ArchiForma PDF
ArchiForma PDF
ArchiForma PDF
vers. 2.0
User Guide
Cigraph S.r.l.
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if the software is sold, traded or given away.
Text: Daniela Rubini Perez
Layout: Anna Castelli
Cover Illustration: Marco Marella
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Licences and Trademarks
ArchiForma is a registered brand name of Cigraph S.r.l. ArchiCAD, PlotMaker, StairMaker,
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ArchiForma 2.0
User Guide
ArchiForma 2.0
The ArchiForma 2.0 Plug-In
This Plug-In has been designed for ArchiCAD users wishing to generate
complex three-dimensional shapes without using GDL software.
Designers are often engaged in creating special shapes as furnishing
elements or customized structural solutions.
ArchiForma makes designing easy and amusing with a set of multi-task
problem-solving tools that process graphic primitives or extrusions and
A small graphic shaper with unparalleled performance.
Software Installation
Select the Plug-In folder that you purchased from the installation CD, and
copy it in the Add-Ons folder contained in the the ArchiCAD folder
which is installed in your computer.
If you carried out successfully the installation, once you restart
ArchiCAD, the Extra menu will display a submenu that enables you to
display or hide the application Palette.
The plug-in includes the library of the elements required for running.
The second group contains the three-dimensional tools that need twodimensional outlines (fills) to create the required shape. This refers to
extrusions, tubing and surfaces.
Finally, the Miscellaneous group, which includes either tools for the
element editing or saving and general editing ones.
User Guide
On the left, there are seven buttons to cross through the several
configuration boxes. The buttons are common to all the tools: they may
be disabled when they have no relation with the selected tool.
The central section changes according to the selection and contains the
real settings of the tool. A graphic description explains clearly the
The section on the right, which remains unchanged a part from the
selected editing mode, contains the level, material and layer settings.
The first button on the left, the parameters button, identifies the
configuration of the elements in terms of shape, dimension and
On the displayed upper section of the central box, its possible to select
the element you need to create, which can be solid, wire-shaped, empty
or thick.
User Guide
On the other hand, the last two editing fields are common to all the
elements. They allow you to translate the element you need to create on
the X- and Y-axis. Obviously, you can do the same action on a single
axis. If you enable the button next to the two axis, the translation value
of both will be equal. The reference value is always the one of the Xaxis.
The right section of the window remains always unchanged. As for the
ArchiCAD dialogs, you can enter the element level as regards the
current story or the zero project point.
Save them as single objects and, on the editing dialog window, it will
be displayed a single material variable, so that you wont be able to
change the material of one prism only.
If you give the two prisms different IDS, on the other hand, you will be
free to choose between two different materials.
The last setting of this dialog box, is a pop-up menu with which you can
choose the layer of the element to create.
User Guide
This box remains unchanged for all the elements of the tools palette, this
is why it will be described only in the present section. All the elements
here below described, have a reference to this section.
The first part refers to the plan attributes, i.e. the line type, the color pen
for the perimeter and the background fill of the object.
We recommend that you enable the check-box for the background fill
even when using a white or a transparent pen.
Lets make it clear with the following example:
See the example and generate a prism enabling the fill check-box. If
you save this element as an object in the .gsm format (see the Save
as ArchiCAD object Tool described later on in the manual) you will
notice that each vertex has an hotspot which can ease you while
putting the object on the plan.
By disabling the fill check-box, the hotspots of the saved object will
be positioned only at the corners of the overall perimeter and in the
The remaining section settings, referring to section and 3D, are like
those normally used in the ArchiCAD dialog windows.
In this section, you can set the fill of the element (if cut), the outline pen,
the fill pen and the background fill pen. For the 3D option, you can set
the ArchiForma pen to display the element.
The right frame section remains unchanged.
User Guide
On the lower part of the box, in the two numerical fields, you need to
enter the rounding or chamfering radius either for the top (Rt) or for the
base (Rb). By enabling the side button, you can make the two values
equal. If you press the button, after entering two different values in their
fields, the field of reference will be the upper one (Rt).
Two variables must be defined: Alpha defines the angle from where the
cut development starts and Beta sets its end.
Next to the two numerical fields, there are two buttons showing a pencil
icon. By pressing one of them, you can define these values in a graphic
mode: either if you are working in the plan window or in the 3D
window. Whenever this option is enabled, the numerical input fields are
Once confirmed the settings, in the plan window and in the 3D window,
(after inserting the element) the first click sets the Alpha value while the
second one sets the Beta value.
User Guide
You can decide to visualize or not the edges and/or the upper or lower
surfaces. This setting depends on the tool used with ArchiForma. For
more detailed information, see the following description of each
The use of an edges-free visualization can help you in case you have to
superpose several ArchiForma elements. In this case, on the 3D
visualization, the overall will displayed as a single element, without
bothersome joining lines.
For more detailed information on the meaning of these values (called
mask values), please refer also to the GDL manual, enclosed to the
ArchiCAD software box.
User Guide
The main setting focuses on the numerical field for the entering of the
number of the prism sides. It can change from 3 (as a minimum) to 255
(as a maximum).
