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If they are arranged in the ascending order of heights,

who will be in the third position?
(a) Monika (b) Rupa (c) Monika or Rupa
(d) Date Inadequate (e) None of these
7.If they are arranged in a the descending order of their
ages, who will be in the fourth position?
(a) Monika or Rupa (b) Kamini or Monika c) Pooja
(d)Data Inadequate (e) None of these
8.To answer the question who is the youngest person in the
group , which of the given statements is superfluous?
(a) Only (1) (b) Only (2) (c) Only (5)
(d) either (1) or (4) (e) None
Solution :
We first find the sequence of heights
by (3) we have :M < P
by (5) we have : P < N
Now, Rupa is tallest and kamini is second in height.
So the sequence of heights is : M < P < N < K < R.
Now, we determine the age sequence
by (2) we have : K < R.
by (3) we have : P < M.
by (4) we have : R = M.
by (5) we have : R < N.
So the sequence of ages is:N < R = M < K < P or N < R = M < P < K.
Answer for 6th question is (e),in the increasing order of heights,
Neelam is in third position.
Answer for 7th question is (e), in the descending order of ages,
Neelam will be in fourth position (because Monika and Rupa both
lie at third position).
Answer for 8th question is (a), Only statement (1) is not necessary.
1.Compare the knowledge of persons X, Y, Z, A, B and C in
relation to each other.
1.X knows more than A.
2.Y knows as much as B.
3.Z knows less than C.
4.A nows more than Y.
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