Experiment 3 Formal Report: Sublimation and Melting Point Determination
Experiment 3 Formal Report: Sublimation and Melting Point Determination
Experiment 3 Formal Report: Sublimation and Melting Point Determination
2BMT, Group 3, Dy, N.D.G., Gurion, R., Hernandez, A.M., Isidro, D.J., Lopez, J. and Macababbad, E.M.
Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Santo Tomas,
Espaa Boulevard, 1015 Manila, Philippines
In this experiment, a sample of Benzoic acid was purified by method of sublimation. This process
involves turning the sample from its solid phase to its gaseous phase, without having to pass through the
liquid phase. After that, the sample was subjected to the vaporization-solidification cycle, which turned it
into small, needle-like crystals called the sublimate. Melting point was then determined by use of oil bath.
Results show that the sublimate starts to melt at 118 C and stops at 120 C, whilst the pure sample starts
to melt at 120 C and stops at 122 C, showing that the pure Benzoic acid has a slightly higher vapor
pressure as compared to the sublimate.
Purification by sublimation is a chemical process
used to separate nonvolatile impurities from
volatile compounds. The process of sublimation
involves heating an organic compound so that it
goes from a solid phase to a gaseous or vapor state
without going through the liquid phase. This
sublimation process can be useful for the
purification of organic compounds, such as
camphor, salicylic acid and benzoic acid. However,
the process is utilized when the compound has
nonvolatile impurities. [1]
The melting point of a substance is the
temperature at which the substance changes from a
solid to a liquid state. Melting point is one way to
determine the purity of a substance, due to the fact
that even small quantities of impurities can affect a
substances melting point. [2]
The objectives of this experiment are: (1) to
purify the impure benzoic acid through
sublimation, (2) to calculate the percentage
recovery of the benzoic acid after sublimation,
and (3) to identify the melting points of the
sublimate and the pure benzoic acid through the use
of an oil bath.
Benzoic acid
5.0 g
Weight of Watch glass
+ sublimate
57.3 g
Weight of Watch glass
56.8 g
Weight of Sublimate
0.5 g
Table 1. Data collected from sublimation.
From the data collected, the percentage recovery
can be found using the formula:
Weight of sublimate
Weight of impure Benzoic acid
0.5 g
% Recovery = 5.0 g
% Recovery = 10%
Impure benzoic acid, as the name implies, is the
crude form of benzoic acid. The impurities of this
crude form are phthalic acid and benzylbenzoate.
Computation of percentage recovery is essential
because it shows us how impure the substance was,
and how accurate we were in following the
procedures of purification.
Based on the results obtained from Table 1, and
from calculation of percentage recovery, it shows
than 90% of the initial sample was made up of
Melting Point Determination
Melting point refers to the temperature at which a
substance turns from its solid phase to its liquid
phase. It is a simple and fast way to determine how
pure a substance is.
For this process, an oil bath was used instead of a
water bath, as waters boiling point is lower than
that of benzoic acid.
1st reading
Table 2. Data collected from melting point
Based on the data gathered, there is a 2 difference
between the standard melting point and the melting
point of the sublimate. This may be due to leftover
impurities from mishandling and contamination.
Organic Laboratory Techniques. (n.d.). Retrieved
Sublimation. (n.d.). Retrieved from
What is purification by sublimation? (n.d.).
Retrieved from reference.com: