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Rosen, Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications, 7th edition

Extra Examples
Section 1.5Nested Quantifiers
Page references correspond to locations of Extra Examples icons in the textbook.

p.57, icon at Example 1

#1. Write the following statements in English, using the predicate S(x, y): x shops in y, where x
represents people and y represents stores:
(a) y S(Margaret, y).
(b) xy S(x, y).
See Solution

(a) The predicate states that if y is a store, then Margaret shops there. That is, Margaret shops in every
(b) The predicate states that there is a person x with the property that x shops in every store y. That is,
There is a person who shops in every store. [Note that part (a) is obtained from part (b) by taking a
particular value, Margaret, for the variable x. If we do this, we do not need to quantify x.]

p.57, icon at Example 1

#2. Write in symbols using predicates and quantiers: Every Junior in this class scored above 90 on the
rst exam.
See Solution

The solution depends on what we take for the universe for the variable. If we take all Juniors in this class
as the universe, we can write the proposition as
x S(x)
where S(x) is the predicate x scored above 90 on the rst exam.
However, if we take all students in this class as the universe, then we can write the proposition as
x (J(x) S(x))
where J(x) is the predicate x is a Junior.
We can extend the universe still further. Suppose we take all students as the universe. Then we need to
introduce a third predicate C(x) to mean x is in this class. In this case, the proposition becomes
x ((C(x) J(x)) S(x)).
If we also wish to distinguish among possible scores on the rst exam, we can use nested quantiers,
discussed later in this section of the book. We can replace S(x) by S(x, y) where S(x, y) means x received
a score of y on the rst exam and the universe for y is the set of all possible exam scores. In this case the
proposition becomes

xy(C(x) J(x) (y > 90) S(x, y)).

Note that we used a predicate, y > 90, without giving it a name.

p.57, icon at Example 1

#3. Write the following statement in English, using the predicates
S(x, y): x shops in y
T (x): x is a student
where x represents people and y represents stores:
y x (T (x) S(x, y)).
See Solution

The statement y x (T (x) S(x, y)) says that there is a store y with a certain property, namely, if x is
any student whatever, then x does not shop in y. We have There is a store in which no student shops.

p.57, icon at Example 1

#4. Write the following statement in English, using the predicates
S(x, y): x shops in y
T (x): x is a student
where x represents people and y represents stores:
y x (T (x) S(x, y)).
See Solution

The statement y x (T (x) S(x, y)) asserts that for every store y that can be chosen, there is a person x
who is a student and who shops in y. Therefore: Every store has at least one student who shops in it.

p.57, icon at Example 1

#5. Write the following statement in English, using the predicate S(x, y) for x shops in y, where x
represents people and y represents stores:
x1 y x2 [S(x1 , y) (x1 = x2 S(x2 , y))].
See Solution

The statement S(x1 , y) (x1 = x2 S(x2 , y)) tells us two things: person x1 shops in store y, and if x2
is any other person then x2 does not shop in y. Therefore, we have There is a store in which exactly one
person shops.

p.57, icon at Example 1

#6. Write the following statement in English, using the predicates
C(x): x is a Computer Science major
M (y): y is a math course
T (x, y): x is taking y
where x represents students and y represents courses:
x y (C(x) M (y) T (x, y)).
See Solution

The statement x y (C(x) M (y) T (x, y)) asserts that for every student x there is a course y such that
if x is a major in Computer Science then x is taking y and y is a math course. Therefore, Every Computer
Science major is taking at least one math course.

p.57, icon at Example 1

#7. Write the following statement in English, using the predicates
C(x): x is a Computer Science major
T (x, y): x is taking y
where x represents students and y represents courses:
y x (C(x) T (x, y)).
See Solution

The statement y x (C(x) T (x, y)) says that for every course y there is a student x such that x is not a
Computer Science major and x is taking y. That is, Every course has a student in it who is not a Computer
Science major.

