Octaviano, Eugene Paul I. Flores, Jhonel R. Bs-Infotech 3-L
Octaviano, Eugene Paul I. Flores, Jhonel R. Bs-Infotech 3-L
Octaviano, Eugene Paul I. Flores, Jhonel R. Bs-Infotech 3-L
Flores, Jhonel R.
BS- InfoTech 3-L
Purpose : Define fast food ordering system.
Topics : Problem statement; benefits of the system; purpose.
1. Goals, Scenarios, and Use Cases
Purpose: Develop use cases, scenarios and system
Topics: Goals and Scenarios; initial use cases with activity
2. Generation of Requirements from Use Cases
Purpose: Generate high-level requirements from use cases.
Topics: High-level requirements; synthesis and breakdown of
requirements; requirements traceability.
3. Generation of Specifications
Purpose: Generate low-level requirements
Topics: Synthesis and Breakdown of Requirements
4. High-Level System Modeling and Analysis
Purpose: Create simplified models of behavior and structure.
Topics: System structure diagram; functional flow block
diagram; requirement traceability matrix.
5. System-Level Design
Purpose: Create the system-level design.
Topics: Map chunks of behavior onto the system structure;
sequence diagrams.
6. Design Structure Matrix (DSM)
Purpose: Applying DSM to system decomposition and
Integration Problems
Topics: Activity Based Design Structure Matrix
7. Tradeoff Analysis
Purpose: Create framework for trade-off analysis for selection
of components in a small subsystem.
Topics: Performance characteristics; decision variables; CPLEX
Formulation of the problem; Result of the CPLEX runs; plot of
non inferior solution in the objective space; analysis of pare to
points of the system; final system design.
8. Component - System Testing
Purpose: Develop procedures of system test, verification and
Topics: Primary verification plan; verification traceability
matrix; VSN's; coverage and completeness.
9. References and Web Resources
Purpose: Details of the CPLEX analysis.
Topics: LP file for CPLEX run; Log file of the CPLEX runs.
This case study looks at the problem of setting up a fast food
restaurant. The basic problem in the food service industry is that
restaurants are not realizing efficiencies that would result from
better applications of technology in their daily operations. Every
fast food has counter where you can place your order and then
make the payment. So every fast food needs an employee for
taking the order and processing the payment. Labor rates are
increasing every now and then and it is difficult to find employees
in the middle of the highway, hence to solve this problem we plan
to design a "Self Served Fast Food System."
This self-service fast food restaurant will be equipped with a userfriendly touch screen, a credit/debit card reader, and software for
completing the process at the backend. For this system there will
be a system administrator who will have the rights to enter the
menu with their current prevailing prices. He/she can enter
To develop a system that will surely satisfied the customer
To design a system able to accommodate huge amount of
orders at a time.To evaluate its performance and acceptability
in terms of security, user-friendliness, accuracy and reliability.
One of the main objectives of a restaurant to ensure customer
satisfaction. Manual listing of orders by the waiters/waitresses
may result to slow response in customer service. Hence, if the
restaurant uses the proposed system, manipulation of orders
to the customers be so easy and quick by just touching on the
tablet and choosing the desired menu.
To improve the communication between the client and the
server and minimize the time of ordering.
To automatically compute the bill.The system will also
automatically calculate and displays the final bill so the bills
will ready to print without having any error because the
information for that item is already inserted.
This system is for the restaurant to help The
Company Run easily and fast Transaction.