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Engineering Procedures for

ABC Waters Design Features

Engineering Procedures for ABC Waters Design Features

2nd Edition: 6 July 2011
1st Edition: 2009
Public Utilities Board (PUB), Singapore

The materials contained in this publication are meant for general information only. PUB assumes no
responsibility or liability in relation to anyone using the information provided in the guidelines. If the user
wishes to use any material contained in this publication, the onus is on the user to determine the suitability
and appropriateness of such material for his own purpose.

Engineering Procedures for ABC Waters Design Features


Chapter 1 Introduction

Table of Contents



Creating water sensitive cities


Vision for water sensitive city ............................................................................................. 2


Urban Stormwater management in a water sensitive city ................................................... 2


Overview on Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) and ABC Waters Design


Stormwater Quality


Suspended Solids ................................................................................................................. 6


Nutrients .............................................................................................................................. 7


Litter .................................................................................................................................... 7


Metals .................................................................................................................................. 7


Stormwater Quality Objectives



Engineering Procedures for ABC Waters Design Features


Chapter 1 Introduction



Singapore is a good example of an urban environment with limited natural resources

facing the challenges of a growing population. The built urban environment is now a
critical focal point for Ecologically Sustainable Development practices. The pursuit of
sustainable urban environments involves development that does not deplete natural
resources, nor degrades the health and amenity of the pre-existing land and water
environments. As growing urban communities look to minimize their impact on already
stressed water resources, designing for resilience to the impacts of climate change
and the protection of downstream water environments plays a key role in securing the
future of water resources in Singapore.
Successful urban communities are extremely complex socio-physical systems that are
fully integrated and constantly evolving. Harmony of the built, social and natural
environments within a city is the result of complex interactions between the quality of
the natural and built environment, the social and institutional capital, and the natural
resources that support a city. The ability of a city to meet current and emerging
challenges in relation to achieving this harmony is closely linked to the strength of the
urban economy.
Following a series of practitioner envisioning workshops, Binney et al. (2010)
presented a vision for Cities of the Future comprising twelve principles arranged under
four themes as shown in Figure 1. Many of these principles would apply to the way we
manage urban stormwater, as a component of the total urban water cycle. The way we
manage urban water, particularly urban stormwater, influences almost every aspect of
our urban environment and the quality of life. Water is an essential element of place
making, both in maintaining/enhancing the environmental values of surrounding
waterways and in the amenity and cultural connection of the place.
Wong et al. (2011) noted that the link between sustainable urban water management
and the vitality and prosperity of urban environments is only beginning to be
recognized and these linkages include

Access to secured and clean water supply

Clean water environment

Flood protection

Urban design strategies

Mitigating urban heat

Creating productive landscapes

Quality of public spaces.

Engineering Procedures for ABC Waters Design Features

Page 1

Chapter 1 Introduction

Figure 1 Principles for a City of the Future.

Adapte from Binney, P., Donald, A., Elmer, V., Eert, J., Phillis, O., Skinner, R. and Young R. (2010)IWA Cities of
the Future Program, Spatial Planning and Institutional Reform Conclusions from the World Water Congress,
Montreal, September 2010.

1.2 Creating water sensitive cities

1.2.1 Vision for water sensitive city
Contemporary research in integrated urban water cycle management highlights that a
Water Sensitive City will involve significant departures from conventional urban water
management approaches and that the transformation of cities to water sensitive cities
will require a major social-technical overhaul of conventional approaches.
A holistic philosophy incorporating flexibility in supply and demand to meet the needs
of users and the environment is required. This philosophy will inform the collection,
storage, treatment and movement of water. It also underpins the technologies that
support these activities in a way that provides a sensory manifestation of process for
all to acknowledge and appreciate.
1.2.2 Urban Stormwater management in a water sensitive city
Traditional approaches to stormwater management are based on a single
management objective that considers stormwater as a source of potential hazard to
public safety. Stormwater management was essentially that of stormwater drainage
using two general methods, ie. (i) conveyance of stormwater to receiving waters in an
hydraulically efficient manner; and (ii) detention and retardation of stormwater. Recent
developments involving the concept of major/minor drainage systems (e.g. Institution
of Engineers, Australia, 2001) take into account an economic risk-based approach to
stormwater drainage but stormwater management essentially remained a single
objective exercise.
A growing public awareness of environmental issues in recent times has highlighted
the importance of environmental management of urban stormwater. It is well
documented that urban stormwater runoff are generally of poorer overall quality than
runoff from a rural catchment. The impact of poor stormwater quality is becoming an
increasing issue of concern amongst catchment managers. The impacts can include
Engineering Procedures for ABC Waters Design Features

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Chapter 1 Introduction

the deposition of suspended material, which can smother aquatic habitats, increased
concentrations of nutrients, oxygen-demanding materials, micro-organism and toxic
materials and the deposition of litter. Increase catchment runoff can lead to significant
changes to the morphology of creeks and rivers leading to degradation of aquatic
habitats. Stormwater contaminants causes dissolve oxygen depletion and increased
toxicity levels with the consequential degradation of ecological health of the receiving
Singapore is progressively moving towards attaining a higher level of self sustainability
in water resources. One of the strategies to achieve this is in the consideration of
urban stormwater as a resource. PUB had therefore embarked on a project which
would convert Marina Bay, located at the heart of Singapore City, into a freshwater
reservoir that harvests stormwater from one-sixth of the area of metropolitan
Singapore. Stormwater quality management and reducing potential impacts of
stormwater pollution are therefore important water resource management
considerations in Singapore. The management of urban stormwater to meet these
objectives can fundamentally be categorised into stormwater quantity and stormwater
quality management.
There have been a number of initiatives to change the traditional means by which
urban stormwater is managed. One such initiative is the practice of Water Sensitive
Urban Design (WSUD). WSUD reflects the new paradigm in the planning and design
of urban environments that is sensitive to the issues of water sustainability and
environmental protection. Water Sensitive Urban Design is the process and Water
Sensitive Cities are the outcome. This Australian innovation of Water Sensitive Urban
Design has evolved from its early association with stormwater management to provide
a broader framework for sustainable urban water management (Wong 2006a, 2006b),
and building water sensitive cities. In line with WSUD in terms of stormwater
management, PUBs ABC Waters Design Guidelines encourage the use of ABC
Waters Design Features to slow down rain water run-off and to keep Singapores
waterways and waterbodies clean.
Like WSUD, ABC Waters Design Guidelines bring sensitivity to water into urban
design, as it aims to ensure that water is given due prominence within the urban
design process through the integration of urban design with the various disciplines of
engineering and environmental sciences associated with the provision of water
services including the protection of aquatic environments in urban areas. Community
values and aspirations of urban places necessarily govern urban design decisions and
therefore water management practices.
The practicalities of urban stormwater management often require that stormwater
quantity management issues such as flood protection, public safety and drainage
infrastructure economics are addressed. This should occur in the first instance before
stormwater quality issues are considered. This does not suggest that these two
fundamental issues are mutually exclusive. Many measures designed for stormwater
quantity control have inherent water quality management functions while others can be
retrofitted to serve the dual functions of stormwater quantity and quality management.
The guidelines for the planning and design of these stormwater quality management
systems (termed ABC Waters Design Guidelines) are to aid the developer, design
engineer or planner to meet urban stormwater management objectives. Stormwater
quality management involves the use of structural and non-structural changes to
catchment management. This document concentrates primarily on the implementation
of structural treatment measures although issues of catchment planning are discussed
in some detail in Chapter 3.

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Chapter 1 Introduction


Overview on Water Sensitive

Urban Design (WSUD) and ABC
Waters Design

WSUD can be best explained as the interactions between the urban built form
(including urban landscapes) and the urban water cycle as defined by the three urban
water streams of potable water, wastewater, and stormwater. This is shown in Figure
1.1, which shows how WSUD fits into an Ecologically Sustainable Development
framework and lists key WSUD initiatives to address potable water, wastewater and
stormwater issues, whereby benefits from one element can often have flow on
benefits. For example, demand management will reduce the amount of potable mains
water consumed by a household, as well as reducing the amount wastewater
generated, and thereby the wastewater treatment needed.
The guiding principles of WSUD are centered on achieving integrated water cycle
management solutions for new urban release areas and urban renewal developments
aimed at:

Reducing potable water demand through water efficient fittings and

appliances, rainwater harvesting and wastewater reuse.


Minimising wastewater generation and treatment of wastewater to a standard

suitable for effluent reuse opportunities and/or to release to receiving waters.

iii) Treating urban stormwater to meet water quality objectives for reuse and/or
discharge to receiving waters.
iv) Using stormwater in the urban landscape to maximise the visual and
recreational amenity of developments.
A key principles espoused by the framework presented in Figure 1.1 is a holistic
approach to urban water cycle management that include all water flows, such as water
supply, stormwater and wastewater. Singapore has covered good mileage in area (i)
and (ii) through the Water Efficiency Strategies and NEWater initiatives. PUBs ABC
Waters Design Guidelines aim to achieve (iii) and (iv). All streams of water should be
managed as a resource as they have quantitative and qualitative impacts on land,
water and biodiversity, and the communitys aesthetic and recreational enjoyment of
waterways. This applies at all level of urban water governance, ie. community,
institutional and government.
Stormwater is to be managed both as a resource and for protection of the
environmental and use values of receiving waters. When applied to the design and
operation of urban developments, ABC Waters Design strategy adopts an integrated
approach of combining stormwater quantity and quality management measures across
the range of scale in an urban environment. The outcome is a more site-responsive
range of design solutions including detention and/or retention of stormwater at, or
near, its origin, with subsequent slow release to groundwater or downstream receiving
This integrated approach has begun to gain favour over the traditional conveyanceoriented approach because it has the potential to reduce development costs and
minimise pollution and water balance problems by ensuring hydrological regimes are
changed minimally from pre-development conditions. However, the adoption of the
integrated approach has been constrained because it is perceived to have postdevelopment operation and maintenance costs, and in some cases can cause a
reduction in developable land.

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Chapter 1 Introduction

This reduction in developable land may be the case if detention/retention facilities are
used solely to control the amount of stormwater runoff. Detention/retention facilities
however, have increasingly been used in a multi-purpose role, providing recreational
and aesthetic value, thereby offsetting any loss in developable land by increasing land
value for nearby residential areas.
Furthermore, the integrated approach aims to control pollutants such as nutrients,
pesticides, heavy metals and bacteria. Diffuse source pollution control can be
achieved by detention/retention techniques that settle and capture particulates and
prevent erosion by maintaining the hydrological regime.

Ecologically Sustainable Development

Water Sensitive Urban Design
Urban Design & Built Form
Urban Water Cycle

Potable Water



Integrated Management for

Potable Water








 Stormwater quality

 Water reuse

 Water reuse

 Stormwater quantity





 Groundwater use

 Infiltration inflow
reduction to protect

 Aquifer storage and


 Protect groundwater

To Protect Aquatic Ecosystem

Figure 1.1

Water Sensitive Urban Design Framework

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Chapter 1 Introduction


Stormwater Quality

Stormwater pollutants from urban developments originate from a variety of sources in

the catchment. Table 1.1 summarises the sources of some of the more common
urban runoff pollutants. Suspended solids, nutrients, BOD5 and COD and microorganisms are usually considered the most significant parameters in terms of
ecological impacts. Oils and surfactants, and litter have aesthetic impacts which are
more renowned for generating community concern and action. Organic load in
stormwater originates mainly from leaves and garden litter. As a significant amount of
inorganic pollutants is sediment bound, effective treatment of suspended solids is
often a minimum criterion in stormwater quality management with the expectation that
a significant amount of organic and inorganic pollutant will also be treated.
Table 1.1
Typical Urban Runoff Pollutant Sources
Pollutant Source
Soil Erosion
Cleared Land



Human Waste
Animal Waste
Vehicle Fuels and Fluids




Vehicle Wear
Industrial and Household
Industrial Processes

Paint and Preservatives

Wastewater Facilities


Fuel Combustion


As described by Schueler (1995), as much as 70% of the impervious area is related to

transport-related functions such as roads, driveway, car-parks etc. This component of
the impervious areas in an urbanised catchment is identified as a prominent source of
stormwater pollutants such as suspended solids and associated trace metals,
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and nutrients. Urban commercial activities have
also been identified as the main source of litter generation. An overview of some key
urban stormwater pollutants as presented in the following sections below.

Suspended Solids

Suspended solids comprise of inorganic and organic materials. Sources of inorganic

suspended solids include soil particles from erosion and land degradation, streets,
households and buildings, and airborne particulate matter. Contributors to organic
suspended solids are bacteria and microorganisms such as those found in sewage.
The level of suspended solids in urban runoff is comparable to raw sewage and,
inorganic soil particles are particularly of concern. Large amounts of inorganic soil
particles are often associated with urban construction and the development of
supporting services including roads, sewers and drainage systems. Levels of

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Chapter 1 Introduction

inorganic soil particles generated from these activities are at least two to six times, and
can be up to several hundred times, pre-development levels.
Turbid waters often result from the presence of suspended solids. In general the
community associates turbid waters with environmental pollution and degradation of
the water's aesthetic value.
Nutrients and toxins such as phosphorus, heavy metals and organic chemicals utilise
sediment as the medium for transportation in urban runoff. The deposition of
sediments can result in the release of these toxins and nutrients at a later time when
the ambient conditions related to the redox potential of the sediment and water column
becomes favourable for their release. This mechanism provides the opportunity for
pollutant re-mobilisation in later flow events enhancing the risk of further downstream
Suspended solids also reduce the penetration of light through water, and this
adversely affects the feeding and respiration of aquatic plants.


Nutrients are fed into the water system through many different sources. These include
sewerage, plant matter, organic wastes, fertilisers, kitchen wastes (including
detergents), nitrous oxides produced from vehicles exhausts and ash from bushfires.
Nutrients contain natural compounds consisting of nitrogen and phosphorus.
There are problems associated with high levels of nutrients in waterbodies. Nutrients
promote growth of aquatic plant life including floating macrophytes, which if in large
concentrations, produce algal blooms on the water surface. Algae are microscopic
plants which occur naturally in waterways. With an increase in nutrients algal growth
becomes excessive often resulting in a build up of toxins. Toxic algal blooms cause
the closure of fisheries, water farming industries and public beaches.
1.4.3 Litter
Litter is generally the most noticeable indicator of water pollution to the community.
Litter is also commonly thought of as the pollutant most detrimental to waterways
because of its visibility. Pollution of the environment including the export of litter and
gross pollutants has intensified over the last 30 years due to the production of easily
disposable, non-biodegradable packaging and household and industrial items. The
sources of litter are varied and they include dropping of rubbish, overflows of rubbish
containers and material blown away from tips and other rubbish sources.


Analysis of contaminants associated with urban dust and dirt by Dempsey et al (1993)
found highest concentrations of Cu, Zn and TP to be associated with particles in the
74 m to 250 m. The particle size range with high Pb association extends to 840 m.
One possible explanation for a higher contaminant concentration is that the particular
size range has a higher specific surface area (and thus contaminant binding sites).
For example, Sansalone and Buchberger (1997) found that specific surface area of
solids transported from an urban roadway surface decrease with increasing particle
size as is normally the case for spherical particles. With irregularly shaped particles,
there is the general tendency for larger sized particles to have higher specific surface
area than are normally expected.
Table 1.2 reproduces the table of particle sizes and associated pollutants presented by
Dempsey et al (1993) for dust and dirt generated from road surfaces. The data
presented in the Table 1.2 indicates that treatment measures with capability of settling
particles of sizes down to 74 m will be necessary to facilitate treatment of metals and
nutrients in stormwater runoff generated from these areas. The particle size
distribution of sediment transported in stormwater is dependent on the geology of the
catchment and other studies (eg. Oliver et al (1993)) have found high concentrations

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Chapter 1 Introduction

of nutrients in colloidal particles which are much finer than 74 m. Under such
circumstances, treatment measures involving significant periods of detention and
enhanced sedimentation, using wetland macrophytes, will be necessary (Lloyd, 1997).

Table 1.2
Pollutants Associated with Urban Dust and Dirt (mg/g per mg/L)
(ref. Dempsey et al, 1993)
Particle Size Range

<74 m

74-105 m

105-250 m

250-840 m

840-2000 m

>2000 m






















Total P







Engineering Procedures for ABC Waters Design Features

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Chapter 1 Introduction


Stormwater Quality Objectives

The specific objectives or performance targets of ABC Waters Design Strategies for
Singapore catchments are still evoluting. However, best practice involves a risk-based
approach to the protection of environmental values and beneficial uses of urban
waterways and aquatic ecosystems. In Australia, reference is made to the objectives
of ANZECC/ARMCANZ (2000) and the setting of acceptable risk ambient water quality
values based on comparison with reference ecosystems, will be a necessary first step
towards setting stormwater management objectives.
In cases of receiving water bodies of environmental significance, the relevant
management authority will prescribe water quality guidelines, developed from in-depth
investigations. It is envisaged that a similar approach directed at the protection of
urban waterbodies in Singapore such as the Marina Bay Reservoir would be
appropriate. In most cases, it will be required for land development agencies and
enterprises to demonstrate that the development and associated stormwater
management strategy has adequately addressed the environmental threats of the
project to the receiving waters, and also the opportunities for improved environmental
outcomes from the project.
Guidelines for treatment objectives for stormwater quality have been defined in many
states in Australia and overseas, to represent achievable targets using best practice.
Treatment objectives for stormwater are often expressed in mean annual reductions of
pollutant loads from typical urban areas with no stormwater treatments installed and
are summarised in Table 1.3 for Australian states. These objectives are used in
conjunction with any local site-specific conditions to determine the environmental
objectives for stormwater at a site and are recommended for interim applications in
It is expected that the treatment objectives will be revised progressively to reflect
expected best practice improvements in design. Achieving these objectives does not
necessarily suggest that the ultimate receiving water quality outcomes for protecting
the health of aquatic ecosystems have been attained. However, it is often seen as a
practical approach to institutionalising best practices in stormwater quality
management, particularly in built up catchments.
Table 1.3

Stormwater treatment objectives for Victoria and New South Wales,


Suspended solids

Stormwater treatment objective

80% retention of average annual load

Total phosphorus

45% retention of average annual load

Total nitrogen

45% retention of average annual load


Retention of litter greater than 50mm for flows up to the 3-month

ARI peak flow

Coarse sediment

Retention of sediment coarser than 0.125 mm* for flows up to

the 3-month ARI peak flow

Oil and grease

No visible oils for flows up to the 3-month ARI peak flow

Based on ideal settling characteristics

Engineering Procedures for ABC Waters Design Features

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Chapter 1 Introduction



Binney, P., Donald, A., Elmer, V., Ewert, J., Phillis, O., Skinner, R. and Young, R.
(2010) IWA Cities of the Future Program, Spatial Planning and Institutional Reform
Conclusions from the World Water Congress, Montreal, September 2010.
Dempsey, B.A., Tai, Y.L. and Harrison, S.G. (1993). Mobilisation and removal of
contaminants associated with urban dust and dirt, Water Sci. Tech., 28(3-5): 225-230.
Institution of Engineers, Australia (2001) Australian Rainfall and Runoff, D H Pilgrim
(ed)., ISBN 0 85825 761 0.
Lloyd, S.D.(1997), Influence of Macrophytes on Sediment Deposition and Flow Pattern
within a Stormwater Pollution Control Wetland, Masters of Engineering Science thesis,
Department of Civil Engineering, Monash University, 161 p.
Newman, P., (2001) Sustainable Urban Water Systems in Rich and Poor Countries:
Steps towards a new approach. Water Science and Technology, 43(4): 93-100.
Sansalone, J.J. and Buchberger, S.G.(1997), Characterisation of solid and metal
element distributions in urban highway stormwater, Water Science and Technology,
Schueler, T. (1995), Site Planning for Urban Stream Protection, Center for Watershed
Protection, Silver Spring, Maryland, 232p.
Wong, T.H.F., (2006a) Introduction. In T.H.F. Wong (Ed), Australian Runoff Quality: A
Guide to Water Sensitive Urban Design, Engineers Australia, Canberra, ISBN 0 85825
852 8, April 2006, Chapter 1: 1-8.
Wong, T.H.F., (2006b) Water Sensitive Urban Design the journey thus far. Australian
Journal of Water Resources, 10(3): 213-221.
Wong, T., Allen, R., Brown, R., Deletic, A., Griggs, D., Hodyl, L., McIIrath, B.,
Montebello, T., Smith, L. (2011), Transitioning to a resilient, liveable and sustainable
greater Melbourne (localised case studies), report prepared for the Living Victoria
Ministerial Advisory Council, March 2011.
Wong, T H F and Ashley, R (2006), International Working Group on Water Sensitive
Urban Design, submission to the IWA/IAHR Joint Committee on Urban Drainage,
March 2006.

Engineering Procedures for ABC Waters Design Features

Page 10

Stormwater Treatment Elements

Chapter 2 Stormwater Treatment Elements

Chapter 2

Stormwater Treatment Elements




Stormwater Quality Management


Sedimentation basins


Swale/buffer systems


Bioretention swales


Bioretention basins


Sand filters


Infiltration measures



Constructed wetlands






Rainwater tanks





Engineering Procedures for ABC Waters Design Features

Chapter 2 Stormwater Treatment Elements



This chapter gives an overview of the Water Sensitive Urban Design stormwater
treatment elements.
The ABC Waters Design Guidelines cover the most commonly used stormwater
quality treatment elements that are applicable in Singapore. Usually, combinations of
these elements are used as a treatment train to effectively manage stormwater from a
range of different land uses.
Detailed design procedures are provided for the following ABC Waters Design
Features in the subsequent chapters:

Sedimentation basins

Swale/ buffer systems

Bioretention swales

Bioretention basins (Rain Garden)

Cleansing Biotopes


Constructed wetlands

The selection and placement of the elements within a catchment should be determined
during a concept design of a stormwater treatment strategy and is outside the scope of
this document.

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Chapter 2 Stormwater Treatment Elements


Stormwater Quality

The impact of poor stormwater quality discharged to receiving environments has in the
past decade become an issue of significant concern among catchment managers. The
impacts can include increased turbidity and suspended solid concentrations,
deposition of suspended material, increased concentrations of nutrients, oxygendemanding materials, micro-organism and toxic materials, and the deposition of litter.
Deposition of suspended material and gross pollutants can smother aquatic habitats.
Stormwater contaminants can deplete dissolved oxygen and increase toxicity levels,
causing degradation of ecological health of receiving waters.
Increased magnitude and frequency of storm flows can lead to significant changes to
the morphology of creeks and rivers leading to degradation of aquatic habitats. The
problem is exacerbated by a hydraulically efficient stormwater drainage system within
the catchment, leading to frequent flash-flood flow conditions and physical disturbance
of aquatic habitats.
The nature of the effects of catchment urbanisation on stormwater and the consequent
impact on the environment are short term and long term. It is often not possible to
distinguish which of these two factors (ie. poor water quality and hydrologic change) is
the dominant cause of environmental degradation of urban aquatic ecosystems.
Singapore is progressively moving towards attaining a higher level of self sustainability
in water resources. One of the strategies to achieve this is in the consideration of
urban stormwater as a resource. Singapore Government has therefore embarked on
a project which will convert Marina Bay, located at the heart of Singapore City, into a
freshwater reservoir that will harvest stormwater from one-sixth of the area of
metropolitan Singapore. Stormwater quality management and reducing potential
impacts of stormwater pollution are therefore important water resource management
considerations in Singapore
In formulating stormwater management strategies for multiple objectives, it is vital that
the cause-and-effect relationships of stormwater-related environmental problems are
first clearly understood. Remedial and preventative measures for improving urban
stormwater quality encompass non-structural and structural interventions in urban
catchment management practices. Effective and sustainable stormwater management
requires the coordinated and integrated implementation of non-structural and structural
measures, formulated to accommodate the constraints and opportunities posed by
individual catchments.
Best practice urban stormwater management aims to meet multiple objectives

providing flood protection and drainage

protecting downstream aquatic ecosystems (including groundwater systems)

removing contaminants

promoting stormwater elements as part of the urban form.

A fundamental requirement of a stormwater system is to provide a conveyance system

for safe passage of stormwater runoff, to avoid nuisance flooding and flood damage to
public and private property. In contrast to this requirement, a stormwater system
should also provide on-site stormwater retention to protect downstream aquatic
ecosystems from increased flow volumes and rates associated with urbanisation. This
also avoids increased flooding along downstream waterways and drainage systems,
and helps to maintain the hydrological regime of the downstream system.

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Chapter 2 Stormwater Treatment Elements

Typical urbanisation produces many contaminants that can be blown or washed into
waterways and affect the health of streams and waterways. Best practice stormwater
management provides for treatment of runoff to remove waterborne contaminants, to
protect or enhance the environmental, social and economic values of receiving
As a general rule, site conditions and the characteristics of the target pollutant(s)
influence the selection of an appropriate type of treatment measure. Climatic
conditions influence the hydrological design and ultimately the overall pollutant
removal effectiveness of the measures.
An overriding management objective can help determine what treatment process is
likely to be feasible. Error! Reference source not found. shows a relationship
between management issues, likely pollutant sizes and appropriate treatment
processes to address those pollutants.
A series of treatment measures that collectively address all stormwater pollutants is
termed a treatment train. A treatment train consists of a combination of treatment
measures that can address the range of particle size pollutant found in stormwater. A
treatment train, therefore, employs a range of processes to achieve pollutant reduction
targets (such as physical screening, filtration and enhanced sedimentation). The
selection and order of treatments is a critical consideration in developing a treatment
train. The coarse fraction of pollutants usually requires removal so that treatments for
fine pollutants can operate effectively. Other considerations when determining a
treatment train are the proximity of a treatment to its source, as well as the distribution

Figure 2.1

Stormwater management issues, pollutants and treatment

processes (Ecological Engineering 2003)

of treatment throughout a catchment.

Figure 2.2 shows the inter-relationship between stormwater pollutant types (as
expressed somewhat simplistically by its physical size), suitable types of treatment
measures (based on their treatment process) and appropriate hydraulic loading
(expressed as the ratio of the design flow to the area of the treatment measure). The
hydraulic loading value can be used to provide an indication of the footprint of a given
treatment measure necessary to accommodate the design treatment flow).
As the physical size of the target pollutant reduces (e.g. for treatment of nutrients and
metals) the nature of the treatment changes, to include enhanced sedimentation,
biofilm adsorption and biological transformation of the pollutants. These treatments
use vegetation to provide the filtering surface area, spread, and reduced flow

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Chapter 2 Stormwater Treatment Elements

velocities, to allow sedimentation as well as providing a substrate for biofilm growth

and hence biological uptake of soluble pollutants. These measures, such as grass
swales, vegetated buffer strips, surface wetlands and infiltration systems, require long
detention times to allow the various pollutant removal processes to occur.
Consequently, the hydraulic loading on these treatment measures is small relative to
the measures used for removal of gross solids (and therefore require a larger
proportion of land for treatment flows).
Stormwater elements (such as waterways and wetlands) can become an asset for
conservation and recreation in developments. Integration of stormwater conveyance
and treatment systems into the urban and landscape design of residential areas is now
an essential part of urban design, and can lead to better accepted, more
environmentally friendly urban areas.

Figure 2.2

Pollutant size ranges for various stormwater treatment measures

(Ecological Engineering 2003)

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Chapter 2 Stormwater Treatment Elements


Sedimentation basins

Sedimentation basins are used to retain coarse sediments from runoff and are typically
the first element in a treatment train. They play an important role by protecting
downstream elements from becoming overloaded or smothered with sediments. They
operate by reducing flow velocities and encouraging sediments to settle out of the
water column.
They are frequently used for trapping sediment in runoff from construction sites and as
pretreatments for elements such as wetlands (e.g. an inlet pond). They can be
designed to drain during periods without rainfall and then fill during runoff events or to
have a permanent pool.
Sedimentation basins can have various configurations including hard edges and base
(e.g. concrete) or a more natural form with edge vegetation creating an attractive
urban element. They are, however, typically turbid and maintenance usually requires
significant disturbance of the system.
Maintenance of sedimentation basins involves dewatering and dredging collected
sediments. This is required every approximately every five years, but depends on the
nature of the catchment. For construction sites that produce very large loads of
sediment, desilting is required more frequently.
Sedimentation basins should be designed to retain coarse sediments only
(recommended particle size is 0.125mm).
As the highest concentrations of
contaminants such as hydrocarbons and metals are associated with fine sediments,
waste disposal costs for this material can be much higher, hence other treatment
measures that assimilate these pollutants into a substrate are usually used to target
this material.

Figure 2.3

Sedimentation basins can be installed into hard or soft landscapes

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Chapter 2 Stormwater Treatment Elements


Swale/buffer systems

Vegetated swales are used to convey stormwater in lieu of pipes and provide a
desirable buffer between receiving waters (e.g. creek, wetland) and impervious areas
of a catchment. They use overland flows and mild slopes to slowly convey water
downstream. The interaction with vegetation promotes an even distribution and
slowing of flows thus encouraging coarse sediments to be retained. Swales can be
incorporated in urban designs along streets or parklands and add to the aesthetic
character of an area.
The longitudinal slope of a swale is the most important consideration. They generally
operate best with slopes of 2% to 4%. Milder sloped swales can tend to become
waterlogged and have stagnant ponding, although the use of underdrains can alleviate
this problem. For slopes steeper than 4%, check banks along swales can help to
distribute flows evenly across swales as well as slow velocities. Dense vegetation and
drop structures can be used to serve the same function as check dams but care needs
to be exercised to ensure that velocities are not excessively high.
Swales can use a variety of vegetation types. Vegetation is required to cover the
whole width of a swale, be capable of withstanding design flows and be of sufficient
density to provide good filtration. For best treatment performance, vegetation height
should be above treatment flow water levels. If runoff enters directly into a swale,
perpendicular to the main flow direction, the edge of the swale acts as a buffer and
provides pre-treatment for the water entering the swale.

Figure 2.4

Swale vegetation is selected based on required appearance and

treatment performance

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Chapter 2 Stormwater Treatment Elements


Bioretention swales

Bioretention swales (or biofiltration trenches) are bioretention systems that are located
within the base of a swale. They can provide efficient treatment of stormwater through
fine filtration, extended detention and some biological uptakes as well as providing a
conveyance function (along the swale). They also provide some flow retardation for
frequent rainfall events and are particularly efficient at removing nitrogen and other
soluble or fine particulate contaminants.
Bioretention swales can form attractive streetscapes and provide landscape features
in an urban development. They are commonly located in the median strip of divided
Runoff is filtered through a fine media layer as it percolates downwards. It is then
collected via perforated pipes and flows to downstream waterways or to storages for
reuse. Unlike infiltration systems, bioretention systems are well suited to a wide range
of soil conditions including areas affected by soil salinity and saline groundwater as
their operation is generally designed to minimise or eliminate the likelihood of
stormwater exfiltration from the filtration trench to surrounding soils.
Any loss in runoff can be mainly attributed to maintaining soil moisture of the filter
media itself (which is also the growing media for the vegetation). Should soil
conditions be favourable, infiltration can be encouraged from the base of a bioretention
system to reduce runoff volume.
Vegetation that grows in the filter media enhances its function by preventing erosion of
the filter medium, continuously breaking up the soil through plant growth to prevent
clogging of the system and providing biofilms on plant roots that pollutants can adsorb
to. The type of vegetation varies depending on landscape requirements and climatic
The filtration process generally improves with denser and higher

Figure 2.5

Bioretention swales are commonly located in median strips of

roads and carparks

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Chapter 2 Stormwater Treatment Elements


Bioretention basins

Bioretention basins or rain gardens operate with the same treatment processes as
bioretention swales except do not have a conveyance function. High flows are either
diverted away from a basin or are discharged into an overflow structure.
Like bioretention swales, bioretention basins can provide efficient treatment of
stormwater through fine filtration, extended detention and some biological uptake,
particularly for nitrogen and other soluble or fine particulate contaminants.
Bioretention basins have an advantage of being applicable at a range of scales and
shapes and can therefore have flexibility for locations within a development. They can
be located along streets at regular intervals and treat runoff prior to entry into an
underground drainage system, or be located at outfalls of a drainage system to
provide treatment for much larger areas (e.g. in the base of retarding basins).
A wide range of vegetation can be used within a bioretention basin, allowing them to
be well integrated into a landscape theme of an area. Smaller systems can be
integrated with traffic calming measures or parking bays, reducing their requirement
for space. They are equally applicable to redevelopment as well as greenfield sites.
They are however, sensitive to any materials that may clog the filter medium. Traffic,
deliveries and washdown wastes need to be kept from bioretention basins to reduce
any potential for damage to the vegetation or the filter media surface.

Figure 2.6

Bioretention basins are applicable at a range of scales and can be

integrated with an urban landscape

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Chapter 2 Stormwater Treatment Elements


Sand filters

Sand filters operate in a similar manner to bioretention systems with the exception that
they have no vegetation growing on their surface. This is because they are either
installed underground (therefore light limits vegetation growth) or the filter media does
not retain sufficient moisture. They are particularly useful in areas where space is a
premium and treatment is best achieved underground. Due to the absence of
vegetation, they require regular maintenance to ensure the surface of the sand filter
media remains porous and does not become clogged with accumulated sediments.
Prior to entering a sand filter, flows are generally subjected to a pretreatment to
remove litter, debris and coarse sediments (typically a sedimentation chamber).
Following pretreatment, flows are spread over the sand filtration media and water
percolates downwards to perforated pipes located at the base of the sand media. The
perforated pipes collected treated water for conveyance downstream. During higher
flows, water can pond of the surface of the sand filter increasing the volume of water
that can be treated. Very high flows are diverted around sand filters to protect the
sand media from scour.

Figure 2.7

Sand filters can be installed above or below ground

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Chapter 2 Stormwater Treatment Elements


Infiltration measures

Infiltration measures encourage stormwater to infiltrate into surrounding soils. They

are highly dependant on local soil characteristics and are best suited to sandy soils
with deep groundwater. All infiltration measures require significant pretreatment of
stormwater before infiltration to avoid clogging of the surrounding soils and to protect
groundwater quality.
Infiltration measures generally consist of a shallow excavated trench or tank that is
designed to detain a certain volume of runoff and subsequently infiltrate to the
surrounding soils. They reduce runoff as well as provide pollutant retention on site.
Generally these measures are well suited to highly permeable soils, so that water can
infiltrate at a sufficient rate. Areas with lower permeability soils may still be applicable,
but larger areas for infiltration and detention storage volumes are required. In addition,
infiltration measures are required to have sufficient set-back distances from structures
to avoid any structural damage, these distances depend on local soil conditions.
Infiltration measures can also be vegetated and provide some landscape amenity to
an area. These systems provide improved pollutant removal through active plant
growth improving filtration and ensuring the soil does not become clogged with fine

Figure 2.8

Infiltration systems are best suited to sandy soils with deep


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Chapter 2 Stormwater Treatment Elements


Constructed wetlands

Constructed wetland systems are shallow extensively vegetated water bodies that use
enhanced sedimentation, fine filtration and pollutant uptake processes to remove
pollutants from stormwater. Water levels rise during rainfall events and outlets are
configured to slowly release flows, typically over three days, back to dry weather water
Wetlands generally consist of an inlet zone (sediment basin to remove coarse
sediments), a macrophyte zone (a shallow heavily vegetated area to remove fine
particulates and uptake of soluble pollutants) and a high flow bypass channel (to
protect the macrophyte zone).
Wetland processes are engaged by slowly passing runoff through heavily vegetated
areas. Plants filter sediments and pollutants from the water and biofilms that grow on
the plants can absorb nutrients and other associated contaminants. In addition to
playing an important role in stormwater treatment, wetlands can also have significant
community benefits. They provide habitat for wildlife and a focus for recreation, such
as walking paths and resting areas. They can also improve the aesthetics of a
development and be a central feature in a landscape.
Wetlands can be constructed on many scales, from house block scale to large regional
systems. In highly urban areas they can have a hard edge form and be part of a
streetscape or forecourts of buildings. In regional settings they can be over 10
hectares in size and provide significant habitat for wildlife.

Figure 2.9

Wetlands can be constructed on many scales

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Chapter 2 Stormwater Treatment Elements

2.10 Ponds
Ponds (or lakes) promote particle sedimentation, adsorption of nutrients by
phytoplankton and ultra violet disinfection. They can be used as storages for reuse
schemes and urban landform features for recreation as well as wildlife habitat. Often
wetlands will flow into ponds and the water bodies enhance local landscapes.
In areas where wetlands are not feasible (eg. very steep terrain), ponds can be used
for a similar purpose of water quality treatment. In these cases, ponds should be
designed to settle fine particles and promote submerged macrophyte growth. Fringing
vegetation, while aesthetically pleasing, contributes little to improving water quality.
Nevertheless, it is necessary to reduce bank erosion. Ponds still require pretreatment
such as a sedimentation basin that need to be maintained more regularly than the
main open waterbody.
Ponds are well suited to steep confined valleys where storage volumes can be
maximised. Some limitations for ponds can be site specific for example; proximity to
airports, as large numbers of flocking birds can cause a disturbance to nearby air
traffic. They also require regular inspection and maintenance to ensure that their
aesthetic value is not diminished.

Figure 2.10 Ponds are popular landscape features in urban areas

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Chapter 2 Stormwater Treatment Elements

2.11 Rainwater tanks

Rainwater tanks collect runoff from roof areas for subsequent reuse that reduces the
demand on potable mains supplies and reduces stormwater pollutant discharges. In
addition, they can provide a flood retardation function provided adequate temporary
storage is available either through appropriate sizing (eg small tanks that are drawn
down frequently can offer significant retention of roof runoff) or through temporary
detention storage.
There are many forms and sizes of rainwater tanks available. They can be
incorporated into building designs so they do not impact on the aesthetics of a
development or located underground.
The core sustainability objective of using rainwater tanks is to conserve mains water.
In addition to conserving mains water, rainwater tanks help to protect urban streams
by reducing stormwater runoff volumes, particularly from small storms, and associated
stormwater pollutants from reaching downstream waterways. Rainwater and
stormwater harvesting on individual allotments are some of the initiatives that can be
implemented to deliver such a potable water conservation objective.
The use of rainwater tanks to reduce demand on reticulated potable water supplies
and stormwater runoff volume need to consider a number of issues. These are:

Supply and demand conditions such as a low roof area to occupancy ratio
(e.g. high density development) can result in large tank volumes to provide a
reliable supplementary water supply to the end-uses connected to a tank.

Water quality the quality of water from rainwater tanks needs to be

compatible with the water quality required by the connected end-use. There
are a number of ways in which the water quality in rainwater tanks can be
affected and it is important to understand these so that appropriate
management measures can be implemented.

Stormwater quality benefits the quantity of the stormwater that is reused

from a tank system reduces the quantity of runoff and associate pollutants
discharging into a stormwater system. The benefits, in terms of pollutant
reduction, should be considered as part of a stormwater treatment strategy.

Cost the cost of rainwater tanks needs to be considered against alternative

demand management initiatives and alternative water sources.

Available space - small lots with large building envelopes may preclude the
use of external, above ground, rainwater tanks.

Competing uses for stormwater runoff there may be situations where a

preferred beneficial use for stormwater runoff (such as irrigation of a local
public park, oval, or golf course) may provide a more cost effective use of
runoff from roofs than the use of rainwater tanks on individual allotments.

Maintenance most rainwater tanks will need to be maintained by the

householder or a body corporate (or similar).

Figure 2.11

Rainwater tanks are available in a range of sizes and shapes

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Chapter 2 Stormwater Treatment Elements



Ecological Engineering (2003), Landcom Water Sensitive Urban Design Strategy

Design Philosophy and Case Study Report, report prepared for Landcom, NSW

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Planning and Sizing Treatment Systems

Chapter 3 Planning and Sizing Treatment Systems

Chapter 3

Planning and Sizing Treatment Systems

Stormwater Quality


Suspended Solids








Formulating a Stormwater Management Strategy




Developing ABC WATERS Strategy


Best Planning Practice


Public Open Space (POS) Layout



Road Layouts and Streetscaping



Sizing Stormwater Treatment Systems






Rainfall in Singapore



Performance of Treatment Systems in Singapore



Model for Urban Stormwater Improvement Conceptualisation



Model spatial and temporal resolution



Data requirements


Climate data


Source node properties


Treatment node properties


Drainage link properties



Recommended uses for the model



Links to further information/user groups etc.




Engineering Procedures for ABC Waters Design Features


Chapter 3 Planning and Sizing Treatment Systems


Stormwater Quality

Stormwater pollutants from urban developments originate from a variety of sources in

the catchment. Table 3.1 summarises the sources of some of the more common
urban runoff pollutants as outlined by Lawrence and Breen (2006). Suspended solids,
nutrients, BOD5 and COD and micro-organisms are usually considered the most
significant parameters in terms of ecological impacts. Oils and surfactants, and litter
have aesthetic impacts which are more renowned for generating community concern
and action. Organic load in stormwater originates mainly from leaves and garden
litter. As a significant amount of inorganic pollutants is sediment bound, effective
treatment of suspended solids is often a minimum criterion in stormwater quality
management with the expectation that a significant amount of organic and inorganic
pollutant will also be treated.
Table 3.1 Typical Urban Runoff Pollutant Sources
Pollutant Source
Soil Erosion
Cleared Land



Human Waste
Animal Waste
Vehicle Fuels and Fluids





Fuel Combustion


Vehicle Wear

Industrial and Household


Industrial Processes

Paint and Preservatives

Stormwater Facilities

Suspended Solids
Suspended solids comprise of inorganic and organic materials. Sources of inorganic
suspended solids include soil particles from erosion and land degradation, streets,
households and buildings, and airborne particulate matter. Contributors to organic
suspended solids are bacteria and microorganisms such as those found in sewage.
The level of suspended solids in urban runoff is comparable to raw sewage and,
inorganic soil particles are particularly of concern. Large amounts of inorganic soil
particles are often associated with urban construction and the development of
supporting services including roads, sewers and drainage systems. Levels of
inorganic soil particles generated from these activities are at least two to six times, and
can be up to several hundred times, pre-development levels.
Turbid waters often result from the presence of suspended solids. In general the
community associates turbid waters with environmental pollution and degradation of
the water's aesthetic value.
Nutrients and toxins such as phosphorus, heavy metals and organic chemicals utilise
sediment as the medium for transportation in urban runoff. The deposition of
sediments can result in the release of these toxins and nutrients at a later time when

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Chapter 3 Planning and Sizing Treatment Systems

the ambient conditions related to the redox potential of the sediment and water column
becomes favourable for their release. This mechanism provides the opportunity for
pollutant re-mobilisation in later flow events enhancing the risk of further downstream
Suspended solids also reduce the penetration of light through water, and this
adversely affects the feeding and respiration of aquatic plants. Duncan (2006)
presents typical concentrations of suspended solids in urban stormwater runoff from
different land use, expressed as a log-normal distribution (Figure 3.).

Suspended Solids
Mean 1 Standard Deviation
All Roads(37)
Urban Roads(29)
Rural Roads(8)

Land Use (sample size)

All Roofs(11)

All Urban(247)
Other Urban(101)

All Rural(50)
Other Rural(25)

Figure 3.1

Concentration (mg/L)


Suspended Solids Concentration vs Land Use (Duncan, 2006)

3.1.2 Nutrients
Nutrients are fed into the water system through many different sources. These include
sewerage, plant matter, organic wastes, fertilisers, kitchen wastes (including
detergents), nitrous oxides produced from vehicles exhausts and ash from bushfires.
Nutrients contain natural compounds consisting of nitrogen and phosphorus.
There are problems associated with high levels of nutrients in waterbodies. Nutrients
promote growth of aquatic plant life including floating macrophytes, which if in large
concentrations, produce algal blooms on the water surface. Algae are microscopic
plants which occur naturally in waterways. With an increase in nutrients algal growth
becomes excessive often resulting in a build up of toxins. Toxic algal blooms cause
the closure of fisheries, water farming industries and public beaches.
Key nutrients of interest in managing urban waterways are phosphorus and nitrogen.
Phosphorus concentration in urban stormwater is often expressed as Total
Phosphorus (TP) and is the sum of dissolved and particulate phosphorus. Each

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Chapter 3 Planning and Sizing Treatment Systems

fraction can be subdivided into reactive, acid-hydrolysable, and organically bound

phosphorus, according to its chemical availability. Reactive phosphorus is readily
available for uptake by organism (e.g. algae). In urban stormwater, between 10% and
30% of TP is made up of soluble phosphorus. Duncan (2006) presents typical
concentrations of Total Phosphorus in urban stormwater runoff from different land use,
expressed as a log-normal distribution (Figure 3.).

Total Phosphorus
Mean 1 Standard Deviation
All Roads(20)
Urban Roads(16)
Rural Roads(4)

Land Use (sample size)

All Roofs(6)

All Urban(206)
Other Urban(84)

All Rural(60)
Other Rural(33)

Figure 3.2

Concentration (mg/L)


Total Phosphorus Concentration vs Land Use (Duncan, 2006)

Nitrogen concentration in urban stormwater is often expressed as Total Nitrogen which

is the sum of several forms. Organic nitrogen plus ammonia nitrogen comprise total
Kjeldahl nitrogen. Nitrite plus nitrate comprise oxidised nitrogen. Total Kjeldahl
nitrogen and oxidised nitrogen together make up total nitrogen. Nitrogen can be
converted between these forms, and also to nitrogen gas, by chemical and biological
action. It is a common but not universal practice to quote concentrations in terms of
the mass of nitrogen only, rather than the mass of the compound in which it occurs.
Nitrite and nitrate, in particular, may be expressed in either form in the published
Duncan (2006) presents typical concentrations of Total Nitrogen (TN) in urban
stormwater runoff from different landuse, expressed as a log-normal distribution.

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Chapter 3 Planning and Sizing Treatment Systems

Total Nitrogen
Mean 1 Standard Deviation
All Roads(12)

Land Use (sample size)

All Urban(139)
Other Urban(62)

All Rural(52)
Other Rural(26)

Figure 3.3

Concentration (mg/L)


Total Nitrogen Concentration vs Land Use (Duncan, 2006)

3.1.3 Litter
Litter is generally the most noticeable indicator of water pollution to the community.
Litter is also commonly thought of as the pollutant most detrimental to waterways
because of its visibility. Pollution of the environment including the export of litter and
gross pollutants has intensified over the last 30 years due to the production of easily
disposable, non-biodegradable packaging and household and industrial items. The
sources of litter are varied and they include dropping of rubbish, overflows of rubbish
containers and material blown away from tips and other rubbish sources. Allison et al.
(1998) define gross pollutants as the material that would be retained by a fivemillimetre mesh screen, thus eliminating practically all sediment except that attached
to litter and other large debris. Figure 3. 4 shows the gross pollutant load generated in
urban catchments in Australia.

Gross Pollutants
Event Dry Load (kg/ha)










Event Rainfall (mm)

Figure 3. 4

Gross Pollutant Event Loads vs Rainfall (redrawn from Allison et al. (1998))

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Chapter 3 Planning and Sizing Treatment Systems

3.1.4 Metals
Analysis of contaminants associated with urban dust and dirt by Dempsey et al (1993)
found highest concentrations of Cu, Zn and TP to be associated with particles in the
74 m to 250 m. The particle size range with high Pb association extends to 840 m.
One possible explanation for a higher contaminant concentration is that the size range
is the higher specific surface area (and thus contaminant binding sites) of particles in
this range. For example, Sansalone and Buchberger (1997) found that specific
surface area of solids transported from an urban roadway surface decrease with
increasing particle size as is normally the case for spherical particles. With irregularly
shaped particles, there is the general tendency for larger sized particles to have higher
specific surface area than are normally expected.
Table 3.2 reproduces the table of particle sizes and associated pollutants presented by
Dempsey et al (1993) for dust and dirt generated from road surfaces. The data
presented in the Table 3.2 indicates that treatment measures with capability of settling
particles of sizes down to 74 m will be necessary to facilitate treatment of metals and
nutrients in stormwater runoff generated from these areas. The particle size
distribution of sediment transported in stormwater is dependent on the geology of the
catchment and other studies (eg. Oliver et al (1993)) have found high concentrations
of nutrients in colloidal particles which are much finer than 74 m. Under such
circumstances, treatment measures involving significant periods of detention and
enhanced sedimentation, using wetland macrophytes, will be necessary (Lloyd, 1997).
Table 3.2 Pollutants Associated with Urban Dust and Dirt (mg/g per mg/L)
(ref. Dempsey et al, 1993)
Particle Size Range

<74 m

74-105 m

105-250 m

250-840 m

840-2000 m

>2000 m






















Total P







Total Copper

Total Zinc

Total Lead

Mean 1 Standard Deviation

Mean 1 Standard Deviation

Mean 1 Standard Deviation

All Roads(23)

All Roads(40)

All Roads(44)

Urban Roads(17)

Urban Roads(28)

Urban Roads(32)

Rural Roads(5)

Rural Roads(11)

Rural Roads(11)

All Roofs(25)

All Roofs(24)

Urban Roofs(11)
Rural Roofs(5)

All Urban(140)

Urban Roofs(18)

Zinc Roofs(7)

Land Use (sample size)

All Roofs(16)

Land Use (sample size)

Land Use (sample size)

Duncan (2006) presents typical concentrations of Cu, Zn and Pb in urban stormwater

runoff from different land use, expressed as log-normal distributions.

Non-zinc Roofs(10)
Unknown Roofs(7)

All Urban(156)

All Urban(181)



Rural Roofs(7)

Other Urban(70)


Other Urban(56)

Other Urban(59)

All Rural(17)

All Rural(6)

All Rural(8)

Concentration (mg/L)

Figure 3.5



Other Rural(11)

Concentration (mg/L)



Concentration (mg/L)

Copper, Zinc and Lead Concentrations vs Land Use (Duncan, 2006)

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Chapter 3 Planning and Sizing Treatment Systems


Formulating a Stormwater
Management Strategy

Structural and non-structural stormwater management measures take many forms and
can often be directed at addressing specific problems. In most instances, a number of
management measures can be implemented in series or concurrently forming a
treatment train approach to stormwater management. Figure 3.1 shows the various
types of treatment works within an overall regional management flow chart, which
could form an integrated catchment management strategy.
The correct utilisation of the various components of the treatment train is a vital design
consideration and requires a holistic approach to their performance specifications and
positions in the treatment train. An overview of common elements of the stormwater
treatment train may be summarised as follows:Source Controls

Community awareness
Land use planning and regulation
Street cleaning
Sewer leakage management
Isolation of high pollutant source
Construction site management
Landfill management
Litter traps
On-site detention basins
Stormwater infiltration systems
Buffer strips

In-transit Controls

Gross pollutant traps

Swale drains
Detention basins
Ponds and wetlands

End-of-pipe Controls
Gross pollutant traps
Floating booms
Ponds and wetlands
Receiving water management

The list of stormwater management measures is by no means exhaustive and they

serve to outline common techniques currently used in the industry.
The proper utilisation of the various components of the treatment train should be
based on the general philosophy of:1. avoiding pollution whenever possible through source control measures;
2. controlling and minimising pollution by means of in-transit and end-of-pipe control
methods where pollutant generation cannot be feasibly avoided; and
3. managing the impacts of stormwater pollution by managing receiving waters and
their appropriate utilisation as a last resort.
3.2.2 Developing
Developing ABC WATERS Strategy
ABC Waters strategy allows for the integration of all ABC Waters Design features
within the development to ensure that the site complies with established sustainability
objectives. The strategy need to consider site specific environmental conditions that
influence implementation of ABC Waters Design features, such as rainfall, topography,
soils, creeks and receiving waters. The nature of the proposed development will also
influence the implementation of ABC Waters Design Features. Therefore projectspecific ABC Waters strategy is important to ensure that it leads to the best outcomes
for each project, and can be integrated with the urban design masterplan or structure

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Chapter 3 Planning and Sizing Treatment Systems

Key issues for the implementation of stormwater quality initiatives are outlined as

Use ABC Waters Design Features in the urban landscape to maximise the
visual and recreational amenity of developments.

Size ABC Waters Design Features relative to the contributing catchment

area and impervious fraction, as demonstrated in the sizing curves presented
in this section.

Generally, ABC Waters Design Features is most effective on slopes of 1-4%.

Where slopes exceed 4%, either discrete treatment systems such as

bioretention street planters or additional flow control features (such as check
dams in swales and bioretention swales) can be used.

Use ABC Waters Design Features such as wetlands and bioretention

raingardens in open space areas where practical.

Use ABC Waters Design Features such as bioretention swales in streets on

the high-side verge reserve if there is one, or in the centre median of dual
travel-way streets. ABC Waters Design Features such as bioretention
raingardens can also be incorporated between parking bays or in trafficcalming features.

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Chapter 3 Planning and Sizing Treatment Systems

Setting Regional Water Quality

Targets for Receiving Waters

Setting Drainage Standard

Setting Local Conditions

Water Quality Targets

Establishing Major and

Minor System

Catchment Stormwater Management Measures

In-stream & Receiving waters Control

Source Control

Structural Measures

Infiltration system
Stormwater reuse
On-site detention
Litter traps
Buffer strips

Structural Measures

Non-Structural Measures
 Community awareness
 Source identification
 Landuse planning &
 Permissible discharges
 Street cleaning
 Isolation of high
pollutant source area
 Construction site



 Gross pollutant traps

 Continuous deflective
separation devices
 Floating booms
 Oil, grease and grit

Sediment basins
Retarding basins
Swale drains

Stormwater Management

Figure 3.1

Structural and Non-structural Stormwater Management Measures


Best Planning Practice

The layout of the combination of Best Management Practice (BMPs) included within a
'treatment train' may be viewed as Best Planning Practice (BPP), although the two are
not mutually exclusive as indicated by Figure 3.2. The selection of appropriate BMPs
to include within a treatment train involves an assessment made within a variety of
disciplines in order to account for site specific characteristic and limitations. This
procedure is illustrated in Figure 3.3 and Figure 3.4.
Stormwater characteristics are highly varied and the effectiveness of individual BMPs
and the treatment train as a whole will differ from one event to another. A statistical
approach is probably the most appropriate method of evaluating the performance of
the treatment train. A number of approaches can be adopted in evaluating the
effectiveness of the stormwater management strategy ranging from detailed
continuous model simulations to simplified flow frequency/mean event pollutant
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Chapter 3 Planning and Sizing Treatment Systems



Best Management Practices

Best Planning Practices

Water Sensitive

Sustainable &
Figure 3.2

Incorporation of Best Management Practices and Best Planning

Practices in Water Sensitive Urban Design (ABC Waters Design)






Figure 3.3
Study Teams Involved in Water Sensitive Urban Design (ABC
Waters Design)

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Chapter 3 Planning and Sizing Treatment Systems










Figure 3.4

Steps to Developing the Site Layout for Integrated Stormwater


While WSUD elements or ABC Waters Design Features (in Singapore context) may
have a landtake of up to 5% of the site area, implementing them into the urban design
can optimise outcomes, due to:

ABC Waters Design Features being integrated into streetscapes and not
requiring larger areas at the outlet of developments

ABC Waters Design Features acting as an interface between the development

and the riparian zone.

The integration of ABC Waters Design Features into development projects is an

iterative process involving the masterplanner and the project team. Ideally, this
integration will be facilitated through close communication with the masterplanner and
through a series of workshops to present preliminary thoughts and analyses of
possible ABC Waters Design options that meets the design objectives of the project.
The expected outcome from this process is the preferred lay-out of the site to meet the
range of urban design objectives.

Public Open Space (POS) Layout

Integration of public open space (POS) with conservation corridors, stormwater

management systems and recreational facilities is a fundamental objective of ABC
Waters Design Strategy.
POS areas can potentially incorporate stormwater
conveyance and treatment systems as landscape features within a multiple use
corridor. This can provide a recreation focus (such as a linear park with bike path or
an urban forest) as well as enhancing community understanding and regard of

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Chapter 3 Planning and Sizing Treatment Systems

stormwater as a valuable resource. The key principles to be considered in locating

POS areas:

Align POS along natural drainage lines.

Protect/enhance areas containing natural water features (such as creeks and

wetlands) and other environmental values by locating them within POS.

Utilise POS to provide links between public and private areas and community
activity nodes.

For water sensitive or ABC Waters landscape design the following natural landscape
values should be considered:

retention of natural features watercourses, landforms and other water features

should be retained or restored

use of indigenous species existing native vegetation needs to be retained or

restored. Vegetated links should be provided with native vegetation on adjoining

planting should be limited to locally indigenous species (or specifically

appropriate other species) and exclude groups that can cause weed problems

fauna habitat provision should be made for fauna habitat measures such as
wetlands, ponds, shrubs and nest boxes.


Road Layouts and Streetscaping

Roads account for a significant percentage of the overall impervious area created
within a typical urban development and therefore can significantly change the way
water is transported through an area. These areas also generate a number of water
borne stormwater contaminants that can adversely impact on receiving waterway
health (e.g. metals and hydrocarbons). Consequently, it is important to mitigate the
impact of stormwater runoff generated from road surfaces. By carefully planning road
alignments and streetscapes, ABC Waters Design features such as bioretention
systems and vegetated swales can be used to collect, attenuate, convey and treat the
runoff before discharge to receiving waterways.
Key principles in selecting road alignments and
streetscapes for ABC Waters Design depend on the
natural topography and overall masterplan for the
development. Some general considerations include:

Generally, ABC Waters Design Features in the

streetscape are most effective on slopes of 14%, i.e. where road grades are 1-4%.

