House Hearing, 111TH Congress - Technology Research and Development Efforts Related To The Energy and Water Linkage
House Hearing, 111TH Congress - Technology Research and Development Efforts Related To The Energy and Water Linkage
House Hearing, 111TH Congress - Technology Research and Development Efforts Related To The Energy and Water Linkage
JULY 9, 2009
Available via the World Wide Web:
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July 9, 2009
Opening Statements
Statement by Representative Brian Baird, Chairman, Subcommittee on Energy and Environment, Committee on Science and Technology, U.S. House
of Representatives ................................................................................................
Written Statement ............................................................................................
Statement by Representative Bob Inglis, Ranking Minority Member, Subcommittee on Energy and Environment, Committee on Science and Technology, U.S. House of Representatives ...............................................................
Written Statement ............................................................................................
Prepared Statement by Representative Jerry F. Costello, Member, Subcommittee on Energy and Environment, Committee on Science and Technology, U.S. House of Representatives ...............................................................
Prepared Statement by Representative Eddie Bernice Johnson, Member, Subcommittee on Energy and Environment, Committee on Science and Technology, U.S. House of Representatives ...............................................................
Dr. Kristina M. Johnson, Under Secretary of Energy, U.S. Department of
Oral Statement .................................................................................................
Written Statement ............................................................................................
Biography ..........................................................................................................
Ms. Anu K. Mittal, Director, Natural Resources and Environment, U.S. Government Accountability Office
Oral Statement .................................................................................................
Written Statement ............................................................................................
Biography ..........................................................................................................
Dr. Bryan J. Hannegan, Vice President, Environment and Generation, The
Electric Power Research Institute
Oral Statement .................................................................................................
Written Statement ............................................................................................
Biography ..........................................................................................................
Mr. Terry Murphy, President and Founder, SolarReserve
Oral Statement .................................................................................................
Written Statement ............................................................................................
Biography ..........................................................................................................
Mr. Richard L. Stanley, Vice President, Engineering Division, GE Energy
Oral Statement .................................................................................................
Written Statement ............................................................................................
Biography ..........................................................................................................
The Effects of Population Growth .......................................................................
Consideration of Water in Energy Legislation ..................................................
Climate Change Impacts .....................................................................................
Funding Public-Private Partnerships .................................................................
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Washington, DC.
The Subcommittee met, pursuant to call, at 10:05 a.m., in Room
2318 of the Rayburn House Office Building, Hon. Brian Baird
[Chairman of the Subcommittee] presiding.
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On Thursday, July 9, 2009 the Subcommittee on Energy and Environment will
hold a hearing entitled: Technology Research and Development Efforts Related to
the Energy and Water Linkage.
The hearing will explore the role of the Federal Government and industry in developing technologies designed to address the link between our energy and water
resources and how deployment of such technologies could help to avoid resource supply disruptions. Energy and water are directly linked. Water is essential for energy
generation and fuel productionit is used in energy resource extraction, refining,
processing, transportation, hydroelectric generation and thermoelectric power plant
cooling and emissions scrubbing. Equally important is the energy needed for water
pumping, treatment, distribution and end-use requirements. Climate variability and
demand growth affect both our water and energy resources, so it is important to acknowledge their interdependency and develop technologies and adopt practices that
allow us to manage these resources effectively. The Subcommittee will hear from expert witnesses who will discuss the issues relevant to deployment of advanced technologies related to energy-water issues.
Dr. Kristina M. Johnson is the Under Secretary of Energy. Dr. Johnson
will testify on the current research, development and demonstration activities
at the Department of Energy to advance technologies related to the link between our energy and water resources. She will include a discussion of the
Departments program offices coordination in this area.
Ms. Anu Mittal is the Director, Natural Resources and Environment
at the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO). Ms. Mittal will
provide a preview of two GAO reports due later this year. One report covers
water use in power generation and the second report addresses water use in
biofuel production. In addition, she will identify some of the technology research and development gaps related to the energy and water linkage.
Dr. Bryan Hannegan is the Vice President, Environment & Generation for the Electric Power Research Institute. Dr. Hannegan will testify
on the water use at thermoelectric power generation plants, including future
water use anticipated should carbon capture and storage technologies be deployed broadly. He will describe existing and advanced cooling technologies
and operation practices available today and the challenges and benefits with
deployment of these technologies and strategies. He will also comment on the
Department of Energys energy/water RD&D programs.
Mr. Terry Murphy is the President of SolarReserve. SolarReserve builds
utility-scale solar power plants to deliver energy using integrated storage.
The company is headquartered in Santa Monica, CA. Mr. Murphy will provide
an overview of concentrating solar thermal technologies and how water is
used in the generation process. He will discuss the different cooling technologies used today and under development. He will also comment on the Department of Energys energy/water RD&D programs.
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Mr. Richard L. Stanley is Vice President, Engineering Division with
GE Energy. GE Energy is one of the worlds leading suppliers of power generation and energy delivery technologies. Mr. Stanley will provide an overview of the range of technologies GE is developing to address energy-water
related issues, including water filtration, desalinization, organic rankine
cycle, Jenbacher gas engines and advanced gas turbine technologies. He will
also discuss research and development needs in this area and comment on the
Department of Energys energy/water RD&D programs.
Thermoelectric Power
Water is a critical resource in the thermoelectric power industry. The primary
purpose for water withdrawal is cooling. Thermoelectric power generation uses a variety of fuel sources including coal, nuclear, oil, natural gas, and the steam portion
of gas-fired combined cycle plants. The United States Geological Survey (USGS) estimates that thermoelectric generation accounts for approximately 136,000 million
gallons per day of freshwater withdrawals, ranking only slightly behind agricultural
irrigation as the largest source of freshwater withdrawals in the United States.1 According to the National Energy Technology Laboratory Directors testimony before
the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee earlier this year, nuclear
power plants consume approximately 40 percent more water than an equivalent contemporary sub-critical pulverized coal (PC) plant and natural gas combined cycle
plants consume approximately 60 percent less than the PC plant.
Water availability represents a growing concern for meeting our future power demands. As our population grows, our demand for water continues to rise while supplies are dwindling. In water-stressed areas of the United States, power plants will
increasingly compete with other sectors of the economy and end users for water resources. In addition, water and energy-related regulatory policy may add to the
challenge of operating our existing power plants and permitting new thermoelectric
power plants. As water use decisions become more difficult, it is apparent that there
is a role for the federal government to manage a comprehensive research, development and demonstration strategy to help ensure we are well-equipped to prevent
energy and water supply disruptions.
In discussing water use at thermoelectric power plants, it is necessary to make
a distinction between water withdrawal and water consumption. Water withdrawal
represents the total water taken from a water source or reservoir, such as a lake
or river. Water consumption measures the amount of water withdrawal that is not
returned to the source. Freshwater consumption for thermoelectric uses appears low
at only three percent when compared with other use categories such as irrigation
which is responsible for 81 percent of water consumed.2 Still, at that consumption
rate, thermoelectric power plants consumed more than 32 billion gallons per day.
Thermoelectric power plants require large quantities of cooling water to produce
electricity. There are two types of cooling water system designs: Once-through or
open loop and re-circulating or closed loop. In once-through cooling systems, a local
water body supplies the water, which is circulated through the heat exchangers, and
then the warm water is discharged back into the same water body from which it
came. This type of system has a high water withdrawal, but low water consumption.
Closed-loop cooling refers to cooling systems in which water is withdrawn from a
source, circulated through heat exchangers, cooled and then recycled. Subsequent
water withdrawals for a closed-loop system are used to replace water lost to evaporation or leakage, for example. There are three common types of closed loop cooling
water systems: wet cooling towers, cooling ponds and air cooled (dry re-circulating).
Wet cooling tower systems withdraw 3050 times less water than once-through systems, but 75 percent of the water is lost during plant operations.3 Dry re-circulating
cooling systems use either direct or indirect air-cooled steam condensers. The dry
re-circulating systems, in general, have minimal water withdrawal and consumption. In the United States, existing thermoelectric power plants use all of these cooling systems with approximately 42 percent of generating capacity using oncethrough, 42 percent using wet cooling towers, 14 percent using cooling ponds, and
just under one percent using dry re-circulating systems.4
1 Feeley, Thomas J., et al., 2006 Department of Energy/National Energy Technology Laboratorys Power Plant-Water R&D Program, Pittsburgh, PA.
2 Feeley, Thomas J., et al., 2007, Water: A Critical Resource In the Thermoelectric Power Industry, U.S. Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory, Pittsburgh, PA.
3 Feeley, Thomas J., et al., 2007, Water: A Critical Resource In the Thermoelectric Power Industry, U.S. Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory, Pittsburgh, PA.
4 Ibid.
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Given that the energy-water relationship is already under strain, the Department
of Energys National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) is developing advanced
technologies targeted at reducing freshwater withdrawal and consumption associated with thermoelectric power generation. NETLs Innovations for Existing Plants
(IEP) program has two major objectives: 1) develop cost-effective technologies for
commercial demonstration by 2015 that can help reduce freshwater withdrawal and
consumption by 50 percent at plants equipped with wet re-circulating cooling technology and 2) develop cost-effective technologies for commercial demonstration by
2020 that can reduce freshwater withdrawal and consumption by 70 percent.
The following research and development categories include the major initiatives
supported by NETL: alternate sources of cooling water make-up, including produced
water, mine water or reuse of treated wastewaters; advanced cooling technology;
reclamation of water from combustion flue gas for use as cooling; and reduction of
cooling tower evaporative losses. In Fiscal Year 2009, $12 million is available for
NETLs energy/water R&D under the IEP program. The Presidents Fiscal Year
2010 budget request does not continue funding this R&D.
Oil, Gas and Oil Shale
Initial extraction of oil and gas does not require a lot of water, but as oil deposits
are depleted enhanced oil recovery (EOR) techniques are applied to extract additional oil from existing wells. These techniques oftentimes involve injection of water
or steam into the well to extract the additional resource. In 1995, the American Petroleum Institute estimated that oil and gas operations generated 18 billion barrels
of produced water and estimates that over 70 percent of the produced water is recycled and used for EOR. The Department of Energy estimates that conventional petroleum refineries consume one gallon of water for each gallon of oil refined. Additional water is needed for cooling during the refining process. DOE also estimates
that the U.S. has 500 billion to 1.1 trillion barrels of oil in the form of oil shale
deposits. Recovery of these deposits could consume two to five gallons of water per
gallon of refinery-ready oil, according to DOE.
The use of water in the extraction and processing of petroleum-based transportation fuels is relatively small compared to the electric-generating industry. However, similar to fossil and nuclear technologies many renewable energy technologies
use water in their generation process. The Departments Office of Energy Efficiency
and Renewable Energy has started to address these issues through their Industrial
Technologies Program (ITP) as well as through studies and research activities in individual renewable energy technology programs. Concentrating solar thermal, geothermal and biomass combustion are all renewable technologies which generate
power through conventional heat-engine operating cycles which are generally water
intensive. One area of research funded by ITP is the organic rankine cycle (ORC),
which can improve recovery of waste heat in industrial processes and be used in
solar thermal and geothermal operations. An ORC uses an organic fluid instead of
steam to power a high-efficiency turbine, hence reducing water use and increasing
energy efficiency. Additional efficiency gains can be achieved for solar thermal and
geothermal technologies if a power plant forgoes a wet cooling technology for the
more expensive dry cooling technology, similar to fossil power plant technologies.
Biofuel production has come under significant scrutiny for its use of water. From
feedstock production to final conversion to a liquid transportation fuel, biofuels have
an impact on water resources. Dedicated energy crops grown specifically for energy
production can be very water intensive if irrigation is necessary for sufficient yields.
On the other hand low-value woody biomass, algae, agriculture residues or other organic waste streams used as feedstocks for energy production biomass have a much
smaller demand for water. Additionally, water is used in several other processes
during conversion, but the biorefining process is modest in absolute terms compared
to the water applied and consumed in growing the plants used to produce the
biofuels. According to a 2007 Sandia National Laboratories report a traditional dry
mill corn-ethanol facility uses four gallons of water per gallon of ethanol produced
(gal/gal).5 A new study by the Argonne National Laboratory has shown that this
5 Pate, R., M. Hightower, C. Cameron, W. Einfeld. 2007. Overview of Energy-Water Interdependencies and the Emerging Energy Demands on Water Resources, Sandia National Laboratories, Los Alamos, NM, USA.
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number has significantly decreased over time.6 Technologies being researched such
as gasification and pyrolysis may also help to decrease the need for water in biofuels
At the same time, there are positive synergies between some renewable energy
technologies and water. For example, biogas produced by anaerobic digestion of organic waste is a co-product of wastewater treatment facilities. Biogas is more than
60 percent methane, a valuable energy resource. About 3,500 of the large wastewater facilities already utilize wastewater to produce biogas which can be used as
a substitute for natural gas. The biogas can also be utilized for internal process heat
needed to complete the digestion process. Anaerobic digestion reduces the need for
fossil based natural gas while also treating the wastewater. The Point Loma Plant
in San Diego, California is a successful illustration of anaerobic digestion of wastewater. The plant has the capacity to treat 240 million gallons of wastewater per
day, is energy-self-sufficient and sells excess energy in the form of electricity back
to the grid. In 2000, the city of San Diego saved more than $1.4 million in operational energy costs and sold $1.4 million in excess power to the electrical grid while
also treating its wastewater.
As future demands for energy and water continue to grow, the reliability of our
energy and water supplies is likely to be an increasing challenge. In 2005, Congress
directed the Department of Energy to develop a report to Congress identifying current and emerging national issues associated with the link between our energy and
water resources and develop an Energy-Water Research and Development Roadmap.
That roadmap is now under review by the new Administration.
6 Wu, May. 2008. Analysis of the Efficiency of the U.S. Ethanol Industry 2007, Center for
Transportation Research, Argonne National Laboratory, delivered to Renewable Fuels Association.
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Chairman BAIRD. Welcome to todays hearing. We have just received information that we expect a whole series of votes in about
15 minutes, and there are, what did we hear, 30?
STAFF. Thirteen.
Chairman BAIRD. Thirteen? That is good, 13 votes, which will
take a long time. Accordingly, what I am going to do is dispense
with any opening comments except to thank our witnesses for their
presence today, for their expertise, and for their input on an important topic.
I will introduce you briefly. We will have five minutes for opening comments from each of the witnesses. With luck and alacrity,
we can possibly get through at least the opening comments and
then depending on how it looks over on the Floor, we will proceed.
I will recognize my colleague and friend, Mr. Inglis, for brief
opening comments as well.
[The prepared statement of Chairman Baird follows:]
Good morning and welcome to todays hearing on Technology Research and Development Efforts Related to the Energy and Water Linkage.
I would like to welcome our expert panelists who will discuss the ongoing RD&D
activities to develop technologies that will help us to avoid disruptions in supplies
of these two vital resources.
Climate variability and demand growth affect both our water and energy resources, and it is critical that we acknowledge that interdependency and develop
technologies and adopt practices that allow us to manage these resources most effectively.
If new power plants continue to be built with todays technologies, consumption
of water for electrical energy production could more than double by 2030 from 3.3
billion gallons per day in 1995 to 7.3 billion gallons per day.
During the last Congress and continuing into this year, the Committee brought
attention to water supply challenges through a series of hearings and passage of
several pieces of legislation.
Additionally, during the last Congress Chairman Gordon requested that the Government Accountability Office undertake several analyses to explore the relationship between energy and water resources. We are pleased to have GAO here today
to talk about some preliminary findings of their work.
We have tended to think about these two essential resources independently. However, the strong linkage between water and energy requires that we make a more
concerted effort to ensure that water and energy technologies are being developed
Again, I would like to thank the witnesses for their participation today and I look
forward to your testimony.
Good morning and thank you for holding this hearing, Mr. Chairman.
This summer, my home State of South Carolina got the good news that we finally
emerged from a long and difficult two year drought. The drought forced us to consider how we use water at home, in irrigation, and for industrial use. Especially in
the upstate, well be dealing with the long-term impacts of this drought for quite
some time.
I bring this up to highlight the importance of water scarcity in the decisions we
make in our economy and communities. Climate change will further stress our
water resources and make water management more difficult. While we need to
make wise decisions to minimize our impact on the natural environment, we also
need to consider how changes in our environment may impact the way we do business.
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Electricity generation is the second largest source of freshwater withdrawals in
the United States. The technologies we use today are very water inefficient, despite
the availability of cooling systems that substantially reduce our water needs. As we
change our choice of fuels in order to minimize our greenhouse gas emissions, we
should also work to minimize the strain we put on our limited water resources. Im
encouraged by the work of DOEs National Energy Technology Laboratory to develop
the technologies that will reduce our water withdrawal and consumption.
Fossil fuel and renewable energy resources also demand a considerable amount
of energy in the generation process. I am looking forward to learning about the technologies and techniques that will help us recover and use this energy with a limited
impact on other natural resources.
Theres one aspect of energy and water linkage that this hearing fails to address.
Our oceans are a tremendous source of kinetic energy that we can harness without
consuming water. Despite millions of dollars in federal investment, not a single
project to harness that energy has been added to our electricity grid. I hope that
our committee will explore these alternatives at the cutting edge of renewable energy development.
Thank you again for holding this hearing, Mr. Chairman, and I look forward to
hearing from our witnesses.
Good Morning. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, for holding todays hearing to examine
the link between energy and water and explore how the government and the private
sector can best coordinate efforts to develop and deploy technology to utilize the energy-water nexus.
Water is a vital component of nearly every form of energy production. It creates
energy through hydroelectric power, provides the cooling element necessary for all
thermoelectric power generation, aids in the extraction of oil from nearly depleted
wells, and is necessary for the growth of biomass and the creation of renewable energy sources. In addition, energy is necessary to move, treat, and use water. The
connection between these two important resources makes the increased demand for
energy and the limited supply of water more troublesome.
Research, development, and demonstration of technology and practices that will
stabilize and conserve our water supply while continuing to meet our energy demands will require a coordinated effort by the Department of Energy, the 20 other
federal agencies that engage in water research, and the private energy sector. I am
pleased to see representatives from each of those stakeholders here today, and I look
forward to hearing their testimony.
In particular, I am interested in hearing about the use of water for renewable energy production, in particular ethanol, biodiesel, and other biofuels. I would like to
hear from our witnesses what their current research efforts on this issue are and
how this committee can assist you in moving those efforts to the development and
demonstration phases.
Again, I welcome our panel of witnesses and I thank the Chairman.
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I have been heavily engaged in seeing that the Trinity River Project will not only
improve traffic flow, but it will also give citizens access to wildlife, trails, parks,
lakes, and the Great Trinity Forest.
The project also seeks to include a world-class equestrian center, as well as the
award-winning Audubon Environmental Interpretive Center.
All of these special features will stimulate new urban development such as waterfront condominiums, beautiful townhouses, office towers, and sidewalk cafes and
Today, this subcommittee will hear more about the connection between energy
and water.
It is our hope to hear about the future of thermoelectric power. We hope to hear
about new technologies to reduce freshwater withdrawal and consumption.
We hope to learn more about how to mitigate actions such as irrigation that account for 81 percent of all freshwater consumed.
In Texas, oil extraction and production is a major economic driver. I will be interested to hear, in more detail, how we can use less water for the enhanced oil recovery techniques that are water-intensive.
In areas of Texas that have been severely impacted by drought, I am curious to
know if those techniques had to be reduced because of the water shortage.
As energy demands increase, it will become more important for our nation to innovate, when it comes to our energy supply.
Welcome to todays witnesses. Your knowledge and interest in this issue will be
valuable to Members of the Subcommittee.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I yield back the balance of my time.
