Ee 465 Lab 5
Ee 465 Lab 5
Ee 465 Lab 5
Michael Miller
EE 465
Richard Jiles
Michael Miller
EE 465
So we used the command to change the clock cycle and produced the data above. Showing that
changes required to get rid of the timing violation.
Next we have the command for changing the clock network latency. This command may be viewed as
set_attribute clock_network_late_latency clk
What this command does is add a delay to the highest value of the clock. It will override the
clock prorogation delay with this value and add to the max. By doing so we can account for some
variations and worst cases with the clock signal. We can see this in our results as it adds the latency
value to the clock signal therby increasing the period itself. We synthesized from the new file and
created the following table.
Clock_network_late_latency = 10ps
After noting the affects from above clock changes we analyzed another commands and its effect
on the synthesis. This command was for the early latency of the clock:
set_attribute clock_source_early_latency clk
What this command does is change the delay between the clock source and the clock pin. Which
could also be told as the number of clock pulses required by the circuit to give the first output. However
Richard Jiles
Michael Miller
EE 465
because we used such a smalled value for our delay we did not observe much changes. Compared to our
default values, the new values we collected could be attributed to variations in the optimization and so
if we closed the program each time before running the values would be different.
Clock_source_early_latency = 8ps
The next variation we produced was the clock setup uncertainty. If we increase the clock
uncertainty, then we would expect the arrival time to increase by an amount of time that is proportional
to the increase in uncertainty. This uncertainty can be attributed to the jitter which is generated by the
source or oscillator.
set_attribute clock_setup_uncertainty clk
Arrival time
Slack (ps)
After changing the uncertainty we looked at how the slew would affect the circuit and synthesis.
By increasing the slew we would expect that the arrival time is slightly increased and decreasing the
slack. Our changes were only slight though as we doubled the slack. We collected the data from the new
results and gathered the following data:
set_attribute slew { } [find / -clock clk]
Arrival time
Slack (ps)
Richard Jiles
Michael Miller
EE 465
We move on now to increasing the external delay, which was given as the following command:
external_delay -clock clk -input -name in_dly /designs/ALT_MULTADD/ports_in/*
We see that external delay works by specified if the compiler will include delays specified by the
latency values using this command. Specifically, if we apply it to the clock we will see a starting delay if
specifying the input. We see that the starting point of the circuit is delayed roughly by the input delay.
This created a worst path that was from the sel to the register and thus is from a primary port to a
Slack (ps)
Start Point
End Point
external_delay -input 2000 (ps)
After delaying the input, we then delayed the output whereby we used the same command as
above but changed it to be output.
external_delay -clock clk -output -name out_dly /designs/ALT_MULTADD/ports_out/*
Richard Jiles
Michael Miller
EE 465
By utilizing the above command, we now create a situation whereby the start and end point are
significantly delayed compared to previously. This is because the starting and end point are now at
different timings. This operation makes the worst path a reg to reg i.e. most critical.
Slack (ps)
Start Point
End Point
external_delay -output 2000 (ps)
Richard Jiles
Michael Miller
EE 465
Finally, for the end of the lab we optimized the power that the circuit used. We chose the
degree to which the circuit would optimize this factor and analyzed how the area and slack would
change depending of the level of optimization.
set_attribute lp_power_unit
set_attribute power_optimization_effort
These commands work by specifying the unit of power, the max leakage current and the
optimization level.
Richard Jiles
Michael Miller
EE 465
We find that as we increase the levels of effort for optimization the power should in theory go
down with each subsequent level. So we ran the flow and discovered that the power optimization flow
shows improvement compared to the default settings, however there are inconsistencies with the
power levels shown for each effort level.
Richard Jiles
Michael Miller
EE 465
Slack (ps)
Area (um^2)
Power (uW)
Effort =
Effort =
Effort =
As we can see the effect of the effort levels is not proportion to what one would think. I
am getting a little sick of the poor results from this software and the fact I have to restart it every time in
order to obtain ideal results. We ran of a few of these tests twice just to verify we were getting the
correct results, and we got the same numbers so you cannot doubt these number. You can however
doubt the software.
This lab informed us of the various constraints you can put on a system when you are optimizing
the circuitry. If you want to account for non-ideal clock signals or delays inputs or outputs to view the
effect this would have and how you can account for it. Specifically, how changing the clock period and
the rise and fall times and how this affects the slack of the system. For power optimization you can
specify the level but it has a tradeoff where by your area of the circuit is increased.
A few things to note about this lab is how long the synthesis takes for each change you may
want to perform. This can be divided between two people and two computers assuming they have the
same files and do everything correctly. The power optimization software is either not user friendly or is
not working correctly. This could be due to the fact we had to close the rc window every time we ran a
synthesis, however we did that for the last part of the lab as well and it didnt seem to help with our