Foundation in Hypnosis Manual 2.1
Foundation in Hypnosis Manual 2.1
Foundation in Hypnosis Manual 2.1
Thinking Outside the Box.
Rosemary Owen
Dominant effect.
Reverse effort.
Health choices.
How do you view yourself?
How to use creative visualisation.
Messaging the sub-conscious.
The law of attraction.
Using colours.
What is focused awareness?
The voice.
Preparation for hypnosis.
Preparing your client.
Signs to observe.
Induction methods.(followed by 3 prepared inductions)
Resurfacing your client and aftercare.
Clients' observations.
9. Self hypnosis.
10. Stage hypnosis.
11. Stress.
12. Recap.
13. How to obtain your certificate.
1. Introduction
2. Foundation in Hypnosis
"Hypnosis is a state of human consciousness involving focused
attention and reduced peripheral awareness and an enhanced capacity
for response to suggestion.
Theories' explaining what occurs during hypnosis fall into two groups.
Altered state theories see hypnosis as an altered state of mind or trance,
marked by a level of awareness different from the ordinary conscious
In contrast, Non-state theories see hypnosis as a form of imaginative
During hypnosis, a person is said to have heightened focus and
concentration. The person can concentrate intensely on a specific
thought or memory, while blocking out sources of distraction.
Hypnotised subjects are said to show an increased response to
suggestions Hypnosis is usually induced by a procedure known as
a hypnotic induction involving a series of preliminary instructions
and suggestions.
The use of hypnotism for therapeutic purposes is referred to as
"hypnotherapy", while its use as a form of entertainment for an
audience is known as "stage hypnosis"".
Wikipedia, the free Encyclopaedia.
You will learn how to conduct a therapy session and resurface your client.
Understand the nature of stress and the negative effects
it has on us.
You will learn how to use your voice as a tool to help
These foundation subjects will give you the necessary
information to help you on your way to becoming a
hypnosis practioner.
Conscious mind.
The conscious mind is the part of our brain that has the
ability to reason.
It recognises that situations change and that there is
often a need to re-evaluate habits or events in our lives
due to changing circumstances.
It has the ability to analyse and question, to accept or
reject information.
One of the tasks of the conscious mind is to edit
everything before allowing information to filter through
to the sub-conscious mind. Anything which our
conscious mind deems to be irrelevant is edited out.
It is the gatekeeper of the sub-conscious mind and
having analysed the information makes the decision of
whether or not to allow it through the gate.
This is essential to our wellbeing, imagine if your subconscious mind was entirely open all the time, every
tiny detail would go through and be lodged there.
Silly, niggling, negative words and deeds would be
stored, clogging up and overloading this vitally
important area.
Sub-conscious mind.
The sub-conscious part of our brain is extremely
powerful. It is from here that all our automatic
responses originate.
It is in this area of the brain that all the responses which
are vital for our bodies to function as living entities are
We do not have to consciously remember to breathe our
sub-conscious mind automatically does this for us, it
knows the exact rhythm of heartbeat needed to maintain
a healthy life. It keeps our normal body temperature at
around 37c/98.4f degrees. It sends messages to every
cell and organ in our body. It is the job of the subconscious mind to repair and maintain these amazing
machines that we call our bodies.
All our past memories going back to the time of our
conception in the womb are carefully stored here.
Indeed those who believe in reincarnation believe that
our past life memories are also filed away in this area.
One of the few things our sub-conscious mind cannot
do is to reason. Because of this it acts only on the
information held in these stored memories. This is why
breaking an old habit can be so difficult, if it was right
for you then it must still be right now, is the way our
Dominant effect.
A suggestion linked to an emotion is very powerful
and will have strong influence on the mind,
overriding other ideas and suggestions which may
have been there.
In order for us to be successful we have to believe in
The idea or suggestion that is linked to the strongest
emotion will win.
If for example we are afraid to try something we
would like to do because of the chance of failure then
that fear which is a negative emotion is stronger than
our desire to do it.
The fear will then win the day because it is the
stronger emotion.
Successful people in our world such as Richard
Branson succeed because they have learnt to control
their thinking, ensuring that the positive emotion is
always stronger than the negative emotion.
Put simply if our fear is stronger than our will to be
successful, then the fear will win keeping us from
reaching our true potential.
Reverse effort.
The law of reverse effect or effort means that
frequently the more we try to do something the harder
it becomes.
It was brought to our attention by Aldous Huxley
who observed that often in life the harder we try to do
something the less likely we are to succeed.
This is because to try is sending a negative message
to our sub-conscious brain.
Our inner mind perceives that if we have to try then
the task must be a difficult one and creates a sort of
mental block where we cannot find a way of
achieving this hard task.
This is also true of the way we think, if we tell our
self we cannot do something, its going to be hard
then that is exactly what happens.
It is however very easy to change things, instead of
telling yourself how difficult this is, tell yourself how
simple it is, how good you are at this, how much you
enjoy it.
At first this will seem like a lie and that little voice
inside your head will be contradicting these positive
Health choices.
In much the same way we can generally speaking
choose to be fit and healthy or constantly ailing.
The person who frequently speaks of ill health, aches
and pains, general ailments is in effect instructing
their sub-conscious mind that this is their chosen
path. The sub-conscious will reward them by giving
them the outcome they have chosen.
The medical profession recognises that illness is
frequently caused by negative thoughts. Some
medical estimates suggest that as much as 70% of
illness originates in this way.
The patient however should not be disregarded their
symptoms and suffering are very real, more and more
doctors are in agreement that the treatment should be
to teach the patient to alter their thought patterns.
Those of us who consider ourselves to be healthy
people tend to be just that.
The person who tells us "I never catch a cold" rarely
They are instructing their sub-conscious mind that
their body is not susceptible to this illness, the sub-
Many people will tell you they cannot visualise and
yet if you were to ask them to tell you the colour of
their front door they would be able to answer without
hesitation. Take it a step further and ask what their
kitchen is like and you will again get an immediate
We all have the ability to visualise things which are
familiar to us but from childhood we are taught to
suppress this valuable ability.
When we learn to harness our imagination we can
make a positive difference not only in our own life
but in the world around us.
Day dreaming and creative visualisation is essentially
the same thing you are centring your attention on the
visualization and excluding the outside world. Once
the conscious mind interrupts the day dream is over.
It is totally a sub-conscious frame of mind which
makes it a state of natural hypnosis it is a time when
the power of the sub-conscious is unleashed and new
ideas and situations can be conceived.
So often we hear children rebuked for day dreaming
and yet the idea for many of the world's great
Using colours.
The use of colour in Hypnosis can be beneficial. In
holistic therapy we believe it is a powerful aid to
Each colour has its own significance and areas in
which it can help.
This is the colour of strength and energy. It can also
represent anger. In therapy we can use it as a means
of releasing anger or to energise and strengthen a
person depending on the suggestions we put with the
Red is not conducive to relaxation.
This represents physical, emotional and mental
In Hypnosis we ask the client to be aware of being
bathed in an orange light in order to promote healing.
We can use suggestions of yellow to empower a
A nervous, anxious client would benefit from
imaging greenness around them as this promotes
peace and calmness bringing relaxation.
This represents great healing throughout the clients
being. It induces feelings of safety and wellbeing.
This is a colour of spiritual awareness it opens you to
universal energies.
The white light contains all the colours of the
spectrum making it the most powerful to use as it
incorporates the power of all colours.
How is it achieved?
The first step is to induce complete relaxation
throughout the clients' entire being. Muscles, fibres,
tissues and organs are guided into this state of deep
relaxation and as it impossible to be relaxed and
anxious at the same time the body automatically
releases any stress or tension it has been storing
allowing the client to focus on the feelings of comfort
and peace which are developing.
As the body drifts deeper into relaxation so the brain
becomes quite and a peaceful stillness of mind
In this condition the conscious mind can drift into a
sleep like state, (not sleep), allowing the subconscious to come to the fore.
It is whilst this state is present that ideas and
suggestions can be implanted to assist the client in
making the life style changes they desire.
Initially the depth of trance may be quite light but I
find that in subsequent sessions the client begins to
go much deeper as they gain a sense of trust in the
Hypnotic suggestion.
Hypnotic suggestion is extremely powerful when
used correctly.
All suggestions given must be positive a negative
suggestion lodged deeply in the sub-conscious mind
could cause the client many problems.
Our sub-conscious mind reacts to the thoughts and
ideas we put in.
If we fill it with negative words it will respond
negatively resulting in failure and disappointment.
However the reverse is also true.
If we use positive self talk our sub-conscious brain
will respond in a positive way allowing our dreams
and desires to come to fruition.
Becoming a positive thinker is easier than you would
All we have to do is learn to re-phrase things into a
positive rather than a negative thought.
Let me give you some examples;
I do not struggle to sleep I do not lie awake for hours.
