CSP Notes
CSP Notes
CSP Notes
He is an undischarged bankrupt
He is convicted to an offence under section 130(1)
He ceases to be a member of the body prescribed by the minister under section 139(A)
He ceases to be a holder of a valid license issued under Sec 139(B)
First Secretary
1. Shall be named in Article of Association
Ensure the effective running of the activities of the Board and its committees
Ensure compliance with listing rules and other regulatory codes and acts
Ensure that corporate disclosures are completed
Manage governance processes, including a wide variety of activities and events
Manage relations with investors with regard to corporate governance matters
Assess and manage compliance in the corporate governance
Gather the information needed to determine governance priorities and desired outcomes for
oversight and/or added value relating to specific business processes
Work with Officers and Directors to ensure that regulatory reporting is correct and does not lead to
errors resulting in offences under various acts
Ensure the interests of stakeholders are maintained when decisions are made particularly those
affecting employees, and update the Board on issues of policies and practices regarding Corporate
Social Responsibility
5. Form 23(S52 Able
Commerce Business)
6. Post Incorporation
(within 1 month)
Form 18
a. Form 24
Pay RM 350 before CCM issue Form 23
b. Form 44
c. Form 49
7. First BOD meeting
8. Statutory Meeting
a. More than 1 month , less than 3 month after receive from the date receive form 23
b. Section 142 requires the company to forward to the members and lodge with the CCM a copy
of Statutory report and auditor report at least 7 days before meeting.
c. The Statutory Report must be in Form 51 and certified by 2 directors.
9. AGM
*Section 15(1) of Companies Act 1965 requires a private company to have the following clause in its
Memorandum and Article of Association:
company name
2. Alter M&A regarding applying Sec 15(1)
company name
2. Alter M&A regarding removing Sec 15(1)
Receive Form 19
a. Form 46 or
b. Form 47
Receive Form 20
Power and object of the company dealing with the outside world and Internal regulation of the company. It
Alteration M & A
1. S23 Change Company Name
a. BoD passes a resolution on desired name
b. Files a name search using Form13A
c. Once the name reserve by CCM for 3 months, convene EGM and to be held at least 21 days
from the notice
d. It will be passed if more than 75% of vote which is special resolution for the special notice
e. Within 14 days of special resolution, the company need to lodge:
i. Form 11 with the copy of resolution
ii. Copy of Certificate of Incorporation
iii. Copy of name approval letter from CC
iv. Registration fee RM 100
v. Received Certificate of Incorporation on Change of Name (Form 13) and take effect
upon the issuance.
2. S26(1) Public > Private
3. S26(2) Private > Public
4. S28 Change Object
a. BoD passed resolution to convene EGM to pass a special resolution to alter company object
b. Notice of EGM is given to all members and trustee of all holders of debentures
c. Need to pass for at least 75% of member and debenture holders to alter object clause
d. Within 21 days of the resolution, the following person is allow to cancel the alteration
i. The holder of at least 10% of the nominal value of company issued share
ii. The holder of at least 10% nominal value of the company debentures
e. Lodgment Form 11 together with copy of resolution with RM 50 in 2 manner:
i. Within 14 days after the expiry of the 21 days period if no cancel any alteration
ii. A copy of court order need to be lodge if there is any confirmed alteration.
5. S62 Share Capital
6. S21(1A)Alteration as in Provision
BoD pass resolution to convene an EGM to pass a special resolution to alter the company Art
Notice of EGM is given to all members at least 21 days before meeting
A special resolution is only pass if at least 75% of the member vote in favour to alter Art
Alteration of the Articles become effective from the date of special resolution or later date
Form 11 together with a copy of resolution need to lodge within 1 month from the date of
Notice is the method of communication used to notify all person to attend meeting.
Unless provision is made from AoA, notice must be given to all member who are entitled to attend
and vote at the meeting
Art 111 of Table A provides that notice of every GM must be given to:
a. Every member
b. The beneficiary of the shares of a deceased member
c. The Director General of Insolvency in respect of the shareholding of a bankrupt member
d. The auditor of the company
If the Article are remain silent, the notice may be served on the members by post, advertisement,
circular or electronic means.
The contents of a notice of meeting:
Sec 149 states that a member who is entitled to attend and vote at a meeting shall be entitled to
appoint another person in his place as proxy.
The proxy have same rights as the member to speak at the meeting.
However, the provision laid down some restrictions:
There are 6 ways of voting which include by voices, by show of hands, by poll, by ballot, by division and by
acclamation. The method that commonly used are show of hands and poll.
