Be It Enacted by The Senate and House of Representatives of The Philippines in Congress Assembled
Be It Enacted by The Senate and House of Representatives of The Philippines in Congress Assembled
Be It Enacted by The Senate and House of Representatives of The Philippines in Congress Assembled
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of
Representatives of the Philippines in Congress
7. Substantive
Consolidation. - Each juridical entity shall be
considered as a separate entity under the proceedings
in this Act. Under these proceedings, the assets and
liabilities of a debtor may not be commingled or
aggregated with those of another, unless the latter is a
related enterprise that is owned or controlled directly
or indirectly by the same interests: Provided,
however, That the commingling or aggregation of
assets and liabilities of the debtor with those of a
related enterprise may only be allowed where:
Section 17. Effects of the Commencement Order. Unless otherwise provided for in this Act, the court's
issuance of a Commencement Order shall, in addition
to the effects of a Stay or Suspension Order described
in Section 16 hereof:
(a) vest the rehabilitation with all the powers and
functions provided for this Act, such as the right to
review and obtain records to which the debtor's
management and directors have access, including
bank accounts or whatever nature of the debtor
subject to the approval by the court of the
performance bond filed by the rehabilitation receiver;
(b) prohibit or otherwise serve as the legal basis
rendering null and void the results of any
extrajudicial activity or process to seize property, sell
encumbered property, or otherwise attempt to
collection or enforce a claim against the debtor after
commencement date unless otherwise allowed in this
Act, subject to the provisions of Section 50 hereof;
(c) serve as the legal basis for rendering null and void
any setoff after the commencement date of any debt
owed to the debtor by any of the debtor's creditors;
(d) serve as the legal basis for rendering null and void
the perfection of any lien against the debtor's
property after the commencement date; and
(d) he is, or was, within two (2) years from the filing
of the petition, an underwriter of the outstanding
securities of the debtor;
(e) he is related by consanguinity or affinity within
the fourth civil degree to any individual creditor,
owners of a sale proprietorship-debtor, partners of a
partnership- debtor or to any stockholder, director,
officer, employee or underwriter of a corporationdebtor; or
(f) he has any other direct or indirect material interest
in the debtor or any of the creditors.
Any rehabilitation receiver, member of the
management committee or persons employed or
contracted by them possessing any conflict of interest
shall make the appropriate disclosure either to the
court or to the creditors in case of out-of-court
rehabilitation proceedings. Any party to the
proceeding adversely affected by the appointment of
any person with a conflict of interest to any of the
positions enumerated above may however waive his
right to object to such appointment and, if the waiver
is unreasonably withheld, the court may disregard the
conflict of interest, taking into account the general
interest of the stakeholders.
Section 41.Immunity. - The rehabilitation receiver
and all persons employed by him, and the members
of the management committee and all persons
employed by it, shall not be subject to any action.
claim or demand in connection with any act done or
omitted to be done by them in good faith in
connection with the exercise of their powers and
functions under this Act or other actions duly
approved by the court.1awp++il
Section 42.Creditors' Committee. - After the
creditors' meeting called pursuant to Section 63
hereof, the creditors belonging to a class may
formally organize a committee among
(c) he is, or was, within five (5) years from the filing
of the petition, a director, officer, owner, partner or
employee of the debtor or any of the creditors, or the
auditor or accountant of the debtor;
(E) Governance.
Section 47.Management. - Unless otherwise provided
herein, the management of the juridical debtor shall
remain with the existing management subject to the
applicable law/s and agreement/s, if any, on the
election or appointment of directors, managers Or
managing partner. However, all disbursements,
payments or sale, disposal, assignment, transfer or
encumbrance of property , or any other act affecting
title or interest in property, shall be subject to the
approval of the rehabilitation receiver and/or the
court, as provided in the following subchapter.
(F) Use, Preservation and Disposal of Assets and
Treatment of Assets and Claims after
Commencement Date.
Section 48.Use or Disposition of Assets. - Except as
otherwise provided herein, no funds or property of
the debtor shall he used or disposed of except in the
(b) The lifting of the Stay Order and any other court
order holding in abeyance any action for the
enforcement of a claim against the debtor.
Section 76. Petition by Debtor. - An insolvent debtor,
by itself or jointly with any of its creditors, may file a
verified petition with the court for the approval of a
pre-negotiated Rehabilitation Plan which has been
endorsed or approved by creditors holding at least
two-thirds (2/3) of the total liabilities of the debtor,
including secured creditors holding more than fifty
percent (50%) of the total secured claims of the
debtor and unsecured creditors holding more than
fifty percent (50%) of the total unsecured claims of
the debtor. The petition shall include as a minimum:
(a) a schedule of the debtor's debts and liabilities;
(b) an inventory of the debtor's assets;
(c) the pre-negotiated Rehabilitation Plan, including
the names of at least three (3) qualified nominees for
rehabilitation receiver; and
(d) a summary of disputed claims against the debtor
and a report on the provisioning of funds to account
for appropriate payments should any such claims be
ruled valid or their amounts adjusted.
