Total Well Management II
Total Well Management II
Total Well Management II
The need of oilfield operators to verify that wells are being
produced at their optimum capacity and in a cost effective
manner is always present. To reduce operating costs, increase
oil production and increase net income requires an integrated
analysis of the pumping system including the performance and
interaction of all the elements: the prime mover, surface
equipment, well bore equipment, down hole pump, down hole
gas separator and the reservoir. This analysis is to be made
based on data obtained at the surface without entering the well
bore and must yield an accurate representation of the
conditions that exist on the surface, within the well bore and
within the reservoir. Examples of rod pumped wells, ESP
pumped wells, PC pumped wells and other well analyses are
The need to increase oil production and reduce operating costs
from wells requires an integrated analysis of the pumping
system including the performance and interaction of all the
elements: the surface equipment, the down hole equipment,
the well bore and the reservoir. The analysis is to be based on
data obtained at the surface without entering the well bore and
must yield an accurate representation of conditions that exist
at the surface, within the well bore, at the sand face and within
the reservoir.
Such system analysis can now be undertaken efficiently
using portable notebook computer data acquisition systems in
conjunction with appropriate sensors and a suite of analysis
software. The analysis can be undertaken on beam pumped,
electrical submersible pumped, progressive cavity pumped,
plunger lift, gas lift, flowing and other types of wells to
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and annular fluid level that yield the data necessary to analyze
pressure buildup or draw down tests in pumping wells7. This is
done with a minimum of expenditure since it does not require
pulling the rods or tubing to install a down hole pressure
sensor or run a wire line pressure recorder.
The automatic pressure buildup system is programmed to
generate an acoustic pulse at periodic intervals (such as 30
shots per log cycle), record the casing pressure, determine the
fluid level and calculate the bottom hole pressure for as long
as it is necessary to obtain a representative pressure response.
Figure 9 shows a plot of the Horner plot obtained in this
manner. The ability to analyze the data during the test gives
the user confidence that the test has run a sufficient length of
time to yield the desired data and thus limit the shut-in period
to a minimum. The data can be exported for analysis in other
programs if desired.
Technician Time Requirement. A production technician can
undertake the complete TWM survey including acquisition
and field processing of the acoustic, dynamometer and motor
power data in about 45 minutes per well. The same
measurements are then used to define the wells productivity,
the down hole pump performance, the down hole gas separator
performance, the rod and beam unit loading and the motor
performance. The wells production rate can be maximized
and the operating costs minimized with this 45-minute well
While at the well as the collected data is analyzed, the goal
for the production technician should be to answer the WELL
Recommendations to fix any problems discovered in the
analysis of the collected data should be typed as notes in the
comments text box. These notes recording the work necessary
to fix a problem are called the production technicians work
plan and the notes are called recommendations. When the
recommended changes to the well are completed, new data
should be collected in a few weeks once the well is operating
under stabilized conditions. The production technician should
re-read the recommendations from the previous analysis of the
wells data and notice if the well performance has changes as
planned. The analysis step to evaluate the recommended
changes is called the follow-up step of the analysis.
Following-up on recommendations is how production
technicians learn from their successes and failures; and their
role changes from a data collector to a knowledgeable well
analyst and problem solver.
Application to Other Artificial Lift Methods
The TWM procedure is not limited to wells lifted by sucker
rod pumps, although these correspond to the great majority of
artificial lift well in the USA. Most other artificial lift methods
can benefit from similar analysis as discussed in the following
Electrical Submersible Pumped Wells. Oftentimes, an ESP
pumped well has a high gaseous liquid level over the pump.
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that are much more cost effective and safer than wire line
bottom hole measurements.
Acoustic measurements of
bottom hole pressures must include an accurate measurement
of the surface pressure and the measurement of the distance to
the liquid level using acoustic techniques by counting tubing
collars (if available), or by correlation of the liquid level
reflection to a known reflector depth, or by calculation of the
acoustic velocity from gas properties.
Very accurate
gas/liquid interface pressures are almost always obtained. The
main inaccuracy in the calculation of the static BHP occurs in
the estimation of the gradient of the liquid column. If the
volumes and properties of water and hydrocarbons are known,
the pressure of the liquid column can be calculated with
accuracy sufficient for most applications.
Software is
commonly used for these calculations that include gas, water
and hydrocarbon properties. If desired, the calculated gradient
of the liquid column can be substantiated by wire line surveys,
and the gradient can be adjusted accordingly if necessary.
Static bottom hole pressures obtained by acoustic means are
sufficiently accurate for most purposes if the tests are properly
Summary and Conclusions
Table 1 lists a series of WELL PERFORMANCE
QUESTIONS that an operator must be able to answer to
efficiently produce a well. Oftentimes, an operator does not
know the answers to some of these questions, and hence, must
guess at the answer. An operator should know that the PBHP
is low compared to the SBHP so that the maximum production
is being obtained. An operator should know that the pump
traveling and standing valves are OK. An operator should
know whether the down hole gas separator is efficient or not,
and how to correct an inefficient gas separator problem. An
operator should know whether a pumping unit is out of
balance or not. An operator should know whether the rods are
overloaded or not. Analyzing a wells performance so that the
an operator to maximize oil production and minimize
operating costs.
Successful application of the TWM concept generally includes
some training of the operating personnel. Training is
especially necessary if effective application of modern data
acquisition hardware and software is to be introduced in an
operation that has been relying on limited computer resources.
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Figure 2 - Instantaneous Electrical Power and Motor Current During a Pumping Stroke
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Figure 3- Well Data Files for Inflow Performance, Dynamometer and other Calculations
Figure 5 - Dynamometer Analysis Showing Measured Traveling and Standing Valve Loads
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Figure 8- Predicted Dynamometer Card (Solid Line) vs. Measured Dynamometer Card (Dashed Line)
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