I sleep easily, deep relaxing sleep.
I am not afraid of public speaking.
I am calm and relaxed, I deliver a good presentation.
The words flow effortlessly from me.
Words such as TRY and COULD have a negative
impact upon us.
Replacing them with CAN turns the sentence into a
positive statement.
For example I will try to do this implies that
something will be difficult and your inner mind will
respond by making it difficult.
When however you change the wording slightly I
can do this you have made a positive statement and
your sub-conscious reacts in a positive way.
I could help you.
I can help you.
7. Exemplar induction/Observation of
exemplar induction.
Exemplar induction
One of the first things you need to do is to experience
Hypnosis for yourself. This will give you insight into
the subject and knowledge of the feelings associated
with Hypnosis.
I have therefore prepared the following sample
induction for you to experience.
Find a quite place where you are not likely to be
disturbed, once you are in a comfortable position you
can just relax and enjoy the recording.
It is by experiencing things for yourself that you will
gain the ability and insight that you will need to practice
Hypnosis and answer any questions your client may
The Induction
And now, as you relax there, you can feel your eyelids,
becoming heavier, heavier, as you continue to relax,
deeper, deeper, more and more relaxed, and you dont
know just when those eyelids will close, all by
themselves, as you continue to drift, drift deeply,
calmly, peacefully into relaxation and calmness, you
can become aware of your breathing, notice the rhythm
of your breathing, notice the breath, cooler as you
breathe in, breathe in calmness, relaxation, peace.
If you have not already done so, slowly, peacefully,
allow your eyelids to flutter and close, as you continue
to breathe in peace and tranquillity.
Notice how calm and relaxed you are beginning to feel,
as your breathing becomes deeper, deeper, more calm
more peaceful and more relaxed, as your breathing
continues slowly, peacefully, deeply, naturally, more
and more relaxed.
Let go, let go of all cares and worries as you drift ever
deeper in this timeless relaxation.
Every breath that you take now, taking you deeper, ever
deeper into calmness, relaxation.
D. Suggestions
Using suggestions to bring about change which is
advantageous to the client.
E. Future Projections
Instructing the sub-conscious mind to take the
beneficial and positive learning and feelings
created in the Hypnotic session into future
situations thus empowering the client allowing
them to take control of their life.
Remember the sub-conscious mind has the ability
to change negative emotion into positive feelings.
It is important to carry out an in-depth consultation
prior to the Hypnotherapy session.
Ask your client about the issues which they are
seeking help for.
Allow them to explain in their own words how they
feel and what they hope to gain from Hypnotherapy.
Do not be afraid to ask questions and make notes.
Listen in an empathic, non-judgemental way it is
important that your client is comfortable with you and
that you gain a good rapport.
Many clients will feel a little apprehensive on their
first visit so it is advisable to talk them through what
will happen in the session. This will help to alleviate
any anxiety they may be feeling.
Explain that they will not be asleep and they will be
aware of their surroundings and the sound of your
Re-assure them that other thoughts and ideas may
well come into their mind during the session, this is
perfectly normal and does not detract from the
Hypnotic state. They should not try to stop these
Deepening techniques.
There are many techniques which can be used to
deepen a trance. They can be incorporated into the
induction to ensure you begin your Hypnosis session
with a deep level of trance, you can also use them
throughout the session should you feel your client is
beginning to re-surface.
They should be spoken in a quite calm and slow
Ask the client to focus on their breathing, taking
long deep breaths, holding for a moment and then
slowly exhaling. As they focus on their breathing in
this way they will find themselves becoming very
calm and very relaxed.
Ask the client to imagine a feather or a leaf floating
gently down.
Ask the client to imagine they are floating
effortlessly on a white fluffy cloud.
Ask the client to breathe relaxation into every part
of their body. You can suggest they pay particular
attention to any areas in which they may be feeling
Signs to observe.
You may notice the muscles of the clients face begin
to sag as the muscle tone reduces as Hypnosis
The breathing becomes slow and regular.
You may observe rapid eye movement (REM)
behind the closed lids.
The eye lids may begin to flutter and you may see
watering of the eyes.
The client may noticeably experience spasms and
The body posture often slumps and the head falls
Induction Methods
There are numerous methods which can be used to
induce the hypnotic state. It is important to learn
these from an experienced therapist. The induction is
not hard to perform but must be presented in a
confident, relaxed manner. If the therapist feels
anxious or stressed the client can pick up on this
exasperating their own situation.
