DesignBuilderPrintableManualv4 5A4
DesignBuilderPrintableManualv4 5A4
DesignBuilderPrintableManualv4 5A4
for DesignBuilder v4.5
Learn About DesignBuilder ...................................................................................... 12
Keeping Up-to-date ................................................................................................... 13
DesignBuilder Tips ................................................................................................... 13
Capabilities ............................................................................................................... 13
Recent Files (Opening Screen) ................................................................................ 14
User Interface........................................................................................................... 15
Edit Screen............................................................................................................... 15
Licensing & Activation .............................................................................................. 16
Core Concepts ........................................................................................................... 35
Model Data Hierarchy & Data Inheritance ............................................................... 35
Templates And Components ................................................................................... 37
Blocks Introduction ................................................................................................... 37
Navigating Building Models ...................................................................................... 39
Customising Model Options ..................................................................................... 40
Building Models ......................................................................................................... 41
Create New Site ....................................................................................................... 41
Building Geometry ................................................................................................... 41
Combined Constructions .......................................................................................... 97
Building Block.......................................................................................................... 100
Outline Block............................................................................................................ 101
Using Outline Blocks To Create A Dormer Window .............................................. 102
Component Block .................................................................................................... 105
Standard Component Block ................................................................................... 106
Ground Component Block ...................................................................................... 107
Adiabatic Component Blocks ................................................................................. 108
Extruded Block Form .............................................................................................. 109
Sloped Wall Block Form ......................................................................................... 110
Pitched Roof Block Form ........................................................................................ 111
Pitched Roof Drawing Options ............................................................................... 112
Automatic Pitched Roof Geometry......................................................................... 113
Dome Block Form .................................................................................................... 117
General Block Form ................................................................................................ 117
Model Data ............................................................................................................. 169
Semi-Exposed ........................................................................................................ 202
Floors ..................................................................................................................... 202
Zone Statistics........................................................................................................ 203
Fixed Surface Thicknesses .................................................................................... 207
Considerations For Parametric Analysis And Optimisation ................................... 208
Void Depths ............................................................................................................ 209
Special Conditions ................................................................................................. 209
Geometry Convention Examples ........................................................................... 210
Curtain Glazing - Example ..................................................................................... 210
Psi Values Including Metal Cladding ..................................................................... 217
Psi Values NOT Including Metal Cladding ............................................................. 218
Photovoltaic Options .............................................................................................. 221
PV Generator - Simple ............................................................................................. 221
PV Solar Collector Performance - Equivalent One Diode ................................... 222
Current ................................................................................................................... 224
Voltage ................................................................................................................... 224
Nominal Operating Cell Temperature .................................................................... 224
Calculated Natural Ventilation ................................................................................ 226
Scheduled Natural Ventilation + Heating And Cooling Design Calculations ......... 228
Reveal .................................................................................................................... 231
Frame Data ............................................................................................................ 235
Dividers .................................................................................................................. 236
Window Shading ...................................................................................................... 238
Limitations .............................................................................................................. 241
Local Shading .......................................................................................................... 241
Heating Energy Input Ratio (EIR) Modifier Function Of Temperature Curves ...... 658
Heating Energy Input Ratio Modifier Function Of Part-Load Ratio Curves ........... 659
Other Curves .......................................................................................................... 659
General .................................................................................................................. 660
Cooling ................................................................................................................... 660
Heating ................................................................................................................... 661
General .................................................................................................................. 664
Operation ............................................................................................................... 664
General .................................................................................................................. 665
Heating Coil............................................................................................................ 665
Operation ............................................................................................................... 665
Advanced ............................................................................................................... 665
General .................................................................................................................. 666
Air Flow .................................................................................................................. 667
Heating Coil............................................................................................................ 668
Outdoor Air ............................................................................................................. 668
Operation ............................................................................................................... 669
Advanced ............................................................................................................... 669
General .................................................................................................................. 669
Air Flow .................................................................................................................. 670
Heating Coil............................................................................................................ 670
Operation ............................................................................................................... 670
Advanced ............................................................................................................... 670
General .................................................................................................................. 671
Outdoor Air ............................................................................................................. 671
Operation ............................................................................................................... 672
General .................................................................................................................. 672
Air Flow .................................................................................................................. 672
Heating Coil............................................................................................................ 673
Operation ............................................................................................................... 673
Advanced ............................................................................................................... 673
General .................................................................................................................. 674
Supply Air Flow Rates ............................................................................................ 674
Heating Coil............................................................................................................ 674
Operation ............................................................................................................... 674
Advanced ............................................................................................................... 675
General .................................................................................................................. 675
Heating Coil............................................................................................................ 676
Cooling Coil ............................................................................................................ 676
Operation ............................................................................................................... 676
Advanced ............................................................................................................... 676
General .................................................................................................................. 677
Operation ............................................................................................................... 677
General .................................................................................................................. 677
Operation ............................................................................................................... 678
General .................................................................................................................. 680
Performance Parameters ....................................................................................... 681
Operation ............................................................................................................... 682
General .................................................................................................................. 685
Tube Settings ......................................................................................................... 686
Flow Settings.......................................................................................................... 686
Pump Settings ........................................................................................................ 686
Control .................................................................................................................... 687
Operation ............................................................................................................... 688
Tube Settings ......................................................................................................... 688
Flow Settings.......................................................................................................... 689
Control .................................................................................................................... 689
Operation ............................................................................................................... 690
General .................................................................................................................. 694
Tube Settings ......................................................................................................... 694
A few minutes spent with these resources will be time well spent.
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Keeping Up-to-date
There is a range of other freely available learning resources on the Learn DesignBuilder section of the
Where you see this icon in the Help documents there is a Video Tutorial providing extra information on the
topic. Note that you can also work through all of the DesignBuilder Tutorials in a structured way.
Keeping Up-to-date
Visit for upgrades, new products and news about DesignBuilder.
Miscellaneous information you should know before starting 'serious work' with DesignBuilder:
Buildings are put together by drawing blocks. Block creation and edit operations take place at the
building level.
Blocks can be subdivided into more than one zone by drawing partitions. Partitioning takes place at the
block level.
Default data is inherited from the level above, so blocks inherit their data from the building level, zones
inherit their data from blocks, surfaces from zones and openings from surfaces. It is therefore possible
to make global changes to the model by changing data at building level. It is possible to override
default by editing the data. So for example, you could change the external wall construction for a whole
Data templates are the source of default data in DesignBuilder. They can also be used for loading data
to the model en masse. For example you can load the 'Energy code - heavyweight' construction
template at the building level to change the construction of the entire building to thermally heavyweight
elements which comply with local energy codes/building regulations.
You can clear non-default data (i.e. data that has been explicitly entered) to its default state by using
the Clear to default command.
When drawing a block which touches another block, you should use the shift key to lock the base
perimeter to the correct plane before drawing. You can release the shift key once you have placed the
first point of the perimeter.
Use the snap points - DesignBuilder block geometry is quite easy to work with but you must use the
positioning tools provided to ensure that blocks connect exactly. The only way to do this is to use snaps
- do not position blocks and partitions relative to each other 'by eye'.
Large building models can take a long time to simulate. You should familiarise yourself with the
Working with Large Models help topic before creating a large/complex DesignBuilder model.
DesignBuilder dsb files are already compressed so there is no need to 'Zip' them when attaching to emails or support forums.
Understand DesignBuilder constructions, in particular the way floors and ceilings are defined.
Name your zones. Do this by clicking twice (not double-clicking) on the name in the Navigator and
typing the name. This is especially useful when merging zones and when checking adjacencies of
individual surfaces in the Navigator.
If you are exporting IDF data for use outside DesignBuilder please read the Exporting EnergyPlus IDF
Files topic.
Environmental performance data is displayed without needing to run external modules and import data
and any simulations required to generate the data are started automatically.
EnergyPlus Compact HVAC descriptions provide an easy way into detailed analysis of commonly
used heating and cooling systems.
Natural ventilation can be modelled with the option for windows to open based on a ventilation set point
Daylighting - models lighting control systems and calculates savings in electric lighting.
Shading by louvres, overhangs and sidefins as well as internal and mid pane blinds.
- 13 -
A comprehensive range of simulation data can be shown in annual, monthly, daily, hourly or sub-hourly
Energy consumption broken down by fuel and end-use.
Internal temperatures
Weather data
Heat transmission through building fabric including walls, roofs, infiltration, ventilation etc.
Heating and cooling loads.
CO2 generation.
Heating and cooling plant sizes can be calculated using design weather data.
Parametric analysis screens allow you to investigate the effect of variations in design parameters on a
range of performance criteria.
Generate EnergyPlus IDF files and work with these outside DesignBuilder to access EnergyPlus
system functionality not provided by DesignBuilder.
The Recent Files Opening Screen has a list of the files used in your previous DesignBuilder modelling
sessions. To access one of these files again you can double-click on it in the grid, or single click in the grid to
select it and then 'Open selected site' from the Info Panel on the Toolbar.
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Keeping Up-to-date
The DesignBuilder user interface has been designed from first principles for ease of use. Each screen has a
specific purpose which is described in the Info panel on the right of the screen along with context sensitive
commands and other relevant information.
The Info panel is only displayed in Learning mode. If you would prefer to have simultaneous access to the
Model Data and the Edit View you can switch Learning mode off from the Program Options dialog from the
Tools menu.
The user interface is described for each group of screens:
The diagrams below illustrate the various components of the DesignBuilder Edit Screen with Learning Mode
switched on and off.
Learning Mode On
With Learning mode switched on the Edit screen will look similar to the screenshot below.
Use the Model data tabs to access Activity, Construction, Openings, Lighting and HVAC model data.
- 15 -
You can find information on using the Info | Data tab to view component and template data in the Opening
Screen - Templates help topic.
DesignBuilder consists of a modelling Graphical User Interface (GUI) connected to a number of modules each
providing a particular functionality. Modules include Simulation, Visualisation, HVAC, CFD etc. You will need a
license for each of the modules you intend to use. If you require more than one module then the most
convenient way to obtain DesignBuilder licences is usually to purchase a DesignBuilder package. Each
package consists of 2 or more module licences, each module giving access to a particular aspect of
DesignBuilder functionality.
There are various types of licence and ways of licensing all accessed from the Licence Manager dialog (Help
> Licence menu option). The types of licence are:
Single user licence which allows you install DesignBuilder onto a maximum of 2 computers for
personal use, for example one on a desktop and one on a laptop. If you need to use the software on a
third computer then you must first deactivate one of the other 2 computers. When you purchase a
DesignBuilder single user license, you will receive an 8-character activation code. To use this enter it in
the License dialog. This will cause DesignBuilder to automatically download licences for all modules
associated with the activation code and activate them. You will then be able to use the software and
run functionality associated with each activated license.
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Keeping Up-to-date
Site network licence where a site license server is installed on one computer on the network and
provides module licenses on demand to DesignBuilder users on the network. With a site license you
purchase individual DesignBuilder modules in quantities sufficient to support your concurrent use
Pay as you go credits, currently only available for Certification licences, this is a low cost of entry
license for occasional certification users or for organisations with many affiliated energy assessors. Pay
as you go license allows the certification module to be used on any number of computers. Each time an
SBEM calculation is run to generate a new EPC or Part-L calculation, a pre-purchased credit is
This takes you to a new dialog where you can enter your user details including an email address.
- 17 -
You will then be sent an email with an activation code. Copy the activation code from the email and return to
the Licence Manager dialog, pressing the Licence button to open the Licence Manager Wizard.
Here select the Activation code option, confirm your user details and press Next. On the next page paste
your activation code into the text box.
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Keeping Up-to-date
Evaluation licences are valid for 30 days from the date of request and allow you to try out a fully functional
version of the software to check that it meets your needs and is compatible with your computer. You can read
about restrictions with evaluation licences on the main website.
When you purchase single user licences to use DesignBuilder, you are sent an e-mail containing an an 8character code. You should copy (Ctrl-C) the activation code from the e-mail and follow these steps in
Open the Licence Manager dialog (Help > Licence). Click on the Licence button to open the Licence
Manager Wizard.
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Keeping Up-to-date
Enter your user details including a valid email address and press Next.
On the next page paste your activation code into the text box and press Next.
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You should see a message to say that the various modules have been activated.
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Keeping Up-to-date
When you press Finish, if the activation was successful, you will be shown the Modules Licence tab displaying
the licence status of each module.
- 23 -
Note 1: If you purchased a Single User Licence then you will be able to activate the code up to 2 computers. If
you find that DesignBuilder is being used on these 2 computers simultaneously then you should purchase an
extra licence.
Note 2: You must be connected to the Internet to activate and deactivate DesignBuilder licenses. If your
network has a strict firewall policy then you should ensure that DesignBuilder.exe is allowed to access the website.
Licence file
You may have been supplied with a licence file with extension .lic containing your licence or extended
evaluation. Typical reasons for using a .lic file are when on a training course where you may not have access
to the Internet for activation or for customers who have purchased licences but either do not have Internet
access or have strict firewall policies preventing the standard web-based activation from working.
To activate DesignBuilder modules using a .lic file follow the instructions below. Before starting make sure the
lic file you received has been saved to a place where you can access it, e.g. desktop, a pen drive, documents
folder etc. The location does not have to be permanent as DesignBuilder will store a copy of the lic file in a
safe place on the local machine.
Open the Licence Manager dialog (Help > Licence). Click on the Licence button to open the Licence
Manager Wizard.
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Keeping Up-to-date
- 25 -
Click on the browse button, select the Licence file and press Next.
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Keeping Up-to-date
- 27 -
You can find the IP address of your server by typing ipconfig in the Windows Command box on the
server machine.
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Keeping Up-to-date
When you click the Finish button the connection to the License Server is established based on the port
number and IP address you provided on the dialog.
If the site network licence connection was successful you will be shown the Modules Licence tab displaying
the licence status of each module.
- 29 -
Once back to the main License Manager dialog you can check out or check back in module licenses through
the check boxes in the Use column for each module.
If the server host name or IP address was incorrect, if that server is not running or if the Licence Server
service isn't running then the licences will not be accessed and error messages are displayed.
Summary of Process
In summary, the steps to set up DesignBuilder Site Licenses are:
Download the file from the Downloads > Software area of the DesignBuilder website
Extract the files in the file to the folder on the server to be used to store DesignBuilder
site license files (e.g. c:\RLMSERVER)
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Keeping Up-to-date
Obtain the License file by clicking on activate.cmd, following instructions on the webpage and saving
the license file to the site license folder.
Run the RLM server as a service and start the service.
On client machines which are to run the DesignBuilder software, open the Licence Manager dialog
(Help > License menu option) and enter the ip address or hostname of site license server host.
Detailed Steps
Obtain your License File
With Site Network Licenses the License file is obtained through the activation code you received when
ordering the software.
Before you run the rlm server you will need to obtain your license file and save it into the rlm installation
folder. That's the folder containing rlm.exe and other files listed above.
You should have received an activation code from your site license purchase. This is an 8-digit number
and is needed to activate the license.
Open the rlm installation folder in Windows Explorer and double click on activate.cmd
This loads a web page at with a form for you to enter your activation code.
Other values in the form such as Hostid are automatically filled in for you. After entering your activation
code click Activate License and if successful you will be presented with a download link for your
activated license file.
Download the license file and save in your rlm installation folder.
Enter your details in to the form and download the resulting .lic file.
- 31 -
Place a copy of the .lic file in the site license installation folder on your host server.
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Keeping Up-to-date
Once started in this way the service will restart automatically if the computer is rebooted. By default the
service will write a log file designb_rlm.log into the rlm installation folder. If you want this in a different
location you can use the admin interface (above) to set up the service then you can specify the service name
and the log file location.
You may experience problems with permissions when setting up the service. You can either disable the UAC
or try right clicking service_install.cmd and choosing "Run as administrator".
Even this doesn't always give you access to the Service Control Manager. You can check this by running a
cmd prompt, changing folder to the license server installation folder and running the rlm install service
command (below).
If you edit service_install.cmd you'll see the command being executed is:
rlm -install_service -dlog "%CD%\designb_rlm.log" -service_name "DesignBuilder License Server" -c "%CD%"
If you see this error returned "Error: Access to Service Control Manager denied" you can get over this by
running cmd as administrator and then run the install command. To do this right click Command Prompt on
the start menu and run as administrator. Change folder to the license manager installation folder and run the
rlm.exe -install_service command given above and it should work.
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Core Concepts
Core Concepts
Some core concepts you should be familiar with before attempting to use DesignBuilder on a real project are:
Default data is inherited from the level above in the hierarchy, so block data is inherited from building level,
zone data is inherited from block data and surface data from zone data. This arrangement allows you to make
settings at building level which can becomes active throughout the whole building; or make settings at block
level to change data for all zones/surfaces in the block. So for example, if the External wall construction is set
to 'Wall 1' at building level, then this will be the default External wall for all blocks in the building. It is possible
to change the inherited defaults in any of these blocks by making an explicit selection (say 'Wall 2'). All the
zones in the block whose external wall construction was set to 'Wall 2' have that default External wall
The construction and opening defaults are inherited down to surface level where the data is actually used in
the calculations. For example it is the External wall construction model data at the surface level that defines
the actual construction used for that external wall. The External wall model data set at zone, block and
building level has no effect on the model (other than by providing the default data for the level below in the
To assist in identifying where data is inherited from DesignBuilder uses a colour code. Data set at building
level or user defined data hard set at any level below will appear in red. All data inherited at levels below will
be in blue (see below).
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The simplest way of determining where data is inherited from is to start at the lowest level, a surface or
opening, and go up through the levels until the data turns red. This then is the level from which the data has
been inherited.
The DesignBuilder hierarchy mechanism is a fast way of setting data globally in a building model, but you
must take care to enter the minimum amount of data to get the most from the inheritance system. For
example if all zones in a particular block have the same activity called say 'Office work', you should set the
activity at block level and not multiple times at zone level. Equally if all the blocks in the building have the
same activity, you should set the data at the building level and allow the blocks to inherit the data from the
building. By keeping the amount of user data to a minimum, you will find it quicker to make changes at a later
date. Clearly it is much faster to change a few Model data items at building and block level than it is to make
multiple changes at zone or surface levels.
When entering construction data, you could set the construction for each surface in the model but in practice
this would be an extremely inefficient process. It is faster and less error-prone to set the construction as high
up in the hierarchy as possible, possibly at building level (if all external walls in the building have that external
wall construction), or at block level if all walls in that block have the construction (and other blocks don't).
Most data at the building level is 'user data' as buildings do not inherit their data from the site level.
To undo user defined hard set data run the Edit > Clear to default menu command and select All data or
Custom openings and specify level (block, zone or surface) down to which the data is to be cleared.
In short the rules are:
Construction and Openings data is used at the surface level, i.e. all construction and opening data at
building, block and zone level is default data and only data at surface level is actually used to define
the model.
Activity, Lighting, HVAC, Equipment data is used at the zone level, i.e. all Activity, Lighting, HVAC,
Equipment data at building and block level is default data. The exception is AHU data for Compact
HVAC systems which is set at building level.
A common question is "Why do I see Pitched roof constructions at building/block/zone level on the
Constructions tab when my building/block/zone doesn't have a pitched roof"?
The answer is that the Pitched roof construction setting at building, block and zone levels should be thought of
as the default setting for any pitched roofs that may (or may not) exist in the model further down in the
hierarchy. If there are no pitched roofs in the model then the data is simply not used.
Custom openings
When custom openings have been created at surface level these override the facade layout Model data for
the surface.
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Core Concepts
Although openings (windows, vents, doors etc) appear in the DesignBuilder hierarchy, there is no way in
version 1 to change data at the opening level. All openings inherit their data from the surface level. It is
therefore not possible to have different glazing types on a particular surface. If you click on an opening in the
Navigator you are actually taken to the surface containing the openings.
Component blocks
Component blocks inherit their data from building level.
Partitions separating zones within a single block. These partitions within a block inherit their data from
the block level. Why? They can't inherit from zone level because there are 2 zones adjacent to the
partition so they inherit from the next level up in the hierarchy - blocks.
Inter-block partitions which separate zones in 2 different blocks have 2 parent blocks and so it is not
possible for the data to inherit from block level for these surfaces so data inherits directly from building
DesignBuilder allows you to build up your own libraries of templates and components. Note that each user on
a computer maintains their own database of templates and components.
Template and component libraries are loaded into your model at the time it is created and new custom data
from other computers can be imported at any time.
Blocks are the basic geometric shapes that you use to assemble a DesignBuilder model. The idea of blocks is
to provide fairly simple objects that you can easily move around in 3-D space in a similar fashion to that of
building a physical model using bricks from a construction set. Blocks are created by drawing 2-D perimeters
on horizontal or vertical planes and then extruding these perimeters to form 3-D shapes:
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Blocks are versatile objects and once created can easily be modified by moving their surfaces, by stretching
them and even by cutting them using arbitrary planes. Typically, you might use a block to represent an entire
building storey:
Or a particular building design might lend itself to an obvious division into blocks:
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Core Concepts
Once the overall geometry of a model has been established with blocks, you can go 'into' a block and subdivide it into a number of rooms or zones using partitions:
If you sub-divide a block internally using partitions, you can still modify the block by stretching, cutting,
rotating, etc. and where possible the internal geometry will be kept.
Also blocks can have boolean geometry operations applied such as Union, where 2 blocks are combined into
a single new block, Difference (subtract), in which one block is subtracted from the other to form a single new
block and Intersection, where a new block is formed where the 2 original blocks intersect.
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Go to the level up in the hierarchy by pressing <F3> or by right mouse clicking in the Edit Screen and
selecting the 'Go up... menu option.
The Next <F5> and Back <F4> Navigation buttons allows you to move sequentially through the model
(avoiding surfaces). This approach can be slow but can be useful when it is necessary to methodically
work through the model for any reason.
The Figure below shows how to either click on the Navigator entry or double-click on the Edit Screen to go to
'Zone 1' from 'Block 1'.
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Building Models
Building Models
The process for creating a new building model typically follows a sequence:
You can create a new site (dsb file) from the Opening screen. In DesignBuilder, 'Site' is synonymous with the
file because each file can only contain one site. When you request a new site, the Add New Site dialog is
opened which allows you to select the location and a template:
See also the Creating a model and Starting a New Project Tutorials
This section describes the various facilities within DesignBuilder to create and edit model geometry.
View Rotation
Fit view
Pan view
Zoom window
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View tools can be activated at any time during operation of the drawing tools and control returned to the
active drawing tool after completing the view process. For example to draw a block perimeter adjacent to an
existing cylindrical block:
To continue drawing the perimeter around the other side of the cylindrical block, click on the 'Orbit' tool and
orbit the model to reveal the other side and then pan to centre the model:
You can then return to the drawing process either by pressing the ESC key or selecting 'Cancel Pan' from the
right-click menu:
View Rotation
DesignBuilder provides several pre-defined standard view rotations:
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Building Models
You can select one of these standard views from the view rotation drop list:
The default 'Axonometric' setting is designed to provide a good general 3-D view of the various components at
each model level.
The orbit tool is used to rotate the view around the model. To orbit the model click on the 'Orbit' tool and then
press the left mouse button and keep the button pressed as you move the mouse cursor, the view will orbit
around the model.
Zoom Dynamic
To zoom in and out from the current model point of view, click on the 'Zoom' tool, then press the left mouse
button and keep the button pressed as you move the mouse cursor, the view will zoom in as you move the
mouse cursor down and out as you move it up.
Zoom Window
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The 'Zoom window' tool is used to zoom in on a specific area of your model. To create a window on an area of
the model, click on the 'Zoom window' tool and move the mouse cursor to a corner of the window you want to
create, then press the left mouse button and keep the mouse button pressed as you drag the window, when
you release the mouse button, the view will zoom to the extents of the defined window.
Fit view
The 'Fit view' tool is used to zoom your view to a distance which will enable the whole model to be made
visible and centred in the 'Edit' window.
Pan view
The 'Pan' tool is used to move the model point of view vertically and horizontally across the plane of the
screen. To pan the view, click on the 'Pan' tool, then press the left mouse button and keep the button pressed
as you move the mouse cursor, the point of view will pan horizontally as you move the mouse cursor left and
right and vertically as you move it up and down.
Normal View
At the surface level, The Normal button in the top right-hand corner of the screen can be used to rotate the
point of view to be normal to the surface and to automatically zoom in so that the extents of the surface fill the
The Default surface normal view program option allows you to control the behaviour of this command.
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Building Models
Three perimeter shapes are provided to enable specific perimeter topologies for blocks and surface openings
to be drawn efficiently:
The 1-Polygon is generally the most useful shape and can be used to draw block and opening perimeters of
any topology. The 1-Polygon shape also allows you to change the line type from a straight line to an arc. To
draw a perimeter using the 1-Polygon shape, start drawing the first line by clicking anywhere in the active
drawing plane to place the starting point, then move the mouse cursor and click to place the line end-point,
you can use the snaps and the protractor to help with alignment. Continue placing perimeter lines in the same
way. If at any time you want to cancel the last line that you placed, you can press the ESC key or select the
Undo last point option from the right-click menu. If you want to incorporate an arc within the perimeter, you
can change the line type to 2-Arc and then place the centre-point of the arc:
To complete the perimeter, move the mouse cursor to the beginning of the first perimeter line, which activates
the end-point snap and click on it to connect the lines:
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The 2-Rectangle shape allows you to draw perimeters by placing diagonally opposite corners of a rectangle:
The 3-Circle shape is used to draw circular perimeters by placing the circle centre and then setting the radius
by placing a second point:
The associated Segments option allows you to control the accuracy of the circle. In DesignBuilder geometry,
circles are actually composed of polygons and the accuracy of the representation can be controlled by
defining the number of segments (or lines) used in generating the polygon. Generally speaking, the greater
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Building Models
the number of segments used will result in more memory usage and processing time and so, particularly in the
case of blocks, it's advisable to use the default number of segments where possible.
More information on using the Circle shape can be found in the Basic Drawing Tools 9 Tutorial
Line Type
When the perimeter shape is set to 1-Polygon, you can set the perimeter Line type to one of:
1-Straight line or
Straight line
When the line type is set to 1-Straight line, a perimeter is drawn by placing the origin and then a series of line
To incorporate an arc within a perimeter, set the line type to 2-Arc. An arc is defined using the sweep angle
and number of segments:
A negative sweep angle can be used to create an arc in an anti-clockwise direction. In DesignBuilder
geometry, arcs are created using a number of segments or straight lines and the accuracy of the
representation can be controlled by defining the number of segments. Generally speaking, the greater the
number of segments used will result in more memory usage and processing time and so, particularly in the
case of blocks, it's advisable to use the default number of segments where possible.
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More information on using the Arc line type can be found in the Basic Drawing Tools 9 Tutorial
Direction Snaps
Point Snaps
Drawing Guides
These items are made available when the various drawing tools are used, such as the Draw window tool at
the zone surface:
Direction snaps
When drawing perimeter lines, block partitions or surface openings direction snaps can be used to draw lines:
Building Models
Axis Snap
The axis snap check boxes are displayed under 'Direction snaps' in the 'Drawing Options' data panel when the
various drawing commands are active. The axis snap is used to draw lines parallel with the major axes of the
active drawing plane.
As you move the cursor around to draw a line, the line will change colour and 'stick slightly as it becomes
parallel with one of the major axes:
You can use axis snap to draw block perimeters on planes of any orientation. If the plane is non-horizontal,
the axis snap applies to the local coordinate system of the plane as if it were rotated to the horizontal:
If the axis snap is operating on a horizontal plane, the perimeter line will change colour to red if the line is
snapped to the X-axis or green if it's snapped to the Y-axis. However if the active drawing plane is not
horizontal, the line will change colour to orange for the X-axis and purple for the Y-axis.
- 49 -
At the building level, when the active drawing plane is horizontal, you can also snap block perimeters and
construction lines to the Z-axis:
which allows you to draw horizontally extruded blocks, this process is explained under Adding Blocks
Parallel Snap
The parallel snap is used draw lines parallel with the edges of existing objects. The parallel snap check box is
displayed under 'Direction snaps' in the 'Drawing Options' data panel when the various drawing commands
are active. To draw a block perimeter line to be parallel with an existing block edge, switch the parallel snap
on and move the mouse cursor to touch the edge with which the current perimeter line is to be parallel:
- 50 -
Building Models
This will enable the active perimeter line to infer a direction from the selected edge and you can lock this
inference by pressing the SHIFT key to prevent a parallel inference being picked up from an unwanted edge.
So press the SHIFT key and move the mouse cursor to a position approximately parallel with the edge, the
cursor will 'stick' when the parallel snap operates and the perimeter line will change colour to cyan:
When the parallel snap is in operation, intersections are automatically calculated with drawing guides to allow
the two to be combined, so you can snap to the intersection of the two.
- 51 -
To draw a block perimeter line to be perpendicular with the edge of an existing block, move the mouse cursor
to touch the edge and then move it to be approximately perpendicular to it, the cursor will automatically snap
to a line which is exactly perpendicular.
You can lock the perpendicular snap by pressing the SHIFT key which will prevent the cursor from picking up
an unwanted direction inference. In this case, a construction line has been placed parallel with the block edge
to help in positioning the new block. The perimeter line locks to a perpendicular from the construction line:
- 52 -
Building Models
When the normal snap is in operation, intersections are automatically calculated with drawing guides, allowing
you to snap to the intersection:
- 53 -
Offset Snap
The offset snap is used to draw partitions and voids parallel to existing walls and partitions at a fixed offset
distance. This help topic describes the use of offset snap for drawing partitions, but the information is equally
applicable to drawing voids at a fixed offset from the perimeter.
The offset snap check box is displayed under Direction snaps in the Drawing Options data panel when the
Draw partitions command is active.
The offset snap can be used whenever a string of partitions is to be located at a fixed offset from a perimeter,
but can be specifically applied to dividing large open plan spaces up into perimeter and core zones for
thermal simulation.
When the offset snap is switched on, an additional Distance item will be displayed under the offset snap
check box which allows you to define the offset distance. When you first switch on the offset snap, having
clicked on the Draw partition icon, you will see offset snap indicators displayed as you move the cursor within
the snap range of an existing wall or partition:
The offset snap works in conjunction with the other snaps and so, for example, you can start an offset partition
at a fixed distance from the beginning of an existing wall using the edge snap in combination with the
increment snap:
- 54 -
Building Models
After placing the beginning of the partition, the rubber-banded partition will be automatically snapped to the
offset from the selected wall and as you move the cursor to the next connected wall segment, the offset snap
indicator will appear again:
As you move the cursor, you will see that the offset snap interacts with other snaps allowing you to position
partitions accurately. If you find that the other snaps are interfering with the offset snap, you can switch them
off by pressing the SHIFT key.
- 55 -
Completed perimeter:
Point Snaps
When the various point snaps are switched on, a coloured indicator is displayed when the mouse cursor is
close to a key-point on an existing element allowing a perimeter or partition line end-point to be positioned
precisely at the selected key-point.
See also the Creating a model Tutorial
The following point snaps are available:
End-point snap
- 56 -
Building Models
mid-point snap
Edge snap
DXF snap
Snap To Lower Perimeters
Increment snap
Note: In some cases Snaps can interfere with attempts to draw to a particular point and in this case you can
temporarily switch off the appropriate snap(s) using the check boxes in the Drawing options panel in the
bottom left of the screen.
End-point Snap
This snap allows you to snap lines to the end-point of an existing edge. A green indicator is displayed when
the mouse cursor is within the snap range of an end-point:
For example, to snap the starting point of a new block perimeter to the end-point of an existing block edge,
move the mouse cursor onto the background and press SHIFT to lock the drawing plane to the ground plane.
Keep the SHIFT key pressed and move the mouse cursor close to the required edge marker to activate the
end-point snap:
Similarly to snap the starting point of a new block partition to the end-point of an existing partition, make sure
that the 'End-point' snap is switched on and move the mouse cursor close to the partition end-point to activate
the snap:
- 57 -
Mid-point Snap
For details of using the 'Mid-point' snap, please refer to the End-point snap.
Edge Snap
The edge snap allows you to snap to any point on the edge of an existing object. The edge snap can be used
in conjunction with the increment snap to enable a point to be located along an edge by moving it in defined
increments. A red indicator is displayed when the mouse cursor is within the snap range of an edge and
distance indicators are also displayed to help in locating a point a specific distance from either end of the
By switching the increment snap on, the point can be moved along the edge in defined increments. For
example, if you wanted to start a block perimeter line at 6.0 metres from the end of the block, after switching
on the increment snap, you could set the snap increment to say 0.5m and then move the mouse cursor to
snap to the edge at a distance of 6.0 metres from the end-point:
If you wanted to locate the beginning of the perimeter line at a specific distance from the other end of the
edge, you can switch the end of the edge from which the increment snap operates by toggling the 'Switch
snap increment direction' switch:
- 58 -
Building Models
DXF Snap
The DXF snap only applies when DXF data has been imported from an external file. The DXF snap enables
you to snap to the end-points of DXF lines:
Note: You should generally switch DXF snap off when drawing partitions at block level and simply use the
DXF lines as a visual guide. This ensures that partitions correctly snap to perimeters instead of snapping to
DXF lines which may be very close to the perimeter but not actually touching.
Increment Snap
The increment snap applies to any process that involves moving a point or a surface in a particular direction.
Such processes include drawing block partitions or perimeter lines which have an active direction snap or
dragging the surface of a block normal to the original surface position. The increment snap allows you to move
a point in a particular direction by defined increments. You can think of the increment snap acting in the same
way as a conventional CAD drawing grid and in fact if you were just to use the axis snaps it would have the
same effect, however the increment snap is more powerful in that it provides this type of incremental snap
along any defined vector not just the axis vectors.
- 59 -
You can use the increment snap to control the location of block faces when you extrude a block on creation or
drag faces during an edit or stretch operation:
- 60 -
Building Models
The increment snap also comes into operation when an edge snap is active, allowing you to snap to the edge
by increments from either end, please see edge snap for details.
Drawing guides
Drawing guides are invisible lines that are automatically generated as soon as a drawing plane becomes
active during a drawing operation. Drawing guides are parallel with the active drawing plane X and Y axes
and run through all end-points and mid-points of existing object edges, which lie in the same plane as the
drawing plane. As you move the cursor in the vicinity of a drawing guide, it will become visible and you can
then snap the cursor to any point on the guide. When drawing guides are used in conjunction with Direction
Snaps or the Protractor they offer a powerful mechanism for locating perimeter lines in relation to existing
object edges.
See also the Creating a model Tutorial
For example to create a triangular window in a surface with the same height as an existing opening, first click
on the Draw window tool and check that the perimeter shape is set to 'Polygon', switch the protractor on and
then move the cursor to align approximately with the lower edge of the existing window which will
automatically snap the cursor to the required drawing guide:
- 61 -
Click to place the window origin and move the cursor to snap to the drawing guide associated with the existing
window upper edge, the protractor angle lock will automatically combine with the drawing guide:
Click to place the apex of the window and then place the next point in a similar fashion:
Building Models
Note: In some cases Drawing guides can interfere with attempts to draw to a particular point and in this case
you can temporarily switch off Drawing guides using the check boxes in the Drawing Options panel in the
bottom left of the screen.
Protractor tool
The protractor tool is used to draw perimeter lines and partitions at specified angles in relation to the current
drawing plane. The protractor can be activated from the Drawing options data panel, which is displayed when
any of the drawing tools are used. For example, to create an offshoot projecting from an existing block with a
roof slope of 30, move the cursor over the existing block surface, press the SHIFT key to lock the drawing
plane and draw the first perimeter line, snapping to the base edge using end-point snap:
Draw the second perimeter line to connect to the mid-point of the block edge and then activate the protractor:
- 63 -
The protractor will automatically snap to the current drawing plane and as you move the mouse cursor, the
perimeter line will snap to the protractor in angular increments, which can be set in the Drawing options data
panel. The rotation angle is displayed at the centre of the protractor. Move the cursor until the displayed angle
is 30 and then move the snapped line towards the upper block edge. When the line end-point nears the
edge, it will stick to the edge and the edge snap marker will be displayed:
Click to accept the point and complete the perimeter by snapping to the block face vertices using the endpoint snap:
- 64 -
Building Models
Construction Lines
Construction lines can be used to help in the creation of precise geometry. You can draw construction lines
using the snaps and the protractor to lie at defined locations and then use these lines as a framework from
which or to which various object geometries can be projected or attached.
At the building level, construction lines can also be snapped to the Z-axis to form vertical planes from which
block geometry can be extruded.
Construction line snap points can be picked up at all levels regardless of the level at which they were drawn.
For example all of these operations are possible:
Draw construction lines at building level and pick up snap points for these at surface level for accurate
drawing of openings etc.
Draw construction lines at block level and access them at zone and surface levels for positioning
openings, lighting sensors, CFD fans and assemblies.
Draw construction lines at surface level to indicate the position of a shading device relative to windows
and use snap points to draw and position a component block at building level.
Construction lines are drawn in the form of line strings. To draw a construction line, click on the Place
construction line tool and start drawing the first line by clicking anywhere in the active drawing plane then
move the mouse cursor and click to place the line end-point, you can use point snaps, direction snaps,
drawing guides and the protractor to help with alignment. Continue placing construction lines in this way. If at
any time you want to cancel the last line that you placed, you can press the ESC key or select 'Undo last point'
from the right-click menu.
- 65 -
Construction lines have numerous applications in forming temporary attachment points during the creation of
precise geometry. As a simple example, if you want to place a block at a precise distance from the angled wall
of an existing block, you could switch the Normal snap on, click on the Place construction line tool and draw
a perpendicular line a precise distance from the wall. To draw the perpendicular line, place the first point at an
end-point of the wall baseline, move the mouse cursor to touch the baseline and press SHIFT to lock the
direction inference, then move the mouse cursor to activate the perpendicular lock and key-in the required
You could then place a second construction line normal to the first line and key-in the required length:
- 66 -
Building Models
You can then snap to the construction line to draw the new block perimeter:
- 67 -
At the building level, construction lines can be snapped to the Z-axis in order to create vertical planes to which
block geometry can be attached. To draw construction lines in a vertical plane, switch the Z-axis snap on, click
on the 'Place construction line' tool and place the first point on the ground plane or any other horizontal plane.
Move the mouse cursor to snap the current line to the Z-axis:
You can then use the protractor to place the next line in order to accurately define a plane:
- 68 -
Building Models
After placing the second line, the two construction lines form a vertical plane that can be used for extruding
blocks or as a plane to be used as a cutting plane.
General operations
This section describes general geometric operations:
Clone (copy)
- 69 -
To select an object, click on the 'Select' tool or select 'Select' from the right-click menu, then move the mouse
cursor to the object to be selected and click the mouse to select. To select multiple objects you can either
press the CTRL key while clicking on objects or drag a selection rectangle by pressing the left mouse button
and keeping it pressed as you drag a window across the required selection, when you release the mouse
button, the objects inside the window will be selected.
See also the Basic Drawing Tools 2 Tutorial
You can use the Move command to move blocks, partitions, courtyards and openings. You can also use Move
to set the position of daylight sensors. To move an object, first select it and then click on the Move tool or
select 'Move' from the right-click menu. If you want, you can move several objects at the same time by doing a
multiple selection. You then need to define a 'handle point' for the move operation, the handle point can be
any point on a model surface or ground plane but more usually will be a vertex on the object that you want to
move, so make sure that the end-point snap is switched on, move the mouse cursor to the required object
vertex and snap to it:
When you release the mouse button, you will be able to move the object to any required location. As you
move the object, a displacement line is displayed to show how far the object has been moved, the
displacement line can be snapped to the axes or the Protractor. When a direction snap is active the increment
snap can also be used:
- 70 -
Building Models
You can then click the mouse button to place the object.
At the building level, blocks can be moved in three dimensions onto any existing block face in the model. As
you move the block around the model, each block face will highlight in blue as the block handle point is moved
across it, indicating that the face has become the active drawing plane.
You can lock the active drawing plane by pressing the SHIFT key to position the block:
- 71 -
Clone (Copy)
For details of using the 'Clone' tool, please refer to the Move tool.
See also the Basic Drawing Tools 2 Tutorial
You can rotate blocks, partitions, courtyards and openings. To rotate an object, first select it and then click on
the 'Rotate' tool or select 'Rotate' from the right-click menu. If you want, you can rotate several objects at the
same time by doing a multiple selection. As you move the cursor back into the Edit screen, the Protractor will
be displayed at the cursor position. At the building level, you can rotate a block around an axis point defined
on any plane and as you move the cursor from surface to surface in the model, each surface will highlight in
blue to show that it's the active drawing plane and the protractor will automatically rotate into the same plane:
- 72 -
Building Models
You define the rotation axis about which the object will be rotated by clicking the mouse when the mouse
cursor is in the required location, you can use the various snaps and drawing guides to locate the axis point.
After placing the axis point, you can then rotate the object around the axis:
In the case of partitions and courtyards at the block level, the active drawing plane for rotation is always the
plane of the block floor and in the case of surface openings, the active drawing plane is always the surface
- 73 -
Building and outline blocks can be stretched (or scaled) at the building level. To stretch a block, first select it
and then click on the 'Stretch' tool or select 'Stretch' from the right-click menu. You can only stretch one block
at a time. When you activate the 'Stretch' tool, a wire frame is displayed around the extent of the block and as
you move the cursor across the faces of this frame, each face will highlight in the colour of the axis to which
the face is normal:
If you then click on one of these highlighted faces, you can then stretch the block along the axis normal to the
face. If the increment snap is switched on, the block can be stretched in increments:
- 74 -
Building Models
In the case of the Z-axis, the stretch operation will only operate along the positive Z-axis:
Tip: You can also key in the new dimension using the keyboard. Note the difference to the Drag face tool
where the increment in the extrusion is keyed in
See also the Basic Drawing Tools 3 Tutorial
To delete an object, first select the object you want to delete and then click on the 'Delete' tool or select
'Delete' from the right-click menu. If you want, you can delete several objects at the same time by doing a
multiple selection.
Tip: It is usually quicker however to simply press the <Delete> key on the keyboard.
- 75 -
The measure tool allows you measure distance, angles and areas on single planes in the model. To use the
tool, navigate to the part of the model you wish to measure, click on the Measure toolbar icon, select the type
of measurement to be made in the Display options panel on the left of the screen. The options are:
1-Distance - Click twice on a plane to define the length between the 2 points.
2-Angle - Click three times on a plane to define the area between the 2 lines.
3-Distance - Draw an enclosed polygon by clicking with the mouse on a single plane.
4-Perimeter - Draw an enclosed polygon by clicking with the mouse on a single plane.
Importing floor plans where 2-D floor plan data is imported either from CAD or scanned paper
Import 3-D CAD/BIM data through the gbXML data format.
More information on Importing floor plans can be found in the Importing 2-D Floor Plans - Basic Drawing
Tools 10 Tutorial
1-DXF - 2-D CAD data. This option allows you to snap to the end-points of the DXF line segments, the
other bitmap-based formats below do not allow snapping.
2-PDF - PDF drawing file (single page)
3-BMP - Bitmap drawing file.
4-JPG - JPEG drawing file.
5-PNG - Portable Network Graphic drawing file.
- 76 -
Building Models
When you have selected the file type then select the file by clicking into the 'Filename' control. Click on the
ellipsis button to open the file browser dialogue box.
Once the floor plan has been imported you can add blocks by tracing over the external perimeter
corners of the floor plan.
- 77 -
everything is 1000x too big and meters become kilometres! The DesignBuilder modeller has a range of
several hundred metres and if any data falls outside this, the 'out of range' error occurs.
You must also set the attachment height at which the 2-D DXF floor plan will be attached in the DesignBuilder
model. The DXF data can be moved around the model once it is imported, so you do not need to know the
exact attachment height at this stage - you can import the DXF data at zero height and move it to the correct
location using the Move command. Click on the 'Next' button to set up layer visibility:
You can use these controls to switch off unnecessary layers in the DXF data. As you check/uncheck the
checkboxes you will see the effect of the change in the Edit view under the Wizard. Click on the 'Finish' button
to import the data:
- 78 -
Building Models
At the building level, you can select, move and delete DXF data. When you select DXF data, you may need
to zoom in to make the selection. You can move DXF file in 3-D and snap the data to the edges of blocks or
end-points of construction lines:
Move the DXF data on top of the existing block and snap to an edge end-point:
- 79 -
When you have imported the DXF data you can use the Measure tool to check that the dimensions are
Import DXF floor plans for other stories if necessary. Note that only one set of DXF data can be imported at a
time. Once the CAD data has been imported into the model, the source DXF file is no longer needed by
DesignBuilder and can be moved or deleted.
Also the Set X-axis for imported DXF and Scale DXF drawing menu commands are available from the Edit
menu when DXF data is loaded.
Building Models
Invert Bitmap
Check this option if you wish the colours in the bitmap to be inverted. For example if the picture is white on a
black background then it will generally be best to invert these for use in DesignBuilder.
Quality Slider
By reducing the number of pixels in the bitmap it is possible to significantly reduce the size of the imported
drawing data and hence speed subsequent drawing 'scale' and 'rotate' operations. The default Quality setting
of 0.5 gives a good trade-off between image size and readability but if the drawing file is particularly large you
may decide to reduce the quality to reduce the memory overhead or, if the drawing is difficult to read you
could increase Quality.
Transparency Slider
You can control the transparency of the drawing data from 0 to 1, the default is 0.5.
- 81 -
Existing buildings having paper floor plans that have been scanned into electronic format or,
Early stage design sketch ideas are available only in bitmap form.
Note: bitmap drawings do not allow end-point snap like DXF but can be an equally effective option for rapid
geometry entry in DesignBuilder.
- 82 -
Building Models
Also the Set X-axis for imported bitmap and Scale bitmap drawing commands are available from the Edit
menu when bitmap data is loaded.
Important Note: This process will always be necessary for bitmap drawing formats as the scale is not defined
at the import stage.
You can also use the imported floor plan data to draw internal partitions. To do this go to block level and draw
partitions by tracing over using the floor plan partition data. You should take care to connect partitions to the
external perimeters. A common mistake is to snap partitions to DXF data lying very close to the external
perimeter but not close enough to create a connection with the external perimeter.
Tip: It is generally best to switch off DXF snap in the Drawing options panel when drawing partitions
at block level to avoid this problem. Be sure to switch it back on again when you have finished drawing
- 83 -
- 84 -
Building Models
You can display the thumbnail of the gbXML data from various viewpoints. Select from:
Axonometric (3-D view).
Adjacency Tolerance
The is the maximum gap between neighbouring parallel gbXML surfaces that will be interpreted as being an
adjacency between 2 spaces. You might enter a value higher than the default 0.01m if the gbXML spaces are
separated by large gaps due to thick partitions or ceiling /floor voids being excluded from the gbXML. For
- 85 -
example if the largest gap in the between spaces that are to be modelled as adjacent is 0.3m then enter 0.3m
The Adjacency tolerance can also be updated after the import from the Advanced tab of the Model options
- 86 -
Building Models
Surfaces where the gbXML surfaces are used to define the block geometry. In well constructed gbXML
data sources this data is used to define the outer block geometry. It avoids the need to see gaps
between the blocks caused by partition and internal floor thickness. However if surfaces are missing
you may end up with surfaces also missing in the DesignBuilder model leading to open manifold blocks
which can't be simulated in daylighting and CFD.
Spaces where surface data is not available the spaces are used as the source of the block geometry.
The DesignBuilder gbXML import works by simply mapping the gbXML space surface geometry to building
blocks, one block per zone.
Depending on the method used to identify the block geometry they represent:
In the normal case where DB was able to use surfaces to define the block the External
measurements, internal zone geometry Geometry convention template is applied to give realistic
thickness for all block surfaces based on the overall thickness of the surface constructions defined in
the gbXML if this option was selected.
Alternatively if DB wasn't able to find enough surface data to define the block but full space data is
available then it uses the space inner geometry and applies the Simple Geometry convention template
to give zero thickness for all block surfaces. In this case the building will be made up of a set of blocks
defined based on the gbXML inner spaces with gaps between them due to the partitions and internal
Note: It is important to understand that in both cases the success of the BIM to DesignBuilder data transfer
process depends on how well the spatial identification process has been conducted in the BIM system. If there
are intersecting or missing spaces in the BIM model then the model imported into DesignBuilder will also have
The adjacency between neighbouring surfaces is calculated within DesignBuilder based on the Separation
tolerance setting.
Constructions and glazing systems are assigned to surfaces in the gbXML and when the Import thermal
properties option is selected in the import dialog the constructions assigned in the BIM program will be
assigned at surface level within the imported model.
Shading surfaces in the gbXML are retained and displayed in the imported model. Other surface objects aren't
normally required and are hidden after the import has been completed but can be activated as shading
surfaces from the Model options dialog, Drawing tools tab.
There is a DesignBuilder plugin for the most recent versions of Revit, which can help to ease the workflow
when transferring BIM models from Revit to DesignBuilder. This is installed with DesignBuilder. The version of
Revit you wish to use must be installed at the time you install DesignBuilder.
You can read how to get the most from the Revit to DesignBuilder link in DesignBuilder Revit gbXML
- 87 -
1-Whole model with details - The entire building model is exported including 3-D details such as
window frames, 3-D building elements etc. This option can be useful for exporting for visualisation and
further processing in other software such as SketchUp (image below)
2-Zones - The building model is exported showing only zones. This option can be useful for visualising
the geometry of the model used in simulations.
- 88 -
Building Models
The above model was created in DesignBuilder, exported in DXF format using the Whole model with details
option and Imported into SketchUp where details such as textures, trees and people were added.
Note: when importing DXF files into SketchUp be sure to set the scale options on the Open dialog.
You can add one or more new buildings from the site level. Each building has its own set of Model options
and is simulated separately but shares site Model data with the other buildings on the site.
When you select the Add new building option you are presented with the Add new building dialog which
allows you to make some basic settings:
When you press OK to close the dialog the building is created with the various selected settings and in most
cases starts you in Draw block mode so you can start adding geometry straight away. If you are not ready to
do this simply press the <Esc> key or right click and select Cancel.
See also the Creating a model Tutorial
You can fine tune the Model options later using the Model options dialog.
1-Proposed and
Select the construction template to use as a source of default fabric data for the building.
Select the activity template to use as a source of default activity-related data for the building.
This will set the following default data:
The glazing template is used as a source of default window, shading and percentage glazing data for the
The lighting template is used as a source of default lighting and lighting control data for the building.
The HVAC template is used as a source of default data for the HVAC equipment to heat and cool the building.
Building Blocks are the mechanism used in DesignBuilder to create 3-D building volumes. They are
often referred to in simply as Blocks and are composed of building elements such as walls, floor slabs
and roofs . Building blocks may be partitioned internally to form a number of zones.
Outline Blocks are used to help in the creation of more complex building block geometry.
Component Blocks are used to create visual, ground and shading structures which do not contain
Blocks of all types are created at the Building Level in the same way and are drawn using perimeters which
can be extruded either horizontally, vertically, or in any other direction.
This section describes the various operations involved in creating and editing blocks at the building level.
- 90 -
Building Models
To create or edit a block you must first go to the building level and you can do this by clicking on the building
entry in the navigator or if you're at the site level and you want to edit an existing building, you can doubleclick on the building in the 'Edit' screen.
Adding Blocks
To add or create a new block, first go to the building level (if you are not already there) and click on the Add
new block tool. If you've just created a new building, the Add new block tool is automatically activated. A
block is created by drawing the base perimeter of the block using one of the perimeter shapes such as a
polygon. The dimensions of the block are those measured from the outside, the height of the block is the floorfloor height.
- 91 -
When a block has been placed, additional blocks can be drawn onto any surface of the block to form more
complex aggregate blocks. As you move the mouse cursor across the faces of an existing block, each face
will change colour from grey to blue to indicate the active drawing plane. You can lock the active drawing
plane by pressing the SHIFT key, which allows you to move the cursor off the current face while keeping the
plane active. You can also lock the active drawing plane to the ground plane by moving the cursor over the
background area and pressing the SHIFT key, this is particularly helpful in avoiding the selection of the wrong
plane when drawing a vertically extruded block adjacent to an existing block. Once youve clicked the first data
point into the active drawing plane, it becomes locked regardless of whether or not the SHIFT key is pressed
until the perimeter has been completed or the tool is cancelled. In the example below the vertical plane shown
in blue has been selected, the shape of the block will be drawn in this plane and the volume created by
extruding normal to it.
- 92 -
Building Models
When a block is added to the surface of another block, a geometric link is automatically created between the
two blocks:
A hole can be added to the mating surface of this link (the inter-block partition) in order to form one contiguous
- 93 -
Note: the Merge zones connected by holes Model option must be set if you wish the two zones in the 2 blocks
to be treated as one zone in the thermal calculations.
As already illustrated, a block perimeter can be drawn on the ground plane or onto the surface of an existing
block in which case the perimeter is extruded normal to the surface on which it is drawn.
Avoiding Indents
If the perimeter includes indents in such a way that the requested wall thickness is physically impossible and
the wall thickness cannot be accommodated then DesignBuilder will still allow the block to be created but the
wall thickness is reset to a small value (typically 0.025m). See the wall thickness topic for more on this.
The protractor can be used to place the second line in order to accurately define the orientation of the plane
relative to the base or ground plane:
- 94 -
Building Models
Alternatively, the orientation of the plane can be defined using the first line:
Snapping the second line to the Z-axis then forms the horizontal extrusion:
Once a vertical plane has been defined it will be remembered until the Add new block command is
cancelled, so the perimeter can be unwound using the ESC key or the right-click menu Undo last point entry
and any perimeter shape drawn into the stored plane:
- 95 -
After drawing the last perimeter line to connect to the perimeter start point, the perimeter can then be dragged
to create a horizontally extruded block:
Block type
Auto-complete block
These options are accessed through the Drawing options data panel, which is displayed when you click on
the Add new block tool:
- 96 -
Building Models
The diagram below illustrates how blocks should be defined and how zone volumes and surface dimensions
are derived from the parent block when using the default Combined constructions model option. Note that
there are 2 alternative dimensioning protocols:
UK NCM Convention which should always be used when using DesignBuilder for assessing buildings
through the UK National Calculation Methodology, i.e. for Part-L and Section 6 Building Regulations
checks and EPC/BER calculations.
Simulation and General Design Convention which should generally be used for all other applications
where an NCM calculation is not required.
- 97 -
UK NCM Convention - For ground and intermediate floors, the block height is defined as "top of floor
to top of floor" and for top floor blocks with a flat roof the block height is "top of floor to soffit/underside
of roof slab". Details on defining building geometry for other less common geometries when using the
NCM can be found in the Non Domestic EPC Conventions for England & Wales document.
Simulation and General Design Convention - For ground floors the block height is "top of floor to
bottom of floor". For intermediate floors, the block height is defined as "bottom of floor to bottom of
floor" and for top floor blocks with a flat roof the block height is "bottom of floor to soffit/underside of
roof slab".
The length/width dimensions of the block are measured from the outside of external walls.
Zone height is always the same as block height, i.e. it is unaffected by block wall thickness or thickness
of floor constructions.
Wall surfaces extend the full height of the block.
Flat roofs are placed on top of the block, so when drawing a block with a flat roof you should exclude
the roof construction in the height.
External floors are placed under the block, so when drawing a block with an external floor you should
exclude the external floor construction thickness in the height.
Zone surface dimensions (shown in green dotted lines above) are measured from inner edges of outer
walls and the centre line of partitions.
Floor surfaces extend horizontally to the inner surface of external walls and to the centre line of
partitions. See below for more on zone/surface dimensions.
- 98 -
Building Models
For Separate constructions the volume of the zone is calculated as the floor area x the block height. The
volume of any floor and ceiling voids and associated constructions can be subtracted if the relevant model
options are checked.
The zone volume used in ventilation calculations is the actual inside volume (shown in yellow in the diagram
above). These inside zone surface dimensions are used to define surface heat transfer areas in simulations
and other calculations.
See Combined Constructions for information on the meaning of the Construction Model data.
Also see Constructions for how to edit the construction configuration.
Block wall thickness for information on how zone inner volumes are created from external block
Construction and glazing model options for details of volume calculations with the options to
include/exclude floor and ceiling volumes from the zone volume used in the energy calculations.
And the Model Geometry Example section for a detailed worked example illustrating how surface areas
and volumes are calculated.
Block Types
Three types of block are available:
Building Blocks are used to draw the model or a section of the model.
Outline Blocks are used to help in the creation of building block geometry and do not affect the model.
Component Blocks are used to create visual and shading structures which do not contain zones.
- 99 -
Building Block
A building block represents the outer shell of the model or part of the model. A finished block comprises a set
of building elements, which may include external walls, roofs and floor slabs, the constructions of which are
determined from the current building construction model data. Similarly, using opening model data, block
facades are automatically created with the required configuration of windows, doors, vents and solar shading
A block may be divided internally into any number of zones by drawing partitions and where needed, voids or
courtyards can also be incorporated:
- 100 -
Outline Block
Custom openings (windows, doors, etc.) can be added to block facades by going to the surface level and
using the 'Draw window' family of commands:
Blocks can be moved, copied and rotated. Blocks can also be cut or stretched and block faces can be
dragged to different positions.
Outline Block
An outline block is created and edited in exactly the same way as a building block but is just a 3-D shape
without associated building elements such as walls, floors, roofs, etc.
Note: Because Outline blocks are not part of the model they do not appear in the Navigator panel.
Outline blocks are very useful in the creation of more complicated models. Because they are relatively simple
objects, they are much faster to create, copy, move, etc. than conventional building blocks and can be
- 101 -
manipulated freely without worrying about intersections. Once the required geometry has been established,
outline blocks can be converted to conventional blocks.
Outline blocks can also be used as a temporary device to create drawing planes from which building blocks or
other outline blocks can be extruded.
You can remove all outline blocks from a model by selecting Remove all outlines from the Edit menu.
Basic use of outline blocks is covered in the Basic Drawing Tools 5 Tutorial
- 102 -
Outline Block
Now drag the dormer perimeter all the way through the main roof block:
Select the dormer block and click on the Cut block tool, making sure that the Cutting method on the Drawing
options data panel is set to 2-Select plane and click on the forward facing plane of the main roof block to
create a cut in the dormer block in the plane of the roof:
- 103 -
Click again to finish the cut and then select the section of the dormer block that is not required and delete it:
Select the dormer outline block and click on the Convert outline block tool to complete the process:
- 104 -
Component Block
Component Block
There are 3 types of component block:
Component blocks are drawn in the same way as Building blocks but selecting the Block type in the Drawing
Options panel to be 3-Component block.
Each Component block has its own Component block material, transmittance schedule and shade/not shade
model data. To edit this you must first go to the component block itself by double-clicking on it in the model
edit screen or clicking on the entry in the Navigator. Alternatively, component blocks inherit default model data
from the building level so if you leave the component block model data in its default state (blue) you can
change all model data in one go by making the edit at the building level.
All component blocks cast shadows in Visualisations. In Radiance daylighting calculations component blocks
both cast shadows and provide diffuse reflection.
More information on component blocks can be found in the Basic Drawing Tools 8 Tutorial
Important Note: Component blocks do not absorb or conduct heat in any way - their only effect on
building surfaces in simulations is related to the shading and reflection of short-wave solar radiation and light.
Component blocks are a flexible way to apply shading to any part of the building and can be used to model
more complex window shading systems not catered for by the in-built local shading systems that can be
selected on the Openings tab. However there are some issues that should be considered when using
- 106 -
Component Block
component block in this way and these are discussed in the Component blocks used for local shading
reference page.
Use of standard component blocks for shading is also covered in the Solar Shading Tutorial
- 107 -
- 108 -
Block Forms
While drawing a block perimeter, you can select the block form from the Drawing options data panel in the
bottom left of the screen. The standard block forms are provided to facilitate the creation of blocks
representing specific building geometries. You can select from options 1-4 below:
2-Sloped wall
3-Pitched roof
The 5-General block form is not selectable but rather is defined internally by DesignBuilder following block
geometry operations such as Cut block, Horizontal block extrusion, Drag face and Boolean geometry
Once a block has been created, it is possible in most cases to change to a new form by navigating to the
block and opening the Model options dialog. When at block level the Model options dialog opens at the Block
tab and there the Block form can in most cases be changed.
- 109 -
The various methods of drawing general extrusions are explained under Adding Blocks. Circular and
rectangular perimeter shapes are used to create cylindrical and rectilinear prismatic extrusions from horizontal
- 110 -
The wall angle is defined using the Slope setting in the Drawing options panel and the blocks are
automatically truncated by the Height setting:
The slope of the roof is defined using the Roof slope setting in the Drawing options data panel. A pitched roof
can be created with hips or gable ends using the Gable roof setting:
- 111 -
If you draw a pitched roof on top of an existing block, you can control the overhang or the depth of the roof
eaves using the Roof overhang setting:
Where roofs are to be created on top of conventional blocks that contain voids and the voids are to be
automatically incorporated within the pitched roof, the Automatically include voids from lower blocks Model
options switch must be switched on before drawing the roof perimeter.
Roof overhang
The extent to which the roof forms an overhang over the zones below. if the Auto-calculate pitched roof
thickness option is checked then the overhang displayed in the model and also the overhang modelled in the
simulation will be exactly the value of Roof overhang entered here.
- 112 -
Roof slope
The slope of the roof to be generated measured from horizontal.
Roofspace occupied
If the roofspace is flagged as being unoccupied (this option is left unchecked) then a series of changes are
made to the block attributes:
Any glazing that would otherwise have been included on the gable end walls is removed.
Zone type is set to 2-Semi-exterior unconditioned.
Infiltration in the roofspace has a default value of 1 ac/h when using Scheduled natural ventilation or
'Very poor' sealing quality when using Calculated natural ventilation.
Roof perimeters are drawn using the perimeters of lower adjacent blocks:
- 113 -
The software first creates the roof zone (this would be the zone written to the EnergyPlus IDF file) by first
identifying the wall thickness of the adjacent lower block and then deflating the drawn perimeter by this
thickness to obtain the basic roof zone perimeter. The resulting roof zone perimeter is then guaranteed to
coincide with the lower adjacent zone perimeter(s) in the absence of a roof overhang:
If a roof overhang is specified, the basic roof zone perimeter is then inflated by the roof overhang:
- 114 -
The roof zone is then completed by identifying the skeleton of the perimeter and applying the specified slope
to the resulting segments. The base of the roof zone now overlaps the lower adjacent zone(s) by the specified
roof overhang:
Note: In the case where a roof perimeter is drawn on top of several blocks having different wall thicknesses,
the software identifies the wall thickness having the longest perimeter and uses that thickness to derive the
roof zone perimeter. You should be aware that in this case the specified roof overhang will only be guaranteed
where the roof overlaps blocks having the same wall thickness as that identified for the roof zone perimeter.
The roof building block slabs are then created by extruding the roof zone surfaces outward along a normal to
the surfaces by a distance specified using the Roof Thickness setting.
- 115 -
The perimeter of the resulting roof block will extend beyond the roof zone perimeter by a distance (d in the
illustration) determined by the specified roof thickness:
Note: The overhang created by the formation of the roof slabs (d in the above illustration) is only noticeable in
the Edit and Visualisation views and will not be written to the IDF file i.e. unlike the roof zone overlap, it has no
effect on the EnergyPlus shading calculations.
Gable roofs
If the Gable roof option is selected, all gable end roof segments (isosceles triangles) are generated to fit flush
with the lower adjacent block surface:
If the specified gable wall thickness is different to the wall thickness of the lower adjacent block, an overlap will
be created between the roof zone and the lower adjacent zone, which may affect shading calculations in
- 116 -
Note: Pitched roof form blocks are automatically configured so that the external walls are not shown on the
Edit screen when at block level. This can help when drawing partitions, positioning assembly blocks etc. The
option can be reversed using the Display external walls Block display model option if required.
More information on using the Dome block form can be found in the Basic Drawing Tools 9 Tutorial
After drawing a vertically extruded block perimeter on a horizontal plane, the block will be automatically
extruded using the Height setting, if the Auto-Complete Block option is switched on or the View Rotation has
been set to 'Plan'.
Auto-Complete Block
After drawing a vertically extruded block perimeter on a horizontal plane, the block will be automatically
extruded by the Height setting if the Auto-Complete Block option is switched on or the View Rotation has
been set to 'Plan'. With this option switched off (or in the case of a non-horizontal drawing plane), the
perimeter can be dragged along an axis normal to the perimeter to obtain the required extrusion.
- 117 -
Edit blocks
The geometry and other attributes of blocks can be modified using the following tools:
The topology of a block can be edited using the 'Drag face' tool which allows you to select a block surface and
drag it along an axis, normal to the surface. To edit a block topology first go to the building level, select the
block that you want to modify and click on the 'Drag face' tool. Then move the mouse cursor to the surface
that you want to move. As you move the cursor across the block surfaces, each surface will highlight to help in
selecting the required surface. When the mouse cursor is over the required surface, click to start dragging it:
Drag the surface using the mouse or key-in the distance to shift the surface by the required amount:
- 118 -
Blocks can be cut (i.e. divided into 2) using the Divide (Cut) Block Tool. To cut or divide a block first go to the
building level, select the block that you want to modify and click on the Divide block toolbar icon. Blocks are
divided using a plane which can be defined using one of 2 methods:
- 119 -
Because the geometry is fairly complicated, it's advisable to use an outline block to generate the intermediate
geometry and then convert the block to a building block after the editing process is complete. So, from the
building level, click on the Add new block tool, select 2-Outline block as the block type, set the perimeter
shape to 1-Polygon and the Height to the same height as the rotunda, then draw a conventional vertical
extrusion to fit flush to the rotunda. In order to trace round the base of the rotunda, it's probably easier to set
the view rotation to 'Plan', click on to the ground plane and press SHIFT to lock the plane before placing the
first perimeter point:
When tracing around a perimeter by snapping from end-point to end-point, it can be helpful to switch off the
direction snaps and the drawing guides to prevent them from interfering with the point snaps. Completing the
- 120 -
Click on the outline block to select it and then click on the 'Divide block' tool and make sure that the 'Cutting
method' is set to 1-Draw plane in the Drawing Options data panel. Switch the protractor on and move the
cursor over the end face of the selected block, the surface will highlight to indicate that it's become the active
drawing plane. Press the SHIFT key to lock the drawing plane and then locate the cursor 4m from the base of
the block using edge snap:
Click to place the beginning of the first cutting plane line, then place the end of the line to intersect the face
edge with a pitch angle of 30:
- 121 -
Orbit to make the back face of the block visible. Move the mouse cursor over the back face and when it
highlights, press the SHIFT key to lock the plane. Place the second cutting plane line to snap to the local Xaxis of the back face:
Click to complete the cutting plane. The blocks that will be produced by the cut are displayed in red and
green, depending on which side of the cutting plane they lie. At this point, you can choose to cancel the cut by
pressing the ESC key or selecting 'Cancel Cut' from the right-click menu.
- 122 -
Click again to complete the cut and then select and delete the block that isn't needed:
Go through a similar process to create the other pitch. You may need to switch off the drawing guides and
mid-point snap to prevent them from interfering with the protractor and edge snap:
- 123 -
Click again to make the final cut and then select and delete the block that isn't part of the finished structure:
- 124 -
The outline block can then be selected and converted to a building block:
- 125 -
Click on the Add new block tool, select 2-Outline block as the block type and set the perimeter shape to 1Polygon. Switch the protractor on and move the mouse cursor to the back face of the offshoot. When the
cursor is over the back face, press the <Shift> key to lock the drawing plane and snap the protractor to the
upper edge end-point:
Draw the first perimeter line at a 45 pitch and move the cursor to intersect with the back face upper edge
mid-point drawing guide and click to set the end-point:
- 126 -
Move the cursor to snap to the other end-point of the back face upper edge and then complete the perimeter:
Now drag the outline block face through the main roof block:
- 127 -
Select the offshoot outline block and click on the Cut block along plane tool, making sure that the Cutting
method on the Drawing options data panel is set to 'Select plane and click on the forward facing plane of the
main roof block to create a cut in the offshoot block in the plane of the roof:
Click again to finish the cut and then select the section of the offshoot roof block that is not required and
delete it:
- 128 -
Select the roof offshoot block and click on the 'Convert selected outline blocks to building blocks' tool to
complete the process:
Note: In some circumstances, resulting blocks may not be able to be converted to building blocks due to
geometrical limitations. In this case, the block will be displayed in a sepia colour to indicate that it cannot be
Select the 2 blocks involved. The union operation can be applied to any block including building blocks,
component blocks and outlines blocks but the Subtraction and Intersection operations can only be
applied to outline blocks as they require intersection of the 2 primary blocks. The 2 blocks must both
either be of the same type (building block /component block /outline block) or must involve an outline
block. They must touch in the case of the Union operation and intersect in the case of the Subtraction
and Intersection operations.
Click on the Boolean operations toolbar icon. This opens the Drawing options dialog in the bottom left
of the screen.
Select the operation type in the Drawing options panel in the bottom left of the screen. In the case of 2
building blocks Union is the only option so the drop list is greyed out. The 2 blocks are both shown in
purple for the Union and Intersection operations, or one in purple and the other in green for the
Subtraction operation. For the Subtraction operation the green block will be used to subtract space
from the purple block.
Left-mouse click a final time on the model to complete the operation.
Step 2 Draw a dome 20m radius centred on the origin, then use the Stretch tool to reduce it's y and z
dimensions by 50%. The dimensions should be 40m in the x-direction, 20m in the y-direction and 10m height
Step 3 Draw a similar but 2x smaller ellipsoid 10m x 5m x 5m. Move the large ellipsoid on top of the smaller
one with the centre of each over the origin as shown below.
- 130 -
Step 4 Use the selection tool to rubber band a selection over both blocks, click on the Boolean operations
toolbar icon and select the Subtraction option in Drawing options. If necessary click on the Switch subtraction
block checkbox to ensure that the smaller inner block is in green (i,e. it is to be used to subtract volume from
the larger block). After the Subtraction operation you should see the blocks as below.
and with the smaller inner block moved out of the way:
- 131 -
Step 5 Draw a small rectangular outline block aligned with the x and y axes to give you a vertical plane to
allow rotation operations to create the lower blocks. Then copy the larger outer block and rotate the copy by
180 using a vertical plane as the rotation plane. Repeat these steps for the smaller inner outline block.
Step 6 Position and Union the 2 small inner blocks together to create an egg shaped inner block.
- 132 -
- 133 -
- 134 -
Step 10 if necessary, move the entire set of 4 blocks above ground by selecting all 3 blocks (rubber band
selection) and using the base point of the lower outer block as the reference point and moving it the origin.
Step 11 Set 100% glazing for exterior, interior and roof glazing.
- 135 -
Step 12 Draw 2 holes in the floor of the outer top block. Note it is not possible to union the 2 outer blocks as
there would be problem maintaining the inner blocks in this case.
- 136 -
The 2 blocks to be combined are shown above before the operation is started- a 3.5 m height L-shaped block
and a tall sports hall block.
When the 2 blocks are both selected the screen looks as above with the Boolean operations toolbar icon
Pressing on the toolbar icon at this stage starts the command and the Display options panel is displayed in
the bottom left of the screen. On this panel there is a drop list with the 3 Boolean functions available for
selection. In the case where 2 building or component blocks are selected, only the Union operation is allowed.
This is because building blocks cannot intersect and the Subtraction and Intersection options do not apply as
they require blocks to intersect.
- 138 -
Once the command has been started the 2 blocks will become purple. To complete the operation, left-click
once more on the edit screen with the mouse.
After the final click, the 2 blocks are joined into a single block (above).
This can be a very useful way to simplify building geometry avoiding use of multiple blocks and easing the
creation of zones that may span what were multiple blocks.
- 139 -
You can edit certain aspects of a building block geometry by clicking on the 'Building model options' icon while
at the block level. This opens the Model Options dialog box:
At the block level, the Block tab on the Model Options data dialogue box is enabled and allows you to change
the Form of the block and to modify pitched roof assignment.
To change the form of the current block, make a selection from the 'Form' drop list. When you change the
form of a block from an 'Extruded' form to 'Pitched Roof' or 'Sloping Walls' the original form will be
remembered so that even if you have edited the block by cutting it or dragging a face, when you convert the
form back to 'Extruded', the original form will be restored.
The Pitched Roof/Wall Construction Transition settings allow you to control which elements within a block
will be assigned pitched roof construction, either by disallowing pitched roof construction altogether or by
adjusting the element slope to determine which elements should be identified as pitched roofs. The 'Roof-wall
transition angle' is the angle from the horizontal below which the element will be considered a roof.
To convert an Outline block to a Building block, or Component block select the blocks that you want to convert
and then click on the Convert selected outline block tool. This opens the Convert Outline Block Options
dialog below.
- 140 -
Building block
Component block
When converting to a Building block you can also enter the Wall thickness of the block.
Transfer Blocks
You can move blocks from one building to another using the Transfer blocks command accessed from the
Edit menu when the site contains more than 1 building. This menu option opens the Transfer blocks dialog
below. Select the building containing the blocks to be copied and the building to receive the blocks and Press
OK. All blocks in the source building will be moved to the destination building.
Tip: If you would like to transfer only selected blocks then you could first clone the source building, remove the
blocks that are not required from the copy then transfer the remaining blocks to the destination building.
Note: You should check before starting the block transfer that none of the source blocks overlap with blocks in
the destination building. Even a small overlap will cause the whole process to fail.
A Transfer block operation cannot be undone and it clears any existing undo/redo information.
- 141 -
2. Select the type of collector from pop-up menu. For example to add a PV panel, select the Add solar
collector - Photovoltaic option.
3. Position and draw the Solar collector in the way that you would a block when using the 2-Rectangle shape.
The first click defines one corner (the bottom right say), the second click defines the diagonally opposite
corner (top left say) and completes the placement.
The panel is effectively defined in 2-D, i.e. there is no option to define its depth.
You can draw the panel on an existing building block, component block or outline block surface or directly on
the ground.
Note that in cases where a solar collector is placed on a building surface (e.g. on a pitched roof surface) it is
not modelled as being fully coupled with the underlying surface, however it does cast a shadow as would any
other block or shading surface.
4. You can edit the properties of the solar collector by first navigating to the Solar collector object by either
double-clicking on the graphical object in the Layout screen or single-clicking on the item in the Navigator. For
PV solar collectors you can define the panel performance and other properties on the Construction tab under
the Solar Collector header.
5. The electrical side of the Photovoltaic collectors operation is defined on the HVAC tab under On Site
Electricity Generation header.
The hot water, operation and control of Solar hot water collectors is defined with the Detailed HVAC data.
Note: PV systems can be modelled when using either Simple or Detailed HVAC but Solar hot water systems
require Detailed HVAC.
- 142 -
Go to block level
Building blocks can be divided into any number of zones by drawing partitions inside the block. To start
drawing partitions, click on the 'Draw partitions' tool. You can place partitions freely within a block either freestanding or snapped to an external block wall or existing partition. Partitions can be positioned using the
snaps, drawing guides and protractor. A partition doesn't need to be snapped to a wall element, you can drag
a partition across a wall and when you click the end-point, it will be automatically trimmed to the wall.
You can enter the thickness of the first partition drawn in the block and subsequent partitions take on the
same thickness as the first.
- 143 -
Click the partition end-point on the outside of the wall and it's automatically trimmed:
- 144 -
When you draw a partition or a series of partitions (stream), you can undo the last point placed by pressing
the ESC key or selecting 'Undo last point' from the right-click menu.
You can also terminate a partition stream anywhere by selecting 'End stream' from the right-click menu (or by
pressing the ENTER key):
When partitions or partition streams are placed that don't connect with anything at either or both ends, they
are called hanging partitions and can be used to add thermal mass to zones:
- 145 -
Once you've placed partitions that divide existing zones within a block, the block is re-zoned automatically:
When you partition complex blocks rather than simple vertical extrusions, partitions are automatically cut to fit
within the block:
- 146 -
Tip: If the display of the block outer walls prevents you from drawing partitions (for example in a pitched roof
block) then you can switch off the display of external walls.
Advanced Topic
In some cases, if the geometry is complex, it can be possible to create a zone that comprises several
geometric bodies which are physically separated from each other. For example, in the case of a horizontally
extruded 'C' shape:
- 147 -
The partition and resulting zone will be cut to form what appears to be two partitions and two zones:
However the two resulting zones are in fact two geometric bodies within one zone:
- 148 -
While this geometry is perfectly acceptable for the default EnergyPlus solar calculations (see Model Options),
it cannot be processed by the more rigourous Full exterior and interior solar distribution option. If this latter
option is required, you can either model the geometry as two separate blocks or cut the block.
Outline Partitions
Also if Automatic block zoning is switched off, all new partitions are treated as outline partitions (shown in blue
and do not create zones) until converted to standard partitions by using the Rezone block command from the
Tools menu.
- 149 -
Virtual Partitions
A virtual partition is a partition between 2 zones which exists purely to sub-divide the space up and has no
corresponding wall in the actual building.
Virtual partitions are commonly used for separating perimeter zones from core zones when there is to be
different HVAC provision or when carrying out daylighting or solar overheating studies in situations where a
large open plan space is subject to a high level of solar gain around the perimeter. Virtual partitions can be
placed to create separate perimeter and core zones so that the local effect of the solar gain in the perimeter
zone may be calculated. In the absence of virtual partitions, the risk of overheating could be underestimated
due to the distribution of solar gain throughout the open plan space.
When drawing partitions you can set the Partition type in the Drawing option panel to 1-Standard (the default
for a standard partition) or to 2-Virtual to create a virtual partition.
For partitions that have already been created you can navigate to the partition (click on the appropriate item in
the Navigator or double-click on the partition object from either zone or block level) and change the partition
type between 1-Standard and 2-Virtual using the Partition type Drawing option control.
Note: Virtual partitions are modelled using a hole that fills the whole surface area so you cannot draw custom
openings on a virtual partition. For details on how DesignBuilder EnergyPlus models virtual partitions see
information on holes. The model options for controlling the effect of holes apply equally to virtual partitions.
See also:
To create an external courtyard within a block, go to the required block by clicking on the navigator entry or
double-clicking the block in the 'Edit' screen and then click on the 'Draw void perimeter' tool. You can the
select a perimeter shape and set the required wall thickness in the 'Drawing Options' data panel:
After completing the perimeter, a courtyard is automatically generated within the block:
- 150 -
Important note: the void space is modelled as being exterior to the building and not as any sort of zone. If
you need to create an atrium space whose temperature and other conditions are calculated then avoid use of
the Draw void tool and instead model it like any other zone within the block using partitions.
If you would like DesignBuilder to automatically punch voids through new blocks drawn on top of existing
blocks having voids, then use the Automatically include voids from lower blocks model option which can be
set on the Miscellaneous Edit tab of the model options dialog.
Restriction: The void perimeter lines you draw to create a void cannot touch any other external or internal
wall, so you can't for example use the void command to take chunks out of the external wall - the void must be
wholly contained within the block.
Restriction: You can't create any other objects within a void - the void space is reserved and you will get
intersection errors if you try to draw a block in the void space.
- 151 -
Go to zone level
- 152 -
To move a light sensor to a different location, move the mouse cursor over the required sensor and click on it
to select it and then Move it to wherever you want within the floor perimeter:
Note: You can set the height of the working plane to define the desk height (and hence the z-position of the
lighting sensor) on the Advanced tab of the Model options dialog.
- 153 -
Go to surface level
When working with surfaces, switching to Normal view rotation can be helpful in orientating openings and subsurfaces:
- 154 -
You can draw, move, clone (copy), rotate and delete the following types of opening:
Note that custom openings that have been drawn by hand or copied are displayed in bright colours to
differentiate them from (grey) default openings:
Yellow - windows
Blue - sub-surfaces
Green - holes
Cyan - doors
Magenta - vents
Draw Window
Before activating the Draw window tool, you are given the option of keeping any default surface openings
through a check box in the Display options dialog. If you choose to keep these openings, they will be
converted to custom openings and so will not be subsequently affected by any changes to the facade attribute
data and must be deleted or edited manually, or cleared back to default openings.
See the Drawing Openings on Surfaces Tutorial
To add a window to a surface, click on the 'Draw window' tool. If you have opted to keep the default openings,
they will be converted to custom openings:
- 155 -
On the other hand, if you un-check the 'Keep default openings' option, all default openings will be removed.
Select the perimeter shape that you require and then move the mouse cursor to place the window origin. As
you move the mouse cursor over the surface, distance guides will be displayed from each of the surface
vertices to help in placing the window origin. If the increment snap is switched on, the origin will snap in
increments from the vertex that's nearest to the mouse cursor:
You can lock the origin to a particular vertex by moving the mouse cursor close to the vertex and pressing the
SHIFT key and keeping it pressed until you actually place the origin. This can be helpful if you want to place a
window relative to a vertex at the other end of the surface:
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Having placed the window origin, you can then draw the window using the selected perimeter drawing mode,
for details of drawing perimeters please refer to the Perimeters section.
3. Then type in the offset of the window origin (bottom left corner of the window in this example) in the format
x y. Note that there is no comma between the x and the y coordinates.
The coordinates that you type in will appear under the 'Key In' header in Drawing Options panel. The
convention used when positioning and drawing openings at surface level is that x increases from left to right
and y increases from bottom to top. This is true whether viewing the surface from inside or from outside.
- 157 -
- 158 -
You can use the mouse in conjunction with Key Ins if you prefer. So you could use the mouse to define the
window offset from the origin and then use Key Ins to define the window dimensions or vice versa.
Tip: You can also enter negative x and y values when keying in offset and coordinates.
Draw Sub-Surface
For details of using the Draw sub-surface tool, please refer to the Draw window tool.
See the Sub-Surface Construction topic for information on the construction data used for sub-surfaces and
other details.
Draw Door
For details of using the Draw door tool, please refer to the Draw window tool.
Note: In EnergyPlus doors must be rectangular
Draw Hole
For details of using the Draw hole tool, please refer to the Draw window tool.
Holes are usually used for two purposes:
For merging zones together. Note that the Merge zones connected by holes option must be selected
for this to work.
- 159 -
If adjacent zones aren't merged then holes between them allow air and radiation to pass. See below for
details on this.
Holes can also be added in exterior surfaces to allow air and radiation to pass.
Tip: It is possible to draw large holes in surfaces to give the effect of the surface having being removed. This
can be a useful technique for creating atrium-type spaces, connecting gable roof blocks to the main roof block
and generally merging zones in different blocks.
More information on Drawing holes can be found in the Basic Drawing Tools 7 Tutorial
The way holes are modelled in EnergyPlus depends on the model options selected:
The way that airflow through holes (and virtual partitions) is modelled depends on the Natural ventilation
model option selection. The rules are as follows.
Scheduled Natural Ventilation and Heating and Cooling
design calculations
Holes positioned on internal partition walls are used to
mix the air between the two adjacent zones, but only
when using Model airflow through openings model
option. In this case the airflow through internal holes is
calculated based on the Airflow rate per opening area
- 160 -
Internal holes in
heating design and
cooling design or
when using Finite
difference solution
Modelled as an
opaque subsurfaces with a
standard "Holes
and vents"
construction, so no
radiation transfer
takes place
between the 2
zones, only
conduction plus any
Draw Vent
For details of using the Draw vent tool, please refer to the Draw window tool.
When at surface level you can add a CFD boundary in much the same way as a window or any other opening
. Please refer to the instructions for the Draw window tool for details on the process of drawing the CFD
Note: There is one important difference with CFD boundaries compared with openings such as windows,
which is that the edges of supply/extract boundaries must not coincide with parent surface edges. The CFD
boundary should be separated from the surface edges by a distance of at least 0.1 m.
After selecting the Add CFD boundary tool, the boundary settings are displayed on the Drawing options data
panel. You can select the required boundary type from the Boundary type drop list. The following boundary
types are available for surfaces of all orientations:
- 161 -
The following additional boundary types for multi-directional diffusers will appear for ceiling and other
downward-facing surfaces only:
1-Supply :
Y-discharge angle () - the discharge angle between the local surface Y-axis and an inward facing
normal to the surface. At the surface level, taking a normal view from the inside of the zone to the
surface, the Y-axis discharge angle is positive between the normal and the positive Y-axis (i.e. the axis
pointing upwards) and negative between the normal and the negative Y-axis (i.e. the axis pointing
downwards). For example to define a discharge angle of 45 pointing downwards from the centre of a
diffuser, looking at it from the inside of the zone, you would enter 45. On the other hand, to define a
discharge angle of 45, pointing upwards from the centre, you would enter 45:
- 162 -
Minimum discharge velocity is the minimum required velocity at the face of the diffuser. If the
minimum discharge velocity cannot be achieved by combining the specified flow rate with the face area
of the diffuser as drawn, supply diffusers are created using a number of elements, the areas of which
are determined by combining the specified volume flow rate together with the minimum discharge
velocity. The maximum linear dimension of each component element is currently 'hard-set' at 0.2m. If
the minimum discharge velocity is set to a very small value (e.g. 0.01m/s), a single element will be
created spanning the entire area of the diffuser as drawn and the actual discharge velocity will be
determined from the geometry of the diffuser face and the supply volume (i.e. v=V/A for orthogonal
diffusers) - the actual discharge velocity is displayed for diffusers on the CFD data tab at the opening
Note 1: the minimum discharge velocity is an important setting in that the diffuser supply velocity in
conjunction with the diffuser discharge angle(s) can determine the flow pattern in a space.
Note 2: DesignBuilder CFD can only guarantee minimum discharge velocities for supply diffusers that
are located on orthogonal surfaces, that is surfaces that are parallel to the one of the 3 grid axes.
- 163 -
- 164 -
6 Flux
Note: Generally, you should ensure that there are at least three grid cells between a supply boundary and an
obstruction (such as a wall, component or assembly), otherwise, during simulation, the flow can lock and you
will see the mass residual plot forms a flat line with no convergence
Edit surfaces
At the surface level, you can select custom openings and move, clone (copy), delete and rotate them.
Note: Default openings cannot be selected and manipulated in this way.
You can also clear custom openings their default state using the Clear Data to Default command.
- 165 -
When you have selected an opening, you will see that the Move selected object(s), Clone selected object(s)
and Delete selected object(s) icons are active and you can select one of these commands. As an example,
the arched openings and doorway are to be copied onto the angled faade of the leftmost block. To begin
with, you need to delete the existing opening on the angled faade by selecting it and clicking on the Delete
selected object(s) icon:
- 166 -
Opening removed:
All opening edit operations at the building level automatically convert default openings to custom openings,
which is why you need to remove the existing opening.
Then in order to copy the openings, you need to select a handle point and you can do this by first clicking on
the Clone selected object(s) command icon and then clicking on the required handle point - the endpoint snap
will help in selecting the handle point.
- 167 -
First select the handle point, and then position the copy using the various snaps:
As you move the copied openings across each block faade you will see them automatically snap into the
faade plane and after positioning the openings, you can then click on the mouse key to add the openings in
the required position:
- 168 -
You will see that any copies that wont fit into the selected location are automatically discarded.
Note: You can select openings on multiple planes but in this case the openings can only be deleted, not
moved or copied.
Undo/Redo commands accessed from Edit menu
To undo a geometric operation, select Undo from the 'Edit' menu (or press <Control-Z>) and similarly to redo
a geometric operation, select Redo (or press <Control-R>). Because many of the geometric operations are
dependent on specific model levels, you may need to undo or redo navigation operations before you get to the
required geometric operation, e.g. 'Undo - Go to surface', etc.
Note that Undo/Redo applies only to geometric operations and changes to Model Data cannot be undone.
Rebuild command accessed from Tools menu
Sometimes the adjacencies within DesignBuilder models can become corrupt. The Rebuild command
recalculates the zone, surface and adjacency geometry from the base building elements.
Rezone Block
Rezone block command accessed from Tools menu
Use the Rezone block command to refresh the zoning in the current block. The command converts any outline
partitions in a block to standard partitions and updates zones due to any partitions that may have deleted. The
command should be used when the Automatic block zoning model option is switched off. When the option is
switched on (and it has always been switched on during the life of a model) then you will not need to use this
Model Data is the data for the site on the tabs:
Legislative region and insulation standards
Activity (usage)
- 169 -
Openings (windows, doors, vents, holes, sub-surfaces)
The Model Data tabs are shown in the Edit Screen - User Interface help topic.
At the point of the building is created, building model default data is initially loaded at the building level from
templates. This is inherited from the building to blocks to zones to surfaces and to openings. This default
model data can be overwritten by making edits on the Model Data tabs on the Edit screen.
See the Model Data Overview Tutorial
Site data
The site data represents information about the site including its location, the conditions of the ground,
weather, the legislative region and the maximum allowed U-values for new buildings. All buildings on the site
use the same site model data.
To edit site model data, go to site level and click on the Location or Region tabs (below).
You can easily change the location of the site by making a selection for the Location template on the Location
tab or by using the Load data from template command.
Alternatively you can open up the headers on the Location and Region tabs to edit the data.
Location tab on model data at Site level
Use this screen to edit the location of the site, its weather data, the daylight savings and energy codes which
You can load a location from the database by clicking on Template line under the Location Template header
then on the '...' at the right of the line.
- 170 -
When you make a selection from the list of location templates data from selected template will be loaded to
the model.
Alternatively you can use the Load data from template tool.
You can enter data on:
Site location,
Site details,
Time and daylight saving,
Simulation weather,
Winter design weather and
Summer design weather.
Site location
Location tab on model data at Site level
You can set the latitude/longitude of the site for cooling design calculations as well as a number of site
The latitude (in degrees) of the site. By convention, North Latitude is represented as positive; South Latitude
as negative. Minutes should be represented in decimal fractions of 60. (15 is 15/60 or .25)
The longitude (in degrees) of the site. By convention, East Longitude is represented as positive; West
Longitude as negative. Minutes should be represented in decimal fractions of 60. (15 is 15/60 or .25).
Note: the latitude and longitude location data will only affect cooling design calculations. For simulations, the
position of the sun is defined by the location in the hourly weather file.
Site details
Location tab on model data at Site level
Site orientation
The site orientation is the angle of the site plan view relative to North. For example enter 45 to rotate the
building(s) clockwise by 45.relative to North (screenshot example below). This is the quickest and most
reliable way to rotate all the buildings on the site relative to North and allows you to keep your x and y axes
aligned with the building.
- 171 -
North is indicated by the direction of the North arrow in the sketch plan view (above).
Warning: Rotating the building(s) is also possible but once this has been done it is more difficult to make
further geometric edits because, for rotations other than 90, 180 or 270, the x and y axes will be out of
alignment with the building. Also major rotations can increase the risk of geometric issues in the
model.Exposure to wind
The exposure to wind model data affects the pressure coefficients used when the Calculated Natural
ventilation option is set. It also affects the calculation of U-values (though these are not used in EnergyPlus
When the wind exposure setting is changed, the U-value for each construction in the Constructions database
is recalculated because the wind exposure affects the external heat transfer coefficient. This is necessary to
ensure that the info panel data remains up to date and for local calculations such as SBEM which rely on Uvalues being up to date.
Ground texture
The texture used to represent the ground in the rendered view on the Visualisation screen.
- 172 -
- 173 -
Site exposure
Typical city centre
Typical urban site
Typical rural site
Isolated rural site
The default modifier is 2 for both solar and daylight radiation, giving an overall default reflectance for snow
covered ground of 0.2 x 2 = 0.4, suitable for a typical urban site.
1-Hourly weather file where the monthly values of ground temperature come from the header of the
.epw hourly weather file. Note if this option is selected then the epw file header must include the
monthly FCFactor ground temperatures.
2-Model data in which case the 12 monthly temperatures are defined below.
Ground domain
Check the Include ground domains checkbox to activate the ground domain model. This reveals an option
to select the number of ground domain objects to use in the study. The number entered here will enable the
display of that number of ground domain objects as shown below.
- 174 -
You will normally need to define new site domain objects to define the exact situation for your model. The
domain objects defined and selected here will be available for selection at surface level for any surface that
has any contact with the ground. Wall surfaces that are underground can be selected as basements and any
floor that has any ground contact can be defined as having either slab or basement contact.
Calculation method
Select from the options:
If the Calculation method is 1-Schedule, the water mains temperatures are read from the schedule referenced
by this field. Note that the schedule temperatures must be in C even when using IP units.
The Site precipitation data is used to describe the amount of precipitation on all Green roof surfaces over the
course of the simulation. Precipitation includes both rain and the equivalent water content of snow.
Precipitation is not yet described well enough in the usual building weather data file. So this object is used to
- 175 -
provide the data using Schedule objects that define rates of precipitation in meters per hour. A set of
schedules for site precipitation have been developed for USA weather locations and are provided with
EnergyPlus in the data set called PrecipitationSchedulesUSA.idf. The user can develop schedules however
they want. The schedules in the data set were developed using EnergyPlus weather file (EPW) observations
and the average monthly precipitation for the closest weather site provided by NOAA. EPW files for the USA
that were based on TMY or TMY2 include weather observations for Light/Moderate/Heavy rainfall, however
most international locations do not include these observations. The values were modeled by taking the middle
of the ranges quoted in the EPW data dictionary. The assumed piecewise function is shown below.
The values were inserted on hour by hour basis for the month based on the observations. Then each month
was rescaled to meet the average precipitation for the month based on the 30-year average (1971-2000)
provided by the NOAA/NCDC. Therefore, the flags in the EPW file match the precipitation schedules for the
USA. Note that summing the average monthly precipitation values will not give you the average yearly
precipitation. The resulting value may be lower or higher than the average yearly value. Once the typical
rainfall pattern and rates are scheduled, the Site Precipitation data provides a method of shifting the total
rainfall up or down for design purposes. Wetter or drier conditions can be modelled by changing the Design
Annual Precipitation although the timing of precipitation throughout the year will not be changed.
