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School of Mechanical Engineering MEE437 Operations Research - FS 2016-17 - PBL Faculty: Siva Prasad Darla Project Based Learning Course

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School of Mechanical Engineering

MEE437 Operations Research FS 2016-17 PBL

Faculty: Siva Prasad Darla
Project based learning course
Students are required to do project as a part of internal assessment of the course. It is 30marks
weightage. Review schedule, description and marks etc. are given below:
Review 1:

Project title
Project Description and
Team details


Send to my emailed:
[email protected]
Mention email subject as Project
Review-I followed by first member
reg.no. in team and slot
for example
Project Review-I 13BMExxxx_slot
Kindly attach the file (name of file is
R-1 team member reg.no._slot)
For example
R-1 13BMExxxx_slot

My emailid: [email protected]
Kindly follow template to submit your project for Review 1 through email as attachment in pdf or
word doc format:
Project title:
Course and Semester:
Problem Description/Definition:
Note: Name of file should contain:


List of Projects:
1. A linear programming model for scheduling of faculty and staff in an academic institute.
A linear programming model for scheduling of faculty and staff in a department, consider
courses, lecture rooms, laboratory, students, discipline/stream and other constrains. Solve the
model using OR software and interpret the results.

2. Comparison study of Hungarian method and Linear programming for assigning various
jobs on various machines problem
Consider assigning list of jobs to list of machines provided one job one machine only
condition. Use Hungarian method to solve the problem. Solve the same problem using linear
programming and compare the results.
3. Application of linear programming to deterministic project scheduling problem
Develop a linear programming model for analysis of a project scheduling network and
compare with CPM technique. Solve the model using OR software and interpret the results.
4. Application of linear programming for scheduling of vehicle (campus cabs) in VIT
Develop a linear programming model for scheduling of vehicles to transport students/staff in
VIT campus. Consider class schedule of students and no. of faculty and their schedule.
5. CPM technique to build a proposed new plant and analyse for optimal project duration
Use breakdown structure to identify activity and duration of a proposed new plant project.
Implement CPM technique to the project. Use crashing concept for optimal duration of the
6. A simulation model for reorder point lot size inventory system with periodic review and
predetermined lead time
The inventory holds a single product and reviewed periodically, exhausted and shortages may
occur during lead time. It assumes that shortages are back ordered. The reorder point and lot
size that minimizes replenishment, backorder and inventory costs.
7. Development of simulation model for production-inventory decisions of a machine shop
A machine shop having only one machine on which a small product range is manufactured.
The effect of variations in output mix and demand levels on the inventory level and capacity
utilization is examined.
8. A linear programming model to allocate water resources for irrigation purpose
Develop a linear programming model to allocate water resources for irrigation purpose in a
district/region considering crop production, crop selection and seasonal need of water supply
and others.
9. Application of transportation technique to single commodity logistic system
Transport of single commodity to various retailers/dealers from various manufacturing plants
in a region (consider local case study). Apply transportation technique to the problem and
provide solution.
10. Programming code for a single product deterministic inventory model considering
constant lead time
Demand of a single product is known and shortages are allowed. The model describes for both
purchasing and production situations. It analyses reorder point, minimum cost for finite time


11. Programming code for a single product inventory model with uncertain demand and no
set up cost
Demand of a single product is random and follows a probability distribution. The model
describes for shortages situations and without setup cost. It analyses reorder point, minimum
cost for finite time horizon.
12. Development of a simulation model for single server queueing system with unlimited
queue size
Consider a single server system with general discipline to select customer from unlimited
queue. Inter arrival and service times follow exponential distribution and assume randomnumber generator which generate varieties for a continuous random distribution on [0, 1].
13. Development of a simulation model for multi-server queueing system with unlimited
queue size
Consider the multi-server queuing system with single unlimited queue. Inter arrival and
service times follow exponential distribution and assume random-number generator which
generate varieties for a continuous random distribution on [0, 1].
14. Simulation for single product multi-echelon inventory
Develop simulation model for a network of n locations which have to satisfy a demand for a
single product. Consider continuous review system with order point and order quantity
15. Programming code to simplex method for linear programming
Develop a program code to simplex method for linear programming (any constraint type). The
code may be written in C, C++, or JAVA. And develop front-end user interface using Visual
Basic/user interface programming for a desktop application.
16. Programming code to sequencing algorithm for production scheduling in a job shop
Develop a program code to sequencing algorithm for scheduling of jobs on series of machines
in the job shop. The code may be written in C, C++, or JAVA. And develop front-end user
interface using Visual Basic/user interface programming for a desktop application.

