Geology of Region III

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The document describes the geology and stratigraphy of Central Luzon Basin, Philippines, including rock formations, volcanic features, and ages.

The main rock types described include limestone, sandstone, shale, conglomerate, and volcanic rocks such as basalt, andesite, dacite.

The main formations described are the Aksitero Formation (Late Eocene to Late Oligocene), Moriones Formation (Early Miocene to early Late Miocene), and Tarlac Formation (Late Miocene to Pliocene).

Geology of the Region: Region III


Aksitero Formation
Lower Bigbiga Limestone micritic
limestone with tiffaceous turbide and
minor chert Upper Burgos member
Limestine, Tuffaceous sandstone,
siltstone and mudstone
Base of sedimentary sequence in Central
Stratigraphic relation
Luzon; unconformably overlain by the
Moriones Formation
Aksitero River, Bigbiga, Mayantoc, Tarlac
late Eocene - Late Oligocene
Bigbiga limestone 42 m
Burgos Member 78 m
Named by
De la Rosa and others (1978)

The Aksitero Formation is the oldest sedimentary formation in the west flank of the
Central Luzon Basin. It was described by Amato (1965) after exposures along the upper
reaches of Aksitero River in the vicinity of the Bigbiga in the western foothills of
Zambales range. It represent the sedimentary cover of the Zambales Ophioliteand is
made up of pelagic limestone and clastic rocks. The limestone is thin to thick bedded,
cream to dirty white and tuffaceous. It is interbedded with thin calcareous and
tuffaceoous sandy shale. Below the limestone are lenses of rounded to ellipsoidal,
generally discontinuous, and reddish calcareous chert (Villones, 1980). Smaller chert
lenses are interbedded with thin calcareous and gradually disappear upsection. Amato
(1965) gave an age of Late Eocene to Early Oligocene to this formation based on the
presence of Hanktkenina alakemensis Cushman, Globorotalia cerroazulenses Calc,
Globorotalia centralis Cushman and Bermudez and Discoaster barbadiensis Tan Sin
Hok in the lower part; and Globorotalia opima nana Bali and Globigerina cipeonsis
angustiumbilicate Balli in the upper part. In 1984, Schweller and others (1984) divided
the Aksitero into a lower Bigbiga limestone member consisting of micritic limestone
interbedded with tuffaaceous turbidites and an upper Burgos memberof interlayered
limestone and indurated calcareous and tuffaceous sandstone, siltstone and mudstone.
The lower member, which is 42 m thick, was dated late Eocene to Early Oligocene and
the upper 78-m member was dated Middle to late Oligocene. Thus the age is Late
Eocene to Late Oligocene and the aggregate thickness is about 129 m. Garrison and
others (1979) state that the hemipelagic limestone and tuffaceous turbidites of the

Aksitero were probably deposited at depths of at least 1000 m in a subsiding basin

adjacent to an active arc system.

Moriones Formation
Interbedded sandstone, shale
conglomerate with minor limestone;
identified members are Sansotero
Limestone and Malo Pungatan Limestone
Unconformable over the Aksitero
Stratigraphic relation
Formation; overlain conformably by the
Malinta Formation
Aksitero River, Mayontoc, Tarlac
Early Miocene early Late Miocene
over 1,500 m
Named by
Corby and others (1951)

The Mariones formation was originally named by Corby and others (1951) for the
yellowish brown sandstone, sandy shale and conglomerate unconformably underlying
the Aksitero Formation, with type section along the Aksitero River. It is made up of
interbedded sequence of sandstone, shale, conglomerate and minor limestone. The
sandstones beds range in thickness from a few centimeters to more than a meter. The
sandstone is dark grey when fresh and light gray to different shades of brown with
oxide stains on weathered surfaces. It is fine to coarse-grained, fairly sorted slightly
tuffaceous, calcareous, well-cemented and consists of angular to subrounded
fragmentsof quartz, feldspar and mafic crystals held together by fine calcareous clayey
material. The shale is thinly laminate to medium bedded, dark grey to brown, soft and
friable, calcareous, fossiliferous, with occasional carbonaceous layers. The conglomerate
at the upper part of the section is poorly bedded to massive, gray to brown, well
consolidated with subrounded pebbles, cobbles and small boulders of igneous and
metamorphic rocks cemented by a coarse-grained calcareous matrix. The limestone in
the upper part is medium bedded, buff to flesh, fine to coarse calcarenite with coral
debris and molluscan remains. Foraminiferal assemblages containingCatapsydrax
stainforths Balli, Globorotalia fohsi barisanensis Leroy and Globorotalai fihsi fohsi
Cushman and Ellisor indicate an age of Early to Middle Miocene. Nannoplankton studies
by De Leon and Militante Matias, 1992) reveal an age of Early Miocene (NN4) for the
base and early Late Miocene (NN11) for the top of the formation. Corby and others
(1951) estimate the thickness to be about 1,500 m, but subsurface data indicate a
thicker pile. The section along the Aksitero River ws estimated to be about 1,000 m
thick. The formation was deposited under predominantly bathyal conditions, but
shallower depths are indicated for the upper part (Tamesis and others, 1981).
Limestone lenses towards the top of the formation have been noted, and these have
been noted, and these have been regarded as members of the Mariones Formation (De
Leon and Militante Matias, 1992). The Sansotero Limestone was named by Roque

and other (1972) for the irregularly shaped exposures and disconnected patches in
Sansotero, Bigbiga, Mayntoc, Tarlac. This was considered a separate younger formation
in BMG (1981) but is included here as a member of the mariones Formation. The
Limestone is massive, dirty white to greenish gray, porous with volcanic and
sedimentary clasts. Corals, algae, molluscan shells, and benthonic foraminera of the
genera Rotalia, Marginopora and Elphidium are found in the limestone. The limestone at
the type locality is 8 m thick. The other limestone member of the Moriones Formation is
called Malo Pungatan Limestone (Gwinn and others, 1959). At the area indicated as
the type locality, near Caananorgan, the unit consists of calcarenites and porous
coralline limestone. Other exposures may be found at Pingul area and further north, to
the west of Camiling. The thickness of Malo Pungatan ranges from 3 to 4 m.

Malinta Formation
Lower Pau Sandstones sandstones with
minor tuffaceous shale, conglomerate
and lapili tuff, Upper Aparri Gorge
Sandstone sandstone with shale
stringers and conglomerate lenses
Conformable over the Moriones
Stratigraphic relation
Barrio Malinta, Tarlac and O Donnell
River, Tarlac
Late Miocene
574 m
Named by
Corby and others (1951)

Overlying the Moriones conformably is the Malinta Formation, which was named by
Corby and others (1951) for the sandstone-dominated section exposed in the vicinity of
Barrio Malinta, Tarlac. It forms a prominent ridge east of the Moriones outcrop belt
from ODonnell River in the south to about 3.5 km southwest of Sta. Ignacia. Corby and
others 91951) recognized two facies, the lower Pau Sandstones and the upper Aparri
Gorge Sandstones. The Pau Sandstone member consists of sandy shale grading
southward to coarse quartz sandstone to tuffaceous pebbly sandstone overlain by a
thick sandstone section with minor amounts of coarse sandy tuffaceous shale and
conglomerate. The Aparri Gorge member is a well-cemented quartz sandstone with
occasional shale stringers and conglomerate lenses. Roque and others (1972) defined
the Malinta as an interbedded sequence of sandstone, shale, conglomerate, and lapili
tuff. The sandstone which is predominant in the lower and upper parts of the section, is
light to gray brown, thin to thick bedded, light greenish gray when wet, sandy,
tuffaceous and calcareous. The conglomerate at the lower and upper parts of the
section is dark gray, massive in Places, with rounded to subrounded pebbles, cobbles
and occasional boulders of igneous rocks held together by fine- to medium grained
tuffaceous sandstone. The lapilli tuff occurs as dirty white to gray, thin to thick beds.
The presence of Globorotolia fohsi labata Bermudez indicates a Late Miocene age for

the Malinta Formation. The formation was probably deposited in the inner neritic zone.
Studies by BEICIP (1976) indicate tidal conditions for the depositions of the
conglomerates, as well as the mudstones and sandstones containing fragments of
corals and mollusks. The measured thickness is 574m.