Where slopes exceed 4%, either discrete

treatment systems such as bioretention street
tree planters or additional flow control features
(such as check dams with swales and linear
bioretention systems see picture to right) can
be used.

Use ABC Waters Design Features such as

bioretention swales on the high-side verge
reserve if there is one.

Where the street runs perpendicular to the

contours, use either verge for bioretention

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Chapter 3 Planning and Sizing Treatment Systems

Where practical, incorporate ABC Waters Design Features in the centre

medial of dual travel-way streets.

Ensure street or driveway crossovers of bioretention swales are either at

grade or incorporate a culvert crossing. If this is not possible, use discrete
ABC Waters Design Features separated by driveway crossovers.

Street-scale ABC Waters Design Features should be part of an overall ABC

Waters Design strategy for a development.

It is not necessary to provide ABC Waters Design Features on all streets,

however streetscape may form an important part of a ABC Waters Design
strategy for a development.

Parking areas can be located adjacent to ABC

Waters Design Features, but should be
designed to prevent vehicles damaging these
systems. Bollards or kerbs with regular breaks
are required to allow distributed flow to the ABC
Waters Design Features.

Parking areas may be interspersed between

ABC Waters Design Features, such as parking
bays between raingardens.

Below are several examples of ABC Waters Design

Features in streetscapes of varying scales.

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Chapter 3 Planning and Sizing Treatment Systems


Sizing Stormwater Treatment


Successful environmental management of urban stormwater requires understanding of


relationships between rainfall and runoff in the urban context,

pollutant generation from differing landuses and catchment characteristics,

performance of stormwater treatment measures, and how it may vary with

design specifications,

long-term performance of proposed stormwater strategies against water

quality standards,

resultant impacts on receiving ecosystems, before and after implementation of

the proposed stormwater strategy.

The performance of a stormwater quality management strategy is not determined by

any individual event or dry spell, but is the aggregate of a continuous period of typical
climatic condition. Modelling using well-established computer models of urban water
systems is a recognised method for determining the long-term performance of water
management strategies.
Stormwater quality management systems are often highly complex and difficult to
understand without tools such as models. Examples of this include large catchments
with varying land uses and a convoluted drainage network that delivers urban
stormwater and runoff from other land uses in the catchment at different times and
rates of flow. Furthermore, stormwater systems are highly non-linear and exhibit
characteristics that are probabilistic or depend on antecedent conditions in some
cases. This requires modelling to enable an adequate understanding and assessment
to be undertaken.
Modelling will involve the use of historical or synthesised long-term rainfall and
evapotranspiration information, expected water consumption data, algorithms that
simulate the operation of alternative water source systems, and algorithms that
simulate the performance of stormwater treatment measures to determine water
conservation, pollution control and flow management outcomes.
As discussed earlier, stormwater-based pollutant exports have been shown to be
variable, i.e. highly stochastic in manner. Patterns of stormwater quality vary highly
both between, and within, individual storm events. The concept of a design storm is
of little use in stormwater quality modelling. A continuous modelling approach is more
appropriate with simulation period of one or many years.
The performance of stormwater quality management measures can be highly variable
during and between individual storm events. Issues such as antecedent rainfall,
individual storm intensities and magnitudes and the time of year can all affect the
performance of a stormwater quality management measure. Again, these processes
are typically assessed with a continuous modelling approach, incorporating the
inherent variability of rainfall and streamflow occurrences and associated operation of
individual stormwater quality management facilities.
Often the performance of a proposed water management strategy will need to be
benchmarked against current conventional design. Modelling techniques allow for this
comparison by simulating the likely performances of a range of water management

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Chapter 3 Planning and Sizing Treatment Systems

scenarios, based on a ABC Waters Design approach, and benchmarking against the
performance of a conventional urban water cycle management design approach.
3.3.2 Rainfall in Singapore
Figure 3.5 shows the location of Singapore rainfall stations and annual rainfall isohyets
(cm) in 2006. The distribution of the 2006 annual rainfall shows a significantly high
variability, ranging from 2200 mm to 3800 mm.
Monthly rainfall for 5 geographically spaced sites over 5 years were analysed to gain a
better understanding of the monthly rainfall patterns of these station. January and
December were generally the wettest months and there is a tendency for lower rainfall
during the middle months of the year. The analysis found significant variations in
monthly rainfall patterns amongst the stations. Furthermore, monthly rainfall patterns
also vary significantly from year to year for a given station. The characteristics (Figure
3.6) are symptomatic of climatic conditions where rainfall is events are dominated by
spatially random local thunderstorm activities.

Figure 3.5

Distribution of Singapore rainfall stations and annual rainfall

isohyets (cm) in 2006.

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Chapter 3 Planning and Sizing Treatment Systems

Monthly rainfall at 6 Met stations across singapore (2000 - 2005)


Ave Monthly Rainfall (mm)





















Monthly rainfall data for Singapore Met Station in 2000


Rainfall (mm/month)


Station 06 2000
Station 23 2000
Station 24 2000
Station 25 2000
Station 79 2000

















5 Years monthly rainfall data for Singapore Met Station 79


Rainfall (mm/month)



Station 79 2000
Station 79 2001
Station 79 2002
Station 79 2003


Station 79 2004
Station 79 2005
















Figure 3.6

Monthly rainfall averaged for 5 Singapore meteorological stations

Stn 6 - Paya Lebar Met. Station

Stn 23 - Tengah Met. Station
Stn 24 - Changi Met. Station
Stn 25 - Seletar Met. Station
Stn 79- SP Building

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Chapter 3 Planning and Sizing Treatment Systems


Performance of Treatment Systems in Singapore

The significance in variation in performances of stormwater treatment throughout

Singapore in response to the observed variability in annual rainfall and monthly
patterns were tested. 10 minute rainfall data from 22 stations across Singapore were
used to provide good geographic spread of rainfall data across Singapore data from
which model simulations of performance of stormwater treatment measures were
undertaken (Figure 3.5). The data were converted 30 minute time step so that is in a
suitable format for MUSIC modelling.
MUSIC modelling of the available meteorological data was undertaken to assess the
effectiveness of bioretention systems throughout Singapore as a basis for examining
treatment performances in general. The results are shown Figure 3.7.

treatment area as % of impervious catchment area










7, 8, 80










annual rainfall for 2006 (mm)

Figure 3.7

Comparison of bioretention size required to achieve 45% TN load

reduction against mean annual rainfall for Singapore rainfall

From Figure 3.7, it is evident that despite the significant range in annual rainfall of the
stations tested, there was only a weak trend of increasing treatment area with rainfall
observed. The sizes of bioretention area necessary to deliver a 45% reduction in
mean annual TN load falls generally between 4% and 5% (with the exception of
Station 88 and Station 47, both stations having near-average annual rainfall). Given
this result, there appears little benefit in creating different design zones for Singapore.
Thus it was considered reasonable to develop a single set of design curves based
around the upper limit (ie. 5% for bioretention systems) that applicable for all regions in
Singapore for each treatment measure. This would for a simple sizing guide for the
treatment measures and the guideline would recommend that users adopt a modelling
approach with local rainfall data should they want to refine the sizing further, which
would generally lead to a reduction in required area.
The performance curves used as a checking guide in subsequent chapters in this
document have been based on adopting a factoring the performance of the reference
station factored by 1.1 to reflect this conservative simple approach to sizing
stormwater treatment systems.

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Chapter 3 Planning and Sizing Treatment Systems


Model for Urban Stormwater


The Model for Urban Stormwater Improvement Conceptualisation (MUSIC) developed

by the Cooperative Research Centre for Catchment Hydrology in Australia has been
adapted for use in Singapore climatic conditions to aid designers in modelling the
performance of stormwater quality treatment measures. Rainfall files for the 22 rainfall
stations (see Figure 3.5) have been formatted for MUSIC application.
MUSIC enables urban catchment managers to (a) determine the likely water quality
emanating from specific catchments, (b) predict the performance of specific
stormwater treatment measures in protecting receiving water quality, (c) design an
integrated stormwater management plan for a catchment, (d) evaluate the success of
a treatment node or treatment train against a range of water quality standards, and (e)
analyse the life cycle costs of a treatment node or treatment train.
MUSIC was developed in a modular form to allow the incorporation of refinements and
additions as a result of further research by the CRCCH, eWater CRC and others.
3.4.1 Model spatial and temporal resolution
MUSIC is designed to operate at a range of temporal and spatial scales, suitable for
catchment areas up to 100 km . The modelling approach is based on continuous
simulation, operating at time steps from six minutes to 24 hours, to match the spatial
scale of the catchment.
The accuracy of MUSICs simulation of treatment performance depends on selection
of an appropriate time step, matched to the catchment area and detention time of the
specified treatment measure.

Data requirements Climate data

MUSIC simulations are based on a meteorological template which can be of any
duration, and be based on a time step ranging from six minutes to 24 hours. Climate
templates can be created from local rainfall and evapotranspiration files, which can be
supplied by the Bureau of Meteorology. MUSIC comes pre-loaded with rainfall and
evapotranspiration files for a range of Australian locations. Source node properties
Creating a source node from meteorological data requires the user to specify:

Catchment area and impervious area

Soil properties (where possible)

Event mean and dry weather pollutant concentrations (default values are
provided from the worldwide literature (Duncan, 2006).

Alternatively, the entire source node simulation may be bypassed by importing a file of
flow and concentration data appropriate to the site. Treatment node properties
MUSIC users specify the design properties of a given treatment node, such as the
inlet, storage and outlet properties. Advanced parameters can also be accessed, to
modify the default modelling parameters (such as the k and C* values in the Universal
Stormwater Treatment Model). MUSIC also allows users to create a Generic
Treatment Node, to simulate the performance of a stormwater treatment measure

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Chapter 3 Planning and Sizing Treatment Systems

(structural or non-structural) that is not simulated by the USTM. The Generic

Treatment Node provides a graphical transfer-function editor. Drainage link properties
The links connecting source, treatment, and junction nodes may represent pipes, open
channels, or natural watercourses. To enable more accurate simulation, the routing
properties (using the Muskingum-Cunge routing method) of each link may be specified
by the user.
3.4.3 Recommended uses for the model
MUSIC should be viewed as a conceptual design tool, not a detailed design tool; it
does not contain the algorithms necessary for detailed sizing of structural stormwater
quantity and/or quality facilities. MUSIC does not incorporate all aspects of stormwater
management that decision-makers must consider. Hydraulic analysis for stormwater
drainage, indicators of ecosystem health, and the integration of urban stormwater
management facilities into the urban landscape are currently omitted from the model.
Many of these are the subject of further research in the CRCCH and eWater CRC, and
will be incorporated into future versions of MUSIC.
3.4.4 Links to further information/user groups etc.
MUSIC is part of the CRC Catchment Hydrology and eWater CRC Catchment
Modelling Toolkit. Further details about MUSIC, and the Toolkit, can be found at:

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Chapter 3 Planning and Sizing Treatment Systems



Dempsey, B.A., Tai, Y.L. and Harrison, S.G. (1993). Mobilisation and removal of
contaminants associated with urban dust and dirt, Water Sci. Tech., 28(3-5): 225-230.
Duncan, H (2006), Chapter 3 Urban Stormwater Pollutant Characteristics, in Australian
Runoff Quality: A guide to Water Sensitive Urban Design, Editor-in-Chief Wong, T H
F, ISBN 0 85825 852 8, Engineers Australia, Canberra, Australia, 2006
Lawrence, I and Breen, P (2006), Chapter 2 Stormwater Contaminant Processes and
Pathways, in Australian Runoff Quality: A guide to Water Sensitive Urban Design,
Editor-in-Chief Wong, T H F, ISBN 0 85825 852 8, Engineers Australia, Canberra,
Australia, 2006.
Lloyd, S.D.(1997), Influence of Macrophytes on Sediment Deposition and Flow Pattern
within a Stormwater Pollution Control Wetland, Masters of Engineering Science thesis,
Department of Civil Engineering, Monash University, 161 p.
Oliver, R.L., Hart. B.T., Douglas, G.B and Beckett, R. (1993), Phosphorus speciation in
the Murray and Darling Rivers, Water Chemistry in Australia, August, pp.392-297.
Sansalone, J.J. and Buchberger, S.G.(1997), Characterisation of solid and metal
element distributions in urban highway stormwater, Water Sci. Tech., 36(8-9):155-160.

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Sedimentation Basins

Chapter 4 - Sedimentation Basins

Chapter 4 Sedimentation Basins




Design Considerations



Role of sedimentation basins in the stormwater treatment train



Sizing a sedimentation basin



Sediment Storage



Outlet Design



Landscape Design



Vegetation Specification






Design Process



Step 1: Determine Design Flows



Step 2: Confirm Treatment Performance of Concept Design



Step 3: Confirm Size and Dimensions of the Sedimentation Basin


Sedimentation Basin Configuration

Internal Batters

Sedimentation Basin Area


Storage Volume for Sediments



Step 4: Design Inflow Systems



Step 5: Design Outlet Systems


Design of Control Outlet - Overflow Pit and Pipe Outlet Configuration


Design of Control Outlet Weir Configuration


Design of Spillway Outlet Weir Configuration




Step 6: Specify Vegetation


Step 7: Maintenance Plan and Schedule



Design Calculation Summary



Checking tools



Design assessment checklist



Construction Advice



Building phase damage



High flow contingencies



Maintenance access



Solid base



Dewatering removed sediments



Inlet checks



Timing for Planting



Weed Control



Construction Inspection Checklist


Engineering Procedures for ABC Waters Design Features

Chapter 4 - Sedimentation Basins


Maintenance Requirements



Operation & Maintenance Inspection Form


Sedimentation Basin Design Worked Example




Worked example introduction



Calculation Steps



Design Calculation Summary



Construction drawings




Engineering Procedures for ABC Waters Design Features


Chapter 4 - Sedimentation Basins



Reducing sediment loads is an important way to improve stormwater quality.

Sedimentation basins can form an integral component of a stormwater treatment train
and are specifically employed to remove (by settling) coarse to medium-sized
sediments from the water column. Sedimentation basins can take various forms and
can be used as permanent systems integrated into an urban design or temporary
measures to control sediment discharge during construction.
Sedimentation basins promote settling of particles by providing temporary detention
and reducing flow velocities. They are designed to capture 70 to 90 percent of
sediment above a target size (typically 125m), whilst ensuring that the clean out
frequency is consistent with the maintenance regime (typically annually to once every
3 years).
The desired capture efficiency and clean out frequency are influenced by design
elements including the location of the inlet and outlet structures, the size of the settling
pond, and the high flow structures. The settling pond consists of two sections: the
permanent pool sediment settling zone and the sediment storage zone. Access for
maintenance (for example, sediment dewatering) must also be considered. The layout
and design considerations of these key design elements are shown schematically in
Figure 4.1and Figure 4.2.
This chapter describes the design, construction and maintenance of permanent
sedimentation basins designed as part of a treatment train.

Figure 4.1 Layout of a typical sedimentation basin

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Chapter 4 - Sedimentation Basins

nd Embankment
Spillway Outletaand
Control Outlet

Discharge capacity typically for design operation

flow (1yr ARI). In cases where
were outlet
to conveyance system,
system than
above design flow of the minor flood (2, 10 or
100yr ARI)

Typically formed by overflow pit and pipe


Surcharge over outlet established by spillway

outlet crest level

Flood debris guard (letter box grate)

Stormwater Pipe Outfall

Energy dissipation and scour


Spillway length to convey above design flow (100yr ARI)

Spillway level typically set atop of extended detention of

downstream treatment system and 0.3m above control
outlet and standing water level in sedimentation basin.

Afflux over spillway and provision of freeboard (0.3m) define

top of embankment

Concrete sill and downslope rock protection

Permanent Pool

Sized to remove target sediment


Gross pollutant trap

(depending on catchment)

Removal of Litter and debris

Sediment Storage Volume

Sized to ensure desilting required every

5 years
Approximately half the permanent pool

Solid (Rock) Base

To detect when base has been

reached during de-silting

Figure 4.2: Design considerations for sedimentation basins


Design Considerations
Role of sedimentation basins in the stormwater treatment train

Sedimentation basins have two key roles when designed as part of a stormwater
treatment train. Its primary function is to capture coarse to medium sized sediment as
pre-treatment to waters entering a downstream treatment systems (e.g. macrophyte
zone of a constructed wetland or a bioretention basin) configured for removal of finer
particulates and soluble pollutants.
The pre-treatment ensures that downstream treatment systems are not smothered by
coarse sediment which may hamper their effectiveness to target finer particulates,
nutrients and other pollutants.
The second function of sedimentation basins is the control or regulation of flows
entering the downstream treatment system during design operation and above
design conditions. The outlet structures of sedimentation basin are designed such
that flows up to the design operation flow (typically the 1 year ARI) enter the
downstream treatment system, whereas above design flows are bypassed around the
downstream treatment system. In providing this function, the sedimentation basin
protects the downstream treatment system against scour during high flows. The
configuration and design of outlet structures in sedimentation basins are described in
Section 4.2.4.

Sizing a sedimentation basin

The size of a sedimentation basin is typically calculated to match the settling velocity
of a target sediment size for a given design flow. In urban stormwater management,
this design flow typically corresponds to the 1 year ARI peak flow. As a pretreatment
facility, it is recommended that particles of 125m or larger be the selected target
sediment size.
This recommendation is based on the following considerations:

Analysis of typical catchment sediment loads suggest that between 50 80 %

of suspended solids conveyed in urban stormwater are 125m or larger.

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Chapter 4 - Sedimentation Basins

Almost all sediment bed loads are larger than this target sediment size. By
targeting this particle size for pre-treatment, containment of a significant
proportion of sediment inflow is within the sedimentation basin.

Analysis of the characteristics of particulate nutrients and metals indicates that

coarse to medium sized sediments (i.e. > 125m) have low concentrations of
attached pollutants (e.g. nutrients, heavy metals) when compared to finer
sediment and colloidal particles. Basins sized to target coarse to medium
sized sediment are therefore expected to contain sediment that has low levels
of contamination and are unlikely to require special handling and disposal.

Removal of particles smaller than 125m is best undertaken by treatment

measures other than sedimentation basins (e.g. constructed wetlands and
bioretention systems).

Where the sedimentation basin forms part of a treatment train (i.e. inlet zone of a
constructed wetland) and when available space is constrained, it is important to
ensure that the size of the sedimentation basin is not reduced. If the sedimentation
basin is not sized adequately, larger sediments will not be trapped effectively and the
downstream treatment system is at risk of becoming smothered.
Conversely, a sedimentation basin should not be grossly oversized, as smaller
particles may be allowed to settle (due to longer residence times) and special cleanout and disposal procedures would be required. Experiences have also shown that
grossly oversized sedimentation systems may also be subject to poor water quality
outcomes including the occurrence of algal blooms.
4.2.3 Sediment Storage
A further consideration in the design of a sedimentation basin is the provision of
adequate storage for settled sediment to prevent the need for frequent desilting.
Typically, a basin is designed to have frequency of desilting (clean-out frequency)
ranging from annually to once every five years (generally triggered when sediment
accumulates to half the basin pool depth).
The volume of accumulated sediment can be estimated from regular monitoring of
sediment levels with a measuring post and reference against the top water level.
Review of global literature suggests that a developing catchment can typically be
expected to discharge between 50m3 and 200m3 of sediment per hectare each year.
In a built-up catchment, the annual sediment export is generally one to two orders of
magnitude lower.
No data is available to help estimate the expected sediment load generated from
Singapore urban catchments and data from other sources have been used in the
interim to estimate the required sediment storage. In Australia, an expected mean
annual rate of 1.60m /ha has been suggested (Engineers Australia, 2006).
Sediment loading rate for Singapore catchments may be higher than typically
observed in Australian catchments, owing to higher intensity and magnitude of rainfall.
Preliminary modeling suggests a sediment loading rate as high as 3 m3/ha/year may
be more appropriate for Singapore conditions.
4.2.4 Outlet Design
An outlet structure of a sedimentation basin can be configured in many ways and is
generally dependant on its intended operation. In most cases, the outlet design of a
sedimentation basin will consist of a control outlet structure and a spillway outlet

The control outlet can either be an overflow pit with pipe connection or a weir.
This structure conveys flows up to the design operation flow (Section 4.3.1)
to the downstream treatment system(s).

The spillway outlet weir structure configured to ensure that flows above the
design operation flow (Section 4.3.1) are discharged to a channel or pipe

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Chapter 4 - Sedimentation Basins

system that by-passes the downstream treatment system(s). The spillway

bypass weir level is set above the control outlet structure and typically at the
top of the extended detention depth of the downstream treatment system.
Where the sedimentation basin discharges to a conveyance system (e.g. swale or
piped system), a control outlet may not be required and one outlet structure is often
adequate to convey discharge of all flows including flood flows.
4.2.5 Landscape Design
Sedimentation basins are often located within open space zones areas and can be
landscaped to create a focal point for passive recreation. The suitability of
sedimentation basins as water features will vary depending on catchment type. It
should be borne in mind that, unlike ponds located further down the stormwater
treatment train (see Chapter 10); sedimentation basins bear the first brunt of urban
stormwater pollution. Thus accumulation of gross pollutants, hydrocarbon (particularly
during dry weather flow conditions) and generally poor water quality can be expected.
The introduction of gross pollutant traps may be required if these basins have
important water feature functions.
Landscape design treatments for sedimentation basins generally focus on dense and
tall littoral vegetation planting to shield unsightly sections of the basins, restrict nondesignated access to the open water zone, and therefore increase public safety, but
can also include designated pathways, viewing platforms (preferably located at the
downstream end of the basin), and information signs. Landscape design must also
consider access to the sedimentation basin for maintenance (e.g. excavator).

Vegetation Specification

The role of vegetation in sedimentation basin design is to provide scour and erosion
protection to the basin batters and littoral zone (i.e. the area around the shallow
margin of the sedimentation basin). Terrestrial planting may also be recommended to
screen areas and provide a barrier to steeper batters.
Plant species should be selected based on the water level regime, soil types of the
region, and the life histories, physiological and structural characteristics, natural
distribution, and community groups of the plants. A list of suggested plant species
suitable for sedimentation basins will be developed in consultation with National Parks
Board of Singapore and form an separate guidelines.
Only the waters edge and batters of sedimentation basins should be planted and care
needs to be taken in species selection to ensure vegetative growth will not spread to
cover the deeper water zones. Similarly, floating or submerged macrophytes should
be avoided.
4.2.7 Maintenance
Sedimentation basins are designed with a sediment storage capacity to ensure
sediment removal frequency is acceptable (i.e. typically between once per year to
once every five years, refer to Section 4.2.3).
Maintenance is focus on ensuring inlet erosion protection is operating as designed,
monitoring sediment accumulation and ensuring that the outlet is not blocked with
debris. Cleaning of the sedimentation basin is typically triggered when sediment
accumulates to half the basin depth, determined from regular monitoring of sediment
depth with a measuring post during maintenance visits.
Accessibility for maintenance is an important design consideration. If an excavator is
able to reach all parts of the basin from the top of the batter then an access ramp may
not be required; however, an access track around the perimeter of the basin will be
required and will need to be accommodate in the overall landscape design. If
sediment collection requires earthmoving equipment to enter the basin, a stable ramp
will be required into the base of the sedimentation basin (maximum slope 1:10).

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Chapter 4 - Sedimentation Basins

It is recommended that a sedimentation basin is constructed with a hard (i.e. rock)

bottom (with a bearing capacity to support maintenance machinery when access is
required within the basin). This serves an important role by allowing excavator
operators to detect when they have reached the base of the basin during desilting
Provision to drain the sedimentation basin of water for maintenance must be
considered (which may involve the use of a pump which is either permanently installed
on site or a portable unit). Approvals must be obtained to discharge flows downstream
receiving waters or to sewer.

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Chapter 4 - Sedimentation Basins


Design Process

The following sections detail the design steps required for sedimentation basins. Key
design steps following the site planning and concept development stages are:

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Chapter 4 - Sedimentation Basins

4.3.1 Step 1: Determine Design Flows

A range of hydrologic methods can be applied to estimate design flows, ranging from
detailed catchment runoff routing models to the simple Rational Method use for typical
drainage design in Singapore. For catchment areas that are relatively small (< 50 ha),
the Rational Method design procedure is considered adequate. For Sedimentation
Basins with large catchments (> 50 ha), a runoff routing model should be used.
Two design discharges are required to size sedimentation basins and their structures:

Design Operation Flow for sizing the basin area and to size a control outlet
structure when discharging directly into a treatment system (e.g. wetland or
bioretention system). The 1 year ARI peak discharge is recommended as the
Design Operation Flow.

Above Design Flow for design of the spillway outlet structure to allow for
bypass of high flows around a downstream treatment system. This is defined by
either the:

Minor design flow (2 to 10 year ARI) corresponding to the discharge capacity

of downstream drainage infrastructure. The required design event for the
minor design flow in Singapore is the 5 year ARI peak discharge (Code of
Practice on Surface Water Drainage). The adoption of the 5 year ARI peak
discharge is appropriate for situations where only the minor drainage system
is directed to the sedimentation basin.

Major flood flow (50 to 100 year ARI) is conveyed by major canal and
waterways and/or designated overland flow paths or floodways within the
urban area that is engaged when the capacity of the local drainage
infrastructure is exceeded. In Singapore, this is either the 50 year or 100 year
ARI peak discharge depending on the catchment land use. This design flow
should be adopted as the Above Design Flow for the sedimentation basin
where both the minor and major drainage systems discharge into the basin.

4.3.2 Step 2: Confirm Treatment Performance of Concept Design

Sedimentation basins should not be designed to have high flows diverted around
them. All flows should be directed through a sedimentation basin such that some level
of sedimentation is achieved even during high flow conditions.
Figure 4.3 shows the relationship between a required basin area and design discharge
for 125m sediment capture efficiencies of 70%, 80% and 90%. The sizing curves are
based on a typical shape and configuration, having a hydraulic efficiency () of 0.5
(see Section; Figure 4.4).
An upper and lower limit is given for the three target capture efficiencies, set by the
absence and presence of a permanent pool, respectively. The influence of a
permanent pool reduces flow velocities in the sedimentation basin and thus increases
detention times in the basin (and hence removal efficiency) and defines the lower limit
of required basin area. The permanent pool has a typical depth of two metres (for
ease of maintenance).
The performance of a typical sedimentation basin design can be expected to fall within
the shaded areas shown in Figure 4.3. As the design charts relate the size of a
required sedimentation basin to a design flow, they are applicable in all regions within
Singapore and can be used to verify the selected size of a proposed sedimentation
basin anywhere in Singapore.

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Chapter 4 - Sedimentation Basins




Basin Area (m 2)



90% Capture Efficiency



80% Capture Efficiency


70% Capture Efficiency







Design Discharge (m3/s)


Basin Area (m 2)


90% Capture Efficiency


80% Capture Efficiency


70% Capture Efficiency











Design Discharge (m3/s)

Figure 4.3 Sedimentation Basin Area Vs Design Discharges for varying capture
efficiencies of 125
m sediment

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Chapter 4 - Sedimentation Basins


Step 3: Confirm Size and Dimensions of the Sedimentation Basin Sedimentation Basin Configuration

The configuration of a sedimentation basin, defined by its shape and locations of inlet
and outlet structures, has a large impact on the effectiveness of the basin to retain
sediment. The effectiveness of the basin at retaining sediment is described by the
hydraulic efficiency ().
The hydraulic efficiency is greatly influenced by the length to width ratio of the basin,
the relative position of the inlet and the outlet, and the inclusion and placement of any
baffles, islands or flow spreaders. Hydraulic efficiency has a range from 0 to 1, with 1
representing the most efficient configuration for sedimentation. Basins should not be
designed to have a hydraulic efficiency less than 0.5.
Guidance on estimating hydraulic efficiency is given in Figure 4.4. The shape
designed as o in diagrams O and P represent islands in the waterbody and the
double line in diagram Q represents a weir structure to distribute flows evenly
(Persson et al. 1999).
Consideration of maintenance access to a basin is also required when developing the
shape, as this can impact the allowable width (if access is from the banks) or the
shape if access ramps into a basin are required.

Figure 4.4

Hydraulic Efficiency, Internal Batters

Batter slopes above and immediately below the water line of a basin should be
configured with consideration of public safety and landscape integration. Both hard
and soft edge treatments can be applied to compliment the landscape of a surrounding
area. Soft edge treatments involve using gentle slopes to the waters edge (e.g. 1:8 to
1:10), extending below the water line for a distance of between 2 to 3 m before batter
slopes steepen into deeper areas. Hard edge treatments typically have a large vertical
drop from the waters edge to the water line. Such systems may require a handrail for
public safety. In both hard and soft edge treatments, it is recommended to line the
bottom of the basin with rock to prevent vegetation (particularly weed) growth and to
guide extraction depths during sediment removal.
The safety requirements for individual basins will vary from site to site, and it is
recommended that developers engage an independent safety audit of each design. At
present no guidelines exist in Singapore for the design of Sedimentation Basins. In
their absence it is recommended that the following be adopted:

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Chapter 4 - Sedimentation Basins

For water depths > 150 mm and maximum slope of 5:1 (H:V) or less, no
fencing is required.

For water depths > 150 mm and maximum slope > 5:1 (H:V) fencing is

Figure 4.5 Design considerations for soft edge treatment for open waterbodies
(Source: GBLA 2004)

Figure 4.6 Design considerations for hard edge treatment for open waterbodies
(Source: GBLA 2004)

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Chapter 4 - Sedimentation Basins Sedimentation Basin Area

The required area (A) of a sedimentation basin can be defined through the use of the
(modified) Fair and Geyer (1954) expression of the sedimentation equation, i.e.:

(d e + d p )
1 v
R = 1 1 + s
n Q/AS (d e + d )

Equation 4.1


fraction of target sediment removed


settling velocity of target sediment


applied flow rate divided by basin surface area (m /s/m )

turbulence or short-circuiting parameter


extended detention depth (m) above permanent pool level


depth (m) of the permanent pool


depth below the permanent pool level that is sufficient to retain the target
sediment (m) adopt 1.0 m or dp whichever is lower.

Good practice in the design of sedimentation basins is to include a permanent pool to

reduce flow velocities and provide storage of settled sediment. The presence of a
permanent pool reduces flow velocities in the sedimentation basin and thus increases
detention times. With the outlet structure being located some distance above the bed
of a sedimentation basin, it is also not necessary for sediment particles to settle all the
way to the bed of the basin to be effectively retained. It is envisaged that sediments
need only settle to an effective depth (d*) which is less than the depth to the bed of the
sedimentation basin. This depth is considered to be approximately 1.0 m below the
permanent pool level.
The turbulence parameter, n, is related to hydraulic efficiency () described in Section A value of n is estimated using the following relationship:

n =

= 1

Equation 4.2

The concept design stage will generally guide the selection of the fraction of target
sediment removed (R) and permanent pool depth (dp) depending on water quality
objectives and the nature of local catchment geology. The selection of the target
sediment size will led to the determination of the theoretical settling velocity of the
target particle size for use in Equation 4.1 to compute removal efficiency for a given
size basin.
Table 4.1 lists the typical settling velocities (vs) of sediments under ideal conditions
(velocity in standing water).

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Chapter 4 - Sedimentation Basins

Table 4.1: Settling Velocities (vs) under Ideal Conditions

Particle diameter

Settling velocities

Very coarse sand



Coarse sand



Medium sand



Fine sand



Very fine sand



Coarse silt



Medium silt



Fine silt



Very fine silt




Classification of particle size

Source: (Maryland Dept. of Environment 1987 in Engineers Australia 2006) Storage Volume for Sediments
A further consideration in the design of a sedimentation basin is the provision of
adequate storage for settled sediment to prevent the need for frequent desilting. Basin
desilting is triggered when accumulated sediment reaches half of the permanent pool
volume. To ensure this storage zone is appropriate the following must be met:
The sedimentation basin storage volume (Vs) is defined as the storage available in the
bottom half of the sedimentation basin permanent pool depth. The sedimentation
basin storage volume can be determined by applying the following equation:

V =


( Ab + AT )

Equation 4.3


Area of the basin at the base


Area of the basin at half the permanent pool depth

The basin areas are determined based on the surface dimensions and the batter
The volume of accumulated sediments over period before the basin is desilted (Vs) is
established by gaining an understanding of the sediment loads entering the
sedimentation basin and applying the fraction of target sediment removed (R):

Vs = A c R Lo Fc

Equation 4.4


volume of sediment storage required (m3)


contributing catchment area (ha)

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Chapter 4 - Sedimentation Basins

capture efficiency (%), estimated from Equation 4.1


sediment loading rate (m /ha/year) preliminary MUSIC modelling

suggests a sediment loading rate of 3 m /ha/year may be appropriate for
Singapore conditions.


desired cleanout frequency (years)

4.3.4 Step 4: Design Inflow Systems

Stormwater conveyed by a pipe or open channel would normally discharge directly into
a sedimentation basin as this is often the first element of a stormwater treatment train.
It will be necessary to ensure that inflow energy is adequately dissipated to prevent
localised scour in the vicinity of a pipe or channel outlet.

Design of inlet structures for adequate scour protection is common hydraulic

engineering practice and the reader is referred to standard hydraulic design
handbooks for further guidance on design of scour prevention methods and
appropriate sizing of energy dissipation structures (e.g. Henderson 1966; Chow 1959).
If conceptual design of the stormwater system identified the need to remove
anthropogenic litter (i.e. industrial or commercial situations) then some form of gross
pollutant trap (GPT) may be required as part of an inlet structure. The provision of a
GPT will depend on catchment activities as well as any upstream measures in place.
There are a number of proprietary products available for removing gross pollutants.
While there are no suitable references related to gross pollutant traps in Singapore,
the reader is referred to Chapter 7 of Australian Runoff Quality (Engineers Australia
2006). The storage capacity of gross pollutant traps should be sized to ensure that
maintenance (cleanout) frequency is not greater than once every 3 months.
4.3.5 Step 5: Design Outlet Systems
As outlined in Section 4.2.4, the outlet of a sedimentation basin will consist of a
control outlet structure and a spillway outlet structure: Design of Control Outlet - Overflow Pit and Pipe Outlet Configuration
For a sedimentation basin that operates as a pre-treatment within a treatment train
configuration, the control outlet structure discharging to the downstream treatment
system (e.g. constructed wetland) is an overflow pit and pipe with the following design

Ensure that the crest of the overflow pit is set at the permanent pool level of
the sedimentation basin.

The overflow pit is sized to convey the design operational flow (e.g. the 1 year
ARI peak discharge from the catchment). The dimension of the outlet pit is
determined by considering two flow conditions: weir and orifice flow as
expressed in Equation 4.5 and Equation 4.6.

Provide protection against blockage of the overflow pit by flood debris by

installation of debris screening (see Figure 4.7).

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Chapter 4 - Sedimentation Basins

Figure 4.7 Examples of debris screens

The following equations apply to the design of control outlet devices:

1. Weir flow condition when free overfall conditions occur over the pit:

B Cw h3 / 2

Equation 4.5


Perimeter of the outlet pit (m)

Blockage factor (0.5)

Depth of water above the crest of the outlet pit (m)


Design discharge (m3/s)


Weir coefficient (1.7)

2. Orifice flow conditions when the inlet pit is completely submerged

(corresponding to conditions associated with larger flood events):
Ao =


Equation 4.6

B Cd 2 g h


Orifice discharge coefficient (0.6)

Blockage factor (0.5)

Depth of water above the centroid of the orifice (m)


Orifice area (m )


Design discharge (m3/s)

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Chapter 4 - Sedimentation Basins

The pipe that connects the sedimentation basin to the downstream treatment system
(e.g. macrophyte zone of a constructed wetland or bioretention system) should have
sufficient capacity to convey the design operational flow (i.e. the 1 year ARI peak flow)
when downstream water level is at the permanent pool level. This ensures the
majority of flows have the opportunity to enter the downstream treatment system
before the bypass system is engaged. As downstream water level increases due to
the filling of the extended detention of the downstream treatment system, the capacity
of the connecting pipe may reduce and ultimately triggering a by-pass from the
sedimentation basin (see Chapter 9 Constructed Wetlands).
An energy dissipater is usually required at the end of the pipes to reduce velocities
and distribute flows into the downstream treatment system.
If the outlet of the connection pipe is submerged, an energy loss equation can be used
to estimate the pipe velocity using the following:


k V 2
2 g

Equation 4.7


head level driving flow through the pipe (defined as the spillway outlet level
minus the normal water level in the downstream treatment system)

head loss coefficient assume k = 2, as a conservative estimate of the sum

of entry and exit loss coefficients (Kin + Kout)

pipe velocity (m/s)

gravity (9.81 m/s2)

The area of pipe required to convey the design operation flow (1 year ARI) is then
calculated by dividing the above design operation flow by the velocity. Alternatively, if
the pipe outlet is not fully submerged, the orifice equation should be used (Equation
4.6) to estimate the size of the connection pipe. Design of Control Outlet Weir Configuration
If a weir outlet structure is to be used instead of an overflow pit and pipe configuration,
the required length of the weir for control outlet operation can be computed using the
weir flow equation (Equation 4.5) and the design operation flow (Section 4.3.1).
Depending on the width of the weir, a weir blockage factor may still be required in
which case a factor of 0.5 is recommended. Design of Spillway Outlet Weir Configuration
For operation under above-design conditions, a spillway outlet weir will required to
safely convey above-design flows.
For sedimentation basins serving as pre-treatment to downstream systems, this
spillway will form part of the high flow bypass system, which protects the downstream
treatment system from scouring during above design storm flows. The spillway
outlet weir level should ideally be set at the top of the extended detention level of the
downstream treatment system.
The length of the spillway outlet weir is to be sized to safely pass the maximum flow
discharged into the downstream treatment system (as defined by the above design
flow in Section 4.3.1). The water level above the crest of the bypass weir plus
freeboard provision (typically 0.3 m) sets the elevation of the embankment crest of the
sedimentation basin.
The required length of the spillway outlet weir can be computed using the weir flow
equation (Equation 4.5) and the above design flow (Section 4.3.1). No provision for

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Chapter 4 - Sedimentation Basins

blockage is necessary (i.e. blockage factor of 1.0). The spillway outlet weir should be
designed using standard methods to avoid scour and erosion. Typically, a concrete sill
is required with rock protection on the downslope sides of the sill. Figure 4.8 shows
typical spillway structures of sedimentation basins providing a means of bypassing
above design flows around downstream constructed wetlands.

Figure 4.8 Example overflow spillway structures of inlet zones (sedimentation

basins) of constructed wetlands.

4.3.6 Step 6: Specify Vegetation

Vegetation planted along the littoral zone of a sedimentation basin serves the primary
function of inhibiting public access to the open waterbody and preventing edge
erosion. Terrestrial planting beyond the littoral zone may also be recommended to
screen areas and provide an access barrier to uncontrolled areas of the stormwater
treatment system.

A list of suggested plant species suitable for sedimentation basin littoral zones will be
developed for Singapore in consultation with National Parks Board of Singapore.
4.3.7 Step 7: Maintenance Plan and Schedule
Consider how maintenance is to be performed on the Sedimentation Basin (e.g. how
and where is access available, where is litter likely to collect etc.). A specific
maintenance plan and schedule should be developed for the basin, either as part of a
maintenance plan for the whole treatment train, or for each individual asset. Guidance
on maintenance plans is provided in Section 4.7.

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Chapter 4 - Sedimentation Basins

4.3.8 Design Calculation Summary

The table below provides a design calculation summary sheet for the key design
elements of a sedimentation basin to aid the design process.
Sedimentation Basin





Catchment characteristics
- Land Uses


- Fraction Impervious
Weighted average

Conceptual Design
Basin Area
Notional permanent pool depth
Permanent pool level of sedimentation basin
Basin extended detention
Overflow level


Identify design criteria

Design operation flow
Above design flow
1. Estimate design flow rates
Time of concentration
estimate from flow path length and velocities



Identify rainfall intensities

station used for IFD data:
Design Rainfall Intensity for design operation flow
Design Rainfall Intensity for above design flow


Design runoff coefficient

Design operation flow
Above design flow
(refer to the Singapore Code of Practice on Surface Water Drainage(2000))

Peak design flows

Design operation flow
Above design flow
2. Confirm treatment performance and concept design
Capture efficincy of sedimentation basin

3. Confirm size and dimensions of sedimentation basin

- Inlet design
Area of sedimentation basin
Aspect Ratio
Hydraulic Efficiency
Depth of permanent pool
- Internal batters
Cross Section Batter Slope (below permanent pool depth)

m /s
m /s

L:W (1)

V:H (1)

- Sediment Storage Volume

Sediment storage volume, Vs

Volume of accumulated sediment over 5years (Vs,5yr)

Sediment clean-out frequency, given Vs


4. Design inflow systems

Scour protection and/or energy dissipation provided
5. Design outlet structures
- Overflow pit
Pit dimension
Overflow crest level
Provision of debris trap


- Connection Pipe
Connection pipe dimension
Connection pipe invert level

mm dia

- Control outlet weir (Spillway)

Weir crest level
Weir length
Freeboard to top of embankment


6. Vegetation Specification

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Chapter 4 - Sedimentation Basins

Checking tools
The following sections provide a number of checking aids for designers and referral

Checklists have been provided for:


Design assessments

Construction (during and post)

Operation and maintenance inspections

Design assessment checklist
The checklist below presents the key design features that should be reviewed when
assessing a design of a sedimentation basin either for temporary or permanent use.
These considerations include configuration, safety, maintenance and operational
issues that should be addressed during the design phase.

Where an item results in an N when reviewing the design, referral should be made
back to the design procedure to determine the impact of the omission or error.
In addition to the checklist, a proposed design should have all necessary permits for its
installations. The referral agency should ensure that all relevant permits are in place.
These can include permits to clear vegetation, to dredge, create a waterbody, divert
flows or disturb downstream aquatic habitats.

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Chapter 4 - Sedimentation Basins

Checklist 1: Sedimentation basin design checklist

Sedimentation Basin Design Assessment Checklist
Basin Location:

Design operational flow (m3/s):

Above design flow (m3/s):


Catchment Area (ha):

Basin Area (ha):


Treatment performance verified from sizing curves??

Inlet pipe/structure sufficient for maximum design flow (minor and/or major flood event)?
Scour protection provided at inlet?
Basin located upstream of treatment system (i.e. macrophyte zone of wetland)?
Configuration of basin (aspect, depth and flows) allows settling of particles >125 m?
Basin capacity sufficient for desilting period (i.e. >= twice sedimentation accumulation over clean out
Maintenance access allowed for into base of Sedimentation Basin?
Public access to basin prevented through dense vegetation or other means?
Gross pollutant protection measures provided on inlet structures where required?
Freeboard provided to top of embankment?
Public safety design considerations included in design and safety audit of publicly accessible areas
Overall shape, form, edge treatment and planting integrate well (visually) with host landscape?

'Control' outlet structure required?
'Control' outlet structure sized to convey the design operation flow?
Designed to prevent clogging of outlet structures (i.e. provision of appropriate grate structures)?
'Spillway' outlet control (weir) sufficient to convey 'above design flow'?
'Spillway' outlet has sufficient scour protection?
Visual impact of outlet structures has been considered?


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Chapter 4 - Sedimentation Basins


Construction Advice

This section provides general advice for the construction of sedimentation basins. It is
based on observations from construction projects around Australia.
4.6.1 Building phase damage
It is important to have protection from upstream flows during construction of a
Sedimentation Basin. A mechanism to divert flows around a construction site,
protection from litter and debris is required.

To overcome the challenges associated within delivering sedimentation basins a

staged approach to construction and establishment should be adopted (Leinster,
Stage 1: Functional Installation. The functional elements of the sedimentation basin
are constructed as part of civil works. The basin is allowed to form part of the
sediment and erosion control strategy.
Stage 2: Sediment and Erosion Control. During the Building Phase the sedimentation
basin will form part of the sediment and erosion control strategy to protect downstream
aquatic ecosystems.
Stage 3: Operational Establishment. At the completion of the Building Phase, the
sedimentation basins can be desilted (to establish the design bathymetry) and
Protection from vehicular impact during construction should be provided by traffic
controlling devices (for example, bollards).
4.6.2 High flow contingencies
Contingencies to manage risks associated with flood events during construction are
required. All machinery should be stored above acceptable flood levels and the site
stabilised as well as possible at the end of each day. Plans for dewatering following
storms should also be made.
4.6.3 Maintenance access
An important component of a Sedimentation Basin is accessibility for maintenance.
Should excavators be capable of reaching all parts of the basin an access track may
not be required to the base of the inlet zone; an access track around the perimeter of
the basin is required regardless. If sediment is collected using earthmoving
equipment, then a stable ramp will be required into the base of the inlet zone
(maximum slope 1:10).
4.6.4 Solid base
To aid maintenance it is recommended to construct the inlet zone either with a hard
(i.e. rock or concrete) bottom or a distinct sand layer. These serve an important role
for determining the levels that excavation should extend to during sediment removal
(i.e. how deep to dig) for either systems cleaned from the banks or directly accessed.
Hard bases are also important if maintenance is by driving into the basin.
4.6.5 Dewatering removed sediments
An area should be constructed that allows for dewatering of removed sediments from
a Sedimentation Basin. This allows the removed sediments to be transported as dry
material and can greatly reduce disposal costs compared to liquid wastes. This area
should be located such that water from the material drains back into the basin.
Material should be allowed to drain for a minimum of overnight before disposal.

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Chapter 4 - Sedimentation Basins

4.6.6 Inlet checks

It is good practice to check the operation of inlet erosion protection measures following
the first few rainfall events. It is important to check for these early in the systems life, to
avoid continuing problems. Should problems occur in these events the erosion
protection should be enhanced.
4.6.7 Timing for Planting
Timing of vegetation planting is dependent on a suitable time of year (and potential
irrigation requirements) as well as timing in relation to the phases of development.
Consideration should be made for:
- Growth period (relative to planting). It is recommended that plants be planted
within their growth period to allow the plants to go through a growth period
soon after planting

- Establishment of root zone prior to wet season

Further advice from the National Parks Board of Singapore should be sought when
considering the suitable timing for planting.
4.6.8 Weed Control
Weed control along the littoral zone of a sedimentation basin is best undertaken
through a combination of high planting density and applying suitable biodegradable
erosion control matting. Organic mulch is generally not recommended for the littoral
zone affected by frequent inundation. If the use of mulch on the littoral zones is
preferred, it must be secured in place with appropriate mesh or netting (e.g. jute
4.6.9 Construction Inspection Checklist
The following checklist presents the key items to be reviewed when inspecting the
sedimentation basin during and at the completion of construction. The checklist is to
be used by Construction Site Supervisors and local authority Compliance Inspectors to
ensure all the elements of the sedimentation basin have been constructed in
accordance with the design. If an item is ticked as unsatisfactory appropriate actions
must be specified and delivered to rectify the construction issue before final inspection
sign-off is given.

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Chapter 4 - Sedimentation Basins

Checklist 2: Construction inspection checklist: Sedimentation Basin

Sedimentation Basin Construction Inspection Checklist
Inspected by:




Contact during site visit:



Items inspected



Items inspected

Preliminary works

Structural components (continued)

1. Erosion and sediment control plan


19. No seepage through banks

2. Limit public access

20. Inlet energy dissipation installed

3. Location same as plans

21. No seepage through banks

4. Site protection from existing flows

22. Ensure spillway is level


23. Provision of maintenance drain

5. Integrity of banks

24. Collar installed on pipes

6. Batter slopes as plans


7. Impermeable (e.g. clay) base installed

25. Stabilisation immediately following

earthworks and planting of terrestrial
landscape around basin

8. Maintenance access (e.g. ramp)


26. Weed removal prior to planting

9. Compaction process as designed

27. Planting as designed (species and


10. Level of base, banks/ spillway as


28. Vegetation layout and densities as


11. Check for groundwater intrusion

Sediment and erosion control

12. Stabilisation with sterile grass

29. Sedimentation Basins to be used

during construction

Structural components

30. Silt fences and traffic control in


13. Location and levels of outlet as

14. Safety protection provided

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Chapter 4 - Sedimentation Basins

15. Pipe joints and connections as
16. Concrete and reinforcement as
17. Inlets appropriately installed
18. Inlet energy dissipation installed

1. Confirm levels of inlets and outlets

8. Check for uneven settling of banks

2. Confirm structural element sizes

9. Evidence of stagnant water, short

circuiting or vegetation scouring

3. Check batter slopes

10. Evidence of litter or excessive


4. Vegetation plantings as designed

11. Inlet erosion protection working

5. Erosion protection measures working

12. Maintenance access provided

6. Maintenance access provided

13. Construction generated sediment

removed (including desilting of
sedimentation basin if used during

7. Public safety adequate

14. Provision of removed sediment

drainage area



Inspection officer signature:

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Chapter 4 - Sedimentation Basins


Maintenance Requirements

Sedimentation basins treat runoff by slowing flow velocities and promoting settlement
of coarse to medium sized sediments. Maintenance is focus on ensuring inlet erosion
protection is operating as designed, monitoring sediment accumulation and ensuring
that the outlet is not blocked with debris.
Inspections of the inlet configuration following storm events should be made soon after
construction to check for erosion. In addition, regular checks of sediment build up will
be required as sediment loads from developing catchments or construction sites vary
enormously. The basins should be cleaned out if more than half full of accumulated
Similar to other types of practices, debris removal and weed control is an ongoing
maintenance function. Debris, if not removed, can block inlets or outlets, and can be
unsightly if located in a visible location. Inspection and removal of debris should be
done regularly, but debris should be removed whenever it is observed on the site.
Weed management in sedimentation basins is important to ensure that weeds do not
out-compete the species planted for the particular design requirements.

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Chapter 4 - Sedimentation Basins

4.7.1 Operation & Maintenance Inspection Form

The form below should be used whenever an inspection is conducted and kept as a
record on the asset condition and quantity of removed pollutants over time.

Checklist 3: Sedimentation Basin maintenance checklist

Sedimentation Basin Maintenance Checklist
Inspection Frequency:

1 to 6 monthly

Date of Visit:

Site Visit by:


Action Required (details)

Litter accumulation?
Sediment accumulation at inflow points?
Sediment requires removal (record depth, remove if >50%)?
All structures in satisfactory condition (pits, pipes, ramps etc)?
Evidence of dumping (building waste, oils etc)?
Littoral vegetation condition satisfactory (density, weeds etc)?
Replanting required?
Weeds require removal from within basin?
Settling or erosion of bunds/batters present?
Damage/vandalism to structures present?
Outlet structure free of debris?
Maintenance drain operational (check)?
Resetting of system required?


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Chapter 4 - Sedimentation Basins


Sedimentation Basin Design

Worked Example

4.8.1 Worked example introduction

A sedimentation basin and wetland system is proposed to treat runoff from a freeway
located in Singapore. This worked example focuses on the sedimentation basin (inlet
zone) component of the system. A typical photograph of such a system is shown in
Figure 4.9.

Catchment Description
The sedimentation basin receives stormwater from road runoff. Road runoff is
conveyed by conventional stormwater pipes (up to the 100 year ARI event) and there
are two freeway outfall pipes that discharge to the sedimentation basin. Each outfall
services about 500m length of the 40 m wide freeway, giving a total contributing area
of 2Ha (100% impervious) to each outfall.
Design Objectives
All stormwater runoff will be subjected to primary treatment, by sedimentation of
coarse to medium size sediment.
As the sedimentation basins form part of a treatment train the design requirements of
the sedimentation basin system are to:

Promote sedimentation of particles larger than 125m with a 90% capture

efficiency for flows up to the 1-year ARI (unattenuated) peak discharge.

Provide for connection to the downstream macrophyte zone with discharge

capacity corresponding to the 1-year ARI (unattenuated) peak discharge.

Provide for by-pass operation when the inundation of the downstream macrophyte
zone reaches the design maximum extended detention depth with a discharge
capacity corresponding to the 100-year ARI peak discharge.

Site Constraints and Concept Design


The site is triangular in shape with a surface area of 500 m as shown in Figure 4.10.
The site of the sedimentation basin has a fall of approximately 2m (from RL 5 m to RL
3 m) towards a degraded watercourse.
The conceptual design process established the following key design elements to
ensure effective operation of the constructed wetland and sedimentation basin:

Notional permanent pool depth of sedimentation basin of 2m

Wetland macrophyte zone extended detention depth of 0.5m (permanent water

level of RL 3.4m)

Sedimentation basin permanent pool level (control outlet pit level) 0.3m (RL
3.7m) above the permanent pool level of the wetland

Spillway outlet weir set 0.3 m above the permanent pool of the sedimentation
basin at RL 4.0m such that the spillway is aligned with the top of the extended
detention for the wetland (RL 4.0m) and triggering a by-pass when the water level
in the wetland reaches then top of extended detention.

Landscape Requirements
Landscape design will be required and this will include the following:

Littoral zone vegetation

Terrestrial vegetation

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Chapter 4 - Sedimentation Basins

Figure 4.9: Sedimentation Basin for Treatment of Freeway Runoff

Freeway Carria
Inlet 2


Inlet 1


Site of Sedimentation
Basin & Wetland

20 m



50 m

Figure 4.10: Layout of Proposed site for Sedimentation Basin

4.8.2 Calculation Steps
The design of the sedimentation basin has been divided into the following 6
calculations steps:

Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6

Determine Design Flows

Confirm Treatment Performance of Concept Design
Confirm Size and Dimensions of the Sedimentation Basin
Step 4: Design Inflow Systems
Design outlet structures
Vegetation Specification

Details for each calculation step are provided below. A design calculation summary
has been completed for the worked example and is given at the conclusion of the
calculation steps.

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Chapter 4 - Sedimentation Basins

Step 1 Determine Design Flows

The procedures in Singapores Code of Practice on Surface Water Drainage (Part II)
(the Rational Method) are used to determine design flow rates. The coefficients
prescribed in the code of practice are based on land use within the catchment.
The site has two contributing catchments, each catchment being 2Ha in area, 500m
long (along the freeway) and drained by culverts. The time of concentration (tc) of the
catchment consists of the overland flow time (to) plus the drain flow time from the most
remote drainage inlet to the point of design (td), viz. tc = to + td.
Overland flow time has been estimated to be relatively short (~ 4 min). A drain flow
velocity of 2m/s was assumed for the purposes of estimating the time of concentration

500m 1 min
tc = 4 +

8 min
2m / s 60 s
Rainfall intensities for Singapore (for the 1yr and 100yr average recurrence intervals)
are estimated using the IDF curves1 for Singapore, with the time of concentration
equaling 8 minutes. The 1 year ARI rainfall intensity was extrapolated using a log
normal probability scale from the IDF data available:
I1 ~ 110 mm/hr

I100 ~ 283 mm/hr

The runoff coefficients for the 1 year and 100 year ARI events were assumed to be 1.0
as given in the Code of Practice for Surface Water Drainage for roads and freeways.
The rational method is described by

Q =


Given the parameters for C, I and A described above:


Q1 = 1.2 m /s

Q100 = 3.1m /s

In summary, the design flow rates for the sedimentation basin are
Operation Design Discharge


Design discharge for connection to

macrophyte zone

1.2m /s

Spillway Design Discharge


Step 2 Confirm Treatment Performance of Concept Design

An initial estimate of the sedimentation basin area can be established using the curves
provided in Figure 4.3. Assuming a notional permanent pool depth of 2m, a
sedimentation basin area of approximately 260m is required to capture 90% of the
125m particles for flows up to the design operation flow of 1.2m /s.

Please Refer to Code of Practice for Surface Water Drainage

Engineering Procedures for ABC Waters Design Features

Page 4-28

Chapter 4 - Sedimentation Basins

Step 3 Confirm Size and Dimensions of the Sedimentation Basin

Sedimentation Basin Area

Confirmation of the sedimentation basin area is provided by using Equation 4.1:

(d e + d p )
1 v
R = 1 1 + s
n Q/AS (d e + d )




0.0046m /s/m






1m (as dP is not less than 1m)

An aspect ratio of 1 (W) to 4 (L) is adopted based on the available space (Figure 4.10).
Using Figure 4.4 (configuration I), the hydraulic efficiency () is estimated to be
approximately 0.4. This value is less than desirable; however, site constraints prevent
any other configuration. The turbulence factor (n) is computed from Equation 4.2 to be
1.67 and the corresponding removal efficiency to be 88%. This is reasonably close to
the design removal efficiency of 90% but it may be necessary to increase the size of
the basin to compensate for the lower than desired hydraulic efficiency. To achieve
90% capture efficiency, the required basin area would be approximately 300 m2.
Sedimentation Basin storage
The sedimentation basin storage volume (Vs) is defined as the storage available in the
bottom half of the sedimentation basin permanent pool depth.
Considering the relatively small size of the sedimentation basin (8m width), it is not
possible to achieve the notional permanent pond depth of 2m using the 5:1 (H:V)
required for public safety (Section Therefore 4:1 (H:V) batter is to be adopted
for the ground above the permanent pool level and to 0.2m below permanent pool
level. A 2:1 (H:V) internal batter slope is to be adopted for 0.2m to 2m below the
permanent pool level. The sedimentation basin will be fenced around most of its
perimeter to ensure public safety.
Given a 2:1 (H:V) internal batter slope below the permanent water level, the area of
the basin at 1m depth (i.e. half the permanent pool depth) is 115m and at 2m depth
(base of basin) is 2m .
The sedimentation basin storage volume Vs calculated using Equation 4.3 is
approximately 58m and corresponds to the approximately 11 years of accumulated
sediment (adopting a sediment generation rate of 3 m3/ha/yr and a capture efficiency
of 87%)
The dimensions for the sedimentation basin are summarised below.