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I also understand the purpose of this hearing is to talk about the
relationship between energy and water resources and to explore the
ways that we work across not only the programs within the Department but also the different agencies. So to that point, I just
want to say a word about my academic background. After getting
a Ph.D. and teaching for many years, I became a dean and then
a provost. Interestingly enough, the Under Secretary of Science has
also been a provost, and what do provosts do? Most people dont
know. Our goal is to make the whole greater than the sum of the
parts. And so in thinking about these issues I was particularly
pleased to be here because I personally had not explored in depth
the relationship between energy and water, and after preparing for
this hearing, it is quite an interesting story. So without further
ado, let me continue.
In thinking about the energy-water nexus, it is important to step
back in my view and think about climate. Climate affects water,
water affects energy. The way we use energy affects climate. And
it is a critical time right now for our country and our planet. Global
climate change is real and it is happening. And that was the important message from the U.S. Global Climate Change Research
Program that released a report three weeks ago. The report showed
that there had been significant impact already occurring, including
changes in precipitation across the U.S., more rainfall in the
Northwest, and less in the Southeast. The oceans are becoming
more acidic, and studies have shown, and in fact a statement released by the Academies of Sciences of 70 countries including the
United States, said that at the current emission rates of greenhouse gases, the coral reefs and the polar ecosystems will be severely affected by 2050, if not earlier. Marine and food supplies are
likely to be reduced with significant implications for food production and security in regions that depend on fish protein for human
health and well-being. And finally, ocean acidification is irreversible on time scales of tens of thousands of years.
So in thinking about energy and water, we also have to think
about climate, and we must address the global climate change now
or we are in danger of losing the coral reefs, the Amazon, and the
Arctic caps.
So how does climate specifically affect water and energy resources? Professor Roni Avissar from Duke University, his models
have shown that the deforestation of the Amazon resulted in, or
contributed greatly to, the drought that we experienced in the mid
part of this decade in the West, and if we think of just a graphic
for a moment, so less water, about 90 percent of our electricity is
derived from thermoelectric generation.
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So in the first graphic here, I just want to show that where the
droughts have occurred, we also see that conventional electric
power sees a tremendous decrease of about 35 percent.
So 90 percent of our electricity requires water to cool the thermal
generation of electricity, and so when we have droughts, we dont
have the water to generate the electricity. And the drought in the
Southeast in 2007 in August, our nuclear plants in that area had
a reduction of 50 percent of electrical generation. So there is an intimate relationship between climate, water, and energy.
So I want to talk a little bit about what we are doing in the Department of Energy to address this issue with our R&D. I will say
recent advances in coal-fired plants and gas plants, i.e., integrated
gasification combined cycle plants and natural gas combined cycle
plants, are about 20 percent more efficient than the older pulverized coal plants, and they consume 40 percent to 60 percent less
water. That is the good news.
The other news is that 80 percent of those plants are older than
30 years. So a big consideration moving forward is this aging infrastructure that we have. We have to be ready that when they, the
fleet that is older and aging, can be turned over, we have to have
that more efficient technology ready to deploy. The more efficient
the power plants, the less water. So this is one of the areas where
we are working.
So first let me just summarize then that our approach has been
three-pronged. First is energy efficiency. We use less energy, we
need less water. Second is the energy that we generate, let us
make it more efficient. Third, renewables use less waterfor example, solar PV, windwe have goals for 2030 where we believe that
by 2030, 20 percent of our electrical generation will come from
wind, six percent can come from solar, and a significant percentage
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from geothermal and also biomass, and hydroelectric we anticipate
could be as high as 10 percent.
By reducing the electric generation from thermoelectric to these
other renewables, we can actually reduce the amount of water we
need by possibly a third or more.
So first, it is important to look at energy conservation and efficiency. I would like to just mention that energy efficiency in our
buildings, industry and transportation presents a tremendous opportunity to reduce our energy use, and over the last 40 years our
energy use per dollar of gross domestic product has been cut in
half. The lighting standards that Secretary Chu announced last
week will not only save consumers $4 billion a year, they will
eliminate the need for 14 500-megawatt power plants which would
consume 50 million to 100 million gallons of fresh water a day.
DOE has several efficiency programs that directly cut water use including the Energy Star labels and appliance standards that cover
washers, dishwashers and lighting.
Second, our research to improve the efficiency of power plants
also reduces water consumption as I mentioned.
Third, the renewables including concentrated solarthermal power
and geothermal power require water for cooling. However, we are
looking at ways of doing dry cooling in that area. Fourth, our renewable power plants such as wind and solar PV do not require
water for cooling and can sharply reduce our power consumption.
And the only thing I want to point out here in these graphics is
that the Midwest and the West are in some sense the breadbasket
of renewables. If you look, here is a map of the United States, of
course. Here is the wind, here is where our solar is, our hydroelectric in this area, and finally geothermal.
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So we have a tremendous possibility to exploit these new technologies, and we are working vigorously to do that.
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Lastly, I want to state a little bit about the growth and conversion of biomass energy. It can consume a great deal of water if we
use irrigated crops and fertilizers. But if we go to switchgrass and
miscanthus, we dont need to use any additional water in terms of
irrigation, and I think that is really a focus for some of our R&D
Let me just end by finally applauding the House for passing the
American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009. We believe it will
help position the United States to be a leader in the green economy, and we are committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions
and our dependence on foreign oil while investing in the R&D so
that we can be leaders in the new energy technologies of the future.
Chairman Baird and Members of the Subcommittee, I would like
to thank you for the opportunity to provide this testimony on this
important topic and to discuss with you the activities of the Department and plans for developing even further water efficient
technologies and sustainable energy. Thank you.
[The prepared statement of Dr. Johnson follows:]
Thank you, Mr. Chairman and Members of the Committee. I appreciate this opportunity to provide testimony on the U.S. Department of Energys (DOEs) programs for developing water-efficient environmentally-sustainable energy-related
technologies and DOE strategies for coordinating these activities. Energy production
of all types affects and is affected by the natural water cycle, and increasingly,
water-efficient technologies are being developed to reduce these impacts.
Interactions with Others/R&D Selection
It is, of course, important to point out that a number of other federal agencies
also have significant water programs, in particular the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the Environmental Protection Agency, and a number of Department of the
Interior Agencies and Bureaus, although they are much less focused on energy-related aspects. In addition, the private sector must be congratulated for the progress
they have made in introducing cost-effective water efficiency approaches into their
operations over the last several decades as competition for water among all sectors
of society has increased. Finally, State and local governments have major roles in
energy and water issues through their Public Utility Commissions, State lands and
waters management authority, and their various regulatory departments. The Federal Government and its agencies can contribute innovative research and development activities to support these other sectors. Overall, we work closely with all of
these partners in identifying important energy-water related issues, and in developing appropriate federal level strategies to address the issues. DOE supports precompetitive basic and applied research for water-efficient technology development,
which enables the identification of cross-cutting challenges that will have broad potential applicability.
Research Coordination and Synthesis
The Federal Government, in general, and DOE in particular, supports a broad
range of research and development activities at universities, at National Laboratories, and in cooperative research agreements with the private sector. DOE, as the
landlord of the Nations largest civilian National Laboratory system, supports research and development activities ranging from the most basic to the most applied
at various sites across the United States. We regularly support national workshops
and conferences that draw our researchers together with those from other institutions to build understanding and research collaborations. Researchers within our
Laboratories are not partitioned based on their funding sources, and we expect our
scientists and managers to provide mutual support across the range of basic to applied challenges.
DOE program planning, and research and development coordination and integration, occurs within individual DOE offices and across offices frequently. Under Secretary Koonin and I are committed to continuing progress in enabling cross-office
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dialogues. More broadly, water-related R&D activities of federal agencies are discussed with the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP)National Science and Technology Council (NSTC), Committee on Environment and
Natural Resources (CENR), Subcommittee on Water Availability and Quality
(SWAQ). DOE is an active participant.
I would now like to discuss some of DOEs current energy-water related activities,
and how we are working on the challenges we have identified related to water use
in energy production and end-use. In general, water is only one of many factors such
as materials inputs, energy production and consumption, emissions, and others that
must be considered in the life cycle construction, operation, and decommissioning of
energy technologies. Consequently, water-related technology R&D is best done as
part of the broader R&D effort to improve performance, lower costs, and reduce environmental impacts, including water, of energy supply and end-use technologies.
Water, once considered a nearly inexhaustible resource, is becoming constrained
in many areas, and water requirements for electricity production may compete with
other demands, such as agriculture and sanitation. The August 2007 drought in the
southeastern U.S. underscored this issue with several nuclear power plants in the
region reducing their output by up to 50 percent due to low river levels. This situation could be exacerbated as more areas become drought-prone due to changing climate.
Thermoelectric power plants (including coal, oil, natural gas, and nuclear, with
small contributions from biopower, geothermal, and concentrating solar thermal
power), generate about 90 percent of the electricity in the United States, and require large quantities of cooling water, a resource that is limited in parts of the Nation. A recent DOE analysis estimated that in 2005 the U.S. thermoelectric power
generation sector withdrew 147 billion gallons per day (Bgal/d) from surface water
bodies such as rivers or lakes of which about 3.7 Bgal/d of freshwater were consumed, for cooling systems.
An important distinction should be made between water withdrawal and consumption. Withdrawal is defined as the removal of water from any natural source
or reservoir such as a lake, river, stream, or aquifer for human use. The withdrawn
water that is not consumed typically is returned to the original water body, making
it usable again farther downstream, but the withdrawal can still place stress on the
water bodies and ecosystems affected. Consumption is that portion of the water
withdrawn which is no longer available for use because it has evaporated, transpired, been incorporated into products and crops, consumed by people or livestock,
or otherwise removed from freshwater resources.
In thermoelectric power plants, heat is used to create steam, which then turns
a steam turbine. A cooling system is then used to condense the steam as part of
the thermodynamic cycle. There are three general types of cooling systems used for
thermoelectric power plants: once-through, wet re-circulating, and dry. Older power
plants equipped with once-through cooling water systems have relatively high water
withdrawals, typically 20,00060,000 gal/MWh, but low water consumption, typically 200400 gal/MWh, since most of the water is returned to the original water
body at a roughly 20F higher temperature. Clean Water Act regulations effectively
prohibit the use of once-through cooling systems for new power plants due to environmental concerns. New thermoelectric power plants therefore must be equipped
with either wet re-circulating cooling systems or dry cooling systems. Wet re-circulating systems have relatively low water withdrawal, typically 300700 Gal/MWh,
but the water withdrawn is entirely consumed, giving them higher water consumption than once-through systems. Dry cooling systems rely on heat exchange with
ambient air, rather than water, and therefore both water withdrawal and consumption are minimal. However, dry cooling is not as effective as wet cooling and can
result in significant efficiency and capacity penalties during hot weather conditions.
In the United States, approximately 43 percent of generating capacity uses oncethrough cooling systems, 56 percent of the plants use wet re-circulating cooling systems, and one percent use dry cooling systems. DOE reported to Congress in October 2008 the potential impact of converting the once-through cooling systems to recirculating systems, Electricity Reliability Impacts of a Mandatory Cooling Tower
Rule for Existing Steam Generation Units.
Although commercially available cooling technology options can reduce water consumption, they result in some added cost and complexity, and reduce the power
available from the plant. DOE is developing new technologies that will reduce the
cost and complexity of these systems.
On a generating unit basis (gal/MWh produced), nuclear plants consume approximately 40 percent more water and natural gas combined cycle plants consume ap-
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proximately 60 percent less than contemporary subcritical pulverized coal (PC) technology. Advanced technology coal plants can significantly reduce the water consumptive footprint, with integrated gasification combined cycle technologies (IGCC)
reducing water consumption by about 40 percent compared to PC technology.
DOE, within Office of Fossil Energy programs implemented at the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL), is developing advanced water management
technologies applicable to fossil and other power plants in three specific areas: nontraditional sources of process and cooling water to demonstrate the effectiveness of
utilizing lower-quality water for power plant cooling and processing needs; innovative water reuse and recovery research explores advanced technologies for the recovery and reuse of water from power plants; and advanced cooling technology research
examines advanced wet, dry, and hybrid cooling technologies.
Concentrating Solar Thermal Power (CSP)
Because of the huge solar resource across the Southwest U.S., and because of the
ability of Concentrating Solar Thermal Power (CSP) to use thermal storage so that
they can provide dispatchable power at any time, utilities are showing increasing
interest in CSP systems. In the U.S. Southwest, however, water availability is an
issue. During the public meetings held in 2008 as part of the Solar Energy Development Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement conducted with BLM, much
of the discussion by environmental groups centered on water usage.
DOE analyzed water use by CSP plants in a report to Congress last fall: Concentrating Solar Power Commercial Application Study: Reducing Water Consumption
of Concentrating Solar Power Electricity Generation under P.L. 106554, Section
The study found that a dry-cooled parabolic trough plant in the Mojave Desert
about the worst possible thermal conditionswould provide five percent less electric energy on an annual basis and increase the cost of the produced electricity by
seven to nine percent compared to wet cooling. However, air cooling at a site in
New Mexicowith cooler daytime temperatures than the Mojavewould raise electricity costs just two percent. The impact of air cooling on a power tower is even
less, with annual generation dropping by only 1.3 percent while that of a trough
plant would drop 4.6 percent. Analysis of a hybrid wet/dry cooling system for a
parabolic trough plant found that water consumption could be reduced 50 percent
with only a one percent drop in annual electricity output, or 85 percent reduction
in water consumption with only three percent reduction in output. Further R&D on
hybrid wet/dry cooling systems could have significant benefits across a wide range
of thermal power plants.
CRS also recently analyzed water requirements for CSP.2 CRS found that resource data gaps on current and projected non-CSP water consumption and on availability of impaired water supplies add uncertainty to analyses of the potential significance of CSP freshwater use and alternatives to its use. For these reasons, any
estimate of how much water may be consumed by CSP at the regional, State, or
county level is highly uncertain.
Geothermal power plants
Geothermal power plants also use water, air, or hybrid cooling systems in their
power conversion cycle and similar considerations apply to them as for fossil and
CSP plants above. In addition, geothermal power plantshydrothermal and Enhanced (or Engineered) Geothermal Systems (EGS)circulate water through the hot
underground reservoir to extract heat for the power conversion cycle. Successful operation requires that most of the injected water is returned to the surface. In the
next five years, emerging technology is expected to reduce total water loss in an
EGS reservoir to no more than two percent of the total water injected, and as the
technology matures the goal is to reduce that water loss to less than one percent
over the life of the reservoir, or about 30 years. Current research activities to
achieve this and other program goals include the development of high temperature
sensors and tools for use in the reservoir; the ability to isolate and control the flow
of fluids through the reservoir; the development of detailed computational models
of the reservoir and the thermal, chemical, and fluid interactions within it; and the
ability to image fluid flow through the reservoir.
Report, Water Issues of Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) Electricity in the U.S. Southwest; R40631.
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Wind and Solar PhotoVoltaic (PV) Power
Wind and solar PV electricity generation are not based on thermoelectric power
cycles and only require minimal water for occasional cleaning. The DOE Report,
20% Wind Energy by 2030: Increasing Wind Energys Contribution to U.S. Electricity Supply estimated that in a 20 percent wind by 2030 scenario, water consumption for power generation could be reduced by 17 percent in 2030 as compared
to the business-as-usual scenario, saving roughly 1.2 Bgal/d.
Hydroelectric Power
Water Power R&D within the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
investigates technologies that use the motion of water to generate electricity, including both conventional hydropower and emerging marine and hydrokinetic technologies such as wave, current, and tidal power. While hydropower reservoirs do
have evaporative losses that are shared across the many uses of the reservoir (flood
control, recreation, power generation, etc.), water power technologies do not themselves directly consume water. The deployment of these technologies thus contributes to the overall reduction of water consumption in the Nations energy generation
portfolio. Consequently, the program does not conduct research specifically to reduce
water consumption in the production of energy.
For both marine hydrokinetic and conventional hydropower, the program focuses
its efforts in two key areas: technology development and market acceleration. The
goal of technology development is to characterize different technology types, reduce
costs and obstacles associated with design, development, deployment, and testing,
and to improve device reliability and performance. Market acceleration research
aims to more accurately quantify the potential magnitude, costs and benefits of
water power generation, and reduce the time, expense and negative impacts associated with project siting.
Under the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act of 2009, funds have been
made available under a cost sharing program for efficiency and/or capacity upgrades
at existing hydropower infrastructures, including both large (>50 MW) and small
(<50 MW) conventional hydroelectric facilities. The goal is to generate more electricity with less water, while concurrently increasing both the environmental benefits and grid services of hydropower systems.
Several studies are currently underway to more precisely quantify the energy generation potential of all U.S. water resources. These include conventional hydroelectric supplies as well as new resources derived from ocean, current, tidal or ocean
thermal power. Accurately identifying realistically extractable amounts of energy
will allow both public policy and industry decision-makers to better prioritize future
Finally, the Water Power Program is facilitating the initial development and testing of new marine hydrokinetic technologies through a number of competitive public-private partnerships. Products from this process will include new engineering designs for wave energy converters, development and testing of improved tidal power
turbines, and the validation of the latest low-cost, high reliability ocean thermal energy components.
Carbon Capture and Sequestration
Using todays technologies, capturing carbon dioxide (CO2) from existing coal and
natural gas plants, or from new fossil-fuel fired plants, would increase water consumption because capturing CO2 requires the addition of several processes that are
both energy and water intensive. Processes that use solvents to capture CO2 require
energy to regenerate the solvent so it can be used again. Once the CO2 is captured,
it must be compressed for sequestration or beneficial use, with compressors usually
having significant operating power and cooling requirements. These processes are
common for both conventional fossil-based combustion processes and advanced technologies such as IGCC. The added internal energy requirements for these processes
can effectively subtract 10 to 30 percent of the energy from the net plant power output and also correspondingly increase water consumption.
Efforts to capture 90 percent of carbon emissions by using current near-commercial carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies on pulverized coal (PC) plants
could more than double the amount of water consumed per unit of electricity generated. Studies of this consumptive footprint have indicated that IGCC plants with
CCS have a comparative advantage, with water consumption significantly lower
than that of PC plants with CCS.
A key objective of DOE R&D activities is to mitigate the potential impact of CO2
capture on water resources. This is being addressed in a key component of its Office
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of Fossil Energy R&D Programthe development of advanced CO2 capture technologies that require less cooling.
In addition to CO2 capture, CO2 sequestration can also impact water resources.
The focus of regulatory activities governing geologic storage of CO2 has been on developing rules that will protect underground sources of drinking water. EPA published a proposed rule for geologic storage on July 29, 2008, which uses Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) authorities and revises the Underground Injection Control
(UIC) Program. The rule is designed to provide consistency across the United States
and transparency that will build public confidence. As part of the rule-making process, EPA drew heavily on experience gained from DOEs Carbon Sequestration Program, particularly the Regional Partnership Program, which is helping to develop
a CCS infrastructure throughout the United States and parts of Canada.
Sequestration Program research and field testing are developing best practices for
characterizing geologic formations and predicting and tracking the movement of
stored CO2. This will help to minimize the possibility of CO2 contacting underground sources of drinking water. For example, significant effort has been made on
ways to assess the potential for leakage through existing wellbores, which is important if CO2 is injected into older oil fields. Another focus area is the management
of existing water in large, deep saline formations, which are vast and represent the
most abundant CO2 storage opportunities in the U.S. DOE is currently leading a
National Risk Assessment Program that will develop the strong science and technology base necessary to ensure the potential risks at each site are comprehensively
identified and understood, thereby providing large scale projects with the tools and
knowledge necessary for safe and secure storage.