Tarlac Formation
Interbedded sandstones, shale
Conformable over the Malinta Formation;
Stratigraphic relation
Unconformably overlain by the Bamban
Vicinity of Tarlac town, Tarlac; ODonnell
River; Camiling, Tarlac
Late Miocene Early Pliocene
1,200 m
Named by
Corby and others (1951)

The formation was originally named by Corby and others (1951) for the interbedded
shale, sandstone and conglomerate in the vicinity of Tarlac town (now Tarlac City). It is
a widespread formation forming a Y-shaped outcrop pattern from ODonnell River in the
south to the town of Camiling in the north. It rests conformably over the Malinta
Formation and is unconformably overlain by the Bamban Formation. The shale is sandy
and fossiliferous. The sandstone exhibits spheroidal weathering and has less fossils. The
conglomerate is massive to thin bedded with sub-angular to subrounded to flat pebbles,
cobbles and boulders of igneous rocks, sandstone and limestone in a coarse, tuffaceous
sandstone matrix. The thickness along the tarlac-Burgos road is 1200 m.
Paleontological dating indicates its age to be Late Miocene to Early Pliocene.

Amlang Formation
Turbiditic sandstones and shale with
minor conglomerate
Transitional to underlying Klondyke
Formation; conformable over the
Stratigraphic relation
Labayug Limestone; unconformably
overlain by the Cataguintingan
Pangasinan and La Union, including the
coastal strip from the mouth of Agno
River to Bacnotan, La Union
Late Miocene Early Pliocene
over 1,620 m along the Rosario

Previous Name
Renamed by

Damortis Road
Amlang Member of Rosario Formation
(Corby and others, 1951)
Lorentz (1984)

The Amlang Formation is a thick sequence of clastic rocks consisting mainly to turbiditic
sandstones and shales with minor conglomerates. This formation underlies most of the
low-lying area in Pangasinan and la Union adjacent to the main Central cordillera
massif, including the coastal strip from the mouth of the Agno River to Bacnotan in La
Union. The contact between the Amlag Formation with the underlying Klondyke
Formation is graditional, as observed at Km. 216 of the national highway leading to
Kennon Road, just off the La Union-Benguet provincial boundary. Its contact with the
underlying labayug Limestone is also graditional.
Until recently, the Amlang Formation together with the Cataguintingan Formation,
constituted the Rosario Formation of Corby and others 91951). The Rosario formation
was previously subdivided into a lower Amlang Member and an upper Aringay Member.
Lorentz (1984) proposes to elevate the constituent members of the Rosario Formation
into two distinct formations, namely a lower Amlang Formation and upper
Cataguintingan Formation, as well as differences in their environment of deposition, the
latter name has been adopted for the unit, which was previously known as the upper
member of the Rosario Formation.
The lower part of the Amlang Formation consists of thinly bedded gray shales
interbedded with buff to brown fine- to medium-grained sandstones. In places, the
sandstone beds in the Amlang Formation are more predominant, which Lorentz (1984)
designatesas the Cupang Sandstone Member. The upper portion of the Amlang
Formation has a higher proportion of coarser sediments (sandstones and siltstones with
minor pebble conglomerates). Maleterre (1989) also includes a basalt flow as part of
the top of the Rosario Formation.
Some sandstones beds in both lower and upper parts of the Amlang Formation exhibit
graded bedding and parallel lamination typical of turbidite sequences, as well as sole
marks (load casts, tool marks, scour marks) and ripple cross-lamination.
Lorentz (1984) estimates the Amlang Formation to be at least 1,620 m thick as
measured along the Rosario-Damortis Road.
Fossils indicate as age of Late Miocene to Pliocene for the Rosario Formation (Tumanda,
1984). Lorentz (1984) gives an age of Late Miocene for the Amlang Formation.
Maleterre (1989) gives an age dating of Late Miocene to Early Pliocene for the Amlang
Formation, which is the age bracket adopted here. Sedimentological and faunal studies
indicate a deep water environment of deposition for the Amlang Formation (Lorentz,
1984; Tumanda, 1984).

Cataguintingan Formation
Mainly tuffaceous sandstone, with
interbeds of siltstone, shale and
conglomerate and minor limestone
Unconformable over the Amlang
Stratigraphic relation
Pangasinan and La Union
Late Pliocene
1,100 m at the type locality, and 900 m
in the south up to 2,600 m in the north
Linao Sandstones member (Corby and
Previous Name
others 1951) and Aringay Member
(Bandy, 1963)
Renamed by
Lorentz (1984)

The Cataguintingan Formation consists mainly of tuffaceous sandstones interbedded

with siltstones, shales and conglomerates including minor limestone lenses. It was
previously designated by Corby and others (1951) as the upper Linao Sandstone
member, and by bandy (1963) and geologists of the San Jose Oil Company as Aringay
Member, of the Rosario Formation. Lorentz (1984) raised this unit to formation rank
and renamed it Cataguintingan Formation, after Brgy. Cataguintingan where the
exposures are more continuous and the stratigraphic relation with the Amlang
Formation is more defined. It rests unconformably over the Amlang Fornation. The
Cataguintingan has yielded abundant molluscan shell fragments as well as echinoid
spines, ostracods and red algae. The upper portion of this formation has proportionately
less conglomerate beds than the lower portions. The upper beds are also more
tuffaceoous and sometimes exhibit high proportions of magnetite. Lorentz (1984) gives
a thickness of 1,100 m as measured at the type locality and attains a maximum of
2,600 m farther north, but is only 900 m to the south. It was dated Pliocene by Lorentz
(1984) but Maleterre (1989) gives an age dating of Late Pliocene for this formation,
which is adopted here.

Damortis Formation
sandstones, calcarenite, siltstone,
limestone and marl
unconformable over the Cataguintingan
Stratigraphic relation
Damortis beach, Pangasinan
50 200 m
Named by
Corby and others (1951)

Along Damortis beach near the PNR railway station is a small exposures of the Damortis
Formation consisting of westward dipping sandstones, calcarenites, siltstones and marl.
It rest unconformably over the Cataguintingan Formation near the type Locality. This
gently dipping sequence of clastic rocks commonly contains molluscan fossils. In places
the sandstones are dark-colored due to the presence of heavy minerals. To the north,
resting on the Amlang Formation at Bacnotan is the 20-m thick Bacnotan Limestone,
regarded by Maleterre (1989) estimates the thickness of the formation to range from
50 m to 200 m on the basis of seismic data. Javelosa 91994) reports a C dating of
28,250 345 years BP at the top of a sandstone horizon in raised tidal flats along the
Damortis coast. The formation is considered Pleistocene in age.