Open water area


Basin length


Basin width


Depth of permanent pool


Engineering Procedures for ABC Waters Design Features

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Chapter 4 - Sedimentation Basins

Step 4 Design inflow systems

To prevent scour of deposited sediments from piped inflows, rock protection and
benching is to be placed at the pipe headwall as shown in Figure 4.11.

Storm w ater
25 m m dia.
w eephole

W ing W all
C oncrete
outlet apron

Place nom . 100 m m dia

rock to bottom of batter

P lan Inlet S tructure

S ection Inlet S tructure

Figure 4.11: Conceptual Inlet Structure with Rock Benching

Step 5 Design outlet structures

Design of Control Outlet - Overflow Pit and Pipe Outlet Configuration

The control outlet structure is to consist of an outlet pit with the crest of the pit set at
the permanent pool level of the sedimentation basin (RL 3.7m). The overflow pit is
sized to convey the design operational flow (1 year ARI).
According to Section, two possible flow conditions need to be checked, i.e.
weir flow conditions (with extended detention of 0.3m) and orifice flow conditions.
a. Weir Flow Conditions
From Equation 4.5, the required perimeter of the outlet pit to pass 1.2m3/s with
an afflux of 0.3m can be calculated assuming 50% blockage:


B Cw h3 / 2

0.5 1.7 0.3 3 / 2
P = 8.6m

An overflow pit typically of 1.5m by 3m will be required.

b. Orifice Flow Conditions
From Equation 4.6, the required area of the outlet pit can be calculated as

Ao =
Ao =

B Cd 2 g h

0.5 0.6 2 9.81 0.3

Ao = 1.7 m 2

Engineering Procedures for ABC Waters Design Features

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Chapter 4 - Sedimentation Basins


A 1.5m by 3m overflow pit would have an opening area of 4.5 m . In this case, the
orifice flow condition with a 1.7 m area would be sufficient to convey the design
The top of the pit is to be fitted with a grate.
The size of the outlet pipe or connection pipe to the wetland macrophyte zone can be
calculated by firstly estimating the velocity in the outlet/connection pipe using the
following (Equation 4.7 ):

2 V2


head level driving flow through the pipe (defined as the spillway outlet level
minus the higher of the normal water level in the downstream treatment
system or the obvert of the pipe)

RL 4.0m RL 3.4m = 0.6m

gravity (9.81 m/s )

The above equation gives a pipe flow velocity of 2.4 m/s, giving a required pipe area of
0.5m2 to convey a flow of 1.2 m3/s. This area is equivalent to an 800mm diameter
pipe. To accommodate this pipe diameter, a pit dimension of 1.5 m x 1.5 m will be
If the sedimentation basin is the inlet zone of a wetland system, the obvert of the pipe
is to be set just below the permanent water level in the wetland macrophyte zone (RL
3.4m) meaning the invert is at RL 2.6m.
In summary, the control outlet structure will be an overflow pit, 1.5m by 1.5m with the
crest level at RL 3.7m and a raised grated cover set at RL 3.8m.
outlet/connection pipe to the wetland will be 800mm in diameter, the invert set at RL
Design of Spillway Outlet - Weir Outlet
The above design flow controlled discharge will be provided by a spillway outlet weir
designed to convey the above design flow (100 year ARI). The crest of the spillway is
set at 0.3 m above the permanent pool of the sedimentation basin.
The length of the spillway outlet weir determines the afflux for the 100 year ARI peak
discharge and sets the top of embankment of the sedimentation basin. It is common
practice to allow for 0.3 m of freeboard above the afflux level when setting the top of
embankment elevation.
An afflux of 0.3 m has been adopted in defining the length of the spillway weir. This
value was adopted as a tradeoff between the bank height and the width of the weir. A
bank height of 0.9 m (0.3 m afflux and 0.3 m freeboard plus 0.3 m extended detention)
above the normal water level was deemed acceptable. The elevation of the crest of
the spillway is RL 4.0m. The weir length is calculated using the weir flow equation
(Equation 4.5) substituting outlet perimeter P with weir length L and blockage factor
B=1 (no blockage):


Q100 yr
Cw h3/ 2

1.7 0.33 2
L = 11m

Engineering Procedures for ABC Waters Design Features

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Chapter 4 - Sedimentation Basins

The spillway outlet is located adjacent to the inflow culvert to minimise risk of
sediment scour.
Step 6 Vegetation Specification
The vegetation specification for the littoral zone of a sedimentation basin will be advised
once the list of recommended plantings has been established by National Parks Board of

Engineering Procedures for ABC Waters Design Features

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Chapter 4 - Sedimentation Basins

4.8.3 Design Calculation Summary

The sheet below summarises the results of the design calculations.
Sedimentation Basin





Catchment characteristics
- Land Uses



Weighted average


RL 3.8
RL 4.1


- Fraction Impervious

Conceptual Design
Basin Area
Notional permanent pool depth
Permanent pool level of sedimentation basin
Basin extended detention
Overflow level

Identify design criteria

Design operation flow
Above design flow
1. Estimate design flow rates
Time of concentration
estimate from flow path length and velocities





Identify rainfall intensities

station used for IFD data:
Design Rainfall Intensity for design operation flow
Design Rainfall Intensity for above design flow


Design runoff coefficient

Design operation flow
Above design flow


(refer to the Singapore Code of Practice on Surface Water Drainage(2000))

Peak design flows



m /s
m /s

2. Confirm treatment performance and concept design

Capture efficincy of sedimentation basin


3. Confirm size and dimensions of sedimentation basin

- Inlet design
Area of sedimentation basin
Aspect Ratio
Hydraulic Efficiency
Depth of permanent pool


L:W (1)

- Internal batters
Cross Section Batter Slope (below permanent pool depth)

V:H (1)

Sediment storage volume, Vs


Volume of accumulated sediment over 5years (Vs,5yr)


yes - OK

Design operation flow

Above design flow

- Sediment Storage Volume

Sediment clean-out frequency, given Vs
4. Design inflow systems
Scour protection and/or energy dissipation provided



5. Design outlet structures

- Overflow pit
Pit dimension
Overflow crest level
Provision of debris trap

1.5m x 3m
RL 3.8


- Connection Pipe
Connection pipe dimension
Connection pipe invert level

RL 2.7

mm dia

Weir crest level

Weir length
Freeboard to top of embankment

RL 4.1


- Control outlet weir (Spillway)

6. Vegetation Specification

Engineering Procedures for ABC Waters Design Features


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Chapter 4 - Sedimentation Basins


Construction drawings

Engineering Procedures for ABC Waters Design Features

Page 4-34

Chapter 4 - Sedimentation Basins



Chow, V.T., 1959, Open-Channel Hydraulics, McGraw-Hill Book Co.

Engineers Australia, 2006, Australian Runoff Quality: A guide to Water Sensitive
Urban Design, Editor-in-Chief Wong, T H F, ISBN 0 85825 852 8, Engineers
Australia, Canberra, Australia, 2006
Fair G.M. and Geyer J.C., 1954, Water Supply and Waste Disposal, John Wiley and
Sons, New York, Vol. 2
Graeme Bentley Landscape Architects (GBLA), 2004, Preliminary drawings for
Mernda Wetland, Report for Stockland
Henderson, F.M., 1966, Open Channel Flow, Macmillan Publishing, New York
Institution of Engineers Australia, 2001, Australian Rainfall and Runoff A guide to
flood estimation, Editor in Chief Pilgram, D.H.
Leinster, S 2006, Delivering the Final Product Establishing Water Sensitive Urban
Design Systems, 7th International Conference on Urban Drainage Modelling and 4th
International Conference on Water Sensitive Urban Design Book of Proceedings,
Volume 2, A Deletic and T Fletcher (eds), Melbourne.
NSW Department of Housing, 1998, Managing Urban Stormwater: Soils and
Construction, 3rd Edition
Persson, J., Somes, N.L.G. and Wong T.H.F., 1999, Hydraulic efficiency and
constructed wetland and ponds, Water Science and Technology Vol 40 No 3 pp 291
Public Utilities Board (PUB), 2000, Code of Practice on Surface Water Drainage, Fifth

Engineering Procedures for ABC Waters Design Features

Page 4-35

Chapter 5 Swales and Buffer Strips

Swales and buffer strips

ABC Waters Stormwater Quality Management Guidelines

Page 1

Chapter 5 Swales and Buffer Strips

Chapter 5

Swales and Buffer Strips


Introduction............................................................................................................. 3


Design Considerations for Swales ........................................................................... 4



Swale Design Process .............................................................................................. 8



Landscape Design ............................................................................................................................ 4

Hydraulic Design .............................................................................................................................. 4
Vegetation Types.............................................................................................................................. 5
Driveway Crossings .......................................................................................................................... 5
Traffic Controls ................................................................................................................................. 6
Roof Water Discharge ...................................................................................................................... 7
Services ............................................................................................................................................ 7
Step 1: Confirm Treatment Performance of Concept Design ........................................................... 9
Step 2: Determine Design Flows .................................................................................................... 13
Step 3: Dimension the Swale with Consideration of Site Constraints ............................................. 13
Step 4: Determine Design of Inflow Systems ................................................................................. 15
Step 5: Verify Design ...................................................................................................................... 17
Step 6: Size Overflow Pits (Field Inlet Pits) .................................................................................... 18
Step 7: Make Allowances to Preclude Traffic on Measures ............................................................ 18
Step 8: Specify Plant Species and Planting Densities .................................................................... 18
Step 9: Consider Maintenance Requirements ................................................................................ 18
Design Calculation Summary ......................................................................................................... 19

Construction advice ............................................................................................... 20


Building phase damage .................................................................................................................. 20

Traffic and deliveries ...................................................................................................................... 20
Inlet erosion checks ........................................................................................................................ 20
Timing for planting .......................................................................................................................... 20


Maintenance Requirements ................................................................................... 21


Checking tools ....................................................................................................... 22



Swale Worked Example ......................................................................................... 27



Design assessment checklist ......................................................................................................... 22

Construction Checklist .................................................................................................................... 22
Operation and Maintenance Inspection Form ................................................................................. 22
Worked example introduction ......................................................................................................... 27
Step 1: Confirm Treatment Performance of Concept Design ......................................................... 29
Step 2: Determine Design Flows .................................................................................................... 29
Step 3: Configuring the Swale ........................................................................................................ 30
Step 4: Design Inflow Systems ....................................................................................................... 32
Step 5: Verification Checks ............................................................................................................ 32
Step 6: Size Overflow Pits .............................................................................................................. 33
Step 7: Traffic Control..................................................................................................................... 33
Step 8: Vegetation specification ..................................................................................................... 33
Calculation summary ...................................................................................................................... 34

References ............................................................................................................. 35

ABC Waters Stormwater Quality Management Guidelines

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Chapter 5 Swales and Buffer Strips

5.1 Introduction
Vegetated swales are used to remove coarse and medium sediments and convey stormwater in
lieu of or with underground pipe drainage systems. They are commonly combined with buffer
strips and bioretention systems (refer Chapter 6 - Bioretention Swales). Swales utilise overland
flow and mild slopes to convey water slowly downstream. They protect waterways from
damage by erosive flows from frequent storm events because swale flow velocities are slower
than piped systems.
The interaction between stormwater flow and vegetation within swale systems facilitates
pollutant settlement and retention. Even swales with relatively low vegetation height (such as
mown grass) can achieve significant sediment deposition rates provided flows are well
distributed across the full width of the swale and the longitudinal grade of the swale is kept low
enough (typically less than 4 % grade) to maintain slower flow conditions.
Swales alone cannot provide sufficient treatment to meet current stormwater treatment/ water
quality objectives, but can enable water quality objectives to be met by providing an important
pretreatment function for other ABC Waters Design Features in a treatment train. Swales are
particularly good at coarse sediment removal and can provide the necessary pretreatment for
tertiary treatment systems such as wetlands and bioretention basins. Some examples of
swales are provided in Figure 5.1.

Figure 5.1 Elevated and at-grade driveway crossings across swales

Buffer strips (or buffers) are areas of vegetation through which runoff flows (as overland flow) to
a discharge point. Sediment is deposited as flow passes through vegetation over a shallow
depth. Effective treatment relies upon well distributed sheet flow. Vegetation slows flow
velocities, encouraging coarse sediments to settle out of the water column. With the
requirement for uniformly distributed flow, buffer strips are suited to treat road runoff in
situations where road runoff is discharged via flush kerbs or through regular kerb cut-outs. In
these situations, buffer strips (located in the swale batter) can form part of a roadside swale
system that receives the distributed inflows from the adjoining road pavement. The coverage of
buffer strips in this chapter is limited to their application as part of a roadside swale system only.
The reader is referred to Australian Runoff Quality (Engineers Australia 2006) for additional
discussion on buffer strip design and for worked examples.

ABC Waters Stormwater Quality Management Guidelines

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Chapter 5 Swales and Buffer Strips

5.2 Design Considerations for Swales


Landscape Design

Swales may be located within parkland areas, easements, car parks or along roadway corridors
within footpaths or centre medians. Landscape design of swales and buffer strips along the road
edge can assist in defining the boundary of road or street corridors as well as enhancing
landscape character. The landscape design of swales and buffers must address stormwater
quality objectives whilst also incorporating landscape functions. As such, it is important that
swales and buffers are carefully designed to integrate with the surrounding landscape

Hydraulic Design

Typically, swales are applicable for smaller scale contributing catchments up to 1 ha. If larger
than this, flow depths and velocities are such that the water quality improvement function of the
swale, and its long-term function may be compromised. For water quality improvement, swales
need only focus on ensuring frequent storm flows (typically up to the 3 month ARI flow) are
conveyed within the swale profile. In most cases, however, a swale will also be required to
provide a flow conveyance function as part of a minor drainage and/or major drainage system.
In particular, swales located within road reserves must also allow for safe use of adjoining
roadway, footpaths and bike paths by providing sufficient conveyance capacity to satisfy current
engineering infrastructure design requirements as defined by the Code of Practice on Surface
Water Drainage (PUB 2006). In some cases, flows will encroach onto the road surface to
acceptable levels. It may also be necessary to augment the capacity of the swale with
underground pipe drainage to satisfy the road drainage criteria. This can be achieved by
locating overflow pits (field inlet pits) along the invert of the swale that discharge into an
underlying pipe drainage system. Careful attention should be given to the design of overflow
pits to ensure issues of public safety (particularly when raised grates are being used) and
aesthetic amenity are taken into account.
The longitudinal slope of a swale is another important hydraulic design consideration. Swales
generally operate best with longitudinal slopes of between 1 % and 4 %. Slopes milder than
this can become waterlogged and have stagnant ponding. However, the use of subsoil drains
beneath the invert of the swale can alleviate this problem by providing a pathway for drainage of
any small depressions that may form along the swale. For longitudinal slopes steeper than 4 %,
check banks (e.g. small rock walls) along the invert of the swale, or equivalent measures, can
help to distribute flows evenly across the swales, as well as reduce velocities and potential for
scour. Check dams are typically low level rock weirs (e.g. 100 mm) that are constructed across
the base of a swale. It is also important to protect the vegetation immediately downstream of
check dams. Rock pitching can be used to avoid erosion.
A rule of thumb for locating check dams is for the crest of a downstream check dam to be at 4
% grade from 100 mm below the toe of an upstream check dam (refer Figure 5.2). The impact
of check dams on the hydraulic capacity of the swale must be assessed as part of the design
4% slope
Check dams (100mm high)


Swale base

Figure 5.2: Location of Check Dams in Swales

Velocities within swales must be kept low to avoid scouring of collected pollutants and
vegetation, preferably less than 0.5 m/s for minor flood flows (up to 5 year ARI events) and not
more than 2.0 m/s for major flood flow. Similar checks should also be undertaken to assess

ABC Waters Stormwater Quality Management Guidelines

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Chapter 5 Swales and Buffer Strips

depth x velocity within the swale, at crossings and adjacent to pedestrian and bicycle pathways
to ensure public safety criteria are satisfied. These are:

depth x velocity < 0.6 m2/s for low risk locations and 0.4 m2/s for high risk locations (e.g.
where pedestrian traffic is expected to be high)

maximum flow depth on driveway crossings = 0.3 m.


Vegetation Types

Swales can use a variety of vegetation types including turf, sedges and tufted grasses.
Vegetation is required to cover the whole width of the swale, be capable of withstanding design
flows and be of sufficient density to prevent preferred flow paths and scour of deposited
sediments (Figure 5.3).

Figure 5.3

Swale systems: heavily vegetated (left), use of check dams (centre), grass
swale with elevated crossings (right)

Turf swales are commonly used in residential areas. Turf swales should be mown and well
maintained in order for the swale to operate effectively over the long term. Swales that are
densely vegetated with tall vegetation offer improved sediment retention by slowing flows more
and providing enhanced sedimentation for deeper flows. However, densely vegetated swales
have higher hydraulic roughness and therefore require a larger area and/ or more frequent use
of swale field inlet pits to convey flows compared to turf swales. Densely vegetated swales can
become features of the urban landscape and once established, require minimal maintenance
and are hardy enough to withstand large flows (Figure 5.4).

Figure 5.4

Swale incorporated into road reserve

The reader should consult the National parks Board of Singapore more specific guidance on the
selection of appropriate vegetation for swales and buffers.

Driveway Crossings

A key consideration when designing swales along roadways is the requirement for provision of
driveway crossings (or crossovers). Driveway crossings can be at-grade or elevated. Atgrade crossings follow the profile of the swale (e.g. like a ford), while elevated crossings are
raised above the invert of the swale (e.g. like a bridge deck or culvert, see Figure 5.5).

ABC Waters Stormwater Quality Management Guidelines

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Chapter 5 Swales and Buffer Strips

Crossings constructed at-grade reduce the maximum allowable swale batter slopes to
approximately 1 in 9 to ensure vehicles can traverse the crossing without bottoming out. This
means the swale will have a shallow profile thus reducing its flow conveyance capacity. Atgrade crossings are typically cheaper to construct than elevated crossings, however they need
to be constructed at the same time as the swale to avoid damaging the swale. This imposes a
fixed driveway location on each allotment, which can potentially constrain future house layouts.
At-grade crossings are best suited to developments where the spacing between crossings is
typically more than 15 m.

Figure 5.5

At-grade (left) under construction with trees yet to be established, preconstructed at-grade (centre) and elevated driveway crossings to allow
vehicle access across swales (right)

Elevated crossings are not appropriate in all street applications; however, where appropriate,
they can be designed as streetscape features. They also provide an opportunity for locating
check dams (to distribute flows) or to provide temporary ponding above a bioretention system
(refer Chapter 6 Bioretention Swales). A major limitation with elevated crossings can be their
high life cycle costs compared to at-grade crossings (particularly in dense urban
developments) due to the need for on-going maintenance. Safety concerns with traffic
movement adjacent to elevated crossings and the potential for blockages of small culvert
systems beneath the crossing are other possible limitations. These limitations can be overcome
by careful design through the use of spanning crossings rather than using small culverts and
through the use of durable decking materials in place of treated timber.

Traffic Controls

Another design consideration is keeping traffic and building materials off swales (particularly
during the building phase of a development). If swales are used for parking then the topsoil will
be compacted and the swale vegetation may be damaged beyond its ability to regenerate
naturally. In addition, vehicles driving on swales can cause ruts along the swale that can create
preferential flow paths that will diminish the swales water quality treatment performance as well
as creating depressions that can retain water and potentially become mosquito breeding sites.
To prevent vehicles driving on swales and inadvertent placement of building materials, it is
necessary to consider appropriate traffic control solutions as part of the swale design. These
can include planting the swale with dense vegetation that will discourage the movement of
vehicles onto the swale or, if dense vegetation cannot be used, providing physical barriers such
as kerb and channel (with breaks to allow distributed water entry to the swale) or bollards and/
or street tree planting.
Kerb and channel should be used at all corners, intersections, cul-de-sac heads and at traffic
calming devices to ensure correct driving path is taken. For all of these applications, the kerb
and channel is to extend 5 m beyond tangent points. The transition from barrier or lay back type
kerb to flush kerbs and vice versa is to be done in a way that avoids creation of low points that
cause ponding onto the road pavement.
Where road edge guide posts or bollards are used, consideration should be given to
intermixing mature tree plantings with the bollards to break the visual monotony created by a

ABC Waters Stormwater Quality Management Guidelines

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Chapter 5 Swales and Buffer Strips

continuous row of bollards (Figure 5.6).


Figure 5.6

Bollards should comply with relevant government

Traffic bollards mixed with street trees to protect swale from vehicles

Roof Water Discharge

Roof water should be discharged onto the surface of the swale for subsequent conveyance and
treatment by the swale (and downstream treatment measures) before being discharged to
receiving aquatic environments. Depending on the depth of the roof water drainage system and
the finished levels of the swale, this may require the use of a small surcharge pit located within
the invert of the swale to allow the roof water to surcharge to the swale. Any residual water in
the surcharge pit can be discharged to the underlying subsoil drainage by providing perforations
in the base and sides of the surcharge pit. If a surcharge pit is used, an inspection chamber
along the roof water drainage line is to be provided within the property boundary. Surcharge pits
are discussed further in Section
Roof water should only be directly connected to an underground pipe drainage system if an
appropriate level of stormwater treatment is provided along (or at the outfall of) the pipe
drainage system.


Swales located within standard road reserves are to have services located within the services
corridors in accordance with government requirements. Sewers located beneath swales are to
be fully welded polyethylene pipes with rodding points. Care should be taken to ensure the
service conduits do not compromise the performance of the swale. Consideration will also need
to be given to access to services for ongoing maintenance without the need to regularly disrupt
or replace the swale.

ABC Waters Stormwater Quality Management Guidelines

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Chapter 5 Swales and Buffer Strips

5.3 Swale Design Process

The design process for swales involves in the first instance designing the swale to
meet flow conveyance requirements and then ensuring the swale has the necessary
design features to optimise its stormwater quality treatment performance.
The key design steps are:

1. Confirm treatment performance of concept design

2. Determine design flows

3. Dimension the swale with consideration of site

a. Swale width and side slopes
b. Maximum swale length (i.e. length between overflow pits)

4. Determine design of inflow systems

5. Verify design
a. Scour velocity checks
b. Safety checks - depth x velocity; maximum depth over crossings
c. Confirm treatment performance

6. Size overflow pits (field inlet pits)

7. Make allowances to preclude traffic on measures

8. Specify plant species and planting densities

9. Consider maintenance requirements, including

development of a written maintenance plan

Each of these design steps is discussed in the following sections. A worked example
illustrating application of the design process on a case study site is presented in
Section 5.7.

ABC Waters Stormwater Quality Management Guidelines

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Chapter 5 Swales and Buffer Strips


Step 1: Confirm Treatment Performance of Concept Design

Before commencing detailed design, the designer should first undertake a preliminary
check to confirm the swale outlined on the concept design is adequate to deliver the
level of stormwater quality improvement inferred within the concept design
documentation. The swale treatment performance curves shown in Figure 5.7 to
Figure 5.9 can be used to undertake this verification check.
The curves in Figure 5.7 to Figure 5.9 were derived using the Model for Urban
Stormwater Improvement Conceptualisation (MUSIC), assuming the swale is a stand
alone system (i.e. not part of a treatment train). The curves show the total suspended
solid (TSS), total phosphorus (TP) and total nitrogen (TN) removal performance for a
typical swale design, being:

Top width 4.5 m

Base width 1 m

Side slopes 1 in 9

The curves in Figure 5.7 to Figure 5.9 are generally applicable to swale applications
within residential, industrial and commercial land uses.
If the configuration of the swale concept design is significantly different to that
described above, then a stormwater quality model such as MUSIC should be used in
preference to the curves in Figure 5.7 to Figure 5.9. The detailed designer should also
use the stormwater quality model to verify swale concept designs that are part of a
treatment train.
Swales should form part of the stormwater treatment train as they will not achieve
load-based pollutant reduction objectives on their own. Therefore, other stormwater
quality best management practices should be incorporated into the surrounding
catchment to augment the stormwater treatment performance of any proposed swale

ABC Waters Stormwater Quality Management Guidelines

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Chapter 5 Swales and Buffer Strips

S wale T S S R educ tion (Varying S lope)


Ve g e t at io n H e ig h t = 0.25m

% T S S R educ tion


1% Slo p e


3% Slo p e


5% Slo p e




S wale S iz e (% of Impervious C atc hment)

S wale T S S R educ tion (Varying Veg )

L o n g it u d in al Slo p e = 3%

% T S S R educ tion

0.05m Ve g

0.15m Ve g
0.25m Ve g


0.5m Ve g




S wale S iz e (% of Impervious C atc hment)

Figure 5.7

Swale TSS Removal Performance

ABC Waters Stormwater Quality Management Guidelines

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Chapter 5 Swales and Buffer Strips

S wale T P R educ tion (Varying S lope)


Ve g e t at io n H e ig h t = 0.25m


% T P R educ tion


1% Slo p e


3% Slo p e


5% Slo p e




S wale S ize (% of Impervious C atc hment)

S wale T P R educ tion (Varying Veg )


L o n g it u d in al Slo p e = 3%


% T P R educ tion

0.05m Ve g

0.15m Ve g
0.25m Ve g


0.5m Ve g



S wale S ize (% of Impervious C atc hment)

Figure 5.8

Swale TP Removal Performance

ABC Waters Stormwater Quality Management Guidelines

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Chapter 5 Swales and Buffer Strips

S wale T N R educ tion (Varying S lope)

Ve g e t atio n H e ig h t = 0.25m

% T N R educ tion

1% Slo p e
3% Slo p e
5% Slo p e



S wale S ize (% of Impervious C atc hment)

S wale T N R educ tion (Varying Veg )


Lo n g it u d in al Slo p e = 3%

0.05m Ve g

% T N R educ tion

0.15m Ve g
0.25m Ve g


0.5m Ve g



S wale S iz e (% of Impervious C atc hment)

Figure 5.9

Swale TN Removal Performance

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Chapter 5 Swales and Buffer Strips


Step 2: Determine Design Flows

Two design flows are required to be estimated for the design of a swale, particularly
where they are designed within a road reserve. These are to size the swale for
conveyance of flows rather than treatment:

minor flood flow (2-10 year ARI; typically the 5 year ARI peak discharge) to allow
minor floods to be safely conveyed

major flood flow (50-100 year ARI) to check flow velocities, velocity depth criteria,
conveyance within road reserve, and freeboard to adjoining property.

The Code of Practice on Surface Water Drainage (PUB 2006) identifies the Rational
Method as the procedure most commonly used to estimate peak flows from small
catchments in Singapore.

Step 3: Dimension the Swale with Consideration of Site Constraints

Factors to consider are:

Maximum contributing catchment area (<1ha)

Allowable width given the proposed road reserve and/ or urban layout

How flows will be delivered into a swale (e.g. cover requirements for pipes or
kerb details)

Vegetation height

Longitudinal slope

Maximum side slopes and base width

Provision of crossings

Other requirements in accordance to the Code of Practice on Surface Water

Drainage (PUB 2006).

Depending on which of the above characteristics are fixed, other variables may be
adjusted to derive the optimal swale dimensions for the given site conditions. The
following sections outline some considerations in relation to configuring a swale.

Swale Width and Side Slopes

The maximum swale width needs to be identified early in the design process as it
dictates the remaining steps in the swale design process. The maximum width of
swale is usually determined from an urban layout and at the concept design stage.
Where the swale width is not constrained by an urban layout (e.g. when located within
a large open space area), then the width of the swale may be selected based on
consideration of landscape objectives, maximum side slopes for ease of maintenance
and public safety, hydraulic capacity required to convey the desired design flow, and
treatment performance requirements.
Selection of an appropriate side slope for swales located in parks, easements or
median strips is heavily dependent on site constraints, and swale side slopes are
typically between 1 in 10 and 1 in 4.
For swales located adjacent to roads, side slopes will typically be dictated by the
driveway crossing. Where there are no driveway crossings then the maximum swale
side slopes will be established from ease of maintenance and public safety
considerations. Where elevated crossings are used, swale side slopes would
typically be between 1 in 6 and 1 in 4. Elevated crossings will require provision for
drainage under the crossings with a culvert or similar. Where at grade crossings are
used, swale side slopes are typically 1 in 9. The selection of crossing type should be
made in consultation with urban and landscape designers.

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Chapter 5 Swales and Buffer Strips

Maximum Length of a Swale

Provided the water quality function of the swale is met, the maximum length of a swale
is the distance along a swale before an overflow pit (field inlet pit) is required to drain
the swale to an underlying pipe drainage system.
The maximum length of a swale located within parkland areas and easements is
calculated as the distance along the swale to the point where the flow in the swale
from the contributing catchment (for the specific design flood frequency) exceeds the
bank full discharge capacity of the swale. For example, if the swale is to convey the
minor flood flow without overflowing, then the maximum swale length would be
determined as the distance along the swale to the point where the minor flood flow
from the contributing catchment is equivalent to the bank full flow capacity of the swale
(bank full flow capacity is determined using Mannings equation as discussed below).
The maximum length of a swale located along a roadway is calculated as the distance
along the swale to the point where flow on the adjoining road pavement (or road
reserve) no longer complies with PUB road design standards (for both the minor and
major flood flows) as defined by the Code of Practice on Surface Water Drainage
(PUB 2006).

Swale Capacity Mannings Equation and Selection of Mannings n

Mannings equation is used to calculate the flow capacity of a swale. This allows the
flow rate and flood levels to be determined for variations in swale dimensions,
vegetation type and longitudinal grade. Mannings equation is given by:


A R2/3 S1/2

Equation 5.1

Where: Q = flow in swale (m /s)


A = cross section area (m )

R = hydraulic radius (m)
S = channel slope (m/m)
n = roughness factor (Mannings n)

Mannings n relates to the roughness of the channel and is a critical variable in

Mannings equation. It varies with flow depth, channel dimensions and the vegetation
type. For constructed swale systems, recommended values are between 0.15 and 0.3
for flow depths shallower than the vegetation height (preferable for treatment) and
significantly lower for flows with depth greater than the vegetation (e.g. 0.03 0.05 at
more than twice the vegetation depth i.e. 50-100 year ARI). It is considered
reasonable for Mannings n to have a maximum at the vegetation height and then to
sharply reduce as depths increase.
Figure 5.10 shows a plot of Mannings n versus flow depth for a grass swale with
longitudinal grade of 5 %. It is reasonable to expect the shape of the Mannings n
relation with flow depth to be consistent with other swale configurations, with the
vegetation height at the boundary between low flows and intermediate flows (Figure
5.10) on the top axis of the diagram. The bottom axis of the plot has been modified
from Barling and Moore (1993) to express flow depth as a percentage of vegetation
Further discussion on selecting an appropriate Mannings n for a swale is provided in
Appendix E of the MUSIC User Guide (CRCCH 2005).

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Chapter 5 Swales and Buffer Strips









Depth as % of vegetation height

Figure 5.10 Impact of Flow Depth on Hydraulic Roughness (adapted from

Barling & Moore (1993))


Step 4: Determine Design of Inflow Systems

Inflows to swales can be via distributed runoff (e.g. from flush kerbs along a road) or
point outlets such as pipe culverts. Combinations of these two inflow pathways can
also be used.

Distributed Inflow

An advantage of flows entering a swale system in a distributed manner (i.e. entering

perpendicular to the direction of the swale) is that flow depths are kept as shallow
sheet flow, which maximises contact with the swale vegetation on the batter receiving
the distributed inflows. This swale batter is often referred to as a buffer. To ensure
the function of the buffer, flow depths must be shallow (below the vegetation height)
and erosion must be avoided. The buffer provides good pre-treatment through coarse
sediment removal prior to flows being conveyed along the swale.
Distributed inflows can be achieved either by having a flush kerb or by using kerbs
with regular breaks in them to allow for even flows across the buffer surface (Figure

Figure 5.11 Kerb arrangements to promote distributed flow into swales

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Chapter 5 Swales and Buffer Strips

Buffer Requirements

There are several design guides that may to be applied to ensure buffers operate to
improve water quality and provide a pretreatment role. Key design parameters of
buffer systems are:

Providing distributed rather than concentrated flows onto a buffer to avoiding

erosion and channelled flows

Maintaining flow depths less than vegetation heights. This may require flow
spreaders, or check dams.

Minimising the slope of the buffer. It is best if slopes can be kept below 5 %,
however buffers can still perform well with slopes up to 20 % provided flows are
well distributed. The steeper the buffer the more likely flow spreaders will be
required to avoid rill erosion.

Maintenance of buffers is required to remove accumulated sediment and debris.

Therefore access is an important consideration. Sediments will accumulate mostly
immediately downstream of the pavement surface and then progressively further
downstream as sediment builds up.
It is important to ensure coarse sediments accumulate off the road surface at the start
of the buffer. Figure 5.12 (left) shows sediment accumulating on a street surface
where the vegetation is the same level or slightly higher than the road. To avoid this
accumulation, a flush kerb with an arris should be used so that the top of the
vegetation is set 60 mm below the edge of pavement. This requires the finished
topsoil surface of the swale (i.e. before turf is placed) to be approximately 100 mm
below the edge of pavement level. Sediments can then accumulate off any trafficable

Sediment accumulation area

60 mm set down
Road surface

Road edge

Buffer strip

Figure 5.12 Flush kerb without set-down, showing sediment accumulation on

road (left) and flush kerb with 60 mm set-down to allow sediment to
flow into the vegetated area (right).

Concentrated Inflow

Concentrated inflows to a swale can be in the form of a concentrated overland flow or

a discharge from a pipe drainage system. For all concentrated inflows, energy
dissipation at the swale inflow location is an important consideration to minimise any
erosion. This can usually be achieved with rock benching and/ or dense vegetation.
The most common constraint on pipe systems discharging to swales is bringing the pipe flows to
pipe flows to the surface of a swale. In situations where the swale geometry does not permit the
permit the pipe to achieve free discharge to the surface of the swale, a surcharge pit may need
may need to be used. Surcharge pits should be designed so that they are as shallow as possible
as possible and have pervious bases to avoid long term ponding in the pits (this may require
require under-drains to ensure it drains, depending on local soil conditions). The pits need to be

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Chapter 5 Swales and Buffer Strips

need to be accessible so that any build up of coarse sediment and debris can be monitored and
monitored and removed if necessary.
Figure 5.13 shows an example of a typical surcharge pit discharging into a swale.
Surcharge pits are not considered good practice, due to additional maintenance issues
and mosquito breeding potential and should therefore be avoided where possible.

Secured grate
Drainage holes to be drilled
in base of pit

Vertical drainage slots

Pipe connection from allotment


Removeable geofabric for

cleaning sediment accumulation


Figure 5.13 Example of Surcharge Pit for Discharging Concentrated Runoff into
a Swale

Surcharge pits are most frequently used when allotment runoff is required to cross a
road into a swale on the opposite side of the road or for allotment and roof runoff
discharging into shallow profile swales. Where allotment runoff needs to cross under a
road to discharge into a swale it is preferable to combine the runoff from more than
one allotment to reduce the number of crossings required under the road pavement.

Step 5: Verify Design

Vegetation Scour Velocity Check

Potential scour velocities are checked by applying Mannings equation to the swale
design to ensure the following criteria are met:

less than 0.5 m/s for minor flood (2 to 10 year ARI; typically the 5 year ARI)

less than 2.0 m/s and typically less than 1.0 m/s for major flood (50 to 100
year ARI) discharge.

Velocity and Depth Check Safety

As swales are generally accessible by the public, it is important to check that depth x
velocity within the swale, at crossings and adjacent to pedestrian and bicycle
pathways, satisfies the following public safety criteria:

depth x velocity of < 0.4 m /s is not exceeded for all flows up to the major
design event, as defined in relevant local government guidelines

maximum depth of flow over at-grade crossings = 0.3 m

Confirm Treatment Performance

If the previous two checks are satisfactory then the swale design is adequate from a
conveyance function perspective and it is now necessary to reconfirm the treatment
performance of the swale by reference back to the information presented in Section

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Chapter 5 Swales and Buffer Strips


Step 6: Size Overflow Pits (Field Inlet Pits)

To size a swale field inlet pit, two checks should be made to test for either drowned or
free flowing conditions. A broad crested weir equation can be used to determine the
length of weir required (assuming free flowing conditions) and an orifice equation used
to estimate the area between openings required in the grate cover (assuming drowned
outlet conditions). The smaller of the two pit configurations would normally suffice
although other consideration such as the required pit to fit the stormwater pipe
conveying overflows to the receiving waters need also to be considered. In addition a
blockage factor is to be used, that assumes the field inlet is 50 % blocked.

For free overfall conditions (weir equation):

Q weir = B Cw L h3/2



Equation 5.2
= flow over weir (pit) (m3/s)

= blockage factor (0.5)


= weir coefficient (1.66)

= length of weir (m)

= depth of water above weir crest (m)

Once the length of weir is calculated, a standard sized pit can be selected with a
perimeter at least the same length of the required weir length.
For drowned outlet conditions (orifice equation):

Q orifice = B Cd A 2 g h

Equation 5.3


= flow into drowned pit (m3/s)

= blockage factor (0.5)


= discharge coefficient (0.6)

= total area of orifice (openings) (m2)

= 9.80665 m/s2

= depth of water above centre of orifice (m)

When designing grated field inlet pits reference should be made to the procedure
described in the Code of Practice on Surface Water Drainage (Public Utilities Board

Step 7: Make Allowances to Preclude Traffic on Measures

Refer to Section 5.2.5 for discussion on traffic control options.


Step 8: Specify Plant Species and Planting Densities

The reader should consult the National Parks Board for guidance of appropriate plant
species and planting densities applicable for stormwater swales in Singapore.

Step 9: Consider Maintenance Requirements

Consider how maintenance is to be performed on the swale (e.g. how and where is
access available, where is litter likely to collect etc.). A specific maintenance plan and

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Chapter 5 Swales and Buffer Strips

schedule should be developed for the swale, either as part of a maintenance plan for
the whole treatment train, or for each individual asset. Guidance on maintenance
plans is provided in Section 5.5.
5.3.10 Design Calculation Summary
The following design calculation table can be used to summarise the design data and
calculation results from the design process.



Calculation Task
Catchment Characteristics
Catchment Area
Catchment Land Use (i.e. residential, Commercial etc.)
Catchment Slope


Conceptual Design
Swale Top Width
Swale Length
Swale Location (road reserve/ park/other)
Road Reserve Width

Confirm Treatment Performance of Concept Design

Swale Area
TSS Removal
TP Removal
TN Removal


Determine Design Flows

Time of concentration
Identify Rainfall intensities


Minor Storm (I2 I10
Major Storm (I50-100

year ARI)
year ARI)


Design Runoff Coefficient

Minor Storm (C 2 C 10 year ARI)
Major Storm (C50-100 year ARI)
Peak Design Flows
Minor Storm (2 - 10 year ARI)
Major Storm (50-100 year ARI)

m /s
m /s

Dimension the Swale

Swale Width and Side Slopes
Base Width
Side Slopes 1 in
Longitudinal Slope
Vegetation Height


Maximum Length of Swale

Mannings n
Swale Capacity
Maximum Length of Swale

Design Inflow Systems

Swale Kerb Type
60 mm set down to Buffer/ Swale Vegetation
Adequate Erosion and Scour Protection (where required)

Verification Checks
Velocity for 2-10 year ARI flow (< 0.25 - 0.5 m/s)
Velocity for 50-100 year ARI flow (< 2 m/s)
Velocity x Depth for 50-100 year ARI (< 0.4 m /s)
Depth of Flow over Driveway Crossing for 50-100 year ARI (< 0.3 m)
Treatment Performance consistent with Step 1

Yes/ No

m /s

Size Overflow Pits (Field Inlet Pits)

System to convey minor floods (2-10 year ARI)

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Chapter 5 Swales and Buffer Strips Typical Design Parameters

Table 5.1 provides typical values for a number of key swale design parameters.

Table 5.1: Typical Design Parameters

Design Parameter
Swale longitudinal slope
Swale side slope (for areas not requiring access, e.g. parks,
easements, median strips)
Swale side slope for trafficability (for footpaths with at-grade
Swale side slope (elevated driveway crossings)
Mannings n (with flow depth less than vegetation height) (Refer
Figure 5.10)
Mannings n (with flow depth greater than vegetation height)
Maximum velocity to prevent scour in minor event (e.g. Q2)
Maximum velocity for Q50-100


Typical Values
1 % to 4 %
1 in 4 to 1 in 10
Maximum 1 in 9
1 in 4 to 1 in 10
0.15 to 0.3
0.03 to 0.05
0.25 - 0.5 m/s
1.0 - 2.0 m/s

Construction advice

This section provides general advice for the construction of swales. It is based on
observations from construction projects around Australia.

Building phase damage

Protection of soil and vegetation is important during building phase, uncontrolled

building site runoff is likely to cause excessive sedimentation, introduce weeds and
litter and require replanting following the building phase. Can use a staged
implementation - i.e. during building use geofabric, soil (e.g. 50mm) and instant turf
(laid perpendicular to flow path) to provide erosion control and sediment trapping.
Following building, remove and revegetate possibly reusing turf at subsequent stages.

Traffic and deliveries

Ensure traffic and deliveries do not access swales during construction. Traffic can
compact the soil and cause preferential flow paths, deliveries can smother vegetation.
Wash down wastes (e.g. silt, concrete) can disturb vegetation and cause uneven
slopes along a swale. Swales should be protected during construction phase and
controls implemented to avoid wash down wastes.

Inlet erosion checks

It is good practice to check the operation of inlet erosion protection measures following
the first few rainfall events. It is important to check for these early in the systems life,
to avoid continuing problems. Should problems occur in these events the erosion
protection should be enhanced.

Timing for planting

Timing of vegetation is dependent on a suitable time of year (and potential irrigation

requirements) as well as timing in relation to the phases of development. For example
temporary planting during construction for sediment control (e.g. with turf) then remove
and plant out with long term vegetation.

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Chapter 5 Swales and Buffer Strips

5.5 Maintenance Requirements

Swale treatment relies upon good vegetation establishment and therefore ensuring
adequate vegetation growth is the key maintenance objective. In addition, they have a
flood conveyance role that needs to be maintained to ensure adequate flood
protection for local properties.
The most intensive period of maintenance is during the plant establishment period
(first two years) when weed removal and replanting may be required. It is also the time
when large loads of sediments may impact on plant growth, particularly in developing
catchments with an inadequate level of erosion and sediment control.
Typical maintenance of swale elements will involve:

Routine inspection of the swale profile to identify any areas of obvious

increased sediment deposition, scouring of the swale invert from storm flows,
rill erosion of the swale batters from lateral inflows or damage to the swale
profile from vehicles.

Routine inspection of inlet points (if the swale does not have distributed
inflows), surcharge pits and field inlet pits to identify any areas of scour, litter
build up and blockages.

Removal of sediment where it is impeding the conveyance of the swale and/

or smothering the swale vegetation and if necessary re-profiling of the swale
and re-vegetating to original design specification.

Repairing damage to the swale profile resulting from erosion or vehicle


Clearing of blockages to inlet or outlets.

Regular watering/ irrigation of vegetation until plants are established and

actively growing.

Mowing of turf or slashing of vegetation (if required) to preserve the optimal

design height for the vegetation.

Removal and management of invasive weeds.

Removal of plants that have died and replacement with plants of equivalent
size and species as detailed in the plant schedule.

Pruning to remove dead or diseased vegetation material and to stimulate new


Litter and debris removal.

Vegetation pest monitoring and control.

Inspections are also recommended following large storm events to check for scour. All
maintenance activities must be specified in a maintenance plan (and associated
maintenance inspection forms) to be developed as part of the design procedure.
Maintenance personnel and asset managers will use this plan to ensure the swales
continue to function as designed. Maintenance plans and forms must address the

inspection frequency

maintenance frequency

data collection/ data storage requirements

detailed cleanout procedures (main element of the plans) including:


equipment needs

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Chapter 5 Swales and Buffer Strips

maintenance techniques

occupational health and safety

public safety

environmental management considerations

disposal requirements (of material removed)

access issues

stakeholder notification requirements

data collection requirements (if any)

design details

An example operation and maintenance inspection form is provided in the checking

tools provided in Section 5.6.3.


Checking tools

This section provides a number of checking aids for designers and approval
authorities. In addition, advice on construction techniques and lessons learnt from
building swale systems are provided.
Checklists are provided for:

Design assessments

Construction (during and post)

Operation and maintenance inspections

Asset transfer (following defects period).


Design assessment checklist

The Design Assessment Checklist on the following page presents the key design
features that are to be reviewed when assessing a design of a swale. These
considerations include configuration, safety, maintenance and operational issues that
need to be addressed during the design phase. If an item receives an N when
reviewing the design, referral is made back to the design procedure to determine the
impact of the omission or error. In addition to the checklist, a proposed design is to
have all necessary permits for installation.

Construction Checklist

The Construction Checklist on the following page presents the key items to be
reviewed when inspecting the swale during and at the completion of construction. The
checklist is to be used by Construction Site Supervisors and compliance inspectors to
ensure all the elements of the swale have been constructed in accordance with the
design. If an item receives an N in satisfactory criteria then appropriate actions must
be specified and delivered to rectify the construction issue before final inspection signoff is given.

Operation and Maintenance Inspection Form

The Operation and Maintenance forms on the following pages should be used
whenever an inspection is conducted and kept as a record on the asset condition and
quantity of removed pollutants over time. Inspections should occur every 1 to 6
months depending on the size and complexity of the swale system, and the stage of
development (i.e. inspections should be more frequent during building phase and until
the swale landform has stabilised).

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Chapter 5 Swales and Buffer Strips


Asset I.D.

DA No.:

Swale Location:


Minor Flood (m /s):

Major Flood (m /s):


Catchment Area (ha):

Swale Area (m ):


Treatment performance verified?

Inlet flows appropriately distributed?
Swale/ buffer vegetation set down of at least 60 mm below kerb invert incorporated?
Energy dissipation (rock protection) provided at inlet points to the swale?
Longitudinal slope of invert >1% and <4%?
Mannings n selected appropriate for proposed vegetation type?
Overall flow conveyance system sufficient for design flood event?
Maximum flood conveyance width is compliant with Code of Practice on Surface Water Drainage (PUB 2006)
Overflow pits provided where flow capacity exceeded?
Velocities within swale cells will not cause scour?
Maximum ponding depth and velocity will not impact on public safety (V x d < 0.4 m/s)
Maintenance access provided to invert of conveyance channel?
Plant species selected can tolerate periodic inundation and design velocities?
Planting design conforms to acceptable sight line and safety requirements?
Street trees conform to Land Development Guidelines
Top soils are a minimum depth of 300mm for plants and 100 mm for turf
Existing trees in good condition are investigated for retention?
Swale and buffer strip landscape design integrates with surrounding natural and/ or built environment?

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Chapter 5 Swales and Buffer Strips


Asset I.D.:

Inspected by:

Constructed By:
Contact during visit:

Items Inspected


Preliminary Works
1. Erosion/ sediment control plan adopted
2. Traffic control measures
3. Location same as plans
4. Site protection from existing flows
5. Critical root zones (0.5 m beyond drip line) of
nominated trees are protected
6. Existing topsoil is stockpiled for reuse
7. Bed of swale level?
8. Batter slopes as plans
9. Longitudinal slope in design range
10. Provision of sub-soil drainage for mild slopes (<1%)


Items Inspected



Structural Components
13. Location and levels of pits as
14. Safety protection provided
15. Location of check dams as designed
16. Swale crossings located/ built as
17. Pipe joints/ connections as designed
18. Concrete and reinforcement as
19. Inlets appropriately installed
20. Inlet erosion protection installed
21. Set down to correct level for flush
22. Silt fences and traffic control in place
23. Stabilisation immediately following

11. Compaction process as designed


12. Appropriate topsoil on swale

24. Test and ameliorate topsoil, if required

25. Planting as designed (species/
26. Weed removal and watering as

1. Confirm levels of inlets and outlets

6. Check for uneven settling of soil

2. Traffic control in place

7. Inlet erosion protection working

3. Confirm structural element sizes

8. Maintenance access provided

4. Check batter slopes

9. Construction sediment removed

5. Vegetation as designed

10. Evidence of local surface ponding



Inspection officer signature:

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Chapter 5 Swales and Buffer Strips


Asset I.D.:
Inspection Frequency:

1 to 6 monthly

Date of Visit:

Site Visit by:


Sediment accumulation at inflow points?

Litter within swale?
Erosion at inlet or other key structures (e.g. crossovers)?
Traffic damage present?
Evidence of dumping (e.g. building waste)?
Vegetation condition satisfactory (density, weeds etc)?
Replanting required?
Mowing required?
Sediment accumulation at outlets?
Clogging of drainage points (sediment or debris)?
Evidence of ponding?
Set down from kerb still present?
Soil additives or amendments required?
Pruning and/ or removal of dead or diseased vegetation required?

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Chapter 5 Swales and Buffer Strips


Asset Description:
Asset I.D.:
Asset Location:
Construction by:
'On-maintenance' Period:

System appears visually to be working as designed?

No obvious signs of under-performance?
Maintenance plans and indicative maintenance costs provided for each asset?
Vegetation establishment period completed (2 years)?
Inspection and maintenance undertaken as per maintenance plan?
Inspection and maintenance forms provided?
Asset inspected for defects?
Design Assessment Checklist provided?
As constructed plans provided?
Copies of all required permits (both construction and operational) submitted?
Proprietary information provided (if applicable)?
Digital files (e.g. drawings, survey, models) provided?
Asset listed on asset register or database?

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5.7 Swale Worked Example


Worked example introduction

As part of a development, runoff from allotments and a street surface is to be collected

and conveyed in a vegetated swale system to downstream treatments. The swale will
be vegetated with turf (100mm tall). An additional exercise in this worked example is
to investigate the consequences on flow capacity of using a taller species such as
sedges in the swale (vegetation height equal to 300mm).
A concept design for the development proposed this system as part of a treatment
train. The street will have a one-way cross fall (to the high side) with flush kerbs, to
allow for distributed flows into the swale system across a buffer zone.
The swale is to convey minor flood events, including all flows up to a five-year ARI
storm. However, the width of the swale is fixed at 5.0 m and there will be a maximum
catchment area the swale can accommodate, above which an underground pipe will
be required to preserve the conveyance properties of the downstream swale. Access
to the allotments will be via an at-grade crossover with a maximum slope of 1 in 10 (10
(3% slope)









(Max 1 in 10 side
slopes with 1.2m base)


Figure 5.14

Cross section of proposed buffer/swale system

The contributing catchment area includes 35 m width and 100m length residential
allotments on one side, a 7m wide road pavement surface and a 1.5 m footpath and
5.0 m swale and services easement (depicted in Figure 5.14, examples of similar
systems are illustrated in Figure 5.15). The area is 100 m long with a 3 % slope.
Allotment runoff is to be discharged under a footpath via a conventional stormwater
pipe directly into the swale system with appropriate erosion control.

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Figure 5.15

Similar buffer swale system for conveying runoff

Design criteria for the buffer/ swale system are to:

Promote sedimentation of coarse particles through the buffer by providing for

an even flow distribution and areas for sediment accumulation (i.e. set down at
kerb edge);

Provide traffic management measures that will preclude traffic damage (or
parking) within the buffer or swale (e.g. bollards or parking bays);

Provide check dams to control velocities and spread flows (potentially using

Provide driveway access to lots within side slope limits and

Convey 5-year ARI flows within the swale and underground pipe system.

This worked example focuses on the design of the buffer strip and vegetated swale
conveyance properties. Analyses to be undertaken during the detailed design phase
include the following:

Design the swale system to accommodate driveway crossovers and check

dams where required

Select vegetation such that the hydraulic capacity of the swale is sufficient

Determine maximum length of swale to convey 5-year flows before an

underground pipe is required

Check velocities are maintained to acceptable levels

Overflow structure from swale to underground pipe (if required).

Additional design elements will be required, including:

Configure the street kerb details such that sheet flow is achieved through the
buffer strip

Configure house lot drainage so that erosion control is provided

Buffer strip vegetation

Swale vegetation (integral with hydraulic design of the system). Design Objectives

The design objectives are summarised as follows:

Swale shall convey at least all flows up to the peak 5-year ARI storm event.

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Sedimentation of coarse particles will be promoted within the buffer by

providing an even flow distribution.

Prevent traffic damage to the buffer swale system.

Flow velocities to be controlled to prevent erosion.

Allowance for suitable driveway gradients (max 1:9) to be provided at

crossovers into properties.

Site Characteristics

Catchment area:

3,500 m2
850 m

500 m

Total = 4,850 m

(roads and concrete footpath)
(swale and services easement)

Land use/surface type Residential lots, roads/concrete footpaths, swale and service
Overland flow slope:
Total main flow path length = 100m @ 3% slope
Soil type:


Fraction impervious:

lots f = 0.65

roads/footpath f = 1.00

swale/service easement f = 0.10

Vegetation height of 100 mm


Step 1: Confirm Treatment Performance of Concept Design

Interpretation of Figure 5.7 to Figure 5.9 with the input parameters below is used to
estimate the reduction performance of the swale system to ensure the design will
achieve target pollutant reductions. To interpret the graphs the area of swale base to
the impervious catchment needs to be estimated. For a base width of 1.2 m, the area
of swale base as percentage of the contributing impervious catchment area:
1.2 x 100/ [(0.65 x 3500) + (1.0 x 850) + (0.1 x 500)] = 3.8 %
From the figures using an equivalent area in the reference site, it is estimated that,
depending on the height of the vegetation, pollutant reductions are between 70% and
82% for TSS, 47% to 59% for TP and 13% to 22% for TN respectively.

Step 2: Determine Design Flows

With a small catchment, the Rational Method is considered an appropriate approach to

estimate the 5 and 100-year ARI peak flow rates. The steps in these calculations
follow below.

Major and minor design flows

Time of concentration (tc)

The time of concentration is estimated assuming overland flow across the allotments
and along the swale and is determined to be 10 minutes.

ABC Waters Stormwater Quality Management Guidelines

Page 29

Design rainfall intensities

Adopt from IDF table1 for Singapore for a time of concentration (tc) of 10 minutes




166 mm/hr


275 mm/hr

Design runoff coefficient

Apply the Rational Formula method outlined in Code of Practice on Surface Water
Drainage (Public Utilities Board 2006).
Q = 0.002788.C.I.A
C5 = 0.65
C100 = 0.65
Peak design flows
Q5 = 0.002788 x 0.65 x 166 x 0.485 = 0.15 m3/s
Q100 = 0.002788 x 0.65 x 275 x 0.485 = 0.24 m3/s


Step 3: Configuring the Swale

Swale Width and Side Slopes

To facilitate at-grade driveway crossings the following cross section is proposed:






Maximum Length of Swale

The capacity of the swale is firstly estimated at the most downstream point. It is
considered to be the critical point in the swale as it has the largest catchment and has
the mildest slope. Flow velocities will also need to be checked at the downstream end
of the steep section of swale.
The worked example firstly considers the swale capacity using a turf grass surface
with a vegetation height of 100 mm. An extension of the worked example is to
investigate the consequence of using 300mm tall vegetation (e.g. sedges) instead of
A range of Mannings n values are selected for different flow depths appropriate for
grass. It is firstly assumed that the flow height for a 5-year ARI storm will be above the

Please refer to Code of Practice for Surface Water Drainage

ABC Waters Stormwater Quality Management Guidelines

Page 30

vegetation and therefore Mannings n is quite low. A figure of 0.04 is adopted. The
flow depth will need to be checked to ensure it is above the vegetation.

Adopt slope 3% (minimum longitudinal slope)

Mannings n = 0.04 (at 0.2m depth)

Side slopes 1(v):10(h)

From Mannings equation:

= (AR2/3So1/2)/n

Qcap= 0.683 m3/s >> Q5 (0.15 m3/s) OK

The nominated swale has sufficient capacity to convey the required peak Q5 flow
without any requirement for an additional piped drainage system (i.e. slope = 3%, n =
0.07, Q5 = 0.15 m3/s), solving Mannings equation for depth, d5-year = 0.13 m.
The capacity of the swale (Qcap = 0.683m3/s) is also sufficient to convey the entire
peak Q100 flow of 0.24m3/s without impacting on the adjacent road and footpath (i.e.
slope = 3%, n = 0.04, Q100 = 0.2425 m3/s) and solving Mannings equation for depth
gives d100-year = 0.143 m. Usually the swale should be sized so that in a major event
the road accommodates some of the flow. However these dimensions are used to
facilitate at grade driveway crossings.
The flow depths of both the minor (0.13 m) and major (0.143 m) event flows are less
than the depth of the swale (0.2 m), indicating that all flow is contained within the
Based on this result, the maximum permissible length of swale is also much longer than
the actual length of the swale (i.e. 100 m) and as such no overflow pits are required
except at the downstream end of the swale to facilitate discharge to the trunk
underground pipe drainage system (see Chapter 6 for design of overflow pits).
To investigate flow rates at depths lower than the height of vegetation, Mannings n is
varied according to the flow depth relating to the vegetation height. This can be
performed simply in a spreadsheet application. The values adopted here are:

Table 5.2 Mannings n and flow capacity variation with flow depth turf

Flow Depth (m)

Mannings n

Flow (m /s)













From the table of Mannings equation output (

Table 5.2), it can be seen that the 5-year ARI flow depth is above the vegetation
height and therefore the adopted Mannings n value of 0.07 is reasonable. The
boundary layer effect created by the turf significantly decreases between a flow depth
of 0.1 m and 0.15 m with Mannings n decreasing from 0.3 to 0.06. This is due to the
weight of the water flowing over the grass causing it to yield over creating a
smoother surface with less resistance to flow. Once the water depth has reached
twice the vegetation height (0.2 m), the Mannings n roughness coefficient has been
further reduced to 0.04.
For the purposes of this worked example, the capacity of the swale is also estimated
when using 300mm tall vegetation (e.g. sedges). The taller vegetation will increase
the roughness of the swale (as flow depths will be below the vegetation height) and
therefore a higher Mannings n should be adopted. The table below presents the

ABC Waters Stormwater Quality Management Guidelines

Page 31

adopted Mannings n values and the corresponding flow capacity of the swale for
different flow depths.