Precipitation schedule
The schedule that describes the rate of precipitation. The precipitation rate schedule is analogous to weather
file data. However, weather files for building simulation do not currently contain adequate data for such
calculations. Therefore, EnergyPlus schedules are used to enter the pattern of precipitation events. The
values in this schedule are the average rate of precipitation in meters per hour. The integration of these
values over an annual schedule should equal the nominal annual precipitation.
Irrigation type
Defines the way irrigation water is supplied. Select from:
1-Scheduled - water is proved using the maximum irrigation rate and schedule modifier (below).
2-Smart - as Scheduled but overrides the irrigation to be off when the earth is 30% or more saturated
with water.
Irrigation schedule
The schedule defining the operation of the irrigation system. A schedule value of zero means the irrigation is
switched off and a value of 1 means that the Max irrigation rate is used.
- 176 -
CO2 concentration
Check this option if simulation of CO2 concentration levels are to be performed.
In EnergyPlus, summer Daylight saving works by adding the number of hours specified in the Time
zone data (usually 1 hour) to the local mean time to get the time to determine schedule operation.
Because Simulation results are displayed in local mean time, during the summer when daylight saving
time is in use, occupancy and equipment etc will appear to start 1 hour earlier in the day than it does in
the winter. To help you pinpoint this, DesignBuilder prints the times when daylight saving starts and
ends on the graph.
When comparing results with and without Daylight saving you will notice:
Solar radiation data has exactly the same timing with and without daylight saving.
Occupancy, equipment (and other aspects of building operation controlled by schedules) will
start 1 hour earlier with daylight saving.
Visualisations use local mean time when setting the position of the sun for site shading analysis. Again
you can account for daylight saving time by adding 1 hour to the time during summer months to see
shading for local clock time.
- 177 -
DesignBuilder uses EnergyPlus epw format hourly weather data for simulations (heating and cooling design
calculations use much simpler design weather data).
You can review, edit and convert weather using the Edit hourly weather data dialog.
You can also add your own hourly weather data.
Minimum outside dry-bulb temperature - the winter design outside air temperature
Co-incident Wind speed and Wind direction - only the speed of the wind is used for winter design
conditions but both speed and direction are used when autosizing heating systems in Calculated
natural ventilation models.
Maximum outside dry-bulb temperature - the maximum dry bulb air temperature over the day
Minimum outside dry-bulb temperature - the minimum dry bulb air temperature (night time)
Wet-bulb temperature at the time of the maximum dry-bulb temperature.
1-Default multipliers - where EnergyPlus automatically generates the outside dry-bulb temperature
profile based on the data provided in ASHRAE 2009 HOF.
2-Multiplier schedule - where you can define a day schedule that specifies a multiplier applied to the
daily temperature range to create the proper dry-bulb temperature range profile for your design day.
This works as described below.
- 178 -
When using the 1-Default multipliers option, the multipliers are taken from the ASHRAE 2009 HOF. More
specifically, EnergyPlus creates an air temperature for each timestep by using the entered maximum dry-bulb
temperature in conjunction with the entered daily range and the above multiplier values. The actual equation
used is shown below:
Tcurrent = Tmax - Trange x Tmultiplier
Tcurrent = Air temperature of current hour of day
TMax = User supplied Max Dry-bulb Temperature
Trange = The daily temperature range (Tmax - Tmin)
TMultiplier = Range multiplier as shown on the above graph
The range multiplier values represent typical conditions of diurnal temperatures (i.e. the low temperature for
the day occurring about 5:00 AM and the maximum temperature for the day occurring about 15:00. Note that
EnergyPlus does not shift the profile based on the time of solar noon as is optionally allowed in ASHRAE
ASHRAE research indicates that dry-bulb and wet-bulb temperatures typically follow the same profile, so
EnergyPlus can use the default profile to generate humidity conditions.
Legislative Region
A Legislative region in DesignBuilder is typically a whole country or a region, province or state within a country
which has its own building control powers. The legislative region contains information on:
To identify the mandatory energy code in force in the region. When one of the ASHRAE 90.1 codes are
selected this has a significant knock on impact on the rest of the model as described in the ASHRAE
90.1 Modelling section.
To set the insulation levels used when the 'Pre-design' Construction and glazing Model option is
When calculating asset ratings.
Note: If you change any of this data, the insulation standards of the constructions in the <System> category
will be automatically updated.
On Site Electricity Generation Data
Detailed Equipment
Each of these categories of data has a template selection at the top of the tab allowing rapid loading of the
data from template.
- 180 -
You can load generic activity data by clicking on the Template option under Activity Template and then by
clicking on the '...' at the right of the line (below).
When you make a selection from the list of Activity templates, data from selected template will be loaded to
the model.
Alternatively you can use the Load data from template tool.
Note that the appropriate Sector is loaded with the activity (screenshot above).
All Activity data (apart from Holidays) is used to generate simulation data at the Zone level. Holiday data is
used at Building level.
See the Activity Data Tutorial
Zone Type
Activity tab in model data under Activity Template header
The zone type can be set at block or zone level on the Activity tab and can be one of:
1-Standard - the zone is within the main envelope and is usually (but not necessarily) occupied and
heated and/or cooled. This zone type also covers zones within the main building envelope that are
unoccupied and not directly heated or cooled such as offices that are temporarily unoccupied may
come into this category.
2-Semi-exterior unconditioned - the zone is unoccupied and is neither heated nor cooled and lies
outside the main building envelope. Examples of unconditioned spaces are roofspaces, sunspaces,
crawlspaces, car parks etc.
3-Cavity - the zone is a cavity such as the glazed cavity within a double faade or a Trombe wall. This
algorithm correctly calculates the convection coefficients for a narrow sealed vertical cavity based on
the ISO 15099 standard.
- 181 -
4-Plenum - the zone is a plenum which is unoccupied and has no heating, cooling, or mechanical
ventilation (though of course air will flow through it to meet the needs of the zones it serves).
5-Semiheated - the zone is heated to a low level only. This option is only available for ASHRAE
90.1 models. In exceptional cases where an ASHRAE 90.1 model has been converted to nonASHRAE 90.1 model, any zones with the 5-Semiheated zone type are treated is if 1-Standard had
been selected.
Zone types are also described in the Basic Drawing Tools 6 Tutorial
2-Semi-exterior unconditioned
When the Zone type is set to 2-Semi-exterior unconditioned, the program asks you 'Do you want to load
default unconditioned data including Activity, Lighting and HVAC templates?' If you reply 'Yes' then the zone is
set as unoccupied by loading <None> Activity, HVAC and Lighting template data.
Also Semi-exposed constructions will be used instead of standard partitions for adjacencies with
'Unconditioned' zones. For example the wall between an occupied office and a car park would use the Semiexposed construction, whereas the wall between two occupied offices would use Internal partition
Also roofspace insulation is applied in the floor of a Semi-exterior unconditioned space when it is above a
Standard space, if 'Floor fitted above floor slab' option is checked.
When the Zone type is set to 3-Cavity, the program asks you 'Do you want to load default 'Glazed cavity' data
including appropriate convection coefficients, calculation options and Activity, HVAC and Construction
templates'. If you reply 'Yes' then the following changes are made:
The zone is set as unoccupied by loading <None> Activity, HVAC and Lighting template data.
Suspended floors and ceilings are switched off.
The 5-Cavity Inside convection algorithm is set for Cooling design, Heating design and simulation
The 3-Full interior and exterior Solar distribution algorithm is set for Cooling design and simulation
You can find out more about Trombe wall simulations in the Modelling Issues section.
When the Zone type is set to 4-Plenum, the program asks you 'Do you want to load default plenum data
including appropriate convection coefficients, calculation options and Activity and HVAC templates?'. If you
reply 'Yes' then the following changes are made:
The zone is set as unoccupied by loading <None> Activity, HVAC and Lighting template data.
Suspended floors and ceilings are switched off.
The 4-Ceiling diffuser Inside convection algorithm is set for Cooling design, Heating design and
simulation calculations.
You can find out more about modelling plenums under HVAC.
Zone Multiplier
Activity tab in model data under Activity Template header
- 182 -
The Zone multiplier data allows you to reduce the size of your model in cases where there are similar zones
by specifying that certain zones are repeated and so only need to be simulated once. A typical use is for multistorey buildings with identical (or very similar) floors. The image below is taken from the Zone Multiplier
Example.dsb file and illustrates how the zone multiplier mechanism works.
The basic 7 storey building on the left doesn't use the zone multiplier and, as each storey has one zone, the
whole building contains 7 zones. The equivalent building on the right has been simplified by using the zone
multiplier. The single mid-storey zone has a zone multiplier of 5 which means that during the simulation the
zone is treated as if there were 5 of them. In particular the energy consumption and HVAC airflow rates are
multiplied by 5 so the results for the reduced building match approximately with that of the non-reduced
The top floor and ground floor zones cannot be combined using the zone multiplier of course because they
have roof and ground adjacencies respectively and so must be retained in the reduced model. However the 5
mid-floor zones all have the same operation and adjacencies and so can be combined.
Set the adjacency to be adiabatic for the underside of the top floor zone, the top and underside of the
mid-floor zone and the top of the ground floor zone.
Help to position the mid-floor representative zone in a reasonable representative position to ensure that
a good average wind speed will be applied.
Ensures correct shading in a more complex model. Shadows will be correctly cast by 'missing zones'
and also shading received by the representative mid-floor zone will be representative of the shading
received by all of the actual mid-floor zones.
Improves the look of the reduced model to match that of the full model.
For other ways to simplify models see Simplification on the Advanced tab of the Model options.
- 183 -
Include Zone
Activity tab in model data under Activity Template header
Activity tab in model data
The Occupancy model data defines the number people in the space and the times of occupancy. This data is
used in Simulations and Cooling design calculations together with the Metabolic heat output of the occupants
and Holidays to calculate the heat input to the building.
The Occupancy schedule setting (Typical workday or Schedule) may also be used to control internal gains
and/or HVAC systems if the appropriate Model options are set.
Occupancy density
Set the number of people per unit floor area. It is usually most convenient to load this data from the Activity
and the occupancy times. Occupancy time definition depends on the Timing model data option:
- 184 -
In above example there are 0.2 people per m2 between 8am and 6pm and there are no people outside these
times and at weekends.
Note: The Occupancy Days / week is set at the building level only and is used for all other Typical workday
schedules in the model apart from Mechanical ventilation, and Heating and Cooling operation which have their
own Days / week data.
Schedule timing model option
When the Schedule Timing model option is set, the occupancy times are controlled by a Schedule . The
metabolic gains for the zone are multiplied by the value of the Schedule at each time step in the simulation so
you can define periods of part-occupancy using Schedule values less than 1. Use values of 0 to indicate that
the space in unoccupied.
Latent fraction
Occupancy latent gains account for moisture from people in the building due to both perspiration (sweating)
and from exhaled moisture. The way that latent gains are calculated depends on the Occupancy latent gains
model option.
When this option is set to 2-Fixed fraction then you can enter the latent fraction here. A typical default value
is 0.5. Alternatively if this setting is left as the default 1-Dynamic calculation option then the latent fraction is
calculated within EnergyPlus at runtime based on internal temperatures and metabolic rate and no additional
setting is required here.
Activity tab in model data under Occupancy header
Select the level of activity by selecting a metabolic rate component based on the level of activity of people
using the space.
The metabolic rate determines the amount of heat gain per person in the zone under design conditions. This
value is modified during simulations based on a correlation to account for variations in space temperature.
This should be borne in mind when analysing occupant sensible heat output in the Cooling design and
Simulation results screens. Metabolic rate has units Watts per person and represents the total heat gain per
person including convective, radiant, and latent heat. An internal algorithm is used to determine what fraction
of the total is sensible and what fraction is latent. Then, the sensible portion is divided into radiant and
convective portions based on the assumption of 50% radiant fraction.
- 185 -
Metabolic rate data can be found in the ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals, Chapter 8, Table 5.
DesignBuilder data is derived from this data and is for adult males having typical surface area of 1.8m2. For
women multiply the adult male value by 0.85 and for children multiply by 0.75.
The metabolic factor accounts for people of various sizes. Enter 1.00 for men, 0.85 for women, 0.75 for
children or you can use an average value if there is a mix of sizes.
Heat is generated in the human body by oxidation at a rate called the metabolic rate. This heat is dissipated
from the body surface and respiratory tract by a combination of radiation, convection and evaporation. The
relative proportions of sensible and latent heat from people is a complex function of the metabolic rate and the
environmental conditions.
EnergyPlus uses a polynomial function to divide the heat gain into sensible and latent portions. More details
can be found in the EnergyPlus EngineeringDoc.pdf documentation.
Note: If the Occupancy latent gains model option is set to Dynamic calculation then the sensible/latent split
for occupancy gains is affected by the internal temperature and relative humidity. With high internal
temperatures, people cool themselves largely by evaporation (sweating) and sensible occupancy gains can
be very low or even zero as the internal temperature approaches that of the human body.
You can define the clothing levels of the occupants for summer and winter periods. This data is used when
generating comfort output.
Clothing reduces the body's heat loss and is classified according to its insulation value. The unit normally
used for measuring clothing's insulation is the Clo unit. The more technical unit is mC/W is also used
frequently (1 Clo = 0.155 m2C/W). The Clo value can be calculated by adding the Clo value of each
individual garment. The insulation value for individual garments can be found in ISO 7730.
Clo-Values for Different Items of Clothing and Ensembles
Bra and panties
Long underwear
White, short sleeve
heavy, long sleeve
Add 5% for tie or turtleneck
Light summer outfit
Working clothes
Typical indoor winter clothing
Heavy business suit
Note 1: Clo-values are additive, so one can calculate the clo-value for a person wearing a T-shirt and light
socks (0.09 + 0.04) = 0.13. (Adapted from ASHRAE Fundamentals and "Technical Review of Thermal
Comfort," Bruel and Kjaer, No. 2, 1982.)
Note 2: for equatorial regions where there is no clear 'summer/winter' weather pattern you should generally
use a 'summer' value for both summer and winter clo factors.
- 186 -
Activity tab in model data (building level only)
You can define the dates of holidays to include the effect of building shutdown during certain periods of the
year. Do this by selecting the Holidays option under the Holidays header on the Activity tab at building level.
Holidays defined at building level in this way are used for the whole simulation. The holiday data is used for
Simulations only (not Heating/Cooling Design Calculations) and allows you to set the Holiday Schedule and
the number of days of holiday per year. The possible holiday dates are defined in the Holiday schedule and
the actual holidays to be used in the simulation are selected from the top of the list based on the Holidays per
year data entered.
Note that you must have at least as many days defined in the holiday schedules as you request here.
If there are insufficient holidays in the holiday schedule you will receive an error message to this
effect prior to a simulation.
With the data in the above screenshot there will be 5 holidays and the dates are given by the first 5 holiday
dates set in the 'Typical UK' Holiday schedule.
See also the Timing, Schedules, Profiles and Holidays Tutorial
The way holiday definition works depends on the Timing model option:
Compact Schedules
When the Timing model option is Schedules you can use Compact schedules to define holiday dates and
schedule values. The value of Compact schedule output during holidays can be defined explicitly using the
Holidays day type following For:.
For example:
Through: 31 Dec,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay WinterDesignDay,
Until: 05:00, 0.5,
Until: 09:00, 1,
Until: 24:00, 0.5,
For: Weekends,
Until: 05:00, 0.5,
Until: 24:00, 1,
For: Holidays AllOtherdays,
Until: 24:00, 0;
The Holiday data in this Compact schedule indicates that the cooling is switched off on holidays.
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7/12 Schedules
Holiday operation is not defined explicitly and holidays use the same data as Sundays
Typical Workday
Holidays use the same data as Sundays
Environmental control
Activity tab in model data
The heating and cooling setpoint temperatures, minimum fresh air per person and illuminance requirements
are related to the Activity or Usage of the zone and are accessed by opening the Environmental Comfort
group header.
Heating and Cooling Setpoint Temperatures
- 188 -
RH Humidification setpoint
The zone humidistat relative humidity setpoint for humidification (0 to 100%).
RH Dehumidification setpoint
The zone humidistat relative humidity setpoint for dehumidification (0 to 100%).
- 189 -
1-By value - use this option when the setpoint does not change with time in which case you can
enter a fixed setpoint temperature.
2-By schedule - use this option when the setpoint changes with time in which case you can
select a schedule of time-varying temperature setpoints.
The inside air temperature is above this cooling setpoint temperature, and
The inside air temperature is greater than the outside air temperature, and
The operation schedule allows ventilation.
Also, the data under the Calculated Natural Ventilation header on the Advanced tab of the Model
Options dialog can modify ventilation control behaviour.
When using the Scheduled natural ventilation model option the Natural ventilation delta T (below)
can prevent natural ventilation from occurring if the outside air temperature is too high.
- 190 -
1-By value - use this option when the setpoint does not change with time in which case you can
enter a fixed setpoint temperature.
2-By schedule - use this option when the setpoint changes with time in which case you can
select a schedule of time-varying temperature setpoints.
- 191 -
For example, if you specify a maximum delta temperature of 2C, ventilation is assumed to be available
if the outside air temperature is at least 2C cooler than the zone air temperature. If the outside air dry
bulb temperature is less than 2C cooler or warmer than the indoor dry bulb temperature, then
ventilation is automatically turned off. The values for this field can include negative numbers. This
allows ventilation to occur even if the outdoor temperature is above the indoor temperature. The Delta
Temperature control works in the code in the following way:
if (IndoorTemp - OutdoorTemp) < Max ventilation in-out delta T then ventilation is not allowed.
For example:
Value of Mechanical ventilation Max in-out delta T
Mechanical ventilation only operates when
OutdoorTemp < IndoorTemp
Mechanical ventilation unrestricted by Inside-Outside
delta T
Mechanical ventilation only operates when
OutdoorTemp + 2 < IndoorTemp
Tip: Enter a large negative number to allow ventilation even if the outdoor temperature is greater than
the indoor temperature. This useful for uncontrolled mechanical ventilation or as a way to estimate the
effect of required ventilation air for load calculations.
See also Defining setpoint temperature schedules.
Fresh air
The Minimum fresh air per person defines the fresh air requirements of each person in the zone and is used
to generate appropriate mechanical outside air distribution rates when the mechanical ventilation Outside air
definition methods on the HVAC tab is set to any of:
2-Min fresh air per person where the fresh air flow rate is calculated as the Fresh air (l/s//person) x
People / m2 x Zone floor area (m2)
4-Min fresh air (Sum per person + per area) where the fresh air flow rate is the sum of 'per person'
and 'per area' fresh air requirements
5-Min fresh air (Max per person and per area) where the fresh air flow rate based on 'per person' is
compared with 'per area' and the maximum is used.
This data is also used to calculate natural ventilation outside air flow rates into the zone when the natural
ventilation Flow type on the HVAC tab is set to 2-Min fresh air per person.
3-Min fresh air (Per area), where the fresh air flow rate is calculated as the Mech vent per floor area
(l/s/m2) x Zone floor area (m2)
- 192 -
This data is not currently used for natural ventilation and is only used if one of the above mechanical
ventilation Outside air definition methods has been used.
CO2/Contaminant Setpoints
CO2/Contaminant Setpoints
If the zone has its fresh air delivery controlled using the 3-IAQP DCV method and the 1-Simple HVAC
Detailed HVAC Activity data model option is set then you must enter the CO2 setpoint and minimum setting
here on the Activity tab. Likewise if the 5-IAQP generic contaminant option is selected then the generic
contaminant setpoint and minimum setting must be entered here.
If the 2-Detailed HVAC Detailed HVAC Activity data model option is set then this data is entered on the HVAC
Zone dialog using schedules.
Target illuminance
The desired lighting level (in lux) at the first daylighting sensor. This is also the lighting level that would be
produced at this sensor position at night if the overhead electric General lighting were operating at full input
power. Recommended values depend on type of activity; they may be found, for example, in the Lighting
Handbook of the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America and in CIBSE A Guide. A typical value for
general office work (excluding computer terminals) is 500 lux.
The data on this tab defines the hot water consumption rate in each zone as l/day/m2 data (gal/day/ft in IP
units). The DHW consumption data is only used if DHW is selected on the HVAC tab.
See the HVAC "Domestic Hot Water" on page 345 topic for details on how to adjust this value to account for
various types of DHW operation schedule.
Note: If you have DHW consumption data in l/person/day format you can convert to the l/m2-day format
used in DesignBuilder by multiplying it by occupant density (people/m2).
With Simple and Compact HVAC, the hot water generation system is defined under DHW on the HVAC tab.
Note: This DHW consumption data is also used in Detailed HVAC with the default 1-Simple HVAC Detailed
HVAC Activity data setting.
Computer gains
Activity tab in model data
Set the thermal gains due to computers and other related IT equipment per unit floor area. The fuel is
assumed to be electricity, all gains are assumed to be emitted to the space and
Radiant Fraction
This field is a decimal number between 0.0 and 1.0 and is used to characterise the amount of long-wave
radiant heat being given off by computer equipment in a zone. The radiant fraction will be multiplied by the
total energy consumed by electric equipment and (1-Fraction lost) to give the amount of long wavelength
radiation gain from computer equipment in a zone. A value of zero means that the heat gain is entirely
convective in which case all the heat is transferred to the air node in simulations. A value of 1 means that the
gain is entirely radiative in which case all the heat is distributed to the inside surfaces. a typical value is
somewhere between 0.1 and 0.2.
If the Internal gains operate with occupancy model option is not selected you can also set the operation
Tip: Some spaces like IT suites and dealing rooms have very high computer gain densities and you may need
to Switch off the slider controls from the Program options dialog to enter these high values.
Radiant Fraction
This field is a decimal number between 0.0 and 1.0 and is used to characterise the amount of long-wave
radiant heat being given off by office equipment in a zone. The radiant fraction will be multiplied by the total
energy consumed by electric equipment to give the amount of long wavelength radiation gain from office
equipment in a zone.
A value of zero means that the heat gain is entirely convective in which case all the heat is transferred to the
air node in simulations. A value of 1 means that the gain is entirely radiative in which case all the heat is
distributed to the inside surfaces. a typical value is somewhere between 0.1 and 0.4.
If the Internal gains operate with occupancy model option is not selected you can also set the operation
Miscellaneous gains
Activity tab in model data
- 194 -
Set the design level of energy consumption due to miscellaneous equipment per unit floor area. The actual
heat gain to the space may be reduced through the Fraction lost data (below).
The Gain, entered in Watts/m2 (or Watts/ft2), is typically used to represent the maximum fuel consumption of
miscellaneous equipment in a zone that is then multiplied by a schedule fraction (below). This is slightly more
flexible in that the design level could be a 'diversity factor' applied to a schedule of real numbers. Note that
while the schedule value can vary from hour to hour, the design level field is constant.
The fuel can be selected from a drop down list. Note that these fuels are currently mapped to a shorter list in
the results as follows:
Fraction lost
This field is a decimal number between 0.0 and 1.0 and is used to characterise the amount of 'lost' heat being
given off by the equipment in a zone. The number specified in this field will be multiplied by the total energy
consumed by equipment to give the amount of heat which is 'lost' and does not impact the zone energy
balances. This might correspond to electrical energy converted to mechanical work or heat that is vented to
the atmosphere.
Latent fraction
This field is a decimal number between 0.0 and 1.0 and is used to characterize the amount of latent heat
given off by miscellaneous equipment in a zone. The number specified in this field will be multiplied by the
total energy consumed to give the amount of latent energy produced by the miscellaneous equipment. This
latent energy affects the moisture balance within the zone.
Radiant Fraction
This field is a decimal number between 0.0 and 1.0 and is used to characterise the amount of long-wave
radiant heat being given off by miscellaneous equipment in a zone. The radiant fraction will be multiplied by
the total energy consumed by electric equipment and (1-Fraction lost) to give the amount of long wavelength
radiation gain from miscellaneous equipment in a zone. A value of zero means that the heat gain is entirely
convective in which case all the heat is transferred to the air node in simulations. A value of 1 means that the
gain is entirely radiative in which case all the heat is distributed to the inside surfaces. a typical value is
somewhere between 0.1 and 0.5.
If the Internal gains operate with occupancy model option is not selected you can also set the operation
The fuel input to the equipment ultimately appears as heat that contributes to zone loads. In the simulation
this heat is divided into four different fractions. Three of these are given by the input fields Latent fraction,
- 195 -
Radiant fraction and Fraction lost. The convected fraction, defined as the fraction of the heat from electric
equipment convected to the zone air, is calculated by the program as:
Fconvected = 1.0 (Latent fraction + Radiant fraction + Fraction lost)
You will get an error message if Fraction Latent + Fraction Radiant + Fraction Lost exceeds 1.0.
Catering gains
Activity tab in model data
Set the thermal gains due to cooking and other catering activities per unit floor area.
Set the design level of energy consumption due to catering equipment per unit floor area. The actual heat gain
to the space may be reduced through the Fraction lost data (below).
The Gain, entered in Watts/m2 (or Watts/ft2), is typically used to represent the maximum fuel consumption of
catering equipment in a zone that is then multiplied by a schedule fraction (below). This is slightly more
flexible in that the design level could be a 'diversity factor' applied to a schedule of real numbers. Note that
while the schedule value can vary from hour to hour, the design level field is constant.
Tip: Kitchens can have very high process gain densities and you may need to Switch off the slider controls
from the Program options dialog to enter these high values.
The fuel can be selected from a drop down list. Note that these fuels are currently mapped to a shorter list in
the results as follows:
Fraction lost
This field is a decimal number between 0.0 and 1.0 and is used to characterise the amount of 'lost' heat being
given off by the catering equipment in a zone. The number specified in this field will be multiplied by the total
energy consumed by equipment to give the amount of heat which is 'lost' and does not impact the zone
energy balances. This might correspond to cooker heat that is vented to the atmosphere through an extract
Latent fraction
This field is a decimal number between 0.0 and 1.0 and is used to characterize the amount of latent heat
given off by catering equipment in a zone. The number specified in this field will be multiplied by the total
energy consumed to give the amount of latent energy produced by the catering equipment. This latent energy
affects the moisture balance within the zone.
Radiant fraction
This field is a decimal number between 0.0 and 1.0 and is used to characterise the amount of long-wave
radiant heat being given off by catering equipment in a zone. The radiant fraction will be multiplied by the total
energy consumed by electric equipment and (1-Fraction lost) to give the amount of long wavelength radiation
gain from catering equipment in a zone. A value of zero means that the heat gain is entirely convective in
which case all the heat is transferred to the air node in simulations. A value of 1 means that the gain is
entirely radiative in which case all the heat is distributed to the inside surfaces. a typical value is somewhere
between 0.1 and 0.5.
If the Internal gains operate with occupancy model option is not selected you can also set the operation
- 196 -
The fuel input to the equipment ultimately appears as heat that contributes to zone loads. In the simulation
this heat is divided into four different fractions. Three of these are given by the input fields Latent fraction,
Radiant fraction and Fraction lost. The convected fraction, defined as the fraction of the heat from electric
equipment convected to the zone air, is calculated by the program as:
Fconvected = 1.0 (Latent fraction + Radiant fraction + Fraction lost)
You will get an error message if Fraction Latent + Fraction Radiant + Fraction Lost exceeds 1.0.
Process gains
Activity tab in model data
Set the thermal gains due to process heat per unit floor area.
Set the design level of energy consumption due to process activity per unit floor area. Process heat is the heat
from any manufacturing or industrial process which is part of the business activity. The actual heat gain to the
space may be reduced through the Fraction lost data (below).
The Gain, entered in Watts/m2 (or Watts/ft2), is typically used to represent the maximum fuel consumption of
process equipment in a zone that is then multiplied by a schedule fraction (below). This is slightly more flexible
in that the design level could be a 'diversity factor' applied to a schedule of real numbers. Note that while the
schedule value can vary from hour to hour, the design level field is constant.
Tip: Spaces such as industrial units can have very high process gain densities and you may need to
Switch off the slider controls from the Program options dialog to enter these high values.
Tip: You can enter negative process gains for modelling the cooling effect from refrigeration units such as
those found in supermarkets where the refrigerator doors may open and cool air may enter the zone.Note that
Negative process gains are modelled in EnergyPlus using 'Other equipment' data instead of the usual
'Electrical equipment' data. The energy from negative process gains is calculated in the same way as for
positive gains.
The fuel can be selected from a drop down list. Note that these fuels are currently mapped to a shorter list in
the results as follows:
Fraction lost
This field is a decimal number between 0.0 and 1.0 and is used to characterise the amount of 'lost' heat being
given off by the process equipment in a zone. The number specified in this field will be multiplied by the total
energy consumed by equipment to give the amount of heat which is 'lost' and does not impact the zone
energy balances. This might correspond to electrical energy converted to mechanical work or heat that is
vented to the atmosphere.
- 197 -
Latent fraction
This field is a decimal number between 0.0 and 1.0 and is used to characterize the amount of latent heat
given off by process equipment in a zone. The number specified in this field will be multiplied by the total
energy consumed to give the amount of latent energy produced by the process equipment. This latent energy
affects the moisture balance within the zone.
Radiant fraction
This is a decimal number between 0.0 and 1.0 and is used to characterise the amount of long-wave radiant
heat being given off by process equipment in a zone. The radiant fraction will be multiplied by the total energy
consumed by electric equipment and (1-Fraction lost) to give the amount of long wavelength radiation gain
from process equipment in a zone. A value of zero means that the heat gain is entirely convective in which
case all the heat is transferred to the air node in simulations. A value of 1 means that the gain is entirely
radiative in which case all the heat is distributed to the inside surfaces. a typical value is somewhere between
0.1 and 0.5.
If the Internal gains operate with occupancy model option is not selected you can also set the operation
The fuel input to the equipment ultimately appears as heat that contributes to zone loads. In the simulation
this heat is divided into four different fractions. Three of these are given by the input fields Latent fraction,
Radiant fraction and Fraction lost. The convected fraction, defined as the fraction of the heat from electric
equipment convected to the zone air, is calculated by the program as:
Fconvected = 1.0 (Latent fraction + Radiant fraction + Fraction lost)
You will get an error message if Fraction Latent + Fraction Radiant + Fraction Lost exceeds 1.0.
Construction and
Open the headers to enter construction details where they are different from those loaded from the template.
Any changes you make that are different from the template data originally loaded shown in bold red.
See the Constructions 1 and Constructions 2 Model Data Tutorials
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General Construction And Glazing
When you have the General Construction and glazing model option set, you can load generic Construction
data by clicking on the Template option under Construction Template and then by clicking on the '...' at the
right of the line (below).
When you make a selection from the list of Construction templates data from selected template is loaded to
the model.
Or in either case you can use the Load data from template tool.
Construction tab in model data
From the Construction tab, you can open the group header boxes to edit detailed makeup of the construction
of walls, roofs, floors, ceilings, partitions etc. used in the building.
The default/inheritance system used in DesignBuilder allows you to define building constructions quickly and
easily by loading data from templates and by making global settings at building, block and zone levels.
Construction data:
Note: data on the Openings tab can be used to define the layout of the facade.
'Combined' Constructions
Construction tab in model data under Construction header
When the Floor/slab/ceiling representation model option is set to Combined wall, floor and roof constructions
are all defined using simple constructions as shown in the diagram below.
Note that if you are using the NCM for EPCs or Part-L/Section 6 calculations you should refer to the
Block and Zone Dimensions page for a more detailed definition of block heights.
The diagram shows:
- 200 -
External walls
The external wall construction defines the construction of walls adjacent to outside. The definition of walls is
given by the roof-wall transition angle model option. In cold climates this construction will generally include an
insulating layer.
Flat roof
Flat roof constructions apply to external horizontal surfaces. The construction used to represent the flat roof
should include any slabs, insulation and suspended ceiling layers. If there are no flat roof surfaces, just ignore
this data.
- 201 -
Internal partitions
The internal partition construction defines the construction of internal partitions (walls used to divide blocks
into zones) and inter-block partitions (internal walls shared with other blocks). Internal partitions are used
where both zones are occupied. When one of the zones is occupied and the other is not the Semi-exposed
walls construction data is used (below). If there are no partitions just ignore this data.
The construction for the partition should represent all the layers in the actual internal wall. There is only one
element representing the partition between the zones and all it's layers should be defined in the same
Changes in model data settings at the surface level are reflected as equivalent changes in data for the
partition on the surface representing other side.
Note: this data is not available at zone level to avoid ambiguity when different settings are made in adjacent
Semi-exposed walls
The semi-exposed wall construction applies to walls between fully occupied zones and Semi-exterior
unconditioned zones. They will normally include some insulation. DesignBuilder determines which of the
zones is relatively 'outside' and uses this information to correctly order the material layers in the wall. The
material layer defined in the construction as being 'outermost' (first-in list) will be the one adjacent to the
semi-exterior unconditioned zone. If there are no semi-exposed wall surfaces, just ignore this data.
Note: this data is not available at zone level to avoid ambiguity when different settings are made in adjacent
Semi-exposed roof
The semi-exposed roof construction is used between occupied zones and Semi-exterior unconditioned zones
(such as roofspace/attic/loft spaces) above. The construction should include any slabs, insulation and
suspended ceiling layers. DesignBuilder determines which of the zones is relatively 'outside' and uses this
information to correctly order the material layers in the roof. If there are no semi-exposed roof surfaces, just
ignore this data.
Semi-exposed floor
The semi-exposed floor construction is used between occupied zones and Semi-exterior unconditioned
spaces below. The construction should include any slabs, insulation and raised floor layers. If there are no
semi-exposed floor surfaces, just ignore this data.
Ground floor
The ground floor construction is used between all internal zones and the ground and can be optionally
combined with additional ground constructions layer(s) as shown in diagram above. The site ground
temperatures are applied to the outside of all surfaces adjacent to ground. If there are no ground wall
surfaces, just ignore this data.
External floor
External floors are floors that are adjacent to outside air, e.g. the floor of a cantilevered part of the building or
where for any other reason there is no ground or other zone below. The External floor construction should
include any slabs, insulation and raised floor layers. If there are no external floor surfaces, just ignore this
Internal floor
The internal floor construction defines the makeup of floors between occupied zones including any slabs, air
gaps, raised floors and suspended ceilings. It will not usually contain insulation. Where the zone above is
- 202 -
unoccupied the Semi-exposed roof construction is used instead. Likewise where the zone below is
unoccupied the Semi-exposed floor construction is used instead. If there are no internal floor surfaces, just
ignore this data.
Zone Volume
The zone volume is calculated for all zone geometries and by default, the volume is the actual air volume of
the space excluding the volume of floor and ceiling constructions but including half the volume of partition
walls. The volume of the floor constructions can be optionally subtracted from the zone volume by using the
Zone volume calculation Model options.
Block and Zone Dimensions is an introductory section explaining how to enter blocks and the
relationship with zones.
Also see Constructions for how to edit the construction configuration.
And the Model Geometry Example section for a detailed worked example illustrating how surface areas
and volumes are calculated.
Sub-Surface Constructions
Construction tab in model data under Construction header
Sub-surfaces are used to define areas of a surface having a different construction to that of the main surface
construction. Typical examples include cold-bridging elements such as window lintels and opaque panels in a
lightweight facade. You can define different sub-surface construction types for external walls, internal
partitions and pitched roofs. This makes it easier to set up defaults at building, block or zone level.
Sub-surfaces are modelled in the same detail as standard surfaces including the effect of thermal mass but
not including any 2-D or 3-D heat conduction effects due to the interface between the sub-surface and the
background parent surface.
To add a sub-surface, go to the surface you wish to work on, click on the Layout tab and select the Draw subsurface command.
You can also define default constructions for doors.
Any opaque sub-surfaces created in a wall will have this construction.
Any opaque sub-surfaces created in any inside surface (partitons, internal floor etc) will have this construction.
Any opaque sub-surfaces created in any pitched roof will have this construction.
External door
Defines the construction of external doors.
Internal door
Defines the construction of internal doors.
- 203 -
DesignBuilder uses the thermal characteristics of the constructions for each of the walls, floors, roofs,
partitions etc in each zone and accounts for the thermal mass in the simulations. You can also include
additional thermal mass to account for partitions within a zone, furniture and any other mass which will affect
the dynamic thermal response of the zone. There are two ways you can define additional internal thermal
mass in DesignBuilder:
Drawing hanging partitions (i.e. partitions which do not meet other walls at both ends),
Entering a non-zero internal thermal mass exposed area on the Constructions tab under the Internal
Thermal Mass header at zone level.
Thermal mass defined using these methods is lumped together for each zone and modelled in EnergyPlus in
a 'non-geometric' way. In both cases, the construction is defined under the Internal Thermal Mass header on
the Constructions tab.
Internal thermal mass defined in this way is used to specify the construction and area of items within the
space that are important to heat transfer calculations but not necessarily important geometrically. For
example, furniture within the space particularly for large spaces. It can also be used for internal walls that
are not needed for solar distribution, when Solar distribution is set to 3-Full interior and exterior or to
represent all interior walls when solar is distributed to the floors only with Solar distribution set to 2-Full
When zoning an office building, five west-facing offices have been combined into one zone. All of the offices
have interior walls made of the same materials. As shown in the figure below, this zone may be described with
5 exterior walls and 11 internal walls or 1 exterior wall and 1 internal mass. Note that fewer surfaces will speed
up the EnergyPlus calculations.
A five-story building has the same ceiling/floor construction separating each of the levels. Zones that are on
floors 2 through 4 may be described using a single piece of internal mass to represent both the floor and
ceiling. The construction for this internal mass would be identical to the ceiling/floor construction that would be
used to describe separate surfaces.
Exposed Area
The exposed area is the surface area of the internal mass. The area that is specified must be the entire
surface area that is exposed to the zone. If both sides of a wall are completely within the same zone, then the
area of both sides must be included when describing that internal wall.
- 204 -
It is also possible to use the Zone capacitance multiplier to model the increase of air capacity due to
lightweight thermal mass which could be considered to be mixed with the air. Examples include furniture,
papers and any other items which might increase the effective thermal mass of the building zone response.
Construction tab in model data under Construction header
The adjacency of individual surfaces can be set to be either adjacent to ground or adiabatic. The adjacency
data is used at the surface level, though defaults can be set at a block and zone level as well if all surfaces in
a block or zone have the same adjacency.
The available options are:
1-Auto - the adjacency of the surface is determined automatically by DesignBuilder based on its
position. This is the default setting where external surfaces below the ground plane are considered to
be adjacent to ground and external surfaces above the ground plane are considered to be adjacent to
outside conditions.
2-Not adjacent to ground - the surface is not adjacent to ground even if it is situated below the ground
3-Adjacent to ground - the surface is adjacent to ground even if it is above the ground plane or it is an
internal surface.
4-Adiabatic - the surface is adiabatic. This means that heat is not transferred across in its external
surface. Adiabatic surfaces are frequently used in thermal modelling to represent surfaces which are
between two zones at substantially similar conditions. Note that thermal mass is still modelled in
Adiabatic surfaces because heat can still be transferred into the mass through the internal surface.
Adiabatic surfaces are often used for modelling the boundary between the actual building model and
any adjacent buildings which are not to be modelled.
You can determine which surfaces are adiabatic or adjacent to ground by looking for the corresponding
surface adjacency markers in the Edit Screen at zone and surface levels:
Note that the recommended way to set ground and adiabatic adjacencies is to use component blocks.
Adiabatic surfaces use internal constructions:
- 205 -
For internal floors such as the unused 'floor' on top of the office space you can check the surface level
Exclude this surface area from total zone floor area? checkbox to ensure the floor is not used in the
calculation of zone and building floor area and in the calculation of internal gains where defined per m2 or per
Note this surface setting should not be made for the floor of office zone itself, which of course is usable floor
area, but for the 'floor' of the zone above (typically a warehouse or other large volume space) which is not
usable floor area.
Another situation where this option can be used is where holes have been cut in a floor surface to remove it,
so upper and lower zones can be merged. In this case, any small remaining border in the cut floor surface
should ideally be removed from the floor area calculation for the combined zone.
Simple - where zone surfaces, floor areas and volumes are all derived directly from the block and zone
dimensions and calculations use the geometry as drawn. If blocks are drawn using internal
measurements then the model would be considered to be using an internal convention and if blocks
are drawn using outer dimensions then the model would be using the external convention. Likewise to
obtain a centre-line convention simply draw blocks to the centre-line between inner and outer
dimensions. This is the only option provided in most other energy simulation tools.
External measurements - the default option for simulation where blocks are drawn using outer
dimensions and the surfaces used in thermal calculations are derived from the zone outer geometry
and air volumes and floor areas are derived from the zone inner geometry. Note that this option works
well for EnergyPlus simulations but is not compatible with the UK NCM which requires internal surface
dimensions to be used in heat transfer calculations.
External measurements to top of roof - like External measurements but zone geometry extends to
the top of flat roofs.
DesignBuilder pre-v4 compatibility - surfaces are derived in the same way as in v3 where a single
"Block wall thickness" was used to define the thickness of all external wall surfaces in the block. For v3
models loaded to v4 and later the old "Block wall thickness" attribute is used to set the External wall
thickness at block level.
External measurements, internal zone geometry - blocks are defined using external measurements
and surfaces dimensions, zone volume and floors areas are all derived from the inner zone geometry.
The usual inheritance mechanism applies so loading the required template at building level defines the
geometry convention for the whole building. Settings can be made at building level only but Fixed surface
thicknesses can be defined down to surface level and Void depths can be defined down to Zone level.
The Geometry convention template can also selected when creating a new building.
Tip: After making any changes to the model which could affect the geometry including construction type
selection as well as the settings described on this page you should manually refresh the Navigator by pressing
the Refresh
Navigator toolbar icon. This will ensure that the Navigator is synchronised with the model.
- 206 -
1-Inner volume - where the surface dimensions and areas used in thermal calculations are derived
from the zone inner volume. This is derived from the outer zone volume and "deflated" by the thickness
of each surface. For each type of surface the thickness is derived either a) from the construction
thickness or b) by an overriding value defined under Fixed Surface Thickness header.
2-Outer volume - where the surface dimensions and areas used in thermal calculations are derived
from the zone outer volume which for a single zone block is exactly equal to the block outer
Note: In cases where the 1-Inner volume option is selected and non-zero surface thickness settings are
being used, any component block shading devices placed adjacent to the block at building level will not be
exactly adjacent to the corresponding zone inner surfaces used in the simulations which are offset inwards
from the block outer geometry. The resultant gap will allow solar radiation to pass into the windows which will
not be apparent by looking at the model at building level or on the visualisation screen. You are therefore
advised to avoid using the combination of 1-Inner volume geometry, non-zero surface thickness and external
component blocks used as local shading devices. This issue does not arise with the local shading mechanism
which ensures that overhangs, sidefins and louvre blades are offset with the window.
1-Inner volume - where the zone volume used in thermal calculations is derived from the zone inner
2-Outer volume - where the zone volume used in thermal calculations is derived from the zone outer
Note: The 1-Inner volume setting should generally be used for calculating zone volume.
1-Inner volume - where the zone volume used in thermal calculations is derived from the zone inner
2-Outer volume - where the zone volume used in thermal calculations is derived from the zone outer
Note: The 1-Inner volume setting should generally be used for calculating zone floor area.
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External wall
If the external wall surface thickness is to be overridden (i.e. not derived from construction thickness) then
check the checkbox and enter the wall thickness (in m or in).
Internal partition
If the partition surface thickness is to be overridden (i.e. not derived from construction thickness) then check
the checkbox and enter the wall thickness (in m or in).
Ground floor
If the ground floor surface thickness is to be overridden (i.e. not derived from construction thickness) then
check the checkbox and enter the floor thickness (in m or in).
Note: In most cases ground floor blocks are measured from ground level and the ground slab construction is
not included in the volume of the building so this setting is normally overridden to be zero.
External floor
If the external floor surface thickness is to be overridden (i.e. not derived from construction thickness) then
check the checkbox and enter the floor thickness (in m or in).
Internal floor
If the internal floor surface thickness is to be overridden (i.e. not derived from construction thickness) then
check the checkbox and enter the floor thickness (in m or in).
Semi-exposed wall
If the semi-exposed wall surface thickness is to be overridden (i.e. not derived from construction thickness)
then check the checkbox and enter the wall thickness (in m or in).
Semi-exposed floor
If the semi-exposed floor surface thickness is to be overridden (i.e. not derived from construction thickness)
then check the checkbox and enter the floor thickness (in m or in).
Semi-exposed ceiling
If the semi-exposed ceiling surface thickness is to be overridden (i.e. not derived from construction thickness)
then check the checkbox and enter the ceiling thickness (in m or in).
Flat roof
If the flat roof surface thickness is to be overridden (i.e. not derived from construction thickness) then check
the checkbox and enter the flat roof thickness (in m or in).
Pitched roof
If the pitched roof surface thickness is to be overridden (i.e. not derived from construction thickness) then
check the checkbox and enter the pitched roof thickness (in m or in).
For example if wall insulation thickness is being varied in a parametric analysis and you don't wish these
changes to impact on zone floor area and volume then you could apply a constant External wall thickness.
Tip: the easiest way to avoid any such issues would be to use the "Simple" Geometry conventions template at
the outset.
Ceiling void depth
The depth of the ceiling void (in m or in). This is used, in addition to any surface thickness applied to the
ceiling/roof surface to reduce the size of the zone inner volume and surfaces areas to account for the ceiling
Note: If the ceiling/roof construction already includes an air gap to define the ceiling void and its thickness is
being used to define the inner volume then you should enter 0 here. Likewise, if the ceiling void is already
modelled using its own zone then enter 0.
Certain block geometries can prevent an inner zone volume being generated from the outer geometry
resulting in the outer geometry being used instead (even if the 1-Inner volume Zone geometry and surface
areas option has been set). This can happen when:
Zones where one or more zone outer geometry vertex has 4 or more surfaces adjacent, or,
Cases where it is physically impossible to create the inner geometry from the outer geometry due to the
surface thickness being too great. Examples of this situation include small kinks in the surface
geometry with dimension of 2 x the surface thickness or less (image below) and zones where there are
acute angle corners and thick wall constructions.
In both the above cases the zone outer geometry is used for all zone thermal surfaces. However although
DesignBuilder is unable to generate full inner zone geometry for these zones it can still calculate zone inner
volumes and floor areas fairly accurately using a simpler algorithm based on the outer zone geometry and
surface thicknesses.
- 209 -
- 210 -
A larger wall thickness, below, requires more area to cater for the walls joining at the corners and the glazing
does not meet 'round the corner' giving poor results (below).
Surface Convection
Construction tab in model data under Construction header
You can select the inside and outside surface convection algorithms in the Model data on the Construction tab
under the Surface Convection header. This allows you to make different selections in different parts of the
building. Further details of the algorithms are provided in the EnergyPlus Engineering reference document.
Tip: You can override the inside and outside convection algorithm selection described below by setting fixed
values on the Surface tab of the Construction component dialog.
2-Simple - The simple convection model uses constant coefficients for different heat transfer
configurations, using the criteria to determine reduced and enhanced convection. The coefficients are
taken directly from Walton (1983). Walton derived his coefficients from the surface conductances for
=0.90 found in the ASHRAE Handbook (1985) in Table 1 on p. 23.2. The radiative heat transfer
component was estimated at 1.02 * 0.9 = 0.918 BTU/h-ft2-F and then subtracted off. Finally the
coefficients were converted to SI units to yield the values below. For a vertical surface: h c = 3.076 For a
horizontal surface with reduced convection: hc = 0.948 For a horizontal surface with enhanced
convection: hc = 4.040 For a tilted surface with reduced convection: hc = 2.281 For a tilted surface with
enhanced convection: hc = 3.870.
3-CIBSE - applies constant heat transfer coefficient derived from traditional CIBSE values.
4-Ceiling diffuser - a mixed and forced convection model for ceiling diffuser configurations. The model
correlates the heat transfer coefficient to the air change rate for ceilings, walls and floors. The ceiling
diffuser algorithm is based on empirical correlations developed by Fisher and Pedersen (1997). The
correlation was reformulated to use the room outlet temperature as the reference temperature. The
correlations are shown below. For Floors: hc = 3.873 + 0.082 x ACH ^ 0.98, For ceilings: hc = 2.234 +
4.099 x ACH ^ 0.503 and for Walls: hc = 1.208 + 1.012 ACH ^ 0.604.
5-Cavity - This algorithm was developed to model convection in a "Trombe wall zone", i.e. the air
space between the storage wall surface and the exterior glazing. (See the later sections on Passive
and Active Trombe Walls below for more information about Trombe walls.) The algorithm is identical to
the convection model (based on ISO 15099) used in Window5 for convection between glazing layers in
multi-pane window systems. The use of the algorithm for modelling an unvented Trombe wall has been
validated against experimental data by Ellis (2003).This algorithm gives the convection coefficients for
air in a narrow vertical cavity that is sealed and not ventilated. This applies both to the air gap in
between panes of a window or to the air gap between the Trombe wall glazing and the inner surface
(often a selective surface). These convection coefficients are really the only difference between a
normal zone and a Trombe zone. See also note below.
6-TARP - based on variable natural convection based on temperature difference from ASHRAE
algorithms. This is the same as the old "Detailed" Inside convection algorithm provided in earlier
versions of DesignBuilder. It is the default option for new models in v3.0.0.085 and later.
The 5-Cavity Inside convection algorithm is not available at the surface level.
Paraphrased note from EnergyPlus developers on the 5-Cavity option: "The Trombe wall convection
coefficients only make sense for a zone. They are specific coefficients calculated for a narrow enclosed
space. The two major walls of a Trombe wall zone are so close together that the convection patterns for the
two walls actually interact. If they are close enough they can fight each other and totally stagnate the
convection cell in the space. This is not free-boundary convection such as that found in a typical room.
Therefore, it does not make sense to apply these coefficients to a single surface. The algorithm analyses the
zone to figure out which are the two major surfaces and then sets the coefficients on those surfaces. The
other minor surfaces receive negligible convection."
The following inside convection options are also available for advanced users:
- 212 -
To avoid discontinuities in surface heat transfer rate calculations, all correlations are extrapolated beyond the
lower limit of the data set (3 ACH) to a natural convection limit which is applied during the hours when the
system is off. These models are explained in greater detail in the EnergyPlus Engineering Reference
3-CIBSE - applies constant heat transfer coefficients depending on orientation, derived from traditional
CIBSE values.
4-ASHRAEVerticalWall - Identical to the DOE-2 option.
5-TARP - TARP, or Thermal Analysis Research Program, is an important predecessor of EnergyPlus
(Walton 1983). Walton developed a comprehensive model for exterior convection by blending
correlations from ASHRAE and flat plate experiments by Sparrow et. al. In older versions of
EnergyPlus, prior to version 6, the TARP model was called Detailed. The model was reimplemented in version 6 to use Area and Perimeter values for the group of surfaces that make up a
facade or roof, rather than the single surface being modelled.
6-DOE-2 - The DOE-2 convection model is a combination of the MoWiTT and BLAST Detailed
convection models (LBL 1994). It is the default option for new models in v3.0.0.085 and later.
7-MoWiTT - The MoWiTT model is based on measurements taken at the Mobile Window Thermal Test
(MoWiTT) facility (Yazdanian and Klems 1994). The correlation applies to very smooth, vertical
surfaces (e.g. window glass) in low-rise buildings. The MoWiTT algorithm may not be appropriate for
rough surfaces, high-rise surfaces, or surfaces that employ movable insulation.
The following outside convection options are also available for more advanced users:
- 213 -
Note: When the surface is wet (i.e. it is raining and the surface is exposed to wind) then the convection
coefficient appears in results as a very large number (1000) and the surface is exposed to the Outdoor Wet
Bulb Temperature rather than the Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature.
As well as being able to define convection options on the Model data on Construction tab under the Surface
Convection header as described above, building level inside and outside convection algorithm settings can be
made on:
You cannot make changes to individual surface convection settings where the surface is an internal partition.
All of the above algorithms are described fully in the EnergyPlus Engineering Reference.
Note: the equivalent inside and outside surface convection options in the Calculation and Model options
dialogs control building default values (equivalent of making a setting in Model data at building level) and
any changes made at block, zone or surface levels in the Model data will override these default settings.
Component Block
Construction tab in model data under Construction header
Component blocks can be used to include shading and reflection effects of objects such as local shading
devices, awnings, adjacent buildings and trees. They can also be used to define ground and adiabatic
adjacencies. The component block model data allows you to define the component block type, whether the
component block shades and reflects in simulations, transmittance of the shading material and also a
schedule for modelling variations in transmittance at different times of the day, seasons etc. For example they
can be used for modelling deciduous trees which shade more in the summer when they have leaves than they
do in winter when the leaves have fallen.
For more information on the Component block types see Component Block under Working with Blocks
(Building Level)
- 214 -
Reflect solar radiation onto the building (if you select Model reflections and shading of ground reflected
solar in the calculation options).
Shade diffuse solar and long-wave radiation from the sky.
Shade diffuse solar radiation from the ground (if you select Model reflections in the calculation options).
Note: Solar and light reflection from the ground is included even if the solar Model reflections option is not
used, but if reflections are not calculated the ground plane is considered unobstructed, i.e., the shadowing of
the ground by the building itself or by component blocks is ignored. Shadowing of the ground by component
blocks is only taken into account if the Model reflections option is used. Conclusion: Switch Model reflections
on for the most accurate shading calculations.
Note: all component block types cast shadows in the visualisations.
The component block material is used to define the solar and visible reflectance of the block surfaces in
Cooling design calculations and Simulations using real weather data when the model reflections calculation
option is selected.
Important Note: Component blocks do not absorb or conduct heat in any way - their only effect on
building surfaces in simulations is related to the shading and reflection of short-wave solar radiation and light.
In cases where the component block touches the building, the material associated with the component block
and the thickness of the block are not used in any way to modify the conduction of heat.
Note: Although component blocks are displayed in DesignBuilder as solid objects, non-flat component blocks
are modelled in EnergyPlus as a group of surfaces and it is the reflectance and transmission of each of these
surfaces that is being described here. The solar flux incident upon a building facade will be attenuated by
each successive shading object located on a path between the facade and the sun position.
Maximum Transmittance
This is the maximum solar transmittance of the entire component block to be used in EnergyPlus
simulations.The transmittance of the component block during the simulation is calculated by multiplying the
maximum transmittance by the time varying schedule value:
Transmittance = Max Transmittance x Schedule value
You will generally want component blocks to provide 100% shading for 100% of the time. In this case you can
leave the Maximum transmittance and Transmittance schedule in their default states of 0 and On
respectively. If you wish the component block to transmit solar and visible radiation you can define the extent
and timing of the transmission. The component block transmittance is calculated during the simulations as the
Maximum transmittance multiplied by the value of the transmittance schedule below. The maximum
transmittance can have any value between 0 and 1. Note that if the component block is flat (i.e. it consists of 2
large surfaces and several smaller 'edge' surfaces) the block is represented in the simulations by a single
shading surface. In this case the surface used will depend on the value of the Flat component block surface
selection model option.
Tip: If your component block has a constant transmittance you can set the transmittance schedule below to
On and set the constant transmittance for the block here.
- 215 -
For non-flat component blocks every surface is included in the simulation as a shading surface and the solar
flux incident upon a building facade will be attenuated by each successive shading object located on a path
between the facade and the sun position. The shading transmittance schedule you define is therefore
modified to ensure that the overall transmittance of the block is the Maximum Transmittance value multiplied
by the schedule you selected. This is done assuming that the component block is convex and that therefore
solar rays can only pass through a maximum of 2 surfaces. The transmittance of each non-flat component
block surface is set to square root of the value you defined to achieve this.
Note: non-convex, non-flat component blocks will provide more shading than you specified during times
when solar rays pass through more than 2 surfaces.
Note: Component blocks do not provide any transmission for Radiance daylighting calculations and so this
value and the transmittance schedule below are ignored when preparing inputs for Radiance.
Transmittance schedule
The component block transmittance schedule defines any time-varying transmittance of the component block
surfaces (for EnergyPlus simulations only). By default, the component block is fully opaque for the whole year.
The transmittance schedule can contain any value between 0 and 1. The transmittance schedule can be
used to allow for seasonal transmittance change, such as deciduous trees that have a higher transmittance in
winter than in summer. The table "Modifying Characteristics of Various Species of Trees" in "Landscape
Architectural Graphic Standards" by Leonard J. Hopper, 2007 contains some data on tree solar
Transmittance based on time of day can also be used - a movable awning, for example, where the
transmittance is some value less than 1.0 when the awning is in place and is 1.0 when the awning is retracted.
The following assumptions are made in the shading surface transmittance calculation:
Both sides of the shading surface have the same transmittance properties.
The transmittance is the same for both beam and diffuse solar radiation.
Beam solar transmittance is independent of angle of incidence on the shading surface.
Beam radiation incident on a shading surface is transmitted as beam radiation with no change in
direction, i.e., there is no beam-to-diffuse component.
If two shading surfaces with non-zero transmittance overlap, the net transmittance is the product of the
individual transmittances. Inter-reflection between the shading
surfaces (and between the shading surfaces and the building) is ignored.
For the daylighting calculation the shading surfaces visible transmittance is assumed to be the same
as its solar transmittance.
Shading devices are assumed to be opaque to long-wave radiation no matter what the solar
transmittance value is.
Note: Shading devices only shade solar radiation when the sun is up, which is automatically determined by
EnergyPlus from latitude, time of year, etc. So you only need to account for the time-varying transmittance of
- 216 -
the shading device in the transmittance schedule,for times whether the sun is up. In other words for times
when the sun is not up, it doesn't matter what value of transmittance is contained in the schedule.
- 217 -
built up metal cladding systems involving rail and bracket or z-spacer systems with insulation within the
composite panel metal cladding systems with insulation inside the panels
You can define whether a construction includes metal cladding on the Constructions dialog.
Junction type
Wall-Ground floor
Wall-Wall (corner)
Wall-Floor (not ground floor)
Lintel above window or door
Sill below window
Jamb at window or door
The average Psi value for junctions between external walls and roofs
The average Psi value for junctions between external walls and ground floors
The average Psi value for external wall corners
The average Psi value for junctions between external walls and internal floors
The linear transmittance created by lintels above windows and doors
The linear transmittance created by sills below windows
The linear transmittance created by window and door jambs
Construction tab in model data under Construction header
You can model a multi-skin exterior heat transfer surface by making settings on the Constructions tab under
the Baffle header at surface level. Baffle components consist of an outside baffle surface which is slightly
detached from the main wall or roof forming a cavity which exchanges air with the outside environment.
Baffles are typically used to model naturally ventilated rainscreens and/or solar shading of exterior surfaces.
The constructions used to define the underlying wall/roof should reflect the construction of just the underlying
surface. The data described here is used to describe the decoupled baffle layer and the characteristics of the
cavity and openings for natural ventilation.
Tip: If the baffle covers only part of a surface, then surfaces without the baffle can be modelled as subsurfaces which do not have natural vented cavities.
Tip: You can enter corresponding data for natural vented cavities on the Construction template dialog. If you
need to apply settings to a large number of surfaces you may find the fasted way to do this is to use the Load
data from template dialog, selecting the surfaces which have a baffle on the Target tab and selecting the
Construction template with the appropriate natural vented cavity and construction settings.
Technical Notes
- 218 -
buoyancy effects. The accuracy depends on the values for, and applicability of, the discharge
coefficients and unfortunately little research is available to help characterize these. The models should
be considered rudimentary and the user is encouraged to explore different values for the coefficients in
attempts to bound the importance of natural ventilation for the cavities. See the Engineering Reference
for more details.
1-Very rough
3-Medium rough
4-Medium smooth
6-Very smooth
- 219 -
is the value input into the field above for the height scale for buoyancy-driven ventilation.
Depending on the type of solar collector selected you will see different data below. For Solar hot water
collectors the only data that can be edited here is the material used to represent the panel in rendered views
on the Visualisation tab. All of the rest of the data is defined with the HVAC Solar collector component and its
host loop.
When the 2-Photovoltaic option is selected further configuration and performance data for the PV panels can
be entered as shown in the screenshot below.
You can define the cost of the collector per area. The units will be the unit of currency currently selected on
the Program options dialog per area (e.g. GBP/m2 or USD/ft2).
Costs for the electric distribution can be included separately on the Load centre dialog.
- 220 -
PV Generator - Simple
Performance type
Select from:
1-Simple, and
2-Equivalent One-Diode.
Depending on the selection you will be able to select from either a simple or equivalent one-diode definition of
the panel.
Tip: PV panels are included in the electrical generation side of the model by specifying them on the Generator
list tab of the Electric load centre dialog when one of the d.c. Buss types is selected.
Performance model
Choose the component to be used to define the performance of the collector. When the 1-Simple
performance type is selected, select from the list of previously defined Simple Photovoltaic components, or
when 2-Equivalent One-Diode is selected then choose from one of the Equivalent One-Diode components.
1-Decoupled, where the cell temperature of modules in the array is computed based on an energy
balance relative to NOCT conditions.
2-Decoupled Ulleberg Dynamic, where the cell temperature is calculated based on a dynamic model
developed by Ulleberg12.
Note: The above decoupled PV solar panels shade solar radiation from any other building surfaces below so
they can be used to model PV shading, awning and the reduced solar gain on roofs where there is a
ventilated cavity below the panel. They will be less accurate from the thermal point of view for building
integrated PV panels where there is a significant thermal solar gain through the panel and into the building
Modules in parallel
This field is the number of series-wired strings of PV modules that are in parallel to form the PV array. The
product of this field and the next field should equal the total number of modules in the array.
The Modules in parallel and Modules in series data are only used for 2-Equivalent One-Diode PV arrays.
Modules in series
This field is the number of modules wired in series (on each string) to form the PV array. The product of this
field and the previous field should equal the total number of modules in the array.
This material is used only to define the texture to represent the Solar collector in rendered views on the
Visualisation screen.
PV Generator - Simple
PV Generator Simple component describes a simple model of PV panels that may be useful for early phase
design analysis. It provides direct access to the efficiency with which PV panels convert incident solar
radiation to electricity and does not require arrays of specific modules to be defined. The full geometric model
for solar radiation is used, including shading and reflections to determine the incident solar on the panel. This
model is intended to be useful for design purposes to quickly get an idea of the levels for annual production
and peak power. The model can also accept arbitrary conversion efficiencies and does not require actual
production units be tested to obtain performance coefficients.
- 221 -
This field is the name of the PV array. The name is only used as an identifier.
Efficiency schedule
Select the schedule which specifies dimensionless efficiency values between 0.0 and 1.0. This could be used
for example to vary the efficiency to match results computed with more detailed models.
Availability schedule
Select the generator availability schedule. A schedule value of 0 indicates the generator is not available, while
a schedule value > 0 indicates that the generator is available to operate.
normally be obtained directly from manufacturers catalogs. However, the PV module will automatically
calculate them from commonly available data. The PV module also includes an optional incidence angle
modifier correlation to calculate how the reflectance of the PV module surface varies with the angle of
incidence of solar radiation.
This field contains the unique name for the photovoltaic module performance data. The name is used as an
Cell type
This field is used to describe the type of technology used in the PV module. There are two options available:
Cells in series
The number of individual cells wired in series to make up a single module. The typical number for a 12V
crystalline silicon PV module is 36.
Active area
This field is the active area of the PV module in (m2 or ft2).
Semiconductor bandgap
This field is the semiconductor bandgap for the PV material. The bandgap for silicon is 1.12eV (electron volts).
Shunt resistance
This field is the shunt (parallel) resistance (in ) in the single diode electrical model of the PV. The shunt
resistance is effectively infinite for crystalline silicon based PV modules and is finite for thin film and exotic
metal modules.
Reference temperature
This field is the ambient temperature (in K or F) at reference conditions. The value is usually 298K
Reference Insolation
This field is the radiation level (in W/m2 or Btu/h-ft2-F) at reference conditions. The value is usually 1000
coefficient value is used only if the Integration and Cell Temperature Mode is set to Decoupled Ulleberg
Availability schedule
Select the generator availability schedule. A schedule value of 0 indicates the generator is not available, while
a schedule value > 0 indicates that the generator is available to operate.
Short circuit current
This field is the short circuit current (in A) for an individual module in the PV array at reference conditions.
Open circuit voltage
This field is the open circuit voltage (in V) for an individual module in the PV array at reference conditions.
- 224 -
Ground Domain
Construction tab in model data under Construction header
If the site level include ground domains checkbox was ticked then an option will be available on the
Constructions tab for surfaces in contact with the ground.
1-No ground domain - the surface is not in contact with a ground domain. Instead the conditions on
the other side of the surface are defined using the default ground temperature mechanism using
Ground monthly temperatures.
2-Slab - the horizontal surface is in contact with a slab ground domain object.
3-Basement - the underground surface is in contact with a basement ground domain object.
Ground domain
Select the ground domain in contact with this surface from the drop list.
Construction tab in model data
There are two ways of defining air tightness depending on the Natural ventilation model option:
In both cases infiltration can be switched off at building, block or zone level.
Model infiltration
Infiltration is included by default but you can switch infiltration off by unchecking the Model infiltration
Infiltration rate
With the Scheduled natural ventilation option set the design infiltration rate (rate of entry of unintentional air
from outside through cracks, holes and through the porosity of the fabric) is assumed to be constant
throughout the simulation though it can vary with time through a schedule. The design infiltration rate can be
set in one of 4 different units depending on the setting of the Infiltration units model option:
ac/h - the default option where infiltration is defined in air changes per hour (ac/h), i.e. zone volume per
hour under standard operating pressures.
m3/h-m2 at 50 Pa infiltration is defined as flow rate in m3/h per unit exposed surface area, when the
pressure difference between inside and outside is 50 Pa. Unit commonly used in the UK.
m3/h-m2 at 4 Pa infiltration is defined as flow rate in m3/h per unit exposed surface area, when the
pressure difference between inside and outside is 4 Pa. Units commonly used in France and Belgium.
n50 - ac/h at 50 Pa - infiltration is defined in air changes per hour (ac/h), i.e. zone volume per hour,
when the pressure difference between inside and outside is 50 Pa. Unit commonly used in Europe.
- 225 -
The air flow rate in m3/s at standard pressure is calculated from the ac/h data using:
m3/s = ac/h * ZoneVolume / 3600
where ZoneVolume is the total air volume of the space including the volume of floor and ceiling constructions
and any raised floor and suspended ceiling voids (if selected in Separate constructions) and including half the
volume of partition walls.
Note: this total zone volume value may be different from the value used for calculating air flow rates for
natural ventilation and mechanical ventilation which have model options for excluding floor/ceiling
The ac/h at standard pressure is calculated from other units using formulae in EN12831 and the m3/s
calculated using the above formula.
The schedule that modifies the design infiltration rate. The schedule should contain fractions between 0.0 and
1.0 and is used for Cooling design and Simulations (when the Scheduled natural ventilation option is set) but
not for Heating design calculations which use the constant design infiltration rate.
Note: Both the Infiltration rate and Schedule are only used in Simulations when the Scheduled natural
ventilation model option is set. However this data is still used when Calculated natural ventilation is set for
Cooling design calculations and Heating design calculations (Infiltration rate only).
Model infiltration
Infiltration is included by default but you can switch infiltration off by unchecking the Model infiltration
checkbox. This may be useful if you are carrying out a calculated natural ventilation summertime simulation of
a large building to reduce the number of cracks in the model and so speed simulations.
Note: if you switch off infiltration when Calculated natural ventilation is active, you should make sure that the
Natural ventilation option on the HVAC tab is switched on to ensure that sufficient flow paths exist. Otherwise
EnergyPlus may generate errors.
1-Template slider.
2-Crack template.
Template slider
Airtightness is defined through a five point scale:
- 226 -
Crack template
When the 2-Crack template Airtightness method is used, airtightness is defined through a specific selection
of a template which can be user-defined. With this method it is still possible to select the pre-defined crack
templates referred to by the Template slider method.
Airflow through the surface itself which could be caused by cracks or by general fabric porosity.
Cracks between windows, vents and doors and the main wall or roof surface.
The data that allows DesignBuilder to generate these airflow paths is stored in Crack templates. For example,
take a 20m2 external wall with a single 2m x 1m window. If the Good crack template is selected for the
surface then the flow paths used in the simulations will be as follows:
Main surface infiltration 0.000040 kg/s.m2 @ 1Pa, which for the 18m2 (20m2 - 2m2) wall = 0.0072 kg/s
@ 1Pa.
In the Good Crack template, cracks between windows and walls have infiltration 0.000060 kg/s.m @
1Pa. Our window has perimeter 6m so the overall crack property used in the simulation would be
0.00036 kg/s @ 1Pa.
The screenshots below indicate the source of the above Crack template values.
- 227 -
Select the schedule which defines any time-varying of the infiltration. The default schedule is On giving a
constant infiltration rate based on the Constant rate entered as described above.
- 228 -
Sub-surfaces ( i.e. opaque elements within the surface that have different properties from the main
construction. For example lintels and lightweight panels can be defined as sub-surfaces. Data for these
is held on the Construction tab)
The layout, operation and construction data for these (apart from sub-surfaces) can be set on the Openings
See also the Openings Model Data Tutorial
You can load generic Opening data by clicking on the Template option under Glazing Template and then by
clicking on the '...' at the right of the line (below).
When you make a selection from the list of Glazing templates, data from selected template will be loaded to
the model.
You can also open the:
External Glazing
Internal Glazing
Roof Glazing
headers to enter opening details where they are different from those loaded from the template.
Note: Once you have created custom openings on any particular surface, changes made to facade layout on
this tab will not affect the layout for the surface.
All Openings data is used to generate simulation data at the Surface level.
You can also override default Pressure Coefficient data when the Calculated Natural ventilation option is set
and you are at surface level.
External glazing
Openings tab in model data
The data under the External Glazing header applies to all glazing lying on external walls. You can enter
information on:
- 229 -
Openings tab in model data under External Glazing and Internal Glazing headers
You can use the Window to wall % (WWR) data and Window height, Window spacing and Sill height to
easily change the amount of glazing and its layout on the walls. The way this data is used for each facade
type is described below.
Facade types
There are a number of standard facade types:
Window to Wall %
Often referred to as the Window to Wall Ratio (WWR) this setting can be used to change the amount of
glazing for all openings at or below the current level in the building hierarchy. For example changing the WWR
at building level changes the size of all windows in the model not overridden by other settings lower in the
When using the 2-Outer volume Zone geometry and surface areas option (typically one of the "External
measurements " convention templates) it is important to understand that the reference surface area used
when calculating the window area from the % value supplied is still based on the inner volume surface. This
might seem surprising at first but the window dimensions must make physical sense and must be punched
through both the inner and outer volume surfaces.
The image below illustrates a wall in a model using the "External measurements" template where a window
has been created using the 3-Preferred height facade option with a 10% glazing ratio. You can see the black
outline showing the available area where the window could possibly be sited. Areas outside this outline to the
left and right are taken up by corners with adjacent walls. The % glazing calculation uses the black outline
area as the reference area. In an extreme case where 100% glazing is specified the whole of this area would
be filled with window, but of course the sides of the surface where there is a corner with an adjacent surface
cannot contain a window and so do not take part in the calculation - even though they will form part of the
surface used in the simulation.
- 230 -
Tip: If you need to ensure that the % window areas used in the simulation exactly match the % you define
here then you should consider using the "Simple" convention template which ensures that 100% of all
surfaces are available for containing windows by using zero surface thickness for all surfaces.
Window spacing
The spacing between the each window on the facade (in m or ft). The window spacing is the centre to centre
spacing between windows, not the gap between windows.
Sill height
This is the height of the base of the window from the base of the block (in m).
Note 1: You can control the makeup of the building facades in greater detail by drawing individual windows at
the surface level or by copying previously drawn windows at building level. In either of these cases glazing,
vent and door facade layout model data is ignored.
Note 2: Flat roofs do not have default glazing set up using Roof glazing layout model data. To create
openings on a flat roof you should go to the surface level and add them there.
Note 3: When the surface is non-rectangular, even with the 2 Facade type options that prioritise Window to
wall % (3-Preferred height and 1-Continuous horizontal), the Window to wall % will not be perfectly
maintained. For these surfaces, DesignBuilder calculates a rectangle that can accept the windows and starts
from one end of the rectangle adding windows using the Window spacing data until no more fit into the
rectangle. This results in an approximately correct looking facade but only prioritises Window to wall % in the
rectangle, not accounting for the areas outside the bounding rectangle. For relatively large values of Window
spacing on non-rectangular surfaces, no glazing may be generated. For example you may find that gable
window surfaces have no default windows generated and it is often easiest to draw a window in this case.
Reveal surfaces are associated with the setback of the glazing from the outside and/or inside surface of the
parent wall. If the depth and solar absorptance of these surfaces are specified, the program will calculate the
- 231 -
reflection of beam solar radiation from these surfaces. The program also calculates the shadowing (onto the
window) of beam and diffuse solar radiation by outside reveal surfaces.
The following fields specify the properties of the window reveal surfaces (reveals occur when the window is
not in the same plane as the base surface). From this information and from the geometry of the window and
the sun position, the program calculates beam solar radiation absorbed and reflected by the top, bottom, right
and left sides of outside and inside window reveal surfaces. In doing this calculation, the shadowing on a
reveal surface by other reveal surfaces is determined using the orientation of the reveal surfaces and the sun
It is assumed that:
The window is an exterior window (EnergyPlus does not consider reveals for interior windows).
The reveal surfaces are perpendicular to the window plane.
If an exterior shade, screen or blind is in place it shades exterior and interior reveal surfaces so that in
this case there is no beam solar on these surfaces.
If an interior shade or blind is in place it shades the interior reveal surfaces so that in this case there is
no beam solar on these surfaces.
The possible shadowing on inside reveal surfaces by a window divider is ignored.
The outside reveal surfaces (top, bottom, left, right) have the same solar absorptance and depth. This
depth is not input here but is automatically determined by the programfrom window and wall vertices-as the distance between the plane of the outside face of the glazing and plane of the outside face of
the parent wall.
The inside reveal surfaces are divided into two categories: (1) the bottom reveal surface, called here
the "inside sill;" and (2) the other reveal surfaces (left, right and top).
The left, right and top inside reveal surfaces have the same depth and solar absorptance. The inside
sill is allowed to have depth and solar absorptance values that are different from the corresponding
values for the other inside reveal surfaces.
The inside sill depth is required to be greater than or equal to the depth of the other inside reveal
surfaces. If the inside sill depth is greater than zero the depth of the other inside reveal surfaces is
required to be greater than zero.
The reflection of beam solar radiation from all reveal surfaces is assumed to be isotropic diffuse; there
is no specular component.
Half of the beam solar reflected from outside reveal surfaces is goes towards the window; the other half
goes back to the exterior environment (i.e., reflection of this outward-going component from other
outside reveal surfaces is not considered).
The half that goes towards the window is added to the other solar radiation incident on the window.
Correspondingly, half of the beam solar reflected from inside reveal surfaces goes towards the window,
with the other half going into the zone. The portion going towards the window that is not reflected is
absorbed in the glazing or is transmitted back out into the exterior environment.
The beam solar that is absorbed by outside reveal surfaces is added to the solar absorbed by the
outside surface of the window's parent wall; similarly, the beam solar absorbed by the inside reveal
surfaces is added to the solar absorbed by the inside surface of the parent wall.
The net effect of beam solar reflected from outside reveal surfaces is to increase the heat gain to the
zone, whereas the effect of beam solar reflected from inside reveal surfaces is to decrease the heat
gain to the zone since part of this reflected solar is transmitted back out the window.
If the window has a frame, the absorption of reflected beam solar by the inside and outside surfaces of
the frame is considered. The shadowing of the frame onto interior reveal surfaces is also considered.
The schematics below show how DesignBuilder reveal data is used to describe real glazing systems.
- 232 -
FAQ: Why does DesignBuilder require both Inside and Outside reveal depth data when wall thickness
is available to calculate one reveal depth from the other?
Although it is possible for inside reveal depth to be calculated from the outside reveal depth and the wall
thickness, DesignBuilder allows both Inside and Outside reveal depths to be defined giving greater flexibility
for situations where it is not possible to enter the wall thickness as accurately as one might like. For example
the wall thickness may be entered as zero for simplified modelling. In such cases having direct control over
the reveal depth data is an advantage.
- 233 -
Frames are applied to all rectangular windows (default and custom) but not to other shaped windows and not
when using the Fill surface (100%) facade type.
A frame surrounds the glazing in a window (schematics below). It is assumed that all frame characteristics,
such as width, conductance and solar absorptance, are the same for the top, bottom and side elements of the
frame. If the frame elements are not the same then you should enter area-weighted average values for the
frame characteristics.
If the glazing does not have a frame or dividers, uncheck the Has a frame? box. If Has a frame? is checked
and then you can enter:
Frame construction
Select the construction used to define the thermal properties of both the frame and dividers. In particular the
frame construction is used to derive these EnergyPlus frame-related fields:
Frame conductance
The effective thermal conductance of the frame (in W/m2-K or Btu/h-ft2-F) measured from inside to
outside frame surface excluding surface air films and taking frame and window geometry as associated
2-D conduction effects into account. Ideally the frame conductance should be obtained from THERM or
some other 2-D calculation. DesignBuilder calculates the surface to surface conductance simply based
on the material layers in the Frame construction. If you need to include particular 2-D conduction
effects for the frame conductance then you should adjust the thickness or material properties of the
layers of the frame construction.
Note: For metal frame windows DesignBuilder will calculate a very high surface to surface U-value for
the frame construction, but the value that will be provided to EnergyPlus is limited to an maximum value
of 500 W/m2k. This is in line with the limits used in the LBNL WINDOW program. This will have
negligible difference on simulation as the corresponding thermal resistance is effectively zero in both
cases (relative to the inside and outside film resistances).
Frame width
The width of the frame elements when projected onto the plane of the window (in m or ft). It is assumed that
the top, bottom and side elements of the frame have the same width. If not, an average frame width should be
entered such that the projected frame area calculated using the average value equals the sum of the areas of
the frame elements.
- 235 -
Frame conductance
The effective thermal conductance of the frame measured from inside to outside frame surface (no air films)
and taking 2-D conduction effects into account. Obtained from WINDOW or other 2-D calculation.
Dividers split the glazing up into separate lites. It is assumed that all divider elements have the same
characteristics. If not, area-weighted average values should be used.
The schematic below show how DesignBuilder divider data is used to describe real glazing systems.
Divider type
The type of divider can be selected from these options:
1-Divided lite means that the divider elements project out from the outside and inside surfaces of the
glazing and divide the glazing into individual lites. For multi-pane glazing, this type of divider also has
between-glass elements that separate the panes.
2-Suspended is applicable only to multi-pane glazing. It means that the divider is suspended between
the panes. (If there are more than two glass layers, the divider is assumed to be placed between the
two outermost layers.)
- 236 -
Divider width
The width of the divider elements when projected onto the plane of the window (in m or ft). It is assumed that
the horizontal and vertical divider elements have the same width. If not, an average divider width should be
entered such that the projected divider area calculated using the average value equals the sum of the areas of
the divider elements.
Horizontal dividers
The number of divider elements parallel to the top and bottom of the window.
Vertical dividers
The number of divider elements parallel to the sides of the window.
Divider conductance
The effective thermal conductance of the divider (in W/m2-K or Btu/h-ft2-F) measured from inside to
outside divider surface excluding surface air films and taking 2-D conduction effects into account.
Obtained from WINDOW 6 or other 2-D calculation. DesignBuilder calculates the surface to surface
conductance simply based on the material layers. If you need to include particular 2-D conduction
effects for the frame/divider conductance then you should adjust the thickness or material properties of
the layers of the frame construction.
- 237 -
Openings tab in model data under External Glazing, Internal Glazing and Roof Glazing headers
You can select two types of shading for external windows:
Component blocks
Window and Local shading are both covered in the Solar Shading Tutorial
Window Shading
Openings tab in model data under External Glazing, Internal Glazing and Roof Glazing headers
Window shading can be included to reduce solar gains and increase resistance to heat conduction through
windows. To include blinds, transparent insulation or electrochromic glazing check the Window shading
checkbox. Then select the window blind component, the position of the shading device relative to the window
and the way that the window shading is controlled.
Note: Window shading is not included in Heating design calculations
Select the Window blind component type. There are 4 categories of window blinds:
Transparent insulation
Electrochromic switching (if you select a blind of this category the position must be 'Switchable'.
The window shading devices can be positioned in one of four ways:
- 238 -
Window Shading
Note: When selecting the 2-Mid-pane position option you must ensure that there is sufficient gap between the
innermost and second pane in the Glazing window gas layer to accommodate the blind Slat width.
Control type
Control data specifies how the shading device is controlled. It determines whether the shading device is on
or off. For blinds and shades, when the device is on it is assumed to cover all of the window except its
frame; when the device is off it is assumed to cover none of the window (whether on or off the shading
device is assumed to cover none of the wall that the window is on). For switchable glazing, on means that
the glazing is in the fully-switched state and off means that it is in the unswitched state; for example, for
electrochromic glazing, on means the glazing is in its darkest state and "off means it is in its lightest state.
The choices for Shading control type are the following. Equivalent EnergyPlus control types are shown in
italics. If a setpoint is applicable its units are shown in parentheses.
The following six control types are used primarily to reduce zone cooling load due to window solar
3-Schedule - Shading operation is defined by a time only through a schedule. When the schedule has
value 1 then shading operates, otherwise it does not.
4-Solar (OnIfHighSolarOnWindow) - Shading is active if beam plus diffuse solar radiation incident on
the window exceeds the Solar setpoint.
5-Glare (OnIfHighGlare) - Shading is on if the total daylight glare index at the zones first daylighting
sensor from all of the exterior windows in the zone exceeds the maximum glare index specified in the
daylighting input for zone.
Note: Glare control requires Lighting control to be switched on in the zone.
- 239 -
7-Inside air temp (OnIfHighZoneAirTemp) - Shading is on if zone air temperature in the previous time
step exceeds the Inside air temperature setpoint.
8-Cooling (OnIfHighZoneCooling) - Shading is on if zone cooling rate in the previous time step is nonzero.
The following two control types can be used to reduce zone cooling load. They are applicable to any
Shading type but are most appropriate for interior or exterior blinds, interior or exterior shades with
low insulating value, or switchable glazing.
The following three control types can be used to reduce zone heating load during the winter by
reducing window conductive heat loss at night and leaving the window unshaded during the day to
maximize solar gain. They are applicable to any Shading type but are most appropriate for interior or
exterior shades with high insulating value ("movable insulation"). Night means the sun is down and
day means the sun is up.
12-Night inside low air temp (OnNightIfLowInsideTemp/OffDay) - Shading is on at night if the zone air
temperature in the previous time step is less than the Inside air temperature setpoint and schedule, if
specified, allows shading. Shading is off during the day.
13-Night heating (OnNightIfHeating/OffDay) - Shading is on at night if the zone heating rate in the
previous time step is greater than zero and schedule, if specified, allows shading. Shading is off during
the day.
The following two control types can be used to reduce zone heating and cooling load. They are
applicable to any Shading type but are most appropriate for translucent interior or exterior shades
with high insulating value ("translucent movable insulation").
17-Outdoor air temp + Solar on window (OnIfHighOutdoorAirTempAndHighSolarOnWindow) Shading is on if the outside air temperature exceeds the Outside air temperature setpoint and if if the
solar radiation incident on the window exceeds the Solar setpoint.
18-Outdoor air temp + Horizontal solar (OnIfHighOutdoorAirTempAndHighHorizontalSolar) Shading is on if the outside air temperature exceeds the Outside air temperature setpoint and if if the
horizontal solar radiation on the window exceeds the Solar setpoint.
Solar setpoint
The solar setpoint can be defined when one of these shading control types has been selected:
9-Day cooling and solar + night
- 240 -
Local Shading
When the solar radiation (in W/m2 or BTU/h-ft2) is higher than the setpoint entered here and any other
required condition are met (control types 9, 10, 17 and 18) and the schedule allows shading operation then
the window shading is activated.
For cooling control types, when the inside air temperature (in C or F) is higher than the setpoint entered here
and the schedule allows shading operation, the window shading is activated. For heating control types the
logic is reversed and shading is activated when the temperature is below this setpoint.
When the outside air temperature (in C or F) is higher than the setpoint entered here and the schedule
allows shading operation, the window shading is activated.
Operation schedule
For all shading control options apart from Glare and Always on, the shading can only be active when this
schedule value is 1. Select the schedule On if the blind is always activated or if the only control is one of the
others listed above.
If two daylit zones share an interior window, neither zone can have an exterior window whose shading
device does glare control (i.e. Control type is 5-Glare).
If two daylit zones share an interior window, neither zone can have an exterior window with daylight
control (i.e. Control type is 2-Daylight).
Local Shading
Openings tab in model data under External Glazing headers
To include overhangs, sidefins and/or louvres check the Local shading checkbox. This shows the Local
shading component data. DesignBuilder comes with a small database of Local shading devices, but if you
cannot find a suitable component for your model, you can create a custom local shading component. by
clicking on the Add new button from the Selection dialog or from the info panel when using Learning mode.
Note: the DesignBuilder Local shading devices allow a range of different overhangs, side fins and louvres to
be defined, but if you need to model a shading device not covered by the standard mechanism, you can draw
custom shading devices using Component blocks or Assembly blocks.
- 241 -
Airflow Windows
Openings tab in model data under External Glazing header
Airflow windows can be modelled by checking the Airflow windows option on the Openings tab. This option
can be used to specify the control mechanism for windows in which forced air flows in the gap between
adjacent layers of glass. Such windows are called airflow windows. They are also known as heat-extract
windows or climate windows.
A common application is to reduce the zone load by exhausting indoor air through the window. In the cooling
season this picks up and expels some of the solar heat absorbed by the window glass (and by the betweenglass shade or blind, if present). In the heating season this warms the window, reducing the heat loss from the
window. A side benefit is increased thermal comfort. This is because the inside surface of the window will
generally be cooler in summer and warmer in winter.
Windows must have two or three glass layers, i.e., double or triple-glazing. For triple-glazing the airflow
is assumed to be between the two inner glass layers.
An error will result if the gas in the airflow gap is other than air.
If an airflow window has a between-glass shade or blind, the gas in the gap on either side of the shade
or blind must be air.
The surface output variable Surface Window Gap Convective Heat Transfer Rate gives the heat picked up
(or lost) by the gap airflow.
Airflow control
Check this option to include airflow control for external windows.
Airflow source
The source of the gap airflow. The choices are:
1-Indoor air - Indoor air from the windows zone is passed through the window.
2-Outdoor air - Outdoor air is passed through the window.
Airflow Destination
This is where the gap air goes after passing through the window. The choices are:
- 242 -
Local Shading
1-Indoor air - the gap air goes to the indoor air of the windows zone.
2-Outdoor air - the gap air goes to the outside air.
3-Return-air- the gap air goes to the return air for the windows zone. This choice is allowed only if
Airflow Source = 1-Indoor air. If the return air flow is zero, the gap air goes to the indoor air of the
windows zone. If the sum of the gap airflow for all of the windows in a zone with Airflow destination =
3-Return air exceeds the return airflow, then the difference between this sum and the return airflow
goes to the indoor air.
The diagram above shows the allowed combinations of Airflow source and Airflow destination. The allowed
combinations of Airflow source and Airflow destination are:
IndoorAir to OutdoorAir
IndoorAir to IndoorAir
IndoorAir to ReturnAir
OutdoorAir to IndoorAir
OutdoorAir to OutdoorAir
Window Operation
Openings tab in model data under External Glazing, Internal Glazing and Roof Glazing headers
The operation of windows can be defined by entering data under the Operation header. This data is only
When Natural ventilation is activated on the HVAC tab at the current level and Calculated natural
ventilation is selected, or,
For Internal glazing or both Calculated and Scheduled natural ventilation.
1-Control by schedule - the internal windows are controlled entirely by schedule and are not affected
by any of the natural ventilation controls on the HVAC tab.
2-Control with external windows/vents - the internal windows are controlled using exactly the same
natural ventilation controls as external windows and vents through controls on the HVAC tab as well as
the operation schedule described below.
- 243 -
1-Control by schedule - the internal windows are controlled entirely by schedule and are not affected
by any of the natural ventilation controls on the HVAC tab.
2-Closed - the internal windows are always closed and do not allow any airflow to be exchanged.
Operation schedule
The schedule that specifies when window venting is available. A zero or negative schedule value means
window venting is not allowed. A value greater than zero means venting can occur if other venting control
conditions (specified by natural ventilation Control Mode) are satisfied.
This schedule allows you to turn off venting at certain times of the day (at night, for example), of the week (on
weekends, for example), or of the year (during the winter, for example).
If used with natural ventilation Control Mode = 4-Constant, the ventilation rate is constant only when this
schedule allows venting; otherwise the ventilation rate is set to zero. If Ventilation Control Mode = 1-NoVent,
this schedule has no effect.
The windows are 'open' when:
Tzone_air > Tsetpoint AND Tzone_air > Toutside_air AND the schedule value = 1
The ventilation rate is calculated based on the pressure difference across the opening calculated from wind
and stack pressure effects using equations described in Natural Ventilation Modelling.
The size and position of windows can be defined by entering data under the Free Aperture header. This is
data is used in both:
Note: While free aperture data is shown when the Scheduled natural ventilation model option is selected, this
data is not used in EnergyPlus simulations - in this case the data is only shown to allow it to be used for CFD
boundary conditions.
Opening position
The position of the opening in the window can be selected from
1-Top - the aperture is in the top of the window. Air flow in and out will flow through the top of the
2-Bottom - the aperture is in the bottom of the window. Air flow in and out will flow through the bottom
of the window.
3-Left - the aperture is in the left of the window (looking from outside). Air flow in and out will flow
through the left of the window.
4-Right - the aperture is in the right of the window (looking from outside). Air flow in and out will flow
through the right of the window.
Windows must be rectangular to have an airflow opening in them and the position of the opening on the
window can be defined by selecting from the above list. Options 3-Left and 4-Right will give identical results
as the EnergyPlus Airflow Network only accounts for the z-position of openings.
- 244 -
Local Shading
Tip: In some cases it is best to switch off the Lump similar windows on surface model option when using
Calculated natural ventilation. Particular cases where this is important are a) when there are windows of the
same size and type but different % Glazing area opens values on the same surface and b) where the air flow
rate through individual windows is required, e.g. when preparing boundary conditions for a linked EnergyPlus
CFD study.
Internal glazing
Openings tab in model data
The data under the Internal Glazing header applies to all glazing lying on internal partition walls. You can
enter information on:
The data is as described previously for External glazing except that shading is not permitted for internal
Openings tab in model data under External Glazing and Internal Glazing headers
You can use the Window to wall % (WWR) data and Window height, Window spacing and Sill height to
easily change the amount of glazing and its layout on the walls. The way this data is used for each facade
type is described below.
Facade types
There are a number of standard facade types:
Window to Wall %
Often referred to as the Window to Wall Ratio (WWR) this setting can be used to change the amount of
glazing for all openings at or below the current level in the building hierarchy. For example changing the WWR
at building level changes the size of all windows in the model not overridden by other settings lower in the
- 245 -
When using the 2-Outer volume Zone geometry and surface areas option (typically one of the "External
measurements " convention templates) it is important to understand that the reference surface area used
when calculating the window area from the % value supplied is still based on the inner volume surface. This
might seem surprising at first but the window dimensions must make physical sense and must be punched
through both the inner and outer volume surfaces.
The image below illustrates a wall in a model using the "External measurements" template where a window
has been created using the 3-Preferred height facade option with a 10% glazing ratio. You can see the black
outline showing the available area where the window could possibly be sited. Areas outside this outline to the
left and right are taken up by corners with adjacent walls. The % glazing calculation uses the black outline
area as the reference area. In an extreme case where 100% glazing is specified the whole of this area would
be filled with window, but of course the sides of the surface where there is a corner with an adjacent surface
cannot contain a window and so do not take part in the calculation - even though they will form part of the
surface used in the simulation.
Tip: If you need to ensure that the % window areas used in the simulation exactly match the % you define
here then you should consider using the "Simple" convention template which ensures that 100% of all
surfaces are available for containing windows by using zero surface thickness for all surfaces.
Window spacing
The spacing between the each window on the facade (in m or ft). The window spacing is the centre to centre
spacing between windows, not the gap between windows.
Sill height
This is the height of the base of the window from the base of the block (in m).
Note 1: You can control the makeup of the building facades in greater detail by drawing individual windows at
the surface level or by copying previously drawn windows at building level. In either of these cases glazing,
vent and door facade layout model data is ignored.
- 246 -
Local Shading
Note 2: Flat roofs do not have default glazing set up using Roof glazing layout model data. To create
openings on a flat roof you should go to the surface level and add them there.
Note 3: When the surface is non-rectangular, even with the 2 Facade type options that prioritise Window to
wall % (3-Preferred height and 1-Continuous horizontal), the Window to wall % will not be perfectly
maintained. For these surfaces, DesignBuilder calculates a rectangle that can accept the windows and starts
from one end of the rectangle adding windows using the Window spacing data until no more fit into the
rectangle. This results in an approximately correct looking facade but only prioritises Window to wall % in the
rectangle, not accounting for the areas outside the bounding rectangle. For relatively large values of Window
spacing on non-rectangular surfaces, no glazing may be generated. For example you may find that gable
window surfaces have no default windows generated and it is often easiest to draw a window in this case.