p.57, icon at Example 1

#8. Write the following statement in English, using the predicates
F (x): x is a Freshman
M (y): y is a math course
T (x, y): x is taking y
where x represents students and y represents courses:
x [F (x) y (M (y) T (x, y))].
See Solution

First examine part of the statement, y (M (y) T (x, y)). This says that if y is a math course, then x
is taking y, or, equivalently, x is taking every math course. The given statement says that there is no

student with this property: F (x) y (M (y) T (x, y)); that is, there is no student who is both a freshman
and who is taking every math course. Therefore, we have No Freshman is taking every math course.

p.57, icon at Example 1

#9. Write the following statement using quantiers and the predicate S(x, y) for x shops in y, where the
universe for x consists of people and the universe for y consists of stores:
Will shops in Als Record Shoppe.
See Solution

Using Will for x and Als Record Shoppe for y, we have
S(Will, Als Record Shoppe).
No quantiers are needed.

p.57, icon at Example 1

#10. Write the following statement using quantiers and the predicates
S(x, y): x shops in y
T (x): x is a student
where the universe for x consists of people and the universe for y consists of stores:
There is no store that has no students who shop there.
See Solution

We can begin by stating that It is false that there exists a store y with the property that no students shop
in y. Saying that no students shop in y is saying x (T (x) S(x, y)). Completely written in symbols,
we have
y x (T (x) S(x, y)).

p.57, icon at Example 1

#11. Write the following statement using quantiers and the predicates
S(x, y): x shops in y
T (x): x is a student
where the universe for x consists of people and the universe for y consists of stores:
The only shoppers in some stores are students.
See Solution

The given statement asserts that There is at least one store, y, such that only students shop there. Saying

that only students shop in y means that x (S(x, y) T (x)). Putting these together gives
y x (S(x, y) T (x)).

p.57, icon at Example 1

#12. Suppose that the universe for x and y is {1, 2, 3}. Also, assume that P (x, y) is a predicate that is
true in the following cases, and false otherwise: P (1, 3), P (2, 1), P (2, 2), P (3, 1), P (3, 2), P (3, 3). Determine
whether each of the following is true or false:
(a) yx (x=y P (x, y)).
(b) xy (x=y P (x, y)).
(c) yx (x=y P (x, y)).
See Solution

(a) True. We need to consider three cases: y = 1, y = 2, y = 3.
If y = 1, we can take x = 2, obtaining the true statement 2 = 1 P (2, 1).
If y = 2, we can take x = 3, obtaining the true statement 3 = 2 P (3, 2).
If y = 3, we can take x = 1, obtaining the true statement 1 = 3 P (1, 3).
Therefore, the statement x (x=y P (x, y)) is true for all possible choices of y. Hence, yx (x=y P (x, y))
is true.
(b) False. Take x = 3. The statements P (3, 1), P (3, 2), and P (3, 3) are true; that is, the statements P (3, 1),
P (3, 2), and P (3, 3) are false. Therefore, there is no value y such that 3=y P (3, y) is true.
(c) False. Take y = 1. We need to consider x = 1, x = 2, and x = 3. The conjunctions 1=1 P (1, 1),
2=1 P (2, 1), and 3=1 P (3, 1) are all false.

p.57, icon at Example 1

#13. Suppose that the universe for x and y is {1, 2, 3, 4}. Assume that P (x, y) is a predicate that is true in
the following cases and false otherwise: P (1, 4), P (2, 1), P (2, 2), P (3, 4), P (4, 1), P (4, 4). Determine whether
each of the following is true or false:
(a) yxP (x, y).
(b) xP (x, x).
(c) xy (x=y P (x, y)).
See Solution

(a) False. If we take y = 1, not all four statements P (x, 1) are true. (Take x = 1 for example.) If we take
y = 2, not all four statements P (x, 2) are true. (Take x = 1 for example.) If we take y = 3, not all four
statements P (x, 3) are true. (Take x = 1 for example.) If we take y = 4, not all four statements P (x, 4) is
true. (Take y = 2.)
(b) False. P (1, 1) is false.
(c) True. For every x we can nd a value y = x such that P (x, y) is true: P (1, 4), P (2, 1), P (3, 4), and
P (4, 1).