The two following numerical fields refer respectively to the side length
and to the prism height. Both values can be set also graphically. If you
are working in the Plan Window, you can define graphically the length
of the prism side, while its height can be set only numerically. If the
current working window is the 3D window, you can define both values
graphically. With your first click you activate the insertion point of the
prism, with the second you refer to the side length and with the third
you define the element height.
Refer to the already described paragraph The common commands in
the dialog box of the ArchiForma tools for the description of any setting
of the element deformation and the remaining sections.
User Guide
The Cylinder
Click on the Cylinder button. The dialog box displayed as standard is
the settings dialog box for editing.
In the numerical input field identified by the letter L, you need to set
the cylinder radius, while its height in the one identified by the letter
H. Both values can also be defined graphically. If you are working in
the Plan window, you can define graphically the radius of the cylinder
while its height can be set only numerically. If the active window is the
3D window, you can define graphically both values.
With your first click you define the insertion point of the prism, with the
second you define the radius length and with the third you define the
element height.
User Guide
In the numerical input field identified by the letter N, you need to key
in the number of sides you need to assign to your pyramid. This value
ranges/changes from a minimum of 3 to a maximum of 255 partitions.
User Guide
In the numerical input field identified by the letter L, you need to set
the length of the pyramid side, while its height is set in the field
identified by the letter H. Both values can be also defined graphically
with a click on the button with the little pencil. If you are working in the
Plan window, you can define graphically the side of the pyramid while
its height can be set only numerically. If the active window is the 3D
window, you can define graphically both values.
With your first click you define the insertion point of the pyramid, with
the second you define the side length and with the third you define the
height of the regular pyramid.
Refer to the already described paragraph The common commands in
the dialog window of the ArchiForma tools for the description of how to
set the element deformation and the Attributes box.
The other method for the pyramid creation, allows you to create
irregular elements.
With the ArchiCAD fill tool, draw a shape as you like. Select it and
click on the Pyramid tool of the ArchiForma palette. The cursor turns into
a pencil ready to set with a click, the projection position of the pyramid
vertex on the plane. This point may be both inside and outside the fill
Once you click on it, ArchiForma displays the parameters settings box.
As you can see in the figure below, some settings, i.e. the number of
sides and their length, are disabled (as these information are drawn
from the fill shape).
Both height and deformation along the X and Y-axis remain unchanged.
With this creation method, you cannot define graphically the height of
the pyramid.
User Guide
In the lower left section of the box, you can delete the fill used for the
element base, by enabling the check-box (next to the trash icon). If the
check-box is disabled, after creating the pyramid, you will find in the
plan the two-dimensional shape, ready to be re-used.
This creation procedure does not modify the other settings of the tool.
See the previous paragraphs for more details.
The Cone
The second section of the palette is dedicated to the creation of regular
User Guide
The Sphere
Click on this icon to create a regular or irregular sphere.
In the numerical input field identified by the letter N, you need to key
in the number of parts into which you need to split the sphere. This
value ranges/changes from a minimum of 3 to a maximum of 255
partitions. The higher this value is, the more precise the curve resolution
results, but the element you create will be heavier.
The numerical editing fields of the three radii of the sphere (R1, R2, R3)
come just after. If the entered values are equal, the created element will
be a regular sphere.
The three values can be also defined graphically. If you are working in
the Plan window, you can define graphically the values R1 and R2,
while the R3 value can be set only numerically. If the active window is
the 3D window, you can define graphically all the three values.
Please Note
If you are defining graphically the two R1 and R2 radii and you want to
assign the same value to both of them, force the cursor to move
towards 45, 135, 225 or 315 or towards 0, 90, 180 or 270.
User Guide
The preview displayed by ArchiForma will show you how the two radii
take the same value when following the cursor movement.
With your first click you define the insertion point of the sphere, with the
second, the third and the fourth you define the three radii of the
Refer to the already described paragraph The common commands in
the dialog window of the ArchiForma tools for the description of how to
set the element deformation and the Attributes box.
The section The rounding box is not available for this tool.
The Alpha and Beta values setting had been previously explained.
However, with this tool you can also create semi-spheres, simply by
enabling the corresponding check-box. Furthermore, you can also
decide to give a special development only to one of the sphere halves
using the side check-boxes.
User Guide
The 3D text
Click on this button to create three-dimensional texts of several shapes
and forms.
In the numerical field identified by letter L, define the text thickness (as
is appears in the preview next to the settings), while in the field below
(called H) define the height.
Finally, set the text layout (horizontal, curved or vertical).
If the horizontal option is enabled, no further information will be
required and, after setting the attribute values, you can continue by
entering the text element in active worksheet window.
Both in the Plan and in the 3D window, with your first click you define
the insertion point of the element and then the direction.
If you select the curved configuration, the dialog box displays two new
editable fields: respectively for the radius of the curvature, which can be
also defined graphically (enabling the enter graphics button), and for
the inclination of each character with reference to the plan of the text
User Guide
The third available option is the vertical one: here you need to key in
the leading value between two characters.
If also you need to create a slope text respect to the bearing surface,
you will have to use the rotation tool described later on in this manual.
Refer to the already described paragraph The common commands in
the dialog window of ArchiForma tools for any setting of The attributes
The remaining sections are not available for this tool.
ArchiForma provides four kinds of extrusions.
These elements are generated by extruding ArchiCAD fills previously
positioned on the plan.