Natural Gas and Oil
There are a variety of water-related issues associated with natural gas and oil
production, including produced water and its effects on the environment, treatment
of process waters, and the availability of water in arid lands. During the extraction
of crude oil, water is often injected into the reservoir to increase the pressure and
stimulate the production of oil. This water, along with mobile water that naturally
occurs in hydrocarbon-bearing rock layers is pumped to the surface along with the
oil and/or natural gas, and is collectively called produced water. Pumping and managing additional liquid from the formation requires considerable energy, and constitutes a significant cost for operators of oil and natural gas wells. Produced water
is the largest by-product or waste stream generated by the oil and natural gas industry. An estimated 20 billion barrels (840 billion gallons) of produced water are
generated in the U.S. each year. The characteristics of produced water vary considerably ranging from near potable waters to those containing residual hydrocarbons,
salts, metals, and dissolved solids, depending on geographic location, geology and
whether natural gas or oil is being produced. As the availability of usable water
supplies is becoming a more significant issue in communities across the country, the
protection of existing water supplies is even more critical and produced water from
oil and natural gas production is being viewed as a potential water resource for agriculture and other beneficial uses, rather than a waste.
Since the early 1990s, DOEs Office of Fossil Energy has conducted over 100
science and technology research projects involving industry, universities, National
Laboratories, states, and other federal agencies on various aspects of water management related to oil and natural gas development. Twenty-three states currently utilize similar risk-based data management systems (RBDMS) protocols for regulating
oil and natural gas production and underground injection well activities which were
developed with DOE funding under the auspices of the Ground Water Protection
U.S. natural gas supply is expected to come increasingly from domestic gas-filled
shales. New shale gas developments in existing plays, such as the Barnett and
emerging plays such as the Marcellus, Haynesville, Fayetteville, and Woodford, are
expected to expand significantly in the coming years. These new resources and the
required technologies to exploit them are introducing new challenges as well as new
opportunities for water re-use and recycling. As oil and natural gas development expands to new areas of the country, water issues are also expanding to include concerns about community water supplies and infrastructure needed to support the influx of workers.
Mature oil wells, which accounted for 16 percent of the Nations oil production in
2007, yield large quantities of produced water. DOE-funded research in collaboration with the National Stripper Well Consortium, regional universities and others
has included efforts to develop and demonstrate cost-effective, environmentally
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sound water management technologies and methods that can maintain well productivity and protect water quality.
Alaska is unique with respect to the environmental and water issues. The cold
winter climate, environmental sensitivity of the tundra and permafrost covered
areas, the reliance on ice roads and ice pads for oil and natural gas exploration activity in remote regions, the unique characteristics of Alaskas fisheries and ecosystems, and the importance of subsistence hunting and fishing to many of Alaskas
citizens make it imperative that development of fossil energy resources, including
oil and natural gas, whether for delivery to the Lower-48 States, or for local use,
be environmentally responsible. Office of Fossil Energy oil and natural gas and Arctic research projects are managed by NETL.
Water is a key feedstock for the production of hydrogen. Water is used as both
a chemical feedstock and as a cooling medium for most of the proposed hydrogen
production pathways (i.e., central and distributed, steam methane reforming and
electrolysis). Since water is an essential input for the production of hydrogen, a preliminary analysis was conducted using the well-to-wheels methodology to determine
the water use for each renewable hydrogen production pathway compared to conventional fuel pathways. The preliminary analysis of water consumption found the
water consumption to be equal to or less than other conventional fuels, up to 70 percent less than conventional fuels on a gasoline equivalent basis. At current water
prices, it is unlikely that water will have a major economic impact on the adoption
of hydrogen as a fuel nor would the adoption of hydrogen significantly increase
stress on the U.S. water supply overall, recognizing that there may be the need for
permitting agencies in some areas to manage the phase-in of hydrogen with the
phase-out of production of other fuels to avoid overlaps.
A more detailed analysis is required to examine impacts of hydrogen on regional
water resources, the water cost on hydrogen product cost, regional permitting constraints and options to reduce water consumption in the hydrogen production pathways. The DOE Fuel Cell Technologies Program commissioned Lawrence Livermore
National Laboratory to conduct this in-depth analysis and recommend technology
improvements to reduce the water use. The analysis will be completed by the end
of FY 2009. The results will be incorporated in the cost analysis of each of the hydrogen production pathways.
Moreover, stationary fuel cells for combined heat and power applications show
promise of having no net water consumption at the application site and can actually
produce clean water which can potentially be used there. These attributes of fuel
cells and the technology requirements for water production will be characterized in
FY 2010.
Biomass Energy
The Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energys Biomass Program has
funded several National Laboratories to assess water consumption and water quality impacts of biofuels production. Argonne National Laboratory is working on an
assessment of the net water consumption of two major steps of the biofuels life
cycle: feedstock production and fuel production. The work addresses irrigation and
process water, and has evaluated five fuel pathways, including ethanol from corn,
ethanol from cellulosic feedstocks, gasoline from conventional crude oil, gasoline
from Saudi Arabian crude oil, and gasoline from Canadian oil sands. The analysis
to date revealed that the amount of irrigation water used to grow biofuel feedstocks
varies significantly from one region to another and that water consumption for
biofuel production varies with processing technology.
Argonne has also been funded to examine water quality issues related to the production and conversion of biomass feedstocks. This task addresses the impact of biomass feedstock and fuel production on water quality at a regional or watershed
level. Water quality impacts addressed include nutrient from agricultural run-offs,
water pollutant outputs from point sources that are generated by major industries,
and discharge from fuel production plants.
Finally, Argonne is examining the opportunities and benefits of alternative production strategies to leverage the use of impaired water and marginal land at the
State to regional level to supply biomass feedstock for biofuel production. To date,
assessments have shown that there are sizable opportunities to grow biomass on
marginal and underutilized land in the study area of Nebraska, and that this production could be doubled with no further land commitment if impaired water and
the nutrients that it entrains could be efficiently recovered. Future work will expand
the study area, as well as the scope to include economic data and the optimization
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tools to determine tradeoffs between productivity with marginal resources and farmer profits.
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has begun an analysis of current and future water quality issues in several major hydrologic regions of the U.S., identifying
those sites with water bodies listed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
as having water quality problems related to agricultural practices. They are examining if such water quality problems can be improved by replacing crops requiring
intensive management with more sustainable crops that could be used for bioenergy
production. A series of economic and environmental models will be linked to forecast
water quality implications of landscape changes associated with the production of
new more environmentally sustainable bioenergy crops such as switchgrass at a national scale. These studies will analyze both economic and environmental impacts
including nutrient and sediment loading and changes in biotic habitat.
In addition, ORNL is pursuing opportunities to gather field data to quantify effects of large-scale bioenergy plantings in several locations. Field studies are being
designed to consider how bioenergy feedstock production can affect water quality as
well as how bioenergy crop production can affect habitat for a variety of organisms.
Energy efficiency improvements in buildings, industry, and transportation avoid
the consumption of water in producing power and fuels. Thus, all of these programs
have an impact on water and offer a very significant opportunity for reducing water
consumption in the production of electricity and fuels. Most of the R&D activities
in these programs, however, are not directly targeted towards water usage. The
Buildings Technology Program (BTP), however, will be conducting a thorough review of the R&D opportunities for increased energy efficiency in appliances, including appliances that use water.
For Buildings, in particular, the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (EPCA)
states that procedures for testing and measuring water use of faucets and
showerheads, and water closets and urinals, shall be American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)/American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Standards,
but that if ASME/ANSI revises these requirements, the Secretary shall adopt such
revisions unless the Secretary determines that the revised test procedures are not
satisfactory for determining water use or they are unduly burdensome to conduct.
It further provides that if the requirements of the ASME/ANSI Standard are
amended to improve the efficiency of water use, the Secretary shall publish a final
rule establishing an amended uniform national standard unless adoption of such a
standard is not (i) technologically feasible and economically justified, (ii) consistent
with the maintenance of public health and safety; or (iii) consistent with the purposes of this Act.
BTP currently conducts activities in both the deployment and rule-making (appliance standards) areas that directly impact water usage. These are listed below.
Energy Star
ENERGY STAR is a joint program of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
and the U.S. Department of Energy, helping us all save money and protect the environment through energy efficient products and practices. The ENERGY STAR label
appears on products that have met strict requirements for energy, and in some
cases direct water savings. DOE is responsible for the labeling programs for commercial and residential ENERGY STAR clothes washers and residential dishwashers.
Residential Clothes Washers
The average American family washes almost 400 loads of laundry each year. Families can cut their related energy costs by more than a third and water costs by more
than half by purchasing an ENERGY STAR clothes washer. Effective July 1, 2009,
DOE raised the minimum Modified Energy Factor (MEF) to 1.8 and lowered the
maximum water factor to 7.5. In comparison, before January 1, 2007, the minimum
MEF was 1.42 and there was no Water Factor requirement. MEF is an equation
that takes into account the amount of dryer energy used to remove the remaining
moisture content in washed items. Water Factor is the water use of the washer
measured in gallons per cycle per cubic foot of clothes washer tub volume. This
change in criteria level applies to both residential and residential-style commercial
clothes washers. The change in criteria level is the fourth since 2001. The effective
date gives manufacturers 17 months to prepare for the criteria change. The annual
program savings for ENERGY STAR qualified clothes washers are projected at 538
million kWh/year and 7.9 billion gallons of water. DOE will further raise the min-
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imum MEF to 2.0 and lower the maximum water factor to 6.0 effective January 1,
2011. To qualify for ENERGY STAR, a clothes washer must have a minimum of
1.72 and also a maximum Water Factor of 8.0.
Residential Dishwashers
ENERGY STAR qualified dishwashers use at least 41 percent less energy than
the federal minimum standard for energy consumption and much less water than
conventional models. Because they use less hot water compared to new conventional
models, an ENERGY STAR qualified dishwasher saves about $90 over its lifetime.
Effective August 11, 2009, the requirements will be a maximum energy use of 324
kWh/year and 5.8 gallons per cycle for standard models and a maximum energy use
of 234 kWh/year and 4.0 gallons per cycle for compact models. The inclusion of
water consumption is a new addition to the ENERGY STAR dishwasher criteria.
The criteria will be changed again on July 1, 2011 with standard ENERGY STAR
dishwashers using 307 kWh/year and 5.0 gallons of water per cycle and compact
models using 222 kWh/year and 3.5 gallons per cycle. Currently, standard ENERGY
STAR models must have an energy factor of 0.65 or more (equivalent to roughly 339
kWh/year) and compacts must have an energy factor of 0.88 or greater (equivalent
to roughly 252 kWh/year). These performance measures are not strictly comparable
to the new levels as the efficiency metrics have changed and now also include, for
example, stand-by losses.
Appliance Standards
The Appliance Standards program develops test procedures and minimum efficiency standards for residential appliances and commercial equipment. Each standard must be designed to achieve the maximum improvement in energy efficiency,
or, in the case of showerheads, faucets, water closets, or urinals, water efficiency,
which the Secretary determines is technologically feasible and economically justified. The direct link between energy and water means that all energy conservation
standards result in water conservation, and vice versa. In addition, certain covered
products are specifically regulated for their water consumption. These products are
discussed below.
Residential Clothes Washers
The Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA 2007) also prescribed
water conservation standards for residential clothes washers. Previously, federal
standards regulated only the energy use of residential clothes washers. Effective
January 1, 2011, top-loading and front-loading standard-size residential clothes
washers must have a water factor of not more than 9.5. DOE is currently undertaking a rule-making to amend the standards for residential clothes washers manufactured after January 1, 2015. The final rule is scheduled for completion no later
than December 31, 2011.
Commercial Clothes Washers
New federal water and energy conservation standards for commercial clothes
washers went into effect on January 1, 2007. DOE is currently conducting a rulemaking to consider revising these standards. The final rule is scheduled for completion by January 1, 2010 and will apply to products manufactured three years after
the date of publication of the final rule.
Residential Dishwashers
Section 311(a) of EISA 2007 amended section 325(g) of EPCA to adopt energy conservation standards and water conservation standards for residential dishwashers
manufactured on or after January 1, 2010. Standard size dishwashers may not exceed 6.5 gallons per cycle and compact size dishwashers may not exceed 4.5 gallons
per cycle. Again, the water efficiency requirements are a new addition. DOE is
scheduled to complete a rule-making amending the standards for dishwashers that
would take effect in 2015.
DOE Facility Efficiency Options
Executive Order 13423 (2007) called for a reduction in water consumption of each
agencys water consumption through life cycle cost effective measures by two percent
annually through the end of FY 2015. The DOE Federal Energy Management Program provides information on water conservation in federal facilities at http:// All National Laboratories are supporting DOEs
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efforts in this area by tracking water consumption and actively implementing water
conservation measures as well as energy conservation measures.
Again, Chairman Baird and Members of the Subcommittee, I want to thank you
for this opportunity to provide testimony on this important topic of energy and
water linkage, and to discuss with you the Departments activities and plans for developing water-efficient, environmentally-sustainable energy technologies. I would
be pleased to take your questions now.
Kristina M. Johnson is currently the Under Secretary of Energy in the U.S. Department of Energy. She received her B.S., M.S. (with distinction) and Ph.D. in electrical engineering from Stanford University. After a NATO post-doctoral fellowship
at Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, she joined the University of ColoradoBoulders
faculty in 1985 as an Assistant Professor and was promoted to full Professor in
1994. From 1994 to 1999, Dr. Johnson directed the NSF/ERC for Optoelectronics
Computing Systems Center at the University of Colorado and Colorado State University, and then served as Dean of the Pratt School of Engineering at Duke University from 1999 to 2007. From September of 2007 to April 2009, Dr. Johnson served
as Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs at The Johns Hopkins
Dr. Johnson was named an NSF Presidential Young Investigator in 1985 and
awarded a Fulbright fellowship in 1991. Her awards include the Dennis Gabor Prize
for creativity and innovation in modern optics (1993); State of Colorado and North
Carolina Technology Transfer Awards (1997, 2001); induction into the Women in
Technology International Hall of Fame (2003); the Society of Women Engineers Lifetime Achievement Award (2004); and, most recently, the John Fritz Medal, widely
considered the highest award in the engineering profession (May 2008). Previous recipients of the Fritz Medal include Alexander Graham Bell, Thomas Edison and
Orville Wright.
A fellow of the Optical Society of America, IEEE, SPIE and a Fulbright Scholar,
Dr. Johnson has 142 refereed papers and proceedings and holds 45 U.S. patents
(129 U.S. and international patents) and patents pending. These inventions include
pioneering work on liquid crystal on silicon (LCOS) micro-displays and their integration into demonstration and commercial systems such as heads-up automotive displays (HUD); pattern recognition systems for cancer pre-screening, object tracking
and document processing; HDTV and 3D projection displays; displays brought to the
eye and 3D holographic memories. Other inventions include tunable optical filters,
spectrometers and color filters, microscope auto-focus systems, rechargeable pacemakers and new methods for efficiently licensing intellectual property.
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produce energy from these sources. My testimony today will discuss
key themes that we have identified to date from our biofuels and
electricity work because these reviews are the furthest along. Our
work on oil shale is in its very preliminary stages, and we will
have more information to share with the Committee later this year.
Our ongoing work on biofuels and electricity provide two excellent case studies that highlight the types of R&D and data collection activities that the Federal Government can focus on to help
address energy-water nexus issues. Our biofuels work specifically
has identified a variety of data and technology areas where more
research is needed, and our electricity work has identified key
areas of data collection that DOE can improve.
I will briefly describe our preliminary observations in each of
these areas.
With regards to biofuels, our work has identified a number of research needs at all stages of the biofuels life cycle, from cultivation
to conversion to distribution and storage. In the area of cultivation,
some examples of the research needs that we have identified include the following: The need for information on impacts of feedstock production on aquifer water supplies, the need to develop additional drought-tolerant crop varieties, the need for research on
how the production of cellulosics and algae can be scaled up in a
sustainable way and the need for research to determine the maximum amount of agricultural residues that can be removed while
maintaining soil and water quality.
In the area of conversion of feedstocks into biofuels, we have
found that while much is known about the water needed to convert
corn into ethanol, more research is needed on how to reduce the
water needs of biorefineries that use cellulosics, and there is need
for research on technologies that can effectively extract oil from
In the area of storage and distribution of biofuels, we have identified still other research needs. Because ethanol is highly corrosive
and poses a risk of damage to pipelines and storage tanks, it could
therefore lead to groundwater contamination. To overcome potential compatibility issues, experts have told us that further research
is needed on conversion technologies that can produce renewable
fuels that are compatible with the existing infrastructure.
Shifting to our work on electricity, we have found that the use
of advanced cooling technologies such as air cooling or hybrid cooling can reduce the amount of fresh water needed by thermoelectric
power plants, but DOEs current data collection efforts may not
fully capture the extent to which the industry is moving in this direction. Moreover, higher costs associated with using these technologies may cause power plant developers to reject these options,
and research that can help reduce the cost of these technologies
can help make their use more widespread. Similarly, the use of alternative water sources, such as effluent from sewage treatment
plants, brackish water or sea water can also reduce fresh water use
by power plants. But DOEs data collection efforts also are not systematically capturing this trend in the industry.
Water experts and federal agencies we spoke to told us that not
having data on the extent to which advanced cooling technologies
or alternative water sources are being used by the industry limits
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the ability of industry analysts to assess the extent to which these
technologies have reduced fresh water use. Lack of such information also impacts the ability of federal decision-makers to target research efforts most appropriately. According to DOE officials, the
agency is currently redesigning the process it uses to collect data
on advanced cooling technologies and will implement this new process in 2011.
In conclusion, Mr. Chairman, both of our ongoing reviews have
identified a number of R&D efforts that are being supported by
DOE and other federal agencies. However, our work has also identified a number of R&D areas that still need to receive attention
in the future. Investments in these areas will help resolve many of
the uncertainties that currently exist relating to the energy-water
That concludes my prepared statement. I would be happy to respond to questions.
[The prepared statement of Ms. Mittal follows:]
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To identify the effects of biofuel cultivation, conversion, and storage on water supply and water quality, we are conducting a review of relevant scientific articles and
key Federal and State government reports. In addition, in consultation with the National Academy of Sciences, we identified and spoke with a number of experts who
have published research analyzing the water supply requirements of one or more
biofuel feedstocks and the implications of increased biofuel cultivation and conversion on water quality. Furthermore, we are interviewing officials from DOE, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the Department of Agriculture (USDA)
about impacts on water supply and water quality during the cultivation of biofuel
feedstocks and the conversion and storage of the finished biofuels. To identity the
relationship of thermoelectric plants and water, we are reviewing selected reports,
interviewing federal officials and experts, and examining relevant energy and water
data. In particular, we are examining reports on alternative cooling technologies and
water supplies and the impact they can have on water use at power plants. We are
also interviewing officials from DOE, EPA, and the Department of Interiors U.S.
Geological Survey, as well as State water regulators and water and energy experts
at national energy laboratories and universities. In addition, we are interviewing
representatives from electric power producers, sellers of electric power plant equipment, cooling technology companies, and engineering firms that design new power
plants. Finally, we are examining power plant data on water source, use, consumption, and cooling technology types collected by EIA and data collected and reported
by the U.S. Geological Survey. Our work is being conducted in accordance with generally accepted government accounting standards. Those standards require that we
plan and perform the audit to obtain sufficient, appropriate evidence to provide a
reasonable basis for our findings and conclusions based on our audit objectives. We
believe that the evidence obtained provides a reasonable basis for our findings and
conclusions based on our audit objectives.
Biofuels are an alternative to petroleum-based transportation fuels and derived
from renewable resources. Currently, most biofuels are derived from corn and soybeans. Ethanol is the most commonly produced biofuel in the United States, and
about 98 percent of it is made from corn that is grown primarily in the Midwest.