Im sure we have all watched an old film where the
hypnotist would swing a watch in a pendulum like
fashion before his clients eyes and all though little
used today this is still an effective method of
induction however lets take a look at just some of the
other methods available to us.
We will start with eye fixation this does not have to
be a watch or any other form of pendulum, just
something for the client to fix their gaze upon.
A hypnodisc is ideal for this purpose. This is typically
a black and white spiral which spins around as we fix
our eyes on this we have the sensation of being drawn
into the disc and hypnosis can easily be achieved
through this method.
Prepared inductions
The audio inductions have been prepared using the
correct tonality and voice inflections, (the rise and
fall of your voice, and the stress and emphasis you
place on certain words), you will also notice the
words are spoken slowly and gently, there is nothing
rushed or hurried in the process. Do listen to the
audios and imitate the presentation of them, you will
in time develop your own methods based on these
Induction 1.
Lie back and relax now
Allow your eyes to close gently in their own time
Notice the gentle motion of your breathing
As you
Slowly inhale
And slowly exhale
For the next little while you dont have to do anything
To breathe
More and more relaxed
And as you continue to relax in this way
You can become aware
Of a sense of peaceful relaxation creeping over you
Feel a wonderful sense of peace and relaxation
Entering through the top of your head
Be aware of the sensations
Can you feel a tingling on your scalp
Now that amazing feeling of beautiful relaxation
Is moving down
Down your forehead
Down into your face
All of the muscles relaxing
Letting go now
That flow of peaceful relaxation
Softening and easing the muscles of your face
Let go, relax
Now those feelings of calm
Running down your neck
And into your shoulders
Such a feeling of perfect relaxation
And all tension and stress easing out of your
shoulders now
Even as I speak my voice comforts you
Relaxes you
All tension and stress is leaving you
Leaving you with feelings of comfort
Well being
Peace and tranquillity
And these wonderful feelings continue on down
Into your legs
Down your thighs
Into your knees
Slowly moving down your lower legs
Into your ankles
To the very tips of your toes
Only feelings of well being
Calmness, peace
Total relaxation
Every part of your being
Every organ
Every muscle
Relaxed, peaceful
Every tissue and every fibre
More relaxed than you have felt in a long
Long time
Induction 2.
With your eyes gently closed
Focus only on the sound of my voice
My voice is soothing
And as you listen
You begin to drift
Drifting, deeply, deeply
Ever more deeply into calmness, relaxation
Follow the sound of my voice as it guides you
Leads you
You are drifting now
Drifting along on a fluffy white cloud
Soft, tender
This cloud of peaceful relaxation
Supporting you
Embracing you
As you drift and float
Float and drift
As you continue drifting, floating
Im going to count
Im going to count from ten
All the way down to one
And with each number that I count
You can imagine yourself
Safely and easily
Drifting down a stairway
Of peace and tranquillity
Each number I count will be a step
Each step
Taking you ever more deeply
Into calmness and relaxation
Ten, your body is relaxed, peaceful, calm
Nine, the more relaxed your body becomes
The more your mind drifts, deeply, deeply into
peaceful relaxation
Eight, floating down now, ever more deeply
Seven, follow the sound of my voice as it guides you,
leads you
Six, outside sounds and noises will not trouble you
Induction 3.
As you relax into your chair now
You begin to notice feelings of comfort
Letting go, more and more
And as you continue
To relax there
I would like you to find a spot
On the ceiling
Choose that spot
Fix your gaze upon it
All of your attention
All of your focus
Is fixed upon that one spot
As you continue
To gaze at that spot
I would like you to start
Counting backwards
From one hundred
So begin counting now
One hundred
Ninety nine
Ninety eight
Ninety seven
Thats right
Just continue to count backwards
It doesnt matter if you lose your place
You can easily pick up again
Around the number
You think you had reached
And all this while you continue
To focus
On that one tiny spot
As you continue to gaze
Your eyes
Begin to feel very heavy
So heavy they begin to close
All by themselves
As you blink
Trying to hold them open
They once again close, all by themselves
As they become
Heavier, heavier
Briefly you open them once again
Clients observations
Most clients' report that they do not wish to leave the
state as they feel so contented.
They often speak of heaviness in the limbs as they
sink deeper into the chair, bed etc.
Or alternatively they may feel light and floating.
Some lose feeling in the toes and fingers.
They are aware of outside sounds and noises but
are in no way distracted by them.
9. Self hypnosis
11. Stress
12. Recap