An Empirical Study in Project Management Framework With New Strategic Approach For Indian IT Industry
An Empirical Study in Project Management Framework With New Strategic Approach For Indian IT Industry
An Empirical Study in Project Management Framework With New Strategic Approach For Indian IT Industry
Less benefits realization carried out by customer in qualitative and quantitative terms
are not know to team.
Lake of Intrapreneurship culture lacking in IT Industry.
Research Methodology
The literature reviewed earlier identifies outsourcing i.e., IT as a new form of work
organization. It has been found that outsourcing has become a critical agenda for many
multinationals in this era of globalization. The development and widespread availability of
internet and telecommunication brought about drastic changes to the way business is
conducted. Today, most major organizations are opting to outsource both functions and
processes to improve their business efficiency and reduce the cost. At present, the companies
can produce their products or extend their services from anywhere using resources from
anywhere. Factors like lower costs, improved productivity, higher quality, higher customer
satisfaction, time to market, and ability to focus on core areas are some of the benefits of
The study of IT management practices in various industry segments is not new to academia,
however the present day socio-economic factors and role of IT management in building and
retaining the competitive advantage of the organization in the ITs industry brings the
understanding and identification of these processes and practices to the forefront. The present
study was a systematic exploratory study of the human resource practices in the IT industry in
India. It explored the various processes and practices followed in the Indian IT organizations.
While the findings from this research maybe of significance for the Indian IT organizations
and the researcher, any singular study provides but one step along the evolutionary path of
theory and practice in a given field. Given below are some suggestions for future research.
1. Cooper, Martha C., Douglas M. Lambert, and Janus D. Pagh. "Supply chain
management: more than a new name for logistics." The international journal of
logistics management 8.1 (1997): 1-14.
2. Soni, Gunjan, and Rambabu Kodali. "The strategic fit between competitive strategy
and supply chain strategy in Indian manufacturing industry: an empirical approach."
Measuring business excellence 15.2 (2011): 70-89.