Integrated Storm Water Management - An Approach For Urban Flooding in Hyderabad, India
Integrated Storm Water Management - An Approach For Urban Flooding in Hyderabad, India
Integrated Storm Water Management - An Approach For Urban Flooding in Hyderabad, India
American Journal of Engineering Research (AJER)
e-ISSN: 2320-0847 p-ISSN : 2320-0936
Volume-5, Issue-10, pp-102-110
Research Paper
Open Access
ABSTRACT: Flooding in general and urban flooding became common event in world and in India. Un-even
distribution of rain fall coupled with rapid and unplanned urbanization, encroaching upon and filling up
natural drainage channels and urban lakes to use the high-value urban land for buildings are the cause of
urban flooding. The illegal filling of urban water bodies in cities like Calcutta, Delhi, and Hyderabad etc. is a
unchecked. Storm water management has become complex phenomenon especially in urban scenario where
land costs are high. Especially in cities like Hyderabad, India, where unplanned settlements are more common
in low laying areas which are water bodies once upon time. Integrated stormwater management is simply
thinking about all of the factors that somehow affect precipitation as it moves from the land surface to an
eventual receiving water. It is the process of accounting for all of these factors (e.g. rate, volume, quality,
ground water impact) in a logical process so that inadvertent mistakes are not made that could eventually harm
a resource. In Integrated Stormwater management by prioritizing goals and actions (ideally through consensus)
provides a road map for moving towards a target condition by identifying the interconnected nature of goals,
values and expectations, risks and opportunities, what needs to be done to manage the risks and achieve the
opportunities, who should be responsible, a general timeline for implementation.
Keywords: Urban Flooding, Integrated storm water management, Risk, vulnerability, Response, Recovery
The United Nations projected that half of the world's population would live in urban areas at the end of
2008.[1] It is predicted that by 2050 about 64% of the developing world and 86% of the developed world will be
urbanized.[2] That is equivalent to approximately 3 billion urbanites by 2050, much of which will occur in Africa
and Asia.[3] Notably, the United Nations has also recently projected that nearly all global population growth
from 2016 to 2030 will be absorbed by cities, about 1.1 billion new urbanites over the next 14 years. [4]. Fig 1
shows Global historical shift of the Urban/rural population ratio. With high densities of urban population and
assets and more than 80% of cities are in river basins or closer to coast or both flooding possess a challenge.
Recent statistics clearly indicate that economic damages caused by urban floods are rising [5]. On one
hand, the continuing urbanization process in combination with an over-proportional growth of values in cities is
responsible for this trend, while on the other hand floods are indeed increasing, both in terms of frequency and
magnitude. From the available records there has been a rise in floods since 1960 and since early 1990 this
increase is more significant. Fig 2 shows the number of flood disasters since 1960 worldwide.
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Risk Assessment
Urban flood risk assessment starts with study of present and future flood risks with respect to hazard,
exposure and vulnerability. Risk assessment has to be carried out in an integrated manner, by identifying all the
possible water related hazards, including floods are likely to develop in the future as a result of urbanisation.
Different cases should be studied in order to see the effects of likely future changes on urban floods (i.e.
urbanization, reduction in green cover, reduction in infiltration capacity, climate variability and change, land use
changes etc.). A risk mapping using GIS can be used for analysis purpose.
5.1 Planning And Implementation Of Measures
Planning and implementation includes Preparedness; Response; and Recovery. Preparedness measures
attempt to prevent potential risks turning into disasters. Response measures are implemented during or directly
after a flooding incidence. Preventive and preparatory measures are generally more cost-efficient and
sustainable than emergency response measures. Recovery aim to the definitive reconstruction of damaged
5.2 Evaluation And Risk Assessment.
The evaluation of risk is concerned with issues relating to how those affected by risks perceive them,
the value issues underlying the perceived problem and the trade-off between the perceived risks and benefits.
Risk evaluation attempts to define what the estimated risk actually means to people concerned with or affected
by the risk. A large part of this evaluation will be the consideration of how people perceive risks.
6. Approaches To Reducing Flood Risk
6.1 Structural Actions
Restoration of natural features of catchment, including wetlands, forests and floodplains
Clearance and repair works to rivers
Channel improvements, Walls, embankments and other defenses
Barriers, barrages and other dams or storage structures
Drainage infrastructures
Flood proofing buildings
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Hyderabad is the capital of southern India's Telangana state. It is fourth most populous city and sixth
most populous urban agglomeration in India. It is second largest urban agglomeration in India. Average altitude
is 542 meters. Hyderabad is situated on hilly terrain around artificial lakes. Greater Hyderabad Municipal
Corporation is spread over an area of 650 Sq. Km and Hyderabad Metropolitan Development area is spread over
7100 Sq. Kms. Population of GHMC as per 2011 census is 68,09,970 and projected as 1,52,00,000 by 2046.
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The drainage system in Hyderabad comprises of a hierarchy of natural and man-made drains and water
bodies that ultimately discharge surface run-off into River Musi and Hussain Sagar. Numerous lakes and nalahs
constitute a major storm water drainage system for the area .The nalahs are the major carriers of storm water
finally disposing into the river and water bodies in the catchment.
The objectives of an Integrated Stormwater Management plan (ISMP) will be watershed-specific, with
following components:
Drainage Objectives - Alleviate existing and/or potential drainage, erosion, and flooding concerns.
Stream Protection Objectives - Protect and/or restore stream health, including riparian and aquatic habitat.
Water Quality Objectives - Remediate existing and/or potential water quality problems.
