015; Accepted 26 October 2015
Academic Editor: Jin Geng
Copyright 2015 Dechao Yuan et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
A novel chitosan hydrogel with high porosity was fabricated by a crosslinking method. Cartilage tissue engineering formed after
mesenchymal stem cells was cultured on this hydrogel scaffold for 12 weeks. The immunohistochemistry tests demonstrated that
the obtained cartilage had the specific histological properties of natural cartilage. And the qPCR tests also proved that the genes for
type II collagen in the obtained cartilage were expressed the same as in the natural one.

1. Introduction
Cartilage impairment is one of the most common diseases in
the world. It brings about enormous pains to the patients,
brings about considerable economic burden to the society,
and brings about a big challenge to the clinicians and
researchers [13]. Cartilage has little self-healing capability
due to its avascular structure. Even if there is new tissue
forming at the injured position of cartilage, it usually does not
have the biomechanical properties of normal cartilage [4].
Fortunately, the development of tissue engineering in
recent years provides a new pathway for cartilage repair [5
7]. According to the past researches [8, 9], tissue engineering
normally has three elements, that is, seed cells, scaffolds, and
growth factors. Chondrocytes and stem cells are the most
used seed cells for cartilage repair at present [10]. However,
the source of chondrocytes is very scarce because of the very
limited cartilage in body and its poor reproducing capability.
Moreover, the extraction process could bring about new
impairment to the patients as well [3]. Stem cells are just on
the opposite side [11]. Compared with chondrocytes, the stem
cells have many advantages, such as abundant source, the easy
and little impairing extraction, and flourishing proliferation
capability. Moreover, the stem cells can be induced into

different kinds of cells, which makes them versatile in the

tissue engineering research. Therefore, stem cells become the
ideal seed cells for cartilage tissue engineering [1214].
The second element for cartilage tissue engineering is
the scaffold. There are three kinds of scaffold materials;
those are natural biomaterials, synthetic polymeric materials, and composited materials. Generally speaking, natural
biomaterials have favorable biocompatibility but inferior
mechanical stability. In contrast to natural biomaterials, synthetic polymeric materials have favorable mechanical stability
but inferior biocompatibility [15]. Composited materials are
normally composited with natural biomaterials with some
synthetic parts. They can provide the scaffold with favorable
biocompatibility as well as strong stability. Although the more
complicated fabrication process could be their disadvantage,
composited materials provide the researchers with a better
choice on the scaffold materials. The scaffold for cartilage
tissue engineering should have good biocompatibility and
considerable porosity [16]. It should be favorable for cell
growth and differentiation as well [17]. The scaffold used in
this research was chitosan hydrogel. Hydrogels are normally
made to a three-dimensional construct in which cells can
anchor, grow, differentiate, and excrete extracellular matrix.
Due to their mechanical properties similar to natural tissue,

hydrogels are broadly used as the scaffold for tissue engineering. Chitosan has similar properties with glycosaminoglycans, which are the main composition of extracellular matrix
in cartilage tissue [18, 19]. The nonimmunogenic property
of chitosan hydrogel is a special advantage for implantation
in vivo as well as for tissue culture in vitro. With special
fabrication process, we can also endow it with highly porous
Growth factor, which is another element, is very important if the stem cells are supposed to be differentiated into
some special cells [20]. It is the signal to induce stem cells to
differentiate. At present, the usually used cartilage inducing
growth factors include TGF-, BMP, and IGF-1 [2123]. TGF series are composed of TGF-1, TGF-2, TGF-3, and
TGF-4. They can promote the differentiation of cartilage
by improving the expression of cartilage transcription factor
SOX9 [24]. TGF-1, which can stimulate the secretion of
Aggrecan and type II collagen and keep the phenotype of
chondrocyte stable, is the major cell factor to induce MSCs
to differentiate into chondrocytes [23]. In this research, we
used TGF-1 as the growth factor, modified chitosan as the
scaffold material, and considered MSCs as the seed cells to
explore a novel cartilage regeneration method. The obtained
cartilage tissue was proved the same as its natural counterpart by immunohistochemistry staining tests and qPCR