Reveal surfaces are associated with the setback of the glazing from the outside and/or inside surface of the
parent wall. If the depth and solar absorptance of these surfaces are specified, the program will calculate the
reflection of beam solar radiation from these surfaces. The program also calculates the shadowing (onto the
window) of beam and diffuse solar radiation by outside reveal surfaces.
The following fields specify the properties of the window reveal surfaces (reveals occur when the window is
not in the same plane as the base surface). From this information and from the geometry of the window and
the sun position, the program calculates beam solar radiation absorbed and reflected by the top, bottom, right
and left sides of outside and inside window reveal surfaces. In doing this calculation, the shadowing on a
reveal surface by other reveal surfaces is determined using the orientation of the reveal surfaces and the sun
It is assumed that:
The window is an exterior window (EnergyPlus does not consider reveals for interior windows).
The reveal surfaces are perpendicular to the window plane.
If an exterior shade, screen or blind is in place it shades exterior and interior reveal surfaces so that in
this case there is no beam solar on these surfaces.
If an interior shade or blind is in place it shades the interior reveal surfaces so that in this case there is
no beam solar on these surfaces.
The possible shadowing on inside reveal surfaces by a window divider is ignored.
The outside reveal surfaces (top, bottom, left, right) have the same solar absorptance and depth. This
depth is not input here but is automatically determined by the programfrom window and wall vertices-as the distance between the plane of the outside face of the glazing and plane of the outside face of
the parent wall.
The inside reveal surfaces are divided into two categories: (1) the bottom reveal surface, called here
the "inside sill;" and (2) the other reveal surfaces (left, right and top).
The left, right and top inside reveal surfaces have the same depth and solar absorptance. The inside
sill is allowed to have depth and solar absorptance values that are different from the corresponding
values for the other inside reveal surfaces.
The inside sill depth is required to be greater than or equal to the depth of the other inside reveal
surfaces. If the inside sill depth is greater than zero the depth of the other inside reveal surfaces is
required to be greater than zero.
The reflection of beam solar radiation from all reveal surfaces is assumed to be isotropic diffuse; there
is no specular component.
Half of the beam solar reflected from outside reveal surfaces is goes towards the window; the other half
goes back to the exterior environment (i.e., reflection of this outward-going component from other
outside reveal surfaces is not considered).
The half that goes towards the window is added to the other solar radiation incident on the window.
Correspondingly, half of the beam solar reflected from inside reveal surfaces goes towards the window,
with the other half going into the zone. The portion going towards the window that is not reflected is
absorbed in the glazing or is transmitted back out into the exterior environment.
The beam solar that is absorbed by outside reveal surfaces is added to the solar absorbed by the
outside surface of the window's parent wall; similarly, the beam solar absorbed by the inside reveal
surfaces is added to the solar absorbed by the inside surface of the parent wall.
The net effect of beam solar reflected from outside reveal surfaces is to increase the heat gain to the
zone, whereas the effect of beam solar reflected from inside reveal surfaces is to decrease the heat
gain to the zone since part of this reflected solar is transmitted back out the window.
- 247 -
If the window has a frame, the absorption of reflected beam solar by the inside and outside surfaces of
the frame is considered. The shadowing of the frame onto interior reveal surfaces is also considered.
The schematics below show how DesignBuilder reveal data is used to describe real glazing systems.
FAQ: Why does DesignBuilder require both Inside and Outside reveal depth data when wall thickness
is available to calculate one reveal depth from the other?
Although it is possible for inside reveal depth to be calculated from the outside reveal depth and the wall
thickness, DesignBuilder allows both Inside and Outside reveal depths to be defined giving greater flexibility
for situations where it is not possible to enter the wall thickness as accurately as one might like. For example
the wall thickness may be entered as zero for simplified modelling. In such cases having direct control over
the reveal depth data is an advantage.
Local Shading
Frames are applied to all rectangular windows (default and custom) but not to other shaped windows and not
when using the Fill surface (100%) facade type.
A frame surrounds the glazing in a window (schematics below). It is assumed that all frame characteristics,
such as width, conductance and solar absorptance, are the same for the top, bottom and side elements of the
frame. If the frame elements are not the same then you should enter area-weighted average values for the
frame characteristics.
If the glazing does not have a frame or dividers, uncheck the Has a frame? box. If Has a frame? is checked
and then you can enter:
- 249 -
Frame construction
Select the construction used to define the thermal properties of both the frame and dividers. In particular the
frame construction is used to derive these EnergyPlus frame-related fields:
Frame conductance
The effective thermal conductance of the frame (in W/m2-K or Btu/h-ft2-F) measured from inside to
outside frame surface excluding surface air films and taking frame and window geometry as associated
2-D conduction effects into account. Ideally the frame conductance should be obtained from THERM or
some other 2-D calculation. DesignBuilder calculates the surface to surface conductance simply based
on the material layers in the Frame construction. If you need to include particular 2-D conduction
effects for the frame conductance then you should adjust the thickness or material properties of the
layers of the frame construction.
Note: For metal frame windows DesignBuilder will calculate a very high surface to surface U-value for
the frame construction, but the value that will be provided to EnergyPlus is limited to an maximum value
- 250 -
Local Shading
of 500 W/m2k. This is in line with the limits used in the LBNL WINDOW program. This will have
negligible difference on simulation as the corresponding thermal resistance is effectively zero in both
cases (relative to the inside and outside film resistances).
Frame width
The width of the frame elements when projected onto the plane of the window (in m or ft). It is assumed that
the top, bottom and side elements of the frame have the same width. If not, an average frame width should be
entered such that the projected frame area calculated using the average value equals the sum of the areas of
the frame elements.
Frame conductance
The effective thermal conductance of the frame measured from inside to outside frame surface (no air films)
and taking 2-D conduction effects into account. Obtained from WINDOW or other 2-D calculation.
Dividers split the glazing up into separate lites. It is assumed that all divider elements have the same
characteristics. If not, area-weighted average values should be used.
The schematic below show how DesignBuilder divider data is used to describe real glazing systems.
- 251 -
Divider type
The type of divider can be selected from these options:
1-Divided lite means that the divider elements project out from the outside and inside surfaces of the
glazing and divide the glazing into individual lites. For multi-pane glazing, this type of divider also has
between-glass elements that separate the panes.
2-Suspended is applicable only to multi-pane glazing. It means that the divider is suspended between
the panes. (If there are more than two glass layers, the divider is assumed to be placed between the
two outermost layers.)
Divider width
The width of the divider elements when projected onto the plane of the window (in m or ft). It is assumed that
the horizontal and vertical divider elements have the same width. If not, an average divider width should be
entered such that the projected divider area calculated using the average value equals the sum of the areas of
the divider elements.
Horizontal dividers
The number of divider elements parallel to the top and bottom of the window.
Vertical dividers
The number of divider elements parallel to the sides of the window.
- 252 -
Local Shading
Divider conductance
The effective thermal conductance of the divider (in W/m2-K or Btu/h-ft2-F) measured from inside to
outside divider surface excluding surface air films and taking 2-D conduction effects into account.
Obtained from WINDOW 6 or other 2-D calculation. DesignBuilder calculates the surface to surface
conductance simply based on the material layers. If you need to include particular 2-D conduction
effects for the frame/divider conductance then you should adjust the thickness or material properties of
the layers of the frame construction.
Window Operation
Openings tab in model data under External Glazing, Internal Glazing and Roof Glazing headers
The operation of windows can be defined by entering data under the Operation header. This data is only
When Natural ventilation is activated on the HVAC tab at the current level and Calculated natural
ventilation is selected, or,
- 253 -
1-Control by schedule - the internal windows are controlled entirely by schedule and are not affected
by any of the natural ventilation controls on the HVAC tab.
2-Control with external windows/vents - the internal windows are controlled using exactly the same
natural ventilation controls as external windows and vents through controls on the HVAC tab as well as
the operation schedule described below.
1-Control by schedule - the internal windows are controlled entirely by schedule and are not affected
by any of the natural ventilation controls on the HVAC tab.
2-Closed - the internal windows are always closed and do not allow any airflow to be exchanged.
Operation schedule
The schedule that specifies when window venting is available. A zero or negative schedule value means
window venting is not allowed. A value greater than zero means venting can occur if other venting control
conditions (specified by natural ventilation Control Mode) are satisfied.
This schedule allows you to turn off venting at certain times of the day (at night, for example), of the week (on
weekends, for example), or of the year (during the winter, for example).
If used with natural ventilation Control Mode = 4-Constant, the ventilation rate is constant only when this
schedule allows venting; otherwise the ventilation rate is set to zero. If Ventilation Control Mode = 1-NoVent,
this schedule has no effect.
The windows are 'open' when:
Tzone_air > Tsetpoint AND Tzone_air > Toutside_air AND the schedule value = 1
The ventilation rate is calculated based on the pressure difference across the opening calculated from wind
and stack pressure effects using equations described in Natural Ventilation Modelling.
The size and position of windows can be defined by entering data under the Free Aperture header. This is
data is used in both:
Note: While free aperture data is shown when the Scheduled natural ventilation model option is selected, this
data is not used in EnergyPlus simulations - in this case the data is only shown to allow it to be used for CFD
boundary conditions.
Opening position
The position of the opening in the window can be selected from
1-Top - the aperture is in the top of the window. Air flow in and out will flow through the top of the
2-Bottom - the aperture is in the bottom of the window. Air flow in and out will flow through the bottom
of the window.
- 254 -
Local Shading
3-Left - the aperture is in the left of the window (looking from outside). Air flow in and out will flow
through the left of the window.
4-Right - the aperture is in the right of the window (looking from outside). Air flow in and out will flow
through the right of the window.
Windows must be rectangular to have an airflow opening in them and the position of the opening on the
window can be defined by selecting from the above list. Options 3-Left and 4-Right will give identical results
as the EnergyPlus Airflow Network only accounts for the z-position of openings.
Roof glazing
Openings tab in model data
The data under the Roof Glazing header applies to all glazing lying on external roof surfaces. You can enter
information on:
Note: flat roofs do not have default glazing set up using Roof glazing layout model data. To create openings
on a flat roof you should go to the surface level and add them there.
Openings tab in model data under External Glazing and Internal Glazing headers
You can use the Window to wall % (WWR) data and Window height, Window spacing and Sill height to
easily change the amount of glazing and its layout on the walls. The way this data is used for each facade
type is described below.
Facade types
There are a number of standard facade types:
- 255 -
Window to Wall %
Often referred to as the Window to Wall Ratio (WWR) this setting can be used to change the amount of
glazing for all openings at or below the current level in the building hierarchy. For example changing the WWR
at building level changes the size of all windows in the model not overridden by other settings lower in the
When using the 2-Outer volume Zone geometry and surface areas option (typically one of the "External
measurements " convention templates) it is important to understand that the reference surface area used
when calculating the window area from the % value supplied is still based on the inner volume surface. This
might seem surprising at first but the window dimensions must make physical sense and must be punched
through both the inner and outer volume surfaces.
The image below illustrates a wall in a model using the "External measurements" template where a window
has been created using the 3-Preferred height facade option with a 10% glazing ratio. You can see the black
outline showing the available area where the window could possibly be sited. Areas outside this outline to the
left and right are taken up by corners with adjacent walls. The % glazing calculation uses the black outline
area as the reference area. In an extreme case where 100% glazing is specified the whole of this area would
be filled with window, but of course the sides of the surface where there is a corner with an adjacent surface
cannot contain a window and so do not take part in the calculation - even though they will form part of the
surface used in the simulation.
- 256 -
Local Shading
Tip: If you need to ensure that the % window areas used in the simulation exactly match the % you define
here then you should consider using the "Simple" convention template which ensures that 100% of all
surfaces are available for containing windows by using zero surface thickness for all surfaces.
Window spacing
The spacing between the each window on the facade (in m or ft). The window spacing is the centre to centre
spacing between windows, not the gap between windows.
Sill height
This is the height of the base of the window from the base of the block (in m).
Note 1: You can control the makeup of the building facades in greater detail by drawing individual windows at
the surface level or by copying previously drawn windows at building level. In either of these cases glazing,
vent and door facade layout model data is ignored.
Note 2: Flat roofs do not have default glazing set up using Roof glazing layout model data. To create
openings on a flat roof you should go to the surface level and add them there.
Note 3: When the surface is non-rectangular, even with the 2 Facade type options that prioritise Window to
wall % (3-Preferred height and 1-Continuous horizontal), the Window to wall % will not be perfectly
maintained. For these surfaces, DesignBuilder calculates a rectangle that can accept the windows and starts
from one end of the rectangle adding windows using the Window spacing data until no more fit into the
rectangle. This results in an approximately correct looking facade but only prioritises Window to wall % in the
rectangle, not accounting for the areas outside the bounding rectangle. For relatively large values of Window
spacing on non-rectangular surfaces, no glazing may be generated. For example you may find that gable
window surfaces have no default windows generated and it is often easiest to draw a window in this case.
Reveal surfaces are associated with the setback of the glazing from the outside and/or inside surface of the
parent wall. If the depth and solar absorptance of these surfaces are specified, the program will calculate the
- 257 -
reflection of beam solar radiation from these surfaces. The program also calculates the shadowing (onto the
window) of beam and diffuse solar radiation by outside reveal surfaces.
The following fields specify the properties of the window reveal surfaces (reveals occur when the window is
not in the same plane as the base surface). From this information and from the geometry of the window and
the sun position, the program calculates beam solar radiation absorbed and reflected by the top, bottom, right
and left sides of outside and inside window reveal surfaces. In doing this calculation, the shadowing on a
reveal surface by other reveal surfaces is determined using the orientation of the reveal surfaces and the sun
It is assumed that:
The window is an exterior window (EnergyPlus does not consider reveals for interior windows).
The reveal surfaces are perpendicular to the window plane.
If an exterior shade, screen or blind is in place it shades exterior and interior reveal surfaces so that in
this case there is no beam solar on these surfaces.
If an interior shade or blind is in place it shades the interior reveal surfaces so that in this case there is
no beam solar on these surfaces.
The possible shadowing on inside reveal surfaces by a window divider is ignored.
The outside reveal surfaces (top, bottom, left, right) have the same solar absorptance and depth. This
depth is not input here but is automatically determined by the programfrom window and wall vertices-as the distance between the plane of the outside face of the glazing and plane of the outside face of
the parent wall.
The inside reveal surfaces are divided into two categories: (1) the bottom reveal surface, called here
the "inside sill;" and (2) the other reveal surfaces (left, right and top).
The left, right and top inside reveal surfaces have the same depth and solar absorptance. The inside
sill is allowed to have depth and solar absorptance values that are different from the corresponding
values for the other inside reveal surfaces.
The inside sill depth is required to be greater than or equal to the depth of the other inside reveal
surfaces. If the inside sill depth is greater than zero the depth of the other inside reveal surfaces is
required to be greater than zero.
The reflection of beam solar radiation from all reveal surfaces is assumed to be isotropic diffuse; there
is no specular component.
Half of the beam solar reflected from outside reveal surfaces is goes towards the window; the other half
goes back to the exterior environment (i.e., reflection of this outward-going component from other
outside reveal surfaces is not considered).
The half that goes towards the window is added to the other solar radiation incident on the window.
Correspondingly, half of the beam solar reflected from inside reveal surfaces goes towards the window,
with the other half going into the zone. The portion going towards the window that is not reflected is
absorbed in the glazing or is transmitted back out into the exterior environment.
The beam solar that is absorbed by outside reveal surfaces is added to the solar absorbed by the
outside surface of the window's parent wall; similarly, the beam solar absorbed by the inside reveal
surfaces is added to the solar absorbed by the inside surface of the parent wall.
The net effect of beam solar reflected from outside reveal surfaces is to increase the heat gain to the
zone, whereas the effect of beam solar reflected from inside reveal surfaces is to decrease the heat
gain to the zone since part of this reflected solar is transmitted back out the window.
If the window has a frame, the absorption of reflected beam solar by the inside and outside surfaces of
the frame is considered. The shadowing of the frame onto interior reveal surfaces is also considered.
The schematics below show how DesignBuilder reveal data is used to describe real glazing systems.
- 258 -
Local Shading
FAQ: Why does DesignBuilder require both Inside and Outside reveal depth data when wall thickness
is available to calculate one reveal depth from the other?
Although it is possible for inside reveal depth to be calculated from the outside reveal depth and the wall
thickness, DesignBuilder allows both Inside and Outside reveal depths to be defined giving greater flexibility
for situations where it is not possible to enter the wall thickness as accurately as one might like. For example
the wall thickness may be entered as zero for simplified modelling. In such cases having direct control over
the reveal depth data is an advantage.
- 259 -
Roof Shading
Openings tab in model data under Roof Glazing headers
You can select one type of shading for external roof windows:
Frames are applied to all rectangular windows (default and custom) but not to other shaped windows and not
when using the Fill surface (100%) facade type.
A frame surrounds the glazing in a window (schematics below). It is assumed that all frame characteristics,
such as width, conductance and solar absorptance, are the same for the top, bottom and side elements of the
frame. If the frame elements are not the same then you should enter area-weighted average values for the
frame characteristics.
If the glazing does not have a frame or dividers, uncheck the Has a frame? box. If Has a frame? is checked
and then you can enter:
- 260 -
Frame construction
Select the construction used to define the thermal properties of both the frame and dividers. In particular the
frame construction is used to derive these EnergyPlus frame-related fields:
Frame conductance
The effective thermal conductance of the frame (in W/m2-K or Btu/h-ft2-F) measured from inside to
outside frame surface excluding surface air films and taking frame and window geometry as associated
2-D conduction effects into account. Ideally the frame conductance should be obtained from THERM or
some other 2-D calculation. DesignBuilder calculates the surface to surface conductance simply based
on the material layers in the Frame construction. If you need to include particular 2-D conduction
effects for the frame conductance then you should adjust the thickness or material properties of the
layers of the frame construction.
Note: For metal frame windows DesignBuilder will calculate a very high surface to surface U-value for
the frame construction, but the value that will be provided to EnergyPlus is limited to an maximum value
- 261 -
of 500 W/m2k. This is in line with the limits used in the LBNL WINDOW program. This will have
negligible difference on simulation as the corresponding thermal resistance is effectively zero in both
cases (relative to the inside and outside film resistances).
Frame width
The width of the frame elements when projected onto the plane of the window (in m or ft). It is assumed that
the top, bottom and side elements of the frame have the same width. If not, an average frame width should be
entered such that the projected frame area calculated using the average value equals the sum of the areas of
the frame elements.
Frame conductance
The effective thermal conductance of the frame measured from inside to outside frame surface (no air films)
and taking 2-D conduction effects into account. Obtained from WINDOW or other 2-D calculation.
Dividers split the glazing up into separate lites. It is assumed that all divider elements have the same
characteristics. If not, area-weighted average values should be used.
The schematic below show how DesignBuilder divider data is used to describe real glazing systems.
- 262 -
Divider type
The type of divider can be selected from these options:
1-Divided lite means that the divider elements project out from the outside and inside surfaces of the
glazing and divide the glazing into individual lites. For multi-pane glazing, this type of divider also has
between-glass elements that separate the panes.
2-Suspended is applicable only to multi-pane glazing. It means that the divider is suspended between
the panes. (If there are more than two glass layers, the divider is assumed to be placed between the
two outermost layers.)
Divider width
The width of the divider elements when projected onto the plane of the window (in m or ft). It is assumed that
the horizontal and vertical divider elements have the same width. If not, an average divider width should be
entered such that the projected divider area calculated using the average value equals the sum of the areas of
the divider elements.
Horizontal dividers
The number of divider elements parallel to the top and bottom of the window.
Vertical dividers
The number of divider elements parallel to the sides of the window.
- 263 -
Divider conductance
The effective thermal conductance of the divider (in W/m2-K or Btu/h-ft2-F) measured from inside to
outside divider surface excluding surface air films and taking 2-D conduction effects into account.
Obtained from WINDOW 6 or other 2-D calculation. DesignBuilder calculates the surface to surface
conductance simply based on the material layers. If you need to include particular 2-D conduction
effects for the frame/divider conductance then you should adjust the thickness or material properties of
the layers of the frame construction.
Window Shading
Openings tab in model data under External Glazing, Internal Glazing and Roof Glazing headers
Window shading can be included to reduce solar gains and increase resistance to heat conduction through
windows. To include blinds, transparent insulation or electrochromic glazing check the Window shading
checkbox. Then select the window blind component, the position of the shading device relative to the window
and the way that the window shading is controlled.
Note: Window shading is not included in Heating design calculations
- 264 -
Window Shading
Select the Window blind component type. There are 4 categories of window blinds:
Transparent insulation
Electrochromic switching (if you select a blind of this category the position must be 'Switchable'.
The window shading devices can be positioned in one of four ways:
Note: When selecting the 2-Mid-pane position option you must ensure that there is sufficient gap between the
innermost and second pane in the Glazing window gas layer to accommodate the blind Slat width.
Control type
Control data specifies how the shading device is controlled. It determines whether the shading device is on
or off. For blinds and shades, when the device is on it is assumed to cover all of the window except its
frame; when the device is off it is assumed to cover none of the window (whether on or off the shading
device is assumed to cover none of the wall that the window is on). For switchable glazing, on means that
the glazing is in the fully-switched state and off means that it is in the unswitched state; for example, for
electrochromic glazing, on means the glazing is in its darkest state and "off means it is in its lightest state.
The choices for Shading control type are the following. Equivalent EnergyPlus control types are shown in
italics. If a setpoint is applicable its units are shown in parentheses.
The following six control types are used primarily to reduce zone cooling load due to window solar
3-Schedule - Shading operation is defined by a time only through a schedule. When the schedule has
value 1 then shading operates, otherwise it does not.
- 265 -
4-Solar (OnIfHighSolarOnWindow) - Shading is active if beam plus diffuse solar radiation incident on
the window exceeds the Solar setpoint.
5-Glare (OnIfHighGlare) - Shading is on if the total daylight glare index at the zones first daylighting
sensor from all of the exterior windows in the zone exceeds the maximum glare index specified in the
daylighting input for zone.
Note: Glare control requires Lighting control to be switched on in the zone.
7-Inside air temp (OnIfHighZoneAirTemp) - Shading is on if zone air temperature in the previous time
step exceeds the Inside air temperature setpoint.
8-Cooling (OnIfHighZoneCooling) - Shading is on if zone cooling rate in the previous time step is nonzero.
The following two control types can be used to reduce zone cooling load. They are applicable to any
Shading type but are most appropriate for interior or exterior blinds, interior or exterior shades with
low insulating value, or switchable glazing.
The following three control types can be used to reduce zone heating load during the winter by
reducing window conductive heat loss at night and leaving the window unshaded during the day to
maximize solar gain. They are applicable to any Shading type but are most appropriate for interior or
exterior shades with high insulating value ("movable insulation"). Night means the sun is down and
day means the sun is up.
12-Night inside low air temp (OnNightIfLowInsideTemp/OffDay) - Shading is on at night if the zone air
temperature in the previous time step is less than the Inside air temperature setpoint and schedule, if
specified, allows shading. Shading is off during the day.
13-Night heating (OnNightIfHeating/OffDay) - Shading is on at night if the zone heating rate in the
previous time step is greater than zero and schedule, if specified, allows shading. Shading is off during
the day.
The following two control types can be used to reduce zone heating and cooling load. They are
applicable to any Shading type but are most appropriate for translucent interior or exterior shades
with high insulating value ("translucent movable insulation").
- 266 -
Window Shading
17-Outdoor air temp + Solar on window (OnIfHighOutdoorAirTempAndHighSolarOnWindow) Shading is on if the outside air temperature exceeds the Outside air temperature setpoint and if if the
solar radiation incident on the window exceeds the Solar setpoint.
18-Outdoor air temp + Horizontal solar (OnIfHighOutdoorAirTempAndHighHorizontalSolar) Shading is on if the outside air temperature exceeds the Outside air temperature setpoint and if if the
horizontal solar radiation on the window exceeds the Solar setpoint.
Solar setpoint
The solar setpoint can be defined when one of these shading control types has been selected:
9-Day cooling and solar + night
10-Day cooling and solar
16-Horizontal solar
17-Outdoor air temp + Solar on window
18-Outdoor air temp + Horizontal solar
When the solar radiation (in W/m2 or BTU/h-ft2) is higher than the setpoint entered here and any other
required condition are met (control types 9, 10, 17 and 18) and the schedule allows shading operation then
the window shading is activated.
For cooling control types, when the inside air temperature (in C or F) is higher than the setpoint entered here
and the schedule allows shading operation, the window shading is activated. For heating control types the
logic is reversed and shading is activated when the temperature is below this setpoint.
When the outside air temperature (in C or F) is higher than the setpoint entered here and the schedule
allows shading operation, the window shading is activated.
Operation schedule
For all shading control options apart from Glare and Always on, the shading can only be active when this
schedule value is 1. Select the schedule On if the blind is always activated or if the only control is one of the
others listed above.
If two daylit zones share an interior window, neither zone can have an exterior window whose shading
device does glare control (i.e. Control type is 5-Glare).
If two daylit zones share an interior window, neither zone can have an exterior window with daylight
control (i.e. Control type is 2-Daylight).
- 267 -
Window Operation
Openings tab in model data under External Glazing, Internal Glazing and Roof Glazing headers
The operation of windows can be defined by entering data under the Operation header. This data is only
When Natural ventilation is activated on the HVAC tab at the current level and Calculated natural
ventilation is selected, or,
For Internal glazing or both Calculated and Scheduled natural ventilation.
1-Control by schedule - the internal windows are controlled entirely by schedule and are not affected
by any of the natural ventilation controls on the HVAC tab.
2-Control with external windows/vents - the internal windows are controlled using exactly the same
natural ventilation controls as external windows and vents through controls on the HVAC tab as well as
the operation schedule described below.
1-Control by schedule - the internal windows are controlled entirely by schedule and are not affected
by any of the natural ventilation controls on the HVAC tab.
2-Closed - the internal windows are always closed and do not allow any airflow to be exchanged.
Operation schedule
The schedule that specifies when window venting is available. A zero or negative schedule value means
window venting is not allowed. A value greater than zero means venting can occur if other venting control
conditions (specified by natural ventilation Control Mode) are satisfied.
This schedule allows you to turn off venting at certain times of the day (at night, for example), of the week (on
weekends, for example), or of the year (during the winter, for example).
If used with natural ventilation Control Mode = 4-Constant, the ventilation rate is constant only when this
schedule allows venting; otherwise the ventilation rate is set to zero. If Ventilation Control Mode = 1-NoVent,
this schedule has no effect.
The windows are 'open' when:
Tzone_air > Tsetpoint AND Tzone_air > Toutside_air AND the schedule value = 1
The ventilation rate is calculated based on the pressure difference across the opening calculated from wind
and stack pressure effects using equations described in Natural Ventilation Modelling.
The size and position of windows can be defined by entering data under the Free Aperture header. This is
data is used in both:
- 268 -
Window Shading
Note: While free aperture data is shown when the Scheduled natural ventilation model option is selected, this
data is not used in EnergyPlus simulations - in this case the data is only shown to allow it to be used for CFD
boundary conditions.
Opening position
The position of the opening in the window can be selected from
1-Top - the aperture is in the top of the window. Air flow in and out will flow through the top of the
2-Bottom - the aperture is in the bottom of the window. Air flow in and out will flow through the bottom
of the window.
3-Left - the aperture is in the left of the window (looking from outside). Air flow in and out will flow
through the left of the window.
4-Right - the aperture is in the right of the window (looking from outside). Air flow in and out will flow
through the right of the window.
Windows must be rectangular to have an airflow opening in them and the position of the opening on the
window can be defined by selecting from the above list. Options 3-Left and 4-Right will give identical results
as the EnergyPlus Airflow Network only accounts for the z-position of openings.
Openings tab in model data
DesignBuilder doors are opaque and are added to the model by navigating to the appropriate surface and
checking the Door fitted option. This adds a single door replacing one of the windows. Alternatively, for more
control over the placement position of the doors, you can go to surface level and draw the doors using the
Draw Door command. On surfaces where custom openings have been defined, any changes to door layout
model data on the Opening tab is ignored.
Door Placement
Door Operation
Note: if you have drawn custom doors at the surface level then these will be used even if the Doors fitted
checkbox is not checked. The Doors fitted checkbox only controls the automatic generation of doors, not
their use in the calculations.
- 269 -
Note: Doors positioned on external walls only have an effect on airflow in Simulation calculations when the
Natural ventilation building model option is set to Calculated. They have no effect on airflow in Heating and
Cooling Design calculations. Doors positioned on internal partition walls are used to mix the air between the
two adjacent zones when the Scheduled Natural ventilation building model option is set. They also provide an
air flow path when the Calculated option is set.
Glazed doors
Exterior doors that have glazing should be modelled using windows. If only a portion of the door is glazed then
the door could be modelled as part door and part window.
Door Placement
Openings tab in model data under Doors
On surfaces where no custom openings have been defined, you can create doors simply by checking the
'Doors fitted?' options under the External and Internal Doors headers. In this case a single door is positioned
on each surface in place of one of the windows in the automatically generated facade layout.
Door Operation
Openings tab in model data under Doors
The operation of doors can be defined by entering data under Operation headers:
% Area door opens - defines the area of the door which opens relative to the total area to give an
approximation of the actual opening size and,
% Time door is open - defines the average time the door is in the open position. Accounts for the fact
that during occupied periods the door may open and close repeatedly. The average effect
The way this data is used depends on the Natural ventilation model option set but in both cases the concept
of doors frequently opening and closing is approximated by reducing the size of the door opening area to
account for the fact that the door is closed for much of the time:
Operation schedule
The Operation schedule is used to control timing of the door opening. Note that the schedule should have
values of 0 and 1 only and intermediate fractional values do not indicate partial opening.
Window Shading
Operation schedule
The Operation schedule is used to control timing of the mixing flow. Note that the schedule should have
values of 0 and 1 only and intermediate fractional values do not indicate partial opening.
Note: For both Scheduled and Calculated natural ventilation options, door opening is controlled entirely by
schedule and is not affected by natural ventilation controls.
DesignBuilder vents are used for modelling airflow through openings and can be easily added to the model by
navigating to the appropriate surface and checking the Vents fitted option. This adds a single vent under each
of the windows (if the vent spacing is the same as the window spacing). Alternatively, for more control over
the placement position of the vents, you can go to surface level and draw the vents using the Draw vent
command. On surfaces where custom openings have been defined, any changes to vent layout model data
on the Opening tab is ignored.
Vent Placement
Vent Operation
Note: if you have drawn custom vents at the surface level then these will be used even if the Vents fitted
checkbox is not checked. The Vents fitted checkbox only controls the automatic generation of vents, not their
use in the calculations.
The properties of the vent are defined by the selection of the vent type:
Holes are modelled in a similar way to vents with some exceptions:
- 271 -
Vent Modelling
Calculated Natural Ventilation (Simulations only)
Each vent is modelled using:
An EnergyPlus Door. The heat conduction through the vent Door component is displayed in results as
Internal Natural vent and External Natural vent.
An EnergyPlus AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:Component:DetailedOpening and other associated
AirflowNetwork components, providing a controllable flow path. You can define Vent operation.
An EnergyPlus Door. The heat conduction through the vent Door component is displayed in results as
Internal Natural vent and External Natural vent.
Internal vents also have an EnergyPlus ZoneMixing object using parameters set in the Model options
dialog. External vents do not exchange air explicitly with Scheduled natural ventilation.
Hole Modelling
Calculated Natural Ventilation (Simulations only)
Each hole is modelled using a sub-surface and an airflow connection:
If using 1-Minimum shadowing or 2-Full exterior solar distribution the hole is represented using
an EnergyPlus 'Door'. In this case the heat conduction through the vent Door component is
displayed in results as Internal Natural vent and External Natural vent.
If the 3-Full interior and exterior solar distribution Model option is set then the hole is modelled
using a 'perfectly clear' window which transmits solar radiation and visible light.
EnergyPlus AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:Component:DetailedOpening and other associated
AirflowNetwork components, providing a controllable flow path. You can define Vent operation.
If using 1-Minimum shadowing or 2-Full exterior solar distribution the hole is represented using
an EnergyPlus Door. In this case the heat conduction through the vent Door component is
displayed in results as Internal Natural vent and External Natural vent.
If the 3-Full interior and exterior solar distribution Model option is set then the hole is modelled
using a 'perfectly clear' window which transmits solar radiation and visible light.
Internal holes have an EnergyPlus ZoneMixing object using parameters set in the Model options
dialog. External holes do not exchange air explicitly with Scheduled natural ventilation.
Vent Placement
Openings tab in model data under Vents
On surfaces where no custom openings have been defined, you can create vents simply by checking the
Auto generate options under the External and Internal Vents headers. In this case vents are positioned on
each surface using Vent spacing and Vent height above floor in the automatically generated facade layout.
Typically, a single vent is positioned under each of the windows (if the vent spacing is the same as the window
- 272 -
Window Shading
Note: It is often more convenient to place vents manually by drawing them at surface level or by copying
previously drawn vents at building level.
Vent area
Enter the area of the area of each vent (in m2 or ft2).
Vent spacing
The spacing between the each vent on the facade (in m or ft). In many cases this will be the same as the
window spacing if auto generated windows are also being used. The window spacing is the centre to centre
spacing between vents, not the gap between vents.
Vent Operation
Openings tab in model data under Vents
The operation of vents can be defined by entering timing data under Operation headers.
1-Control by schedule - the internal vents are controlled entirely by schedule and are not affected by
any of the natural ventilation controls on the HVAC tab.
2-Control with external windows/vents - the internal vents are controlled using exactly the same
natural ventilation controls as external windows and vents through controls on the HVAC tab as well as
the operation schedule described below.
1-Control by schedule - the internal vents are controlled entirely by schedule and are not affected by
any of the natural ventilation controls on the HVAC tab.
2-Closed - the internal vents are always closed and do not allow any airflow to be exchanged.
The way this data is used depends on the Natural ventilation model option set:
Operation schedule
The Operation schedule is used to control timing of the vent opening availability. Note that the schedule
should have values of 0 and 1 only and intermediate fractional values do not indicate partial opening.
- 273 -
Internal vents are modelled using the EnergyPlus ZoneMixing object which mixes air between the two
adjacent zones. DesignBuilder uses an approximate empirical relationship to calculate the mixing flow:
Flow (m3/s) = Door area (m2) * % area door opens * % time door is open * FAirflowRatePerOpeningArea
where FAirflowRatePerOpeningArea is a factor used to obtain the mixing flow from the opening area. The
value of this factor can be defined on the Model options dialog on the Advanced tab under Natural ventilation.
The default value is 0.1 m3/s-m2.
A schedule can be applied to control timing of the mixing flow.
Note: The Airflow through internal openings model option must be checked to obtain airflow through internal
vents when using Scheduled natural ventilation.
Operation schedule
The Operation schedule is used to control timing of the mixing flow. Note that the schedule should have
values of 0 and 1 only and intermediate fractional values do not indicate partial opening.
You can load generic Lighting data by clicking on the Template option under Lighting Template and then by
clicking on the '...' at the right of the line.
When you make a selection from the list of Lighting templates, data from selected template will be loaded to
the model.
With Early gains, the lighting gains in the space are separated into Task and General lighting.
You can also open these headers to enter lighting details where they are different from those loaded from the
General Lighting
Task Lighting
Lighting Control
Exterior Lighting
When you load lighting data from template, the actual general lighting internal gain is calculated by dividing
the W/m2/100 lux data in the template by the required illuminance level as set on the Activity tab.
Consequently you should make sure the correct activity data has been loaded in each zone before loading
lighting templates. Also, you may need to explicitly load data in each zone by checking each zone in the
Target tab of the 'Load data from template' dialog.
Lighting data generates simulation data at the Zone level.
- 274 -
Window Shading
General lighting
Lighting tab in model data
General lighting accounts for the main lighting in the room. It is assumed to be able to be replaced by daylight
through lighting control, if this option is selected.
Watts per m2 - where the maximum lighting gains are defined as W/m2 independent of the required
illuminance level.
Watts per m2 per 100lux - where the maximum lighting gains are defined as W/m2-100lux and the
actual lighting energy used for the zone in the simulation is based on this value plus floor area and
illuminance requirements as follows:
Max Lighting power (W) = Lighting energy (W/m2-100lux) x Zone floor area (m2) x Zone Illuminance
requirement / 100
Example to calculate W/m2/100lux: For a lighting system emitting 40 W/m2 and providing 500 lux,
the value to enter is 40/5 = 8W/m2-100lux
For both the above 2 options, the lighting energy should be the maximum electrical power input to lighting in a
zone, including ballasts, if present. This value is multiplied by a schedule fraction during the simulation to get
the lighting power in a particular time step.
Note: When loading lighting data from template and using the W/m2 option, the actual lighting W/m2 gain to
be loaded is calculated by dividing the W/m2/100lux data in the template by the required illuminance level as
currently set on the Activity tab. Once the lighting template has been loaded, the W/m2 value can be
overridden at zone level. Also if you select a new Activity with different illuminance level requirements, the
Lighting tab does not automatically update the W/m2 unless you reapply the lighting template.
The electrical input to lighting ultimately appears as heat that contributes to zone loads or to return air heat
gains. In EnergyPlus this heat is divided into four different fractions. Three of these are given by the input
fields Return Air Fraction, Fraction Radiant and Fraction Visible. A fourth, defined as the fraction of the heat
from lights convected to the zone air, is calculated by EnergyPlus as:
Convected Fraction = 1.0 (Return Air Fraction + Radiant Fraction + Visible Fraction)
You will get an error message if Return Air Fraction + Radiant Fraction + Visible Fraction exceeds 1.0. These
fractions depend on the type of lamp and luminaire, whether the luminaire is vented to the return air, etc.
Luminaire type
Select from:
- 275 -
When you select using the drop-down list an appropriate set of defaults for the luminaire type is loaded
according to the table below, assuming fluorescent lighting.
Return Air
Visible Fraction
and Recessed
Approximate values of Return Air Fraction, Radiant Fraction and Visible Fraction for overhead fluorescent
lighting for different luminaire configurations. These values assume that no light heat goes into an adjacent
zone. Source: Lighting Handbook: Reference & Application, 8th Edition, Illuminating Engineering Society of
North America, New York, 1993, p. 355.
Radiant fraction
The fraction of heat from lights that goes into the zone as long-wave (thermal) radiation. The program
calculates how much of this radiation is absorbed by the inside surfaces of the zone according the area times
thermal absorptance product of these surfaces.
Fraction visible
The fraction of heat from lights that goes into the zone as visible (short-wave) radiation. The program
calculates how much of this radiation is absorbed by the inside surfaces of the zone according the area times
solar absorptance product of these surfaces.
Note: selecting an option from the Luminaire type drop-down list loads default Return Air Fraction, Radiant
Fraction and Visible Fraction data from the table above.
Fraction convected
The fraction of the heat from lights convected to the zone air is calculated from:
Fraction convected = 1.0 (Return Air Fraction + Fraction Radiant + Fraction Visible)
You will get an error message if Return Air Fraction + Fraction Radiant + Fraction Visible exceeds 1.0.
This data is provided on screen for information purposes.
If 'Internal gains operate with occupancy' under model options is not set General lighting has a specific
operation schedule set under General Lighting, otherwise these gains are synchronised with occupancy.
Window Shading
Internal gain
Note that when you load lighting data from template, the actual lighting casual gain is calculated by dividing
the W/m2/100 lux data in the template by the required illuminance level as set on the Activity tab.
If 'Internal gains operate with occupancy' under model options is not set Task lighting has a specific operation
schedule set under Task Lighting, otherwise these gains are synchronised with occupancy.
Lighting control
Lighting tab in model data
You can control the electric lights according to the availability of natural daylight. When Lighting control is
switched on, illuminance levels are calculated at every time step during the simulation and then used to
determine how much the electric lighting can be reduced. The daylight illuminance level in a zone depends on
many factors, including sky condition, sun position, photocell sensor positions, location, size, and glass
transmittance of windows, window shades and reflectance of interior surfaces. Reduction of electric lighting
depends on daylight illuminance level, illuminance set point, fraction of zone controlled and type of lighting
Note: You should not use daylight control in zones without any windows - this will generate errors preventing
calculations from running. You should therefore use the building and block level lighting control setting with
care, checking for any zones without windows and switching off lighting control at the zone level.
Lighting control is available for General lighting but not for Task and display lighting. If no general lighting is
specified then lighting control won't be applied.
See also the Lighting and Daylight Control Tutorial
Lighting Areas
When lighting control is switched on, by default all of the lights in the zone are controlled by the first (main)
lighting sensor and % Zone Controlled by Lighting Area 1 has value 100%. Some larger spaces may have
2 Lighting Areas, each area having its own lighting sensor and covering its own area of the zone. The area is
not defined geometrically in DesignBuilder - it simply reflects the fraction of the total General overhead electric
lighting that can be dimmed by its lighting sensor.
You may wish to use 2 Lighting Areas for these situations:
A large zone may need more than one sensor if the output from main sensor does not represent the
daylight available in other parts of the zone. For example a zone having facades in both South and
East directions would need 2 sensors (and 2 Lighting Areas), one on each facade.
The zone has 2 different activity areas which have been lumped into a single zone for convenience.
The 2 activities have different visual illuminance requirements and the Lighting Areas for both can
benefit from daylighting through daylighting control. An example would be a zone having both office
and recreational space. The office space may have a lighting requirement of 500 lux and the
recreational space may need 300 lux.
Note 1: if the zone has a different sensor for the back half (for example) you should check the Second light
sensor option.
- 277 -
Note 2: if the zone has perimeter and core areas, perimeter lights having daylight control and core lights not,
then you only need to use a single lighting sensor. The fact that the core lights are not controlled can be
modelled using % Zone Controlled by Lighting Area 1. If 60% of the lights in the zone are located in the
core zone and do not have daylight control then set % Zone Controlled by Lighting Area 1 to 40.
Perimeter Area
A typical perimeter area would be the areas of the zone that are close to a window. By convention perimeter
areas are defined as the area within a fixed distance from a normal to the perimeter. In the UK NCM the fixed
distance is 6m.
If you wish to create a separate thermal zone to model the different lighting and solar conditions in the
perimeter area, you can use the Offset snap option to draw Virtual partitions.
Daylight illuminance on the 'working plane' is calculated for up to two locations in each zone during the
simulation and illuminance setpoints are maintained where necessary by electric lighting. The sensor is
always located in the working plane which, by default, is 0.8m above the floor. By default, when lighting
control is switched on, a single photo sensor monitors the daylight illuminance at the first sensor location and
controls the lights for the whole of the zone. You can however set up 2 Lighting Areas in each zone, by
checking the Second lighting area check box. In this case you can set a target illuminance for the second
lighting area separately and also define the percentage of the zone covered by Lighting Area 2.
Note 1: the floor area covered by the 2 sensors does not need to add to 100%. The lights in the remaining
floor area operate without daylight control.
Note 2: the target illuminance for Lighting Area 1 is set on the Activity tab under Environmental Control.
If there is only one lighting area then a percentage equal to
100 - (%Zone covered by Lighting Area 1)
is assumed to have no lighting control..
The procedure for introducing the lighting control is:
Check the Lighting Control On checkbox (at building level if all zones are to have lighting control).
Enter the working plane height which should normally be the height of the lighting control sensor above
the top of the floor surface of the zone.
Select the type of control as described below.
Position the first sensor in each zone having lighting control. The z-position is set by the Working plane
height on the Advanced tab of the Model options dialog.
Set the % Zone covered by Lighting Area 1. If all the lights in the zone are in Lighting Area 1 (i.e.
they are controlled by the 1st (main) lighting sensor then enter 100%.
If there are two lighting areas then position the second sensor.
Set the % Zone covered by Lighting Area 2. If all the lights in the zone are in Lighting Area 2 (i.e.
they are controlled by the 2nd lighting sensor) then enter 100 - %Zone covered by Lighting Area 1.
- 278 -
Window Shading
Note: by default the main lighting sensor is positioned in the geometric centre of the zone. It is important that
you check the position of all lighting sensors to obtain accurate results. For example, if the lighting sensor is
positioned right next to a window receiving large amounts of daylight, the lighting sensor will signal 'enough
daylight' even if the rest of the zone is only dimly lit and electric lighting energy will be under-estimated
(daylight savings over-estimated).
Linear Control
With Linear control, the overhead lights dim continuously and linearly from maximum electric power,
maximum light output to minimum electric power, minimum light output as the daylight illuminance increases.
The lights stay at the minimum point with further increase in the daylight illuminance.
The Minimum input power fraction for Linear control type is the lowest power the lighting system can dim
down to, expressed as a fraction of maximum input power. For Linear/off lighting control, this is the power
fraction reached just before the lights switch off completely.
The Minimum output fraction for Linear control type, is the lowest lighting output the lighting system can
dim down to, expressed as a fraction of maximum light output. This is the fractional light output that the
system produces at minimum input power. For Linear/off lighting control, this is the light output fraction
reached just before the lights switch off completely.
Note: Linear control provides an idealised lighting control mechanism which can be useful for calculating
upper limits on the potential for savings when using natural daylight to offset electric lighting.
Linear/Off Control
Linear/off control is the same as Linear control except that the lights switch off completely when the minimum
dimming point is reached.
Stepped Control
Stepped control allows you to switch lighting on/off according to the availability of natural daylight in discrete
steps. Whereas the Linear control described above provides precisely controlled illuminance by dimming the
lights, the stepped control models blocks of lights switching on/off according to the electric lighting
The electric power input and light output vary in discreet, equally spaced steps. The number of steps can be
Example of a Stepped Lighting Control System with 3 Steps:
Daylight illuminance
of lights
- 279 -
that are
600 and above
Graphical representation of above example:
Maximum allowable glare index
If a daylit zone has windows with Window shading devices, the shades will be deployed if the daylight glare at
sensor 1 exceeds the value of Maximum allowable glare index. To get this type of glare control you have to
specify Shading control type as 5-Glare for one or more windows in the zone (see Window Shading Control).
Recommended Values of Maximum Allowable Discomfort Glare Index:
Maximum Allowable
Activity or zone type
Discomfort Glare Index*
Art Galleries
Rough work
Engine assembly
Fine assembly
Instrument assembly
Hospital wards
School classrooms
*Source EnergyPlus documentation
- 280 -
Window Shading
By default, DesignBuilder uses the EnergyPlus Daylighting:Detailed object to model the control of electric
lighting according to daylight illumination levels. You can find more information on the algorithms used in the
EnergyPlus Daylight Calculations section.
For any zone simulated with daylighting controls, an illuminance map can be output with a 10 x 10 grid of
additional daylighting reference points. The resulting map is output as a comma delimited text file called
eplusmap.csv in the EnergyPlus folder. This file can be imported into a spreadsheet program for rapid
visualisation of the daylighting illuminance patterns in a zone. To generate this file, at least one zone must
have daylight control and the Daylight map output selection on the Output tab of the Simulation output options
dialog must be made.
Horizontal Position
By default DesignBuilder positions the daylight sensor in the centre of the zone. You can move the sensor by
following these steps:
If the second sensor is enabled in the zone then you will be able to position that in the same way.
See also: Placing Light Sensors
Exterior Lighting
Lighting tab in model data
Exterior lighting allows you to account for the energy consumption of lights used to illuminate the exterior of
the building. Options are available for scheduled operation and nighttime switching.
Operation schedule
The schedule allows the exterior lights consumption to be operationally different, hour to hour as well as
seasonally. Fractional values in the basic schedule are applied to the design level data below.
Design level
This data is normally used to represent the maximum electrical input to exterior lighting fixtures that is then
multiplied by a schedule fraction (see previous field). Alternatively, the lighting design level could be a
diversity factor applied to a schedule of real numbers.
- 281 -
Control Option
This data is used to determine how the exterior lights are controlled. There are currently two options:
Schedule only where the exterior lights always follow the operation schedule.
Schedule + override off on daytime where the exterior lights will not run when the sun is up, no
matter what the schedule indicates. Using this option makes it simple to model exterior lights that are
controlled by a photocell or other controller that ensures that outdoor lights will not run during the
daytime. However, this control works off of the position of the sun and therefore does not operate
exactly like a photocell. During the night, the schedule values are still applied in the usual way.
You can load generic HVAC data by clicking on the Template option under HVAC Template and then by
clicking on the '...' at the right of the line.
When you make a selection from the list of HVAC templates, data from selected template will be loaded to the
The rest of this HVAC section is split into 3 main sections for each of the 3 HVAC model options:
Simple HVAC
Compact HVAC
Detailed HVAC
Natural Ventilation
Earth Tubes
Domestic Hot Water
Air Temperature Distribution
Simple HVAC
HVAC tab in model data - Simple HVAC
Simple HVAC is suitable for use at early design stages or for other analyses where detailed treatment of
heating, cooling and mechanical ventilation systems is required.
You can also open headers to enter HVAC details where they are different from those loaded from the
Auxiliary Energy
Mechanical Ventilation
Outside Air
- 282 -
Window Shading
Auxiliary Energy
HVAC tab in model data - Simple HVAC
When using Simple HVAC, this data is used to calculate the electric energy consumption due to fans and
pumps, control gear and any other HVAC-related equipment not accounted for elsewhere. The data used for
this calculation depends on the Simple HVAC Auxiliary model options setting.
When the NCM Simple HVAC auxiliary option is set, only one data item is required to define the auxiliary
energy consumption. This data is used at the zone level and the auxiliary energy consumption for the building
is displayed at building level in the Simulation results as System Misc energy.
Auxiliary energy
The total annual Auxiliary energy consumption can be entered as kWh/m2 (SI units) or Btu/ft2 (IP units).
Auxiliary energy accounts for any additional energy consumption due to fans, pumps, control gear etc. It is
specified per floor area and is modelled as being consumed 24/7 during the simulation. Note that when using
the NCM option, auxiliary energy consumption will not vary according to mechanical ventilation flow rates or
any other settings - it is a very basic way to account for auxiliary energy consumption.
The default auxiliary energy data provided in the HVAC templates is based on data published in the UK
National Calculation Methodology (NCM).
The energy consumption related to Auxiliary energy is shown at building level in the results screen.
Fan energy is calculated based on fan pressure rise and efficiency values as defined under
Mechanical ventilation > Fans. The fan energy consumption data is displayed in simulation results as
Fan energy and will depend on the actual mechanical ventilation flow rates applied in the simulation.
Pump, control and any other electrical energy associated with the HVAC system is calculated using a
power density value (W/m2 or W/ft2) plus a schedule to define time/seasonal variations.
Select the schedule defining the time variation of the pump energy consumption.
Mechanical Ventilation
HVAC tab in model data - Simple HVAC
Check the mechanical ventilation checkbox to indicate that outside air and/or re-circulated air is delivered to
the zone. You can use this setting to define mechanical ventilation and air delivered through centrally ducted
air conditioning systems or local fresh air systems.
The specification of outside air delivery rates is the same for both options as described in the Outside air
- 283 -
The way that mechanical ventilation is modelled in Simple HVAC depends on the Mechanical ventilation
method model option:
With the Mechanical ventilation method model option the introduction of outside air through fans is achieved
using the EnergyPlus ZoneVentilation:DesignFlowRate data separate from the main HVAC system. Energy
consumption and heat pick up from fans is included as described below.
Fan Type
When using Simple HVAC, enter the type of fan. Select from:
1-Supply - fan blows outside air into the zone and the zone receives heat from the fan if Fan in air
(below) > 0
2-Extract - fan exhausts air from the zone. In this case there is no fan heat pickup. It is assumed that
makeup air comes from outside.
Note that in Simple HVAC the Auxiliary energy data accounts for all electric fan and pump distribution energy
plus controls and any other electrical energy use associated with HVAC that is not already accounted for
With the Ideal loads option, Mechanical ventilation is modelled with heating and cooling using the EnergyPlus
ZoneHVAC:IdealLoadsAirSystem data. In this case there are options to include the effects of heat recovery,
economiser, humidification and dehumidification.
Note: With the Ideal loads option, fan energy and heat pickup are not included in the simulation. In this case
you can approximate fan energy using auxiliary energy data but if you need more detailed fan modelling you
should use either the Room ventilation option or Detailed HVAC model options.
- 284 -
Window Shading
Economisers are used to provide cooling when the outdoor temperature is lower than the indoor temperature.
An economiser is a damper opening that draws up to 100% outside air when the outside air is cooler than the
temperature inside the building, thereby providing free cooling. An outdoor air economy cycle can reduce
cooling energy requirements by some 20% to 30%, or around 5% of the air conditioning energy use and are
often required by energy codes for larger air conditioning units.
Choose from 3 options:
1-None where no economiser operation will be simulated and outside fresh air is based purely on the
Mechanical ventilation Outside air rate and associated operation schedule.
2-Differential dry bulb the economiser increases the outdoor air flow rate above the minimum outdoor
air flow when there is a cooling load and the outdoor air temperature or enthalpy is below the zone
exhaust air temperature.
3-Differential enthalpy the economiser increases the outdoor air flow rate above the minimum outdoor
air flow when there is a cooling load and the outdoor air enthalpy is below that of the zone exhaust air.
Heat recovery
When heat recovery is active you can choose the type of heat recovery. Select from:
1-Sensible which provides sensible heat recovery whenever the zone exhaust air temperature is more
favourable than the outdoor air temperature.
2-Enthalpy where latent and sensible heat recovery are provided whenever the zone exhaust air
enthalpy is more favourable than the outdoor air enthalpy.
With the EnergyPlus Ideal loads system used in Simple HVAC heat recovery heating is only available when a
zone is heated, i.e. when the Heated checkbox is checked on the HVAC tab. Likewise cooling heat recovery
will only be available if the Cooled checkbox is checked. That is not to say that heat recovery isn't available
for zones with heating at times when the heating system is not operating - heat recovery heating is available
at any time in this case when the outside air is cooler than zone exhaust air, regardless of whether heating is
operating or not. If you need to model heat recovery for systems without heating then you should use Detailed
HVAC which is more flexible.
Outside Air
HVAC tab in model data under Mechanical Ventilation header - Simple HVAC
You can set the amount, timing and control of outside air delivery through the HVAC air distribution system on
the HVAC tab.
Outside air requirement data is set at the zone level on the HVAC tab for all HVAC configurations and
The Mech Vent + Nat Vent + Infiltration ouput data can be displayed on the Heating design, Cooling design
and Simulation screens when you select 1-All or 3-Comfort data. This is the sum of fresh air delivered
through the HVAC system, infiltration and natural ventilation outside airflow in air changes per hour (ac/h) and
- 285 -
when used together with the other environmental output it can be very useful in checking for occupant
1-By zone - enter the zone outside air delivery rate in air changes per hour in the control directly
below. The air flow rate in m3/s is calculated from the ac/h data using:
m3/s = ac/h x ZoneVolume / 3600
where ZoneVolume is the actual air volume of the space calculated according to Model options for
excluding floor/ceiling constructions.
Note: this zone volume may be slightly different from the value used for the purposes of calculating air
flow rates for infiltration which uses the total zone volume.
2-Min fresh air (Per person) - maximum natural ventilation rate is defined using Minimum fresh air
requirements per person as set on the Activity tab. The air flow rate in m3/s is calculated as:
m3/s = MinFreshAir x NumberPeople / 1000
NumberPeople = Occupancy density (people / m2) * Zone floor area (m2).
MinFreshAir is the minimum fresh air rate per person (l/s/person or CFM).
3-Min fresh air (Per area) - maximum natural ventilation rate is defined using Minimum fresh air
requirements as set on the Activity tab. The air flow rate in m3/s is calculated as:
m3/s = l/s-m2 x ZoneFloorArea / 1000
where ZoneFloorArea is the actual floor area of the space.
MinFreshAir is the minimum fresh air rate per floor area (l/s-m2 or CFM/ft2).
4-Min fresh air (Sum per person + per area) - maximum natural ventilation rate is defined using
Minimum fresh air requirements for both as set on the Activity tab. The air flow rate in m3/s is
calculated as:
m3/s = (l/s-m2 x ZoneFloorArea + MinFreshAir x NumberPeople)/ 1000
where ZoneFloorArea is the actual floor area of the space.
MinFreshAir is the minimum fresh air rate per floor area (l/s-m2 or CFM/ft2).
NumberPeople = Occupancy density (people / m2) * Zone floor area (m2).
MinFreshAir is the minimum fresh air rate per person (l/s/person or CFM).
5-Min fresh air (Max per person and per area) - maximum natural ventilation rate is defined using
Minimum fresh air requirements for both as set on the Activity tab. The air flow rate in m3/s is
calculated as:
m3/s = Maximum of (l/s-m2 x ZoneFloorArea / 1000) and (MinFreshAir x
NumberPeople/ 1000)
where ZoneFloorArea is the actual floor area of the space.
MinFreshAir is the minimum fresh air rate per floor area (l/s-m2 or CFM/ft2).
NumberPeople = Occupancy density (people / m2) * Zone floor area (m2).
MinFreshAir is the minimum fresh air rate per person (l/s/person or CFM).
Window Shading
The actual minimum amount of outside air entering the AHU can be modified by the Minimum AHU outside
air requirement schedule (below).
Note however that this value is used unmodified by any schedules for Heating design calculations when
mechanical ventilation is switched on and included in the analysis.
HVAC tab in model data - Simple HVAC
The data required to define the heating system will depend on whether the HVAC model option is set to
Simple or Compact and if set to Compact the type of Compact HVAC system selected.
The heating capacity can either be entered by hand or can be Autosized using the Heating Design
Calculations. By default, if immediately prior to a Simulation the heating capacity has not been entered
(neither by hand nor from a previous Heating design calculation) then a Heating design autosizing simulation
is started to calculate the capacity. The Plant sizing building model option controls the way this works.
You can change heating capacities by hand if you wish but you should bear in mind that, by default, if Model
Options change, all heating and cooling capacities are reset to zero. Set the Plant sizing model option to '2Manual' to avoid this happening.
If the HVAC system is Unitary multizone then the central heating coil capacity is calculated as the sum of the
individual zone heating energy requirements.
Heating fuel
Select the type of fuel used to generate the heating energy - choose from:
Interface Fuel Name
1-Electricity from grid
2-Natural Gas
8-Smokeless Fuel (inc Coke)
9-Dual Fuel Appliances (Mineral + Wood)
11-Waste Heat
Fuel in results
Solid fuel
Bottled gas
Bottled gas
Solid fuel
Solid fuel
You should select 1-Electricity from grid you wish the results displayed in DesignBuilder to agree with those
calculated by EnergyPlus directly for District heating and displayed on the Summary tab of the Simulation
- 287 -
Heating system CoP data is specified by zone so you can model different heating efficiencies in each zone.
But generally you should access this data from the building level and allow zones to take on building default.
1-Convective - the space is heated by an air system and controlled to the air temperature set point.
The system is modelled using the EnergyPlus "Ideal Loads" system.
2-Radiative/convective units - used for modelling general systems where a radiant heat is a factor.
Allows modelling of convective systems, hot water radiator systems, underfloor heating systems,
baseboard heating etc. using EnergyPlus 'High Temp Radiant System'.
When using Simple HVAC you can specify the heating supply air conditions of the air.
When the Simple HVAC, 1-Room ventilation Mechanical ventilation and 1-DesignBuilder Simple
HVAC autosizing method model options are set you can model radiant heating systems. Set the
heating system type as 2-Radiant/convective units (above) and enter the heating radiant fraction and
the way radiant heat is distributed through the space.
Important: Recent versions of EnergyPlus no longer support the radiant/convective option combined
with Simple HVAC cooling systems, so if you need radiant heating and cooling in the same zone then
you should switch to Detailed HVAC.
Radiant distribution
The Radiant distribution allows you to control how the radiant heat from the Radiant unit is distributed
around the room. Options are:
Note: for all Simple HVAC systems, heating setpoint temperatures are defined on the Activity tab.
- 288 -
Window Shading
Heating operation schedule
This schedule data is used in conjunction with the heating setpoint temperatures on the Activity tab to define
the time-varying heating setpoint schedule in the zone. The operation schedule defines the times when full
and setback setpoints should be met and the setpoint data on the Activity tab define the actual setpoint
values. See Defining setpoint temperature schedules for more on this.
Note: the zone heating operation schedule is also used in Detailed HVAC with the default 1-Simple HVAC
Detailed HVAC Activity data setting.
HVAC tab in model data - Simple HVAC
You can enter details on the cooling system including the maximum capacity (at zone level).
Cooling system
This item is shown with a green background as it is used in Cooling design calculations only. The data is
normally used to group zones together that are served by the same AHU. This allows the cooling capacity of
the AHU to be calculated on the Cooling design screen.
By default DesignBuilder provides a single Cooling system called Default and all zones are allocated to it.
You can create new Cooling systems and select them in the same that any other component such as a
glazing system would be created and selected. Cooling systems have no data other than a name.
Cooling capacity
The Cooling capacity can either be entered by hand or can be Autosized using the Cooling Design
Calculations. If, immediately prior to a Simulation the Cooling capacity has not been entered (neither by hand
nor from a previous Cooling Design Calculation) then a Cooling design autosizing simulation is started to
calculate the capacity. The Plant sizing building model option controls the way this works.
You can change cooling capacities by hand if you wish but you should bear in mind that, by default, if Model
Options change, all heating and cooling capacities are reset to zero. Set the Plant sizing model option to '2Manual' to avoid this happening.
Cooling fuel
Select the type of fuel used to generate the cooling energy - choose from:
Interface Fuel Name
Fuel in results
- 289 -
Solid fuel
Bottled gas
Bottled gas
Solid fuel
Solid fuel
You should select 1-Electricity from grid you wish the results displayed in DesignBuilder to agree with those
calculated by EnergyPlus directly for District cooling and displayed on the Summary tab of the Simulation
Cooling operation schedule
This schedule data is used in conjunction with the cooling setpoint temperatures on the Activity tab to define
the time-varying cooling setpoint schedule in the zone. The operation schedule defines the times when full
and setback setpoints should be met and the setpoint data on the Activity tab define the actual setpoint
values. See Defining setpoint temperature schedules for more on this.
Note: the zone cooling operation schedule is also used in Detailed HVAC with the default 1-Simple HVAC
Detailed HVAC Activity data setting.
Humidity Control
HVAC tab in model data - Simple HVAC
When using the Ideal loads Mechanical ventilation method you have the option to control humidity by
checking the Humidification and/or Dehumidification checkboxes on the HVAC tab.
Note: In real HVAC systems humidity control can require considerable energy consumption to achieve. If you
require an accurate assessment of this energy then you should consider using Detailed HVAC humidity
control which allows you to track energy flows in more detail.
Humidification control type
When humidification is selected there are 2 further options:
1-Constant supply humidity ratio means that during heating the supply air will always be at the
Maximum heating supply humidity ratio.
- 290 -
Window Shading
2-Humidistat means that the humidity in the zone is controlled using the Humidification setpoint
defined on the Activity tab. The ideal loads system will attempt to meet the humidistat request, i.e. it will
humidify according to the setpoint.
Dehumidification control type
When dehumidification is selected there are 3 further options:
1-Constant supply humidity ratio means that during cooling the supply air will always be at the
Minimum cooling supply humidity ratio.
2-Humidistat means that the humidity in the zone is controlled using the Dehumidification setpoint
defined on the Activity tab. The ideal loads system will attempt to meet the humidistat request, i.e. it will
dehumidify according to the setpoint.
3-Constant sensible heat ratio. means that the ideal loads system will be controlled to meet the
sensible cooling load, and the latent cooling rate will be computed using the constant sensible heat
ratio (SHR) defined below.
For 3-Constant sensible heat ratio and 2-Humidistat options, if the mixed air humidity ratio is less than the
target humidity ratio, then the mixed air humidity ratio will be used. For all options, the supply air humidity ratio
will never be allowed to exceed saturation at the supply dry bulb temperature. The selected dehumidification
control type is always applied when the unit is in cooling mode. If the unit is in deadband mode (not actively
heating the supply air) control type Humidistat will be active. If the unit is in heating mode, control type
Humidistat will be active if the Humidification Control Type field below is set to Humidistat or None. This allows
the ideal loads system to heat and dehumidify at the same time.
Compact HVAC
HVAC tab in model data - Compact HVAC
Important Note: Now that Detailed HVAC is available in v3 and later we strongly recommend this in
preference to Compact HVAC as it provides much more control over the HVAC simulation without a lot of
extra work being required to set up the data. Compact HVAC is now a deprecated feature and may not be
supported in future releases.
Compact HVAC systems are used when the HVAC model option is set to Compact and can be a useful entry
route into EnergyPlus HVAC modelling allowing you to model HVAC systems in quite some detail without the
need to draw an air flow network and deal with the complexities of control systems and node connections. You
can model many common HVAC systems including VAV with terminal reheat, VAV with PIU, Constant
volume, Fan coil units, Packaged DX units and Mechanical ventilation.
Compact HVAC is intermediate in detail between the Simple and Detailed HVAC model options. The
heating/cooling systems defined in DesignBuilder using Compact HVAC descriptions are automatically
expanded into detailed HVAC definitions behind the scenes and modelled in EnergyPlus including
components such as boiler, chiller, coils, pump, cooling tower and fan part-load characteristics.
EnergyPlus simulations are carried out on the detailed HVAC component models generated by DesignBuilder
from the compact descriptions.
When the HVAC model option is set to Compact, there are 5 HVAC system types:
- 291 -
System type
When using Compact HVAC data, the HVAC Type is displayed beneath the Template. This cannot be edited
directly - if you want to choose a different HVAC system type you should do this by selecting an appropriate
System availability
When using Compact HVAC data, the system availability schedule can be defined to control the overall
operation of the HVAC system, including heating, cooling and ventilation. This schedule is used at the building
level for 2-Unitary multizone, 3-VAV and 5-CAV systems and at the zone level for 1-Unitary single zone
and 5-Fan coil.
Only one CAV, VAV or Unitary multizone system can be defined per building.
If you select Unitary multizone, CAV or VAV at zone level, then the same selection must be made at
building level.
You can enter Fan coil and Unitary single zone systems in any zone without concern for the selection
at building level.
Pumps are modelled using typical default data.
Unitary multizone and Fan coil units cannot be used in same building.
Fan coil units are incompatible with Calculated natural ventilation.
HVAC Components
While most Compact HVAC data is entered directly on the HVAC model data tab, the following HVAC
components are used in Compact HVAC:
Performance Curves
- 292 -
FCU Ventilation
Note 1: EnergyPlus fan coil supply fans run continuously at full speed whenever the availability schedules are
> 0 so fan coil outside air flow can be 'fully on' or 'fully off' but cannot reduce to fractional values in between.
You may therefore get higher outside air delivery rates than with other
System availability
The system availability schedule can be defined to control the overall operation of the HVAC system, including
heating, cooling and ventilation. This schedule is used at the zone level for Fan coil units.
You can also open headers to enter HVAC details where they are different from those loaded from the
FCU Ventilation
FCU Heating
FCU Cooling
FCU Ventilation
HVAC tab in model data under Mechanical Ventilation header - Compact HVAC
You can set the amount, timing and control of outside air delivery through the HVAC air distribution system on
the HVAC tab.
Outside air requirement data is set at the zone level on the HVAC tab.
The Mech Vent + Nat Vent + Infiltration data is displayed on the Heating design, Cooling design and
Simulation screens when you select 1-All or 3-Comfort data. This is the sum of fresh air delivered through the
HVAC system, infiltration and natural ventilation outside airflow in air changes per hour (ac/h) and when used
together with the other environmental output it can be very useful in checking for occupant discomfort.
- 293 -
1-By zone - enter the zone outside air delivery rate in air changes per hour in the control directly
below. The air flow rate in m3/s is calculated from the ac/h data using:
m3/s = ac/h x ZoneVolume / 3600
where ZoneVolume is the actual air volume of the space calculated according to Model options for
excluding floor/ceiling constructions.
Note: this zone volume may be slightly different from the value used for the purposes of calculating air
flow rates for infiltration which uses the total zone volume.
2-Min fresh air (Per person) - maximum natural ventilation rate is defined using Minimum fresh air
requirements per person as set on the Activity tab. The air flow rate in m3/s is calculated as:
m3/s = MinFreshAir x NumberPeople / 1000
NumberPeople = Occupancy density (people / m2) * Zone floor area (m2).
MinFreshAir is the minimum fresh air rate per person (l/s/person or CFM).
3-Min fresh air (Per area) - maximum natural ventilation rate is defined using Minimum fresh air
requirements as set on the Activity tab. The air flow rate in m3/s is calculated as:
m3/s = l/s-m2 x ZoneFloorArea / 1000
where ZoneFloorArea is the actual floor area of the space.
MinFreshAir is the minimum fresh air rate per floor area (l/s-m2 or CFM/ft2).
4-Min fresh air (Sum per person + per area) - maximum natural ventilation rate is defined using
Minimum fresh air requirements for both as set on the Activity tab. The air flow rate in m3/s is
calculated as:
m3/s = (l/s-m2 x ZoneFloorArea + MinFreshAir x NumberPeople)/ 1000
where ZoneFloorArea is the actual floor area of the space.
MinFreshAir is the minimum fresh air rate per floor area (l/s-m2 or CFM/ft2).
NumberPeople = Occupancy density (people / m2) * Zone floor area (m2).
MinFreshAir is the minimum fresh air rate per person (l/s/person or CFM).
5-Min fresh air (Max per person and per area) - maximum natural ventilation rate is defined using
Minimum fresh air requirements for both as set on the Activity tab. The air flow rate in m3/s is
calculated as:
m3/s = Maximum of (l/s-m2 x ZoneFloorArea / 1000) and (MinFreshAir x
NumberPeople/ 1000)
where ZoneFloorArea is the actual floor area of the space.
MinFreshAir is the minimum fresh air rate per floor area (l/s-m2 or CFM/ft2).
NumberPeople = Occupancy density (people / m2) * Zone floor area (m2).
MinFreshAir is the minimum fresh air rate per person (l/s/person or CFM).
- 294 -
FCU Heating
Note however that this value is used unmodified by any schedules for Heating design calculations when
mechanical ventilation is switched on and included in the analysis.
FCU Heating
HVAC tab in model data HVAC tab - Compact HVAC
The data required to define the heating system will depend on whether the HVAC model option is set to
Simple or Compact and if set to Compact the type of Compact HVAC system selected.
Heating capacity
The heating capacity can either be entered by hand or can be Autosized using the Heating Design
Calculations. By default, if immediately prior to a Simulation the heating capacity has not been entered
(neither by hand nor from a previous Heating design calculation) then a Heating design autosizing simulation
is started to calculate the capacity. The Plant sizing building model option controls the way this works.
You can change heating capacities by hand if you wish but you should bear in mind that, by default, if Model
Options change, all heating and cooling capacities are reset to zero. Set the Plant sizing model option to '2Manual' to avoid this happening.
If the HVAC system is Unitary multizone then the central heating coil capacity is calculated as the sum of the
individual zone heating energy requirements.
At building level you can select the boiler to be used to provide hot water to FCU heating coils. Only one boiler
can be specified for the whole building, i.e. there is only a single hot water circuit served by one boiler in
Compact HVAC simulations.
Heating operation schedule
This schedule data is used in conjunction with the heating setpoint temperatures on the Activity tab to define
the time-varying heating setpoint schedule in the zone. The operation schedule defines the times when full
and setback setpoints should be met and the setpoint data on the Activity tab define the actual setpoint
values. See Defining setpoint temperature schedules for more on this.
FCU Cooling
HVAC tab in model data - Compact HVAC
You can enter details on the cooling system including the maximum capacity (at zone level).
- 295 -
Cooling capacity
The Cooling capacity can either be entered by hand or can be Autosized using the Cooling Design
Calculations. If, immediately prior to a Simulation the Cooling capacity has not been entered (neither by hand
nor from a previous Cooling Design Calculation) then a Cooling design autosizing simulation is started to
calculate the capacity. The Plant sizing building model option controls the way this works.
You can change cooling capacities by hand if you wish but you should bear in mind that, by default, if Model
Options change, all heating and cooling capacities are reset to zero. Set the Plant sizing model option to '2Manual' to avoid this happening.
At building level select the chiller to be used to provide cold water to cooling coils. Only one chiller can be
specified for the whole building in Compact HVAC, i.e. there is only a single cold water circuit served by one
chiller in Compact HVAC simulations.
1-Single speed
2- Two speed
The EnergyPlus equipment object types which are used are CoolingTower:SingleSpeed or
Cooling operation schedule
This schedule data is used in conjunction with the cooling setpoint temperatures on the Activity tab to define
the time-varying cooling setpoint schedule in the zone. The operation schedule defines the times when full
and setback setpoints should be met and the setpoint data on the Activity tab define the actual setpoint
values. See Defining setpoint temperature schedules for more on this.
Unitary Systems
HVAC tab in model data - Compact HVAC
DesignBuilder Compact HVAC provides 2 types of unitary system:
Unitary Single Zone
Unitary Multizone
These are described below.
FCU Cooling
Note: With Unitary single zone systems each zone has its own 'AHU' and so, unlike the Unitary multizone,
CAV and VAV Compact HVAC types, Unitary single zone systems take all their data from the zone level.
System availability
You can model unitary single zone systems with or without outside air. If you include Air distribution with your
Unitary single zone system then heating and cooling will only operate when the Air distribution operation
schedule is on.
If you do not want to include outside air in your system, you should uncheck the Mechanical ventilation 'On'
check box. In this case heating/cooling availability is determined entirely from the heating/cooling operation
schedules under the Heating and Cooling headers.
The Unitary multizone option allows you to model constant volume direct-expansion (DX) based HVAC
configurations with several different heating options. Direct expansion (DX) includes single packaged rooftop
systems commonly seen in commercial buildings and split systems commonly seen in residential buildings. In
this system, central heating and cooling coils are used to condition air which is delivered to the each of the
zones in the system through an air delivery system. Air delivery can be set up to ensure minimum fresh air
supply and there are options for economisers to provide free cooling and heat recovery.
For a multizone system, only one zone is specified as the control zone. The thermostat is located in this
control zone as set by the Thermostatic control zone for unitary system at the top of the HVAC tab at zone
level. So when using this system you should be careful to locate the thermostat in a zone which will have a
representative temperature for the whole building, otherwise some zones may become over/under
Only one Unitary multizone system can be defined per building.
- 297 -
The Compact HVAC type must be set to Unitary multizone at building level and in all zones which are part of
the system. Other zones can have HVAC type Unitary single zone or Fan coil units but not VAV or CAV.
Technical EnergyPlus
For both single and multi zone unitary systems, EnergyPlus needs both the heating coil and cooling DX coil to
be defined so even if heating or cooling is not selected in the input, DesignBuilder will include both coils in the
IDF data supplied to EnergyPlus and schedule the appropriate coil to be off.
System type
When using Compact HVAC data, the HVAC Type is displayed beneath the Template. This cannot be edited
directly - if you want to choose a different HVAC system type you should do this by selecting an appropriate
System availability
When using Compact HVAC data, the system availability schedule can be defined to control the overall
operation of the HVAC system, including heating, cooling and ventilation. This schedule is used at the building
level for 2-Unitary multizone systems and at the zone level for 5-Fan coil.
Unitary Ventilation
Unitary Economisers
Unitary Heating
Unitary Cooling
Unitary Humidity Control
Unitary Ventilation
HVAC tab in model data under Mechanical Ventilation header - Compact HVAC
Check the mechanical ventilation checkbox to indicate that outside air and/or re-circulated air is delivered to
the zone. You can use this setting to define mechanical ventilation and air delivered through centrally ducted
air conditioning systems.
Note that Mechanical Ventilation data refers to the fan-powered air delivery through the main HVAC system
and not a separate mechanical ventilation system.
You can set the amount, timing and control of outside air delivery through the HVAC air distribution system on
the HVAC tab.
Outside air requirement data is set at the zone level on the HVAC tab for all HVAC configurations
and options.
Outside air flow control through the AHU when using 2-Unitary multizone calculated set at
building level based on the sum of the individual zones connected to the system.
The Mech Vent + Nat Vent + Infiltration data can be displayed on the Heating design, Cooling design and
Simulation screens when you select 1-All or 3-Comfort data. This is the sum of fresh air delivered through the
HVAC system, infiltration and natural ventilation outside airflow in air changes per hour (ac/h) and when used
together with the other environmental output it can be useful in checking for occupant discomfort.
1-By zone - enter the zone outside air delivery rate in air changes per hour in the control directly
below. The air flow rate in m3/s is calculated from the ac/h data using:
m3/s = ac/h x ZoneVolume / 3600
where ZoneVolume is the actual air volume of the space calculated according to Model options for
excluding floor/ceiling constructions.
Note: this zone volume may be slightly different from the value used for the purposes of calculating air
flow rates for infiltration which uses the total zone volume.
2-Min fresh air (Per person) - maximum natural ventilation rate is defined using Minimum fresh air
requirements per person as set on the Activity tab. The air flow rate in m3/s is calculated as:
m3/s = MinFreshAir x NumberPeople / 1000
NumberPeople = Occupancy density (people / m2) * Zone floor area (m2).
MinFreshAir is the minimum fresh air rate per person (l/s/person or CFM).
3-Min fresh air (Per area) - maximum natural ventilation rate is defined using Minimum fresh air
requirements as set on the Activity tab. The air flow rate in m3/s is calculated as:
m3/s = l/s-m2 x ZoneFloorArea / 1000
- 299 -
4-Min fresh air (Sum per person + per area) - maximum natural ventilation rate is defined using
Minimum fresh air requirements for both as set on the Activity tab. The air flow rate in m3/s is
calculated as:
m3/s = (l/s-m2 x ZoneFloorArea + MinFreshAir x NumberPeople)/ 1000
where ZoneFloorArea is the actual floor area of the space.
MinFreshAir is the minimum fresh air rate per floor area (l/s-m2 or CFM/ft2).
NumberPeople = Occupancy density (people / m2) * Zone floor area (m2).
MinFreshAir is the minimum fresh air rate per person (l/s/person or CFM).
5-Min fresh air (Max per person and per area) - maximum natural ventilation rate is defined using
Minimum fresh air requirements for both as set on the Activity tab. The air flow rate in m3/s is
calculated as:
m3/s = Maximum of (l/s-m2 x ZoneFloorArea / 1000) and (MinFreshAir x
NumberPeople/ 1000)
where ZoneFloorArea is the actual floor area of the space.
MinFreshAir is the minimum fresh air rate per floor area (l/s-m2 or CFM/ft2).
NumberPeople = Occupancy density (people / m2) * Zone floor area (m2).
MinFreshAir is the minimum fresh air rate per person (l/s/person or CFM).
- 300 -
Unitary Fans
Unitary Fans
HVAC tab in model data under Mechanical Ventilation header - Compact HVAC
For most commercial buildings, continuous fan operation will continue to supply outside air to the zones as
typically required by code. For continuous fan operation, the System Availability Schedule is the supply fan
operating schedule. For systems where the supply fan only runs when either cooling or heating needs to be
supplied to the zone such as for many residential systems, cycling should be specified.
Heat recovery is switched on at the building level for unitary multizone systems and at zone level for
Unitary single zone systems AND
The heat recovery schedule has a value of 1 AND
When economiser operation is off.
You can have heat recovery and no Economiser action by switching on Heat recovery and setting economiser
to 1-None. In this case the heat recovery units heats outside air using the Heat recovery heating setpoint
temperature above. It also cools outside air when return air temperature is lower than outside air
If the economiser is selected together with heat recovery then the Heat recovery heating setpoint
temperature data is not shown and the effective heat recovery setpoint temperature is given by the lower
economiser limit temperature.
Unitary Economisers
HVAC tab in model data under Mechanical Ventilation header - Compact HVAC
Economisers are used to provide cooling when the outdoor temperature is lower than the indoor temperature.
An economizer is a damper opening that draws up to 100% outside air when the outside air is cooler than the
temperature inside the building, thereby providing free cooling. An outdoor air economy cycle can reduce
cooling energy requirements by some 20% to 30%, or around 5% of the air conditioning energy use and are
often required by energy codes for larger air conditioning units.
See under Heat recovery for information about how economisers interact with heat recovery.
Note: Economiser operation applies to the overall HVAC system and so for Unitary multizone systems its
data is set at building level. For Unitary single zone systems the data at zone level is used.
- 302 -
Unitary Heating
1-None where no economizer operation will be simulated and outside fresh air is based purely on the
Mechanical ventilation Outside air rate and associated operation schedule.
2-Differential dry bulb the economizer increases the outdoor air flow rate above the minimum outdoor
air flow when there is a cooling load and the outdoor air temperature or enthalpy is below the zone
exhaust air temperature.
3-Differential enthalpy the economizer increases the outdoor air flow rate above the minimum outdoor
air flow when there is a cooling load and the outdoor air enthalpy is below that of the zone exhaust air.
4-Differential dry bulb and enthalpy - where both the above limit controls are in operation, i.e. both
temperature or enthalpy limits are used so that when either the temperature or the enthalpy of the air
entering the mixer on the outside air side is greater than the return air temperature/enthalpy, the
outside airflow rate is set to the minimum.
In addition to the above checks, the economiser can also have absolute limits on temperature and enthalpy of
the outside air. When the outside air conditions go beyond these limits the EnergyPlus economiser switches to
minimum outside air mode, i.e. the outside air damper is closed to its minimum position and heat recovery will
be enabled if available.
Unitary systems can also have lockout control:
Unitary Heating
HVAC tab in model data - Compact HVAC
This data is only visible at zone level and only when the Manual sizing model option is selected. The heating
capacity can either be entered by hand or can be autosized using the Heating Design Calculations. By default,
if immediately prior to a Simulation the heating capacity has not been entered (neither by hand nor from a
previous Heating design calculation) then a Heating design autosizing simulation is started to calculate the
capacity. The Plant sizing building model option controls the way this works.
You can change heating capacities by hand if you wish but you should bear in mind that, by default, if Model
Options change, all heating and cooling capacities are reset to zero. Set the Plant sizing model option to 2Manual to avoid this happening.
- 303 -
If the HVAC system is Unitary multizone then the central heating coil capacity is calculated as the sum of the
individual zone heating energy requirements.
A single set of heating plant data is required per building and all unitary zones in the building refer to this data
when plant fuel consumption is calculated.
Fuel in results
Solid fuel
Bottled gas
Bottled gas
Solid fuel
Solid fuel
You should select 1-Electricity from grid you wish the results displayed in DesignBuilder to agree with those
calculated by EnergyPlus directly and displayed on the Summary tab of the Simulation screen.
- 304 -
Unitary Cooling
To use radiant/baseboard heating switch on the option under the Heating header on the HVAC tab and enter
information on:
Choose between:
1-Hot water - where the radiator/baseboard coils are served by hot water from the main heating
system. In this case you can also enter a radiant fraction to model radiant heat (more below).
2-Electric - where the radiator/baseboard coils are heated by electricity and heating is
considered to be entirely convective.
This option is only available for single zone unitary systems:
1-Supplements main heating - where the radiator/baseboard coils provide additional backup
heating in cases where the heating setpoint temperature has not been satisfied by the main
heating system.
2-Replaces main heating - where the radiator/baseboard coils are used instead of the main
unitary single zone heating coils.This option allows you to model radiant heating systems.
Radiant fraction
Radiant fraction specifies what fraction of the power input to the radiator/baseboard heater is actually
transferred to the space as radiant heat. The fraction should be between 0 and 1. This is the portion of
the total power that is modelled as radiant, the remaining energy is added to the zone as convective
heat transfer. The portion that is radiant heat transfer from the baseboard heater is distributed to people
and specific surfaces using the remaining fields.
This option is only available for hot-water radiator/baseboard systems.
Technical Notes
1. Entering a value greater than zero will cause a the EnergyPlus
ZoneHVAC:Baseboard:RadiantConvective:Water system to be used instead of the default
ZoneHVAC:Baseboard:Convective:Electric system as a post-process to the idf data.
2. The radiant heat is transferred to the floor, or if the floor is smaller than 1m2, then to the
largest other surface in the zone.
3. A default of 10% of the radiant heat is assumed to fall directly on the zone occupants and
this is subsequently convected into the zone.
Unitary Multizone
When using the 2-Unitary multizone system type, the operating schedule for the central heating coils is set
under the AHU Heating Coil Operation header at building level.
Note: only one set of zone thermostatic control data is used per Unitary multizone system - this is the zone for
which Thermostatic control zone for unitary system is selected.
Heating operation schedule
This schedule data is used in conjunction with the heating setpoint temperatures on the Activity tab to define
the time-varying heating setpoint schedule in the zone. The operation schedule defines the times when full
and setback setpoints should be met and the setpoint data on the Activity tab define the actual setpoint
values. See Defining setpoint temperature schedules for more on this.
Unitary Cooling
HVAC tab in model data - Compact HVAC
- 305 -
Cooling capacity
This data is only visible at zone level and only when the Manual sizing model option is selected. The Cooling
capacity can either be entered by hand or can be autosized using the Cooling Design Calculations. If,
immediately prior to a Simulation the Cooling capacity has not been entered (neither by hand nor from a
previous Cooling Design Calculation) then a Cooling design autosizing simulation is started to calculate the
capacity. The Plant sizing building model option controls the way this works.
You can change cooling capacities by hand if you wish but you should bear in mind that, by default, if Model
Options change, all heating and cooling capacities are reset to zero. Set the Plant sizing model option to 2Manual to avoid this happening.
A single set of cooling plant data is required per building and all unitary zones in the building refer to this data
when plant fuel consumption is calculated.
Fuel in results
Solid fuel
Bottled gas
Bottled gas
Solid fuel
Solid fuel
You should select 1-Electricity from grid you wish the results displayed in DesignBuilder to agree with those
calculated by EnergyPlus directly and displayed on the Summary tab of the Simulation screen.
- 306 -
Cooling operation schedule
This schedule data is used in conjunction with the cooling setpoint temperatures on the Activity tab to define
the time-varying cooling setpoint schedule in the zone. The operation schedule defines the times when full
and setback setpoints should be met and the setpoint data on the Activity tab define the actual setpoint
values. See Defining setpoint temperature schedules for more on this.
To include humidification check the Humidification checkbox and make further settings. The humidifier is
electric powered and the data required is: availability schedule, rated capacity and water supply rate. The
humidification setpoint is defined on the Activity tab.
For Unitary multizone systems you must also define the humidification control zone.
To include dehumidification check the Dehumidification checkbox and make further settings. The
dehumidification setpoint is defined on the Activity tab.
For Unitary multizone systems you must also define the humidification control zone.
Control type
For unitary systems, there are two dehumidification control type options available:
1-Cool-Reheat Heating Coil cools beyond the dry-bulb setpoint as required to meet the humidity
setpoint if the system is capable of doing so. Reheat is provided as required by the heating coil. In the
simulation, two instances of the heating coil are modelled, one for heating, and one for reheat. The two
coil objects represent the same physical coil and never operate simultaneously.
2-Cool-Reheat Desuperheater cools beyond the dry-bulb setpoint as required to meet the humidity
setpoint if the system is capable of doing so. Reheat is provided by a desuperheater coil.
For Unitary multizone systems you must also define the dehumidification control zone.
Note that dehumidification will result in simultaneous heating and cooling to achieve reduced humidity of the
zone air.
- 307 -
Note: EnergyPlus autosizing does not yet account for dehumidification so in many cases you will have to
increase the Compact HVAC sizing factor above the default of 1.2 to a value up to 10 to obtain adequate
cooling coil sizes, depending on latent loads and the dehumidification setpoint.
Note: If you use one of the reheat dehumidifiers you must have reheat available to heat during times when
dehumidification is required. In practice this normally means having reheat available all year.
Note: You may need to use shorter timesteps for accurate humidity control. We recommend 10 per hour.
HVAC tab in model data - Compact HVAC
VAV (variable air volume) and CAV (constant volume) system types are both based on the EnergyPlus VAV
system type and so have similar common data entry.
The VAV option allows you to model Variable Air Volume (VAV) HVAC configuration with optional preheat, air
handling unit heating and cooling coils and reheat and several different heating coil options. You can select
series or parallel fan powered terminal units (also known as powered induction units or PIU). There are
options to control the air distribution system in various ways including the ability to ensure minimum fresh air
delivery to each zone, set VAV box minimum flow fraction and various outside air options including an
economiser to provide free cooling when appropriate and heat recovery. You can also model heating and
cooling coil temperature reset.
Only one VAV system can be defined per building.
Note: the Compact HVAC type must be set to VAV at building level and in all zones which are part of the VAV
system. Other zones can have HVAC type Unitary single zone or Fan coil units but not Unitary multizone
or CAV.
- 308 -
The CAV option allows you to model Constant Air Volume HVAC configuration with optional preheat, main
AHU heating coils and zone terminal reheat and several different heating coil options. There are options to
control the air distribution system in various ways including the ability to ensure minimum fresh air delivery to
each zone, set various outside air options including an economiser to provide free cooling when appropriate
and heating and cooling coil temperature reset .
Only one CAV system can be defined per building.
Note: the Compact HVAC type must be set to CAV at building level and in all zones which are part of the CAV
system. Other zones can have HVAC type Unitary single zone or Fan coil units but not Unitary multizone
or VAV.
- 309 -
System type
When using Compact HVAC data, the HVAC Type is displayed beneath the Template. This cannot be edited
directly - if you want to choose a different HVAC system type you should do this by selecting an appropriate
System availability
When using Compact HVAC data, the system availability schedule can be defined to control the overall
operation of the HVAC system, including heating, cooling and ventilation. This schedule is used at the building
level for VAV and CAV systems.
The rest of this section covers both VAV and CAV with differences pointed out where appropriate.
You can also open headers to enter HVAC details where they are different from those loaded from the
- 310 -
The mechanical ventilation checkbox must be checked for VAV and CAV systems. You can use this setting to
define mechanical ventilation and air delivered through centrally ducted air conditioning systems.
Note that Mechanical Ventilation data refers to the fan-powered air delivery through the main HVAC system
and not a separate mechanical ventilation system.
You can set the amount, timing and control of outside air delivery through the HVAC air distribution system on
the HVAC tab.
Outside air requirement data is set at the zone level on the HVAC tab for all HVAC configurations
and options.
Outside air flow control through the AHU is calculated at building from the sum of the outside air
requirements of each zone connected to the system.
The Mech Vent + Nat Vent + Infiltration data can be displayed on the Heating design, Cooling design and
Simulation screens when you select 1-All or 3-Comfort data. This is the sum of fresh air delivered through the
HVAC system, infiltration and natural ventilation outside airflow in air changes per hour (ac/h) and when used
together with the other environmental output it can be very useful in checking for occupant discomfort.
1-By zone - enter the zone outside air delivery rate in air changes per hour in the control directly
below. The air flow rate in m3/s is calculated from the ac/h data using:
m3/s = ac/h x ZoneVolume / 3600
where ZoneVolume is the actual air volume of the space calculated according to Model options for
excluding floor/ceiling constructions.
Note: this zone volume may be slightly different from the value used for the purposes of calculating air
flow rates for infiltration which uses the total zone volume.
2-Min fresh air (Per person) - maximum natural ventilation rate is defined using Minimum fresh air
requirements per person as set on the Activity tab. The air flow rate in m3/s is calculated as:
m3/s = MinFreshAir x NumberPeople / 1000
NumberPeople = Occupancy density (people / m2) * Zone floor area (m2).
MinFreshAir is the minimum fresh air rate per person (l/s/person or CFM).
3-Min fresh air (Per area) - maximum natural ventilation rate is defined using Minimum fresh air
requirements as set on the Activity tab. The air flow rate in m3/s is calculated as:
m3/s = l/s-m2 x ZoneFloorArea / 1000
where ZoneFloorArea is the actual floor area of the space.
MinFreshAir is the minimum fresh air rate per floor area (l/s-m2 or CFM/ft2).
- 311 -
4-Min fresh air (Sum per person + per area) - maximum natural ventilation rate is defined using
Minimum fresh air requirements for both as set on the Activity tab. The air flow rate in m3/s is
calculated as:
m3/s = (l/s-m2 x ZoneFloorArea + MinFreshAir x NumberPeople)/ 1000
where ZoneFloorArea is the actual floor area of the space.
MinFreshAir is the minimum fresh air rate per floor area (l/s-m2 or CFM/ft2).
NumberPeople = Occupancy density (people / m2) * Zone floor area (m2).
MinFreshAir is the minimum fresh air rate per person (l/s/person or CFM).
5-Min fresh air (Max per person and per area) - maximum natural ventilation rate is defined using
Minimum fresh air requirements for both as set on the Activity tab. The air flow rate in m3/s is
calculated as:
m3/s = Maximum of (l/s-m2 x ZoneFloorArea / 1000) and (MinFreshAir x
NumberPeople/ 1000)
where ZoneFloorArea is the actual floor area of the space.
MinFreshAir is the minimum fresh air rate per floor area (l/s-m2 or CFM/ft2).
NumberPeople = Occupancy density (people / m2) * Zone floor area (m2).
MinFreshAir is the minimum fresh air rate per person (l/s/person or CFM).
- 312 -
1-Recirculation - the outside airflow supply to the AHU is mixed with recirculated return air from the
zones. This is done to save energy often in conjunction with an economiser to ensure that optimal use
is made of outside air. When heat recovery is used with the 1-Recirculation outside air mixing option,
the economiser must be selected in the interface for the heat recovery to be by-passed.
2-Full fresh air - the airflow into the AHU is 100% outside air, without any recirculation. This is
modelled in EnergyPlus by setting the supply airflow rate to the outside air flow rate. Note that when
using this option, fixing the supply air flow rate to the outside air rate will in many cases mean that the
system will not be capable of meeting the design cooling load. To increase the maximum cooling
capacity of a Full fresh air VAV/CAV system you can increase the outside air flow rate (such systems
could be very inefficient in energy use without heat recovery). When heat recovery is used with the 2Full fresh air outside air mixing option, the heat recovery is by-passed when this is advantageous in
reducing AHU cooling coil loads. The heat recovery also operates when the outside air temperature is
less than 12C.