In the first numerical editing field identified by the letter H, you need
to enter the element height, ( thats to say the vertical extrusion value ).
User Guide
On the left lower side of the box, if you activate the check-box with a
trash next to it, you will be able to remove the fill you used as the
element base. If the check-box is disabled, on the plan you will find the
two-dimensional shape ready for to be used.
Refer to the already described paragraph The common commands in
the dialog window of ArchiForma tools for any setting concerning The
attributes box.
The section The development box is not available for this tool.
You can choose to use this simplified setting (using the two described
check-boxes) or chose to click on the Expert button, positioned on the
upper part of the box, to access the right customization of each edge of
the shape.
In the Expert dialog box, its possible to define, for each side element
surface (holes included), the mask values used to show or hide the
specified edges.
Thick lines indicates the visible edges.
User Guide
User Guide
After your second click, the setting dialog window comes out on the
In the first numerical editing field identified by the H letter, enter the
height of the element you need to extrude. Under this field, there is a
disabled button with an icon portraying a lock.
This setting, which will be explained later on, is active only when you
are editing a ruled element previously created.
There is another value to enter in the numerical field: the number of
segments into which ArchiForma has to split the side surfaces of the
model coming out from merging the two profiles.
This connection is performed by creating triangles. The higher the
entered number is, the more precise and complex the created shape
results (though heavier).
You can decide whether to keep or not the two-dimensional shapes
which were the base of the extrusion by means of the corresponding
check-box next to the trash icon.
The Rounding Box and The Development Box sections are not available
for this tool.
User Guide
The first value you have to enter in the numerical field is the rotation
angle A (expressed in degrees). The two-dimensional shape will rotate
on itself of the same value. The second setting K is the re-dimensioning
value, it can have only a positive value and it is proportioned to the
original value. For example: if you want to obtain a shape which is the
double of the base, you must enter 2, while to obtain the half of it, enter
In the H field, key in the height of the extruded element (the vertical
extrusion value), while in the field identified with the letter N , key in
the number of parts into which you need to split the vertical extrusion
path. This value can change from a minimum of 3 parts to a maximum
of 255 .
The higher this value is, the more fluid the created form results, but the
element created will be also heavier.
In the lower left side of the box, there is a trash icon. If you enable its
check-box, ArchiForma will cancel the basic fill that you used to create
the object. If this check-box is disabled, the fill will remain positioned on
the plan for a future use.
Refer to the already described paragraph The common commands in
the dialog box of ArchiForma tools for all the settings concerning The
attributes box.
The sections Rounding Box and the Development Box are not available
for this tool.
User Guide
Enter the height of the extruded element in the H field (the vertical
extrusion value). In the N field, enter the number of parts required by
the resolution of the bent section. The value can range/ change from a
minimum of 3 to a maximum of 255 parts.
The higher the number entered is, the more rounded the shape created
results (but the created element will be heavier).
User Guide
In the R field you can set the value of the bending radius of the
This tool does not provide deformation settings.
You can decide whether to hold or not the two-dimensional shapes
which were the base of the extrusion by enabling the corresponding
check-box next to the trash icon.
Refer to the previous paragraph The common commands in the dialog
window of ArchiForma tools, for any setting concerning The attributes
The sections the Rounding box and the Development box are not
available for this tool.
You can decide to use this simplified setting (using the two check-boxes
above described) or to click on the Expert button, positioned in the
upper part of the box, to access the precise customization of each edge
of the shape.
In the Expert dialog box, its possible to define, for each side element
surface (holes included), the mask values used to show or hide the
specified edges.
Thick lines indicates the visible edges.
User Guide
The first to be displayed on the Palette is the Revolution.
Start by drawing on the plan the profile that will be used to create the
revolution surface/solid with the Fill tool or the ArchiCAD Polyline tool.
If you use the Fill tool, remember that you cannot assign holes, which
will be neglected anyhow.
Select the profile and click on the Revolution icon.
In the A field , key in the revolution angle you used to generate the
final shape, while in the R field enter the value, if any, of the inside
This will be the shifting of the profile from the revolution axis. Both
values can be defined also graphically but only in the Plan window.
No deformation settings are available for this tool.
In the lower left side of the box, there is an icon portraying a trash. If
you enable the corresponding check-box, ArchiForma will cancel the
profile you used to create the object. If disabled, the profile will remain
positioned on the plan and ready for a future use.
Refer to the previous paragraph The common commands in the dialog
window of ArchiForma tools, for any setting concerning The attributes
The sections The rounding box and the Development box are not
available for this tool.
User Guide
After the Revolution tool, the Spiral is the second tool available on the
With this tool you can generate spirals as well as simple tori.
Likewise the Pyramid tool, the Spiral tool can be used in two different
modes to allow the user to generate spirals with pre-defined or
customized sections.
Lets start with the standard method for regular-section spirals.
In the field A you need to enter the value of the horizontal radius of
the spiral, while in the field B the vertical radius (spirals can be also
elliptical, as well as circular). With the two pencils next to these two
fields, you can enable the graphic mode to define them in both Plan
and 3D window.
Circular section
Rectangular section
L-shaped section
C-shaped section
T-shaped section
Custom section
The last option the custom section, is available/enabled only if you are
generating a customized section spiral (and you have drawn and
selected a fill before accessing this tool).