Bamban Formation
Tuffaceous sandstones and lapili tuff
with basal conglomerate
Stratigraphic relation Unconformable over the Tarlac formation
Bamban, Tarlac
Named by
Corby and others (1951)

The name Bamban Formation was used by Corby and others 91951) to designate the
tuffaceous clastic and tuff section in Bamban, Tarlac. The best exposures was the
almost vertical bluff immediately south-southwest of the highway (now covered by
lahar) where it is made up of tuffaceous sandstone and well-bedded lapili tuff. The
basal conglomerate is massive, fairly well-consolidated, and consists of poorly sorted
sub-angular to subrounded pebbles, cobbles and small boulders of diorite, andseite and
basalt with minor amounts of scoria cemented by tuffaceous sand and volcanic ash. It
is locally cross-bedded and grades laterally and vertically to sandstone. The sandstone
is bedded, fairly sorted, soft, porous, tuffaceous and consists mainly of angular to
subroundd grains of feldspar, quartz and ferromagnesian minerals in a fine silt and
volcanic ash cement. Interbedded with the sandstone are thin beds of hard, wellcemented and brittle tuffaceous shale. The tuff is medium to thick bedded, hard, brittle
and consists of well-cemented, fine volcanic ash, dust and lapilli. Mafic minerals and
small fragments of scoriaceous materials are dispersed in the tuff. It is Pleistocene in
age and the Environment of deposition might have been sub-aqueous.



Barenas-Baito Formation
Spilitic and basic to intermediate

Stratigraphic relation
Named by

flows and breccias with intercalated

Overlain by the Bayabas Formation
Western part of northern Sierra Madre;
Southwest of Divilacan River; Maconacon
Late Cretaceous
De la Rosa and others (1978)

The oldest rock on the east side of the Central Valley basin belongs to the BarenasBaito Formation. This was named by De la Rosa and others (1978) for the rocks
cropping out along Barenas and Baito creeks about 25 km east-northeast of
Norzagaray, Bulacan. These rocks are also exposed in the areas around the LaurDingalan Fault Zone in Nueva Ecija in the north down to Angono and Tanay, Rizal in the
south (Revilla and Malaca 1987). The formation is made up of splitic and basic to
intermediate volcanic flows and breccias with intercalated metasedimentary rocks. The
latter are thin to medium bedded, varicolored indurated sandstones, siltstones,
argillites, chert and local lenses of conglomerate. As used by Revilla and Malaca (1987),
this unit includes the pillow basalt of the so-called Angat Ophiolite, the volcaniclastic
member of the Maybangin Formation in the southern Sierra Madre and the Coronel and
Dingalan formations of Rutland 91967) in the Laur-Dingalan fault zone. On the other
hand, this sequence is considered by (Ringenbach 91992) to be equivalent only to the
volcanic carapace and sedimentary cover of the Angat Ophiolite, and is therefore below
the Maybangain Formation and equivalent to the Kinabuan Formatio. Paleontological
dating of radiolarian mudstone samples from the Tayabasan River indicates a Late
Turonian or Coniacian age (early Late Cretaceous) for the formation (Blome, 1985). The
interpretation of Ringenbach 91992) is adopted here.

Bayabas Formation
Andesite flows, pyroclastic rocks,
siltstone, sandstones, conglomerates
with limestone lenses
Stratigraphic relation
Overlies the Barenas-Baito formation
Western and central part of southern
Sierra Madre
Late Eocene Early Oligocene
Bayabas Metavolcanics (De la Rosa and
Previous Name
others, 1978)
Renamed by
Pelayo (1981)

The Bayabas Formation overlies the Barenas-Baito Formation at Sapa Maon, a tributary
of Bayabas River, northeast of Norzagaray, Bulacan. This was designated by De la Rosa
and others (1978) as Bayabas Metavolcanics but was renamed bayabas formation by
Pelayo (1981) to include the metasedimentary rocks. The metavolcanics are andesite
flows and pyroclastics, including andesitic tuf-breccia, while the sedimentary rocks are
well-bedded siltstone, shaly sandstones and conglomerate. Small lenses of dark gray
marbleized limestone are intercalated with the clastic rocks. Exposures of this formation
in the western and the central part of the Southern Sierra Madre Range follow a northsouth trend. The lower part contains Late Eocene to Early Oligocene small foraminiferal
species called Cassigerinella Eocene Corday (BMG, 1981). Revilla and Malaca (1987)
report that clastic samples collected by Blome (1985) as well as Pelayo (1981) in
Norzagaray, Bulacan, were also found to contain Late Eocene to Early Oligocene fossils.
The Limestone that bears Early Miocene fossils reported in BMG (1981) could represent
a younger formation (Angat Formation?) and not part of the Bayabas Formation. The
Bayabas Formation is therefore considered Late Eocene to Early Oligocene in age and
not late Eocene to Early Miocene. It is partly equivalent to the Maybangain Formation of
Haek (1987).

Angat Formation
Lower calcareous shale and sandstone
unconformable over the Bayabas
Stratigraphic relation
Formation; overlies diorite
Angat River, western flank of southern
Sierra Madre Range;
Norzagaray;Camachile area in eastern
Early Miocene
1,950 m
Angat Limestone (member member of
Previous Name
Quezon Formation)
Named by
Corby and others (1951)
Renamed by
Gonzales and others (1971)

Resting unconformably over the Bayabas Formation is the Angat Formation. It also
unconformably overlies the diorite in the Camachile area in eastern Bulacan. The
formation was originally used by Corby and others (1951) to designate to lower
member of their Quezon Formation. It was raised into formation rank by Gonzales and
others (1971). Its type locality is along Angat River about 6 km east of Norzagaray. It
crops out along the western flank of Sierra madre, forming an almost continous northsouth belt that splits into two at the Camachile area in the eastern Bulacan. The smaller
western adge ends at Balite Creek about 4 km south of Angat River. The formation

consists of lower clastic member representing a minor part of the formation and an
upper limestone member.
The clastic member is made up of thin beds of calcareous shale and clayey sandstones
with occasional sandy limestone lenses. The sandstones is usually graded and wellcemented while the limestone lenses are dense brittle and partly siliceous. Mollusks,
coral stems and laminae of carbonaceous materials are dispersed within the section.
These, together with the abundance of Heliocosphaera species, suggest shallow marine
The limestone member consists of a lower bedded reef-flank deposit and an upper
biohermal mass. This member is characterized by local thickening and thinning over a
fairly continuous belt. The lower part is made up of calcareous rock detrita and fine
slime with interbeds of the fine siliceous layers. The biohermal portion is cavernous,
white to buff, occasionally gray to pink, partly crystalline, and essentially consists of
skeletal remains of reef-building organisms (corals and algae) with abundant molluscan
fragments and bryozoans stems. The thickness of the formation varies from one locality
to another, but the maximum exposed thickness is 1,950 m. Along Madium River, the
biohermal portion is approximately 100 m thick.
The clastic facies contains Globigerinoides sicanus De Stefani as well as nannofossils
including Heterosphaera mediterranea and Sphenolithus cf. heteromorphous, which
indicate an age of NN4-NN-5, Probably NN4, equivalent to Early Miocene (Villanueva
and others, 1995). Recent studies by Villanueva and others (1995) indicate an Early
Miocene age for the limestone based on the presence of Cycloclypeus (K.) transiens.
Abundant large foraminifera, corals, algae and molluscan remains in the limestone and
carbonaceous materials in the clastic facies indicate deposition in a shallow