Corn is converted to ethanol at biorefineries through a fermentation process and requires water inputs and outputs at various stages of the production processfrom
growth of the feedstock to conversion into ethanol. While ethanol is primarily produced from corn grains, next generation biofuels, such as cellulosic ethanol and
algae-based fuels, are being promoted for various reasons including their potential
to boost the Nations energy independence and lessen environmental impacts, including on water. Cellulosic feedstocks include annual or perennial energy crops
such as switchgrass, forage sorghum, and miscanthus; agricultural residues such as
corn stover (the cobs, stalks, leaves, and husks of corn plants); and forest residues
such as forest thinnings or chips from lumber mills. Some small biorefineries have
begun to process cellulosic feedstocks on a pilot-scale basis; however, no commercialscale facilities are currently operating in the United States.1 In light of the federal
renewable fuel standards requirements for cellulosic ethanol starting in 2010,2 DOE
is providing $272 million to support the cost of constructing four small biorefineries
that will process cellulosic feedstocks. In addition, in recent years, researchers have
begun to explore the use of algae as a biofuel feedstock. Algae produce oil that can
be extracted and refined into biodiesel and has a potential yield per acre that is estimated to be 10 to 20 times higher than the next closest quality feedstock. Algae can
be cultivated in open ponds or in closed systems using large raceways of plastic bags
containing water and algae.
Thermoelectric power plants use a fuel sourcefor example, coal, natural gas, nuclear material such as uranium, or the sunto boil water to produce steam. The
steam turns a turbine connected to a generator that produces electricity. Traditionally, water has been withdrawn from a river or other water source to cool the steam
back into liquid so it may be reused to produce additional electricity. Most of the
water used by a traditional thermoelectric power plant is for this cooling process,
but water may also be needed for other purposes in the plant such as for pollution
1 For example, Range Fuels has operated a pilot biorefinery in Denver, Colo., since 2008 that
has successfully converted pine and hardwoods into cellulosic ethanol. The company plans to optimize the technologies from this pilot plant at its cellulosic biorefinery, expected to begin commercial-scale production in 2010. This biorefinery, located in Soperton, Ga., is targeted to
produce approximately 100 million gallons of ethanol and mixed alcohols from wood byproducts
when it is at full scale.
2 The Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007, Pub. L. No. 110140 (2007).
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control equipment. In 2000, thermoelectric power plants accounted for 39 percent
of total U.S. freshwater withdrawals.3 EIA annually reports data on the water withdrawals, consumption and discharges of power plants of a certain size, as well as
some information on water source and cooling technology type. These data are used
by federal agencies and other researchers in estimating the overall power plant
water use and determining how this use has and will continue to change.
Information Is Limited on the Water Supply and Water Quality Impacts of
the Next Generation of Biofuels
Our work to date indicates that while the water supply and water quality effects
of producing corn-based ethanol are fairly well understood, less is known about the
effects of the next generation of feedstocks and fuels. The cultivation of corn for ethanol production can require substantial quantities of waterfrom seven to 321 gallons per gallon of ethanol produceddepending on where it is grown and how much
irrigation water is used.4 Furthermore, corn is a relatively resource-intensive crop,
requiring higher rates of fertilizer and pesticide applications than many other crops;
some experts believe that additional corn production for biofuels conversion will lead
to an increase in fertilizer and sediment runoff and in the number of impaired
streams and other water bodies. Some researchers and conservation officials have
told us that the impact of corn-based ethanol on water supply and water quality
could be mitigated through research into developing additional drought-tolerant and
more nutrient-efficient crop varieties thereby decreasing the amount of water needed for irrigation and the amount of fertilizer that needs to be applied. Furthermore,
experts also mentioned the need for additional data on current aquifer water supplies and research on the potential of biofuel cultivation to strain these water
In contrast to corn-based ethanol, our work to date indicates that much less is
known about the effects that large-scale cultivation of cellulosic feedstocks will have
on water supplies and water quality. Since potential cellulosic feedstocks have not
been grown commercially to date, there is little information on the cumulative
water, nutrient, and pesticide needs of these crops, and it is not yet known what
agricultural practices will actually be used to cultivate these feedstocks on a commercial scale. For example, while some experts assume that perennial feedstocks
will be rainfed, other experts have pointed out that to achieve maximum yields for
cellulosic crops, farmers may need to irrigate these crops. Furthermore, because
water supplies vary regionally, additional research is needed to better understand
geographical influences on feedstock production. For example, the additional withdrawals in states relying heavily on irrigation for agriculture, such as Nebraska,
may place new demands on the Ogallala Aquifer, an already strained resource from
which eight states draw water. In addition, if agricultural residuessuch as corn
stoverare to be used, this could negatively affect soil quality, increase the need
for fertilizer, and lead to increased sediment runoff to waterways. Considerable uncertainty exists regarding the maximum amount of residue that can be removed for
biofuels production while maintaining soil and water quality. USDA, DOE, and
some academic researchers are attempting to develop new projections on how much
residue can be removed without compromising soil quality, but sufficient data are
not yet available to inform their efforts, and it may take several years to accumulate
such data and disseminate it to farmers for implementation. Experts we spoke with
generally agree that more research on how to produce cellulosic feedstocks in a sustainable way is needed.
Our work also indicates that even less is known about newer biofuels feedstocks
such as algae. Algae have the added advantage of being able to use lower-quality
water for cultivation, according to experts. However, the impact on water supply
and water quality will ultimately depend on which cultivation methods are determined to be the most viable. Therefore, research is needed on how best to cultivate
this feedstock in order to maximize its potential as a biofuel feedstock and limit its
potential impacts on water resources. Other areas we have identified that relate to
water and algae cultivation in need of additional research include:
Oil extraction. Additional research is needed on how to extract the oil from
the algal cell in such a way as to preserve the water contained in the cell
along with the oil, thereby allowing some of that water to be recycled back
into the cultivation process.
3 Water
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Contaminants. Information is needed on how to manage the contaminants
that are found in the algal cultivation water and how any resulting wastewater should be handled.
Uncertainty also exists regarding the water supply impacts of converting feedstocks into biofuels. Biorefineries require water for processing the fuel and need to
draw from existing water resources. Water consumed in the corn-ethanol conversion
process has declined over time with improved equipment and energy efficient design, according to a 2009 Argonne National Laboratory study, and is currently estimated at three gallons of water required for each gallon of ethanol produced. However, the primary source of freshwater for most existing corn ethanol plants is from
local groundwater aquifers and some of these aquifers are not readily replenished.
For the conversion of cellulosic feedstocks, the amount of water consumed is less defined and will depend on the process and on technological advancements that improve the efficiency with which water is used. Current estimates range from 1.9 to
5.9 gallons of water, depending on the technology used. Some experts we spoke with
said that greater research is needed on how to manage the full water needs of biorefineries and reduce these needs further. Similar to current and next generation
feedstock cultivation, additional research is also needed to better understand the impact of biorefinery withdrawals on aquifers and to consider potential resource
strains when siting these facilities.
Our work to date also indicates that additional research is needed on the storage
and distribution of biofuels. Ethanol is highly corrosive and poses a risk of damage
to pipelines, and underground and above-ground storage tanks, which could in turn
lead to releases to the environment that may contaminate groundwater, among
other issues. These leaks can be the result of biofuel blends being stored in incompatible tank systemsthose that have not been certified to handle fuel blends containing more than 10 percent ethanol. While EPA currently has some research
under way, additional study is needed into the compatibility of higher fuel blends,
such as those containing 15 percent ethanol, with the existing fueling infrastructure. To overcome potential compatibility issues, future research is needed on other
conversion technologies that can be used to produce renewable and advanced fuels
that are capable of being used in the existing infrastructure.
Key Efforts to Reduce Use of Freshwater at Power Plants May Not Be Fully
Captured in Existing Federal Data
In our work to date, we have found (1) the use of advanced cooling technologies
can reduce freshwater use at thermoelectric power plants, but federal data may not
fully capture this industry change; (2) the use of alternative water sources can also
reduce freshwater use, but federal data may not systematically capture this change;
and (3) federal research under way is focused on examining efforts to reduce the
use of freshwater in thermoelectric power plants.
Advanced cooling technologies offer the promise to reduce freshwater use by thermoelectric power plants. Unlike traditional cooling technologies that use water to
cool the steam in power plants, advanced cooling technologies carry out all or part
of the cooling process using air. According to power plant developers, they consider
using these water-conserving technologies in new plants, particularly in areas with
limited available water supplies. While these technologies can significantly reduce
the amount of water used in a plantand in some cases eliminate the use of water
for coolingtheir use entails a number of challenges. For example, plants using advanced cooling technologies may cost more to build and operate; require more land;
and, because these technologies can consume a significant amount of energy themselves, witness lower net electricity outputespecially in hot, dry conditions. However, eliminating or minimizing freshwater use by incorporating an advanced cooling technology provides a number of potential benefits to plant developers, including
minimizing the costs associated with acquiring, transporting, and treating water, as
well as eliminating impacts on the environment associated with water withdrawals,
consumption, and discharge. In addition, the use of these advanced cooling technologies may provide the flexibility to build power plants in locations not near a
source of water.
For these reasons, a number of power plant developers in the United States and
across the world have adopted advanced cooling technologies, but according to EIA
officials, the agencys forms have not been designed to collect information on the use
of advanced cooling technologies. Moreover, the instruments the agency uses to collect these data were developed many years ago and have not been recently updated.
EIA officials have told us that while some plants may choose to report this information, they may not do so consistently or in such a way that allows comprehensive
identification of the universe of plants using advanced cooling technologies. Water
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experts and federal agencies we spoke to during the course of our work identified
value in the annual EIA data on cooling technologies, but some explained that not
having data on advanced cooling technologies limits public understanding of their
prevalence and analysis of the extent to which their adoption results in a significant
reduction in freshwater use. According to EIA officials, the agency is currently redesigning the instrument it uses to collect these data and expects to begin using the
revised instrument in 2011. In addition, during the course of our work we noted
that in 2002, EIA discontinued reporting water-related data for nuclear power
plants, including water use and cooling technology. As we develop our final report,
we will be looking at various suggestions that we can make to DOE to improve its
data collection efforts.
Our work to date also indicates that the use of alternative water sources can substantially reduce or eliminate the need to use freshwater for power plant cooling at
an individual plant. Alternative water sources that may be usable for power plant
cooling include treated effluent from sewage treatment plants; groundwater that is
unsuitable for drinking or irrigation because it is high in salts or other impurities;
industrial water, such as water generated when extracting minerals like oil, gas,
and coal; and others. Use of these alternative water sources can ease the development process where freshwater sources are in short supply and lower the costs associated with obtaining and using freshwater when freshwater is expensive. Because
of these advantages, alternative water sources play an increasingly important role
in reducing power plant reliance on freshwater, but can pose challenges, including
requiring special treatment to avoid adverse effects on cooling equipment, requiring
additional efforts to comply with relevant regulations, and limiting the potential locations of power plants to those nearby an alternative water source. These challenges are similar to those faced by power plants that use freshwater, but they may
be exacerbated by the lower quality of alternative water sources.
Power plant developers we spoke with told us they routinely consider use of alternative water sources when developing their power plant proposals. Moreover, a 2007
report by Argonne National Laboratory indicates that the use of treated municipal
wastewater at power plants has become more common, with 38 percent of power
plants after 2000 using reclaimed water. EIA collects annual data from power plants
on their water use and water source. However, according to EIA officials, while
some plants report using an alternative water source, many may not be reporting
such information since EIAs data collection form was not designed to collect data
on these freshwater alternatives. One expert we spoke with told us that not having
data on the use of alternative water sources at power plants limits public understanding of these trends and the extent to which these approaches are effective in
reducing freshwater use. As we develop our final report, we plan to also develop
suggestions for DOE that can improve this data gathering process.
Power plant developers may choose to reduce their use of freshwater for a number
of reasons, such as when freshwater is unavailable or costly to obtain, to comply
with regulatory requirements, or to address public concern. However, a developers
decision to deploy an advanced cooling technology or an alternative water source depends on an evaluation of the tradeoffs between the water savings and other benefits these alternatives offer and the cost involved. For example, where water is unavailable or prohibitively expensive, power plant developers may determine that despite the challenges, advanced cooling technologies or alternative water sources offer
the best option for getting a potentially profitable plant built in a specific area.
While private developers make key decisions on what types of power plants to
build and where to build them, and how to cool them based on their views of the
costs and benefits of various alternatives, government research and development
can be a tool to further the use of alternative cooling technologies and alternative
water supplies. In this regard, the Department of Energys National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) plays a central role in DOEs research and development
effort. In recent years, NETL has funded research and development projects through
its Innovations for Existing Plants program aimed at minimizing the challenges of
deploying advanced cooling technologies and using alternative water sources at existing plants, among other things. In 2009, the lab spent about $9 million to support
research and development of projects that, among other things, could improve the
performance of advanced cooling technologies, recover water used to reduce emissions of air pollutants at coal plants for reuse, and facilitate the use of alternative
water sources such as polluted water for cooling. Such research endeavors, if successful, could alter the trade-off analysis power plant developers conduct in favor
of nontraditional alternatives to cooling.
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Concluding Observations
Ensuring sufficient supplies of energy and water will be essential to meeting the
demands of the 21st century. This task will be particularly difficult, given the interdependency between energy production and water supply and water quality and the
strains that both these resources currently face. DOE, together with other federal
agencies, has a key role to play in providing key information, helping to identify
ways to improve the productivity of both energy and water, partnering with industry to develop technologies that can lower costs, and analyzing what progress has
been made along the way. While we recognize that DOE currently has a number
of ongoing research efforts to develop information and technologies that will address
various aspects of the energy-water nexus, our work indicates that there are a number of areas to focus future research and development efforts. Investments in these
areas will provide information to help ensure that we are balancing energy independence and security with effective management of our freshwater resources.
Mr. Chairman that concludes my prepared statement, I would be happy to respond to any questions that you or other Members of the Subcommittee might have.
GAO Staff Acknowledgments
Key staff contributors to this testimony were Jon Ludwigson, Assistant Director;
Elizabeth Erdmann, Assistant Director; Scott Clayton; Paige Gilbreath; Miriam Hill;
Randy Jones; Micah McMillan; Nicole Rishel; Swati Thomas; Lisa Vojta; and Rebecca Wilson.
Ms. Anu K. Mittal, is a Director with the Natural Resources and Environment
team of the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO), in Washington, D.C. She
is responsible for leading GAOs work in the areas of Water Resources and Defense
Environmental Cleanup.
Ms. Mittal has been with GAO since 1989, during which time she has led a variety of reviews of federal programs relating to water resources, oceans and fisheries,
environmental restoration programs, energy, housing, food safety, science and technology, and agriculture issues. She has also served in other organizational capacities
and worked on special projects for the Comptroller General.
Ms. Mittal received a Masters in Business Administration from the University of
Massachusetts, and has completed the senior executive fellow program at the John
F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. She has received numerous GAO honors for sustained leadership and exceptional contributions to the agencys mission.
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mate variability and change affecting both the timing and the magnitude of water availability, think about the demand for water increasing over time as a result of economic growth and increasing
electrification, the shift to low-carbon technologies, some of which
are more water intensive as the Under Secretary alluded to in her
comments, particularly around CO2 capture and storage, work that
we have been doing identifies the CCS technologies at present will
roughly double the water demand in a conventional coal or natural
gas-fired unit. So there are tremendous opportunities there to improve water availability for CCS.
As my colleague, Ms. Mittal from GAO, just mentioned a moment
ago, advanced cooling technologies do exist. They offer a lot of
promise, but at present their costs, their performance are not
where we would want them to be for widespread commercial application. And so as you look to future research needs in this area,
not only the whole notion of water resource management and understanding the supply of water but also moderating and mitigating the demand of water from the electric power sector through
advanced cooling technologies is going to be a key effort going forward.
To expound upon these key points which are described in detail
in my testimony, I want to just show you a couple of graphics.
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question for us of access. It is also a question of returning that
water back to the environment in a state that it can be used. And
so it is mitigating the impact of taking that water in, where fish
protection and other aquatic organisms are concerned, and also
bringing that water back with minimal or no effluence that cause
environmental degradation as well, and I think that is a key point
to make.
When you look at the water used by power plant type, nuclear,
fossil, but even solar-thermal and biofuel are big consumers of
water from a cooling standpoint. And even simple gas combustion
turbines use a lot of water for fuel injection. And as we change this
generation mix, we are going to be changing the water demands.
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around how climate interacts with water and how water interacts
with climate, both in the production of renewable energy, but just
in the availability of the resource, that is improving decision support, developing better climate modeling tools that allow us to get
a handle around the hydroelectric cycle. There is a lot of work that
can be done here, and we are well under way working very collaboratively with the Department on pursuing next steps.
Thank you, and that concludes my testimony.
[The prepared statement of Dr. Hannegan follows:]
Thank you, Chairman Baird, Ranking Member Inglis, and Members of the Subcommittee. I am Bryan Hannegan, Vice PresidentEnvironment and Generation, at
the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI). EPRI conducts research and development on technology, operations and the environment for the global electric power
industry. As an independent, non-profit Institute, EPRI brings together its members, scientists and engineers, along with experts from academia, industry and other
centers of research to:
collaborate in solving challenges in electricity generation, delivery and use;
provide technological, policy and economic analyses to drive long-range research and development planning; and
support multi-discipline research in emerging technologies and issues.
EPRIs members represent more than 90 percent of the electricity generated in
the United States, and international participation extends to 40 countries. EPRI has
major offices and laboratories in Palo Alto, California; Charlotte, North Carolina;
Knoxville, Tennessee, and Lenox, Massachusetts.
EPRI appreciates the opportunity to provide testimony to the Subcommittee on
the subject of Technology Research and Development Efforts Related to the Energy
and Water Linkage. In my testimony today, I would like to highlight the following
key points:
While thermoelectric power plant cooling accounts for approximately 40 percent of freshwater withdrawals in the U.S., it accounts for only three percent
of total consumption.
Water use for power generation has declined steadily per unit of power produced; however more significant growth in power demand has led to a total
increase in water use by the electric power sector over the past five decades.
The largest users of water are nuclear and coal-based power plants; however
renewable energy resources such as concentrated solar and biomass can also
use significant water resources on a life cycle basis.
Advanced cooling technologies, such as dry cooling and use of degraded waters, can reduce water use in power plants but come at a significant increased
cost using existing technologies available today.
EPRI, working with DOE and others, has identified a $40 million, 10-year research program focused on reducing the cost of existing cooling options, and
developing new technology options and decision support tools to reduce the
demand for fresh water resources in the coming decades.
These research efforts are urgently needed to mitigate the expected shortfall
in water needs for thermoelectric cooling as a result of future electricity demand growth, competing demand for water resources by other economic sectors, and new water demands from low-carbon generation sources such as nuclear, biomass, and CO2 capture and storage.
I. Fresh Water Use at Thermoelectric Power Plants
The major use of water for thermoelectric plants is condensing of steam. These
plants convert heat energy (as steam) to electric energy. The source of the heat energy may be nuclear, coal, gas, oil, biofuel, solar or geothermal. The heat source
boils water and the resulting steam is driven through a turbine which turns a generator. The steam exits the turbine into the condenser where it must be condensed
and cooled in order to be pumped backed to the boiler and converted to steam to
complete the overall cycle.
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According to the most recent available survey of water withdrawals by the USGS
(Figure 1), thermoelectric power plant cooling accounts for approximately 40 percent
of freshwater withdrawals in the U.S. Agricultural irrigation accounts for approximately the same amount. Most of the water withdrawn by thermoelectric generation
is discharged back into the receiving water body. On the other hand, thermoelectric
power plants account for approximately three percent of total freshwater consumption in the U.S. (Figure 2). The USGS stopped reporting water consumption values
after the 1995 survey; water use numbers were reported for 2000 but have not
changed substantially. In arid regions of the U.S., power companies employ significant use of cooling towers, non-traditional water sources, water recycling within the
power plant and use of evaporation ponds. In these instances the total amount of
freshwater withdrawn by power plants is likely to be significantly less that in other
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The use of recirculating systems (e.g., cooling towers) and freshwater conservation
measures, such as substitution of sewage treatment effluent for freshwater in the
arid parts of the country, has been driven by limited water availability. In other
parts of the country, the main driving factor for recirculating systems has been
water intake and discharge regulations (e.g., fish protection and thermal discharge
These measures have enabled the electric power industry to reduce its water withdrawals per unit of electric power generated by a factor of three (Table 1). However,
the electric industry increased its output of electric power by a factor of 15 over the
same period. The net result was a five-fold increase in water withdrawals by the
electric power industry since 1950, most of which occurred before 1980. Total water
withdrawal by the industry has actually declined since 1980.