Note: for Full fresh air systems, to ensure that a) there is no recirculation and b) that the requested
fresh air flow rate is provided, you must set the HVAC sizing factor to 1 (the default is 1.2)
1-Fixed - the minimum outside air flow rate is fixed as set above no matter what the actual system flow
rate is. In practice even with 'Fixed' outside air control minimum it is possible for the outside air flow
rate into individual zones to be slightly different from the requested value. This is because the minimum
outside air is controlled at the AHU level to ensure that the total fresh air entering the AHU is the total
required for the building (the sum of the individual zone outside air requirements). But depending on
the heating/cooling loads in each zone, some zones will require more supply air to meet the load than
others. So the total fresh air entering the building will be correctly set as the sum of all the zone
minimum fresh air requirements as specified but the distribution around the building may not be
perfectly maintained.
2-Proportional - the minimum outside air flow rate varies in proportion to the total system air flow rate.
The minimum outside air flow rate through the AHU outside air inlet is automatically calculated as the sum of
the individual zone ventilation requirements. This is the 'design minimum'. During the simulation, 'minimum'
and 'maximum' represent the limits for economizer operation. If there is no economizer, then the minimum
flow of outside air is delivered. If 1-Fixed is selected, then this value will remain fixed (unless the total VAV
system flow rate falls below this value, in which case, the system will deliver 100% outside air at whatever the
system flow rate is). If, 2-Proportional is specified, then the operating minimum falls as system flow rate falls.
This simulates a typical system with a fixed lower stop on the outside air supply damper. Delivering 1-Fixed
requires enhanced control systems.
Note: To ensure minimum outside air is delivered to all zones you should use 1-Fixed.
If you select 2-Manual HVAC sizing you can enter the Outside air control minimum flow rate manually at
building level.
- 313 -
Fan placement
Enter the supply fan placement type. There are two choices:
1-Draw through models a system where the supply air fan is after the cooling and heating coils.
2-Blow through where the supply air fan is before the cooling and heating coils.
1-Inlet Vane Dampers - provides reduced power and wear on heavy duty fans. The inlet vane
dampers pre-spin the air entering the fan system, reducing energy consumption by the fan motors and
increasing efficiency.
2-Outlet Dampers - control flow by adding resistance.
3-Variable Speed Motor - the most efficient way to control flow rate.
4-ASHRAE 90.1-2004 Appendix G - predefined flow characteristics from ASHRAE 90.1 Appendix G.
The resulting power curves are shown in the graph below. The ASHRAE 90.1-2004 Appendix G coefficients
are from TABLE G3.1.3.15, Method 2. The other sets of coefficients are from the EnergyPlus Input Output
Reference, Fan Coefficient Values table.
- 314 -
1-None where no economizer operation will be simulated and outside fresh air is based on the
Mechanical ventilation Outside air rate and associated operation schedule.
2-Differential dry bulb establishes a limit control on the return air temperature so that when the
temperature of the air entering the mixer on the outside air side is greater than the return air
temperature the outside airflow rate is set to the minimum.
- 315 -
3-Differential enthalpy establishes a limit control on the return air enthalpy so that when the enthalpy
of air entering the mixer on the outside air side is greater than the return air enthalpy the outside airflow
rate is set to the minimum.
4-Differential dry bulb and enthalpy - where both the above limit controls are in operation, i.e. both
temperature or enthalpy limits are used so that when either the temperature or the enthalpy of the air
entering the mixer on the outside air side is greater than the return air temperature/enthalpy, the
outside airflow rate is set to the minimum.
In addition to the above checks, the economiser can also have absolute limits on temperature and enthalpy of
the outside air. When the outside air conditions go beyond these limits the EnergyPlus economiser switches to
minimum outside air mode, i.e. the outside air damper is closed to its minimum position and heat recovery will
be enabled if available.
- 316 -
3-Parallel PIU - The Parallel Powered Induction Unit is an air system terminal unit that mixes varying
amounts of secondary (recirculated) air and primary (conditioned supply) air to produce a variable total
flow of air to a zone. The unit contains a small fan that acts to induce the secondary air and a heating
coil for heating the mixed secondary and primary air. The secondary and primary air streams enter the
unit in parallel. The fan sits in the secondary air stream and runs only when secondary air is needed.
The primary air inlet contains a damper that can move from fully open (maximum primary air) to a
minimum stop (minimum primary air). At full cooling load the primary air damper is fully open and the
fan is off. The primary air flow is at maximum and there is little or no secondary air flow. As the cooling
load decreases, the primary air damper gradually closes and the secondary air flow remains close to
zero. At some point, usually when the primary air flow has reached the minimum, the fan switches on
and secondary air is induced. The heating coil will switch on as needed to meet any heating demand. It
See VAV for a schematic diagram showing the 3 Zone terminal unit types connected to an air distribution
The heating capacity can either be entered by hand or can be Autosized using the Heating Design
Calculations. By default, if immediately prior to a Simulation the heating capacity has not been entered
(neither by hand nor from a previous Heating design calculation) then a Heating design autosizing simulation
is started to calculate the capacity. The Plant sizing building model option controls the way this works.
You can change heating capacities by hand if you wish but you should bear in mind that, by default, if Model
Options change, all heating and cooling capacities are reset to zero. Set the Plant sizing model option to '2Manual' to avoid this happening.
- 318 -
Coil type
The preheat coil is located in the outside air stream, upstream of the outside air mixing box and tempers the
outside air. If no preheat coil is used in the VAV system, then the option 1-None should be specified here.
Otherwise this indicates the type of preheat coil. It is unlikely that both a heating coil and a preheat coil would
be used at the same time. The options are:
1-None - no preheat.
2-Electric - preheat coils powered by electricity (assumed 100% efficient, 0 distribution loss).
3-Gas - gas-fired preheat coils (assumed 80% efficient, 0 distribution loss).
Coil type
The main central heating coil is located in the supply air stream, upstream of the cooling coil and after the
outside air mixing box. If no central heating coil is used in the VAV system, then the option 1-None should be
specified here. Otherwise this indicates the type of heating coil. It is unlikely that both a heating coil and a
preheat coil would be used at the same time. The options are:
1-None - no heating.
2-Electric - heating coils powered by electricity (assumed 80% efficient, 0 distribution loss).
3-Hot water - heating coils supplied with hot water generated by a boiler.
4-Gas - gas-fired heating coils (assumed 80% efficient, 0 distribution loss).
If you select 3-Hot water main heating coils, the program generates data to simulate the boiler and the pumps
required to serve the heating coil.
1-None no reset, use the Off-coil air temperature set point in conjunction with the Zone setpoint
2-Outdoor air temperature reset reset the heating supply air temperature to be lower than the
design value when the outdoor temperature is milder according to the conditions defined below.
- 319 -
sure that it does not operate simultaneously with the AHU heating coil by settings the appropriate AHU coil
operation schedules.
Coil type
Use this data to either switch reheat off or select either electric or hot water reheat coils. The options are:
1-None - no heating.
2-Electric - heating coils powered by electricity (assumed 100% efficient, 0 distribution loss).
3-Hot water - heating coils supplied with hot water generated by a boiler.
If you select 3-Hot water main heating coils, DesignBuilder generates data to simulate the boiler and the
pumps required to serve the reheat coil.
1-Normal - the damper will remain at the minimum air flow rate during heating operation. As the
heating load increases, the water flow rate in the reheat coil will be increased to maintain temperature
in the zone until the maximum water flow rate is reached. The system essentially acts like a constant
volume system during heating.
2-Reverse - the air flow rate through the VAV box may increase above the minimum air flow when the
heating demand cannot be satisfied unless greater air flow is provided. As the heating load increases,
the unit starts at minimum air flow and minimum hot water flow. The hot water flow is increased until it
reaches maximum flow, then the air damper starts to open to meet the load. This option is used if the
minimum air flow rate is not adequate to serve the peak heating load.
Note: you should switch heating 'on' if you want the zone to be heated to the heating setpoint temperature
specified on the Activity tab.
- 320 -
Choose between:
1-Hot water - where the radiator/baseboard coils are served by hot water from the main heating
system. In this case you can also enter a radiant fraction to model radiant heat (more below).
2-Electric - where the radiator/baseboard coils are heated by electricity and heating is
considered to be entirely convective.
Radiant fraction
Radiant fraction specifies what fraction of the power input to the radiator/baseboard heater is actually
transferred to the space as radiant heat. The fraction should be between 0 and 1. This is the portion of
the total power that is modelled as radiant, the remaining energy is added to the zone as convective
heat transfer. The portion that is radiant heat transfer from the baseboard heater is distributed to people
and specific surfaces using the remaining fields.
This option is only available for hot-water radiator/baseboard systems.
Technical Notes
1. Entering a value greater than zero will cause a the EnergyPlus
ZoneHVAC:Baseboard:RadiantConvective:Water system to be used instead of the default
ZoneHVAC:Baseboard:Convective:Electric system as a post-process to the idf data.
2. The radiant heat is transferred to the floor, or if the floor is smaller than 1m2, then to the largest
other surface in the zone.
3. A default of 10% of the radiant heat is assumed to fall directly on the zone occupants and this is
subsequently convected into the zone.
Cooling capacity
The Cooling capacity can either be entered by hand or can be Autosized using the Cooling Design
Calculations. If, immediately prior to a Simulation the Cooling capacity has not been entered (neither by hand
nor from a previous Cooling Design Calculation) then a Cooling design autosizing simulation is started to
calculate the capacity. The Plant sizing building model option controls the way this works.
You can change cooling capacities by hand if you wish but you should bear in mind that, by default, if Model
Options change, all heating and cooling capacities are reset to zero. Set the Plant sizing model option to '2Manual' to avoid this happening.
- 321 -
1-None no reset, use the Off-coil air temperature set point in conjunction with the Zone setpoint
2-Outdoor air temperature reset reset the cooling supply air temperature based on the following
default rules. When the outdoor dry bulb temperature (ODB) is at or below 15.6C the setpoint is 18C.
When the ODB is at or above 26.7C the setpoint is the Off-coil air temperature set point. In
between, the setpoint is varied linearly. These control parameters are from ASHRAE 90.1 Appendix G
par. G3.1.3.12. The specific off-coil temperature profile can be edited using the data below.
- 322 -
3-Warmest - reset the cooling supply air temperature to the highest supply air temperature that will
meet the cooling requirements of all the zones (i.e. according to the cooling demand of the warmest
zone). The minimum setpoint allowed is the Off-coil air temperature set point (above). The maximum
setpoint allowed is defaulted to 18C but can be overriden using controls below. For each zone in the
system at each system time step the EnergyPlus set-point manager calculates a supply air temperature
that will meet the zone cooling load at the maximum zone supply air flow rate. The lowest of the
possible supply air temperatures becomes the new supply air temperature set point, subject to
minimum and maximum supply air temperature constraints. The resulting temperature set point is the
highest supply air temperature that will meet the cooling requirements of all the zones. When compared
to a fixed cooling supply air temperature set point, this strategy minimizes zone reheat coil energy (or
overcooling) and central chiller energy consumption (if the chilled water temperature is also reset) at
the cost of possible increased fan energy.
The 2003 ASHRAE Applications Handbook discusses warmest reset control for constant volume
systems (p.41.27) and calls it "Supply Air Temperature Reset for Constant Air Volume (CAV)". A
requirement is set out in ASHRAE Std 90.1-2004, Appendix G, paragraph G3.1.3.12: Supply air
temperature shall be reset based on zone demand from the design temperature difference to a 10F
temperature difference under minimum load conditions. Design air flow rates shall be sized for the reset
supply air temperature, i.e., a 10F temperature difference.
Tip: using Warmest or Outside air temperature cooling coil setpoint reset can drastically improve energy
efficiency by reducing the cooling energy delivered to the airstream to the minimum required for occupant
The DesignBuilder HVAC template default is Warmest for constant volume systems and None for other
system types.
To include humidification check the Humidification checkbox and make further settings. The humidifier is
electric powered and the data required is: availability schedule, rated capacity and water supply rate. The
humidification setpoint is defined on the Activity tab for each zone.
You must also define the humidification control zone.
To include dehumidification check the Dehumidification checkbox and make further settings. The
dehumidification setpoint is defined on the Activity tab.
You must also define the de-humidification control zone.
Control type
For VAV and CAV only one option is available:
1-Cool Reheat cools beyond the dry-bulb setpoint as required to meet the humidity setpoint if the
system is capable of doing so. Reheat is provided as required by the terminal unit reheat coils if
hot. Again the control system is programmed to turn the air handler back on if one or any zone temperature
exceeds a night time cooling set point. This data gives the user flexibility in determining how the night time
on/off decision will be made. The manager can look at the temperature in one Night cycle control zone or it
can sample all the zones connected to the air handler (Cycle on any).
Enter the system behavior during times when the System availability schedule (above) is zero (off). The
possible inputs are:
Stay Off - the system will remain off, no matter how hot or cold the zones may be.
Cycle on any - if any zone served by this system has an air temperature outside the cooling or heating
set points the central fan will turn on even though the System availability schedule indicates the fan is
Cycle on control zone - same as Cycle on any except the availability manager looks at the
temperature in only the zone specified by the Night cycle control zone. Note that when using this
option you must select one zone as being the Night cycle control zone. Do this by checking the
option at zone level in the zone used as the control zone (below).
- 325 -
HVAC tab in model data under Mechanical Ventilation header - Compact HVAC
Note: this topic relates to Compact HVAC. You can find out about plenums in Detailed HVAC in the Add
Supply Plenum Add Return Plenum Tool topic.
A plenum is an air compartment or chamber including uninhabited crawl spaces, areas above ceilings or
below a floor, including air spaces below raised floors of computer/data processing centers, or attic spaces, to
which one or more ducts are connected and which forms part of either the supply air, return air or exhaust air
system, other than the occupied space being conditioned.
DesignBuilder Compact HVAC Unitary multizone, Unitary single zone, VAV and CAV systems can have air
supplied and returned via plenums. The system supply and return plenums in the diagram below serve each
of the 3 zones.
System supply plenum - a supply air plenum serving all zones in 3-VAV and 2-Unitary multizone
system. If any zone supply plenums have been specified, the outlet from the system supply plenum will
flow through the zone supply plenum to the zone terminal unit. The system supply plenum is defined at
building level on the HVAC tab under the Plenums header and only one is allowed per simulation.
System return plenum - return air plenums serving all zones in 3-VAV and 2-Unitary multizone
systems. If any zone return plenums have been specified, the return air from the zone will flow through
the zone return plenum and then into the system return plenum. The system return plenum is defined at
building level on the HVAC tab under the Plenums header and only one is allowed per simulation.
Zone supply plenum - a supply air plenum serving only this zone in 3-VAV, 2-Unitary multizone and 1Unitary single zone systems. The plenum zone is added to the supply air path after the system splitter
or system-level supply plenum and before the zone terminal unit. The zone supply plenum is defined at
zone level on the HVAC tab under the Plenums header. A zone supply plenum can serve only one
Zone return plenum - return air plenums serving only this zone in 3-VAV, 2-Unitary multizone and 1Unitary single zone systems. The plenum zone is added to the return air path immediately after the
zone and before the system mixer or system-level return plenum. The zone supply plenum is defined at
zone level on the HVAC tab under the Plenums header. A zone return plenum can serve only one
- 326 -
When specifying a system or zone supply or return plenum you should enter a unique zone name. The zone
does not need to be in the same block. The zone name you enter is checked just prior to the simulation and
not before so you should enter the names with care to avoid mistakes.
Plenum modelling
If the building you are modelling has more than one plenum zone, each serving multiple zones you should use
zone plenums. Use virtual partitions to partition the large plenum zones (which in reality serve multiple zones)
into multiple plenum zones, each serving a single zone. See image below.
Red lines show the 5 zones of the occupied space. Each zone has its own return-air ceiling plenum.
This technique is also illustrated in the example file supplied with DesignBuilder Zone vs System Plenums
Note 1: when modelling plenums in DesignBuilder there is no need to add holes between the plenum and
occupied space to represent supply diffusers or extracts. These are included in the model by EnergyPlus
albeit as part of the system network.
Note 2: it is not possible in DesignBuilder v2 to use the suspended ceiling/floor (as set on the Constructions
tab when using Separate constructions) as a plenum - the plenum must be a completely separate zone.
Detailed HVAC
HVAC tab in model data - Detailed HVAC
When the Detailed HVAC model option is selected, the HVAC tab is used to define:
- 327 -
Note: With Detailed HVAC simulations the Heating on and Cooling on settings have no effect on
simulations, other than to show/hide the schedule data. They are always used in Heating and Cooling design
calculations though.
Note: For heating and cooling design calculations the humidity and temperature setpoints and ventilation
requirement data comes from the Activity and HVAC tabs as described under the 1-Simple HVAC column in
the table under Detailed HVAC Activity data, regardless of the Detailed HVAC Activity Data setting.
The main HVAC data is entered by clicking on the <HVAC System> navigator node.
Further details of Detailed HVAC are provided in a separate section.
Natural Ventilation
HVAC tab in model data
You can control the operation of natural ventilation using the data under the Natural Ventilation header on the
HVAC tab. When using Calculated natural ventilation model option there is additional data on the Openings
tab to control the timing and extent of operation of openings.
Note: the Natural ventilation checkbox must be ticked here on the HVAC tab to allow window, vent and door
operation to be defined on the Openings tab.
The data shown under Natural ventilation on the HVAC tab depends on whether you are using the Scheduled
or Calculated Natural ventilation setting in Model options.
Both Scheduled and Calculated Natural ventilation options are available with Simple, Compact and Detailed
HVAC options.
- 328 -
Find out more about Natural Ventilation Modelling under Modelling Advice.
Natural ventilation On
Check the On checkbox under the Natural Ventilation header to activate natural ventilation. This causes all of
the natural ventilation data on the HVAC tab to be accessible.
1-By zone - enter the zone natural ventilation rate in air changes per hour in the control directly below.
The design air flow rate is calculated from the ac/h data using:
Vdesign = ac/h x ZoneVolume / 3600
where ZoneVolume is the actual air volume of the space calculated according to options for optionally
excluding floor/ceiling constructions.
Note: this zone volume may be different from the value used for the purposes of calculating air flow
rates for infiltration which uses the total zone volume.
2-Min fresh air per person - maximum natural ventilation rate is defined using Minimum fresh air
requirements as set on the Activity tab. The design air flow rate in m3/s is calculated as:
Vdesign = MinFreshAir x NumberPeople / 1000
NumberPeople = Occupancy density (people / m2) * Zone floor area (m2)
MinFreshAir is the minimum fresh air rate per person (l/s/person)
The actual ventilation rate in m3/s is calculated at each time step of the simulation using the equation below:
Ventilation = Vdesign Fschedule [A + B (Tin - Tout) + C . Wind Speed + D (Wind Speed 2)]
Each of the parameters A-D in the equation above are explained below under Delta T and Wind Speed
Fschedule is described below under Operation > Schedule.
Select the schedule used to modify the maximum design natural volume flow rate (Vdesign) (see Design Flow
Rate Calculation Method field and related subsequent fields). This fraction between 0.0 and 1.0 is included as
Fschedule in the above equation.
- 329 -
1-By value - use this option when the setpoint does not change with time in which case you can
enter a fixed setpoint temperature.
2-By schedule - use this option when the setpoint changes with time in which case you can
select a schedule of time-varying temperature setpoints.
1-By value - use this option when the setpoint does not change with time in which case you can
enter a fixed setpoint temperature.
2-By schedule - use this option when the setpoint changes with time in which case you can
select a schedule of time-varying temperature setpoints.
Delta T limit control
Check this option to limit natural ventilation operation based on the temperature difference between the indoor
and outdoor air dry-bulb temperature. It allows ventilation to be stopped if the temperature outside is too warm
and could potentially heat the space.
Uncheck this option to keep the ventilation on even if the outdoor temperature is greater than the indoor
temperature. This is useful for uncontrolled natural ventilation (open windows) or as a way to estimate the
effect of required ventilation air for load calculations.
Delta T definition
There are 2 ways to define the Delta T to be used in temperature difference control:
1-By value - use this option when the Delta T does not change with time in which case you can
enter a fixed value.
2-By schedule - use this option when the Delta T changes with time in which case you can
select a schedule of time-varying Delta T values.
- 330 -
Delta T
This is the temperature difference (in C or F) between the indoor and outdoor air dry-bulb
temperatures below which ventilation is shut off. This field allows ventilation to be stopped if the
temperature outside is too warm and could potentially heat the space. For example, if the user specifies
a delta temperature of 2C, ventilation is assumed to be available if the outside air temperature is at
least 2C cooler than the zone air temperature. If the outside air dry-bulb temperature is less than 2C
cooler than the indoor dry-bulb temperature, then ventilation is automatically turned off. The values for
this field can include negative numbers. This allows ventilation to occur even if the outdoor temperature
is above the indoor temperature.
The Delta Temperature is used in the code in the following way:
IF ((IndoorTemp - OutdoorTemp) < DeltaTemperature) Then ventilation is not allowed.
For example:
Value of Natural ventilation delta T
Natural ventilation only operates when OutdoorTemp
< IndoorTemp
Natural ventilation unrestricted by Inside-Outside
delta T
Natural ventilation only operates when OutdoorTemp
+ 2 < IndoorTemp
Delta T schedule
This is the schedule of temperature difference values (in C) between the indoor and outdoor air drybulb temperatures below which ventilation is shut off. See above Delta T description for more details.
This constant term coefficient is the A parameter in the above ventilation equation. It is part of the user
specified modifying parameters that are a function of environmental factors. This parameter, however, is a
constant under all conditions and is not modified by any environmental effect. As a result, it is dimensionless.
The temperature term coefficient is the B parameter in the above ventilation equation. It is part of the user
specified modifying parameters that are a function of environmental factors. This parameter is modified by the
temperature difference between the outdoor and indoor air dry-bulb temperatures. The units for this parameter
are inverse Celsius.
The velocity term coefficient is the C parameter in the above ventilation equation. It is part of the user
specified modifying parameters that are a function of environmental factors. This parameter is modified by the
speed of wind being experienced outside the building. The units for this parameter are s/m.
Velocity squared
The velocity squared term coefficient is the D parameter in the above ventilation equation. It is part of the
user specified modifying parameters that are a function of environmental factors. This parameter is modified
by square of the speed of wind being experienced outside the building. The units for this parameter are
HVAC tab
Activity tab
Activity tab
HVAC tab
HVAC tab
HVAC tab
Tin is the inside dry bulb air temperature
Tout is the outside dry bulb air temperature
Tip: To ensure that natural ventilation operates regardless of temperature inside and outside you should
uncheck all of the checkbox options listed on the "Condition" column in the above table.
You can override the operation of windows, vents and door to be off as follows:
Window or Vent position
Internal adjacent to unconditioned semi-exterior
Other internal windows and vents
Note that even when operation is switched off as described above, windows, vents and doors still provide a
small flow path through the crack between the opening and the surrounding surface if the Model infiltration
option is checked.
Note 1: For Cooling design calculations, natural ventilation is always handled as Scheduled even when the
Natural ventilation model option is set to Calculated. In this case you can still enter natural ventilation air
change rates and operation schedule data on the HVAC tab but it is used only for design simulations. The
captions for data used for design calculations only is displayed with a green background in the interface.
Note 2: With both the Scheduled and Calculated options, natural ventilation can be overridden to be off in
Heating and Cooling design calculations. In Heating design calculations natural ventilation is switched off by
default because it is considered to be a cooling mechanism - windows and vents will normally be closed
during the coldest winter periods.
Wind Factor
When carrying out conservative design simulations you may prefer to exclude (or reduce) the effects of wind
from Calculated natural ventilation. To exclude wind-driven airflow from the analysis altogether set the Wind
factor to 0. For full treatment of wind effects set it to 1 and for intermediate treatment of wind set to a number
between 0 and 1.
Control mode
For calculated natural ventilation the control mode defines the way that the openings are opened and closed
based on air temperatures or enthalpy. The data can be entered at building, block or zone level.
In the descriptions that follow:
Tout is the outdoor air temperature,
Tzone is the previous time steps zone air temperature,
Tadjcacent zone is the previous time steps air temperature for the adjacent zone for interior surfaces,
Tset is the zone natural ventilation setpoint temperature,
Hzone is the specific enthalpy of zone air from the previous time step, and
Hout is the specific enthalpy of outdoor air.
The allowed choices for natural ventilation Control mode are:
- 333 -
1-NoVent - all of the zones openable windows and doors are closed at all times independent of indoor
or outdoor conditions. The operation schedule is ignored in this case.
2-Temperature - all of the zones openable windows and doors are opened if T zone > Tout and Tzone >
Tset and operation schedule allows venting.
3-Enthalpy - All of the zones openable windows and doors are opened if H zone > Hout and Tzone > Tset
and operation schedule allows venting.
4-Constant - Whenever an opening's operation schedule allows venting, all of the zones openable
windows and doors are open, independent of indoor or outdoor conditions. Note that Constant here
means that the size of each opening is fixed while venting; the air flow through each opening can, of
course, vary from time step to time step. This option allows modelling of a window that is opened for
fresh air regardless of inside/outside temperature/enthalpy.
5-Adjacent temperature cooling - applies to interior surfaces only. All of the zones openable
windows and doors are opened if T zone > Tadjacent zone and Tzone > Tset and operation schedule allows
6-Adjacent temperature heating - applies to interior surfaces only. All of the zones openable
windows and doors are opened if T zone < Tadjacent zone and Tzone > Tset and operation schedule allows
venting. This option is a basic attempt to get round the EnergyPlus assumption that natural ventilation
is always used for cooling and allow it to heat a zone as well. Note however that the zone setpoint is
still used to switch off ventilation if the temperature goes too low (rather than too high as might be
expected for a heating control).
Both of the Adjacent temperature control options (5 and 6) revert to 2-Temperature when applied to exterior
surfaces. This allows these options to be set at building level.
Identifying which zone is "more occupied"
For interior openings the zone temperature and setpoint used to control operation is that of the "more
occupied" of the 2 adjacent zones. The rules for establishing which zone is "more occupied" are as follows:
Zone is more occupied if:
If zone is occupied and adjacent zone is Unconditioned, or, if the 2 zones have the same zone type then the
assessment is made based on:
Zone is more occupied if:
It is heated and adjacent zone is not, or otherwise,
if both zones are heated then if it has a higher setpoint temperature, or otherwise,
It is cooled and adjacent zone is not, or otherwise,
if both zones are cooled then if it has a lower setpoint temperature.
If both zones have identical zone type and heating and cooling setpoints then the assignment is made
Modulation of Openings
You can modulate the window/door openings when using Calculated natural ventilation by making appropriate
settings to:
This data is used within EnergyPlus to calculate a factor between 0 and 1 that multiplies the opening factor of
each window and door in the building. Modulation of the openings can reduce the large temperature swings
that can occur if the windows/doors are too far open when they are venting, especially when there is a large
inside-outside temperature difference. This can avoid discomfort due to introduction of cold air and/or prevent
heating system operation in summer when not really required.
- 334 -
Opening Multiplier
Factor varies linearly from 1.0 to
Limit value of Opening modulation
Factor = Limit value of opening
modulation factor.
For example if the Lower value of Tin - Tout is 0, the Upper value is 15 and the Limit value of opening
modulation factor is 0.05, the windows and doors are only opened 5% of their full opening area when the
outside air is 15K colder than inside.When the inside and outside temperatures are the same the windows are
open to their maximum opening area and when the temperature difference is 7.5K the windows are opened
halfway between these extremes.
Important Notes
The purpose of the Modulate option is to prevent discomfort due to very cold air being
introduced into the zone. You should keep in mind though that because this control will also
prevent ventilation when the temperature in the space is very hot and the outside air is not
particularly cold because of the large temperature difference between inside and outside.
For example if the upper modulation temperature difference is 15K and the limiting modulation
factor is 0.05 then the maximum window and vent opening area will be reduced to 5% of their
normal size if the temperature in the zone is 35C and the temperature outside is 20C. In this
case the natural ventilation through the 'almost closed' openings would probably not be
adequate to cool the zone back down again. So you should not use this option if you wish
natural ventilation to occur when the temperature inside is very high.
With Modulation active, openings will be completely closed if the difference between inside and
outside air temperatures is greater than Upper value of Tin-Tout.
While the modulation graph above shows the opening factor to be 1 when the inside
temperature is greater than outside temperature, by default the natural ventilation openings will
all be closed in this case based on the 2-Temperature control mode.
This modulation data can also be accessed from the HVAC tab under the Natural Ventilation > Options
Tip: Although basic DesignBuilder natural ventilation options don't allow controls based on absolute outdoor
air temperature, it is possible to apply upper and/or lower outdoor air temperature limits for natural ventilation
through use of the mixed mode Temperature control schedule and the Mixed mode minimum and maximum
- 335 -
Prevents simultaneous natural ventilation and HVAC system cooling operation, and,
Allows you to test various ventilation strategies to maximize natural ventilation in order to reduce
heating/cooling loads.
The mixed mode change-over controller links the associated HVAC system with the operable windows and
vents in the zones served by the HVAC system. The controller overrides the natural ventilation controls for
windows and vent openings, closing these openings under when conditions are unfavourable for natural
ventilation and allowing the HVAC system to operate. If the controller determines that conditions are
favourable for natural ventilation, then the HVAC system is disabled and the openings are able to operate
based on the standard natural ventilation control mechanism (natural ventilation setpoint, maximum opening
area, modulation etc).
Mixed mode controls can be used when using either Calculated or Scheduled natural ventilation, Simple,
Compact or Detailed HVAC.
Note: Mixed model data on the HVAC tab is used for a) Simple HVAC and b) zone equipment such as FCU,
PTAC when using Detailed HVAC. This data is not used to control Detailed HVAC AHUs. The AHU mixed
mode controls are on the Air Handling Unit dialog.
See also the Summary of Mixed mode modelling for background information.
- 336 -
Minimum outdoor temperature
The outdoor temperature (in C or F) below which the entire mixed mode ventilation system is shut off when
the control mode schedule value = 1 (Temperature). This lower temperature limit is intended to avoid
overcooling a space, which could result in a heating load.
Minimum outdoor enthalpy
The outdoor enthalpy (in J/kg or Btu/lb) below which the entire mixed mode ventilation system is shut off when
the control mode schedule value = 2 (Enthalpy).
Minimum outdoor dewpoint
The outdoor dew point temperature (in C or F) below which the entire mixed mode ventilation system is shut
off when the control mode schedule value = 3 (Dew point). This lower dew point temperature limit is intended
to avoid dehumidifying a space.
Control mode schedule
This schedule determines whether or not for a given time the mixed mode ventilation control is to be applied.
Schedule values equal to zero indicate no ventilation control, resulting in natural ventilation and HVAC system
operation being performed based on their own controls. Schedule values equal to one denote temperature
control for either cooling or heating, which is determined internally based on thermostat set point. The
temperature control is restricted between the minimum and maximum outdoor temperatures provided in two
additional input fields (below). Schedule values equal to two denote enthalpy control, which is restricted
between minimum and maximum outdoor enthalpy values given in two additional input fields (below).
Schedule values equal to three denote dew point control for either dehumidification or humidification.
Schedule values equal to four represent outdoor ventilation air control.
Tip: The standard Calculated DesignBuilder natural ventilation options don't allow controls based on absolute
outdoor air temperature, but it is possible to apply upper and/or lower outdoor air temperature limits for
calculated natural ventilation through use of the Temperature control schedule mixed mode and the Mixed
mode minimum and maximum temperatures.
- 337 -
"It is a building in which occupants can open windows, and which is designed with effective
passive strategies for limiting the effects of the external climate. The passively designed
building is utilised to provide acceptable conditions for the majority of the year, and is
- 338 -
DesignBuilder can model all three types of mixed mode system defined by CBE in the above reference.
Note: Concurrent and Zoned systems can be modelled simply by including natural ventilation with HVAC
systems without using DesignBuilder mixed mode control. In DesignBuilder "mixed mode" specifically refers to
Change-over systems where the HVAC and the natural ventilation do not take place at the same time.
- 339 -
DesignBuilder supports mixed mode in all combinations of natural ventilation and HVAC model options.
The steps to setting up a change-over mixed mode model in DesignBuilder are:
Include active cooling and natural ventilation by switching on the Natural ventilation on and Cooled
options on the HVAC tab.
Also, include mechanical ventilation if there is outside air introduced through the HVAC system.
Ensure that the setpoints for natural ventilation and cooling operation are correct. The natural
ventilation (window/vent opening) setpoint should ideally be 2C lower than the cooling setpoint to
ensure maximum use of natural ventilation and to avoid the active cooling system being used
unnecessarily and also 2C higher than the heating .temperature. Typical values might be heating
setpoint temperature = 21C, natural ventilation setpoint temperature = 23C, cooling setpoint
temperature = 25C. Heating should ideally be switched off in the summer to avoid unnecessary
heating caused by natural ventilation overcooling the space.
See the mixed mode section on the HVAC help for detailed information on the data that can be set,
including conditions that require windows and vents to be closed such as rain, wind and low outside air
Note: "Mixed mode" means the same as the term "Hybrid ventilation" used in the EnergyPlus documentation.
Earth Tubes
HVAC tab in model data
An earth tube is a long, underground metal or plastic pipe through which air is drawn. During the cooling
season, as air travels through the pipe, it gives up some of its heat to the surrounding soil and enters the room
as cooler air. Similarly, during heating season, as air travels through the pipe, it receives some of its heat from
the soil and enters the room as warmer air. Simple earth tubes in EnergyPlus can be controlled by a schedule
and through the specification of minimum, maximum, and delta temperatures as described below. As with
- 340 -
infiltration and ventilation, the actual flow rate of air through the earth tube can be modified by the temperature
difference between the inside and outside environment and the wind speed. See equation below.
Note: Earth tubes are only available when using the Scheduled natural ventilation model option.
CalcSoilSurfTemp Auxiliary Programs Document
The CalcSoilSurfTemp program is simple and requires only two input fields : soil condition and soil surface
condition in addition to a valid weather file. For soil condition, the user should select the number
corresponding to the actual condition of the soil surrounding the earth tube from the four following options: 1.
determines the thermal diffusivity and thermal conductivity of the surrounding soil. For soil surface conditions,
the user should select the number corresponding to the actual condition of the ground surface above the earth
tube from the eight following options: 1. BARE AND WET, 2. BARE AND MOIST, 3. BARE AND ARID, 4.
COVERED AND DRY. This determines the absorption coefficient and the fraction of evaporation rate of the
ground surface.
From this information and an analysis of the weather for the location selected, the CalcSoilSurfTemp
program (ref. Auxiliary Programs document) calculates the three parameters listed above. The user must then
add these parameters as input into EnergyPlus. The full input description of an earth tube is given below.
Select the schedule that modifies the maximum design volume flow rate (see previous field). The fraction in
the schedules should vary between 0.0 and 1.0 and is referred to as Fschedule in the above equation.
Minimum zone temperature when cooling
This is the indoor temperature (in C or F) below which the earth tube is shut off. This lower temperature limit
is intended to avoid overcooling a space and thus result in a heating load. For example, if the user specifies a
minimum temperature of 20C, earth tube is assumed to be available if the zone air temperature is above
20C. If the zone air temperature drops below 20C, then earth tube is automatically turned off.
Delta temperature
This is the temperature difference (in C or F) between the indoor and outdoor air dry-bulb temperatures
below which the earth tube is shut off. This is to allow the earth tube to be stopped either if the temperature
- 341 -
outside is too warm and could potentially heat the space or if the temperature outside is too cold and could
potentially cool the space. For example, if the user specifies a delta temperature of 2C, earth tube is
assumed to be available if the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor temperature is at least 2C.
If the outside air dry-bulb temperature is less than 2C cooler or warmer than the indoor dry-bulb temperature,
then the earth tube is automatically turned off.
1-Natural which is assumed to be air movement/exchange that will not consume any fan energy or is
the result of natural air flow through the tube and into the building. Values for fan pressure and
efficiency for a natural flow earth tube are ignored. The conditions of the air entering the space are
assumed to be equivalent to the air which is cooled or heated by passing along the pipe.
2-Exhaust where values for fan pressure and efficiency define the fan electric consumption.
3-Intake where values for fan pressure and efficiency define the fan electric consumption and an
appropriate amount of fan heat is added to the air stream.
Pipe Specifications
Pipe radius
This is the radius of the earth tube/pipe (in m or ft). This plays a role in determining the amount of heat
transferred from the surrounding soil to the air passing along the pipe. If the pipe has non-circular cross
section, user can use the concept of hydraulic diameter as follows.
D = 4 . A / Perimeter
However, since this field requires the pipe radius, hydraulic diameter should be divided by two.
Pipe thickness
This is the thickness of the pipe wall (in m or ft). This plays a role in determining the amount of heat
transferred from the surrounding soil to the air passing along the pipe.
Pipe length
This is the total length of the pipe (in m or ft). This plays a role in determining the amount of heat transferred
from the surrounding soil to the air passing along the pipe. As the length of the pipe becomes longer, the
amount of the heat transfer becomes larger.
- 342 -
This determines the thermal diffusivity and thermal conductivity of the surrounding soil, which play a role in
determining the amount of heat transferred from the surrounding soil to the air passing along the pipe.
Note: Airflow introduced into zones by Earth tubes is included in the Mech Vent + Nat Vent + Infiltration ac/h
output. Also the heating/cooling effect of Earth tubes on the zone is included in the Zone Vent heat balance
output. If you would like to see further details on the impact of the Earth tubes in your results then you should
include one or more of the output variables below to an external idf file, "include" it in the main IDF file
generated by DesignBuilder and view results in the Results Viewer.
Current Earth Tube output variables:
- 344 -
Three types of DHW are available:
1-Boiler - heat is supplied by the same boiler used for heating the building
2-Gas - gas-fired hot water system
3-Electric - electric immersion heater
The operation schedules define the timing of the hot water draw off when the Timing HVAC + natural
ventilation operates with occupancy option model option is not selected. The profile of hot water consumption
in the EnergyPlus simulation is calculated from l/m2-day data (gal/ft2-day in IP units) entered on the Activity
tab by first estimating a typical number of hours per day. When typical workday schedules are used, this is
simply the number of hours occupied during the working day. When 7/12 schedules are used the typical
occupancy hours per day is determined from January Monday data.
Note: When using a Compact schedule to define DHW operation DesignBuilder assumes a fixed 8 hours per
day operation when calculating the maximum m3/s hot water draw off for passing to EnergyPlus.
Example: Consider a case where the DHW consumption rate is set to 0.2 l/m2-day on the Activity tab for the
zone and the DHW schedule is set to operate at 50% for 12 hours and 100% for 12 hours, this is equivalent to
100% for 18 hrs. DesignBuilder assumes that the schedule runs at 100% for 8 hours when calculating the
maximum flow rate, so it is necessary to multiply the l/m2-day DHW consumption rate on the Activity tab by
8/18 when using this schedule = 0.2 x 8 / 18 = 0.0889 l/m2-day.
DHW volumetric consumption supplied to EnergyPlus is calculated as:
DHW (m3/s) = DHW (l/m2-day) x 0.001 x m2 / (Typical hours per day x 3600)
Note: the zone DHW operation schedule is also used in Detailed HVAC when the default 1-Simple HVAC
Detailed HVAC Activity data setting is made.
- 345 -
DHW Type
A range of DHW types can be selected but note that different types of DHW system do not affect results in
EnergyPlus simulations, apart from 1- Same as HVAC which causes heating CoP and fuel to be taken from
the heating system. Other options all give the same results.
1- Same as HVAC
2- Dedicated DHW boiler
3- Stand alone water heater
4- Instantaneous DHW only
5- Instantaneous Combi
6- Direct (or off-peak) electricity
7- Heat pump
1-Mixed the default option where the air temperature is modelled as being uniform through the zone.
2-Dynamic gradient which allows air temperature stratification within a zone to be modelled by setting
up a temperature gradient which varies dynamically depending on any of: outside temperature, inside
temperature, inside-outside temperature difference, heating load or cooling load.
3-Three node displacement ventilation which uses 3 nodes to model spaces that are served by a low
velocity floor-level displacement ventilation air distribution system and the dominant sources of heat
gain are from people and other localized sources located in the occupied part of the room.
4-Underfloor air distribution interior which uses upper and a lower sub-zone nodes to model interior
spaces that are served by an underfloor air distribution system and the dominant sources of heat gain
are from people, equipment, and other localized sources located in the occupied part of the room.
5-Underfloor air distribution exterior which uses upper and a lower sub-zone nodes to model
exterior spaces that are served by an underfloor air distribution system. The dominant sources of heat
gain should be from people, equipment, and other localized sources located in the occupied part of the
room, as well as convective gain coming from a warm window.
Outside temperature.
Inside temperature.
- 346 -
How it works
Changing the Distribution mode to 2-Dynamic gradient reveals the air temperature distribution data. By
default the Interpolation mode is 2-Inside-outside DeltaT. This means that the temperature gradient within
the space is modelled as varying according to the inside-outside temperature difference. The Upper conditions
define the most extreme temperature gradient, typically under design conditions. By default, the upper
temperature difference is 10 C and the corresponding temperature gradient is 4 C/m. This means that when
the temperature difference between inside and outside is 10 C or more the internal temperature gradient is 4
C/m. The Lower conditions data shows that when the temperature difference between inside and outside is
zero there is no temperature gradient, i.e. the air is fully mixed. EnergyPlus calculates the temperature
gradient for other inside-outside temperature differences by linear interpolation.
Operation schedule
The operation schedule defines the times when air temperature distribution is to be calculated. When the
value of the schedule is 1, the distribution calculations take place, when the value is 0, the zone air
temperature is fully mixed.
Thermostat height
Thermostat height specifies the distance above the floor where the thermostat for HVAC control is situated.
This height is used by the model to determine the thermostat temperature relative to the mean air temperature
by applying the gradient.
Range of applicability
The air temperature distribution within the zone is used as follows:
To calculate boundary conditions for conduction through surfaces (walls, roofs, glazing etc).
To include the effects of extracting relatively warmer air at the ceiling level when using Compact HVAC.
To include the vertical position of the thermostat sensor for HVAC control.
The air temperature distribution mechanism does not include:
The effects of extracting relatively warmer air at the ceiling level when using Scheduled and Calculated
natural ventilation.
The vertical position of the sensor for ventilation control.
A foot level temperature (TFLOOR). The floor region is 0.2 meters deep and T FLOOR represents the
temperature at the mid-point of the region.
An occupied sub-zone temperature (TOC), representing the temperature in the region between the floor
layer and the upper, mixed layer.
- 347 -
An upper node representing the mixed-layer/outflow temperature (TMX) essential for overall energy
budget calculations and for modelling comfort effects of the upper layer temperature.
The following fields are used to define the Three node displacement ventilation room air temperature
task lights
electric equipment
gas equipment
hot water equipment
steam equipment
other equipment
baseboard heat
Types of internal gains that are assumed to be in the upper subzone are:
general lights
tubular daylighting devices
high temperature radiant heaters
The schedule values should be between 0 and 1. A value of 1 means that all the convection gains from
equipment, task lights and people are dispersed in the lower occupied subzone. Conversely a value of 0 puts
all the lower subzone convective gains into the plumes rising into the upper well-mixed subzone.
Thermostat height
This field is the height (in m or ft) of the thermostat/temperature control sensor above the floor.
- 348 -
Comfort height
The height (in m or ft) above the floor at which air temperature is calculated for comfort purposes. The air
temperature at this height is used in calculating the available measures of comfort: Fanger, Pierce or KSU.
The default is 1.1m.
Temperature difference threshold for reporting
This field specifies a minimum temperature difference between the upper mixed subzone and the occupied
subzone that will be used to trigger whether or not the displacement ventilation auxiliary outputs will be
calculated. These outputs are Room Air Zone Transition Height, Room Air Zone Recommended Minimum
Flow Fraction, Room Air Zone Average Temperature Gradient and Room Air Zone Maximum Temperature
Gradient. They are set to negative values when the temperature difference is less than the threshold and the
output Room Air Zone Is Mixed Status is set to 1.
The value should be greater than or equal to zero and is in units of Delta C or Delta F. The default value is
An occupied subzone temperature (TOC), representing the temperature in the region between the floor
and the boundary of the upper subzone.
An upper subzone temperature (TMX) essential for overall energy budget calculations and for modelling
comfort effects of the upper layer temperature.
The following fields are used to define the Under Floor Air Distribution (UFAD) Interior data.
Number of diffusers
The total number of diffusers in this zone. This field can allowed to Autocalculate (in which case it is set to
the design occupancy level; i.e., number of people). If the design occupancy is low or zero but there are still
heat sources that could generate buoyancy driven plumes, the user should input a value based on the design
supply air flow rate of the zone and the design flow rate of an individual diffuser. In the absence of any other
information, divide the zone area by 100 ft2. The default for this field is Autocalculate.
- 349 -
Diffuser type
The choices for this alpha field are:
The swirl and displacement diffusers are fixed area diffusers. The variable area diffusers maintain an
approximately constant exit velocity. Linear bar grilles are normally used in exterior zones and are fixed area
diffusers. Custom is used to signify that the user intends to input the coefficients A E (see below) rather than
let the program set the coefficients based on diffuser type. The default is 1-Swirl.
Coefficient A
The coefficient A in the above formula.
Coefficient B
The coefficient B in the above formula.
Coefficient C
The coefficient C in the above formula.
Coefficient D
The coefficient D in the above formula.
Coefficient E
The coefficient E in the above formula.
Thermostat height
This field is the height (in m or ft) of the thermostat/temperature control sensor above the floor. The default is
Comfort height
The height (in m or ft) above the floor at which air temperature is calculated for comfort purposes. The air
temperature at this height is used in calculating the available measures of comfort: Fanger, Pierce or KSU.
The default is 1.1m.
- 350 -
Transition height
An optional field to allow the transition height (in m or ft above floor) to be defined rather than have the
program calculate it. The default is 1.7m.
Temperature difference threshold for reporting
This field specifies a minimum temperature difference between the upper subzone and the occupied subzone
that will be used to trigger whether or not the UFAD auxiliary outputs will be calculated. These outputs are
Room Air Zone Transition Height and Room Air Zone Average Temperature Gradient. They are set to zero
when the temperature difference is less than the threshold and the output Room Air Zone Is Mixed Status is
set to 1.
The value should be greater than or equal to zero and is in units of Delta C or Delta F. The default value is
An occupied subzone temperature (TOC), representing the temperature in the region between the floor
and the boundary of the upper subzone..
An upper subzone temperature (TMX) essential for overall energy budget calculations and for modeling
comfort effects of the upper layer temperature.
The following fields are used to define the Under Floor Air Distribution (UFAD) Exterior data.
Number of diffusers
The total number of diffusers in this zone. This field can allowed to Autocalculate (in which case it is set to
the design occupancy level; i.e., number of people). If the design occupancy is low or zero but there are still
heat sources that could generate buoyancy driven plumes, the user should input a value based on the design
supply air flow rate of the zone and the design flow rate of an individual diffuser. In the absence of any other
information, divide the zone area by 100 ft2. The default for this field is Autocalculate.
the diffuser type: for swirl diffusers it is 28, for variable area diffusers 45, for DV diffusers 73, and for linear
bar grilles 15.
Diffuser type
The choices for this alpha field are:
The swirl and displacement diffusers are fixed area diffusers. The variable area diffusers maintain an
approximately constant exit velocity. Linear bar grilles are normally used in exterior zones and are fixed area
diffusers. Custom is used to signify that the user intends to input the coefficients A E (see below) rather than
let the program set the coefficients based on diffuser type. The default is 1-Swirl.
Coefficient A
The coefficient A in the above formula.
Coefficient B
The coefficient B in the above formula.
Coefficient C
The coefficient C in the above formula.
Coefficient D
The coefficient D in the above formula.
Coefficient E
The coefficient E in the above formula.
Thermostat height
This field is the height (in m or ft) of the thermostat/temperature control sensor above the floor. The default is
Comfort height
The height (in m or ft) above the floor at which air temperature is calculated for comfort purposes. The air
temperature at this height is used in calculating the available measures of comfort: Fanger, Pierce or KSU.
The default is 1.1m.
- 352 -
Transition height
An optional field to allow the transition height (in m or ft above floor) to be defined rather than have the
program calculate it. The default is 1.7m.
Temperature difference threshold for reporting
This field specifies a minimum temperature difference between the upper subzone and the occupied subzone
that will be used to trigger whether or not the UFAD auxiliary outputs will be calculated. These outputs are
Room Air Zone Transition Height and Room Air Zone Average Temperature Gradient. They are set to zero
when the temperature difference is less than the threshold and the output Room Air Zone Is Mixed Status is
set to 1.
The value should be greater than or equal to zero and is in units of Delta C or Delta F. The default value is
Settings for electricity generation are made at Building level on the Generation tab under the On Site
Electricity Generation header.
Note: The order of the Electric load centre objects selected on the HVAC tab is significant and is used to
structure how generators are dispatched, the first load centres and generators being managed before the later
ones. Therefore in the above example, Load centre 1 effectively has a higher priority than Load centre 2 etc.
A certain amount of caution is needed to avoid conflicting operating schemes.
Position and size PV panels by following instructions in the Adding Solar Collectors topic.
To access the properties of the PV panel first navigate to the solar collector object by double-clicking
on the graphical object from building level or single-click on the solar collector item in the Navigator.
Once at the Solar collector object, define the performance and other panel properties on the
Constructions tab under the Solar Collector header.
Define the electric side of the PV system at building level on the Generation tab under the On Site
Electricity Generation header:
- 353 -
Make sure that having defined a new Electric load centre that the correct one is selected on the
Generation tab.
When the simulation is finished you can view solar PV contributions on the Analysis and Summary
This alpha field contains the identifying name for the electric load centre.
1-Baseload operates the generators at their rated (requested) electric power output when the
generator is scheduled on. The Baseload scheme requests all generators scheduled on (available) to
operate, even if the amount of electric power generated exceeds the total facility electric power
2-Demand limit - limits the amount of purchased electrical from the utility to an amount specified. The
Demand limit scheme tries to have the generators meet all of the demand above the purchased electric
3-Track electrical tries to have the generators meet all of the electrical demand for the building.
4-Track schedule tries to have the generators meet all of the electrical demand determined in a userdefined schedule.
The 2-Demand limit, 3-Track electrical and 4-Track schedule schemes will sequentially load the available
generators. All demand not met by available generator capacity will be met by purchased electrical. Therefore,
if 2-Demand limit, 3-Track electrical, or 4-Track schedule is used and the available generators are not able
to meet demand, then purchased electricity will by used to offset the difference. If a generator is needed in the
simulation for a small load and it is less than the minimum part load ratio the generator will operate at the
minimum part load ratio and the excess will either reduce demand or the excess energy will be available for
returning to the electric grid.
If the load centre includes electrical storage, then the choice of operating schemes will also affect how storage
is managed.
For all operating schemes except 1-Baseload, a total electric load reduction target (or thermal load converted
to electrical equivalent) is established for the load centre based on the specific operating scheme. The load
centre then requests that its generators operate, one-by-one in the order specified, until the target is met or
exceeded. Generators that are not scheduled as available for the simulation time step are not called to
operate. The requested power demand to be met by each generator is the smaller of the nominal rated
electric power output (as specified in the Generators object) or the remaining total electric load reduction
target for the load centre. After each electric generator is requested to operate, the actual electric power
delivered by the generator, which may be greater than or less than the requested amount due to inputs
specified in the generator performance model, is used to update the remaining total electric power target for
the other generators associated with this load centre.
Most of the operating schemes will sequentially load the available electric load centres and generators.
EnergyPlus can accept multiple Electric load centres with different operating schemes. Because of this, there
are two levels of reporting, one for the whole building and a second for each load centre. The whole-building
results are managed with the internal meters for the entire model. The individual load-centre results are
summed for those generators connected to a particular load centre. The total electricity purchased is reported
both in power and energy units. This value is positive when the amount of energy is purchased from the utility.
This value can be negative when the total electricity produced is greater than the facility electrical needs. The
excess will either be available for storage or to sell back to the electric utility company.
- 355 -
Track schedule
When the 4-Track schedule option is used then you should select a schedule containing values for the
demand loads placed on the generator(s). The schedule values should be in Watts.
1-Alternating current
2-Alternating current with storage
3-Direct current with inverter
4-Direct current with inverter DC storage
5-Direct current with inverter AC storage
All the generators connected to a specific load centre need to be of the same type (all AC or all DC). If the
generators are DC, then an inverter is needed to convert the DC to AC.
Alternating Current
The most basic configuration is selected with the keyword Alternating Current for the Electrical Buss Type,
shown in the following diagram.
The Alternating current load centres have AC generators with no storage and behave in the following way. All
electric demand not met by the sum of the electrical power produced by the available generators will be met
by purchased electricity. If a generator is needed in the simulation for a small load and the load is less than
the generators minimum part load ratio, the generator will operate at the minimum part load ratio and the
excess will either reduce demand or the excess energy will be exported back to the electric utility company.
The purchased electrical demand limit is the user input for the demand limit above which the generators will
try and meet the entire electrical load on the building. It is possible to prescribe a set of
ElectricLoadCenter:Distribution objects with inconsistent or conflicting operating schemes, so users need to
be careful.
- 356 -
The Alternating current with storage load centres attempt to augment the generator electricity production so
that the power requests are met. Storage control logic is discussed below under Electrical Storage.
- 357 -
The Direct current with inverter load centres collect DC power from various PV arrays, run the DC power
through an inverter and produce AC power. The PV arrays produce DC power based on the availability of
sunshine and do not respond to load requests made by the electric load centre. The AC output from the
inverter is what is recorded as electricity production.
The Direct current with inverter DC storage load centres charge or draw DC power to meet the requested
electrical load.
- 358 -
The inverter selection option is only used if the Electrical buss type is set to 3-Direct current with inverter
and it allows you to select the inverter connected to this load centre (if any). There are three types of inverter
models available:
Look up table, or
Function of Power.
The storage selection option is used to identify the electrical storage connected to this load centre (if any). It is
only used if the Electrical Buss Type is set to 4-Direct current with inverter DC storage or 5-Direct current
with inverter AC storage.
Distribution and electrical cost
Enter the cost of the electrical power distribution and any other related costs here.
The cost of the panels themselves is entered on the Constructions tab under the Solar Collectors header.
Generator List
On the Generator List tab you can define up to 30 generators per Electric load centre. Set the number of
generators and select the generator to be used for each. For DC Electric load centres the generators will all
be PV solar collectors and for AC centres the generators will all be Wind turbines.
- 359 -
Tip: To model multiple PV panels without the need to draw all of the building panels you can reference the
same panel multiple times on the Generator list tab. You should only do this if all of the panels have the same
shading and if the shading cast by the panels does not impact on the building.
First define the electric side of the wind turbine system at building level on the Generation tab under
the On Site Electricity Generation header:
Wind Turbines
Wind turbines convert the kinetic energy of the surrounding air-stream into electricity. The EnergyPlus wind
turbine model calculates the electrical power produced based on the characteristics of the turbine itself as well
local environmental conditions such as wind speed and density of air at the height of the systems. The model
obtains the weather information from the simulation weather data file and then determines the wind speed and
air density at the specific height of the system. It also requires the user to input the annual average wind
- 360 -
speed measured at the local site and the height of the measurement so that it factors in differences between
the weather file wind data and the local wind data.
Tip: Wind turbines are included in the model by specifying them on the Generator list tab of the Electric load
centre dialog when one of the a.c. Buss types is selected.
The model employs the general kinetic energy equation to calculate the performance characteristics of the
horizontal axis wind turbine (HAWT) systems. It provides a simple approximation algorithm when the power
coefficient, Cp, is available which represents the efficiency of the wind turbine in the wind power extraction
from the ambient air stream. It also allows the user to input experimental constants so that the power
coefficient can precisely be determined according to the characteristic of the airfoil of the system. As for the
vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT) systems, it employs the general mathematical equations for straight-bladed
Darrieus-type VAWT systems, which are common to VAWT systems. Various types of VAWT systems such
as the Savonius-type and the curved-blade (or egg-beater) type may be simulated with this same model. It
includes two different types of dynamic power control: Fixed Speed Fixed Pitch (FSFP) and Variable Speed
Fixed Pitch (VSFP). Currently, it does not include an algorithm for modelling pitch control such as Fixed
Speed Variable Pitch (FSVP) and Variable Speed Variable Pitch (VSVP). The model also has the ability to
account for transient losses associated with the power produced during dynamic control by a user-specified
The model does not include detailed algorithms for generators and inverters due to concerns for
computational convergence, time, and usability. Instead, all conversion losses of these subsystems are
included by applying a user-supplied total system efficiency to the maximum power extraction of the wind
turbine. The field of the total system efficiency must be specified by the user.
A unique user assigned name for a particular wind turbine system. Any reference to this unit by another object
will use this name.
Availability schedule
The schedule selected here defines the times when the wind turbine system can run. A schedule value
greater than 0 (usually 1 is used) indicates that the unit can be on during the time period. A value less than or
equal to 0 (usually 0 is used) denotes that the unit is off and will not operate for the time period.
Rotor type
This field is the type of axis of the wind turbine. Select from 2 types
1-Horizontal axis or
2-Vertical axis.
A different algorithm is used in the calculation of the electrical power output of the wind turbine depending on
the Rotor type.
Power control
This field is the type of rotor control for the wind turbine. This protects the system against the overloading for a
system with no speed or pitch control and also to maximize the energy yield for the system. Four different
control types are classified in the literature:
Currently, FSFP and VSFP types can be modelled in EnergyPlus. The other two types will be modelled as
VSFP. If the first FSFP control type is chosen, the model assumes the maximum power at a fixed rotor speed
when the power output predicted is greater than the maximum until the rotor speed reaches the maximum
wind speed (see next field). If one of the last three control options is chosen, the model assumes that the
system produces a constant power at the rated wind speed when the wind speed is between the rated wind
speed and cut-out wind speed. The default value is 3-Variable Speed Fixed Pitch (VSFP).
- 361 -
Rotor diameter
This field is the diameter of the rotor (in m or ft). Note that this field is not the height of the blade, but the
diameter of the perpendicular circle from the vertical pole in the VAWT systems. It determines the swept area
of the rotor of the HAWT systems and the chordal velocity of the VAWT systems.
Overall height
This field is the height of the hub of the HAWT system, or of the pole of the VAWT system (in m or ft). It is
necessary to estimate local air density and the wind speed at this particular height where the wind turbine
system is installed.
Number of blades
This field is the number of blades of the wind turbine. The azimuth angle of the rotor of the VAWT system is
determined by dividing 360 degree by this field so that the model determines the chordal velocity component
and the normal velocity component of the system. The default value is 3.
Rated power
This field is the nominal power output of the wind turbine system at the rated wind speed (in W or Btu/hr).
Note that the maximum power of the system should be entered with no control, i.e. FSFP control type, can
physically produce. Manufacturer data sometimes describes this as peak power or rated capacity. If the
local wind speed is greater than the rated wind speed, the model assumes constant power output of this field.
1-Simple - simple approximation model employs the general kinetic energy equation and a Maximum
power coefficient to calculate power extraction from the wind.
2-Analytical - The power output of the turbine is calculated from the Power coefficient equation using 6
parameters C1-6.
P = power production at the rated wind speed [W]
= density of air [kg/m3]
A = swept area of rotor [m2]
V = rated wind speed [m/s]
Cp = power coefficient
The maximum and default coefficient values are 0.59 and 0.35 respectively.
Vertical Axis
For vertical axis turbines you can enter details on the Blade chord area, drag coefficient and lift coefficient on
the Vertical Axis tab.
- 363 -
Power Coefficients
For horizontal axis turbines using the 2-Analytical Power calculation method the Power coefficients can be
entered on the Power Coefficients tab.
Cp = power coefficient
C1- 6 = empirical power coefficient parameters
= tip speed ratio (often known as TSR)
i = tip speed ratio at ith time step
= azimuth angle of the pitch, 0 [degree]
The default values are given in the table below.
Electrical Storage
Electrical energy provided by generators such as PV panels and wind turbines can be stored on site for later
use using Storage components.
Tip: Electric storage devices are included in the model by specifying them on the Electrical load centre dialog
when one of the storage Electrical buss types has been selected.
There are 2 ways to model the define the performance of the electrical storage device:
1-Simple storage - simple definition of the performance of the storage device that is not intended to
represent any specific type of storage technology.
2-Battery - more detailed performance definition of a battery using the kinetic battery model.
The type of storage device is defined by selecting the appropriate Category option on the Storage dialog.
- 364 -
Simple Storage
The Simple storage option is accessed by selecting the Simple storage category on the Storage dialog. The
Simple type of Electrical storage component is used to model storage of electricity in an Electric load centre. It
is a simple model that does not attempt to represent any of the detailed performance characteristics of a real
storage device such as a battery. The type of power, AC or DC, depends on the configuration chosen as the
Electrical buss type in the Electric load centre.
This field contains a unique name for the electric storage device.
There are 2 categories to choose from:
Simple storage for a simple definition of the performance of batteries or other storage device.
Battery for a more detailed performance definition of a battery
The Category selected affects the type of model used and the data to be entered on the Storage dialog.
Availability schedule
This schedule describes the times when the storage device is available. If storage is not available, by
scheduling a value of 0, then no electrical energy can be stored or drawn from the device. Any non-zero
schedule value means the devices is available. If this field is blank, the schedule has values of 1 for all time
This field contains the name of the thermal zone where the storage device is located. The selected zone will
receive the storage losses as heat gains.
Nominal energetic efficiency for charging
This field contains the charging efficiency. This is the energetic efficiency of storing electrical energy in the
storage device. A value of 1.0 means the device does not lose any energy when charging.
Warning: Due to a bug in the EnergyPlus v8 ElectricLoadCenter:Storage:Battery object the DesignBuilder
Battery option causes simulations to fail in models where the solar PV system is unable to meet the entire
building electric load. EnergyPlus developers have been informed of the problem and we expect it to be fixed
in a future version. In the meantime you are advised to use the Simple storage option.
The Battery option is accessed by selecting the Battery category on the Storage dialog. Batteries can be used
to store charge in an Electric load centre. The battery bank is a collection of one or more individual battery
modules. Given the surplus or deficit power from the electrical system and the state of charge from the
previous time step, this object can model the voltage, current, and energy losses with charging and
discharging during each time step. The cumulative battery damage can be also modelled and reported at the
end of each simulation run.
The battery component allows both Lead-Acid and Nickel Cadmium batteries to be simulated. With input
parameters derived from specific battery tests, the object is expected to support other battery types such as
Lithium-ion batteries.
The kinetic battery model assumes that part of the batterys energy storage capacity is immediately available
in discharging or charging while the rest is chemically bound. As a function of constant current, the battery
capacity is related to three parameters: the maximum capacity at infinitesimal current, the capacity ratio of
available charges, and the conversion ratio between available charges and bound charges. These parameters
are usually obtained via curve fitting based on battery data sheets or test data.
Each individual battery module is modelled as a voltage source in series with an electrical resistance. KiBaM
assumes that the internal resistance is constant and the open circuit voltage varies with the electric current,
the state of charge and the operation mode (charging or discharging). For an individual battery module, the
open circuit voltage at any time is correlated to the voltage at fully charged/discharged state and three other
regression coefficients. These regression coefficients are usually obtained via curve fitting based on battery
test data.
The object offers user the option to perform battery life calculation. If battery life is modelled, the user needs to
provide a group of coefficients for the correlation between the number of cycles for battery failure and the
corresponding cycle range. More detailed information can be found in the Engineering Reference.
This alpha field contains the identifying name for the battery bank.
There are 2 categories of electrical storage device to choose from:
Simple storage for a simple definition of the performance of batteries or other storage device.
Battery for a more detailed performance definition of a battery
The Category selected affects the type of model used and the data to be entered on the Storage dialog.
Availability schedule
This alpha field contains the schedule name (ref. Schedule) that describes when the battery is available. A
schedule value greater than 0 (usually 1 is used) indicates that electrical energy can be stored or drawn from
- 366 -
the battery. A value less than or equal to 0 (usually 0 is used) denotes that the battery is not available. If this
field is blank, the schedule has values of 1 for all time periods.
This field contains the name of the thermal zone where the battery is located. Entering a valid name of zone
here will direct EnergyPlus to include the energy storage losses as heat gains to the named thermal zone. If
the battery is not within a thermal zone, this field can be left blank and the thermal energy associated with
storage losses is removed from the building model.
Number of battery modules in parallel
This field defines the number of modules connected in parallel in the battery bank.
- 367 -
where X is the battery charge divided by the maximum capacity at a given current. More details can be found
from the Engineering Reference.
where X is the removed charge divided by the maximum capacity at a given current. More details can be
found from the Engineering Reference.
Battery life calculation
This checkbox indicates whether the battery life model is activated in the simulation. If the battery life model is
activated, the following 2 inputs are required.
- 368 -
Inverters are used to model conversion from Direct Current (DC) to Alternating Current (AC) in an electric load
centre that contains photovoltaic modules. Such a load centre has an array of photovoltaic modules that feed
an inverter with DC power and the inverter produces AC power.
Tip: Electric inverters can be included in the model by selecting them on the Generator List tab of the
Electrical load centre dialog when one of the d.c. Electrical buss types has been selected.
Three types of inverter can be defined:
The type of inverter can be selected using the Category option on the Inverter dialog.
Inverter - Simple
Simple inverters use a single fixed conversion efficiency value.
The name of the inverter entered here must also be unique across all other inverters in the model.
Select the type of inverter from the options below:
Availability schedule
The schedule that describes when the inverter is available. If the inverter is scheduled to not be available, by
scheduling a value of 0, then it cannot produce AC power and will not consume ancillary power during
standby. Any non-zero schedule value means the inverter is available to produce AC power and consume
ancillary power during standby. If the Inverter is scheduled to be unavailable but it is being supplied with DC
power anyway, then the energy is dissipated as heat.
Inverter efficiency
This field contains the value for inverter efficiency. In the simple model, efficiency is a constant. This is the socalled 1-term model. Input data for different types of inverters is available at:
- 369 -
When including inverter losses and heat gains to a zone select the building zone where the inverter is located.
Radiative fraction
This field contains the fraction of inverter thermal losses that enter the zone as long-wave thermal radiation.
This should be a factor between 0.0 and 1.0. The balance of the losses is convective. This data is only
required when including inverter losses and gains to a zone.
The name of the inverter entered here must also be unique across all other inverters in the model.
Select the type of inverter from the options below:
Availability schedule
The schedule that describes when the inverter is available. If the inverter is scheduled to not be available, by
scheduling a value of 0, then it cannot produce AC power and will not consume ancillary power during
standby. Any non-zero schedule value means the inverter is available to produce AC power and consume
ancillary power during standby. If the Inverter is scheduled to be unavailable but it is being supplied with DC
power anyway, then the energy is dissipated as heat.
Efficiency function of power curve
This is the curve representing the relationship between DC power input into the inverter and the efficiency with
which that power is converted to AC. The curve can be of type Linear, Quadratic, or Cubic. The curves x
value is DC power input normalized by the Maximum continuous input power (below). The result of the
curve should be power conversion efficiency expressed as a fraction between 0.0 and 1.0.
- 370 -
Minimum efficiency
This field contains a minimum bound on the inverter efficiency. This value will be used as a limit on the curves
Maximum efficiency
This field contains a maximum bound on the inverter efficiency. This value will be used as a
limit on the curves result.
Maximum power
This field contains an upper limit on the AC power produced by the inverter (in W). If the resulting power
output would be above this level, then the power produced is capped at this level with the rest of input power
converted to losses (unless it is going into storage).
When including inverter losses and heat gains to a zone select the building zone where the inverter is located.
Radiative fraction
This field contains the fraction of inverter thermal losses that enter the zone as long-wave thermal radiation.
This should be a factor between 0.0 and 1.0. The balance of the losses is convective. This data is only
required when including inverter losses and gains to a zone.
The name of the inverter entered here must also be unique across all other inverters in the model.
- 371 -
Select the type of inverter from the options below:
Availability schedule
The schedule that describes when the inverter is available. If the inverter is scheduled to not be available, by
scheduling a value of 0, then it cannot produce AC power and will not consume ancillary power during
standby. Any non-zero schedule value means the inverter is available to produce AC power and consume
ancillary power during standby. If the Inverter is scheduled to be unavailable but it is being supplied with DC
power anyway, then the energy is dissipated as heat.
Rated maximum continuous output power
This field contains the rated maximum continuous output power (in W).
At 20% Power
The fractional efficiency at nominal voltage and 20% power.
At 30% Power
The fractional efficiency at nominal voltage and 30% power.
At 50% Power
The fractional efficiency at nominal voltage and 50% power.
At 75% Power
The fractional efficiency at nominal voltage and 75% power.
At 100% Power
The fractional efficiency at nominal voltage and 100% power.
When including inverter losses and heat gains to a zone select the building zone where the inverter is located.
- 372 -
Radiative fraction
This field contains the fraction of inverter thermal losses that enter the zone as long-wave thermal radiation.
This should be a factor between 0.0 and 1.0. The balance of the losses is convective. This data is only
required when including inverter losses and gains to a zone.
Economics tab in model data
When using Detailed HVAC you can define 3 aspects of building economics on the Economics tab at building
Note: You must have Economics and HVAC licence modules to work with the data on this tab. HVAC is
required to provide access to Detailed HVAC with its selection of EnergyPlus fuel types. Simple HVAC cannot
access tariff analysis (and hence LCC) as it uses ideal loads HVAC systems rather than EnergyPlus fuels .
Tariff Analysis
To calculate the costs of the utilities, fuels etc use the tariff analysis section of the Economics tab.
Number Of Tariffs
Enter the number of tariffs to be included in the simulation. You will be able to select a Tariff analysis
component for each.
Tariff 1, 2 Etc
Select the Tariff analysis component describing the characteristics of each tariff to be included. Up to 5
different tariffs can be selected depending on the Number of tariffs selected above.
Construction Costs
Include Construction Cost In Simulation Inputs
To include the construction cost of the building in the simulation you should check this checkbox. This must be
done to include construction cost in a Life cycle cost calculation.
Construction Cost
Select the Construction cost component.
- 373 -
Tariff Analysis
Monthly utility bills are often directly related to monthly energy consumption and monthly peak demand. The
approach of tariff analysis is to allow you to model the individual component charges that make up the utility
bill and report the results on a monthly basis. The calculation is organized in hierarchy for economics charges
illustrated below.
Any charges included in the EnergyCharges category are added together at the first step. The
EnergyCharges, DemandCharges and ServiceCharges are added together to form the Basis.The Basis,
Adjustments and Surcharges are added together to form the Subtotal. And finally the Total is obtained from
the summation of Subtotal and Taxes, where the Total represents the total monthly charges on that tariff for
the energy source used. In addition, each category name is usually used as a source variable when setting
charges and doing tariff calculation.
In detail, this module consists of the name of the tariff, the type of tariff, and other details about the overall
tariff. The objects such as Tariff, Charge (either Simple or Block), Qualify, Ratchet stayed in the same tariff
package will perform tariff calculation with tariff name being given on Tariff tab.
Multiple Tariff objects can be modelled, and it is common that electric and gas utilities have more than one
rate that may be used. However, only one Tariff for each Output Meter object and Group Name is shown in
the Economics Summary Report. The one that is shown in the report is chosen by first eliminating Tariff
objects that are not qualified due to their Qualify objects. If more than one Tariff object remains, the one that
has the lowest cost for a combination of an Output Meter and Group Name will be selected. If the Group
Name field is not checked, then the lowest cost Tariff object is chosen for each Meter.
There are 5 tabs on the Tariffs dialog:
User Variables
- 374 -
Tariff name
The field gives the name of the tariff to be modelled. Tariffs are sometimes called rates. The name is used in
identifying the output results and in associating all of the charges and other objects that make up a tariff.
Enter a description for the tariff.
Select a category for the tariff from:
Electricity tariffs
Gas tariffs
Other tariffs
6-Other Defined Meter
This output meter name must point to a valid meter, otherwise it will lead to unexpected results.
Usually, the Electricity:Facility meter or the ElectricityPurchased:Facility is selected when the buyFromUtility
option is used, the ElectricitySurplusSold:Facility meter is selected when the sellToUtility option is used and
the ElectricityNet:Facility meter is selected when the netMetering option is used.
To calculate energy cost for specific energy use, the corresponding output meter name must be used (if input
manually, it should be typed exactly as EnergyPlus defined). For example, if your utility cost calculation is
intended for lighting electricity only, the InteriorLights:Electricity output meter name should be used here.
The following table shows the conversion factors when specifying one of the predefined choices:
- 375 -
Use 'Time of use period schedule'?
Check this check box if you would like to include a time of use period schedule.
1 is Peak
2 is Shoulder
3 is OffPeak
4 is MidPeak
- 376 -
Note: Different utilities use different terms to describe their rates. Sometimes the "shoulder" and the term
"midpeak" both mean basically the same thing. To define a time of use period schedule, you do not need
always use all of these terms. For terms Shoulder and MidPeak, in DesignBuilder/EnergyPlus you can use
either term as long as you use them consistently throughout the description of the utility tariff. Of course, you
can use them both if the utility has four levels though it is very unusual.
The following variables are created automatically if these different periods are used in the schedule and
Some special variables are created that include only demand from one period that exceeds the demand from
another period. For other months that do not exceed, the values are zero. These variables are seldom used
but are available for the occasional rate that includes a clause looking at demands during one period that
exceed another period.
Season schedule
Select the schedule that defines the seasons. The seasons are:
1 is Winter
2 is Spring
3 is Summer
4 is Autumn
The change in the season schedule must occur at the same time as the change in the Monthly Schedule. In
other words, a season must end at the same time as a billing month. Variables are automatically created if a
season schedule is used. These variables are set to 1 within the season and 0 for the months that are not in
the season. The variables are:
- 377 -
Month schedule
Select the schedule that defines the billing periods of the year. Normally this entry is allowed to default and a
schedule will be internally used that has the breaks between billing periods occurring at the same time as the
breaks between months, i.e., at midnight prior to the first day of the month. If other billing periods are used
such as two month cycles or a single bill for an entire season, such as some natural gas companies do in the
summer, then the month schedule may be used to redefine it. Make sure that the month schedule and season
schedule are consistent, otherwise an error will be issued.
Thus, the schedule that represents this would look like the following. If no schedule is specified the following
Month Schedule is used which defines the months of the year as the normal calendar months.
The use of the Month Schedule Name field is not usually required. Most utility tariffs have monthly bills and so
this field would not need to be used. Specifically, if you have bills every two months, you would define a
schedule to use in this field that had the value of 1 for January and February, the value of 2 for March and
April, the value of 3 for May and June, etc. See below:
Schedule:Compact, TwoMonthBilling, number,
Through: 2/28, For: AllDays, Until: 24:00, 1,
Through: 4/30, For: AllDays, Until: 24:00, 2,
Through: 6/30, For: AllDays, Until: 24:00, 3,
Through: 8/31, For: AllDays, Until: 24:00, 4,
Through: 10/31, For: AllDays, Until: 24:00, 5,
Through: 12/31, For: AllDays, Until: 24:00, 6;
For other cases, some natural gas utilities define a single billing period for the summer months. In this case
you would define a schedule that was 1 for January, 2 for February, 3 for March, 4 for April, 5 for May June
July and August, 6 for September, 7 for October, 8 for November, 9 for December.
Schedule:Compact, SingleSummerBilling, number,
Through: 1/31, For: AllDays, Until: 24:00, 1,
Through: 2/28, For: AllDays, Until: 24:00, 2,
Through: 3/31, For: AllDays, Until: 24:00, 3,
Through: 4/30, For: AllDays, Until: 24:00, 4,
Through: 8/31, For: AllDays, Until: 24:00, 5,
Through: 9/30, For: AllDays, Until: 24:00, 6,
Through: 10/31, For: AllDays, Until: 24:00, 7,
Through: 11/30, For: AllDays, Until: 24:00, 8,
Through: 12/31, For: AllDays, Until: 24:00, 9;
Demand window length
The determination of demand can vary by utility. Some utilities use the peak instantaneous demand measured
but most use a fifteen minute average demand or a one hour average demand. Some gas utilities measure
demand as the use during the peak day or peak week.
The choices for demand window are:
- 378 -
Group name
This field defines the group name of the tariff such as distribution, transmission, supplier, etc. If more than one
tariff with the same group name is present and qualifies, only the lowest cost tariff is used. Usually the group
name field is left blank which results in all tariffs using the same meter variable being compared and the
lowest cost one being selected.
- 379 -
Buy or sell
It sets whether the tariff is used for buying, selling or both to the utility. This should be allowed to default to
BuyFromUtility unless a power generation system is included in the building that may generate more power
than the building needs during the year.
The choices are:
BuyFromUtility The values from the metered variable are used and are shown as being purchases
from the utility.
SellToUtility The values from the metered variable are used for a sell back rate to the utility. The
charges in the rate should be expressed as negative values.
NetMetering Negative values are used to reduce any positive values during the specific period on the
tariff when negative values occur (sell back to utility).
A warning will be issued if the selection of this field does not match the type of meter (please refer to Output
Meter Name field for more details).
Number of charges
The number of charges applied in this tariff can be selected from this dropdown list.
Simple or Block?
Select the charge type according to utility rate settings from:
1-Simple is used to compute energy and demand charges that are very simple. It may also be used for
taxes, surcharges and any other charges that occur on a utility bill. As many Simple Charge objects as
needed may be defined for a single tariff and they will be added together.
2-Block is used to compute energy and demand charges that are structured in blocks of charges. It
may also be used for Taxes, Surcharges and any other charges that occur on a utility bill but those are
more commonly simple flat charges so Simple Charge is more commonly used for those functions. As
many Block Charge objects as needed may be defined for a single tariff and they will be added
together. Blocks are a structure used by almost all utilities for calculating energy and demand charges
and they allow the utility to charge more or less per unit of energy or demand if more units are used.
Charge variable name
This is the name associated with the Simple charge object and will appear in the report, which is also used to
store the results of the Simple charge calculation. Spaces are not significant in Charge variable names. They
are removed during the utility bill calculation process.
Source variable
This is the name of the source used by the Simple charge. This is usually the name of the variable holding the
energy or demand but may also be the name of any variable including the Subtotal or Basis if other charges
are based on those. This should be typed exact as defined.
This is the name (or number) of a season for which the Simple charge is calculated. If this is set to Annual, the
calculations are performed for the entire year (all months), otherwise they are calculated only for the months in
the season defined. The season is defined by the Season Schedule on the Tariff tab.
The choices for seasons are the following names:
- 380 -
Fall (Autumn)
Charge variable name
This is the name associated with the Block charge object and will appear in the report, which is also used to
store the results of the Block charge calculation. Spaces are not significant in Charge variable names. They
are removed during the utility bill calculation process.
Source variable
This is the name of the source used by the Block charge. This is usually the name of the variable holding the
energy or demand but may also be the name of any variable including the Subtotal or Basis if other charges
are based on those. This should be typed exact as defined.
This is the name (or number) of a season for which the Block charge is calculated. If this is set to Annual, the
calculations are performed for the entire year (all months), otherwise they are calculated only for the months in
the season defined. The season is defined by the Season schedule on the Tariff tab.
The choices for seasons are the following names:
Fall (Autumn)
- 381 -
category. The charge automatically gets added to the variable named after this category. The choices for this
field are limited to:
Number of blocks
This field gives number of blocks needed for this Block charge setting.
tariffs from the same utility can be modelled and only one of them should be used, make sure that the
qualifiers are consistent especially within the same Group name (defined on the Tariff tab). Multiple Qualify
objects can appear for a specific rate and they can be based on any variable.
The energy used and demands for each month vary. Since it is possible that they vary across the minimum
and maximum values defined by this object, a choice in how to treat the thresholds is necessary. The utility
probably has very specific requirements about which months or consecutive months can be above or below a
threshold to qualify for the rate.
The name used for the Qualify object and displayed if the tariff qualify or does not qualify. It is also treated as
a variable and contains:
Variable name
The name of the variable used. For energy and demand, the automatically created variables, totalEnergy and
totalDemand should be used, respectively.
Qualify type
This defines criteria for checking tariffs qualification, the options can be either Minimum or Maximum.
If the UtilityCost:Qualify only applies to a season, enter the season name from the following list:
Fall (Autumn)
It defaults to Annual.
Threshold test
The Number of months (below) is used in one of two different ways depending on this setting. Select from:
1-Count where the qualification is based on the count of the total number of months per year.
2-Consecutive where the qualification is based on a consecutive number of months.
Number of months
A number is used here from 1 to 12. If Input Number of months is not checked, 12 is assumed when the
qualify type is minimum and 1 when the qualify type is maximum. This is the number of months that the
threshold test applies to determine if the rate qualifies or not. If the season is less than 12 months (if it is not
annual) then the value is automatically reduced to the number of months of the season.
- 383 -
EnergyPlus idf:
If multiple ratchets occur in the same tariff, they be chained together with the Baseline source variable
replaced with the Ratchet variable name of the previous Ratchet.
baseline value is used. Usually the electric demand charge is used. The baseline source variable can be the
results of another ratchet object. This allows utility tariffs that have multiple ratchets to be modelled.
Season from
This is the name of the season that is being examined. The maximum value for all of the months in the named
season is what is used with the multiplier and offset. This is most commonly Summer or Annual. When
Monthly is used, the adjustment source variable is used directly for all months.
The choices are:
Fall (Autumn)
Season to
This is the name of the season when the ratchet would apply. This is most commonly Winter. The ratchet only
is applied to the months in the named season. The resulting variable for months not in the Season To
selection will contain the values as appear in the baseline source variable. The choices are:
Fall (Autumn)
- 385 -
For a simple typical case using totalDemand for both Baseline source variable and Adjustment source
variable, please see the example at the top of this page.
Tariff tab
Charge tab
Qualify tab
Ratchet tab
- 386 -
Number of variables used
Enter the number of variables to be defined.
For each variable enter the following data.
This field defines the name of the variable.
Variable type
This field is used to indicate the kind of units that may be associated with the variable. It is used by IDF Editor
to display the appropriate SI and IP units for the January through December values. The available options are
shown below. If none of these options are appropriate, select Dimensionless which will have no unit
Construction Costs
Component cost modelling provides an early design stage estimate of the initial construction costs associated
with the building and HVAC system being modelled. The construction costs input to the EnergyPlus costing
calculations are derived from the cost outputs on the Cost and Carbon tab. Initially, the idea of EnergyPlus
construction costs is to ensure that cost estimates are consistent with the EnergyPlus model and allow using
results calculated during a simulation such as equipment sizes and surface areas.
The DesignBuilder EnergyPlus cost estimating capabilities are intended for early stage estimation and do not
cover all the types of analyses included in more detailed cost estimating software.
The usual reason for including component costs in an EnergyPlus simulation will to as part of a larger
investment analysis such as life-cycle costing.
Note: The term "component cost" is used almost synonymously with "construction cost" in the DesignBuilder
documentation. The "component cost" terminology comes from the EnergyPlus ComponentCost:LineItem,
ComponentCost:Adjustments and ComponentCost:Reference data used to include construction costs in the
To understand how to include cost estimates in EnergyPlus inputs, it may be helpful to first define some
terminology and provide an overview of the process used in EnergyPlus. There are three broad steps involved
in the EnergyPlus component cost calculations.
Each of above steps involves using one of the three Component cost data sets described below. These 3
steps are organized by corresponding tabs on the Construction costs dialog:
Line Item
The results can be included in the Construction Cost Estimate Summary table by checking the Component
Cost Economics Summary output option under the Summary Annual Reports header.
The construction cost calculation example below shows the Component Cost Economics Summary output
and how this is used as the basis for a comparison with a reference case with adjustment factors applied.
- 388 -
Enter the name of this Component cost component.
Enter the name of this Component cost component.
The category cannot be changed on the dialog.
The way line item data is entered depends on which of these 2 categories is selected:
DesignBuilder - Line item data is read automatically from the current results on the Cost and Carbon
tab when opening the dialog, If the cost calculations are updated then data on this dialog must also be
updated by re-opening the dialog and saving it again.
User defined - Up to 10 line item data items can be entered manually.
- 389 -
Structure costs
HVAC costs
Lighting costs
Sub-structure costs
Super structure costs
Glazing costs
Renewables costs
Surface finish costs
For details on how these costs are calculated, refer to the Cost and Carbon calculation section.
Alternatively, you can use your own line item data (as opposed to those calculated by DesignBuilder) by
selecting a Component cost component from the User defined folder. Data from this folder has all fields
Line items are reported by EnergyPlus and displayed in tabular form on the Summary tab of the Simulation
Item name
This field is used to refer to a specific instance of an object.
This field is used to directly enter the line item quantity. The units should correspond to what is used in the Per
Each field.
- 390 -
Contractor fee
This field can be used to enter a fraction of total base costs that should be added to account for Contractor
fees. Note it is not the same as a fraction of the total cost estimate.
This field can be used to enter a fraction of total base costs that should be added for contingency. Note that is
not the same as a fraction of the total cost estimate.
Commissioning fee
This field can be used to enter a fraction of total based and miscellaneous construction costs that should be
added to account for commissioning services. Note that is not the same as a fraction of the total cost estimate.
- 391 -
Reference contingency
This field can be used to enter a fraction of total base costs that should be added for contingency. Note that it
is not the same as a fraction of the total cost estimate.
Recurring costs
Non-recurring costs
- 392 -
The utility costs and first costs are used along with other current and future costs input using the Recurring
costs and Non-recurring cost data and these are combined into the present value life-cycle cost metric. The
Parameters object establishes the set of assumptions for the analysis along with Use price escalation (often
from databases) and Use adjustment objects.
Note 1: It is important to understand that the comparison of different simulation results and their present
values is not performed by EnergyPlus. Instead, EnergyPlus provides the present value calculations for a
specific simulation combining the energy costs, first costs, and future costs and you need to make the
comparison between the results of multiple simulations when needed.
Note 2: Life-Cycle Costing (LCC) should not be confused with Life Cycle Analysis (LCA). With LCC the result
is an economic evaluation of current and future expenditures in order to make a decision on alternative
investments. In LCA, the environmental impact such as equivalent CO2 production involved in the materials,
delivery, manufacturing, and construction are combined with environmental impacts of the building in
operation and the eventual removal of the building and is used to understand the overall environmental impact
or embodied energy.
The results of using the LCC analysis are included automatically in the Summary report under Life Cycle Cost
Report. This report shows the costs and the timing of costs, often called cash flows, along with the present
value in several different tables. The tabular results show the present value of all current and future costs.
An identifying name this LCC analysis.
Discounting convention
The field specifies if the discounting of future costs should be computed as occurring at the end, the middle or
the beginning of each year. The most common discounting convention uses the end of each year, therefore
without a specific reason, the end of year should be used. The year being used starts with the base year and
month (see below) and repeats every full year.
All costs assumed to occur during that duration are accumulated and shown as an expense either at the
beginning, middle or end of the year. The options are:
Note: Specifically, some military projects may require using the middle of each year.
- 393 -
Inflation approach
This field is used to determine if the analysis should use constant dollars or current dollars which is related to
how inflation is treated. The two options are:
If 1-ConstantDollar is selected, then the Real discount rate input (see below) is used and it excludes the rate
of inflation. If 2-CurrentDollar is selected, then the Nominal discount rate (see below) input is used and it
includes the rate of inflation. For most analyses, using the 1-ConstantDollar option will be easier since the
effect of inflation may be ignored.
Reference: From NIST Handbook 135: The constant dollar approach has the advantage of avoiding the need
to project future rates of inflation or deflation. The price of a good or service stated in constant dollars is not
affected by the rate of general inflation. For example, if the price of a piece of equipment is $1,000 today and
$1,050 at the end of a year in which prices in general have risen at an annual rate of 5 percent, the price
stated in constant dollars is still $1,000; no inflation adjustment is necessary. In contrast, if cash flows are
stated in current dollars, future amounts include general inflation, and an adjustment is necessary to convert
the current dollar estimate to its constant-dollar equivalent. This adjustment is important because constantand current-dollar amounts must not be combined in an LCCA.
Inflation rate
Enter the rate of inflation for general goods and services as a decimal, e.g. for a 2% rate, enter the value 0.02.
When Inflation approach is set to 1-ConstantDollar this input is ignored.
Example: Below is an example from the NIST Handbook 135 1995 edition.
- 394 -
1-January (default)
Reference: According to NIST 135 the base date is the point in time to which all project related costs are
discounted in an LCCA [life cycle cost analysis]. The base date is usually the first day of the study period for
the project, which in turn is usually the date that the LCCA is performed. In a constant dollar analysis, the
base date usually defines the time reference for the constant dollars (e.g. 1995 constant dollars). It is essential
that you use the same base date and constant-dollar year for all of the project alternatives to be compared. If
you set the base date to the date that the LCCA is performed, then the constant dollar basis for the analysis
will be the current date, and you can use actual costs as of that date without adjusting for general inflation.
- 395 -
1-January (default)
Length of study period in years
Enter the number of years of the study period. It is the number of years that the study continues based on the
start at the base date.
The default value is 25 years, and only integers are allowed that indicate whole years.
Reference: According to NIST Handbook 135, the study period for an LCCA is the time over which the costs
and benefits related to a capital investment decision are of interest to the decision maker. Thus, the study
period begins with the base date and includes both the planning/construction period (if any) and the relevant
service period for the project. The service period begins with the service date and extends to the end of the
study period.
Tax rate
Enter the overall marginal tax rate for the project costs. This does not include energy or water taxes. The
single tax rate entered here is not intended to be a replacement of the complex calculations necessary to
compute personal or corporate taxes; instead it is an approximate that may be used for a simple analysis
assuming a constant tax rate is applied on all costs. The tax rate entered should be based on the marginal tax
rate for the entity and not the average tax rate. Enter the tax rate results in present value calculations after
taxes. Most analyses do not factor in the impact of taxes and assume that all options under consideration
have roughly the same tax impact. Due to this, many times the tax rate can be left to default to zero and the
present value results before taxes are used to make decisions. The value should be entered as a decimal
value, e.g. for 15% enter 0.15. For an analysis that does not include tax impacts, enter 0.0. The default is 0.
Depreciation method
For an analysis that includes income tax impacts, this entry describes how capital costs are depreciated. Only
one depreciation method may be used for an analysis and is applied to all capital expenditures. Only analyses
that include tax impacts need to select a depreciation method. The options are:
- 396 -
11-None (default)
Depreciation allowances reduce the actual/nominal tax dollars paid by the owner. Thus, analyses using
depreciation should be conducted in nominal dollars. For an analysis that does not include tax effects, 11None should be selected.
Note: For more details about depreciation methods and which one to choose, refer to IRS Publication 946
How to Depreciate Property. It states that "Depreciation is an annual income tax deduction that allows you to
recover the cost or other basis of certain property over the time you use the property. It is an allowance for
Fair market value the wear and tear, deterioration, or obsolescence of the Intangible property. Details on
which depreciation method to choose depends on the property being depreciated, IRS Publication 946 and
your accountant will be the best sources of information in determining which depreciation method to choose.
Enter the category of the recurring costs. Choose the closest category. The options include:
Enter the cost (local currency) for the recurring costs. Enter the cost for each time it occurs. For example, if
the annual maintenance cost is $500, enter 500 here.
Start of costs
Enter when the costs start. The First year of cost is based on the number of years past the Start of costs. For
most maintenance costs, the Start of costs should be 1-ServicePeriod. The options are:
- 398 -
Enter the category of the non-recurring costs. Choose the closest category. The options include:
Enter the non-recurring cost value. For construction and other capital costs the value entered is typically a
positive value. For salvage costs, the value entered is typically a negative value which represents the money
paid to the investor for the equipment at the end of the study period.
Start of costs
Enter when the costs start. The first year of cost is based on the number of years past the Start of costs. For
most non-recurring costs the Start of costs should be base period which begins at the base month and year.
The options are:
- 399 -
LCCusePriceEscalationDataSetXXXX.idf file which includes the value for the supplement to NIST 135 from
the year indicated. The object provides inputs for the escalations of energy and water costs assuming that
they change differently than inflation. According to the NIST 135 supplement the values are present projected
fuel price indices for the four Census regions and for the United States. These indices, when multiplied by
annual energy costs computed at base-date prices provide estimates of future-year costs in constant basedate dollars. Constant-dollar cost estimates are needed when discounting is performed with a real discount
rate (i.e., a rate that does not include general price inflation).
The LCCusePriceEscalationDataSetXXXX.idf is periodically updated by the EnergyPlus development team
using data available from NIST along with a spreadsheet to convert that data into an IDF dataset file. The
NIST 135 annual supplement is available from NIST or through US DOE FEMP program.
If requested, NIST personnel will provide a file called ENCOSTxx.TXT which contains the data used to create
Table Ca-1 to Table Ca-5 in the supplement. To convert the data in the ENCOSTxx.TXT file to an IDF file,
open the ENCOSTxx.TXT file in a text editor and copy the entire contents into the first tab called Step 1 of
the conversion spreadsheet. The conversion spreadsheet file named
ConvertENCOSTtoEnergyPlusLifeCycleCost.xls is available upon request from the EnergyPlus
development team. The Step 2 tab separates the data into columns. The Step 3 tab computes ratios that
are the same as Table Ca-1 to Table C1-6 in the supplement. Checking these values against what appears in
the printed supplement is recommended. The Step 4 and Step 5 tabs rearrange the data and the Step 6
tab shows the data in a format that can be easily copied and pasted into a new idf dataset file. The final step
requires using your text editor to replace the fuel names with those used by EnergyPlus. The replacement
names are listed on the FuelNameConversion tab.
