Configuring Workflow Mailer Using Postfix and Dovecot in EBS R12

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For configuration of WF mailer on test EBS instance we need to configure smtp and imap servers.

WF mailer will connect to smtp server to

send notifications and to imap server to receive incoming mail.

Install Postfix (smtp server) and Dovecot (imap server)

1) Install required software:

-------yum install postfix dovecot
yum remove sendmail
chkconfig postfix on
chkconfig dovecot on
2) Configure postfix
-------cd /etc/postfix
Add following lines at the end of the file, change name of your host at myhostname and mydestination parameters:
myhostname = svmdb13.localdomain
mydomain = localdomain
myorigin = $myhostname
inet_interfaces = all
mydestination = $myhostname, localhost.$mydomain, localhost, $mydomain
mynetworks =,
relay_domains =
home_mailbox = Maildir/
#This line is to disable dns usage
Restart postfix to apply changes
service postfix restart
3) Configure dovecot
vi /etc/dovecot.conf
Add following lines:
protocols = imap imaps pop3 pop3s
mail_location = maildir:~/Maildir
pop3_uidl_format = %08Xu%08Xv
# Required on x86_64 kernels
login_process_size = 64
Restart dovecot:
service dovecot restart
4) Create users mailboxes
mkdir /home/applmgr/Maildir
chown applmgr:dba /home/applmgr/Maildir
chmod -R 700 /home/applmgr/Maildir
mkdir /home/oracle/Maildir
chown oracle:dba /home/oracle/Maildir
chmod -R 700 /home/oracle/Maildir
#user dedicated for workflow
groupadd wf
useradd -g wf wf
mkdir /home/wf/Maildir
chown wf:wf /home/wf/Maildir

chmod -R 700 /home/wf/Maildir

passwd wf
5) Try to send test messages:
echo "This is a test"|mutt -s "Test mail" oracle@svmdb13
Check your oracle user ~/Mailbox folder


Connecting to IMAP and SMTP servers manually

This section based on following notes:

Note 242941.1 section 8 Verify the SMTP and IMAP Servers.
Note 317307.1
There is possibility to connect to mail servers using telnet and compose and send mail manually. This is often used when troubleshooting
mailer connectivity issues. On node where you configured postfix and dovecot issue commands one by one to send mail from command line:
telnet localhost.localdomain 25
EHLO svmdb14.localdomain
MAIL FROM: [email protected]
RCPT TO: [email protected]
Subject: Test message via telnet
Test test test

Go to /home/oracle/Maildir/new and check that mail received.

You can send mail not only to your host users, but to other hosts also. You should use address format:
[email protected]
Verify /etc/hosts entries. If smtp server configured properly on hostname.domainname, mail will be delivered.
Now verify IMAP server:
telnet svmdb14.localdomain 143
1 login wf wf
1 select "INBOX"
1 logout
You probably notices strange '1' at the beggining of the commands. It's command marker, it can be any symbol or group of symbols - "?",

3. Configuring workflow mailer

After configuring smtp and imap servers it's time to set up workflow mailer. Go to
System Administrator-> Workflow.

At configuration screen you'll see that almost all components are down. First, we'll
configure Notifications Mailers. Click on 'Notification Mailers', then 'View Details' on next

You'll see main configuration screen with current settings of mailer:

Click 'Edit'. On next screen insert details according to your environment. Click 'Apply'.

Your mailer is configured now, but to start it, we need start Containers first. Go to first
screen (System Administrator-> Workflow). Then under column 'Container' click on
'Workflow Mailer Service'

Before starting containers go to Administer concurrent managers form. Scroll and find
three below concurrent managers:

As you see Workflow mailer containers implemented as concurrent managers. They're

required for mailer to work. So, you can start them in two ways. Now you can do it
choosing 'Start All' then go. Watch the progress through the form and html form.

After all set up, go to the first screen and verify that mailer is up and running:

That's it, your workflow mailer is ready for work now.

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