Madlum Formation
lower Clastic Member sandstone; silty
shale; middle Alagao Volcanics
andesite flow, pyroclastic breccias, tuffs,
graywacke, argillite; upper Buenacop
Stratigraphic relation
Conformable over the Angat formation
Area between Angat and Pearanda
Rivers; San Ildefonso, Bulacan:
typeLocality is along Madlum River,
Brgy.Madlum, San Miguel, Bulacan
Middle Miocene
1,950 m
Angat Limestone (member member of
Previous Name
Quezon Formation)
Named by
Corby and others (1951)
Renamed by
Gonzales and others (1971)

The term Madlum Formation was first used by geologists of the San Jose Oil Company
(Williams, 1960 in Gonzales and others, 1971) yo designate the sequence of shale,
siltstone, wacke and conglomerate exposed along Madlum River close to Brgy. Madlum,
San Miguel Bulacan. They also included in this formation the upper metavolccanic
member of the Sibul Formation and upper tuffaceous member of the Quezon
Formation of Corby and others (1951) exposed in the Angat River area. Melendres and
Verzosa (1960) subdivided the Madlum into the Angat River Limestone, Alagao
Volcanics and Buenacop Limestone members. The middle and upper members were
retained by Gonzales and others (1971) but changed the Angat River Limestone to
Clastic member. The Madlum formation conformably rests on top of the Angat

Clastic Member

The Clastic Member is extensively distributed in an almost continuously exposed belt

between Angat and Pearanda rivers. It is a thick sequence of thin to thick bedded
sandstone and silty shale with minor basal conglomerates and occasional limy
sandstones interbeds. The sandstone is fine- to medium-grained, fairly well-sorted,
well-cemented and calcareous, with sub-angular to subrounded fragments of mafic rock
detrita, quartz and feldspar cemented by fine clayey material. The shale which occurs in
thinner beds compared to the sandstones, is calcareous. The basal conglomerate is
massive with well rounded cobbles and pebbles of mafic igneous rocks, chert and
limestone dispersed in a coarse calcareous matrix.
Two foraminiferal zones have been recognized in the Clastic member by Villanueva and
others (1995): Globorotalia fohsi peripheroronda Zone (N6-N10) and Globoratalia fohsi
fohsi Zone (N10-N11), which were also earlier reported by Gonzales and others (1971).

Alagao Volcanic

Melendres and Verzosa 91960) used the term Alagao Volcanics to designate the
sequence of pyroclastic breccias, tuffs, argillites, indurated greywacke and andesite
flows exposed in Alagao, San Ildefonso, Bulacan. Its type locality, as designated by
Gonzales and others (1971), is the section along the San Ildefonso Akle road. The
metavolcanic member of the Sibul Formation of Corby and others, (1951) and the
andesite-basalt sequence in the Rodriguez-Teresa area. Rizal are included in this
member. Generally, the rock unit is purplish gray in fresh surfaces but weathers into
brick-red to purple shades. The pyroclastic breccias, the prevalent rock type, is massive
and made up of angular to subrounded cobble to bouldersizes of andesite, basalt, chert
and other volcanic rocks set in a tuffaceous matrix. The tuffaceous beds weather into
bentonitic clay. The volcanic flows are massive, fine-grained and vesicular. The vesicles
are filled with thickness is about 175 m, although it ciuld be thicker along Angat River
further south.

Buenacop Limestone

The Buenacop Limestone was originally used by Melendres and Verzosa (1960) to
designate the limestone sequence exposed at Baragay Buenacop, San Ildefonso,
Bulacan with type section along Ganlang River. It also occurs as narrow discontinuous
strips formed by a series of almost north-soouth aligned low ridges and several small
patches between Sta. Maria and Sumacbao rivers. The limestone in the lower part is
thin to medium bedded, crystalline, slightly tuffaceous, porous with numerous
fragments of volcanic rocks, chert nodules and detrital crystals of mafic minerals. This
characteristic distinguishes it from the other limestones in the area. The upper part is
massive, cavernous, with dispersed occasional andesite fragments, volcanic debris and
fossils of reef-building organisms such as corals, algae, mollusks and foraminifera.
Fossils indicate an age of Middle Miocene for this limestone member, which was
probably deposited in a shelf area. The estimated thickness at the type locality is 150
Samples of the Buenacop Limestone yielded a number of foraminifera. Including
Miogypsina polymorpha, Cycloclypeus (Metacycloclypeus) transiens, Lepidocyclina is
assigned to the Madlum Formation, although deposition could have started in early
Middle Miocene. Deposition Might have taken place in a progressively deepening
environment probably from shelf-edge to upper bathyal depths. It is over 1,000 m thick
in the type locality.

Lambak Formation
Tuffaceous shale, sandstone,
Unconformable over the Madlum
Stratigraphic relation
Lambak depression, Sta. Maria,
Bulacan;Norzagaray, Bulacan
Late Miocene
>1,000 m
Previous Name
Lambak Shales Sandstones (Alvir, 1929)
Renamed by
MGB (this volume)

Resting unconformably over the Madlum Formation is the Lambak Formation. This was
previously designated as Lambak Shale and Sandstones by Alvir (1929) to designate
the tuffaceous shale and sandstone sequence in the Lambak depression, which is
roughly 7 km long and 2 km wide, extending from Angat River southwards to Santa
Maria, Bulacan. As the physical features and lithology resemble that of weathered
andesite and basalt, previous workers considered this unit as part of the Alagao
Volcanics. Gonzales and others (1971), however, found small foramineferal species in

the formation. The Lambak Formation is best exposed along Minuyan Creeek, a
northeast-flowing tributary of Santa Maria River that cut across Barrio Minuyan (Bigti),
Norzagaray, Bulacan. The formation is made up of a sequence of massive, wellindurated, poorly sorted, medium to coarse arkosic sandstone, which is locally
conglomeratic. The coarser components are mainly sub-anglar to subrounded crystals
of quartz and feldspars in a clayey, tuffaceous and calcareous matrix. The
conglomeratic part includes cobbles and pebbles of volcanic rocks and diorite cemented
by coarse tuffaceous material. At the northern end of the outcrop belt, the Lambak
probably exceeds 1000 m in thickness. Planktonic foraminiferal fossils Orbulina universa
dOrbigny and interminate species of Globigerinoides were foung in some samples. The
Lambak is dated Late Miocene and deposited under open sea condition.

Makapilapil Formation
Tuffaceous sandstones, mudstone
Unconformable over the Madlum
Stratigraphic relation
Makapilapil Ridge, Papaya, Nueva Ecija
Late Miocene
500 800 m
Named by
Melendres and Verzosa (1960)

Correlative to the lambak Formation and also unconformably overlying the Madlum
Formation in eastern Nueva Ecija is the Makapilapil Formation. This was first used by
Melendres and Verzosa (1960) for the sequence of tuffaceous sandstone and mudstone
localized at Makapilapil ridge southeast of Papaya Nueva Ecija with type locality along
Kawayan River, a northeast-flowing stream along the west margin of the outcrop area.
The sandstone comprising the bulk of Formation is thin to thick bedded, dark gray to
brown, medium- to coarse-grained, tuffaceous and locally conglomeratic, hard and with
abundant mafic crystals giving a peppery appearance to the rock. The shale interbeds
are thinner than the sandstones but are also gray to brown in color. The individual beds
are 1 -6 cm thick and grade laterally and vertical over short distances into sandstones.
The basal conglomerate is made up of sub-angular to subrounded boulders, cobbles and
pebbles of volcanic rocks, sandstone and limestone is massive, porous, coarse, sandy
or conglomeratic with numerous fragments of basalt, andesite and mafic detrite. What
distinguishes this formation from the other clastic unit is its dark gray color and
tuffaceous character. It is estimated to be about 500 to 800 m thick, but could reach
1,000 m. it is Late Miocene in age.