Table 5.3

Mannings n and flow capacity variation with flow depth sedges

Flow Depth (m)

Mannings n

Flow (m3/s)













It can be seen in Table 5.3 that the swale with current dimensions is not capable of
conveying a 5-year discharge of 0.15 m3/s if sedges are to be planted. Either the
swale depth would need to be increased or overflow pits provided to allow excess
water to bypass the swale.
This worked example continues using 100mm turf for the remainder.

Step 4: Design Inflow Systems

There are two ways for flows to reach the swale, either directly from the road surface
or from allotments via an underground 100mm pipe.
Direct runoff from the road enters the swale via a buffer (the grass edge of the swale).
The pavement surface is set 60 mm higher than the start of the swale and has a taper
that will allow sediments to accumulate off the pavement surface in the first section of
the buffer. Flows from allotments will discharge into the base of the swale and
localised erosion protection is provided with grouted rock at the outlet point of the pipe.

Step 5: Verification Checks

Vegetation scour velocity checks

Two velocity checks are performed to ensure vegetation is protected from erosion at
high flow rates. 5-year and 100-year ARI flow velocities are checked and need to be
kept below 0.5m/s and 2.0 m/s respectively.
Velocities are estimated using Mannings equation:
Firstly, velocities are checked at the most downstream location for the 5-year ARI (i.e.
slope = 3%, n = 0.07, Q5 = 0.15 m /s)
d5-year = 0.13 m
V5-year = 0.46 m/s < 0.5 m/s therefore OK
Secondly, velocities are checked at the most downstream location for the 100-year
ARI (i.e. slope = 3%, n = 0.04, Q5 = 0.24 m /s)
D100-year = 0.143 m
V100-year = 0.645 m/s < 2.0 m/s therefore OK

Velocity and Depth Checks - Safety

Check at critical points (bottom of entire swale) that velocity depth product is less than
0.4 during a 100-year ARI flow.
At bottom of swale:
V= 0.645 m/s, d= 0.143m; therefore V.d = 0.092 m2.s <0.4 therefore OK.
ABC Waters Stormwater Quality Management Guidelines

Page 32

Confirm Treatment Performance

As there has been no requirement to alter the swale geometry established for Swales
1 and 2 in Step 3, the same treatment performance identified in Step 1 still applies.
Where modifications to the swale geometry occur during the previous design steps, a
check of the new configuration with procedures identified in Step 1 is required to
ensure treatment performance is adequate.

Step 6: Size Overflow Pits

As the swale can carry a five-year ARI discharge, overflow structures are not required
for this worked example. See Chapter 5 for an example including the design of an
overflow pit.

Step 7: Traffic Control

Traffic control in the worked example is achieved by using traffic bollards mixed with
street trees.

Step 8: Vegetation specification

To compliment the landscape design of the area, a turf species is to be used. For this
application a turf with a height of 100 mm has been assumed. The landscape designer
will select the actual species. The establishment of vegetation in swales should be in
consultation with the National Parks Board of Singapore.

ABC Waters Stormwater Quality Management Guidelines

Page 33

5.7.10 Calculation summary

The sheet overleaf shows the results of the design calculations.



Calculation Task
Catchment Characteristics (Swale 1)
Catchment Area
Catchment Land Use (i.e. residential, Commercial etc.)
Catchment Slope




Conceptual Design
Swale Top Width
Swale Length
Swale Location (road reserve/ park/other)
Road Reserve Width

Road res


Swale Area
TSS Removal
TP Removal
TN Removal



2-10 year ARI

50-100 year ARI




Confirm Treatment Performance of Concept Design


Determine Design Flows

Time of concentration
Swale 1

Swale 2
2-10 year ARI
50-100 year ARI
Identify Rainfall intensities
Swale 1

year ARI


year ARI

year ARI



Swale 2

year ARI

Design Runoff Coefficient

C2-10 year ARI
C50-100 year ARI


2-10 year ARI

50-100 year ARI


m /s
m /s

Base Width
Side Slopes 1 in
Longitudinal Slope
Vegetation Height


Mannings n
Swale Capacity
Maximum Length of Swale



Swale Kerb Type

60 mm set down to Buffer/ Swale Vegetation
Adequate Erosion and Scour Protection (where required)


Yes/ No

Verification Checks (refer to PUB Guidelines)

Velocity for 2-10 year ARI flow (< 0.5 m/s)
Velocity for 50-100 year ARI flow (< 2 m/s)
Velocity x Depth for 50-100 year ARI (< 0.4 m /s)
Depth of Flow over Driveway Crossing for 50-100 year ARI (< 0.3 m)
Treatment Performance consistent with Step 1


Peak Design Flows

Dimension the Swale

Swale Width and Side Slopes


Maximum Length of Swale

Design Inflow Systems

m /s

Size Overflow Pits (Field Inlet Pits)

System to convey minor floods Swale 1
System to convey minor floods Swale 2

ABC Waters Stormwater Quality Management Guidelines


Page 34



Barling RD & Moore ID 1993, 'The Role of Buffer Strips in the Management of
Waterway Pollution', in Woodfull J et al. (eds), The Role of Buffer Strips in the
Management of Waterway Pollution from Diffuse Urban and Rural Sources, LWRRDC
Occasional Paper No. 01/93, Canberra
CRCCH (Cooperative Research Centre for Catchment Hydrology) 2005, MUSIC: User
Guide, Manual for MUSIC Version 3.0, CRCCH, Melbourne
Duncan HP 1995, A Review of Urban Storm Water Quality Processes, Cooperative
Research Centre for Catchment Hydrology, Report 95/9, Melbourne, Australia
Engineers Australia 2006,






Public Utilities Board (2006). Code of Practice on Surface Water Drainage. Singapore.
Weibel SR, Weidner RB, Cohen JM & Christianson AG, 1996, Pesticides and Other
Contaminants in Rainfall and Runoff, Journal American Water Works Association, vol.
58, no. 8, August 1966, pp. 1075-1084

ABC Waters Stormwater Quality Management Guidelines

Page 35

Bioretention Swales

Chapter 6 - Bioretention Swales

Chapter 6 Bioretention Swales




Design Considerations for Bioretention Swales



Landscape Design................................................................................................................. 6-4


Hydraulic Design .................................................................................................................. 6-4


Preventing Exfiltration to In-situ Soils.................................................................................. 6-4


Vegetation Types .................................................................................................................. 6-5


Bioretention Filter Media ...................................................................................................... 6-5


Traffic Controls .................................................................................................................... 6-6


Services ................................................................................................................................ 6-7


Bioretention Swale Design Process



Step 1: Confirm Treatment Performance of Concept Design ................................................ 6-9


Step 2: Determine Design Flows for the Swale Component ................................................ 6-12


Step 3: Dimension the Swale Component with Consideration to Site Constraints .............. 6-13


Step 4: Design Inflow Systems to Swale and Bioretention Components ............................. 6-15


Step 5: Design Bioretention Component ............................................................................ 6-18


Step 6: Verify Design .......................................................................................................... 6-22


Step 7: Size Overflow Pit ..................................................................................................... 6-23


Step 8: Make Allowances to Preclude Traffic on Swales...................................................... 6-24


Step 9: Specify Plant Species and Planting Densities .......................................................... 6-24


Step 10: Consider Maintenance Requirements ................................................................... 6-24


Design Calculation Summary .............................................................................................. 6-24


Typical Design Parameters ................................................................................................. 6-26


Construction advice and checking tools



Design Assessment Checklist ............................................................................................. 6-27


Construction Advice ........................................................................................................... 6-29


Construction checklist ........................................................................................................ 6-31


Asset transfer checklist ...................................................................................................... 6-32


Maintenance Requirements




Operation & Maintenance Inspection Form......................................................................... 6-35

Bioretention swale worked example



Worked Example Introduction ............................................................................................ 6-36


Step 1: Confirm Treatment Performance of Concept Design .............................................. 6-38


Step 2: Estimate Design Flows for Swale Component ......................................................... 6-38


Step 3: Dimensions of Swale .............................................................................................. 6-40


Step 4: Design of Swale Inlet .............................................................................................. 6-40


Step 5: Design of bioretention component......................................................................... 6-41


Step 6: Verification checks ................................................................................................. 6-43


Step 7: Overflow pit design ................................................................................................ 6-43

Engineering Procedures for ABC Waters Design Features

Chapter 6 - Bioretention Swales


Step 8: Allowances to preclude traffic on swales................................................................ 6-44


Step 9: Vegetation specification ......................................................................................... 6-44


Step 10: Maintenance Plan ................................................................................................. 6-44


Calculation summary .......................................................................................................... 6-45


Construction drawings ....................................................................................................... 6-46



Engineering Procedures for ABC Waters Design Features


Chapter 6 - Bioretention Swales



Bioretention swales provide both stormwater treatment and conveyance functions.

These systems consist of both elements of a vegetated swale and a bioretention
system. These components are subtly different in the main function of the swale is
that of conveyance while the primary function of the bioretention component is the
promotion of soil filtration of stormwater. Typically, a bioretention swale would consist
of a vegetated swale when the bioretention system is installed in the base of a swale.
The swale may have a discharge capacity to convey stormwater flow for frequent
events (i.e. up to the 5 year ARI event in accordance to the Singapore Code of
Practice on Surface Water Drainage).
The swale component provides pretreatment of stormwater to remove coarse to
medium sediments while the bioretention system removes finer particulates and
associated contaminants. Figure 6.1 shows the layout of a bioretention swale.
Bioretention swales provide flow retardation for frequent storm events and are
particularly efficient at removing nutrients.

Figure 6.1

Bioretention swale as a centre road median

The bioretention swale treatment process operates by firstly filtering stormwater runoff
through surface vegetation associated with the swale. The bioretention component
then operates by percolating the runoff vertically through a prescribed filter media,

Engineering Procedures for ABC Waters Design Features

Page 6-1

Chapter 6 - Bioretention Swales

which provides treatment through fine filtration, extended detention treatment and
biological uptake.
Bioretention swales also act to reduce flow velocities compared with piped systems
and thus provide protection to natural receiving waterways from frequent storm events
by disconnecting impervious areas from downstream waterways. The bioretention
component is typically located at the downstream end of the overlying swale cell (i.e.
immediately upstream of the swale overflow pit(s) as shown on Figure 6.2 or can be
provided as a continuous trench along the full length of a swale).

Vegetated swale

Overflow pit
Road surface


Vegetated swale

Ponding for extended detention

Filter media


Drainage layer

Figure 6.2

Bioretention Swale Conceptual Layout

The choice of bioretention location within the overlying swale will depend on a number
of factors, including available area for the bioretention filter media and the maximum
batter slopes for the overlying swale. Typically, when used as a continuous trench
along the full length of a swale, the desirable maximum longitudinal grade of the swale
is 4%. For other applications, the desirable longitudinal slope of the bioretention zone
is either horizontal or as close as possible to encourage uniform distribution of
stormwater flows over the full surface area of bioretention filter media and allowing
temporary storage of flows for treatment.

Engineering Procedures for ABC Waters Design Features

Page 6-2

Chapter 6 - Bioretention Swales

Bioretention swales are not intended to be infiltration systems in that the intent is to
prevent excessive stormwater exfiltrate from the bioretention filter media to the
surrounding in-situ soils. Rather, the typical design intent is to recover the percolated
stormwater runoff at the base of the filter media, within perforated under-drains, for
subsequent discharge to receiving waterways or to a storage facility for potential
reuse. Thus these systems are suited even when close to structures as long as steps
are taken to prevent exfiltration to surround soils through the use of a impervious liner
where necessary.
In some circumstances however, where the in-situ soils are appropriate and there is a
particular design intention to recharge local groundwater, it may be desirable to permit
the percolated stormwater runoff to infiltrate from the base of the filter media to the
underlying in-situ soils.

Engineering Procedures for ABC Waters Design Features

Page 6-3

Chapter 6 - Bioretention Swales

6.2 Design Considerations for

Bioretention Swales
This section outlines some of the key design considerations for bioretention swales
that the designer should be familiar with. Standard design considerations for the
swale component of bioretention swales are discussed in detail in Chapter 5 (Swales
and Buffers) and are not reproduced here. However, swale design considerations that
relate specifically to the interactions between the swale and bioretention components
are presented in this chapter so as to provide sufficient clarity of these interactions
with design considerations that are specifically related to the bioretention component.
Design considerations for the bioretention system are similar to that presented in
Chapter 7 Bioretention Basins and are presented in both chapters for ease of
reference with the exception of submerged zones which may be incorporated in
bioretention swales to maximise treatment performance. Refer to Chapter 7.2 Key
design configurations for further detail.

Landscape Design

Bioretention swales may be located within parkland areas, easements, carparks or

along roadway corridors within footpaths (i.e. road verges) or centre medians.
Landscape design of bioretention swales along the road edge can assist in defining
the boundary of road or street corridors as well as providing landscape character and
amenity. It is therefore important that the landscape design of bioretention swales
addresses stormwater quality objectives and accommodates these other important
landscape functions.

Hydraulic Design

A key hydraulic design consideration for bioretention swales is the delivery of

stormwater runoff from the swale onto the surface of a bioretention filter media. Flow
must not scour the bioretention surface and needs to be uniformly distributed over the
full surface area of the filter media. In steeper areas, check dams may be required
along the swale to reduce flow velocities discharged onto the bioretention filter media.
It is important to ensure that velocities in the bioretention swale are kept below 0.5 m/s
for frequent runoff events (2-10 year ARI) and below 2.0 m/s for major (50-100 year
ARI) runoff events to avoid scouring. This can be achieved by ensuring the slope and
hydraulic roughness of the overlying swale reduce flow velocities by creating shallow
temporary ponding (i.e. extended detention) over the surface of the bioretention filter
media via the use of a check dam. This may also increase the overall volume of
stormwater runoff that can be treated by the bioretention filter media.

Preventing Exfiltration to In-situ Soils

Bioretention swales can be designed to generally preclude exfiltration of treated

stormwater to the surrounding in-situ soils. The amount of water potentially lost from
bioretention trenches to surrounding in-situ soils is largely dependant on the
characteristics of the surrounding soils and the saturated hydraulic conductivity of the
bioretention filter media (see Section 6.2.5).
If the saturated hydraulic conductivity of the filter media is one to two orders of
magnitude (i.e. 10 to 100 times) greater than that of the surrounding soil profile, the
preferred flow path for stormwater runoff will be effectively contained within the
bioretention filter media and into the perforated under-drains at the base of the filter
media. As such, there will be little exfiltration to the surrounding soils.

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Page 6-4

Chapter 6 - Bioretention Swales

If the selected saturated hydraulic conductivity of the bioretention filter media is less
than 10 times that of the surrounding soils, it may be necessary to provide an
impermeable liner. Flexible membranes or a concrete casting are commonly used to
prevent excessive exfiltration. The greatest pathway of exfiltration is through the base
of a bioretention trench. If lining is required, it is likely that only the base and the sides
of the drainage layer (refer Section 6.2.5) will need to be lined.
A subsurface pipe is often used to prevent water intrusion into a road sub-base. This
practice is to continue as a precautionary measure to collect any water seepage from
bioretention swales located along roadways.
Bioretention system built on highly porous landscape may suitably promote exfiltration
to surrounding soils. In such circumstances, the designer must consider site terrain,
hydraulic conductivity of the in-situ soil, soil salinity, groundwater and building setback.
Further guidance in this regard is provided in Chapter 9 Infiltration.

Vegetation Types

Bioretention swales can use a variety of vegetation types including turf (swale
component only), sedges and tufted grasses. Vegetation is required to cover the
whole width of the swale and bioretention filter media surface, be capable of
withstanding design flows and be of sufficient density to prevent preferred flow paths
and scour of the media surface. Turf grasses should ideally be avoided where the soil
filter is as these are shallow rooted systems with inadequate penetration to the full
depth of the filter media and the turf stems inadequately prevent clogging at the
surface of the filter media. Therefore it is preferred that the vegetation for the
bioretention component of bioretention swales is sedges. The National Parks Board of
Singapore should be consulted on suitable vegetation species for bioretention
Dense vegetation planted along the swale component can also offer improved
sediment retention by reducing flow velocity and providing enhanced sedimentation for
deeper flows. However, densely vegetated swales have higher hydraulic roughness
and this will need to be considered in assessing their discharge capacity. Densely
vegetated bioretention swales can become features of an urban landscape and once
established, require minimal maintenance and are hardy enough to withstand large

Bioretention Filter Media

Selection of an appropriate bioretention filter media is a key design step involving

consideration of three inter-related factors:

Saturated hydraulic conductivity required to optimise the treatment

performance of the bioretention component given site constraints on available
filter media area.

Depth of extended detention provided above the filter media.

Suitability as a growing media to support vegetation growth (i.e. retaining

sufficient soil moisture and organic content).

The high rainfall intensities experienced in Singapore is expected to result in

bioretention treatment areas being larger in Singapore than comparable systems
overseas in Australia and the United States. The area available for bioretention
swales in an urban layout is often constrained by factors such as the available area
within the footpaths of standard road reserves.
Selecting bioretention filter media for bioretention swale applications in Singapore will
often require careful consideration of saturated hydraulic conductivity and extended
detention depth to ensure the desired minimum volume of stormwater runoff receives
treatment. This must also be balanced with the requirement to also ensure the

Engineering Procedures for ABC Waters Design Features

Page 6-5

Chapter 6 - Bioretention Swales

saturated hydraulic conductivity does not become too high such that it can no longer
sustain healthy vegetation growth.
The maximum saturated hydraulic conductivity should not exceed 500 mm/hr (and
preferably be between 50 - 200 mm/hr) in order to sustain vegetation growth.
The concept design stage will have established the optimal combination of filter media
saturated hydraulic conductivity and extended detention depth using a continuous
simulation modelling approach (i.e. MUSIC). Any adjustment of either of these two
design parameters during the detailed design stage will require the continuous
simulation modelling to be re-run to assess the impact on the overall treatment
performance of the bioretention basin.
As shown in Figure 6.3, a bioretention system can consist of three layers. The filter
media is the primary soil layer consisting typically of sandy-loam material. In addition
to the filter media, a drainage layer is also required to convey treated water from the
base of the filter media to the outlet via a perforated under-drains unless the design
intent is to allow the filtered water to discharge (exfiltrate) into insitu soil. The drainage
layer surrounds perforated under-drains and consist typically of fine gravel of 2-5 mm
particle size. In between the filter media layer and the drainage layer is the transition
layer consisting of clean sand (1mm) to prevent migration of the base filter media into
the drainage layer and into the perforated under-drains.
[Refer to the Bioretention Media Guidelines produced by FAWB1 (2007) for more
Vegetated swale

0.2-0.5 m
1-3 m

Perforated collection pipe

Possible impervious liner

0.3-0.7 m

Filter media (sandy loam)

0.1 m

Transition layer (coarse sand)

0.2 m

Drainage layer (coarse sand/ gravel)

0.6-2.0 m

Figure 6.3

Typical Section of a Bioretention Swale

Traffic Controls

Another design consideration is keeping traffic and building material deliveries off
swales, particularly during the building phase of a development. If bioretention swales
are used for parking, then the surface will be compacted and vegetation damaged
beyond its ability to regenerate naturally. Compacting the surface of a bioretention
swale will reduce the hydraulic conductivity of filter media and lead to reduced
treatment. Vehicles driving on swales can cause ruts that can create preferential flow
paths that diminish the water quality treatment performance as well as creating
depressions that can retain water and potentially become mosquito breeding sites.
A staged construction and establishment method (see Section 6.4.2) affords protection
to the sub-surface elements of a bioretention swale from heavily sediment laden runoff
during the subdivision construction and allotment building phases. However, to
prevent vehicles driving on bioretention swales and inadvertent placement of building

Facility for Advancing Water Biofiltration http://www.monash.edu.au/fawb/

Engineering Procedures for ABC Waters Design Features

Page 6-6

Chapter 6 - Bioretention Swales

materials, it is necessary to consider appropriate traffic control solutions as part of the

system design. These can include temporary fencing of the swale during the
subdivision construction and allotment building phases with signage erected to alert
builders and constractors of the purpose and function of the swales. Management of
traffic near swales can be achieved in a number of ways such as planting the interface
to the road carriageway with dense vegetation that will discourage the movement of
vehicles onto the swale or, if dense vegetation cannot be used, by providing physical
barriers such as kerb and channel (with breaks to allow distributed water entry to the
swale) or bollards and/ or street tree planting.
Kerb and channel should be used at all corners, intersections, cul-de-sac heads and at
traffic calming devices to ensure correct driving path is taken. For all of these
applications, it is recommended that the kerb and channel extends 5 m beyond
tangent points. The transition from barrier or lay back type kerb to flush kerbs and vice
versa is to be done in a way that avoids creation of low points that cause ponding onto
the road pavement.
Where bollards/road edge guide posts are used, consideration should be given to
intermixing mature tree plantings with the bollards to break the visual monotony
created by a continuous row of bollards. Bollards and any landscaping (soft or hard)
must comply with the relevant guidelines.


Bioretention swales located within footpaths (i.e. road verges) must consider the
standard location for services within the verge and ensure access for maintenance of
services. Typically it is acceptable to have water and sewer services located beneath
the batters of the swale with any sewers located beneath bioretention swales to be
fully welded polyethylene pipes with rodding points.

Engineering Procedures for ABC Waters Design Features

Page 6-7

Chapter 6 - Bioretention Swales

6.3 Bioretention Swale Design

To create bioretention swales, separate calculations are performed to design the
swale and the bioretention system, with iterations to ensure appropriate criteria are
met in each section. The calculations and decisions required to design the swale
component are presented in detail in Chapter 5 Swales and Buffers and are
reproduced in this chapter. This is to allow designers and assessors to consult with
this chapter only for designing and checking bioretention swale designs. The key
design steps are:

Each of these design steps is discussed below, followed by a worked example

illustrating application of the design process on a case study site.

Engineering Procedures for ABC Waters Design Features

Page 6-8

Chapter 6 - Bioretention Swales


Step 1: Confirm Treatment Performance of Concept Design

Before commencing detailed design, the designer should first undertake a preliminary
check to confirm the bioretention swale treatment area from the concept design is
adequate to deliver the required level of stormwater quality improvement. A
conceptual design of a bioretention basin is normally typically undertaken prior to
detailed design. The performance of the concept design must be checked to ensure
that stormwater treatment objectives will be satisfied.
The treatment performance curves shown in Figure 6.4 to Figure 6.6 reflect the
treatment performance of the bioretention component only and will be conservative as
they preclude the sediment and nutrient removal performance of the overlying swale
component. Notwithstanding this, the performance of the swale component for
nitrogen removal is typically only minor and thus the sizing of the bioretention
component will typically be driven by achieving compliance with best practice load
reduction targets for Total Nitrogen. Therefore, by using the performance curves
below, the designer can be confident that the combined performance of the swale and
bioretention components of a bioretention swale will be similar to that shown in the
curves for total Nitrogen and will exceed that shown for Total Suspended Sediment
and total Phosphorus.
These curves are intended to provide an indication only of appropriate sizing and do
not substitute the need for a thorough conceptual design process. Nevertheless it is a
useful visual guide to illustrate the sensitivity of bioretention treatment performance to
the ratio of bioretention treatment area and contributing catchment area. The curves
allow the designer to make a rapid assessment as to whether the bioretention trench
component size falls within the optimal size range or if it is potentially under or oversized.
The curves in Figure 6.4 to Figure 6.6 show the total suspended solid (TSS), total
phosphorus (TP) and total nitrogen (TN) removal performance for a typical bioretention
basin design with the following configurations:

Filter media saturated hydraulic conductivity (k) = 180 mm/hr (0.5 x 10-4 m/s)
and 360mm/hr (1 x 10-4 m/s)

Filter Media average particle size = 0.5mm

Filter Media Depth = 0.6m

Extended Detention Depth = from 0 mm to 300 mm

The curves in Figure 6.4 to Figure 6.6 are generally applicable to bioretention swale
applications within residential, industrial and commercial land uses.
If the characteristics of the bioretention component of the bioretention swale concept
design are significantly different to that described above, then the curves in Figure 6.4
to Figure 6.6 may not provide an accurate indication of treatment performance. In
these cases, the detailed designer should use MUSIC to verify the performance of the
bioretention swale.

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Chapter 6 - Bioretention Swales

k s at=180mm/hr



T S S R emoval (% )




No E xtended D etention


100mm E xtended D etention

200mm E xtended D etention


300mm E xtended D etention



B ioretention S ys tem S urfac e Area ( as % of Impervious C atc hment)

k s at = 360mm/hr



T S S R emoval (% )






No E xtended D etention
100mm E xtended D etention

200mm E xtended D etention


300mm E xtended D etention


B ioretention S ys tem S urfac e Area ( as % of Impervious C atc hment)

Figure 6.4 Bioretention system TSS removal performance (Reference: Station 43)

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Chapter 6 - Bioretention Swales

k s at=180mm/hr



T P R emoval (% )





No E xtended D etention
100mm E xtended D etention

200mm E xtended D etention
300mm E xtended D etention



B ioretention S ys tem S urfac e Area (as % of Imperv ious C atc hment)

k s at=360mm/hr



T P R emoval (% )



No E xtended D etention
100mm E xtended D etention


200mm E xtended D etention

300mm E xtended D etention



B ioretention S ys tem S urfac e Area (as % of Impervious C atc hment)

Figure 6.5

Bioretention system TP removal performance (Reference: Station 43)

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Chapter 6 - Bioretention Swales

k s at=180mm/hr

T N R emoval (% )


No E xtended D etention
100mm E xtended D etention


200mm E xtended D etention

300mm E xtended D etention


B ioretention S ys tems S urfac e Area (as % of Impervious C atc hment)

k s at=360mm/h



T N R emoval (% )




No E xtended D etention


100mm E xtended D etention


200mm E xtended D etention

300mm E xtended D etention



B ioretention S ys tem S urfac e Area (as % of Impervious C atc hment)

Figure 6.6

Bioretention system TN removal performance (Reference: Station 43)


Step 2: Determine Design Flows for the Swale Component

Design Flows

Two design flows are required for the design of a swale:

Minor (frequent) storm conditions (typically 5 year ARI) to size the hydraulic
structures to safely convey storm flows of frequent/minor events within the

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Chapter 6 - Bioretention Swales

swale and not increase any flooding risk compared to conventional stormwater

Major flood flow (50 to 100 year ARI) to check flow velocities, velocity depth
criteria, conveyance within road reserve, and freeboard to adjoining property.
Design Flow Estimation

A range of hydrologic methods can be applied to estimate design flows. As the typical
catchment area should be relatively small (<50 ha) the Rational Method design
procedure is considered to be a suitable method for estimating design peak flows.

Step 3: Dimension the Swale Component with Consideration to Site


Factors to consider in defining the dimensions of the bioretention swale are:

allowable width given the proposed road reserve and/ or urban layout

how flows are delivered into a swale (e.g. cover requirements for pipes or kerb

vegetation height

longitudinal slope

maximum side slopes and base width

provision of crossings (elevated or at grade)

requirements of the Public Utilities Board Code of Practice on Surface Water

Drainage (2006).

Depending on which of the above factors are fixed, the other variables can be adjusted
to derive the optimal swale dimensions for the given site conditions. The following
sections outline some considerations in relation to dimensioning a swale.

Swale Width and Side Slopes

The maximum width of swale is usually determined from an urban layout and at the
concept design stage, and should be in accordance with relevant local guidelines or
standards of the Public Utilities Board. Where the swale width is not constrained by an
urban layout (e.g. when located within a large parkland area) then the width of the
swale can be selected based on consideration of landscape objectives, maximum side
slopes for ease of maintenance and public safety, hydraulic capacity required to
convey the desired design flow, and treatment performance requirements. Swale side
slopes are typically between 1 in 10 and 1 in 4. The maximum swale width needs to
be identified early in the design process as it dictates the remaining steps in the swale
design process.
For swales located adjacent to residential roads, the types of driveway crossing used
will typically dictate batter slopes. Where there are no driveway crossings, the
maximum swale side slopes will be established from ease of maintenance and public
safety considerations. Generally at-grade crossings, are preferred which require the
swale to have 1:9 side slopes with a nominal 0.5 m flat base to provide sufficient
transitions to allow for traffic movement across the crossing. Flatter swale side slopes
can be adopted but this will reduce the depth of the swale and its conveyance
capacity. Where elevated crossings are used, swale side slopes would typically be
between 1 in 6 and 1 in 4. Elevated crossings will require provision for drainage under
the crossings with a culvert or similar. The selection of crossing type should be made
in consultation with urban and landscape designers.

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Chapter 6 - Bioretention Swales

Maximum Length of a Swale

The maximum length of a swale is the distance along a swale before an overflow pit
(or field inlet pit) is required to drain the swale to an underlying pipe drainage system.
The maximum length of a swale located along a roadway is calculated as the distance
along the swale to the point where flow on the adjoining road pavement (or road
reserve) no longer complies with the local standards for road drainage (for both the
minor and major flood flows). This is often related to the discharge capacity of the
swale and is calculated as the distance along the swale to the point where the flow in
the swale (for the specific design flood frequency) exceeds the bank full capacity of the
swale. For example, if the swale is to convey the minor flood flow (typically the 5 year
ARI event in accordance to the Singapore Code of Practice for Surface Drainage)
without overflowing, then the maximum swale length would be determined as the
distance along the swale to the point where the 5 year ARI flow from the contributing
catchment is equivalent to the bank full flow capacity of the swale (bank full flow
capacity is determined using Mannings equation as discussed section

Swale Capacity Mannings Equation and Selection of Mannings n

The flow capacity of a swale can be calculated using Mannings equation. This allows
the flow rate (and flood levels) to be determined for variations in swale dimensions,
vegetation type and longitudinal slope.


A R2 / 3 S1/ 2


Equation 6.1

A = cross section area of swale (m )

R = hydraulic radius (m)
S = channel slope (m/m)
n = roughness factor (Mannings n)

Q = flow (m /s)
Mannings n is a critical variable in Mannings equation relating to roughness of the
channel. It varies with flow depth, channel dimensions and vegetation type. For
constructed swale systems, typical Mannings n values are between 0.15 and 0.4 for
flow depths shallower than the vegetation height (preferable for treatment) and
significantly lower for flows with greater depth than the vegetation (e.g. 0.03 for flow
depth more than twice the vegetation height).
Figure 6.7 shows a plot of Mannings n versus flow depth for a grass swale with
longitudinal grade of 5 % which is also applicable for other swale configurations. The
bottom axis of the plot has been modified from Barling and Moore (1993) to express
flow depth as a percentage of vegetation height. Further discussion on selecting an
appropriate Mannings n for a swale is provided in Appendix E of the MUSIC User
Guide (CRCCH 2005).

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Chapter 6 - Bioretention Swales









Depth as % of vegetation height

Figure 6.7


Impact of Flow Depth on Hydraulic Roughness (adapted from

Barling and Moore (1993))

Step 4: Design Inflow Systems to Swale and Bioretention Components

Inflows to bioretention swales can be via distributed runoff (e.g. from flush kerbs on a
road) or point outlets such as pipe outfalls. Combinations of these inflow pathways
can also be used. Uniform distribution of inflow would generally provide better
operating conditions of bioretention swales owing to their long linear configuration.

Distributed Inflow

An advantage of flows entering a bioretention swale system in a distributed manner

(i.e. entering perpendicular to the direction of the swale) is that flow depths are kept as
shallow owing to sheet flow conditions. This maximises contact with the swale and
bioretention vegetation, particularly on the batter (buffer strip) receiving the distributed
inflows (see Figure 6.8). The buffer strip provides good pretreatment (i.e. significant
coarse sediment removal) prior to flows being conveyed along the swale.
Distributed inflows can be achieved either by having a flush kerb or by using kerbs
with regular breaks in them to allow for even flows across the buffer surface (Figure
No specific design rules exist for designing buffer systems, however there are several
design guides that are to be applied to ensure buffers operate to improve water quality
and provide a pre-treatment role. Key design parameters of buffer systems are:

providing distributed flows into a buffer (potentially spreading stormwater flows

to achieve this)

avoiding rilling or channelised flows

maintaining flow heights lower than vegetation heights (this may require flow
spreaders, or check dams)

minimising the slope of buffer, best if slopes can be kept below 5 %, however
buffers can still perform well with slopes up to 20 % provided flows are well
distributed. The steeper the buffer the more likely flow spreaders will be
required to avoid rill erosion.

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Chapter 6 - Bioretention Swales

Depth as % of
Sediment accumulation
vegetation area
60 mm set down
Road surface

Road edge

Buffer strip

Figure 6.8

Flush Kerb with 60 mm Set-down to allow Sediment to Flow into

Vegetated Area

Figure 6.9

Kerb Arrangements with Breaks to Distribute Inflows on to

Bioretention Swales and Prevent Vehicle Access

Maintenance of buffers is required to remove accumulated sediment and debris

therefore access is important. Most sediments will accumulate immediately
downstream of the pavement surface and then progressively further downstream as
sediment builds up.
It is important to ensure coarse sediments accumulate off the road surface at the start
of the buffer. Figure 6.10 shows sediment accumulating on a street surface where the
vegetation is the same level as the road. To avoid this accumulation, a tapered flush
kerb must be used that sets the top of the vegetation at approximately 60 mm below
the road surface (refer Figure 6.8), which requires the top of the ground surface
(before turf is placed) to be approximately 100 mm below the road surface. This
allows sediments to accumulate off any trafficable surface.

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Chapter 6 - Bioretention Swales

Figure 6.10 Flush Kerb without Setdown, showing Sediment Accumulation on


Concentrated Inflow

Concentrated inflows to a bioretention swale can be in the form of a concentrated

overland flow or a discharge from a piped drainage system (e.g. allotment drainage
line). For all concentrated inflows, energy dissipation at the inflow location is an
important consideration to minimise any erosion potential. This can usually be
achieved with rock benching and/ or dense vegetation.
The most common constraint on pipe systems discharging to bioretention swales is
bringing the pipe flows to the surface of a swale. In situations where the swale
geometry does not allow the pipe to achieve free discharge to the surface of the
swale, a surcharge pit may need to be used. Surcharge pits should be designed so
that they are as shallow as possible and have pervious bases or weep-holes to avoid
long term ponding in the pits (this may require under-drains to ensure it drains,
depending on local soil conditions). The pits need to be accessible so that any build
up of coarse sediment and debris can be monitored and removed if necessary.
Surcharge pits are not considered good practice due to additional maintenance issues
and mosquito breeding potential and should therefore be avoided where possible.
Surcharge pit systems are most frequently used when allotment runoff is required to
cross a road into a swale on the opposite side of the road or for allotment runoff
discharging into shallow profile swales. Where allotment runoff needs to cross under a
road to discharge to a swale, it is preferable to combine the runoff from more than one
allotment to reduce the number of crossings required under the road pavement.
Figure 6.11 illustrates a typical surcharge pit discharging into a swale.
Another important form of concentrated inflow in a bioretention swale is the discharge
from the swale component into the bioretention component, particularly where the
bioretention component is located at the downstream end of the overlying swale and
receives flows concentrated within the swale. Depending on the grade, its top width
and batter slopes, the resultant flow velocities at the transition from the swale to the
bioretention filter media may require the use of energy dissipation to prevent scour of
the filter media. For most cases, this can be achieved by placing several large rocks
in the flow path to reduce velocities and spread flows. Energy dissipaters located
within footpaths must be designed to ensure pedestrian safety.

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Chapter 6 - Bioretention Swales

Drainage holes to be drilled

in base of pit

Secured grate

Vertical drainage slots


Pipe connection from allotment

Removeable geofabric for

cleaning sediment accumulation


Figure 6.11


Example of Surcharge Pit for Discharging Allotment Runoff into a


Step 5: Design Bioretention Component

Specify the Bioretention Filter Media Characteristics

Generally three types of media are required in the bioretention component of

bioretention swales (refer Figure 6.3 in Section 6.2.5).
Filter Media
The filter media layer provides the majority of the pollutant treatment
function, through fine filtration and also by supporting vegetation. The
vegetation enhances filtration, keeps the filter media porous, provides
substrate for biofilm formation that is important for the uptake and removal of
nutrients and other stormwater pollutants. As a minimum, the filter media is
required to have sufficient depth to support vegetation. Typical depths are
between 600-1000 mm with a minimum depth of 400mm accepted in depth
constrained situations. It is important to note that if deep rooted plants such
as trees are to be planted in bioretention swales, the filter media must have a
minimum depth of 800 mm to provide sufficient plant anchoring depth.
Saturated hydraulic conductivity should remain between 50-200 mm/hr (and
should not be greater than 500 mm/hr. The following procedure is
recommended in determine the appropriate soil filter media to match the
design saturated hydraulic conductivity:

Identify available sources of a suitable base soil (i.e. topsoil) capable of

supporting vegetation growth such as a sandy loam or sandy clay loam.
In-situ topsoil should be considered first before importing soil. Any soil

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Chapter 6 - Bioretention Swales

found to contain high levels of salt (see last bullet point), extremely low
levels of organic carbon (< 3%), or other extremes considered retardant
to plant growth and microbial activity should be rejected. The base soil
must also be structurally sound and not prone to structural collapse as
this can result in a significant reduction in saturated hydraulic
conductivity. The risk of structural collapse can be reduced by ensuring
the soil has a well graded particle size distribution with a combined clay
and silt fraction of < 12%.

Using laboratory analysis, determine the saturated hydraulic conductivity

of the base soil using standard testing procedures. (In Australia,
reference is made to AS 4419-2003 Appendix H Soil Permeability). A
minimum of five samples of the base soil should be tested. Any
occurrence of structural collapse during laboratory testing must be noted
and an alternative base soil sourced.

To amend the base soil to achieve the desired design saturated

hydraulic conductivity either mix in a loose non-angular sand (to increase
saturated hydraulic conductivity) or conversely a loose loam (to reduce
saturated hydraulic conductivity).

The required content of sand or clay (by weight) to be mixed to the base
soil will need to be established in the laboratory by incrementally
increasing the content of sand or clay until the desired saturated
hydraulic conductivity is achieved. The sand or clay content (by weight)
that achieves the desired saturated hydraulic conductivity should then be
adopted on-site. A minimum of five samples of the selected base soil
and sand (or clay) content mix must be tested in the laboratory to ensure
saturated hydraulic conductivity is consistent across all samples. If the
average saturated hydraulic conductivity of the final filter media mix is
within 20% of the design saturated hydraulic conductivity then the filter
media can be adopted and installed in the bioretention system.
Otherwise, further amendment of the filter media must occur through the
addition of sand (or clay) and retested until the design saturated
hydraulic conductivity is achieved.

The base soil must have sufficient organic content to establish

vegetation on the surface of the bioretention system. If the proportion of
base soil in the final mix is less than 3%, it may be necessary to add
organic material. This should not result in more than 10% organic
content and should not alter the saturated hydraulic conductivity of the
final filter media mix.

The pH of the final filter media is to be amended (if required) to between

5.5 and 7.5. If the filter media mix is being prepared off-site, this
amendment should be undertaken before delivery to the site.

The salt content of the final filter media (as measured by EC1:5) must be
less than 0.63 dS/m for low clay content soils like sandy loam. (EC1:5 is
the electrical conductivity of a 1:5 soil/ water suspension).

Testing of this soil property should be undertaken prior to their

placement during construction. It should also be noted that soil hydraulic
conductivity will vary after placement and is expected to initially decrease
due to hydraulic compaction during operation. With maturity of plant
growth, the soil hydraulic conductivty canbe expected to recover to
asymptote to an equilibrium level comparable to its original value.

The selection of suitable soil filter media is a topic of continuing research.

Further information can be obtained from FAWB (2007).

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Chapter 6 - Bioretention Swales

Transition Layer
The particle size difference between the filter media and the underlying
drainage layer should be not more than one order of magnitude to avoid the
filter media being washed through the voids of the drainage layer. Therefore,
with fine gravels being used for the drainage layer (which will be at least two
orders of magnitude coarser than the likely average particle size of the filter
media), a transition layer is recommended to prevent the filter media from
washing into the perforated pipes. The material for the transition layer is
sand/coarse sand. An example particle size distribution (% passing) is
provided below (typical specification only):

1.4 mm

100 %

1.0 mm

80 %

0.7 mm

44 %

0.5 mm

8.4 %

The transition layer is recommended to be 100 mm thick.

The addition of a transition layer increases the overall depth of the
bioretention system and may be an important consideration for some sites
where total depth of the bioretention system may be constrained. In such
cases, two options are available to reduce the overall depth of the system,

the use of a sand drainage layer and/or perforated pipes with smaller
slot sized may need to be considered (Section

use a geotextile layer with a mesh size specified to be between 0.7

to 1mm. (This option should be an option of last resort as the risk of
installing inappropriate liner is high).

Drainage Layer
The drainage layer is used to convey treated flows to the outlet via a
perforated under-drainage system. The composition of the drainage layer is
to be considered in conjunction with the selection and design of the
perforated under-drainage system (refer to Section as the slot sizes
in the perforated pipes may determine the minimum drainage layer particle
size to avoid washout of the drainage layer into the perforated pipe system.
Gravel is the preferred media for the drainage layer to match with the typical
slot size of typical perforated or slotted under-drains.
However, there may be circumstances where site conditions constraint the
depth of the bioretention system. In such cases, it may be possible to use
sand as the drainage layer media to avoid having to provide a transition layer
between the filter media and the drainage layer. The drainage layer is to be
a minimum of 200 mm thick and it is advisable that the drainage media is
washed prior to placement in bioretention system to remove any fines.

Under-drain Design and Capacity Checks

The maximum spacing of the perforated pipes in wide bioretention trenches is 1.5 m
(centre to centre) to ensure effective drainage of the bioretention system.
By installing parallel pipes, the capacity of the perforated pipe under-drain system can
be increased. The recommended maximum diameter of the perforated pipes is 100
mm to minimise the required thickness of the drainage layer. Either flexible perforated
pipe (e.g. agricultural pipe) or slotted PVC pipes can be used, however care needs to
be taken to ensure that the slots in the pipes are not too large that sediment would

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Chapter 6 - Bioretention Swales

freely flow into the pipes from the drainage layer. This is also a consideration when
specifying the drainage layer media.
To ensure the slotted or perforated pipes are of adequate size, several checks are

Ensure perforations are adequate to pass the maximum filtration rate of the

Ensure the pipe itself has capacity to convey the design flow (ie. the maximum
filtration rate multiplied by the surface area).

Ensure that the material in the drainage layer will not be washed into the
perforated pipes.

Maximum filtration rate

The maximum filtration rate represents the maximum rate of flow through the
bioretention filter media and is calculated by applying Darcys equation (Equation 6.2)
as follows:

Qmax = Ksat L Wbase


hmax + d

Equation 6.2


= maximum infiltration rate (m /s)


= hydraulic conductivity of the soil filter (m/s)


= base width of the ponded cross section above the

soil filter (m)

= length of the bioretention zone (m)


= depth of pondage above the soil filter (m)

= depth of filter media (m)

The capacity of the perforated under-drains need to be greater than the maximum
filtration rate to ensure the filter media drains freely and the pipe(s) do not become the
hydraulic control in the bioretention system (i.e. to ensure the filter media sets the
travel time for flows percolating through the bioretention system rather than the flow
through the perforated under-drainage system).
To ensure the perforated under-drainage system has sufficient capacity to collect and
convey the maximum infiltration rate, it is necessary to determine the inflow capacity of
combined slotted area or perforation area of the under-drainage system. To do this,
the sharp edged orifice equation can be used, i.e.

the number and size of perforations is determined (typically from

manufacturers specifications)

the maximum driving head (being the depth of the filtration media plus the
depth of extended detention).

it is conservative but reasonable to use a blockage factor to account for partial

blockage of the perforations by the drainage layer media. A 50 % blockage of
the perforation is recommended. The orifice equation is expressed as

Qperf = B Cd A 2 g h

Equation 6.3



= flow through perforations or slots (m /s)

= blockage factor (0.5)

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Chapter 6 - Bioretention Swales


= orifice discharge coefficient (0.61 for sharp edge


= total area of the orifice (m2)

= gravity (9.81 m/s2)

= head above the perforated pipe (m)

It is essential that adequate inflow capacity is provided to enable the filtered water to
drain freely into the drainage layer.
After confirming the capacity of the under-drainage system to collect the maximum
filtration rate, it is then necessary to confirm the conveyance capacity of the underdrainage system is sufficient to convey the collected runoff. To do this, Mannings
equation (Equation 6.1) can be used assuming pipe full flow conditions and a nominal
friction slope of 0.5%. The Mannings roughness used will be dependent on the type
of pipe used.
One end of the under-drains should be extended vertically to the surface of the
bioretention system to allow inspection and maintenance when required. The vertical
section of the under-drain should be a non-perforated or slotted pipe and capped to
avoid short circuiting of flows directly to the drain.

Check Requirement for Impermeable Lining

The saturated hydraulic conductivity of the natural soil profile surrounding the
bioretention system should be tested together with depth to groundwater, chemical
composition and proximity to structures and other infrastructure. This is to establish if
an impermeable liner is required at the base (only for systems designed to preclude
exfiltration to in-situ soils) and/or sides of the bioretention basin (refer also to
discussion in Section 6.2.5). If the saturated hydraulic conductivity of the filter media
in the bioretention system is more than one order of magnitude (10 times) greater than
that of the surrounding in-situ soil profile, no impermeable lining is required.

Step 6: Verify Design

Vegetation Scour Velocity Check

Potential scour velocities are checked by applying Mannings equation (Equation 6.1)
to the bioretention swale design to ensure the following criteria are met:

less than 0.5 m/s for minor flood (2-10 year ARI) discharge

less than 2.0 m/s for major flood (50-100 year ARI) discharge .

Velocity and Depth Check Safety

As bioretention swales are generally accessible by the public, it is important at any

crossings and adjacent pedestrian and bicycle pathways to check that, the product of
flow depth and flow velocity within the bioretention swale satisfies the following
recommended public safety criteria:

depth x velocity < 0.6.m /s for low risk locations and 0.4 m /s for high risk

maximum depth of flow over crossing = 0.3 m

This is consistent with the recommendation in the Singapore Code of Practice for Surface Drainage which stipulates
that the maximum velocity for a earth drain and concrete-lined drain should not exceed 1.5 m/s and 3 m/s respectively.

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Chapter 6 - Bioretention Swales

Confirm Treatment Performance

If the previous two checks are satisfactory then the bioretention swale design is
satisfactory from a conveyance function perspective and it is now necessary to confirm
the treatment performance of the bioretention swale by reference to the performance
information presented in Section 6.2.5

Step 7: Size Overflow Pit

In a bioretention swale system, overflow pits are used to control innundation depth.
The crest of the pit is set raised above the surface of the bioretention filter media to
establish the design extended detention depth.
Grated pits are typically used and the allowable head for discharges into the pits is the
difference in level between the pit crest and the maximum permissible water level to
satisfy the minimum freeboard requirements of the Public Utilities Board. Depending
on the location of the bioretention swale, the design flow to be used to size the
overflow pit could be the maximum capacity of the swale, the minor flood flow (5 year
ARI) or the major flood flow (50-100 year ARI).
To size an overflow pit, two checks should be made to test for either drowned or free
flowing conditions. A weir equation can be used to determine the length of weir
required (assuming free overflowing conditions) and an orifice equation used to
estimate the area between openings required in the grate cover (assuming drowned
outlet conditions). The larger of the two pit configurations should be adopted. In
addition, a blockage factor is to be used, that assumes the grate is 50% blocked.
For free overfall conditions (weir equation):

Q weir = B Cw L h3 / 2

Equation 6.4


= Flow into pit (weir) under free overfall conditions (m3/s)

= Blockage factor (= 0.5)


= Weir coefficient (= 1.7)

= Length of weir (perimeter of pit) (m)

= Flow depth above the weir (pit) (m)

Once the length of weir is calculated, a standard sized pit can be selected with a
perimeter at least the same length of the required weir length.
For drowned outlet conditions (orifice equation):

Qorifice = B Cd A 2 g h

Equation 6.5

Where B, g and h have the same meaning as in Equation 6.4


= flow rate into pit under drowned conditions (m3/s)


= discharge coefficient (drowned conditions = 0.6)

= area of orifice (perforations in inlet grate) (m2)

When designing grated field inlet pits, refer to relevant guidelines or standards for
grate types for inlet pits.

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Chapter 6 - Bioretention Swales


Step 8: Make Allowances to Preclude Traffic on Swales

Refer to Section 6.2.6 for discussion on traffic control options.


Step 9: Specify Plant Species and Planting Densities

Refer to Section 6.2.4 and the National Parks Board of Singapore for advice on
selecting suitable plant species for bioretention swales in Singapore. Consultation with
landscape architects is recommended when selecting vegetation to ensure the
treatment system compliments the landscape design of the area.
6.3.10 Step 10: Consider Maintenance Requirements
Consider how maintenance is to be performed on the bioretention swale e.g. how and
where is access available, where is litter likely to collect etc.. A specific maintenance
plan and schedule should be developed for the bioretention swale in accordance with
Section 6.5.
6.3.11 Design Calculation Summary
The following design calculation table can be used to summarise the design data and
calculation results from the design process.

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Chapter 6 - Bioretention Swales



Calculation Task
Catchment Characteristics
Catchment Area
Catchment Land Use (i.e. residential, Commercial etc.)


Conceptual Design
Bioretention area
Filter media saturated hydraulic conductivity
Extended detention depth

Confirm Treatment Performance of Concept Design

Bioretention area to achieve water quality objectives
TSS Removal
TP Removal
TN Removal
Estimate Design Flows for Swale Compnent
Time of concentration relevant local government guideline
Identify Rainfall intensities
I2-10 year ARI
I50-100 year ARI
Design Runoff Coefficient
C2-10 year ARI
C 50-100 year ARI
Peak Design Flows
2-10 year ARI
50-100 year ARI




m /s
m /s

Dimension the Swale Component

Swale Width and Side Slopes
Base Width
Side Slopes 1 in
Longitudinal Slope
Vegetation Height


Maximum Length of Swale

Mannings n
Swale Capacity
Maximum Length of Swale

Design Inflow Systems to Swale & Bioretention Components

Swale Kerb Type
Adequate Erosion and Scour Protection (where required)

Design Bioretention Component

Filter media hydraulic conductivity
Extended detention depth
Filter media depth
Drainage layer media (sand or fine screenings)
Drainage layer depth
Transition layer (sand) required
Transition layer depth
Under-drain Design and Capacity Checks
Flow capacity of filter media (maximum infiltration rate)
Perforations inflow check
Pipe diameter
Number of pipes
Capacity of perforations
Perforated pipe capacity
Pipe capacity
Check requirement for impermeable lining
Soil hydraulic conductivity
Filter media hydraulic conductivity


m /s

m /s

m /s


Verification Checks
Velocity for 2-10 year ARI flow (< 0.5 m/s)
Velocity for 50-100 year ARI flow (< 2 m/s)
Velocity x Depth for 50-100 year ARI (< 0.4 m /s)
Treatment Performance consistent with Step 1


m /s

Overflow Pit Design

System to convey minor floods

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Chapter 6 - Bioretention Swales

6.3.12 Typical Design Parameters

Table 6.1 shows typical values for a number of key bioretention swale design
Table 6.1: Typical Design Parameters for Bioretention Swales
Design Parameter
Swale longitudinal slope
Swale side slope for trafficability (with at grade vehicular crossover)
Swale side slope
Mannings n (with flow depth lower than vegetation height)
Mannings n (with flow depth greater than vegetation height)
Maximum velocity for scour in minor event (e.g. 2-10 yr ARI)
Maximum velocity for 50-100 yr ARI
Perforated pipe diameter
Drainage layer average material diameter (typically fine gravel or
coarse sand)
Transition layer average material diameter typically sand to coarse

Engineering Procedures for ABC Waters Design Features

Typical Values
1% to 4 %
Maximum 1 in 9
Maximum 1 in 3
0.15 to 0.3
0.03 to 0.05
0.5 m/s
2.0 m/s
100 mm (maximum)
1-5 mm diameter
0.7 1.0 mm

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Chapter 6 - Bioretention Swales


Construction advice and

checking tools

This section provides a number of checking aids for designers and referral authorities.
In addition, advice on construction techniques and lessons learnt from building
bioretention systems are provided.
Checklists are provided for:


Design assessments

Construction (during and post)

Operation and maintenance inspections

Asset transfer (following defects period).

Design Assessment Checklist

The checklist overleaf below presents the key design features that should be reviewed
when assessing a design of a bioretention basin. These considerations include
configuration, safety, maintenance and operational issues that should be addressed
during the design phase.
Where an item results in an N when reviewing the design, referral should be made
back to the design procedure to determine the impact of the omission or error.
In addition to the checklist, a proposed design should have all necessary permits for
its installations. The referral agency should ensure that all relevant permits are in
place. These can include permits to clear vegetation, to dredge, create a waterbody,
divert flows or disturb habitat.
Land ownership and asset ownership are key considerations prior to construction of a
stormwater treatment device. A proposed design should clearly identify the asset
owner and who is responsible for its maintenance. The proposed owner should be
responsible for performing the asset transfer checklist (see Section 0).

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Chapter 6 - Bioretention Swales


Asset I.D.


Minor Flood (m /s):

Major Flood (m /s):


Catchment Area (ha):

Bioretention Area (m ):


Treatment performance verified from curves?

Longitudinal slope of invert >1% and <4%?
Mannings 'n' selected appropriate for proposed vegetation type?
Overall flow conveyance system sufficient for design flood event?
Maximum flood conveyance width does not impact on traffic requirements?
Overflow pits provided where flow capacity exceeded?
Energy dissipation provided at inlet points to the swale?
Velocities within bioretention cells will not cause scour?
Set down of at least 60mm below kerb invert to top of vegetation incorporated?
Design documents bioretention area and extended detention depth as defined by treatment performance requirements?
Overflow pit crest set at top of extended detention?
Maximum ponding depth and velocity will not impact on public safety (v x d <0.4)
Bioretention media specification includes details of filter media, drainage layer and transition layer (if required)?
Design saturated hydraulic conductivity included in specification?
Transition layer provided where drainage layer consists of gravel (rather than coarse sand)?
Perforated pipe capacity > infiltration capacity of filter media?
Selected filter media hydraulic conductivity > 10 x hydraulic conductivity of surrounding soil?
Maximum spacing of collection pipes <1.5m?
Collection pipes extended to surface to allow inspection and flushing?
Liner provided if selected filter media hydraulic conductivity > 10x hydraulic conductivity of surrounding soil?
Maintenance access provided to invert of conveyance channel?
Plant species selected can tolerate periodic dry periods, inundation and design velocities?
Bioretention swale landscape design integrates with surrounding natural and/ or built environment?
Planting design conforms with acceptable sight line and safety requirements?
Top soils are a minimum depth of 300 mm for plants and 100 mm for turf?
Existing trees in good condition are investigated for retention?
Detailed soil specification included in design?

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Chapter 6 - Bioretention Swales


Construction Advice

This section provides general advice for the construction of bioretention basins. It is
based on observations from construction projects around Australia.

Clean filter media

Ensure drainage media is washed prior to placement to remove fines.

Perforated Pipes

Suitable perforated pipes can be either a PVC pipe with slots cut into the length of it or
a flexible ribbed pipe with smaller holes distributed across its surface (an AG or
agricultural pipe). PVC pipes have the advantage of being stiffer with less surface
roughness therefore greater flow capacity; however the slots are generally larger than
for flexible pipes and this may cause problems with filter or drainage layer particle
ingress into the pipe. Stiff PVC pipes however can be cleaned out easily using simple
plumbing equipment. Flexible perforated pipes have the disadvantage of roughness
(therefore flow capacity) but have smaller holes and are flexible which can make
installation easier. Blockages within the flexible pipes can be harder to dislodge with
standard plumbing tools.


It is importance to stress the importance of tolerances in the construction of

bioretention swales (e.g base, longitudinal and batters) - having flat surfaces is
particularly important for a well distributed flow paths and even ponding over the
surfaces. Generally a tolerance of 50mm in surface levels is acceptable.

Building Phase Damage

Protection of filtration media and vegetation is important during the building phase.
Uncontrolled building site runoff is likely to cause excessive sedimentation, introduce
weeds and litter and require replanting following the building phase. Where possible,
a staged implementation should be adopted, i.e. during the site
development/construction phase, use geofabric and some soil and instant turf (lay
perpendicular to flow path) to provide erosion control and sediment trapping.
Following the building phase, temporary measures and sediments would be removed
and bioretention swale is revegetated in accordance with design planting schedule. It
is also possible to reuse the instant turf in the subsequent stages.
If these systems are not staged to be part of the sediment control system during
construction, it is advisable that stormwater flow during the site construction phases be
diverted around the bioretention swales to sediment controls system to avoid
smothering of planted vegetation by sediment loads from the construction site.