According to the selected option, below these six buttons, you will see
the fields that allow you to define the geometry of the section.
Lets look at them according to your selection.
User Guide
Circular section
In the numerical input field identified by the letter X, you need to enter
the length of the base of the rectangle and in the Y field the value of
the height of the rectangle.
Obviously, if you set the same value in both fields, your final section will
be a square one.
L-shaped section
In the numerical input field identified by the letter X, you need to set
the width of your L-shaped section and its height in the Y field.
In the S field, you can define the thickness of the elements building the
C-shaped section
In the numerical input field identified by the letter X, you need to set
the width of your C-shaped section and its height in field Y field.
In the S field you can set the thickness of the elements building the
T-shaped section
In the numerical input field identified by the letter X, you need to set
the width of your T-shaped section and its height in field Y field.
The S field allows you to set the thickness of the elements building the
Custom section
With this generation method for spiral/torus, you can create elements
with customized section.
With the ArchiCAD fill tool, draw any kind of shape. Select it and click
on the Spiral tool icon.
Ensure that the fill you used does not contain holes; nevertheless if it
does, ArchiForma will not consider them.
Once clicked, ArchiForma displays the parameters setting box.
As you can see in the figure below, the buttons for selecting the
available sections are disabled.
User Guide
Only the icon with the pencil is active to remind you that you are
generating a spiral with a customized section as well as the resolution
field for the curved parts of the path.
No special settings are required in this section, since all the necessary
data are obtained from the selected fill.
In the left lower part of the box, you can see a trash icon. If you enable
its check-box, ArchiForma will delete the fill you used to create the
object. If disabled, the fill will maintain its position on the Plan for future
No deformation settings are requested for the Spiral tool.
Refer to the previous paragraph, The common commands in the dialog
window of ArchiForma tools for any setting concerning The attributes
The sections The rounding box and the Development box are not
available for this tool.
User Guide
The cursor turns into a pencil next to the icon of a closed profile, asking
you to define with a click the point of the profile which will run along
the path. This node can be one of the vertexes of the profile or a common- point of any kind (even out of the node area) if you need the
profile to be generated offset to the section.
As soon as you define this node, the cursor changes its shape again,
turning into an open path icon, and asking you to click on any node of
the path in order to determine, between the two selected shapes, which
one represents the spatial path used to extrude the profile.
User Guide
Below the field A, with a special button (disabled when creating the
object, but enabled when you are modifying a selected object), you can
reflect the section along the path axis.
After this field, there is the Resolution field, where you can set the
number of segments into which you will split the curved parts of the
In the lower left side of the box , there is an icon with a trash. If you
enable the corresponding check-box, ArchiForma will delete the profile
you used to create the object. If disabled, the profile will remain
positioned on the plan and ready for a future use.
There are no deformation settings available for the Simple extrusion tool
along a path.
Refer to the previous paragraph The common commands in the dialog
window of ArchiForma tools for any setting concerning The attribute
The sections The rounding box and the Development box are not
available for this tool.
User Guide
Now, select them and click on the tool Simple Extrusion along a
Click on a node of the fill and then on a node of the path to identify
the two elements.
In the displayed settings box, dont change anything, but accept the
values given as standard which, concerning the Visualization box,
assign the value of 90 to the ends of your simple extrusion along a
You can clearly see that the sides of the object ends are at 90.
Lets assume now that you intend to customize this sense of direction.
Select the object and click on the tool icon Simple Extrusion along a
path to modify its settings. Open the Visualization box with a click
on the appropriate button on the left.
Disable the check-box for the 90 orientation and enable the second
You are now customizing the orientation and requesting the displaying
of the handles, in order to define graphically these orientations.
Confirm the changes and heres the final result on the plane.
User Guide
By selecting the object, you can see two editable hotspots at the
end of the two handles.
Shift the cursor over one of the two hotspots and click keeping
pressed the button of the mouse to display the pet palette , from
which you will select the hotspot graphic editing option (ArchiCAD
standard technique).
Drag the node to the desired position. You should notice that the
preview of the object displays in real time the future result you will
Repeat the same procedure also with the other node, shifting it as
necessary, until you reach the required result.
User Guide
Please Note
Do not enable once again the check-box for the 90 orientation unless
you really want to return to this configuration
Confirm the modification and thats your final result:
If you need to draw a shape like this, but with a different orientation,
you should start by generating it according to the previous condition
and then rotate it, as you need , using the ArchiForma Rotation tool
(explained later on).
Although this tool is a simplification of the GDL Sweep command (to
make it easier for you!) , please refer to the GDL manual enclosed to the
ArchiCAD software package, to get more detailed information on the
description of these kind of elements.
User Guide
Likewise the Spiral tool, also the Scalar Extrusion along a path (Sweep)
tool can be used in two different modes: users will be able to generate
extrusions with a predefined or customized profile.
According to the type of profile that you need, with this kind of shape
you are supposed to define one or two components:
1. A path only (in case the section has a pre-defined profile)
2. A profile (in case the section is customized) and a path.
The Profile and the path must be first defined on the plane and then
selected, before you click on the Scalar Extrusion along a path (Sweep)
The path, along which you will extrude the profile, must be generated
by using a 3D ArchiForma Polyline. The coordinates of the path are
drawn from the nodes of the polyline.
