Focus Stacking in Linux

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Focus Stacking in Linux

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One of my favorite areas of photography is macro photography. To me taking images of tiny things
is just freaking awesome. I dont know why I love it, but so far it is my favorite type of photos to
take and to edit.
Macro photography also poses many changes. For instance, macro lenes and macro methods tend
to produce a very shallow depth of field. This means that the amount of stuff actually in focus in

the picture is very thin. If you want to take photos that have lots of stuff in focus, you have two
1. Shoot with a very small aperture
2. Focus stacking
Lets look at both of these options a little closer.
Shoot with a very small aperture: As the hole in the camera/lens gets smaller, the depth of field
gets deeper. This means that shooting at f11 will have a much larger depth of field than shooting at
f2.8. Perfect. Just shoot at small apertures and stuff will be in focus.
There are some issues with this though. You still may not have enough depth of field. So if you are
shooting something really thick and you want it all in focus f11 (or smaller) may not be enough.
Some lenses may also not be at there best at f11. Maybe your lens looks best at f5.6 and you dont
want to go all the way to f11.
Add to this the fact that f11 takes a lot of light and you realize that shooting with a small aperture
may not get the result you want.
Focus Stacking: Focus stacking is the process of taking many pictures with different elements of
the image in focus and then combining the images so that the resultant image is in focus.
Its a little related to HDR in that in HDR one combines the dynamic ranges of many images into
one HDR image. In focus stacking, one combines the in-focus regions of various images to render
one image.
In this post we will talk about how I focus stack in Linux.
The Software: I do all my photography work in Linux (Gimp/Aftershot
Pro/DarkTable/Hugin/QtPFSGui/etc). I prefer to work with opensource software, but I am not
against purchasing software when a good alternative doesnt exist in the OSS world. As to focus
stacking directly the only software package I use is Hugin. Although used primarily for panorama
stitching (which I used to make the Venice stitch) it also works well for focus stacking.
The Process: When shooting Macro photography for focus stacking I use a tripod and rails to
adjust the area of the shot that is in focus. For the example used in this post, I shot 9 images:

These nine images were shot in RAW on my Canon 30D. I copied them off my CF card into a
directory on my Linux box and ran the following command:
dcraw -T *.CR2

There are lots of different options you can pass to dcraw to make it do different coolness for you,
but for the sake of this post I kept the defaults. This command reads in all the CR2 files and
generates TIFF files from them. This is needed because Hugin works best with tiff files.
Next we need to align the images so that they are all exactly over each other. To do this I invoke:
align_image_stack -a aligned_ -v -m -g 10 -C *.tiff

This command makes new aligned_* images that are cropped and stacked on top of one another (I
had to add -g 10 for align_image_stack to be able to align my image).
Now we just need to do the dirty work of actually focus stacking the image. This could be done
manually in Gimp by carefully erasing and layering the images, but that sounds like a pain and I am
lazy so instead I just use Hugin again to focus stack the images for me using the following
enfuse -o result.tiff --exposure-weight=0 --saturation-weight=0 --contrastweight=1 --hard-mask aligned_*

Hugin/enfuse now does the heavy lifting for us and combines our individually focused sections into
one masterpiece image; hopefully everything in focus. As with align_imge_stack and dcraw, enfuse
takes many command line options that you can use to tweak its results.
So how does the output look? Well this is the result:

Not too shabby but it has some halo effect around it. I am still working on figuring out how to get
rid of this. Any input is welcome and I will update this article as I learn more.
Linux, Photography and tagged dcraw, focus stacking, hugin, low key, plants, raw by Barry.
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One thought on Focus Stacking in Linux


Arie Jan Kraai on said:

Hi Barry, thanks for this article! Using your advice I started to experiment with focus
stacking and sometimes the results are great. I got rid of some ghost effects by increasing the
grid (-g 10) and selecting more controlpoints (-c 16).
You can see the result over here:
Cheers, Arie

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