Traffic and Deliveries

Ensure traffic and deliveries do not access bioretention swales during construction.
Traffic can compact the filter media and cause preferential flow paths, deliveries (such
as sand or gravel) that can block filtration media is delivered onto the surface of the
bioretention filter media. Washdown wastes (e.g. concrete) can also cause blockage
of filtration media and damage vegetation. Bioretention areas should be fenced off
during building phase and controls implemented to avoid washdown wastes.
Management of traffic during the building phase is particularly important and poses
significant risks to the health of the vegetation and functionality of the bioretention
system. Measures such as those proposed above (e.g. staged implementation of final
landscape) should be considered.

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Chapter 6 - Bioretention Swales

Sediment Build-up on Roads

Where flush kerbs are to be used, a set-down from the pavement surface to the
vegetation should be adopted. This allows a location for sediments to accumulate that
is off the pavement surface. Generally, a set down from kerb of 60mm to the top of
vegetation (if turf) is adequate. Therefore, total set down to the base soil is
approximately 100 mm (with approximately 40mm turf on top of base soil).

Inlet Erosion Checks

It is good practice to check the operation of inlet erosion protection measures following
the first few rainfall events. It is important to check for these early in the systems life,
to avoid continuing problems. Should problems occur in these events the erosion
protection should be enhanced.

Erosion Control

Immediately following earthworks it is good practice to revegetate all exposed surfaces

with sterile grasses (e.g. hydro-seed). These will stabilise soils, prevent weed
invasion yet not prevent future planting from establishing.

Timing for Planting

Timing of vegetation is dependent on a suitable time of year and potential irrigation

requirements, as well as timing in relation to the phases of development. For
example, temporary planting during construction for sediment control (e.g. with turf) is
removed and the bioretention system planted out with long term vegetation.
Alternatively, temporary planting (eg. turf or sterile grass) can be used until a suitable
season for appropriate long-term vegetation. Weed Control
Conventional surface mulching of bioretention swales with organic material like
tanbark, should not be undertaken. Most organic mulch floats and runoff typically
causes this material to be washed away with the risk of blockage of drains occurring.
Weed management will need to be done manually until such time that the design
vegetation is established with sufficient density to effectively prevent weed
propagation. Watering
Regular watering of bioretention swale vegetation is essential for successful
establishment and healthy growth. The frequency of watering to achieve successful
plant establishment is dependent upon rainfall, maturity of planting stock and the water
holding capacity of the soil. The following watering program is generally adequate but
should be adjusted (increased) to suit the site conditions:

Week 1-2

3 visits/ week

Week 3-6

2 visits/ week

Week 7-12

1 visit/ week

After this initial three month period, watering may still be required, particularly during
the first winter (dry period). Watering requirements to sustain healthy vegetation
should be determined during ongoing maintenance site visits.

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Chapter 6 - Bioretention Swales


Construction checklist


Asset I.D.

Inspected by:



Constructed by:

Contact during site visit:

Items inspected



Items inspected




Structural components

Preliminary Works
1. Erosion and sediment control plan adopted
2. Temporary traffic/safety control measures

15. Location and configuration of inflow

systems as designed
16. Location and levels of overflow pits as
17. Under-drainage connected to overflow
pits as designed

3. Location same as plans

18. Concrete and reinforcement as designed

4. Site protection from existing flows

19. Set down to correct level for flush kerbs

(streetscape applications only)

Earthworks and Filter Media

19. Kerb opening width as designed

5. Bed of swale correct shape and slope

6. Batter slopes as plans


7. Dimensions of bioretention area as plans

20. Stabilisation immediately

earthworks and planting of
landscape around basin

8. Confirm surrounding soil type with design

9. Confirm filter media
accordance with Step 4



21. Silt fences and traffic control in place


22. Temporary protection layers in place

9. Provision of liner (if required)

10. Under-drainage installed as designed


11. Drainage layer media as designed

23. Temporary protection

associated silt removed

12. Transition layer media as designed (if



14. Extended detention depth as designed

24. Planting as designed (species and




25. Weed removal and watering as required

1. Confirm levels of inlets and outlets

6. Check for uneven settling of banks

2. Confirm structural element sizes

7. Under-drainage working

3. Check batter slopes

8. Inflow systems working

4. Vegetation as designed

9. Maintenance access provided

5. Bioretention filter media surface flat and free

of clogging

Inspection officer signature:

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Chapter 6 - Bioretention Swales


Asset transfer checklist


Asset I.D.:
Asset Location:
Construction by:
Defects and Liability Period:

System appears to be working as designed visually?

No obvious signs of under-performance?
Maintenance plans and indicative maintenance costs provided for each asset?
Vegetation establishment period completed (as per LGA requirements)?
Inspection and maintenance undertaken as per maintenance plan?
Inspection and maintenance forms provided?
Sediment accumulation at inflow points?
Litter within swale?
Erosion at inlet or other key structures?
Traffic damage present?
Evidence of dumping (e.g. building waste)?
Vegetation condition satisfactory (density, weeds)?
Watering of vegetation required?
Replanting required?
Mowing/slashing required?
Clogging of drainage points (sediment or debris)?
Evidence of ponding?
Damage/vandalism to structures present?
Surface clogging visible?
Drainage system inspected?

Design Assessment Checklist provided?
As constructed plans provided?
Copies of all required permits (both construction and operational) submitted?
Proprietary information provided (if applicable)?
Digital files (eg drawings, survey, models) provided?
Asset listed on asset register or database?

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Chapter 6 - Bioretention Swales


Maintenance Requirements

Bioretention swales have a flood conveyance role that needs to be maintained to

ensure adequate flood protection for local properties. In this regard, a key
maintenance requirement is ensuring that the shape of the swale is maintained and
that the swale is not subject to erosion or excessive deposition of debris that may
impede the passage of stormwater or increase its hydraulic roughness from that
Vegetation plays a key role in maintaining the porosity of the soil media of the
bioretention system and a strong healthy growth of vegetation is critical to its
The most intensive period of maintenance is during the plant establishment period
(first two years) when weed removal and replanting may be required. It is also the time
when large loads of sediments could impact on plant growth, particularly in developing
catchments with an inadequate level of erosion and sediment control.
The potential for rilling and erosion down the swale component of the system needs to
be carefully monitored during establishment stages of the system. Other components
of the system that will require careful consideration are the inlet points (if the system
does not have distributed inflows) and surcharge pits, as these inlets can be prone to
scour and the buildup of litter and sediment. Bioretention swale field inlet pits also
require routine inspections to ensure structural integrity and that they are free of
blockages with debris. Debris removal is an ongoing maintenance requirement. Debris
can block inlets or outlets and can be unsightly, particularly in high visibility areas.
Inspection and removal of debris should be done regularly.
Typical maintenance of bioretention swale elements will involve:

Routine inspection of the swale profile to identify any areas of obvious

increased sediment deposition, scouring of the swale invert from storm flows,
rill erosion of the swale batters from lateral inflows, damage to the swale
profile from vehicles and clogging of the bioretention trench (evident by a
boggy swale invert).

Routine inspection of inlet points (if the swale does not have distributed
inflows), surcharge pits and field inlet pits to identify any areas of scour, litter
build up and blockages.

Removal of sediment where it is impeding the conveyance of the swale and/

or smothering the swale vegetation, and if necessary, reprofiling of the swale
and revegetating to original design specification.

Repairing any damage to the swale profile resulting from scour, rill erosion or
vehicle damage.

Tilling of the bioretention trench surface if there is evidence of clogging.

Clearing of blockages to inlet or outlets.

Regular watering/ irrigation of vegetation until plants are established and

actively growing (see section

Mowing of turf or slashing of vegetation (if required) to preserve the optimal

design height for the vegetation.

Removal and management of invasive weeds.

Removal of plants that have died and replacement with plants of equivalent
size and species as detailed in the plant schedule.

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Chapter 6 - Bioretention Swales

Pruning to remove dead or diseased vegetation material and to stimulate new


Litter and debris removal.

Vegetation pest monitoring and control.

Resetting (i.e. complete reconstruction) of bioretention elements will be required if the

available flow area of the overlying swale is reduced by 25 % (due to accumulation of
sediment) or if the bioretention trench fails to drain adequately after tilling of the
surface. Inspections are also recommended following large storm events to check for
All maintenance activities must be specified in a maintenance plan (and associated
maintenance inspection forms) to be developed as part of the design procedure.
Maintenance personnel and asset managers will use this plan to ensure the
bioretention swales continue to function as designed. The maintenance plans and
forms must address the following:

inspection frequency

maintenance frequency

data collection/ storage requirements (i.e. during inspections)

detailed cleanout procedures (main element of the plans) including:

equipment needs

disposal requirements (of material removed)

maintenance techniques
occupational health and safety
public safety
environmental management considerations

access issues
stakeholder notification requirements
data collection requirements (if any)

design details

An example operation and maintenance inspection form is included in the checking

tools provided in Section 6.5.1.

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Chapter 6 - Bioretention Swales


Operation & Maintenance Inspection Form

The form below should be used whenever an inspection is conducted and kept as a
record on the asset condition and quantity of removed pollutants over time.


Asset I.D.
Inspection Frequency:

1 to 6 monthly

Date of Visit:

Site Visit by:


Sediment accumulation at inflow points?

Litter within swale?
Erosion at inlet or other key structures (eg crossovers)?
Traffic damage present?
Evidence of dumping (eg building waste)?
Vegetation condition satisfactory (density, weeds etc)?
Replanting required?
Mowing required?
Clogging of drainage points (sediment or debris)?
Evidence of ponding?
Set down from kerb still present?
Damage/vandalism to structures present?
Surface clogging visible?
Drainage system inspected?
Remulching of trees and shrubs required?
Soil additives or amendments required?
Pruning and/ or removal of dead or diseased vegetation required?
Resetting of system required?

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Chapter 6 - Bioretention Swales


Bioretention swale worked

Worked Example Introduction

Modelling using MUSIC was undertaken in developing a stormwater quality treatment

system for a residential estate. This worked example describes the detailed design of
a grass swale and bioretention system located in a median separating an arterial road
and a local road within the residential estate. The layout of the catchment and
bioretention swale is shown in Figure 6.12. A photograph of a similar bioretention
swale in a median strip is shown in Figure 6.13 (although in that example the
vegetation cover of the swale and bioretention system is all grass).




House lots





Collector Road





Figure 6.12 Catchment area layout and section for worked example

Figure 6.13 Photograph of bioretention swale

Site Description

The site comprised of the arterial road and a service road separated by a median of
some 6m width. The median area offers the opportunity for a local treatment
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Chapter 6 - Bioretention Swales

measure. The area available is relatively large in relation to the catchment and is
elongated in shape. The catchment area for the swale and bioretention area includes
the road reserve and the adjoining allotment (of approximately 30m depth and with a
fraction impervious of 0.6).
Three crossings of the median are required and the raised access crossings can be
designed as the separation mounds between the swale and bioretention treatment
system, thus resulting in a two-cell system.
Each bioretention swale cell will treat its individual catchment area. Runoff from the
arterial road is conveyed by a conventional kerb and gutter system into a stormwater
pipe and discharged into the surface of the swale at the upstream end of each cell.
Runoff from the local street can enter the swale as distributed inflow (sheet flow) along
the length of the swale.
As runoff flows over the surface of the swale, it receives some pretreatment and
coarse to medium sized particles can be expected to be trapped by vegetation on the
swale surface. Stormwater inflow exceeding the filtration rate of the soil media in the
bioretention system will temporarily pond on the bioretention zone at the downstream
end of each cell. Filtered runoff is collected via a perforated pipe in the base of the
bioretention zone. Flows in excess of the capacity of the filtration medium overflow
into the piped drainage system at the downstream end of each bioretention cell.
Simulation using MUSIC found that the required area of bioretention system to meet a
desired target of 80% reduction in TSS and 45% reduction in TP and TN is
approximately 61 m2 and 22 m2 for Cell A and B respectively. The filtration medium
used is sandy loam with a notional saturated hydraulic conductivity of 180 mm/hr. The
required area of the filtration zone is distributed to the two cells according to their
catchment area.

Design Objectives

The design treatment objectives for the bioretention swale are as follows:

To meet the desired target of 80%, 45% and 45% reductions of TSS, TP and
TN respectively

Sub-soil drainage pipe to be designed to ensure that the capacity of the pipe
exceeds the saturated infiltration capacity of the filtration media (both inlet and
flow capacity)

Design flows within up to 5-year ARI range are to be safely conveyed into a
piped drainage system without any inundation of the adjacent road.

The hydraulics for the swale need to be checked to confirm flow capacity for
the 5-year ARI peak flow.

The flow conditions are to attain acceptable safety and scouring behaviour for
100 year ARI peak flow.

Constraints and Concept Design Criteria

The constraints and design criteria are as follows:

Depth of the bioretention filter layer shall be a maximum of 600mm

Maximum ponding depth (extended detention) allowable is 200mm

Width of median available for constructing the bioretention system is 6m

The filtration media available is a sandy loam with a saturated hydraulic

conductivity of 180mm/hour.

Site Characteristics

Key site characteristics are summarised as follows:-

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Chapter 6 - Bioretention Swales

Land use

Urban, low density residential

Overland flow slopes

Cell A and B =1.3%



Catchment areas:

Summarised in Table below

Cell A

35m x 30m

35m x 7m

Local road
35m x 7m

35m x 4m

103m x 7.5m

Cell B

13m x 30m

13m x 7m

13m x 7m

13m x 4m

44m x 7.5m

Fraction impervious

0.60 (lots); 0.90 (roads); 0.50 (footpaths); 0.0 (Swale)

Step 1: Confirm Treatment Performance of Concept Design

Nominated bioretention areas for Cell A and Cell B are 61 m2 and 22 m2 respectively.
Interpretation of Figure 6.4 to Figure 6.6 with the input parameters below is used to
estimate the reduction performance of the bioretention system to ensure the design
will achieve target pollutant reductions.

200mm extended detention

treatment area to impervious area ratio:

Cell A - 61m2/ 1141 m2 = 5.35%

Cell B - 22m2/ 423.8 m2 = 5.19%

From the graphs, the expected pollutant reductions are 93%, 77% and 49% for TSS,
TP and TN respectively and exceed the design requirements of 80%, 45% and 45%.

Step 2: Estimate Design Flows for Swale Component

With a small catchment the Rational Method is considered an appropriate approach to

estimate the 5 and 100 year ARI peak flow rates. The steps in these calculations are
as follows:Time of concentration (tc)
Cell A and Cell B are effectively separate elements for the purpose of sizing the
swales for flow capacity and inlets to the piped drainage system for a 5 year ARI peak
flow event. Therefore, the tc are estimated separately for each cell.

Cell A the tc calculations include consideration of runoff from the allotments

as well as from gutter flow along the collector road. Comparison of these
travel times concluded the flow along the collector road was the longest and
was adopted for tc.

Cell B the tc calculations include overland flow across the lots and road and
swale/bioretention flow time.

The following tc values are estimated:

tc Cell A : 10 mins
tc Cell B: 8 mins

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Chapter 6 - Bioretention Swales

Design rainfall intensities

Adopted from IDF Chart for Singapore
Design ARI

Cell A (10 min tc)

166 mm/hr
275 mm/hr

Cell B (8 min tc)

173 mm/hr
283 mm/hr

Fraction impervious
Cell A:

Area (m2)


Impervious Area (m2)





Collector Road




Local Road















Impervious Area (m2)

Hence effective fi = 0.68

Area (m2)

Cell B:




Collector Road




Local Road














Hence effective fi = 0.68

Runoff Coefficient
While the effective fraction impervious is 0.68, the runoff coefficients adopted were in
accordance to those for a densely built-up urban area, as outlined in Code of Practice
on Surface Water Drainage (Public Utilities Board 2006).
Design ARI

Cell A

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Cell B

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Chapter 6 - Bioretention Swales

Design Flows
The design flows for the two cells, computed using the Rational Method (Q = 0.00278.
C.I.A) are summarised below:
Design ARI


Cell A (m /s)

Cell B (m /s)






Step 3: Dimensions of Swale

The swales need to be sized such that they can convey the 5 year ARI peak discharge
without water encroaching on the road. Mannings equation is used to compute the
discharge capacity of the swale.
In determining the dimensions of the swale, the depth of the swale were determined
by the requirement for it to enable allotment drainage to be discharged to the surface
of the swale. Given the cover requirements of the allotment drainage pipes as they
flow under the service road (600 mm minimum cover), it set the base of the
bioretention systems at 0.76m below road surface.
The following are the
characteristics of the proposed swale:

Base width of 1m with 1:3 side slopes, max depth of 0.76m

Grass vegetation mown to height of 0.1m (assume n = 0.045 for 5 year ARI
with flows above grass height)

1.3% longitudinal slope

The approach taken is to size the swale to accommodate flows in Cell A and then
adopt the same dimension for Cell B for aesthetic reasons (Cell B has lower flow
The maximum capacity of the swale (Qcap) is estimated adopting a 150mm freeboard3
(i.e. maximum depth is 0.61m).
Qcap = 2.19 m3/s >> 0.10 m3/s
Therefore, there is adequate capacity given the relatively large dimensions of the
swale to accommodate allotment runoff connection.
With a base width of 1 m, the lengths of the bioretention system in Cells A and B will
need to be 61 m and 22 m respectively to attain the required areas to meet the water
quality objectives.

Step 4: Design of Swale Inlet

There are two mechanisms for flows to enter the system, firstly underground pipes
(either from the upstream collector road into Cell 1 or from allotment runoff) and
secondly direct runoff from road and footpaths.
Flush kerbs with a 60 mm set down are intended to be used to allow for sediment
accumulation from the road surfaces.
Grouted rock is to be used for scour protection for the pipe outlets into the system.
The intention of these is to reduce localised flow velocities to avoid erosion.

The Singapore Code of Practice for Surface Drainage would normally stipulate a freeboard of 15% of the depth of the
drain, ie. 0.15 x 760 = 110mm
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Chapter 6 - Bioretention Swales


Step 5: Design of bioretention component

Soil Media Specification

Three layers of soil media are to be used. A sandy loam filtration media (600mm), a
medium to coarse sand transition layer (100mm) and a gravel drainage layer

Filter Media Specifications

The filter media is to be a sandy loam with the following criteria (from FAWB 2007):
The material shall meet the geotechnical requirements set out below:
Hydraulic conductivity between 50-200 mm/hr
Particle sizes of between: clay 2 4 %, silt 4 8 %, sand < 85 %
Organic content between 3% and 10%
pH 5.5 7.5

Transition Layer Specifications

Transition layer material shall be coarse sand material. A typical particle size
distribution is provided below:
% passing

1.4 mm 100 %
1.0 mm 80 %
0.7 mm 44 %
0.5 mm 8.4 %

Drainage Layer Specifications

The drainage layer is to be 2 - 5 mm screenings.

Maximum Filtration Rate of Bioretention Media

The maximum filtration rate reaching the perforated pipe at the base of the soil media
is estimated by using the hydraulic conductivity of the media and the head above the
pipes and applying Darcys equation.
Saturated hydraulic conductivity = 180 mm/hr
Flow capacity of the filtration media = (1-) As kh

Qmax = k LWbase


0.2 + 0.6
Qmax = 5 10 5 L Wbase


= hydraulic conductivity of the soil filter (m/s)

W base = base width of the filtration area (m) 1 m width adopted


= length of the bioretention zone (m); 61 m (Cell A) and 22 m (Cell B)


= depth of pondage above the soil filter (m)

= depth of filter media


Maximum filtration rate Cell A = 0.0041 m /s


Maximum filtration rate Cell B = 0.0015 m /s

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Chapter 6 - Bioretention Swales

Sizing of Slotted Collection Pipes

Estimate the inlet capacity of sub-surface drainage system (perforated pipe) to ensure
it is not a choke in the system. To build in conservatism, it is assumed that 50% of the
holes are blocked. A standard slotted pipe was selected that is widely available. To
estimate the flow rate an orifice equation is applied using the following parameters:
Assuming drainage layer is saturated, driving head is half the depth of the drainage
layer H = 0.1m
Assume sub-surface drains with half of all pipes blocked
Product specification Clear Opening

= 2100 mm2/m

Assumed unblocked opening

= 1050mm2/m

Slot Width

= 1.5 mm

Slot Length

= 7.5 mm


= 100 mm

Number of slots per metre = (1050)/(1.5x7.5) = 93.3

Assume orifice flow conditions Q = CA 2gh
C = 0.61 (Assume slot width acts as a sharp edged orifice).
Inlet capacity /m of pipe = [0.61x (0.0015 x 0.0075) x 2x9.81x0.1] x 93.3
= 0.0009 m3/s
Inlet capacity/m x total length =
Cell A = 0.0009 x 61 = 0.055 m3/s >> 0.0041 m3/s (max infiltration rate),
hence 61 m of pipe has sufficient perforation capacity to pass flows into the
perforated pipe.
Cell B = 0.0009 x 22 = 0.020 m3/s >> 0.0015 m3/s (max infiltration rate),
hence 22m of pipe is sufficient.

Slotted Pipe Capacity

The Colebrook-White equation is applied to estimate the flow rate in the perforated
pipe. A slope of 0.5% is assumed and a 100mm perforated pipe (as above) was
used. Should the capacity not be sufficient, additional pipes would be required. The
capacity of this pipe needs to exceed the maximum filtration rate of the media.
Estimate applying the Colebrook-White Equation


Q = [-2(2gDSf) log (k/3.7D + 2.51v/D(2gDSf) )] x A


= pipe internal diameter (0.10m)


= slope (0.005m/m)

= gravitational acceleration (9.81m /s)

= hydraulic roughness (0.007m)

= velocity (1.007 x 10 m/s)


Qcap = 0.01 m /s (for one pipe) > 0.004 m /s (Cell 1); 0.001 m /s (Cell 2), and hence 1
pipe is sufficient to convey the maximum infiltration rate for both Cell A and B.

A slope of 0.5% is adopted simply for convenience. In reality, the discharge capacity is reached when the soil is
saturated and water ponded to the full extended detention depth. Bioretention systems can operate equally effectively
with the underdrain laid at near-zero (but positive) slopes.

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Chapter 6 - Bioretention Swales

Adopt 1 x 100 mm slotted pipe for the underdrainage system in both Cell A and Cell

Drainage Layer Hydraulic Conductivity

Typically flexible perforated pipes are installed using fine gravel media to surround
them. In this case study, 2-5mm gravel is specified for the drainage layer. This media
is much coarser than the filtration media (sandy loam) therefore to reduce the risk of
washing the filtration layer into the perforated pipe, a transition layer is to be used.
This is to be 100 mm of coarse sand.

Impervious Liner Requirement

In this catchment the surrounding soils are clay to silty clays with a saturated hydraulic
conductivity of approximately 3.6 mm/hr. The sandy loam media that is proposed as
the filter media has a hydraulic conductivity of 50 - 200 mm/hr. Therefore the
conductivity of the filter media is > 10 times the conductivity of the surrounding soils
and an impervious liner is not required.

Step 6: Verification checks

Vegetation Scour Velocity Check

Assume Q5 and Q100 will be conveyed through the swale/bioretention system. Check
for scouring of the vegetation by checking that velocities are below 0.5m/s during Q5
and 2.0 m/s for Q100.
Using Mannings equation to solve for depth for Q5 and Q100 gives the following
Q5 = 0.062 m3/s, depth = 0.12 (with n = 0.06), velocity = 0.38m/s < 0.5m/s
therefore, OK
Q100 = 0.103 m3/s, depth = 0.14m (with n = 0.045), velocity = 0.52m/s <
2.0m/s therefore, OK
Hence, the swale and bioretention system can satisfactorily convey the peak 5 and
100-year ARI flood, with minimal risk of vegetation scour.

Safety Velocity Check

Check velocity depth product in Cell A during peak 100-year ARI flow for pedestrian
safety criteria.
V = 0.52m/s (calculated previously)
D = 0.14m
V.D = 0.52 x 0.14 = 0.07 < 0.6m2/s
Therefore, velocities and depths are OK.

Step 7: Overflow pit design

The overflow pits are required to convey 5 year ARI flows safely from above the
bioretention systems and into an underground pipe network. Grated pits are to be
used at the downstream end of each bioretention system.
There are standard pit sizes to accommodate connection to the underground
stormwater pipe. For a minimum underground pipe of 300 mm diameter, a 450 mm x
450 mm pit will be required for both Cell A and Cell B.

Per manufacturer data

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Chapter 6 - Bioretention Swales

To check the adequacy of this pit to convey the 5 year ARI peak discharge, two flow
conditions need to be check. The assumed water level above the crest of the pit is the
depth of water from the road surface, less freeboard and the extended detention (i.e.
0.76 (0.15 + 0.2) = 0.41m).
First check using a weir equation

= B.C.L.H3/2

with B = 0.5, C = 1.7, L = 1.8 and H = 0.41

= 0.4 m /s > 0.06 m3/s .OK

Now check for drowned conditions:

= B.C.A 2gh with B = 0.5, C = 0.6, A = 0.20 and H = 0.41

= 0.17 m3/s > 0.06 m3/sOK


Step 8: Allowances to preclude traffic on swales

Traffic control is achieved by using traffic bollards.

6.6.10 Step 9: Vegetation specification
Consultation with the National Parks Board is required in determining the list of
suitable plant species for the proposed bioretention swale.
6.6.11 Step 10: Maintenance Plan
A maintenance plan for Swales 1 and 2 is to be prepared in accordance with the
requirements of the Public Utilities Board and the recommendations in Section 6.4.

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Chapter 6 - Bioretention Swales

6.6.12 Calculation summary

The sheet below summarises the results of the design calculations.
Bioretention Swales





Identify design criteria

conveyance flow standard (ARI)
area of bioretention
maximum ponding depth
Filter media type

61 and 22





Cell A
Cell B


Catchment characteristics

Fraction impervious

Estimate design flow rates

Time of concentration
estimate from flow path length and velocities
Identify rainfall intensities
station used for IFD data:
major flood - 100 year ARI
minor flood - 5 year ARI

Cell A - 10
Cell B - 8
A - 275, B - 283
A - 166, B - 173



Peak design flows

Q infil


Inlet details
adequate erosion and scour protection?

rock pitching

Velocities over vegetation

velocity for 5 year flow (<0.5m/s)
velocity for 100 year flow (<1.0m/s)
safety: Vel x Depth (<0.4)



Slotted collection pipe capacity


Overflow system
system to convey minor floods
Surrounding soil check
soil hydraulic conductivity
filter media



Filter media specification

filtration media
transition layer
drainage layer




pipe diameter
number of pipes
pipe capacity
capacity of perforations 0.055 (A); 0.020 (B)
soil media infiltration capacity
0.004, 0.001


Swale design
appropriate Manning's n used?

0.06 (A), 0.02 (B)

0.10 (A), 0.04 (B)
0.0041 (A)
0.0015 (B)



Plant selection

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Chapter 6 - Bioretention Swales

6.6.13 Construction drawings

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Chapter 6 - Bioretention Swales

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Chapter 6 - Bioretention Swales



Barling, R. D., & Moore, I. D., 1993, The role of buffer strips in the management of
waterway pollution. Paper presented at the The role of buffer strips in the
management of waterway pollution from diffuse urban and rural sources, The
University of Melbourne
CRCCH (Cooperative Research Centre for Catchment Hydrology), 2003, Model for
Urban Stormwater Improvement Conceptualisation (MUSIC) User Guide, Version 2.0,
FAWB - Facility for Advancing Water Biofiltration (2007). Bioretention and Tree Pit
Media Specifications, http://www.monash.edu.au/fawb/products/.Update March 2007.
Engineers Australia, 2006, Australian Runoff Quality: A guide to Water Sensitive
Urban Design, Editor-in-Chief Wong, T H F, ISBN 0 85825 852 8, Engineers
Australia, Canberra, Australia, 2006
Institution of Engineers Australia 2001. Australian Rainfall and Runoff - A Guide to
Flood Estimation. Barton, ACT, Engineers Australia. Editor in Chief Pilgram, D.H.
Public Utilities Board (2006). Code of Practice on Surface Water Drainage. Singapore.

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Page 6-48

Bioretention Basins

Chapter 7 Bioretention Basins

Chapter 7 Bioretention Basins




Key Design Configurations



Lined bioretention system



Unlined bioretention system



Unlined bio-infiltration system



Design Considerations for Bioretention Basins



Landscape Design



Hydraulic Design



Preventing Exfiltration to In-Situ Soils



Vegetation Specification



Bioretention Filter Media



Maintenance and Access



Design Process



Step 1: Confirm treatment treatment given in conceptual design



Step 2: Determine design flows


Design Flow


Design Flow Estimation



Step 3: Design Inflow System


Inlet Scour Protection

Coarse Sediment Forebay


Streetscape Applications




Step 4: Specify the bioretention media characteristics

Specify the Bioretention Filter Media Characteristics

Step 5: Under-drain design and capacity checks



Maximum filtration rate

Spacing of perforated pipes


Perforations inflow check


Perforated pipe capacity




Step 6: Check requirements for impermeable lining


Step 7: Size overflow pit



Step 8: Specify Vegetation



Step 9: Verification Checks



Design Calculation Summary



Checking Tools



Design Assessment Checklist



Construction Advice


Building Phase Damage


Traffic and Deliveries


Engineering procedures for ABC Waters Design Features

Chapter 7 Bioretention Basins

Inlet Erosion Checks

Timing for Planting


Planting Strategy


Perforated Pipes


Inspection Openings


Clean Filter Media





Construction Inspection Checklist

Maintenance Requirements
Operation & Maintenance Inspection Form

Bioretention Basin Worked Example





Worked example introduction


Calculation Steps



Calculation summary



Construction drawings




Engineering procedures for ABC Waters Design Features


Chapter 7 Bioretention Basins



Bioretention basins use ponding above a bioretention surface to maximise the volume
of runoff treated through the filtration media. Their operation for treatment is in the
same way as for bioretention swales, but are predominantly detention systems with
flood flows bypassing the filtration surface or diverted into stormwater drains.
Bioretention basins operate by filtering stormwater runoff through densely planted
surface vegetation as a means of pre-treatment before they infiltrate/percolate through
a prescribed filter media. During percolation, pollutants are retained through fine
filtration, adsorption and some biological uptake. The vegetation in a bioretention
system is a vital functional element of the system both in terms of maintaining the
hydraulic conductivity of the filter media and the improving soil capacity for chemical
and biological removal of stormwater contaminants. Vegetation facilitates the
transport of oxygen to the soil and enhances soil microbial communities which
enhance biological transformation of pollutants.
Bioretention basins are generally not intended to be infiltration systems that
discharge from the filter media to surrounding in-situ soils. Rather, the typical design
intent is to recover stormwater at the base of the filter media in perforated underdrains and discharge to receiving waterways or to storages for potential reuse. In
some circumstances however, where the in-situ soils allow and there is a particular
design intention to recharge local groundwater, it may be desirable to allow
stormwater to infiltrate from the base of a filter media to underlying in-situ soils.
Bioretention basins can be installed at various scales, ranging from planter boxes, to
streetscape raingardens integrated with traffic calming measures, to system contained
within retarding basins. In larger applications, it is considered good practice to have
pretreatment measures upstream of the basin to reduce the maintenance frequency of
the bioretention basin. For small system this is not required. Example applications
are given in Figure 7.1
This chapter describes the design, construction and maintenance of a bioretention

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Chapter 7 Bioretention Basins

Figure 7.1

Examples of bioretention basin integrated into a local

streetscape(R) and a car park (L)

7.2 Key Design Configurations

There are many possible design variations for bioretention systems and these may be
grouped into five core design configurations. The features of each of these
configurations are described below.
It is strongly recommended that bioretention systems which include submerged zones
should be used wherever possible. It has been shown that the treatment performance
of bioretention systems is significantly reduced after extended dry periods. The
presence of a submerged, permanent pool of water at the bottom of the systems acts
as a buffer against drying and helps maintain a healthy plant community throughout
long dry spells.
Illustrations in this section are for demonstration purposes only. Outlet structures may
be any combination of raised pits or more complex outflow structures as described in
chapter 7.4 Design Process.
7.2.1 Lined bioretention system
A standard lined bioretention system (Figure 7.2) prevents exfiltration and minimizes
losses through the system. This type of bioretention basin is optimal in the following

Sites where exfiltration is not possible. This may arise where there is a
need to protect built infrastructure or whereby interactions with shallow
groundwater is undesirable.

Climates that do not experience long dry spells.

If systems are designed for NOx removal or if receiving waters are highly
sensitive to Cu or ZN.

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Chapter 7 Bioretention Basins

Figure 7.2

Lined standard bioretention system [source: FAWB, 2009]

A lined bioretention system may also be designed to include a submerged zone with
the submerged zone comprising of sand (Figure 7.3) or gravel. This type of
bioretention basin should be used for the following situations;

Sites where exfiltration is not possible. This may arise where there is a
need to protect built infrastructure or whereby interactions with shallow
groundwater is undesirable.

Climates that have very long dry spells. The submerged zone is able to
act as a water source for up to five weeks, supporting the plants and
microbial community.

If systems are designed for NOx removal or if receiving waters are highly
sensitive to Cu or ZN.

Figure 7.3

Lined bioretention system with submerged zone comprised of

sand [source: FAWB, 2009]

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Chapter 7 Bioretention Basins

7.2.2 Unlined bioretention system

A standard unlined bioretention system (Figure 7.4) is the simplest configuration of
bioretention system to design and build. These systems are suited for

Sites where minimal infiltration is allowed. (The hydraulic conductivity of

the surrounding soils should be an order of magnitude lower than the filter
media to ensure minimal infiltration.

Climates that do not experience long dry spells.

Systems that are not designed for stormwater harvesting.

Figure 7.4

Unlined standard bioretention system [source: FAWB, 2009]

Unlined bioretention systems may also include a submerged zone (Figure 7.5). The
addition of a submerged zone is appropriate whereby exfiltration is permissible and
the local climate yields long dry spells. These systems have unlined sides, however
the submerged zone must be lined to maintain saturation.

Figure 7.5

Unlined bioretention system with submerged zone [source: FAWB,


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Chapter 7 Bioretention Basins

7.2.3 Unlined bio-infiltration system

An unlined bioretention system is a hybrid system, combining a standard bioretention
system and an infiltration system, which is also referred to as a bio-infiltration system.
Unlined bioretention systems are recommended for;

Sites where exfiltration is allowed

Whereby both water quality improvements and runoff reduction is


Systems that are not designed for stormwater harvesting.

Unlined bioretention systems do not contain collection pipes in the drainage layer.
Where possible, unlined bioretention systems are preferable to standard, non
vegetated infiltration systems due to the increased nutrient removal and are therefore
highly recommended whereby appropriate.

Figure 7.6

A hybrid bioretention and infiltration system [source: FAWB, 2009]

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Chapter 7 Bioretention Basins


Design Considerations for

Bioretention Basins

A typical design for a bioretention basin is given in Figure 7.7. Key to the design is the
hydraulic operation, the filter media, the vegetation and the interaction of the basin
within the urban space. These design considerations are discussed further in the
following sections. Design considerations are similar to that presented in Chapter 6
Bioretention Swales and are presented in both chapters for ease of reference.
Mass Planting
ground cover vegetation
Overflow pit

Typical Depths

0.30m Extended Detention Depth

1:4 max

Filter Media

0.3 1.0m

Filter Media

0.1m Transition Layer (if required)

0.2m Drainage Layer

Impervious Liner (if required)

Perforated under drain
(100mm dia 0.5% slope)

Figure 7.7

Outlet pipe
connected to

Not to scale. Not for use

as design drawing

Typical cross section of a bioretention basin

7.3.1 Landscape Design

Bioretention basins, sometimes referred to as bioretention pods and rain gardens, may
be located within parkland areas, easements, carparks or along roadway corridors as
standalone soil filtration systems. Landscape design of bioretention basins along the
road edge can assist in defining traffic islands and intersections as well as providing
landscape character and amenity. It is therefore important that the landscape design
of bioretention basins addresses stormwater quality objectives and accommodates
these other important landscape functions.
7.3.2 Hydraulic Design
The hydraulic design of bioretention basins is directed at ensuring effective stormwater
treatment performance; minimize damage by storm flows, and to protect the hydraulic
integrity and function of associated minor and major drainage systems. The following
aspects are of key importance:

The finished surface of the bioretention filter media must be horizontal (i.e.
flat) to ensure full engagement of the filter media by stormwater flows and to
prevent concentration of stormwater flows within depressions.

Temporary ponding or extended detention, typically of up to 0.3m depth over

the surface of the soil filter media created through the use of raised inlet pits
(overflow pits) can assist in increasing the overall volume of stormwater runoff
that can be treated by the bioretention filter media.

Where possible, the overflow pit or bypass pathway should be located near
the inflow zone to prevent high flows passing over the surface of the filter

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Chapter 7 Bioretention Basins

media. If this is not possible, then velocities during the minor (5 year ARI) and
major (50-100 year ARI) floods should be maintained sufficiently low
(preferably below values of 0.5 m/s and not more than 2.0 m/s for major flood)
to avoid scouring of the filter media and vegetation.

Where the inlet to a bioretention system is required to convey the minor storm
flow (i.e. is part of the minor drainage system), the inlet must be designed to
avoid blockage, flow conveyance and public safety issues.

For streetscape applications, the design of the inflow to the bioretention basin
must ensure the kerb and channel flow requirements are preserved.

Preventing Exfiltration to In-Situ Soils
Bioretention basins can be designed to generally preclude exfiltration of treated
stormwater to the surrounding in-situ soils. The amount of water potentially lost from
bioretention trenches to surrounding in-situ soils is largely dependent on the
characteristics of the surrounding soils and the saturated hydraulic conductivity of the
bioretention filter media (see Section 7.3.5).
If the saturated hydraulic conductivity of the filter media is one to two orders of
magnitude (i.e. 10 to 100 times) greater than that of the insitu soil, the flow path of
stormwater percolation will be effectively contained within the bioretention filter media
and through to the drainage layer. As such, there will be little exfiltration to the
surrounding soils.
If the selected saturated hydraulic conductivity of the bioretention filter media is less
than 10 times that of the surrounding soils, it may be necessary to provide an
impermeable liner. Flexible membranes or a concrete casting are commonly used to
prevent excessive exfiltration.
A subsurface pipe is often used to prevent water intrusion into a road sub-base. This
practice is to continue as a precautionary measure to collect any water seepage from
bioretention swales located along roadways.
7.3.4 Vegetation Specification
Vegetation is a key component of a bioretention basin, servicing the following

Scour protection

Maintaining the porosity of filtration layer

Enhancing pollutant adsorption to biofilms in roots within the filter media

Generally, the greater the density and height of vegetation planted in a bioretention
basin the better will be the treatment especially when extended detention is provided
in the design. When the extended detention is engaged, the contact between
stormwater and vegetation results in enhanced sedimentation of suspended
sediments and some adsorption of associated pollutants.
Bioretention basins should be planted to cover the whole bioretention filter media
surface. Vegetation should be of sufficient density to prevent preferred flow paths,
scour and re-suspension of deposited sediments. Turf grasses should ideally be
avoided as these are shallow rooted systems with inadequate penetration to the full
depth of the filter media and the turf stems inadequately prevent clogging at the
surface of the filter media.
The National Parks Board of Singapore should be consulted in determining suitable
plantings for bioretention basins in Singapore.
7.3.5 Bioretention Filter Media
Selection of an appropriate bioretention filter media is a key design step that involves
consideration of the following three inter-related factors:

Saturated hydraulic conductivity of the filter media.

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Chapter 7 Bioretention Basins

Depth of extended detention provided above the filter media.

Suitability as a growing media to support vegetation (i.e. retains sufficient soil

moisture and organic content).

The high rainfall intensities experienced in Singapore is expected to result in

bioretention treatment areas being larger in Singapore than comparable systems
overseas in Australia and the United States. The area available for bioretention
basins in an urban layout is often constrained by factors such as the available area
within the footpaths of standard road reserves.
Selecting bioretention filter media for bioretention basin applications in Singapore will
often require careful consideration of saturated hydraulic conductivity and extended
detention depth to ensure the desired minimum volume of stormwater runoff receives
treatment. This must also be balanced with the requirement to also ensure the
saturated hydraulic conductivity does not become too high such that it can no longer
sustain healthy vegetation growth.
The maximum saturated hydraulic conductivity should not exceed 500 mm/hr (and
preferably be between 50 - 200 mm/hr) in order to sustain vegetation growth.
The concept design stage will have established the optimal combination of filter media
saturated hydraulic conductivity and extended detention depth using a continuous
simulation modeling approach (i.e. MUSIC). Any adjustment of either of these two
design parameters during the detailed design stage will require the continuous
simulation modeling to be re-run to assess the impact on the overall treatment
performance of the bioretention basin.
As shown in Figure 7.7, a bioretention system can consist of three layers. The filter
media is the primary soil layer consisting typically of sandy-loam material. In addition
to the filter media, a drainage layer is also required to convey treated water from the
base of the filter media to the outlet via a perforated under-drains, unless the design
intent is to allow the filtered water to discharge (exfiltrate) into insitu soil. The drainage
layer surrounds perforated under-drains and consists typically of fine gravel of 2-5 mm
particle size. In between the filter media layer and the drainage layer is the transition
layer consisting of clean sand (1mm) to prevent migration of the base filter media into
the drainage layer and into the perforated under-drains.

[Refer to the Bioretention Media Guidelines produced by FAWB (2007) for more
7.3.6 Maintenance and Access
The performance of a bioretention system will be affected by impeded flow. Driving
over or storing construction material on the bioretention basin can cause the filter
media to become impacted (compacted) and the vegetation damaged. The design of
a bioretention system should consider means of preventing or discouraging the
bioretention basin as becoming a trafficable and/or storage area.

Facility for Advancing Water Biofiltration http://www.monash.edu.au/fawb/

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Chapter 7 Bioretention Basins


Design Process

The following sections detail the design steps required for bioretention basins. Key
design steps following the site planning and concept development stages are:

1. Confirm treatment performance of concept design

2. Determine design flows

3. Design inflow systems

a. Inlet scour protection
b. Coarse sediment forebay
c. Streetscape bioretention application

4. Specify the bioretention filter media characteristics

a. Filter media
b. Drainage layer
c. Transition layer

5. Design under-drain and undertake capacity checks

6. Check requirement for impermeable lining

7. Size overflow pit

8. Specify vegetation

9. Undertake verification checks

a. Vegetation scour velocity check
b. Confirm treatment performance

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Chapter 7 Bioretention Basins

Step 1: Confirm treatment size given in conceptual design
A conceptual design of a bioretention basin is normally typically undertaken prior to
detailed design. The performance of the concept design must be checked to ensure
that stormwater treatment objectives will be satisfied.
The treatment performance curves shown in Figure 7.3 to Figure 7.reflect the
treatment performance of the bioretention basin. The performance curves provide an
indication only of appropriate sizing and do not substitute the need for a thorough
conceptual design process. Nevertheless it is a useful visual guide to illustrate the
relationship of bioretention treatment performance to the ratio of bioretention treatment
area and contributing catchment area. The curves allow the designer to make a rapid
assessment as to whether the bioretention basin size falls within the optimal size
The curves in Figure 7.8 to Figure 7.10 show the total suspended solid (TSS), total
phosphorus (TP) and total nitrogen (TN) removal performance for a typical
bioretention basin design with the following configurations:

Filter media saturated hydraulic conductivity (k) = 180 mm/hr and 360mm/hr or
0.5 x 10 m/s and 1 x 10 m/s

Filter Media average particle size = 0.5mm

Filter Media Depth = 0.6m

Extended Detention Depth = from 0 mm to 300 mm

The curves in Figure 7.8 toFigure 7.Figure 7.10 are generally applicable to
bioretention basin applications within residential, industrial and commercial land uses.
If the characteristics of the bioretention component of the bioretention swale concept
design are significantly different to that described above, then the curves in Figure 7.8
to Figure 7.10 may not provide an accurate indication of treatment performance. In
these cases, the detailed designer should use MUSIC to verify the performance of the
bioretention swale.

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Chapter 7 Bioretention Basins

k s at=180mm/hr



T S S R emoval (% )




No E xtended D etention


100mm E xtended D etention

200mm E xtended D etention


300mm E xtended D etention



B ioretention S ys tem S urfac e Area ( as % of Impervious C atc hment)

k s at = 360mm/hr



T S S R emoval (% )






No E xtended D etention
100mm E xtended D etention

200mm E xtended D etention


300mm E xtended D etention


B ioretention S ys tem S urfac e Area ( as % of Impervious C atc hment)

Figure 7.8

Bioretention system TSS removal performance (Reference: Station 43)

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Chapter 7 Bioretention Basins

k s at=180mm/hr



T P R emoval (% )





No E xtended D etention
100mm E xtended D etention

200mm E xtended D etention
300mm E xtended D etention



B ioretention S ys tem S urfac e Area (as % of Imperv ious C atc hment)

k s at=360mm/hr



T P R emoval (% )



No E xtended D etention
100mm E xtended D etention


200mm E xtended D etention

300mm E xtended D etention



B ioretention S ys tem S urfac e Area (as % of Impervious C atc hment)

Figure 7.9

Bioretention system TP removal performance (Reference: Station 43)

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Chapter 7 Bioretention Basins

k s at=180mm/hr

T N R emoval (% )


No E xtended D etention
100mm E xtended D etention


200mm E xtended D etention

300mm E xtended D etention


B ioretention S ys tems S urfac e Area (as % of Impervious C atc hment)

k s at=360mm/h



T N R emoval (% )




No E xtended D etention


100mm E xtended D etention


200mm E xtended D etention

300mm E xtended D etention



B ioretention S ys tem S urfac e Area (as % of Impervious C atc hment)

Figure 7.10

Bioretention system TN removal performance (Reference: Station 43)

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Chapter 7 Bioretention Basins


Step 2: Determine design flows

Design Flow

Two design flows are required for bioretention basins:

Minor (frequent) storm conditions (typically 5 year ARI) to size the overflows to
allow minor floods to be safely conveyed and not increase any flooding risk
compared to conventional stormwater systems

Major flood conditions (typically 100 year ARI) to check that flow velocities are
not too large in the bioretention system, which could potentially scour
pollutants or damage vegetation

Design Flow Estimation

A range of hydrologic methods can be applied to estimate design flows. With typical
catchment areas being relatively small, the Rational Method Design Procedure is
considered to be a suitable method for estimating design flows.
7.4.3 Step 3: Design Inflow System
The design of the inflow systems to bioretention basins needs to consider a number of

Scour protection In most bioretention applications stormwater flows will enter

the bioretention basin as concentrated flow (piped, channel or open channel)
and as such is it important to slow and spread flows using appropriate scour
(rock) protection.

Coarse sediment forebay Where stormwater runoff from the catchment is

delivered directly to the bioretention basin without any coarse sediment
management (through vegetated swale or buffer treatment) a coarse sediment
forebay is to be included in the design. The forebay is to remove coarse
sediment from stormwater to minimise the risk of sediment smothering the
vegetation in the bioretention basin.

Street hydraulics (streetscape applications only) In streetscape applications,

where stormwater is delivered directly from the kerb and channel to the
bioretention basin, it is important to ensure the location and width of the kerb
opening is designed such that flows enter the bioretention basin without
adversely affecting trafficability of the road.

Each of these functions and the appropriate design responses are described in the
following sections.

Inlet Scour Protection

Erosion protection should be provided for concentrated inflows to a bioretention basin.

Typically, flows will enter the bioretention basin from either a surface flow system (i.e.
roadside kerb, open channel) or a piped drainage system. Rock beaching is a simple
method for dissipating the energy of concentrated inflow. Where the bioretention
basin is receiving stormwater flows from a piped system (i.e. from larger catchments),
the use of impact type energy dissipation may be required to prevent scour of the filter
media. In most cases this can be achieved with rock protection and by placing several
large rocks in the flow path to reduce velocities and spread flows as depicted in Figure
7.11 (with the D representing the pipe diameter dimension). The rocks can form part
of the landscape design of the bioretention component.

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Chapter 7 Bioretention Basins

150mm rock spalls rolled into

aggregate sub-base underlain
by geofabric

Voids to be planted with
rush/reed species (subject to
landscape design)




Figure 7.11

Typical Inlet Scour Protection Detail for Bioretention Basins

Receiving Piped Flows

Coarse Sediment Forebay

Coarse sediment may accumulate near the basin inflow where stormwater runoff from
the catchment is delivered directly to the bioretention basin without pre-treatment
(through vegetated swale or buffer treatment). To mitigate these effects, it is
recommended that a coarse sediment forebay be incorporated into the design of a
bioretention basin. The forebay should be designed to:

Remove particles that are 1mm or greater in diameter from the 3 month ARI
storm event.

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Chapter 7 Bioretention Basins

Provide appropriate storage for coarse sediment to ensure desilting is required

once every year.

The area of the sediment forebay (As) is calculated by solving the following expression
(modified version of Fair and Geyer (1954)):

1 v
R = 1 1 + s
n Q/AS


Equation 7.1


fraction of target sediment removed (adopt 80% or higher)


settling velocity of target sediment (100 mm/s or 0.1 m/s for 1 mm particle)

Design flow (3 month ARI peak discharge in the absence of any

hydrological information for Singapore, this discharge may be estimated as
corresponding to 50% of the 1 year ARI peak discharge (Engineers
Australia, 2006)

turbulence or short-circuiting parameter (adopt 0.5)


The area of the sediment forebay

A catchment sediment loading rate (Lo) of 3m3/ha/year for developed catchments in

Singapore may be used to estimate the total sediment loads entering the basin (see
Chapter 4 Sedimentation Basin). This volume represents the full range of sediment
sizes. In the absence of local sediment particle size distribution, it is not possible to
accurately estimate the volume captured at the forebay. A conservative approach is to
multiply the capture efficiency (R) by the sediment load estimated applying the
catchment loading rate (Lo).
The coarse sediment forebays will contain large rocks for energy dissipation and be
underlain by filter material to promote drainage following storm events. The depth of
the forebay should not be greater than 0.3m below the surface of the filter media.

Streetscape Applications

As bioretention pods are not continuous systems, streetscape applications need to

carefully consider the locations of inlets to the bioretention pods so as not to increase
the width of channel flow along the street leading to the inflow to these systems.

Step 4: Specify the bioretention media characteristics

Specify the Bioretention Filter Media Characteristics

Generally three types of media are required in the bioretention component of

bioretention swales (refer Figure 7.1 and Figure 7.7).
Filter Media
The filter media layer provides the majority of the pollutant treatment
function, through fine filtration and also by supporting vegetation. The
vegetation enhances filtration, keeps the filter media porous, provides
substrate for biofilm formation that is important for the uptake and removal of
nutrients and other stormwater pollutants. As a minimum, the filter media is
required to have sufficient depth to support vegetation. Typical depths are
between 600-1000 mm with a minimum depth of 400mm accepted in depth
constrained situations. It is important to note that if deep rooted plants such
as trees are to be planted in bioretention swales, the filter media must have a
minimum depth of 800 mm to provide sufficient plant anchoring depth.

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Chapter 7 Bioretention Basins

Saturated hydraulic conductivity should remain between 50-200 mm/hr (and

should not be greater than 500 mm/hr. The following procedure is
recommended in determine the appropriate soil filter media to match the
design saturated hydraulic conductivity:

Identify available sources of a suitable base soil (i.e. topsoil) capable of

supporting vegetation growth such as a sandy loam or sandy clay loam.
In-situ topsoil should be considered first before importing soil. Any soil
found to contain high levels of salt (see last bullet point), extremely low
levels of organic carbon (< 3%), or other extremes considered retardant
to plant growth and microbial activity should be rejected. The base soil
must also be structurally sound and not prone to structural collapse as
this can result in a significant reduction in saturated hydraulic
conductivity. The risk of structural collapse can be reduced by ensuring
the soil has a well graded particle size distribution with a combined clay
and silt fraction of < 12%.

Using laboratory analysis, determine the saturated hydraulic conductivity

of the base soil using standard testing procedures. (In Australia,
reference is made to AS 4419-2003 Appendix H Soil Permeability). A
minimum of five samples of the base soil should be tested. Any
occurrence of structural collapse during laboratory testing must be noted
and an alternative base soil sourced.

To amend the base soil to achieve the desired design saturated

hydraulic conductivity either mix in a loose non-angular sand (to increase
saturated hydraulic conductivity) or conversely a loose loam (to reduce
saturated hydraulic conductivity).

The required content of sand or clay (by weight) to be mixed to the base
soil will need to be established in the laboratory by incrementally
increasing the content of sand or clay until the desired saturated
hydraulic conductivity is achieved. The sand or clay content (by weight)
that achieves the desired saturated hydraulic conductivity should then be
adopted on-site. A minimum of five samples of the selected base soil
and sand (or clay) content mix must be tested in the laboratory to ensure
saturated hydraulic conductivity is consistent across all samples. If the
average saturated hydraulic conductivity of the final filter media mix is
within 20% of the design saturated hydraulic conductivity then the filter
media can be adopted and installed in the bioretention system.
Otherwise, further amendment of the filter media must occur through the
addition of sand (or clay) and retested until the design saturated
hydraulic conductivity is achieved.

The base soil must have sufficient organic content to establish

vegetation on the surface of the bioretention system. If the proportion of
base soil in the final mix is less than 3%, it may be necessary to add
organic material. This should not result in more than 10% organic
content and should not alter the saturated hydraulic conductivity of the
final filter media mix.

The pH of the final filter media is to be amended (if required) to between

5.5 and 7.5. If the filter media mix is being prepared off-site, this
amendment should be undertaken before delivery to the site.

The salt content of the final filter media (as measured by EC1:5) must be
less than 0.63 dS/m for low clay content soils like sandy loam. (EC1:5 is
the electrical conductivity of a 1:5 soil/ water suspension).

Testing of this soil property should be undertaken prior to their

placement during construction. It should also be noted that soil hydraulic
conductivity will vary after placement and is expected to initially

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Chapter 7 Bioretention Basins

decrease due to hydraulic compaction during operation. With maturity of

plant growth, the soil hydraulic conductivty canbe expected to recover to
asymptote to an equilibrium level comparable to its original value.
FAWBs Guidelines for Filter Media in Biofiltration Systems, Appendix C,
Version 3.01 2009 provides the most recent criteria with which to select a
suitable filter media.
Transition Layer
The particle size difference between the filter media and the underlying
drainage layer should be not more than one order of magnitude to avoid the
filter media being washed through the voids of the drainage layer. Therefore,
with fine gravels being used for the drainage layer (which will be at least two
orders of magnitude coarser than the likely average particle size of the filter
media), a transition layer is recommended to prevent the filter media from
washing into the perforated pipes. The material for the transition layer is
sand/coarse sand. An example particle size distribution (% passing) is
provided below (typical specification only):

1.4 mm

100 %

1.0 mm

80 %

0.7 mm

44 %

0.5 mm

8.4 %

The transition layer is recommended to be 100 mm thick.

The addition of a transition layer increases the overall depth of the
bioretention system and may be an important consideration for some sites
where total depth of the bioretention system may be constrained. In such
cases, two options are available to reduce the overall depth of the system,

the use of a sand drainage layer and/or perforated pipes with smaller
slot sized may need to be considered.

use a geotextile layer with a mesh size specified to be between 0.7

to 1mm. (This option should be an option of last resort as the risk of
installing inappropriate liner is high).

Drainage Layer
The drainage layer is used to convey treated flows to the outlet via a
perforated under-drainage system. The composition of the drainage layer is
to be considered in conjunction with the selection and design of the
perforated under-drainage system (refer to Section 7.4.5) as the slot sizes in
the perforated pipes may determine the minimum drainage layer particle size
to avoid washout of the drainage layer into the perforated pipe system.
Gravel is the preferred media for the drainage layer to match with the typical
slot size of typical perforated or slotted under-drains.
However, there may be circumstances where site conditions constraint the
depth of the bioretention system. In such cases, it may be possible to use
sand as the drainage layer media to avoid having to provide a transition layer
between the filter media and the drainage layer. The drainage layer is to be
a minimum of 200 mm thick and it is advisable that the drainage media is
washed prior to placement in bioretention system to remove any fines.

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Chapter 7 Bioretention Basins

Submerged Zone
The submerged zone should be comprised of a mix of medium to coarse
sand and carbon, or a mix of fine gravel and carbon. The carbon source
should be a mix of 5% mulch and 5% hardwood chips, by volume.
A depth of 450mm has been shown to be optimal (Zinger et al., 2007),
however the feasibility of this will be determined by site conditions. A
minimum of 300mm is required for this zone to be effective. A submerged
zone of 300mm will protect against drying for up to five weeks of continuous
null inflow. In climates where dry periods are likely to exceed five weeks, the
submerged zone should be increased in depth bby 120mm for every
additional week of expected zero inflows. It is also important to note that a
50mm transition layer should separate the filter media and submerged zone.
This will prevent the leaching of pollutant and nutrients by ensuring that the
filter media does not become permanently saturated.
7.4.5 Step 5: Under-drain design and capacity checks
The slotted collection pipes at the base of bioretention filter media collect treated water
for conveyance downstream. The collection pipes are sized to ensure flow through
the filter media is not choked (or impeded) by the collection system.
The recommended maximum diameter of the perforated pipes is 100 mm to minimise
the required thickness of the drainage layer. Either flexible perforated pipe (e.g.
agricultural pipe) or slotted PVC pipes can be used, however care needs to be taken
to ensure that the slots in the pipes are not too large that sediment would freely flow
into the pipes from the drainage layer.
To ensure slotted or perforated pipes are of adequate size, several checks are

Ensure the perforations are adequate to pass the maximum filtration rate of
the media

Ensure the pipe itself has sufficient capacity to convey the design flow (ie. the
maximum filtration rate multiplied by the surface area).