Please Note
Please Note
Under the fields above described, there are six little buttons that allow
you to select among the several available sections. They are:
circular section
User Guide
rectangular section
L-shaped section
C-shaped section
T-shaped section
Custom section
Rectangular section
In the numerical input field identified by the letter X, you need to enter
the length of the rectangle base and in the Y field the value of the
rectangle height.
Obviously, if you set the same value in both fields, your final section will
be a square one.
L-shaped section
In the numerical input field identified by the letter X, set the width of
your L-shaped section and its height in the Y field.
In the S field, you can define the thickness of the elements building the
C-shaped section
In the numerical input field identified by the letter X, set the width of
your C-shaped section and its height in field Y field.
In the S field, you can define the thickness of the elements constituting
the section.
User Guide
T-shaped section
In the numerical input field identified by the letter X, set the width of
your T-shaped section and its height in field Y field.
In the S field, you can set the thickness of the elements building the
Custom section
Another method to generate a Scalar Extrusion along a path (Sweep)
allows you to generate elements with a customized section.
After drawing a fill (representing your customized section) and a
congruent ArchiForma 3D Polyline representing the path (it MUST
develop along the Z-axis), select both of them and click on the tool icon
Scalar Extrusion along a path (Sweep).
At your click, ArchiForma will display the parameters setting box.
In this case, in the row of buttons for the selection of the section, the
only enabled button is the one accompanied by a pencil which reminds
you that your are generating a Scalar Extrusion along a path (Sweep)
with customized section.
No special settings are required for this section since all the required
data are obtained from the selected fill.
In the lower left side of the box, there is an icon portraying a trash. If
you enable the corresponding check-box, ArchiForma will delete the 3D
ArchiForma Polyline you used to define the path. If disabled, the checkbox will keep the 3D Polyline on the Plan ready for a future use.
Deformation settings are not available for the tool Scalar Extrusion along
a path (Sweep).
Refer to the previous paragraph The common commands in the dialog
window of ArchiForma tools for any setting concerning The attributes.
The sections The rounding box and the Development box are not
available for this tool.
User Guide
Hold upright
By enabling the check-box Hold upright, you will bind the position of
the path nodes to the X-Y plane (the nodes are the result of the 3D
Polyline selected as spatial path) keeping the alignment along the line
joining the starting and the final point.
In this way, your final shape will be always correct (or better, not
By disabling the option Hold upright no forcing will take place in the
nodes positioning on the path and you may model the shape as you
Because of the complexity of this kind of element (by the way, coming
from the corresponding GDL command called Sweep), this option could
give you some troubles in terms of representation, or at least odds,
that will require further adjustments until you obtain the desired shape.
The two following examples explain how these modes are working:
User Guide
The Surfaces
With ArchiForma you can choose among three different ways of
creating extrusion surfaces.
These kinds of elements are generated by merging the ArchiForma 3D
Polylines previously positioned on the Plan.
For a detailed description of how to create and use the ArchiForma 3D
Polylines , refer to the corresponding following described chapter.
As weve just mentioned, these shapes come from the merging of the 3D
Polylines already created by the user, so that their resulting geometry
does not require any further setting.
For this reason, in the settings box , all the surface generation tools are
not provided with a parameter section.
For a proper functioning, the two 3D Polylines must have the same
number of elements (two arcs > an arc and a line > two lines). If not,
ArchiForma will display an error message.
Select then the two ArchiForma 3D Polylines and click on the Ruled
surface icon.
The cursor turns into a pencil sided by the number 1 symbol in order
to identify the first click on the first curve node and by the number 2
symbol for the second click on the second curve node.
User Guide
After making those two clicks, Once you have clicked twice the box for
the configuration of the Ruled surface parameters will be displayed. In
it, you can look over the attributes section (as already said, the
parameters dialog is not required for these tools ).
In the lower left part of the dialog, there is the icon with a trash. If you
enable the corresponding check-box, ArchiForma will delete the two 3D
Polylines used to create the object. If disabled, the two 3D Polylines will
remain positioned on the Plan for future re-uses.
Refer to the previous paragraph The common commands in the dialog
window of ArchiForma tools for any setting concerning The attributes
User Guide
Please Note
The two profiles must necessarily have one end in common in order to
generate the final surface.
Select then the two ArchiForma 3D Polylines and click on the icon of the
translational surface.
The translational surface box will be displayed. In it, you can look over
the attributes section (as already said, the parameters dialog is not
required for these tools ).
In the lower left part of the box, there is the icon with trash. If you
enable the corresponding check-box, ArchiForma will delete the two 3D
Polylines used to create the object. If disabled, the two 3D Polylines will
remain positioned on the Plan for future re-uses.
Refer to the previous paragraph The common commands in the dialog
window of ArchiForma tools for any setting concerning The attributes
User Guide
Please Note
Lets start by drawing on the Plan the four profiles for the surface
creation, by using the ArchiForma 3D Polyline tool (see the proper
description later on):
The four profiles must necessarily define a closed polygon in order to
generate the final surface.
IMPORTANT: For a proper functioning, the two 3D Polylines must have the same
number of elements (two arcs > an arc and a line > two lines). If not,
ArchiForma will display an error message.
Select then the four ArchiForma 3D Polylines and click on the Coons
surface icon.
