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3rd annual Celebrity Poker tournament

at the

Playboy Mansion

May 17, 2008

Playboy Playmate
Christi Shake

The Urban Health Institute will host its 3rd Annual Celebrity Poker Tournament and
Casino Night at the world famous Playboy Mansion. This charitable event offers guests
the opportunity of a lifetime: A night at the legendary Playboy Mansion mixing and
mingling with celebrity actors, athletes, musicians and, of course, the beautiful Playboy
Playmates as they test their skills in a Texas Hold Em Poker Tournament and other ca
sino games, all while supporting a worthy cause.

600 guests on average attend each year

70% of the guests have played in more than 4 tournaments each year
65% of the guests are male
30% of the guests travel from other states to attend

5% of the guests travel from other countries

40% of the guests in 2007 were returning guests

About UHI
The Urban Health Institute is a nonprofit organization
founded by Dr. Kevin Brown to provide direct care, medi
cation and medical equipment in the event of a to natural
and manmade disasters. The organization enlists pro
bono participation from local health care professionals to
provide public health education and information about the
availabiliy of healthrelated and specialty care resources
within disadvantaged communities. Your sponsorship will
help fund the Urban Health Institutes numerous services,
including monthly health education seminars, quarterly
health fairs and the purchase of medical supplies for un
derserved communities locally and abroad. For more in
formation on the Urban Health Institute visit our website
at www.uhinstitute.org.

Laura Prepon

Shannon Elizabeth

Dr. Jerry Buss

Owner, The Lakers (NBA)

Justin Timberlake

Owen Hudson

Paris Hilton
Musician, Actress

Gabrielle Union


Jamie Foxx

Ted Forrest
Professional Poker Player


Cyndy Violett
Professional Poker Player

Annie Duke
Professional Poker Player


Erick Lindgren
Professional Poker Player

Tyra Banks
Model, Talk Show Host

Gavin Smith
Professional Poker Player

Michael Mizrachi
Professional Poker Player

Kwame Brown
LA Lakers (NBA)

Hayden Panettiere

Corey Maggette
The Clippers (NBA)

Jessica Biel

Amir Vaheedi
Professional Poker Player

Paul Pierce
The Celtics (NBA)

Nick Cannon

Anthony Anderson

Elton Brand
The Clippers (NBA)

Tony Lay
Professional Poker Player

Tara Reid

Lauren Conrad
TV Personality

Jennifer Leigh
Professional Poker Player

Byron Russell
The Sonics (NBA)

Adam Rodriguez

Daniel Negreanu
Professional Poker Player

London Bissett

Chris Moneymaker
Professional Poker Player

Phil Lundgren
Professional Poker Player

Phil Helmuth
Professional Poker Player

Jennifer Tilly
Professional Poker Player

Bryan Barber

Shaun Marion
The Suns (NBA)


Celebs andProPokerPlayers*

Don Cheadle


Presenting Sponsor

Four of A Kind
Title Sponsor

Full House
Program Sponsor


Sponsorship Benefits
On-site Business and Brand Related Benefits
Marketing and Merchandising Opportunities
Hospitality and Client Related Entertainment Opportunities
Press/Publicity Opportunities

sPOnsOrsHIP levels

Royal Flush


PresentingSponsor $100,000

On-site Business and Brand Related Benefits

First place prize presenter
Custom VIP cabana
6 Playboy Bunnies co-branded with Company logo
4 body painted models branded with Company logo
3 gobos of sponsor logo at the event (artwork provided by sponsor)
Company logo on custom poker tables
Marketing and Merchandising Opportunities
Company logo featured on Urban Health Institute (UHI) website main page with link
to company website
Company logo and boilerplateposted to Sponsor area of UHI website
Company Logo and Title on all printed materials (Save the Date cards and Invitations)
Full page color ad on the outside back cover of the Souvenir Book (artwork supplied by
60 sec video played in shuttles that transport guests to and from the Mansion (video
supplied by sponsor)
Promotional items placed in VIP Gift bag for celebrities and professional players and in
the tournament gift bag for guests (product supplied by sponsor)
Hospitality and Client Related Entertainment Opportunities
15 VIP Tickets
Pre-Event Cocktail Reception and Playmate guided tour of the grounds
3 drive on passes to the Playboy Mansion
VIP Transportation shuttle for companys guest to the Playboy Mansion
Press/Publicity Opportunities
Photo with first place tournament winner
Company listed as presenting sponsor in all pre-and post-media outreach (press re
leases, media alerts, etc) as well as radio, print and online advertising
Photo opportunities for sponsor/product with Celebrities on the red carpet
Company Logo on the Media Wall