Ensure that the material in the drainage layer will not be washed into the
perforated pipes. Maximum filtration rate

The maximum filtration rate represents the design flow for the underdrainage system
(i.e. the slotted pipes at the base of the filter media). The capacity of the underdrains
needs to be greater than the maximum filtration rate to ensure the filter media drains
freely and does not choke the system.
A maximum infiltration rate (Qmax) can be estimated by applying Darcys equation:

Qmax = k Lb Wbase

hmax + d

Equation 7.2


hydraulic conductivity of the soil filter (m/hr)

W base

average width of the ponded cross section above the soil filter (m)


length of the bioretention zone (m)


depth of pondage above the sand filter (m)

depth of filter media (m)

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Chapter 7 Bioretention Basins

There are two possible configurations for an underdrain in a bioretention

system with a submerged zone:
1. Perforated collection pipe with riser outlet
In this configuration, the collection pipe(s) is placed in the drainage layer with
an elbow to create a riser outlet to raise the invert. The collection pipe(s) does
not need to be sloped as the outlet is elevated. Slotted PVC pipes are
preferable to flexible perforated ag-pipe, as they are easier to clean and ribbed
pipes are likely to retain moisture which may attract plant roots into pipes,
however this necessitates a drainage layer to ensure that finer material from
the filter media and transition layers are not washed into the collection pipe(s).
The upstream end of the collection pipe should extend to the surface to allow
inspection and maintenance; the vertical section(s) of the pipe should be
unperforated and capped. Where more than one collection pipe is required,
these should be spaced no further than 1.5 m apart.
The following need to be checked:
a) Perforations in pipe are adequate to pass the maximum infiltration rate.
b) Pipe has sufficient capacity to convey the treated water; this
component should be oversized to ensure it does not become a choke
in the system.
c) Material in the drainage layer will not wash into the perforated pipes.
2. Riser outlet only (no perforated pipe)
A collection pipe is not strictly necessary in a bioretention system with a
submerged zone; inclusion of a riser outlet confines exit flow to be via this path
and the drainage layer can act as a surrogate drainage layer transition layer filter
media perforated pipe inspection well (unperforated pipe) sand + carbon OR gravel +
carbon 51 collection pipe. The riser outlet should extend to the surface to allow

inspection and maintenance.

The following need to be checked:
a) Pipe has sufficient capacity to convey the treated water; this
component should be oversized to ensure it does not become a choke
in the system.
b) Material in the drainage layer will not wash into the riser outlet.

Spacing of perforated pipes

Spacing of perforated pipes should be sufficiently close together to ensure effective

drainage of the bioretention system. With a smaller aspect ratio associated with
bioretention basins compared with bioretention swales, the maximum spacing of the
perforated pipes can be increased to 2.5 3 m, especially for large bioretention basins
(> 100 m ).
Where possible the perforated pipes are to grade at a minimum of 0.5% towards the
overflow pit to ensure effective drainage. A slope of 0.5% is adopted simply for
convenience. In reality, the discharge capacity of the perforated pipe is not dependent
on this slope since maximum discharge condition is reached when the soil is saturated
and water ponded to the full extended detention depth. Bioretention systems can
operate equally effectively with the underdrain laid at near-zero (but positive) slope.
Grading the base of the bioretention system towards the pit and placing the perforated
pipes (and the drainage layer) on this grade is a recommended approach to ensuring
that the pipes are laid on a positive slope.

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Chapter 7 Bioretention Basins

Perforated pipes should not use a geofabric wrapping, as this is a potential location for
blockage and would require a complete resetting of the bioretention system. Where
perforated pipes are supplied with geofabric wrapping, it is to be removed before

Perforations inflow check

To ensure the perforated under-drainage system has sufficient capacity to collect and
convey the maximum filtration rate, it is necessary to determine the capacity for flows
to enter the under-drainage system via the perforations in the pipes. If the capacity of
the drainage system is unable to collect the maximum filtration rate additional underdrains will be required.
To calculate the flow through the perforations, orifice flow can be assumed and the
sharp edged orifice equation used as given in the following equation.

Q perf = B C d Ao 2 g h

Equation 7.3


Flow rate through perforations (m3/s)

Blockage factor (= 0.5)


Orifice discharge coefficient (= 0.6)


Total area of the orifices (m2)


Maximum driving head (m)

The total area of the orifice (Ao) is a function of the number of perforations in the pipe.
This information is typically provided in the manufacturers specifications. The
maximum driving head is equal to the depth of the filter media plus the extended
detention depth, if extended detention is provided.
It is conservative, but reasonable to use a blockage factor to account for partial
blockage of the perforations by the drainage layer media. A blockage factor of 0.5 is
considered adequate.

Perforated pipe capacity

After confirming the capacity of the under-drainage system to collect the maximum
filtration rate, it is necessary to confirm the conveyance capacity of the under-drainage
system is sufficient to convey the collected runoff. The Colebrook-White equation can
be applied to estimate the flow rate in the perforated pipe.

Q pipe = A p 2(2 gD p S f


3.7 D D(2 gDS


Equation 7.4



Flow rate through the perforated pipe (m /s)


Pipe cross sectional area (m )


Pipe diameter (m)


Hydraulic gradient (m/m)

Hydraulic roughness

Kinematic viscosity of water (m /s)

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Chapter 7 Bioretention Basins

One end of the under-drains should be extended vertically to the surface of the
bioretention system to allow inspection and maintenance when required. The vertical
section of the under-drain should be a non-perforated or slotted pipe and capped to
avoid short-circuiting of flows directly to the drain.
7.4.6 Step 6: Check requirements for impermeable lining
The saturated hydraulic conductivity of the natural soil profile surrounding the
bioretention system should be tested together with depth to groundwater, chemical
composition and proximity to structures and other infrastructure. This is to establish if
an impermeable liner is required at the base (only for systems designed to preclude
ex-filtration to in-situ soils) and/or sides of the bioretention basin. If the saturated
hydraulic conductivity of the filter media in the bioretention system is more than one
order of magnitude (10 times) greater than that of the surrounding in-situ soil profile,
no impermeable lining is required.
It is important to note that for unlined bioretention systems with submerged zones, the
bottom and sides of the submerged zone will need to be lined in order to maintain a
permanent pool of water.
7.4.7 Step 7: Size overflow pit
The intention of the high flow design is to convey safely the minor floods (eg. 5-year
ARI flows) with the same level of protection that a conventional stormwater system
provides. Bioretention basins are typically served with either grated overflow pits or
conventional side entry pits (located downstream of an inlet) to transfer flows into an
underground pipe network (the same pipe network that collects treated flows).
The location of the overflow pit is variable but it is desirable that flows do not pass
through extensive section of the bioretention basin enroute to the overflow pit. Grated
pits can be located near the inlet to minimize the flow path length for above design
flows. A level of conservatism should be built into the design grated overflow pits by
placing the crest of the pit at least 100 mm below the invert of the street gutter. This
allows the overflow pit to convey a minor flood prior to any afflux effects in the street
gutter. The overflow pit should be sized to pass a five year ARI storm with the
available head below the gutter invert (i.e. 100 mm).
Overflow pits can also be located external to bioretention basins, potentially in the
form of convention side entry pits associated with the street kerb and gutter
immediately downstream of the inlet to the basin. In this way the overflow pit can
operate in the same way as a conventional drainage system, with flows entering the
pit only when the bioretention system is at maximum ponding depth. This is illustrated
in Figure 7.12.

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Chapter 7 Bioretention Basins

Figure 7.12

A conventional side entry pit for overflow from Bioretention Pod.

Once inundated to street level, stormwater will no longer enter the
bioretention raingarden but will instead be conveyed to the
adjoining side entry pit.

A grated overflow pit is sized based on the governing flow condition; weir flow or
submerged flow conditions. A weir equation can be used to determine the length of
weir required (assuming free overfall conditions). An orifice equation is used to
estimate the required area between openings in the grate cover (assuming drowned
outlet conditions). The larger of the resulting required dimensions to accommodate
the two flow conditions should be adopted. In sizing the overflow pit for both drowned
and free flowing conditions, it is recommended that a blockage factor that assumes the
orifice is 50% blocked be used.
The weir equation for free flowing conditions is given by:

Qmin or = Qweir = B C w L hw

3/ 2

Equation 7.5



Flow over weir pit (m /s)

Blocked factor (assumed to be 50%)


Weir coefficient (adopt 1.7)

Length of weir (m)


Flow depth above weir (m)

A standard sized pit can be selected with a perimeter at least the same length as the
required weir length.
The orifice equation for drowned outlet conditions is given by:

Qminor = Qgrate = B.Cd .Agrate 2ghw

Equation 7.6


Flow rate under drowned conditions (m3/s)

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Chapter 7 Bioretention Basins


Area of perforations in inlet grate (m2)


Flow depth above weir (m)

7.4.8 Step 8: Specify Vegetation

Advice from the National Parks Board should be sought in determining the lists of
plants suitable for bioretention basins. Consultation with landscape architects is
recommended when selecting vegetation, to ensure the treatment system
compliments the landscape of the area.
7.4.9 Step 9: Verification Checks
Once the detailed design is complete, a final check should be undertaken to confirm
that vegetation will be protected from scour during flood events and that the final
design will achieve the required treatment performance.
Scour velocities over the vegetation are checked through the bioretention basin by
assuming the system flows at a depth equal to the ponding depth across the full width
of the system. Dividing the design flow rate by the cross sectional area, an estimate of
flow velocity can be made. It is a conservative approach to assume that all flows pass
through the bioretention basin (particularly for a 100 year ARI) however this will ensure
the integrity of the vegetation.
Velocities should be kept below 0.5 m/s for flows up to the 5-year ARI peak discharges
and less than 1.0 m/s for events from the 5-year ARI to the 100-year ARI discharges
If the design of the bioretention basin (i.e. the treatment area) changes to ensure the
above criteria are met, the performance of the bioretention system given the new
treatment area should be checked against the sizing curves given in Figure 7.8 to
Figure 7.10.

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Chapter 7 Bioretention Basins

7.4.10 Design Calculation Summary

A summary of the key design elements of a bioretention basin are presented in the
following table.

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Chapter 7 Bioretention Basins


Checking Tools

The following sections provide a number of checking aids for designers and referral
authorities. Additional advice on construction and maintenance is provided.
Checklists have been provided for:

Design assessments

Construction (during and post)

Operation and maintenance inspections

7.5.1 Design Assessment Checklist

The checklist below presents the key design features that should be reviewed when
assessing a design of a bioretention basin.
These considerations include
configuration, safety, maintenance and operational issues that should be addressed
during the design phase.
Where an item results in an N when reviewing the design, referral should be made
back to the design procedure to determine the impact of the omission or error.
In addition to the checklist, a proposed design should have all necessary permits for
its installations. The referral agency should ensure that all relevant permits are in
place. These can include permits to clear vegetation, to dredge, create a waterbody,
divert flows or disturb downstream aquatic habitats.
7.5.2 Construction Advice
This section provides general advice for the construction of bioretention basins. It is
based on observations from construction projects around Australia. Building Phase Damage
Protection of filtration media and vegetation is important during the building phase.
Uncontrolled building site runoff is likely to cause excessive sedimentation, introduce
weeds and litter and require replanting following the building phase.
To minimise the impact of construction activities on the site, it is recommended that
the bioretention system be installed in stages. For example, temporary protection of a
bioretention basin can be achieved by using a temporary arrangement of a suitable
geofabric covered with shallow topsoil (e.g. 25mm) and instant turf (laid perpendicular
to flow path) (Leinster, 2006). Such a system will provide erosion and sediment
control. At the completion of construction activities, the temporary protection can be
removed (along with the collected sediment) and the system planted in accordance
with the planting schedule.
It is also recommended that a silt fence be installed around the periphery of the basin
to exclude silt and restrict access. The silt fence is removed once construction is
completed. Traffic and Deliveries
It is important to ensure traffic and deliveries do not access bioretention basins during
construction. Traffic can compact the filter media and cause preferential flow paths,
while deliveries can block filtration media (if placed above media). Washdown wastes
(eg. concrete) can also cause blockages in the filtration media.
Bioretention areas should be fenced off during building phase and controls
implemented to avoid washdown wastes.

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Chapter 7 Bioretention Basins

Checklist 1: Bioretention basin design assessment checklist


Basin Location:


Minor Flood (m /s):

Major Flood (m /s):


Catchment Area (ha):

Bioretention Area (ha):


Treatment performance verified from curves?

Design documents bioretention area and extended detention depth as defined by treatment performance requirements.
Overall flow conveyance system sufficient for design flood event(s)?
Where required, bypass sufficient for conveyance of design flood event?
Where required scour protection provided at inflow point to bioretention?
Bioretention media specification includes details of filter media, drainage layer and transition layer (if required)?
Design saturated hydraulic conductivity included in specification?
Transition layer provided where drainage layer consists of gravel (rather than coarse sand)?
Perforated pipe capacity > infiltration capacity of filter media?
Selected filter media hydraulic conductivity > 10 x hydraulic conductivity of surrounding soil?
Liner provided if selected filter media hydraulic conductivity < 10 x hydraulic conductivity of surrounding soil?
Maximum spacing of collection pipes <1.5m?
Collection pipes extended to surface to allow inspection and flushing?
Maximum upstream flood conveyance complies with Singapore surface water drainage requirements?
Bioretention area and extended detention depth documented to satisfy treatment requirements?
Overflow pit crest set at top of extended detention?
Maximum ponding depth will not impact on public safety?
Maintenance access provided to surface of bioretention system (for larger systems)?
Protection from coarse sediments provided (where required) with a sediment forebay?
Protection from gross pollutants provided (where required)?
Plant species selected can tolerate periodic inundation and design velocities?
Bioretention design and plant species selected integrate with surrounding landscape or built environment design?

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Chapter 7 Bioretention Basins Inlet Erosion Checks

It is good practice to check the operation of inlet erosion protection measures following
the first few rainfall events to ensure the system would not be affected by scour.
Should problems occur in these events the erosion protection should be enhanced. Timing for Planting
Timing of vegetation is dependent on a suitable time of year (and potential irrigation
requirements) as well as timing in relation to the phases of development. For
example, temporary planting during construction for sediment control (eg. with turf)
were removed and plant out with long term vegetation. Planting Strategy
A planting strategy for a development will depend on the timing of construction phases
as well as marketing pressure. For example, it may be desirable to plant out several
entrance bioretention systems to demonstrate long term landscape values, and use
the remainder of bioretention systems as building phase sediment control facilities (to
be planted out following building). Perforated Pipes
Perforated pipes can be either a PVC pipe with slots cut into the length of it or a
flexible ribbed pipe with smaller holes distributed across its surface (an AG pipe).
Both are suitable, though PVC pipes have the advantage of being stiffer with less
surface roughness providing a greater flow capacity. Stiff PVC pipes are also easier
to maintain (simple plumbing equipment is adequate for all maintenance needs). The
main disadvantage of stiff PVC pipes is the larger slot sizes, which may allow filter
media or drainage layer particles to enter the pipe. Inspection Openings
It is good design practice to have inspection openings at the end of the perforated
pipes. The pipes should be brought to the surface and have a sealed capping. This
allows inspection of sediment buildup and water level fluctuations when required and
easy access for maintenance. The vertical component of the pipe should not be
perforated otherwise short circuiting can occur. Clean Filter Media
Ensure drainage media is washed prior to placement to remove fines. Construction Inspection Checklist
The following checklist presents the key items to be reviewed when inspecting the
bioretention basin during and at the completion of construction. The checklist is to be
used by Construction Site Supervisors and local authority Compliance Inspectors to
ensure all the elements of the bioretention basin have been constructed in accordance
with the design. If an item is ticked as unsatisfactory, appropriate actions must be
specified and delivered to rectify the construction issue before final inspection sign-off
is given.

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Chapter 7 Bioretention Basins

Checklist 2: Construction Inspection Checklist




Constructed By:

Contact During Visit:


Items inspected


Checked Adequate

Items inspected


Preliminary Works
1. Erosion


Structural components
sediment control plan

15. Location and configuration of inflow systems as


2. Temporary traffic/safety control measures

16. Location and levels of overflow pits as designed

3. Location same as plans

17. Under-drainage connected to overflow pits



4. Site protection from existing flows

18. Concrete and reinforcement as designed

Earthworks and Filter Media

19. Set down to correct level for flush kerbs

(streetscape applications only)

5. Bed of basin correct shape and slope

20. Kerb opening width as designed

6. Batter slopes as plans

7. Dimensions of bioretention area as per


8. Confirm surrounding soil type with design

21. Planting as designed (species and densities)

9. Confirm filter media specification in

accordance with guidelines (Step 4)

22. Weed removal and watering as required

9. Provision of liner (if required)

23. Stabilisation immediately following earthworks

and planting of terrestrial landscape around basin

10. Under-drainage installed as designed

11. Drainage layer media as designed

Sediment & Erosion Control (If Required)

12. Transition layer media as designed (if


24. Silt fences and traffic control in place

14. Extended detention depth as designed

25. Temporary protection layers in place

1. Confirm levels of inlets and outlets

6. Check for uneven settling of banks

2. Confirm structural element sizes

7. Under-drainage working

3. Check batter slopes

8. Inflow systems working

4. Vegetation as designed

9. Maintenance access provided

5. Bioretention filter media surface flat and

free of clogging

10. Construction generated sediment removed



Inspection officer signature:

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Chapter 7 Bioretention Basins

7.5.3 Maintenance Requirements

Bioretention basins treat runoff by filtering it through vegetation and then passing the
runoff vertically through a filtration media which filters the runoff. Besides vegetative
filtration, treatment relies upon infiltration of runoff into an underdrain. Vegetation
plays a key role in maintaining the porosity of the surface of the filter media and a
strong healthy growth of vegetation is critical to its performance.
The most intensive period of maintenance is during the plant establishment period
(first two years) when weed removal and replanting may be required. It is also the
time when large loads of sediments could impact on plant growth particularly in
developing catchments with poor building controls.
Maintenance is primarily concerned with:

Maintenance of flow to and through the bioretention basin

Maintaining vegetation

Preventing undesired overgrowth vegetation from taking over the bioretention


Removal of accumulated sediments

Litter and debris removal

Vegetation maintenance will include:


Fertilising plants

Removal of noxious plants or weeds

Re-establishment of plants that die

Sediments accumulation at the inlets needs to be monitored. Depending on the

catchment activities (e.g. building phase) the deposition of sediment can tend to
smother plants and reduce the ponding volume available. Should excessive sediment
build up it will impact on plant health and require removal before it reduces the
infiltration rate of the filter media.
Similar to other types of practices, debris removal is an ongoing maintenance function.
Debris, if not removed, can block inlets or outlets, and can be unsightly if located in a
visible location. Inspection and removal of debris should be done regularly, but debris
should be removed whenever it is observed on the site. Operation & Maintenance Inspection Form
The form below should be used whenever an inspection is conducted and kept as a
record on the asset condition and quantity of removed pollutants over time.

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Chapter 7 Bioretention Basins

Checklist 3: Bioretention basin maintenance checklist



1 to 6 monthly

Date of Visit:

Site Visit by:

Action Required (details)

Sediment accumulation at inflow points?

Litter within basin?
Erosion at inlet or other key structures?
Traffic damage present?
Evidence of dumping (e.g. building waste)?
Vegetation condition satisfactory (density, weeds etc)?
Watering of vegetation required?
Replanting required?
Mowing/slashing required?
Clogging of drainage points (sediment or debris)?
Evidence of ponding?
Damage/vandalism to structures present?
Surface clogging visible?
Drainage system inspected?
Resetting of system required?

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Chapter 7 Bioretention Basins


Bioretention Basin Worked


7.6.1 Worked example introduction

A series of bioretention basins (pods), designed as street traffic parking out-stands is
to be retrofitted into a local street to treat road runoff. The local street is in Singapore.
A proposed layout of the bioretention system is shown in Figure 7.8 and an image of a
similar system to that proposed is shown in Figure 7.9.
Road Pavement

Inlet through kerb



Figure 7.13

Figure 7.14

Road Pavement

Layout of proposed bioretention system

Example of a retrofitted bioretention system in a street (Australia)

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Chapter 7 Bioretention Basins

Catchment Description
Each of the individual bioretention basins (pods) has a contributing catchment of
100m2 road and footpath pavement and 300m2 of adjoining properties. Runoff from
adjoining properties (approx. 60% impervious) is discharged into the road gutter and,
together with road runoff, is conveyed along a conventional roadside gutter to the
bioretention pod.

Table 7.1: Catchment properties


Catchment Land Uses

Area (m )

% Impervious

Car Park









Design Objectives
The aim of the design is to facilitate effective treatment of stormwater runoff while
maintaining a level of flood protection for the local street during frequent storm events
up to the 5yr ARI event. Effective stormwater quality treatment is described in terms
of pollutant load reductions for total suspended solids (TSS), total phosphorous (TP)
and total nitrogen (TN).
The key design elements for effective operation of the bioretention basins are:

road and channel details to convey water into the basins

detailing inlet conditions to provide for erosion protection

configuring and designing a system for above design operation that will
provide the required 5year ARI flood protection for the local street

detailing of the bioretention under-drainage system

specification of the soil filter medium

landscape layout and details of vegetation.

Constraints and Concept Design Criteria

The proposed site for the bioretention basin has the following characteristics:
Overland flow slope:

1% typical



A preliminary design was completed for the site.

bioretention basins were determined as follows:

The specifications for the

A bioretention basin area of 14m (minimum) is required to achieve the

stipulated water quality objectives for this worked example (pollutant load
reductions of 80%, 45% and 45% for TSS, TN and TP respectively)

The maximum width of the bioretention basin is to be 2m.

The extended detention depth is 200 mm.

Filter media shall be a sandy loam.

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Chapter 7 Bioretention Basins


Calculation Steps

The design of a bioretention system has been divided into the following 9 calculations
Step 1 Confirm treatment size given in conceptual design
Step 2 Determine design flows
Step 3 Design inflow system
Step 4 Specify the bioretention media characteristics
Step 5 Under-drain design and capacity checks
Step 6 Check requirements for impermeable lining
Step 7 High flow route and by-pass design
Step 8 Vegetation Specification
Step 9 Verification checks
Details for each calculation step are provided below. A design calculation summary
has been completed for the worked example and is given at the conclusion of the
calculation steps.
Step 1 Confirm treatment size given in conceptual design
The sizing of the bioretention system determined during conceptual design was
verified using the sizing curves given in Figure 7.8 to Figure 7.10. The sizing curves,
developed for Singapore conditions, give an estimate of the pollutant load reduction
for a given treatment size (defined in terms of impervious treatment area). Verification
using the sizing curves requires the following information:

The extended detention depth (200mm)

The ratio of treatment area to impervious area =

14m 2
= 5%
[(0.9 100) + (0.6 300)]

The expected pollutant reductions given in the sizing curves for the above criteria are
93%, 77% and 49% for TSS, TP and TN respectively and exceed the design
requirements of 80%, 45% and 45%.
Step 2 Determine design flows
Minor and major flood estimation
With a small catchment, the Rational Method is considered an appropriate approach to
estimate the 5 and 100 year ARI peak flow rates. The calculation steps are given
a. Time of concentration (tc)
The time of concentration is associated with overland flow and kerb and gutter
travel times. In this worked example, the time of concentration is estimated to
be approximately 10 minutes.
b. Design rainfall intensities
The rainfall intensity for the 5 year and 100 year ARI event is calculated from
the Singapore IDF curve. Data for the 1year flow is extrapolated from the
curve. Rainfall intensities for the 100year, 5year and 1year ARI event for
10min storm duration are given below.

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Chapter 7 Bioretention Basins

Intensity (mm/hr)







c. Design runoff coefficient

The runoff coefficients are taken from the Singapore Code of Practice on
Surface Water Drainage (PUB, 2000). A runoff coefficient of 0.65 and 1.0 is
recommended for an urban and road catchment, respectively. The weighted
average for the catchment given the two land uses is 0.74.
d. Peak Design flows
Apply the Rational Method to determine the peak flows for 5year and 100year
ARI events:

0.74 166 400 10 4
Q5 =
= 0.01m / s
Q =

0.74 271 400 10 4

= 0.02m / s

Q100 =

The critical design flow rate for a bioretention system is defined to be the 3
month ARI storm event. The 3 month ARI flow is calculated assuming:

Q3mth = 0.5Q1 yr (ref. Engineers Australia, 2006)

0.74 106 400 10 4

Q3mth = 0.5


= 0.004m / s
Maximum filtration rate
The maximum filtration rate, or the flow reaching the perforated pipe in the drainage
layer, is estimated by applying Darcys equation (Equation 7.2) at the saturated
hydraulic conductivity of the filter media (assuming no blockage of the media) and the
head above the base of the filter media:

Qmax = k Lb Wbase

hmax + d

= 3.4 m3/hr or 0.0009 m3/s


hydraulic conductivity of the soil filter (0.18m/hr)

LbW base

average area of the ponded section above the sand filter (14m2)


depth of pondage above the sand filter (0.2m)

Filter media depth (0.6m)

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Chapter 7 Bioretention Basins

Step 3 Design inflow system

Inlet Scour Protection
Rock beaching is to be provided in the bioretention basins to manage flow velocities
entering from the kerb opening.
Coarse Sediment Forebay
A bioretention system such as the one proposed here should incorporate a coarse
sediment forebay to remove coarse sediment from stormwater prior to flowing across
the surface of the filter media. The forebay should be designed to:

Remove particles that are 1mm or greater in diameter from the 3mth ARI
storm event.

Provide appropriate storage for coarse sediment to ensure desilting is required

once every year.

The size of the sediment forebay (As) is determined by solving Equation 7.1 for a
capture efficiency of 80%, i.e.

(1 R )1 n 1

As =


fraction of target sediment removed (adopt 80% or higher)


settling velocity of target sediment (100 mm/s or 0.1 m/s for 1 mm


Design flow (3 month ARI peak discharge in the absence of any

hydrological information for Singapore, this discharge may be
estimated as corresponding to 50% of the 1 year ARI peak
discharge (Engineers Australia, 2006)

turbulence or short-circuiting parameter (adopt 0.5)


The area of the sediment forebay

As =

(1 0.8)1 0.5 1 = 0.48m 2

The volume of the sediment forebay is calculated by adopting a mean depth of 0.3 m,

Vs = 0.48 0.3 = 0.14m 3


Adopting a sediment loading rate of 3 m /ha/yr, the clean-out frequency of the

sediment forebay is estimated to be 0.14/(3 x 0.04) = 1.2 years. Therefore the
frequency of maintenance of the sediment forebay is once a year.
Step 4 Specify the bioretention media characteristics
The bioretention system will have three layers:

Sandy loam layer as the filter media (600mm)

Coarse sand transition layer (100mm)

Fine gravel drainage layer (200mm)

Filter Media Specifications

The filter media shall have the following properties:

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Chapter 7 Bioretention Basins

saturated hydraulic conductivity of approximately 180 mm/hr

particle sizes ranging between: clay 5 15 %, silt <30 %, sand 50 70 %

between 5% and 10% organic content

pH neutral

Transition layer specifications

The transition layer material shall be a coarse sand material such as Unimin 16/30 FG
sand grading or equivalent. A typical particle size distribution is provided below:
Particle Size










Drainage layer specifications

The drainage layer is to be 200mm deep of 5mm screenings graded at 0.5% towards
the overflow pit.
Step 5 Under-drain design and capacity checks
A single under-drain is to be installed in the drainage layer. The perforated pipe is to
be laid on the base of the bioretention system which grades at 0.5 % towards the
overflow pit. A standard perforated pipe has the following specifications:
Openings per metre of pipe = 2100mm2
Slot (opening) width = 1.5mm
Slot length = 7.5mm
No. of rows = 6
Pipe diameter = 100mm
Number of perforations (n) = 186
The flow capacity of the perforations and the pipe need to be checked against the
maximum filtration rate (0.0009 m3/s determined in Step 2) to ensure the flow
through the media is not impeded by the drainage system.
Perforations inflow check
The inlet capacity of a sub-surface drainage system (perforated pipe) is estimated to
ensure it is not a choke in the system. To build in conservatism, it is assumed that
50% of the holes are blocked.
The flow capacity of the perforations is calculated using equation 7.3

Q perf = B.C d .nA 2 gh


Discharge coefficient (0.6)


Blockage factor (adopt 0.5)

Numbers of holes

Assuming drainage layer is saturated, driving head is half the depth of

the drainage layer H = 0.1m

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Chapter 7 Bioretention Basins

Q perf = 0.5 0.6 186 1.125 10 5 2 9.81 0.1

= 0.0009 m 3 / s / metre of pipe
Given the perforated pipe will be 3m in length, the perforated flow for the pipe system
is 0.0027 m /s. As the perforation flow capacity of the pipe is greater than the
maximum filtration rate the perforated pipe, it is adequate in transferring flows from the
Perforated pipe capacity
The Colebrook-White equation is applied to estimate the flow rate in the perforated
pipe. A slope of 0.5% is assumed2 and a 100mm perforated pipe (as above) was
used. The capacity of this pipe needs to exceed the maximum infiltration rate.
Applying the Colebrook-White Equation (Equation 7.4) to calculate the capacity of the
perforated pipe

Q = A p 2(2 gDpS f

0 .5

3.7 Dp Dp (2 gDpS f

0 .5

Dp = 0.10m
Sf = 0.005m/m

g = 9.81m /s
k = 0.007m
v = 1.007 x 10-6
Ap= 0.009m2

The flow capacity of the pipe is 0.003 m /s, which is greater than the infiltration rate.
Hence, the perforated pipe specified is adequate for the under-drainage system.
Step 6 Check requirements for impermeable lining
The soils found in Singapore are typically clay with the saturated hydraulic conductivity
expected to be ~3.6mm/hr. The sandy loam media that is proposed as the filter media
has a hydraulic conductivity of approximately 180 mm/hr. Therefore the conductivity
of the filter media is > 10times the conductivity of the surrounding soils and an
impervious liner is not considered to be required.
Step 7 High flow route and by-pass design
The overflow pit is required to convey 5 year ARI flows safely from above the
bioretention system into an underground pipe network. Grated pits are to be used at
the upstream end of the bioretention system. There are standard pit sizes to
accommodate connection to the underground stormwater pipe.

For the existing 450 mm diameter stormwater pipe, 600 x 600 mm pit will be required.
The size of the pit necessary to convey the overflow is computed assuming both free
overfall weir flow and submerged flow conditions. For the free overflow condition, a
weir equation is used with the maximum headwater depth (h) above the weir being set
by the level difference between the crest of the overflow pit and the invert level of the
inflow kerb opening (i.e. 100mm).

A slope of 0.5% is adopted simply for convenience. In reality, the discharge capacity is reached when the soil is
saturated and water ponded to the full extended detention depth. Bioretention systems can operate equally effectively
with the underdrain laid at near-zero (but positive) slope.
Size of overflow pit should match the pipes connected to it. It should be sized to facilitate ease of maintenance.

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Chapter 7 Bioretention Basins

The weir equation is

Qmin or = Qweir = B C w L hw

3/ 2

For the 5year ARI event, assuming a blockage factor (B) and weir coefficient (C) of 0.5
and 1.7, respectively, the weir length is


Qmin or



0.5 1.7 0.1


= 0.05m

A 0.05m weir length is equivalent to a 130mm by 130mm pit smaller than the
standard 600 mm by 600 mm pit.
For drowned outlet conditions, the orifice equation is used:

Q = B.C d . A 2 gh
For the minor flow event, given a discharge coefficient of 0.6, the required area of the
pit is


0.5 0.6 2 9.81 0.1

= 0.03m 2
The equivalent pit dimensions for the drowned outlet condition are 180mm by 180mm
smaller than the standard 600 mm by 600 mm pit.
Hence, the 600mm by 600mm pit is to be adopted.
Step 8 Vegetation Specification
Consultation with the National Parks Board is required in determining the list of
suitable plant species for the proposed bioretention basin.
Step 9 Verification Checks
Flows for the 5yr ARI (Q5) and 100yr ARI (Q100) storm events may be conveyed
through the bioretention system. A check for vegetation scouring is completed by
checking that velocities through the bioretention system are below 0.5m/s and 1.0 m/s
for the 5yr ARI and 100yr ARI event, respectively. The scour check is performed
using Equation 7.6.
Given the width of the basin is 2m and the extended detention is 0.2m, the susceptible
flow area is 0.4m2. Hence,

v5 year =

= 0.03m / s < 0.5m / s

v100 year =

= 0.05m / s < 1.0m / s

Hence, bioretention system can satisfactorily convey the peak 5yr and 100yr ARI
flood, minimising the potential for scour.

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Chapter 7 Bioretention Basins

7.6.3 Calculation summary

The sheet below shows the results of the design calculations.
Bioretention basins
Catchment Characteristics
- Land Uses




Weighted average


Basin Area
Maximum width
maximum ponding depth (extended detention)
Filter media type (hydraulic conductivity)




year ARI
year ARI

1. Confirm treatment performance and concept design

Reduction in TSS
Reduction in TP
Reduction in TN



2. Estimate design flow rates

Time of concentration
estimate from flow path length and velocities




- Fraction Impervious

Conceptual Design

Identify design criteria

Minor flood
Major flood

Identify rainfall intensities

station used for IFD data:
Design Rainfall Intensity for minor flow
Design Rainfall Intensity for major flow
Design Rainfall Intensity for 1yr ARI storm event
Design runoff coefficient
(refer to the Singapore Code of Practice on Surface Water Drainage(2000))



Peak design flows



m3 /s



m /s

Q infil


m /s

3. Design inflow system

Adequate erosion and scour protection?
Coarse Sediment Forebay Required?




Volume (Vs)
Area (As)


Depth (D)




Check flow widths in upstream channel
Minor storm flow width


Kerb opening length


Kerb opening width

4. Specify bioretention media characteristics
Filter media hydraulic conductivity
Filter media capacity
Filter media depth
Drainage layer media (sand or fine screenings)
Drainage layer depth
Transition layer (sand) required
Transition layer depth


m3 /s


5. Under-drain design and capacity check

pipe diameter
Number of pipes
total pipe capacity
Capacity of perforations



m3 /s
m /s

6. Check requirement for impermeable lining

Soil hydraulic conductivity
Filter media hydraulic conductivity





7. Size overflow pit

System to convey minor floods

8. Vegetation Specification
9. Verification Checks
Velocity for Minor Storm (<0.5m/s)
Velocity for Major Storm (<2.0m/s)
Treatment performance consistent with Step 1

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Chapter 7 Bioretention Basins

7.6.4 Construction drawings

The diagram below shows the construction drawing for the worked example.

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Chapter 7 Bioretention Basins



CRCCH (Cooperative Research Centre for Catchment Hydrology), 2003, Model for
Urban Stormwater Improvement Conceptualisation (MUSIC) User Guide, Version 2.0,
Engineers Australia, 2003, Australian Runoff Quality Guidelines, DRAFT, June
FAWB (2009), Adoption Guidelines for Stormwater Biofiltration Systems, Facility for
Advancing Water Biofiltration, Monash University, ISBN 978-0-9805831-1-3, June
Institution of Engineers Australia, 1997, Australian Rainfall and Runoff A guide to
flood estimation, Editor in Chief Pilgram, D.H.
Leinster, S 2006, Delivering the Final Product Establishing Water Sensitive Urban
Design Systems, 7th International Conference on Urban Drainage Modelling and 4th
International Conference on Water Sensitive Urban Design Book of Proceedings,
Volume 2, A Deletic and T Fletcher (eds), Melbourne.
Public Utilities Board (PUB), 2000, Code of Practice on Surface Water Drainage, Fifth

Engineering procedures for ABC Waters Design Features

Page 7-42

Cleansing Biotopes





Chapter 8 Cleansing Biotopes






Landscape Design Considerations 8-4

Site Survey 8-4

Determine urban planning parameters


Confirm Treatment Performance


Hydraulic Design Considerations



Determine detention time 8-7

Size cleansing biotope and determine design flows .. 8-8

Shape of cleansing Biotope 8-9

Determine Flow Design 8-9


Design Flow 8-9

Design Discharge




Multi-layered Liner




Filter substrate . 8-11








Water quality and quantity monitoring 8-15


Substrate Maintenance 8-15




Plant Maintenance 8-16


Mosquito Control 8-16




Introduction 8-16


Design Flow 8-17

Design Inflow 8-17

Design Outflow


Planting Scheme









substrates that are planted with wetland plants which are known for their water cleansing
ofurban waterbodies.Waterbodies thatareonlyslightlypolluted can be treated especially






subdivided into smaller areas (such as small skygardens and planters) that work




versatile suitable to be implemented in ecologically sensitive areas, public parks,



beautify surroundings and aesthetically unified cleansing biotopes can blend




This segment outlines the general steps for determining the overall design of a cleansing
biotope, highlighting the different factors that has to be taken into considerations. Land
opportunities for locating and sizing the cleansing biotope. On the other hand, the primary
national stormwater management efficiency, would determine the desired level of water







Soil content availability of material suitable for substrate (refer to substrate
determine the types and rigidity of structures, such as concrete foundations,
the cleansing biotope. Where comparable, indigenous plants are preferred over
the ecological heritage of the site. More practically, this would minimize any
Immediate Surrounding area future changes possible expansion. Existing elements
(streams,reservoirsetc.) Determineurbanplanningparameters
Precise information of the following must also be obtained from relevant governmental


and required hydraulic capacity. This is especially important for designing the
hydraulic flow of the cleansing biotope, particularly in its interface with the

to a road, care must be taken to ensure that no structures are within any road

Itis imperativethat the relevantauthoritiesareconsultedduring thecommencement of




Environmental protection consultation with the National Environment Agency

(NEA) ConfirmTreatmentPerformance
materials. Thedegradationoforganic carbon composites occurswith thehelp ofoxygenfed
of substrates. Dependingon thechemical composition of the soil matrix a good phosphate
round input of oxygen into the system prevents the rerelease of phosphates. An effective
In the presence ofoxygen bacteria nitrify ammonium. The following bacterial denitrification
remove them effectively, it is hence important that the water is retained in the cleansing
national stormwater management system andPUBs ABC strategyof diversification (refer to



thus require a lower level of water purification. Nevertheless, it is recommended that a
In some cases, the cleansing biotopes are meant to recycle the water for reuse onsite.
Commonly, these local uses include irrigation and the flushing of toilets, or to supply and
Cleansing biotopes have also been successfully implemented to purify water for water
Thesedifferentstandards includebenchmarksfordifferent typesofcontaminantsand water
For drinking water colour, alkalinity, dissolved metals, salts and organics matters, heavy

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has established standards of water
quality for various uses and situations, including potable water, industrial discharge and

The following provides local standards that have been set by the National Environment







NEA Allowable Limits for Trade Effluent Discharge to Sewer / Watercourse / Controlled


be employed to achieve the desired water purification level, and it is recommended that a
landscape architect and hydrology specialist be engaged to determine the most suitable

As explainedabove, thedetentiontime withinacleansingbiotope has immediate effectson
Detention time is a measure of how long a particular molecule of water stays within a
commonly measuredusingthePlugflowmethod,whichassumesconstant velocityof water
As a general gauge, wastewater that is highlypolluted requiresabout 23 daysof detention


Chapter8CleansingBiotopes SizeCleansingBiotopeandDetermineDesignFlows
Detention timeisproportionalto the size ofthe cleansing biotope.As such, the most direct
way of achieving a higher level of purification would be to increase the detention time by


time. Where there is insufficient space to implement the required size of cleansingbiotope,



Chapter8CleansingBiotopes ShapeofCleansingBiotope
A constant and evenlydistributed flow of water in the biotope is necessary for optimum
the filter substrate. For example, water could be fed to each area for a period of 4 days
whilethethirdisregenerating. DetermineDesignFlow


stream that has a bypass channel or flume would not have to worry about variable water
inflow. In other cases where water level is susceptible to fluctuations, cleansing biotopes
water can be introduced into the
topflow waterisintroducedfrom
the top of the bed, either as an
overflow from the higher terraces, or
of water is visible above the biotope
bed which then percolates down




such that the pipes are submerged in the substrate. In this case, the polluted water flows


In the topflow model, water is collected using perforated pipes at the bottom of the
far away, up to several hundred metres or several kilometres, as long as there is sufficient











Wiremeshblankets:Protectionagainstrodents,plasticcoatedagainstcorrosionmesh Pipes







Drainage Pipes on the floor of the cleansing
biotope are to have the following

Perforated Pipe with perforations <




Each drainage pipe upon installation to have a

maintenanceopening at one end, which would
enable the piping to be flushed through if

Gravity Pipes are to have the following




to be laid with a gradient and be capable of
conveyingwaterwithoutpressure. FilterSubstrate
Cleansing Biotope substrates contributes to the purificationprocess through multiple micro

Ontheonehand, theytrapand filter solid particlesas waterpass through their fine






purification effectiveness. As particle size decreases, total surface area increases, which
with the size of the substrate particle. As particle size decreases, the less permeable the
Depending on availability, various combinations of materials can be used to achieve similar

study. This is just one example of what would be suitable for Singapore. Each site would
present different requirements and a specialist should be engaged to determine the
The Filter substrate is to be mixed offsite and brought onto site and should consist of the












TheFiltersubstrateisnottobecompactedduringconstructionstageorpostconstruction. Plants
The planting of the cleansing biotope is an important element of the overall system and
ensures the longterm performance and theinfiltration capacityof the substrate.Depending
In water bodies with low nutrient loads the planting should be relatively dense and potted
anyrelatedlossofplant material. Theplantingneeds little maintenance. Thechief taskis to





The Kallang River Bishan Park project is the pilot implementation of a cleansing biotope in
KRBP is the pilot implementation of a cleansing biotope in Singapore, and is currently



undergoing construction. As such, the plants are currently being tested for suitability to
Singapore climate. Other aquatic plants may also be appropriate, but would have to be










Cleansing biotopes perform best when there are no suspended solids in the inflow, as they
tend to clog the substrate. The polluted water can be passed through a settling tank or a


Maintenanceregimeshould includeperiodicwaterqualitychecks to ensurethat waterstays

within the set criteria. Water samples foranalysismaybenecessary. Waterquantity control
devices, suchas weirs and valves, may have to be adjusted to ensure a constant velocity of



The upper most layer of thefilter substrate isparticularlyactive duringthebiologicalbreak

downprocess. No exterior influences shoulddisturbthis process. Cleansingbiotope systems
generallyfunction increasingly wellovertheyears,as the biologicalsystemgets established.





Plant maintenance is minimal, and generally involves basic regimes, such as inspection for



In both models of cleansing biotopes, mosquito control is not necessary as there are no
andpercolating to thebottomof the substrate. Inthesideflowmodel,wateriscontained
beneath the surface of the cleansing biotope, such that neither mosquito, not algae growth

8.5 WORKEDEXAMPLEBishanPark,Singapore


Thedecision toincludeacleansingbiotope in thenewdesignof the BishanPark reflects the

philosophy of educating the public on both water conservation as well as ecological
such as kayaking, fishing and even just wadding in the river would require the water to be
the bulk of the recreational activities will take place. It is about 5400m2 in area, and is




DesignFlow DesignInflow


Chapter8CleansingBiotopes DesignOutflow
The cleansing biotope at Bishan Park is aimed at improving the quality of the water in
Thepondsarehome to manyof theaquatic fauna foundinBishanPark.Thewater in
moving water as part of a wider water recirculation system, thus potentially attract
Water discharged to the Kallang River would eventually flow downstream towards
Marina Barrage, passing through channels and streams where diverse wildlife and




































OptionA: Concretewall precast
















Determine Application Suitable Conditions Micro-functions Community Enhancement

Site Survey Topography Geology Wind / Hydraulic Condition Existing Vegetation

Determine Required Parameter N-values Slope and Rigidity



Determine Techniques






Log Cribwall with Brush Layers


Rip Rap with Cuttings


Brush Mattress with Live Fascine


Geotextile-wrapped soil lift


Fascine with Geotextile


Multiple Fascines


Reed Roll


Stone Wall with Cuttings


Gabions with Brush Layers

9.3.10 Vegetated Reinforced Soil

9.3.11 Tree Stumps with Cutting
9.3.12 Rock Gabion Mat
9.3.13 Rock Sill







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Chapter 9 Bio-engineering

Engineering Procedures for ABC Waters Design Features

Page 9-3




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Chart showing simulation of river flow and water levels in relation to different n-values for
the existing and proposed Kallang River.



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Constructed Wetlands

Chapter 10

Constructed Wetlands

Chapter 10

Constructed Wetlands




Design Considerations .....................................................................................10-2


Hydrodynamic Design ..................................................................................................... 10-2


Detention Time and Hydrologic Effectiveness .................................................................... 10-4


Inlet Zone Design Considerations ..................................................................................... 10-5


Macrophyte Zone Design Considerations .......................................................................... 10-5


Wetlands Constructed within Flood Detention Basins ......................................................... 10-6


Landscape Design .......................................................................................................... 10-6


Vegetation Types ............................................................................................................ 10-6


Designing to Avoid Mosquitoes ........................................................................................ 10-6


Designing for Maintenance Access ................................................................................... 10-7

Design Process...............................................................................................10-8


Step 1: Confirm treatment size ........................................................................................ 10-8


Step 2: Determine Design Flows .................................................................................... 10-11

Design Discharges ...................................................................................................................10-11

Design Flow Estimation ............................................................................................................10-11


Step 3: Design Inlet Zone .............................................................................................. 10-11


Step 4: Designing the Macrophyte Zone.......................................................................... 10-13

Length to Width Ratio and Hydraulic Efficiency ............................................................................10-13

Designing the Macrophyte Zone Bathymetry................................................................................10-14

Macrophyte Zone Edge Design for Safety ...................................................................................10-15

Macrophyte Zone Soil Testing ...................................................................................................10-16

Step 5: Design Macrophyte Zone Outlet .......................................................................... 10-16


Riser Outlet Size and Location of Orifices .................................................................................10-16

Maintenance Drain ...................................................................................................................10-17

Discharge Pipe ........................................................................................................................10-17


Step 6: Design High Flow Bypass Channel ...................................................................... 10-18


Step 7: Verify Design .................................................................................................... 10-18

Macrophyte Zone Re-suspension Protection................................................................................10-18

Confirm Treatment Performance ................................................................................................10-19


Step 8: Specify Vegetation ............................................................................................. 10-19


Step 9: Consider Maintenance Requirements .................................................................. 10-19

Design Calculation Summary ..................................................................................... 10-19


Checking tools .............................................................................................. 10-21


Design assessment checklist ......................................................................................... 10-21



Construction advice ....................................................................................... 10-23

Protection from existing flows ....................................................................................................10-23

High flow contingencies ............................................................................................................10-23

Erosion control ........................................................................................................................10-23

Inlet erosion checks..................................................................................................................10-23

Engineering Procedures for ABC Waters Design Features

Chapter 10

Constructed Wetlands

Tolerances ..............................................................................................................................10-23

Transitions ..............................................................................................................................10-23

Inlet zone access .....................................................................................................................10-24

Inlet zone base ........................................................................................................................10-24

Dewatering collected sediments .................................................................................................10-24

Timing for planting................................................................................................................10-24

Vegetation establishment ......................................................................................................10-24

Bird protection .....................................................................................................................10-24




Construction Inspection Checklist ................................................................................... 10-24

Maintenance requirements .............................................................................. 10-26

Operation & maintenance inspection form ....................................................................... 10-26

Worked example ........................................................................................... 10-28


Worked example introduction ......................................................................................... 10-28


Calculation Steps .......................................................................................................... 10-29


Design Calculation Summary ......................................................................................... 10-38


References .................................................................................................. 10-39

Engineering Procedures for ABC Waters Design Features



The use of constructed wetlands for urban stormwater quality improvement is widely
adopted in many urban environments, many of which have been successfully
incorporated into the urban landscape. Design considerations include the interaction
between the wetland hydrology and hydrodynamic behaviour with the various physical,
chemical and biological treatment processes. The operating conditions of these
systems are stochastic in nature, with intermittent and highly variable hydraulic and
pollutant loading.
Constructed wetland systems are shallow extensively vegetated water bodies that use
enhanced sedimentation, fine filtration and pollutant uptake processes to remove
pollutants from stormwater.
Wetlands generally consist of an inlet zone (sedimentation basin to remove coarse
sediments see Chapter 4 Sedimentation Basins), a macrophyte zone (a shallow
heavily vegetated area to remove fine particulates and uptake of soluble pollutants)
and a high flow bypass channel (to protect the macrophyte zone). They are designed
primarily to remove stormwater pollutants associated with fine to colloidal particulates
and dissolved contaminants. Figure 10.1 shows an example layout of a wetland

Figure 10.1 Layout of a constructed wetland system

Engineering Procedures for ABC Waters Design Features

Page 10-1

10.2 Design Considerations

The major elements of constructed wetland systems are shown in the figure below.
Design considerations include hydrologic and hydrodynamic factors aimed at
optimizing the performance of these systems. In addition to these factors, design
considerations of stormwater treatment wetland need to also include the botanical
structure and layout of the wetland and the hydrologic regime necessary to sustain the
botanical structure. Wetland macrophytes support a number very important pollutant
removal mechanism, including the removal of fine suspended solids and associated
contaminants (e.g. nutrients, metals, organic contaminants and hydrocarbons).
Wetlands provide four key operational functions in a treatment train:

Promote sedimentation of particles larger than 125m in the inlet zone.

Discharge water from the inlet zone into the macrophyte zone for removal of
fine particulates and dissolved contaminants through the processes of
enhanced sedimentation, filtration, adhesion and biological uptake.

Ensure that the required detention period is achieved for all flow though the
wetland system through the incorporation of a riser outlet system.

Ensure adequate flood protection of the macrophyte zone from scouring

during above-design conditions by designing for by-pass operation when
inundation in the macrophyte zone reaches the design maximum extended
detention depth.

The level of treatment achievable by a wetland system can be maximized by

optimising the relationship between detention time, wetland volume and the hydrologic
effectiveness. The relationship between detention time and pollutant removal
efficiency is largely influenced by the settling velocity of the target particulate.
Figure 10.2 presents an overview of key design elements of a constructed wetland.

Hydrodynamic Design

The performance of constructed wetland in the removal of stormwater pollutants is

affected by many factors. The hydrodynamic behaviour of a constructed wetland
system is determined by the hydrologic and hydraulic design of the system.
Stormwater wetlands are subjected to extended periods of no inflow followed by
events of high hydraulic loading and pollutant loads. Flow attenuation can be
significant as the detention storage of the wetland fills and drains during these events.
Hydrodynamic flow patterns within the wetland can vary at different stages of wetland
inundation and thus, the detention period of stormwater inflow for each individual
event can be highly variable.
Poor wetland hydrodynamics and lack of appreciation of the stormwater treatment
chain are often identified as major contributors to wetland management problems. A
summary of desired hydrodynamic characteristics and design elements is presented in
Table 10.1.

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Chapter 10 - Constructed Wetlands

Bypass Spillway



Inlet Zone-Macrophyte Zone


Wetland Outlet

Riser outlet

Extended detention

Inlet pool
Wetland section

Inlet Zone

Figure 10.

Outlet pool

Macrophyte Zone

Design elements of a constructed wetland

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Chapter 10 - Constructed Wetlands

Table 10.1: Desired Wetland Hydrodynamic Characteristics and Design Elements

Hydrodynamic Characteristics

Design Issues


Uniform distribution of flow velocity

Wetland shape, inlet and outlet placement

and morphological design of wetland to
eliminate short-circuit flow paths and dead

Poor flow pattern within a wetland will lead

to zones of stagnant pools which promotes
the accumulation of litter, oil and scum as
well as potentially supporting mosquito
breeding. Short circuit flow paths of high
velocities will lead to the wetland being
ineffective in water quality improvement.

Inundation depth, wetness

gradient, base flow and hydrologic

Selection of wetland size and design of

outlet control to ensure compatibility with
the hydrology and size of the catchment
draining into the wetland.

Regular flow throughput in the wetland

would promote flushing of the system thus
maintaining a dynamic system and
avoiding problems associated with
stagnant water, e.g. algal blooms, mosquito
breeding, oil and scum accumulation etc.

Morphological and outlet control design to

match botanical layout design and the
hydrology of the wetland.

Inadequate attention to the inundation

depth, wetness gradient of the wetland and
the frequency of inundation at various
depth ranges would lead to dominance of
certain plant species especially weed
species over time, which results in a
deviation from the intended botanical layout
of the wetland.

Uniform vertical velocity profile

Selection of plant species and location of

inlet and outlet structures to promote
uniform velocity profile

Scour protection

Design of inlet structures and erosion

protection of banks


Recent research findings indicate that

regular wetting and drying of the substrata
of the wetland can prevent releases of
phosphorus from the sediment deposited in
the wetland.
Preliminary research findings have
indicated that certain plant species have a
tendency to promote stratification of flow
conditions within a wetland leading to
ineffective water pollution control and
increase the potential for algal bloom.
Owing to the highly dynamic nature of
stormwater inflow, measures are to be
taken to protect the wetland from erosion
during periods of high inflow rates.

Detention Time and Hydrologic Effectiveness

Detention time is the time taken for an idealized parcel of water entering the wetland
to travel through the macrophyte zone assuming plug flow conditions. Simulations
using computer models, are often required to optimize, for a given site area, the
relationship between wetland detention time1 and wetland hydrologic effectiveness to
ensure treatment performance is maximised. Hydrologic effectiveness is a term used
to quantify the mean annual volume of stormwater runoff captured and treated within
the wetland and is expressed as a percentage of the mean annual runoff volume
generated from the contributing catchment. For well-designed wetlands without any
site constraints, the hydrologic effectiveness of constructed wetlands should be
greater than 80%.
The relationship between notional detention time and pollutant removal efficiency is
largely influenced by the settling velocity of the target particulates, although defining
the settling velocity of fine to colloidal particulates is not a straight forward exercise.
Standard equations for settling velocities often do not apply for fine particulates owing
to the influence of external factors such as wind and water turbulence. It is therefore
recommended that a notional detention time should preferably be 48 - 72 hours (and
not less than 48 hours) to remove nutrients effectively from urban stormwater.

1 It should be noted that detention time is rarely a constant and the term notional detention time is used
throughout this chapter to provide a point of reference in modelling and determining the design criteria for
riser outlet structures.
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Chapter 10 - Constructed Wetlands

10.2.3 Inlet Zone Design Considerations

The inlet zone of a constructed stormwater wetland is designed as a sedimentation
basin (see Chapter 4 Sedimentation Basins) and has two key functional roles, i.e. as a
pre-treatment for, and to control and regulate flow into, the downstream macrophyte
The primary role of the inlet zone is to remove coarse to medium sized sediment (i.e.
125m or larger) prior to flows entering the macrophyte zone. This ensures the
vegetation in the macrophyte zone is not smothered by coarse sediment and allows
the macrophyte zone to target finer particulates, nutrients and other pollutants. It also
meant that maintenance practice are generally focused at the inlet zone for regular
desilting (generally from annually to once every 5 years), leaving the downstream
macrophyte zone to have a more passive maintenance regime mainly directed at
botanical maintenance.
The second role of the inlet zone is the control and regulation of flows entering the
macrophyte zone and bypass of flows during above design flow conditions. The
outlet structures from the inlet zone (i.e. sedimentation basin) are designed such that
flows up to the design flow (typically the 1 year ARI) enter the macrophyte zone
whereas when the macrophyte zone is at its top of extended detention level,
catchment inflows are bypassed around the macrophyte zone. In providing this
function, the sedimentation basin protects the vegetation in the macrophyte zone
against scour during high flows.
Chapter 4 (Sedimentation Basins) presents the range of issues that should be
considered when designing an inlet zone.
As a pre-treatment component of a wetland, it should be borne in mind that even when
the available space for a constructed wetland system is constrained, the size of the
inlet zone (i.e. sedimentation basin) should not be reduced as it is determined to target
the medium to coarse particles.
This ensures the larger sediments are effectively trapped and prevented from
smothering the macrophyte zone. When the site constrains the size of the constructed
wetland, it is the macrophyte zone of the wetland that should be reduced accordingly.
10.2.4 Macrophyte Zone Design Considerations
The layout of the macrophyte zone needs to be configured such that system hydraulic
efficiency is optimised and healthy vegetation sustained. Design considerations

The preferred extended detention depth is 0.5 m. Deeper extended detention

depths up to a maximum of 0.75 m may be acceptable where the wetland
hydrologic effectiveness is greater than 80% and where the botanic design
uses plant species tolerant to greater depths of inundation.

The bathymetry of the macrophyte zone should be designed to promote a

sequence of ephemeral, shallow marsh, marsh and deep marsh zones in
addition to small open water zones. The relative proportion of each zone will
be dependent on the target pollutant and the wetland hydrologic effectiveness.