The configuration box for The Coons surface will be displayed. In it, you
can look over the attributes section (as already said, the parameters
dialog is not required for these tools ).
In the lower left part of the box, there is the icon with a trash. If you
enable the corresponding check-box, ArchiForma will delete the four 3D
Polylines used to create the object. If disabled, the four 3D Polylines will
remain positioned on the Plan for future re-uses.
Refer to the previous paragraph The common commands in the dialog
window of ArchiForma tools for any setting concerning The attributes
User Guide
Now, modify the fill you got as you like (i.e. adding nodes, curving a
side, inserting holes, etc.), using the usual ArchiCAD editing
As soon as you achieve the intended result/Once you got the needed
result, select the original simple Extrusion element, the fill you have
just modified and click on the Exploding/Updating tool icon.
User Guide
ArchiForma will process the new geometry updating the original element
yet saving all the modifications (rotations, cuts, holes, etc.) and settings
(pens, fills, rounding, etc.) that you implemented before the modification:
Irregular Pyramid
Primitives drawn from the original
Required clicks to update the element using the 2 clicks: a click on one node of the two fills to
primitives modifications
define which of the profiles acts as the base
and from which one starts the link to the surface
acting as the top. The second click to define
which node of the second fill will be merged to
the node just indicated. (In other words, this is
the same procedure you performed when
creating the element)
User Guide
Twister Extrusion
Primitives drawn from the original
Required clicks to update the element using the 1 click: to define which is the node that runs
primitives modifications
along the path referring to the section (to obtain
the same initial result, click on the Hotspot
automatically generated during the explosion)
User Guide
Ruled surface
Primitives drawn from the original
With the Rotation tool you can rotate in the space all the elements
generated with ArchiForma.
The Rotation tool can be used both in the ArchiCAD Plan and in the 3D
window, (the only difference is that in the Plan window the pencil icon
for the graphic definition of the rotation angle, is disabled).
You can rotate even more than 1 object at the same time but make sure
that you select at least one ArchiForma element before clicking on the
Rotation tool icon.
After clicking on the tool icon, the following dialog box will be
In the unique editable field here available, you need to enter the value
of the rotation angle.
If you are working in the 3D window, you can enable the graphic
definition of the angle by clicking on the pencil icon (this action will
automatically disable the editable field).
If you want to parallel the selected element (or the elements, in case of
multiple selections), click directly on the icon with this parallel symbol.
User Guide
ArchiForma will display the dialog window for the rotation settings (we
are now on the Plan window so that the pencil icon for the graphic
definition of this value is disabled)
Digit/Enter the rotation angle you need to obtain (for example: 45)
and confirm by pressing the OK button.
ArchiForma closes the Rotation settings dialog window and turns into a
pencil the shape of the cursor waiting for you to define the rotation axis
of your element with two clicks.
When you are working on the Plan, the height of the rotation axis is
always zero.
Once defined the rotation axis, the element will be rotated as you
User Guide
ArchiForma displays the dialog box for the rotation settings and, as you
are working in the 3D box, the pencil icon for the graphic definition of
this value will be enabled.
Now you can enter the needed rotation angle ( as we saw on the
Plan rotation ) or enable the pencil icon to define graphically the
rotation angle. Choose this second option and confirm the
configuration with the OK button.
ArchiForma closes the Rotation settings box and turns into a pencil the
shape of the cursor waiting for you to define the rotation axis of your
element with two clicks.
As you are working in the 3D box, pay special attention to the height of
the rotation axis which you can define as you like, by using the original
user positioning modes provided by ArchiCAD.
Before you click for the first time, click on the Origin icon of the
ArchiCAD Coordinates Box.
Click then on one node of the prism base in order to move into this
point the User Origin of the 3D window.
Now the rotation axis will pass through the User Origin.
User Guide
With two clicks you can define its two end points.
If you have entered the value of the rotation angle, ArchiForma will
rotate the element, as required, around the axis you just defined (as we
saw on the Plan rotation window).
Since you chose the graphic definition of the rotation angle, now you
need to move the cursor in the 3D window to define this value
graphically, according to the snaps on the elements and checking the
preview displayed by ArchiCAD.
With one click you confirm this value, so that ArchiForma will rotate
the element as required.
Select the element (or elements) you want to parallel and click on the
Rotation tool of the ArchiForma palette.
As soon as the rotation settings dialog window is displayed, click on
the Parallel button.
User Guide
Once these two clicks had been done, ArchiForma gets now all the
necessary information to rotate the element and displays immediately
the result:
User Guide
The box is almost similar to those described for the Prism tool and the
Cylinder tool.
With the first three buttons on the top, you can select the type of hole
you are going to generate.
The third button (free shape hole) is enable only if, before clicking on
the Hole tool icon, you selected a fill (in this case, you generate the hole
shape extruding the perimeter of the fill).
In the numerical input field N, set the number of parts into which you
need to split the circle (in case of cylindrical hole). This value can
change from a minimum of 3 to a maximum of 255 parts. For regular
polygonal holes, you need to define the number of sides of the hole.
In the L field, set the radius of the hole (in case of cylindrical hole) or
the length of the side of the hole (in case of regular polygonal hole).
In the H field, set the height of the element.
