Pichel vs. Alonzo
Pichel vs. Alonzo
Pichel vs. Alonzo
And in Sibal vs. Valdez, 50 Phil 512, pending crops which have potential
existence may be the subject matter of sale.
Same; Same; A transfer of possession or ownership of the fruits of
apiece of land cannot be equated with the transfer of possession or
ownership of the land.The contract was clearly a sale of the coconut
fruits. The vendor sold, transferred and conveyed by way of absolute sale,
all the coconut fruits of his land, thereby divesting himself of all ownership
or dominion over the fruits during the seven-year period. The possession
and enjoyment of the coconut trees cannot be said to be the possession and
enjoyment of the land itself because these rights are distinct and separate
from each other, the rst pertaining to the accessory or improvements
(coconut trees) while the second, to the principal (the land). A transfer of the
accessory or improvement is not a transfer of the principal. It is the other
way around, the accessory follows the principal. Hence, the sale of the nuts
cannot be interpreted nor construed to be a lease of the trees, much less
extended further to include the lease of the land itself.
Public Lands; Sale; The grantee of public land is not prohibited from
selling the fruits thereof, like coconut fruits, which are meant to be gathered
and severed from the trees.Resolving now this principal issue, We nd
after a close and careful examination of the terms of the rst paragraph of
Section 8 hereinabove quoted, that the grantee of a parcel of land under R.
A. No. 477 is not prohibited from alienating or disposing of the natural
and/or industrial fruits of the land awarded to him. What the law expressly
disallows is the encumbrance or alienation of the land itself or any of the
permanent improvements thereon. Permanent improvements on a parcel of
land are things incorporated or attached to the property in a xed manner,
naturally or articially. They include whatever is built, planted or sown on
the land which is characterized by xity, immutability or immovability.
Houses, buildings, machinery, animal houses, trees and plants would fall
under the category of permanent improvements, the alienation or
encumbrance of which is prohibited by R.A. No. 477. While coconut trees
are permanent improvements of a land, their nuts are natural or industrial
fruits which are meant to be gathered or severed from the trees, to be used,
enjoyed, sold or otherwise disposed of by the owner of the land. Herein
respondents, as the grantee of Lot No. 21 from the Government, had the
right and prerogative to sell the coconut fruits of the trees growing on the
After the pre-trial conference, the Court a quo issued an Order dated
November 9, 1972 which in part read thus:
The following facts are admitted by the parties:
Plaintiff Prudencio Alonzo was awarded by the Government that parcel
of land designated as Lot No. 21 of Subdivision Plan Psd-32465 of
Balactasan, Lamitan, Basilan City in accordance with Republic Act No.
477. The award was cancelled by the Board of Liquidators on January 27,
1965 on the ground that, previous thereto,
Order of the lower Court dated November 9, 1972, Original Record on Appeal,
pp. 9-10. The rst issue was originally phrased thus: Was the partial consideration of
sale in the sum of P3,650.00 paid by defendant to Ramon Sua as agreed upon by the
parties?, but was later changed to what appears above, in an Order dated November
21, 1972, Original Record on Appeal, p. 12.
Decision of the lower Court dated January 5, 1973, Original Record on Appeal,
p. 16.
This provision has been amended by Section 2 of Presidential Decree No. 967,
promulgated on June 24, 1976, to read as follows: Sec. 8. Any provision of law,
executive order, rules or regulations to the contrary notwithstanding, an applicant who
has acquired land pursuant to the provisions of this Act and to whom a certicate of
title has been issued covering such land
Before going into the issues raised by the instant Petition, the matter
of whether, under the admitted facts of this case, the respondent had
the right or authority to execute the Deed of Sale in 1968, his
award over Lot No. 21 having been cancelled previously by the
Board of Liquidators on January
27, 1965, must be claried. The
case in point is Ras vs. Sua wherein it was categorically stated by
this Court that a cancellation of an award granted pursuant to the
provisions of Republic Act No. 477 does not automatically divest
the awardee of his rights to the land. Such cancellation does not
result in the immediate reversion of the property subject of the
award, to the State. Speaking through Mr. Justice J.B.L. Reyes, this
Court ruled that until and unless an appropriate proceeding for
reversion is instituted by the State, and its reacquisition of the
ownership and possession of the land decreed by a competent court,
the grantee cannot be said to have been divested
of whatever right
that he may have over the same property.
There is nothing in the record to show that at any time after the
supposed cancellation of herein respondents award on
may sell, cede, transfer, or convey his rights and interests therein, including the
permanent improvements on the land, to any interested party.