Art 51 A resolution shall be decided by a show of hands unless voting on poll may be demanded by:
a) The chairman of the meeting
b) At least 3 members present in person or by proxy
c) By any member(s) present in person or by proxy and representing not less than 10% of the total
voting rights of all members present and have the right to vote at the meeting;
d) Any members who is holding 10% of the paid up capital of the company
Art 52 A poll demanded on election of the chairmen or on a question of adjournment shall be taken
immediately. A poll of other questions may be taken at once or after an interval or adjournment or otherwise
as the chairman may direct.
Immediately and awaiting the result before moving to the next item
At the end of the meeting after all businesses have been transacted
A motion that has been accepted or voted and agreed by the necessary majority.
There are 2 types of resolution passed at general meeting, namely ordinary resolution and special
Ordinary Resolution
Notice of meeting of 14 days is given
Normally passed by simple majority. However there
are 2 matters that a special majority is required:
1. The appointment of a director who is overage
person in a public company.
2. Appointment of company auditor to replace
the auditor who was removed at a prior
general meeting
Ordinary resolutions which require special notice:
1. Removal of auditor
2. Removal of director before expiration of
3. Appointment of new director to replace
removed director
Member must give the notice not later than 28 days
before the meeting.
Will issue ordinary notice and special notice
Resolution for ordinary business and special
Special Resolution
Notice of meeting of 21 days is given
Passed by a majority of not less than 75% of member
4. Directors, Directors power & duties, Retirement by rotation Art 63, Sch 4, Table 4. How to select
o S122(1) CA- A company must have at least 2 directors who each has his principal or any place of
residence within Malaysia
o S122 (1A)-exclude an alternate director or substitute directors
Qualification of Director
o natural person
Disqualification of Director
o S9 Act as an auditor of the company is not allow
to be director.
o S124(3) Failed to obtain share qualification
o Fulfill share qualification if Art requires o S125 An undischarged bankrupt
director to hold a specified share o S129 Age exceed 70 years old for public
o full age
o Not
Type of directors
Executive Directors
Non-executive directors
A salaried director who is a full time working A director who does not hold any salaried
director delegated with managerial or executive appointment with the company and receives a
powers by the board to carry out the day-to-day relatively small directors fee as laid down in the
management of the companys business
articles or general meeting.
Constitute the senior or top management of the
company under their salaried posts
Managing Director
Execute director of the company
Alternate Director
Associate Director
If Art allow, company director If Art allow, company director
may appoint another person to may appoint an associate director
substitute and act on his behalf
Appointment shall be in writing Art 94 confers powers on the
cannot 48A with the CCM before his fixed by directors and himself has
no power.
by Is not included under Sec 122 and Form 49 is not require to lodge
The retiring director who duly qualified and had offered himself for re-election, will be deemed to be
re-elected, except
o he has been disqualified under CA
o the meeting expressly passed a resolution not to fill the vacates office
o the resolution put to the meeting to re-elect the retiring director was lost
Articles of Association of a listed company must state that every director must retire every three
years and may be re-elected.
S132 (1) directors shall all times exercise his power for proper purpose & in good faith.
S132(1A) acted with reasonable care, knowledge, skill and diligence, experience
S132(1B) best interest in business judgment
S132(1D) reliance in good faith and after making independent assessment
Apart from that, the director is also imposed with statutory duties as prescribed by the Companies Act 1965.
Among them are:
o S132(2) Without the consent of a general meeting, director shall not use
o Property of company
o Any information acquitted by virtue of his position as director/officer
o His position
o Any opportunity of the company
o Engage in business which is in competition with the company
To gain benefit for himself directly or indirectly or cause detriment to the company. And other please refer to
page 166 and 167 of the text book.
Disclosure of Interests
Sec 131 Interest in contracts, property, offices and etc
o Every director have to declare the nature of his interest, nature character and extent of the
conflict respectively if he
Is interested in a contract or proposed contract with the company Sec 131 (1)
Holds any office or possesses any property whereby duties or interests might be
created in conflict with his duties or interest as director
o The declaration must be made:
In the case of interest in contract as soon as practicable after he has knowledge of
the facts [Sec 131(1)]
In the case of interest in property or offices at the first meeting of the directors held:
After he becomes a director, or
After he commenced to hold the office on possess the property [Sec 131(5) &
o Sec 131(4) The notice must be given at the board meeting or given earlier and must be
brought up and read the next board meeting after it is given.
o Sec 131A Director with interest in contract shall be counted as quorum in board meeting
but not participate and vote.
o Sec 131A(1) There are some exceptions where:
The company is a private company which is not a subsidiary of a public company
The company is a wholly owned subsidiary and the other contracting party is its
holding company or the wholly owned subsidiary of its holding company
The contract is an indemnity for any losses which may be suffered by the director in
his capacity as a guarantor for the company.
