Allah The God
Allah The God
Allah The God
God is the Lord of the universe. He is the Creator of the universe. He creates the
world for us and also creates us in the best, form In Arabic, God is called Allah. Allah
is the proper name for the one and only God. Therefore, God is one and almighty.
There is no one like Him and he has no partner, children or parents. He is eternal
and knows everything. God is great as well as Merciful. He is kind, loving and
provides us with everything. God sent prophets to guide us, from Adam, the first
prophet, to Muhammad the last prophet. The prophets told us how to thank God and
obey Him. They also taught us how to live like good human beings, be happy and
successful. Therefore we have to believe in God, thank Him and obey Him.
Find out references of the words in italics below.
1. He is the creator .
2. He creates the world for us.
3. There is none like Him.
4. The prophets told us .. to obey Him.
5. They also taught us how to .
1. God, the name and His attributes.
Allah, The Creator, Merciful, Almighty, Kind, Loving, Great, Knows
everything, The Lord.
2. Prophets, the name and their functions.
Adam, Muhammad, Guide, Messenger, Theacher, Informer.
3. Humanbeings: the us, readers dan writer, the addressee of the message
of God.
Fill in the blanks with subjects or events.
Fill the blanks with the word you find in the text.
1. We are (Created) by God and He is the (Lord)
2. Without being (guide) by the prophet, we do not know who God is.
3. People who believe in Allah are (called) mumin.
4. God sent (prophet) for all of us.
5. God is (almight), He has no partner.
6. God provides us with everything, He is (Great).
7. The prophet (guide) us how to be good human beings.
8. He (have to) believe in Him and obey Him.
9. God is (eternal), He never dies.
10.(Muhammad) is the last prophet.
Allah - Tuhan
Allah adalah Penguasa alam semesta. Dia adalah Pencipta alam semesta. Dia
menciptakan dunia bagi kita dan juga menciptakan kita dalam bentuk yang terbaik,
dalam bahasa Arab, Tuhan disebut Allah. Allah adalah nama yang tepat untuk satusatunya Tuhan. Oleh karena itu, Allah adalah satu dan Mahakuasa. Tidak ada yang
seperti Dia dan ia tidak memiliki pasangan, anak-anak atau orang tua. Dia adalah
abadi dan tahu segalanya. Allah Maha Besar serta Maha Penyayang. Dia baik,
penyayang dan memberikan kita dengan segala sesuatu. Allah mengutus para nabi
untuk membimbing kita, dari Adam sebagai Nabi pertama sampai Muhammad
sebagai Nabi terakhir. Para nabi memberitahu kita bagaimana untuk bersyukur
kepada Allah dan menaati-Nya. Mereka juga mengajarkan kepada kita bagaimana
untuk hidup sebagai manusia yang baik, bahagia dan sukses. Oleh karena itu kita
harus percaya kepada Tuhan, bersyukur kepada-Nya dan menaati-Nya.