Custom lounge or bar

4 Playboy Bunnies co-branded with Company logo
2 body painted models branded with Company logo
2 gobos of sponsor logo at the event (artwork provided by sponsor)
Company logo on custom poker tables
Marketing and Merchandising Opportunities
Company logo featured on Urban Health Institute (UHI) website main page with
link to company website
Company logo posted to Sponsor area of UHI website
Company Logo and Title on all printed materials (Save the Date cards and Invita
Full page color ad on the inside back cover of the Souvenir Book(artwork supplied
by sponsor)
30 sec video played in shuttles that transport guests to and from the Mansion
(video supplied by sponsor)
Promotional items placed in VIP Gift bag for celebrities and professional players
and in the tournament gift bag for guests (product supplied by sponsor)
Hospitality and Client Related Entertainment Opportunities
12 VIP Tickets
Pre-Event Cocktail Reception and Playmate guided tour of the grounds
2 drive on passes to the Playboy Mansion
VIP Transportation shuttle for companys guest to the Playboy Mansion
Press/Publicity Opportunities
Company listed as title sponsor in all pre-and post-media outreach (press releases,
media alerts, etc) as well as radio, print and online advertising
Photo opportunities for sponsor/product with Celebrities on the red carpet
Company Logo on the Media Wall

Four of A Kind

Second place prize presenter

Title Sponsor $50,000

On-site Business and Brand Related Benefits

FUll HOUse

PROgRaM sPOnsOR -$25,000

On-site Business and Brand Related Benefits

Third place prize presenter
2 Playboy Bunnies co-branded with Company logo
2 banners of sponsor logo at the event (artwork provided by sponsor)
Company logo on custom poker tables
2 Easels with company signage placed at the Silent Auction Lounge in the main
Marketing and Merchandising Opportunities
Company logo on Urban Health Institute (UHI) website main page with link to
company website
Company logo and Title on all printed materials (Save the Date cards and Invita
Full page color ad in the Souvenir Book (artwork supplied by sponsor)
15 sec video played in shuttles that transport guests to and from the Mansion
(video supplied by sponsor)
Promotional items placed in VIP Gift bag for celebrities and professional players
and in the tournament gift bag for guests (product supplied by sponsor)
Hospitality and Client Related Entertainment Opportunities
10 VIP Tickets
1 drive on passes to the Playboy Mansion
VIP Transportation shuttle for companys guest to the Playboy Mansion
Press/Publicity Opportunities
Company listed as presenting sponsor in all pre-and post-media outreach
(press releases, media alerts, etc) as well as radio, print and online advertising
Photo opportunities for sponsor/product with Celebrities on the red carpet
Company Logo on the Media Wall

Marketing and Merchandising Opportunities

Company logo on Urban Health Institute (UHI) website with link to company
Full page ad in the souvenir program
Logo on pre-event advertising and promotions (print and online)
Promotional product placed in Tournament gift bag for guests (non-VIP)
Hospitality and Client Related Entertainment Opportunities
3 Tournament entries and 3 general admission tickets
VIP Transportation shuttle for companys guests to the Playboy Mansion from the
designated parking lot
Press/Publicity Opportunities
Company mentioned in all pre-and post-media outreach (press releases, media
alerts, etc) as well as radio, print and online advertising


2 Easels with Company signage placed in the cocktail lounge area

PROgRaM sPOnsOR -$15,000

On-site Brand Related Benefits


PROgRaM sPOnsOR -$5,000

On-site Brand Related Benefits

1 Easel with Company signage placed in the cocktail lounge area Marketing and
Merchandising Opportunities
Company logo on Urban Health Institute (UHI) website with link to company
Half page ad in the souvenir program
Logo on pre-event advertising and promotions (online)
Hospitality and Client Related Entertainment Opportunities
2 Tournament entries and 2 general admission tickets
Press/Publicity Opportunities
Company mentioned in all pre-and post-media outreach (press releases, media
alerts, etc) as well as radio, print and online advertising


(Photo, Online, Print, Radio, Television)

4 exclusive media outlets covered inside the event

Extra, Angeleno Magazine, CardPlayer and Rolling Out
2 exclusive photography outlets covered inside the event Wire Image and WENN
Media outlets include:
rolling out Magazine
Playboy Magazine
944 Magazine
CardPlayer Magazine
Angeleno Magazine
Kush Magazine
Beverly Hills Magazine Radio
RoundersRadio Show (Canada)
V 100.3
Playboy Radio

Online (Print, Photo and Online)

Getty Images
Wire Image

For sponsorship information contact:

Yvette McNally 323-791-9791 [email protected]
or Deshawn Kennedy 404-635-1313 ext 224 [email protected]

MEdia Coverage

50 local and national outlets covered red carpet arrivals

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