The macrophyte zone is required to retain water permanently and therefore

the base must be of suitable material to retain water (e.g. clay). If in-situ soils
are unsuitable for water retention, a clay liner (e.g. 300mm thick compacted
clay) must be used to ensure there will be permanent water for vegetation and

The bathymetry of the macrophyte zone should be designed so that all marsh
zones are connected to a deeper open water zone to allow mosquito
predators to seek refuge in the deeper open water zones during periods of
extended dry weather.

Particular attention should be given to the placement of the inlet and outlet
structures, the length to width ratio of the macrophyte zone and flow control
features to promote a high hydraulic efficiency within the macrophyte zone.

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Chapter 10 - Constructed Wetlands

Provision to drain the macrophyte zone for water level management during the
plant establishment phase should also be considered.

The macrophyte zone outlet structure needs to be designed to provide a

notional detention time (usually 48 to 72 hours) for a wide range of flow
depths. The outlet structure should also include measures to exclude debris
to prevent clogging.

10.2.5 Wetlands Constructed within Flood Detention Basins

In many urban applications, wetlands can be constructed in the base of flood detention
basins, thus reducing the land required for stormwater treatment. In these situations,
wetland systems will occasionally become inundated to greater depths than the
extended detention depth; however, the inundation duration is usually relatively short
(hours) and is unlikely to affect the wetland vegetation provided there is a safe
pathway to drain the wetland following flood events which avoids scour of the wetland
vegetation and banks.
When designing a wetland within a detention basin, the wetland system should be
located at the upstream end of the basin. By pass of the macrophyte zone during
large flow events would commence to inundate the basin from the downstream end of
the basin away from the wetland. This ensures that flooding of the wetland during the
flood detention operation is by backwater inundation across the wetland thus
protecting the macrophyte vegetation from scour by high velocity flows.
10.2.6 Landscape Design
Constructed wetlands are often located within accessible open space areas and can
become interesting community features. Landscape design aims to ensure that marsh
planting fulfils the intended stormwater treatment function as well as integrating with
their surrounds. Opportunities to enhance public amenity and safety with viewing
areas, pathway links, picnic nodes and other elements should be exploited.
Community education through signage and public art can also be explored. It is
important that the landscape of constructed wetlands addresses stormwater quality
objectives whilst being sensitive to these other important landscape aims.
10.2.7 Vegetation Types
Vegetation planted in the macrophyte zone has an important functional role in treating
stormwater flows, as well as adding aesthetic value. Dense planting of the littoral
zone will inhibit public access to the macrophyte zone, minimising potential damage to
wetland plants and reducing the safety risks posed by water bodies.
Plant species for the wetland area will be selected based on the hydrologic regime,
microclimate and soil types of the region, and the life histories, physiological and
structural characteristics, natural distribution, and community groups of the wetland
plants. A list of suggested plant species suitable for constructed wetland systems in
Singapore will be developed in consultation with Singapores National Parks and form
and appendix to these guidelines. The planting densities recommended in the list
should ensure that 70 - 80 % cover is achieved within two growing seasons (2 years).
The distribution of the species within the wetland will relate to their structure, function,
relationship and compatibility with other species.
10.2.8 Designing to Avoid Mosquitoes
To reduce the risk of high numbers of mosquitoes, there are a number of design
features that can be considered. Not all of these will be feasible in any one situation,
but they include:

Providing access for mosquito predators, such as fish and predatory insects,
to all parts of the water body (avoid stagnant isolated areas of water).

Providing a deep sump of permanent water (for long dry periods or for when
water levels are artificially lowered) so that mosquito predators can seek
refuge and maintain a presence in the wetland.

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Chapter 10 - Constructed Wetlands

Maintaining natural water level fluctuations that disturb the breeding cycle of
some mosquito species, but be aware that this may suit other mosquito

Where possible, incorporating a steep slope into the water, preferably greater
than 30 or 3:1 horizontal to vertical. Note that steep edges may be
unacceptable for public safety reasons, and a slope of up to 8:1 horizontal to
vertical is generally used.

Wave action from wind over open water will discourage mosquito egg laying
and disrupt the ability of larvae to breathe.

Providing a bathymetry such that regular wetting and drying is achieved and
water draws down evenly so isolated pools are avoided.

Providing sufficient gross pollutant control at the inlet such that human derived
litter does not accumulate and provide breeding habitat.

Providing ready access for field operators to monitor and treat mosquito

Ensuring maintenance procedures do not result in wheel rut and other

localised depressions that create isolated pools when water levels fall.

Ensuring overflow channels dont have depressions that will hold water after a
storm event.

Each case has to be considered on its own merits. It may be possible that a well
established constructed wetland will have no significant mosquito breeding associated
with it; however, changes in climatic and vegetation conditions could change that
situation rapidly.
Maintaining awareness for mosquito problems and regular
monitoring for mosquito activity should be considered as a component of the
management of these sites. Effective and environmentally sound control products are
available for control of mosquito larvae in these situations.
10.2.9 Designing for Maintenance Access
Access to all areas of a constructed wetland is required for maintenance. In particular,
inlet zones and gross pollutant traps require a track suitable for heavy machinery for
removal of debris and desilting as well as an area for dewatering removed sediments
(refer to Chapter 4 Sedimentation Basins). The track should be permanent and have
a maximum slope 1:10.
To aid maintenance, it is recommended that the inlet zone is constructed with a hard
(i.e. rock) bottom. This is important if maintenance is performed by driving into the
basin. It also serves an important role by allowing excavator operators to detect when
they have reached the base of the inlet zone during desilting operations.
Macrophyte zones require access to the areas for weeding and replanting as well as
regular inspections. Commonly, these access tracks can be incorporated with walking
paths around a wetland system. Maintenance access to constructed wetland needs to
be considered when determining the layout of a wetland system.

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Chapter 10 - Constructed Wetlands

10.3 Design Process

The following sections detail the design steps required for constructed wetlands. Key
design steps following the site planning and concept development stages are:

1. Confirm treatment performance of concept design

2. Determine design flows

3. Design inlet zone

(see Design Procedure for Sedimentation Basin in Chapter 4)

4. Design macrophyte zone

a. Length to width ration and hydraulic efficiency
b. Designing the macrophyte zone bathymetry
c. Macrophyte zone edge design for safety

5. Design macrophyte zone outlet

a. Riser outlet - Size and location of orifices
b. Maintenance drain
c. Discharge pipe

6. Design high flow bypass channel

7. Verify design
a. Macrophyte zone resuspension protection
b. Confirm treatment performance

8. Specify vegetation

9. Consider maintenance requirements

10.3.1 Step 1: Confirm treatment size

A conceptual design of a constructed wetland system is typically undertaken prior to
detailed design. The performance of the concept design must be checked to ensure
that stormwater treatment objectives will be satisfied.

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Chapter 10 - Constructed Wetlands

The performance of a concept design is checked using sizing curves. Sizing curves
for TSS, TP and TN removal for a range of feasible extended detention depths are
given in Figure 10.3 to Figure 10.5.
The curves for Singapore were derived using the Model for Urban Stormwater
Improvement Conceptualisation (MUSIC; CRCCH 2003), assuming the system
receives direct runoff with pre-treatment through an inlet zone and with the
macrophyte zone of 0.25 m average permanent pool depth and a notional detention
time of 72 hours. The curves provide the detailed designer with a useful visual guide
to illustrate the sensitivity of constructed wetland performance to the ratio of
macrophyte zone treatment area and contributing catchment area.
The curves given in Figure 10.3 to Figure 10.5 allow the detailed designer to make a
rapid assessment as to whether the concept design falls within the optimal size
range or if it is potentially under or over-sized, i.e.

an under-sized system might indicate the wetland is part of a treatment train

or that another supplementary treatment device may be located somewhere
else within the catchment. This should be checked by the detailed designer.

an over-sized system suggests the concept design of the wetland may have
been inadvertently sized the wetland such that it is operating well beyond its
point of diminishing performance (i.e. where incremental increases in
wetland size, and thus cost, result in only a marginal increase in treatment
performance). In this instance, the detailed designer should confirm whether
or not the wetland size can be reduced or if additional treatment devices may
be required.




T S S R emoval (% )





750m m E x t De t

500m m E x t De t
250m m E x t De t









Wetland S urfac e Area (% of Imprevious C atc hment)

Figure 10.3 Wetland TSS removal performance (Reference: Station 43)

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T P R emoval (% )





750m m E x t De t


500m m E x t De t
250m m E x t De t









Wetland S urfac e Area (% of Imprevious C atc hment)

Figure 10.4 Wetland TP removal performance (Reference: Station 43)




T N R emoval (% )





750m m E x t De t
500m m E x t De t
250m m E x t De t









Wetland S urfac e Area (% of Imprevious C atc hment)

Figure 10.5 Wetland TN removal performance for Singapore

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Chapter 10 - Constructed Wetlands

10.3.2 Step 2: Determine Design Flows Design Discharges
The following design flows is required to configure the inlet zone and high flow bypass
elements of a constructed wetland:

Design operation flow (1 year ARI) for sizing the inlet zone (i.e. sedimentation
basin) and the control outlet structure (i.e. overflow pit and pipe connection)
discharging to macrophyte zone.

Above design flow for design of the high flow bypass around the macrophyte
zone. The discharge capacity for the bypass system may vary depending on
the particular situation but will typically correspond to one of the following:

Minor design flow (5 year ARI) for situations where only the minor
drainage system is directed to the inlet zone. Relevant local
government guidelines should be referred to for the required design
event for the minor design flow.

Major flood flow (100 year ARI) for situations where both the minor
and major drainage system discharge into the inlet zone. Design Flow Estimation

A range of hydrologic methods can be applied to estimate design flows. If the typical
catchment areas are relatively small, the Rational Method design procedure is
considered to be a suitable method for estimating design flows. However, if the
constructed wetland is to form part of a flood detention basin (Section 10.2.5) or if the
catchment area to the wetland is large (> 50 ha), then a catchment flood routing
modelling approach should be adopted for flood estimation.
10.3.3 Step 3: Design Inlet Zone
As outlined in Section 10.2.3, the
stormwater wetland is designed as a
sedimentation basin (refer Chapter
4) and serves two functions:
(1) Pre-treatment of inflow to remove
coarse to medium sized sediment;
(2) Hydrologic control of inflows into
the macrophyte zone and bypass of
operating conditions. The inlet zone
consists of the following elements:

Sedimentation basin pool to capture coarse to medium sediment (125 m or


Inlet zone connection to the macrophyte zone (or control structure as defined
in Chapter 4) normally consisting of an overflow pit within the inlet zone
connected to one or more pipes through the embankment separating the inlet
zone and the macrophyte zone.

High flow bypass weir (or spillway outlet structure) to deliver above design
flood flows to the high flow bypass channel.

For more information and design guidance for each of the inlet zone elements listed
above, the reader is referred to Chapter 4 Sedimentation Basins. When applying the
design procedure outlined in Chapter 4, the following should be used as a guide:

The inlet zone typically must comprise a deep open water body (> 1.5 m) that
operates essentially as a sedimentation basin designed to capture coarse to
medium sized sediment (i.e. 125m or larger).

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Chapter 10 - Constructed Wetlands

It may be necessary for a Gross Pollutant Trap (GPT) to be installed such that
litter and large debris can be captured at the interface between the incoming
waterway (or pipe) and the open water of the inlet zone. This is particularly
necessary if the open water of the inlet zone also serves a landscape feature
of high visibility.

The crest of the overflow pit must be set at the permanent pool level of the
inlet zone. It is common practice to set the permanent pool level in the inlet
zone to be above the permanent water level of the downstream, receiving
macrophyte zone to provide for unimpeded inflow to the macrophyte zone. As
the macrophyte zone progressive become inundated over its extended
detention depth, the overflow pit in the inlet zone will become submerged
where downstream water levels will influence subsequent discharge rates into
the wetland, ultimately causing the bypass operation to be activated.

The overflow pit and connecting pipe between the inlet zone and macrophyte
zone should be designed to convey the design operation flow (i.e. 1 year ARI
peak discharge). Assuming inlet control operation:

the dimension of the overflow pit (control structure) should be

determined to ensure that adequate operating capacity as a weir or a
submerged glory hole or orifice with a water level corresponding to
the crest of the by-pass spillway;

the pipe size that connects the inlet zone to the macrophyte zone is
determined by assuming the macrophyte zone is at the permanent
pool level and with upstream water level at the crest of the overflow

An energy dissipater is usually required at the end of the pipes to reduce

velocities and distribute flows into the macrophyte zone.

The inlet zone is to have a structural base (e.g. rock) to define the base when
desilting and provide support for maintenance plant/ machinery when entering
the basin for maintenance.

The high flow bypass weir (spillway outlet) is to be set at the same level as
the top of extended detention in the macrophyte zone.

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Chapter 10 - Constructed Wetlands

Macrophyte Zone

Inlet connection to
macrophyte zone
Inlet Zone (sedimentation

Overflow Pit
Energy Dissipater

Bypass Weir
Connection Pipe(s)
High Flow

Design Surface

Natural Surface

Figure 10.6 Typical inlet zone design for a constructed wetland

10.3.4 Step 4: Designing the Macrophyte Zone Length to Width Ratio and Hydraulic Efficiency
To optimise wetland performance, it is important to avoid short circuit flow paths and
poorly mixed regions within the macrophyte zone. One way to minimise this is to
adopt a high length to width ratio not less than 5 to 1 for the macrophyte zone. Length
to width ratios less than this can lead to poor hydrodynamic conditions and reduced
water quality treatment performance.
The expected hydrodynamic characteristics can be defined by the hydraulic efficiency
of the wetland, defined by Persson et al. (1999). The hydraulic efficiency is greatly
influenced by the length to width ratio of the wetland, the relative position of the inlet
and the outlet, and the inclusion and placement of any baffles, islands or flow
spreaders. Hydraulic efficiency has a range from 0 to 1, with 1 representing the most
efficient configuration for sedimentation. The design of the macrophyte zone of a
constructed wetland should aim to have a hydraulic efficiency greater than 0.7.
Engineers Australia (2006) recommend that constructed wetland systems should not
have a hydraulic efficiency () less than 0.5.
Guidance on estimating hydraulic efficiency is given in Figure 10.7. The shape
designed as o in diagrams O and P represent islands in the waterbody and the
double line in diagram Q represents a weir structure to distribute flows evenly
(Persson et al. 1999).

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Chapter 10 - Constructed Wetlands

Figure 10.7 Hydraulic Efficiency, Designing the Macrophyte Zone Bathymetry
It is good design practice to provide a range of habitat areas within the macrophyte
zone to support a variety of plant species, ecological niches and perform a range of
treatment processes. The macrophyte zone therefore typically comprises four marsh
zones (defined by water depth) and an open water zone. The four marsh zones are
ephemeral marsh, shallow marsh, marsh and deep marsh as depicted in Figure 10.8.
The bathymetry across the four marsh zones is to vary gradually ranging from 0.2 m
above the permanent pool level (i.e. ephemeral marsh) to a maximum of 0.5 m below
the permanent pool level (i.e. deep marsh).
The relative proportion of each marsh zone will be dependent on the specific
pollutant(s) being targeted by the wetland. For example, a wetland targeting
phosphorus removal would typically have a higher proportion of ephemeral marsh
zone where the frequent cycles of inundation and draining promotes the locking of
phosphorus onto the soil particles within the macrophyte zone substrate. Conversely,
if nitrogen is the target pollutant, the macrophyte zone would typically have a higher
proportion of marsh and deep marsh. The marsh and deep marsh zones facilitate
nitrogen cycling within the aerobic and anaerobic substrate conditions as well as
biological processing of soluble nitrogen from the water column by algal epiphytes and
biofilms attached to the submerged part of the macrophytes in these zones.
The depth of the open water zones should be not less than 1m below the permanent
pool level to avoid colonisation by emergent macrophytes and typically not more than
1.5m depth to allow for colonisation for submerged macrophytes.
To ensure optimal hydraulic efficiency of a wetland for a given shape and aspect ratio,
wetland zones are arranged in bands running across (i.e. perpendicular to) the flow
path (see Figure 10.9). The appropriate bathymetry, coupled with uniform plant
establishment, ensures the macrophyte zone cross section has uniform hydraulic
conveyance, thus reducing the risk of short circuiting.

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Chapter 10 - Constructed Wetlands

Deep marsh


Shallow marsh

Ephemeral marsh

Inlet zone
Macrophyte zone

Figure 10.8

Example Bathymetry of a Constructed Wetland System (GBLA

Figure 10.9 Schematic layout of a constructed wetland (see also Figure 10.
10.2) Macrophyte Zone Edge Design for Safety
The batter slopes on approaches and immediately under the permanent water level
have to be configured with consideration of public safety (refer to Figure 10.10).

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Chapter 10 - Constructed Wetlands

It is recommended that a gentle slope to the water edge and extending below the
water line be adopted before the batter slope steepens into deeper areas. An
alternative to the adoption of a flat batter slope is to provide a 3 m safety bench that
is less than 0.2 m deep below the permanent pool level be built around the wetland.
Safety requirements for individual wetlands may vary from site to site, and it is
recommended that an independent safety audit be conducted of each design.

Figure 10.10 Example of edge design to a constructed wetland system Macrophyte Zone Soil Testing
Constructed wetlands are permanent water bodies and therefore the soils in the base
must be capable of retaining water. Geotechnical investigations of the suitability of the
in-situ soils are required to establish the water holding capacity of the soils. Where the
infiltration rates are too high for permanent water retention, tilling and compaction of
in-situ soils may be sufficient to create a suitable base for the wetland. Where in-situ
soils are unsuitable for water retention, a compacted clay liner may be required (e.g.
300 mm thick). Specialist geotechnical testing and advice must be sought.
10.3.5 Step 5: Design Macrophyte Zone Outlet
A macrophyte zone outlet has two purposes: (1) hydrologic control of the water level
and flows in the macrophyte zone to achieve the design detention time; and (2) to
allow the wetland permanent pool to be drained for maintenance. Riser Outlet Size and Location of Orifices
The riser is designed to provide a uniform notional detention time over the full range of
the extended detention depth2. The target maximum discharge may be computed as
the ratio of the volume of the extended detention to the notional detention time, i.e.

Q max riser =

extended detention storage volume (m 3 )

notional detention time (s)

Equation 10.1

The placement of outlet orifices and determining their appropriate diameters is

designed iteratively by varying outlet diameters and levels, using the orifice equation
(Equation 10.2) applied over discrete depths along the length of a riser up to the
maximum detention depth. This can be performed with a spreadsheet as illustrated in
the worked example.

It should be noted that detention time is never a constant and the term notional detention time is used to provide a
point of reference in modelling and determining the design criteria for riser outlet structures.

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Chapter 10 - Constructed Wetlands

Ao =



Cd 2 g h

Equation 10.2

As the outlet orifices can be expected to be small, it is important that the orifices are
prevented from clogging by debris. Some form of debris guard is recommended as
illustrated in the images below.

Figure 10.11 Example devices to prevent clogging of the riser

An alternative to using debris guard is to install the riser within a pit. The pit is
connected to the permanent pool of the macrophyte zone via a submerged pipe
culvert. The connection should be adequately sized such that there is minimal water
level difference between the water within the pit and the water level in the macrophyte
zone. With the water entering into the outlet pit being drawn from below the
permanent pool level, floating debris are prevented from entering the outlet pit while
heavier debris would normally settle onto the bottom of the permanent pool.

Figure 10.12 Typical macrophyte zone outlet arrangement Maintenance Drain
To allow access for maintenance, the wetland should have appropriate allowance for
draining. A maintenance drainage pipe should be provided that connects the low
points in the macrophyte zone bathymetry to the macrophyte zone outlet. A valve is
provided on the maintenance drainage pipe (typically located in the outlet pit), which
can be operated manually. The maintenance drainage pipe should be sized to draw
down the permanent pool within 12 hours (i.e. overnight). If a weir plate is used as a
riser outlet, provision should be made to remove the weir plate and allow drainage for
maintenance. Discharge Pipe
The discharge pipe of the wetland conveys the outflow of the macrophyte zone to the
receiving waters (or existing drainage infrastructure). The conveyance capacity of the
discharge pipe is to be sized to match the higher of the two discharges, i.e. maximum
discharge from the riser or the maximum discharge from the maintenance drain.

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Chapter 10 - Constructed Wetlands

10.3.6 Step 6: Design High Flow Bypass Channel

To protect the integrity of the macrophyte zone of the wetland, it is necessary to
consider the desired above-design operation of the wetland system. This is generally
provided for with a high flow route that by-passes the macrophyte zone during flow
conditions that may lead to scour and damage to the wetland vegetation. As outlined
in Section 10.3.3, a function of the inlet zone is to provide hydrologic control of inflow
into the macrophyte zone. A by-pass weir is to be included in the design of the inlet
zone, together with a by-pass floodway (channel) to direct high flows around the
macrophyte zone.
Ideally, the bypass weir level should be set at the top of the extended detention level
in the macrophyte zone. This would ensure that a significant proportion of catchment
inflow will bypass the macrophyte zone once it has reached its maximum operating
extended detention level. The width of the spillway is to be sized to safely pass the
maximum discharge conveyed into the inlet zone or the 100 year ARI discharge (as
defined in Section 10.3.3) with the maximum water level above the crest of the weir to
be defined by the top of embankment level (plus a suitable freeboard provision).

Figure 10.13 Examples of high flow bypass systems

10.3.7 Step 7: Verify Design Macrophyte Zone Re-suspension Protection
The principle pathway for biological uptake of soluble nutrients in wetlands is through
biofilms (epiphytes) attached to the surface of the macrophyte vegetation. The
biofilms, being mostly algae and bacteria, are susceptible to wash out under high flow
conditions. Further, wetland surveys indicate that up to 90% of the total nutrients are
stored in the sediments, therefore, the key to effective retention of pollutants is
managing high velocity flows that could potentially resuspend and remobilise these
stored pollutants.
A velocity check is to be conducted for design conditions, when the wetland water
level is at the top of the extended detention level and the riser is operating at design
capacity, to ensure velocities are less than 0.05 m/s through all zones of the wetland.
The following condition must be met:

Qmax riser
< 0.05m/s
A section

Equation 10.3

Qmax riser


target maximum discharge (defined in Equation 10.1) (m3/s)

wetland cross sectional area at narrowest point*, measured from top

of extended detention (m2)
Minimum wetland cross-section is used when undertaking this velocity check

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Chapter 10 - Constructed Wetlands Confirm Treatment Performance

If the basic wetland parameters established by the conceptual design phase have
changed during the course of undertaking detailed design (e.g. macrophyte zone area,
extended detention depth, etc.) then the designer should verify that the current design
meets the required water quality improvement performance. This can be done by
simulating the current design using MUSIC.
10.3.8 Step 8: Specify Vegetation
Vegetation planted in the macrophyte zone (i.e. marsh and pool areas) is designed to
treat stormwater flows, as well as add aesthetic value. Dense planting of the littoral
berm zone will inhibit public access to the macrophyte zone, minimising potential
damage to the plants and the safety risks posed by water bodies. Terrestrial planting
may also be recommended to screen areas and provide an access barrier to
uncontrolled areas of the stormwater treatment system.
Plant species for the wetland area will be selected based on the water regime,
microclimate and soil types of the region, and the life histories, physiological and
structural characteristics, natural distribution, and community groups of the wetland
plants. The reader is referred the National parks Board of Singapore for a list of
suggested plant species suitable for constructed wetland systems in Singapore and
recommended planting densities. The distribution of the species within the wetland
will relate to their structure, function, relationship and compatibility with other species.
Planting densities should ensure that 70-80% cover is achieved after two growing
seasons (2 years) will be recommended.
10.3.9 Step 9: Consider Maintenance Requirements
A specific maintenance plan and schedule should be developed for the wetland, either
as part of a maintenance plan for the whole treatment train, or for each individual
asset. Guidance on maintenance plans is provided in Section 10.6. The maintenance
plan should consider how maintenance is to be performed on the wetland, for
example, where and how the wetland can be accessed and where litter is likely to
10.3.10 Design Calculation Summary
Following is a design calculation summary sheet for the key design elements.

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10.4 Checking tools

This section provides a number of checking aids for designers and referral authorities.
In addition, advice on construction techniques and lessons learnt from building
wetland systems are provided.
Checklists are provided for:

Design assessments

Construction (during and post)

Operation and maintenance inspections

10.4.1 Design assessment checklist

The checklist below presents the key design features that should be reviewed when
assessing a design of a bioretention basin.
These considerations include
configuration, safety, maintenance and operational issues that should be addressed
during the design phase.
Where an item results in an N when reviewing the design, referral should be made
back to the design procedure to determine the impact of the omission or error.
In addition to the checklist, a proposed design should have all necessary permits for
its installations. The referral agency should ensure that all relevant permits are in
place. These can include permits to clear vegetation, to dredge, create a waterbody,
divert flows or disturb downstream aquatic ecosystems.

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Wetland Location:

Design operational flow (m3/s):

Above design flow (m3/s):


Catchment Area (ha):

Wetland Area (ha):


MUSIC modelling performed?

Discharge pipe/structure to inlet zone sufficient for maximum design flow?
Scour protection provided at inlet for inflow velocities?
Configuration of inlet zone (aspect, depth and flows) allows settling of particles >125m?
Bypass weir incorporated into inlet zone?
Bypass weir length sufficient to convey 'above design flow' ?
Bypass weir crest at macrophyte zone top of extended detention depth?
Bypass channel has sufficient capacity to convey 'above design flow'?
Bypass channel has sufficient scour protection for design velocities?
Inlet zone connection to macrophyte zone overflow pit and connection pipe sized to convey the design operation flow?
Inlet zone connection to macrophyte zone allows energy dissipation?
Structure from inlet zone to macrophyte zone enables isolation of the macrophyte zone for maintenance?
Inlet zone permanent pool level above macrophyte permanent pool level?
Maintenance access allowed for into base of inlet zone?
Public safety design considerations included in inlet zone design?
Where required, gross pollutant protection measures provided on inlet structures (both inflows and to macrophyte zone)
Extended detention depth >0.25m and <0.5m?
Vegetation bands perpendicular to flow path?
Appropriate range of macrophyte vegetation (ephemeral, shallow, marsh, deep marsh)?
Sequencing of vegetation bands provides continuous gradient to open water zones?
Vegetation appropriate to selected band?
Aspect ratio provides hydraulic efficiency =>0.5?
Velocities from inlet zone <0.05 m/s or scouring protection provided?
Public safety design considerations included in macrophyte zone (i.e. batter slopes less than 5(H):1(V)?
Maintenance access provided into areas of the macrophyte zone (especially open water zones)?
Safety audit of publicly accessible areas undertaken?
Freeboard provided above extended detention depth to define embankments?
Riser outlet provided in macrophyte zone?
Notional detention time of 48-72 hours?
Orifice configuration allows for a linear storage-discharge relationship for full range of the extended detention depth?
Maintenance drain provided?
Discharge pipe has sufficient capacity to convey maximum of either the maintenance drain flows or riser pipe flows with
scour protection?
Protection against clogging of orifice provided on outlet structure?

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10.5 Construction advice

This section provides general advice for the construction of wetlands. It is based on
observations from construction projects around Australia. Protection from existing flows
It is important to have protection from upstream flows during construction of a wetland
system. A mechanism to divert flows around a construction site, protect from litter and
debris is required. This can be achieved by constructing a high flow bypass channel
initially and then diverting all inflows along the channel until the wetland system is
During building construction, it is recommended that the inlet zone form a
sedimentation basin reducing the load of coarse sediment discharging to the
macrophyte zone (Leinster, 2006). The disconnection between the inlet and
macrophyte zone should remain in place to ensure the majority of flows from the
catchment continue to bypass the macrophyte zone thus allowing the wetland plants
to reach full maturity without the risk of being smothered with coarse sediment. At the
completion of all building activity the inlet zone is de-silted, the disconnection between
the inlet zone and macrohpyte zone is removed and the constructed wetland allowed
to operate in accordance with the design. High flow contingencies
Contingencies to manage risks associated with flood events during construction are
required. All machinery should be stored above acceptable flood levels and the site
stabilised as well as possible at the end of each day. Plans for dewatering following
storms should also be made. Erosion control
Immediately following earthworks it is good practice to revegetate all exposed surfaces
with sterile grasses (e.g. hydro-seed). These will stabilise soils, prevent weed
invasion yet not prevent future planting from establishing. Inlet erosion checks
It is good practice to check the operation of inlet erosion protection measures following
the first few rainfall events. It is important to check for these early in the systems life,
to avoid continuing problems. Should problems occur in these events the erosion
protection should be enhanced. Tolerances
It is importance to stress that particular attention be placed on ensuring that
construction tolerances of key wetlands features (e.g base, longitudinal and batters)
are kept to a minimum. The relative levels of the control structure are particularly
important in achieving the required hydraulic performance. It is also important to
ensure that as water levels reduce (e.g. for maintenance) that areas drain back into
designated pools with distributed shallow pools across the wetland to be avoided.
Generally plus or minus 5 mm is acceptable.
The bathymetry of the macrophyte zone must be free from localised depressions and
low points resulting from earthworks. This is particularly important to achieve a well
distributed flow path and to prevent isolated pools from forming (potentially creating
mosquito habitat) when the wetland drains. Generally an earthworks tolerance of plus
or minus 25 mm is considered acceptable. Transitions
It is important to pay attention to the detail of earthworks to ensure smooth transitions
between benches and batter slopes. This will allow for strong edge vegetation to
establish and avoid local ponding (that can enhance mosquito breeding habitat).

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Chapter 10 - Constructed Wetlands Inlet zone access

An important component of an inlet zone is accessibility for maintenance. Should
excavators be capable of reaching all parts of the inlet zone and access track may not
be required to the base of the inlet zone, however an access track around the
perimeter of the inlet zone is required. If sediment collection is by using earthmoving
equipment, then a stable ramp will be required into the base of the inlet zone
(maximum slope 1:10). Inlet zone base
To aid maintenance it is recommended to construct the inlet zone with a hard (i.e rock)
bottom. This is important if maintenance of the wetland requires driving into the basin.
It also serves an important role for determining the levels that excavation should
extend to (i.e. how deep to dig) for either systems cleaned from the banks or directly
accessed. Dewatering collected sediments
An area should be constructed that allows for dewatering of removed sediments from
a sediment basin. This allows the removed sediments to be transported as dry
material and can greatly reduce disposal costs compared to liquid wastes. This area
should be located such that water from the material drains back into the basin.
Material should be allowed to drain for a minimum of overnight before disposal. Timing for planting
Timing of vegetation planting is dependent on a suitable time of year (and potential
irrigation requirements) as well as timing in relation to the phases of development.
Temporary sediment controls should always be used prior to planting as lead times
from earthworks to planting are often long. Vegetation establishment
During the establishment phase water levels should be controlled carefully to prevent
seedlings from being desiccated or drowned. This is best achieved with the use of
maintenance drains. Once plants are established water levels can be raised to
operational levels. Bird protection
Protection from bird feeding on newly planted vegetation (e.g. nets) should be
considered in consultant with the National Parks Board of Singapore.
10.5.2 Construction Inspection Checklist
The following checklist presents the key items to be reviewed when inspecting the
constructed wetland system during and at the completion of construction. The
checklist is to be used by Construction Site Supervisors and local authority
Compliance Inspectors to ensure all the elements of the constructed wetland have
been constructed in accordance with the design. If an item is ticked as unsatisfactory
appropriate actions must be specified and delivered to rectify the construction issue
before final inspection sign-off is given.

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Constructed by:

Contact During Visit:

Items inspected

Checked Adequate

Items inspected

Checked Adequate

Preliminary Works
1. Erosion and sediment control plan adopted
2. Limit public access
3. Location same as plans
4. Site protection from existing flows
5. All required permits in place
6. Integrity of banks
7. Batter slopes as plans
8. Impermeable (eg. clay) base installed
9. Maintenance access to whole wetland
10. Compaction process as designed
11. Placement of adequate topsoil
12. Levels as designed for base, benches,
banks and spillway (including freeboard)
13. Check for groundwater intrusion
14. Stabilisation with sterile grass
Structural components
15. Location and levels of outlet as designed
16. Safety protection provided
17. Pipe joints and connections as designed
18. Concrete and reinforcement as designed
19. Inlets appropriately installed
20. Inlet energy dissipation installed
21. No seepage through banks
1. Confirm levels of inlets and outlets
2. Confirm structural element sizes
3. Check batter slopes
4. Vegetation planting as designed
5. Erosion protection measures working
6. Pre-treatment installed and operational
7. Maintenance access provided

Structural components cont

22. Ensure spillway is level
23. Provision of maintenance drain(s)
24. Collar installed on pipes
25. Low flow channel is adequate
26. Protection of riser from debris
27. Bypass channel stabilised
28. Erosion protection at macrophyte outlet
29. Vegetation appropriate to zone (depth)
30. Weed removal prior to planting
31.Provision for water level control
32. Vegetation layout and densities as designed
33. Provision for bird protection
34. By-pass channel vegetated
Erosion and Sediment Control
35. Disconnect inlet zone from macrophyte zone
(flows via high flow bypass)
36. Inlet zone to be used as sediment basin during
37. Stabilisation immediately following earthworks
and planting of terrestrial landscape around basin
38. Silt fences and traffic control in place
39. Inlet zone desilted prior to wetland online
40. Inlet zone disconnection removed

8. Public safety adequate

9. Check for uneven settling of banks
10. Evidence of stagnant water, short circuiting or
vegetation scouring
11. Evidence of litter or excessive debris
12. Provision of removed sediment drainage area
13. Evidence of debris in high flow bypass
14. Macrophyte outlet free of debris



Inspection officer signature:

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10.6 Maintenance requirements

Wetlands treat runoff by filtering it through vegetation and providing extended
detention to allow sedimentation to occur. In addition, they have a flow management
role that needs to be maintained to ensure adequate flood protection for local
properties and protection of the wetland ecosystem.
Maintaining vibrant vegetation and adequate flow conditions in a wetland are the key
maintenance considerations. Weeding, planting and debris removal are the dominant
tasks. In addition the wetland needs to be protected from high loads of sediment and
debris and the inlet zone needs to be maintained in the same way as sedimentation
basins (see Chapter 4).
The most intensive period of maintenance is during the plant establishment period
(first two years) when weed removal and replanting may be required.
Other components of the system that will require careful consideration are the inlet
points. Inlets can be prone to scour and build up of litter. Occasional litter removal
and potential replanting may be required as part of maintaining an inlet zone.
Maintenance is primarily concerned with:

Maintenance of flow to and through the system

Maintaining vegetation

Preventing undesired vegetation from taking over the desirable vegetation

Removal of accumulated sediments

Litter and debris removal

Vegetation maintenance will include:


Removal of noxious plants or weeds

Re-establishment of plants that die

Similar to other types of stormwater practices, debris removal is an ongoing

maintenance function. Debris, if not removed, can block inlets or outlets, and can be
unsightly if located in a visible location. Inspection and removal of debris should be
done regularly, but debris should be removed whenever it is observed on the site.
Inspections are also recommended following large storm events to check for scour.
10.6.1 Operation & maintenance inspection form
The form below should be used whenever an inspection is conducted and kept as a
record on the asset condition and quantity of removed pollutants over time.
Inspections should occur every 3-months for the first year and then 6-monthly
thereafter. More detailed site specific maintenance schedules should be developed
for major wetland systems and include a brief overview of the operation of the system
and key aspects to be checked during each inspection. An example is presented as
part of the worked example in Section 10.7.

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Inspection Frequency:

6 monthly

Date of Visit:

Site Visit by:


Sediment accumulation at inflow points?

Litter within inlet or macrophyte zones?
Sediment within inlet zone requires removal (record depth, remove if >50%)?
Overflow structure integrity satisfactory?
Evidence of dumping (building waste, oils etc)?
Terrestrial vegetation condition satisfactory (density, weeds etc)?
Aquatic vegetation condition satisfactory (density, weeds etc)?
Replanting required?
Settling or erosion of bunds/batters present?
Evidence of isolated shallow ponding?
Damage/vandalism to structures present?
Outlet structure free of debris?
Maintenance drain operational (check)?
Resetting of system required?

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Chapter 10 - Constructed Wetlands

10.7 Worked example

10.7.1 Worked example introduction
As part of a residential development in Singapore, stormwater runoff is to be conveyed
to a constructed wetland for water quality treatment. An illustration of the site and
proposed layout of the wetland is shown in the figure below. This worked example
describes the design process for each component of the constructed wetland: inlet
zone (including the bypass weir), macrophyte zone, macrophyte zone outlet and high
flow bypass channel.

Figure 10.14 Layout of Proposed Wetland System

Catchment and site description
The contributing catchment area of the proposed wetland is 10ha. The catchment is
densely developed with residential and industrial developments.
The site has a moderate fall of 2.5 m from south to north and is constrained by roads
to the west and north and by steeper grades to the east. Soils through the site have
been classified as clay. Stormwater runoff is collected and conveyed to the wetland
inlet zone via conventional piped drainage with minor storm (i.e. the 5 year ARI event)
flows discharged to the wetland inlet zone via a 975 mm diameter pipe and major
storm (100yr ARI) entering via overland flow.
Design Objectives
The design objectives for the wetland system are to:

Promote sedimentation of particles larger than 125m within the inlet zone.

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Optimise the relationship between detention time, wetland volume and the
hydrologic effectiveness of the system to maximise treatment given the
wetland volume site constraints.

Ensure that the required detention period is achieved for all flow though the
wetland system through the incorporation of a riser outlet system.

Provide for by-pass operation when the inundation of the macrophyte zone
reaches the design maximum extended detention depth.

Concept Design Criteria

The conceptual design of the constructed wetland (as shown in Figure 10.14)
established the following key design elements to ensure effective operation:

Wetland macrophyte zone extended detention depth of 0.5m, permanent pool

level of 11.5m and an area of 15,000 m (equivalent to 15% of the catchment

Inlet zone permanent pool level of 11.7m, which is 0.2m above the permanent
pool level of the macrophyte zone

Bypass weir (spillway outlet) level of 12.0m set at the top of extended
detention in the wetland macrophyte zone and 0.3 m above the inlet zone
permanent pool level

High flow bypass channel longitudinal grade of 1.5%.

Landscape Requirements
In addition, a landscape design will be required and they include:

Macrophyte zone vegetation (including edge vegetation)

Terrestrial vegetation.

10.7.2 Calculation Steps

The design of a constructed wetland system has been divided into the following 7
calculations steps:
Step 1 Confirm treatment size
Step 2 Estimate design flows
Step 3 Design inlet zone
Step 4 Macrophyte zone
Step 5 Macrophyte zone outlet
Step 6 : Design High Flow Bypass Channel
Step 7 Verification Checks
Details for each calculation step are provided below. A design calculation summary
has been completed for the worked example and is given at the conclusion of the
calculation steps.
Step 1 Confirm treatment size
As a basic check of the adequacy of the size of the wetland, reference is made to the
performance curves presented in Figure 10.3 to Figure 10.5. A macrophyte area of
1.5ha (equivalent to 15% of the catchment area) provides a pollutant load reduction of
78%, 72% and 50% reduction of TSS, TP and TN respectively from mean annual
loads typically generated from an urban catchment.
Step 2 Estimate design flows
The site has a contributing catchment of 10ha which is drained via conventional pipe
drainage. Both the minor storm (5yr ARI) and the major storm (100yr ARI) flows enter
the inlet zone of the wetland. Therefore, the above design flow is set to correspond
to the 100year ARI peak flow. The design operation flow, which is required to size
the inlet zone and the inlet zone connection to the macrophyte zone, is set to
correspond to the 1year ARI peak flow.

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Design flows are established using the Rational Method, as given in the Code of
Practice on Surface Water Drainage (PUB, 2000). The rational method is given by




Runoff coefficient

Rainfall intensity (mm/hr)


Catchment area (ha)

a. time of concentration
The time of concentration of the catchment was determined to be 10min.
b. Runoff coefficients
The Code of Practice on Surface Water Drainage describes runoff coefficients based
on the degree and type of development within the catchment. The catchment for the
worked example is densely developed with residential and industrial developments.
The corresponding runoff coefficient is 0.8.
c. Rainfall Intensities
The rainfall intensity at a time of concentration of 10minutes for the 1yr ARI and 100yr
ARI event are determined from the IDF curve for Singapore contained in Appendix 2 of
the Code of Practice on Surface Water Drainage (2000), i.e.
I1 = 106 mm/hr

I100 = 271 mm/hr

d. Design flows
Applying the Rational Method for the above parameters and a catchment area of 10ha
gives the following design flows:
Q1 = 2.3 m3/s

Q100 = 6.0 m3/s

Step 3 Design inlet zone

The design of the inlet zone is undertaken in accordance with the design procedures
outlined in Chapter 4 (Sedimentation Basin). A summary of the key inlet zone
elements is provided below.
Inlet Zone (Sedimentation Basin) Size
a. Sediment Basin Area
An initial estimate of the inlet zone area can be established using the curves given in
Figure 4.3. For a peak 1 year ARI flow of 2.3 m3/s, a basin area of 520 m2 is required
to capture 90% of the 125m particles for flows up to the design operation flow
(1 year ARI = 2.3 m /s). This area represents approximately 0.25% of the site area.
A more detailed design procedure for a sedimentation basin is contained in Chapter 4
of this document.
b. Clean-out frequency
The inlet zone (sedimentation basin) should have adequate storage to ensure desilting
is not more frequent than once a year. Desilting is required when sediment storage
reaches half the volume of the permanent pool volume of the basin.
The design depth of the permanent pool is adopted to be 1.5 m. Adopting a batter
slope of 1:3 below the water line, the sedimentation volume available for storage is
544 m3. Thus, clean out of the sedimentation basin is required when sediment
deposition volume exceeds 272 m3.
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Assuming a sediment loading rate of 3.0 m /ha/yr and a capture efficiency of 90%, the
cleanout frequency I computed to be:Cleanout frequency (years) =

= 10 years
3 10 0.9


Inlet Zone Connection to Macrophyte Zone

The hydraulic structure connecting the inlet zone to the macrophyte zone consists of
an overflow pit (in the inlet zone) and a connection pipe with the capacity to convey
the design operation flow (1yr ARI = 2.3 m /s). The conceptual design defined the
following design elements:

Inlet zone permanent pool level (overflow pit crest level) = 11.7m which is
0.2m above the permanent pool level of the macrophyte zone

Bypass weir (spillway outlet) crest level = 12m which is the top of extended
detention for the wetland and 0.3 m above the inlet zone permanent pool

It is common practice to allow for 0.3m of freeboard above the afflux level when setting
the top of embankment elevation.
Overflow Pit
Two possible flow conditions need to be checked for overflow conditions: weir flow
conditions (with extended detention of 0.3 m) and orifice flow conditions.
a. Weir Flow Conditions
The required perimeter of the outlet pit to pass the 1yr ARI flow (2.3 m3/s) with an
afflux of 0.3 m can be calculated using the following equation assuming 50%


Q des
B Cw h3 / 2

0.5 1.7 0.3 3 / 2
P = 16.5m

The equivalent area, assuming the pit is square, is 18m2.

b. Orifice Flow Conditions
The required area of the outlet pit can be calculated as follows:

Ao =
Ao =

B Cd 2 g h
0.5 0.6 2 9.81 0.3

Ao = 3.2m 2
In this case the weir flow condition is limiting. Considering the overflow pit is to convey
the design operation flow (1yr ARI) or slightly greater, a minimum pit of 1.8m x 1.8m
will be required (area 3.2 m ). The top of the pit is to be fitted with a letter box grate.
This will ensure large debris does not enter the control structure while avoiding the
likely of blockage of the grate by smaller debris.
c. Connection Pipe(s)
As the connection pipe (i.e. between the inlet zone and the macrophyte zone) is to be
submerged, the size can be determined by first estimating the required velocity in the
connection pipe using the following:

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head level driving flow through the pipe (defined as the spillway outlet level
minus the normal water level in the downstream treatment system)

12m 11.5m = 0.5m

gravity (9.81 m/s2)

Note: the coefficient of 2 in the equation is a conservative estimate of the sum of entry and exit loss
coefficients (Kin + Kout).

Back calculating gives a velocity of 2.2m/s in the connection pipe. The pipe size
required to carry the 1yr ARI design flow of 2.3 m /s is hence 1.1m . It is
recommended that multiple pipes be used to connect the inlet and the macrophyte
zones. Three pipes of 750 mm diameter will be required.
The obvert of the pipes is to be set below the permanent water level in the wetland
macrophyte zone (11.5 m) meaning the invert is set at 10.80 m. The dimension of the
over pit to accommodate the pipe connection is thus 3 m by 1.5 m.
In summary, the control outlet structure will be an overflow pit, 3m by 1.5m with the
crest level at RL 11.5m and a raised grated cover set at RL 11.6m. The
outlet/connection pipe to the wetland will be three 750mm in diameter pipes with their
inverts set at RL 10.8m.
High Flow Bypass Weir
All flows in excess of the design operation flow and up to the above design flow are
to bypass the wetland macrophyte zone. This is facilitated by a high flow bypass weir
(spillway outlet) designed to convey the above design flow (100yr ARI) with the weir
crest level 0.3 m above the permanent pool of the inlet pond (RL 12.0m).
Assuming a maximum afflux of 0.3 m, the weir length is calculated using the weir flow


Q100 yr
Cw h 3 / 2

1.7 0.3 2
L = 22m
To ensure no flows breach the embankment separating the inlet zone and the
macrophyte zone the embankment crest level is to be set at 12.6 m AHD (i.e. 0.3 m
freeboard on top of the maximum afflux level over the high flow bypass weir).
Summary of inlet zone dimensions
The dimensions for the sedimentation basin are summarised below.

Open water area


Basin width


Basin length


Depth of permanent


Overflow pit

3.0m x 1.5m with grate set at RL 11.7 m

Pipe connection (to


3 x 750mm RCPs at RL 10.8m

High flow bypass weir

22m length at RL 12.0m

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Step 4 Macrophyte zone

Length to width ratio and hydraulic efficiency
The hydraulic efficiency describes the effectiveness of the basin to retain sediment. A
reasonable estimate of the hydraulic efficiency can be made based on the length to
width ratio of the basin, the relative position of entry and exit points and any flow
diverting systems (e.g. baffles).
The concept design (Figure 10.14) describes the macrophyte zone as L-shaped and
an area of 15,000m , and a width to length ratio of 1:6. Case K (= 0.37) shown in
(Figure 10.7) has a L-shaped layout but with an equivalent aspect ratio of 1:3. Case
G (= 0.76) has an equivalent aspect ratio of 1:8 with a sinuous shape. With a length
to width ratio of 1:6, and an L-shaped configuration, a hydraulic efficiency of 0.6 is
considered reasonable.
Designing the macrophyte zone bathymetry
The macrophyte zone of the wetland is divided into four marsh zones and an open
water zone as described below:

The bathymetry across the four marsh zones is to vary gradually over the
length of the macrophyte zone, ranging from 0.2 m above the permanent pool
level (ephemeral zone) to 0.5 m below the permanent pool level (Table 10.2).
The ephemeral marsh zone is to be located adjacent to the pathway and
bridge crossing mid way along the wetland.

The permanent pools upstream and downstream of the ephemeral zone are to
be connected via the maintenance drain to ensure the upstream permanent
pool can drain down to RL11.5 m following a rainfall event.

The depth of the open water zone in the vicinity of the outlet structure is to be
1 m below the permanent pool level.

The marsh zones are arranged in bands of equal depth running across the
flow path to optimise hydraulic efficiency and reduce the risk of shortcircuiting.

Table 10.2: Indicative Break of Marsh Zones

Open Water (Pool)
Deep Marsh
Shallow Marsh
Ephemeral Marsh

Depth Range (m)

>1.0 below permanent pool
0.5 1.0 below permanent pool
0.35 0.5 below permanent pool
0.2 0.35 below permanent pool
0.0 0.2 below permanent pool
0.2 0.0 above permanent pool

Proportion of Macrophyte
Zone Surface Area (m)

Macrophyte Zone Edge Design for Safety

The batter slopes on approaches and immediately under the permanent water level
have to been configured with consideration of public safety:

Generally, batter slopes of 1(V):8(H) from the top of the extended detention
depth to 0.3 m beneath the water line has been adopted.

The general grade through the wetland below the waterline is 1(V):8(H) or

The batters directly adjacent and within the open water zones of the
macrophyte are limited to 1(V):8(H).

Step 5 Macrophyte zone outlet

Riser Outlet Size and Location of Orifices
The target maximum discharge may be computed as the ratio of the volume of the
extended detention to the notional detention time, i.e.

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Chapter 10 - Constructed Wetlands


Q max riser =

extended detention storage volume (m )

notional detention time (s)

The extended detention storage volume is approximated as 7,500m3 (given a surface

area of 15,000m2 and an extended detention depth of 0.5m). The wetland will be
designed for a notional detention time of 72hrs. Hence the maximum discharge from
the riser is 0.03m3/s.
The placement of outlet orifices and determining their appropriate diameters is
designed iteratively by varying outlet diameters and levels, using the orifice equation
(Equation 10.2) applied over discrete depths along the length of a riser up to the
maximum detention depth. The outlet diameters and positioning are varied to ensure
a 72hr nominal detention time at each outlet position.
The final iteration is presented in the excel spreadsheet below. The resulting orifice
configuration is described schematically in Figure 10.15. Note that the riser pipe has
no role in managing the flows greater than 0.03m /s (Qmax, riser). For flows above the
extended detention depth the high flow bypass is activated. A notional upstand riser
pipe diameter of 225 mm is selected.

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Chapter 10 - Constructed Wetlands

Orifice Position (invert level)




Orifice diameter





Number of orifices
Position No.

Water depth

(1.310 )
(1.310 )
(7.110 )
Flow at given extended detention depth


















m (above 11.5m)
Total Flow











Orifice Position (m above 11.5m AHD)








Discharge (L/s)

Figure 10.15 Riser configuration

As the required orifices are small, it is necessary to include measures to prevent

blocking of the orifices. The riser is to be installed within an outlet pit with a pipe
connection to the permanent pool of the macrophyte zone. The connection is via a
225mm diameter pipe. The pit is accessed via the locked screen on top of the pit.
Maintenance Drains
To allow access for maintenance, the wetland is to be drained via a maintenance drain
(i.e. pipe) that connects the low points in the macrophyte bathymetry. The drain must
be sized to draw down the permanent pool of the macrophyte zone in 12 hours with
allowance for manual operation (i.e. inclusion of valve). The permanent pool is
assumed to have a mean depth of 0.25m.
The mean flow rate to draw down the macrophyte zone over a notional 12 hour period
based on a permanent pool volume of 3,750m2 is calculated as follows


= 87 L / s
12 3600

The size of the maintenance drain can be established using the Mannings equation
assuming the drain/ pipe is flowing full and at 0.5 % grade:

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The mean flow rate required for maintenance (0.087m /s)

Cross sectional area of pipe (m )

Hydraulic radius (m), equivalent to the cross sectional area divided by the
wetted perimeter

Slope of drainage pipe (0.5%)

Roughness coefficient (0.015m for finished concrete)

The pipe diameter is calculated to be 320mm.

The size of the valve can be established using the orifice equation, assuming the
orifice operates under inlet control:
Ao =

Cd 2 g h

Flow (m3/s)

Cd =

Discharge Coefficient (0.6)

Ao =

Valve area (0.06m )

= 9.81 m/s2

Hydraulic head (m)


The valve area is calculated as 0.06m , given the discharge coefficient is 0.6 and h is
one third the hydraulic head. The equivalent diameter is 270mm.
Discharge Pipe
The discharge pipe of the wetland conveys the outflow of the macrophyte zone to the
receiving waters (or existing drainage infrastructure). Under normal operating
conditions, this pipe will need to have sufficient capacity to convey the larger of the
discharges from the riser (30L/s) or the maintenance drain (87L/s). Considering the
maintenance drain flow is the larger of the two flows the discharge pipe size is set to
the size of the maintenance drain (320mm pipe at 0.5% as calculated above).
Summary of Macrophyte Zone Outlet
Riser outlet = 225mm diameter pipe with following orifice detail:



Orifice Diameter

RL11.5 m

40 mm

RL11.625 m

40 mm

RL11.75 m

30 mm

RL11.875 m

30 mm

Maintenance drain

320mm diameter pipe at 0.5% grade

Maintenance control

2000 x 4000 mm with letter box grate set at RL11.7 m

Discharge pipe

270mm diameter valve

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Chapter 10 - Constructed Wetlands

Step 6 : Design High Flow Bypass Channel

The bypass channel accepts above design flow (100yr ARI = 6.0m3/s) from the inlet
zone (via the bypass weir) and conveys this flow around the macrophyte zone of the
wetland. The configuration of the bypass channel can be designed using Mannings





above design flow (100yr ARI = 6.0m /s)

Cross sectional area (m )

Hydraulic radius (m), equivalent to the cross sectional area divided by the
wetted perimeter

Slope of drainage pipe (1.5%)

Roughness coefficient (0.035m for earth with gravel and weeds)

A turf finish is to be adopted for the bypass channel. A Mannings n of 0.035 (for earth
with gravel and weeds) stipulated in the Singapore Code of Practice on Surface Water
Drainage is considered appropriate for flow depths more than double the height of the
Assuming there is a 0.3m drop from the bypass weir crest to the upstream invert of the
bypass channel and 5(H):1(V) batters, the base width of the bypass channel can be
established by setting the maximum flow depth in the bypass channel at 0.3m. This
ensures flow in the channel does not backwater (i.e. submerge) the bypass weir.

For a base width of 19m, the flow through the channel is calculated as 9.0m /s, which
is greater than the 100yr ARI flow. Hence, the bypass channel is adequately sized.
Step 7 Verification Checks
Macrophyte Zone Re-suspension Protection
A velocity check is to be conducted for when the wetland is at the top of the extended
detention level and the riser is operating at design capacity. This check is to ensure
velocities through the macrophyte zone (Vmacrophyte zone) are less than 0.05 m/s to avoid
potential scour of biofilms from the wetland plants (macrophytes) and re-suspension of
the sediments (Equation 10.3).
The flow rate through the riser was calculated as 30L/s. The cross sectional area
refers to the narrowest section of the wetland measured from the top of the extended
detention. The narrowest point in the wetland is the ephemeral marsh (refer to Figure
10.14). If the minimum depth at the top of the ephemeral marsh is 0.3m, and the
length of the wetland is 50m (given a cross sectional area of 15,000m2 and a width to
length ratio of 1:6), the cross sectional area is 15m2. The velocity is calculated to be:

= 0.0020.05m / s
Confirm Treatment Performance
The key functional elements of the constructed wetland developed as part of the
conceptual design (i.e. area, extended detention depth) were not adjusted as part of
the detailed design. Therefore, the performance check undertaken in Step 1 still
Step 8: Vegetation Specification
The vegetation specification for the various zones within the wetland will be advised
once the list of recommended plantings has been established by National Parks Board
of Singapore.
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Chapter 10 - Constructed Wetlands

10.7.3 Design Calculation Summary

The sheet below summarises the results of the design calculations.

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Chapter 10 - Constructed Wetlands

10.8 References
CRCCH (Cooperative Research Centre for Catchment Hydrology), 2003, Model for
Urban Stormwater Improvement Conceptualisation (MUSIC) User Guide, Version 2.0,
Engineers Australia, 2003, Australian Runoff Quality Guidelines, DRAFT, June
GbLA Landscape Architects, 2004, Preliminary drawings for Mernda Wetland, Report
for Stockland
Institution of Engineers Australia, 1997, Australian Rainfall and Runoff A guide to
flood estimation, Editor in Chief Pilgram, D.H.
Persson, J., Somes, N.L.G. and Wong T.H.F., 1999, Hydraulic efficiency and
constructed wetland and ponds, Water Science and Technology Vol 40 No 3 pp 291
Public Utilities Board (PUB), 2000, Code of Practice on Surface Water Drainage, Fifth

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Chapter 11 Infiltration Systems

Chapter 11 Infiltration Systems
11.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................4
11.2 Design Considerations ....................................................................................................7

Design Objectives .............................................................................................................7


Selecting the Type of Infiltration System ...............................................................................7


Design (Sizing) Methods .................................................................................................... 7


Pre-treatment of Stormwater ...............................................................................................8


Site Terrain ......................................................................................................................9


In-Situ Soils......................................................................................................................9


Groundwater ..................................................................................................................10


Building Setbacks (Clearances).........................................................................................11


Flow Management ..........................................................................................................11


Design Process ......................................................................................................12


Step 1: Site and Soil Evaluation ........................................................................................13


Step 2: Confirm Design Objectives ....................................................................................13


Step 3: Select Infiltration System Type ...............................................................................13


Step 4: Pre-treatment Design ............................................................................................13


Step 5: Determine Design Flows .......................................................................................13


Step 6: Size Infiltration System ..........................................................................................14


Step 7: Locate Infiltration System ......................................................................................15


Step 8: Set Infiltration Depths (sub-surface systems only) .....................................................15


Step 9: Specify Infiltration Detention Volume Elements ........................................................15


Step 10: Flow Management Design ................................................................................16


Step 11: Consider Maintenance Requirements .................................................................18


Design Calculation Summary ........................................................................................19



Construction and Establishment ................................................................................21

Maintenance Requirements ..............................................................................................21

Checking Tools........................................................................................................22


Design Assessment Checklist ...........................................................................................22


Construction Checklist ..................................................................................................... 22


Operation and Maintenance Inspection Form ......................................................................22


Asset Transfer Checklist ..................................................................................................22


Infiltration measure worked example .........................................................................27


Worked example introduction ............................................................................................27


Step 1: Site and Soil Evaluation ........................................................................................28


Step 2: Confirm Design Objectives ....................................................................................29

ABC Waters Stormwater Quality Management Guidelines

Chapter 11 Infiltration Systems


Step 3: Select Infiltration System Type ...............................................................................29


Step 4: Pre-treatment Design ............................................................................................29


Step 5: Determine Design Flows .......................................................................................29


Step 6: Size Infiltration System ..........................................................................................30


Step 7: Locate Infiltration System ......................................................................................30


Step 8: Set Infiltration Depths............................................................................................30


Step 9: Specify Infiltration Detention Volume Elements ....................................................31


Step 10: Hydraulic Control Design ..................................................................................31


Perforated Inflow Pipes ................................................................................................32


Bypass Design ............................................................................................................33


Design Calculation Summary ........................................................................................35


References .............................................................................................................37

ABC Waters Stormwater Quality Management Guidelines

Chapter 11 Infiltration Systems

11.1 Introduction
Stormwater infiltration systems capture stormwater runoff and encourage infiltration into
surrounding in-situ soils and underlying groundwater. This has the benefit of reducing
stormwater runoff peak flows and volumes, reducing downstream flooding, managing the
hydrologic regime entering downstream aquatic ecosystems and improving groundwater
The purpose of infiltration systems in a stormwater management strategy is as a
conveyance measure (to capture and infiltrate flows), NOT as a stormwater treatment
system. Appropriate pre-treatment of stormwater entering infiltration systems is required
to avoid clogging and to protect groundwater quality.
Infiltration systems generally consist of a detention volume and an infiltration area (or
infiltration surface):

The detention volume can be located above or below ground and is designed to
detain a certain volume of runoff and make it available for infiltration. When the
detention volume is exceeded, the system is designed to overflow to the
downstream drainage systems and the receiving environment.