p.57, icon at Example 1

#14. Consider this sentence, which is Amendment 3 to the U. S. Constitution: No soldier shall, in time
of peace, be quartered in any house, without the consent of the owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner
to be prescribed by law.
(a) The sentence has the form of a conjunction of two conditional sentences. Write the given sentence in
this form.
(b) Using the six predicates, S(x): x is a soldier, P (t) t is a peaceful time, Q(x, y, h): x is required
to allow y to be quartered in h, O(x, h): x owns h, C(x, y, h): x consents to quarter y in h,, A(x, h):
the law allows x to be quartered in h, where the universe for x and y consists of all people, the universe
for t consists of all points in time, and the universe for h consists of all houses, rewrite the sentence using
quantiers and predicates.
See Solution

(a) The sentence has the form If it is a time of peace, then . . . , and, if it is a time of war, then . . . . Written
in full, the sentence is If it is a time of peace, then no soldier shall be quartered in any house without the
consent of the owner, and, if it is a time of war, then no soldier shall be quartered in any house except in a
manner to be prescribed by law.
(b) The statement is a conjunction; it has the form (if P (t), then . . .) (if P (t), then . . .).
Let us examine the case when it is a time of peace. The statement says that if the owner of a house does
not give consent, then no soldier shall be quartered in that house. That is, if person x owns house h and
does not consent to quarter soldier y in h, then x is not required to quarter y in h. In symbols, we have

((O(x, h) S(y) C(x, y, h) Q(x, y, h).
Similarly, in the case when it is not a time of peace, we have

((O(x, h) S(y) A(y, h) Q(x, y, h) .
Completely written in symbols we have

t x y h P (t) (O(x, h) S(y) C(x, y, h) Q(x, y, h)

P (t) (O(x, h) S(y) A(y, h) Q(x, y, h)

p.57, icon at Example 1

#15. Consider these lines of code from a C++ program:
if (!(x!=0 && y/x < 1) || x==0)
cout << True;
cout << False
(a) Express the code in this statement as a compound statement using the logical connectives , , , ,
and these predicates
E(x): x = 0
L(x, y): y/x < 1
A(z): z is assigned to cout

where x and y are integers and z is a Boolean variable (with values True and False).
(b) Use the laws of propositional logic to simplify the statement by expressing it in a simpler form.
(c) Translate the answer in part (b) back into C++.
See Solution

(a) First we insert the predicates into the code, obtaining
if (!(!E(x) && L(x, y)) || E(x))
Next change to the usual logical connective symbols, keeping in mind that C++ code of the form if p then q
else r is really a statement of the form (p q) (p r):
[ ( E(x) L(x, y)) E(x)]

[ ( E(x) L(x, y)) E(x)]

 A(False), or

[ ( E(x) L(x, y)) E(x)] A(True) [ ( E(x) L(x, y)) E(x)] A(False) .
Because this statement applies to all numbers x and y, we have
x y

[ ( E(x) L(x, y)) E(x)] A(True) [ ( E(x) L(x, y)) E(x)] A(False) .

(b) Using one of De Morgans laws on the negation of the conjunction, the statement becomes

x y [(E(x) L(x, y)) E(x)] A(True) [(E(x) L(x, y)) E(x)] A(False) ,
which can be simplied to give

x y (E(x) L(x, y)) A(True) (E(x) L(x, y)) A(False) .
(c) Translating the statement in (b) into C++ yields
if (x==0 || y/x >= 1)
cout << True
cout << False.

p.58, icon at Example 3

#1. What are the truth values of each of these? Assume that in each case the universe consists of all real
(a) x y (xy = 2)
(b) x y (xy = 2)
(c) x y (xy = 2)
(d) x y (xy = 2)