Select the resource from:
1-January (default)
Year 1 escalation
The escalation in price of the energy or water use for the first year expressed as a decimal.
Year n escalation
The escalation in price of the energy or water use for the n-th year expressed as a decimal. As mentioned
above, normally 25 to 50 years data is used.
Note: If the number of years of escalation is less than the number of years in the analysis period, the
remaining years will assume no escalation, therefore normal inflation will be the only affect for these years.
The identifier used for this use adjustment data.
Select the resource from:
- 401 -
Year 1 multiplier
The multiplier to be applied to the end use cost for the first year in the service period. The total utility costs for
the selected end use is multiplied by this value. For no change enter 1.0.
Year n multiplier
The multiplier to be applied to the end use cost for each following year. The total utility costs for the selected
end use is multiplied by this value. For no change enter 1.0.
Note: If the number of years of Use price escalation is less than the number of years in the analysis period,
the remaining years will assume no escalation, therefore normal inflation will be the only affect for these years.
Options tab in model data
You can control the output data that is generated in the design calculations and simulations by making
selections on the Options model data tab.
Warning: Use these options with caution on large models as, when selected, they will cause large amounts of
data to be stored.
Warning: Use these options with caution on large models as, when selected, they will cause large amounts of
data to be stored.
- 403 -
Output options
Simulation output options can be accessed at building, block, zone, surface and opening levels giving you
control of the elements in the model for which output data will be generated.
The following options are available at building level only and the same options can also be accessed from the
Simulation tab of the Model options dialog and on the Output tab of the Simulation Calculation Options dialog:
Store opening/sub-surface output - at surface level and above in the model hierarchy, this is a
default value for openings and sub-surfaces. It much be selected for a particular opening if any data for
that opening or sub-surface is to be generated.
Inside Surface Temperature - for surfaces and openings.
Outside Surface Temperature - for surfaces and openings.
Surface Heat Gain - for surfaces.
Glazing Heat Gain - for openings.
Solar Incident - for surfaces and openings.
Solar Transmitted - for window openings.
External Sunlit Fraction - for surfaces and openings.
Internal Convective Heat Transfer Coefficient - for surfaces and openings.
External Convective Heat Transfer Coefficient - for surfaces and openings.
Airflow - data is available at both surface and opening level. At surface level the data includes only
infiltration through the opaque part of the parent surface and does any flow through the openings
contained on the surface. At opening level the flow includes both natural ventilation through the main
opening and also infiltration through gaps. Window infiltration is defined by the selected crack template.
Positive flow is flow into the zone and negative airflow is flow out. This is true for both red and blue
Airflow data.
Warning: Use these surface and opening options with caution on large models as, when selected, they will
cause large amounts of data to be generated and stored. Select only the data you need for the building
elements of interest.
CFD tab of model options
This tab allows you set various types of boundary condition for CFD calculations.
If you have previously loaded simulation results as boundary conditions using the CFD Boundary Conditions
Edit dialog then this data will be displayed at surface and opening levels.
- 404 -
The attributes that can be set on this tab are shown with the boundary condition type to which they apply.
Note that all attributes are displayed at zone level and above in the hierarchy because these act as defaults,
but at surface and opening level only the data applicable to the current object is displayed.
Note: Data specified on this tab does not affect EnergyPlus simulations
See also:
Check and set the airflow rate through each supply and extract boundary condition and also through
each window, vent, door and hole in the selected domain.
Check that total flow in balances with total flow out (a key requirement for the CFD calculations). If
flows do not balance there are options to automatically apply a correction flow to one of the existing
openings to ensure balance.
Check and set the temperatures of each boundary condition where temperature is defined (surfaces,
supply flow, windows, temperature boundary conditions).
Import surface and opening boundary conditions for a specific time/date from a previous EnergyPlus
The Group options allows you to group boundary condition data by one of:
1-None - each boundary condition is displayed in a simple list without any grouping.
2-Boundary types - boundary conditions are displayed groups according to type (extract, supply,
temperature, window etc). See screenshot above.
3-Zones and surfaces - the boundary conditions are grouped by zone and then by surface.
Under some circumstances the display can be erratic when using the 2-Boundary type grouping and in this
case you may find it better to use one of the other grouping options.
- 406 -
You can edit the flow in and flow out airflow rates and temperatures as appropriate on the dialog and the
changes are only saved to the model when you press the OK button. No changes are made if you press
You can edit the temperature for all temperature-related boundary conditions. There are 2 temperature
columns, one for surface temperatures and the other for air temperature. The air temperature column is only
relevant for openings and supply diffusers and is the temperature of the air entering the space. Openings such
as windows, vents and doors can have different surface and air temperatures defined. If the airflow rate
through the opening is zero then you will not be able to edit the data in the air temperature column.
Surface inside temperatures of walls, floors, roofs, partitions, ceilings, windows, doors and subsurfaces.
Flow in and flow out of windows, vents, doors and holes (only when using the Calculated natural
ventilation model option).
To import simulation data click on the Import button in the Boundary Conditions Editor (above).
Import Dialog
The Import data dialog allows you to select boundary conditions for a particular snapshot in time from the
simulation results.
Only Hourly interval data can be loaded from the simulation.
- 407 -
To obtain access to the above data the simulation must generate inside surface temperatures and any natural
ventilation airflow rates to be included in the CFD calculations. Before starting you should decide on the extent
of the CFD domain and the time period you wish to analyse. Then only generate simulation data for these
areas and time periods.Otherwise, for large models you might generate an impractical amount of data and
overload the software.
The steps required to generate boundary condition data from simulation are:
If the CFD simulation is to use natural ventilation airflows through windows calculated by EnergyPlus
then you must use the Calculated natural ventilation model option. Scheduled natural ventilation does
not calculate airflows through individual windows.
Because CFD calculations do not use infiltration flows you may want to switch off Infiltration treatment
on the Constructions model data tab. This will help ensure that the flow balance with little or no need for
extra correction flows to be introduced on the CFD Boundary Conditions dialog. It also speeds up
simulations by reducing the complexity of the Airflow network in EnergyPlus.
Switch off the Lump similar windows on surface model option to ensure that all windows are modelled
Prepare the simulation model data and carry out test simulations to check that the model is behaving
as expected during the period of interest (e.g. summer design conditions). Look at hourly results.
Navigate to the level in the model covering the CFD domain. If you are modelling a single zone in the
CFD simulation, then navigate to that zone, if you are modelling a block then go that block or if you are
modelling the whole building then go to building level. Then on the Options model data tab select the
following output options:
Store opening output - ensure that data for windows, vents, doors, holes and sub-surfaces is
included in the output.
Inside Surface Temperature - to store inside surface temperatures for all surfaces and
openings in the domain.
- 408 -
Airflow in - to record the flow in through windows, vents, doors and hole (natural ventilation
calculations only).
Airflow out - to record the flow out through windows, vents, doors and hole (natural ventilation
calculations only).
Once the model is prepared, click on the Simulation tab and request hourly or sub-hourly results and
run the simulation.
Check the simulation results by examining hourly results before feeding them into the CFD calculations.
Check that airflow through windows is in the expected direction based on wind direction and expected
wind pressures etc.
Start the CFD Boundary Conditions Editor and follow instructions for importing the simulation hourly or
sub-hourly results
Add any assemblies or component blocks with any further boundary conditions needed to represent
heat, temperature and flow boundaries imposed by HVAC, lighting and other equipment and
Make sure you have the same total convective heat from your internal gains in the CFD model as you
had in the EnergyPlus simulation.
Check that CFD results correspond with the boundary conditions provided by the simulation.
Note: It is not currently possible to set flow boundary conditions on internal openings. So although
EnergyPlus calculates flow rates through interior openings, DesignBuilder CFD will ignore these flows
and re-calculate them using a more detailed method taking into account distributed air velocities and
pressures.This means that the flows through internal openings calculated by the CFD won't match
exactly with the flows calculated by the EnergyPlus Airflow network. EnergyPlus flow rates through
exterior openings are always respected by DesignBuilder CFD when used as boundary conditions.
Note: Infiltration airflow is not modelled in CFD and if you are looking at summer time natural
ventilation you may wish to switch Infiltration off in simulations. Winter time simulation may need
infiltration included if it is significant.
Infiltration in CFD
DesignBuilder CFD doesn't include the concept of infiltration as cracks cannot be graphically defined and
there can be no porous airflow through CFD surfaces as there can in EnergyPlus. Because airflow through
cracks in simulations using Calculated natural ventilation can be significant, importing EnergyPlus opening
airflows from simulations that include crack leakage can sometimes cause flow balance problems, especially
in zones with only a single opening. It is therefore usually advisable to exclude the effects of infiltration from
simulations that are to be used for setting boundary conditions for CFD. A warning message to this effect is
given if you attempt to import simulation data generated using Calculated natural ventilation and infiltration.
Another reason for excluding infiltration from simulations to be used for setting up CFD boundary conditions is
that the flow is likely to balance much more easily without the need to add large balancing flows to one or
more openings.
Assembly Library
DesignBuilder is provided with an assembly library which contains a small database of typical components
that may be useful in defining a CFD model. Some assemblies in the library include thermal gains while others
simply provide an obstruction to airflow.
You can add your own assemblies to the library by selecting one or more component blocks and then using
the Add assembly to library toolbar command (or Edit > Add assembly to library menu option).
The assembly library data can be exported for use in other projects using the File > Export > Export
assembly library menu command.
The exported assembly library asl file can be loaded into other projects using the File > Import > Import
assembly library menu command.
Detailed Equipment
Equipment tab in model data (zone level only)
- 409 -
Warning: This option is intended for modelling existing buildings where individual items of equipment have
been recorded as part of a detailed survey and is not intended for general design or assessment simulation
When the Gains model option is set to Detailed you can enter data on individual items of equipment in each
Details on editing Equipment data
Note: For other modelling applications you should use the Early gains model option because data can be set
at the building level and/or loaded from template with much less effort.
Fans - Miscellaneous
DHW - Miscellaneous.
Process - Miscellaneous
External lighting - Task lighting
Other external - Miscellaneous
Miscellaneous - Miscellaneous
Note that all of the above gains are modelled as scheduled gains in the zone and the data is reported as such
in the program output. So for example categorising an item of equipment as DHW does not affect in any way
DHW modelling as defined on the HVAC tab. Likewise data for Heating, Cooling, Pumps and Fans is simply
modelled as a scheduled gain in the zone, completely unconnected with HVAC modelling.
Load data from template - load predefined data sets to the model from a template
Clear data to default - clear data back to default values inherited from level above in model hierarchy)
Merge Zones dialog - control merging of zones from one dialog
Load whole building infiltration - load measured results from pressurisation tests
The Toolbar
The Edit menu
Mouse right-click in the Model Data.
Use it to load template data into the model. You can select one or more data sources from the following
template libraries:
When you select one of the above templates as a source of data you must also set the template from which to
- 411 -
Target Object(s)
On the Target tab you can select the way you want to set data and, where appropriate, which model objects to
load to.
1-Selected object(s) - choose this option if you want to load the same data to one or more building,
block, zone or surface. Check the boxes next to the target objects to select them as targets.
2-Reload templates - reloads template data for the current building and all its blocks, zones, surfaces
and openings. Data is only loaded if the template selection is non-default. If the template inherits from
the hierarchical level above, data is not loaded. See also Reload Templates.
3-Search & replace - allows you to search the model for particular data and replace with data from a
Selection tools are available to allow you to control the selection of building objects:
Select all.
Select all down to zone level.
Select none.
Reload Templates
Model Data Management
The Reload templates option provides a quick way to reload template data for the current building and all its
blocks, zones, surfaces and openings. Data is only reloaded if the template selection is non-default. If the
template inherits from the hierarchical level above, data is not loaded. This ensures that any model data that
was manually overriden reverts back to template settings. After running this command you should not see any
model data shown in red bold.
The command opens the Load data from template dialog with the option 2-Reload templates selected and all
model data tabs selected for updating. You can modify these settings, for example if you only wish to reload
data on certain model data tabs.
This option is accessed from the Edit menu.
- 412 -
'Clearing to default' removes any 'user data' (shown in red) from the current object and instead default data is
passed from the 'parent' object in the hierarchy (Model Data shown in blue).
You can control the extent of the 'clearance' by setting the 'Clear Down to' data at the bottom. Leave this data
as 'Surface level' if you want all data in the currently selected model object (including child objects) to be
returned to a default state.
Merging Zones
Merging zones is the process whereby zones that are identified as being separate in the model can be
merged together with other zones in simulations. This can help to simplify models and speed subsequent
The Merge Zones dialog can be accessed from the Tools menu when on the Edit screen. It provides
convenient access to the 3 ways of merging zones in DesignBuilder:
These zone merging mechanisms are described below. They can also be accessed from the Model options
dialog, though this does provide the controls for selective merging that are available from the Merge Zones
dialog. Note that Selective zone merging is generally the preferred way to merge zones.
- 413 -
- 414 -
Merging Zones
With a zone selected in the left hand pane it is now possible to select zones in the right hand pane to become
members of the zone group. Zones to be merged cannot already be merged members of an existing group,
however the parent of an existing group can be merged. Selecting a valid zone to be merged will enable the
Merge button located between the two panes of the dialog. Clicking on this button carries out the merge and
the newly merged zone will be shown on the tree in the left hand pane. If the parent of an existing zone group
is selected and merged then the parent and all of its children become members of the merged zone group.
Unmerging Zones
A single child zone can be removed from a zone group by selecting it in the left hand pane, then using the
Unmerge button located beneath the pane. Selecting the parent of a zone group then using the Unmerge
button will remove all the child zones from the group but will not remove the parent itself If a parent zone
having no children is selected, the text of the unmerge button changes to Remove Parent, and the parent
zone can be removed from the tree in the left hand pane. Updating DesignBuilder Any changes made to zone
merging settings are only applied when the dialog is closed using the OK button. Closing the dialog with the
Cancel button discards any changes.
Merging zones
When zones are merged using one of the above methods, combined merged zones are treated as a single
zone in thermal calculations. When zones are merged, one of the zones is marked as being the 'parent' zone,
and the other zones are 'child' zones. The child zones are marked in blue in the Navigator together with the
parent zone they have been merged into as shown below.
This screenshot of the Navigation list shows the First floor zone, Second floor zone and Roof zones all
merged into the Atrium zone.
The parent zone is the zone that is used for defining Activity, HVAC, Lighting (and all other zone related data)
for itself and all it's child zones. You therefore cannot access this zone-related Model data for merged child
zones. You must go to the parent zone to edit the Model data for the combined zone. The internal gains are
calculated based on the data set on the Activity tab for the parent zone but using the combined total floor area
of all of the merged zones.
Constructions, glazing and other surface level data can be defined separately in each of the parent and child
zones in the normal way.
- 415 -
Speed up simulations.
A geometrically complex space in the actual building is to be modelled using more than one block in
DesignBuilder (e.g. dormer windows, atria).
To reduce the number of zones and simplify HVAC system descriptions when exporting EnergyPlus
IDF data for use outside DesignBuilder.
If you have created a tall merged zone, you may want to use the Air distribution model data on the
HVAC tab to create a dynamic vertical temperature gradient. This approach to modelling tall spaces is
preferred over connecting a number of horizontal slices with air flow openings, because it does not rely
on getting correct airflow conductances between the horizontal slices.
Technical note
Disadvantages Of Merging
If done without consideration of the issues, merging zones can reduce cooling load peaks resulting in an
underestimate of cooling equipment sizes required to condition the building (and associated energy
consumption in a simulation). To understand this, consider a building in the Northern hemisphere with two
zones, a North zone and a South zone connected to each other along the E-W axis. When solar gains are
highest, the South zone may experience a cooling load and the North Zone not. Now imagine the same 2
spaces merged into a single zone. The combined single zone will now almost certainly have a lower cooling
load than the load in the original South zone because the air and surfaces on the South side of the merged
space is cooled by the shaded North side.
As simple guide, where the temperatures, internal/solar gains, ventilation, HVAC system and other operational
parameters in the actual separate zones are about the same as each other then the merging process should
not affect simulation accuracy unduly, however, when merging zones which have different conditions and/or
load profiles, the merging will reduce accuracy.
In most cases, merging zones will speed up simulations but occasionally simulations can slow down,
especially at the initialisation stage. This may be because any very large zones generated through merging
can have many windows which can slow down solar and daylighting initialisation.
Merging Rules
When merging zones using the Merge zones of same activity or Merge zones connected by holes,
zones connected by the merge option are lumped together into a single 'parent' zone. In a vertical stack
of zones the parent will be the lowest zone in the stack.
The zone surfaces in merged child zones are generated in exactly the same way as they would have
been without the merging but are associated with the parent zone rather than the original child zone.
In child merged zones, you can access Constructions and Openings surface-based Model data but not
space related data such as Activity, Lighting, HVAC. This is accessed from the parent zone only.
When generating data for the calculations, surfaces between zones are defined twice, once from each side. Surfaces
between 2 zones that have been merged are called Surfaces within zone. By default these are modelled in the same way
as standard surfaces but with both sides adjacent to the same zone. If the Surfaces within zone treated as adiabatic
option is set, the 'other side' in each of the 2 surfaces is modelled as adiabatic.
- 416 -
Merging Buildings
You can also 'merge' 2 existing buildings (including component blocks) using the Transfer blocks command
from the Edit menu.
See also Zone multiplier for a manual way to reduce models having similar zones and Boolean operations for
how to combine blocks geometrically.
This section describes the graphical interface provided by DesignBuilder for the assembly of component
based HVAC systems which may be combined with building models for energy simulation using EnergyPlus.
- 417 -
HVAC system models in DesignBuilder are assembled by placing a number of pre-defined air and water
distribution loops together with groups of zones which are then connected to form complete systems.
See the Detailed HVAC Overview Tutorial
The air and water loops incorporate a number of HVAC components connected together by pipes or ducts to
form distribution systems. These loops can be modified to incorporate any additionally required components
and then connected to associated components in other loops or to heating, cooling and ventilation equipment
located in zones to form complete systems.
Zones are placed in the form of zone groups which enable a number of zones having the same HVAC
equipment to be grouped together. Each zone in the group can different equipment ratings. The zone group
mechanism greatly simplifies the HVAC schematic assembly in that only one set of equipment and
- 418 -
connections needs to be defined for the group while maintaining the flexibility of changing equipment
properties for individual zones within the group.
The pre-defined loops incorporate setpoint managers which enable the loop to run without any additional
control. However, additional setpoint managers can be added to the various loops to customise the control of
the system.
Data associated with all loops, zones and associated components can be edited via dialogs for specific
system requirements.
After placing loops, zone groups and setpoint managers and completing the required loop connections to
associated equipment, an EnergyPlus simulation can be conducted for the combined building and HVAC
system model.
Click on this <HVAC System> node to access the HVAC edit screen.
The word "supply air" refers to the air being supplied to the zone. So for example the "supply air flow
rate" is the rate of air delivered to the zone. It is not necessarily the fresh air delivery rate (though if
there is no recirculation then it will be).
- 419 -
HVAC Loops
An HVAC loop is used to model air and water distribution systems such as mechanical ventilation systems,
hot and chilled water piped distribution systems and condenser water distribution systems. A loop is divided
into two sub-loops, a demand sub-loop and a supply sub-loop.
See the HVAC Loops Introduction Tutorial
At its simplest, a sub-loop comprises an inlet connection (pipe or duct) which is connected in series via a
number of components to an outlet connection. The inlet connection of each loop sub-loop connects with the
outlet connection of the other loop sub-loop:
The demand sub-loop is typically that section of a loop from which energy is extracted from a system and the
supply sub-loop is that section of a loop to which energy is supplied by the system.
Consequently, supply sub-loops incorporate equipment such as boilers in the case of heating systems or
chillers in the case of cooling systems, the supply sub-loop of an air system incorporates items such as
heating and cooling coils. The supply sub-loop also contains circulating equipment such as pumps and fans.
Similarly, the demand sub-loop of a heating system includes items such as air conditioning heating coils or
zone equipment such as hot water radiators, fan-coil unit heating coils, under-floor heating, etc. and similarly a
chilled water demand sub-loop contains equipment such as air condition cooling coils, zone cooled beams,
chilled ceilings, etc. The sub-loop of an air loop typically incorporates zone air distribution equipment such as
VAV boxes, etc.
There are 4 main types of loop:
VRF loops,
Air loops.
Plant and condenser sub-loops incorporate a flow splitter and a flow mixer which allow a number of parallel
branches to be defined. Each parallel branch would normally comprise an inlet connection from the splitter, a
component and an outlet connection to the mixer. A by-pass parallel branch (without a component) is also
included to ensure flow continuity.
The supply sub-loops for single duct air loops on the other hand generally comprise a single branch which
incorporates an inlet connection connected to various components in series including an outdoor air mixer,
fans, cooling coils, heating coils, etc. which are in turn connected to an outlet connection. Air loop supply subloops do not contain flow splitters or mixers. Demand sub-loops for single duct air loops incorporate the
supply path connections to zone air distribution equipment and zone return air path connections. Air loop
demand sub-loops also incorporate a flow splitter and a flow mixer allowing air distribution equipment in a
number of zones to be connected to the supply and return paths:
- 421 -
The outdoor air mixer and fan components in DesignBuilder HVAC are incorporated within an air handling unit
component. Optionally, additional components such as heat recovery, heating coils, cooling coils, humidifiers
and outdoor air pre-treatment coils can also be added to air handling units:
- 422 -
Air supply sub-loops for dual duct systems incorporate two outlet connections, one for the hot duct and one
for the cold duct; dual duct supply sub-loops also incorporate a single air splitter to split the flow between the
hot and cold ducts:
The demand sub-loops for dual duct air loops similarly contain two inlet connections for hot and cold ducts
which can then be connected to zone dual duct air distribution terminals via air splitters and a mixer.
There are various pre-defined loops in DesignBuilder HVAC, 4 air loops, 5 plant loops a VRF loop and a
condenser loop.
Air Loops
Air loops are used by EnergyPlus to distribute mechanically driven air to zones. In the Air loops provided by
DesignBuilder, the air flow supplied into the zones is the same as the flow out. In other words air leakage is
not accounted for.
There are four pre-defined air loops provided by detailed HVAC:
- 423 -
- 424 -
- 425 -
coils together with a supplementary electric heating coil and consequently does not require any plant or
condenser loops to be defined.
The image below shows a unitary heat pump air loop connected to a Zone group.
Condenser loop
A plant equipment operation facility is included to provide plant and condenser loops with a mechanism for
controlling the operation of the loop and to specify which equipment is available under what conditions. This
allows you to model scheduled sequencing of plant equipment depending on time-varying load requirements.
For example you may want to model a multiple chiller system and schedule low load chillers to handle loads
up to a certain magnitude and then switch in higher load chillers as the cooling load increases. This feature is
available through the plant/condenser loop Plant Equipment Operation tab.
- 426 -
- 427 -
- 428 -
- 429 -
- 430 -
In order to realise energy savings with a solar heating system, it is best to use a two-tank system with a
storage tank and an auxiliary water heater. The storage tank gathers heat directly from the solar collectors
and stores it for later use. The auxiliary water heater is positioned downstream of the storage tank on the
supply side of the DHW plant loop. The auxiliary water heater, or booster water heater, provides additional
heat if the storage tank water is not hot enough. The auxiliary water heater can be modelled as an
instantaneous/tankless water heater or as a standard tanked water heater with heating source (see Water
Heater component):
- 431 -
Another strategy to consider for solar heating systems is to allow the storage tank to reach a much higher
temperature than necessary for the end use. This allows the tank to store more energy from the solar
collectors, when it is available. However, for applications such as domestic hot water, it is undesirable and
unsafe to supply excessive hot water temperatures at the point of demand. To take advantage of higher
storage temperatures, yet still avoid scalding temperatures at the tap, the hot water leaving the storage tank
can be tempered with cold water using a three-way valve (tempering valve) to achieve the target temperature.
An additional auxiliary DHW heating loop is provided by DesignBuilder HVAC which incorporates this
arrangement. A solar loop water heater can be directly connected to the supply side splitter and mixer of an
auxiliary heating loop:
Another common solar hot water loop arrangement similar to above but this time with auxiliary heating from a
hot water loop with boiler:
- 432 -
This arrangement of components and loops models a typical solar heating system with 2 tanks: a solar tank
with water at potentially high temperatures and an auxiliary tank containing water at temperatures that can be
used by heating and/or DHW purposes. The Solar Assisted DHW HVAC template provides this functionality.
More information on how to configure and control Solar and Auxiliary heating loops can be found on the Solar
Hot Water help page.
Why is the solar collector on the demand side of the loop?
The demand is the loop demand rather than a component demand, i.e. the demand is created by the need to
satisfy the setpoint on the solar loop supply sub-loop outlet. In other words, the more the outlet temperature
from the water heater element drops below the setpoint, the higher the demand on the collectors.
Condenser Loop
The condenser supply sub-loop incorporates one or more cooling towers connected in series or parallel, flow
splitter and flow mixer together with a circulating pump. The default sub-loop also includes a scheduled
temperature setpoint manager which is pre-defined to control the off-plant temperature at a constant 29C.
The demand sub-loop incorporates a flow splitter and flow mixer in order that the loop can be connected to
condenser components such as a water cooled chiller.
- 433 -
The graph below (reproduced with permission from CIBSE) illustrates the vapour compression cycle. The
condenser process takes the fluid from saturated vapour (point 5) to saturated liquid (point 6) on the graph
VRF Loops
VRF loops are not like other loops in DesignBuilder HVAC. They consist simply of a single VRF outdoor unit
connected to one or more VRF indoor units through a dotted line.
VRF indoor units are placed within HVAC zones like other zone forced air units.
- 434 -
There is no data associated with the VRF loop itself - it mainly serves as a container for the VRF outdoor unit
and the connections to the indoor units.
- 435 -
After adding the zones, the zone group becomes active and you can navigate down to it, either by doubleclicking on the graphic in the Edit screen or by selecting it from the navigator. At the zone group level, you can
see all of the zones added to the group:
You can then navigate down to any one of the zones to add the required equipment:
- 436 -
Now when you move back up to the zone group level, you will notice that the zone equipment has
automatically been added to all zones in the group:
You can now navigate down to equipment in any zone to change the equipment default settings:
- 437 -
At the system level, only one set of connections is required to connect the equipment in all of the constituent
zones up to the air and plant loops:
When data is written to the EnergyPlus IDF file prior to simulation, all constituent zones, zone equipment and
zone equipment connections are written out separately.
- 438 -
Methods of navigating the HVAC system are the similar to those used for navigating the building model (see
Navigating Building Models for further information). To move down to an object lower down in the hierarchy,
you can either select the object graphically on the Edit screen and double-click on it or alternatively, just select
it from the navigator tree list at the left of the screen. To move up a level, you can either press the F2 key, or
select the required level object from the Navigator.
After moving down to an object, only that object and any related components in other objects will be active, all
other objects in the hierarchy will become inactive and displayed in grey on the Edit screen.
Note: DesignBuilder HVAC does not use the same hierarchical data inheritance system as the building model.
In particular HVAC zone groups are used to define default data for newly added HVAC zones but their data is
not inherited down to its HVAC zones.
Refer to the Setpoint manager section for information regarding specific setpoint manager types.
Use the Load HVAC template dialog to load a fully connected HVAC system. When there are no HVAC
loops or HVAC zone groups defined already and you navigate to the HVAC system level, this dialog is
opened automatically.
Use the Save HVAC Template tool to save the currently defined system as a template for future use.
Add and edit air, plant and condenser loops.
Add and edit zone groups.
Delete one or more existing HVAC components. Either select the component(s) for deletion and use
the Delete toolbar icon or, to delete all components, use the Delete tool with no components selected.
You can use the Load HVAC Template dialog to load a fully connected HVAC system to the model either in
addition to any system data already defined or to replace it. To load an HVAC template, first go to the HVAC
System level then click on the Load HVAC Template tool.
Note: When there are no HVAC loops or HVAC zone groups defined already and you navigate to the HVAC
system level, this dialog is opened automatically.
To select a different HVAC system, click on the Detailed HVAC template browse item to reveal the browse
button and click on the browse button to bring up a list of available templates. With this list open simply select
the HVAC system you would like and press the OK button.
- 441 -
Once you have the right HVAC system selected click on the Next button in the Load HVAC Template dialog.
- 442 -
- 443 -
- 444 -
- 445 -
Use the Save HVAC Template tool if you would like to save the HVAC system defined in your current model
for loading to this or other models in the future. To save an HVAC template, first go to the HVAC System level
then click on the Save HVAC Template tool.
- 446 -
The dialog that opens allows you to name the HVAC template and provides a summary of the sub-systems
that will included with the saved template.
If you press the OK button to save the template the HVAC data is stored in the template library.
Note: The whole HVAC system as seen at HVAC system level is saved and there is no way to selectively
save particular parts of the system.
To place an HVAC zone group, first go to the HVAC System level and click on the Add zone group tool. To
place a zone group, simply move the cursor to the required position on the Edit screen and click the mouse
button to place the zone group.
To place an HVAC loop, first go to the HVAC System level and click on the Add loop tool which will display a
drop-menu of available pre-defined loops. You can then select whichever loop you require from the menu. To
place a loop, move the cursor to the required position on the Edit screen and click the mouse button to place
the loop.
Note: Sub loops have no attribute data of their own so there is no sub-loop dialog.
Boilers can only be incorporated within the supply sub-loops of hot water plant loops so you first need to go to
the supply sub-loop of the hot water plant loop to which the boiler is to be added. The Add boiler tool icon will
then appear on the toolbar. To place a boiler, click on the Add boiler tool and then move the mouse cursor to
the required position and click the mouse button to place the boiler.
Chillers can only be incorporated within the supply sub-loops of chilled water plant loops so you first need to
go to the supply sub-loop of the chilled water plant loop to which the chiller is to be added. The Add chiller tool
icon will then appear on the toolbar. To place a chiller, click on the Add chiller tool and then move the mouse
cursor to the required position and click the mouse button to place the chiller.
Cooling towers can only be incorporated within the supply sub-loops of condenser loops so you first need to
go to the supply sub-loop of the condenser loop to which the cooling tower is to be added. The Add Cooling
Tower tool icon will then appear on the toolbar. To place a cooling tower, click on the Add Cooling Tower tool
and then move the mouse cursor to the required position and click the mouse button to place the cooling
Water heaters can only be incorporated within the supply sub-loops of domestic hot water plant loops so you
first need to go to the supply sub-loop of the domestic hot water plant loop to which the water heater is to be
added. The Add Water Heater tool icon will then appear on the toolbar. To place a water heater, click on the
Add Water Heater tool and then move the mouse cursor to the required position and click the mouse button to
place the water heater.
- 448 -
Pumps can only be included in the supply sub-loops of plant and condenser loops. EnergyPlus requires that
the pump must be the first component in the sub-loop. Consequently, a pump must be connected directly to
the sub-loop inlet node. Only one pump can be added to each plant/condenser supply sub-loop and so the
tool will only appear on the toolbar at the plant/condenser sub-loop level if you delete the existing pump in
order to change its orientation.
To place a pump, click on the Add pump tool and click the mouse button when the pump is at the required
location. After clicking the mouse button, you can then rotate the pump by moving the mouse in a circular
direction around the centre of the pump to obtain the required orientation:
Heating coils can only be incorporated within the supply sub-loops of air loops so you first need to go to the
supply sub-loop of the air loop to which the coil is to be added. The Add heating coil tool icon will then appear
on the toolbar. To place a heating coil, click on the Add heating coil tool.
Heating coils can be placed anywhere in the sub-loop but are more commonly incorporated within an air
handling unit. To add a heating coil to an air handling unit, after clicking on the Add heating coil tool, move the
cursor (with the coil attached to it) into the supply section of the air handling unit and click the mouse button to
place the coil at the required location. Coils may be placed in front of the supply fan for a draw-through
configuration or after the fan for a blow-through configuration:
- 449 -
Cooling coils can only be incorporated within the supply sub-loops of air loops so you first need to go to the
supply sub-loop of the air loop to which the coil is to be added. The Add cooling coil tool icon will then appear
on the toolbar. To place a cooling coil, click on the Add cooling coil tool and then select the required coil from
the drop-list.
Cooling coils can be placed anywhere in the sub-loop but are more commonly incorporated within an air
handling unit. To add a cooling coil to an air handling unit, after clicking on the Add cooling coil tool, move the
cursor (with the coil attached to it) into the supply section of the air handling unit and click the mouse button to
place the coil at the required location. Coils may be placed in front of the supply fan for a draw-through
configuration or after the fan for a blow-through configuration:
Humidifiers can only be incorporated within the supply sub-loops of air loops so you first need to go to the
supply sub-loop of the air loop to which the humidifier is to be added. The Add humidifier tool icon will then
appear on the toolbar. To place a humidifier, click on the Add humidifier tool.
Humidifiers can be placed anywhere in the sub-loop but are more commonly incorporated within an air
handling unit. To add a humidifier to an air handling unit, after clicking on the Add humidifier tool, move the
cursor (with the humidifier attached to it) into the supply section of the air handling unit and click the mouse
button to place the humidifier at the required location. Humidifiers may be placed in front of the supply fan for
a draw-through configuration or after the fan for a blow-through configuration:
- 450 -
Splitter and mixers are used in HVAC in order to connect multiple items of equipment to a sub-loop by means
of parallel branches:
Note: Only one splitter and one mixer can be incorporated within both the supply and demand sub-loops of
plant and condenser loops and consequently the Add splitter and Add mixer tool will only appear on the
toolbar if an existing splitter and mixer have been removed.
Air loops are slightly different in that air supply sub-loops comprise series component connections and
consequently do not require any splitter or mixer with the exception of dual-duct systems which incorporate a
single splitter to enable the flow to be split between hot and cold ducts. Air demand sub-loops are similar to
plant and condenser sub-loops in that they can only contain a single mixer but can incorporate an additional
splitter to cater for dual duct systems.
To place a splitter or mixer, click on the Add splitter or Add mixer tool and click the mouse button when the
splitter/mixer is at the required location. After clicking the mouse button, you can then rotate the splitter/mixer
by moving the mouse in a circular direction around the centre of the component to obtain the required
- 451 -
Plenums may be used to model building features such as ceiling or floor voids which are used to supply or
return centrally conditioned air. Supply and return plenums are essentially uncontrolled building zones
incorporated within the supply and return paths of air loop demand side sub-loops. Plenums can account for
building side heat balance, that is they can transfer heat with other zones through surfaces, but they cannot
incorporate HVAC equipment.
HVAC air plenums are special types of component since there is a heat balance connection and building
description and a system airflow connection that transfers the airflow directly from a supply plenum to a
controlled zone or from a controlled zone to a return plenum in the system air simulation.
Placing Plenums
When an air loop is first placed, a splitter and mixer component is automatically included on the supply and
return sides respectively. The normal way to place a supply plenum is to first delete the original splitter
component and replace it with a supply plenum component. Likewise to include a return plenum, first delete
the original mixer component and replace it with a return plenum component.
To place a supply or return plenum, click on the Add supply plenum or Add return plenum tool and click the
mouse button when the plenum is at the required location. After clicking the mouse button, you can then
rotate the plenum to its final orientation by moving the mouse in a circular direction around the centre of the
Connecting Plenums
When you first place a plenum it will be shown on the HVAC layout diagram in light grey indicating that it does
not yet have a building zone allocated to it and so cannot yet be connected up. So the first thing to do having
placed a supply or return plenum is to assign a building zone to the Plenum component.
- 452 -
The Connect components tool is used to create connections between the inlets and outlets of both air-side
and water-side components. The tool can only be used at the sub-loop level. HVAC connections are created
in the form of a number of segments or steps, each segment snapped to the X or Y axis. To create a
connection between two components, first click on the Connect components tool and move the cursor to the
required component inlet/outlet. When the cursor is over the required inlet/outlet, a green connection marker
will be displayed to indicate that the beginning of the connection can be snapped to the inlet/outlet:
- 453 -
You can then click the mouse button to start the connection. Having snapped the beginning of the first
connection segment to the required inlet/outlet, as you move the mouse cursor away, the cursor will
automatically snap to the X or Y axis depending on the position of the cursor relative to the connection point.
As you move the cursor across the screen, drawing guides are displayed to indicate that the current cursor
position has been automatically snapped to align with existing connections in the X and Y axes:
When the cursor snaps to a required drawing guide, you can then click the mouse button to place the end
point of the current connection segment. Finally, as you move the cursor towards the component inlet/outlet to
which the connection is to be created, a green connection marker will again be displayed to indicate that the
end of the connection can be snapped into position by clicking the mouse cursor button.
Add and edit air distribution units (VAV boxes, chilled beams etc.).
Add and edit forced air units (fan-coil units, etc.).
Add and edit heated floors
Add and edit chilled ceilings.
Add and edit radiators/convectors.
- 454 -
Zone air distribution units are placed at the zone level. To place an ADU, click on the Add air distribution unit
tool and then select the required unit from the drop-list and then making sure that the cursor is inside the
boundary of the zone, just click the mouse button to place the ADU. The ADU will be automatically positioned
at the top left of the zone:
You should make sure to add a distribution unit that is compatible with the type of air loop you plan to connect
to. Constant volume ADUs can only connect to CAV air loops and Variable volume ADUs can only connect to
VAV air loops.
Note You must also add a zone extract unit to a zone that contains an ADU in order to connect up the air
return path from the zone.
Forced air units are placed at the zone level. To place a forced air unit, click on the Add forced air unit tool and
then select the required unit from the drop-list and then making sure that the cursor is inside the boundary of
the required zone, just click the mouse button to place the unit. The unit will be automatically positioned at the
bottom left of the zone:
- 455 -
Heated floors are placed at the zone level. To place a heated floor, click on the Add heated floor tool and then
making sure that the cursor is inside the boundary of the required zone; just click the mouse button to place
the heated floor. The heated floor will be automatically positioned at the bottom of the zone:
Chilled ceilings are placed at the zone level. To place a chilled ceiling, click on the Add chilled ceiling tool and
then making sure that the cursor is inside the boundary of the required zone, just click the mouse button to
place the chilled ceiling. The chilled ceiling will be automatically positioned at the top of the zone:
- 456 -
Note: Where chilled ceilings are added to zones with internal ceilings, the floor surface of the associated
adjacent upper zone must have a construction with an internal source to represent the embedded piping
system of the chilled ceiling. Similarly, in the case of zones with external flat roofs, the roof construction must
contain an internal source. Refer to the documentation on Constructions for further information on defining
internal sources for constructions.
Radiators and convectors are placed at the zone level. To place a radiator or convector, click on the Add
radiative-convective unit tool and then select the required unit from the drop-list and then making sure that the
cursor is inside the boundary of the required zone, just click the mouse button to place the radiator/convector.
The unit will be automatically positioned at the bottom centre of the zone:
- 457 -
Zone extracts are placed at the HVAC zone level and are used to return air back to the AHU. To place an
extract, click on the Add zone extract tool and then making sure that the cursor is inside the boundary of the
zone just click the mouse button to place the extract. The extract will be automatically positioned near the top
right of the zone:
Note: A zone extract is required in an HVAC Zone if an ADU has been placed.
The Zone extract does not require any data to be entered and so does not appear on the Navigator list. It is
not to be confused with the Zone exhaust fan which is used to extract air direct to outside and can be linked to
the Airflow Network.
Zone exhaust are placed at the HVAC zone level and are used to extract air to outside. To place an extract,
click on the Add zone exhaust fan tool and then making sure that the cursor is inside the boundary of the
zone just click the mouse button to place the extract. The exhaust fan will be automatically positioned at the
top right of the HVAC zone:
Note: A zone exhaust fan can be added in addition an extract in an HVAC Zone if an ADU has been placed.
Alternatively it can included without an ADU and extract.
- 458 -
Data for the zone exhaust fan data can be entered on the Zone exhaust fan dialog. It is not to be confused
with the Zone extract which is used to return air back to the AHU.
HVAC Components
A range of component types are available with Detailed HVAC:
Loop Data
There are 3 plant and air loop dialogs:
This is the name of the loop. If the supplied loop name is found to already exist, the software will automatically
append an integer to create a unique name.
The rest of the Air loop dialog provides the sizing inputs needed to perform a central forced air system design
air flow, heating capacity, and cooling capacity calculation for a system serving one or more zones. The
information needed consists of the outside environmental conditions and the design supply air temperatures,
outdoor air flow rate, and minimum system air flow ratio.
The outside conditions come from the design days in the input. A system sizing calculation is performed for
the design day defined in the input file and the resulting maximum heating and cooling air flow rates and
capacities are used in the component sizing calculations.
- 460 -
Supply air conditions are specified by inputting a supply air temperature for cooling, a supply air temperature
for heating, and a preheat temperature. The system sizing calculation sums the zone design air flow rates to
obtain a system supply air flow rate. The design conditions and the outdoor air flow rate are used to calculate
a design mixed air temperature. The temperature plus the design supply air temperatures allows the
calculation of system design heating and cooling capacities.
Note: Detailed HVAC autosizing calculations are not to be confused with Heating and Cooling design
calculations, which use separate simpler data entry from the HVAC tab. No Detailed HVAC data is used for
Heating and Cooling design calculations, which are based on the EnergyPlus Ideal loads system.
Sizing option
This value is read-only and set to as follows:
1-Non-coincident where the central system air flow rate will be sized on the sum of the non-coincident
zone air flow rates. This option is used for CAV systems.
2-Coincident where the central system air flow rate will be sized on the sum of the coincident zone air
flow rates. This option is used for VAV systems,
1-Sensible means that the central system supply air flow rate will be determined by combining the
zone design air flow rates, which have been calculated to meet the zone sensible loads from the design
2-Ventilation requirement means that the central system supply air flow rate will be determined by the
system ventilation requirement.
For VAV systems you should use the default 1-Sensible for Type of load to size on.
Important Note: For CAV air loops used to model a dedicated outdoor air system (DOAS), you must set the
Type of load to size on to 2-Ventilation requirement. This is true even if the air is being pre-heated and/or
pre-cooled to temper it before delivery.
1-Zone sum which sums the outdoor air flows across all zones served by the system
2-Ventilation Rate Procedure (VRP) which uses the multi-zone equations defined in 62.1-2007 to
calculate the system outdoor air flow. VRP considers zone air distribution effectiveness and zone
diversification of outdoor air fractions.
- 461 -
Preheat design temperature
This is the design air temperature exiting the preheat coil (C or F).
1-No for systems with recirculation set in the AHU, the system will be sized for heating using minimum
outside air.
2-Yes for systems without recirculation set in the AHU, the system will be sized for heating using 100%
outdoor air.
1-Design day which means the program will calculate the system design heating air flow rate using
the System Sizing input data and a design day simulation.
2-Flow/System which means that the program will use the input of the field Heating Design Air Flow
Rate as the system design heating air flow rate.
The default method is 1-Design day, i.e., the program uses the calculated design values.
- 462 -
Pre-cool design temperature
This is the design air temperature exiting the pre-cooling coil (C or F).
1-No for systems with recirculation set in the AHU, the system will be sized for cooling using minimum
outside air
2-Yes for systems without recirculation set in the AHU, the system will be sized for cooling using 100%
outdoor air.
1-Design Day which means that EnergyPlus will calculate the system design cooling air flow rate
using the System Sizing input data and a design day simulation.
2-Flow/System where the Cooling design air flow rate below is used as the system design cooling air
flow rate.
The default method is 1-Design Day, i.e. the program uses the calculated design values.
Availability schedule
Schedule values greater than zero (usually 1 is used) indicate that the system is on. Schedule values less
than or equal to zero (usually 0 is used) denote that the system is off. This schedule overrides the air loop fan
schedules for determining whether the fans are on.
- 463 -
If the supplied loop name is found to already exist, the software will automatically append an integer to create
a unique name.
Fluid type
You can define the type of fluid used in the loop as a mixture of water and glycol along with the particular
concentration being used. EnergyPlus will accurately model the thermal properties of the fluid based on glycol
concentration and fluid temperature at each time step of the simulation.
Select the fluid type from 3 options:
Glycol concentration
When one of the glycol fluid types is selected above then you can enter the concentration of glycol in the loop
fluid here. It should be entered as a decimal fraction between 0.0 and 1.0. A concentration of 0.0 refers to
pure water. A concentration of 1.0 would denote 100% of the fluid referenced in the Fluid type input above.
Flow Type
Plant loop flow type
Two options are available:
1-Constant flow, for constant flow plant loops. In this case a constant speed pump will automatically
be specified.
2-Variable flow for variable flow plant loops. In this case a variable speed pump will automatically be
The flow type is fixed as 1-Constant flow for DHW and condenser loops
Maximum loop temperature
This is the maximum allowable temperature (in C or F) for this loop.
- 464 -
Flow Rates
Maximum loop flow rate
This is the maximum loop flow rate (in m3/sec or ft3/min). This parameter is also used when the user chooses
to auto-calculate the loop volume. See the Plant loop volume above and the EnergyPlus Engineering Manual
for more details.
Note: This value is generally autosizable but only when the condenser loop does not contain any Vertical
ground heat exchanger components. In cases where a vertical ground heat exchanger is included the
Maximum loop flow rate should normally take the same value as entered on the ground heat exchanger
dialog for Maximum flow rate and Design flow rate. The Condenser loop Maximum loop flow rate can be
entered as higher than the ground heat exchanger flow rate but in this case it will be limited to that value
during the simulation.
1-Sequential uses each piece of equipment to its maximum part load ratio and will operate the last
required piece of equipment between its minimum and maximum part load ratio in order to meet the
loop demand.
2-Optimal operates each piece of equipment at its optimal part load ratio and will operate the last
component between its minimum and maximum part load ratio in order to meet the loop demand.
3-Uniform evenly distributes the loop demand amongst all available components on the equipment list
for a given load range.
Design loop exit temperature
The water temperature (in C or F) at the exit of the supply side of the plant loop, Thus this is the temperature
of the water supplied to the inlet of chilled or hot water coils in the case of plant loops or chiller condensers in
the case of condenser loops.
- 465 -
Availability schedule
This is the schedule that determines whether or not the Plant loop is available during the simulation. A
schedule value greater than 0 (usually 1 is used) indicates that the device can be on for the timestep. A value
less than or equal to 0 (usually 0 is used) denotes that the device must be off.
Number of schemes
This is the number of operational schemes that are to be associated with the plant or condenser loop. A
maximum of ten schemes are allowed for each loop. After setting the required number of schemes, the dialog
will be automatically populated with sections for each scheme, the settings for each operation scheme being
described below.
Scheme operation type
This is the type of control scheme used. The available options will depend on the current loop type. For
condenser and chilled water plant loops, the options are:
1-Uncontrolled and
2-Cooling load
for heating and domestic hot water plant loops, the options are:
- 466 -
1-Uncontrolled and
3-Heating load.
Uncontrolled loop operation simply specifies a group of equipment that runs uncontrolled. If the loop runs,
this equipment will run also, unless turned off by the loop flow resolver to maintain continuity in the fluid loop.
The 2-Cooling load and 3-Heating load options allow different load ranges to be defined and which items of
equipment will operate for each range. If either of these options is selected, at least one operational range
must be defined. For each range, there is a lower limit for the load range, an upper limit for the load range,
and a list of the equipment items that will operate in this range.
Scheme equipment
This setting is only displayed if the Scheme operation type is set to 1-Uncontrolled. A list of valid items of
plant or condenser equipment is displayed together with check boxes allowing you to define which items of
equipment will be turned on for this scheme.
Scheme schedule
This is the schedule for the control scheme. This schedule consists of weeks and days, with the days
containing 0 or 1 for each hour of the day. This binary schedule (0 for off, 1 for on) determines if the control
scheme is operating for that hour of the day or not.
Number of ranges
This setting is only displayed if the Scheme Operation Type is set to 2-Cooling load or 3-Heating load and is
used to define the number of ranges required for the heating or cooling load scheme.
Range lower limit
This setting is only displayed if the Scheme Operation Type is set to 2-Cooling load or 3-Heating load. This
is the lower demand range (W) for the equipment defined for the current range. If demand is below this value,
then the equipment will not turn on to meet the demand.
Range Equipment
This setting is only displayed if the Scheme Operation Type is set to 2-Cooling load or 3-Heating load. A list
of valid items of plant or condenser equipment is displayed together with check boxes allowing you to define
which items of equipment will be turned on for this range.
Note: A priority drop-list associated with each item of equipment allows you to define the order in which
equipment will be turned on when the loop demand is within this range.
- 467 -
If the supplied loop name is found to already exist, the software will automatically append an integer to create
a unique name.
Fluid type
There is currently only one fluid type available which is 1-Water.
Flow Type
Plant loop flow type
Two options are available:
1-Constant flow, for constant flow plant loops. In this case a constant speed pump will automatically
be specified.
2-Variable flow for variable flow plant loops. In this case a variable speed pump will automatically be
Maximum loop temperature
This is the maximum allowable temperature (in C or F) for this loop.
Flow Rates
Maximum loop flow rate
This is the maximum loop flow rate (in m3/sec or ft3/min). This parameter is also used when the user chooses
to auto-calculate the loop volume. See the Plant loop volume above and the EnergyPlus Engineering Manual
for more details.
This value is autosizable.
- 468 -
1-Sequential uses each piece of equipment to its maximum part load ratio and will operate the last
required piece of equipment between its minimum and maximum part load ratio in order to meet the
loop demand.
2-Optimal operates each piece of equipment at its optimal part load ratio and will operate the last
component between its minimum and maximum part load ratio in order to meet the loop demand.
3-Uniform evenly distributes the loop demand amongst all available components on the equipment list
for a given load range.
Temperature Protection
Low temperature protection
Check this option to obtain low temperature protection.
The differential thermostat settings allow an availability manager to be set up to switch the loop on or off
depending on the temperature differential between a collector outlet and the outlet from the water heater. A
differential sensor check box on the solar collector dialog allows you to define the collector to used by the
differential sensor (where there are more than one solar collector on the loop).
This prevents the water heater from being supplied with inadequately heated water by the solar collector.
Differential thermostat
Check this option to use a differential thermostat on the Solar HW loop.
- 469 -
Design loop exit temperature
The water temperature (in C or F) at the exit of the supply side of the plant loop, Thus this is the temperature
of the water supplied to the inlet of chilled or hot water coils in the case of plant loops or chiller condensers in
the case of condenser loops.
Availability schedule
This is the schedule that determines whether or not the Plant loop is available during the simulation. A
schedule value greater than 0 (usually 1 is used) indicates that the device can be on for the timestep. A value
less than or equal to 0 (usually 0 is used) denotes that the device must be off.
Number of schemes
This is the number of operational schemes that are to be associated with the plant or condenser loop. A
maximum of ten schemes are allowed for each loop. After setting the required number of schemes, the dialog
will be automatically populated with sections for each scheme, the settings for each operation scheme being
described below.
- 470 -
Scheme operation type
This is the type of control scheme used. The available options will depend on the current loop type. For
condenser and chilled water plant loops, the options are:
1-Uncontrolled and
2-Cooling load
for heating and domestic hot water plant loops, the options are:
1-Uncontrolled and
3-Heating load.
Uncontrolled loop operation simply specifies a group of equipment that runs uncontrolled. If the loop runs,
this equipment will run also, unless turned off by the loop flow resolver to maintain continuity in the fluid loop.
The 2-Cooling load and 3-Heating load options allow different load ranges to be defined and which items of
equipment will operate for each range. If either of these options is selected, at least one operational range
must be defined. For each range, there is a lower limit for the load range, an upper limit for the load range,
and a list of the equipment items that will operate in this range.
Scheme equipment
This setting is only displayed if the Scheme operation type is set to 1-Uncontrolled. A list of valid items of
plant or condenser equipment is displayed together with check boxes allowing you to define which items of
equipment will be turned on for this scheme.
Scheme schedule
This is the schedule for the control scheme. This schedule consists of weeks and days, with the days
containing 0 or 1 for each hour of the day. This binary schedule (0 for off, 1 for on) determines if the control
scheme is operating for that hour of the day or not.
Number of ranges
This setting is only displayed if the Scheme Operation Type is set to 2-Cooling load or 3-Heating load and is
used to define the number of ranges required for the heating or cooling load scheme.
Range lower limit
This setting is only displayed if the Scheme Operation Type is set to 2-Cooling load or 3-Heating load. This
is the lower demand range (W) for the equipment defined for the current range. If demand is below this value,
then the equipment will not turn on to meet the demand.
Range Equipment
This setting is only displayed if the Scheme Operation Type is set to 2-Cooling load or 3-Heating load. A list
of valid items of plant or condenser equipment is displayed together with check boxes allowing you to define
which items of equipment will be turned on for this range.
Note: A priority drop-list associated with each item of equipment allows you to define the order in which
equipment will be turned on when the loop demand is within this range.
- 471 -
Generic AHU
Unitary Heat Cool AHU
Unitary Heat Pump AHU
- 472 -
This is the name that you assign to the AHU which should be unique. If the supplied name is not unique, the
software will automatically append a backslash and integer to ensure that there are no duplicate names.
Fan type
This setting is used to indicate a Constant Air Volume (CAV) or Variable Air Volume (VAV) system. It can take
one of two values:
1-Constant volume or
2-Variable volume.
Note 1: Once an air loop has been connected to a zone ADU, the Fan type setting is fixed (greyed out)
preventing an invalid connection and remains greyed out until the air loop is disconnected from all ADUs. So
to change an air loop from VAV to CAV or vice-versa using this control you must first disconnect the demand
side of the air loop from all zone ADUs. You can do this by deleting connecting branches.
Note 2: Once the AHU fan type has been set, the air loop containing the AHU can only be connected to valid
zone air distribution units (ADU), i.e. CAV air loops can only be connected to CAV ADUs and similarly VAV
systems can only be connected to VAV ADUs.
Availability schedule
This is the schedule that contains information on the availability of the heat pump for operation. A schedule
value greater than 0 (usually 1 is used) indicates that the unit can be on during the hour. A value less than or
equal to 0 (usually 0 is used) denotes that the unit must be off for the hour.
Control type
The possible inputs are:
1-Stay off means the night cycle mechanism will have no effect AHU on/off will be determined by the
fan schedule
- 473 -
2-Cycle on any means that if any zone served by the air loop incorporating this AHU has an air
temperature outside the cooling or heating set points the central fan will turn on even though the fan
schedule indicates the fan is off.
3-Cycle on control zone means the same thing except that the temperature in only the specified
control zone is used.
4-Cycle on any zone fans only is the same as 2-Cycle on any except that only the zone fans are
cycled on and the AHU fan is left off.
Important Note: Plant loops and any required zone units must be available during the night cycle by
amending the availability schedules appropriately. The night cycle availability manager only automatically
overrides the air loop fan schedule.
Thermostat tolerance
This is the amount (in C or F) by which the zone temperature must exceed the cooling set point or fall below
the heating set point in order for the night cycle mechanism to signal that the system should turn on.
Control zone
For the Control Type option 3-Cycle on control zone select the control zone.
Include extract fan
An extract fan is included within all AHUs by default. This setting may be used to remove the extract fan from
the AHU.
Note: If the AHU is connected to a zone that incorporates a Variable Air Volume with Reheat and Variable
Speed Fan ADU, the AHU extract fan should be omitted otherwise EnergyPlus will raise an error and the
simulation will be aborted.
You can set up Mixed mode controls for the AHU to model optimal interaction between the natural ventilation
system (Scheduled or Calculated) and the AHU.
Refer to the main HVAC tab Mixed Mode section for details on the options available.
- 474 -
The outdoor air controller can also account for changes in the outdoor air flow rate during times when indoor
humidity levels are high. A zone humidistat must be used with this control option. During high indoor humidity,
the outdoor air flow rate is modified in response to a high indoor humidity condition. If high humidity control is
based on the outdoor air humidity ratio and the outdoor humidity ratio is greater than the indoor humidity ratio,
high humidity control is terminated. When the economiser is used in conjunction with the high humidity control
option, high humidity control has priority and controls the change in air flow rates. If the AHU Night Cycle
option is switched on, it has priority over high humidity control and will use the controllers maximum outdoor
air flow rate when the Night Cycle mechanism cycles the fan on.
Optional pre-cool coil, pre-heat coil and heat recovery may be specified upstream of the mixer. When this is
the case, any modulation will be determined by the conditions at the inlet node of the mixer rather than the
outdoor air. This means that the controller will account for the heat recovery device or pre-heating/pre-cooling
coils that may modify the condition of outdoor air before it reaches the mixer. If all the limits are satisfied, the
outdoor air controller does the following for cycling fan systems: the outdoor air flow rate is set to the
maximum when the fan cycles on. If the limits are not satisfied, the outdoor air flow rate is at the minimum
when the fan cycles on.
This is a read-only label that is automatically generated by the software and which incorporates the name of
the air loop in which the AHU is located.
If this option is checked, the AHU will re-circulate a proportion of the air delivered by the AHU, otherwise the
system will operate as a full fresh air system.
1-Proportional minimum which means the minimum outdoor airflow rate varies in proportion to the
total system air flow rate
2-Fixed minimum which means that the minimum outdoor airflow rate is fixed no matter what the
actual system flow rate is.
Options for an economiser are:
1-No Economiser - the economiser will not operate and the outdoor airflow rate will be at the minimum
for the entire simulation.
2-Fixed Dry-Bulb - the economiser will set the outdoor airflow rate at minimum if the outdoor air
temperature is higher than a specified dry-bulb temperature limit.
3-Differential Dry-Bulb - will trigger the outdoor airflow to minimum when the dry-bulb temperature of
outdoor air is higher than the dry-bulb temperature of the return air.
4-Fixed Enthalpy - checks the upper limit of the enthalpy given as a field input against the enthalpy
content of outdoor air and will set the outdoor airflow rate to minimum if the latter is greater than the
5-Differential Enthalpy does the same as 4-Fixed Enthalpy but compares the return air enthalpy with
the enthalpy of outdoor air. When the enthalpy of outdoor air is greater than the enthalpy of the return
air, the outdoor air flow rate is set to minimum.
6-Electronic Enthalpy enables the simulation to calculate the humidity ratio limit of outdoor air based
on the dry-bulb temperature of outdoor air and a quadratic/cubic curve, and compare it to the actual
outdoor air humidity ratio. If the actual outdoor humidity ratio is greater than the calculated humidity
ratio limit, then the outdoor airflow rate is set to minimum.
7-Fixed Dew-Point and Dry-Bulb compares both the outdoor dew-point temperature and the outdoor
dry-bulb temperature to their specified high limit values. If either outdoor temperature exceeds the high
limit value, the outdoor airflow rate is set to minimum.
8-Differential Dry-Bulb and Enthalpy enables the control strategy to be based on both the 3Differential Dry Bulb and 5-Differential Enthalpy economiser control strategies.
- 475 -
In addition to all economiser control types listed above, each control type checks for user-entered values for
the upper limit of dry-bulb temperature, enthalpy limit, humidity ratio limit and dew-point limit. The outdoor air
flow rate is set to minimum if any of these entered limits are exceeded.
Note: A setpoint manager must be included on the supply side of the air loop when an economiser is selected.
This will typically be downstream of the AHU.
1-Modulate flow which means that the outdoor air flow rate will be increased to meet the mixed air
setpoint temperature, subject to the limits imposed via other inputs for this object (e.g., Economizer
Maximum Limit Dry-Bulb Temperature, Maximum Outdoor Air Flow Rate, etc.).
2-Minimum flow with bypass, which is only available if Heat Recovery is selected. This option is used
in conjunction with a heat recovery device for providing free cooling operation in the absence of a
conventional air-side economizer (i.e., when outdoor air flow rate is not increased during economizer
mode). It forces the outdoor air flow rate to always remain at the minimum. However, when high
humidity control is used, the outdoor air flow rate is set to the product of the maximum outdoor air flow
rate multiplied by the high humidity outdoor air flow ratio. The heat exchanger uses the limit checking in
the outdoor air controller to decide whether or not to bypass the outdoor air around the heat exchanger
or turn off the wheel motor in the case of a rotary heat exchanger. Heat exchange is also suspended
when high humidity control is active. When 2-Minimum flow with bypass is used and the Time of day
economizer control schedule value is 0, then the flow is set to the minimum. If the time of day schedule
is not used, then flow is always at minimum. If there is no economizer, the flow is always at minimum. If
there is an economizer, this data either maintains flow at minimum when bypassing or not.
Lockout type
This option is only available for Unitary Heat Cool or Unitary Heat Pump AHUs. Choices for this setting are:
1-No lockout,
2-Lockout with heating, which means that if the packaged unit is in heating mode, the economiser is
locked out i.e. the economizer dampers are closed and there is minimum outdoor air flow.
3-Lockout with compressor. This setting only applies to unitary systems with DX coils and means
that in addition to locking out the economiser when the unit is in heating mode the economiser is locked
out when the DX unit compressor is operating to provide cooling. In other words, the economiser must
meet the entire cooling load it isnt allowed to operate in conjunction with the DX cooling coil. The
3-Lockout with compressor option is sometimes called a non-integrated economiser.
- 476 -
Apply minimum outdoor air schedule - to apply a schedule whose values are multiplied by the
minimum outdoor air flow rate to calculate the outdoor fresh air rate at any time during the simulation.
In this case you can select the Minimum outdoor air schedule below.
- 477 -
Apply minimum fraction of outdoor air schedule - to apply a schedule whose values are multiplied
by the total (design) air flow rate to calculate the outdoor fresh air rate at any time during the simulation.
In this case you can select the Minimum fraction of outdoor air schedule below.
The screenshot below shows how to change the AHU Outdoor Air Schedule settings to obtain outdoor air
varying between the maximum value defined on the HVAC tab and zero based on occupancy schedule
"Office_OpenOff_Occ", in the same way as it does with Simple HVAC.
When outdoor air delivery to zones is to be controlled accurately as described above it is necessary to make 2
further settings:
When using the VAV with Reheat and VAV with no Reheat terminal units in the way described above
then it is also necessary to select the Control on outdoor air flow option in these 2 dialogs.
It is also necessary to use the 2-Fixed minimum Minimum limit type on the AHU dialog.
It is important to understand that even with the above settings you won't generally obtain exact specified
outdoor air flow rates to individual zones, however the total fresh air supply rate provided through the
AHU should be correctly calculated as the sum of the minimum fresh requirements of all zones served by the
AHU. This is because the total outdoor air requirement for each zone on the air handler is summed and used
to set the minimum total outdoor air flow rate for the air handler. The outdoor air controller sets an outdoor air
flow rate for the air handler at each time step during the simulation. After that, each zone receives a pro-rated
share of the total outdoor air flow proportioned by the current supply flow rate to each zone, but the exact
supply flow rate to each zone will be calculated based on cooling or heating demand not fresh air
requirements and there is no further zone-by-zone allocation of outdoor air quantities - which is what happens
in a real system.
- 478 -
1-Zone sum which sums the outdoor air flows across all zones served by the system.
2-Ventilation Rate Procedure (VRP) uses the multi-zone equations defined in 62.1-2007 to calculate
the system outdoor air flow. VRP considers zone air distribution effectiveness and zone diversification
of outdoor air fractions.
3-Indoor Air Quality Procedure (IAQP) is the other procedure defined in ASHRAE Standard 62.12007 for calculating the amount of outdoor air necessary to maintain the levels of indoor air carbon
dioxide at or below a setpoint. Setpoints are defined on the Activity tab (Simple HVAC activity data
option) or on the HVAC zone dialog (Detailed HVAC activity data option). Outdoor air intake and other
system design parameters are based on an analysis of contaminant sources, and contaminant
concentration targets. EnergyPlus uses the IAQP to control carbon dioxide and allows credit to be
taken for controls that can be demonstrated to result in indoor carbon dioxide and generic contaminant
concentrations equal to or lower that those achieved using the VRP. The IAQP may also be used
where the design is intended to attain specific target carbon dioxide and generic contaminant levels.
4-Proportional control described in Appendix A of the ASHRAE 62.1-2010 users manual discusses
another method for implementing CO2-based DCV in a single zone system where the required outdoor
air flow rate varies in proportion to the percentage of the CO2 signal range.
5-Indoor Air Quality Procedure (IAQP) generic contaminant calculates the amount of outdoor air
necessary to maintain the levels of indoor air generic contaminant at or below the setpoint defined on
the Activity tab (Simple HVAC activity data option) or on the HVAC zone dialog (Detailed HVAC activity
data option).
Note: If either of the IAQ methods are selected then the CO2 and contaminant option must be selected for at
least one HVAC zone connected to the AHU.
Warning: When using EnergyPlus v8.1, with the IAQP System outdoor air methods the AHU must be
connected to at least 2 zones. In single zone systems the outdoor air provision is not controlled correctly
according to DCV settings. This problem is fixed in EnergyPlus v8.3.
A summary guide on the steps required to model DCV is provided in the Modelling advice section.
For more details on how DCV is simulated in EnergyPlus see the DCV page in the EnergyPlus Engineering
Reference Guide.
- 479 -
which indicates zones can have 100% outdoor air maintaining backward compatibility. This inputs work for
single and dual duct VAV systems.
Availability schedule
Select the schedule which defines when DCV should operate. If the schedules value is 0.0, then mechanical
ventilation is not available and flow will not be requested. If the schedules value is > 0.0 (usually 1 is used),
mechanical ventilation is available.
Tip: This schedule can be useful for purging the building of contaminants prior to occupancy (i.e., ventilation
rate per unit floor area will be provided even if the occupancy is zero).
The minimum outdoor air flow rate calculated by the normal (non-DCV) outdoor air method based on
the settings on the HVAC and Activity tabs, and,
The outdoor air flow rate calculated by the DCV
The actual outdoor air flow rate may be higher than the minimum if free cooling is available. Regardless, the
outdoor air flow rate will not exceed the Maximum outdoor air flow rate
Heat exchanger performance can be specified to transfer sensible energy, latent energy or both between the
supply and exhaust air streams. The input requires no geometric data. Performance is defined by specifying
sensible and/or latent effectiveness at 75% and 100% of the nominal (rated) supply air flow rate at two
operating conditions as shown in the following table:
- 480 -
- Economiser maximum limit dry-bulb temperature = Fixed heat recovery setpoint temperature, e.g. 12C.
- Economiser control action type = 2-Minimum flow with bypass
- Heat recovery bypass control type = 1-Bypass when within economiser limits
- Heat recovery Supply air outlet temperature control = 2-Yes
This works well reducing overheating relative to method 1, but it only provides a single fixed heat recovery
setpoint temperature for the year which makes it difficult to achieve optimal control.
Control method 3: Heat recovery outdoor air temperature setpoint: Another approach to controlling heat
recovery is to use the heat exchanger only when the outside air temperature is below a setpoint, and for
warmer outside conditions bypass the heat recovery unit. The following settings achieve this:
- Economiser control type = 2-Fixed dry bulb
- Outdoor dry-bulb temperature low limit control = On
- Economiser maximum limit dry-bulb temperature = Fixed heat recovery setpoint temperature, e.g. 12C.
- Economiser maximum limit dry-bulb temperature = 50 (high value to avoid heat recovery operation during
warm conditions)
- Economiser control action type = 2-Minimum flow with bypass
- Heat recovery bypass control type = 1-Bypass when within economiser limits
- Heat recovery Supply air outlet temperature control = 1-No
Control method 4: Use EMS. An EMS program can be written to control the heat recovery unit in a more
optimal way. An example script is shown below which is based on Control method 1 but overrides the HR
setpoint temperature and/or availability schedules to simulate a control system which provides the full benefit
of HR in winter and bypasses the heat exchanger in warmer conditions when HR is not required:
!- EMS Program: HR Optimal Control Strategy 2 - Stepped HR Setpoint + Zone Temp Sensing
Site Outdoor Air Drybulb Temperature;
TempBlock1Zone1, ! Name
Block1:Zone1 , ! Zone name
Zone Mean Air Temperature ; ! Output:Variable or Output:Meter Name
OverrideHRAvailability, !- Name
HR Availability Schedule, !- Actuated Component Unique Name
Schedule:Compact, !- Actuated Component Type
Schedule Value; !- Actuated Component Control Type
OverrideHRSetpointTemp, !- Name
HR Setpoint Schedule, !- Actuated Component Unique Name
Schedule:Compact, !- Actuated Component Type
Schedule Value; !- Actuated Component Control Type
Optimise HR , !- Name
BeginTimestepBeforePredictor, !- EnergyPlus Model Calling Point
CalcHRSetpoint; !- Program Name
! Stepped control of HR setpoint temp depending on outside air temp
IF Toa < 8,
Set OverrideHRSetpointTemp = 20.0,
ELSEIF Toa < 12,
Set OverrideHRSetpointTemp = 16.0,
Set OverrideHRSetpointTemp = 12.0,
IF Toa > OverrideHRSetpointTemp,
Set OverrideHRAvailability = 0, ! Avoid E+ HR control quirk
ELSEIF TempBlock1Zone1 > 23,
Set OverrideHRAvailability = 0, ! avoid HR when room temp > 23
Set OverrideHRAvailability = 1, ! Otherwise HR is available
Other possibilities include checking for zone heating and/or cooling loads to help ensure optimal HR setpoints.
- 482 -
1-Bypass when within economizer limits - The default option where heat recovery is disabled any
time the controller determines that the economizer is active (i.e. all economiser controls are within
limits). Note that in cases where the economiser is selected but no economiser limits are defined then
the heat recovery will always be bypassed.
2-Bypass when OA flow greater than minimum - EnergyPlus checks whether the economizer is
active and also whether the outdoor air flow rate is greater than the minimum, if so heat recovery is
disabled. This means that heat recovery is active any time the outdoor air flow rate is equal to the
minimum even when the economizer requests free cooling. For this case, the use of Supply air outlet
temperature control for the heat exchanger is recommended (see below).
Plate heat exchangers can be either sensible only when plates are made of a non-porous material such as
aluminium, or they can also exchange latent heat when the plates are made of a porous material.
The heat exchanger type affects the modelling of frost control options and supply air outlet temperature
control. For rotary heat exchangers, rotational speed is varied to control frost formation or the supply air outlet
temperature. For plate exchangers, air bypass around the heat exchanger is used to obtain the desired effect.
Economiser lockout
This input denotes whether the heat exchanger unit is locked out (bypassed for plate type heat exchangers or
the rotation is suspended for rotary type heat exchangers) when the air-side economiser is operating. Both the
economiser and High Humidity Control activate the heat exchanger lockout as specified by this input. The
input choices are 1-Yes (meaning locked out) or 2-No.
- 483 -
2-Exhaust air recirculation, dampers are used to direct exhaust air back into the zone through the
supply side of the heat exchanger when the supply (outdoor) air inlet temperature falls below a
threshold temperature (defined in the next input field). The fraction of time that exhaust air is circulated
through the supply side of the heat exchanger is dependent on the supply (outdoor) air inlet
temperature with respect to the threshold temperature, the initial defrost time fraction, and the rate of
change of defrost time fraction (see Rate of defrost time fraction increase). When exhaust air is being
re-circulated, no supply (outdoor ventilation) air is being provided through the heat exchanger unit
(which may or may not be acceptable regarding ventilation for occupants).
3-Exhaust only (supply air bypass): this control cycles off the supply air flow through the heat
exchanger for a certain period of time while the exhaust air continues to flow through the exhaust side
of the heat exchanger. The fraction of time that the supply flow through the heat exchanger is cycled off
is dependent on the supply (outdoor) air inlet temperature with respect to the threshold temperature,
- 484 -
the initial defrost time fraction, and the rate of change of defrost time fraction (see Rate of defrost time
fraction increase). When implemented in real applications, provisions are usually made to avoid
building depressurization when this frost control is operating (automatic or pressure-operated dampers,
or a bypass air damper around the supply side of the heat exchanger). For this frost control type, it is
assumed that the supply air is bypassed around the heat exchanger during frost control operation, i.e.
the total supply flow is not reduced during defrost, but merely bypassed around the heat exchanger.
4-Minimum exhaust temperature where the temperature of the exhaust air leaving the heat
exchanger is monitored and the heat exchanger effectiveness is decreased (by slowing heat exchanger
rotation or bypassing supply air around the plate exchanger) to keep the exhaust air from falling below
the threshold temperature.
If a pre-heat frost control coil is specified, this setting is automatically set to 1-None and disabled.
Threshold temperature
This numeric field defines the dry-bulb temperature of air which is used to initiate frost control (in C or F).
The default value is 1.7C. If 2-Exhaust air recirculation or 3-Exhaust only options are selected the Frost
control type, the threshold temperature defines the supply (outdoor) air inlet temperature below which frost
control is active. For 4-Minimum exhaust temperature frost control, heat exchanger effectiveness is
controlled to keep the exhaust air outlet temperature from falling below this threshold temperature value.
The appropriate threshold temperature varies with exhaust (inlet) air temperature and humidity, frost control
type, heat exchanger type, and whether the heat exchanger transfers sensible energy alone or both sensible
and latent energy (enthalpy). Typical threshold temperatures are provided in the table below. However, it is
recommended that the user consult manufacturers information for the specific air-to-air heat exchanger being
- 485 -
Availability schedule
This is the schedule that determines whether or not the heat recovery device is available for each timestep of
the simulation. A schedule value greater than 0 (usually 1 is used) indicates that the device can be on. A
value less than or equal to 0 (usually 0 is used) denotes that the device must be off.
Pre-heat coil
This setting allows you to add any type of heating coil to precondition the outside air before it enters the air
handling unit.
Pre-cool coil
This setting allows you to add a water cooling coil to precondition the outside air before it enters the air
handling unit.
Evaporative cooler
This setting allows you to add any type of evaporative cooler coil to precondition the outside air before it
enters the air handling unit.
- 486 -
This is the name that you assign to the AHU which should be unique. If the supplied name is not unique, the
software will automatically append a backslash and integer to ensure that there are no duplicate names.
Availability schedule
This is the schedule that contains information on the availability of the heat pump for operation. A schedule
value greater than 0 (usually 1 is used) indicates that the unit can be on during the hour. A value less than or
equal to 0 (usually 0 is used) denotes that the unit must be off for the hour.
When this unit is unavailable (schedule values of 0) then all equipment contained within this AHU will also be
switched off.
- 487 -
Fan type
Two fan types are available for selection in this AHU:
1-Constant volume where the fan delivers a constant flow rate through the unit regardless of whether
the unit is heating, cooling and/or providing fresh air. Constant volume fans don't use the Supply air fan
operating mode schedule (below). When this option is selected an extract fan can optionally also be
included in the AHU.
3-On/Off where the Supply air fan operating mode schedule (below) determines the flow regime. In this
case an extract fan cannot be selected.
1-Blow through where the supply air fan is before the DX cooling/heating coil.
2-Draw through where the supply air fan is after the DX cooling/heating coil.
Include extract fan
An extract fan is included within all AHUs by default. This setting may be used to remove the extract fan from
the AHU.
Note: This option is only available for Constant volume fan types. On/Off fans do not allow an extract fan to
be included in the AHU and when this fan type is selected the Include extract fan check box will be disabled.
Controlling zone or thermostat location
While the unitary heat cool AHU may be configured to serve multiple zones, system operation is controlled by
a thermostat located in a single control zone. Click on the <Select zone> label and then click on the
displayed ellipsis button to bring up the zone selector dialog. Select the zone supplied by the AHU where the
thermostat controlling the unitary heat cool AHU is located.
- 488 -
Dehumidification control type
There are two options for dehumidification control:
1-None - meet sensible load only, no active de-humidification control;
2-Cool Reheat - cool beyond the dry-bulb temperature set point as required to meet the high humidity
Note: If 2-Cool Reheat is used, a humidistat must be defined in one of the zones supplied by the AHU.
More information on controlling humidity is available in the Humidity control section.
See Night cycle description for Generic AHU
You can set up Mixed mode controls for the AHU to model optimal interaction between the natural ventilation
system (Scheduled or Calculated) and the AHU.
Refer to the main HVAC tab Mixed Mode section for details on the available options.
Tip: The Unitary Heat Cool AHU can be used to model ASHRAE 90.1 Appendix G System 4 PSZ-HP.
- 489 -
A detailed description of how the Unitary heat pump works is provided in the EnergyPlus Engineering
This is the name that you assign to the AHU which should be unique. If the supplied name is not unique, the
software will automatically append a backslash and integer to ensure that there are no duplicate names.
Availability schedule
This is the schedule that contains information on the availability of the heat pump for operation. A schedule
value greater than 0 (usually 1 is used) indicates that the unit can be on during the hour. A value less than or
equal to 0 (usually 0 is used) denotes that the unit must be off for the hour.
When this unit is unavailable (schedule values of 0) then all equipment contained within this AHU will also be
switched off.
Fan type
Two fan types are available for selection in this AHU:
1-Constant volume where the fan delivers a constant flow rate through the unit regardless of whether
the unit is heating, cooling and/or providing fresh air. Constant volume fans don't use the Supply air fan
operating mode schedule (below). When this option is selected an extract fan can optionally also be
included in the AHU.
3-On/Off where the Supply air fan operating mode schedule (below) determines the flow regime. In this
case an extract fan cannot be selected.
- 490 -
1-Blow through where the supply air fan is before the DX cooling/heating coil and the supplementary
heating coil.
2-Draw through where the supply air fan is between the DX cooling/heating coil and the
supplementary heating coil.
Include extract fan
An extract fan is included within all AHUs by default. This setting may be used to remove the extract fan from
the AHU.
Note: This option is only available for Constant volume fan types. On/Off fans do not allow an extract fan to
be included in the AHU and when this fan type is selected the Include extract fan check box will be disabled.
Controlling zone or thermostat location
While the heat pump may be configured to serve multiple zones, system operation is controlled by a
thermostat located in a single control zone. Click on the <Select zone> label and then click on the displayed
ellipsis button to bring up the zone selector dialog. Select the zone supplied by the AHU where the thermostat
controlling the heat pump is located.
Dehumidification control type
There are two options for dehumidification control:
1-None - meet sensible load only, no active de-humidification control;
2-Cool Reheat - cool beyond the dry-bulb temperature set point as required to meet the high humidity
Note: If 2-Cool Reheat is used, a humidistat must be defined in one of the zones supplied by the AHU.
Tip: To provide humidification, a humidifier should be added to the AHU and a setpoint manager added
downstream of the AHU with one of the "minimum humidity" control options.
If the heat pumps DX heating coil output at full load is insufficient to meet the entire heating load, the part
load ratio is set equal to 1.0 (compressor and fan are not cycling) and the remaining heating load is passed to
the supplemental heating coil. If the outdoor air temperature is below the minimum outdoor air temperature for
compressor operation, the compressor is turned off and the entire heating load is passed to the supplemental
gas or electric heating coil.
- 491 -
See Night cycle description for Generic AHU
You can set up Mixed mode controls for the AHU to model optimal interaction between the natural ventilation
system (Scheduled or Calculated) and the AHU.
Refer to the main HVAC tab Mixed Mode section for details on the available options.
Heating Coils
These heating coil types are available within Detailed HVAC:
Used in:
The simple water heating coil model provides sensible heating of the air. The calculations use the
Effectiveness-NTU algorithm and assume a cross-flow heat exchanger.
An auto-generated name for the heating coil.
The type of a hot water coil must be:
- 492 -
In all cases it will also be possible to select 2-Electric in which case the Electric heating coil is used or 3-Gas
where the Gas heating coil is used instead.
If the 2-UA and Design water flow rate option is selected, you must input values for UA of the Coil and Max
water flow rate of the Coil. If 1-Nominal capacity is chosen you must input a Rated capacity and UA of the
Rated capacity is defined as the heating capacity in watts of the coil at the rating points (i.e. the rated inlet and
outlet water/air temperatures defined below). The rated capacity is used to calculate a water mass flow rate
and a UA for the coil. The default is 1-Nominal capacity.
To autosize the capacity, choose 2-UA and Design water flow rate and use autosize as the inputs for UA,
Maximum water flow rate, and Rated capacity. EnergyPlus will use the Sizing inputs to size the coil. The
rated temperatures (see below) are not used in autosizing. These are used only when the user is specifying
coil performance using the 1-Nominal capacity input method.
UA (U-Factor x Area)
Enter the UA value for the coil needed for the Effectiveness-NTU heat exchanger model. An estimate of the
UA can be obtained from:
q is the heat transferred from water to the air in W;
Twater, avg is the average water temperature in C; and
Tair, avg is the average air temperature in C. Or the LMTD temperature difference can be used. This field is
only used when Performance input method = 2-UA and Design water flow rate
This field is autosizable.
Rated capacity
The heating capacity of the coil (in W or Btu/h) at the rated inlet and outlet air and water temperatures. This
field is used when the Performance input method = 1-Nominal capacity. This field is autosizable. The rating
points are given in the four subsequent input fields.
Rated inlet water temperature
The inlet water temperature (C or F) corresponding to the rated heating capacity. The default is 82.2C
- 493 -
Rated inlet air temperature
The inlet air temperature (C or F) corresponding to the rated heating capacity. The default is 16.6C (60F)..
Availability schedule
Schedule that defines when the coil is available, i.e. whether the coil can run during a given time period. A
schedule value greater than 0 (usually 1 is used) indicates that the unit can be on during a given time period.
A value less than or equal to 0 (usually 0 is used) denotes that the unit is off.
Control variable
The Control variable defines how the coil is controlled. Temperature control is currently the only option.
1-Temperature control is used for air temperature control and is normally specified for the coils outlet
air node.
The Action determines how the controlled variable (e.g. mass flow rate through a water coil) is changed based
on the control signal. In a heating coil where water mass flow rate is to be controlled, the mass flow rate
through the coil is increased when more heating is required, which increases the value of heat transfer from
the water to the air stream. So this is considered a "normal" action controller and so the value of this field is
fixed as 1-Normal.
Actuator variable
This was again meant to be more generic but currently has only been used to control the water mass flow rate
of a heating or cooling coil. This actuator variable is fixed as 1-Flow to control the water mass flow rate.
is the fin efficiency
h is the surface convection heat transfer coefficient
A is the surface area
Used in:
The electric heating coil is a simple capacity model with a user-defined efficiency. In most cases, the efficiency
for the electric coil will be 100%. Depending on where it is used this coil may be either temperature or capacity
controlled. If used in the air loop simulation it will be controlled to a specified temperature scheduled from the
Setpoint Manager. If it is used in zone equipment, it will be controlled from the zone thermostat by meeting the
zone demand.
A unique auto-generated name for the coil.
The type is fixed as:
In Generic AHUs and ADUs it will also be possible to select 1-Hot water or 3-Gas as the heating coil type, in
which case a Water heating coil or Gas heating coil is used instead.
- 495 -
This is user-inputted efficiency (fraction, not percent) and can account for any loss. In most cases for the
electric coil, this will be 100% (enter a value of 1).
Nominal capacity
This is the maximum capacity of the coil (in W). This controlled coil will only provide the needed capacity to
meet the control criteria whether it is temperature or capacity controlled. This field is autosizable.
Available schedule
The schedule that denotes whether the heating coil can run during a given time period. A schedule value
greater than 0 (usually 1 is used) indicates that the coil can be on during a given time period. A value less
than or equal to 0 (usually 0 is used) denotes that the coil must be off.
Used in:
The gas heating coil is a simple capacity model with a user inputted gas burner efficiency. The default for the
gas burner efficiency is 80%. The coil can be used in the air loop simulation or in the zone equipment as a
reheat coil. Depending on where it is used determines if this coil is temperature or capacity controlled. If used
in the air loop simulation it will be controlled to a specified temperature scheduled from the Setpoint manager.
If it is used in zone equipment, it will be controlled from the zone thermostat by meeting the zone demand.
A unique identifying name for each coil.
- 496 -
The type of a gas coil must be:
In all cases it will also be possible to select 2-Electric in which case the Electric heating coil is used or 1Water where the Water heating coil is used instead.
This is user inputted gas burner efficiency (decimal, not percent) and is defaulted to 0.8 (80%).
Nominal capacity
This is the maximum capacity of the coil (in W). This controlled coil will only provide the needed capacity to
Available schedule
Schedule that defines when the coil is available.
- 497 -
Heating Coil - DX
Used in:
Unitary Heat Cool,
Unitary Heat Pump
The single speed heating DX coil model uses performance information at rated conditions along with curve fits
for variations in total capacity, energy input ratio and part load fraction to determine performance at part-load
conditions. The impacts of various defrost strategies (reverse cycle, resistive, timed or on-demand) are
modelled based on a combination of user inputs and empirical models taken from the air-to-air heat pump
algorithms in DOE-2.1E.
This alpha field defines a unique user-assigned name for an instance of a DX heating coil. Any reference to
this DX heating coil by another object will use this name.
Rated COP
This numeric field defines the coefficient of performance (COP=heating power output in watts divided by
electrical power input in watts) of the DX heating coil unit at rated conditions (outdoor air dry-bulb temperature
of 8.33C, outdoor air wet-bulb temperature of 6.11C, coil entering air dry-bulb temperature of 21.11C, coil
entering air wet-bulb temperature of 15.55C, and a heating coil air flow rate defined by field rated air flow
volume rate below). The value entered here must be greater than 0. The input power includes power for the
compressor(s) and outdoor fan(s) but does not include the power consumption of the indoor supply air fan.
The heating power output is the value entered above in the field Rated total heating capacity.
Minimum outdoor dry-bulb temperature for compressor operation
This numeric field defines the minimum outdoor air dry-bulb temperature (in C or F) where the heating coil
compressor turns off. The temperature for this input field must be greater than or equal to 20C. The default
value is -8C.
- 498 -
Defrost strategy
Choose from two options:
1-Reverse-cycle or
If the reverse-cycle strategy is selected, the heating cycle is reversed periodically to provide heat to melt frost
accumulated on the outdoor coil. If a resistive defrost strategy is selected, the frost is melted using an electric
resistance heater. The default defrost strategy is reverse-cycle.
Defrost control
Choose from two options:
1-Timed or
If timed control is selected, the defrost time period is calculated based on a fixed value or compressor runtime
whether or not frost has actually accumulated. For timed defrost control, the fractional amount of time the unit
is in defrost is entered in the input field Defrost time period fraction described below. If on-demand defrost
control is selected, the defrost time period is calculated based on outdoor weather (humidity ratio) conditions.
Regardless of which defrost control is selected, defrost does not occur above the user specified outdoor
temperature entered in the input field Maximum outdoor dry-bulb temperature for defrost operation described
The DX Cooling coil requires up to 6 curves be selected from the Curves database to define coil performance
depending on the defrost strategy selected.
load flow). The output of this curve is multiplied by the rated total heating capacity and the total heating
capacity modifier curve (function of temperature) to give the total heating capacity at the specific temperature
and air flow conditions at which the coil is operating. The curve is normalised to have the value of 1.0 when
the actual air flow rate equals the rated air flow rate.
The part load fraction correlation curve coefficients need to be defined so that the output of the curve
equals 1.0 when the PLR is 1.0, e.g.
So the associated quadratic would have Coefficient 1 = 0.85 and Coefficient 2 = 0.15 with a maximum x
= 1.0.
When 0.0 <= PLR < 1.0, the PLF must be >= 0.7 which is guaranteed as long as Coefficient 1 of the
PLF curve is > 0.7. Also, in this PLR range, the PLF must be less than the PLR which is also
guaranteed as long as the coil capacity is always greater than the demand. If the demand is greater
than the coil capacity and PLF becomes greater than PLR, the software automatically limits the runtime
fraction (PLR/PLF) to 1.0.
Crankcase heater capacity
This numeric field defines the crankcase heater capacity (in W). When the outdoor air dry-bulb temperature is
below the value specified in the input field Maximum outdoor dry-bulb temperature for crankcase heater
operation (described below), the crankcase heater is enabled during the time that the compressor is not
- 500 -
running. If this heating coil is used as part of an air-to-air heat pump (Ref. UnitarySystem:HeatPump:AirToAir
or PackageTerminal: HeatPump:AirToAir), the crankcase heater defined for this DX heating coil is enabled
during the time that the compressor is not running for either heating or cooling (and the crankcase heater
power defined in the DX cooling coil object is disregarded in this case). The value for this input field must be
greater than or equal to 0. The default value is 0. To simulate a unit without a crankcase heater, enter a value
of 0.
Availability schedule name
The schedule that denotes whether the DX heating coil can run during a given time period. A schedule value
greater than 0 (usually 1 is used) indicates that the unit can be on during a given time period. A value less
than or equal to 0 (usually 0 is used) denotes that the unit must be off.
- 501 -
Used in:
The water cooling coil provides detailed output with simplified inputs without the need for complex coil
geometry definition. Instead the coil is sized in terms of auto-sizeable thermodynamic inputs such as
temperatures, mass flow rates and humidity ratios.
Coil heat transfer (UA) values are calculated from the design conditions. A rough estimate of the coil area is
provided along with percentage of surface wet and/or dry. This model uses the NTU-effectiveness approach to
model heat transfer and has two types of flow arrangements cross-flow or counter-flow.
See the Chilled Water Loop and FCU Tutorial
See section Cooling Coil Model in the EnergyPlus Engineering Document for further details on this model.
A unique name for an instance of a cooling coil which is predetermined by DesignBuilder.
- 502 -
Type of analysis
The coil has two modes of operation:
1-Simple analysis
2-Detailed analysis
The difference between the two modes being, the simple mode reports the value of surface area fraction wet
of the coil as dry or wet. The detailed mode give the exact value, however the execution time in detailed mode
is noticeably higher.
Air-conditioning systems generally use cross flow heat exchangers, hence the default is set to 1-Cross flow.
Availability schedule
Schedule that defines when the coil is available, i.e. whether the coil can run during a given time period. A
schedule value greater than 0 (usually 1 is used) indicates that the unit can be on during a given time period.
A value less than or equal to 0 (usually 0 is used) denotes that the unit is off.
The controller allows the flow of water through the coil to be controlled based on temperature and/or humidity
ratio typically downstream of the coil.
Control variable
The Control variable defines how the coil is controlled. Select one of:
- 503 -
1-Temperature control is used for air temperature control and is normally specified for the coils outlet
air node
2-Humidity ratio control is used for humidity control and would normally be specified for a dehumidifier
outlet node
3-Temperature and humidity ratio control is used for controlling both air temperature and high
humidity levels, and is normally specified for a cooling coils outlet air node.
Options 2 and 3 (the control variables involving humidity ratio) both have these requirements:
Humidistat must be selected on the HVAC zone dialog and
One of the "Maximum humidity" setpoint managers must be associated with the cooling coil.
More information is available in the Humidity control section.
The Action determines how the controlled variable (mass flow rate through a water coil) is changed based on
the control signal. In a coil where water mass flow rate is to be controlled, the mass flow rate through the coil
is increased when more cooling is requested. In a cooling coil, an increase in water mass flow rate through the
coil decreases the value of heat transfer from the water to the air stream (absolute value increases, but since
cooling is traditionally described as a negative number, an increase in absolute value results in a decrease in
the actual heat transfer value). Thus the cooling coil controller has Reverse action since an increase in flow
rate results in a decrease in heat transfer.
Actuator variable
The actuator variable must currently be use the keyword 1-Flow to control the water mass flow rate.
Used in:
Unitary Heat Cool,
Unitary Heat Pump
The DX single speed cooling coil model and data are quite different from that for the heating and cooling
water coils. The simple water coils use an NTU-effectiveness heat exchanger model. The single speed DX coil
model uses performance information at rated conditions along with curve fits for variations in total capacity,
energy input ratio and part-load fraction to determine performance at part-load conditions. Sensible/latent
capacity splits are determined by the rated sensible heat ratio (SHR) and the apparatus dewpoint/bypass
factor (ADP/BF) approach. This approach is analogous to the NTU-effectiveness calculations used for
sensible-only heat exchanger calculations, extended to a cooling and dehumidifying coil.
This DX cooling coil input requires an availability schedule, the rated total cooling capacity, the rated SHR, the
rated COP, and the rated air volume flow rate. The latter 4 inputs determine the coil performance at the rating
point (air entering the cooling coil at 26.7C dry-bulb/19.4C wet-bulb and air entering the outdoor condenser
coil at 35C dry-bulb/23.9C wet-bulb). The rated air volume flow rate should be between .00004027 m3/s and
.00006041 m3/s per watt of rated total cooling capacity (300 to 450 cfm/ton).
See section DX Cooling Coil Model in the EnergyPlus Engineering Document for further details regarding
this model.
- 505 -
A unique auto-assigned name for an instance of a DX cooling coil. Any reference to this DX coil by another
object will use this name.
Rated COP
The coefficient of performance (cooling power output in watts divided by electrical power input in watts) of the
DX cooling coil unit at rated conditions (air entering the cooling coil at 26.7C dry-bulb/19.4C wet-bulb, air
entering the outdoor condenser coil at 35C dry-bulb/ 23.9C wet-bulb, and a cooling coil air flow rate defined
by field rated air volume flow rate below). The input power includes electric power for the compressor(s) and
condenser fan(s) but does not include the power consumption of the supply air fan. The cooling power output
is the value entered above in the field Rated Total Cooling Capacity (gross).
Availability schedule
The name of the schedule that denotes whether the DX cooling coil can run during a given time period. A
schedule value greater than 0 (usually 1 is used) indicates that the unit can be on during a given time period.
A value less than or equal to 0 (usually 0 is used) denotes that the unit must be off.
