West Green - ST John Vianney Church
West Green - ST John Vianney Church
West Green - ST John Vianney Church
West Green
4 Vincent Road, London N15 3QH
Parish Office Tel No: 020-8888-5518
E-mail: [email protected]
Facebook: West Green - St John Vianney Church
Our website: http://stjohnvianneywestgreen.co.uk/
(SJV Parish Centre 020-8888-5518)
Dear Parishioners,
In the three readings today, we are reminded that our prayer
and our spiritual journey demands endurance, consistency and
perseverance. While Moses has his hands raised, the Israelites were
successful, but as Moses grew weary the outcome of the battle was
not in their favour. (I feel very uncomfortable with this story).
The concept of praying constantly is brought out by Paul in his letter to Timothy
proclaim the message and welcome or unwelcome, insist on it.
Jesus reminds us to pray continually and never lose heart. He is telling us that
prayer is not just now and again or when we feel like it or when we need something, but
must be constant. God is not like the unjust judge who gives the widow the justice she
deserves, just to get rid of her. Prayer is simply being in the presence of God and allowing
God to speak to us. It is not about asking or demanding things from God. God knows our
needs before we ask we are firstly to praise and thank God in our prayers just as Jesus
taught us in the Our Father. The perfect formula for our prayer life.
PILGRIMAGE IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF ST PAUL: Our parish pilgrimage to Greece
was such a delight and a blessing. By beginning in Thessaloniki, we followed his second
missionary journey. Paul landed in the North of Greece one of the first to be baptised in
Europe was Lydia and we had the privilege of celebrating and open-air Mass by the very
river where she was baptised. Paul and Silas were thrown into prison, accused to
spreading strange messages about a person called Jesus who died and rose to life again
after a miraculous deliverance from jail (Acts of the Apostles Ch. 16 and 17), both Paul and
Silas escape to the region of Beroea and then on to Athens and Corinth.
We were so lucky to have a wonderful guide, Maria. She was so steeped in the story
of St Pauls missionary journey; her own Greek history and Greek mythology, that she
made the whole trip alive and interesting. We were blessed to be able to follow in St Pauls
FAREWELL to SR CLARA: Today we make a formal farewell to Sr Clara. We thank
her for the three years of her ministry here with us. We wish her well in her new ministry
in Barcelona. Adios, Clara!!
PLANNED GIVING CAMPAIGN: Thanks to all who have responded generously to the
Planned Giving project. I havent been able to work out yet the percentage increase, but
Im sure it will be significant. Thank you again for your constant support of our parish.
SCHOOL TRANSFER FORMS: Please note that Fr Damian and I will be signing the
Certificate of Catholic Practice this coming Tuesday afternoon and evening. Please make
sure you have completed a self-assessment form as well.
Thats all for now, God bless.
Fr Joe
CAFOD Thank You for your generosity
this Harvest Fast Day Collection: Our
parish raised 834.25. Your generosity will
help people like 32 year old Nicotra, from
Bolivia on her journey from poverty to
Today, Sunday 16th, we will have a formal
farewell for Sr Clara at 11am Mass and
afterwards in our Parish Hall.
We invited people to bring a plate / dish of
food to share; these foods need to be in
place before Mass. Please bring a plate of
food to share.
Put you name in the list to indicate what you
are bringing. Thanks!
Fr Joe will be signing school references on
Tuesday 18th October from 3.30-4.30pm
or 5.30-6.30pm in the Parish Hall.
Parents wishing to apply to Catholic
Primary or Secondary School for the next
academic year are required to obtain a
Letter of Catholic Practice from their Parish
Priest. These are issued to those who attend
Mass regularly.
Featuring Dr Edward Sri: Join us on 18th
October at 7.30pm & 19th October at 10am
in the parish hall for the Introduction of
Mary: A Biblical Walk with the Blessed
Mother an extraordinary study that reveals
Marys unique role in Gods Kingdom. Cost:
suggested donation of 10 for the material
needed to follow the course. To register
please contact Sr. Devyn on 07403 784463
For the late John Flaherty, RIP will take
place here at St John Vianney on Friday 21st
October at 10am.
We keep his family and friends in our
May his soul rest in peace.
Toilet paper
To you I call; for you will surely heed me, O God;
turn your ear to me; hear my words. Guard
me as the apple of your eye; in the shadow
of your wings protect me.
First Reading:
Responsorial Psalm:
Psalm 120
Our help is in the name of the Lord who made
heaven and earth,
Second Reading: 2 Timothy 3: 14 4:2
Gospel Acclamation
Alleluia, alleluia!
May the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ enlighten
Special Intentions:
the eyes of our mind, so that we can see
Nancy OBrien
what hope his call holds for us.
Chidera Odisgo Michael Ononogbo (Blessing)
Communion Antiphon:
Behold the eyes of the Lord are on those who fear
him, who hope in his merciful love, to rescue
their souls from death, to keep them alive in
Patricia Ng Ying
For the sick and those in our parish
Ann Commins, Anne OBrien, Betty Kennedy,
Bridget Mitchell, Boniface Pinto, Greta
Lettice, Joan Fachtna OCallaghan John
ORouke, Margaret Kennedy, Maria DSouza,
Mary, Catherine & John OSullivan, Nellie
OShea, Nialda & Angelo Cattina, Pantaleone
Mansi, Pat Phelan, Patricia Hunt, May
Hempenstall, Rita Mongelard, Sheila
Courtney, Sherry Arul, Timothy OConnor,
Yvonne Joseph
Names not listed above, are listed
in our Book of Intentions.
Sacrament of Reconciliation:
Saturday: from 9:45 am 10:15am
Fr. Joe Ryan, Parish Priest
Fr Damian Ryan, Assistant Priest
Sr. Clara Segui, Parish Sister (on sabbatical)
Germaine Ng Ying, Parish Adm/Secretary