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Materials and Instruments. The materials and instruments used include Mesenchymal stem cells (extracted
from 2-week-old New Zealand white rabbits), CO2 incubator (Thermo), Safranin-O staining solution (Sigma), type
II collagenase (Sigma), inverted phase contrast microscope (Nikon), Aggrecan primary and secondary antibodies (Thermo), iQ5 RT-PCR (Bio-Rad), scanning electronic
microscopy (JSM-7500F, JEOL), FBS (HyClone), NEAA, 2ME, vitamin C, TGF-1, ITS-Premix, and L-proline (Sigma).
2.2. The Fabrication of Chitosan Hydrogel. 0.8 mL 1,6-diisocyanatohexane was mixed thoroughly with 1.0 mL polyethylene glycol (PEG) 200, and then the mixture was stirred at
25 C for 3 days to synthesize the crosslinker. 10 L of the
obtained crosslinker was added into 1 mL chitosan solution
(1% w/w) and then mixed thoroughly. The chitosan scaffold
was obtained after the lyophilization of the mixture.
2.3. Stem Cells Culturing and Cartilage Inducement. Primary
mesenchymal cells from rabbits were passaged twice. The
obtained second passage (P2) cells were diluted to 2
107 mL1 to be ready for use.
The inducing culturing of stem cells was carried out in
a cartilage inducing medium, which contained 10% FBS,
10 mM nonessential amino acids, 55 M 2-ME, 50 g/mL
vitamin C, 10 ng/mL TGF-1, 1% ITS-Premix, 40 g/mL
L-proline, 100 mM hexadecadrol, and 1% penicillin/streptomycin.

Journal of Chemistry
The scaffold material was cut into 2 3 5 mm cubic
shape and was sterilized in a well plate. 0.1 mL 2 107 mL1
P2 cell suspension was added into the scaffold material. 2 mL
inducing culturing medium was then added into the well
after 4 hours. Then the well plate was kept at 37 C, 5% CO2 ,
saturated humidity to be cultured for 12 weeks. The inducing
culturing medium was changed every two days. The well plate
was changed every week.
2.4. Scanning Electronic Microscopy (SEM). SEM investigation was carried out on JEOL JSM-7500 SEM machine. The
samples were coated with gold to increase their conductivity
before the observation.
2.5. Immunohistochemistry Staining. The paraffin-embedded
sections of the obtained tissue were carried out to test its
biochemical composition. The hematein-eosin staining and
Safranin O-fast green staining were performed with the
traditional methods. To realize type II collagen immunohistochemistry staining, the tissue was treated with 10 mM
pH 6 sodium citrate for 3 min, 2% hyaluronidase for 30 min,
3% H2 O2 for 10 min, 0.3% Triton-100 incubating for 10 min,
and BSA antigen blocking for 30 min. Then the tissue was
incubated with type II collagen primary antibody overnight
at 4 C and then incubated with type II collagen secondary
antibody for 1 hour at room temperature. Then after being
visualized with 3,3 -diaminobenzidine for 510 min, the
sample was blocked with neutral resin. To realize Aggrecan immunofluorescence imaging, the tissue was treated
with 10 mM pH 6 sodium citrate for 3 min, 0.3% Triton100 incubating for 10 min, and BSA antigen blocking for
30 min. And then the tissue was incubated with Aggrecan
primary antibody overnight at 4 C and incubated with Aggrecan secondary antibody for 1 hour at room temperature.
The sample was blocked with antifluorescence quenching
2.6. PCR Tests. Natural and fabricated cartilage tissues were
extracted to carry out PCR tests. Total RNA was isolated
using the SV Total RNA Isolation System, following the
manufacturers instructions. RNA quantification and quality
were determined using the 260/280 nm ratio. Each RNA
sample was then reverse-transcribed to cDNA using TaqMan
Reverse Transcription Reagents in a thermocycler set at 42 C
for 60 min and at 95 C for 5 min. The primer sequences used
in this study were the following:
Real-time PCR was performed using SYBR Green Master
Mix. cDNA (2 L) was added to bring the final volume of the
real-time PCR sample to 25 L. Then the samples were run
for 35 to 45 times amplification.

Journal of Chemistry





Figure 1: (a) SEM image of the chitosan scaffold; scale bar: 100 m. (b) Optical image of the water saturated chitosan scaffold. (c) Optical image
of the mesenchymal stem cells used in cartilage reconstruction; scale bar: 100 m. (d) Optical image of the tissue obtained after culturing for
12 weeks.