Power plant water use is often measured as the amount of water withdrawal per
unit of electric energy generated. The lower this number, the more efficient is the
plants use of water. Power plant water use varies with type of generation (Figure
3). The efficiencies shown in the figure are representative of the type of generation.
In reality, there is considerable variability depending not only on the type of generation but also on numerous other factors. For example, with respect to coal plants
with wet cooling towers, a survey conducted by EPRI showed that cooling water
withdrawal ranged from 500 to 700 gallons/megawatt-hour.
Note that a coal plant uses water not only for cooling but also for flue gas scrubbing and ash handling. A combined cycle gas plant, which uses the exhaust of a gas
turbine to drive a single steam cycle, is significantly more water efficient than a sin-
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gle steam cycle plant. A renewable energy plant may or may not have significant
cooling requirements. While a wind energy or solar photovoltaic plant uses little
water, a solar thermal or biofuel plant is conceptually no different than a fossil or
nuclear steam plant and needs significant amounts of water for cooling. With respect to biofuel, there can also be significant water demand associated with fuel production. Although Figure 3 does not show water demands by geothermal electricity
production, its water needs are conceptually no different than those of nuclear and
coal plants. In fact, geothermal electricity production requires more cooling water
since its thermal efficiency (ratio of electricity output to thermal energy input) is
relatively low compared to other electric generation technologies.
Under severe drought conditions or heat waves, the generating capacity of operating power plants is more likely to be limited by an inability to meet thermal discharge permits than by the quantity of available water. When thermal discharge
limitations occur it is possible for the appropriate regulatory agency to grant the
plant a waiver to continue operating. However, when there is inadequate water to
operate the plant at full capacity, the only options are either to reduce power plant
generation or completely shut down the plant. Over the last several years, there
have been isolated incidents in the U.S. of plants having to reduce power or shut
down because of limited available water. In France, in 2003, there was a major
multi-week heat wave that resulted in a regional impact consisting of a 715 percent loss of nuclear generation capacity for five weeks, a loss of 20 percent of hydro
generation capacity, large scale load shedding, purchase of large amounts of electricity on the wholesale power market, and sharp increases in electricity prices on
the spot market.
II. Existing Cooling Technologies in Use Today
Historically, condensing and cooling of the steam has been provided by oncethrough cooling systems (Figure 5) in which cool water from a river, lake, ocean or
a pond is pumped to the condenser where it condenses the steam from the turbine.
After exiting the condenser, the heated cooling water is discharged back into the receiving water body.
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To minimize the impacts on fish and address thermal discharges, new electric
power generation plants typically use recirculating cooling water systems (Figure 6).
In a recirculating cooling water system, the cooling water is cooled either in a cooling tower or cooling pond and then recycled back to the condenser.
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If a recirculating cooling water system was completely closed, the salt concentration in the water would build up to a point where the condenser tubes would collect
saline scale (affecting performance) and corrosion would be excessive. For this reason, it is necessary for a percentage of the recycling water be released during each
cycle. This water is called blowdown. To makeup for the blowdown and cooling
water that is lost to evaporation and drift of the cooling tower exhaust, the recycling
system must continuously withdraw water. This water is called makeup.
Figure 7 shows a schematic of typical water use in a 500MW thermal plant with
a recirculating cooling system (wet cooling tower). The cooling tower is the largest
water consumer in the plant, and in this example, requires 9537 gal/min (gpm) of
fresh water when running at full load. This makeup is required to replace the water
lost to evaporation and drift (about two-thirds of the total) and blowdown (about
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There are four major strategies for reducing fresh water use in thermoelectric
generation, all of which are being applied to some extent today:
1. Dry/hybrid cooling substitutes air for water as the cooling medium.
2. Non-traditional water sources substitute degraded waters such as sewage
treatment effluent, agricultural runoff, produced water associated with the
extraction of oil and gas, mine water, saline groundwater, and stormwater
for freshwater.
3. Water recycle strategies will treat waste streams within the plant and
reuse the water; e.g., remove salts from cooling tower blowdown and recycle
as makeup.
4. Increased thermal conversion efficiency through use of the waste heat
of one plant process to drive another. For example, combined heat and power
applications use the waste heat from the electric generation process to satisfy
space heating needs, reducing the overall fuel and water use required while
providing the same level of energy services.
The advantages and limitations of each of these technologies depend on local conditions and fuel costs; hence there is no universal optimal approach. The objective
of EPRIs advanced cooling research program is to optimize the various technologies
in terms of technological and economic performance with the goal of minimizing
both overall costs and environmental impact.
III. Future Impacts on Water Use in the Electric Power Industry
Water availability is expected to become a major issue for the electric utility industry over the next decade and beyond. Siting of new plants is already constrained
by access to cooling water, especially fresh water. Electric power is frequently assigned the lowest priority for water allocation after residential, commercial industrial and agricultural uses. Given limited supplies of fresh water and increasing demands, it is critical to examine options for reducing this anticipated demand as electricity is needed to drive the U.S. economy. This demand must be viewed in light
of anticipated changes in climate and new technologies expected to enter the marketplace.
CO2 Policy and New GenerationWith the expectation that the United States
will soon have some form of regulation for carbon dioxide and other greenhouse
gases, utilities are already anticipating and planning for the changes that will need
to occur. Many of these changes will impact water requirements, and new generation will need to be responsive to public and regulatory pressures.
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EPRIs PRISM analysis (Figure 8) examines the potential for CO2 reductions
under varying assumptions of conservation, energy efficiency and new technologies
entering the marketplace over the next 20 years. These technologies, if implemented, would have water resource impacts which are briefly described below.
More Nuclear, More Biomass, and More SolarFigure 8 shows EPRIs assumed increases in power generation from nuclear, biomass and solar generating
stations from the PRISM analysis. Each of these technologies has potential water
impacts. Current nuclear power plant designs use slightly more cooling water than
their fossil-fueled equivalents. This is due to the lower peak steam temperature and
pressure that nuclear units can achieve and the subsequent impact on efficiency. It
is also much more difficult and expensive to use some of the water conserving technologies (such as dry cooling) because of the containment and safety issues inherent
to nuclear plants.
Dedicated biomass generation is growing as an electric power source and has no
net carbon emissions. These plants have similar water requirements to other fossilfueled plants while in operation. However, from a life cycle perspective, water is
likely required to cultivate the fuel and should be taken into consideration when examining future water use and consumption. Solar power can be generated by photovoltaic systems, which have little water requirement aside from cleaning the panels,
or solar thermal. Solar thermal plants operate much the same as traditional thermal power plants, where solar radiation is used in place of fuel to boil a working
fluid, which is then used to turn a turbine and condensed and cooled with a cooling
system. Water requirements for solar thermal plants are similar to other thermal
Carbon Capture and StorageThe application of carbon capture and storage
(CCS) for fossil power plants will entail additional water requirements and could ultimately lead to doubling of the water requirement for such plants. Figure 9 shows
data from a DOENETL study that compares water use among different technologies, including coal with CCS. EPRI studies show very similar results: an ultrasupercritical pulverized coal (USC) plant with carbon capture would incur a 38 percent increase in water consumption compared to one without CCS. When the decrease in net power is factored into the calculation (due to the parasitic load of the
carbon capture equipment), a facility with a CCS system will use more than twice
as much water compared to a facility without CCS.
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Pursuant to Section 316(b) of the Clean Water Act, EPA is developing new
regulations to address fish entrainment and impingement losses at Cooling
Water Intake Structures (CWIS) for once-through cooled plants. New plants
must already meet fish protection equivalent to wet cooling towers. EPA is
still drafting regulations for retrofitting CWIS for existing once through
cooled plants. These requirements, while still under development, could potentially require retrofit of cooling towers on many once through cooled power
EPA is considering development of new Effluent Guidelines for the utility industry. These new regulations could potentially require significant change in
how water is managed and treated within power plants including the potential to reduce overall water discharges.
The California State Water Resources Board is going one step further and
considering regulations that would require all ocean-cooled power plants in
the state to retrofit cooling towers.
IV. Opportunities to Reduce Water Needs in the Electric Sector
EPRI conducts and plans research to allow the power industry to address risks
associated with growing limitations on water availability. The objectives are two
fold: (1) to reduce energy and costs associated with increasing water use efficiency
while reducing overall water use and (2) to develop integrated risk analysis tools
that can be used for planning water use among various stakeholders. The former
consists of studies to improve existing water conserving technologies, demonstration
of emerging technologies, and development of new technologies. Research plans also
call for fundamental strategic studies of heat transfer, fluid flow and desalination
to make major technological breakthroughs with respect to air cooling and water
treatment. The second objective is to create and test integrated risk analysis tools
for community and regional water resource planning and management.
Another important facet of the EPRI program is collaboration with government
agencies and other research organizations. EPRI has been working closely with the
Energy-Water Nexus (EWN), a group of national energy laboratories, to further the
understanding of the many facets of the overall energy-water sustainability issue.
EPRI belongs to the EWN Executive Advisory Committee and has contributed to the
Report to Congress and Research Roadmap that EWN has produced for USDOE.
EPRI has also provided assistance to GAO as they review the issue of energy-water
sustainability. EPRI is an active member of the Federal Advisory Committee on
Water Information (ACWI), a FACA committee chaired by USDOI. EPRI co-chairs,
with U.S. Forest Service, the Energy-Water Sustainability Subcommittee of ACWI.
Other organizations that EPRI has collaborated with on the issue include: American
Society of Mechanical Engineering, Water Environment Research Foundation,
WateReuse Research Foundation, California Energy Commission, and Water Research Foundation. A listing of government funding that EPRI has received is included in Appendix A.
There are many opportunities for reducing fresh water use in the electric sector
and the following sections pinpoints some of the additional research needs. Many
of these needs have been outlined in a recent DOE Roadmap report which was completed with input from EPRI and others.
Degraded Water SourcesEPRI has extensively studied the use of degraded
water sources, including many joint studies with DOE and the CA Energy Commission. These studies have evaluated degraded water sources from the standpoint of
quantity, quality, variability, treatment options and cost, transportation options and
cost, and wastewater disposal issues. Many power plants have been operating for
years on degraded water sources, particularly treated sewerage effluent. This degraded water source has been the most attractive source because of its year round
availability, proximity to power plants, inexpensive price, relatively low cost treatment and minimal impacts to power plant operation. Even this water source is
being protected in some areas of the country for use in irrigation and groundwater
recharge, limiting its use for power plant cooling.
Additional degraded water sources that are being considered include:
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Each of these sources will cost more than traditional surface or groundwater
sources, with the highest costs usually a result of treating the water and transporting it to the power plant. Additional costs can come from materials of construction, chemicals to prevent scaling, fouling and corrosion, storage or backup water
system costs, and wastewater treatment and disposal.
Degraded water sources typically contain suspended or dissolved solids. Suspended solids can usually be filtered or removed in clarifiers, but dissolved solids
are more difficult to remove. These dissolved solids can lead to scaling and corrosion
of power plant equipment, and the suspended and dissolved solids can lead to fouling. In addition, nutrients and minerals in degraded water sources can lead to biological growth that creates additional fouling issues. All of these treatments have
to be incorporated to prevent operational and maintenance issues within the power
plant and add to the cost of using degraded water sources.
EPRI has identified many research needs for improving the use of degraded water
sources. Some of the research that EPRI has identified includes:
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While dry cooling can virtually eliminate the water required to cool power plants,
it does have drawbacks.
CostThe capital cost for dry cooling systems is significantly higher, typically
over 10 percent higher than wet cooling systems (Figure 11), because they require the manufacture of large finned-tube heat exchangers, large fans and
drive motors, and large steel structures to provide ground clearance for proper air circulation. There are also higher operating costs associated with dry
cooling. The fans needed for air circulation are much larger and more numerous than those required for a wet tower. This increases the parasitic load on
the unit, and reduces the net power available from the plant. Dry cooling
cools water to the dry-bulb temperature, which means that the water returned to the plant will be warmer than it would be with a wet cooling tower
(which cools to the wet-bulb temperature) or once through cooling (which cools
to the local surface water temperature). This higher temperature has the effect of reducing unit efficiency, which can mean up to and over a 10 percent
efficiency penalty on the hottest days.
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could be made by improving the heat transfer characteristics of the condensing
steam and the finned tubes. Significant improvements in finned tubes in recent
years have resulted in better heat transfer and lower manufacturing costs, but there
is still room for improvement in this area.
Hybrid CoolingHybrid cooling systems (Figure 12) provide a combination of a
wet cooling tower and a dry cooling tower. This arrangement allows most of the heat
to be rejected to the atmosphere on the cooler days, and still have high efficiency
during hot days, with the wet tower taking part of the cooling load when the temperatures are higher. This system is becoming more popular because the tower sizes
can be minimized to reduce additional costs, and performance is better than air-cooling only.
EPRI is just beginning a research program to assess the state-of-the-art for hybrid
towers. There are many ways to optimize such a system, depending on the goals
of the plant design and the available water sources. The guidelines EPRI will be
developing will assist plant designers with this optimization process.
There may also be a research need in helping plant operators decide when to use
the wet cooling portion of the hybrid system. When operators are faced with a limited water source, and the need to preserve water for the hottest operating days of
the year, some sort of forecasting and optimization tool would be useful in deciding
when to use the wet cooling towers for maximum benefit (efficiency, power demand
and power price).
Combined Cycles/Bottoming CyclesNatural gas combined cycle (NGCC) power
plants are common in the United States and are the predominant type of plant constructed in the last 1015 years. NGCC plants have many benefits that make them
the logical choice. The combined cycle provides for much higher efficiencies that, in
return, reduces the fuel costs. This also has the effect of lowering the carbon emissions for each unit of power generated.
NGCC plants (Figure 13) also can provide a large water conservation benefit.
Since roughly two-thirds of the power is produced by the combustion turbines, which
do not require cooling water, the cooling water consumption is reduced by an equivalent amount. In addition, the one-third of the power produced by the steam generator/turbine can be cooled by ACCs, further reducing the water usage. The ACC will
be smaller, since it is only cooling one third of the total plant, and any efficiency
penalties on hot days would only be incurred on that one third of the capacity.
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Bottoming cycles (Figure 14) are another way to increase the efficiency of a traditional steam plant. Such cycles were investigated by EPRI and Electricite de France
(EdF) in the 1980s, and these cycles are being examined again in light of upcoming
water constraints. Increasing the power output from thermal plants would provide
for decreased water consumption per unit power generated. These systems, for now,
appear very costly, and managing the working fluids (ammonia or supercritical CO2)
poses a potential safety risk. However, additional research into combined cycle options, including bottoming cycles, may lead to economical systems to improve power
plant efficiency, reducing both emissions (including carbon) and water utilization.
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15) for capturing moisture in cooling tower plumes. Water loss could potentially be
reduced by 1530 percent.
The Energy and Environmental Research Center at the University of North Dakota is pilot testing a desiccant system to recover water from flue gas. Lehigh University has also received DOE funding to develop condensing heat exchangers that
will condense water from flue gas. KEMA, in the Netherlands, is developing a membrane system to extract water from flue gas. All of these technologies hold promise
to replace part of the water requirements for power generation, but need additional
research before they can be considered commercially available or economical.
Power plants in operation today already employ many practices to reuse water
within the plant. Water is typically cascaded from one use to another, depending
on the quality of water that is needed for each process. Some examples include:
Fresh water that is treated and used for boiler feedwater
Wastewater from the water treatment system is used as makeup in the Flue
Gas Desulfurization (FGD) system
Boiler blowdown is used as makeup in cooling water system
Cooling tower blowdown is used as makeup in the FGD system
FGD blowdown is used for ash sluicing
Ash pond runoff is used for fly ash wetting (dust control)
By tightening the water balance in the plant, many utilities have already mastered the art of water reuse. Investments in research for more efficient and lower
cost wastewater treatment systems would allow for even greater recycling and
reuse. EPRI is sponsoring research in many areas of wastewater treatment, zero liquid discharge and water management toward this goal.
Role of Renewable ResourcesRenewable energy from wind, solar photovoltaic,
geothermal (with brine water cooling), hydroelectric, marine and hydrokinetic
sources all require little to no water consumption. To the extent that these technologies can economically penetrate the generation mix, water use can be reduced.
EPRI has an extensive research program into renewable energy sources, and is supporting the commercialization of new and better technologies to reduce the cost of
these resources and reduce their environmental impacts.
Advanced Desalination TechniquesSandia National Labs has had an extensive membrane and desalination program that has provided improvements in membrane technologies for reverse osmosis and other issues like salt management. As
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degraded water sources are used to replace potable water sources, economical desalination technologies will help reduce the costs of water treatment in the electric industry as well. Additional research into better membranes and new desalination
concepts will have a dual effect. By reducing the cost of desalination, the use of degraded water sources in power plants becomes more economical. In addition, better
technologies will reduce the amount of electricity required and the cost of desalination to meet growing population demands for fresh water. This research could have
major impacts on society as a whole in future years. Additional research is also
needed to address salt management, especially in inland areas where ocean disposal
is not an option.
EPRI is also investigating a new forward osmosis technology that, if feasible,
would be a breakthrough in desalination, and wastewater treatment and reuse.
These breakthrough technologies could have a major impact on how we develop
new water sources for everyone, not just the utility sector.
V. Research Needs
Most of the technologies described above are still in the development stage or
have limits on where they can economically be applied. Additional work will be
needed to develop viable options and provide solutions to water conservation needs
in the electric sector. None of these water conserving options are universally applicable. Each has its advantages based on such factors as fuel type, plant design, local
water sources, meteorological conditions and other factors. All of the alternative options for water conservation are more expensive than using traditional cooling towers and once through cooling using fresh water sources. However, these economics
are based on the current price of raw water, and that price is expected to increase
dramatically, especially over the typical 5060 year life of a new power plant. In
order to protect the capital investment that is made when building a new plant,
power companies must be assured of a constant water source for the duration. The
utility industry, and ultimately the rate payers, will benefit from a toolbox of potential solutions to allow for a best-fit solution to each plant for water conservation.
In order to reduce these costs and have a variety of options to choose from in a
water constrained world of the future, extensive research is needed. These research
plans have been developed in cooperation between the federal government (primarily DOE and the National Labs) and EPRI.
Engineering and Economic Analysis: Although the choice among various
water-use technologies depends on a variety of plant-specific considerations
including climate and the cost of available waterclear guidelines for the economic and operational consequences of alternative water conservation technologies are not available. Thus there is a need to develop an analytical
framework to help guide plant decisions in the selection of equipment and approaches for addressing water needs.
Previous EPRI research has laid the groundwork for such a framework by
comparing the economics of various cooling technologies in particular circumstances for fossil plants. EPRI is planning additional research that will
develop a decision framework for utility planners to readily compare costs
and performance of alternative air and water cooling systems for thermoelectric plants. Follow-on work will adapt the framework for analysis of other
water-conserving technologies.
Improving Dry and Hybrid Cooling: Although there are currently several
power plants that use dry cooling, most are gas-fired, combined-cycle units.
There is only limited experience with dry cooling on a large scale and under
baseload operations. In addition to the guidelines EPRI will be developing for
designing and operating these systems, there is additional need for basic research to improve them. The greatest research need is to reduce capital and
operating cost of these systems.