The pencil icon (graphic definition of a parameter in the 2D and 3D)
has the same value as the one described for the other tools.
Refer to the previous paragraph The common commands in the dialog
window of ArchiForma tools for any settings concerning The attributes
The other settings (rounding, development, visualization) are not
available for this kind of element.
Confirm the configuration by pressing the Ok button. The cursor
changes its shape waiting for a click in order to define the point for the
positioning of the hole.
The selected fill do not have to contain holes (it would be a nonsense to
define a holed hole!). Nevertheless, if you select a holed fill,
ArchiForma will consider only its perimeter nodes.
When you create free shape holes, the only editable field enabled is the
H field which defines the height of the hole element.
The pencil icon (graphic definition of a parameter in the 2D and 3D)
has the same value as the one described for the other tools.
Refer to the previous paragraph The common commands in the dialog
box of ArchiForma tools for any setting concerning The attributes box.
All the other settings (rounding, development, visualization) are not
available for this kind of element.
User Guide
the hole elements are always displayed in the Wire mode a part
from the current ArchiCAD settings.
the hole on the shape you are supposed to process, fully corresponds
to the hole element you used. So that its important its position in the
space respect to the element you need to drill. Lets make it clear with
the following examples: three spheres will be drilled by three hole
elements set a in different way.
User Guide
1. follow the procedure just described to drill the extrusion element for
each positioned holes and, then, delete the 4 hole elements.
2. now select the extrusion element and click on the Hole tool icon on
the ArchiForma palette:
User Guide
This is the result after closing the frame by clicking on the OK button.
User Guide
In the Plan window, are available only the axis rotation option and the
angle one, where, in the field identified by the letter A, you can enter
the inclination of the Cutting plane respect to the X-Y horizontal plan.
Refer to the previous paragraph The common commands in the dialog
window of ArchiForma tools for any setting concerning The attributes
All other settings (rounding, development, visualization) are not
available for this kind of elements.
Define the inclination angle (i.e. 45) and confirm the configuration by
pressing the Ok button.
The shape of the cursor changes and ArchiForma waits for you to
define, with two clicks, the insertion and sense of direction of the
Cutting plane element.
Once these two clicks had been done, ArchiForma displays a cutting
element, such as a particular object (always represented as a Wire, a
part from any ArchiCAD settings) representing the unlimited Cutting
plane you have just generated.
This last concept is very important: the Cutting plane is unlimited and is
not limited by the dimensions of the object that represents it.
The tips, thats to say the top vertexes of the pyramids of the Cutting
plane object, help you to understand the sense of direction: the tips
mark the frontal part of the object and the opposite one, the rear
part. This will be particularly important when deciding whether to cut
or not the frontal or the rear part respect to the processed Cutting plane.
If you wish to create a Cutting plane in the Plan window, click on the
Cutting plane tool from the ArchiForma palette. The settings box of the
Cutting plane will be immediately displayed.
In the 3D window, besides the rotation axis option and the angle option
(just described in the previous paragraph) there is also the 3 points
option. In the fields identified by letters H1, H2 and H3 you can
set the heights of these 3 consecutive points (their X-Y coordinates will
be defined with 3 clicks on the 3D window). Obviously, 3 points on the
space identify univocally a plane and, with this mode, you do not need
to define numerically or graphically the inclination angle of the plane.
If you enable the pencils icons next to the three fields just described, you
will also define the height of the three points in graphic mode. The
following three clicks on 3D window will display all the information you
may need on the X-Y-Z coordinates.
User Guide
Selecting the rotation axis and angle option (which works just like the
one of the Plan) you can define graphically the inclination value by
properly clicking on the 3D window.
Refer to the previous paragraph The common commands in the dialog
box of ArchiForma tools for any setting concerning The attributes box.
All the other settings (rounding, development, visualization) are not
available for this kind of elements.
Define the inclination angle (i.e. 45) and confirm the configuration by
pressing the Ok button.
Lets see the two different procedures enabling the graphic mode for
both of them:
For 3 Points:
User Guide
This is what happens if you cut the front side (the one indicated by the
This is what happens if you cut the rear side (opposite to the one
indicated by the tips).
User Guide
When the dialog window is closed and the settings are confirmed by
pressing the OK button, ArchiForma restores the original shape of the
element eliminating the deselected Cutting plane.
Obviously it will be difficult to distinguish which of the check-boxes in
the dialog box corresponds to the Cutting plane you really want to
delete (this, if the selected element had been cut more that once using
the same cut direction).
Should you find yourself in such a situation, we suggest you to disable
one of the two check-boxes, verify your final result and, if it is not as
you like, you will cancel the modification (Edit Menu / Undo External
Command or Ctrl+Z for Windows and Command+Z for Macintosh) and
repeat the operation with another check-box until you obtain the desired
The last set of icons in the ArchiForma palette displays tools for different
3D Polyline tool;
Modify 3D Polyline tool;
Modify Mode tool;
Cartesian Axis Origin tool;
Save as ArchiCAD Object tool;
On-line Help tool.
Please Note
User Guide
With the upper pop-up menu, you can select the line-type used to
represent the 3D Polyline in the Plan.
The first control for the pen selection refers to the pen color used to
represent the 3D Polyline in the Plan.
The second control for the pen selection refers to the pen color used to
represent the 3D Polyline in the 3D window.