The DX Cooling coil requires 5 curves be selected from the Curves database to define coil performance:
- 506 -
The part load fraction correlation curve coefficients need to be defined so that the output of the curve
equals 1.0 when the PLR is 1.0, e.g.
PLF=0.85 + 0.15(PLR)
So the associated quadratic would have Coefficient 1 = 0.85 and the Coefficient 2 = 0.15 with a
maximum x = 1.0.
When 0.0 <= PLR < 1.0, the PLF must be >= 0.7 which is guaranteed as long as the Coefficient 1 of
the PLF curve is > 0.7. Also, in this PLR range, the PLF must be less than the PLR which is also
guaranteed as long as the coil capacity is always greater than the demand. If the demand is greater
than the coil capacity and PLF becomes greater than PLR, the software automatically limits the runtime
fraction (PLR/PLF) to 1.0.
- 507 -
the supply air fan operates continuously while the cooling coil/compressor cycle on and off to meet the cooling
The fan operating mode is determined in the parent object and is considered to either be constant (e.g.
AirLoopHVAC:UnitaryCoolOnly) or can be scheduled (e.g. AirLoopHVAC:UnitaryHeatCool). When scheduled,
the schedule value must be greater than 0 to calculate degradation of latent cooling capacity. At times when
the parent objects supply air fan operating mode schedule is 0, latent degradation will be ignored. When
modelling latent capacity degradation, these next four input fields must all have positive values.
Ratio of initial moisture evaporation rate and steady state latent capacity
The ratio of the initial moisture evaporation rate from the cooling coil (when the compressor first turns off (in
W) and the coil's steady-state latent capacity (W) at rated airflow and temperature conditions. Suggested
value is 1.5; zero value means the latent degradation model is disabled. The default value for this field is zero.
The supply air fan operating mode must be continuous (i.e., the supply air fan operating mode may be
specified in other parent objects and is assumed continuous in some objects (e.g.,
AirloopHVAC:UnitaryCoolOnly) or can be scheduled in other objects [e.g., AirloopHVAC:UnitaryHeatCool]);
and this field, the previous field and the next two fields must have positive values in order to model latent
capacity degradation.
Condenser type
The type of condenser used by the DX cooling coil. Valid choices for this input field are:
1-Air cooled, or
2-Evaporatively cooled.
The data below is required only for Condenser type = Evaporatively cooled.
- 508 -
Crankcase heater capacity
This numeric field defines the crankcase heater capacity (in W). When the outdoor air dry-bulb temperature is
below the value specified in the input field Maximum Outdoor Dry-bulb Temperature for Crankcase Heater
Operation (described below), the crankcase heater is enabled during the time that the compressor is not
running. If this cooling coil is used as part of an air-to-air heat pump (Ref. UnitarySystem:HeatPump:AirToAir
or PackageTerminal: HeatPump:AirToAir), the crankcase heater defined for this DX cooling coil is ignored and
the crankcase heater power defined for the DX heating coil (Ref. Coil:Heating:DX:SingleSpeed) is enabled
during the time that the compressor is not running for either heating or cooling. The value for this input field
- 509 -
must be greater than or equal to 0, and the default value is 0. To simulate a DX cooling coil without a
crankcase heater, enter a value of 0.
Basin heater capacity
This numeric field contains the capacity of the DX coils electric evaporative cooler basin heater in (W/K or
Btu/h-F). This field only applies for Condenser type = Evaporatively cooled. This field is used in conjunction
with the Basin Heater Setpoint Temperature described in the following field. The basin heater electric power is
equal to this field multiplied by the difference between the basin heater set point temperature and the outdoor
dry-bulb temperature. The basin heater only operates when the DX coil is off, regardless of the basin heater
schedule described below. The basin heater capacity must be greater than or equal to zero.
For DX cooling coils located in a unitary system the run settings can be controlled.
- 510 -
- 511 -
Used in:
The multimode DX coil is functionally equivalent to the single-speed DX cooling coil but with multiple
performance modes available. It is capable of modelling two-stage DX units and units with an enhanced
dehumidification mode such as coil bypass or subcool reheat. It can have up to 4 performance modes to
accommodate a 2-stage 2-mode unit.
A unique user-assigned name for an instance of a DX cooling coil. Any reference to this DX coil by another
object will use this name. This name is fixed and cannot be changed by the user.
The default is 1-None. For all dehumidification controls, the max humidity setpoint on the control node is used.
This must be set using a Zone humidistat and a downstream setpoint manager of type:
When extra dehumidification is required, the equipment may not be able to meet the humidity setpoint if its full
capacity is not adequate.
- 512 -
Availability schedule
The name of the schedule that denotes whether the DX cooling coil can run during a given time period. A
schedule value greater than 0 (usually 1 is used) indicates that the coil can be on during a given time period.
A value less than or equal to 0 (usually 0 is used) denotes that the coil must be off.
Crankcase heater capacity
This numeric field defines the crankcase heater capacity (in W). When the outdoor air dry-bulb temperature is
below the value specified in the input field Maximum Outdoor Dry-bulb Temperature for Crankcase Heater
Operation (described below), the crankcase heater is enabled during the time that the compressor is not
running. The value for this input field must be greater than or equal to 0, and the default value is 0. To
simulate a DX cooling coil without a crankcase heater, enter a value of 0.
Basin heater capacity
This numeric field contains the capacity of the DX coils electric evaporative cooler basin heater (in W/K or
Btu/h-F). This field only applies for Condenser type = Evaporatively cooled. This field is used in conjunction
- 513 -
with the Basin Heater Setpoint Temperature described in the following field. The basin heater electric power is
equal to this field multiplied by the difference between the basin heater set point temperature and the outdoor
dry-bulb temperature. The basin heater only operates when the DX coil is off, regardless of the basin heater
schedule described below. The basin heater capacity must be greater than or equal to zero.
For DX cooling coils located in a unitary system the run settings can be controlled.
- 514 -
The only item of data required for an HVAC plenum is the name of the associated building zone.
Zone name
If no zone has previously been allocated to the plenum, click on the ellipsis button adjacent to the <Select
zone> text to bring up a zone selection control. Only zones that have not already been associated with zone
groups or other plenums are available for selection.
See also Add Supply Plenum Add Return Plenum Tool
The following fan types are available when using Detailed HVAC:
Used in:
This object models a constant air volume fan that is intended to operate continuously based on a time
schedule. This fan will not cycle on and off based on cooling/heating load or other control signals (Ref:
A unique auto-assigned name for the Fan. Any reference to this fan by another object will use this name.
The type of the constant volume fan is fixed as:
2-Constant volume
- 515 -
To change from constant volume to variable volume you most open the parent AHU dialog and change the
Fan type to 1-Variable volume.
Pressure rise
The pressure rise (in Pascals or inH2O) at full flow and standard (sea level) conditions (20C and 101325 Pa).
The required pressure rise across an AHU fan is dependent on the duct network supplied by the AHU. For
example, if a duct network was sized using a constant pressure loss of 1 Pa/m and the index run of the
network (route of highest pressure drop) was say 300 m and the fitting losses were say an additional 20%, the
required pressure rise across the fan would be 300 x 1 x 1.2= 360 Pa.
End-use subcategory
Allows you to specify a user-defined end-use subcategory, e.g., "Central System", etc. A new meter for
reporting is created for each unique subcategory (ref: Report Meter). Subcategories are also reported in the
ABUPS table. If this field is omitted or blank, the fan will be assigned to the "General" end-use subcategory.
Maximum flow rate
The full load air volumetric flow rate (m3/sec or ft3/min) at standard temperature and pressure (dry air at 20C
dry-bulb). EnergyPlus uses local barometric pressure to account for altitude using equation for "standard
atmospheric" pressure on p 6.1 of the ASHRAE 1997 HOF (SI edition) to initialize the air systems being
where p=pressure in Pa and Z=altitude in m
Motor efficiency
The shaft power divided by the electrical power consumed. Must be between 0 and 1.
Availability schedule
Select the Schedule that defines whether the fan can run during a given time period. A schedule value greater
than 0 (usually 1 is used) indicates that the fan can be on during a given time period. A value less than or
equal to 0 (usually 0 is used) denotes that the fan is off.
The way that fan and motor efficiency values affect the condition of the air at the fan outlet is given by the
following equations:
Qtot = m.P / (etot. air)
Qshaft = emotor.Qtot
- 516 -
Used in:
A unique auto-generated name for the fan. Any reference to this fan by another object will use this name.
- 517 -
The type of the variable volume fan is fixed as:
2-Variable volume
To change from variable volume to constant volume you most open the parent AHU dialog and change the
Fan type to 1-Constant volume.
Pressure rise
The pressure rise (in Pascals or inH2O) at full flow and standard (sea level) conditions (20C and 101325 Pa).
The required pressure rise across an AHU fan is dependent on the duct network supplied by the AHU. For
example, if a duct network was sized using a constant pressure loss of 1 Pa/m and the index run of the
network (route of highest pressure drop) was say 300 m and the fitting losses were say an additional 20%, the
required pressure rise across the fan would be 300 x 1 x 1.2= 360 Pa.
End-use subcategory
Allows you to specify a user-defined end-use subcategory, e.g., "Central System", etc. A new meter for
reporting is created for each unique subcategory (ref: Report Meter). Subcategories are also reported in the
ABUPS table. If this field is omitted or blank, the fan will be assigned to the "General" end-use subcategory.
Fan minimum flow rate input method for fan power
This field is a key/choice field that tells which of the next two fields is filled and is descriptive of how the
minimum flow rate is specified for calculating the fan power. The key/choices are:
1-Fraction where the fan power will be calculated using the value specified in the Minimum flow
fraction for fan power below.
2-Fixed flow rate where the fan power is calculated using the value specified in the Minimum air flow
rate for fan power below.
- 518 -
Motor efficiency
The shaft power divided by the electrical power consumed. Must be between 0 and 1.
Fan coefficient data under this header provides the coefficients C2 to C5 in the fourth order polynomial curve giving the fraction of full load power (PLF) as a function of
flow fraction (FF). Flow fraction is the air mass flow rate divided by the maximum air mass flow rate.
Fan coefficient 1
The constant coefficient C1 in the above curve
Fan coefficient 2
The linear coefficient C2 in the above curve
Fan coefficient 3
The quadratic coefficient C3 in the above curve
Fan coefficient 4
The cubic coefficient C4 in the above curve
Fan Coefficient 5
The coefficient C5 in the above curve
Availability schedule
Schedule that defines whether the fan can run during a given time period. A schedule value greater than 0
(usually 1 is used) indicates that the fan can be on during a given time period. A value less than or equal to 0
(usually 0 is used) denotes that the fan is off.
The algorithm used to calculate energy consumption and air outlet conditions in variable flow fans are as
fflow = m / mmax
fpl = c1 + c2.fflow + c3.fflow2 + c4.fflow3 + c5.fflow4
Qtot = fpl.m.P/(etot.air)
Qshaft = emotor.Qtot
Qtoair = Qshaft + (Qtot - Qshaft).fmotortoair
hout = hin + Qtoair / m
wout = win
Tout = PsyTdbFnHW(hout,wout)
- 519 -
Fan - On/Off
Used in:
The On/off fan models a constant air volume fan that is intended to cycle on and off in tandem with a cooling
or heating system (i.e., AUTO fan control mode). The fan can also operate continuously like a Constant
volume fan. If modelling continuous operation and this object is used as part of a system that utilizes
Coil:Heating:Gas, Coil:Cooling:DX:SingleSpeed or Coil:Heating:DX:SingleSpeed, the user should confirm
proper air flow rates (coil and fan max load fraction is less than or equal to 1 for all values of coil part-load
Multi-speed fan operation can also be modelled when the On/off fan is included as part of a compound object
that allows multiple fan speeds (e.g.,Unitary Heat Cool, PTAC, etc.). In this case, the ratio of the compound
object air flow rate to the fans maximum air flow rate is used to determine the power at alternate fan speeds.
The input for Fan Power Ratio Function of Speed Ratio Curve Name must be entered to model multi-speed
fan operation. An optional fan total efficiency ratio curve is also available to model efficiency differences at
alternate fan speeds.
- 520 -
A unique system assigned name for an instance of an On/off fan. Any reference to this fan by another object
will use this name.
Pressure rise
The pressure rise (in Pascals or inH2O) at full flow and standard (sea level) conditions (20C and 101325 Pa).
The required pressure rise across an AHU fan is dependent on the duct network supplied by the AHU. For
example, if a duct network was sized using a constant pressure loss of 1 Pa/m and the index run of the
network (route of highest pressure drop) was say 300 m and the fitting losses were say an additional 20%, the
required pressure rise across the fan would be 300 x 1 x 1.2= 360 Pa.
End-use subcategory
Allows you to specify a user-defined end-use subcategory, e.g., "Central System", etc. A new meter for
reporting is created for each unique subcategory (ref: Report Meter). Subcategories are also reported in the
ABUPS table. If this field is omitted or blank, the fan will be assigned to the "General" end-use subcategory.
Motor efficiency
The shaft power divided by the electrical power consumed. Must be between 0 and 1.
Availability schedule
Select the Schedule that defines whether the fan can run during a given time period. A schedule value greater
than 0 (usually 1 is used) indicates that the fan can be on during a given time period. A value less than or
equal to 0 (usually 0 is used) denotes that the fan is off.
- 521 -
The on/off fan model is similar to the simple constant volume fan model with the exception that the on/off fan
may cycle on and off during a simulation time step. The cycling rate of the fan is known as the run time
fraction. The calculation of run time fraction accounts for the part-load losses of other equipment used in the
HVAC system. A part-load factor (a.k.a. part-load ratio) is first calculated for the fan as the ratio of the actual
operating mass flow rate to the maximum fan mass flow rate. The run time fraction is then calculated as the
part-load factor divided by the part-load fraction. The part-load fraction is determined by other HVAC
equipment in the simulation.
fflow = m / mmax
RTF = fflow / PLF
The total fan power is then calculated as the maximum fan power multiplied by the run time fraction.
Qtot = RTF.[m.P/(etot.air)]
Qshaft = emotor.Qtot
Qtoair = Qshaft + (Qtot - Qshaft).fmotortoair
hout = hin + Qtoair / m
wout = win
Tout = PsyTdbFnHW(hout,wout)
fflow is the flow fraction or part load ratio
fmotortoair is the fraction of motor heat generated passed into the air stream
Qtot is fan power in W
m is mass flow in kg/s
mmax is the maximum or design mass flow in kg/s
RTF is runtime fraction
PLF is part load factor
P is the design pressure increase
etot is fan total efficiency
emotor is the motor efficiency
air is air density at standard conditions (kg/m3)
Qshaft is the fan shaft power in W
Qtoair is the power entering the air in W
hout,hin are the outlet and inlet specific enthalpies in J/kg
wout,win are the inlet and outlet air stream humidity ratios
PsyTdbFnHW is the EnergyPlus psychrometric routine relating enthalpy and humidity ratio to
- 522 -
The zone exhaust fan provides a way to extract zone air to outside. It is a standalone component and unlike
the other Detailed HVAC fans it does not link in with the main Air loop. It can also impact air flows in central air
handlers by decreasing the flow of return air and sometimes increasing the outdoor air flow rate.
There are several control options available for the exhaust fan including an on/off availability schedule,
interaction with system availability managers, minimum zone air temperature control limits and a variable flow
fraction schedule. The way in which the exhaust fan impacts central air system can be controlled by declaring
what portion of the flow has been balanced by simple airflow from infiltration, ventilation, or mixing. However
it is important to note that presence of an exhaust fan does not by itself drive any simple airflow such as
infiltration, ventilation, or zone mixing.
Note: When used with Calculated natural ventilation, Zone exhaust fans can take part in the Airflow Network
causing a negative pressure in the zone which can be balanced by flows into the zone through other openings
and cracks. In this case a single corresponding vent from the Zone Exhaust Fans category must be placed
on an external surface of the building zone.
To obtain balancing when using Scheduled natural ventilation the main natural ventilation airflow must be
coordinated with the flows defined for the exhaust fan as there is no comprehensive automatic mass
balancing between air system flows, exhaust flows, and the separate simple airflows.
Zone exhaust fans differ from the other fans in EnergyPlus HVAC in that they can stand on their own in a zone
rather than serving as one part of an HVAC air system.
Summary of zone exhaust fan data entry
A zone exhaust fan is defined differently depending on whether the Calculated natural ventilation model option
is selected or not.
When not using Calculated natural ventilation simply add an Exhaust fan to the HVAC zone and
make any settings on the dialog.
When using Calculated natural ventilation then as well as the Exhaust fan in the HVAC zone you
must also include a single external vent from the Zone Exhaust Fans category somewhere in the zone
by drawing it at surface level on an exterior surface. The purpose of the vent is to include the zone
exhaust fan as an airflow path in the EnergyPlus Airflow Network. The numbered steps that follow refer
to the screenshot below. Having drawn the vent object at surface level:
1. Navigate to the vent object.
2. Select the vent type model data on the Openings tab.
3. Select the pre-defined "Zone Exhaust Fan" vent component.
4. Alternatively create a new vent component and set its category to Zone Exhaust Fans.
- 523 -
The end result should be that each zone with an HVAC Exhaust fan has exactly 1 vent from the Zone
Exhaust Fans category placed on an exterior surface.
A unique user-assigned name for an instance of a zone exhaust fan. Any reference to this fan by another
object will use this name.
End-Use subcategory
Allows you to specify a user-defined end-use subcategory, e.g., "Kitchen Exhaust", "Fume Hoods", etc. A new
meter for reporting is created for each unique subcategory (ref: Output:Meter object). Subcategories are also
reported in the ABUPS table. If this field is omitted or blank, the fan will be assigned to the "General" end-use
Fan total efficiency
This is the overall efficiency of the fan, i.e. the ratio of the power delivered to the fluid to the electrical input
power. It is the product of the motor efficiency and the impeller efficiency. The motor efficiency is the power
delivered to the shaft divided by the electrical power input to the motor. The impeller efficiency is the power
delivered to the air divided by the shaft power. The power delivered to the air is the mass flow rate of the air
multiplied by the pressure rise divided by the air density. This efficiency must be between 0 and 1. The default
is 0.6.
Pressure rise
The pressure rise (in Pascals or inH2O) at full flow and standard (sea level) conditions (20C and 101325 Pa).
- 524 -
"standard atmospheric" pressure on p 6.1 of the ASHRAE 1997 HOF (SI edition) to initialize the air systems
being simulated.
where p=pressure in Pa and Z=altitude in m
1-Coupled which indicates that the exhaust fan should be integrated with the system availability
manager so that the fan runs when the air system is forced to run.
2-Decoupled which indicates that the exhaust fan should operate on its own and ignore the system
availability managers requests so that the exhaust fan can remain off when the air system runs.
Availability schedule
The availability schedule denotes whether the fan can run during a given time period. A schedule value of 0
indicates that the fan is off for that time period. A schedule value greater than 0 indicates that the fan can
operate during the time period.
Used in:
The electric steam humidifier is a component that represents an electrically heated, self contained steam
humidifier. The component uses electrical energy to convert ordinary tap water to steam which it then injects
into the supply air stream by means of a blower fan. The actual unit might be an electrode-type humidifier or a
resistance-type humidifier.
The humidifier model includes local control of the humidifier unit to meet a humidity ratio setpoint on its air
outlet node.
Note: To ensure that the humidifier will add moisture to meet the humidity ratio setpoint, a Minimum humidity
Setpoint manager must be added immediately downstream of the Humidifier (4-Multi-zone minimum
humidity average or 6-Multi-zone humidity minimum or 8-Single zone humidity minimum).
More information on controlling humidity is available in the Humidity control section.
A unique system assigned name for a particular humidifier unit. Any reference to this unit by another object
will use this name.
Rated capacity
The nominal full output water addition rate of the unit (in m3/sec or gal/min of water at 5.05C).
Note: The Rated capacity cannot be autosized in current versions of EnergyPlus, but if you are not sure of the
correct value to use, it is possible to enter a very high value (e.g. 1m3/s) to ensure that humidification loads
can always be met.
Rated power
The nominal full output power consumption of the unit (in W), exclusive of the blower fan power consumption
and any standby power. This field can be autosized. When it is autosized, the calculations are based on the
rated capacity and the enthalpy rise of the feed water from the reference temperature of liquid water at 20C
to a saturated steam at 100C.
Standby power
The standby power consumption (in W). This amount of power will be consumed whenever the unit is
available (as defined by the availability schedule).
- 526 -
Availability schedule
Schedule that defines whether the unit can run during a given time period. A schedule value greater than 0
(usually 1 is used) indicates that the fan can be on during a given time period. A value less than or equal to 0
(usually 0 is used) denotes that the unit is off.
Humidifier:Water [m3]
This meter output contains the sum of the water consumed (in cubic neters of water during the report
timestep) by all the steam humidifiers at the HVAC level in the simulation.
Humidifier:Electricity [J]
This meter output contains the sum of the electricity consumed (in Joules during the report timestep) by all the
steam humidifiers at the HVAC level in the simulation.
Direct evaporative cooling (open circuit) is used to lower the temperature of air by using latent heat of
evaporation, changing liquid water to water vapour. In this process, the energy in the air does not
change. Warm dry air is changed to cool moist air. The heat of the outside air is used to evaporate
Indirect evaporative cooling (closed circuit) is similar to direct evaporative cooling, but uses some type
of heat exchanger. The cooled moist air never comes in direct contact with the conditioned
EnergyPlus provides 5 types of evaporative coolers any of which can be selected when placing the
component or from the Evaporative cooler dialog:
1-Direct CelDekPad
2-Direct Research Special
3-Indirect CelDekPad
4-Indirect Wet Coil
5-Indirect Research Special
Direct CelDekPad
The direct stage, shown in the figure below, consists of a rigid media evaporative pad, with water recirculated
from a reservoir. The water is pumped from the reservoir to a water distribution header, for water feed by
gravity from above the media. The evaporative pad provides the area for the adiabatic saturation of the air.
While the process provides a lower dry-bulb temperature, the moisture content of the leaving air is higher than
the entering condition. The direct stage is used for comfort cooling in a building where adding humidity to the
air can be tolerated.
- 528 -
- 529 -
If the direct evaporative process were 100% efficient, the leaving dry-bulb temperature would equal the
entering wet-bulb temperature. The efficiency of the direct evaporative process is less than 100% and by
defining saturation efficiency (se) for the direct stage or evaporative pad, the leaving dry-bulb temperature can
be expressed by the following equation.
A unique name for an instance of an evaporative cooler which is predetermined by DesignBuilder.
Direct pad area
The face area of the evaporative pad (in m2 or ft2). With the area and mass flow rate, the air velocity is
calculated and is used to determine the saturation efficiency.
Availability schedule
Schedule that defines when the coil is available, i.e. whether the evaporative cooler can run during a given
time period. A schedule value greater than 0 (usually 1 is used) indicates that the unit can be on during a
given time period. A value less than or equal to 0 (usually 0 is used) denotes that the unit is off.
A unique name for an instance of an evaporative cooler which is predetermined by DesignBuilder.
Cooler effectiveness
This field specifies the effectiveness that is applied to the wet-bulb depression to determine the conditions
leaving the cooler. This model assumes that the effectiveness is constant.
- 530 -
Blowdown On
Select this option to model additional water consumed by the cooler from blowdown. Blowdown is water that is
intentionally drained from the coolers sump to offset the build up of solids in the water that would otherwise
occur because of evaporation.
Availability schedule
Schedule that defines when the coil is available, i.e. whether the evaporative cooler can run during a given
time period. A schedule value greater than 0 (usually 1 is used) indicates that the unit can be on during a
given time period. A value less than or equal to 0 (usually 0 is used) denotes that the unit is off.
Indirect CelDekPad
The dry coil indirect evaporative cooler, shown in the figure below, has a rigid media pad, similar to the direct
evaporative stage, where the adiabatic cooling takes place. The secondary air leaves the rigid media pad and
enters an air to air heat exchanger where it cools the supply air flowing through the heat exchanger tubes.
The moist secondary air is then exhausted to the environment. The secondary air stream has its own fan and
consists of a rigid media evaporative pad, with water recirculated from a reservoir. The water is pumped from
the reservoir to a water distribution header, for water feed by gravity from above the media. The evaporative
pad provides the area for the adiabatic saturation of the air.
- 531 -
The process that the secondary air goes through, A to C to D, is shown by the dashed lines in the following
figure. Process A to C is adiabatic cooling in the rigid media pad. Then the air enters the shell side of the heat
exchanger and is sensibly heated from C to D by the warm supply air passing through the tube side. The
secondary air inlet is modeled as a separate stream of outdoor air and the user has the option of defining the
name of an outdoor air node.
The advantage of the dry coil heat exchanger is that the heat exchanger does not have the evaporation taking
place on the outside of the tubes, thus no mineral deposits are left on the heat exchange surface to reduce
the efficiency of the heat exchanger. The rigid media pads are designed to flush the mineral deposits to the
sump, so the saturation efficiency of the pad stays relatively constant.
- 532 -
A unique name for an instance of an evaporative cooler which is predetermined by DesignBuilder.
Direct pad area
The face area of the evaporative pad (in m2 or ft2). With the area and mass flow rate, the air velocity is
calculated and is used to determine the saturation efficiency on the secondary side of the evaporative cooler.
Secondary fan flow rate
This field is used to specify the secondary fan flow rate and is specified in m3/s or ft3/min.
Availability schedule
Schedule that defines when the coil is available, i.e. whether the evaporative cooler can run during a given
time period. A schedule value greater than 0 (usually 1 is used) indicates that the unit can be on during a
given time period. A value less than or equal to 0 (usually 0 is used) denotes that the unit is off.
- 533 -
- 534 -
A unique name for an instance of an evaporative cooler which is predetermined by DesignBuilder.
Coil maximum efficiency
The maximum efficiency of the stage is a combination of the efficiency due to the simultaneous heat and mass
transfer on the outside of the tube and the efficiency of the heat exchanger. This value can be higher than the
dry coil overall efficiency since the convective coefficients on the outside of the tube are larger.
Secondary fan flow rate
This field is used to specify the secondary fan flow rate and is specified in m3/s or ft3/min.
Blowdown On
Select this option to model additional water consumed by the cooler from blowdown. Blowdown is water that is
intentionally drained from the coolers sump to offset the build up of solids in the water that would otherwise
occur because of evaporation.
- 535 -
Availability schedule
Schedule that defines when the coil is available, i.e. whether the evaporative cooler can run during a given
time period. A schedule value greater than 0 (usually 1 is used) indicates that the unit can be on during a
given time period. A value less than or equal to 0 (usually 0 is used) denotes that the unit is off.
A unique name for an instance of an evaporative cooler which is predetermined by DesignBuilder.
Cooler maximum effectiveness
This field specifies the maximum effectiveness that is applied to the wet-bulb depression to determine the
conditions leaving the cooler. This effectiveness is a complicated function of the efficiency with which heat and
mass are transferred on the secondary side and the efficiency of heat exchange between the secondary and
primary flows. The model assumes that the effectiveness is constant.
Secondary fan flow rate
This field is used to specify the secondary fan flow rate and is specified in m3/s or ft3/min.
- 536 -
Blowdown On
Select this option to model additional water consumed by the cooler from blowdown. Blowdown is water that is
intentionally drained from the coolers sump to offset the build up of solids in the water that would otherwise
occur because of evaporation.
Availability schedule
Schedule that defines when the coil is available, i.e. whether the evaporative cooler can run during a given
time period. A schedule value greater than 0 (usually 1 is used) indicates that the unit can be on during a
given time period. A value less than or equal to 0 (usually 0 is used) denotes that the unit is off.
- 537 -
GSHP Loops
Ground source heat pumps systems are essentially made up of two loops (heating or cooling only cases) or
three loops (combined heating and cooling). In this case these 3 loops are required to represent the heat
pump system:
HW loop (for heating applications) - Hot water loop (Water-to-water heat pump heating)
CHW loop (for cooling applications) - Chilled water loop (Water-to-water heat pump cooling)
Condenser loop - Ground heat exchanger loop (exchanges heat with ground via either surface, pond or
vertical borehole types)
In addition to the above mandatory loops, the system may also require extra loops such as air loops for
specific room/block applications.
Tip: You are advised to work through the GSHP Case Study before attempting to model these systems for the
first time.
- 538 -
Example Layouts
Heating only
Cooling only
Heating and cooling
Component descriptions:
Run DesignBuilder Heating design and Cooling design calculations in order to get the maximum
heating and cooling loads for the system.
Choose/load a correctly sized water-to-water heat pump model from DesignBuilder database by
matching the peak heating/cooling loads with heat pumps Rated heating/cooling capacity. Or
alternatively, creating and applying your own heat pump data if its catalogue data is available (using
procedure described in the ).
Select ground heat exchanger (vertical) borehole numbers from that quick/simple sizing table; set flow
rate equal to the sum of Rated source side flow rate of heat pumps connecting to it, or use your own
tool to generate (and apply) a vertical ground heat exchanger case for specific conditions or
detailed/precise sizing.
Condenser loop: set flow rate equal to or greater than the flow rate of ground heat exchanger (vertical)
calculated above.
For more detail on these processes see the GSHP Case Study.
What about the EnergyPlus ParameterEstimation model?
The EnergyPlus ParameterEstimation model limits the refrigerant used to R22 and the compressor to the
reciprocating compressor type. However almost all water-to-water heat pumps presently on the market use
refrigerants other than R22 (R22 has of course been phased out recently for environmental reasons) and
equipped with scroll and other compressor types. So catalogue data is no longer available for the
ParameterEstimation model.
Also EnergyPlus strongly recommend using the EquationFit model instead of ParameterEstimation for
efficient and reliable modelling,
For these reasons DesignBuilder currently only provides the EquationFit water-to-water heat pump model.
Equation Fit Heat Pumps Technical
The Equation Fit model uses four non-dimensional equations or curves to predict the heat pump performance.
The same method is used in both cooling and heating modes.
The performance data used in the Equation Fit method is derived from manufacturers data through a preprocess step in which the generalized least square method is used to generate a set of performance
coefficients from manufacturer's catalogue data at indicated reference conditions. This is done in an
EnergyPlus spreadsheet. Then the calculated coefficients and indicated reference conditions are entered on
the heat pump dialog in the model to simulate the heat pump performance. A library of templates containing
pre-defined manufacturers heat pump data is provided to allow an early stage analysis to be carried out
without specific project equipment being specified.
The variables that influence the water-to-water heat pump performance include load side entering water
temperature, source side entering water temperature, source side water flow rate and load side water flow
rate. The governing equations for the cooling and heating modes are as follows:
- 539 -
Cooling Mode
Heating Mode:
Assuming no losses, the source side heat transfer rate for cooling and heating mode is calculated as:
Qsource,c = Qc + Powerc
Qsource,h = Qh - Powerh
A1-D5 EquationFit coefficients for the cooling and heating mode
Tref Reference temperature (using fixed 283.15K)
TL,in Load side entering water temperature (K)
TS,in Source side entering water temperature (K)
V L Load side volumetric flow rate (m3/s)
V S Source side volumetric flow rate (m3/s)
VL,ref Reference load side volumetric flow rate (m3/s)
V S,ref Reference source side volumetric flow rate (m3/s)
Qc Load side heat transfer rate (cooling mode) (W)
Powerc Power consumption (cooling mode) (W)
Qsource,c Source side heat transfer rate (cooling mode) (W)
Qh Load side heat transfer rate (heating mode) (W)
Qh,ref Reference load side heat transfer rate (heating mode) (W)
Powerh Power consumption (heating mode) (W)
Powerh,ref Reference power consumption (heating mode) (W)
Qsource,h Source side heat transfer rate (heating mode) (W)
You can use this control to load data to the dialog from a pre-defined heat pump template as a starting point
for your particular heat pump component. A sample list of manufacturers data is provided in the templates and
instructions on how to create your own templates from manufacturers data.
Heat pumps are usually selected using their Rated heating capacity.
- 540 -
DesignBuilder provides the EnergyPlus Equation Fit water to water heat pump model. EnergyPlus also
provides the Parameter Estimation model but this only supports R22 refrigerant which is no longer permitted
in new designs. Because of this and other technical limitations in the model, DesignBuilder have now removed
this option so the Type control is currently disabled and is fixed as 1-Equation fit.
Cycle time
The full on and off cycle time of the heat pump unit in hours. You are advised to leave this data at the default
value of 0.0161 hours (1 minute) which is also the minimum value. The maximum allowed value is 0.1 hours
(6 minutes) but note that using values higher than the default can prevent correct operation of the heat pump.
- 541 -
You can use this control to load data to the dialog from a pre-defined heat pump template as a starting point
for your particular heat pump component. A sample list of manufacturers data is provided in the templates and
instructions on how to create your own templates from manufacturers data.
- 542 -
DesignBuilder provides the EnergyPlus Equation Fit water to water heat pump model. EnergyPlus also
provides the Parameter Estimation model but this only supports R22 refrigerant which is no longer permitted
in new designs. Because of this and other technical limitations in the model, DesignBuilder have now removed
this option so the Type control is currently disabled and is fixed as 1-Equation fit.
Cycle time
The full on and off cycle time of the heat pump unit in hours. You are advised to leave this data at the default
value of 0.0161 hours (1 minute) which is also the minimum value. The maximum allowed value is 0.1 hours
(6 minutes) but note that using values higher than the default can prevent correct operation of the heat pump.
These seven fields must be rearranged as columns in the order specified by the EnergyPlus spreadsheet
before attempting to generate the relevant coefficients.
The more data points used, the more accurate the calculation of the coefficients. As EnergyPlus states, the
minimum data points for EF based model are 5. However, the data points must involve various inlet conditions
(e.g. water flow rates, inlet water temperatures, etc.) that cover the entire range of the heat pump operating
Some catalogue data is in IP units, however the EnergyPlus spreadsheets can take data in either SI or IP
units (data in IP units will be converted to SI units after a button is clicked in the spreadsheets). All processing
is carried out using SI units.
The figure below shows how the relevant catalogue data is rearranged to the format EnergyPlus spreadsheets
require and how the links between the two are established starting with the manufacturer's table on the right
table and copying relevant data to the spreadsheet shown on the left). The example is based on a Carrier
heat pump model 50PSW180 heating mode .
- 544 -
- 545 -
- 546 -
- 547 -
- 548 -
Alternatively you can create your own heating capacity coefficients and heating compressor power coefficients
together with rated flow rates, rated heating capacity and rated heating power consumption from catalogue
Note that the rated load side flow rate for the selected heat pump is 0.00442 m3/s.
- 549 -
- 550 -
- 551 -
- 552 -
- 553 -
During occupied hours each day in summer, room air temperature was controlled well at 24C (cooling
setpoint temperature is 24C).
(2) Winter modelling results:
During occupied hours each day in winter, room air temperature was controlled at about 23C (heating
setpoint temperature is 22C).
Performance Curves
Used in many HVAC components as well as electrical storage
This group of objects primarily consists of polynomial curves that are used to characterize the performance of
HVAC equipment. Several other non-polynomial curves are also included to characterize the performance of
pumps and fans. All of the curves are input, stored, and evaluated entirely within the EnergyPlus Curve
Manager module. The curves are usually derived from fits or regressions to data covering a limited range.
Results for independent variable values outside this range are likely to be invalid, so curve input always
- 554 -
contains a range of validity (maximum and minimum permitted values) for each independent variable and can
optionally have limits on the curve output. No error or warning message is issued if an independent variable is
outside the range. Instead, the Curve Manager uses the minimum value if an independent variable is less
than the minimum, and the maximum if a variable exceeds the maximum. Similarly, no error or warning
message is issued if the curve output is outside the range of the optional minimum and maximum curve output
limits. Instead, the Curve Manager uses the minimum and maximum curve limits to cap the output of the
performance curve.
The curve data follow a similar pattern and all have the same first 4 data items:
A user assigned unique name for a curve. When a curve is used, it is referenced by this name.
Specific information about the curve.
Where the curve was derived from (usually either EnergyPlus, meaning it comes from the EnergyPlus curves
database, which is largely derived from the DOE-2 database, or DesignBuilder meaning that the curve is
provided by DesignBuilder Software)
The category can be one of:
Rectangular Hyperbola 2
Double Exponential Decay
The rest of the data depends on the category as described below.
Input for the linear curve consists of a curve name, the two coefficients, and the maximum and minimum valid
independent variable values. Optional inputs for curve minimum and maximum may be used to limit the output
of the performance curve (e.g. limit extrapolation). The equation represented by the linear curve is:
y = C 1 + C2 * x
Coefficient 1 Constant
The constant coefficient (C1) in the equation.
- 555 -
Coefficient 2 X
The linear coefficient (C2) in the equation.
Minimum Value Of X
The minimum allowable value of x. Values of x less than the minimum will be replaced by the minimum.
Maximum Value Of X
The maximum allowable value of x. Values of x greater than the maximum will be replaced by the maximum.
- 556 -
Input for a quadratic curve consists of the curve name, the three coefficients, and the maximum and minimum
valid independent variable values. Optional inputs for curve minimum and maximum may be used to limit the
output of the performance curve (e.g. limit extrapolation). The equation represented by the quadratic curve is:
y = C 1 + C2 * x + C 3 * x
Coefficient 1 Constant
The constant coefficient (C1) in the equation.
Coefficient 2 X
The linear coefficient (C2) in the equation.
Coefficient 3 X 2
The quadratic coefficient (C3) in the equation.
Minimum Value Of X
The minimum allowable value of x. Values of x less than the minimum will be replaced by the minimum.
Maximum Value Of X
The maximum allowable value of x. Values of x greater than the maximum will be replaced by the maximum.
- 557 -
Input for a cubic curve consists of the curve name, the 4 coefficients, and the maximum and minimum valid
independent variable values. Optional inputs for curve minimum and maximum may be used to limit the output
of the performance curve (e.g. limit extrapolation). The equation represented by the cubic curve is:
y = C 1 + C2 * x + C 3 * x + C 4 * x
Coefficient 1 Constant
The constant coefficient (C1) in the equation.
Coefficient 2 X
The linear coefficient (C2) in the equation.
Coefficient 3 X 2
The quadratic coefficient (C3) in the equation.
Coefficient 4 X 3
The quadratic coefficient (C4) in the equation.
Minimum Value Of X
The minimum allowable value of x. Values of x less than the minimum will be replaced by the minimum.
- 558 -
Maximum Value Of X
The maximum allowable value of x. Values of x greater than the maximum will be replaced by the maximum.
Input for a exponent curve consists of the curve name, the 3 coefficients, and the maximum and minimum
valid independent variable values. Optional inputs for curve minimum and maximum may be used to limit the
output of the performance curve (e.g. limit extrapolation). The equation represented by the exponent curve is:
y = C 1 + C2 * x
Coefficient 1 Constant
The constant coefficient (C1) in the equation.
- 559 -
Coefficient 2 Constant
The linear coefficient (C2) in the equation.
Coefficient 3 Constant
The exponent coefficient (C3) in the equation.
Minimum Value Of X
The minimum allowable value of x. Values of x less than the minimum will be replaced by the minimum.
Maximum Value Of X
The maximum allowable value of x. Values of x greater than the maximum will be replaced by the maximum.
options are appropriate, select Dimensionless which will have no unit conversion.
This curve is a function of two independent variables. Input consists of the curve name, the six coefficients,
and min and max values for each of the independent variables. Optional inputs for curve minimum and
maximum may be used to limit the output of the performance curve (e.g. limit extrapolation). The equation
represented by the biquadratic curve is:
z = C1 + C2 * x + C3 * x + C4* y + C5 * y + C6*xy
Coefficient 1 Constant
The constant coefficient (C1) in the equation.
Coefficient 2 X
The linear coefficient (C2) in the equation.
Coefficient 3 X 2
The quadratic coefficient (C3) in the equation.
Coefficient 4 Y
The coefficient C4 in the equation.
Coefficient 5 Y 2
The coefficient C5 in the equation.
Coefficient 6 Xy
The coefficient C6 in the equation.
Minimum Value Of X
The minimum allowable value of x. Values of x less than the minimum will be replaced by the minimum.
Maximum Value Of X
The maximum allowable value of x. Values of x greater than the maximum will be replaced by the maximum.
- 561 -
Minimum Value Of Y
The minimum allowable value of y. Values of y less than the minimum will be replaced by the minimum.
Maximum Value Of Y
The maximum allowable value of y. Values of y greater than the maximum will be replaced by the maximum.
- 562 -
This curve type is a function of two independent variables. Input consists of the curve name, the ten
coefficients, and the minimum and maximum values for each of the independent variables. Optional inputs for
curve minimum and maximum may be used to limit the output of the performance curve (e.g. limit
extrapolation). The equation represented by the bicubic curve is:
z = C1 + C2 * x + C3* x + C4* y + C5 * y + C6*xy + C7* x C8* y + C9 * x y + C10 * xy
Coefficient 1 Constant
The constant coefficient (C1) in the equation.
Coefficient 2 X
The linear coefficient (C2) in the equation.
Coefficient 3 X 2
The quadratic coefficient (C3) in the equation.
Coefficient 4 Y
The coefficient C4 in the equation.
Coefficient 5 Y 2
The coefficient C5 in the equation.
Coefficient 6 Xy
The coefficient C6 in the equation.
Coefficient 7 X 3
The coefficient C7 in the equation.
- 563 -
Coefficient 8 Y 3
The coefficient C8 in the equation.
Coefficient 9 X 2 Y
The coefficient C9 in the equation.
Coefficient 10 Xy 2
The coefficient C10 in the equation.
Minimum Value Of X
The minimum allowable value of x. Values of x less than the minimum will be replaced by the minimum.
Maximum Value Of X
The maximum allowable value of x. Values of x greater than the maximum will be replaced by the maximum.
Minimum Value Of Y
The minimum allowable value of y. Values of y less than the minimum will be replaced by the minimum.
Maximum Value Of Y
The maximum allowable value of y. Values of y greater than the maximum will be replaced by the maximum.
- 564 -
Input for a Quartic (fourth order polynomial) curve consists of the curve name, the five coefficients, and the
maximum and minimum valid independent variable values. Optional inputs for curve minimum and maximum
may be used to limit the output of the performance curve (e.g., limit extrapolation). The equation represented
by the quartic curve is:
y = C1 + C2 * x + C3 * x + C4 * x + C5 * x
Coefficient 1 Constant
The constant coefficient (C1) in the equation.
- 565 -
Coefficient 2 X
The linear coefficient (C2) in the equation.
Coefficient 3 X 2
The quadratic coefficient (C3) in the equation.
Coefficient 4 X 3
The cubic coefficient (C4) in the equation.
Coefficient 5 X 4
The fourth-order coefficient (C5) in the equation.
Minimum Value Of X
The minimum allowable value of x. Values of x less than the minimum will be replaced by the minimum.
Maximum Value Of X
The maximum allowable value of x. Values of x greater than the maximum will be replaced by the maximum.
Maximum Value Of X
The maximum allowable value of the evaluated curve. Values greater than the maximum will be replaced by
the maximum.
- 566 -
Rectangular Hyperbola 2
Input for the single rectangular hyperbola type 2 curve consists of the curve name, the three coefficients, and
the maximum and minimum valid independent variable values. Optional inputs for the curve minimum and
maximum may be used to limit the output of the performance curve (e.g., limit extrapolation). The equation is:
y = (C1* x) / (C2 + x) + C3* x
Coefficient 1 C 1
The required numeric constant coefficient C1 in the equation.
Coefficient 2 C 2
The required numeric constant coefficient C2 in the equation.
Coefficient 3 C 3
The required numeric constant coefficient C3 in the equation.
Minimum Value Of X
The required numeric minimum allowable value of x. Values of x less than the minimum will b e replaced by
the minimum.
Maximum Value Of X
The required numeric maximum allowable value of x. Values of x greater than the maximum will be replaced
by the maximum.
- 567 -
Coefficient 1 C 1
The required numeric constant coefficient C1 in the equation.
Coefficient 2 C 2
The required numeric constant coefficient C2 in the equation.
Coefficient 3 C 3
The required numeric constant coefficient C3 in the equation.
Coefficient 4 C 4
The required numeric constant coefficient C4 in the equation.
- 568 -
Coefficient 5 C 5
The required numeric constant coefficient C5 in the equation.
Minimum Value Of X
The required numeric minimum allowable value of x. Values of x less than the minimum will be replaced by
the minimum
Maximum Value Of X
The required numeric maximum allowable value of x. Values of x greater than the maximum will be replaced
by the maximum
General tab, where the building zones to be included in the zone group are selected.
Heating and Cooling Sequence tab where the order of simulation is defined for each item of zone
Zone defaults tab which is hidden by default but can be displayed when the Show HVAC zone default
data on the HVAC zone group dialog Program option is selected.
- 569 -
See the Detailed HVAC Activity Data and Zone Groups Tutorial
See also Understanding HVAC Zone Groups.
General Tab
This is the name that you assign to the zone group. The name must be unique and if a duplicate name is
entered, the software will automatically append an integer in order to ensure a unique name.
Zones In Group
This is a tree control with checkboxes that you can use to define which building zones are to be added to the
zone group. Only zones that have not already been assigned to other zone groups or plenums are made
available for selection.
Tip: You can use the checkboxes at building and block levels as a fast way to select/deselect all of the
available zones in the building or block.
- 570 -
If the calculation sequence had been set up the other way round then the FCU is unlikely to have been able to
accurately meet heating and cooling setpoints since it would not be accounting for the load introduced by the
Note 1: The heating and cooling calculation sequence can only be assigned after equipment has been added
to one of the constituent HVAC zones.
Note 2: When a Zone group includes both heating and/or cooling zone equipment with an ADU providing
ventilation air, DesignBuilder will by default set up the calculation sequence so that the air system is simulated
first and other zone equipment after that. This will generally be the correct setting as mentioned above, it
ensures that any air load resulting from the supply of centrally delivered air to the zone can be met by the
other zone equipment. However you can change that behaviour manually by selecting zone equipment to
simulate first.
Zone defaults
When the Show HVAC zone default data on the HVAC zone group dialog Program option is selected you can
enter default settings which will be used to initialise any HVAC zones subsequently added to this HVAC zone
group. Making changes to these zone defaults values do not affect HVAC zones once they have been
Tip: The most important application of HVAC zone group default data is when saving HVAC templates where
specific HVAC zone settings are required. Any HVAC zone settings made in the source model are not saved
with an HVAC template, but the settings on the HVAC zone group are saved and applied to zones added to
the HVAC zone group when the template is subsequently loaded in the destination model.
The first tab which is the General tab is used to define temperature and humidity control together with zone
sizing information (Cooling Sizing, Heating Sizing and Outdoor Air Sizing). The Cooling sizing and Heating
sizing information provides the data needed to perform a zone design air flow calculation for a single zone.
This calculation assumes a variable amount of supply air at a fixed temperature and humidity. The information
needed consists of the zone inlet supply air conditions: temperature and humidity ratio for heating and cooling.
The calculation is done for every design day included in the input. The maximum cooling load and air flow and
the maximum heating load and air flow are then saved for the system level design calculations and for the
component automatic sizing calculations. The Outdoor air sizing information is used to define the design
outdoor air flow rate. This can be specified in a number of ways as described under Outdoor air method. This
data is then used in the EnergyPlus system sizing calculation for sizing zone components that use outside air.
You can also place limits on the heating and design cooling air flow rates. See Heating design air flow method
and Cooling design air flow method and the explanations of the various heating and cooling flow input fields.
See also the section on Autosizing HVAC Components
The second Target tab is used to specify which other zones in the zone group the changes will be applied to.
This is the name of the building zone with which the current HVAC zone is linked.
Thermostat Schedules
Detailed HVAC Activity data set to 2-Detailed HVAC
If the 2-Detailed HVAC Detailed HVAC Activity data model option is set then you can select schedules
defining zone heating and cooling setpoint temperatures on this dialog. Otherwise, if the 1-Simple HVAC
option is selected then zone setpoint temperatures and schedules are defined on the Activity and HVAC
model data tabs respectively and the Thermostat schedule data is not displayed on this dialog.
Note: The temperatures defined in these schedules must be in C regardless of whether you are using IP or
SI units in the interface.
Humidistat Control
Humidistat control
This check-box is used to specify whether or not the zone has humidity control.
Detailed HVAC Activity data is 1-Simple HVAC
- 572 -
If the 1-Simple HVAC option is selected then zone RH setpoints on the Activity tab are used and the
demand schedule data on this dialog defines the times when these setpoints operate.
- 573 -
Cooling Sizing
Cooling design supply air temperature
This is the supply air temperature (in C or F) for the zone cooling air flow rate calculation. Air is supplied to
the zone at this temperature during the cooling design day simulation; the zone load is met by varying the
zone air flow rate. The maximum zone flow rate is used as the zone cooling design air flow rate.
1-Design day means the program will calculate the zone design cooling air flow rate using the zone
cooling sizing information and a design day simulation without imposing any limits other than those set
by the minimum outside air requirements.
2-Flow/zone means that the program will use the Cooling design air flow rate as the zone design
cooling air flow rate.
3-Design day with limit means that the maximum from Cooling minimum flow per zone floor area and
Cooling minimum air flow will set a lower limit on the design maximum cooling air flow rate.
minimum flow per zone floor area, Cooling minimum air flow, and Cooling minimum air flow fraction is used to
set a minimum supply air flow rate for the zone for VAV systems. The default is 0.000762 m 3/s-m2,
corresponding to 0.15 cfm/ft2. The applicable sizing factor is not applied to this value.
Heating Sizing
Heating design supply air temperature
This is the supply air temperature (in C or F) for the zone heating design air flow rate calculation. Air is
supplied to the zone at this temperature during the heating design day simulation, The zone load is met by
varying the zone air flow rate. The maximum zone flow rate is used as the zone heating design air flow rate.
1-Design day means the program will calculate the zone design heating air flow rate using the zone
heating sizing information and a design day simulation without imposing any limits other than those set
by the minimum outside air requirements.
2-Flow/zone means that the program will use the Heating design air flow rate as the zone design
heating air flow rate.
3-Design day with limit means that the maximum from Heating maximum flow per zone floor area and
Heating maximum air flow will set a lower limit on the design maximum heating air flow rate.
1-Flow/Zone, means that the program will use the Outdoor air flow per zone as the zone design
outdoor air flow rate.
2-Flow/Person, means the program will use the input from the field Outdoor air flow per person and
the maximum occupancy to calculate a zone design outdoor air flow rate.
3-Flow/Area, means that the flows calculated from the fields Outdoor air flow per zone floor area used
to obtain the zone design outdoor air flow rate.
4-Sum, means that the flows calculated from the fields Outdoor air flow per person, Outdoor air flow
per zone floor area and Outdoor air flow per zone will be added to obtain the zone design outdoor air
flow rate.
5-Maximum means that the maximum flow derived from Outdoor air flow per person, Outdoor air flow
per zone floor area and Outdoor air flow per zone will be used for the zone design outdoor air flow rate.
Note: If the Detailed HVAC Activity data is set to 1-Simple HVAC then this option is disabled and the
Outdoor air method is copied from the corresponding building zones' HVAC model data.
- 576 -
this case ensure that the Save changes to which HVAC Zones option is set to 2-Multiple HVAC Zones and
select the HVAC zones that are also to be targets for the changes.
Note: If you would like to change the default behaviour so that the equivalent objects in other HVAC zones in
the same group are all ticked when dialogs are first opened then you should check the Target all HVAC zones
in group by default Program option.
Setpoint Manager
To edit the data associated with a setpoint manager, you first need to select it by moving the mouse cursor
over it and then clicking the mouse button to select it. You can then access the edit dialog by right-clicking the
mouse and selecting the Edit selected component option or alternatively, select the Edit selected component
tool from the toolbar.
This is the name that you assign to the setpoint manager which should be unique. If the supplied name is not
unique, the software will automatically append a backslash and number to ensure that there are no duplicate
There several different types of setpoint manager available. However only certain types of setpoint manager
are available for different types of loop:
Control Variable
The control variable can be one of:
Control Variable
The type of variable that will be controlled. There is only one choice for this type of setpoint manager: 1Temperature.
Control Variable
The type of variable that will be controlled. There is only one choice for this type of setpoint manager: 1Temperature.
- 579 -
- 580 -
- 581 -
Control Zone
Click on the <Select zone> label and then click on the displayed ellipsis button to bring up the zone selector
dialog. Select the zone for humidity control.
Control Zone
Click on the <Select zone> label and then click on the displayed ellipsis button to bring up the zone selector
dialog. Select the zone for humidity control.
Loop Type
Air loop
Hot water
Chilled water
DHW loop
Setpoint for
Outdoor High Setpoint for Outdoor
Outdoor Low Temp
Temp (C)
High Temp (C)
Outdoor Low
Temp (C)
Appendix G
Control Variable
The type of variable that will be controlled. There is only one choice for this type of setpoint manager: 1Temperature.
- 582 -
- 583 -
Control Variable
The type of variable that will be controlled. There is only one choice for this type of setpoint manager: 1Temperature.
Control Zone
Click on the <Select zone> label and then click on the displayed ellipsis button to bring up the zone selector
dialog. Select the zone for single zone heating control.
- 584 -
Control Variable
The type of variable that will be controlled. There is only one choice for this type of setpoint manager: 1Temperature.
Control Zone
Click on the <Select zone> label and then click on the displayed ellipsis button to bring up the zone selector
dialog. Select the zone for single zone cooling control.
Control Variable
The type of variable that will be controlled. There is only one choice for this type of setpoint manager: 1Temperature.
- 585 -
Control Variable
The type of variable that will be controlled. There is only one choice for this type of setpoint manager: 1Temperature.
- 586 -
Control Variable
The type of variable that will be controlled. There is only one choice for this type of setpoint manager: 1Temperature.
Domestic Hot Water (DHW) is provided in DesignBuilder Detailed HVAC through DHW loops, Water outlet
groups and Water outlet components.
DHW loops are added at the HVAC System level. On the demand side of the DHW sub loops, Water outlet
groups can be added. However a default Water outlet group is provided with the initial DHW loop so in many
cases you will not need to add a new Water outlet group. Instead simply navigate to the default Water outlet
group and add one or more Water outlet components to define hot water consumption and any heat transfer
to a building zone.
If you are working with the default 1-Simple HVAC Detailed HVAC Activity data model option then simply
associate the zones to be connected on the Zones served tab of the dialog. In many cases this would be all
occupied zones in the building. In this case the amount of DHW consumed is calculated as a function of the
activity in the zone. For example, there is a demand assumed to arise from the occupants of an office for
activities such as washing hands and washing up cups. This demand is associated with the office rather than
- 587 -
the toilet or tea room. So the demand from each space needs to be assigned to a DHW system even if the
DHW delivery (tap, shower etc) is not present in the space.
On the other hand, when using the 2-Detailed HVAC Detailed HVAC Activity data model option it would
normally make more sense to model the actual water draw off rates in the rooms where hot water is
consumed (toilet, tea room, shower room etc).
Tip: For consistency with Simple and Compact HVAC use the default 1-Simple HVAC Detailed HVAC Activity
data model option then create a single DHW loop, use the default Water outlet group and Water outlet
provided with the DHW loop and select all zones in the building on the Zones served tab of the Water outlet.
The DHW-related Detailed HVAC components are:
1-Plant which indicates that the all of the recovered heat will be sent to the return flow at the outlet
node of the Water outlets to preheat the make-up cold water from the water mains.
2-Equipment, indicating that the all of the recovered heat will be used to preheat the cold water flow
side of the Water outlets listed in this Water outlet group
3-Plant and Equipment, indicating that the recovered heat will be divided between the plant and the
Water outlets, as described above. This is the only option where the flow rates are equal in the drain
and the heat exchanger.
Water Outlet
The Water outlet component defines hot water consumption, delivery temperatures as well as any heat
conduction and latent gains to zones. One or more Water outlets can be associated with a previously defined
Water outlet group.
The way that Water outlets works in very different depending on whether you are using the Simple or Detailed
HVAC Detailed HVAC Activity data setting.
Simple HVAC Activity data
When using Simple HVAC activity data one Water outlet component can be used to serve multiple zones very
easily simply by selecting the zones on the Zones served tab. In this case DHW demand data from Activity
and HVAC model data tabs is used to define the total hot water flow rate and schedule of consumption for the
zones referenced in the Zones served tab.
Detailed HVAC Activity data
When using Detailed HVAC activity data option the Water outlet hot water consumption peak flow rate and
time varying schedule are defined independently of any model data DHW settings and you must provide the
peak hot water flow rate and schedule of operation for the Water outlet. This gives you the flexibility to define
DHW consumption is various ways:
Use one Water outlet for multiple zones. This approach can be used in cases where the usage
pattern (schedule) is the same in each of the zones. In this case the total peak hot water flow rate for all
the zones to be included can be calculated in a spreadsheet (for example) and the peak flow for all
zones entered here on the Water outlet dialog.
Use one Water outlet for each zone. This approach might be preferred when either the patterns of
usage (schedules) for each zone is different and needs to be defined separately or when you prefer a
more explicit separation of zones for a clearer representation in the model, rather than lumping all flows
into a single Water outlet.
Use one Water outlet for each physical water outlet in the building, e.g. one Water outlet for each
hot water tap, shower etc. In this case you would need to calculate expected peak flow and schedules
of usage for each outlet.
In all of the above cases it is usually more work to set up DHW input data when using the Detailed HVAC
activity data than for the Simple HVAC activity alternative.
Enter a unique name for the water outlet.
- 589 -
Flow Rate
Note: The data under the Flow Rate header is only shown when using the 2-Detailed HVAC Detailed HVAC
Activity data setting.
Select the zone to receive sensible and/or latent loads from this water outlet.
Zones Served
The Zones served tab on the Water outlet dialog is only visible when using the default 1-Simple HVAC
Detailed HVAC Activity data setting. It allows you to select the zones served by this Water outlet. For these
zones the actual hot water consumption rates used in the simulation are generated based on the DHW
consumption rate set on the Activity tab and the DHW Operation schedule on the HVAC tab in the same way
as for Simple and Compact HVAC.
Check the boxes of the zones to be served by this Water outlet as shown below.
- 590 -
Tip: You can use the checkboxes at building and block levels as a fast way to select/deselect all of the
available zones in the building or block.
Note: Any zones selected on the Zones served tab will not consume hot water in the simulation if their DHW
consumption rate is 0. This means that you can select all zones in a building without concern for generating
DHW demand for unoccupied zones.
Water Heater
Used in:
The Water heater simulates a well-mixed, single-node water tank. It can be used for simulating many types of
water heaters and storage tanks, including gas and electric residential water heaters, and a variety of large
commercial water heaters. It models stand-alone operation, on- and off-cycle parasitic loads and thermal
losses to the zone, instantaneous/tankless water heaters
The Water heater analytically solves the differential equation governing the energy balance of the water tank.
Within a timestep, conditions are solved separately for when the heater element or burner is "on" (on-cycle)
and when it is "off" (off-cycle). This approach allows ambient losses and parasitic loads to be divided into oncycle and off-cycle effects and accounted for in detail.
For losses to the ambient environment, the ambient air temperature can be taken from a schedule, a zone, or
the exterior. When used with a zone, a fraction of the skin losses can be added to the zone heat balance as
internal heat gains.
Control options allow the heater to cycle or modulate to meet the load. When cycling, the heater element or
burner is either on or off. The heater remains fully on while heating the tank up to the setpoint temperature.
When the setpoint is reached, the heater turns off. The heater remains off until the tank temperature falls
below the "cut-in" temperature, i.e., the setpoint temperature minus the deadband temperature difference. The
heater continuously cycles on and off to maintain the tank temperature within the deadband. Most storagetank water heaters cycle.
When modulating, the heater power varies between the maximum and minimum heater capacities. The heater
stays on as long as the required total demand is above the minimum capacity. Below the minimum capacity,
the heater will begin to cycle on and off based on the deadband temperature difference. Equipment is usually
designed and rated to avoid this condition. Most tankless/instantaneous water heaters modulate.
- 591 -
The name of the Water heater object.
Tank volume
The volume of the storage tank (in m3 or ft3). This field is autosizable based on the Sizing data. Although this
field is allowed to go down to zero, even so-called "tankless" water heaters have some volume of water that is
maintained around the heating elements or in the heat exchanger, typically around 0.00379 m3 (1 gallon).
Temperature Settings
Setpoint temperature schedule
Select the Schedule that defines the hot water temperature setpoint in C. Also known as the "cut-out"
1-Schedule where the Ambient temperature schedule field defines the ambient temperature.
2-Zone where the zone air temperature of the zone specified by Ambient temperature zone, below,
provides the ambient temperature
- 592 -
3-Outdoors where the outdoor dry-bulb air temperature provides the ambient temperature for the water
Heater Settings
Heater control type
The control type can be one of:
- 593 -
2-Natural gas,
3-Propane gas,
4-Fuel oil #1,
5-Fuel oil #2,
10-District heating.
11-Other fuel 1
12-Other fuel 2
11-Other fuel 1 and 12-Other fuel 2 can be used for representing biofuels such as biomass and biogas for
On-Cycle Settings
On-Cycle parasitic fuel consumption rate
On-cycle parasitics include parts of the water heater that consume fuel when the heater is on, for example, an
induction fan, or stand-by electronic control circuits. The fuel consumption rate (in W or Btu/h) is the total fuel
that is consumed by all of the on-cycle parasitics.
2-Natural gas,
3-Propane gas,
4-Fuel oil #1,
5-Fuel oil #2,
9-Steam, or
10-District heating.
The fuel type can be the same or different from the Heater Fuel Type.
- 594 -
Off-Cycle Settings
Off-Cycle Parasitic Fuel Consumption Rate
Off-cycle parasitics include parts of the water heater that consume fuel when the heater is off, for example, a
pilot light, or stand-by electronic control circuits. The fuel consumption rate (in W or Btu/h) is strictly the total
fuel that is consumed by all of the off-cycle parasitics.
2-Natural gas,
3-Propane gas,
4-Fuel oil #1,
5-Fuel oil #2,
9-Steam, or
10-District heating.
The fuel type can be the same or different from the Heater fuel type.
Use-Side Settings
Use side effectiveness
This field specifies the heat transfer effectiveness between the use side water and the tank water. If the
effectiveness is set to 1 then complete heat transfer occurs, simulating perfect mixing of the use side water
and the tank water. If the effectiveness is lower, then the use side outlet water temperature will not be as hot
as the tank water, simulating a heat exchanger.
Source-Side Settings
Source side effectiveness
This field specifies the heat transfer effectiveness between the source side water and the tank water. If the
effectiveness is set to 1 then complete heat transfer occurs, simulating perfect mixing of the source side water
and the tank water. If the effectiveness is lower, then the source side outlet water temperature will not be as
hot as the tank water, simulating a heat exchanger.
- 595 -
The Water heater sizing data is entered on the Sizing tab.
Design mode
This field describes the method to be used for sizing the water heater. There are six choices:
1-Peak draw. This design method uses the design flow rates of all the different demands placed on the
water heater. The tank size is based on how long it can meet the demand and how quickly it can
recover. The user enters the time in hours that the water heater can meet the demands. Only the hot
water uses connected to an individual water heater are included in that water heaters peak draw.
2-Residential HUD-FHA minimum This design method is based on minimum permissible water heater
sizes (established by HUD-FHA in its Minimum Property Standards for One- and Two-Family Living
Units, No. 4900.1-1982). The user enters the number of bathrooms and bedrooms in this input object.
The smallest allowable water heater sizes are used.
3-Per person This design method scales sizes based on the total number of people in all zones in the
building. Each water heater in the model will be sized using the total (peak, design) number of people
for the entire model. The number of people is determined from People objects defined elsewhere in the
input file
4-Per floor area This design method scales sizes based on the total floor area in all the zones in the
building. Each water heater in the model will be sized using all the floor area in the model. The floor
areas are determined from the geometry input elsewhere in the input file.
5-Per unit This design method scales sizes based on an arbitrary number of units. This can be used,
for example, to size based on the number of rooms in a lodging building. The user provides the number
of units in an input field in this object.
6-Per solar collector area This design method scales tank volume based on the collector area for a
solar hot water collector. The collector area is summed for all the collectors in the model and each tank
is sized for the total. The collector area is determined from input for Solar Collectors defined elsewhere
in the input file.
Number of bedrooms
This field is used to enter the number of bedrooms in the model. It is only required if the Design mode is 2Residential HUD-FHA minimum.
- 596 -
Number of bathrooms
This field is used to enter the number of bathrooms in the model. It is only required if the Design mode is 2Residential HUD-FHA minimum.
Number of units
This field is used to enter the number of Units for use in sizing on per-Unit basis with the next two fields. The
Number of units data only required if the Design mode is 5-Per unit. This can be used to account for any
arbitrary item such as lodging rooms, desks, water fixtures, restrooms, etc.
- 598 -
- 599 -
- 600 -
There is an option on the solar collector dialog to allow you to select which collector will act as the sensor for
the thermostat. The outlet temperature from the water heater is used as the location for the other thermostat
- 601 -
Note: If the two temperature differences on the solar collector dialog are too close, it is possible for the system
to turn on and off rapidly without much useful heat gain. This can also occur if the flow rate through the
collector is too high. Without flow the fluid in the collector heats up more quickly; when high flow is turned on,
all of the hot fluid is removed and the temperature drops, forcing the system off again.
Freeze Prevention
In climates with a cold season, the solar heating system must be designed to avoid the risk of fluid freezing in
the solar collector or exposed pipes and causing damage. There are several strategies that can minimise the
Seasonal schedule. The simplest strategy is to not use the system during the cold season. However,
this is problematic because it requires the collector to be manually drained of all fluid. The benefits of
the solar heating system are also lost during this time. This can be simulated using an appropriate
pump flow schedule for the collector system.
Antifreeze. The freezing point of the liquid is decreased by adding antifreeze (glycol) to the water or
using a different heat transfer liquid with a lower freezing point. This can be achieved by selecting a
glycol fluid for the loop fluid type on the solar loop dialog, this is the default setting.
Drain-back system. This strategy automatically empties the collector when the pump is not running.
This scenario is modelled by default in EnergPylus, although the extra pump energy required to start
the system is not taken into account.
Re-circulation system. This strategy automatically re-circulates warm liquid from the storage tank back
through the collector to maintain the system above the freezing point. There are system losses using
this method. This can be simulated by using the Low temperature protection setting on the solar loop
dialog to force the system to turn on when the outdoor air temperature or collector outlet temperature
falls below a specified minimum.
Additional Controls
In addition to freeze prevention, it is also necessary to prevent the system from becoming too hot. This is
usually a safety issue for the water heater. For this case it is important to have a high temperature cut-off to
- 602 -
stop the pump before damaging the water heater. This is accomplished using the High temperature protection
setting on the solar loop dialog (see above).
This ratio is the minimum system air flow rate divided by the maximum system air flow rate. The value must be
between 0 and 1. For constant volume systems the ratio should be set to 1. Note that this ratio should be set
to reflect what the user expects the system flow rate to be when maximum heating demand occurs. This ratio
is used in calculating the central system heating capacity. Thus if the system is VAV with the zone VAV
dampers held at minimum flow when there is a zone heating demand, this ratio should be set to the minimum
flow ratio. If the zone VAV dampers are reverse action and can open to full flow to meet heating demand, this
ratio should be set to 1.
Used in:
Solar hot water collectors are thermal devices that convert solar energy into thermal energy by raising the
temperature of a circulating heat transfer fluid (which must be water in current versions of EnergyPlus). The
fluid is used to heat water for DHW usage and/or space heating. In EnergyPlus solar collectors are
components that are connected to a solar plant loop. A solar heating system can be constructed with a
combination of solar collectors, pumps, and hot water tanks.
The EnergyPlus model is based on the equations found in the ASHRAE standards and Duffie and Beckman
(1991). This model applies to glazed and unglazed flat-plate collectors, as well as banks of tubular, i.e.
evacuated tube, collectors.
The solar collector object references a solar collector surface which is defined in the building model and
defines the gross area, position, orientation and tilt of the collector allowing it to participate normally in detailed
solar and shading calculations if either of the 2-Full exterior or 3-Full interior and exterior Solar distribution
options are selected. Solar radiation incident on the collector surface includes beam and diffuse radiation, as
well as radiation reflected from the ground and adjacent surfaces. Shading of the collector by other surfaces,
such as nearby buildings or trees, is also taken into account. Likewise, the collector surface can shade other
surfaces, for example, reducing the incident radiation on the roof beneath it.
The thermal and optical properties of the collector module can be loaded from a Solar collector template.
The unique name of the Solar hot water collector.
- 603 -
Differential thermostat hot node sensor
Check this option to identify this Solar collector as the one to be used as a reference point for the differential
thermostat selected on the Solar loop dialog.
Solar collector performance template
A Solar collector performance template which defines the thermal and optical properties of the collector.
DesignBuilder provides a database of Solar collector templates containing the thermal and optical
performance parameters for a single collector module. These parameters are based on the testing
methodologies described in ASHRAE Standards 93 and 96. The Solar Rating and Certification Corporation
(SRCC) applies these standards in their rating procedures of solar collectors. The coefficients for the energy
conversion efficiency and incident angle modifier allow first order (linear) or second order (quadratic)
correlations. To use a first order correlation, the second order coefficient must be set to zero.
In order for the model to work correctly, the test conditions for which the performance coefficients were
measured must be specified in the fields: Test flow rate, and Test correlation type. Currently, only water is
allowed as the Test Fluid.
More detailed information about the performance coefficients, can be found in the EnergyPlus Engineering
Reference Document.
Gross area
The gross area of the collector module (in m2 or ft2). This value is mainly for reference. The area of
the associated solar collector surface is used in all calculations.
- 604 -
Tempering Valve
A tempering valve may be used for cases where plant flow control is needed to make efficient use of thermal
storage and is required in solar hot water loops to prevent the DHW loop thermal storage tank from becoming
warmer than is necessary or allowable for safe use of the hot water. Although real installations of a tempering,
or anti-scald valve, would more commonly mix a new stream of mains water with the hot water to achieve a
desired outlet temperature, this is difficult to model directly within EnergyPlus because plant loops need to be
closed circuits. For installations where the water entering the splitter is directly from the mains, such as make
up water entering a water heater tank, the modelling provided with this object will be thermodynamically
The Tempering valve models a temperature-controlled diversion valve on a bypass pipe that can open to
divert flow around one or more plant components. It can only be used on one of two branches between a
Splitter and a Mixer. The figure below shows the use of the tempering valve with a Water heater component
on Stream 2. The tempering valve acts to divert flow through the branch it is on in order to adjust the
temperature at the outlet of the mixer. If the temperature at Stream 2 Source Node is warmer than the setpoint
and the inlet flow is cooler than the setpoint, then a controller determines how much flow should bypass the
storage tank to achieve the desired setpoint.
- 605 -
Used in:
Boilers provide hot water to hot water heating coils, hot water radiators, heated floors, baseboards etc. The
fuel consumed by the boiler is based on a nominal thermal efficiency value. A normalised efficiency
performance curve can additionally be used to more accurately represent the performance of non-electric
boilers, but is not a required input.
Boiler components are used in both Compact and Detailed HVAC:
When using the Compact HVAC model option, a boiler component can be selected at building level on
the HVAC tab when the main HVAC system type is VAV or CAV or if one or more zone in the model
has a fan coil unit.
When using the Detailed HVAC model option, boilers can be added only when you are currently
located in a hot water supply loop. Boilers can be placed using the Add Boiler tool.
To edit an existing boiler go to the Hot water supply loop (HVAC System > Hot water loop > Supply loop)
level where the boiler is placed, click on the boiler icon to highlight it then either right click and select the Edit
selected component menu option or, when using Learning mode, click on the Edit icon in at the top of the
info panel.
The auto-generated name of the boiler can be edited.
Boiler template
Use this browse option to select a boiler from the EnergyPlus boilers database.
Fuel type
Select the type of fuel used by the boiler. The fuel type can be one of:
2-Natural gas,
3-Propane gas,
4-Fuel oil #1,
5-Fuel oil #2,
9-Other fuel 1
10-Other fuel 2
9-Other fuel 1 and 10-Other fuel 2 can be used for representing biofuels such as biomass and biogas for
Nominal capacity
This numeric field contains the nominal operating capacity of the boiler (in W or Btu/h). The boiler nominal
capacity may be autosized.
- 606 -
1-Constant flow is the default option for constant volume chilled water loops and is useful for constant
speed pumping arrangements where the boilers request for flow is stricter and can increase the overall
loop flow.
2-Leaving setpoint modulated changes the boiler model to internally vary the flow rate so that the
temperature leaving the boiler matches a setpoint.
3-Not modulated is the default option for variable volume hot water loops and is useful for either
variable or constant speed pumping arrangements where the boiler is passive in the sense that
although it makes a nominal request for its design flow rate, it can operate at varying flow rates.
In all cases the operation of the external plant system can also impact the flow through the boiler - for example
if the relative sizes and operation are such that flow is restricted and the requests cannot be met.
For variable flow chilled water loops these options are available:
For constant flow chilled water loops these options are available:
The type of loop (variable/constant flow) can be changed by modifying the Plant loop flow type on the Hot
water plant loop dialog.
Note: When the 2-Leaving setpoint modulated option is selected then you must add an extra Setpoint
manager immediately downstream of the boiler hot water outlet to define the temperature of the water
Sizing factor
The sizing factor is used when the boiler design inputs are autosized. In this case the autosizing results are
multiplied by this additional sizing factor. The usual value to enter is 1.0.
The inputs that would be altered by the sizing factor are: Nominal capacity and Design water flow rate.
The most common use of the sizing factor is for sizing boilers to meet only part of the design load while
continuing to use the autosizing feature. For example when a set of boilers is chained together to supply hot
water to a plant loop, this sizing factor can be used to indicate the proportion of the load to be met by each
See also the section on Autosizing HVAC Components
Fuel use equation
The EnergyPlus boiler model is based the following two equations:
Theoretical Fuel Consumption = Boiler Load / Nominal Thermal Efficiency
- 607 -
Fuel Used = Theoretical Fuel Consumption / Normalised Boiler Efficiency Curve Output
1-Leaving boiler which indicates that the efficiency curves will be evaluated using the temperature at
the boiler outlet.
2-Entering boiler which indicates that the efficiency curves will be evaluated using the temperature at
boiler inlet node
This field is only used if type of curve is one that uses temperature as a independent variable.
- 608 -
Water Outlet
- 609 -
Boiler Outputs
HVAC,Average,Boiler Heating Output Rate [W]
HVAC,Sum,Boiler Heating Output Energy [J]
Zone,Meter,Boilers:EnergyTransfer [J]
HVAC,Average,Boiler Water Inlet Temp [C]
HVAC,Average,Boiler Water Outlet Temp [C]
HVAC,Average,Boiler Water Mass Flow Rate [kg/s]
HVAC,Average,Boiler Parasitic Electric Power [W]
HVAC,Sum,Boiler Parasitic Electric Consumption [J]
HVAC,Average,Boiler Part-Load Ratio
One of the following blocks will be applicable based on fuel type:
HVAC,Average,Boiler Electric Consumption Rate [W]
HVAC,Sum,Boiler Electric Consumption [J]
Zone,Meter, Electricity:Plant [J]
Zone,Meter,Heating:Electricity [J]
HVAC,Average,Boiler Gas Consumption Rate [W]
HVAC,Sum,Boiler Gas Consumption [J]
Zone,Meter,Gas:Plant [J]
Zone,Meter,Heating:Gas [J]
HVAC,Average,Boiler Propane Consumption Rate [W]
HVAC,Sum,Boiler Propane Consumption [J]
Zone,Meter, Propane:Plant [J]
- 610 -
Zone,Meter,Heating:Propane [J]
HVAC,Average,Boiler FuelOil#1 Consumption Rate [W]
HVAC,Sum,Boiler FuelOil#1 Consumption [J]
Zone,Meter, FuelOil#1:Plant [J]
Zone,Meter,Heating:FuelOil#1 [J]
HVAC,Average,Boiler FuelOil#2 Consumption Rate [W]
HVAC,Sum,Boiler FuelOil#2 Consumption [J]
Zone,Meter, FuelOil#2:Plant [J]
Zone,Meter,Heating:FuelOil#2 [J]
HVAC,Average,Boiler Coal Consumption Rate [W]
HVAC,Sum,Boiler Coal Consumption [J]
Zone,Meter,Coal:Plant [J]
Zone,Meter,Heating:Coal [J]
HVAC,Average,Boiler Diesel Consumption Rate [W]
HVAC,Sum,Boiler Diesel Consumption [J]
Zone,Meter, Diesel:Plant [J]
Zone,Meter,Heating:Diesel [J]
HVAC,Average,Boiler Gasoline Consumption Rate [W]
HVAC,Sum,Boiler Gasoline Consumption [J]
Zone,Meter, Gasoline:Plant [J]
Zone,Meter,Heating:Gasoline [J]
- 611 -
Used in:
Chillers provide chilled water to cooling coils, chilled beams and cooled ceilings. Chiller components
are used in both Compact and Detailed HVAC:
When using the Compact HVAC model option, a chiller component can be selected at building level on
the HVAC tab when the main HVAC system type is VAV or CAV or if one or more zone in the model
has a fan coil unit.
When using the Detailed HVAC model option, chiller can be added only when you are currently located
in a Chilled water supply loop. Chillers can be placed using the Add Chiller command.
When using Detailed HVAC, to edit an existing chiller go to the Chilled water supply loop (HVAC System >
Chilled water loop > Supply loop) level where the chiller is placed, click on the chiller icon to highlight it then
either right click and select the Edit selected component menu option or, when using Learning mode, click
on the Edit icon in at the top of the info panel.
These chiller types are available in Detailed HVAC:
Chiller - Constant CoP - a simple model with constant efficiency, i.e. not using performance
Chiller - EIR - a more detailed model using 3 performance curves to determine cooling capacity
and CoP from the chiller load and outside air temperature.
Used in:
This chiller model is based on a simple, constant COP simulation of the chiller. In this case, performance does
not vary with chilled water temperature or condenser conditions. Such a model can be useful when detailed
performance data is not available.
The auto-generated name of the chiller can be edited.
Chiller type
The type of chiller can be one of these options:
1-Constant CoP - the simple constant CoP model described on this page.
2-Chiller EIR - a more detailed model using 3 performance curves to determine cooling capacity
and CoP from the chiller load and outside air temperature.
- 612 -
The Chiller type cannot be edited directly. To use a different type you must add a new chiller, selecting
the appropriate type from the drop list.
Nominal capacity
This numeric field contains the nominal cooling capacity of the chiller (in W or Btu/h). Alternatively, this field
can be autosized.
Nominal COP
This numeric field contains the chillers coefficient of performance to be used for all operating conditions in the
simulation. Unlike Chiller EIR, the CoP entered for Constant CoP chillers should include the energy consumed
by the condenser fans for air and evaporatively cooled chillers.
1-Constant flow is the default option for constant volume chilled water loops and is useful for constant
speed pumping arrangements where the chillers request for flow is stricter and can increase the overall
loop flow.
2-Leaving setpoint modulated is the default option for variable volume chilled water loops and
changes the chiller model to internally vary the flow rate so that the temperature leaving the chiller
matches a setpoint at the evaporator outlet.
3-Not modulated is useful for either variable or constant speed pumping arrangements where the
chiller is passive in the sense that although it makes a nominal request for its design flow rate, it can
operate at varying flow rates.
In all cases the operation of the external plant system can also impact the flow through the chiller - for
example if the relative sizes and operation are such that flow is restricted and the requests cannot be met.
For variable flow chilled water loops these options are available: 2-Leaving setpoint modulated and 3-Not
For constant flow chilled water loops these options are available: 1-Constant flow and 3-Not modulated.
The type of loop (variable/constant flow) can be changed by modifying the Plant loop flow type on the Chilled
water plant loop dialog.
Note: When the 2-Leaving setpoint modulated option is selected then you must add an extra Setpoint
manager immediately downstream of the chiller chilled water outlet to define the temperature of the water
Sizing factor
The sizing factor is used when the chiller design inputs are autosized. In this case the autosizing results are
multiplied by this additional sizing factor. The usual value to enter is 1.0.
The inputs that would be altered by the sizing factor are: Nominal capacity, Design chilled water flow rate and
Design condenser water flow rate.
The most common use of the sizing factor is for sizing chillers to meet only part of the design load while
continuing to use the autosizing feature. For example when a set of chillers is chained together to supply
chilled water to a plant loop, this sizing factor can be used to indicate the proportion of the load to be met by
each chiller.
See also the section on Autosizing HVAC Components
Condenser type
The condenser type determines what type of condenser will be included with this chiller. Valid condenser
types are:
- 613 -
1-Air cooled,
2-Water cooled,
3-Evaporatively cooled
The default is 2-Water cooled which requires the full specification of the Condenser loop and its associated
equipment. 1-Air cooled and 3-Evaporatively cooled do not require a Condenser loop to be specified.
Design chilled water flow rate
For a variable flow chiller this is the maximum water flow rate and for a constant flow chiller this is the design
water flow rate through the chillers evaporator. The units are (in m3/s or gal/min). This numeric input field
must be greater than zero, or it can be autosized.
Basin heater capacity
This numeric field contains the capacity of the DX coils electric evaporative cooler basin heater in (W/K or
Btu/h-F). This field only applies for Condenser type = Evaporatively cooled. This field is used in conjunction
with the Basin Heater Setpoint Temperature described in the following field. The basin heater electric power is
equal to this field multiplied by the difference between the basin heater set point temperature and the outdoor
dry-bulb temperature. The basin heater only operates when the chiller is off, regardless of the basin heater
schedule described below. The basin heater capacity must be greater than or equal to zero.
meaningful when the chiller is operating for the entire reporting period. To determine an average COP for a
longer time period, compute the COP based on total evaporator heat transfer divided by total electric or fuel
input over the desired period.
- 616 -
Chiller EIR
Used in:
This chiller model is the empirical model used in the DOE-2.1 building energy simulation program. It uses
performance information at reference conditions along with three curve fits for cooling capacity and efficiency
to determine chiller operation at off-reference conditions. Chiller performance curves can be generated by
fitting manufacturers catalog data or measured data. Performance curves for more than 300 chillers, including
the default DOE-2.1E reciprocating and centrifugal chillers, are provided as templates for selection within the
chiller dialog. This data comes from in the EnergyPlus Reference DataSets (Chillers.idf).
- 617 -
The auto-generated name of the chiller can be edited.
Chiller template
Use this browse option to select a chiller from the EnergyPlus chiller database whose performance data you
wish to copy to your chiller.
Chiller type
The type of chiller can be one of these options:
Chiller - Constant CoP - a simple model with constant efficiency, i.e. not using performance
Chiller - EIR - the more detailed model described on this page.
The Chiller type cannot be edited directly. To use a different type you must add a new chiller, selecting
the appropriate type from the drop list.
Reference capacity
This numeric field contains the reference cooling capacity of the chiller (in W or Btu/h). This should be the
capacity of the chiller at the reference temperatures and water flow rates defined below. Alternatively, this field
can be autosized.
Reference COP
This numeric field contains the chillers coefficient of performance which is multiplied by the output of the
chiller performance curves described below. This value should not include energy use due to pumps, evapcooled or air-cooled condenser fans, or cooling tower fans. This COP should be at the reference temperatures
and water flow rates defined below.
1-Constant flow is the default option for constant volume chilled water loops and is useful for constant
speed pumping arrangements where the chillers request for flow is stricter and can increase the overall
loop flow.
2-Leaving setpoint modulated is the default option for variable volume chilled water loops and
changes the chiller model to internally vary the flow rate so that the temperature leaving the chiller
matches a setpoint at the evaporator outlet.
3-Not modulated is useful for either variable or constant speed pumping arrangements where the
chiller is passive in the sense that although it makes a nominal request for its design flow rate, it can
operate at varying flow rates.
In all cases the operation of the external plant system can also impact the flow through the chiller - for
example if the relative sizes and operation are such that flow is restricted and the requests cannot be met.
- 618 -
For variable flow chilled water loops these options are available: 2-Leaving setpoint modulated and 3-Not
For constant flow chilled water loops these options are available: 1-Constant flow and 3-Not modulated.
The type of loop (variable/constant flow) can be changed by modifying the Plant loop flow type on the Chilled
water plant loop dialog.
Note: When the 2-Leaving setpoint modulated option is selected then you must add an extra Setpoint
manager immediately downstream of the chiller chilled water outlet to define the temperature of the water
Sizing factor
The sizing factor is used when the chiller design inputs are autosized. In this case the autosizing results are
multiplied by this additional sizing factor. The usual value to enter is 1.0.
The inputs that would be altered by the sizing factor are: Reference capacity, Reference chilled water flow
rate and Reference condenser water flow rate.
The most common use of the sizing factor is for sizing chillers to meet only part of the design load while
continuing to use the autosizing feature. For example when a set of chillers is chained together to supply
chilled water to a plant loop, this sizing factor can be used to indicate the proportion of the load to be met by
each chiller.
See also the section on Autosizing HVAC Components
Condenser type
The condenser type determines what type of condenser will be included with this chiller. Valid condenser
types are:
1-Air cooled,
2-Water cooled,
3-Evaporatively cooled
The default is 2-Water cooled which requires the full specification of the Condenser loop and its associated
equipment. 1-Air cooled and 3-Evaporatively cooled do not require a Condenser loop to be specified.
Note: Condenser type cannot be edited directly. To help you to ensure that appropriate performance curves
are used, load a chiller of the correct type from the Chiller template.
Reference leaving chilled water temperature
This numeric field contains the chillers reference leaving chilled water temperature (in C or F). The default
value is 6.67C.
Reference chilled water flow rate
For a variable flow chiller this is the maximum water flow rate and for a constant flow chiller this is the
operating water flow rate through the chillers evaporator. The units are (in m3/s or gal/min). This numeric
input field must be greater than zero, or it can be autosized.
Cooling capacity function of temperature curve (CAPFT)
The name of a Bi-quadratic performance curve that parameterizes the variation of the cooling capacity as a
function of the leaving chilled water temperature and the entering condenser fluid temperature. The output of
this curve is multiplied by the reference capacity to give the cooling capacity at specific temperature operating
conditions (i.e., at temperatures different from the reference temperatures). The curve should have a value of
1.0 at the reference temperatures and flow rates specified above. The bi-quadratic curve should be valid for
the range of water temperatures anticipated for the simulation.
Electric input to cooling output ratio function of part load ratio curve
The name of a Quadratic performance curve that parameterizes the variation of the energy input ratio (EIR) as
a function of the part-load ratio. The EIR is the inverse of the COP, and the part-load ratio is the actual cooling
load divided by the chillers available cooling capacity.
This curve is generated by dividing the operating electric input power by the available full-load capacity (do not
divide by load) at the specific operating temperatures. The curve output should decrease from 1 towards 0 as
part-load ratio decreases from 1 to 0. The output of this curve is multiplied by the reference full-load EIR
(inverse of the reference COP) and the Electric input to cooling output ratio function of temperature curve
(EIRFT) to give the EIR at the specific temperatures and part-load ratio at which the chiller is operating. This
curve should have a value of 1.0 when the part-load ratio equals 1.0.
An ideal chiller with the same efficiency at all part-load ratios would use a performance curve that has a value
of 0 when the part-load
ratio equals 0 (i.;e., a line connecting 0,0 and 1,1 when plotted as EIR versus PLR), however, actual systems
can have part-load EIRs slightly above or below this line (i.e., part-load efficiency often differs from rated
efficiency). The quadratic curve should be valid for the range of part-load ratios anticipated for the simulation.
- 620 -
Tip: If you cannot obtain manufacturers data for this curve then a reasonable estimate can be obtained by
using a straight line from 0,0 to 1,1. That is for the quadratic curve, C 0 = 0, C1 = 1 and C2 = 0.
Of course the performance and capacity of a chiller depends on various factors, the most important of these
being part load and temperature chilled water and the Chiller EIR provides an accurate representation taking
these factors into account. However in some cases you may only have summary manufacturers data. For
example you may only have information on the variation of CoP with part load ratio. In this case you can
define the EIRPLR curve in the usual way using your summary manufacturers data and use constant values
for the CAPFT and EIRFT curves which both generate a constant value of 1.0. Because CAPFT and EIRFT
are both Bi-quadratic curves you cannot use a constant Linear curve here so you must choose inputs to a
special simple Bi-quadratic curve that generates an output of 1 regardless of inputs. To achieve this simply
create and select a new Bi-quadratic curve with Coefficient 1 = 1 and all other coefficients = 0 for CAPFT and
- 621 -
Note: Setting the Minimum part load ratio to zero for air cooled chillers, will cause the condenser fan to run
constantly even at zero load which is likely to lead to high chiller fan consumption. This happens because the
condenser fan cannot cycle off even at zero chiller load.
Zone,Meter,HeatRejection:EnergyTransfer [J]
HVAC,Average,Chiller COP [W/W]
The following output is applicable only for air-cooled or evap-cooled chillers:
HVAC,Average,Chiller Cond Air Inlet Temp [C]
The following outputs are applicable only for evap-cooled chillers:
HVAC,Average,Chiller Basin Heater Electric Power [W]
HVAC,Average,Chiller Basin Heater Electric Consumption [J]
The following three outputs are only available for water-cooled chillers:
- 624 -
This is the output of the curve object Cooling Capacity Function of Temperature Curve.
This is the output of the curve object Electric Input to Cooling Output Ratio Function of Temperature Curve.
This is the output of the curve object Electric Input to Cooling Output Ratio Function of Part Load Curve.
- 625 -
This model (EnergyPlus name Chiller:Electric:EIR) simulates the performance of an electric liquid chiller.
The model is based on the compression chiller model (COMREF) in the DOE-2.1 building energy simulation
program. The EnergyPlus model contains all of the features of the DOE-2.1 chiller model, plus additional
abilities for modelling evaporatively-cooled condensers and heat recovery for water heating.
This model simulates the thermal performance of the chiller and the power consumption of the compressor(s).
It also models the power consumption of condenser fans if modelling an air-cooled or evaporatively-cooled
condenser. This model does not simulate the thermal performance or the power consumption of associated
pumps or cooling towers.
The chiller model uses user-supplied performance information at reference conditions along with three
performance curves (curve objects) for cooling capacity and efficiency to determine chiller operation at offreference conditions. The three performance curves are:
ChillerEIRFPLR = energy input to cooling output factor, equal to 1 at reference conditions
PLR = part-load ratio = (cooling load) / (chillers available cooling capacity)
All three of the performance curves are accessed through EnergyPlus built-in performance curve equation
manager (curve:quadratic and curve:biquadratic). It is not imperative that the user utilize all coefficients in the
performance curve equations if their performance equation has fewer terms (e.g., if the users ChillerEIRFPLR
performance curve is linear instead of quadratic, simply enter the values for a and b, and set coefficient c
equal to zero).
Note: Chiller:Electric:EIR objects and their associated performance curve objects are developed using
performance information for a specific chiller and should normally be used together for an EnergyPlus
simulation. Changing the object input values, or swapping performance curves between chillers, should be
done with caution.
For any simulation time step, the chillers available cooling capacity is calculated as follows:
Qavail = Qref ChillerCapFTemp
Qref = chiller capacity at reference conditions (reference temperatures and flow rates defined by the user), W
Q avail = available chiller capacity adjusted for current fluid temperatures, W
The model then calculates the evaporator heat transfer rate required to bring the entering chilled water
temperature down to the leaving chilled water setpoint temperature (established using a Setpoint manager
and referenced in the Plant loop). If this calculated heat transfer rate is greater than the heat transfer rate
being requested by the plant equipment operation scheme, then the evaporator heat transfer rate is reset to
the requested cooling rate.
The evaporator heat transfer rate is then compared to the available capacity. If the available chiller capacity is
sufficient to meet the evaporator heat transfer rate, the leaving chilled water temperature is set equal to the
chilled water setpoint temperature. If the requested evaporator heat transfer rate is larger than the available
capacity the chilled water leaving the evaporator is allowed to float upward. For this case, the exiting chilled
water temperature is calculated based on the water temperature entering the evaporator, the available cooling
capacity, and the evaporator mass flow rate.
Cooling Tower
- 627 -
Cooling towers are the main active component within condenser loops. The cooling tower is modelled as a
counter-flow heat exchanger with a single-speed fan (induced draft configuration) based on Merkels theory.
The user must define tower performance via one of two methods: design heat transfer coefficient-area product
(UA) and design water flow rate, or nominal tower capacity at a specific rating point. Regardless of which
method is chosen, the design airflow rate and corresponding fan power must be specified. The model will also
account for tower performance in the free convection regime, when the tower fan is off but the water pump
remains on and heat transfer still occurs (albeit at a low level). If the user wants the model to account for free
convection, they must specify the corresponding airflow rate and heat transfer coefficient-area product (UA),
or the nominal tower capacity during this mode of operation.
The Condenser Loop Tutorial includes a useful description of cooling tower operating principles and the
Cooling tower dialog
The cooling tower seeks to maintain the temperature of the water exiting the cooling tower at (or below) a set
point. The set point schedule value is defined by the condenser loop outlet setpoint manager:
The model first checks to determine the impact of free convection, if specified by the user, on the tower
exiting water temperature. If the exiting water temperature based on free convection is at or below the set
point, then the tower fan is not turned on. If the exiting water temperature based on free convection is below
the set point, the tower will operate in Fluid bypass mode whereby a portion of the water goes through the
tower media and gets cooled while the remaining water flow gets bypassed, two water flows then mix together
trying to meet the water setpoint temperature. If the exiting water temperature remains above the set point
after free convection is modelled, then the tower fan is turned on to reduce the exiting water temperature to
the set point. If the capacity control is 1-Fan cycling, the model assumes that part-load operation is
represented by a simple linear interpolation between two steady-state regimes (i.e. the tower fan is on for the
entire simulation time-step and the tower fan is off for the entire simulation time-step). Cyclic losses are not
taken into account. If the capacity control is 2-Fluid bypass, the model determines the fraction of water flow
to be bypassed while the remaining water goes through the tower cooling media and gets cooled, then the two
water flows mix to meet the setpoint temperature. In this case, the fan runs at full speed for the entire timestep.