Reducing Water Losses from Cooling Towers: One of the most promising
ways to reduce water consumption from existing systems is to capture the
evaporative losses from cooling towers, which could produce savings up to
$1.2 million annually for a 350MW plant. A number of new options are currently being explored. The Air to Air heat exchanger described earlier could
recapture about 1530 percent of water exiting the cooling tower. This technology is being prepared for full-scale field testing. EPRI is also proposing additional research into optimization of water use in existing cooling towers.
While these reductions are likely to be small, the cumulative effect over entire
plants could be quite significant. In addition, efficiency gains in plant oper-
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ations can have a similar effect in providing additional power to the grid for
the same cooling water load.
Use of Degraded Water: To reduce the demand for fresh water, plants in
some regions are considering the use of nontraditional sources of degraded
water, such as treated municipal effluent, contaminated groundwater, and agricultural irrigation return water. A major obstacle, however, is the cost of
treating degraded water before it can be used in a power plant. In addition
to the technology research needs identified before, additional research is needed to develop a better inventory of potential sources and explore the feasibility of matching these sources with cost-effective pretreatment technologies.
Water Resources Management and Forecasting: Episodic droughts and
water shortages are an increasing problem in all regions of the U.S. An example of needed research in this arena is comparing the performance of available climate models to improve the forecasting of droughts. Additional research would also provide better decision-support tools, development of effective strategies for coping with water shortages, and integrated predictions of
climate change impacts by incorporating output from climate models into watershed models to assess future water availability.
EPRI has estimated the total cost of such a research program as $40 million over
a 10-year period. The potential benefits of using the technologies developed as part
of such a program would be substantial at the plant level through improved efficiency of plant operation and significant reductions in water use. The technical potential exists to increase water use efficiency and water conservation in thermoelectric generation. Realizing this potential and the associated cost savings will require a sustained research program dedicated to water sustainability. Such a program could create a portfolio of new technologies and practices that utilities could
apply in site-specific ways to achieve substantial benefits.
EPRI, the electric sector, DOE, the California Energy Commission and others
have invested in decades of research to bring us to this point, and we are continuing
to invest in the next generation of water conserving technologies. This research investment today will have a tremendous payoff for the industry and the country in
the future.
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Appendix A
Dr. Bryan Hannegan is Vice President, Environment and Generation for the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI). In this capacity, he leads the teams responsible for EPRIs research into technologies and practices that maintain a safe and
reliable power plant fleet, develop cleaner and more efficient power generation options for the future, and reduce the environmental footprint associated with electric
power generation, delivery and use.
Prior to joining EPRI in September 2006, Hannegan served in a dual capacity as
the Chief of Staff for the White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ),
and as an acting Special Assistant to the President for Economic Policy. During his
tenure, he led the development of the Presidents Advanced Energy Initiative and
assisted federal agencies in their implementation of the Energy Policy Act of 2005
(EPACT 2005). At CEQ, Hannegan also coordinated federal agency policies and activities on a wide range of environmental issues affecting air, water, land, and ecosystems.
Between 1999 and 2003, Hannegan served as Staff Scientist for the U.S. Senate
Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, where he handled energy efficiency,
renewable energy, alternative fuels, and environmental aspects of energy production
and use. He put together the first draft of what would become EPACT 2005, and
was a principal staff member for action on energy and climate legislation during the
107th Congress.
A climate scientist, engineer and energy policy expert, Hannegan holds a doctorate in Earth system science, a Master of Science in engineering, both from the
University of CaliforniaIrvine, and a Bachelor of Science in meteorology from the
University of Oklahoma.
Mr. MURPHY. Good morning, Chairman Baird and the Committee. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be here today.
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I am the co-founder of SolarReserve, after a 27-year career at
Rocketdyne, where I was the Director of Advanced Programs. So
you might be able to say that actually I am a rocket scientist. My
executive responsibilities at Rocketdyne covered a wide range of
advanced power systems for both space and terrestrial applications.
We generated over 40 patents that leveraged aerospace technologies into clean and renewable terrestrial energy projects. So I
appreciate the opportunity to give my perspective on this important
As the other members have already said, power-plant cooling systems currently account for roughly one-third of our freshwater
withdrawals. This is a particular problem in the Southwest where
there is already a scarcity of water resources and where solar thermal plants, the things that I am working on, are expected to flourish. Solar-based electricity will be a key enabler in achieving our
renewable energy goals, but water is also a key ingredient for electrical power generation, and we have got to look at that with a
total approach.
CSP power plants, concentrated solar power, capture the suns
thermal energy by focusing mirrors onto thermal receivers and
then transforming that energy into steam, which in turn then
drives steam turbines. These turbines have an inertia in them that
allows them to go through the transients that you see in
photovoltaics and other types of things. So they have the thermal
capability to ride that through, and the utilities like it because it
matches the common stock, the rolling stock that they currently
have within their inventory.
Our technology at SolarReserve takes all that to the next level
in that we actually run these on molten salts, and so instead of just
trying to take the thermal energy and convert it to steam, we are
actually putting the energy into molten salts which can retain that
heat and operate these systems on demand. And so now you have
a power plant that operates like a combined cycle plant that are
predictable, have zero price volatility, zero fuel costs, and can provide reasonable power for generations to come.
As discussed here, all conventional steam turbines can be dry
cooled, and we have already talked about that. Most of them are
wet cooled, and you have already heard of people talking about the
water consumption on wet-cooled turbines. Unfortunately, the aircooled performance gets hit when it is needed the most. And so
when you go into an air-cooled system, on the hottest days is when
you are really seeing the performance degradation. And so you can
see up to 30 or 40 percent of degradation right when you need the
power the most.
So we need to be very cautious about when we are moving forward on, you know, how we put water and the water allocation into
these plants.
There is an interesting technology called hybrid technology which
is a combination of wet- and dry-cooled systems, and it may be the
best alternative for reducing water plant consumption. Hybrid systems operate without water when the ambient air temperature allows it to, and then if it gets really hot, only then do they start consuming water. And if you do that you can potentially have an 80
percent reduction in your water.
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So you know a lot has been talked about the cost. I think one
of the things the Committee has to look at is what is the public
policy? You know, I have never seen a power plant that without
being regulated would go to dry cooling. And so it really becomes
a question of how much is it going to cost and the ability to have
the rate payers pay for that. I mean, if we have got to look at water
that way, that is the way we have to approach it.
There are a lot of things I can talk about through questions and
answers in advanced technologies on Closed-Loop Brayton cycles,
and it is a little bit intuitively backwards, but the hotter you go,
the easier it is. So technologies that push temperature are a good
thing for us because of the rejection temperature.
I would also like to mention there is a system on the FutureGen,
on the advanced coal system, and there is maybe an opportunity
for the Committee to think about looking at a FutureGen and solar
on a CSP plant where I really believe we have the technology to
build the ideal power plant, and maybe we can replicate something
that is going on on the coal side.
So concentrated solar power is not going to solve all of our energy problems, but they do represent the best utility scale system
for the American Southwest. We can run large steam turbines, and
when you start looking at the types of these facilities, a single facility can generate 500 million kilowatt hours on an annual basis and
do that on demand, which would reduce, you know, 500,000 pounds
of CO2. So it can definitely make an impact.
These new plantswe talked about aging plants. We could replace the coal plants with facilities like these, and many are in the
works. Many are being permitted right now. You are looking at
about 500 jobs per year in construction for each one of those plants.
So I look forward to answering your questions this morning and
hope that a brief exchange of our ideas that we can try and put
a little bit more light on this really important subject. Thank you.
[The prepared statement of Mr. Murphy follows:]
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propulsion systems. This is world-class American technology generating American
jobs, erecting critical, desperately needed infrastructure and establishing a foothold
to our permanent energy independence.
Our unique, molten salt, solar power technology solves a key fundamental challenge of renewable energy: storage. Wind only has a two percent correlation with
electrical energy demand in California, so while building a wind farm may satisfy
the Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS), it does very little to satisfy customer requirements.
Conventional solar, the rooftop photovoltaic (PV) that we are all familiar with is
more coincident with demand, but intermittent cloud cover can cause it to drop off
in milliseconds; and whats worse, turn right back on just as quickly. While these
systems have minimal water use and are great for distributed rooftops, Utility scale
deployment of PV could introduce problems with grid stability and reliability due
to a rapid and unpredictable intermittent generation profile.
Conversely, a SolarReserve power plant generates electricity from the suns heat;
this type of solar energy is known as Concentrated Solar Power (CSP). These power
plants capture the suns thermal energy by focusing thousands of heliostats (or mirrors) on to a central receiver, converting and storing that energy in molten salt and
then transforming that energy into steam, which in turn drives turbines. Unlike a
photovoltaic power system, however, the molten salt CSP technology allows electricity to be generated on demand and controlled like any conventional power generator. These load following power plants operate on a highly predictable and dependable fuel supply, the sun! They have zero price volatility, zero fuel costs, and can
provide reasonably-priced renewable electricity for generations to come. The technology does not require toxic operational fluids and last, but not least, SolarReserve
technology does not require natural gas or other fossil fuels.
Like any power plant technology using a conventional steam turbine, our system
can be Air-Cooled, reducing overall plant water consumption significantly relative
to any water-cooled plant, particularly older plants which use less efficient technologies or water-saving designs. We believe, however, that we need appropriate
public policy and economic incentives to realize this opportunity in the competitive
marketplace since, relative to conventionally water-cooled generators, air-cooled
technologies have a significant impact on electricity production efficiency and cost
of electricity. In addition, SolarReserve encourages collaborative research with the
Department of Energy into technologies that could further reduce our water consumption and increase our plant performance, thereby putting us on track to build
the Ideal Power Plant.
SolarReserve Power Towers cant solve all of our energy problems, but I believe
that they do represent the best utility scale renewable energy system for the American Southwest. Because SolarReserve Power Towers operate on demand, they are
perfectly suited to replace the aging coal-fired power plants that are currently operating in the Southwest. SolarReserve already has fifteen projects in various stages
of development, with the first project in the United States slated for Tonopah, Nevada. This system will provide 500,000,000 kW-hr per year of clean, emission free,
renewable energy and would abate over 500,000 tons of CO2 when compared to a
coal fired power plant over its operating life.
Our $700 million dollar Tonopah facility is scheduled to begin construction in
2010. Solar Reserve hopes that this committee will support our efforts to expedite
the federal review and approval process by working directly with the Department
of Defense, the Federal Aviation Administration and the Bureau of Land Management, so that this project can avoid further costly delays. SolarReserve will employ
nearly 500 people during the two year construction period and will operate with 50
permanent positions. In addition to Tonopah, SolarReserve has significant development activities in California, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, and several
international efforts, including two projects is in Spain.
I look forward to answering your questions this morning and hope that our brief
exchange of ideas, along with my written testimony will provide you with a more
comprehensive analysis and awareness of water usage in power plants and the true
potential of Concentrated Solar Power technologies.
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Mr. Murphy co-founded SolarReserve, along with U.S. Renewables Group, after a
twenty-seven year career at Rocketdyne, where he was the Director of Advanced
Power Systems and Business Development. His executive responsibilities at
Rocketdyne covered a wide range of advanced power systems for both space and terrestrial applications. His former organization continues to be a recognized technology leader in concentrated solar power, liquid metal heat transport, systems engineering of space power/propulsion systems, and nuclear power generation.
Prior to the acquisition of Rocketdyne by United Technologies, Mr. Murphy was
the Division Director of Boeing Energy Systems. His business unit generated over
40 patents which leveraged aerospace technologies into clean and renewable terrestrial energy projects. Mr. Murphy solidified many external partnerships, which led
to the redesigned and improved the reliability of gas turbines, coal gasification and
hydrogen production systems. Mr. Murphy was also responsible for a host of technology contracts supporting the NASA exploration initiatives and led the capture of
a deep space radioisotope thermoelectric generator power system award from the
Department of Energy.
As the Director of Advanced Engine Programs and International Business Development, Mr. Murphy formulated the design of the RS68 booster engine for the Boeing Delta IV launch vehicle and initiated several international teaming agreements
for upper stage engines. The RS68 is the largest hydrogen engine in the world and
was originally developed for commercial launches, and has also been selected by
NASA for their next generation launch system due to its low cost and demonstrated
Mr. Murphy earned a Bachelor of Science in Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering from Purdue University and was honored in 2005 with their Outstanding
Engineering Award. He also earned a Master of Science in Systems Management
from the University of Southern California, is an Associate Fellow of the AIAA and
has authored several patents relating to concentrated solar power applications.
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to adjourn vote, doubtless followed by similarly critical votes, but
nevertheless, we do have to make that vote.
So Mr. Stanley, please proceed. I know you will do your best to
keep within five minutes, and then we will decide where to go from
there. Thank you.
Mr. STANLEY. Will do. Thank you very much, Congressman.
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per year in fuel costs, all while using far less water than alternate
GE Energy has invested over $1 billion in the gas turbine technology during the past three years, but more work is needed. The
Department of Energy can partner with U.S. private industry to reduce the inherent risk in the required research and development
efforts. H.R. 3029, introduced by Representative Paul Tonko and
referred to this committee provides the basis for such a partnership. GE commends Representative Tonko and applauds the House
of Representatives for including this proposal in the recently
passed American Clean Energy and Security Act.
For desalination applications, GEs LMS 100 aero-derivative gas
turbine has heat rejection that can ideally be integrated with a desalination process to produce clean water as well as power while
achieving substantial savings in total power usage. Further research is needed in system integration to achieve these benefits at
a low cost.
The organic rankine cycle offers the opportunity to reduce dramatically the need for water and energy production. This technology utilizes an organic solvent as a working fluid to extract
power from low-grade waste heat in a gas turbine. The key advantage is that it is a closed cycle, and it does not utilize water. GE
is working to evaluate this technology. However, there are significant needs for development and demonstration on a large scale before this opportunity can become a reality.
In summary, Mr. Chairman, the nexus between power generation
and water usage is one of the worlds most complex and critical
public policy challenges. GE believes that the Congress can play an
important role in bringing focus and facilitating partnerships between the U.S. Department of Energy and the private sector in
areas including water reuse, gas turbine technology advancement,
integration of desalination, and organic rankine cycle technology
for gas turbine applications.
Thank you, and I would be pleased to answer any of your questions.
[The prepared statement of Mr. Stanley follows:]
Mr. Chairman and Members of the Subcommittee, I am Rick Stanley, Vice President of GE Energys Engineering Division. I appreciate the opportunity to testify
today on the link between energy and water and technologies that can enable us
to better manage these interrelated resources. GE has long recognized the connection between energy and water, and commends the Committee for its efforts to explore and make progress on this critically important topic. In my testimony today,
I will address three major points: the depth of the challenges surrounding the use
of water in power generation, the role of current technology in addressing these
challenges, and the need for targeted research and development through public-private partnerships.
GE is a global leader in power generation technology and products with more than
100 years of industry experience. In 2008, GEs water and power generation businesses were integrated to better meet customer needs and address significant global
challenges. Our team of more than 30,000 employees operates in 140 countries
around the world, and had 2008 revenues of $23 billion. GE Power & Water offers
a diverse portfolio of products and services, including renewable energy technologies
such as wind, solar, and biomass, and fossil power generation, gasification, nuclear,
oil & gas, transmission, and smart meters. GE Power & Water likewise has tech-
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nologies for water treatment and use, including process chemicals, water chemicals,
equipment and membranes.
At GE, we see the importance of achieving water and energy efficiencies across
our own portfolio of businesses. In 2005, GE launched a global environmental initiative called ecomagination. We have committed to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions by 30 percent on a normalized basis (allowing for projected growth of GEs
businesses), or one percent in absolute terms from 2006 to 2012. In addition, we
have committed to reducing our water consumption by an absolute 20 percent during the same time frame. At the same time, were working with our customers
around the world to help them achieve similar efficiencies.
In addition, GE is doubling its level of investment in clean research and development from $700 million in 2005 to more than $1.5 billion by the year 2010. This
research effort is focused on helping our customers meet pressing energy and water
The Energy-Water Nexus
It could be said our economy runs on water. Unfortunately, water demand already
exceeds supply in many parts of the world. And, as the worlds population continues
to grow at an unprecedented rate, many more areas are expected to experience this
imbalance in the near future.1 The situation is no different here in the United
States, where most states expect water shortages during the next decade.
Energy and water are co-dependent. In simplest terms, energy is required for producing water and water is required in the production of energy. Globally, the demand for both of these crucial resources is projected to grow at an alarming pace,
with energy demand doubling2 and water demand tripling3 in the next 20 years.
As we prepare to meet the future electricity demands here in the U.S., corresponding demands for water related to electricity production are expected nearly
to triple from 1995 consumption levels. In addition, the deployment of technologies
to meet expected carbon emission requirements will increase water consumption by
an additional one to two billion gallons per day.4
Water reuse represents a significant opportunity to achieve reductions in water
consumption for power generation. It is estimated that 45 percent of freshwater
withdrawals in the United States is used for industrial purposes.5 And nearly 90
percent of all industrial wateror 39 percent of all freshwater withdrawalsis used
for the generation of power.6 Although power generation facilities in the United
States today withdraw 136 billion gallons per day (GPD), they only consume four
billion GPD through evaporation and other means. The vast majority of the water
is used for once-through cooling water applications, and then returned to the receiving stream. Once-through cooling, however, consumes large amounts of energy to
pump the water, and it also elevates the temperature of the receiving stream.7 It
is often less expensive to pull water from a river or the ground than it is to reuse
it.8 In addition, many power plants in the United States use potable water from municipal systems to meet their cooling and other needs.9 This places strains on community systems. If the cooling water needs could be met with reused wastewater,
significant benefits would result.
Another opportunity for reductions in water consumption for power generation is
in selection of less water-intensive power generation technologies and in improving
the efficiencies of those technologies. For example, the use of advanced gas turbines
in power generation applications contributes to water savings. Key applications include the use of natural gas combined cycle (NGCC) power plants and integrated
gasification combined cycle (IGCC).
NGCC plants currently account for about 20 percent of total electric generation
in the United States. They are a highly efficient, flexible source of clean and reliable
electric power, and can be constructed and installed in relatively short periods of
time in comparison with other forms of electric generation. On a per megawatt
2 DOE/EIA0384
5 USGS, Estimated Use of Water in the United States in 2000, USGS
6 USGS, Estimated Use of Water in the United States in 2000, USGS
7 USGS, Estimated Use of Water in the United States in 2000, USGS
8 USGS, Estimated Use of Water in the United States in 2000, USGS
9 Wade Miller, Executive Director, WateReuse Association (2009).
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basis, NGCC plants utilize less than 50 percent of the water used by pulverized coal
power plantswhich comprise the largest percentage of U.S. power generation capability today. Wider deployment of natural gas combined cycle plantsand technology advances to make those plants more efficientwill have a dramatic impact
on water usage for power generation in the United States.
IGCC is a power generation technology that gasifies coal to remove pollutants and
capture carbon prior to combustion. IGCC technology is commercially ready to utilize the abundant coal resources here in the U.S., with both lower emissions and
reduced water consumption. GE is building the first fully commercial IGCC plant
at Dukes Edwardsport, Indiana facilities. This new GE IGCC generation plant will
utilize 30 percent less water and offer significant emissions reduction benefits in
comparison with a traditional pulverized coal facility. GE also is working with the
University of Wyoming to develop advanced coal gasification technology, including
a unique dry feed injection process. The development of this dry feed process will
deliver IGCCs environmental benefits utilizing lower rank coals from Wyoming,
Colorado, Montana, Utah, and South and North Dakota, while capturing the 30 percent reduction in water consumption.
Beyond the fact that NGCC and IGCC have less intensive water consumption,
continued advancements in gas turbine technology to achieve greater fuel efficiency
will also reduce water consumption per megawatt of power produced.