The infiltration area is the surface or interface between the detention volume
and the in-situ soils through which the collected water is infiltrated.

The application of infiltration systems is best suited to moderately to highly permeable insitu soils (i.e. sandy loam to sandy soils); however, infiltration systems can still be applied
in locations with less permeable soils by providing larger detention volumes and
infiltration areas.
There are four basic types of infiltration systems:
Leaky Well
A leaky well is typically used in small scale residential applications and consists of a
vertical perforated pipe (concrete or PVC) and an open base (Figure 11.1). Pretreated
stormwater enters via an inlet pipe at the top of the well and when the detention volume
is full, an overflow pipe delivers excess waters to the downstream drainage system. The
perforations in the open pipe and the base are covered with a geotextile (non-woven) and
the pipe is surrounded by a ring of clean gravel (5 - 10 mm particle size diameter).

Figure 11.1

Leaky Well Infiltration System (Engineers Australia 2006)

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Chapter 11 Infiltration Systems

Infiltration Trench
Infiltration trenches consist of a trench, typically 0.5 - 1.5 m deep, filled with gravel or
modular plastic cells lined with geotextile (non-woven) and placed under 300 mm of
backfill (topsoil or sandy loam). Pretreated runoff enters the trench either directly or via
an inlet control pit, with excess waters delivered downstream via an overflow pipe. If the
trench contains gravel fill then a perforated distribution pipe is incorporated into the
system to ensure effective distribution of stormwater into the detention volume. A typical
configuration of an infiltration trench is shown in Figure 11.2.

Figure 11.2

Infiltration Trench (Engineers Australia 2006)

Infiltration Soak-away
Soak-aways are similar to trenches in operation but have a larger plan area, being
typically rectangular, and of shallower depth (Figure 11.3). Infiltration soak-aways can be
applied across a range of scales from residential allotments through to open space or

Figure 11.3

Operation of a Gravel Filled Trench or Soak-away Type Infiltration


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Chapter 11 Infiltration Systems

Infiltration Basin
Infiltration basins are typically used in larger scale applications where space is not a
constraint (e.g. parklands). They consist of natural or constructed depressions designed
to capture and store stormwater runoff on the surface (i.e. the detention volume is located
above ground) prior to infiltration into the in-situ soils (Figure 11.4).
A typical section through an infiltration basin is provided in Figure 11.5. Infiltration basins
are best suited to sand or sandy-clay in-situ soils and can be planted out with a range of
vegetation to blend into the local landscape. Pre-treatment of stormwater entering
infiltration basins is required with the level of pre-treatment varying depending on in-situ
soil type and basin vegetation. Further guidance in this regard is provided in

Figure 11.4

Infiltration Basin

Detention volume (surface ponding)

Turf or
mass planting
Sandy loam or in-situ soil


In-situ soil

Figure 11.5

Infiltration Basin Typical Section

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Chapter 11 Infiltration Systems

11.2 Design Considerations


Design Objectives

Infiltration systems can be designed to achieve a range of objectives including:

Minimising the volume of stormwater runoff from a development

Preserving pre-development hydrology

Capturing and infiltrating flows up to a particular design flow

Enhancing groundwater recharge or preserving pre-development groundwater


The design objective will vary from one location to another and will depend on site
characteristics, development form and the requirements of the receiving ecosystems. It is
essential that these objectives are established as part of the conceptual design process
and approved by the Public Utilities Board prior to commencing the engineering design.

Selecting the Type of Infiltration System

Selection of the type of infiltration system for a particular application must occur as part of
the conceptual design process (i.e. Site Based Stormwater Management Plan) by
assessing the site conditions against the relative merits of the four basic types of
infiltration systems described in Section 0. There is a range of resources available to
assist with this selection process, including Australian Runoff Quality (Engineers Australia
2006), Water Sensitive Urban Design: Basic Procedures for Source Control of
Stormwater (Argue 2004) and Water Sensitive Urban Design: Technical Guidelines for
Western Sydney (UPRCT 2004).
In general, selection of the type of infiltration system is determined by the size of the
contributing catchment. Table 11.1 provides guidance on selection by listing the type of
infiltration systems against typical scales of application.

Table 11.1 Infiltration Types and Associated Application Scales

Infiltration Type
Leaky Wells
Infiltration Trenches
Infiltration Soak-aways
Infiltration Basins
* Catchment

Allotment Scale
(< 0.1 ha)*

Medium Scale
(0.1 - 10 ha)*

Large Scale
(> 10 ha)*

area directing flow to the infiltration system

11.2.3. Design (Sizing) Methods

Establishing the size of an infiltration system requires consideration of the volume and
frequency of runoff discharged into the infiltration system, the available detention volume
and the infiltration rate (product of infiltration area and hydraulic conductivity of in-situ
soils). The approach for establishing these design elements depends on the design
objectives as outlined in Section 11.2.1. For the purposes of these guidelines, the
infiltration system design objectives can be addressed by two design methods: the
hydrologic effectiveness method and the design storm method. These methods are

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Chapter 11 Infiltration Systems

Table 11.2 and discussed in the following sections.

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Chapter 11 Infiltration Systems

Table 11.2

Design (Sizing) Methods to Deliver Infiltration System Design Objectives

Infiltration Design objective

*Hydrologic Effectiveness

Minimise the volume of stormwater runoff from a

Preserve pre-development hydrology

Capture and infiltrate flows up to a particular design flow

Enhance groundwater recharge or preserve predevelopment groundwater recharge

*Design Storm

Hydrologic Effectiveness Method

Where the design objective is the infiltration of a specific proportion of the mean annual
runoff, the hydraulic effectiveness approach can be adopted for sizing infiltration systems.
For a given catchment area and meteorological conditions, the hydrologic effectiveness
of an infiltration system is determined by the combined effect of the quality and quantity
of runoff, the detention volume, in-situ soil hydraulic conductivity and infiltration area.
The hydrologic effectiveness of an infiltration system requires long term continuous
simulation which can be undertaken using the Model for Urban Stormwater Improvement
Conceptualisation (MUSIC) (CRCCH 2005). However, in most situations, where a
number of the design considerations can be fixed (i.e. frequency of runoff, depth of
detention storage, saturated hydraulic conductivity); hydrologic effectiveness curves can
be generated and used as the design tool for establishing the infiltration system size.
The hydrologic effectiveness curves derived for infiltration systems (with defined
parameters) located in Singapore are presented in Section and represent Step 6
in the design steps required for infiltration measures.

Design Storm Method

Where the design objective for a particular infiltration system is peak discharge
attenuation or the capture and infiltration of a particular design storm event (e.g. 3-month
ARI event), then the design storm approach can be adopted for sizing the infiltration
This method involves defining the required detention volume by comparing the volume
of inflow and outflow for a particular design storm, and then calculating the infiltration
area to ensure the system empties within a specified period of time. This approach
requires further development for application in Singapore and therefore, unless otherwise
approved by Public Utilities Board, the Hydrologic Effectiveness Method must be used.

Pre-treatment of Stormwater

Pre-treatment of stormwater entering an infiltration system is primarily required to

minimise the potential for clogging of the infiltration media and to protect groundwater
quality. In line with these requirements, there are two levels of stormwater pre-treatment
Level 1 Pre-treatment - To prevent blockage of the infiltration system media, stormwater
should be treated to remove coarse and medium sized sediments and litter. Level 1 pretreatment applies to all four types of infiltration system.
Level 2 Pre-treatment - To protect groundwater quality, pre-treatment is required to
remove fine particulates and dissolved pollutants, such as nutrients and metals. This
second level of treatment is the most stringent as any stormwater infiltrated must be of
equal, or preferably superior, quality to that of the receiving groundwater to ensure the
groundwater quality and values are protected. To determine an appropriate level of pretreatment, assessment in consultation with PUB of the groundwater aquifer quality,
possible uses and suitability of treated stormwater for recharge is required.

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Formatted: Indent: Hanging: 2.55

cm, Outline numbered + Level: 3 +
Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, + Start at:
1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 1.11
cm + Indent at: 2.38 cm, Tab stops:
0.95 cm, Left + 1.27 cm, Left

Chapter 11 Infiltration Systems

Level 2 pre-treatment applies to leaky wells, infiltration trenches and infiltration soakaways. It also applies to most infiltration basin applications. However, level 2 pretreatment is not required if the infiltration system can be designed to function as a
bioretention system i.e. where basins are located on sandy loam to clay soils of low
hydraulic conductivity (<180 mm/hr) and the depth to groundwater is greater than 1.0 m.
The system can be planted out with rush and reed species and pollutant removal takes
place prior to waters entering the underlying groundwater. A summary of pre-treatment
requirements for each of the infiltration system types is presented in Table 11.3.
Table 11.3

Pre-treatment Requirements for Each Type of Infiltration System

Infiltration Type

Leaky Well
Infiltration Trench
Infiltration Soak-away
Infiltration Basin
- Sandy clay to clay soils (Ksat < 180 mm/hr) + dense
ground cover
- Sandy clay to clay soils (Ksat < 180 mm/hr) + turf ground
- Sandy soils (Ksat > 180 mm/hr)


Level 1

Level 2

Ksat = saturated hydraulic conductivity (mm/hr) of in-situ soil (see Section

Site Terrain

Infiltration into steep terrain can result in stormwater re-emerging onto the surface at
some point downslope. The likelihood of this pathway for infiltrated water is dependent on
the soil structure. Duplex soils and shallow soil over rock create situations where reemergence of infiltrated water to the surface is most likely to occur. These soil conditions
do not necessarily preclude infiltrating stormwater, unless leaching of soil salt is
associated with this process. The provision for managing this pathway will need to be
taken into consideration at the design stage to ensure hazards or nuisance to
downstream sites are avoided.
Additionally, the introduction of infiltration systems on steep terrain can increase the risk
of slope instability. Installation of infiltration systems on slopes greater than 10 % will not
be approved by the Public Utilities Board unless a detailed engineering assessment has
been undertaken.

In-Situ Soils

Hydraulic Conductivity

Hydraulic conductivity of the in-situ soil is the rate at which water passes through a soil
medium. It influences both the suitability of infiltration systems and the size of the
infiltration area. Therefore, it is essential that field measurement of hydraulic conductivity
be undertaken to confirm assumptions of soil hydraulic conductivity adopted during the
concept design stage. The determination of hydraulic conductivity must be undertaken in
accordance with procedures which provides an estimate of saturated hydraulic
conductivity (Ksat)(i.e. the hydraulic conductivity of a soil when it is fully saturated with
water). The typical ranges of saturated hydraulic conductivities for homogeneous soils
are provided in Table 11.4.

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Chapter 11 Infiltration Systems

Table 11.4

Typical Soil Types and Associated Saturate Hydraulic Conductivity

(Engineers Australia 2006)
Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity
>1 x 10-4
5 x 10-5 to 1 x 10-4
180 360
1 x 10-5 to 5 x 10-5
36 to 180
1 x 10-6 to 1 x 10-5
3.6 to 36
1 x 10-7 to 1 x 10-6
0.36 3.6
1 x 10-7
0.0 to 0.36

Soil Type
Coarse Sand
Sandy Loam
Sandy Clay
Medium clay
Heavy Clay

When assessing the appropriateness of infiltration systems and the type of in-situ soils,
the following issues must be considered:
Soils with a saturated hydraulic conductivity of 3.6 mm/hr to 360 mm/hr are preferred for
infiltration application.
Infiltration systems are neither appropriate nor functional where the in-situ soils are very
heavy clays (i.e. < 0.36 mm/hr).
Soils with a low hydraulic conductivity (0.36 - 3.6 mm/hr) do not necessarily preclude the
use of infiltration systems even though the required infiltration/ storage area may become
prohibitively large. However, soils with lower hydraulic conductivities will be more
susceptible to clogging and will therefore require enhanced pre-treatment to remove

Soil Salinity

Infiltration systems must be avoided in areas with poor soil conditions, in particular sodic/
saline and dispersive soils, and shallow saline groundwater. If the Site and Soil
Evaluation (refer to Section 11.3.1) identifies poor soil conditions, then the Public Utilities
Board will not approve the use of infiltration systems.

Impermeable Subsoil, Rock and Shale

Infiltration systems must not be placed in locations where soils are underlain by rock or a
soil layer with little or no permeability (i.e. Ksat < 0.36 mm/hr). In locations where fractured
or weathered rocks prevail, the use of infiltration systems may be approved by the Public
Utilities Board provided detailed engineering testing has been carried out to ensure the
rock will accept infiltration.


Groundwater Quality

As outlined in Section 11.2.4, the suitability of infiltrating stormwater and the necessary
pre-treatment requires assessment of the groundwater quality. The principle legislation
governing the management of groundwater quality is that there should be no
deterioration in groundwater quality. This means the stormwater being infiltrated must be
of equal or preferably superior quality to that of the receiving groundwater in order to
ensure the groundwater quality and values are protected. To determine an appropriate
level of pre-treatment for stormwater, assessment of the groundwater aquifer quality,
possible uses and suitability for recharge is required and must be approved by the public
Utilities Board.

Groundwater Table

A second groundwater related design consideration is to ensure that the base of an

infiltration system is always above the groundwater table. It is generally recommended

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Chapter 11 Infiltration Systems

that the base of the infiltration system be a minimum of 1.0 m above the seasonal high
water table.
If a shallow groundwater table is likely to be encountered, investigation of the seasonal
variation of groundwater levels is essential. This should include an assessment of
potential groundwater mounding (i.e. localised raising of the water table in the immediate
vicinity of the infiltration system) that in shallow groundwater areas could cause problems
with nearby structures.

Building Setbacks (Clearances)

Infiltration systems should not be placed near building footings to avoid the influence of
continually wet sub-surface or greatly varying soil moisture content on the structural
integrity. Australian Runoff Quality (Engineers Australia 2006) recommends minimum
distances from structures and property boundaries (to protect possible future buildings in
neighbouring properties) for different soil types. These values are shown in Table 11.5.
Table 11.5 Minimum Setback Distances (adapted from Engineers Australia 2006)
Soil Type
Sandy Loam
Sandy Clay
Medium to Heavy Clay

Saturated Hydraulic
36 to 180
3.6 to 36
0.0 to 3.6

Minimum distance from

structures and property
1.0 m
2.0 m
4.0 m
5.0 m

Flow Management

The following issues should be considered when designing the hydraulic control
structures within infiltration systems:

For large scale systems (i.e. infiltration basins), the surface of the infiltration
area must be flat to ensure uniform distribution of flow and to prevent hydraulic
overloading on a small portion of the infiltration area.

For gravel filled infiltration systems, flow should be delivered to the detention
volume via a perforated pipe(s) network that is located and sized to convey the
design flow into the infiltration systems and allow distribution of flows across the
entire infiltration area.

Where possible, above design flows will bypass the infiltration systems. This
can be achieved in a number of ways. For smaller applications, an overflow pipe
or pit, which is connected to the downstream drainage system, can be used. For
larger applications, a discharge control pit can be located upstream of the
infiltration system. This will function much like the inlet zone of a constructed
wetland to regulate flows (i.e. 1 year ARI) into the infiltration systems and bypass
above design flows (i.e. > 1 year ARI).

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Chapter 11 Infiltration Systems

11.3. Design Process

The following sections detail the design steps required for infiltration measures. Key
design steps are as follows:-

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Chapter 11 Infiltration Systems


Step 1: Site and Soil Evaluation

As outlined in Section 11.2.6, there are a range of site and soil conditions which influence
infiltration system design. To define the sites capability to infiltrate stormwater, a Site
and Soil Evaluation must be undertaken. The evaluation should provide the following:

Soil type

Hydraulic conductivity

Presence of soil salinity (where applicable)

Presence of rock shale

Slope of terrain (%)

Groundwater details (depth, quality and uses).


Step 2: Confirm Design Objectives

This step involves confirming the design objectives, defined as part of the conceptual
design, to ensure the correct infiltration system design method is selected (refer to Table

Step 3: Select Infiltration System Type

This step involves selecting the type of infiltration system by assessing the site conditions
against the relative merits of the four infiltration systems described in Section 0. In
general, the scale of application dictates selection of the infiltration system. Table 11.1
provides guidance in this regard.
For further guidance in selecting infiltration systems, designer should refer to Australian
Runoff Quality (Engineers Australia 2006), Water Sensitive Urban Design: Basic
Procedures for Source Control of Stormwater (Argue 2004) and the Water Sensitive
Urban Design: Technical Guidelines for Western Sydney (UPRCT 2004).

Step 4: Pre-treatment Design

As outlined in Section 11.2.4 and Table 11.3, both Level 1 Pre-treatment (minimising risk
of clogging) and Level 2 Pre-treatment (groundwater protection) are required for all
infiltration systems except for specific infiltration basin applications. To determine Level 2
requirements, an assessment of the groundwater must be undertaken to define existing
water quality, potential uses (current and future) and suitability for recharge.
Pre-treatment measures for roof runoff include the provision of leaf and roof litter guards
along the roof gutter and rainwater tanks. Pre-treatment for urban runoff includes
sediment basins, vegetated swales, bioretention systems or constructed wetlands as
outlined in the other chapters of this guideline.

Step 5: Determine Design Flows

Design Flows

To configure the inflow system and high flow bypass elements of the infiltration system
the following design flows generally apply:

Design operation flow for sizing the inlet to the infiltration system. This will
typically correspond to one of the following:

1 year ARI or less for situations where a discharge control pit is used to
regulate flows into the infiltration system and bypass larger flows

2 - 10 year ARI (minor design flow, typically the 5 year ARI event in
Singapore) for situations where the minor drainage system is directed
to the infiltration system.

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Above design flow for design of the high flow bypass around the infiltration
system. The discharge capacity for the bypass system may vary depending on
the particular situation but will typically correspond to one of the following:

2 - 10 year ARI (minor design flow) for situations where only the minor
drainage system is directed to the infiltration system.

50 - 100 year ARI (major design flow) for situations where both the
minor and major drainage system discharge to the infiltration system. Design Flow Estimation

A range of hydrologic methods can be applied to estimate design flows. If typical
catchment areas are relatively small, the Rational Method design procedure is
considered suitable. However, if the infiltration system is to form part of a detention basin
or if the catchment area to the system is large (> 50 ha) then a full flood routing
computation method should be used to estimate design flows.

Step 6: Size Infiltration System

As outlined in Section 11.2.3, there are two design methods available for establishing the
size of the detention volume and infiltration area of infiltration systems: the hydrologic
effectiveness method and the design storm method. Unless otherwise approved by the
Public Utilities Board, the hydrologic effectiveness method must be used when designing
infiltration systems. Hydrologic Effectiveness Method
Figure 11.6 below shows the relationship between the hydrologic effectiveness,
infiltration area and detention storage for a range of soil hydraulic conductivities,
detention storage depths and detention storage volumes (adjusted for media porosity) for
the reference station 43 in Singapore. The curves were derived using the Model for
Urban Stormwater Improvement Conceptualisation.
The curves in Figure 11.6 are generally applicable to infiltration measure applications
within residential, industrial and commercial land uses. If the configuration of the
infiltration measure concept design is significantly different to that described below then
the curves may not provide an accurate indication of performance and the detailed
designer should use MUSIC to size the infiltration system.
The curves were derived conservatively assuming that the systems have the following

varying in-situ soil hydraulic conductivity

detention volume area was confined to the space allocated for the infiltration

detention volume effective depth of 1.0 m. Note that this is equivalent to an

actual depth 1 m when the media porosity is 1.0 (i.e. an open detention volume
with no fill media) or 3.0 m and porosity of 0.33 (gravel filled detention volume)

These curves can be used to establish the size of both the detention volume and
infiltration area of the infiltration systems to achieve a particular hydrologic effectiveness.
The designer is required to select the relevant hydrologic effectiveness curve by
establishing the likely configuration and form of the infiltration system, namely whether it
will be an open void detention volume (porosity = 1.0) or gravel filled (porosity = 0.35).
If linear interpolation between the curves is used to estimate the infiltration area required
for systems with hydraulic conductivities between those shown on the charts, it should be
noted that the relationship between the curves is not linear. As a result, these
interpolations do not provide an exact representation of the size of infiltration area as a %

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Formatted: Indent: Hanging: 3.19

cm, Outline numbered + Level: 4 +
Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, + Start at:
1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 1.92
cm + Indent at: 3.19 cm, Tab stops:
1.9 cm, Left

Formatted: Indent: Hanging: 2.55

cm, Outline numbered + Level: 3 +
Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, + Start at:
1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 1.11
cm + Indent at: 2.38 cm, Tab stops:
1.27 cm, Left

Formatted: Indent: Left: 0 cm,

Hanging: 1.9 cm, Outline numbered +
Level: 4 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3,
+ Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left +
Aligned at: 1.92 cm + Indent at: 3.19

Chapter 11 Infiltration Systems

of catchment area. Designers must be careful not to under size infiltration areas through
this process.

Hydrolog ic E ffec tivenes s



H ydrolog ic E ffec tivenes s (% )






S aturated Hydraulic
C onduc tivity of in-s itu
s oil
3.6m m /h r


36m m /h r
360m m /h r
1800m m /h r


3600m m /h r



Infiltration B as in Area (% impervious c atc hment (as s umed to be 1m effec tive depth - ac c ounting for media poros ity)

Figure 11.6

Hydrologic Effectiveness of Detention Storages for Infiltration

Systems [Reference Station 43]
Step 7: Locate Infiltration System

This step involves locating the infiltration system in accordance with the requirement set
out in Section 11.2.8 and Table 11.5 to minimise the risk of damage to structures from
wetting and drying of soils (i.e. swelling and shrinking of soils and slope stability).

Step 8: Set Infiltration Depths (sub-surface systems only)

For sub-surface infiltration systems, selection of the optimum depth requires

consideration of the seasonal high water table and the appropriate cover of soil to the

Seasonal groundwater table - As outlined in Section, it is generally

recommended that the base of the infiltration system be a minimum of 1 m above
the seasonal high water table.

Cover (i.e. depth of soil above top of infiltration system) Minimum cover of 0.3
m. For systems created using modular plastic cell storage units, an engineering
assessment is required.

Step 9: Specify Infiltration Detention Volume Elements

The following design and specification requirements must be documented as part of the
design process for leaky wells, infiltration trenches and soak-aways.


Where the infiltration detention volume is created through the use of a gravel-filled
trench then the gravel must be a uniform size of between 25 - 100 mm diameter and
must be clean (free of fines).

Modular Plastic Cells

Where the infiltration detention volume is created through the use of modular plastic cells,
the design must be accompanied by an engineering assessment of the plastic cells and

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Chapter 11 Infiltration Systems

their appropriateness considering the loading above the infiltration system. A minimum
150 mm thick layer of coarse sand or fine gravel must underlie the base of the plastic


Geofabric must be installed along the side walls and through the base of the infiltration
detention volume to prevent the migration of in-situ soils into the system. For this reason,
in infiltration systems the use of non-woven geofabric with a minimum perforation or
mesh of 0.25 mm is most appropriate.

Inspection Wells

It is good design practice to install inspection wells at numerous locations in an infiltration

system. This allows water levels to be monitored during and after storm events and for
infiltration rates to be confirmed over time. Step 10: Flow Management Design
The design of the hydraulic control for infiltration systems varies for the different
systems. For smaller applications, all pretreated flows will enter directly into the
system and an overflow pipe or pit will be used to convey excess flow to the
drainage system. For larger applications, a discharge control pit will be located
of the infiltration system. This control pit functions to regulate flows for the
interval (3-month ARI) into the infiltration systems and acts to bypass flows
design criteria (> 3-month ARI) in a manner similar to the inlet zone of a
Table 11.6 summarises the typical hydraulic control requirements for the different types
of infiltration system.

Table 11.6

Typical Hydraulic Control Requirements for Infiltration Systems


Infiltration Type
Leaky Wells
Infiltration Trenches
Infiltration Soak-aways
Infiltration Basins

Direct inflow

control pit

Overflow/ Bypass
Overflow pipe/ pit
control pit

Note: For gravel filled infiltration systems, flow should be delivered to the detention volume via a perforated
pipe network.

The hydraulic control measures described in

Table 11.6 are designed using the following techniques. Pipe Flows (Inflow Pipe and Overflow Pipe)
Pipe flows are to be calculated in accordance the Singapore Code of Practice which use
standard pipe equations that account for energy losses associated with inlet and outlet
conditions and friction losses within the pipe. For most applications, the pipe or culvert
will operate under outlet control with the inlet and outlet of the pipe/ culvert being fully
submerged. With relatively short pipe connections, friction losses are typically small and
can be computed using Mannings equation. Perforated Inflow Pipes
Two design checks are required to ensure that the perforated inflow pipes within the
gravel of the filled infiltration systems have sufficient capacity to convey the design
operation flow (Section 11.3.5) and distribute this flow into the infiltration system,:

Ensure the pipe itself has capacity to convey the design operation flow

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Chapter 11 Infiltration Systems

Ensure the perforations are adequate to pass the design operation flow.

It is recommended that the maximum spacing of the perforated pipes is 3 m (centres) and
that the minimum grade is 0.5 % from the inflow point. The inflow pipes should be
extended to the surface of the infiltration system to allow inspection and maintenance
when required. The base of the infiltration system must remain flat.
Perforated Pipe Conveyance
To confirm the capacity of the perforated pipes to convey the design operation flow,
Mannings equation can be used (which assumes pipe full flow but not under pressure).
When completing this calculation it should be noted that installing multiple perforated
pipes in parallel is a means of increasing the capacity of the perforated pipe system.
Perforated Pipe Slot Conveyance
The capacity of the slots in the perforated pipe needs to be greater than the maximum
infiltration rate to ensure the slots does not become the hydraulic control in the
infiltration system (i.e. to ensure the in-situ soils and detention volume set the hydraulic
behaviour rather than the slots in the perforated pipe). To do this, orifice flow can be
assumed to occur through the slots and the sharp edged orifice equation used to
calculate the flow through the slots for the full length of perforated pipe. Firstly, the
number and size of perforations needs to be determined (typically from manufacturers
specifications) and used to estimate the flow rate out of the pipes, with the driving head
being the difference between the overflow level and the invert of the perforated pipe. It is
conservative, but reasonable, to use a blockage factor to account for partial blockage of
the perforations. A 50 % blockage should be used.

Q perf = B Cd A 2 g h

Equation 11-1


= flow through perforations (m3/s)

= blockage factor (0.5)


= orifice discharge coefficient (assume 0.61 for sharp edge orifice)

= total area of the perforations (m2)

= gravity (9.79 m/s2)

= head above the centroid of the perforated pipe (m)

If the capacity of the perforated pipe system is unable to convey the design operation
flow then additional perforated pipes will be required. Overflow Pit
To size an overflow pit, two checks should be made to test for either drowned or free
flowing conditions. A broad crested weir equation can be used to determine the length of
weir required (assuming free flowing conditions) and an orifice equation used to estimate
the area between openings required in the grate cover (assuming drowned outlet
conditions). A blockage factor is to be used that assumes the grate is 50 % blocked.
While the smaller of the two would normally suffice, the larger of the two pit
configurations should be adopted to provide a level of conservatism. Furthermore, the
size of the pit should also be selected to ensure that it would adequately accommodate
the stormwater pipe draining from it.
For free overfall conditions (weir equation):
Q weir = B Cw L h 3 / 2

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Equation 11-2

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Chapter 11 Infiltration Systems



= flow into pit (weir) under free overfall conditions (m /s)

= blockage factor (= 0.5)


= weir coefficient (= 1.66)

= length of weir (perimeter of pit) (m)

= flow depth above the weir (pit) (m)

Once the length of weir is calculated, a standard sized pit can be selected with a
perimeter at least the same length of the required weir length.

For drowned outlet conditions (orifice equation):

Q orifice = B Cd A 2 g h
Equation 11-3
Where B, g and h have the same meaning as above

= flow rate into pit under drowned conditions (m3/s)


= discharge coefficient for sharp edge orifice (adopt 0.6)

= area of orifice (perforations in inlet grate) (m )

When designing grated field inlet pits, reference is to the requirements of the Public
Utilities Board. Overflow Weir
In applications where infiltration systems require a discharge control pit, a spillway outlet
weir will form part of the high flow bypass system to convey the above design flow. The
spillway outlet weir level will be set at the top of the detention storage to ensure
catchment flows bypass the infiltration system once the detention volume is full. The
length of the spillway outlet weir is to be sized to safely pass the maximum flow
discharged to the discharge control pit (as defined the above design flow in Section
The required length of the spillway outlet weir can be computed using the weir flow
equation (Equation 11.2) and the above design flow (Section 11.3.5).

Step 11: Consider Maintenance Requirements

Consider how maintenance is to be performed on the infiltration system (e.g. how and
where is access available, where sediment likely to collect etc.). A specific maintenance
plan and schedule should be developed for the infiltration system, either as part of a
maintenance plan for the whole treatment train, or for each individual asset. Guidance on
maintenance plans is provided in Section 11.4.1.

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Design Calculation Summary

Following is a design calculation summary sheet for the key design elements of an
infiltration system to aid the design process.


Calculation Task



Catchment Characteristics
Catchment area


Catchment landuse (i.e residential, commercial etc.)

Storm event entering infiltration system (minor or major)

year ARI

Site and soil evaluation

Site and Soil Evaluation' undertaken in accordance with AS1547-2000 Clause 4.1.3
Soil type
Hydraulic conductivity (Ksat)


Presence of soil salinity

Presence of rock/shale
Infiltration site terrain (% slope)
Groundwater level

m HD
m below surface

Groundwater quality
Groundwater uses

Confirm design objectives

Confirm design objective as defined by conceptual design

Select infiltration system type

Leaky Well
Infiltration Trench
Infiltration 'Soak-away'
Infiltration Basin

Pre-treatment design
Level 1 Pre-treatment (avoid clogging)
Level 2 Pre-treatment (groundwater quality protection)

Determine design flows

'Design operation flow' (i.e. 1 year ARI)

year ARI

'Above design flow' (i.e. 2 - 100 year ARI)

year ARI

Time of concentration
Identify rainfall intensities
'Design operation flow' - I1 year ARI


'Above design flow'- I2 100 year ARI


Design runoff coefficient

'Design operation flow' - C1 year ARI
'Above design flow'- C2 100 year ARI
Peak design flows

'Design operation flow' - 1 year ARI

m /s

'Above design flow' (2-100 year ARI)


Size infiltration system

Hydrologic effectiveness approach
Hydrologic effectiveness objective


Porosity (void = 1.0, gravel filled = 0.35)

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Chapter 11 Infiltration Systems


Calculation Task

'Infiltration Area'
'Detention Volume'


Locate infiltration system

Minimum distance from boundary (Table 11.5)




Set infiltration depths (sub-surface systems only)

Ground surface level

m HD

Groundwater level

m HD
m below surface

Infiltration system depth

Top of infiltration system

m HD

Base of infiltration system

m HD


Depth to water table

Specify infiltration 'detention volume' elements

Gravel size

mm diam.

Modular plastic cells


Flow management design

Inflow/Overflow structures
Direct inflow
Overflow pit/pipe
Discharge control pit
Discharge pipe
Pipe capacity
Pipe size

mm diam.

Inflow pipe
Pipe capacity
Pipe size

mm diam.

Overflow pipe
Pipe capacity
Pipe size

m /s
mm diam.

Overflow pit
Pit capacity
Pit size

m /s
mm x mm

Perforated inflow pipes

No. of pipes
Pipe size


Discharge control pit

Pit size
Weir length

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Chapter 11 Infiltration Systems

11.4. Construction and Establishment

It is important to note in the context of a development site and associated
construction/building works, delivering infiltration measures can be a challenging task.

Construction activities which can generate large sediment loads in runoff

which can clog infiltration measures

Construction traffic and other works can result in damage to the infiltration

A careful construction and establishment approach is needed to ensure that the

system is delivered in accordance with its design intent. A staged construction and
establishment methodology for infiltration measures is provided in Leinster (2006).
11.4.1. Maintenance Requirements
Maintenance for infiltration measures aims at ensuring the system does not clog with
sediments and that an appropriate infiltration rate is maintained. The most important
consideration during maintenance is to ensure the pre-treatment elements are
operating as designed to prevent sediments from blocking the infiltration measure and
to prevent groundwater contamination.
To ensure the system is operating as designed, the infiltration zone should be
inspected every 1 - 6 months (or after each major rainfall event) depending on the size
and complexity of the system. Typical maintenance of infiltration systems will involve:

Routine inspection to identify any surface ponding after the design infiltration
period, which would indicate clogging/ blockage of the underlying aggregate or
the base of the trench.

Routine inspection of inlet points to identify any areas of scour, litter build up,
sediment accumulation or blockages.

Removal of accumulated sediment and clearing of blockages to inlets.

Tilling of the infiltration surface, or removing the surface layer, if there is

evidence of clogging.

Maintaining the surface vegetation (if present).

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11.5. Checking Tools

This section provides a number of checking aids for designers and assessment
officers. In addition, the following checking tools are provided:

Design Assessment Checklist

Construction Inspection Checklist (during and post)

Operation and Maintenance Inspection Form

Asset Transfer Checklist (following on-maintenance period).

11.5.1. Design Assessment Checklist

The Design Assessment Checklist presents the key design features that are to be
reviewed when assessing the design of an infiltration system. These considerations
include configuration, safety, maintenance and operational issues that need to be
addressed during the design phase. If an item receives an N when reviewing the
design, referral is to be made back to the design procedure to determine the impact of
the omission or error.
In addition to the checklist, a proposed design should have all necessary permits for its
installation. Assessment officers will require that all relevant permits are in place prior
to accepting a design.
11.5.2. Construction Checklist
The Construction Checklist presents the key items to be reviewed when inspecting the
infiltration measure during and at the completion of construction. The checklist is to be
used by Construction Site Supervisors and Compliance Inspectors to ensure all the
elements of the infiltration measure have been constructed in accordance with the
design. If an item receives an N in satisfactory criteria then appropriate actions must
be specified and delivered to rectify the construction issue before final inspection signoff is given.
11.5.3. Operation and Maintenance Inspection Form
In addition to checking and maintaining the function of pre-treatment elements, the
Operation and Maintenance Form can be used during routine maintenance inspections
of the infiltration measure and kept as a record on the asset condition and quantity of
removed pollutants over time. Inspections should occur every 1 - 6 months depending on
the size and complexity of the system. More detailed site specific maintenance schedules
should be developed for major infiltration systems and include a brief overview of the
operation of the system and key aspects to be checked during each inspection.
11.5.4. Asset Transfer Checklist
Land ownership and asset ownership are key considerations prior to construction of a
stormwater treatment device. A proposed design should clearly identify the asset
owner and who is responsible for its maintenance. The proposed owner should be
responsible for performing the asset transfer checklist. The Asset Transfer Checklist
provides a template for facilitating asset transfer following the maintenance period.

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Chapter 11 Infiltration Systems

Infiltration Measure Design Assessment Checklist

Asset I.D.
Infiltration Measure Location:


Design operational flow (m /s):

Catchment Area (ha):


Above design flow (m /s):


Infiltration Area (m ):


Detention Volume (m3):


Site and Soil Evaluation undertaken

Soil types appropriate for infiltration (Ksat > 0.36mm/hr, no salinity problems, no rock/shale)?
Groundwater conditions assessed and objectives established?
Level 1 Pre-Treatment provided?
Level 2 Pre-Treatment provided?
Design objective established?
Has the appropriate design approach been adopted?
Infiltration system setbacks appropriate?
Base of infiltration system >1m above seasonal high groundwater table?
Has appropriate cover (soil depth above infiltration system) been provided?
If placed on >10% terrain (ground slope), has engineering assessment been undertaken?
Overall flow conveyance system sufficient for design flood event?
Are the inflow systems designed to convey design flows?
Bypass/ overflow sufficient for conveyance of design flood event?

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Chapter 11 Infiltration Systems

Infiltration Measures Construction Inspection Checklist

Asset I.D.

Inspected by:



Constructed by:

Contact during

Items inspected



Items inspected




Structural components

Preliminary Works

10. Location and levels of infiltration system and overflow

points as designed

1. Erosion and sediment control plan adopted

11. Pipe joints and connections as designed

2. Traffic control measures

12. Concrete and reinforcement as designed

3. Location same as plans

13. Inlets appropriately installed

4. Site protection from existing flows

14.Provision of geofabric to sides and base


15. Correct fill media/modular system used

5. Excavation as designed


6. Side slopes are stable

16. Stabilisation immediately following earthworks


17. Silt fences and traffic control in place

7. Maintenance access provided

18. Temporary protection layers in place

8. Invert levels as designed


9. Ability to freely drain

19. Temporary protection layers and associated silt


1. Confirm levels of inlets and outlets

6. Check for uneven settling of surface

2. Traffic control in place

7. No surface clogging

3. Confirm structural element sizes

8. Maintenance access provided

4. Gravel as specified

9. Construction generated sediment and debris removed

5. Confirm pre-treatment is working


Inspection officer signature:

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Chapter 11 Infiltration Systems

Infiltration Measures Maintenance Checklist

Asset I.D.
Inspection Frequency:

1 to 6 monthly

Date of Visit:

Site Visit by:


Sediment accumulation in pre-treatment zone?

Erosion at inlet or other key structures?
Evidence of dumping (eg building waste)?
Evidence of extended ponding times (eg. algal growth)?
Evidence of silt and clogging within 'detention volume'?
Clogging of flow management systems (sediment or debris)?
Damage/vandalism to structures present?
Drainage system inspected?
Resetting of system required?

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Infiltration Measure Asset Transfer Checklist

Asset Description:
Asset ID:
Asset Location:
Construction by:
'On-maintenance' Period:

System appears to be working as designed visually?

No obvious signs of under-performance?
Maintenance plans and indicative maintenance costs provided for each asset?
Inspection and maintenance undertaken as per maintenance plan?
Inspection and maintenance forms provided?
Sediment accumulation at inflow points?
Litter present?
Erosion at inlet or other key structures?
Traffic damage present?
Evidence of dumping (e.g. building waste)?
Evidence of ponding?
Surface clogging visible?
Damage/vandalism to structures present?

Design Assessment Checklist provided?
As constructed plans provided?
Copies of all required permits (both construction and operational) submitted?
Proprietary information provided (if applicable)?
Digital files (eg drawings, survey, models) provided?
Asset listed on asset register or database?

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Chapter 11 Infiltration Systems

11.6. Infiltration measure worked

11.6.1. Worked example introduction
An infiltration system is to be installed to treat stormwater runoff from a residential
allotment. Pre-treatment of stormwater prior to discharge into the ground via
infiltration is essential to ensure sustainable operation of the infiltration system and
protection of groundwater (as discussed in Australian Runoff Quality, Engineers
Australia, 2006).
Suspended solids and sediment are the key water quality
constituents requiring pre-treatment prior to infiltration. Roof runoff is directed into a
rainwater tank for storage and to be used as an alternative source of water. Overflow
from the rainwater tank can be discharged directly into the gravel trench for infiltration
into the surrounding sandy soil without further pre-treatment. Stormwater runoff from
paved areas will be directed to a pre-treatment vegetated swale and then into a gravel
trench for temporary storage and infiltration. An illustration of the proposed allotment
stormwater management scheme is shown in Figure 11.7.

Figure 11.7

Illustration of Allotment Stormwater Management Scheme

[source: Urban Water Resource Centre, University of South Australia;

http://www.unisa.edu.au/uwrc/ham.htm ]

The allotment in question in this worked example is 10000 m in area on a rectangular

site with an overall impervious surface area of 5000 m . The site layout is shown in
Figure 11.8.

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Figure 11.8

Site Layout

Of the impervious surfaces, roof areas make up a total of 2100 m , while on-ground
impervious surfaces make up the remaining 2900 m . There is no formal stormwater
drainage system, with stormwater runoff discharging into a small table drain in the
front of the property. The design objective of the infiltration system is retention of
stormwater runoff from the allotment with a hydrologic effectiveness of 95%.
Stormwater flows in excess of the detention capacity of the infiltration system are
directed towards the road table drain at the front of the property.
Roof runoff is directed to a 5 kL rainwater tank. Although rainwater tanks can provide
significant peak discharge reduction owing to their available storage capacity, in this
worked example an assumption is made that the 5kL tank will be full. The design
criteria for the infiltration system are to:

Provide pre-treatment of stormwater runoff.

Determine an appropriate size of infiltration system.

Ensure that the inlet configuration to the infiltration system includes provision
for by-pass of stormwater when the infiltration system is operating at its full

This worked example focuses on the design of the infiltration system and associated
hydraulic structures.
11.6.2. Step 1: Site and Soil Evaluation
The site characteristics are summarised as follows:

Catchment area 2100 m (roof)


2900 m (ground level paved)

5000 m (pervious)

10000 m (Total)

Landuse/surface type pervious area is either grassed or landscaped with

garden beds.

Overland flow slope Lot is 25m wide, 40m deep, slope = 3%

To define the sites suitability for infiltration of stormwater Boreholes were

drilled at 2 locations within the site and the results are as follows:

Soil type = sandy loam

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Chapter 11 Infiltration Systems

Hydraulic conductivity = 80 mm/hr

Presence of soil salinity = no problems discovered

Presence of rock or shale = no rock or shale discovered

Slope/ terrain (%) = 2 4 %, ground level 10 m Height Datum (HD) in

infiltration location

Groundwater details (depth, quality and uses) = water table 5 m below surface
(5 m HD), moderate water quality with local bores used for irrigation.

Field tests found the soil to be suitable for infiltration.

11.6.3. Step 2: Confirm Design Objectives

The design objectives are summarised as follows:

Size infiltration trench to retain 95% of the mean annual runoff volume from
the site.

Design the inlet and outlet structures to convey the peak 3-month ARI flow
from the critical (flow rate) storm event. Ensure the inlet configuration includes
provision for stormwater bypass when the infiltration system is full.

Pre-treat stormwater runoff.

Design appropriate ground cover and terrestrial vegetation over the infiltration

11.6.4. Step 3: Select Infiltration System Type

Based on the site attributes, the scale of the infiltration application (i.e. 1.0 ha) and
Table 11.1, an infiltration soak-away system is selected.
11.6.5. Step 4: Pre-treatment Design
An infiltration soak-away has been selected for the site, reference to Section 11.2.4
and Table 11.3 indicates that Level 1 pre-treatment is required. Roof runoff is directed
to a rainwater tank. Although the tank may often be full, it nevertheless serves a
useful function as a sedimentation basin. A conservative approach to calculating the
infiltration capacity was taken by assuming that the 5kL tank will be full at the
commencement of the design event. This configuration is considered sufficient to
provide the required sediment pre-treatment for roof runoff.
Stormwater runoff from paved areas is directed to a combination of grass buffer areas
and a vegetated swale area which is slightly depressed to provide for trapping of
suspended solids conveyed by stormwater. Stormwater flows from the swale area into
a grated sump pit and then into the infiltration system.
Pre-treatment for sediment removal is therefore provided by the following:

Connection of roof runoff into a rainwater tank;

Paved area runoff is conveyed to a combination of grassed buffer areas and a

vegetated swale.

11.6.6. Step 5: Determine Design Flows

As described in Section, the design operation flow is required to size the inlet
to the infiltration system. In this case, flows into the infiltration system are to be
regulated through a discharge control pit, which will deliver flows up to the 3-month
ARI into the infiltration system. Flows greater than the 3-month ARI, or when the
infiltration system is full, will bypass the infiltration system by overtopping the overflow
weir in the discharge control pit. Therefore:

design operation flow = 3-month ARI

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Chapter 11 Infiltration Systems

Design flows and Runoff Coefficients were estimated using the Rational Method as
described in the Code of Practice on Surface Water Drainage (Public Utilities Board
Catchment area

= 10000 m


~ 6 min

= 0.65

Rainfall Intensities tc = 6 mins

I3 month

= 60.6 mm/hr


= 275 mm/hr

Rational Method Q = CIA/360 [A = 1.0 Ha]

Q3 month

= 0.109 m /s

= 0.497 m /s

11.6.7. Step 6: Size Infiltration System

Estimating the required storage volume of the infiltration system is through computer
simulation or reference to the design curves in Figure 11.6.
With a sandy loam in situ soil, a saturated hydraulic conductivity of 360 mm/hr is
adopted and Figure 11.6 shows that the required storage area (assuming an effective
depth of 1m) is 3% of the contributing impervious area. Thus the storage volume
required is 0.65 x 10000 x 0.03 = 195 m .
11.6.8. Step 7: Locate Infiltration System
As the general fall of the site is to the front of the property, it is proposed that the
infiltration system be sited near the front of the property with paved area runoff
directed to grassed buffers and a feature vegetated landscaped area adjacent to the
infiltration system. Given the sandy soil profile of the site, the minimum distance of the
infiltration system from structures and property boundary is 1 m.
Overflow from the infiltration system will be directed to the table drain of the street in
front of the property.
11.6.9. Step 8: Set Infiltration Depths
The depth of the infiltration systems must be set to ensure the base is a minimum of
1.0 m above the seasonal high water table and there is a minimum of 0.3 m cover.
Considering the water table sits 5 m below surface, a maximum infiltration depth of 3.7
m applies with 0.5m of soil covering the soak-away.
Infiltration depth = 1.0 m
Depth to water table = 3.5 m

The available site area is approximately 48 m and therefore, the effective depth to
achieve storage of 195m is 4.1 m. A gravel-filled trench will be used and will have a
porosity of 0.35. The resulting actual depth of the infiltration tank will need to be
The proposed layout of the infiltration system is shown in Figure 11.9.

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Chapter 11 Infiltration Systems


16 x 3m
infiltration unit
control pit

connected to

Figure 11.9

landscaped area

Layout of Stormwater Infiltration System

11.6.10. Step 9: Specify Infiltration Detention Volume Elements

The following design specification applies to the infiltration soak-away:

Gravel - clean (fines free) stone/ gravel with a uniform size of 5 mm diameter.

Geofabric - Geofabric must to be installed along the side walls and through the
base of the infiltration detention volume to prevent the migration of in-situ soils
into the system. Geofabric must be non-woven type with a minimum
perforation or mesh size of 0.25 mm.

11.6.11. Step 10: Hydraulic Control Design

Flow into the infiltration soak-away will be regulated through a discharge control pit
with overflow or bypass flows being directed into the piped drainage system located in
the road reserve. As depicted in Figure 11.10. The discharge control pit consists of
the following:

Inflow pipe - connection between the pit and the infiltration basin sized to
convey design operation flow (3-month ARI)

Perforated inflow pipes - to distribute design operation flow (3-month ARI)

into the gravel filled detention volume

overflow weir flows above the 3-month ARI to bypass the infiltration system
and to be directed to the street table drain.

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Chapter 11 Infiltration Systems

Compacted Soil

Internal Weir



Control Pit


Mesh Screen

300m UPVC
Outlet pipe


Figure 11.10

Pit Inlet design Connection to Infiltration System


Peak 3-month design flow = 0.109 m /s (calculated previously) and assuming pervious
area not contributing any runoff. There will be approximately 0.046 m /s discharging
from the rainwater tank overflow and 0.063 m /s from other paved areas.
There are two inlets to the infiltration system, i.e. one from the rainwater tank and the
second from the driveway (see Figure 11.9). These inlets are to be designed to
discharge flows up to 0.063 m3/s each into the infiltration trench with overflows
directed to the table drain on the street in front of the property.
Pipe connections from the inlet pits to the infiltration system and street table drain are
computed using the orifice flow

Ao =

C d 2 gh


Discharge Coefficient for sharp edge orifice (0.6)

Depth of water above the centroid of the orifice (m)


Orifice area (m )

For pipe connections to the infiltration system, adopt h = 0.15 m; Q = 0.063m /s


This gives an orifice area (Ao) of 0.062 m , equivalent to a 280 mm diameter pipe
adopt 300 mm diameter uPVC pipe.

Perforated Inflow Pipes

To ensure appropriate distribution of flows into the gravel filled detention volume,
three 300 mm diameter perforated pipes laid in parallel (0.75 m apart) are to accept
flows from the 300 mm diameter RCP.
Two design checks are required:

Ensure the pipe has capacity to convey the design operation flow (0.109 m /s).
Ensure the perforations are adequate to pass the design operation flow.

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Formatted: Indent: Left: 0 cm,

Hanging: 1.59 cm, Outline numbered
+ Level: 3 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3,
+ Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left +
Aligned at: 1.11 cm + Indent at: 2.38

Chapter 11 Infiltration Systems

Perforated Pipe Conveyance

Mannings equation is applied to estimate the flow rate in the perforated pipes and
confirm the capacity of the pipes is sufficient to convey the design operation flow
(0.109 m /s). The three 300 mm diameter perforated pipes are to be laid in parallel at
a grade of 0.5 %.


A.R 3 .S

Mannings equation

Applying the Mannings equation using Mannings n = 0.015 finds:

Q (flow per pipe) = 0.320 m3/s


= 0.960 m /s (for three pipes) > 0.109 m /s, and hence OK.

Perforated Pipe Slot Conveyance

To ensure the perforated pipe slots are not a hydraulic choke in the system, the flow
capacity of perforated pipe slots is estimated and compared with the design operation
flow (0.109 m3/s). To estimate the flow rate, an orifice equation (equation 11-5) is
applied as follows:

Q orifice = B Cd A 2 g h
Head (h)

= 0.4 m

Blockage (B)

= 0.5 (50 % blocked)

Area (A)

= 3150 mm /m clear perforations, hence blocked area

= 1575 mm2/m
Slot Width

= 1.5 mm

Slot Length

= 7.5 mm

Pipe diameter

= 300 mm

Coefficient (Cd) = 0.61 (assume slot width acts as a sharp edged orifice).

Number of unblocked slots per metre = (1575)/(1.5x7.5) = 140

(Note: blockage factor (B) already accounted for in Area calculation above)
Inlet capacity /m of pipe = [ 0.61 ( 0.0015 0.0075 ) 2 9.81 0.4 ] 140
= 0.0027 m3/s
Inlet capacity/m x total length (3 lengths of 16 m)
= 0.0027 x (3 x 16) = 0.129 m3/s > 0.109, hence OK.
Perforated pipes = 3 x 300 mm diameter perforated pipe laid in parallel, 0.75 m apart
and at 0.5 % grade.

Bypass Design

An overflow weir (internal weir) located within the discharge control pit (Figure 11.11)
separates the inflow pipe to the infiltration system from the overflow pipe that conveys
excess flows to the street table drain. The overflow internal weirs in discharge control
pits are to be sized to convey the peak 3-month ARI flow and the overflow weir is
designed to provide at least 150m freeboard i.e.

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Chapter 11 Infiltration Systems

(For conservative design, choose the larger flow for design of discharge control pit,
0.063 m /s)

Qdesign = 2 x 0.063 m /s (two inlet pits) = 0.126m /s

The weir flow equation (equation 11-6) is used to determine the required weir length:

Q weir = B Cw L h 3 / 2
So, using the

Qdesign flow = 0.126 m /s


= 1.0 (no blockage for internal weir)


= 1.66

= 0.3 m

We can solve for L, giving a weir length (L) = 0.46 m.

To size the pipe connection to the street table drain, use the orifice equation and solve
for A
Q orifice = B Cd A 2 g h

=0.40 m;

= 0.126 m /s


= 9.81


= 0.6 (assumes sharp edge orifice)

This gives an orifice area (A) of 0.075 m2, equivalent to a 310 mm diameter pipe 
adopt 450 mm diameter uPVC pipe.
Discharge control pit




300mm UPVC

Figure 11.11

600m UPVC pipe

connected to street
drainage system

Weir used for infiltration system bypass

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Chapter 11 Infiltration Systems

Design Calculation Summary


Calculation Task



Catchment Characteristics
Catchment area
Catchment landuse (i.e residential, commercial etc.)
Storm event entering infiltration system (minor or major)




year ARI


Site and soil evaluation

Site and Soil Evaluation' undertaken in accordance
Soil type


Presence of soil salinity


Presence of rock/shale


Infiltration site terrain (% slope)

Groundwater level

RL 5


Hydraulic conductivity (Ksat)

m below surface

Groundwater quality


Groundwater uses


Confirm design objective as defined by conceptual design

95% HE

Confirm design objectives

Select infiltration system type

Leaky Well

Infiltration Trench
Infiltration 'Soak-away'
Infiltration Basin

Pre-treatment design

Level 1 Pre-treatment (avoid clogging)

Level 2 Pre-treatment (groundwater quality protection)

Determine design flows

'Design operation flow' (< or =1 year ARI)
'Above design flow' (2 - 100 year ARI)


year ARI


year ARI


Time of concentration
Identify rainfall intensities
'Design operation flow' - I1 year ARI



'Above design flow'- I2 100 year ARI



Design runoff coefficient

'Design operation flow' - C1 year ARI


'Above design flow'- C2 100 year ARI


'Design operation flow' 3-month ARI


m /s

'Above design flow' (100 year ARI)


m /s

Hydrologic effectiveness objective


Peak design flows

Size infiltration system

Hydrologic effectiveness approach
Porosity (void = 1.0, gravel filled = 0.35)
'Infiltration Area'
'Detention Volume'

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Chapter 11 Infiltration Systems


Calculation Task





Minimum distance from boundary (Table 11.5)

Set infiltration depths (sub-surface systems only)

Ground surface level


Groundwater level

RL 5

m below surface


Locate infiltration system

Infiltration system depth


Top of infiltration system

RL 4.5

Base of infiltration system

RL 3.3



Depth to water table


mm diam.

Specify infiltration 'detention volume' elements

Gravel size

Modular plastic cells


Flow management design

Inflow/Overflow structures
Direct inflow

Overflow pit/pipe
Discharge control pit
Discharge pipe
Pipe capacity
Pipe size



mm diam.

Inflow pipe
Pipe capacity
Pipe size


m /s

mm diam.

Overflow pipe
Pipe capacity
Pipe size


m /s

mm diam.

Overflow pit

Pit capacity

m /s


Pit size

mm x mm


Perforated inflow pipes

No. of pipes
Pipe size



Discharge control pit

Pit size
Weir length

ABC Waters Stormwater Quality Management Guidelines

mm x mm



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Chapter 11 Infiltration Systems

11.7. References
Argue JR (ed) 2004, Water Sensitive Urban Design: Basic Procedures for Source
Control of Stormwater, AWA, University of South Australia
CRCCH (Cooperative Research Centre for Catchment Hydrology), 2003, Model for
Urban Stormwater Improvement Conceptualisation (MUSIC) User Guide, Version 2.0,
DPI, IMEA & BCC (Department of Primary Industries Water Resources, Institute of
Municipal Engineers Australia Qld Division & Brisbane City Council) 1992,
Queensland Urban Drainage Manual (QUDM), prepared by Neville Jones &
Associates and Australian Water Engineering for DPI, IMEA & BCC, Brisbane .
Engineers Australia 2006,






Engineers Australia, 2003, Australian Runoff Quality Guidelines, DRAFT, June

Institution of Engineers Australia, 1997, Australian Rainfall and Runoff A guide to
flood estimation, Editor in Chief Pilgram, D.H.
Leinster, S 2006, Delivering the Final Product Establishing Water Sensitive Urban
Design Systems, 7 International Conference on Urban Drainage Modelling and 4
International Conference on Water Sensitive Urban Design Book of Proceedings,
Volume 2, A Deletic and T Fletcher (eds), Melbourne.
Melbourne Water.


WSUD Engineering Procedures: Stormwater.


Public Utilities Board (2006). Code of Practice on Surface Water Drainage. Singapore.
Standards Australia 2000, AS/NZS 1547:2000: On-site domestic wastewater
management, Standards Australia
UPRCT (Upper Parramatta River Catchment Trust) 2004, Water Sensitive Urban
Design: Technical Guidelines for Western Sydney, prepared by URS Australia Pty Ltd

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