3. Results and Discussion

3.1. Morphology of the Chitosan Scaffold. Generally, an ideal
scaffold for tissue engineering should have some properties.
(1) It should have excellent biocompatibility, low immunogenicity, and suitable decomposition speed. These properties
could ensure the compatibility of the scaffold with the body
and keep the speed of tissue growth matching with the
speed of scaffold decomposition. (2) It should have favorable
porosity. Porosity is the guarantee for cell expansion and
substance exchange in the scaffold. (3) It should also have
surface favorable for cells to adhere, to proliferate, and to
differentiate. (4) Finally it should have suitable mechanical
properties which match the properties of the related parts
in body. In this research, chitosan was chosen as the base
of the scaffold. Considering the fact that the mechanical
stability of chitosan is not good enough, we employed
crosslinking to reinforce its inner structure. As shown in
Figure 1(a), crosslinking-lyophilization process provided the
scaffold with very good porous structure. This kind of
structure is very helpful for seed cells to enter the scaffold and
can also promote the exchange of nutrients and metabolites.
When the chitosan scaffold was saturated with water, it
became a gel like morphology in a short time (Figure 1(b)).
The high water adsorption capacity can accelerate the access
of seed cells to the scaffold at the beginning of cell culturing.
3.2. Cartilage Induction Culturing. MSCs P2 cells from rabbit
showed spindle, long triangle, or polygon morphologies
(Figure 1(c)). These are the typical morphologies of MSCs.
It means that the cells had very good viability. As described

in experimental section, growth factor TGF-1 was added

into the culturing solution to induce the differentiation of
stem cells into chondrocytes. After culturing for 12 weeks, a
cartilage like tissue was obtained (Figure 1(d)). The obtained
tissue has a half transparent, elastic, and gel like structure.
3.3. Immunohistochemistry Tests. Immunohistochemistry
tests were carried out to make sure that the histological
compositions of the fabricated cartilage were the same as
natural cartilage. Figures 2(a) and 2(b) show the hemateineosin staining results. Cells in the tissue grew boomingly.
Extracellular matrix (ECM) was synthesized in large scale
and cartilage hollow formed successfully. The arrow in
Figure 2(a) indicates the scaffold material in the tissue.
Figures 2(c) and 2(d) show the Safranin O-fast green staining
results. The ECM was reddish orange, and the nuclei were
dark red. The scaffold materials showed light red color.
The cartilage hollow, which could not be colored, was also
obvious in the images. Figures 2(e) and 2(f) show that the
type II collagen immunohistochemistry staining results were
positive. The ECM and the area inside the scaffold were
sepia in the image. Cellular nuclei were light blue, and the
scaffold material (arrow) and cartilage hollow were negative.
Figures 2(g) and 2(h) showed Aggrecan immunofluorescence
images of the fabricated cartilage tissue. Both of the cells and
scaffold had green fluorescence. It means that Aggrecan had
been secreted into the scaffold to form cartilage ECM. The
results from immunohistochemistry staining prove that the
biochemical compositions of the fabricated cartilage tissue
were the same as the natural ones.

Journal of Chemistry









Figure 2: The immunohistochemistry staining results of the fabricated cartilage tissue. (a) and (b) Hematein-eosin staining. (c) and (d)
Safranin O-fast green staining. (e) and (f) Type II collagen immunohistochemistry staining. (g) and (h) Aggrecan immunofluorescence
imaging. Arrows in the images indicate scaffold material in the tissue. The immunohistochemistry staining results prove that the fabricated
tissue has the same biochemical composition as natural cartilage tissue. Scale bar: (a), (c), (e), and (g): 100 m; (b), (d), (f), and (h): 25 m.

3.4. RT-PCR. As shown in Figure 3, the expression of type

II collagen gene in the fabricated cartilage tissue had no
statistical significance. It means that type II collagen in the
tissue was everywhere. The expression of type II collagen had
reached the level of natural cartilage tissue.

4. Conclusions
Using a crosslinking method, we fabricated a novel chitosan
scaffold material. SEM images showed that the scaffold had

excellent porous structure. After inducing culturing of MSCs

on this scaffold for 12 weeks, an artificial cartilage tissue was
obtained. The immunohistochemistry results prove that the
obtained tissue had the same biochemical compositions as the
natural cartilage tissue and that the typical cartilage structure
formed in the obtained tissue as well. The expression of type
II collagen gene of the obtained cartilage tissue also reached
the level of its natural counterpart. The fabrication of this
novel artificial cartilage tissue is easy, cheap, and fast. It could
provide a favorable choice for future clinical application.

Journal of Chemistry

Relative expression



Figure 3: Gene expression of type II collagen in cartilage tissue.

Black column: type II collagen expression in natural cartilage tissue
as the control. Grey column: type II collagen expression in the
fabricated cartilage tissue.

Conflict of Interests
The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests
regarding the publication of this paper.

This work was supported by the Natural Science Foundation
of China (81171472 and 81201407), Innovation Team Project
Of Sichuan Provincial Education Department (13TD0030),
and Major Transformation Cultivation Project of Sichuan
Provincial Education Department (15CZ0021).

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