See Solution

(a) This statement asserts that there are numbers x and y such that xy = 2. This is true because we can
take x = 2 and y = 1, for example.
(b) This statement asserts that there is a number x such that when we multiply this particular x by every
possible number y we obtain xy = 2. There is no such number x. (If there were such a number x, then
xy = 2 for all y. If we take y = 0, the product xy cannot equal 2.) Therefore the statement is false.
(c) This statement asserts that for every number x we choose, we can nd a number y such that the xy = 2.
This is almost always the case, except if we choose x = 0. If we take x = 0, there is no number y such
that xy = 2. Therefore the statement is false. (Note that the statement would be true if the universe for x
consisted of all nonzero real numbers.)
(d) This statement claims that no matter what numbers x and y we choose, we obtain xy = 2. Clearly, this
is false, because we could choose x = y = 1.

p.58, icon at Example 3

#2. Write the following statements in English, using the predicate S(x, y): x shops in y, where x
represents people and y represents stores:
(a) y x S(x, y).
(b) x y S(x, y).
See Solution

(a) The sentence states that there is a store y such that every person x shops there. Thus, There is a store
in which everyone shops.
(b) The sentence states that for every person x there is a store y in which x shops. Therefore, we have
Everyone shops somewhere.

p.58, icon at Example 3

#3. Suppose that the universe for x and y is {1, 2, 3}. Also, assume that P (x, y) is a predicate that is
true in the following cases, and false otherwise: P (1, 3), P (2, 1), P (2, 2), P (3, 1), P (3, 2), P (3, 3). Determine
whether each of the following is true or false:
(a) xy (y < x P (x, y)).
(b) yx (y < x P (x, y)).
(c) xy (P (x, y) P (y, x)).
(d) yx (P (x, y) P (y, x)).
See Solution

(a) True. We can take x = 1. Because there is no y such that y < 1, the hypothesis of the implication
y < x P (x, y) is false, making the implication true.
(b) True. We need to consider the cases y = 1, y = 2, and y = 3.
If y = 1, then the statement x (y < x P (x, y)) is true for x = 2 (because 1 < 2).
If y = 2, then the statement x (y < x P (x, y)) is true for x = 3 (because 2 < 3).
If y = 3, then the statement x (y < x P (x, y)) is true for x = 1 (because P (1, 3) is true).
(c) True. Take x = y = 2, for example.

(d) True. We need to consider the cases y = 1, y = 2, and y = 3. This means that we must examine the
three statements
x (P (x, 1) P (1, x)) ( true for x = 2 because P (2, 1) P (1, 2) is true )
x (P (x, 2) P (2, x)) ( true for x = 1 because P (1, 2) P (2, 1) is true )
x (P (x, 3) P (3, x)) ( true for x = 2 because P (2, 3) P (3, 2) is true ).

p.58, icon at Example 3

#4. Suppose P (x, y, z) is a predicate where the universe for x, y, and z is {1, 2}. Also suppose that the
predicate is true in the following cases P (1, 1, 1), P (1, 2, 1), P (1, 2, 2), P (2, 1, 1), P (2, 2, 2), and false otherwise.
Determine the truth value of each of the following quantied statements:
(a) x y z P (x, y, z).

(b) x y z P (x, y, z).

(c) y z x P (x, y, z).

(d) x y z P (x, y, z).

See Solution

(a) True. For every value of x (x = 1 and x = 2) there are y and z such that P (x, y, z) is true. In both cases
we can choose both y = z = 2.
(b) True. For each choice of values for x and y, we can nd z such that P (x, y, z) is true. We need to
consider four cases.
(1) x = y = 1: we take z = 1,
(2) x = 1 and y = 2: we can take z to be 1 or 2,
(3) x = 2, y = 1: we take z = 1,
(4) x = y = 2: we take z = 2.
(c) False. If we take y = 1 and z = 2, there is no value of x such that P (x, 1, 2) is true.
(d) False. Take x = 2. There is no value of y such that z P (2, y, z) is true.

p.58, icon at Example 3

#5. Suppose P (x, y, z) is a predicate where the universe for x, y, and z is {1, 2}. Also suppose that the
predicate is true in the following cases P (1, 1, 1), P (1, 2, 1), P (1, 2, 2), P (2, 1, 1), P (2, 2, 2), and false otherwise.
Determine the truth value of each of the following quantied statements:
(a) x y z P (x, y, z).