17. Programming code to transportation technique for single commodity from various
suppliers to number of manufacturing plants
Develop a program code to transportation technique for single commodity in two-stage supply
network. The code may be written in C, C++, or JAVA. And develop front-end user interface
using Visual Basic/user interface programming for a desktop application.
18. Programming code to Hungarian method for assignment of projects to various teams
Develop a program code to Hungarian method for assigning projects to various teams. The
code may be written in C, C++, or JAVA. And develop front-end user interface using Visual
Basic/user interface programming for a desktop application.
19. Programming code to CPM technique for project scheduling problem

Develop a program code to CPM technique for project scheduling problem. The code may be
written in C, C++, or JAVA. And develop front-end user interface using Visual Basic/user
interface programming for a desktop application.
20. Programming code to PERT technique for project scheduling problem
Develop a program code to PERT technique for project scheduling problem. The code may be
written in C, C++, or JAVA. And develop front-end user interface using Visual Basic/user
interface programming for a desktop application.
21. Analysis of project network using linear programming
Convert the project network diagram to linear programming model and then use methods to
solve the model. Compare the application of linear programming and CPM technique.
22. Programming code to replacement policy of items that deteriorate with usage and time
Develop a program code to replacement policy of items that deteriorate with usage and time.
The code may be written in C, C++, or JAVA. And develop front-end user interface using
Visual Basic/user interface programming for a desktop application.
23. Programming code to replacement policy of items that fails all of sudden and completely
Develop a program code to replacement policy of items that fails all of sudden and
completely. The code may be written in C, C++, or JAVA. And develop front-end user
interface using Visual Basic/user interface programming for a desktop application.
24. Programming code for two-player zero-sum games using algebraic method and use of
dominance property
Develop a program code to algebraic method and dominance property for two-player zerosum game. The code may be written in C, C++, or JAVA. And develop front-end user interface
using Visual Basic /user interface programming for a desktop application.
25. Programming code for revised simplex method
Develop a program code to revised simplex method for linear programming problem. The
code may be written in C, C++, or JAVA. And develop front-end user interface using Visual
Basic /user interface programming for a desktop application.
26. Application of assignment algorithm (i.e. Hungarian Method) in banking service
Consider a banking office of leading bank in city for application of assigning of staff for
various jobs in office during peak season like academic opening. Validate the model and
discuss the results.
27. Application of linear programming in health service like CMC hospital.
Consider a famous hospital in city for application of assigning of surgeons for various
operations during peak season like rain season. Validate the model and discuss the results.
28. Bed allocation in multispecialty hospital
Different patients need to be treated differently based on the seriousness of their diseases. An
emergency patient needs to be given priority over a patient with a normal injury. Allot bed to
patient depending on level of emergency.

29. Study of multi-server quequeing system with single queue and multi queues
The application of multi-server queuing model for analysis of single queue and multi-queues
in ticketing counters in Chennai central railway station.

30. Develop the system for application of game theory using linear programming method
Develop the model/system to solve the game problems by converting into linear programing
problem then use solution method. Validate with a case study.
31. Development of mathematical model for space allocation in VIT university campus
Develop the mathematical model to optimize the space utilization using allocation technique
in VIT university campus. Consider available rooms and faculty case study.

You can consider any project other than the above, provided it should be related
to topics of Operations Research (syllabus) and discuss with me and get approval the same on
or before review 1 due date.
Contact: [email protected]


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