Demand Forecasting: 1. Survey Methods 2. Statistical Methods 3. Expert Opinion Methods
Demand Forecasting: 1. Survey Methods 2. Statistical Methods 3. Expert Opinion Methods
Demand Forecasting: 1. Survey Methods 2. Statistical Methods 3. Expert Opinion Methods
Demand forecasting refers to an estimate of future demand for the product. It is an objective assessment of
the future course of demand, in recent times, forecasting plays an important role in business decision
making. The survival and prosperity of a business firm depend on its ability to meet the consumers needs
efficiently and adequately. Demand forecasting has an important influence on production planning. It is
essential for a firm to produce the required quantities at the right time.
It is also essential to distinguish between forecasting of demand and forecast of sales, sales forecasts are
important for estimating revenue, cash requirements and expenses whereas, demand forecasting relate to
production, inventory control, timing, reliability of forecast etc. however, there is not much difference
between these terms.
1. Survey methods
2. Statistical methods
3. Expert opinion methods
Statistical method is used for long run forecasting. In this method, statistical and mathematical techniques are
used to forecast demand. This relies on past data.
1. Trend projection method: these are generally based on analysis of past sales patterns. These methods
dispense with the need for costly market research because the necessary information is often already
available in company files. This method is used in case the sales data of the firm under consideration relate to
different time periods, i.e., it is a time series data. There are five main techniques of mechanical
a. Trend line by observation: this method of forecasting trend is elementary, easy and quick. It involves
merely the plotting of actual sales data on a chart and them estimating just by observation where the trend
line lies. The line can be extended towards a future period and corresponding sales forecast is read form the
b. Least squares methods: this technique uses statistical formulae to find the trend line which best fits the
available data. The trend line is the estimating equation, which can be used for forecasting demand by
extrapolating the line for future and reading the corresponding values of sales on the graph.
c. Time series analysis: where the surveys or market tests are costly and time consuming, statistical and
mathematical analysis of past sales data offers another methods to prepare the forecasts, that is, time series
d. Moving average method: this method considers that the average of past events determine the future
events. In other words, this method provides consistent results when the past events are consistent and
unaffected by wide changes.
e. Exponential smoothing: this is a more popular technique used for short run forecasts. This method is an
improvement over moving averages method, unlike in moving averages method, all time periods here are
given varying weight, that is , value of the given variable in the recent times are given higher weight and the
values of the given variable in the distant past are given relatively lower weights for further processing.
f. Barometric Technique: Simple trend projections are not capable of forecasting turning paints. Under
Barometric method, present events are used to predict the directions of change in future. This is done with
the help of economics and statistical indicators. Those are (1) Construction Contracts awarded for building
materials (2) Personal income (3) Agricultural Income. (4) Employment (5) Gross national income (6)
Industrial Production (7) Bank Deposits etc.
g. Simultaneous equation method: in this method, all variable are simultaneously considered, with the
conviction that every variable influence the other variables in an economic environment. Hence, the set of
equations equal the number of dependent variable which is also called endogenous variables.
h. Correlation and regression methods: correlation and regression methods are statistical techniques.
Correlation describes the degree of association between two variable such as sales and advertisement
expenditure. When the two variable tend to change together,
then they are said to be correlated.
Expert opinion methods:
Well informed persons are called experts; experts constitute yet another source of information. These persons
are generally the outside experts and they do not have any vested interest in the results of a particular survey.
As expert is good at forecasting and analysis the future trend in a give product or service at a given level of
technology. The service of an expert could be advantageously used when a firm uses general economic
forecasting or special industry fore casting prepared outside the firm.
Test marketing:
It is likely that opinions given by buyers, salesman or other experts may be, at times, misleading. This is the
reason why most of the manufactures favour to test their product or service in a limited market as test run
before they launch their product nationwide.
Controlled experiments:
Controlled experiment refer to such exercise where some of the major determinants of demand are
manipulated to suit to the customers with different tastes and preferences, income groups, and such others, it
is further assumed that all other factors remain the same.
Judgmental approach:
When none of the above methods are directly related to the given product or service, the management has no
alternative other than using its own judgment. Even when the above methods are used, the forecasting
process is supplemented with the factor of judgment for the following reasons
Historical data for significantly long period is not available
Turning point in terms of policies or procedures or causal factors cannot be precisely determined
Sale fluctuation are wide and significant
The sophisticated statistical techniques such as regression and so on, may not cover all the signing.
Factors Governing Demand Forecasting
a) Functional nature of demand: market demand for a particular product or service is not a single number
but it is a function of a number of factors, for instance, higher volumes of sales can be realized with higher
levels of advertising or promotion efforts.
b) Types of forecasting: based on the period under forecast, the demand forecast can be of two types1) short
run forecasting and 2) long run forecasting. Short run forecasts cover a period of one year whereas longrun forecasting any period ranging from one year to 20 years.
c) Forecasting level: the forecasting ,au ne at the firm level, industry level, national level or at the global
1. Firm level: firm level means estimating the demand for the products and services offered by a single firm
2. Industry level: the aggregate demand estimated for the good and service of all the firms constitutes the
industry level forecast. The total estimate of different trade associations can also be view as industry level
3. National level : national level forecasting is for the whole economy, national level forecasts are worked
out based on the levels of income, savings of the consumers.
4. Global level: globalization and deregulation , the entrepreneurs have started exploring the foreign markets
for which the global level forecasts are utilized.
d) Degree of orientation: demand forecasts can be worked out based on total sales or product or service
wise sales for a given time period. Forecasting in terms of total sales can be viewed as general forecast
whereas product or service wise or region or customer segment wise forecast is referred is referred to as
specific forecast.
e) New product: it is relatively easy to forecast demand for established products or products which are
currently in use. The new product in consideration can be analyzed as a substitute for some existing product.
Assess the demand through a sampled or total survey of consumers intentions over the new product features
and price.
f) Nature of good: The goods are classified into producer goods, consumer goods, consumer durables and
services. The patterns of forecasting in each of these differ.
g) Degree of competition: there may be a single trader or a few traders depending upon the nature of goods
and services.