Paper 2 June 2001

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Answer guide for O Level Biology (5090/2) – Paper 2 Theory June 2001

1(a)(i) P; 1
(ii) reference to enzyme action / substrate digested / used up / forms
product / amount goes down ; 1
(b)(i) curve P rising ; 1
(ii) starch formed ;
faster than it is used up / respired ;
or hexose / monosaccharide / sugar/ glucose converted (to starch) ; 2
(c)(i) rate increases ;
uniformly / doubles for each 10˚ C rise / energy reference ;
reference to optimum in (i) or (ii) ;
(ii) rate decreases ;
enzyme denatured / deactivated / stops working / destroyed ;
[max 4] 4

2(a) ecosystem ; 1
(b)(i) H / J / plants in G ; 1
(ii) light / solar ;
chemical ; 2
(c)(i) H / J / G → (G) → I → F (all correct, with arrows) ; 1
(ii) organisms / producers absorb insecticide from water ;
few / one organisms eats many lower-order organisms ;
insecticide not metabolised / accumulates / builds up; [max 2] 2
(d) spray application;
drainage into lake / sprayed onto lake as insecticide ; 2

3(a) stomach ; 1
(b) mechanical digestion / chewed ;
protease / or named and stomach / gastric juice ;
protease /or named + duodenum /ileum / small intestine ;
intestinal or pancreatic juice ;
amino acids / peptones / (poly)peptide ; [max 3] 3
(c)(i) fatty acids and glycerol ; 1
(ii) need for correct pH / reference to bile ;
reference to emulsification ; 2
(d) On Fig. 3.1: lines narrowing in mouth cavity & ileum ;
lines parallel in stomach ; 2

4(a) Any 2 from:

8 /10/12 not more than 6 legs, 2 / not 3 and parts to body / no
thorax, correct reference to wings / wings
reference to pincers / fangs / no antennae, simple / not compound
eyes ;; 2

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Answer guide for O Level Biology (5090/2) – Paper 2 Theory June 2001

(b)(i) named insect ; 1

(ii) disease correct for name ; 1
(iii) for named insect any 3 from:
can fly,
reference to mouthparts,
reference to how pathogen carried (e.g. in saliva, stomach, on feet /
on body),
reference to how pathogen enters host (e.g. biting / blood sucking)
behavioural (reference to e.g. biting at night when host is asleep /
one insects bite many hosts) ,
breeds rapidly / exists in large numbers ;;; 3
(c) mutation / genetic change (in pathogen) ;
resistance to drugs / insecticides / survival / becomes
immune ;
resistance handed on / inherited / resistant ones
breed ; [max 2] 2

5(a) S diaphragm ;
T liver ;
U stomach ; 3
(b)(i) any two from: urea, uric acid, ammonia, creatinine, toxins (or
named), salts / ions, broken down hormones ;; 2
(ii) diffusion ; 1
(iii) blood sugar / glucose or K / NaCl ;
removes diffusion gradient / reference to same concentration /
isotonic ; 2

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Answer guide for O Level Biology (5090/2) – Paper 2 Theory June 2001

6(a) seeds (at least two) and at least 4 suitable containers and cotton
wool or similar ;
oxygen removed and how ;
temperature not suitable and how / put in ‘fridge ;
absence of water ;
control set up described ;
(all set-ups must work and be plausible)
control correctly used ;
suitable time reference (a few days) ;
results in all 4 ; [max 7] 7
(b) mammals in form of sugars / glucose / amino acids ;
oxygen (in mammal only) ;
via mother’s blood / blood vessels (in mammal) / placenta ;
(in plant) oxygen from air / soil / through testa ;
cotyledons /endosperm(in plant) ;
correct reference to diffusion ; [max 5] 5

(discontinuous) (continuous)
(relatively ) few v many types / ;
no intermediates v intermediates / ;
few genes v many genes ;
genetic control only v genetic & environmental ;
with one example of each (discontinuous):(continuous)
eye colour
right- / left-handedness
tongue rolling ;; [max 4] 4
(b)(i) or (ii) Explanation of alleles to be used (i.e. a key) ;
Use of the terms gamete and parents ;
Correct gametes shown in either diagram ; [max 2] 2
(i) correct genotype of parents given ;
offspring shown as IA IB ;
blood group AB ; 3
(ii) both parents shown as heterozygous Group A or B ;
offspring shown as IO IO ;
blood group O ; 3

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Answer guide for O Level Biology (5090/2) – Paper 2 Theory June 2001

8(a)(i) roots no longer bind soil / reference to soil stability ;

leaves / canopy + no longer protect soil from wind /rain ;
effect on climate (temperature or rainfall) / desertification ;
run off / erosion and flooding of rivers / decrease in humus content
in soil / decrease in mineral ions in soil ;
loss of habitat / species ;
carbon dioxide / oxygen balance / effect on natural cycles or named
cycles ;
effects on local (human) populations ; [max 6] 6
(ii) acid rain and sulphur dioxide ;
kills plants / makes lakes etc. acidic ;
dissolves buildings ;
CO2 /CO / methane / CFCs / lead ;
named diseases caused by pollution e.g. bronchitis /greenhouse
effect / global warming ; [max 4] 4
(b) to find ways of conserving them / to produce breeding stocks /
conserve gene pools ;
to investigate possible value (e.g. in drug production) ; 2

9(a) taxic relates to animals ;

movement of whole body / locomotion;
muscles / flagella / cilia / pseudopodia ;
tropic in plants;
part of plant;
quick v. slow ;
nerves / impulses / electrical v. auxins / hormones / chicals ;
temporary v. permanent / not related v. related to direction of
stimulus ; [max 5] 5
(b) name of stimulus and likely response ;
receptor ;
sensory / afferent neurone / fibre / dendron ;
impulse ;
CNS / brain / spinal cord ;
motor / efferent neurone / fibre / axon ;
named effector – correct for response (and stimulus);
synapse ;
relay neurone ; [max 7] 7

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Answer guide for O Level Biology (5090/2) – Paper 2 Theory June 2001

10(a) tube-like / hollow / no cell contents / no cross walls / no resistance

to flow ;
conducting / continuous from root to leaf / rest of plant ;
reference to capillarity ;
conduction of water / dissolved salts / ions ;
lignified / strengthened walls / woody / thickened ;
support (of plant) / holds vessels open / resist bending ;
prevents pulling strain in roots / tearing in leaves ; [max 5] 5
(b) arteries and muscular walls ;
maintain / withstand pressure ;
constrict and reason or dilate and reason ;
veins and valves / one-way flow ;
thin walls and low pressure ;
large lumen and low resistance to flow ;
capillaries and (walls) one cell thick ;
allows materials to pass in / out / exchange /
permeability / diffusion ;
large surface / many / branched / area and widespread
distribution / reach all tissues / cells ; [max 7] 7

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