The following sections discuss the challenges and research being performed to enable cost-effective water reuse and improved gas turbine efficiency.
Water Reuse Challenges
Throughout the cycle of power generation, significant quantities of waters are
used in boilers, cooling towers, and gas fuel and emission treatments. Throughout
this process the temperature, pH and contaminant levels of the water change significantly, bringing tremendous challenges to any water treatment scheme. The waters can contain a significant amount of oils, dissolved solids, minerals, and potentially ammonia, heavy metals and selenium. In order to reuse the waters in the
process systems without damaging equipment, the waters must be cleaned to appropriate levels. This typically involves chemical treatments, water filtration, biological
processes to purify the water, and often a thermal treatment to clean the waters.
GE is investing in technologies throughout this cycle to make water treatment more
cost-effective and robust, encouraging reuse and/or ecologically-friendly discharge.
These treatments must be able to handle wide variability in water conditions, and
be reliable and easily maintained.
During fuel preparation and emission cleaning, waters utilized undergo significant
change in temperature and pH, and pick up contaminants that may include mercury, nitrates, salts, metal compounds, and selenium. Broad portfolios of technologies must be developed to allow customers to find the appropriate solution for
their process in order to effectively reuse the water.
Water Reuse Technology
Technology used to treat water includes filtration products to remove particulate
and organic matter, and membranes to remove dissolved minerals and organic matter that are present in essentially all natural water sources. State-of-the-art filtration products include hollow fiber microfiltration (MF) and ultrafiltration (UF) as
well as spiral-wound nanofiltration (NF) and reverse osmosis (RO) membranes. In
order to drive cost and energy efficiencies, investment in technology development
will be required to meet future demands on water resources to meet growing needs
in industrial and energy applications. In the near-term, significant focus is being applied to higher-flux membrane systems that will enable larger water production for
each unit area of membrane. This will result in lower energy consumption per unit
volume of water treated. The integration of advanced filtration systems for
pretreatment for RO systems will further enable reductions in plant footprint, while
simultaneously allowing for higher-throughput due to an improved ability to remove
contaminants that are harmful to RO systems and currently require more conservative designs.
Water scarcity requires high-recovery of product water in the removal of dissolved
minerals from stressed, saline aquifers, such as in the Southwest USA, or for water
reuse applications. GE is developing advanced technologies in electrically-driven
processes for the removal of dissolved ions from these water sources that will allow
for recovery of greater than 8590 percent of feed water as product water. Not only
will these systems enable improved efficiencies in water-management, they will also
accomplish this at significantly reduced energy consumption as compared to current
electrically-driven systems. This is being accomplished through advances in power
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electronics and novel energy-conversion systems. Furthermore, integration of renewable energy sources and advanced energy recovery devices will further reduce environmental impact and overall cost of operation by significantly lowering energy requirements.
Anticipated increased water needs, coupled with projected shortages, require innovations that enable substantially higher efficacy in wastewater recovery and reuse.
GE intends to address these needs through the development of high-efficiency membrane materials that will allow for throughputs that increase water-flux by a factor
of 10+, and further reduce energy costs and system footprint requirements. These
innovations will be achieved through advances in manufacturing technologies and
processes, as well as materials of composition, including advances in nano-materials.
A major barrier to continuous operation and maintenance of water flux is membrane
surface fouling by organic matter and mineral deposits. These effectively blind the
surface and prevent flow through the membranes, which also leads to increased energy consumption. Advances in nano-materials can increase membrane capabilities
in fouling control and increased flux with reduced energy consumption for water
produced. Through novel incorporation of nano-materials into a membrane matrix,
it is anticipated that biological growth can be mitigated. It is also expected that significant increases in membrane surface areas can be achieved with no increase in
device size. Specifically designed and tailored nano-materials that can prevent mineral deposits from forming could also be envisioned. There are currently joint industry/university research programs in this highly-specialized technical area in Europe
and other parts of the world. It is imperative that these capabilities be developed
here to ensure that the United States remains at the technical forefront of this vital
high-technology industry.
Investments in the technologies and establishment of facilities to pilot new technologies will be needed to advance the state-of-the-art. The complexity of the waters
and resulting complexity of the treatment systems will continue to be a barrier to
broad adoption of water reuse. Joint government-industry-university initiatives will
allow the power generation community to advance the knowledge of solution effectiveness, cost and reliability, allowing adoption to be more rapid and widespread.
Advanced Gas Turbine Technologies
As the world leader in industrial gas turbines, GE has always been at the forefront of technology advancement that improves gas turbine efficiency. As efficiency
is improved, more output is achieved for the same fuel consumption and water
usage. Therefore, improvements in gas turbine efficiency yield reduced water consumption per MW of power output. To improve gas turbine efficiency, GE conducts
research in technologies such as aerodynamics, aeromechanics, compressor, hightemperature materials and coatings, heat transfer, combustion, controls, and manufacturing. In a current cost share program with the U.S. Department of Energy, GE
is working on technology advancements for hydrogen fueled gas turbines that will
be used when carbon capture is used on IGCC coal power plants.
Current NGCC power plants are capable of reaching up to 60 percent efficiency.
That means 60 percent of the thermal energy contained in the fuel is converted to
useful power output. Aggressive Gas Turbine technology advancement can lead to
62 percent efficiency and define future technologies needed to get to 65 percent efficiency. The efficiency gain would not just apply to future power plants, but many
pieces of the new technologies could be retrofitted into the existing gas turbine
power generation fleet. General Electrics E and F class turbines are two of the
backbones of the installed U.S. fleet, with about 450 E class and 560 F class units
deployed throughout the country. A one-percentage point improvement in efficiency
applied to GEs existing F Class fleet would result in CO2 emissions reductions of
4.4 million tons per year while providing savings of more than a billion dollars per
year in fuel costs.
Today, GE Energy is making significant investments to advance technology and
develop new products and capabilities. Over the last three years, GE Energy has
invested over $1 billion into gas turbine products and technology. However, much
more is needed to develop the new technologies to reach the game changing level
of 62 percent efficiency. There is a distinct role for government, specifically the Department of Energy, to partner with U.S. private industry to reduce the inherent
risk in the research and development efforts required to reach such an aggressive
target. Besides the national benefits that will be realized for the U.S. in terms of
water usage and emissions reductions, a public-private partnership on gas turbine
efficiency will likewise have substantial economic and employment benefits, as well
as benefits for our national competitiveness in the global market for new technologies. The fact that GEs foreign competitors receive funding from their govern-
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ments poses a significant challenge to the United States traditional preeminence
and leadership in gas turbine technology development.
H.R. 3029, introduced by Representative Paul Tonko and referred to this Subcommittee, provides the basis for a future partnership between industry and government to make the next big leap in gas turbine efficiency. GE commends Rep. Tonko
for his efforts, and also applauds the House of Representatives for including this
proposal in the recently-passed American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009,
H.R. 2454. Because of the magnitude of the technological risks, a government-industry partnership is needed to address challenges inherent in moving the efficiency
benchmark to 65 percent, in areas including development of high temperature materials, improvements in combustion technology, advanced controls, and high-performance compressor technology.
Highly skilled engineers located at GEs Global Research Center and GE Energy
facilities in Schenectady, NY, Greenville, SC, Houston, TX, and Cincinnati, OH will
remain at the forefront of GEs efforts to advance gas turbine technology. GE Energy has had an outstanding collaboration with the U.S. DOE Fossil Energy team,
including the National Energy Technology Laboratory. Our recommendation in the
area of gas turbine technology is that the DOE, in addition to its current coal/IGCC
gas turbine focus, be authorized and funded to also pursue advances in natural gas
fueled gas turbine technologies.
The remainder of the testimony will focus on specific technologies identified by
the Committee as areas of interest.
Production of Clean WaterDesalination
Desalination refers to any process that removes excess salt and minerals from
water. Water desalination and its integration with power plants is an economically
attractive approach to improving overall system efficiency. There are, in general,
two approaches to desalinationReverse Osmosis (RO) and Multi-effect Distillation
(MED). Both processes can utilize waste heat from power plants to operate more efficiently in producing clean water.
GE is taking leadership role in integrating desalination with power generation
equipment. GE is working with external partners to promote use of gas turbines for
use in desalination applications for both MED and RO processes. For example, GEs
LMS100 aeroderivative gas turbine has heat rejection that can be ideally integrated
with a desalination process to produce clean water as well as power. GEs Global
Research Center has also developed low cost approaches to desalination that can be
utilized in next-generation desalination applications.
The main short-term technical challenges are in optimizing the overall system efficiency to produce power and water at the lowest cost. The MED process requires
significant heat input, and proper integration with gas turbines can mean substantial savings in total power usage.
GE would support research in system integration of desalination and power generation processes and development of the next generation technologies required to
achieve this integration at low cost.
Organic Rankine CyclePower From Waste Heat Without Water Usage
Organic rankine cycle technology utilizes an organic solvent as a working fluid in
a rankine thermodynamic cycle to extract power from low-grade waste heat. This
is similar to a steam cycle, but can recover lower grade heat since the organic solvent has a lower boiling point. There are several organic rankine cycle applications
for heat recovery in geothermal and gas turbine applications. The key advantage is
that it is a closed cycle, and it does not utilize water.
GE is working with external industry leaders in evaluating this technology for gas
turbine applications. Internally, GE is trying to develop next-generation organic
rankine cycle technology that can be more efficient and also less expensive. This
technology is already being used in the Oil and Gas industry for power generation
in pipeline applications. For simple cycle gas turbines used in peaking applications,
this technology can potentially recover heat to produce electricity without using incremental water.
The key technology hurdle is reducing the capital cost of the equipment. Currently, the capital cost is 2030 percent higher than a steam cycle. Current technology utilizes one fluid to recover waste heat from gas turbines and a second fluid
to serve as the working fluid. Future systems may utilize a single organic solvent
to recover waste heat and serve directly as the working fluid. Technology also needs
to be demonstrated in a bigger scale for gas turbine applications.
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Use of GE Jenbacher Gas Engines In Wastewater Treatment Systems
The process of treating municipal and industrial wastewaters from homes and facilities across the United States is a tremendous undertaking, involving complex operations and processes to treat flows and return treated water to the environment.
During these processes, chemical and biological constituents are removed and separated from wastewater, producing treated effluent that often is cleaner than the
bodies of water into which it is discharged. The removed constituents, energy-rich
biosolids, are then subsequently treated, in some cases anaerobically (without oxygen) to be used in various manners. The by-product is a methane-rich biogas that
can be used to produce electricity and heat.
There are over 16,000 municipal wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) in the
United States, and approximately 540 of these plants anaerobically treat their biosolids.10 The biogas produced by this treatment process is most often flared at the
facility. The United States Environmental Protection Agency published a report in
April 2007 that stated that less than 20 percent of the facilities with anaerobic digestion used their biogas for electricity or heat production.11 The USEPA estimated
that if each of these plants were to convert the biogas to electricity, it would produce
340 MW of renewable energy and remove 2.3 million metric tons of carbon dioxide
the equivalent of emissions from 430,000 automobilesfrom the atmosphere.12
General Electrics Jenbacher gas reciprocating engines provide an effective solution for wastewater professionals looking to optimize efficiency through the production of renewable energy. With more than 50 years experience, GE Jenbacher has
an extensive installed base of over 460 units running at WWTPs, primarily in Europe where this technology application has been used for years. The GE Jenbacher
gas engine product portfolio includes a wide variety of engine sizes ranging from an
electrical production of 0.33 MW to 2.70 MW on anaerobic, digester gases. Additionally, the GE Jenbacher gas engines present some of highest electrical and thermal
efficiencies along with lowest emissions available. Combined with the use of waste
heat from the engines, the total electrical and thermal efficiencies from GE
Jenbacher gas engines can exceed 85 percent.
Depending on a wastewater treatment plants processes and operations, the conversion of biogas to electricity and heat can amount to a reduction of 30 percent
70 percent of a plants energy coststhe second leading cost (after personnel) facing
wastewater treatment operators today. By way of example, the Strass Plant in Austria, located approximately four miles from the GE Jenbacher factory, is the shining
star for energy efficiency at WWTPscurrently producing 120 percent of the energy
demand at the plant. The Strass Plant produces electricity to power all of its processes, and returns 20 percent of its demand to the grid from electricity produced
by one GE Jenbacher J208 engine.
As this technology continues to gain interest in the United States, GE Jenbacher
gas engines will continue to be a leader in technology and research improvements.
Future research will be dedicated to increasing electrical efficiencies, improving engine heat rates, and reducing emissions, such as Nitrogen Oxides (NO) and CO2.
A commitment to these endeavors will allow wastewater professionals to continue
to protect their citizens by focusing on meeting their wastewater treatment requirements while saving millions of dollars on energy costs.
In summary, Mr. Chairman, the nexus between power generation and water
usage is one of the worlds most complex and critical public policy challenges. GE
commends you and your colleagues for your leadership in exploring the issues, and
for your particular emphasis on the role of technology solutions. GE is proud of its
work in this area, and we believe that the Congress and this committee can do a
great deal to promote progress by bringing focus and facilitating partnerships between the U.S. DOE and the private sector. Our specific recommendations are:
Greater investments in water reuse technologies and establishment of facilities to pilot new technologies to advance the state-of-the-art in membrane capabilities.
Additional research, development and demonstration of high efficiency natural gas turbine technology, as envisioned in H.R. 3029.
10 United States Environmental Protection Agency Combined Heat and Power Partnership,
Opportunities for and Benefits of Combined Heat and Power at Wastewater Treatment Facilities at page 1 (April 2007). This report is available at:
11 Id.
12 Id. at pages 78.
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Increased research in system integration of desalination and power generation processes and development of the next generation technologies required
to achieve this integration at low cost.
Additional research on and larger scale integration and demonstration of organic rankine cycle technology for gas turbine applications.
Thank you, and I look forward to your questions.
A graduate of the University of Notre Dame with a Bachelors degree in Mechanical Engineering, Rick joined GE Aircraft Engines in 1980. With GE, he pursued his
Masters Degree in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Cincinnati and is
a graduate of GEs Advanced Engineering Program. During his career, he has held
numerous assignments in turbomachinery blade, rotor, structures and combustion
design and systems engineering. He has participated on many GE Aviation product
designs, including the F110, F120, CF34, CF6, GE90, GEnx, T700, and F404 aircraft
Increasingly responsible roles include Engineering Manager for the Structures
Center of Excellence, General Manager for the Combustion & Configuration Center
of Excellence, General Manager for Engine Systems Design and Integration Department, and General Manager of the CF6 Project Department. In 2003, Rick was
elected a corporate officer of the General Electric company and promoted to Vice
President and General Manager of the Aviation Engineering Division.
In November 2005, Rick was appointed Vice President and General Manager of
the Engineering Division for GE Energy, with responsibilities for research, development, technology and product design activities spanning the Power Generation Gas
Turbine, Steam Turbine, Gasification, Controls, Generator, Wind, Aeroderivatives,
Nuclear, Solar and Services segments.
He has been awarded five patents, is an Associate Fellow of the AIAA, and is a
member of the ASME. He is the 2005 recipient of the Distinguished Alumni Engineering award from the University of Notre Dame.
Chairman BAIRD. Thank you, Mr. Stanley. Here is our situation.
This is a motion to adjourn. We have seven minutes left to go, and
out of respect for the witnesses, I am going to stay here and miss
this vote. I will suffer the consequences of missing a motion to adjourn vote, but I recognize my colleagues may wish to make this
vote if they want. My understanding is the next vote will likely be
a 15-minute vote, so my choice here by sticking, I get 20 minutes
with the witnesses. Now Mr. Inglis is going to go do this. With his
consent, we will just continue the hearing. If my colleagues want
to go, that is fine. We will then reconvene after this series. So when
I finally have to go to the first vote, we will reconvene after this
here. So we have about 15 minutes or so at least to have a discussion. Again, it is up to each individual Member whether they want
to head for this vote or not.
I want to thank Mr. Stanley for acknowledging Mr. Tonkos excellent work on the legislation referred to, and we are thrilled that
it was included in the energy bill. His long and distinguished background in energy has served this committee and this country well.
Mr. Lujan, thank you for your presence as well.
So Members are free. We have six minutes to go if you feel you
want to make the vote. I will see you over there. But I will proceed
with questioning at this point.
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Again, thanks to all the witnesses for your outstanding comments. Let me introduce another variable that hasnt I dont think
been mentioned to a great degree, and I am very curious about it.
If memory serves me correctly, the recent census data suggests
that the population growth in the next 40 years, U.S. population
growth, is projected at around 139 million. That is an enormous addition in terms of demand on every portion of our infrastructure.
And yet, I almost never hear it factored into energy, and in this
case energy-water calculations, and it seems to me that the combination of just consumption for housing, for hydration, for irrigation and then in this point here, the nexus between energy and
water, to what extent is this projected population growth being
factored into our energy projections and/or our energy-water consumption projections and availability projections?
Dr. HANNEGAN. Mr. Chairman, thanks for that question. It is
really at the heart of the challenge when we look at water sustainability. One of my comments in my testimony was that at a fundamental level, in addition to the amount of water use by the population themselves, there is water use by the energy production
thats demanded, in the base line that EIA puts forth, they project
an increase in generation. That has to be met by an increasingly
cleaner mix of resources. Many of those, including central station
solar, nuclear, coal with carbon capture and storage, biofuels, both
for transport and power, we are talking about some fairly thirsty
applications. And so I think one of the challenges to the power sector is we recognize that people need water. We recognize that agriculture and food production needs water. Power generation tends
to come at the end of the line. And so it really places an imperative
on the need to get advanced cooling and waterless cooling technologies right for cooling power plants, and I think that adds urgency to this issue and the need to get the research and development going at a much faster rate than it is today.
Chairman BAIRD. Would it be fair to also suggest that the increase in human direct demand, and indirect through agriculture
for water, would produce an additional incentive for less water-intensive energy generation?
Dr. HANNEGAN. Absolutely. I think if you look at what is going
on in the Colorado River Basin out in the Southwest, you see that
happening today. We saw that in the Southeast during the difficulty, the droughts in 2006, and we see it anywhere in the world
that water resources are placed under pressure. It is generally the
energy production that has to adjust. If you look at the power
plants in South Africa where water is at a premium, nearly all of
them operated by Eskom operate on dry cooling technologies but at
a much higher cost, and that obviously impacts job creation, economic development and availability of power for people to live their
Chairman BAIRD. Any other person wishing to comment on that
line of questioning?
Mr. MURPHY. Well, yes, I just wouldyou know, not only do you
have that, but it is exacerbated by the fact that you do have some
of the old facilities. So you have this double thing going on. But I
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think it is also a great opportunity that you can replace the coal
plants and do this build-up as this country moves forward. The
technologies are there as, you know, everyone talked about. There
are improvements that can be made, but we can put together sensible systems and approach this thing.
You know, up until now people havent put that water equation
really into the power plants, and it is great that the Committee is
putting some light on that and that if we really start thinking
about that, we can design power facilities with, like I said, hybridtype cooling. And it is a cost issue. It is not really as much really
a technical issue as it is, how do new facilities get permitted and
how does that additional cost as a power developer, how does that
get factored into saying, okay, you know, that has to go to the rate
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colleague, Mr. Murphy, has put forward. A lot of these existing
plants are also going to be looking at new pollution controls to
meet more stringent air quality standards. If there are changes in
the way that we are dealing with coal combustion products as a result of recent incidents, that also is going to be an opportunity to
modify those facilities. These facilities are going to have a number
of different things that are going to be happening concurrently, we
hope, but maybe separately and on different time scales. It is worth
thinking about how do we treat those existing units as we move
from where we are today to the low-carbon future we all want to
get to in the future and whether there is an opportunity to look at
sort of an integrated redo of some of these existing units. We are
looking at bringing concentrated solar right onto an existing facility
as a way of kind of hybridizing that power plant. Well, while you
are making that modification, you might want to do something to
improve your water use efficiency. And there are technologies that
are on the shelf today that we can do and there are tests of technologies that are right at the cusp of being commercializable that
we can do as well.