Cooling towers here are wet and consume water through evaporation, drift, and blow-down. The model can
be used to predict water consumed by the towers.
For the operation of multi-cell towers, the first step is to determine the number of cells to operate based on the
cell control method, between the minimum number of cells subject to the maximum water flow rate fraction per
cell and maximum number of cells subject to the minimum water flow rate fraction per cell. If the calculated
cells do not meet the loads, additional cells will be operating to help meet the loads. Inside each cell, the
existing capacity controls still apply.
For multi-cell towers, the following inputs are assumed to be for the entire tower including all cells:
- 628 -
Design water flow rate; Design air flow rate; Fan power at design air flow rate;
Air flow rate in free convection regime; Nominal capacity; Free convection capacity
Basin heater a common basin is assumed
To edit the data associated with a cooling tower, you first need to select the component by moving the mouse
cursor over it and then clicking the mouse button to select it. You can then access the edit dialog by rightclicking the mouse and selecting the Edit selected component option or alternatively, select the Edit selected
component tool from the toolbar.
The schematic diagrams below (reproduced with permission from CIBSE) illustrate the various types of Direct
& Indirect Heat Rejection used in cooling towers. The condenser process takes the fluid from saturated vapour
(point 5) to saturated liquid (point 6) on the graph below.
- 629 -
This is the name that you assign to the cooling tower which should be unique. If the supplied name is not
unique, the software will automatically append a backslash and integer to ensure that there are no duplicate
In which a fan pressure rise of 190 Pa and total fan efficiency of 0.5 are assumed.
If Performance input method is specified as 2-UA and Design water flow rate, then the fan power is obtained
- 630 -
1-Saturated exit or
2-Loss factor.
The default is 1-Saturated exit. The user-defined loss factor is entered under Evaporation loss factor,
below. By assuming that the air leaving the tower is saturated, the evaporation can be directly calculated
using moist air engineering calculations with data available within the cooling tower model (and does not
require additional user input).
Sizing factor
This setting allows the user to specify a sizing factor for this component. The sizing factor is used when the
component design inputs are auto-sized. In this case the auto-sizing calculations are performed as usual and
the results are multiplied by the sizing factor. Sizing factor allows the user to size a component to meet part of
the design load while continuing to use the auto-sizing feature. For this component the inputs that would be
altered by the sizing factor are:
- 631 -
1-Nominal Capacity or
2-UA and design water flow rate.
Nominal capacity
This is the nominal heat rejection capacity of the cooling tower (in W or Btu/h), with entering water at 35C
(95F), leaving water at 29.4C (85F), entering air at 25.6C (78F) wet-bulb and 35C (95F) dry-bulb
temperatures. The design water flow rate is assumed to be 5.382E-8 m3/s per watt of nominal capacity (3
gpm/ton). 125% of this nominal tower capacity gives the actual tower heat rejection at these operating
conditions (based on historical assumption that the tower must dissipate 0.25W of compressor heat for every
watt of heat removed by the evaporator).
- 632 -
1-Concentration ratio or
2-Scheduled rate.
The choice will determine which of the two models below is used. The default is 1-Concentration ratio.
Blow-down concentration ratio
This is used to dynamically adjust the rate of blow-down in the cooling tower as a function of the rate of
evaporation. Blow-down is water intentionally drained from the tower in order to offset the build up of solids in
the water that would otherwise occur because of evaporation. The value entered here is dimensionless. It can
be characterized as the ratio of solids in the blow-down water to solids in the make-up water. Typical values
for tower operation are 3 to 5. The default value is 3.
Capacity Control
Capacity control
This is the cooling capacity control for the cooling tower. Two choices are available:
- 633 -
During part-load conditions, there are two ways to maintain the exiting water temperature at the setpoint:
either cycling the tower fan, or bypassing a portion of the tower water with a three-way valve. For 2-Fluid
bypass, the tower fan still runs at full speed for the entire time-step, but only a portion of the water flow goes
through the cooling tower media to get cooled while the remaining portion of the water flow gets bypassed,
consequently, two water flows then mix at the common water sump to meet the setpoint temperature.
Number of cells
This is the number of cells in the multi-cell cooling tower.
Cell control
This specifies the method used to control the number of cells used to meet the load, the two choices are:
1-Minimal cell - the program will use the minimal number of cells needed, all other cells will be shut
down with no water flow. It will attempt to use as few cells as possible to cool the fluid. In no case,
however, will the flow per cell be allowed to exceed its maximum value defined by the Cell maximum
water flow rate fraction.
2-Maximal cell - as many cells as possible will be turned on. In no case, however, will the flow per cell
be allowed to drop below its minimum value specified by the Cell minimum water flow rate fraction.
These pump types are available within Detailed HVAC:
Used in:
Plant and Condenser loops
- 634 -
The auto-generated name for the pump.
The type of the variable speed pump is fixed as:
2-Constant speed
To change from constant speed to variable speed you most open the parent Plant or Condenser loop dialog
and change the Plant loop flow type to 1-Variable flow.
Rated flow rate
This numeric field contains the pumps rated volumetric flow rate (in m3/s or gal/min).
Motor efficiency
This numeric field contains the pumps efficiency in decimal form (0 = 0%, 1 = 100%).
1-Continuous or
The operation of a constant speed pump is fairly straightforward. If the user designates a constant speed
pump that is operating continuously, the pump will run regardless of whether or not there is a load. This may
have the net effect of adding heat to the loop if no equipment is turned on. If the pump is constant speed and
operates intermittently, the pump will run at its capacity if a load is sensed and will shut off if there is no load
on the loop.
Used in:
Plant and Condenser loops
The auto-generated name for the pump.
The type of the variable speed pump is fixed as:
2-Variable speed
To change from variable speed to constant speed you most open the parent Plant or Condenser loop dialog
and change the Plant loop flow type to 1-Constant flow.
Maximum flow rate
This numeric field contains the pumps rated volumetric flow rate (in m3/s or gal/min). This setting comes from
the AHU Design supply air flow rate and cannot be edited.
- 636 -
Motor efficiency
This numeric field contains the pumps efficiency in decimal form (0 = 0%, 1 = 100%).
The fraction of full load power is determined during the simulation by the cubic equation:
where C1to C4are the coefficients described below and PLR is the Part Load Ratio.
- 637 -
1-Vertical (boreholes),
The Drop down list on the DesignBuilder ground heat exchanger dialog allows you to select the ground heat
exchanger type.
The Ground Heat Exchanger components do not offer an autosize option and so flow rates and other sizing
information must be obtained using the method described in Step 6 of the GSHP Case Study. An inaccurately
sized heat exchanger component can cause GSHP systems to generate inaccurate results.
Tip: You are advised to work through the GSHP Case Study before attempting to model these systems for the
first time.
- 638 -
The EnergyPlus Ground Heat Exchanger (GHE) is a condenser component serving the condenser supply side
alongside cooling towers and other condensing components.
The heat exchanger response is defined by a G-function. This is a non-dimensional function that is used to
calculate the response to square heat pulses of different duration. (This function is not the same as G-factors
referred to in the ASHRAE Applications Handbook).
This continuous function is specified by a series of data pairs (LNTTSi, GFNCi) where:
The G-function is different for each borehole field configuration (i.e. a 4x4 field has a different response than a
80x80 field) and the borehole thermal resistance. It is also dependant on the ratio of borehole spacing to
depth. G-function values, for accurate simulation, have to be calculated for each specific heat exchanger
design. This can be done using some commercial ground loop heat exchanger design tool and the like. A
reference data set, containing examples input data for 1x2, 4x4 and 8x8 configurations and for both standard
and thermally enhanced grout, have also been provided. These data are provided as examples
Further details on the implementation of this model can be found in:
- 639 -
Murugappan, A. Implementing Ground Source Heat Pump and Ground Loop Heat Exchanger Models in the
EnergyPlus Simulation Environment. M.S. Thesis, Oklahoma State University, December 2002.
This alpha field contains the identifying name for the ground heat exchanger.
You can use this control to load data to the dialog from a pre-defined Ground heat exchanger template as a
starting point for your particular component.
Note: After loading a Ground heat exchanger template it is important to make sure to update the Design and
Maximum heat exchanger flow rates as the sum of connected heat pump rated flow rates.
DesignBuilder provides 3 different ground heat exchanger types:
1-Vertical (boreholes)
The Type drop down list allows you to select the ground heat exchanger model to be used in this component.
Design flow rate
This numeric field contains the design volume flow rate of the GHE (in m3/s or gal/min). The Design flow rate
should normally have the same value as the Maximum flow rate below.
- 640 -
U-Tube distance
This numeric field contains the distance between the two legs of the U-tube (in m or in).
Pipe thickness
This numeric field contains the outer diameter of the U-tube (pipe) (in m or in).
If the G-Functions have not had a correction applied, then the G-Functions are still based on a
reference of 0.0005, so use a value of 0.0005 in this field. EnergyPlus will adjust the G-Functions
internally to create the properly referenced G-Function.
If the correction has already been applied, then the input G-Functions are based on a reference to the
actual (physical) radius/length ratio, so enter the physical radius/length in this field. Entering the actual
value will nullify any internal corrections, which will avoid re-basing the G-Function set.
The software GLHEPRO has been making this pre-correction to the data sets since version 3.1 of that
software, so this input field should match the actual (physical) radius/length ratio.
- 641 -
- 642 -
Then load the "U-Tube 76m xx-boreholes" vertical ground heat exchanger template with the corresponding
number of boreholes from the template library. These templates include parameters pre-calculated based on a
typical rectangular geometry and property settings (see left red-box in the figure below). Each includes a
corresponding set of g-function data. For very different a bolehole layouts or when any of the ground or other
parameter deviates significantly from these typical settings then you should use the Detailed design sizing
method described below.
- 643 -
The corresponding g-function data will be loaded along with the rest of the data required on the dialog and
can be viewed on the G Function Data tab.
- 644 -
This type of heat exchanger is intended to be connected to the supply side of a condenser loop, and can be
used with any type of plant loop. The pond may be specified as the only heat exchanger on the condenser
loop (as shown in top figure below) or it may be connected in parallel with other condenser loop heat
exchangers (such as cooling towers, ground surface heat exchangers) as shown in the second figure below.
- 645 -
Heat transfer takes place by surface convection, long-wave radiation to the sky, absorption of solar energy,
ground heat transfer and heat exchange with the fluid. A heat exchanger analogy is used to calculate the heat
transfer between the heat transfer fluid and the pond.
This alpha field contains the identifying name for the outside pond heat exchanger.
You can use this control to load data to the dialog from a pre-defined Ground heat exchanger template as a
starting point for your particular pond component.
DesignBuilder provides 3 different ground heat exchanger types:
1-Vertical (boreholes)
The Type drop down list allows you to select the ground heat exchanger model to be used in this component.
Pond depth
This numeric field contains the pond depth (in m or ft).
Pond area
This numeric field contains the pond area (in m 2 or ft2).
the condenser loop (as shown in the first figure below) or it may be connected in parallel with other condenser
loop heat exchangers (such as cooling towers, ground surface heat exchangers) as shown in the second
figure below.
Surface Ground Heat Exchanger with other heat exchangers on condenser loop
Technical description
The Surface ground heat exchanger model is based on the QTF (Quadratic Transfer Function) formulation of
heat transfer through building elements with embedded heat sources/sinks. The model uses a heat exchanger
analogy to relate the inlet fluid temperature to the net heat transfer rate and consequently outlet temperature.
The model is entirely passive, i.e. it does not set any flow rates or incorporate any controls. In order to deal
with the non-linear boundary conditions at the top surface due to the presence of ice/snow fluxes have to be
calculated by the QTF model and temperature calculated from the surface heat balance. This requires some
- 647 -
iteration. Note, top surface variables correspond to outside variables in standard CTF/QTF definition
(CTF=Conduction Transfer Functions). Bottom surface variables correspond to inside variables.
This alpha field contains the identifying name for the outside panel heat exchanger.
You can use this control to load data to the dialog from a pre-defined Ground heat exchanger template as a
starting point for your particular pond component.
DesignBuilder provides 3 different ground heat exchanger types:
1-Vertical (boreholes)
Surface length
This numeric field contains the surface length (in m or ft).
Surface width
This numeric field contains the surface width (in m or ft).
- 648 -
Used in:
VRF Loop
The VRF outdoor unit supports air-, evaporatively-, or water-cooled condenser equipment. Throughout this
section, the term condenser refers to the outdoor unit where the compressor is located.
Enter data on one of the 4 tabs:
Heat Recovery
The EnergyPlus Engineering Guide includes a Detailed technical description of the way the VRF model
Enter the name of the VRF outdoor unit.
Fuel type
This field determines the type of fuel that this variable refrigerant flow system uses. This field has seven
1-Natural gas,
3-Propane gas,
- 649 -
The default is 2-Electricity. The use of alternate fuel types assumes an engine drives the variable speed
compression system and also accounts for condenser air flow (i.e., a fan attached to the engine provides air
flow through the outdoor condenser.
Availability schedule
Select the schedule that defines when the heat pump operates during a given time period. A schedule value
equal to 0 denotes that the heat pump must be off for that time period. A value other than 0 denotes that the
heat pump is available to operate during that time period. This schedule may be used to completely disable
the heat pump (and all of its terminal units) as required.
Master thermostat priority control type
This selection determines the logic used to simulate the master thermostat. Valid choices are:
1-Load priority where the total zone load is used to choose the operating mode as either cooling or
2-Zone priority where the number of zones requiring cooling or heating determines the operating
3-Thermostat offset priority, in which the zone farthest from the thermostat set point determines the
operating mode.
4-Master thermostat priority which operates the system according the zone load where the master
thermostat is located.
5-Scheduled where the heat pump is scheduled to operate in either cooling or heating mode.
Equivalent piping length used for piping correction factor in cooling
This field defines the equivalent pipe length (in m or ft) between the farthest terminal unit and the heat pump
condenser. It includes the gas refrigerant line length (for both horizontal and vertical distances), fitting losses,
pipe bends, and other connections that contribute to piping losses. This field is used to calculate the piping
correction factor in cooling mode. It defines the head losses due to the pipe length between the farthest
terminal unit and the heat pump condenser and impacts the maximum available capacity in cooling mode.
value), or lowest (negative value) terminal unit and the heat pump condenser. The distance specified here is
applied to the piping correction factor calculation for both cooling and heating. If the distance between the
highest terminal unit above the heat pump condenser is greater than the distance between the lowest terminal
unit below the condenser enter the difference between the highest and lowest terminal units as a positive
distance, otherwise enter this difference as a negative distance.
For example, if the distance from the heat pump condenser to the highest terminal unit above the condenser
is 10 m and the distance from the heat pump condenser to the lowest terminal unit below the condenser is -15
m, then enter a value of -5 m in this field. This head loss impacts the maximum available capacity in cooling
Crankcase heater power per compressor
This numeric field defines the electrical power consumed by the crankcase heater (in W or Btu/h) for each
compressor. This crankcase heater power is consumed when the outdoor temperature is below the maximum
outdoor dry-bulb temperature for crankcase heater operation. The minimum value for this field is 0. Crankcase
heater electrical consumption is applied only when the compressor is off or is applied during the off cycle
when the compressor is cycling below the Minimum heat pump part-load ratio. This field is only used to
calculate crankcase heater power and has no impact on heat pump performance.
Number of compressors
This field defines the number of compressors in the heat pump condensing unit and is used exclusively to
determine the operating characteristics of the crankcase heater. For example, if the number of compressors is
3, one crankcase heater will operate when the heat pump condensing units part-load ratio is less than or
equal to 0.67 (when the ratio of compressor size to total compressor capacity input is 0.33) and the outdoor
temperature is below the maximum outdoor temperature for crankcase heater operation. Similarly, two
crankcase heaters will operate when the heat pump condensing units PLR is less than or equal to 0.33 and
the outdoor temperature is below the maximum outdoor temperature for crankcase heater operation. If the
heat pump condensing unit is off, all 3 crankcase heaters will operate if the outdoor temperature is below the
maximum outdoor temperature for crankcase heater operation. The minimum value for this field is 1. This field
is only used to calculate crankcase heater power and has no impact on heat pump performance.
Defrost strategy
This alpha field has two choices:
Defrost can be disabled by entering a resistive defrost strategy using a timed defrost control, a 0 defrost time
period fraction and a 0 resistive defrost heater capacity in the following inputs fields. This method is used
when the Maximum outdoor dry-bulb temperature for defrost operation value is greater than the expected
minimum outdoor dry-bulb temperature simulated in the weather file.
Defrost control
This field has two choices:
1-Timed where the defrost time period is calculated based on a fixed value of compressor runtime
whether or not frost has actually accumulated. For timed defrost control, the fractional amount of time
the unit is in defrost is entered in the input field Defrost time period fraction described below.
2-On-demand where the defrost time period is calculated based on outdoor weather (humidity ratio)
Regardless of which defrost control is selected, defrost does not occur above the user specified outdoor
temperature entered in the Maximum outdoor dry-bulb temperature for defrost operation.
- 652 -
Condenser type
This choice field defines the configuration of the heat pump condenser. Valid choices are:
1-Air cooled,
2-Evaporatively cooled, and
3-Water cooled.
For details on this field see below under Evaporative condenser effectiveness.
- 653 -
To model an evaporative-cooled condenser where you have performance curves that are a function of the
wet-bulb temperature of air entering the condenser coil, then you should specify Condenser type = 2Evaporatively cooled. In this case the evaporative condenser effectiveness value should be entered as 1.0
and the Cooling capacity ratio modifier function of temperature curve and the Cooling energy input ratio (EIR)
modifier function of temperature curve should both be defined as a function of the wet-bulb temperature of air
entering the condenser coil.
To model an air-cooled condenser that has evaporative media placed in front of it to cool the air entering the
condenser coil, specify Condenser type = 2-Evaporatively cooled and enter the appropriate evaporative
effectiveness for the media. In this case, the Cooling capacity ratio modifier function of temperature curve and
the Cooling energy input ratio (EIR) modifier function of temperature curve should both be defined as function
of outdoor dry-bulb temperature. Be aware that the evaporative media will significantly reduce the dry-bulb
temperature of the air entering the condenser coil, so the Cooling Capacity and Cooling EIR Modifier Curves
must be valid for the expected range of dry-bulb temperatures that will be entering the condenser coil.
- 654 -
autosized system, the combination ratio = 1, but when the system is not fully autosized, the resulting sizes of
the terminal unit coils and the outdoor unit are used to calculate a combination ratio.
1-Single where the whole relation is defined in a single cooling capacity ratio modifier function of
temperature curve, or,
- 655 -
1-Single where the whole relation is defined in a single cooling EIR function of temperature curve, or,
Cooling energy input ratio (EIR) modifier function of low part-load ratio
This curve defines how the cooling EIR modifier varies as a function of part-load ratio when PLR is less than
or equal to 1. It is a linear, quadratic or cubic equation with cooling part-load ratio used as the independent
variable. The cooling energy input ratio modifier curve is normalized to 1 at a part-load ratio of 1 and is used
only when the operating part-load ratio is less than or equal to 1.
Cooling energy input ratio (EIR) modifier function of high part-load ratio
This curve defines how the cooling EIR modifier varies as a function of part-load ratio when PLR is greater
than 1. It is a linear, quadratic or cubic equation with cooling part-load ratio used as the independent variable.
The cooling energy input ratio modifier curve is normalized to 1 at a part-load ratio of 1 and is used only when
the operating part-load ratio is greater than 1.
Cooling combination ratio correction factor curve
This field defines the cooling combination ratio (CR) correction factor curve for combination ratios greater than
or equal to 1. The combination ratio is defined as the total rated indoor terminal unit cooling capacity divided
by this heat pumps Rated total cooling capacity. The curve is a linear, quadratic or cubic equation and uses
the minimum value of x in the curve object to determine the maximum part-load ratio which is linearly
proportional to capacity (i.e., the minimum value of x [CR] in the curve object must be 1). The output of this
curve provides a multiplier (>1) which is applied to this heat pumps Rated total cooling capacity. Between a
combination ratio of 1 and the curves minimum value of x, the multiplier is linearly interpolated. For
combination ratios less than 1 (i.e., the total indoor terminal unit capacity is less than this heat pumps rated
total capacity), capacity is directly proportional to part-load ratio and this curve will not be used.
- 656 -
1-Wet-bulb temperature.
2-Dry-bulb temperature and
The default value is 1-Wet-bulb temperature. Manufacturers will typically provide heating performance data
as a function of outdoor air wet-bulb temperatures. This means that the performance (e.g., capacity and
energy input ratio) curves will use outdoor wet-bulb temperature as one of the independent variables. At
times, manufacturers will only provide performance data as a function of outdoor dry-bulb temperatures. In
this case, all performance curves shall be developed using outdoor dry-bulb temperature and this field shall be
selected as 2-Dry-bulb temperature.
- 657 -
1-Single where the whole relation is defined in a single heating capacity ratio modifier function of
temperature curve, or,
1-Single where the whole relation is defined in a single heating EIR function of temperature curve, or,
- 658 -
Heating energy input ratio (EIR) modifier function of high part-load ratio
This curve defines how the heating energy input ratio (EIR) modifier varies as a function of part-load ratio
when PLR is greater than 1. It is a linear, quadratic, or cubic equation with heating part-load ratio used as the
independent variable. The heating energy input ratio modifier curve is normalized to 1 at a part-load ratio of 1
and is used only when the part-load ratio is greater than 1.
Heating combination ratio correction factor curve
This field defines the heating combination ratio (CR) correction factor curve for combination ratios greater than
or equal to 1. The combination ratio is defined as the total rated indoor heating capacity divided by the rated
heat pump heating capacity. The curve is either quadratic or cubic and uses the minimum value of x in the
curve object to determine the maximum part-load ratio which is linearly proportional to capacity (i.e., the
minimum value of x in the curve object must be 1). The output of this curve provides a multiplier (>1) which is
applied to the Nominal Heat Pump Heating Capacity. Between a combination ratio of 1 and the curves
minimum value of x, the multiplier is linearly interpolated. For combination ratios less than 1, capacity is
- 659 -
directly proportional to part-load ratio and this curve will not be used. If this field is left blank, the Cooling
Combination Ratio Correction factor will be used.
Heat pump waste heat recovery
Check this checkbox if heat recovery is to enabled and the heat pump can independently cool and heat
different zones. Otherwise the heat pump is only able to either cool or heat for any given time step.
All of the rest of the fields described below are only available when this checkbox is checked.
Tip: Refer to the VRF heat pump model section in the engineering reference for details on the transition from
cooling only/heating only mode to heat recovery mode.
Initial heat recovery cooling capacity fraction
This field defines the fraction of cooling capacity available when the system transitions from cooling only
operation to simultaneous cooling and heating. It is common for the cooling capacity to decrease before the
system recovers. The default value is 0.5 which means that there is a 50% reduction in cooling capacity at the
start of heat recovery mode. The system will recover according to the time constant entered in Heat recovery
cooling capacity time constant. If the transition period is not to be modelled, this input field should be set to 1.
This input is only used when the system changes from cooling only mode to heat recovery mode.
- 660 -
recovers. The default value is 1 i.e. no change in energy at the start of heat recovery mode. If the transition
period is not to be modelled, this field must be set to 1. This input is only used when the system changes from
cooling only mode to heat recovery mode.
Initial heat recovery heating capacity fraction
This field defines the fraction of heating capacity available when the system changes from heating only
operation to simultaneous heating and cooling. It is common for the heating capacity to decrease before the
system recovers. If this field is left blank, a default value of 0.5 is used (50% reduction in heating capacity at
the start of heat recovery mode). The system will recover according to the time constant entered in Heat
recovery heating capacity time constant below.
If the transition period will not be modelled, enter 1 here.
This input is only used when the system changes from heating only mode to heat recovery mode.
- 661 -
Target Tab
When editing the attributes associated with an ADU it is possible to apply the same changes to ADUs in other
zones in the same HVAC Zone group. To do this select the ADUs on the Target tab of the ADU edit dialog as
shown below.
- 663 -
For the units to work correctly, it is important in any systems including Direct Air ADUs for the sum of the
maximum zone air flow rates to be equal to the maximum central system flow rate. The central air system flow
rate is specified in the air loop AHU data.
This is a read-only label that is automatically generated by the software and which incorporates the name of
the zone in which the ADU is located.
Availability schedule
This is the schedule that determines whether or not the unit is available for each timestep of the simulation. A
schedule value greater than 0 (usually 1 is used) indicates that the unit can be on during the timestep . A
value less than or equal to 0 (usually 0 is used) denotes that the unit must be off for the timestep .
- 664 -
This is a read-only label that is automatically generated by the software and which incorporates the name of
the zone in which the ADU is located.
This section is visible only if the heating coil sub-component of this ADU has Type 1-Water.
Availability schedule
This is the schedule that determines whether or not the unit is available for each timestep of the simulation. A
schedule value greater than 0 (usually 1 is used) indicates that the unit can be on during the timestep . A
value less than or equal to 0 (usually 0 is used) denotes that the unit must be off for the timestep .
Convergence tolerance
The coil is controlled by knowing the zone demand determined by the zone thermostat and setting the outlet
conditions to meet this demand. For the electric and gas coils, this is set exactly since the coil model solution
can be inverted. With the hot water coil that uses an effectiveness-NTU method, the solution cannot be
inverted directly. Therefore, to determine the correct mass flow rate for the hot water the solution is solved for
by iteration. The iterative solution uses an interval halving routine and needs a termination criterion that is set
with the Convergence Tolerance parameter. This control offset is set to a decimal fraction of the zone demand
as the criteria, i.e. 0.001. The default for the field is 0.001.
- 665 -
This is a read-only label that is automatically generated by the software and which incorporates the name of
the zone in which the ADU is located.
- 666 -
Maximum air flow rate
The design maximum volume flow rate (m 3/sec) specified for the ADU. This field may be auto-sized.
1-Constant where the value entered for Constant minimum air flow fraction will be used.
2-Fixed flow rate, the value entered for Fixed minimum air flow rate is used.
3-Scheduled then the software will obtain the value for minimum flow fraction from the schedule
selected from Minimum air flow fraction schedule.
2-Constant minimum air flow fraction and
3-Fixed minimum air flow rate.
If 1-None is selected, then the air flow rates used for sizing normal-action reheat coils is the average of the
minimum and maximum values in this schedule. The air flow rate used for reheat coil sizing is reported with
other component sizing information as Reheat coil sizing air volume flow rate.
- 667 -
This section is visible only if the heating coil sub-component of this ADU has Type 1-Water.
2-Maximum flow per zone floor area during reheat and
3-Maximum flow fraction during reheat.
These methods are used to calculate the maximum allowable air flow rate during reheat operation. If 1-None
is selected, the maximum flow will not be limited. If Control on outdoor air flow is selected, the limit
established through a 2-Maximum flow control during reheat option may be increased by the software to
meet the outdoor air flow rate requirement. At no time will the maximum flow rate calculated here exceed the
value for Maximum air flow rate.
This limit is active only when the zone thermostat requests heating and the VAV box damper is reverse acting.
Control on outdoor air flow
If this option is selected, the terminal unit will increase flow as needed to meet the outdoor air requirement
specified on the HVAC zone dialog. If Outdoor air flow per person is non-zero, then the outdoor air
- 668 -
requirement will be calculated by the software based on the current number of occupants in the zone. At no
time will the supply air flow rate exceed the value for Maximum air flow rate. If this option is not selected,
then the terminal unit will not be controlled for outdoor air flow.
Availability schedule
This is the schedule that determines whether or not the unit is available for each hour of the simulation. A
schedule value greater than 0 (usually 1 is used) indicates that the unit can be on during the hour. A value
less than or equal to 0 (usually 0 is used) denotes that the unit must be off for the hour
Convergence tolerance
The coil is controlled by knowing the zone demand determined by the zone thermostat and setting the outlet
conditions to meet this demand. For the electric and gas coils, this is set exactly since the coil model solution
can be inverted. With the hot water coil that uses an effectiveness-NTU method, the solution cannot be
inverted directly. Therefore, to determine the correct mass flow rate for the hot water the solution is solved for
by iteration. The iterative solution uses an interval halving routine and needs a termination criterion that is set
with the Convergence tolerance parameter. This control offset is set to a decimal fraction of the zone
demand as the criteria, i.e. 0.001. The default for the field is 0.001.
Variable Air Volume With Reheat And Variable Speed Fan ADU
The VAV terminal unit with variable-speed fan and reheat coil is an air system terminal unit consisting of a
variable speed fan in series with a heating coil. These units are usually employed in under-floor air distribution
(UFAD) systems where the air is supplied at low static pressure through an under-floor plenum. The fan is
used to control the flow of conditioned air that enters the space. When the fan is off the plenum pressure
drives the minimum air flow through the terminal unit. At maximum cooling the fan runs at its maximum speed.
At full heating the fan runs at its heating maximum usually less than the cooling maximum flow rate. Thus
this unit has two separate maximum flow rates one for heating and one for cooling.
For cooling, control is maintained simply by varying the fan speed. For heating, the unit first tries to meet the
heating load by varying the heating coil output while keeping the air flow at minimum (fan off). If this is not
adequate the fan turns on and operates in variable flow mode up to the heating maximum flow rate. This unit
is modelled in EnergyPlus as a compound component a variable speed fan and a heating coil in series in
the air stream. The unit is blow through the fan is upstream of the heating coil.
The heating coil can be edited to change the type to 1-Water, 2-Electric or 3-Gas.
Note: When using the VAV with VS fan and reheat coil ADU, the associated AHU must have the extract fan
option switched OFF.
This is a read-only label that is automatically generated by the software and which incorporates the name of
the zone in which the ADU is located.
- 669 -
Maximum cooling air flow rate
This is the maximum volumetric air flow rate (in m 3/s or ft3/min) through the unit when the thermostat is calling
for cooling. Normally this is the same as the units fan maximum volumetric flow rate.
This section is visible only if the heating coil sub-component of this ADU has Type 1-Water.
Availability schedule
This is the schedule that determines whether or not the unit is available for each timestep of the simulation. A
schedule value greater than 0 (usually 1 is used) indicates that the unit can be on during the timestep . A
value less than or equal to 0 (usually 0 is used) denotes that the unit must be off for the timestep .
Heating convergence tolerance
This is the control tolerance for the unit heating output. The unit is controlled by matching the unit output to the
zone demand. The model must be numerically inverted to obtain a specified output. The convergence
tolerance is the error tolerance used to terminate the numerical inversion procedure. Basically this is the
- 670 -
This is a read-only label that is automatically generated by the software and which incorporates the name of
the zone in which the ADU is located.
1-Constant where the value entered for Constant minimum air flow fraction will be used.
2-Fixed flow rate, the value entered for Fixed minimum air flow rate is used.
3-Scheduled then the software will obtain the value for minimum flow fraction from the schedule
selected from Minimum air flow fraction schedule.
4-Sum used to provide the summation of all entered inputs
5-Maximum used to either provide the maximum of all entered inputs
Control on outdoor air flow
If this option is selected, the terminal unit will increase flow as needed to meet the outdoor air requirement
specified on the HVAC zone dialog. If Outdoor air flow per person is non-zero, then the outdoor air
requirement will be calculated by the software based on the current number of occupants in the zone. At no
time will the supply air flow rate exceed the value for Maximum air flow rate. If this option is not selected,
then the terminal unit will not be controlled for outdoor air flow.
- 671 -
Availability schedule
This is the schedule that determines whether or not the unit is available for each timestep of the simulation. A
schedule value greater than 0 (usually 1 is used) indicates that the unit can be on during the timestep . A
value less than or equal to 0 (usually 0 is used) denotes that the unit must be off for the timestep.
This is a read-only label that is automatically generated by the software and which incorporates the name of
the zone in which the ADU is located.
Maximum air flow rate
This is the maximum volumetric air flow rate through the unit (in m 3/s or ft3/min). Since this is a constant air
volume unit, this is also the design, rated air flow rate of the unit.
- 672 -
This section is visible only if the heating coil sub-component of this ADU has Type 1-Water.
Availability schedule
This is the schedule that determines whether or not the unit is available for each timestep of the simulation. A
schedule value greater than 0 (usually 1 is used) indicates that the unit can be on during the timestep . A
value less than or equal to 0 (usually 0 is used) denotes that the unit must be off for the timestep.
Convergence tolerance
This is the control tolerance for the unit heating output. The unit is controlled by matching the unit output to the
zone demand. For units with water coils, the model must be numerically inverted to obtain a specified output.
The convergence tolerance is the error tolerance used to terminate the numerical inversion procedure.
Basically this is the fraction:
- 673 -
The EnergyPlus model of the parallel PIU terminal unit is composed of three components: a constant volume
fan, a zone mixer, and a heating coil (water, electric or gas):
This is a read-only label that is automatically generated by the software and which incorporates the name of
the zone in which the ADU is located.
This section is visible only if the heating coil sub-component of this ADU has Type 1-Water.
Availability schedule
This is the schedule that determines whether or not the unit is available for each timestep of the simulation. A
schedule value greater than 0 (usually 1 is used) indicates that the unit can be on during the timestep . A
value less than or equal to 0 (usually 0 is used) denotes that the unit must be off for the timestep .
- 674 -
Convergence tolerance
This is the control tolerance for the unit heating output. The unit is controlled by matching the unit output to the
zone demand. For units with water coils, the model must be numerically inverted to obtain a specified output.
The convergence tolerance is the error tolerance used to terminate the numerical inversion procedure.
Basically this is the fraction:
This is a read-only label that is automatically generated by the software and which incorporates the name of
the zone in which the ADU is located.
Induction ratio
The ratio of induced air flow rate to primary supply air flow rate. The default is 1.0 the supply air induces an
equal amount of zone air.
- 675 -
This section is visible only if the heating coil sub-component of this ADU has Type 1-Water.
Maximum cold water flow rate
The maximum cold water volumetric flow rate (in m 3/s or ft3/min) through the units cooling coil. This value
may be auto-sized.
Availability schedule
This is the schedule that determines whether or not the unit is available for each timestep of the simulation. A
schedule value greater than 0 (usually 1 is used) indicates that the unit can be on during the timestep . A
value less than or equal to 0 (usually 0 is used) denotes that the unit must be off for the timestep .
Heating convergence tolerance
This is the control tolerance for the unit heating output. The unit is controlled by matching the unit output to the
zone demand. For units with water coils, the model must be numerically inverted to obtain a specified output.
The convergence tolerance is the error tolerance used to terminate the numerical inversion procedure.
Basically this is the fraction:
heating and cooling at all times. In each conditioned zone, a mixing valve responsive to a room thermostat
mixes the warm and cold air in proper proportions to satisfy the prevailing heating or cooling load of the space.
The total airflow to each room is kept constant while the proportion of hot air to cold air is adjusted to maintain
the temperature in each zone at the desired level.
This is a read-only label that is automatically generated by the software and which incorporates the name of
the zone in which the ADU is located.
Availability schedule
This is the schedule that determines whether or not the unit is available for each timestep of the simulation. A
schedule value greater than 0 (usually 1 is used) indicates that the unit can be on during the timestep . A
value less than or equal to 0 (usually 0 is used) denotes that the unit must be off for the timestep .
This is a read-only label that is automatically generated by the software and which incorporates the name of
the zone in which the ADU is located.
- 677 -
Availability schedule
This is the schedule that determines whether or not the unit is available for each timestep of the simulation. A
schedule value greater than 0 (usually 1 is used) indicates that the unit can be on during the timestep . A
value less than or equal to 0 (usually 0 is used) denotes that the unit must be off for the timestep .
Cooled Beam
Cooled beams are long rectangular finned tubes mounted at high level at regular intervals within a space.
They provide quiet draught-free cooling with capacities up to about 150 W/m2. As the cooled beams cool the
surrounding air, it falls into the occupied area below due its greater density. The beams are typically arranged
at regular intervals above, or partly below, a false ceiling. A relatively small ceiling void depth is required.
It is important to ensure good air flow and so any ceiling tiles positioned below beams must have openings
within the tiles equivalent to at least 50% of their area. In some cases beams are suspended below the
Cooled beam systems require a separate constant volume ventilation system to supply fresh air to the space.
The EnergyPlus Cooled Beam system is a mixed air-hydronic system.. A central constant volume air system
supplies conditioned ventilation air to the zones. Chilled water circulates through ceiling mounted cooled
beam units at a rate suitable for meeting the zone sensible cooling load. Any dehumidification is done by the
central ventilation air system. Heating is usually accomplished with hot water radiators/baseboards.
Thermodynamically, the cooled beam system resembles the four-pipe induction unit.
To model a typical cooled beam system a conventional central constant volume forced air system can be
used. This system will normally be 100% outside air delivered at a fixed supply temperature (which could be
reset by schedule or by outside air temperature). On the supply side of this air loop there will be the usual
central AC equipment: outside air mixer, fan, heating and cooling coil.
The cooled beam equipment in a zone is treated by the program as a single terminal unit, however the actual
installation will have multiple beams in each zone. EnergyPlus calculates how many beams of what length are
needed to meet the zone design load during its sizing calculation for the system.
The images below (reproduced with permission from CIBSE) illustrate the difference between the chilled
ceilings described here and cooled beams.
- 678 -
- 679 -
Tip: A useful resource on chilled ceilings and cooled beams can be found at
This is a read-only label that is automatically generated by the software and which incorporates the name of
the zone in which the ADU is located.
1-Active where primary air is supplied through the beam, inducing some secondary zone air into
contact with the coil. This unit acts as an active convector.
2-Passive in which is simply a passive, finned convector unit. Primary air is supplied through a normal
- 680 -
Number of beams
The number of individual cooled beam units in the zone. Normally this unit would be auto-sized by the
program based upon the previous field and the nominal flow rate for a single beam unit (set by the program to
0.07 kg/s).
Beam length
This is the length of an individual beam in metres. Normally this will be auto-sized by the program based upon
the number of beam units and the zone design sensible cooling load. 1 to 4 meters is a typical length range.
The following inputs are parameters used to characterize the performance of the chilled beam units. Values
for a given unit can be obtained from the manufacturer. The parameters are used in the following equations.
Pbeam = AKT
K=T v
V =(qin/0)air
qin = K1T + Kinqpr
T is the room air water temperature difference (average water temperature is used) in C.
is the water velocity in m/s.
qpr is the supply air flow rate per unit length m3/ (s-m)
Model parameter
This is in the above equations. The default is 15.3
Model parameter n1
This is n1 in the above equations. The default is 0.
Model parameter n2
This is n2 in the above equations. The default is 0.84.
Model parameter n3
This is n3 in the above equations. The default is 0.12.
- 681 -
Model parameter 0
This is 0 in the above equations. It is the free area of the coil in plan view (for the air flow) per unit beam
length. The units are square meters per meter. The default is 0.171.
Model parameter K1
This is K1 in the above equations. The default is 0.005.
Model parameter n
This is n in the above equations. The default is 0.4.
Availability schedule
This is the schedule that determines whether or not the unit is available for each timestep of the simulation. A
schedule value greater than 0 (usually 1 is used) indicates that the unit can be on during the timestep . A
value less than or equal to 0 (usually 0 is used) denotes that the unit must be off for the timestep .
Heated Floor
Heated floors are low temperature radiant systems with hot water pipes embedded in the floor construction.
They use large surface area and relatively low surface temperature.
These systems typically use low flow temperatures of around 40-55C compared with around 80C for
traditional low temperature hot water heating systems using radiators and convectors. Lower return
temperatures enable more efficient operation using condensing boilers and heat pumps.
Two types of heated floor are available in DesignBuilder HVAC:
Note one advantage of the EnergyPlus variable flow heated floor over the constant flow heated floor is that it
is fully autosizable.
When using the Detailed HVAC activity option, heated floors will only control based on the radiant system
controls defined for the component itself and not via the standard zone thermostat defined on the HVAC zone
dialog. If the radiant system is serving a zone with forced air equipment, the radiant system will follow the
priority order established by the zone thermostat but will still base its response on the controls defined by the
user for the radiant system.
When using the Simple HVAC activity option, heated floors are controlled using the usual HVAC zone heating
setpoint temperature controls.
Note: In zones in which heated floors are included, at least one floor construction must have a construction
with internal source defined, which incorporates details of the embedded tubing system. See Internal Source
under Constructions for further details.
Heated floor HVAC components are placed, edited and deleted at HVAC zone level. To edit the data
associated with a heated floor, you first need to select it by moving the mouse cursor over it and then clicking
- 682 -
the mouse button to select it. You can then access the edit dialog by right-clicking the mouse and selecting
the Edit selected component option or alternatively, select the Edit selected component tool from the toolbar.
Tip: Heated floors can be connected to hot water loops fed by either boiler or GSHP systems. Note that when
connected to GSHP systems heated floors can offer a very efficient system as the low delivery temperatures
they require (typically 35C) are well matched to the optimal operating conditions for GSHP systems.
Target Tab
When editing the attributes associated with a Heated floor component it is possible to apply the same
changes to units in other zones in the same HVAC Zone group. To do this select the components on the
Target tab of the edit dialog as required.
Missing Internal Source Error report. Each zone with a heated floor added to its HVAC zone must
include at least one floor surface (or floor sub-surface) having a construction with an internal source. If
no such internal source surface is found, DesignBuilder will generate an error message to this effect
before attempting to run the simulation.
Unresponsive control. Heated floor systems have relatively slow response times as the heating pipes
provide indirect heating via the floor surface. This can result in zone temperatures deviating from setpoint temperatures if the heating or cooling loads in the zone change quickly, through solar gain or
natural ventilation cooling for example. The slow response is due to the high thermal mass of the floor
causing heat to continue to be emitted even when the room thermostat has stopped calling for heating
and the pump has stopped moving hot water through the embedded pipes. Overheating in such high
mass heated floors can be a common problem on days where a high demand exists on a cold morning
(for example) but then high solar (or other) gains in the day add to the uncontrolled heat continuing to
be emitted from the floor.
Throttling range. Less of a factor than point 2 is variable flow heated floors work using a throttling
range to control flow of water through the embedded floor water pipes. This acts like a deadband and
means that even without the thermal mass lag issues, there will be a temperature control range rather
than a fixed zone temperature.
Underheating can also be a common issue with heated floors. Likely causes are listed below.
Large heat loss. A useful rule of thumb is that it is not usually possible to supply more than about 100
W/m2 of heating with heated floors due to the thermal resistance of floor surfaces and maximum
acceptable floor temperatures of around 29C, though higher surface temperatures are possible in
bathrooms. Typical maximum outputs are approximately 100 W/m2 for concrete, reducing to 70 W/m2
for timber floors and less for carpet and coverings with insulating properties. Zones having higher levels
of heat loss will require supplementary heating to achieve comfortable conditions. This is true of real
world systems and with DesignBuilder EnergyPlus heated floor models. The easiest way to check the
heat loss against this rule is by using the Normalise display option which shows results per floor area.
Intermittent heating. Running heated floors on an intermittent basis requires a higher design sizing
factor to be set for the HVAC zone. This is because of the thermal mass of the floor construction.
Consider a building unoccupied over a cold weekend which then needs to be heated to operating
temperatures on Monday morning. With the default sizing factor of 1.25 the heating system will have
been sized to achieve the heating setpoint under steady-state winter outdoor design condition plus a
margin of 25%. However this 25% margin will not be adequate if the heating is to switched on at say
6am and expected to raise the zone temperature to comfortable levels in time for occupancy a few
hours later. To deal with intermittent operation, either much higher design factors are required (e.g. 2)
or the system should be run continuously (perhaps at a lower level during unoccupied periods) to avoid
the need for a rapid warmup in the mornings. Of course if the heating is to be operated continuously the
building fabric will need to be very well insulated to avoid waste.
- 683 -
Incorrect position of the source. A common error with setting up the heated floor definition is to
select the wrong position for the heated floor source (i.e. the hot water pipes). In a well designed
system the pipes will normally be buried just below the first construction layer. If you position the tubes
at the wrong side of the construction, then the wrong zone (or the ground or exterior) will be heated! A
tool is provided on the Constructions dialog to make it easy to position the source just below the
innermost layer.
Conductive upper layer. Heated floors provide the most efficient and responsive control when the
uppermost layer is low mass and conductive. While ceilings can be constructed using a thin metal layer
between source and the room, this is rarely possible for heated floors which are required to provide a
strong and comfortable surface to walk on as well as an efficient heat transfer path from heating pipes
to the zone. Clearly, if the top layer is an (insulating) thick pile carpet then the heated floor will struggle
to provide adequate heating to the room. More advice on floor coverings suitable for heated floors is
provided below.
Insulation. Without good insulation below the heated floor source, much of the heat will not find its way
into the intended zone. Instead the heat will be either lost to the zone below in an uncontrolled way, to
outside or to the ground. There will consequently be less heat available to heat the intended zone and
underheating will occur.
Sizing error (general HVAC modelling issue). It is important to consider heating and cooling sizing
when setting up schedules. In particular, a common mistake is to include internal gains in heating sizing
calculations. This has the effect of heating being undersized causing significant underheating (or no
When used in combination with a chilled ceiling in zone below, heated floors will cause EnergyPlus
to generate an error. This is because EnergyPlus only allows one "source" object per surface and so a
heated floor cannot be located in the same surface as a chilled ceiling. There are 2 possible
workarounds to this.
a. Export the DesignBuilder model to EnergyPlus and using the IDF Editor combine the heated
floor and chilled ceiling into a single source component.
b. Insert a very thin "dummy zone" between the heated floor above and the chilled ceiling below.
Include half of the true floor mass in the upper surface (heated floor in upper zone) and the other
half in the lower surface (chilled ceiling in lower zone).
You may need a separate high-grade heat generator for DHW if using a low-temperature heat source
for heating.
Tip: To help diagnose some of the above problems and to check that maximum temperatures are
compatible with the surface material (below) it can help to view hourly inside and outside surface
temperatures and heat fluxes by selecting these output options: Surface heat transfer incl. solar
(gives heat flux for floors) or Inside surface temperature (to check the surface temperature of the
heated floor).
Ceramic tiles - Due to their high thermal conductivity and slim profile, ceramic tiles are one of the best
floor finishes for use with underfloor heating.
Polished screed - Very conductive and good for use with underfloor heating.
Limestone - Stone is the most thermally conductive of all floor coverings allowing energy from the UFH
to transfer quickly to the room.
Slate - An extremely conductive natural finish, ideal for use with underfloor heating.
Flagstones - A thicker stone finish that exhibits very good thermal conductivity but beware of adding
too much thermal inertia.
Marble - An good heat conductor available in varying thicknesses.
- 684 -
Engineered timber - The best timber floor finish for use with heated floors, offering good heat transfer
and structural stablity.
Solid hardwood - Good heat transfer and best when specified in narrow board widths.
Softwood - Suitable only in narrow board widths to reduce movement
Parquet - Offers good heat transfer when securely glued to the sub-floor
Bamboo - Usually similar in construction to engineered timber, making it very suitable for UFH
Vinyl - good heat transfer, often subject to a recommended maximum surface temperature
Amtico - practical, high-quality finish that transfers heat well
Linoleum & Marmoleum - thin natural products that are suited to use with underfloor heating
Laminate tiles - Thin and thermally conductive making them perfect for use with UFH
Rubber - A relatively thermally conductive material that can successfully be used with underfloor
Materials to avoid
While not ideal from the efficiency point of view, carpet and underlay with a combined Tog value of up to 2.5
can be used effectively with underfloor heating. Thicker carpets act as an insulator and stop sufficient heat
reaching the room.
Carpet - A maximum Tog value of 2.5 is recommended for carpet and underlay when used with
underfloor heating
Cork - A maximum thickness of 10mm is advised as cork is an efficient insulator
Coir - A natural product similar to carpet that is subject to a maximum recommended Tog value of 2.5
You should bear in mind that some flooring manufacturers stipulate a maximum floor temperature for their
product. Note also that EN 1264 states that underfloor heating should not operate at more than 29C.
This is a read-only label that is automatically generated by the software and which incorporates the name of
the zone in which the heated floor is located.
- 685 -
There are two types of heated floor available:
Hydronic tubing inside diameter
This is the inside diameter of the tubes through which water is circulated (in m or in). The inside diameter is
used to determine the convective heat transfer from the water to the inside surface of the hydronic tubing.
Number of circuits
This input allows you to choose between modelling each surface in the radiant system as a single hydronic
circuit or to allow the program to divide the surface into multiple parallel hydronic circuits based on the Circuit
length (below). The corresponding options are:
It is recommended that 2-Calculate from circuit length be chosen for new models. The default is 1-One per
surface for backward compatibility with older versions of DesignBuilder.
Circuit length
The length (in m or ft) of each parallel hydronic circuit in a surface. This data is only used when the Number
of circuits (above) is set to 2-Calculate from circuit length. The default is 106.7 meters (350 feet), which is
the maximum circuit length allowed in Title 24.
Rated flow rate
This is the maximum flow rate of water through the heated floor (in m3/sec or gal/min). This flow rate is held
constant by the local component pump, but you have the option of varying this flow rate via a schedule (see
Pump Flow Rate Schedule). The constant flow system will accept this flow rate and control the inlet
temperature based on the control and water temperature schedules defined below.
Pump flow rate schedule
This schedule modifies the maximum flow rate of water through the heated floor (in m 3/s only). Note that the
values for this schedule must be between zero and one.
- 686 -
Motor efficiency
This is the pump efficiency in decimal form (0 = 0%, 1 = 100%).
Temperature control type
This option is only available when using the 2-Detailed HVAC Detailed HVAC Activity data
Along with setpoint (control) and water schedules, this setting allows you to specify how the heated floor is to
be controlled. The temperature denoted in the setpoint schedule can refer to one of five different
temperatures: the zone mean air temperature, the zone mean radiant temperature, the zone operative
temperature, the outdoor dry-bulb temperature, or the outdoor wet-bulb temperature. The choice of
temperature is controlled by the temperature control type. The user must select from the following options:
Operative temperature for heated floor controls is the average of Mean Air Temperature and Mean Radiant
Temperature. See the control temperature schedule settings below for more information.
- 687 -
Availability schedule
This is the schedule that denotes whether the component can run during a given timestep. A schedule value
greater than 0 (usually 1 is used) indicates that the unit is available and can be on during the timestep. A
value less than or equal to 0 (usually 0 is used) denotes that the unit is not available and must be off for the
This is a read-only label that is automatically generated by the software and which incorporates the name of
the zone in which the heated floor is located.
There are two types of heated floor available:
Hydronic tubing inside diameter
This is the inside diameter of the tubes through which water is circulated (in m or in). The inside diameter
should be entered in metres and is used to determine the convective heat transfer from the water to the inside
surface of the hydronic tubing.
Number of circuits
This input allows you to choose between modelling each surface in the radiant system as a single hydronic
circuit or to allow the program to divide the surface into multiple parallel hydronic circuits based on the Circuit
length (below). The corresponding options are:
It is recommended that 2-Calculate from circuit length be chosen for new models. The default is 1-One per
surface for backward compatibility with older versions of DesignBuilder.
Circuit length
The length (in m or ft) of each parallel hydronic circuit in a surface. This data is only used when the Number
of circuits (above) is set to 2-Calculate from circuit length. The default is 106.7 meters (350 feet), which is
the maximum circuit length allowed in Title 24.
Maximum hot water flow rate
This is the maximum flow rate of hot water through the heated floor (in m 3/s or gal/min). The controls for the
floor will vary the flow rate of hot water through the surface(s) using zero flow and the maximum flow rate
specified in this field as the lower and upper bounds, respectively.
Temperature control type
This option is only available when using the 2-Detailed HVAC Detailed HVAC Activity data
Along with setpoint (control) and water schedules, this setting allows you to specify how the heated floor is to
be controlled. The temperature denoted in the setpoint schedule can refer to one of five different
temperatures: the zone mean air temperature, the zone mean radiant temperature, the zone operative
temperature, the outdoor dry-bulb temperature, or the outdoor wet-bulb temperature. The choice of
temperature is controlled by the temperature control type. The user must select from the following options:
Operative temperature for heated floor controls is the average of Mean Air Temperature and Mean Radiant
Temperature. See the control temperature schedule settings below for more information.
Throttling range
This is the range of temperature (C) which the heated floor throttles from zero flow rate up to the maximum
defined by the Maximum hot water flow rate described above. The throttling range parameter is used in
conjunction with the control temperature to define the response of the system to various zone conditions. The
heating control temperature schedule specifies the setpoint temperature where the flow rate to the system is
at half of the maximum flow rate. For example, if the heating control temperature setpoint is currently 15C
and the heating throttling range is 2C, the water flow rate to the system will be zero when the controlling
temperature (see Temperature Control Type below) is at or above 16C and the maximum flow rate when the
controlling temperature is at or below 14C. This represents a throttling range of 2C around the setpoint of
15C. In between 14C and 16C, the flow rate to the radiant system is varied linearly.
- 689 -
Availability Schedule
This is the schedule that determines whether or not the component is available for each timestep of the
simulation. A schedule value greater than 0 (usually 1 is used) indicates that the unit can be on during the
timestep. A value less than or equal to 0 (usually 0 is used) denotes that the unit must be off for the timestep.
Chilled Ceiling
Chilled ceilings are mounted within the ceiling to provide quiet, draft free cooling of the space below. Each unit
is made up of a small bore chilled water pipe arranged in an S-shape and attached to the upper surface of a
ceiling panel. Ceiling panels are typically of thin metallic construction but can simply be plasterboard. In some
systems the chilled water pipes are embedded within the ceiling panel.
During operation, the panel is cooled through contact with the chilled-water pipework allowing it to cool the
space through a combination of convective and radiant output (up to 40% radiant). An insulating mat is often
placed above the chilled water pipework and panel to minimise uncontrolled cooling of the area above. It is up
to the user to include any such insulation in the construction definition.
One advantage of chilled ceilings is that they can be placed in a shallow ceiling void enabling them to be used
in buildings with low floor to ceiling heights. However, their limited cooling output makes them unsuitable for
areas with moderate to high heat gains. The maximum capacity of chilled ceiling systems is in the order of 70
Chilled-ceiling systems require a separate ventilation system for fresh air supply.
Condensation of room air on and within the chilled ceiling can be avoided by shutting of chilled water flow
based on room dew point temperature.
Tip: Chilled ceilings can be connected to chilled water loops fed by either chillers or GSHP systems.
- 690 -
- 691 -
Note one advantage of the EnergyPlus variable flow chilled ceiling over the constant flow chilled ceiling is
that it is fully autosizable.
When using the Detailed HVAC activity option, chilled ceilings will only control based on the radiant system
controls defined for the component and not via a zone thermostat such as is used for forced air systems. If the
radiant system is serving a zone with forced air equipment, the radiant system will follow the priority order
established by the zone thermostat but will still base its response on the controls defined by the user for the
radiant system.
When using the Simple HVAC activity option, chilled ceilings are controlled using the usual HVAC zone
cooling setpoint temperature controls.
Important Note: At least one ceiling/roof construction in zones in which chilled ceilings are included must
have a special internal source construction which incorporates details of the embedded tubing system. See
Internal Source under Constructions for further details.
Chilled ceiling HVAC components are placed, edited and deleted at HVAC zone level. To edit the data
associated with a chilled ceiling, you first need to select it by moving the mouse cursor over it and then
clicking the mouse button to select it. You can then access the edit dialog by right-clicking the mouse and
selecting the Edit selected component option or alternatively, select the Edit selected component tool from the
- 692 -
Tip: A useful resource on chilled ceilings and cooled beams can be found at
Target Tab
When editing the attributes associated with a Chilled ceiling it is possible to apply the same changes to units
in other zones in the same HVAC Zone group. To do this select the components on the Target tab of the edit
dialog as required.
Missing Internal Source Error report. Each zone with a chilled ceiling added to its HVAC zone must
include at least one ceiling surface (or ceiling sub-surface) having a construction with an internal
source. If no internal source surface is found, DesignBuilder will provide an error message to this effect
before attempting to run the simulation.
Unresponsive control. Chilled ceilings in real buildings tend to give less responsive control than air or
other radiant systems. This is because the relatively high thermal mass of the ceiling causes zone heat
to continue to be absorbed even when the room thermostat has stopped calling for cooling and the
pump has stopped moving chilled water through the embedded pipes.
Throttling range. Less of a factor than point 2 is variable flow chilled ceilings work using a throttling
range to control flow of water through the embedded floor water pipes. This acts like a deadband and
means that even without the thermal mass lag issues, there will be a temperature control range rather
than a fixed zone temperature.
Inadequate cooling can also a common issue with chilled ceilings. Likely causes are listed below.
High levels of internal gains. A useful rule of thumb is that it is not usually possible to supply more
than about 70 W/m2 of cooling with chilled ceilings. Zones having higher levels of gains will require
supplementary cooling to achieve comfortable conditions. This is true of real world systems and with
DesignBuilder EnergyPlus chilled ceiling models. The easiest way to check the internal gains against
this rule is by using the Normalise display option which shows results per floor area.
Intermittent cooling. Running chilled ceilings on an intermittent basis can require a higher design
sizing factor to be set for the HVAC zone. This is because the thermal mass of the ceiling construction
causes a lag in cooling provided to the coils and cooling provided to the room. Consider a building
unoccupied over a warm weekend which then needs to be cooled to operating temperatures on
Monday morning. With the default sizing factor of 1.15 the cooling system will have been sized to
achieve the cooling setpoint under "periodic steady-state" summer design condition plus a margin of
15%. However this 15% margin will not be adequate if the cooling is to switched on at say 6am and
expected to lower the zone temperature to comfortable levels in time for occupancy a few hours later.
To deal with intermittent operation, either much higher design factors are required (e.g. 2) or the
system should be run continuously (perhaps at a lower level during unoccupied periods) to avoid the
need for a rapid cooling down in the mornings. Of course if the cooling is to be operated continuously
then the building fabric will need to be very well insulated to avoid waste.
Incorrect position of the source. A common error with setting up the chilled ceiling definition is to
select the wrong position for the chilled ceiling source (i.e. the chilled water pipes). In a well designed
system the pipes will normally be buried just below the first construction layer. If you position the tubes
at the wrong side of the construction, then the wrong zone (or the ground or exterior) will be cooled! A
tool is provided on the Constructions dialog to make it easy to position the source just above the
innermost layer.
Conductive lower layer. Chilled ceilings provide the most efficient and responsive control when the
uppermost layer is low mass and conductive. Chilled ceilings panels are often constructed using a thin
metal layer between source and the room to provide an efficient heat transfer path from cooling pipes
to the zone. Clearly, if the inside layer is an (insulating) ceiling tile for example then the chilled ceiling
will struggle to provide adequate cooling to the room.
- 693 -
Insulation. Without good insulation above the chilled ceiling source, much of the cooling will not find its
way into the intended zone. Instead the cooling will be either lost to the zone above in an uncontrolled
way, to outside or to the ground. There will consequently be less cooling available to cool the intended
zone and under-cooling will occur.
When used in combination with a heated floor in zone above, chilled ceilings will cause EnergyPlus
to generate an error. This is because EnergyPlus only allows one "source" object per surface and so a
chilled ceiling cannot be located in the same surface as a heated floor. There are 2 possible
workarounds to this.
a. Export the DesignBuilder model to EnergyPlus and using the IDF Editor combine the heated
floor and chilled ceiling into a single source component.
b. Insert a very thin "dummy zone" between the heated floor above and the chilled ceiling below.
Include half of the true floor mass in the upper surface (heated floor in upper zone) and the other
half in the lower surface (chilled ceiling in lower zone).
Tip: To help diagnose some of the above problems it can help to view hourly inside and outside
surface temperatures and heat fluxes by selecting these output options: Surface heat transfer incl.
solar (gives heat flux for floors) or Inside surface temperature (to check the surface temperature of the
chilled ceiling).
Used in:
The constant flow chilled ceiling keeps flow rate constant via a local circulation pump and varies the water
temperature that is sent to the ceiling. This is accomplished with a mixing valve that is controlled by a sensor.
The constant flow chilled ceiling type has a built-in local secondary loop. It will re-circulate flow coming out of
the system and mix this with flow from the loop to arrive at the desired inlet temperature to the ceiling (note
that this chilled ceiling model has the temperature sensor after the pump to ensure proper inlet temperature to
the ceiling). The local loop also contains a pump which is assumed to be upstream of the component and after
the mixing valve. So, the local loop can have some recirculation. The flow from the main loop may also bypass
the component if more than enough flow is available and the main loop is also a constant flow system.
This is a read-only label that is automatically generated by the software and which incorporates the name of
the zone in which the chilled ceiling is located.
There are two types of chilled ceiling available:
Hydronic tubing inside diameter
This is the inside diameter (in m or in) of the tubes through which water is circulated. The inside diameter is
used to determine the convective heat transfer from the water to the inside surface of the hydronic tubing.
- 694 -
Number of circuits
This input allows you to choose between modelling each surface in the radiant system as a single hydronic
circuit or to allow the program to divide the surface into multiple parallel hydronic circuits based on the Circuit
length (below). The corresponding options are:
It is recommended that 2-Calculate from circuit length be chosen for new models. The default is 1-One per
surface for backward compatibility with older versions of DesignBuilder.
Circuit length
The length (in m or ft) of each parallel hydronic circuit in a surface. This data is only used when the Number
of circuits (above) is set to 2-Calculate from circuit length. The default is 106.7 meters (350 feet), which is
the maximum circuit length allowed in Title 24.
Rated flow rate
This is the maximum flow rate of water through the chilled ceiling (in m 3/s or gal/min). This flow rate is held
constant by the local component pump, but you have the option of varying this flow rate via a schedule (see
Pump flow rate schedule below). The constant flow system will accept this flow rate and control the inlet
temperature based on the control and water temperature schedules defined below.
Pump flow rate schedule
This schedule modifies the maximum flow rate of water through the chilled ceiling (in m 3/s only). Note that the
values for this schedule must be between zero and one.
Motor efficiency
This is the pump efficiency in decimal form (0 = 0%, 1 = 100%).
Temperature control type
This option is only available when using the 2-Detailed HVAC Detailed HVAC Activity data
Along with setpoint (control) and water schedules, this setting allows you to specify how the chilled ceiling is to
be controlled. The temperature denoted in the setpoint schedule can refer to one of five different
- 695 -
temperatures: the zone mean air temperature, the zone mean radiant temperature, the zone operative
temperature, the outdoor dry-bulb temperature, or the outdoor wet-bulb temperature. The choice of
temperature is controlled by the temperature control type. Select from the following options:
Operative temperature for chilled ceiling controls is the average of Mean air temperature and Mean radiant
temperature. See the control temperature schedule settings below for more information.
Condensation control type
With a chilled ceiling, there is the possibility that condensation will occur on the surface that is being cooled.
This is due to the fact that the surface temperature may drop below the dew-point temperature of the space.
When this occurs, condensation on the surface will occur. There are two options for handling this situation:
- 696 -
If you choose the 2-Off option, EnergyPlus will not do anything other than produce a warning message when
condensation is predicted to occur. The simulation will simply proceed; no moisture will be removed from the
zone air and there will be no adjustment of the surface temperature as a result of the condensation. When the
1-Simple off option is selected, EnergyPlus will predict cases where condensation will occur and shut-off the
chilled ceiling to avoid this situation. With this latter option, you also have the opportunity to adjust when the
system will shut down. This is specified with the Condensation Control Dew-point Offset, below.
Availability schedule
This schedule that denotes whether the component can run during a given hour. A schedule value greater
than 0 (usually 1 is used) indicates that the unit is available and can be on during the hour. A value less than
or equal to 0 (usually 0 is used) denotes that the unit is not available and must be off for the hour.
Used in:
Similar to the constant flow chilled ceiling but control of the variable flow chilled ceiling is accomplished by
throttling the chilled water flow to the unit.
Note one advantage of the EnergyPlus variable flow chilled ceiling over the constant flow chilled ceiling is
that it is fully autosizable.
This is a read-only label that is automatically generated by the software and which incorporates the name of
the zone in which the chilled ceiling is located.
There are two types of chilled ceiling available:
- 697 -
Hydronic tubing inside diameter
This is the inside diameter of the tubes through which water is circulated (in m or in). The inside diameter is
used to determine the convective heat transfer from the water to the inside surface of the hydronic tubing.
Number of circuits
This input allows you to choose between modelling each surface in the radiant system as a single hydronic
circuit or to allow the program to divide the surface into multiple parallel hydronic circuits based on the Circuit
length (below). The corresponding options are:
It is recommended that 2-Calculate from circuit length be chosen for new models. The default is 1-One per
surface for backward compatibility with older versions of DesignBuilder.
Circuit length
The length (in m or ft) of each parallel hydronic circuit in a surface. This data is only used when the Number
of circuits (above) is set to 2-Calculate from circuit length. The default is 106.7 meters (350 feet), which is
the maximum circuit length allowed in Title 24.
Maximum cold water flow rate
This is the maximum flow rate of cold water through the chilled ceiling (in m 3/s or gal/min). The controls for the
ceiling will vary the flow rate of hot water through the surface(s) using zero flow and the maximum flow rate
specified in this field as the lower and upper bounds, respectively. This value is auto-sizable.
Temperature control type
This option is only available when using the 2-Detailed HVAC Detailed HVAC Activity data
Along with setpoint (control) and water schedules, this setting allows you to specify how the chilled ceiling is to
be controlled. The temperature denoted in the setpoint schedule can refer to one of five different
temperatures: the zone mean air temperature, the zone mean radiant temperature, the zone operative
temperature, the outdoor dry-bulb temperature, or the outdoor wet-bulb temperature. The choice of
temperature is controlled by the temperature control type. Select from the following options:
Operative temperature for chilled ceiling controls is the average of Mean air temperature and Mean radiant
temperature. See the Throttling range and Cooling control temperature schedule settings for more information.
- 698 -
Throttling range
This is the range of temperature (in C or F) over which the chilled ceiling throttles from zero flow rate up to
the maximum defined by the Maximum Cold Water Flow Rate described above. The throttling range
parameter is used in conjunction with the control temperature to define the response of the system to various
zone conditions. The cooling control temperature schedule specifies the setpoint temperature where the flow
rate to the system is at half of the maximum flow rate. For example, if the cooling control temperature setpoint
is currently 25C and the cooling throttling range is 2C, the water flow rate to the radiant system will be zero
when the controlling temperature (see Temperature Control Type below) is at or below 24C and the
maximum flow rate when the controlling temperature is at or above 26C. This represents a throttling range of
2C around the setpoint of 25C. In between 24C and 26C, the flow rate to the radiant system is varied
Condensation control type
With a chilled ceiling, there is the possibility that condensation will occur on the surface that is being cooled.
This is due to the fact that the surface temperature may drop below the dew-point temperature of the space.
When this occurs, condensation on the surface will occur. There are two options for handling this situation:
If you choose the 2-Off option, EnergyPlus will not do anything other than produce a warning message when
condensation is predicted to occur. The simulation will simply proceed; no moisture will be removed from the
zone air and there will be no adjustment of the surface temperature as a result of the condensation. When the
1-Simple off option is selected, EnergyPlus will predict cases where condensation will occur and shut-off the
- 699 -
chilled ceiling to avoid this situation. With this latter option, you also have the opportunity to adjust when the
system will shut down. This is specified with the Condensation Control Dew-point Offset, below.
Availability schedule
This is the schedule that determines whether or not the component is available for each hour of the
simulation. A schedule value greater than 0 (usually 1 is used) indicates that the unit can be on during the
hour. A value less than or equal to 0 (usually 0 is used) denotes that the unit must be off for the hour.
Target Tab
When editing the attributes associated with a Radiative-convective unit it is possible to apply the same
changes to units in other zones in the same HVAC Zone group. To do this select the components on the
Target tab of the edit dialog as shown below.
- 700 -
This is a read-only label that is automatically generated by the software and which incorporates the name of
the zone in which the convector is located.
Where, q is the heat transferred from water to the air in watts ,T water, avg is the average water temperature (C)
and Tair, avg is the average air temperature (C). Or the LMTD temperature difference can be used.
Convergence tolerance
This is the control tolerance for the convector output. The convector is controlled by matching the convector
output to the zone demand. The model must be numerically inverted to obtain a specified output. The
convergence tolerance is the error tolerance used to terminate the numerical inversion procedure. Basically
this is the fraction:
Availability schedule
This is the schedule that determines whether or not the component is available for each timestep of the
simulation. A schedule value greater than 0 (usually 1 is used) indicates that the unit can be on during the
timestep. A value less than or equal to 0 (usually 0 is used) denotes that the unit must be off for the timestep.
Electric Convector
The electric convector is controlled to meet any remaining zone load not met by any other item of equipment
in the zone that has a higher heating priority. The control is accomplished by taking the remaining zone load
and dividing by the efficiency of the baseboard.
- 701 -
The HVAC Zone Equipment Tutorial contains a description of how to use the Electric convector system
This is a read-only label that is automatically generated by the software and which incorporates the name of
the zone in which the convector is located.
Nominal capacity
This is the nominal or maximum capacity of the electric convector (in W).
This is the overall electrical efficiency of the convector. The zone load met by this unit is divided by the
electrical efficiency to obtain the total electric energy used.
Availability schedule
This is the schedule that determines whether or not the component is available for each timestep of the
simulation. A schedule value greater than 0 (usually 1 is used) indicates that the unit can be on during the
timestep. A value less than or equal to 0 (usually 0 is used) denotes that the unit must be off for the timestep.
This is a read-only label that is automatically generated by the software and which incorporates the name of
the zone in which the radiator is located.
- 702 -
Rated capacity
This is the rated water radiator capacity (in W or Btu/h) at a rated water mass flow rate (see Rated water mass
flow rate above). Almost all publications from manufacturers indicate it as W/m (Btuh per linear foot). The user
thus must multiply it by the active length of the unit. The active length is available in the literature.
Manufacturers are required to publish the difference between active and total length of the unit. This field can
be auto-sized by EnergyPlus.
Fraction radiant
This field specifies what fraction of the power input to the radiator is actually transferred to the space as
radiant heat. The fraction should be between 0 and 1. This is the portion of the total power that is modelled as
radiation. The portion that is radiant heat transfer from the radiator is distributed to people and specific
surfaces using the remaining fields.
Availability schedule
This is the schedule that determines whether or not the component is available for each timestep of the
simulation. A schedule value greater than 0 (usually 1 is used) indicates that the unit can be on during the
timestep. A value less than or equal to 0 (usually 0 is used) denotes that the unit must be off for the timestep.
Convergence tolerance
This is the control tolerance for the radiator output. The radiator is controlled by matching the radiator output
to the zone demand. The model must be numerically inverted to obtain a specified output. The convergence
tolerance is the error tolerance used to terminate the numerical inversion procedure. Basically this is the
Electric Radiator
The zone electric radiator model calculates the convective and radiant heat transfer from the device to the
people and the surfaces within a zone so that surface heat balances can take into account the radiant heat
transfer to the surfaces and thus enhance the accuracy of thermal comfort predictions within the space. The
component is controlled to meet any remaining zone load not met by other zone equipment and the total
electric consumption of the radiator is calculated by dividing the load by the efficiency of the radiator.
- 703 -
This is a read-only label that is automatically generated by the software and which incorporates the name of
the zone in which the radiator is located.
Nominal capacity
This is the nominal or maximum capacity of the radiator (in W). This field may be auto-sized.
This is the overall electrical efficiency of the radiator. The zone load met by this unit is divided by the electrical
efficiency to obtain the total electric energy used.
Fraction radiant
This field specifies what fraction of the power input to the radiator is actually transferred to the space as
radiant heat. The fraction should be between 0 and 1. This is the portion of the total power that is modelled as
radiation. The portion that is radiant heat transfer from the radiator is distributed to people and specific
surfaces using the remaining fields.
Availability schedule
This is the schedule that determines whether or not the component is available for each timestep of the
simulation. A schedule value greater than 0 (usually 1 is used) indicates that the unit can be on during the
timestep. A value less than or equal to 0 (usually 0 is used) denotes that the unit must be off for the timestep.
- 704 -
Target Tab
When editing the attributes associated with a Zone forced air unit it is possible to apply the same changes to
units in other zones in the same HVAC Zone group. To do this select the components on the Target tab of the
edit dialog as shown below.
Used in:
HVAC Zones
The EnergyPlus Fan coil unit (FCU) is an in-room forced-convection hydronic unit. Typically these units are
small (200 1200 cfm) and self-contained. They are mostly used in exterior zones, usually in hotels,
apartments, or offices. They may be connected to ducted outside air, or have a direct outside air vent, but they
do not have outside air economizers.
The heating or cooling output of the unit ventilator is controlled by varying the air flow rate, the water flow rate,
or both. Air flow rate can be controlled by cycling the fan on/off or with a variable speed fan drive. The most
common setup is a two or three speed fan with the speed selected by hand. The fan then cycles on/off to
control heating / cooling output. The controls are often a wall mounted thermostat with hand selection of
heating/cooling and fan speed (off/low/medium/high). These controls may also be mounted on the unit.
See the Chilled Water Loop and FCU Tutorial
Fan coil units are objects made up of other components. Each FCU consists all of these fixed components:
Default settings are assigned to these components at the point the FCU is created and these can be
overridden by editing the individual component properties.
The fan coil unit is connected to a hot water loop (demand side) through its hot water coil and to a chilled
water loop (demand side) through its cooling coil.
A fan component is one of the components of a fan coil unit. See above under Fan type for details of fan types
that are used.
Like many HVAC terms, fan coil unit is used rather loosely. Sometimes it is used for terminal units that would
be better described as powered induction units. Carrier and others use the term for the room side of
refrigerant-based split systems.
Real world fan coil units can be 4-pipe or 2-pipe. For 4-pipe units there are 2 supply pipes and 2 return pipes.
For 2-pipe units there is a single supply pipe and a single return pipe. Change-over systems enable you to
switch the supply between hot and chilled water depending on the season. DesignBuilder provides only a 4pipe unit, but the 4-pipe model can be used to model 2-pipe units simply by using the heating and cooling coil
availability schedules to make sure that either hot or chilled water is exclusively available.
Units with outside air economizers are marketed (in the United States) as unit ventilators. Unit ventilators are
typically bigger than fan coils and are widely used in classrooms or other applications where ventilation is a
priority. If a zonal unit with an outside economizer is required, ZoneHVAC:UnitVentilator should be used (not
yet implemented in DesignBuilder Detailed HVAC).
A unique system-assigned name for an instance of a Fan Coil unit. Any reference to this Fan Coil unit by
another object will use this name.
Availability schedule
Schedule that defines whether the fan coil unit can run during a given time period. A schedule value greater
than 0 (usually 1 is used) indicates that the fan coil unit can be on during a given time period. A value less
than or equal to 0 (usually 0 is used) denotes that the fan coil unit is off.
1-Constant fan variable water flow - the fan speed is held constant to produce a fixed air flow rate
whenever the unit is scheduled on. The hot water or chilled flow rate is varied so that the unit output
matches the zone heating or cooling requirement. When this method is selected, the fan type can be
defined, see below.
2-Cycling fan - the fan speed is chosen so that the unit capacity is greater than or equal to the heating
/ cooling load and the fan is cycled to match unit output with the load. Cycling fans can have 3 speeds,
Low, Medium and High speed and the ratio of supply air to the maximum supply rate is defaulted to
0.33, 0.66 and 1.00 for these speeds respectively. Custom values can be entered in Low speed supply
air flow ratio and Medium speed supply air flow ratio described below.
3-Variable fan variable water flow where both air and water flow rates are varied to match the load.
4-Variable fan constant water flow where the water flow rate is at full flow and the fan speed varies to
meet the load.
- 706 -
Fan type
When the Capacity control method is set to 1-Constant fan variable flow you can select the type of fan.
Choose from:
For the other types of Capacity control method the fan type is fixed internally based on the method. For 2Cycling fan, an On/off fan is used and for 3-Variable fan variable flow or 4-Variable fan constant flow a
Variable volume fan will be used.
A cooling coil is another component of the fan coil unit. Only the standard water cooling coil type is available.
Heating coil component also make up part of the fan coil unit. Only the standard water heating coil type can
be used.
Cooling convergence tolerance
The convergence tolerance for the control of the unit cooling output can be defined. The unit is controlled by
matching the unit output to the zone demand. For units with water coils, the model must be numerically
inverted to obtain a specified output. The cooling convergence tolerance is the error tolerance used to
terminate the numerical inversion procedure. Basically this is the fraction:
(Qfan coil out - Qzone load) / Qzone load <= Cooling Convergence Tolerance
- 707 -
- 708 -
Fan Speed
This field is indicates the speed chosen for the fan in the CyclingFan capacity control method. A value of '0'
means that the unit is off, '1' the fan is running at its low speed, '2' medium speed, and '3' high speed
(maximum). This variable is defined only for the CyclingFan capacity control method.
Used in:
The packaged terminal heat pump (PTHP) is a compound object made up of other components. Each PTHP
consists of these fixed components:
Default settings are assigned to these components at the point the PTHP is created and these can be
overridden by editing the individual component properties.
The layout is illustrated below.
- 709 -
A unique system-assigned name for an instance of a packaged terminal heat pump. Any reference to this heat
pump by another object will use this name.
A constant volume fan component is included as a component of the PTHP. Note that the fans maximum flow
rate should be greater than or equal to the maximum supply air flow rate for the PTHP.
Fan placement
There are 2 fan placement options:
1-Blow through where the unit consists of an outdoor air mixer followed by a fan followed by the DX
coils and supplemental heating coil. The fan blows through the cooling and heating coils.
2-Draw through where the unit consists of an outdoor air mixer followed by the DX coils followed by a
fan, with the supplemental heater located at the outlet of the fan. The fan draws air through the DX
- 710 -
The default schedule is On with a constant value of 1, i.e. that the supply fan runs continuously while the
heating or cooling coil cycles to meet the load at all times. To obtain the AUTO fan configuration select the Off
schedule which has a constant value of 0.
To set up a time-varying fan operation mode, create and select a schedule with values of 0 and 1 to define the
way the fan operation mode varies in time.
pumps supply air fan operating mode schedule specifies continuous fan operation and the field Supply air
volumetric flow rate when no cooling or heating is needed is set to zero or is left blank, then the model
assumes that the outdoor air flow rate when no cooling/heating is needed is equal to the outdoor air flow rate
when the cooling or heating coil was last operating (for cooling operation [i.e., Outdoor air flow rate during
cooling operation] or heating operation [i.e., Outdoor air flow rate during heating operation]) and this field is
not used.
Minimum outdoor dry-bulb temperature for compressor operation
This numeric field defines the minimum outdoor dry-bulb temperature (in C or F)elsius for PTHP compressor
operation. The compressor will not operate (for DX heating or DX cooling) when outdoor dry-bulb
temperatures fall below this value. The minimum value must be greater than or equal to -20C. The default
value is -8C. This temperature should match the minimum compressor operating temperature specified for
the heat pumps DX heating coil (if they dont match, the highest of the two temperatures will be the cut-off
temperature for compressor operation).
The supplemental heating coil used by this PTHP is fixed as Electric. The supplemental heating coil default
settings can be overridden by editing the coil properties.
Availability schedule
Select the Schedule that defines whether the heat pump operates during a given time period. A schedule
value equal to 0 denotes that the heat pump must be off for that time period. A value greater than 0 denotes
that the heat pump is available to operate during that time period. This schedule may be used to completely
disable the heat pump (all of its coils and the supply air fan) as required.
Cooling convergence tolerance
This numeric field defines the convergence tolerance for the units cooling output. This field allows the user
some control over how closely the heat pump will control the air-side conditions. The relative size of this
parameter relates directly to the closeness of the control. A very small value in this field will result in tight
control and will probably result in larger numbers of iterations. A large value in this field will result in looser
controls and could result in unsatisfactory fluctuations in zone air temperature. Initial experience with this
parameter lends to the recommendation of using 0.001 as the starting point.
The heat pump is controlled by matching its sensible (temperature) cooling output to the zone sensible load
(demand). Because the performance of the DX cooling coil is frequently nonlinear, the heat pump model must
call the DX cooling coil model several times (iterate) to determine the proper run time fraction to meet the
zone load. The cooling convergence tolerance is the error tolerance used to terminate the iteration procedure
when the following equation is satisfied:
( Qzone load - Qheat pump out ) / Qzone load <= Cooling Convergence Tolerance
- 712 -
The maximum number of iterations is limited, with a warning message generated if the above equation is not
satisfied within the maximum number of iterations.
- 713 -
terminal heat pump. This value is calculated for each HVAC system timestep being simulated, and the results
(latent heat extraction only) are summed for the timestep being reported.
Used in:
The packaged terminal air conditioner (PTAC) is a compound object made up of other components. Each
PTAC consists all of these fixed components:
To change the type of heating coil you should edit the heating coil component and select the required coil type
from the Heating coil dialog.
Note: The details of the DX cooling system including compressor, condenser, CoP, part-load performance etc
are entered on the DX cooling coil dialog.
Default settings are assigned to these components at the point the PTAC is created and these can be
overridden by editing the individual component properties.
- 715 -
While the figure below shows the PTAC with draw through fan placement, blow through fan placement can
also be modelled by positioning the supply air fan between the outdoor air mixer and the DX cooling coil. The
packaged terminal air conditioner coordinates the operation of these components and is modelled as a type of
zone equipment.
Schematic of a Packaged terminal air conditioner with draw through fan placement
A unique system-assigned name for an instance of a packaged terminal air conditioner. Any reference to this
air conditioner by another object will use this name.
Fan placement
There are 2 fan placement options:
1-Blow through where the unit consists of an outdoor air mixer followed by a fan followed by the DX
cooling coil and heating coil. The fan blows through the DX cooling coil and the heating coil.
2-Draw through where the unit consists of an outdoor air mixer followed by the DX cooling coil and
heating coil with the fan located at the outlet of the PTAC. The fan draws air through the DX cooling
coil and the heating coil.
1-Constant volume where the fan delivers a constant flow rate through the unit regardless of whether
the unit is heating, cooling and/or providing fresh air. Constant volume fans don't use the Supply air fan
operating mode schedule (below).
2-Cycling where the Supply air fan operating mode schedule (below) determines the flow regime.
- 716 -
AUTO fan). Schedule values other than 0 indicate that the supply fan runs continuously while the heating or
cooling coil cycles to meet the load.
The default schedule is "Fan operation mode - Continuous" with a constant value of 1, i.e. that the supply fan
runs continuously while the heating or cooling coil cycles to meet the load at all times. To obtain the AUTO fan
configuration, select the "Fan operation mode - Cycling" schedule which has a constant value of 0.
To set up a time-varying fan operation mode, create and select a schedule with values of 0 and 1 to define the
way the fan operation mode varies in time.
Outdoor air supply
If the PTAC provides outdoor air then check this option.
assumes that the outdoor air flow rate when no cooling/heating is needed is equal to the outdoor air flow rate
when the cooling or heating coil was last operating (for cooling operation [i.e., Outdoor air Flow rate during
cooling operation] or heating operation [i.e., Outdoor air flow rate during heating operation]) and this field is
not used.
Availability schedule
Select the Schedule that defines whether the air conditioner can run during a given time period. A schedule
value greater than 0 (usually 1 is used) indicates that the air conditioner can be on during a given time period.
A value less than or equal to 0 (usually 0 is used) denotes that the air conditioner is off. This schedule may be
used to completely disable the air conditioner (all of its coils and the supply air fan) as required.
- 718 -
or parasitic electricity consumption rate for non-electric coils). This value is calculated for each HVAC system
timestep being simulated, and the results are averaged for the timestep being reported.
Used in:
HVAC Zones
VRF Indoor units with variable refrigerant flow DX coils are used exclusively with variable refrigerant flow
(VRF) systems. Indoor units operate to satisfy a heating or cooling load in a zone based on a zone thermostat
temperature set point. Direct-expansion (DX) cooling and DX heating coils are specified and used depending
on the operating mode required. Although a DX cooling and a DX heating coil are included in the terminal unit,
only one may be used at any one time.
Outdoor ventilation air is modelled with the use of an optional outside air mixer object. Outside air can be
provided to the zone only when the coil is operating or can be supplied continuously even when the coil is not
operating. A supply air fan is also included and it can be modelled as either draw through or blow through.
The zone terminal unit will typically be the first equipment operating for both cooling and heating (i.e.,
Sequence = 1 on the Heating and Cooling Calculation Sequence tab of the HVAC zone group dialog). Other
Zone HVAC equipment may be used in the same zone and should be sequenced to operate after the zone
terminal units (i.e., sequence = 2 or higher).
- 720 -
The name of the VRF indoor unit is defined internally and cannot be changed.
Availability schedule
Select the schedule that defines when the terminal unit is able to operate. A schedule value equal to 0 means
that the unit is off at that time and a value greater than 0 denotes that the terminal unit is available to operate.
This schedule may be used to completely disable the terminal unit as required.
- 721 -
electric consumption output variable. When in heating mode, this electric energy use is reported in a zone
terminal unit heating electric consumption output variable. Units are W or Btu/hr.
Fan type
This choice field contains the identifying type of supply air fan specified for the furnace. Fan type must be
Fan:OnOff or Fan:ConstantVolume. Fan:ConstantVolume is used when the Supply Air Fan Operating Mode
Schedule values are never 0 and the fan operates continuously. Fan:OnOff is used when the fan cycles on
and off with the cooling or heating coil (i.e. Supply Air Fan Operating Mode Schedule values are at times 0).
1-Blow through which means that the unit consists of a fan followed by the DX coils. The fan blows
through the cooling and heating coils. If an outside air mixer is used, the fan inlet connects to the
outside air mixers mixed air node. If an outside air mixer is not used, the fan inlet connects to the zone
exhaust node. For this configuration, the fan outlet always connects to the DX cooling coil inlet node (or
if a DX cooling coil is not used, the DX heating coil inlet node).
2-Draw through. which means that the unit consists of the DX coil(s) followed by a fan. The fan draws
air through the DX coil(s). In this case the fan inlet always connects to the DX heating coil outlet node
(or if a DX heating coil is not use, the DX cooling coil outlet node) and the fan outlet node always
connects to the zone inlet node.
Override outdoor unit rated total heating capacity sizing ratio
Check this option if you would like to override the Rated total heating capacity sizing ratio used for the
Outdoor unit.
- 722 -
Autosizing in EnergyPlus
EnergyPlus is able to automatically size many HVAC components based on user-specified building
configuration and external design external conditions.
DesignBuilder automatically provides information on 2 sizing periods, one for winter, the other for summer.
EnergyPlus uses this design day weather data to specify outside conditions when autosizing HVAC
Information on how sizing is to be carried out can be entered for each zone (on the HVAC zone dialog) and for
each air system (on the Air loop dialog).
Other than zone thermostat setpoints, the sizing calculations generally know nothing about the system control
inputs defined on Setpoint managers and availability schedules. You must coordinate the sizing inputs on the
HVAC zone and air loop dialogs with the actual simulation control inputs.
The sizing calculations only recognize the presence of central heating and cooling coils, preheat and precool
coils and reheat coils. These are assumed to deliver the various supply temperatures specified in the Air loop
and HVAC Zone objects. The impact of their sub-components such as heat recovery, dehumidifiers, fans, and
pumps are not accounted for in the sizing calculations.
Note: The Detailed HVAC autosizing calculations referred to on this page are not to be confused with Heating
and Cooling design calculations which use separate simpler data entry from the HVAC tab. No Detailed
HVAC data is used for Heating and Cooling design calculations, which are based on the EnergyPlus
Ideal loads system.
Setting internal loads (lights, equipment, occupancy) to maximum all day for cooling and to zero all day
for heating;
Setting heating and cooling thermostat set points to constant values (no set up or set back);
Setting heating and cooling equipment to be always on for design days.
None of these applications are necessarily recommended but these and other uses of the special
summer/winter design day schedules may prove useful for specific situations.
- 723 -
Some examples of common mistakes with design day data in schedules are:
Using a schedule such as the predefined On schedule for operating internal gains equipment such as
computers or lights. Internal gains must not be included in heating sizing calculations because the size
of the heating equipment must be calculated without consideration of any contribution from internal
gains. Including such gains usually results in undersizing of heating zone equipment and/or plant.
Internal gains must of course be included in cooling sizing so should operate for the
Selecting a Heating operation schedule on the HVAC tab with options indicating the schedule to be off
for the WinterDesignDay. Or selecting a Cooling operation schedule on the HVAC tab with options
indicating the schedule to be off for the SummerDesignDay. Likewise when using the 2-Detailed
HVAC activity data model option the heating and cooling setpoint schedules selected on the HVAC
zone dialog must operate on their respective design day periods.
Sizing Factors
There are generally 2 areas of input where the user can impose sizing factors.
In HVAC zone sizing data, the user can specify heating and cooling sizing factors for a specific zone.
These factors are applied to the calculated zone design loads and air flow rates.
For some plant components (all central chillers, boilers and cooling towers) the user can specify a
sizing factor that modifies the autosized component capacity and flow rates. These factors are applied
after zone sizing factors. They are primarily used to split the design load between multiple components.
These sizing factors can change the autosizing of the associated loops and pumps. The following rules
define the effect of plant component sizing factors on loops and pumps.
a. For supply side branches, the sizing factors of all components in series on the branch are
summed and the result becomes the branch sizing factor. If there is a branch pump, its
autosized design flow rate is multiplied by the branch sizing factor.
b. For each loop, if the average of the branch sizing factors is less than 1, the loop sizing factor is
set equal to the sum of he branch sizing factors. If the average is greater than 1, the loop sizing
factor is set equal to the maximum of the branch sizing factors. The loop sizing factor is applied
to the loop design flow rate (if autosized) and to the loop pump flow rate (if autosized).
Each component is autosized independently. Thus user input for a flow rate in one component will have
no effect on other components autosized flow rates. For instance, specifying the chilled water loop
pumps rated flow rate will have no effect on the autosizing of the chillers design evaporator flow rate
or on the plant loops autosized maximum loop flow rate.
Within a component it is best to autosize all inputs or enter specified values for all inputs. For example,
in a chiller, if only the nominal capacity is user-specified, the autosized chilled water flow rate may not
be consistent with the specified capacity.
Sizing information flows only from the sizing data on the HVAC zone, Air loop and Plant loop dialogs to
the components. The sizing calculations have no knowledge of user-specified values in a component.
The only exception to this rule is that plant loop sizing will collect all component design water flow rates
whether autosized or user-specified.
To specify a particular zone or system air flow rate use the HVAC Zone and Air Loop data rather than
in the individual components.
The plant loop flow rates are sized from the total design demand of the components connected to each
loop. The components demanding water need not be autosized for the plant loop autosizing to work
successfully. So the user could specify all the air side components and autosize all the plant loops and
plant components. Or specify the chilled water loop flow rate, chilled water pump inputs and chiller
inputs and let the condenser loop and tower autosize.
- 724 -
The user can specify a separate zone level Zone sizing factor for heating and cooling for each HVAC
zone object.
For each zone the user can input a Cooling design air flow rate and/or a Heating design air flow rate
(and specify Cooling design air flow method = 1-Flow/Zone and Heating design air flow method = 1Flow/Zone). These user inputs override the calculated values. The program divides the user input
cooling or heating design air flow rate by the calculated values and uses the result as a zone sizing
factor to multiply all the elements in the design heating and cooling air flow and load sequences. From
this point the design calculations proceed as usual.
Begin with everything fully autosized (no user-specified values) and get a working system before trying
to control any specifically sized components.
You must coordinate system controls with sizing inputs. For example, if the Air loop Central cooling
design supply air temperature is set to 13C, you must make sure that the corresponding setpoint
manager for the central cooling coil controls to the same 13C as design conditions. EnergyPlus does
not cross-check these inputs. The HVAC autosizing calculations use the sizing information in the Air
loop and HVAC zone data. The simulation uses the information in controllers and setpoint managers.
User-specified flow rates will only impact the sizing calculations if entered in the Air loop and HVAC
zone data. Sizing information flows only from the sizing objects to the components. The sizing
calculations have no knowledge of user specified values in a component. The only exception to this
rule is that plant loop sizing will collect all component design water flow rates whether autosized or user
The zone thermostat schedules determine the times at which design loads will be calculated. All zonelevel schedules (such as lights, electric equipment, infiltration) are active during the sizing calculations
(using the day type specified for the sizing period). System and plant schedules (such as availability
managers and component schedules) are unknown to the sizing calculations. To exclude certain times
of day from the sizing load calculations, use the thermostat setpoint schedules for SummerDesignDay
and/or WinterDesignDay. For example, setting the cooling setpoint schedule to 99C during nighttime
hours for the SummerDesignDay day type will turn off cooling during those hours.
Humidity Control
It is usually easiest to select an appropriate HVAC Template as the starting point when setting up humidity
control for Detailed HVAC systems. However in some cases you may need to define humidity control
manually and this page describes the steps involved.
The process depends on the base system type. The instructions below are for the Simple HVAC activity data
option. When the Detailed HVAC activity data is used the process is similar but humidistat setpoints come
from schedules defined on the HVAC zone dialog instead of setpoint values defined on the Activity tab and
demand schedules on the HVAC zone dialog.
Add a humidifier to the AHU, typically as the rightmost component in the AHU (nearest to the supply
Set any sizing and capacity parameters on the humidifier dialog.