(b) x z y P (x, y, z).

(c) y x z P (x, y, z).

(d) x z y P (x, y, z).

See Solution

(a) False. If we take x = 1, we do not have P (1, y, z) true for all possible values of y and z P (1, 1, 2) is
false. If we take x = 2, we do not have P (2, y, z) true for all possible values of y and z P (2, 1, 2) and
P (2, 2, 1) are both false.
(b) False. Take x = 2. Then z y P (2, y, z) is false. To see this, suppose we try z = 1; then P (2, y, 1) is
false for y = 1. If we try z = 2, P (2, y, 2) is false for y = 1.
(c) True. We must consider the cases where y = 1 and y = 2. If we take y = 1. Then x z P (x, 1, z) is
true if x = z = 2, that is, P (2, 1, 2) is true. If we take y = 2. Then x z P (x, 2, z) is true if x = 2 and

z = 1, that is, P (2, 2, 1) is true.

(d) True. The given statement is equivalent to x z y P (x, y, z), which is the negation of the statement
in part (b). Because the statement in part (b) is false, this statement must be true.

p.58, icon at Example 3

#6. Suppose that the universe for x and y is {1, 2, 3, 4}. Assume that P (x, y) is a predicate that is true in
the following cases and false otherwise: P (1, 4), P (2, 1), P (2, 2), P (3, 4), P (4, 1), P (4, 4). Determine whether
each of the following is true or false:
(a) xyP (x, y).
(b) yxP (x, y).
(c) xyP (x, y).
See Solution

(a) True. For every value of x taken from the universe, there is a value y such that P (x, y) is true: P (1, 4),
P (2, 1), P (3, 4), and P (4, 1) are all true.
(b) False. If y = 3, there is no value of x such that P (x, 3) is true.
(c) False. If we take x = 1, not all four statements P (1, y) are true. (Take y = 1 for example.) If we take
x = 2, not all four statements P (2, y) are true. (Take y = 3 for example.) If we take x = 3, not all four
statements P (3, y) are true. (Take y = 1 for example.) If we take x = 4, not all four statements P (4, y) is
true. (Take y = 2 for example.)

p.60, icon at Example 6

#1. Write this fact about numbers using predicates and quantiers: Given a number, there is a number
greater than it.
See Solution

The statement says that For every number x we choose, there is a number y such that y > x. That is,
x y (y > x)
where the universe for x and y consists of all numbers.

p.60, icon at Example 6

#2. Express the following statement using predicates and quantiers: The product of two positive numbers
is positive.
See Solution

Using the universe consisting of all real numbers for x and y, we are saying that If x and y are greater than
zero, then xy is greater than zero. That is,
x y [(x > 0 y > 0) (xy > 0)].

If we use all positive real numbers as the universe for x and y, we can write the statement more simply:
x y (xy > 0).

p.60, icon at Example 6

#3. Write these statements in symbols using the predicates:
S(x): x is a perfect square;

N (x): x is negative.

Assume that the variable x is an integer.