So I think you have an opportunity. I know Senator Bingaman
and the Energy Committee staff on the Senate side have energy
and water-related provisions in the bills that they have been working on, and so there may be an opportunity when you ideally get
to conference to have a good conversation about how you put it all
Ms. MITTAL. Mr. Chairman, our work on biofuels and electricity
basically tells us that there are three trade-offs that you are making. This is a three-dimensional equation. You have got energy
trade-offs, you have got water trade-offs, and you have got carbon
trade-offs. And the choices that you make, you are either going to
be positive on one, negative on another. There is no perfect equation because in each choice that you make, you are either positive
on one front and negative on another. So these are the types of
things that our work is showing, and that you do have to factor
water in.
One of the things that we are looking at in our thermoelectric
work is that states that have primary responsibility for siting
power plants are starting to take a harder look at their water impacts, especially in those states where there are long-term water
shortages, where they are dealing with water constraints. Whereas
other states where they have not had a history of water shortages,
they dont have the more detailed processes to look at the water
impacts of power plants. So it is again, as water supplies become
more constrained, we think people are going to become more aware
of how important it is to look at these three aspects.
Chairman BAIRD. Excellent point.
Mr. STANLEY. Let me just say one last comment on that. I think
at the highest level, having a national water reuse initiative would
be something worth considering. Other countries have done this. I
believe Israel has a 70 percent goal for water reuse. Singapore just
passed an initiative for 30 percent as their goal for water reuse.
Having a national goal for water reuse at whatever level it isI
think we are at six percent today as a countrywould drive more
technology toward water reuse, that would accelerate technology, I
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think, into water reuse and a study of how we do waste water and
how we can bring some of that back. I do think it is a worthy discussion and a worthy goal that ought to be addressed.
Chairman BAIRD. I appreciate that. There is this relationship between what I refer to lethal overheating of the planetI have said
many times in this committee that global warming sounds like a
nice thing and lethal overheating sounds like a bad thing, and
acidification of our oceans, as Dr. Johnson said, is also a bad thing,
especially when one considers that the oceans provide 50 percent
of our oxygen. Lest anybody think this climate change thing is insignificant, ask yourself how you would like to do without 50 percent of your oxygen, and it is not a good thing. But one of the impacts is clearly availability of water. As we see, and we moved
through this committee legislation to establish a National Climate
Service, the idea being we would use our best available knowledge
to try to make predictions about climatic events and how they
would impact various aspects of our lives and our economy. And it
seems that energy, particularly in light of this hearing, is critically
impacted by that. You, in your testimony, several of you offered images where water levels in lakes or rivers, et cetera, had declined,
and hence, the available energy production which is water dependent also declined. How is that being factored in as we look atyou
know, we are trying to reduce those impacts, but how is that being
factored in?
I tell you what. I am going to ask you to hold that question, and
I am going to recognize my colleague. Mr. Lujan has returned from
the vote. I am grateful that he did, and so please hold my question
and I will recognize Mr. Lujan for five minutes. Thank you.
Mr. LUJA N. Mr. Chairman, thank you very much. We can see the
efficiency of being able to move back and forth quickly and sometimes the benefits that it pays.
I cant thank you enough, Mr. Chairman, for holding this hearing. Coming from New Mexico and understanding the importance
of being able to support a generation thinking outside of the box
and looking to how we can embrace innovation as we move forward
in each of these areas, especially the importance of water in the
part of the country that I represent and what we can do to help
accelerate this.
One question that I have, Dr. Johnson, is having had a chance
to visit with Secretary Chu and understanding the importance of
moving forward Centers of Excellence and really embracing the
technology, the breakthroughs that are taking place at our National Laboratories, the collaboration that is taking place at Sandia
National Laboratories already, some of the explorations taking
place up in Los Alamos, whether we are looking to see what we can
do to be able to recycle water through exploration for oil and gas,
some of the breakthroughs associated with storage and to truly understand what Mr. Murphy has done with storage capabilities and
how that can break through, but you can tell me, Dr. Johnson, is
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there any thoughts as to how we can move forward without the existing requirements of the private match? You know, there is a 20
percent match that is required from the public-private partnership
to support the laboratorys research in many of these areas. Understanding that these breakthroughs will be game-changing for everyone, is there any thought to how we may be able to use that
program or modify it so that we can encourage some of the partnerships in the event that we dont have that, the ability for some of
those collaborations?
Dr. JOHNSON. Thank you very much for the question. First of all,
I firmly believe that these problems are so complex that we need
to bring together the best and the brightest from the labs, from the
private sector, from the universities, and to that end, we need to
encourage them as much as possible. The work going on in the labs
is not subject to the 20 percent match. The universities would be
and industry would be as well. So it is not an issue for the labs,
per se, but in terms of bringing together these teams and partners,
sometimes it can be an issue, and we will be looking at what is appropriate to encourage these kind of relationships as we move forward.
One of the ways that we are trying to bring together all the best
and brightest in one place to address these very complicated issues
are through the energy innovation hubs that have been proposed,
and I think that will certainly help move some of these issues forward to be solved because it is critically important we get industry,
the universities, the labs together to try and solve these critical
issues, whether it is, you know, fuels from sunlight or solar electricity or batteries in storage. All the things that are related to how
we use energy and how we use water for the betterment of society.
So I am pleased that we will be hopefully moving forward with
some of those initiatives as well.
Mr. LUJA N. Thank you, Dr. Johnson. And Mr. Murphy, Mr. Stanley, in the area with what you have been able to see and prove
from every increase of percentage in energy efficiency and even the
importance of storage, your thoughts on how we can accelerate.
Going back to 2007, some of the legislation and acts that were
moved forward by the Congress to encourage more storage exploration and how that will decrease the amount of water that is
needed to be able to move to the energy that is being stored to
make sure that it is fully dispatchable and the impact on energy
as a whole in those areas.
Mr. MURPHY. Yes, that is a great point. I mean, when you look
at the real demand, as we move forward, if we can get the power
plants to be much more coincident with the demand. And so what
youre looking at with some of the power plants on base load, particularly for example on a coal plant, it might be running all night
long and using these valuable resources, and there may not be a
demand that is necessarily justifying that.
So the idea of having storagethere was a discussion about, you
know, you have to trade water versus carbon dioxide versus energyI think you can get all three and I think there are systems
out there that exist today that we can achieve reductions in all of
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those, but it comes at a price. So that is the other dimension that,
you know, happens.
But you know, the reality is, you know, you pay for it now or you
pay for it later. There is really notit is just something that we
have to move forward with.
Mr. STANLEY. I will add to that from a standpoint of the machinery itself, having the machinery operate more efficiently at part
load, like nighttime. as opposed to being optimized at full load and
then not optimized at part load, is a big technology as we move forward. Having optimized at part load, even in these areas that need
electricity but they dont need it at nighttime, where storage is one
option. Another option is also just reduce the amount of fuel that
is required for these part-load periods during the day when a gas
turbine, for example, still can be run but run very efficiently. Right
now in some of the older technologies in our fleet of turbines that
are out there, they are not very efficient during nighttime. They
werent designed that way. They were designed to run at full speed,
full load during the day at peak load. And some of the new technologies which are actually being translated from the aviation
world down into land-based gas turbines actually address those
issues including the different temperatures during the day. A hot
day is very hard on the efficiency of a turbine versus a cold day.
So just looking at the design of the machinery itself and advancing that technology can have a big impact on reducing fuel and
water use on these systems, even in these areas that have very low
water areas to begin with.
Mr. LUJA N. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman. I know my
time is expired, and Dr. Hannegan, if you have an opportunity, if
you can respond to that later, whether it is through questions
today or in writing, I would be very interested to hear your
thoughts on that a little.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Chairman BAIRD. Thank you, Mr. Lujan.
Dr. HANNEGAN. I would be happy to do that.
Chairman BAIRD. Mr. Inglis is recognized for five minutes.
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Many nuclear plants today use water. If they use it in a closed
system, they lose a lot of it to evaporation during the evaporation
process. And so they do consume a lot of water, a heavy amount
of water, and this would help reduce that consumption.
Mr. INGLIS. Yes. I guess of course it is not really consumed, it
is just moved from one state to another and then dropped somewhere else, right? But I guess it does have a local impact in that
you are withdrawing a fair amount of water out of a stream. It will
fall somewhere else, but the question is how far away, right?
Mr. STANLEY. That is correct.
Mr. INGLIS. So is it something that you would put on a list of
real, feasible things about using seawater basically in that process?
We have got a lot more of that than we do fresh water. We got a
lot of population close to the shoreline in the United States. Does
that make that attractive or is that questionable?
Mr. STANLEY. I think it is. No, I do believe it is possible. It is
still early in the stage of system integration and simply cost, and
the trick is getting the cost down to do that and the cost of the systems it takes to use that type of water, clean it and return it.
Mr. INGLIS. Does anybody else want to comment on that?
Dr. HANNEGAN. Yes. Congressman, a number of nuclear plants,
particularly those in California, my home state, do intake sea
water as a method of cooling their activities. The challenge associated with that is the impact on marine organisms, on fish larvae
and other species of concern, and one of the things that we are
working on at EPRI are protective measures and alternative ways
of getting the water into the plant that dont have as much impact
on the marine environment. That is a big concern for EPA currently in the rule-making around the Phase II rule, the 316(b) provisions, and the Clean Water Act. We have done a lot of work looking at screens and intake mechanisms and different conduits to get
the water into the plant.
So that is one thing to keep in mind when you are thinking
about seawater as an intake. Particularly in the coastal zone, it has
the potential for some significant impacts.
Mr. INGLIS. If you take in a very large amount of water, I guess
you dont raise the temperature as much. Is that another strategy
is to cycle through a great deal of water and then
Dr. HANNEGAN. Yeah, that isin fact, where nuclear plants take
in a considerable amount of seawater, that is the goal, to reuse and
recycle within that plant through a number of different cooling cycles. Each of course is progressively less efficient because of the difference in the temperatures. You cant extract as much heat each
time through as the water gradually warms and warms and
warms, and then you exhaust it to a cooling pond, if you will,
where the water can then equilibrate with the atmosphere before
being discharged back in the ocean. Section 316(a) of the Clean
Water Act actually puts limits on the thermal differences in the
water that you discharge back into the environment, whether it is
a lake or an ocean body. Having thermal shock can be just as
impactful on organisms as the physical shock of going through the
system. So we have to work on getting as much cooling value out
of that water but ultimately discharging it back into the environment in largely the same state in which we took it. And it is a mat-
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ter of cost. In many cases, it is a matter of performance of the unit.
As you use more and more of the water, you leave behind more and
more of the stuff that was in the water, and so it can cause scaling
and fouling and different impacts on the plant itself which are an
issue of operations and maintenance.
There are no easy solutions, sadly. Otherwise, we may not be
having this hearing.
Mr. INGLIS. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Chairman BAIRD. Thank you, Mr. Inglis. Mr. Lujan had a question he wanted to follow up on. Ill recognize him for the opportunity to do so.
Mr. LUJA N. Dr. Hannegan, along the same lines of the question
to Mr. Murphy and Mr. Stanley?
Dr. HANNEGAN. If you could just recapture that for me?
Mr. LUJA N. Some of the benefits associated with the efficiency
practices and I guess in your instance, the efficiency practices that
invest your own utilities or generation or transmission companies
are adopting, and even with how firm the utility commissions
around the country are being with adopting those practices and to
future generation and the possible benefit associated with utilities
moving forward with more efficient approaches with consumption
of water as they are generating power.
Dr. HANNEGAN. Right. Thank you, Congressman. That is a very
important issue for siting a new generation of plant. You hear it
coming up more and more with utility commissions and even local
communities. When you look at new generation in your back yard,
one of the impacts in addition to the myriad others that are of concern is the water consumption and where is that going to come
from. I think this is an opportunity for looking at co-benefits. As
I mentioned, these plants are also looking at a bunch of other different obligations in terms of their environmental footprint, and
there are a number of technologies that can be employed in a new
plant which give you multiple benefits: reducing air pollution, improving the efficiency of the thermal plant as far as greenhouse gas
emissions is concerned, and then water consumption as well. Even
as I mentioned before, if youve got a fossil unit with CO2 capture
and storage or if you have got nearby oil and gas operations that
are creating produced waters, there is the possibility for new technologies to be involved there. Through some of the work that Mr.
Stanley is working on with desalinization, it would be quite possible to use those produced waters or to use degraded sewage from
the nearby community. The Palo Verde Nuclear Power Plant in Arizona does just that. It runs entirely off of the treated sewage waters coming from the nearby communities.
So I think there are a lot of opportunities. Sometimes the challenge though is the utility commissions, as Mr. Murphy indicated,
look at it strictly through the lens of lowest-cost power, and they
are not looking perhaps at the whole lifecycle cost when you think
about the impacts and the overall impact both economically and environmentally.
Mr. LUJA N. Thank you very much, Dr. Hannegan. Thank you,
Mr. Chairman. I yield back my time.
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Chairman BAIRD. Excellent line of questioning. Thank you very
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Chairman BAIRD. I will personally look into that given the importance of the issue before us today and the relative amount of $40
million versus NextGen costs.
My own personal belief is that we have staked a tremendous
amount of our wager on first of all biomass in the area of ethanol
which has huge, to my knowledge of the issue and it sounds like
the GAO report confirms that, huge water consumption issues to
grow the crops. And given the graph we saw earlier of the amount
of water that goes through irrigation, that is not going to be reduced if we put ethanol from corn base with switchgrass as the
Secretary mentioned. But I also think we have staked an awful lot
on coal carbon sequestration, I personally think too much, and I
will point for the record that we had testimony in our committee
suggesting that likely commercial feasibility was not going to happen for 25 years and that a much more optimistic scenario is
banked on as a predicate for the energy bill we passed. And I have
really quite a bit of concern about that. And then when you add
this water notion, 50 percent increase? Did I get that?
Dr. HANNEGAN. Well, in some cases. There is a chart in my written testimony that is a result of some work that we have done with
the National Energy Technology Lab. In some cases, particularly
for an ultra super-critical pulverized coal plant, it is almost a doubling.
Chairman BAIRD. I will be certain to look at that. I will ask the
staff to make sure I get that. Mr. Inglis had a question.
Mr. INGLIS. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Stanley, GE was in
favor of the cap-and-trade bill as I understand it, and of course, it
may have the advantage of changing the economics, some of the economics, around. That is my hope. If it doesnt make it through the
Senate, I hope we can talk about an alternative which is a revenueneutral tax swap. It can be done in 15 pages, whereas this one is
1,200 pages. But in both cases, what we are attempting to do I suppose is attach a price to carbon because what I am gathering is you
have got a lot of products that you could sell but the economics
dont work because if you can belch and burn for free, why pay for
the more sophisticated machinery, right? So IGCC, for example,
why pay for that if you can get a freebie in the air and there is
no accountability for the emissions, then belch and burn. I guess
that is more of a statement than a question. It will give you an opportunity though to say that, yeah, we have got products that we
can sell if the economics work, but you have got to attach a price
to carbon in order to make the economics work. And that is a conservative concept it seems to me because what you are saying is
no, we are not going to allow people to have a free good in the air
that causes a market distortion. If you insist on accountability and
say, listen, be accountable, this is a conservative concept. Then
what you have is the economics change, and we sell a lot of product
I think from Greenville which would be exciting.
Mr. STANLEY. We do, Congressman, and you are right. The theory I think that you are talking about is buying carbon, much as
you have to buy fuel if you have a power plant that produces electricity. And if that becomes the case, whether it is a carbon cap or
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other means, if there is a value with producing carbon dioxide that
we want to reduce, we have a broad range of products that make
that a better situation, economic situation. IGCC, certainly one of
those, it is a way to use our vast resources of coal and still be able
to use that resource in a less water-intensive way and less CO2producing way than a pulverized coal plant, which as you say produces quite a bit of carbon dioxide. Gas turbine and gas turbine
technology, for sure. Wind turbines, absolutely. Solar, and the next
generation of solar which we havent talked about today, but thin
film solar which is coming and will be as my belief as pervasive
as flat-panel TVs that you see today in the store, is coming. That
technology is coming, and again, as the costs come down with scale,
that will be affordable, and carbon policy will drive that even more
rapidly. So we are absolutely in favor of some type of value for carbon.
Mr. INGLIS. That is great. Thank you. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Chairman BAIRD. I thank Mr. Inglis. We are down to about 5:48,
but Mr. Tonko has got such an interest in this, I want to recognize
him for some final questions if we can.
Mr. TONKO. Thank you, Mr. Chair, and thank you to the panelists. Your information is of great assistance to us as we go forward
with sound policy, and thank you, Mr. Stanley, for your kind comments.
My question to you is, Mr. Stanley, of the energy technologies
that you are ready to utilize, embrace, if the funding comes the
way of GE. Are there ripple effects that you can imagine in those
technologies that will come even beyond those first plans that you
have for efficiency with the natural gas turbines?
Mr. STANLEY. There are ripple effects in many of the technologies. There are effects if we advance for example gas turbine
technology. There are improvements that cannot only and not only
will help land-based gas turbines but will also help aerospace turbines which use a lot of turbines and increase fuel efficiency.
As we develop new materials, such as carbon matrix composites,
a new material that we can use in the turbines, as was mentioned
earlier today, turbines become more efficient the hotter that they
operate. So the hotter that we can operate the turbine in temperature, the more efficient it becomes. Now, I will give you an example. Todays turbines, the metal inside the turbine bucket of a current generation turbine operates in an exhaust gas that is 500 degrees hotter than the melting point of the metal itself. So heattransfer technology is vitally important just to make todays turbines survive. We want to push that temperature even higher, 500,
600, 700 degrees higher than it is today. New materials like ceramic matrix composites will be the way there. Now, today they are
very expensive, they are hard to make, they are hard to develop.
We know very little about them, really. But if that technology succeeds, and it will, I fully believe that it will, that is not only good
for land-based gas turbines, but it has direct application to aircraft
turbines in aircraft around the world. Higher temperatures, better
efficiency for aircraft as well as for land-based power plants.
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Mr. TONKO. Thank you. So what I am hearing here is that this
may be a down payment for a lot of lucrative investments that can
be made for efficiency sake or for development of emerging technologies that can be applied to the broader turbine environment?
Mr. STANLEY. That is correct, Congressman. The many other ripple effects will help the United States to maintain our leadership
in high-temperature gas turbine design and aircraft turbine design.
Jobs that are created at GEwe have an estimate, every job that
we create in gas turbine technology manufacturing leads to five
more jobs in our suppliers and contract engineering and other
places in the economy. So it is a very powerful ripple effect, not
just economically but also with jobs and
Mr. TONKO. Well, the energy self-sufficiency and job count is
what is driving this great legislation, and I am just happy to hear
the feedback from the industry and from those who will help lead
us in this effort. So thank you so much. Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Chairman BAIRD. Thank you, Mr. Tonko. We have got two minutes to go. We are going to have to hurry. I want to thank our witnesses for outstanding input today. The record will remain open for
two weeks for additional statements for the Members and for answers to any follow-up questions that the Subcommittee may ask
of the witnesses. I thank you for your testimony and for your indulgence as we were interrupted by votes. I appreciate very much your
expertise and insights. Thank you, and with that the hearing
stands adjourned.
Mr. INGLIS. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
[Whereupon, at 11:15 a.m., the Subcommittee was adjourned.]
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VerDate 11-MAY-2000
Jkt 050662
PO 00000
Frm 00094
Fmt 6601
Sfmt 6621
VerDate 11-MAY-2000
Jkt 050662
PO 00000
Frm 00095
Fmt 6601
Sfmt 6601