Tartaro Formation
Mudstone, sandstone
Stratigraphic relation
Not reported

Barrio Tartaro, San Miguel; Biak-naBato;Alagao, all in Bulacan

Late Miocene to Early Pliocene
Melendres and Verzosa (1960)

Named by

Along Madlum River in the vicinity of Barrio Tartaro about 2 km west of Barrio Sibul,San
Miguel, Bulacan, a sequence of clayey mudstone crops out, designated as Tartaro
formation bt Melendres and Verzosa (1960). It is also exposed along the Baliculing and
Salapungan rivers in the vicinity of Biak-na-Bato and Alagao, respectively. The Tartaro
is a sequence of mudstones and sandstones, which is massive or obscurely bedded,
distinctively greenish-gray, soft, poorly consolidated and contains abundant molluscan
shells. The mudstone comprises the greater bulk of the section. The sandstone is poorly
consolidated, loosely cemented, friable, medium- to coarse-grained and locally
conglomeratic. Villanueva and others (1995) assign a probable Late Miocene
(Tortonian) to Early Pliocene (Zanclean) age to this formation on the basis of
nannofossils (zones NN10-NN15). The formation was probably deposited in a shallow,
Lagoonal near shore environment.


Guadalupe Formation
Alat Conglomerate memberconglomerate, sandstone, mudstone,
Diliman Tuff member

Stratigraphic relation


Named by

tuff, pyroclastic breccias, tuffaceous

Not reported
Unconformable over the tartaro
Formation Quezon City; Pasig, Makati,
Southern Rizal; eastern Bulacan;
southeastern Neuva Ecija Age
1,500 2,200 m
Melendres and Verzosa (1960)

This formation was named by Smith (1913) for the tuff sequence that crops oout along
the Pasig River in Guadalupe, Makati, Metro Manila, which was earlier described by Von
Drasche (1878). In the Angat-Novaliches region, Alvir (1929) described the same
sequence but reffered to it as Guadalupe Tuff Formation. Corby and others (1951)
called it Guadalupe Tuffs and Teves and Gonzales (1950) named it Guadalupe
Formation with two members: a lower Alat Conglomerate and an upper Diliman Tuff

member. The formation unconformably overlies the Tartaro and on the basis of the
presence of Stegodon fossils and other vertebrate remains, leaf imprints and artifacts,
it is assigned a Pleistocene age.

Alat Conglomerate

The Alat Conglomerate crops out along Sapang Alat, about 3 km north of the
Novaliches Reservoir and forms an extensive outcrop belt underlying the hills and
lowlands in eastern Bulacan and Southeastern Nueva Ecija. The Alat is a sequence of
conglomerates, sandstones and mudstones. The conglomerate, which is the most
predominant rock type, is massive, poorly sorted with well-rounded pebbles and small
boulders of underlying rocks cemented by coarse-grained, calcareous and sandy matrix.
The interbedded sandstone is massive to poorly bedded, tuffaceous, fine- to mediumgrained, loosely cemented, friable and exhibits cross bedding. The mudstone is medium
to thin bedded, soft, sticky, silty and tuffaceous. Maximum estimated thickness of this
member is 200 m.

Diliman Tuff

The Diliman Tuff is well exposed in Diliman, Quezon City and between Santa Maria and
Balu rivers in Bulacan. It also covers large portions of Pasig City, Makati city, southern
Rizal province and adjoining areas. The whole sequence is flat- lying, medium to thin
bedded and consists of fine-grained vitric tuffs and welded pyroclastic breccias with
minor fine- to medium-grained tuffaceous sandstones. Dark mafic minerals and bits of
pumiceous and soriaceous materials are dispersed in the glassy tuff matrix. The
thickness of the Diliman Tuff is 1,300 2,000 m. Fossil plant leaves of the genus
Euphorbliaceae, deer and elephant teeth, and bits of wood recovered in Guadalupe and
Novaliches suggest a Pleistocene age.


Zambales Ophiolite Complex

Peridotite, gabbro, diabasic dike
complex, Diorite, pillow basalt, pelagic
limestone,Sandstones, mudstone
Stratigraphic relation
Constitutes the basement of Zambales;
Occupies the greater part of Zambales
Province; Mayantoc, Tarlac; Barlo and
Sual, Pangasinan

Previous Name
Renamed by

Zambales Ultramafic Complex (Stoll,

MGB (this volume), BMG (1981) as
Zambales Ophiolite

The Zambales Ophiliolite Complex, an east-dipping complete sequence of oceanic crust

and mantle material, is located at the western portion of Central Luzon spanning 160
km N-S and 40 Km at its widest (E-W) portion. Three structural massifs separated by
WNW trending faults are recognized: Masinloc, Cabangan and San Antonio. Petrological
and geochemical studies reveal that this ophiolite suite can be divided into two major
units, the Coto and Acoje blocks (Hawkins and Evans , 1983; Yumul, 1989, 1990), each
made up of a complete ophiolite sequence: residual (upper mantle) transition zone
cumulate (base of crust) volcanic (oceanic crust) rocks. The Acoje Block occupies
the northern half of the Masinloc Massif, and also the San Antonio Massif at the
southern portion of the Zambales Range. The Coto block encompasses the Cabangan
Massif and the southern half of the Masinloc Massif. An Eocene age has been assigned
to this Ophiolite, base in overlying Eocene pelagic limestone of the Aksitero Formation
(Villones, 1980; Scweller and others, 1983). This is supported by whole rock K-Ar ages
of 46.6 5.1 Ma and 44.3 3.5 Ma for a dike at Coto mine and a sill in Sual,
Pangasinan, respectively (Fuller and others, 1991). Tectonic (Karig, 1982) and
paleomagnetic (Fullers and others, 1983) studies suggest that the Zambales ophiolite is
an allochthonous terrane. Stratigraphic evidences (Scweller and others, 1983), in turn,
point to its emergence during the Oligocene to Early Miocene.

Coto Block

This consists, from bottom to top, of metamorphic harzburgite, dunite, troctolite,

allivalite, olivine gabbro and a high level plutonic-volcanic suite of diorite, diabase and
basalt. Massive to banded harzburgites are mostly serpentinized and consist basically of
olivine, orthopyroxene, spinel and minor clinopyroxene. The harzburgites are separated
from the cumulate rock suite by a transitional zone of intensely fractured black
serpentinized dunite, which contain chromite lenses in places. The contact between the
transition zone dunite and cumulate gabbro is characterized by interlayinginterfingering of dunite harzburgite and gabbro. The mafic cumulates are represented
by anorthosite, troctolite, and olivine gabbro. These exhibit rhythmic layering and
structures such as scour and fill, graded bedding and flame structures reminiscent of
turbidites. Intrusive relationships among the higher level units basalt, diabase and
gabbro suggest that these rocks were more or less contemporaneous. Dike
boundaries are usually defined by chilling on both sides. The basalt and diabase, which
show evidence of low-grade greenschist facies metamorphism, have aphyric to
porphyritic and intersertal to intergranular textures. Clinopyroxene is predominant over
plagioclase and olivine. Disseminations of magnetite, ulvospinel and pyrite are
common. The diorites/tonalities are holocrystalline to poikilitic, and are composed of
plagioclase, brown amphibole, quartz and minor clinopyroxene and magnetite. Epidote
and chlorite are the dominant alteration minerals.