The ISMP should focus on the integration of stormwater management and land use planning. An
ISMP is an integral component of a local governments land development and growth management
strategy because upstream activities (land use change) have downstream consequences (flood risk and
environmental risk). A Layered approach may be useful to develop ISMP. Layered approach may involve
First Layer Identify the stormwater-related objectives for a watershed (e.g. protection of aquatic resources,
protection of life and property, protection of water quality). These objectives define what the ISMP is striving to
Second Layer Develop strategies to achieve the watershed objectives. This includes setting performance
targets to guide selection of site design solutions.
Third Layer Implement appropriate site design solutions (e.g. source controls) for achieving performance
targets that suit local objectives and conditions.
To select appropriate storm water management strategies and site design solutions, it is first necessary
to identify the resources to be protected, the threats to those resources, and the alternative management
strategies for resource protection.
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An inventory of the physical
and biological systems
streams, rivers, and drainage systems, wetlands, ponds and lakes, infiltration
areas and aquifers, land use information flooding and erosion problem areas,
water quality problems
plan for integrating appropriate source controls with land development,
including a description of any required regulatory changes, plan for
improvements to drainage systems and stream reaches, plan for ongoing data
collection and monitoring, cost estimates for all planned actions
Administration, projects, phasing and budgets, financing mechanisms,
community education, maintenance activities, standards and schedules,
performance monitoring
After defining the deliverables, seven step process may be used for development and implementing ISMP.
Secure Political Interest and Support
Inter-departmental & inter-agency steering
Political and public support
Stakeholder focus groups
An ISMP process starts with a high-level political commitment to
protecting property, water quality and aquatic habitat. This is
required to convert high-level policy statements into concrete
action so that there will be a flow of funding for the ISMP process.
Without political support for funding, there will be no ISMP
process. Once funding is assured, however, a key to a successful
outcome is that there be a commitment by all stakeholders to make
the ISMP process work.
Frame the Watershed Problems and This involves application of an interdisciplinary roundtable
process. To identify and rank the problems and opportunities in a
watershed. Sufficient time must be invested at this stage to ensure
Assemble existing information
problems that there is a clear understanding of the problems to be solved.
This understanding will then guide the rest of the ISMP process.
(knowledge-based approach)
Develop Objectives and Alternative Scenarios
It involves further application of the interdisciplinary roundtable
Establish desired levels of environmental process to:
determine which problems and/or opportunities are priorities
protection and other objectives
for action
Set appropriate performance targets
establish objectives for dealing with these priority
Model alternative scenarios for achieving ii.
develop alternative scenarios for achieving the objectives
Developing a common understanding among participants in
the ISMP process is key to developing a shared vision of what
is desirable, practical and achievable.
Collect Meaningful Data and Refine Scenarios Collect the additional data that may be needed to evaluate the
Collect data needed to:
effectiveness, feasibility and affordability of implementing the
scenarios identified in Step #3 for meeting watershed objectives.
refine scenario models
evaluate effectiveness and affordabilitye.g. This step may involve collecting site-specific data to refine the
assumptions of the scenario models generated in Step #3
hydrometric data, soils data
Evaluate Alternatives & Develop ISMP Once watershed objectives have been established, alternative
scenarios for achieving those objectives have been generated, and
Component Plans
the data needed to evaluate the effectiveness of these scenarios has
Land Development Action Plan
been collected, the next step is to evaluate the alternatives and
Habitat Enhancement Plan
make decisions.
Flood Risk Mitigation Plan
These decisions will provide the basis for developing plans for
habitat enhancement, flood risk mitigation and relevant land
development actions. These are all related components of an
The fourth component is a financial and implementation program
(see Step #6), which is essential for moving from planning to
Develop an Implementation Program Finance The Financial Plan and Implementation Program should therefore
and implement ISMP actions
outline how the land acquisition and capital financing of the
elements can be achieved. Tools might include negotiations during
zoning changes, land exchange, density bonuses. Strategies will be
specific to the properties in question.
In addition to capital financing, the regulatory framework is
another component of implementation to be used in balance with
public awareness and capital works programs.
Refine Through Adaptive Management This is key to resolving stakeholder uncertainty associated with
Define adaptive management rules, roles changes in standard practice. Monitoring and evaluating the
performance of demonstration projects will provide confidence in
and responsibilities
new approaches. It will also provide the basis for optimizing
Constantly improve integrated solutions
stormwater system design to reduce costs while still achieving
defined goals for protecting downstream property, aquatic habitat
and receiving water quality
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Storm water management is a complex phenomenon especially in urban scenario where land costs are
high. Especially in cities like Hyderabad, India unplanned settlements are more common in low laying areas
which are water bodies once upon time. Since flooding is not a frequent process, people are ready to live in this
areas as the chances of flooding is once in five or ten years. This is resulting into further worsening of the
problem and frequency flooding is increasing. This is multiplying with changes in climate due to which intensity
of rain is increasing year by year. A long-term vision is necessary to focus on urban stormwater management.
This vision provides a context for all planning, data collection, sensitivity analyses, capital
expenditures and regulatory changes. In Integrated Stormwater management by prioritizing goals and actions
(ideally through consensus) provides a road map for moving towards a target condition by identifying the
interconnected nature of goals, values and expectations, risks and opportunities, what needs to be done to
manage the risks and achieve the opportunities, who should be responsible, a general timeline for
implementation. This framework addresses the goal of identifying options to change the way that land is
developed and re-developed, so that people, property and natural systems can be better protected and over time,
infrastructure can be managed more efficiently and watersheds can become healthier.
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