Section 77. Issuance of Order. - Within five (5)
working days, and after determination that the
petition is sufficient in form and substance, the court
shall issue an Order which shall;
(a) identify the debtor, its principal business of
activity/ies and its principal place of business;
86. Cram
Effect. A
restructuring/workout agreement or Rehabilitation
Plan that is approved pursuant to an informal
workout framework referred to in this chapter shall
have the same legal effect as confirmation of a Plan
under Section 69 hereof. The notice of the
Rehabilitation Plan or restructuring agreement or
Plan shall be published once a week for at least three
(3) consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general
circulation in the Philippines. The Rehabilitation Plan
or restructuring agreement shall take effect upon the
lapse of fifteen (15) days from the date of the last
publication of the notice thereof.
Section 87. Amendment or Modification. - Any
amendment of an out-of-court restructuring/workout
agreement or Rehabilitation Plan must be made in
accordance with the terms of the agreement and with
due notice on all creditors.
Section 88. Effect of Court Action or Other
Proceedings. - Any court action or other proceedings
arising from, or relating to, the out-of-court or
informal restructuring/workout agreement or
Rehabilitation Plan shall not stay its implementation,
unless the relevant party is able to secure a temporary
restraining order or injunctive relief from the Court
of Appeals.
Section 89. Court Assistance. - The insolvent debtor
and/or creditor may seek court assistance for the
execution or implementation of a Rehabilitation Plan
under this Chapter, under such rules of procedure as
may be promulgated by the Supreme Court.
Section 90. Voluntary Liquidation. - An insolvent
debtor may apply for liquidation by filing a petition
for liquidation with the court. The petition shall be
verified, shall establish the insolvency of the debtor
and shall contain, whether as an attachment or as part
of the body of the petition;
(a) a schedule of the debtor's debts and liabilities
including a list of creditors with their addresses,
amounts of claims and collaterals, or securities, if
(b) an inventory of all its assets including receivables
and claims against third parties; and
(c) the names of at least three (3) nominees to the
position of liquidator.
At any time during the pendency of court-supervised
or pre-negotiated rehabilitation proceedings, the
debtor may also initiate liquidation proceedings by
filing a motion in the same court where the
rehabilitation proceedings are pending to convert the
proceedings. The motion shall be verified, shall
contain or set forth the same matters required in the
preceding paragraph, and state that the debtor is
seeking immediate dissolution and termination of its
corporate existence.
If the petition or the motion, as the case may be, is
sufficient in form and substance, the court shall issue
a Liquidation Order mentioned in Section 112 hereof.
Section 91. Involuntary Liquidation. - Three (3) or
more creditors the aggregate of whose claims is at
least either One million pesos (Php1,000,000,00) or
at least twenty-five percent (25%0 of the subscribed
capital stock or partner's contributions of the debtor,
whichever is higher, may apply for and seek the
liquidation of an insolvent debtor by filing a petition
for liquidation of the debtor with the court. The
petition shall show that:
(a) there is no genuine issue of fact or law on the
claims/s of the petitioner/s, and that the due and
demandable payments thereon have not been made
for at least one hundred eighty (180) days or that the
debtor has failed generally to meet its liabilities as
they fall due; and
(b) there is no substantial likelihood that the debtor
may be rehabilitated.
At any time during the pendency of or after a
rehabilitation court-supervised or pre-negotiated
rehabilitation proceedings, three (3) or more creditors
whose claims is at least either One million pesos
(Php1,000,000.00) or at least twenty-five percent
Section 98. Persons Who May Refrain From Voting. Creditors who are unaffected by the Suspension
Order may refrain from attending the meeting and
from voting therein. Such persons shall not be bound
by any agreement determined upon at such meeting,
but if they should join in the voting they shall be
bound in the same manner as are the other creditors.
Section 99. Rejection of the Proposed Agreement. The proposed agreement shall be deemed rejected if
the number of creditors required for holding a
meeting do not attend thereat, or if the two (2)
majorities mentioned in Section 97 hereof are not in
favor thereof. In such instances, the proceeding shall
be terminated without recourse and the parties
(2) the liquidator may sell the property and satisfy the
secured creditor's entire claim from the proceeds of
the sale; or
(a) to sue and recover all the assets, debts and claims,
belonging or due to the debtor;
(b) to take possession of all the property of the debtor
except property exempt by law from execution;
(c) to sell, with the approval of the court, any
property of the debtor which has come into his
possession or control;
(d) to redeem all mortgages and pledges, and so
satisfy any judgement which may be an encumbrance
on any property sold by him;
(e) to settle all accounts between the debtor and his
creditors, subject to the approval of the court;
(f) to recover any property or its value, fraudulently
conveyed by the debtor;
(g) to recommend to the court the creation of a
creditors' committee which will assist him in the
discharge of the functions and which shall have
powers as the court deems just, reasonable and
necessary; and
(h) upon approval of the court, to engage such
professional as may be necessary and reasonable to
assist him in the discharge of his duties.
In addition to the rights and duties of a rehabilitation
receiver, the liquidator, shall have the right and duty
to take all reasonable steps to manage and dispose of
the debtor's assets with a view towards maximizing
the proceedings therefrom, to pay creditors and
stockholders, and to terminate the debtor's legal
existence. Other duties of the liquidator in accordance
with this section may be established by procedural
A liquidator shall be subject to removal pursuant to
procedures for removing a rehabilitation receiver.