Decision of the lower Court dated January 5, 1973, Original Record on Appeal,
p. 19.
Ibid., p. 160.
See Pacic Oxygen and Acetylene Co. vs. Central Bank, L-21881, March 1,
The subject matter of the contract of sale in question are the fruits of
the coconut trees on the land during the years from September 15,
1968 up to January 1, 1976, which subject matter is a determinate
thing. Under Article 1461 of the New Civil Code, things having a
potential existence may be the object of the contract of sale. And in
Sibal vs. Valdez, 50 Phil. 512, pending crops which have potential
existence may be the subject matter of sale. Here, the Supreme
Court, citing Mechem on Sales and American cases said:
Mr. Mechem says that a valid sale may be made of a thing, which though
not yet actually in existence, is reasonably certain to come into existence as
the natural increment or usual incident of something already in existence,
and then belonging to the vendor, and the title will vest in the buyer the
moment the thing comes into existence. (Emerson vs. European Railway
Co., 67 Me., 387; Cutting vs. Packers Exchange, 21 Am. St. Rep. 63)
Things of this nature are said to have a potential existence. A man may sell
property of which he is potentially and not actually possessed. He may make
a valid sale of the wine that a vineyard is expected to produce; or the grain a
eld may grow in a given time; or the milk a cow may yield during the
coming year; or the wool that shall thereafter grow upon sheep; or what may
be taken at the next case of a shermans net; or fruits to grow; or young
animals not yet in existence; or the good will of a trade and the like. The
thing sold, however, must be specic and identied. They must be also
owned at the time by the vendor. (Hull vs. Hull, 48 Conn., 250 (40 Am.
Rep., 165) (pp. 522-523).
We do not agree with the trial court that the contract executed by and
between the parties is actually a contract of lease of the land and
the coconut trees there. (CFI Decision, p. 62, Records). The Courts
holding that the contract in question ts the denition of a lease of
things wherein one of the parties binds himself to give to another the
enjoyment or use of a thing for a price certain and for a period which
may be denite or indenite (Art. 1643, Civil Code of the
Philippines) is erroneous. The essential difference between a
contract of sale and a lease of things is that the delivery of the thing
sold transfers ownership, while in lease no such transfer of
ownership results as the rights of the lessee are limited to the use
and enjoyment of the thing leased.
the conclusion that the contract at bar was one of lease. It was from
the context of a lease contract that the Court below determined the
applicability of Sec. 8, R.A. No. 477, to the instant case.
Resolving now this principal issue, We nd after a close and
careful examination of the terms of the rst paragraph of Section 8
hereinabove quoted, that the grantee of a parcel of land under R.A.
No. 477 is not prohibited from alienating or disposing of the natural
and/or industrial fruits of the land awarded to him. What the law
expressly disallows is the encumbrance or alienation of the land
itself or any of the permanent improvements thereon. Permanent
improvements on a parcel of land are things incorporated or attached
to the property in a xed manner, naturally or articially. They
include whatever is built, planted or sown on the land which is
characterized by xity, immutability or immovability. Houses,
buildings, machinery, animal houses, trees and plants would fall
under the category of permanent improvements, the alienation or
encumbrance of which is prohibited by R.A. No. 477. While coconut
trees are permanent improvements of a land, their nuts are natural or
The purpose of the law is not violated when a grantee sells the
produce or fruits of his land. On the contrary, the aim of the law is
thereby achieved, for the grantee is encouraged and induced to be
more industrious and productive, thus making it possible for him
and his family to be economically self-sufcient and to lead a
respectable life. At the same time, the Government is assured of
payment on the annual installments on the land. We agree with
herein petitioner that it could not have been the intention of the
legislature to prohibit the grantee from selling the natural and
industrial fruits of his land, for otherwise, it would lead to an absurd
situation wherein the grantee would not be able to receive and enjoy
the fruits of the property in the real and complete sense.
Respondent through counsel, in his Answer to the Petition
contends that even granting arguendo that he executed a deed of sale
of the coconut fruits, he has the privilege to change his mind and
claim it as (an) implied lease, and he has the legitimate right to
le an action for annulment which no law can stop. He claims it is
his sole construction of the meaning of the transaction that should
prevail and not petitioner. (sic). Respondents counsel either misapplies the law or is trying too hard and going too far to defend his
clients hopeless cause. Sufce it to say that respondent-grantee,
after having received the consideration for the sale of his coconut
fruits, cannot be allowed to impugn the validity of the contracts he
the property under Article 1594 of the Civil Code. (Salvoro vs.
Taega, 87 SCRA 359.)