Acoje Block

The bottom to top of the Acoje Block consist of metamorphic harzburgite with
associated Iherzolite and dunite, well developed ultramafic and mafic cumulates and a
high level plutonic-volcanic suite of gabbro-diorite-dolerite and basalt. The massive and
intensely fractured residual harzburgites are associated with pockets of Iherzolite, and
are much fresher compared to their counterparts of the Coto Block. Like in the Coto
Block, the residual-cumulate transition is marked by a dunite layer. This dunite is Acoje,
called black dunite in the mine, ha a very dark appearance probably due to the
abundant iron oxide dust inclusions. In addition, these dunites host chromite and nickel
minerlization. Several gabbro dikes intrude the dunite. The ultramafic cumulates
consists of rhythmically layered clinopyroxenites, dunites,wehrlites and harzburgites.
Olivine, spinel and pyroxene are the main minerals, although completely altered
plagioclases are very sparsely present. Talc,serpentine and iron oxide stains are very
common. The mafic cumulates gabbro, eucrite, gabbronorite and anorthosite exhibit
normal and reverse graded bedding and other features such a channeling, scour and
fill, slumping and flame structures. The rocks are mostly medium- to coarse-grained,
consisting shiefly of plagioclase, pyroxene and olivine. Unlike in the Coto Block,
orthopyroxene is an important cumulus pahase in the Acoje Block. The diorite diabase
sill/dike complex associated with basalt is best exposed in the Bario-Saul area. The
Basalt-dolerite units are usually aphantic and greenish gray and slightly chloritized and
argillized. The diorites are fine- to medium-grained and grayish-white in color. The
basaltic flows and pillow basalts in barrio are host to Cyprus-type massive deposit.
The origin of Zambales Ophiolite Complex is still open to debate. Yumul and others
(1990b,c) advocate a south China Sea Basin origin for thr ophiolite, whereas earlier
workers (Hawkins and Evans , 1983; Fuller and others, 1983 and Scweller and others,
1983) do not favor such hypothesis. Nicolas and Violette(1982), base on petrofabric
studies, conclude that the Acoje Block is characterized by vertical plastic flow patterns
indicating a mid-ocean spreading ridge. Finding no volcanic or continental materials in
the overlying hemipelagic Aksitero Formation, Scwellers and others (1983) were
convince that the ophiolite was formed in an open ocesn environment far from any
continent or island arc.
The petrology and geochemisty of the Coto and Acoje Blocks are distinct each other.
While the former has geochemical characteristic transitional between normal MORB and
island rock arc rocks, the latter is principally island arc in character. To account for such
peculiarity, Hawkins(1980) and Hawkins and Evans (1983) proposed a paired volcanic
arc-back- arc model, in which one component was tectonically juxtaposed against the
other. Geary and others (1989), in turn suggest that the Zambales Ophiolite preserves
a normal ocean crust (forearc)-island artc complex that was formed by two distinct
crustal generation events. Mitchell and others (1986) offer a odel in which island arc
volcanic truncated and formed on top of a MORB crust. Finally Yumul (1987) believes
that the Zambales ophiolite originated as a Paleogene subduction-related marginal
basin, a precursor to the South China Sea basin, rifted from the Asia mainland. He
forwarded two models, one in which the Coto Block first formed as a marginal basin
followed by the installation of an island arc (Acoje Block), or alternatively, one in which
the island arc was split to form the Coto Block back-arc basin.

Balog-Balog Diorite
Diorite, quartz diorite, pegmatite,
intrudes gabbro and diabase dike
Stratigraphic relation
Balog balog, Tarlac; Mayantoc, Tarlac
Named by
Vilones and others (1979)

In the western flank of Zambales Range is a diorite complex originally called balogBalog Diorite by Villones and others (1979) for the diorite exposures at Balog-Balog,
Tarlac. It is also well exposed at Mayantoc, Tarlac. The complex is a dike system
intruding the gabbro and diabase dike swarms of the ophiolite suite. It appears to be
latedifferentiates of the gabbro of the ophiolite and is an intrinsic part of the ophiolite
complex. The Balog-Balog consists of Diorite, quartz diorite, pegmatite, plagiogranite
and possibly tonalite and monzonite. The diorite is fine- to coarse-grained and
pegmatic. The main diorite is light to dark gray, equigranular and contains abundant
horneblende crystals. The quartz diorite is light-colored and pinkish with crystals of free
quartz and potash feldspars. The coarse crystalline pegmatite contains large euhedral
crystals and hornblende in a felsic matrix.

Aksitero Formation
Lower Bigbiga Limestone micritic
limestone with tuffaceous turbidite and
minor chert Upper Burgos Member
Limestone, tuffaceous Sandstones,
siltstone and mudstone
Represent the sedimentary cover of the
Zambales Ophiolite Complex
Stratigraphic relation
Unconformably overlain by the Moriones
Aksitero River, Bigbiga, Mayantoc, Tarlac
Late Eocene Late Oligocene
Bigbiga Limestone 42 m, Burgos
Member 78 m
Named by
Amato (1965)

The Aksitero Formation represents s the sedimentary cover of the Zambales Opiolite. It
is the oldest sedimentary formation in the west flank of the Central Luzon Basin. It was

named by Amato (1965) for the exposures of pelagic limestone and clastic rocks along
the upper reaches of Aksitero River in the vicinity of Bigbiga in the western foothills of
Zambales Range. The limestone is thin- to thick bedded, cream to dirty white
tuffaceous. It is interbedded with thin calcareous and tuffaceous sandy shale. Below the
limeston are lenses of rounded to ellipsoidal, generally discontinuous, reddish
calcareous chert (Villones, 1980). Smaller chert lenses are interbedded with the
limestone and gradually disappear upsection. Amato (1965) gave an age of Late Eocene
to Early Oligocene to this formation based on the presence ofHantkenina alakemensis
Cushman, Globorotalia, Globorotalia cerroazulenses Calc, Globorotalia centralis
Cushman and Bermudez and Discoaster barbadiensis Tan Sin Hok in the lower part;
and Globorotalia opima nana Balli and Globigerina ciperoensis angustiumbilicata Balli in
the upper part. In 1984, Scweller and others (1984) divided the Aksitero into a
lower Bigbiga limestone member consisting of micritic limestone interbedded with
tuffaceous turbidites and an upper Burgos member of interlayered limestone and
indurated calcareous and tuffaceous sandstone, siltstone and mudstone. The lower
member, which is 42 m thick, was dated Late Eocene to Early Oligocene and the upper
78-m member was dated Middle to Late Oligocene. Thus the age is Late Eocene to Late
Oligocene and the aggregate thickness is about 120 m. Garrison and others (1979)
stated that the hemipelagic limestone and tuffaceous turbidites of the Aksitero were
probably deposited at depths of at least 1000 m in a subsiding basin adjacent to an
active arc syatem.

