Introduction: Discourse and Communication: 1.1 Composites of A Sign
Introduction: Discourse and Communication: 1.1 Composites of A Sign
Introduction: Discourse and Communication: 1.1 Composites of A Sign
Discourse is used for communication (Schiffrin 1994), which is to transmit messages from one part
of a living system to another (Sebeok 1991).
(2) a. semiotics: study of signs, i.e. how signs function to transmit message (to communicate);
b. message: a string of signs transmitted from a source to a destination;
c. sign: consists of a signifier, i.e. sign (e.g. sounds); an interpretant, i.e. user (e.g. interpreting mind);
and a signified, i.e. referent (meaning assigned by Interpretant);
1.2 Classes of signs
symptom (subjective sign):
e.g. cough, patient's complaint (`I have a pain in my chest.'), or groaning while pointing
cf. objective sign: inflamed throat, wheezing, shadow on X-ray
icon: the signifier bears some natural likeness to the signifier (association by similarity);
e.g. images: photo
diagrams (relational): tense iconicity
metaphors: He's the key to the problem.
index: signified is proximate to signifier, or is a sample/part of it (association by contiguity)
e.g. - pointing finger, symtoms of disease (unintentional index), letters attached to a diagram;
- logical relations: cause-to-effect, spatial/temporal connection
- metonymy (part for whole): All hands on deck, the Crown
- grammar: dem, rel pron, tenses, POSS case, all designating indexical rel between signifier &
Other e.g.: but, therefore, to conclude, to the contrary, after all, etc.
1.3.5 social deixis
encodes social distinctions relative to P-roles, esp. social relationship between S & H/other
(8) a. May I approach the bench, Your Honour?
b. His Excellency is expecting you.
Other honorifics:
(addressee honorific)
(referent honorific)