The director is also a director of the other contracting party and the number of shares
held by him is not more than the number of qualifying shares
The director has interest in not more than 5% of the other contracting partys paid up
Sec 134 & 135 Interest in shares and debentures
o Every director must notify the company by notice in writing of his interest in the company
shares, debentures, participatory interests, rights, options and contracts which the director is
entitled to a benefit
o The notice should be given within 14 days after:
The date of his appointment as director
The date on which he acquired an interest in the shares
The occurrence of the event of any changes of his interest in the securities in the
Particulars relating to shares, debentures etc to which the director is entitled to
a benefit
Particulars of any changes which notice has been given to the co and the
o Any person may make a request to have a copy of the register (with a fee) and the co must
within 21 days send the copy [S134(9)]
o The company must produce its register at the commencement of AGM and keep it open and
accessible during the meeting [S134(11)]
Particular of each director in the register:
Shares in the company or in its holding or subsidiary company where the director has
sub co where the director has an interest, the nature and extent of the interest
Rights or options of the director acquisition/disposal of shares, debentures or
participatory interest
Contracts to which the director is a party which he is entitled to a benefit.
companys name off the register of companies as a defunct company under s308.
The effect of the deregistration company would be dissolved upon publication of the notice of
striking off by CCM
Deregistration normally chosen to avoid the costs of liquidation.
Deregistration could be initiated by CCM in situations:
o CCM finds out that a company has no officers to make statutory returns; or
o No record in CCMs office of the lodgment of AR etc for 6 consecutive years;
o A report showing that the co is no longer in operation
o The company can no longer be communicated at its registered office or the directors are not
1. CCM send letter of enquiry if he has reason to believe that a company is not carrying on business or
not in operation.
2. Unless an answer stating that the company is carrying on business or in operation is received by
CCM within 1 month, he may publish in the Gazette and send to the company a notice that at the
expiration 3 months from the date of notice, the name of company will be struck off the register
unless cause is shown on the contrary, and the company will be dissolved.
3. At the expiration of the 3 months period, the CCM may strike the name of the company off the
register [s308(4)] unless the company file an objection before expiration of 3 months.
The CCM shall then publish notice of the striking off in the Gazette.
The company shall be dissolved on the publication made in the Gazette.
But the striking off does not affect the liability of every officer and member of company [s308(1)(a)]
The striking off shall not affect the power of Court to wind up a company whose name has been
9. CCM is authorized to sell or dispose of or deal with the property and the moneys received by CCM
shall be applied in defraying all costs, expenses, payment of fees and commissions and any surplus
shall be dealt with as unclaimed moneys under the Unclaimed Moneys Act 1965
10. CCM shall keep an account of all moneys and properties vested in him [s313(1)]
If directors are unable to file declaration of solvency, the winding up will proceed as a creditors
same day or the next following day on which the EGM to pass a special resolution for winding up.
The notice of creditors meeting must be sent to each creditor at the same time as the notice
separate meetings
The final form of the proposed compromise or arrangement settled by directors
For listed company, they must make an immediate announcement to the Bursa Malaysia of the
proposed scheme
An explanatory statement and any other relevant documents according to the requirement of the
The meeting held as directed by Court.
Such meeting may be adjourned if agreed by a majority in value of the creditors/members present
and vote.
If the scheme has been approved, the court may by a court order grant its approval to the scheme
subjects to such alterations. Once approved, all the parties concerned are bound by the terms of the
The order given shall have no effect until it is lodged with CCM and it shall take effect as may be
Secured creditors giving up their securities in whole or in part
Debenture holders agreeing to forgo their interest for a stated period
return of the preference shareholders agreeing to accept ordinary shares in lieu of arrears of dividend
Reorganization of the share capital of a company by consolidation and/or division of different classes
of shares.
Restraining Order
To restrain further proceedings in any action or proceeding against any person Order
The court may grant RO on application of co or any member or creditor
The court may grant RO to a company for a period of not more than 90 days (or longer period as the
court may allow) if
o It is satisfied that there is a proposal for a scheme of C&A representing at least one-half in
value of all creditors
o The RO is necessary to enable the company formalise the scheme for approval of creditors
o A statement as to affair of company is lodged with application
o It approves the person nominated by a majority of creditors in the application for RO to act as
7 days after granting RO by court, company must lodge copy of order to CCM and publish a notice
in newspapers.