(a) No perfect squares are negative.
(b) No negative numbers are perfect squares.
See Solution

(a) We are saying that it is not possible to have a perfect square that is negative. That is, x (S(x)N (x)).
Equivalently, we could say that if x is a perfect square, then x is not negative. That is,
x (S(x) N (x)).
We could rewrite this as its contrapositive: If x is negative, then x is not a perfect square. That is,
x (N (x) S(x)).
(b) This statement is equivalent to (a). This statement says that it is not possible to have a negative number
that is a perfect square. That is,
x (N (x) S(x)).
You should use the various laws of logic to show that x (N (x) S(x)) is indeed equivalent to x (S(x)
N (x))

p.60, icon at Example 6

#4. Write the following statement in symbols using the predicates
S(x): x is a perfect square

P (x): x is positive

where the universe for x is the set of all integers:

Perfect squares are positive.
See Solution

Note that for all is implied. When we say Perfect squares are positive we are really saying that For all
integers x we choose, if x is a perfect square, then x is positive. In symbols we have
x (S(x) P (x)).

p.60, icon at Example 6

#5. Write the following statement in symbols using the predicate P (x) to mean x is positive, where the
universe for x is the set of all integers.
Exactly one number is positive.
See Solution

We are making a two-part statement:

(1) there is a number x that is positive, that is, x P (x); and

(2) x is the only number with this property; that is, if y is any number dierent from x, then y is not positive.
This can be written as y (y = x P (y)).
Forming the conjunction of these two statements, we have
x [P (x) y (y = x P (y))],
x y [P (x) (y = x P (y))].

p.60, icon at Example 6

#6. Write the following statements in symbols, using P (x) to mean x is positive and F (x) to mean x
ends in the digit 5. Assume that the universe for x is the set of all integers.
(a) Some positive integers end in the digit 5.
(b) Some positive integers end in the digit 5, while others do not.
See Solution

(a) We are asserting that there is an integer x that has two properties: (1) it is positive, (2) it ends in the
digit 5. That is, x (P (x) F (x)).
(b) This statement begins with the statement for (a) and then asserts that there is a dierent positive integer
that does not end in the digit 5. That is,
x (P (x) F (x)) y ((y = x) P (x) F (x)).
Equivalently, we could write
x y [(x = y) P (x) P (y) F (x) F (y)].

p.60, icon at Example 6

#7. Write in symbols: There is no smallest positive number.
See Solution


Using all positive real numbers as the universe for x and y, we are saying that For every number x we can
choose, there is a number y that is smaller than x. In symbols,
x y (y < x).
If we use all real numbers as the universe for x and y, we are saying that For every positive real number x
we can choose, there is a real number y that is positive and smaller than x. In symbols,
x (x > 0 y (0 < y < x)).

p.60, icon at Example 6

#8. Write in symbols: If a < b, then

lies between a and b.
See Solution

Note that it is understood that the predicate applies to all a and b chosen from some universe. Using all real
numbers as the universe for a and b, we have

a b a < b a <
<b .

p.60, icon at Example 6

#9. Write in symbols: For all choices of a and b,

lies between a and b.

See Solution


Note that we cannot write ab a <
< b because we do not know that a < b. (It may be the case
that a = b or that a > b.) We can write

a b a
b b
a .

p.63, icon at Example 14

#1. Write the negation of the statement x y (xy = 0) in symbols and in English. Determine the truth or
falsity of the statement and its negation. Assume that the universe for x and y is the set of all real numbers.
See Solution

We take the negation and then move the negation sign inside:
(x y (xy = 0)) x (y (xy = 0)) x y (xy = 0) x y (xy = 0).
The original statement says that There is a number with the property that no matter what number we
multiply it by, we obtain 0. (The statement is true because the number 0 is such a number x.) The negation

states that No matter what number is chosen, there is a number such that the product is nonzero. (As
expected, the negation is false because it is the negation of a true statement. To see that the negation is
false, take x to be 0. Then no matter what value we take for y, the product xy = 0.)

p.63, icon at Example 14

#2. Write the statement There is a largest number using predicates and quantiers. Then give its
negation in symbols.
See Solution

Taking the universe for x and y to consist of all real numbers, we are stating that there is a number x such
that, no matter what number y is chosen, we have x y. Therefore.
x y (x y).
Its negation can be formed using these steps:
(x y (x y)) x y (x y) x y (x < y).
(This says that there is no largest number.)


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