Cabaluan Formation
Lower member conglomerate,
sandstones, Siltstone, Upper member
limestone, calcarenite, marl
Unconformable over ophiolite;
Stratigraphic relation
conformably overlain by the Sta. Cruz
Cabaluan, Zambales
Middle Miocene Late Miocene
250 m
Previous name
Zambales Limestone and Conglomerate
Renamed by
MGB (this volume )

This formation was previously named Zambales Limestone and Conglomerate by Corby
and others (1951) for the rocks exposed as an inverted S-shaped belt 5 km east of
Naluo Point, Sta Cruz, Zambales. It can be subdivided into a lower clastic member and
an upper limestone member. Karig and others (1986) proposed to make the Cabuluan
River section as a reference section, since the formation is well exposed and developed
there. The formation is here named Cabaluan Formation, as Zmabales is a non-specific
locality in terms of geographic appelaation. On the other hand, the Opiolite Complex
can append the name of the province since it is exposed in the greater part of

Along Cabuluan River, the lower clastic member consists of a 130 m thick sequence of
conglomerate, sandstone and silt stone. Its base lies unconformably over serpentinized
harzburgite. Clasts in the basal conglomerate are made up almost entirely of pebbles
and cobbles of serpentinized harzburgite. Sand components of the finer clastics also
consist mainly of serpentinites. In places, the clastic sequence a carbonaceous and
contains fossils, including plant remains, gastropods and coral fragments. Coquina and
lignite lenses are interspersed within the sequence. The conglomerate in the upper
portion have smaller pebble-sized clastic and sandstones become more dominant
towards the top. The lower clastic member is massive to moderately bedded, in places
showing cross-bedding. A littoral setting is indicated for the deposition of the lower
clastic member (Karig and others, 1986).
The upper limestone member consists mainly of reefal limestone. The lower portion of
the limestone member is a 20 30 m thick sequence of buff-colored, poorly bedded
bioclastic limestone, which grades into medium bedded bioturbated calcareous
sandstone and then into silty marl. This clastic sequence is overlain by 100 m of the
main reefal limestone. This is predominantly massive forms prominent ridges crest. The
limestone grades upward into coral boulder limestone with abundant shell and coral
debris to interbedded bioclastic limestone and sandy marl to mudstone.
The thickness of the formation varies widely, but the Cabulian River section is
approximately 250 m thick (Karig and others, 1986). The foraminiferal assemblage of
the upper limestone member includes Orbulina universa indicating an age no older than
Middle Miocene (Zone N9). Karig and others (1986) also report that calcarenites at the
top of the limestone member yielded a foraminiferal assemblage of late Late Miocene
age (Zone N17/N18).

Sta. Cruz Formation

Lower member mudstone and marl;
Middle member calcarenite Upper
member sandstone, siltstone,
Conformable over the Cabuluan
Stratigraphic relation
Sta. Cruz, Zambales; Bolinao,
Pangasinan Southward to Iba, Zambales
late Late Miocene
750 m
Previous name
Sta. Cruz marl (Von Drasche, 1878)
Renamed by
Stoll (1962)

Von Drasche (1878) first named the sedimentary rocks exposed at Sta. Cruz, Zambales
as Sta Cruz Marl, which was later renamed Sta. Cruz Formation by Stoll (1962). The

formation can be traced along a wide belt from Bolinao, Pangasinan that thins out to
the south at Iba, Zambales.
Along the Cabaluan River section, the contact with the underlying limestone member of
the Cabaluan Foramation is transitional. The predominantly clastic unit above the
limestone of the Cabaluan Formation is considered by Karig and others (1986) as
representing the Sta. Cruz Formation, which they divide into three members: lower
mudstone and marl middle calcarenite and upper turbiditic clastic sequence. Planktic
and benthic foraminifera from the three members suggest a progressive deepening in
the environment of deposition up to mid bathyal depths for the middle calcarenite and
upper sequence of sandstone pebble conglomerate tuffaceous mudstone. Karig and
others (1986) report that planktic foraminifera from all three members indicate a late
Late Miocene age (zone N17/N18). A thickness of at least 750 m is estimated for the
whole formation, broken down as follows: 175-200 m for the lower mudstone and marl
member; 50 m for the middle calcarenite; and at least 500 m for the upper clastic

Stratigraphic relation
Named by

Bolinao Limestone
not reported
Bolinao, Mabini, Agno, Hundred Islands,
Pliocene Pleistocene
250 m
MGB (this volume)

Coralline reefal limestone at Mabini, Bolinao, Agno and the Hundred Islands in
Pangasinan were previously included with the Sta. Cruz Foramtion. However, Karig and
others (1986) argue that these limestones were formed in a disticnly different
environment and therefore represent another formation. They also cite a proprietary
report of the Philippine Bureau of Energy Development that describes horizontal Early
Pliocene limestone capping Middle to late Miocene sedimentary sequence in Burgos.
Recent samples of limestone in the hundred Islands and in Bolinao also yielded Pliocene
Pleistocene fossils. At Mabini, Pangasinan, BEICIP (1976) reports that the limestone,
with an estimated thickness of 250 m, yielded fossils, which were dated Early Pliocene
(N19). In the absence of more detailed studies of these limestones, they are tentatively
designated as Bolinao Limestone.

Bataan Volcanic Arc Complex

Basalt, andesite. Dacite, pyroclastic flow,

Stratigraphic relation

Named by

Overlies, intrudes, Zambales Ophiolite

and Tarlac Formation
Bataan Peninsula; Zambales;
Arayat,Pampanga; Amorong and
Balungao Pangasinan; Cuyapo, Nueva
Late Miocene Recent
MGB (this volume)

The Bataan Volcanic Arc Complex comprises the Central Luzon segment of the Luzon
volcanic Arc. This segment is separated from the Northern Luzon segment by the
northwest trending Umigan-Lingayen branch of the Philippines Fault that separates the
Central Luzon Basin from the Caraballo Range and central Cordillera. To the south, this
segment is separated from the southern Luzon segment by the Macolod Corridor of
Defant and others (1988), a northeast-trending swath volcanic centers are recognized.
The western belt includes Pinatubo, Negron, Cuadrado, Bitnung, Balakibok, Santa Ritas,
Natib, Samat, Mariveles, and Limay, among others. These have been extruded through
the Zambales ophiolite terrane. The eastern belt consisting of Balungao, Amorong,
Cuyapo and Arayat, lie along the axis of the Central Luzon Basin upon which a thick pile
of Tertiary sedimentary rocks have been laid. It is not known whether the Central Luzon
Basin is floored by the Zambales ophiolite. Offshore, farther to the west, is the Manila
Trench, which defines the structure along which the South China Plate is being
subducted beneath the Luzon arc of the Philippines Sea Plate. A general younging of the
volcanic centers from west to east is noted by De Boer and others (1980), with the
western belt dating back to more than 4 Ma (Mariveles Complex) and even up to 8 Ma
(Mt. Pinatubo) and the eastern belt giving a range of 1.59 Ma (Mt. Cuyapo) to 0.53 Ma
(Mt. Arayat). Bau and Knittel (1993) assign a range of 7 Ma to present for the western
belt and 1.7 Ma to 0.1 Ma for the eastern belt. This suggest the volcanism was
iniatiated in nthe west and progressed eastward with the subducting slab, which could
have induced partial melting of the mantle during its descent. Defant and others (1988)
estimate that the eastern and western belt are approximately 100 120 km and 180
200 km, respectively. Above the Wadati Benioff zone, Whereas Bau and Knittel
(1993) reckon that the eastern belt is 180 km above the subducting slab. The main
characteristics of the eastern and western belts are tabulated below.
Table 2.32 Comparison of attributes of Eastern and Western Volcanic Belts, Bataan
Volcanic Belt:

Depth to subducting slab
Number of volcanic centers
Tholeiitic (T) vs calc-alkaline

-100 km
Low to medium K

-200 km
Medium to high K

Thoeleiitic to calc-alkaline

Mostly calc-alkaline


Basaltic to dacitic
Includes adakites

Basaltic to dacitic
Includes adakites

Western Volcanic Belt

The volcanic rocks belonging the western Central Luzon volcanic arc are mostly
andesite with minor dacites and basalts. Basaltic rocks that include those from Natib,
Mariveles and Limay bear varying amounts of olivine and pyroxenes (Defant, and
others, 1991). Amphibole is also present in minor amounts in the rocks examined by
Defant and others (1991).
In general, the rocks of the Western Central Luzon belt may be characterized as
tholeiitic to calc-alkaline, low- K to medium- K basalts, basaltic andesites and andesites
with minor dacites. Samples from Limay plot in the basalt field; those from Samat fall
in the basaltic andesite field. Samples from Mariveles are within the basaltic andesite
and andesite fields and those from Pinatubo and Mt. boovillao in Subic are confined in
the dacite perimeter. Samples from Natib span the whole range from basalt to dacite.