User Guide
Height setting: This is the field where you define the height of the point
you are to create. This field is disabled if, in the parameters box of the
polyline, the Homogeneous Height or the Graphic Editing options
have been activated. In the Homogeneous Height option all the points
of the polyline should have the same height: the one defined in the
dialog box; while In the Graphic Editing option the height is
automatically obtained from the point clicked in 3D windows.
To finish drawing an ArchiForma 3D Polyline:
Press the Esc key on the keyboard. In this case you leave the
drawing procedure of the Polyline on the last point you clicked on.
Press the Cancel button on the ArchiCAD Control Box. In this case
you leave the drawing procedure of the Polyline at the last point you
clicked on.
Press the OK button on the ArchiCAD Control Box. In this case you
leave the drawing procedure of the Polyline that will close by folding
up (3D Polyline closed).
Click again on the last point you have inserted. In this case you leave
the drawing procedure of the Polyline at the last point you clicked
the two points must have the same height, otherwise the polyline cannot
be closed. This is obviously important if you want to create sequential
nodes at different height values.
(0, 0, 0)
(0, 1.5, 0)
(0, 1.5, 2)
(0, 2, 2)
(0.5, 2.5, 2)
(1, 2, 2)
(1.5, 1.5, 1)
(2, 2, 2)
(2.5, 2, 2)
(2.5, 0.5, 0)
User Guide
Confirm with the OK button and go back to the Plan box where
ArchiForma will immediately display the Polyline Input palette.
The first edge is a linear segment that goes from point 1 (0, 0, 0) to
point 2 (0, 1.5, 0); leave then the settings of the Input palette as they
are and make a simple click on the two points.
The height of the following point is different (Z=2) so that, before you
click on it to define its position, you should enter the new height value in
the input box.
Now draw the following stroke, here the height does not change so that
you do not have to modify the settings of the input palette.
User Guide
Now switch to the drawing of the curve by clicking on the proper button
placed in the Input palette (the height still remains the same).
Switch now to the linear edge tract mode by clicking on the proper
button and define the last but one point.
User Guide
Modify again the height and click twice on the last point to complete the
drawing of the 3D Polyline:
User Guide
The two central buttons help you to select the visualization mode and the
upper example image shows the corresponding result.
The editing mode simplifies remarkably the graphic modification of the
elements which have been rotated in the three-dimensional space. You
can find a detailed description of this command on the chapter
Edit/modify the ArchiForma elements (for more detailed information see
that specific chapter).
User Guide
User Guide
Create four little cylinders representing the support bases and open their
settings box by clicking on the Cylinder tool.
With reference to the material, select the C15 material which will
become the standard material of the objects while for the ID code,
enter Support Bases material which will describe the variable.
Now create the tubular elements of the structure ( in this case too, all of
them are ArchiForma cylinders) and open its settings box by clicking on
the Cylinder tool.
With reference to the material, select the Stainless steel material which
will become the standard material of the object, while for the ID code,
enter the Tubular Elements Material which will describe the variable.
Now create the two curved supports (two ArchiForma extrusions along
a path) and open their settings box by clicking on Extrusion along a
path tool (Tube).
With reference to the material, select the Zinc materiall which will
become the standard material of the object, while for the ID code,
enter the Curved Support Material which will describe the variable.
Finally create the top of the table (a simple ArchiForma extrusion) and
open its settings box by clicking on the Simple Extrusion tool.
User Guide
The elements with a fill (it could even be an empty fill) will generate 2D
In your example, let all the elements without a background fill, except
for the top of the table.
Once you have completed this configuration too, you can select the
elements and click on the Save as an ArchiCAD Object tool.
User Guide
As soon as you click on Save, the dialog box will be displayed: you
can decide whether to save your element as an object, a window or a
If you select the last two typologies, you can enable the option Use
selected fill as wall hole, with which you can create holes with irregular
User Guide
User Guide
Make the required modifications using the several sections of the dialog
window and then confirm the settings by clicking the OK button.
User Guide
Drag the hotspot to the desired position (graphic input) or enter the
new value of the parameter (numerical input) in the editable field.
User Guide
Once you have selected the element and clicked on the Edit mode
tool, ArchiForma will display a dialog window where you can enable
the Edit mode visualization.
Click on the button Edit Mode and ArchiForma will enable this special
visualization mode.
On the left, a diagram will be displayed, showing the front view of the
User Guide
If you drag the editable hotspot to the end of the vector identified by the
letter H, you can modify the height of the element (even numerically if
you enter the required value in the corresponding parameter input field).
On the left of the height vector, with the other two editable hotspots
(identified by Rt and Rb) you can enter the rounding value of the
two bases of the element.
The intelligent hotspots acknowledge the geometrical limits of the
element shape so that you will not be able to define graphically the
inappropriate rounding values.
To cancel a rounding value, you simply have to drag the hotspot to the
outside of the profile (upwards for rounding the top, downwards for
rounding the bottom section) and the value will be automatically set to
On the right side of the symbol, a diagram representing the plan of the
element will be displayed.
User Guide
For each node of the element (both in the perimeter nodes and in the
nodes inside the holes) there is an editable hotspot allowing you to set
graphically or numerically (if you enter the desired value in the
corresponding input field of the parameter) the position of the node or
the side length.