Aadharr System Case Study

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Aadhaar System in India Leverages Biometric Standards1

India has over 1.2 billion residents, many of whom do not have identification documents.
Beginning in 2009, India began one of the worlds largest identity assurance systems utilizing
biometrics technologies and open systems standards.
Many residents of India lack documentation to establish their identity such as a birth certificate
or a proof of address. Particularly affected are Indias underprivileged citizens. For many years,
the Indian government has sought to document these citizens but the government has lacked the
infrastructure to ensure that such services reach the intended recipients. Without identification
these citizens are unable to access services and resources such as opening a bank account or
renting a house. The challenges increase when people move across state lines as most
identification documentation is provided by a local administration and is invalid when the
person moves to a new state. Furthermore, many of the existing physical identity tokens can
only be authenticated manually because the token can only be verified when the photo of the
individual is printed on the token. Additionally, the government had no authenticated audit
system in place resulting in a high rate of fake documents and unauthorized copies.
In 2009, the Indian government established the Unique Identity Authority of India (UIDAI) to
establish identification for all of the countrys residents in need so that they would no longer be
excluded from the financial and medical systems. UIDAI developed the Aadhaar (translation:
foundation) system, which allows social services, government agencies, financial institutions,
and other registrars to collect basic biographic information as well as fingerprint, iris, and facial
images from residents. This system provides online, costeffective, ubiquitous authentication
services across the country.
The system has provisions for supplying a robust, reusable ID to those who currently do not have
proof of their identity. The goal of Aadhaar is to provide a common platform that can be used
across all applications and serve to clean up existing databases through the uniqueness of the
ID, improve targeting and delivery of services to the intended beneficiary, and reduce the cost
of delivering these services. Additionally, Aadhaar has been designed as a service delivery
platform to make the process more cost effective, accountable, and transparent. Authentication
through the use of biometrics facilitates achieving all of these objectives.
Reliance upon biometrics enables uniqueness checks through onetomany multimodal
biometric matching as well as onetoone identity verification. The uniqueness checks, or de
Based on: Exclusive Interview Nandan Nilekani, Chairman of the new Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI), Planet Biometrics,
May 2010, www.planetbiometrics.com; Guest Interview, Catherine Tilton, ISO Focus+ February 2011, www.iso.org/isofocus+; and Aadhaar
Creating Identities for 1.2 Billion Indians and Technology behind Aadhaar, R.S. Sharma, Director General & Mission Director, Unique
Identification Authority of India, and Biometric Consortium Conference, September 2012, Tampa, FL, www.biometrics.org/bc2012/program.pdf.

duplication, ensure that each person exists once and only once in the system and is assigned
only one unique identity number. Verification allows an identity to be authenticated at the time
that services are being provided to ensure they are going to the authorized recipient. Multiple
biometrics are needed to ensure broad population coverage and sufficient matching accuracy for
such a large population. Since the system involves numerous registrars who enroll and
authenticate clients across the entire country, the biometrics must be interoperable and reliable.
Once these residents enroll for an identity number linked to their biometric data, they can
subsequently prove their identity multiple times, anywhere in the country, to any agency by
providing their demographic details or biometric scan.
The international standard ISO/IEC 19794, Information Technology - Biometric data
interchange formats, plays a major role in this program. In addition to requiring the same iris,
fingerprint, and face image standards used in e-passports, Aadhaar also utilizes ISO/IEC 197942:2011, Information Technology - Biometric data interchange formats - Part 2: Finger minutiae
data, for authentication purposes; and ISO/IEC 19785, Information Technology - Common
Biometric Exchange Formats Framework (CBEFF), for packaging the biometric data,
providing common structure, metadata, and security. The use of multimodal biometrics improves
deduplication accuracy using multiple modalities (ten fingerprints, two irises, and the face). To
address risk mitigation, the Aadhaar system is designed using a multivendor approach for the
integration of the multimodal biometric matchers as well as the storage, management, and
security of the biometric data.
Enrollment by Indian residents is ongoing via this large ecosystem comprised of registrars,
enrollment agencies, operators, device manufacturers/suppliers, certification agencies, and
station operators. Enrollments are being performed all over the country by over sixty thousand
active enrollment stations. Over sixty registrars are currently participating including state
governments and service providers, financial institutions, and the postal system. More than 200
million citizens from nearly all states have been enrolled in the system using biometric tools.
Projections estimate that over six hundred million citizens will be enrolled in the Aadhaar
system by 2014.

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