Balakibok Volcanic Complex (Late Miocene)

Mt. Balakibok and similar remnant strato-volcanoes, such as Mt. Cuadrado and older
volcanic deposits around Mts. Mariveles and Pinatubo, represent volcanic complexes
that have been dated Late Miocene. The complex consists of andesitic to dacitic volcanic
domes, plugs, pyroclastic flows and proximal fall deposit and their epiclastic derivatives
(Ramos and others, 2000). The basal sections of Balakibok are intruded by granodiorite
nd diorite porphyries.

Mariveles Volcanic Complex (Pliocene Recent)

The Mariveles Volcanic Complex consists of lava flows, pyroclastic flows, pyroclastic
flows, ashfall deposits and their epiclastic derivatives. Ramos and others (2000)
recognize several Sub-units such as Mt. Limay And Mt. Samat satellite cones,
pyroclastic fans, and pyroclastic flows. The composition of the rocks that comprises this
complex ranges from basalt to basaltic andesite to andesite. Rock samples from the
Mariveles complex give radiometric age dates ranging from 4.1 Ma 0.19 Ma (Wolfe,

Mt. Natib is probably equivalent to mariveles. The Composition of the rocks underlying
Mt. Natib, however, ranges from basalt to dacite. Radiometric K-Ar dating of Natib
rocks yielded ages that range from 3.9 Ma to 0.54 Ma (Wolfe, 1981).

Pinatubo Volcanic Complex (Recent)

Mt. Pinatubo, the northernmost volcano of the western volcanic belt belongs to an
andesitic stratovolcano that produced voluminous ignimbrites (Wolfe and Self, 1983)
before its eruptions in 1991. Radiometric C dating of the pre-eruption volcanic ejecta
yielded ages of 6,000 BC, 350 BC and 1342 AD (de Boer and others, 1980; Newhall and
others 1996). The 14-15 June 1991 eruption of Mt. Pinatubo ranks among the worlds
largest in the century, producind an estimated volume of 7 11 km of dacitic tephra
(Baustista and others, 1991), or about 4 km of dense-rock-equivalent (DRE). It had
towering height of 1,745 masl before the 1991 eruption, but has been lowered to 1,445
masl after the 1991 eruption (PHIVOLCS. 1997).
The paroxysmal eruption of 15 June was preceded by a 12 june eruption that produced
an andesitic dome with basalt inclusions. The eruptions in the succeeding days extruded
two types of dacitic pumice: white phenocryst-rich vesicular, and gray, phenocryst-poor
pumice with small vesicles. The andesite are highly porphyritic with phenocrysts of
plagioclase, hornblende, clinopyroxene,olivine and Fe-Ti microphenocryst and brown to
light gray glass. These andesites are interpreted as having been generated by the
mixing of dacitic and basaltic magma.

Eastern Volcanic Belt

The volcanic mounts comprising the Western Volcanic Belt have squeezed into Late
Tertiary sedimentary rocks during Pleistocene time. The sedimentary rocks through
which these volcanic rocks have emerged consist of tuffaceous sandstones with minor
conglomerate, which are apparently part of the Late Miocene- Pliocene Tarlac
Formation. Some of their principal petrologic characteristics are summarized in the
table below.
Table 2.33 Petrologic characteristics of volcanoes of Eastern Volcanic Belts, Bataan
Volcanic Belt

Rock Type
Tachyandesite to




Calc-alkaline vs.

High-K to medium

Tholeiitic to Calcalkaline

Tachyandesite to
Basaltic andesite to High-K to medium-K

Tholeiitic to Calc-


Dacite tachyandesite
Andesite Dacite

Medium - K

Calc- Alkaline

Medium K

Calc- alkaline

Mt. Arayat (Pleistocene)

Mt. Arayat concicts mainly of basalt and a domal protrusion of later andesite (Bau and
Knittel, 1993). The andesite reportedly contains inclusions of mafic to ultramafic
xenoliths and/or cumulates (Bau and Knittel, 1993). In general, teh Arayat rocks may
be characterized as tholeiitic to calc-alkaline, high-K to medium-K basalt and basaltic
tachyandesites with minor tachyandesites (Pea, 1998). Most of the basaltic samples
from Arayat may be regarded as tholeiitic, while the tachyandesite are cals-alkaline.
Radiometric K-Ar dating indicates that the latest activity of Arayat could have occurred
at 0.53 Ma (Defant and others, 1993).

Mt. Amorong (Pleistocene)

Mt. Amorong has twin peaks, which are disposed in an east-west direction. The eastern
peak consists of light to medium gray, fine-grained basaltic rock grading to diabase.
Phenocrysts consist of pyroxene and olivine. The Western peak, which has a crater, is
underlain by dark gray andesite with phenocrysts of pyroxene and hornblende.
Chemical analyses indicate that the volcanic rocks in the lower slopes around the
western peak have closer affinity with the basaltic rocks of the eastern peak. It would
appear then that the rocks from the western peak represent a later extrusive phase of
the volcano. In terms of chemical composition, the rocks of Amorong are tholeiitic to
calc-alkaline, medium K to high- K basalt and basaltic andesite (Pea, 1998). An age
of 1.14 Ma was obtained through radiometric K-Ar dating (Wolfe and Self, 1983).

Mt. Balungao (Pleistocene)

Mt. Balungao is a volcanic plug characterized by domal center consisting of Andesite

dacite porphyry with prominent phenocrysts of plagioclase, which may be mistaken for
quartz on cursory examination. Samples from Mt. Balungao are characteristically
porphyritic, with prominent glomerophyric andesine and hornblende needles and
prisms. Exposures of finer-grained andesite with less prominent phenocrysts could
represent the marginal facies of the dome. Thick to medium bedded laharic
conglomerate rests on the shoulder of this dome. The pyroclastic deposit evidently
records a volcanic event in which the ash tuff was laid down first and then debris in the
form of lahar was deposited later on the basis of chemical composition, the rocks of

balungao may be characterized as medium-K, calc-alkaline dacites and tachyandesites

(Pea, 1998).

Mt. Cuyapo (Pleistocene)

Mt. Cuyapo, with three peaks, is a volcanic plug of andesitic to dacitic composition.
Fresh samples are light gray, but slightly weathered samples are buff to pinkish shades
with prominent hornblended needles. Samples from Mt. Cuyapo are characteristically
porphyritic, mainly oxyhornblende andesites with dacitic facies. In terms of chemical
composition, The Cuyapo rocks are calc-alkaline, medium- K tachyandesite, andesite
and dacites (Pea, 1998). Radiometric K-Ar dating of a sample gave an age of 1.59 Ma
(Wolfe and Self, 1983).

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