On the supply loop level of the air loop add a setpoint manager immediately downstream of the
humidifier and edit the setpoint manager type to use one of the "humidity minimum" setpoint managers.
For example the 6-Multi-zone humidity minimum controller calculates the supply air minimum humidity
ratio based on the zone with the highest humidity ratio setpoint to maintain the zone RH levels near
- 725 -
their respective humidifying setpoints. Setting up the setpoint manager in this way ensures that air
leaving the humidifier has a minimum level of humidity required to meet the setpoint in the zone with
the lowest RH.The screenshot below illustrates the components involved.
When using one of the "humidity minimum" controllers you must switch on the humidistat option on the
HVAC zone dialog and define RH setpoint schedules. Humidistats can provide a fine degree of
humidification control within each zone. To define RH setpoint schedules enter the zone Humidification
setpoint model data and Humidifying demand schedule on the HVAC zone dialog (when using Simple
HVAC Activity Data) or the HVAC zone Humidifying RH setpoint schedule (when using Detailed HVAC
Activity Data).
An alternative approach which does not provide close control of zone humidity is to use a 1-Scheduled
Setpoint manager type and the 6-Minimum humidity ratio Control variable. This simply ensures that the
supply air has a minimum RH. In this case the HVAC zone humidifying setpoint settings are not used.
On the AHU cooling coil dialog, to control both temperature and humidity set the Controller control
variable to 3-Temperature and Humidity Ratio, or if no temperature control is required, select the 2Humidity Ratio option.
Where a cooling coil is to conduct both temperature and humidity control the temperature and humidity
Setpoint managers must both be located on the same node. Assuming that the default temperature
Setpoint manager is already placed downstream of the AHU, add a new setpoint manager downstream
of the AHU and edit the setpoint manager Type to use one of the "humidity maximum" setpoint
managers. For example the 7-Multi-zone humidity maximum controller calculates the supply air
humidity ratio based on the zone with the lowest humidity ratio setpoint to maintain the zone RH levels
near their respective humidity setpoints. Setting up the setpoint manager in this way ensures that air
leaving the cooling coil has a maximum level of humidity, but on its own does not provide close control
humidity in the zones. The
To provide a finer degree of dehumidification control within each zone, you must switch on the
humidistat option on the HVAC zone dialog and define any time-varying demand schedules.
For all dehumidification systems currently supported by DesignBuilder it is essential to include some
form of zone reheat to ensure that "overcooled" air from the AHU does not cause the zone to be
overcooled. The zone reheat can be a standard reheat ADU or it can be some other form of zone
heater such as a convector or radiator.
Note: In cases where a VAV system uses a water cooling coil for dehumidification in the AHU , it is
sometimes not possible to control upper zone humidity levels accurately. This situation is more likely under
low load conditions when the VAV terminal box dampers are at minimum position and the water cooling coil
cannot drop the air stream temperature to the level required for high humidity control. In such cases you may
find that swapping the water coil for a Cooling Coil - Two Stage with Humidity Control DX helps because the
lower coil temperatures and humidity control capability of this DX coil allow it to drop out more moisture from
the air stream, helping to maintain the zone maximum humidity setpoint. Another possible solution to this
- 726 -
problem is to increase the minimum flow fraction for the ADU to a higher than normal value , e.g. 0.5. This
allows a greater volume of dry air from the AHU to be introduced into the zones, even when sensible loads are
The Humidification and Dehumidification set ups described above can be used together to achieve full
humidity control.
For each zone supplied by the unitary heat cool AHU, switch humidity control on by checking the
Humidistat control check box on the HVAC zone dialog and define any time-varying demand
Go down to the air loop supply sub-loop and edit the AHU, changing the Dehumidification control type
to 2-CoolReheat.
Add a Maximum humidity setpoint manager downstream of the AHU (5-Multi-zone maximum
humidity average or 7-Multi-zone humidity maximum or 9-Single zone humidity maximum).
All Model Options are stored in the DesignBuilder dsb file and so any changes you make to the model
configuration will not affect other models.
You can open the Model Options dialog by:
Options on the Data, Advanced, Heating design, Cooling design, Simulation tabs
So if you open the Model Options dialog when you are at building level you will not be able to access the
Block Model Options. Likewise if you are at site level you will only be able to access the Display and Drawing
tools tabs.
Model scope
Construction and Glazing
Natural ventilation
The descriptions to the right of the sliders, taken together, provide a summary of the current model options.
Model scope
Data tab on Model Options dialog.
You can use the scope control to switch between whole building and single zone modes.
- 728 -
Zone - only the current zone is modelled and all internal surfaces between this zone and other zones
are modelled as being adiabatic, i.e .heat is transferred into the wall mass as if the temperature of the
other zone is the same as the current zone.. This option is only allowed if you are at zone level
because the current zone is used to select the single zone to be analysed.
Zone + Shading - as above but the surfaces of other zones are modelled as shading surfaces. This
option models a single zone but includes shading due to other parts of the building and its shading
devices. Note that if the single zone is part of a large complex building, simulations using this option are
often little or no quicker to complete than the full building simulation. This is because the shading
calculations required for the large number of shading elements used to model the rest of the building
are slow.
Building - All zones and shading in the model are included in the simulations
To use one of the single-zone options make sure you are currently editing the zone you want to model.
Note 1: When using one of the zone scope options, the model data that you actually see in the model is taken
from the building level and not the zone level as you might expect. So for example having set this option, you
may find that the zone data for the single zone model is different to the values that were set for that zone
before the scope change.
Note 2: A more flexible way to achieve the same effect is to use the Include zone option which allows more
than one zone to be included in the cut-down model. Also in this case, the model data used is zone data
rather than building level data as expected.
Floor/slab/ceiling Representation
You can choose to model floors, ceilings and flat roofs each having a single construction or by combining
separate constructions for floor, slab and ceiling. The options are:
1-Combined - The construction of all wall, floor and roof surfaces is defined using a single construction
component. See the Combined Constructions section for more details.
With Combined constructions, the volume of the floor constructions can be included or excluded from
- 729 -
the zone air volume used in calculations by making the appropriate setting under Zone volume
calculations. By default the volume of floor constructions is included in the calculation of zone volume,
i.e. for a single zone rectangular box block the zone volume is:
Zone volume = Block height x (Block width - wall thickness) x (Block depth - wall thickness) - Floor area
x Floor construction Thickness.
When the floor constructions are not to be subtracted from the zone volume then the last term in the
above equation is not included and the zone volume is simply floor area x block height.
The 3 options (shown in the screenshot above) are:
Internal floor constructions not subtracted from zone volume - selected by default, this option
allows you to include/exclude the volume of the internal floors from the zone volume. Uncheck
this option if you wish internal floor constructions to be subtracted from zone volume.
External floor constructions not subtracted from zone volume - selected by default, this option
allows you to include/exclude the volume of the external floors from the zone volume. Uncheck this
option if you wish external floor constructions to be subtracted from zone volume.
Ground floor construction is below ground and is not subtracted from zone volume - selected by
default, this option allows you to include/exclude the volume of the ground floors from the zone volume.
Clear this option if you wish ground floor constructions to be considered as being within the zone and
subtracted from zone volume. Keep option selected if the ground construction is to be modelled as
being below ground level and not subtracted from the zone volume.
For more information on the effect of these options and also some limitations see the Model Geometry
Example section.
2-Separate - internal floors are defined in model data by selecting constructions for floor, slab and
ceiling with air gaps. Likewise flat roofs are defined by separately defining the ceiling and roof details
etc. This approach can be more economical in the number of different construction components
required, but requires more input model data and more careful planning. When using this option you
must first familiarise yourself with the meaning on the data as described in the Separate Constructions
section. Choosing this option configures constructions in the same way as DesignBuilder version 1.2
and earlier.
With Separate constructions, the volume of the floor constructions + floor void and ceiling constructions
+ ceiling void can be included or excluded from the zone air volume by making the appropriate setting
under Zone volume calculations.
Important Note: New users are advised not to use the Separate construction option. This is
because it can be confusing trying to understand how constructions are built up with this
option, especially if you do not check EnergyPlus idf data. The Separate Constructions model
option will not be supported in DesignBuilder v5
Note: the zone air volume referred to above is used for calculating air flow rates for natural ventilation,
mechanical ventilation and for infiltration.
See also:
Block and Zone Dimensions
Gains Data
There are three levels of gains model detail:
- 730 -
Lumped - all internal gains including occupancy, computer, office equipment, miscellaneous, catering
process and lighting gains are lumped together into a single value. Solar gains are still calculated in the
usual way.Note that with Lumped gains you cannot generate Temperature distribution and Comfort
simulation output data.
Note: When using the Lumped Gains model option, Comfort data is not generated because in
EnergyPlus the request for comfort calculations is made in the People statement and this is not
generated by DesignBuilder when Lumped gains is set.
Early - gains can be defined separately under various categories. This is the default and is normally the
preferred option for design and energy assessment work.
Detailed - gains are specified by defining each individual item of equipment in each zone on the
Equipment tab. If you select this option then DesignBuilder will automatically set the Timing model
option to Schedules. Note that this option was developed for creating very detailed models of existing
buildings based on survey data. Entering this data for a large building is very time-consuming and in
most cases you will be better served by the Early gains option above.
Important Note: The Detailed gains option is included for legacy models only and may be
discontinued in future versions of the software.
1-Watts per m2 - this used to be the default value in versions pre v2.1, where the General lighting
gains are defined as W/m2 independent of the required illuminance level. This method has the
advantage that the level of gains can clearly be understood by looking at W/m2 values and floor area.
However it can cause problems when loading data from lighting templates (where lighting gains are
defined in W/m2/100lux) in that if the activity is changed subsequently with a different illuminance
requirement, the lighting W/m2 value is not updated. This led to the introduction of the second option.
2-Watts per m2 per 100lux - the default option in v2.1 and later. Although the units W/m2/100lux may
seem quite obscure, this method of defining lighting gains has advantages over using W/m2. Namely
that the actual lighting level is associated with the lighting system type without the need to refer to the
activity and hence illuminance requirement. So if a particular lighting system type is installed throughout
a building but the building has a range of activities, it will usually be possible to enter the lighting
W/m2/100lux value once only at building level, set the activity for each zone and still get realistic
lighting gains. See General lighting gains for details on the calculation of lighting gains from
W/m2/100lux, floor area and illuminance requirements.
1-Dynamic calculation - where the latent fraction of occupancy gains is calculated within EnergyPlus
at runtime based on internal temperatures and metabolic rate. In this case the ratio of sensible to total
occupancy gain will reduce as the internal temperature in the zone increases and at temperatures
much above 30C all of the occupancy gain will be latent (occupants sweating).
2-Fixed fraction - where the latent fraction of occupancy gains is constant regardless of internal
conditions and defined on the Activity tab under the Occupancy header.
Note: The total occupancy gain (sensible + latent) is not affected by this option, only the split of sensible vs
latent gain.
- 731 -
Typical workday - where the timing is defined by a start time, end time, working days per week and
seasonal variation. This approach is intended for easy early stage modelling of non-domestic buildings.
This option is not available when using Detailed HVAC or Detailed gains.
Schedules - where Schedules can either be defined for each day of the week and each month of the
year using daily Profiles or by using Compact Schedule format. Schedules are more flexible and can be
used in other projects but they take longer to set up.
Generally if you start to find the Typical workday timing mode too restrictive you should switch to Schedules
See also the Timing, Schedules, Profiles and Holidays Tutorial
You can also request:
Simple HVAC - Mechanical ventilation, Heating and Cooling operation have additional Days / week
and seasonal operation data. Heating operation also has Preheat hours and Cooling operation also has
Precool hours.
Compact HVAC:
Fan-coil units, Unitary single zone - Mechanical ventilation, Heating and Cooling operation
have additional Days / week and seasonal operation data. Heating operation also has Preheat
hours and Cooling operation also has Precool hours.
VAV/CAV/Unitary multizone - Min AHU outside air, AHU heating/cooling, Zone setpoint
schedules have additional Days / week and seasonal operation data. Heating operation also has
Preheat hours and Cooling operation also has Precool hours.
These differences are applied as 'modifiers' to the basic occupancy schedule because HVAC systems
generally switch on and off based on the occupancy time but with differences. e.g. Heating systems are often
switched off in summer, they may operate during weekends when the building is unoccupied and they will
often have a preheat period to get the building up to temperature before occupancy.
- 732 -
Natural Ventilation
Natural ventilation (and infiltration) can either be 'Scheduled' or 'Calculated'.
Scheduled - the ventilation rates are predefined using a maximum air change rate modified by
operation schedules.
Calculated - the ventilation rates are calculated using wind and buoyancy-driven pressure, opening
sizes and operation, crack sizes etc. using the EnergyPlus Airflow Network.
You should generally use the 'Scheduled' natural ventilation model option because it is quicker and easier to
enter the related model data and also because the simulations run more quickly. However if you need to
calculate natural ventilation rates which can be achieved with a particular configuration then you should use
the 'Calculated' option.
Note: This natural ventilation setting also affects the way that infiltration is treated. It isn't possible to calculate
infiltration as a constant (or scheduled) value while using the EnergyPlus Airflow Network for Calculated
natural ventilation.
More on Natural Ventilation modelling.
Infiltration Units
There are 4 different ways to specify infiltration in calculations not using the AirflowNetwork (Heating and
Cooling design and Simulation with Scheduled natural ventilation):
1-ac/h - the default option where infiltration is defined in air changes per hour (ac/h), i.e. zone volume
per hour under normal operating pressures.
2-m3/h-m2 at 50 Pa infiltration is defined as flow rate per unit exposed surface area, when the
pressure difference between inside and outside is 50 Pa. Unit commonly used in the UK.
3-m3/h-m2 at 4 Pa infiltration is defined as flow rate per unit exposed surface area, when the pressure
difference between inside and outside is 4 Pa. Units commonly used in France and Belgium.
4-n50 (ac/h at 50 Pa)- infiltration is defined in air changes per hour (ac/h), i.e. zone volume per hour,
when the pressure difference between inside and outside is 50 Pa.
The selection made here will affect the units of the infiltration data prompted for on the Constructions tab
under Airtightness.
The infiltration defined when using options 2, 3 and 4 is converted to ac/h at standard operating pressure for
input to EnergyPlus. The conversion from these options to ac/h uses the methods described in EN 12831.
Airtightness Method
When the Calculated natural ventilation method is selected there are 2 ways to define the airtightness of the
1-Template slider, where 5 predefined airtightness settings are available. This method is most suitable
for more early stage analysis.
2-Crack template, where custom crack templates can be defined and selected. This method provides
more control over the airtightness settings used.
- 733 -
Simple HVAC - the heating/cooling system is modelled using basic loads calculation algorithms. For
convective heating systems and all cooling systems the EnergyPlus ZoneHVAC:IdealLoadsAirSystem
system is used to calculate heating and cooling loads. This supplies hot/cold air to meet heating and
cooling loads. See topics on Heating and Cooling for more on defining the condition of the supply air.
Mechanical ventilation loads are calculated locally for each zone. When using the Radiant/convective
heating system type the EnergyPlus ZoneHVAC:HighTemperatureRadiant system type is used to
calculate heating loads. With Simple HVAC, heat generator (typically a boiler or heat pump) and chiller
fuel energy consumption is calculated from zone heating and cooling loads as a post-process using
efficiency factors.
See Simple HVAC Tutorial
Compact HVAC - the heating/cooling systems are defined in DesignBuilder using moderately basic
HVAC descriptions which are expanded into detailed HVAC definitions and modelled in EnergyPlus
including boiler, chiller and fan part-load characteristics.
Detailed HVAC - the HVAC system is modelled in full detail using EnergyPlus air and water-side
components linked together on a schematic layout drawing. In this case HVAC data is accessed by
clicking on the <HVAC System> navigator node.
1-Simple HVAC Data where zone temperature and humidity setpoints, ventilation requirements and
hot water consumption rates for simulations are taken from the Activity and HVAC model data tabs.
The advantage of this option is that the Activity-related HVAC data will typically already be set up
correctly based on the activity selection and so a) there is less work involved in setting up the setpoints
etc and b) the simulation outputs will be more comparable with any previous Simple and Compact
HVAC simulations carried out. The downside is some loss of flexibility in setpoints (only 2 temperature
setpoints per zone can be used - Setpoint and Setback temperatures).
See the Detailed HVAC Activity Data and Zone Groups Tutorial
2-Detailed HVAC Data where the activity-related HVAC data is entered on Detailed HVAC dialogs.
This option will usually involve more work in setting up the setpoints etc, especially for large models,
but there is increased flexibility. For example it is possible to have a range of different heating and
cooling setpoint values set up using schedules for different times of the day or year. It is also possible
to apply different setpoints for Chilled ceilings and other cooling equipment and likewise for Heated
The tables below shows specifically where each item of Activity-related HVAC data is entered for the 2
- 734 -
Heating setpoint
Chilled Ceiling
Cooling setpoint
Note: The tables above summarise the location of the various setpoints, fresh air, schedules etc for the 2
Detailed HVAC activity data options. For heating and cooling design calculations the humidity and
temperature setpoints and ventilation requirement data comes from the Activity and HVAC tabs as described
in the 1-Simple HVAC table, regardless of the Detailed HVAC Activity Data setting.
If you switch this option off then any heating or cooling is assumed to be entirely convective.
This option might be switched off for early design stage architectural use to simplify the HVAC data entry.
This option is additionally available when using Detailed HVAC, in which case it has a similar effect to that for
Simple HVAC, but in this case it applies to data on the HVAC tab that is only used for Heating and Cooling
design calculations. When using Detailed HVAC you should only uncheck this option if you do not plan to use
Heating and Cooling design calculations.
0-None - Auxiliary energy is not calculated. This option is typically used at early design stages where
HVAC modelling may not be not required.
1-NCM - This option models auxiliary energy as a fixed annual energy consumption per floor area, with
default values stored in the HVAC templates coming from the UK NCM.
2-Separate fans and pumps - This option allows you to use the EnergyPlus fan energy consumption
calculation and a basic W/m2 + schedule approach to modelling pumps and control equipment.
- 735 -
4-Autosize when not set
The effect of this option depends on the HVAC model option. When using Simple HVAC, equipment is
modelled as having unlimited capacity allowing it to meet any heating or cooling demand and setpoint
temperatures are always maintained. This option can cause extremely large peaks in heating and cooling
delivery to zones and will tend to over-predict heating and cooling energy and under predict discomfort hours.
When using Compact HVAC this option is equivalent to 3-Autosize and the Compact HVAC autosizing
mechanism is used to size the components and flow rates to ensure that the required comfort conditions are
No heating and cooling sizing calculations are required in this case.
Heating and cooling capacity Model data must be entered manually. Choose this option if you have specific
heating and cooling capacity data you wish to use and do not want it to be overwritten when model data or
model options change.
- 736 -
If you are using the Manual sizing option together with Compact HVAC and wish to use different cooling sizes
to those obtained from looking at the output of previous EnergyPlus autosizing calculations (e.g . from
eplusout.eio) you will need to ensure that the maximum supply flow is changed accordingly. If you increase
the maximum cooling capacity but don't increase the Maximum supply flow rate (or even leave it as Auto) you
will get "Rated air volume flow rate per watt of rated total cooling capacity is out of range" errors in the
EnergyPlus simulation because the cooling capacity requested cannot be achieved with the specified air flow
rate. Also due to a quirk in EnergyPlus, the Auto Maximum supply flow rate option does not work well with
Manual sizing option and automatically calculated Maximum supply flow rates do not account for the 'higher
than autosized' cooling capacity requested.
Autosize is the default option where heating and cooling capacities are always calculated prior to each
simulation and the heating and cooling capacity model data is not displayed. When using Simple HVAC the
heating and cooling design calculations will be run as required before the simulation to calculate the required
sizes. When using Compact HVAC the components and flow rates are sized using the EnergyPlus autosizing
mechanism to ensure that the required comfort conditions are met. In this case heating and cooling autosizing
calculations are done internally within EnergyPlus and no extra autosizing calculations are carried out by
If the Autosize option is selected you can choose between 2 different autosizing methods using the Simple
HVAC autosizing method option.
You should be aware that when using the 4-Autosize when not set option, the heating/cooling zone capacity
model data is not treated the same way as other calculated results. In general, calculated results are deleted
when any edit is made to the building model, but this is not the case for zone capacity model data. This is
only updated when:
There is no heating/cooling capacity data (the value is either blank or zero when heating/cooling is
switched on) and a simulation is requested. In this case the appropriate design calculations are carried
out to fill in the capacity data, before the simulation.
The appropriate design calculation is carried out by clicking on the Heating/Cooling design tab.
Model Options change. In this case zone HVAC capacity is deleted.
If you always want the heating capacity to be kept up-to-date with your model and do not have any specific
capacity sizes you wish to use, you should consider using the 3-Autosize option. This will cause autosizing to
be carried out prior to every simulation.
- 737 -
You can change heating capacities by hand if you wish but you should bear in mind that, if Model options
change, all heating and cooling capacities are reset to zero. Set the option to 2-Manual to avoid this
1-EnergyPlus where EnergyPlus autosizing pre-simulations are carried out as part of the main
simulation using the EnergyPlus built-in autosizing function, in the same way as autosizing for
autosizing for Compact and Detailed HVAC. This is the default option.
2-DesignBuilder, where Heating design and Cooling design calculations are run first to calculate the
size of heating and cooling plant to use in the main simulation. This option involves 3 separate
simulations of the building: 2 for the autosizing design calculations plus 1 for the main simulation.
The 1-EnergyPlus option is recommended as the fastest way to carry out autosizing calculations. With this
option, simulation times tend to be much shorter, particularly for short simulation periods. However, one
advantage of the 2-DesignBuilder alternative option is that it provides the results of the 2 autosizing
simulations on the Heating design and Cooling design screens. These results will be consistent with the plant
sizes used in the simulation. With the 1-EnergyPlus option the autosizing simulation outputs are generated in
the EnergyPlus autosizing spreadsheet output files:
Simplification - options to allow zones to be merged and for controlling lumping of similar windows,
openings and cracks and eliminating unnecessary zones and elements from the model.
Adjacency settings - options to control the way that DesignBuilder calculates the adjacency for
neighbouring surfaces.
Natural ventilation - options to control the operation of natural ventilation.
Lighting - options for lighting.
Filters - excluding elements from the model.
Component Blocks - options related to component blocks
Advanced tab on Model Options dialog.
You can simplify and speed up simulations (sometimes quite significantly) by lumping zones, walls and
windows and/or eliminating unnecessary zones and elements from the model. The following options are
- 738 -
Extra Link surfaces are generated to connect adjacent blocks together for both visual continuity and to
allow fully closed zones to be generated.
- 739 -
The volume enclosed by the link surfaces and the inter-block partition is included in the zone volume.
This volume is essentially the thickness of the block wall x inter-block partition area).
R-Value To Outside
The R-value added to the outside of semi-exposed elements when Model 'Unconditioned' zones as simple
R-value to outside option (above) is set.
You can enter an R-Value of 0 if you don't want to include a resistance between semi-exposed elements and
outside. In this case it your responsibility to include the effect of the adjacent Unconditioned zone in the semiexposed constructions themselves.
Tip: You can calculate approximations for R-Value to outside by adjusting the R-Value until the results match
those of the equivalent simulation with Model 'Unconditioned' zones as simple R-value to outside
switched off.
Adjacency Settings
Advanced tab on Model Options dialog.
- 740 -
This setting applies to all model geometry but is particularly important when importing BIM geometry which
often includes gaps between zones. You might enter a value higher than the default 0.5m if the adjacent
spaces are separated by very large gaps due to thick partitions or ceiling/floor voids being excluded from any
gbXML data imported. For example if the largest gap in the between spaces that are to be modelled as
adjacent is 0.6m then enter 0.6m here.
The Adjacency tolerance can also be set from the Import BIM/gbXML Model dialog before finalising the
The volumetric flow rate, Q [m3/s], is a simple function of the pressure drop, P [Pa], across the opening. A
common variation of the powerlaw equation is:
where the mass flow rate, F [kg/s], is a simple function of the pressure drop. A third variation is related to the
orifice equation:
Cd = discharge coefficient, and
A = orifice opening area.
Theoretically, the value of the flow exponent, n, should lie between 0.5 and 1.0. Large openings are
characterized by values very close to 0.5, while values near 0.65 have been found for small crack-like
Suggested values for discharge coefficient
The literature suggests a large range of different values for discharge coefficient (symbol C d often used in
orifice equations). For example IEA Annexe 20 Air flow Through Large Openings in Buildings indicates that
discharge coefficients reported in the literature vary between 0.3 and 0.8 and that it is not understood what
causes the differences.
Other sources recommend a value close to 0.6. For example the CONTAMW 2.0 User Manual states that the
discharge coefficient, is related to the dynamic effects and is typically close to 0.6 for an orifice and slightly
higher for other openings in buildings.
ASHRAE propose the following correlation based on interzone temperature differences:
Cd = 0.4 + 0.0045 T
for the range T 0.5 to 40.
Given other uncertainties in natural ventilation calculations (wind pressure coefficients, effective areas of realworld openings and crack flows etc), using a discharge coefficient between 0.60 and 0.65 should provide
sufficient accuracy.
Modulation Of Openings
See Natural ventilation in HVAC model data.
- 742 -
through internal openings checkbox and entering the Airflow rate per opening area. This inter-zone
airflow is transferred equally in both directions and is modelled using the EnergyPlus ZoneMixing option.
Advanced tab on Model Options dialog.
Daylighting Method
The options for calculating daylighting in EnergyPlus are:
1-Detailed where the zone daylighting illuminance levels are calculated and then used to determine
how much the electric lighting can be reduced. The daylight illuminance level in a zone depends on
many factors, including sky condition; sun position; calculation point; location, size, and glass
transmittance of windows; window shading devices; and reflectance of interior surfaces. Reduction of
electric lighting depends on daylight illuminance level, illuminance set point, fraction of zone controlled
and type of lighting control. This is the default method implementing the EnergyPlus
Daylighting:Controls object.
2-DElight. The DElight method of analysing daylighting in buildings is very similar to that used in the
Detailed method. For each point in time, DElight calculates the interior daylighting illuminance at
specified reference points and then determines how much the electric lighting can be reduced while still
achieving a combined daylighting and electric lighting illuminance target. The daylight illuminance level
in a zone depends on many factors, including exterior light sources; location, size, and visible light
transmittance of simple and complex fenestration systems; reflectance of interior surfaces; and location
of calculation reference points. The subsequent reduction of electric lighting depends on daylight
illuminance level, illuminance set point, fraction of zone controlled, and type of lighting control. There
are two primary differences between the Detailed and DElight methods of calculating interior
illuminance levels. The first is that DElight includes the capability of analysing complex fenestration
systems that include geometrically complicated shading systems (e.g., roof monitors) and/or optically
complicated glazings (e.g., prismatic or holographic glass). The second key difference is that DElight
uses a radiosity method to calculate the effects of light reflection inside a zone. These methods are
discussed in more detail in the engineering documentation. There are other important differences
between the two methods. One is the inability of DElight to perform the type of dynamic shading
controls possible using the Detailed method at each point in time during the thermal simulation (e.g.,
changes in electrochromic glazing transmittances and blind slat angles). Another is the DElight ability to
include more than two reference points in its interior illuminance and electric lighting reduction
calculations. A third is the current lack of visual quality (e.g., glare) calculations performed by DElight.
Fourth, the modeling of interior obstructions is different in the two methods. In the DElight method
interior obstructions block inter-reflections but do not block the intial direct illuminance. In the Detailed
method, interior obstructions block the initial direct illuminance but do not block inter-reflections. Input
for invoking the DElight method involves three object types: Daylighting:DELight:Controls,
Daylighting:DELight:ReferencePoint, and Daylighting:DELight:ComplexFenestration.
DesignBuilder uses the first 2 of these.
Warning: We understand from EnergyPlus that the 2-DElight option is not implemented in EnergyPlus v8.2.
Because of this, because of the above-mentioned limitations and because generally we believe that the 1Detailed method is much more widely used and better tested, we strongly recommend that you avoid using
the DElight option unless you have very good reason to do otherwise.
Advanced tab on Model Options dialog.
- 743 -
This series of options allows you control which 7/12 Schedules are switched on during Compact HVAC
heating autosizing. 7/12 Schedules are categorised using the following categories when using the End-use
defaults option:
- 744 -
General - include general purpose schedules in Compact HVAC heating autosizing calculations - on by
Occupancy - include occupancy schedules - off by default
Lighting - include lighting schedules - off by default.
Equipment - include equipment schedules - off by default.
Heating demand - include heating demand schedules - on by default.
Cooling demand - include cooling demand schedules - on by default.
HVAC - HVAC schedules - on by default.
Natural ventilation demand - natural ventilation schedules - off by default.
DHW - DHW schedules - on by default.
For example, occupancy gains should normally be excluded when sizing heating plant to ensure that the
design heating plant meets all heating loads itself. So leave the Occupancy check box unchecked. Heating
and cooling demand schedules must be included to ensure the system operates so the Heating demand and
Cooling demand options should normally left selected.
These options are also used for Typical workday schedules.
Note: Some users find this system of categories confusing and so generally you are advised to use either the
2-Profiles option where the schedule operation during heating and cooling are defined explicitly using a profile
or use compact schedules where again heating and cooling design operation is defined explicitly.
Calculation Options
Heating Design, Cooling Design and Simulation tabs on Model Options dialog and Options tab on
Simulation Options dialog.
Calculation Description
Enter some text to identify the calculation. This will be used in reports and in the filename for automatically
generated ESO files.
The solution technique used in EnergyPlus has been designed to be stable with zone timesteps of up
to sixty minutes (Number Timesteps in Hour = 1). However, 60 minutes is considered a long timestep
and it should only be used in rare occasions where there is no HVAC system, accuracy is not a
concern, and short run times are critical. Such long timesteps are not recommended to use because
simulation results are more accurate for shorter timesteps, of say 10 minutes or less (Number of
timesteps per hour of 6 or more). Shorter zone timesteps improve the numerical solution of the Zone
Heat Balance Model because they improve how models for surface temperature and zone air
temperature are coupled together. Longer timesteps introduce more lag and lead to more a dampened
dynamic response.
- 745 -
Simulation run time increases with shorter timesteps or larger values for Number of timesteps per hour.
The effect varies with the nature of the model. The user can test out different values on their particular
model to understand the implications for his or her particular case. Sometimes large models with
multizone HVAC and Plant systems execute nearly as fast with 15 minute timesteps as with 60 minute
timesteps because fewer iterations are required in the system modelling since the prior timesteps
results are close to the final outcome of next timestep.
The weather data files usually have 60-minute (or hourly) data. However, it does not follow that this
should be used as the basis for choosing the zone timestep because:
o EnergyPlus carefully interpolates the weather data between data points for use at shorter
o Many aspects of a model have time scales that differ from the that of the weather data. A goal of
the modelling is to predict how the building will respond to the weather. However, the buildings
response is not governed by the time scale that the weather data are available at, but rather the
time scales of the dynamic performance of the thermal envelope as well as schedules for
internal gains, thermostats, and equipment availability.
If the model will also be used to calculate the cost of electricity then you should be aware that many
electric utility tariffs base charges on demand windows of a specified length of time. If the choice of
Number of timesteps per hour is not consistent with the demand window, then unexpected results may
be obtained. For reasonable prediction of the maximum rates for electricity use for in calculating
demand charges, the length of the zone timestep needs to be consistent with the tariffs demand
window. The following table lists what values are consistent with various demand windows.
There is also second type of timestep inside EnergyPlus that is known as the System or HVAC timestep. This
is a variable-length timestep that governs the driving timestep for HVAC and Plant system modelling. The user
cannot directly control the system timestep (except by use of the Convergence limits data). When the HVAC
portion of the simulation begins its solution for the current zone timestep, it uses the zone timestep as its
maximum length but then can reduce the timestep, as necessary, to improve the solution. The technical
details of the approach are explained in the Engineering Documentation under "Integrated Solution Manager".
Advanced EnergyPlus users can obtain and view data at intervals of the HVAC time step used if they select
the 'detailed' option on an HVAC report variable when working directly with IDF data.
Though many buildings can be successfully simulated with 1 or 2 time steps per hour, EnergyPlus
suggest a minimum of 4 for non-HVAC simulations and 6 for simulations with HVAC.
20 Timesteps per hour is the minimum when using the Finite difference solution method.
Green roof simulations may also require more timesteps.
Note 1: In general, increasing the number of time steps improves accuracy but slows the simulation (and
generates more data if output is requested at the 'sub-hourly' interval).
Note 2: When using 1 time steps per hour you will not be able to access Temperature distribution results
Temperature Control
Heating and cooling systems control internal temperatures to meet the setpoint temperatures specified on the
Activity tab. These setpoint temperatures can be interpreted as air, operative or some other radiant fraction
and DesignBuilder provides corresponding options to allow HVAC systems to be controlled by:
1-Air temperature - control the zone mean air temperatures to the heating and cooling setpoint
temperatures specified on the Activity tab.
2-Operative temperature - control the room temperature using 0.5 radiant fraction. See notes of
operative temperature control below if you plan to use this option.
3-Other- you can enter the radiant temperature control fraction.
- 746 -
4-Fanger comfort - this option is only available when using Detailed HVAC. It allows you to control
zone comfort conditions using Fanger PMV heating and cooling comfort setpoints instead of the usual
temperature setpoints. The PMV setpoint values are defined under the Environmental control header
on the Activity tab when using the default 1-Simple HVAC Detailed HVAC Activity data option.
Alternatively, when using the 2-Detailed HVAC Detailed HVAC Activity data option, time-varying PMV
setpoints for heating and cooling are defined by Fanger PMV comfort schedules selected on the HVAC
zone dialog .
When using the 3-Other option the radiant fraction should be less than 0.9 and the minimum is 0.0. A value of
0.0 is the same as controlling on only zone air temperature. If air velocities are higher than 0.2 m/s, then lower
values for radiative fraction might apply. Niu and Burnett (1998) cite International Standard ISO 77300 in
recommending the values for this fraction listed in the following table.
Radiative Fraction vs Air Velocity
Air Velocity (m/s)
Radiant fraction
0.2 - 0.6
0.6 - 1.0
Reference: J. Niu and J. Burnett. 1998. Integrating Radiant/Operative Temperature Controls into Building
Energy Simulations. ASHRAE Transactions Vol. 104. Part 2. page 210. ASHRAE. Atlanta, GA.
You can think of the Temperature control option as:
Note: This option is overridden when using radiant heating systems by the radiant heating system control
Note: This option does not affect natural and mechanical ventilation setpoints - these always use air
temperature set points.
Air temperature control is easier to use as none of the aforementioned problems apply, but it can lead to
inadequate equipment sizes peak loads in Heating and Cooling design calculations when not used with a
design safety factor. This is especially true when radiant temperatures are very different from air temperatures
for example in poorly insulated buildings, buildings with large unshaded glazing areas or high ventilation rates.
Generally using air temperature control in Simulations of such buildings will underestimate energy
Autosizing simple HVAC convective systems with operative temperature control
Another issue to bear in mind with operative temperature control is that in simple HVAC convective systems,
autosized cooling systems use a different algorithm to calculate the maximum supply airflow rate used in the
EnergyPlus Ideal Loads system. In convective systems the equation used is:
DeltaT = ZoneCoolingSetPointTemperature - HVACCoolingCoilSetpointTemp (difference in
temperature between zone air and supply air)
DesignSupplyAirFlowM3PerS = DesignMaxCoolingLoad / (Cp * DeltaT * AirDensity)
This equation works because the temperature of the air in the zone can safely be assumed to be the zone
cooling set point and so there is fixed difference in temperature between zone air and supply air. Calculating
the design supply cooling airflow rate in this way does not work for operative temperature control because the
air temperatures in the space are often much lower than the zone cooling setpoint temperature and
sometimes in zones having very high radiant temperatures, the air temperature in the zone approaches the
supply air temperature. In other words the difference in temperature between zone air and supply air in the
simulated system becomes very low and therefore very large airflow rates are required to meet cooling loads.
So in order to account for this DesignBuilder assumes a Delta T of 1K in the above calculation when operative
temperature control is in use.
Tip: As a general rule you should prioritise checking building comfort levels when using Air temperature
control and realistic plant operation (oversized equipment, supply temperatures very low) when using
Operative temperature control.
- 748 -
Design Margin
The Heating Design margin is used to multiply calculated steady state heating loads in each zone to give a
recommended heating plant size. It accounts for the additional heat required to bring the building up to
temperature in a reasonably short preheat period and allows you to be confident that comfort conditions will
be maintained in all but the most extreme winter conditions.
The default design margin is 1.25 which results in heating systems being oversized by 25%.
No occupancy and,
No cooling and,
No heating and,
No mechanical ventilation
Note: if you uncheck this option and all zones in the model are unoccupied then you will get a 'Zero floor area
error' message
General Solution
Solution Algorithm
Select from:
1-CTF - The default method used in EnergyPlus for CTF calculations is known as the state space
method (Ceylan and Myers 1980; Seem 1987; Ouyang and Haghighat 1991). CTF is a sensible heat
only solution not taking into account moisture storage or diffusion in the construction elements.
2-Finite difference - This solution technique uses a 1-D finite difference solution in the construction
elements . It is a sensible heat only solution and does not take into account moisture storage or
diffusion in the construction elements. This option is required for PCM simulations and may improve
accuracy for sheet metal material layers in constructions and for chilled ceilings.
- 749 -
Difference Scheme
This field determines the solution scheme used by the Conduction Finite Difference model. There are two
1-Fully implicit first order scheme which is first order in time and is more stable over time. But it may
be slower than option 2.
2-Crank Nicholson 2nd order which is second order in time and may be faster than option 1 but it can
be unstable over time when boundary conditions change abruptly and severely.
The default is 3. Typical values are from 1 to 3. Lower values for this constant lead to more nodes and finergrained space discretisation.
Relaxation Factor
The finite difference solver includes under-relaxation for improved stability for interactions with the other
surfaces. This input field can optionally be used to modify the starting value for the relaxation factor. Larger
numbers may solve faster, while smaller numbers may be more stable. The default is 1.0. If the program
detects numerical instability, it may reduce the value entered here to something lower and more stable.
- 750 -
Airflow Network
Relative Airflow Convergence Tolerance
The calculated natural ventilation solution is assumed to have converged when the absolute value of the sum
of the mass flow rates divided by the sum of the absolute value of the mass flow rates is less than this
tolerance value. The mass flow rates described here refer to the mass flow rates at all nodes in the airflow
network model. The solution converges when both this tolerance and the tolerance in the Absolute airflow
convergence tolerance are satisfied. The default value is 1x10 .
Note: In cases where a large opening exists (in particular horizontal openings) this value and the absolute
airflow convergence below may need to be increased by a factor of 10 or more to allow convergence to take
Inside And Outside Convection Algorithms
You can select from a range of EnergyPlus inside convection algorithms for calculating the convection
between internal zone surfaces and the rest of the zone air in the simulation calculations. More details on this
and external convection can be found under Constructions Model Data > Surface Convection header.
Warmup or pre-conditioning is the process of repeatedly simulating the first day before the simulation proper
starts to ensure that the temperatures in the building fabric are realistic. Warmup continues until temperatures
and heat flows in each zone have converged. If convergence does not occur then simulation continues for the
maximum number of days as specified in the calculation option below.
Warmup and starting simulations on a weekend
Preconditioning of the building by repeated simulation of the first day until convergence is an important part of
the simulation but it can cause issues if the first day in the simulation is extreme in any way. For example if the
first day in the simulation is a Sunday and the building is not heated or cooled at all on that day and extreme
overheating occurs then the fabric of the will be "charged" up with heat as if those conditions had been
occurring repeatedly for many days (or even weeks in some heavyweight buildings). This can mean that on
the next day, the Monday the building model is far more liable to overheat than would have been the case if
the simulation had started on a different day. In cases where this may be an issue, it may be worth starting
simulations on the first occupied day rather than on a weekend day.
- 751 -
This error is usually caused by using very thick constructions (e.g. ground floors). You may need to increase
the Maximum number of warmup days to get convergence, but some anomalous buildings may still not
See also Temperature and loads convergence below.
Maximum Number Of Shadow Overlaps ( Not Heating Design )
Enter the maximum number of figures per shadow overlap. The shadow overlaps is a measure of the amount
of complexity in the shading calculation and this maximum value allows you to limit the amount of time spent
in the solar initialisation calculations.
- 752 -
Note: entering a small value here can speed up simulations in complex buildings. If you plan to use Maximum
shadow overlaps below the default value of 15000 you should check accuracy of solar gains relative to
results using default value
Theoretically, Sutherland-Hodgman is a simpler algorithm but it works well in cases where receiving surfaces
(of shadows) are non-convex. The Weiler-Atherton implementation is only accurate where both casting and
receiving surfaces are convex. Warnings/severe errors are displayed when necessary. More details on
polygon clipping are contained in the Engineering Reference.
- 753 -
After the simulation is finished the above setpoint not met monthly data would be included in the eso file which
can be viewed outside DesignBuilder to obtain the extra outputs.
Note: Included IDF files must be located in the EnergyPlus folder.
Surfaces Within Zone Treated As Adiabatic
EnergyPlus support recommend modelling surfaces wholly contained within a zone as adiabatic and this
option allows you to follow this advice. We have found that in practice this option does not make much
difference in results or in simulation speed so for most cases you can leave it in its default state.
See also EnergyPlus Errors and Warnings
Note: 'surfaces contained within a zone' are frequently generated when one of the zone merging options is
used where a partition or floor which would have separated two zones actually sits within the merged zone.
These surfaces do not refer to hanging partitions which are modelled using Internal thermal mass.
- 754 -
Select the month for the design day
Day Of Week
Select the day of week. This is used to identify the appropriate daily profile.
Calculation Options
Heating Design, Cooling Design and Simulation tabs on Model Options dialog and Options tab on
Simulation Options dialog.
Calculation Description
Enter some text to identify the calculation. This will be used in reports and in the filename for automatically
generated ESO files.
The solution technique used in EnergyPlus has been designed to be stable with zone timesteps of up
to sixty minutes (Number Timesteps in Hour = 1). However, 60 minutes is considered a long timestep
and it should only be used in rare occasions where there is no HVAC system, accuracy is not a
concern, and short run times are critical. Such long timesteps are not recommended to use because
simulation results are more accurate for shorter timesteps, of say 10 minutes or less (Number of
timesteps per hour of 6 or more). Shorter zone timesteps improve the numerical solution of the Zone
Heat Balance Model because they improve how models for surface temperature and zone air
temperature are coupled together. Longer timesteps introduce more lag and lead to more a dampened
dynamic response.
Simulation run time increases with shorter timesteps or larger values for Number of timesteps per hour.
The effect varies with the nature of the model. The user can test out different values on their particular
- 755 -
model to understand the implications for his or her particular case. Sometimes large models with
multizone HVAC and Plant systems execute nearly as fast with 15 minute timesteps as with 60 minute
timesteps because fewer iterations are required in the system modelling since the prior timesteps
results are close to the final outcome of next timestep.
The weather data files usually have 60-minute (or hourly) data. However, it does not follow that this
should be used as the basis for choosing the zone timestep because:
o EnergyPlus carefully interpolates the weather data between data points for use at shorter
o Many aspects of a model have time scales that differ from the that of the weather data. A goal of
the modelling is to predict how the building will respond to the weather. However, the buildings
response is not governed by the time scale that the weather data are available at, but rather the
time scales of the dynamic performance of the thermal envelope as well as schedules for
internal gains, thermostats, and equipment availability.
If the model will also be used to calculate the cost of electricity then you should be aware that many
electric utility tariffs base charges on demand windows of a specified length of time. If the choice of
Number of timesteps per hour is not consistent with the demand window, then unexpected results may
be obtained. For reasonable prediction of the maximum rates for electricity use for in calculating
demand charges, the length of the zone timestep needs to be consistent with the tariffs demand
window. The following table lists what values are consistent with various demand windows.
There is also second type of timestep inside EnergyPlus that is known as the System or HVAC timestep. This
is a variable-length timestep that governs the driving timestep for HVAC and Plant system modelling. The user
cannot directly control the system timestep (except by use of the Convergence limits data). When the HVAC
portion of the simulation begins its solution for the current zone timestep, it uses the zone timestep as its
maximum length but then can reduce the timestep, as necessary, to improve the solution. The technical
details of the approach are explained in the Engineering Documentation under "Integrated Solution Manager".
Advanced EnergyPlus users can obtain and view data at intervals of the HVAC time step used if they select
the 'detailed' option on an HVAC report variable when working directly with IDF data.
Though many buildings can be successfully simulated with 1 or 2 time steps per hour, EnergyPlus
suggest a minimum of 4 for non-HVAC simulations and 6 for simulations with HVAC.
20 Timesteps per hour is the minimum when using the Finite difference solution method.
Green roof simulations may also require more timesteps.
Note 1: In general, increasing the number of time steps improves accuracy but slows the simulation (and
generates more data if output is requested at the 'sub-hourly' interval).
Note 2: When using 1 time steps per hour you will not be able to access Temperature distribution results
Temperature Control
Heating and cooling systems control internal temperatures to meet the setpoint temperatures specified on the
Activity tab. These setpoint temperatures can be interpreted as air, operative or some other radiant fraction
and DesignBuilder provides corresponding options to allow HVAC systems to be controlled by:
1-Air temperature - control the zone mean air temperatures to the heating and cooling setpoint
temperatures specified on the Activity tab.
2-Operative temperature - control the room temperature using 0.5 radiant fraction. See notes of
operative temperature control below if you plan to use this option.
3-Other- you can enter the radiant temperature control fraction.
4-Fanger comfort - this option is only available when using Detailed HVAC. It allows you to control
zone comfort conditions using Fanger PMV heating and cooling comfort setpoints instead of the usual
temperature setpoints. The PMV setpoint values are defined under the Environmental control header
- 756 -
on the Activity tab when using the default 1-Simple HVAC Detailed HVAC Activity data option.
Alternatively, when using the 2-Detailed HVAC Detailed HVAC Activity data option, time-varying PMV
setpoints for heating and cooling are defined by Fanger PMV comfort schedules selected on the HVAC
zone dialog .
When using the 3-Other option the radiant fraction should be less than 0.9 and the minimum is 0.0. A value of
0.0 is the same as controlling on only zone air temperature. If air velocities are higher than 0.2 m/s, then lower
values for radiative fraction might apply. Niu and Burnett (1998) cite International Standard ISO 77300 in
recommending the values for this fraction listed in the following table.
Radiative Fraction vs Air Velocity
Air Velocity (m/s)
Radiant fraction
0.2 - 0.6
0.6 - 1.0
Reference: J. Niu and J. Burnett. 1998. Integrating Radiant/Operative Temperature Controls into Building
Energy Simulations. ASHRAE Transactions Vol. 104. Part 2. page 210. ASHRAE. Atlanta, GA.
You can think of the Temperature control option as:
Note: This option is overridden when using radiant heating systems by the radiant heating system control
Note: This option does not affect natural and mechanical ventilation setpoints - these always use air
temperature set points.
design safety factor. This is especially true when radiant temperatures are very different from air temperatures
for example in poorly insulated buildings, buildings with large unshaded glazing areas or high ventilation rates.
Generally using air temperature control in Simulations of such buildings will underestimate energy
Autosizing simple HVAC convective systems with operative temperature control
Another issue to bear in mind with operative temperature control is that in simple HVAC convective systems,
autosized cooling systems use a different algorithm to calculate the maximum supply airflow rate used in the
EnergyPlus Ideal Loads system. In convective systems the equation used is:
DeltaT = ZoneCoolingSetPointTemperature - HVACCoolingCoilSetpointTemp (difference in
temperature between zone air and supply air)
DesignSupplyAirFlowM3PerS = DesignMaxCoolingLoad / (Cp * DeltaT * AirDensity)
This equation works because the temperature of the air in the zone can safely be assumed to be the zone
cooling set point and so there is fixed difference in temperature between zone air and supply air. Calculating
the design supply cooling airflow rate in this way does not work for operative temperature control because the
air temperatures in the space are often much lower than the zone cooling setpoint temperature and
sometimes in zones having very high radiant temperatures, the air temperature in the zone approaches the
supply air temperature. In other words the difference in temperature between zone air and supply air in the
simulated system becomes very low and therefore very large airflow rates are required to meet cooling loads.
So in order to account for this DesignBuilder assumes a Delta T of 1K in the above calculation when operative
temperature control is in use.
Tip: As a general rule you should prioritise checking building comfort levels when using Air temperature
control and realistic plant operation (oversized equipment, supply temperatures very low) when using
Operative temperature control.
Design Margin
The Cooling Design margin is a 'safety factor' used to multiply calculated cooling loads in each zone to give a
recommended maximum cooling equipment capacity. It accounts for the additional cooling which might be
required to cool the building down in a reasonably short pre-cool period and allows you to be confident that
- 758 -
comfort conditions will be maintained in all but the most extreme summer conditions. The risk depends on the
Summer Design Weather Data options selected at site level.
The default design margin is 1.15 which means that the cooling system will be oversized by 15%. This is value
comes from ASHRAE recommendations.
Sizing Method
Sizing methods available are:
Note: you do not need to have the Compact HVAC model option set to use the detailed cooling load sizing
option 2-Unitary DX above.
1-Sensible only the default option where the airflow rate is simply calculated from the cooling load, the
supply air temperature and the zone air temperature setpoint. This method is widely used in the
industry to calculate the airflow rate in cases where the latent load is a relatively low proportion of the
Design flow rate = SizingFactor . DesignCoolingLoad / (T zoneairdb - Tsupplyair) . CPair . Densityair
CPair is the specific heat capacity of air
Tzoneairdb is the zone dry bulb temperature
Tsupplyair is the supply air dry-bulb temperature
2-Sensible + latent where a similar enthalpy calculation is used. This method may be adopted in some
cases where latent loads predominate:
Design flow rate = SizingFactor . DesignCoolingLoad / (Ezoneair - Esupplyair) . Densityair
Ezoneair is the zone air enthalpy
Esupplyair is the supply air enthalpy
No economiser,
No heat recovery,
No heating,
Zero pressure rise fan,
- 759 -
No humidification/dehumidification,
Zone plenums will not be used if specified,
Outside airflow rate and operation schedule defined by the data under the Mechanical Ventilation and
Natural ventilation headers on the HVAC tab at the zone level,
Cooling coil availability defined by the schedule under the Cooling header on the HVAC tab at the zone
Zone design cooling temperature setpoints are defined by the data under Environmental Control on the
Activity tab.
No economiser,
No heat recovery,
No heating coil,
Zero pressure rise fan,
No humidification/dehumidification,
Zone plenums will be used if specified,
Outside airflow rate and operation schedule defined by the data under the Mechanical Ventilation and
Natural ventilation headers on the HVAC tab at the zone level,
Cooling coil availability defined by the schedule under the Cooling header on the HVAC tab at the zone
Zone design cooling temperature setpoints are defined by the data under Environmental Control on the
Activity tab.
Note: Unitary DX will tend to calculate higher latent loads than the other 3 cooling sizing methods and the
zone air humidity will generally be lower. This is because DX coils run colder than water-cooled coils and will
condense out more water from the supply air. Unitary DX can often be used to provide a conservative
calculation for the latent cooling loads.
No occupancy and,
No cooling and,
No heating and,
No mechanical ventilation
- 760 -
Note: if you uncheck this option and all zones in the model are unoccupied then you will get a 'Zero floor area
error' message.
General Solution
Solution Algorithm
Select from:
1-CTF - The default method used in EnergyPlus for CTF calculations is known as the state space
method (Ceylan and Myers 1980; Seem 1987; Ouyang and Haghighat 1991). CTF is a sensible heat
only solution not taking into account moisture storage or diffusion in the construction elements.
2-Finite difference - This solution technique uses a 1-D finite difference solution in the construction
elements . It is a sensible heat only solution and does not take into account moisture storage or
diffusion in the construction elements. This option is required for PCM simulations and may improve
accuracy for sheet metal material layers in constructions and for chilled ceilings.
Difference Scheme
This field determines the solution scheme used by the Conduction Finite Difference model. There are two
1-Fully implicit first order scheme which is first order in time and is more stable over time. But it may
be slower than option 2.
2-Crank Nicholson 2nd order which is second order in time and may be faster than option 1 but it can
be unstable over time when boundary conditions change abruptly and severely.
The default is 3. Typical values are from 1 to 3. Lower values for this constant lead to more nodes and finergrained space discretisation.
Relaxation Factor
The finite difference solver includes under-relaxation for improved stability for interactions with the other
surfaces. This input field can optionally be used to modify the starting value for the relaxation factor. Larger
numbers may solve faster, while smaller numbers may be more stable. The default is 1.0. If the program
detects numerical instability, it may reduce the value entered here to something lower and more stable.
Airflow Network
Relative Airflow Convergence Tolerance
The calculated natural ventilation solution is assumed to have converged when the absolute value of the sum
of the mass flow rates divided by the sum of the absolute value of the mass flow rates is less than this
tolerance value. The mass flow rates described here refer to the mass flow rates at all nodes in the airflow
network model. The solution converges when both this tolerance and the tolerance in the Absolute airflow
convergence tolerance are satisfied. The default value is 1x10 .
Note: In cases where a large opening exists (in particular horizontal openings) this value and the absolute
airflow convergence below may need to be increased by a factor of 10 or more to allow convergence to take
Inside And Outside Convection Algorithms
You can select from a range of EnergyPlus inside convection algorithms for calculating the convection
between internal zone surfaces and the rest of the zone air in the simulation calculations. More details on this
and external convection can be found under Constructions Model Data > Surface Convection header.
Warmup or pre-conditioning is the process of repeatedly simulating the first day before the simulation proper
starts to ensure that the temperatures in the building fabric are realistic. Warmup continues until temperatures
- 762 -
and heat flows in each zone have converged. If convergence does not occur then simulation continues for the
maximum number of days as specified in the calculation option below.
Warmup and starting simulations on a weekend
Preconditioning of the building by repeated simulation of the first day until convergence is an important part of
the simulation but it can cause issues if the first day in the simulation is extreme in any way. For example if the
first day in the simulation is a Sunday and the building is not heated or cooled at all on that day and extreme
overheating occurs then the fabric of the will be "charged" up with heat as if those conditions had been
occurring repeatedly for many days (or even weeks in some heavyweight buildings). This can mean that on
the next day, the Monday the building model is far more liable to overheat than would have been the case if
the simulation had started on a different day. In cases where this may be an issue, it may be worth starting
simulations on the first occupied day rather than on a weekend day.
temperature experienced in a space with the maximum temperature from the previous day. If those two
temperatures are within the tolerance, then it has passed the first warm-up check. It does a similar
comparison with lowest temperatures experience within all the zones. If the current simulation day and the
previous day values are within the tolerance, then it has passed the second warm-up check. A similar
comparison is carried out with the loads tolerance and the maximum heating and cooling loads that are
experienced within the spaces. Those are compared individually to the values for the previous day. If they are
both in tolerance, then the simulation has passed the third and fourth warm-up check. The simulation stays in
the warm-up period until ALL FOUR checks have been passed.
Note: The maximum number of warmup days will override the above convergence criteria, i.e. the simulation
proper will start even if convergence has not occurred after the maximum number of warmup days.
Maximum Number Of Shadow Overlaps ( Not Heating Design )
Enter the maximum number of figures per shadow overlap. The shadow overlaps is a measure of the amount
of complexity in the shading calculation and this maximum value allows you to limit the amount of time spent
in the solar initialisation calculations.
Note: entering a small value here can speed up simulations in complex buildings. If you plan to use Maximum
shadow overlaps below the default value of 15000 you should check accuracy of solar gains relative to
results using default value
Theoretically, Sutherland-Hodgman is a simpler algorithm but it works well in cases where receiving surfaces
(of shadows) are non-convex. The Weiler-Atherton implementation is only accurate where both casting and
receiving surfaces are convex. Warnings/severe errors are displayed when necessary. More details on
polygon clipping are contained in the Engineering Reference.
- 764 -
After the simulation is finished the above setpoint not met monthly data would be included in the eso file which
can be viewed outside DesignBuilder to obtain the extra outputs.
Note: Included IDF files must be located in the EnergyPlus folder.
Surfaces Within Zone Treated As Adiabatic
EnergyPlus support recommend modelling surfaces wholly contained within a zone as adiabatic and this
option allows you to follow this advice. We have found that in practice this option does not make much
difference in results or in simulation speed so for most cases you can leave it in its default state.
See also EnergyPlus Errors and Warnings
Note: 'surfaces contained within a zone' are frequently generated when one of the zone merging options is
used where a partition or floor which would have separated two zones actually sits within the merged zone.
These surfaces do not refer to hanging partitions which are modelled using Internal thermal mass.
- 765 -
Simulation Period
Calculation options
Solar options
Detailed HVAC Autosizing
Advanced Calculation Options
Output options
This data is also shown before simulations in the Simulation Calculation Options dialog.
Simulation Period
Simulation tab on Model Options dialog and General tab on Simulation Options dialog.
Simulation Period
Select the start and end days for the simulation, or select a typical period using the links on the Info panel:
The above typical simulation periods are derived from the Statistics data from the currently selected Hourly
weather data.
Calculation Options
Heating Design, Cooling Design and Simulation tabs on Model Options dialog and Options tab on
Simulation Options dialog.
Calculation Description
Enter some text to identify the calculation. This will be used in reports and in the filename for automatically
generated ESO files.
- 766 -
The solution technique used in EnergyPlus has been designed to be stable with zone timesteps of up
to sixty minutes (Number Timesteps in Hour = 1). However, 60 minutes is considered a long timestep
and it should only be used in rare occasions where there is no HVAC system, accuracy is not a
concern, and short run times are critical. Such long timesteps are not recommended to use because
simulation results are more accurate for shorter timesteps, of say 10 minutes or less (Number of
timesteps per hour of 6 or more). Shorter zone timesteps improve the numerical solution of the Zone
Heat Balance Model because they improve how models for surface temperature and zone air
temperature are coupled together. Longer timesteps introduce more lag and lead to more a dampened
dynamic response.
Simulation run time increases with shorter timesteps or larger values for Number of timesteps per hour.
The effect varies with the nature of the model. The user can test out different values on their particular
model to understand the implications for his or her particular case. Sometimes large models with
multizone HVAC and Plant systems execute nearly as fast with 15 minute timesteps as with 60 minute
timesteps because fewer iterations are required in the system modelling since the prior timesteps
results are close to the final outcome of next timestep.
The weather data files usually have 60-minute (or hourly) data. However, it does not follow that this
should be used as the basis for choosing the zone timestep because:
o EnergyPlus carefully interpolates the weather data between data points for use at shorter
o Many aspects of a model have time scales that differ from the that of the weather data. A goal of
the modelling is to predict how the building will respond to the weather. However, the buildings
response is not governed by the time scale that the weather data are available at, but rather the
time scales of the dynamic performance of the thermal envelope as well as schedules for
internal gains, thermostats, and equipment availability.
If the model will also be used to calculate the cost of electricity then you should be aware that many
electric utility tariffs base charges on demand windows of a specified length of time. If the choice of
Number of timesteps per hour is not consistent with the demand window, then unexpected results may
be obtained. For reasonable prediction of the maximum rates for electricity use for in calculating
demand charges, the length of the zone timestep needs to be consistent with the tariffs demand
window. The following table lists what values are consistent with various demand windows.
There is also second type of timestep inside EnergyPlus that is known as the System or HVAC timestep. This
is a variable-length timestep that governs the driving timestep for HVAC and Plant system modelling. The user
cannot directly control the system timestep (except by use of the Convergence limits data). When the HVAC
portion of the simulation begins its solution for the current zone timestep, it uses the zone timestep as its
maximum length but then can reduce the timestep, as necessary, to improve the solution. The technical
details of the approach are explained in the Engineering Documentation under "Integrated Solution Manager".
Advanced EnergyPlus users can obtain and view data at intervals of the HVAC time step used if they select
the 'detailed' option on an HVAC report variable when working directly with IDF data.
- 767 -
Though many buildings can be successfully simulated with 1 or 2 time steps per hour, EnergyPlus
suggest a minimum of 4 for non-HVAC simulations and 6 for simulations with HVAC.
20 Timesteps per hour is the minimum when using the Finite difference solution method.
Green roof simulations may also require more timesteps.
Note 1: In general, increasing the number of time steps improves accuracy but slows the simulation (and
generates more data if output is requested at the 'sub-hourly' interval).
Note 2: When using 1 time steps per hour you will not be able to access Temperature distribution results
Temperature Control
Heating and cooling systems control internal temperatures to meet the setpoint temperatures specified on the
Activity tab. These setpoint temperatures can be interpreted as air, operative or some other radiant fraction
and DesignBuilder provides corresponding options to allow HVAC systems to be controlled by:
1-Air temperature - control the zone mean air temperatures to the heating and cooling setpoint
temperatures specified on the Activity tab.
2-Operative temperature - control the room temperature using 0.5 radiant fraction. See notes of
operative temperature control below if you plan to use this option.
3-Other- you can enter the radiant temperature control fraction.
4-Fanger comfort - this option is only available when using Detailed HVAC. It allows you to control
zone comfort conditions using Fanger PMV heating and cooling comfort setpoints instead of the usual
temperature setpoints. The PMV setpoint values are defined under the Environmental control header
on the Activity tab when using the default 1-Simple HVAC Detailed HVAC Activity data option.
Alternatively, when using the 2-Detailed HVAC Detailed HVAC Activity data option, time-varying PMV
setpoints for heating and cooling are defined by Fanger PMV comfort schedules selected on the HVAC
zone dialog .
When using the 3-Other option the radiant fraction should be less than 0.9 and the minimum is 0.0. A value of
0.0 is the same as controlling on only zone air temperature. If air velocities are higher than 0.2 m/s, then lower
values for radiative fraction might apply. Niu and Burnett (1998) cite International Standard ISO 77300 in
recommending the values for this fraction listed in the following table.
Radiative Fraction vs Air Velocity
Air Velocity (m/s)
Radiant fraction
0.2 - 0.6
0.6 - 1.0
Reference: J. Niu and J. Burnett. 1998. Integrating Radiant/Operative Temperature Controls into Building
Energy Simulations. ASHRAE Transactions Vol. 104. Part 2. page 210. ASHRAE. Atlanta, GA.
You can think of the Temperature control option as:
Note: This option is overridden when using radiant heating systems by the radiant heating system control
Note: This option does not affect natural and mechanical ventilation setpoints - these always use air
temperature set points.
temperature of room air nearby. So one would think that air temperature (or 20% radiant) control is the best
choice. But Operative control (radiant fraction = 0.5) can be useful for calculating realistic heating and cooling
energy based on published summer and winter temperature requirements for the activities in each zone. This
is because HVAC systems controlled using the operative temperature continue to condition the building until
comfort conditions are met (just like they are in the real building where occupants may adjust thermostats until
they are comfortable). Also, the default temperature set points from the Activity templates are generally
derived from sources quoting operative temperatures. With Air temperature control the room air temperature is
controlled to the set point temperature, which (depending on internal radiant temperatures) may not
necessarily be comfortable.
The disadvantage of Operative temperature control is that start up loads can be unrealistically high due to the
lag in thermal response of the walls, floor, ceilings. The slow temperature response of the building fabric part
governs the output of the operative thermostat and hence the operation of the heating/cooling equipment. If
this effect dominates it can lead to an overestimate of the required design cooling load. You should be familiar
with this issue before using operative temperature control to size heating and cooling equipment. In our
experience using Operative temperature control usually leads to higher peak loads in Heating and Cooling
design calculations and higher heating and cooling energy consumption in Simulations.
Caution: Operative temperature control can cause EnergyPlus Error 3 when using Simple HVAC, or Cooling
design calculations with Operative control in zones with strong radiant heat gains causing high radiant
temperatures (e.g. uninsulated roof or zone is highly glazed). The error is caused by the fixed supply air
temperature being higher than the zone air temperature required to give the operative setpoint (.e.g. 24C).
The solution may be to use Air temperature control and to manage the high radiant temperatures using solar
shading/insulation as appropriate.
Air temperature control is easier to use as none of the aforementioned problems apply, but it can lead to
inadequate equipment sizes peak loads in Heating and Cooling design calculations when not used with a
design safety factor. This is especially true when radiant temperatures are very different from air temperatures
for example in poorly insulated buildings, buildings with large unshaded glazing areas or high ventilation rates.
Generally using air temperature control in Simulations of such buildings will underestimate energy
Autosizing simple HVAC convective systems with operative temperature control
Another issue to bear in mind with operative temperature control is that in simple HVAC convective systems,
autosized cooling systems use a different algorithm to calculate the maximum supply airflow rate used in the
EnergyPlus Ideal Loads system. In convective systems the equation used is:
DeltaT = ZoneCoolingSetPointTemperature - HVACCoolingCoilSetpointTemp (difference in
temperature between zone air and supply air)
DesignSupplyAirFlowM3PerS = DesignMaxCoolingLoad / (Cp * DeltaT * AirDensity)
This equation works because the temperature of the air in the zone can safely be assumed to be the zone
cooling set point and so there is fixed difference in temperature between zone air and supply air. Calculating
the design supply cooling airflow rate in this way does not work for operative temperature control because the
air temperatures in the space are often much lower than the zone cooling setpoint temperature and
sometimes in zones having very high radiant temperatures, the air temperature in the zone approaches the
supply air temperature. In other words the difference in temperature between zone air and supply air in the
simulated system becomes very low and therefore very large airflow rates are required to meet cooling loads.
So in order to account for this DesignBuilder assumes a Delta T of 1K in the above calculation when operative
temperature control is in use.
Tip: As a general rule you should prioritise checking building comfort levels when using Air temperature
control and realistic plant operation (oversized equipment, supply temperatures very low) when using
Operative temperature control.
- 769 -
Solar Options
Cooling Design and Simulation tabs on Model Options dialog and Options tab on Simulation Options
Solar Options allow you to control aspects of the model related to solar gains.
- 770 -
Solar reflection from shadowing surfaces. Solid arrows are beam solar radiation; dashed arrows are diffuse
solar radiation. (a) Diffuse reflection of beam solar radiation from the top of an overhang. (b) Diffuse reflection
of sky solar radiation from the top of an overhang. (c) Beam-to-beam (specular) reflection from the faade of
an adjacent highly-glazed building represented by a vertical shadowing surface.
2. Exterior building surfaces. In this case one section of the building reflects solar radiation onto another
section (and vice-versa). See below. The building surfaces are assumed to be diffusely reflecting if they are
opaque (walls, for example) and specularly reflecting if they are windows or glass doors. The reflectance
values for opaque surfaces are calculated by the program from the Solar Absorptance and Visible
Absorptance of the outer material layer of the surfaces construction. The reflectance values for windows and
glass doors are calculated by the program from the reflectance properties of the individual glass layers that
make up surfaces construction assuming no shading device is present and taking into account interreflections among the layers.
Solar reflection from building surfaces onto other building surfaces. In this example beam solar reflects from a
vertical section of the building onto a roof section. The reflection from the window is specular. The reflection
from the wall is diffuse.
3. The ground surface. Reflection from the ground is calculated even if theModel reflections and shading
of ground reflected solar option is not used. But when it is used the ground plane is considered
unobstructed, i.e., the shadowing of the ground by the building itself or by obstructions such as neighbouring
buildings is ignored. This shadowing is taken into account if the reflections option is used. This is shown in
diagrammatically below.
- 771 -
Shadowing from building affects beam solar reflection from the ground. Beam-to-diffuse reflection from the
ground onto the building occurs only for sunlit areas, A and C, not from shaded area, B.
Solar Distribution
This option determines how EnergyPlus treats beam solar radiation and reflectance from exterior surfaces that
strike the building and, ultimately, enter the zone. There are 3 choices:
1-Minimal shadowing - In this case, there is no exterior shadowing except from window and door reveals. All
beam solar radiation entering the zone is assumed to fall on the floor, where it is absorbed according to the
floor's solar absorptance. Any reflected by the floor is added to the transmitted diffuse radiation, which is
assumed to be uniformly distributed on all interior surfaces. If no floor is present in the zone, the incident
beam solar radiation is absorbed on all interior surfaces according to their absorptances. The zone heat
balance is then applied at each surface and on the zone's air with the absorbed radiation being treated as a
flux on the surface.
2-Full Exterior - in this case, shadow patterns on exterior surfaces caused by detached shading, wings,
overhangs, and exterior surfaces of all zones are computed. As for Minimal shadowing, shadowing by window
and door reveals is also calculated. Beam solar radiation entering the zone is treated as for 'Minimal
shadowing' - all beam solar radiation entering the zone is assumed to fall on the floor, where it is absorbed
according to the floor's solar absorptance. Any reflected by the floor is added to the transmitted diffuse
radiation, which is distributed among interior surfaces according to view factors. If no floor is present in the
zone, the incident beam solar radiation is absorbed on all interior surfaces according to their absorptance.
Note: If you use 2-Full Exterior you should make sure that all of your zones have a floor. If your building
model has any zones of unusual shape without floors then the EnergyPlus simulation may not work because it
will not have a surface to apportion solar gains to.
3-Full interior and exterior - this is the same as Full exterior except that instead of assuming all transmitted
beam solar falls on the floor the program calculates the amount of beam radiation falling on each surface in
the zone, including floor, walls and windows, by projecting the sun's rays through the exterior windows, taking
into account the effect of exterior shadowing surfaces and window shading devices. If this option is used, you
should be sure that the surfaces of the zone totally enclose a space. This can be determined by viewing the
eplusout.dxf file with an external DXF viewer program.
You should also be sure that the zone is convex. Examples of convex and non-convex zones are shown
below. The most common non-convex zone is an L-shaped zone. A formal definition of convex is that any
straight line passing through the zone intercepts at most two surfaces. Another definition is that a zone is
convex if every surface in a zone can 'see' every other surface - no surfaces a 'round the corner' from each
other. If the zones surfaces do not fully enclose a space or if the zone is not convex you should use Full
exterior instead.
If you use 3-Full Interior and exterior the program will also calculate how much beam radiation falling on the
inside of an exterior window (from other windows in the zone) is absorbed by the window, how much is
reflected back into the zone, and how much is transmitted to the outside. In this calculation the effect of a
shading device, if present, is accounted for.
- 772 -
Note: You must use 3-Full Interior and exterior to account for direct solar and light transmission through
internal windows.
One common reason for the strict DesignBuilder check to flag a zone as being non-convex even when at first
sight it is convex is the use of block connection geometry. In the above example of a double skin facade
(DSF) cavity zone, you can see when zooming right in on the corner of a set of block connection surfaces that
these surfaces cause obtuse angles to the zone geometry resulting in very slight non-convex geometry. These
are exactly the sort of small deviations from convex that the DesignBuilder checker will fail and the
EnergyPlus checks will pass. In this case it is perfectly safe to switch off this check to allow EnergyPlus
calculations to proceed.
- 773 -
You can also specify the width of a moving average window which can be used to smooth the calculated zone
design flow sequences.
See also Autosizing HVAC Components for more detailed information on how autosizing works in
DesignBuilder EnergyPlus.
General Solution
Solution Algorithm
Select from:
1-CTF - The default method used in EnergyPlus for CTF calculations is known as the state space
method (Ceylan and Myers 1980; Seem 1987; Ouyang and Haghighat 1991). CTF is a sensible heat
only solution not taking into account moisture storage or diffusion in the construction elements.
2-Finite difference - This solution technique uses a 1-D finite difference solution in the construction
elements . It is a sensible heat only solution and does not take into account moisture storage or
diffusion in the construction elements. This option is required for PCM simulations and may improve
accuracy for sheet metal material layers in constructions and for chilled ceilings.
- 774 -
Difference Scheme
This field determines the solution scheme used by the Conduction Finite Difference model. There are two
1-Fully implicit first order scheme which is first order in time and is more stable over time. But it may
be slower than option 2.
2-Crank Nicholson 2nd order which is second order in time and may be faster than option 1 but it can
be unstable over time when boundary conditions change abruptly and severely.
The default is 3. Typical values are from 1 to 3. Lower values for this constant lead to more nodes and finergrained space discretisation.
Relaxation Factor
The finite difference solver includes under-relaxation for improved stability for interactions with the other
surfaces. This input field can optionally be used to modify the starting value for the relaxation factor. Larger
numbers may solve faster, while smaller numbers may be more stable. The default is 1.0. If the program
detects numerical instability, it may reduce the value entered here to something lower and more stable.
- 775 -
Airflow Network
Relative Airflow Convergence Tolerance
The calculated natural ventilation solution is assumed to have converged when the absolute value of the sum
of the mass flow rates divided by the sum of the absolute value of the mass flow rates is less than this
tolerance value. The mass flow rates described here refer to the mass flow rates at all nodes in the airflow
network model. The solution converges when both this tolerance and the tolerance in the Absolute airflow
convergence tolerance are satisfied. The default value is 1x10 .
Note: In cases where a large opening exists (in particular horizontal openings) this value and the absolute
airflow convergence below may need to be increased by a factor of 10 or more to allow convergence to take
Inside And Outside Convection Algorithms
You can select from a range of EnergyPlus inside convection algorithms for calculating the convection
between internal zone surfaces and the rest of the zone air in the simulation calculations. More details on this
and external convection can be found under Constructions Model Data > Surface Convection header.
Warmup or pre-conditioning is the process of repeatedly simulating the first day before the simulation proper
starts to ensure that the temperatures in the building fabric are realistic. Warmup continues until temperatures
and heat flows in each zone have converged. If convergence does not occur then simulation continues for the
maximum number of days as specified in the calculation option below.
Warmup and starting simulations on a weekend
Preconditioning of the building by repeated simulation of the first day until convergence is an important part of
the simulation but it can cause issues if the first day in the simulation is extreme in any way. For example if the
first day in the simulation is a Sunday and the building is not heated or cooled at all on that day and extreme
overheating occurs then the fabric of the will be "charged" up with heat as if those conditions had been
occurring repeatedly for many days (or even weeks in some heavyweight buildings). This can mean that on
the next day, the Monday the building model is far more liable to overheat than would have been the case if
the simulation had started on a different day. In cases where this may be an issue, it may be worth starting
simulations on the first occupied day rather than on a weekend day.
- 776 -
This error is usually caused by using very thick constructions (e.g. ground floors). You may need to increase
the Maximum number of warmup days to get convergence, but some anomalous buildings may still not
See also Temperature and loads convergence below.
Maximum Number Of Shadow Overlaps ( Not Heating Design )
Enter the maximum number of figures per shadow overlap. The shadow overlaps is a measure of the amount
of complexity in the shading calculation and this maximum value allows you to limit the amount of time spent
in the solar initialisation calculations.
- 777 -
Note: entering a small value here can speed up simulations in complex buildings. If you plan to use Maximum
shadow overlaps below the default value of 15000 you should check accuracy of solar gains relative to
results using default value
Theoretically, Sutherland-Hodgman is a simpler algorithm but it works well in cases where receiving surfaces
(of shadows) are non-convex. The Weiler-Atherton implementation is only accurate where both casting and
receiving surfaces are convex. Warnings/severe errors are displayed when necessary. More details on
polygon clipping are contained in the Engineering Reference.
- 778 -
After the simulation is finished the above setpoint not met monthly data would be included in the eso file which
can be viewed outside DesignBuilder to obtain the extra outputs.
Note: Included IDF files must be located in the EnergyPlus folder.
Surfaces Within Zone Treated As Adiabatic
EnergyPlus support recommend modelling surfaces wholly contained within a zone as adiabatic and this
option allows you to follow this advice. We have found that in practice this option does not make much
difference in results or in simulation speed so for most cases you can leave it in its default state.
See also EnergyPlus Errors and Warnings
Note: 'surfaces contained within a zone' are frequently generated when one of the zone merging options is
used where a partition or floor which would have separated two zones actually sits within the merged zone.
These surfaces do not refer to hanging partitions which are modelled using Internal thermal mass.
Output Options
Simulation tab on Model Options dialog and Output tab on Simulation Options dialog.
You can control the data generated from simulations by making selections on the Simulation tab of the Model
options dialog and on the Advanced tab of the Simulation calculation options dialog.
Output Data
Zone Environmental And Comfort Reports
You can restrict the simulation comfort output to just occupied periods by selecting 2-Just occupied periods.
Options are:
1-All periods - comfort data is generated for all periods including times when the zone is unoccupied.
2-Just occupied periods - comfort data is only output during times when the zone is occupied so daily
and monthly comfort statistics become more meaningful.
No occupancy and,
No cooling and,
No heating and,
No mechanical ventilation
The way building and block averages are calculated is described in the Comfort Analysis section.
Note: if you uncheck this option and all zones in the model are unoccupied then you will get a 'Zero floor area
error' message
Graphable Outputs
Surface Heat Transfer Incl. Solar
Select this option to generate heat flow at surface boundaries. Note that selecting this option results in large
amounts of data being generated as EnergyPlus must generate output for every surface and window in the
zone and you should only select it if you need to look at the zone heat balance.The following EnergyPlus
reports are generated:
This option generates temperatures and humidity data. The following EnergyPlus reports are generated:
Select this option to generate Comfort output. The following EnergyPlus reports are generated:
- 780 -
Time Not Comfortable Summer Clothes
Time Not Comfortable Winter Clothes
Time Not Comfortable Summer or Winter Clothes
HVAC Energy
Select this option to generate energy consumption data for the HVAC system.
Latent Loads
Select this option to include output of latent gains from occupants and other internals gains.
Temperature Distribution
Select this option to generate Temperature distribution data for each zone (distribution data for Blocks and
Buildings not available).
- 781 -
Miscellaneous Outputs
HVAC System Temperatures
Check this option if you would like DesignBuilder to generate temperature output for each air and water node
in the HVAC system. This output data cannot be displayed directly in DesignBuilder but can be viewed in the
separate Results processor application.
SQLite Output
Output from EnergyPlus can be written to SQLite files for manipulation outside of DesignBuilder using
standard spreadsheet tools and/or ResultsViewer. When this option is selected all of the predefined database
tables as well as time series related data is included in the SQLite output. The description for SQLite outputs
is described fully in the EnergyPlus Output Details document.
RDD File
Select this option is you would like an RDD file to be generated. The RDD file includes a list of all EnergyPlus
output reports that could be selected for the simulation.
- 782 -
It also impacts table report "Annual Building Utility Performance Summary" sub-table "Comfort and Setpoint
Not Met Summary".
It also impacts table report "Annual Building Utility Performance Summary" sub-table "Comfort and Setpoint
Not Met Summary".
Display (Site)
Display tab on Model Options dialog.
Options related to the display of data:
Analysis Type
DesignBuilder user interface adapts to the currently selected Analysis type as set under Show Data for
Calculations. This ensures that the Model data displayed in the UI is relevant to the calculation results. You
can change the Analysis type at any time to carry out different calculations.
The list of Analysis type options available will depend on the Location of the site. For example when the site is
located in the UK, it possible to set the Analysis type to SBEM Part-L Compliance Checking mode.
New Analysis type options will be available in future versions.
Edit Screen
Display tab on Model Options dialog.
- 783 -
Show Windows
You can speed up display in the edit screen by switching off window display. Windows are shown by default.
1-Activity Template, where zone floors are shaded according to the Activity Template selection
allowing different areas of the block to be easily identified.
2-HVAC Template, where zone floors are shaded according to the HVAC Template selection to show
the distribution of HVAC systems in the block.
- 784 -
Visualisation Display
Display tab on Model Options dialog.
This option affects the display of the model when orbiting and zooming in the Edit and Visualisation Screens:
1-Rendered - the default setting where the whole building image is retained during the operation. For
a large models/slow graphic adapters, this can result in a jerky motion in which case you should use...
2-Wire-frame - where the building is represented using a wire frame which moves smoothly even for
large models/slow graphic adapters.
Show Shadows
Use this option to display shadows in the Visualisation screen.
- 785 -
Note: when displayed, the ground plane extends just beyond the x-y size of the model and hides any other
building object situated at or below z=0.
Antialiasing is the process used to remove 'jaggy' edges of lines which are not horizontal or vertical. Most
modern medium-high-end graphics adapters allow effective antialiasing to be automatically applied to
OpenGL screens using hardware acceleration. If you have one of these cards you should be getting sharp
lines already and you can switch the DesignBuilder software antialiasing off. See hardware requirements for
more on this.
If you switch on software antialiasing you can select a quality setting from 1-4 where 4 gives the smoothest
edges and takes longest time to generate.
Note: some low-end graphics adapters are not suited to software antialiasing because they lack hardware
acceleration for this feature.
Draw Block
Direction Snaps
Point Snaps
Drawing Guides
Object Rotation
Miscellaneous Edit
BIM Surfaces
To learn more about Drawing Tools go to the Block Creation Options and Snaps, Drawing Guides & Protractor
Draw Block
Drawing Tools tab on Model Options dialog.
Direction Snaps
Drawing Tools tab on Model Options dialog.
See Direction Snaps entry under Snaps, Drawing Guides & Protractor.
Point snaps
Drawing Tools tab on Model Options dialog.
- 786 -
See Point Snaps entry under Snaps, Drawing Guides & Protractor.
Drawing guides
Drawing Tools tab on Model Options dialog.
See Drawing Guides entry under Snaps, Drawing Guides & Protractor.
Object Rotation
Drawing Tools tab on Model Options dialog.
You can change the rotation increment to control the angular increments for the object rotation process.
See Rotation entry under General Operations.
Protractor Tool
Drawing Tools tab on Model Options dialog.
See Protractor entry under Snaps, Drawing Guides & Protractor.
Miscellaneous Edit
Drawing tools tab on Model Options dialog.
- 787 -
BIM Surfaces
You can select which of the various categories of gbXML surface objects should be applied to the model.
Selected surface types will be listed in the Navigator, displayed on the Edit screen as planes of various
colours, rendered on the Visualisation screen and included in Radiance daylighting and EnergyPlus
simulations as shading surfaces.
Surface types that are not selected are not removed from the model entirely and can be displayed again by
changing selections on this dialog.
The default surface selection were set on the Import BIM/gbXML Model dialog when initially importing the
Note: The Component block shades and reflects option on the Constructions tab can be unchecked to
prevent particular planes from being included in the EnergyPlus simulations.
- 788 -
Data on the Block tab of the Model options dialog allows you to edit the form, display and other related
properties of the current block:
Block geometry
Roof-wall transition
Block Display
Block geometry
Block tab on Model Options dialog under Block Geometry header.
Block Form
Once a block has been created it's form can usually be changed to one of:
2-Sloped walls or
3-Pitched roof
If the block has 5-General block form due to a previous block edit operation, then only these block form
options are available:
2-Sloped walls or
3-Pitched roof
Depending on the selected block form the full range of block geometry options is available as described under
block forms.
Roof-Wall Transition
Block tab on Model Options dialog under Pitched Roof/Wall Construction Transition header.
- 789 -
Block Display
Block tab on Model Options dialog under Block Display header.
Project Details
Owner Details
Analyst Details
The Project, Owner and Analyst Details data is used as a header in UK Part-L2 Compliance Check reports.
Project Details
Enter the building Sector, Project name and address.
Owner Details
Enter the name and contact details for the building owner/client.
Analyst Details
Enter your own name and contact details.
- 790 -
You can enter any information about the building model in free text format.
Note: If you want to add hard carriage returns in the text you should hold the CTRL key down while pressing
ENTER. Pressing ENTER on its own will save and close the dialog.
- 791 -
Components represent individual building elements and can be referenced from other components, templates
or model data. The following components are available:
"Simulation Hourly Weather Data" on page 838
Window gas
"Metabolic Rates" on page 851
Local shading
Window blinds
"Ground Domain" on page 864
Library components are loaded into the model at the time the file is created and from then on they are
associated specifically with the model and so are known as Model components. Any later change made to
the Library components does not affect existing building models because they reference their own set of
Model components.
Add, Edit, Delete, Import and Export Component library data from the Opening Screen - Component
Library tab.
If a model file is loaded you can edit Model components from the Components tab in the Navigator
panel (Learning mode switched off) or by using the Data management panel on the right of the screen
(Learning mode switched on).
In either case, to add a component open up the component type you wish to define by clicking on the
+ to the left of the component icon, then click on the category of component you wish to define. Now
click on the Green '+' to add a component of the selected category.
Import/export Model component using the File > Export > Library data menu command to create a
.ddf file with the .dsb model file open.
To import the previously exported Model component data to the Component library close the .dsb file
and import the .ddf file to the library.
Load the latest library components into your model using the Import library components and
templates to model command from the Tools menu when a model is loaded. Any new data that has
been added to the library since the model file was created will be imported to the model. Also if there
have been any changes to library component data, this new data will overwrite the original data.
Important Note: any component you add while a model is open will be added to Model components and not
to the Component library. It will only be added to the library and hence to new models if you export the new
component model data in .ddf form and import the .ddf file to the library before creating the new model.
Note: As well as importing DDF files created directly by DesignBuilder more advanced users can also create
their own component and template data sets (outside DesignBuilder) for importing. See the Importing Custom
Templates and Components topic for more information on the process involved.
Colour codes
Components are coded by colour in all selection lists as follows:
- 793 -
Red shows user data, i.e. data that was not supplied by DesignBuilder.
Green indicates that the data is derived from a reputable national or international source (e.g.
Blue indicates that the data is generated internally by DesignBuilder.
Black is used for all other data.
The thermal properties of the construction are calculated based on layers, each layer having a material
reference and thickness. The combination of thickness and material gives the thermal characteristics of the
layer. Layers can include repeating thermal bridges.
Construction components also store derived data on the thermal properties of the overall layered construction
for example U-value, convective heat transfer coefficients etc.
There are 6 tabs on the Constructions dialog:
Surface Properties
Internal Source
Condensation Analysis
from the Components tab on the opening screen (to view/edit library components if no file is open),
from the Components tab in the Navigator panel (to view/edit model components if a file is open),
by double-clicking on the construction icon in the model data,
by clicking on the Edit button when selecting constructions from a list.
You can select the way you would like to define the construction. The options depend on whether you are
using EnergyPlus or SBEM Analysis type and whether it is a construction from the Floor (ground) or Below
grade wall categories.
For EnergyPlus the allowable definition methods are:
1-Layers where the construction is defined by specifying layers each having a material and thickness.
5-C-factor when the category is Below grade wall
6-F-factor when the category is Floor (ground)
Calculation Settings
Simulation solution algorithm
Some constructions may need a particular solution algorithm to obtain most realistic results. For example
PCMs require a finite difference solution. However simulations may run slowly if all surfaces are simulated
- 794 -
using the finite difference solution method. This option allows you to override the overall simulation solution
algorithm for any surfaces using this construction.
Options are:
1-Default where surfaces using this construction receives no special treatment and is simulated using
the default solution algorithm.
2-CTF where surfaces using this construction are simulated using the CTF algorithm regardless of the
general solution method selected.
3-Finite difference where surfaces using this construction are simulated using the finite difference
algorithm regardless of the general solution method selected.
You may wish to use this option to select the 2-Finite difference option for constructions which have one or
more of:
Phase change materials (PCMs) - these can be simulated with the CTF option but the phase change
characteristics will be ignored so any construction using PCMs would normally have the 3-Finite
difference option set.
We understand that Detailed HVAC Chilled ceilings may benefit from use of the finite difference
Constructions using thin sheets of metal may not be treated accurately by the default CTF algorithm
and for most accurate treatment you may wish to use finite difference for such constructions.
Bear in mind that the simulation times will increase when using the finite difference option even for just a few
surfaces. If you are in doubt, you may find it worthwhile experimenting with the 2 solution methods, comparing
hourly results, to see the effect of changes. Depending on the case, it may or may not be worth the extra
simulation time required by the finite difference option.
Note 1: Any settings made here will only take effect if the Allow individual constructions to override solution
method model option is checked.
Note 2: This setting only applies to simulations. Heating and Cooling design calculations use the CTF
algorithm for all surfaces.
built up metal cladding systems involving rail and bracket or z-spacer systems with insulation within the
composite panel metal cladding systems with insulation inside the panels
Set the number of layers first, then select the material and thickness for each layer. Use the Controls in the
Info Panel to insert and delete layers. For example to delete a layer, first click on the material for the layer to
identify which layer you want to delete, then click on Delete layer.
- 795 -
This field characterizes the thickness of the material layer. This is the dimension of the layer in the direction
perpendicular to the main path of heat conduction.
Note: Modelling layers thinner (less) than 0.003 m is not normally recommended; rather, add those properties
to one of the adjacent layers.
If the material referenced is defined as a simple R-value then the layer thickness does not affect the thermal
performance of the construction.
If the material is defined as having a fixed thickness then the layer thickness is loaded automatically when the
material is selected and the thickness does not have to be entered and cannot be edited.
You can add repeating thermal bridging to any layer to model the effect of a relatively more conductive
material bridging a less conductive material. For example wooden joists bridging an insulation layer.
Note: bridging effects are not yet used directly in EnergyPlus, but are used in energy code compliance checks
requiring U-values to be calculated according to BS EN ISO 6946. However see below for a workaround to
this limitation.
Method for approximating repeating bridging effects in simulations
Although EnergyPlus cannot allow repeating bridging directly in simulations it is possible to approximate the
effect of bridging by adjusting the thickness of the insulation to a value that gives the same U-value as the
bridged construction calculated using BS EN ISO 6946. This is easily achieved by following these steps:
- 796 -
Note the construction bridged U-value on the Calculated tab, see below.
- 797 -
Going back to the layers tab, switch off all bridging and set the U-value to the bridged U-value by
clicking on the Set U-value link in the Info panel.
- 798 -
Enter the recorded bridged U-value (0.397 W/m2-K in this case) on the dialog and press OK.
Surface Properties
Surface properties tab on Constructions Dialog.
Data on this tab allows the inside and outside surface convection properties of the construction to be set to
fixed values. This may be useful where specific known convection properties are to be used or for validation
exercises where DesignBuilder outputs are to be compared with those for other software in which particular
convection coefficients have been used.
In most cases you should leave the check boxes on this tab unchecked.
To fix the outside convection heat transfer coefficient for all surfaces using this construction, check the Fix
convective heat transfer coefficient check box under the Outside Surface header and enter the coefficient.
Likewise for inside properties.
Note that if the SimpleCombined Outside convection option has been selected at building level on the
Constructions tab under Surface Convection or on the Calculation options or Model options dialogs the
outside convective heat transfer coefficients set will actually be used as a combined convective plus radiation
Construction image
Image tab on Constructions Dialog.
This tab shows the construction to scale (except for very thin layers) using material textures as specified.
- 799 -
- 800 -
U-values and R-Values are shown including and excluding the effect of surface resistance and are calculated
with and without bridging effects.
Note that when working with library constructions, the outer surface resistance is calculated assuming a
'typical' exposure to wind. When working with model constructions the outer surface resistance is calculated
using the wind exposure as defined on the Location tab at site level.
Internal Source
Internal Source tab on Constructions Dialog.
The internal source tab is visible only when the model is set to use Detailed HVAC. It allows data on the
position and nature of any heating or cooling pipes included within the construction. The internal source is
associated with either Heated floors or Chilled ceiling components by virtue of the construction being selected
as the floor/ceiling in a zone with heated floor or chilled ceiling defined. For example in the case of a heated
floor the heated floor component must be added to the appropriate HVAC zones, but also a floor construction
with an internal source must be associated with at least one floor surface in that building zone. If you set up a
model with a heated floor added to an HVAC zone whose equivalent building zone has any floor surfaces with
a floor construction selected not having an internal source then an error will be generated.
Internal source
Check this option if the construction includes a heating or cooling source.
This field refers to the detail level of the calculation. Select from the 2 options below for a 1-D or 2-D solution:
1-D is the default choice for a one-dimensional calculation. This is appropriate for hydronic
heating/cooling when water heater/cooler performance is relatively unaffected by return and supply
water temperatures.
2-D triggers a two-dimensional solution. With 2-D solutions, the calculation of the conduction transfer
functions (CTF) is fairly intensive and requires extra simulation time. Note that with the 2-D option the
solution regime is two-dimensional internally but it has a one-dimensional boundary condition imposed
at the inside and outside surface (i.e., surface temperatures are isothermal).
Note: Because the 1-D solution method does not allow the return water temperature to be accurately
calculated it is not recommended for when accurate plant energy consumption outputs are required. In this
case choose the 2-D option.
The 2-D solution method generally takes about 20% longer to run a simulation relative to the 1-D option.
Tube spacing
This field defines how far apart (in m or in) the hydronic tubing are spaced in the direction perpendicular to the
main direction of heat transfer. This parameter is only used when the 2-D solution is selected (above).
- 801 -
Condensation Analysis
Condensation analysis tab on Constructions Dialog.
DesignBuilder Condensation Analysis allows you to generate reports on the occurrence of interstitial and
surface condensation based on the ISO 13788 standard.
The analysis is accessed from the Condensation analysis tab on the Constructions dialog. Controls are
provided under the Options header to control the outputs generated and there are also tools to allow you to
set internal and external boundary conditions for the condensation calculations.
The moisture vapour resistance properties for each material used in the construction layers must be entered
on the materials dialog for accurate condensation analysis results.
Data under the Options header allows you to set various calculation and display options for the condensation
When viewing a Glaser diagram select the month from the drop list. The default option is 13-Worst
case month where DesignBuilder displays results for the month with the worst case of moisture build
- 802 -
If you requested interstitial condensation details then you should enter the interface number here. The
definition of each interface with condensation is given under the Condensation Interfaces heading in
the report.
Environment source
Select from:
1-Maintained internal environment, where you can enter fixed values for internal air and RH
2-Maintained internal air temperature,
3-Boundary data,
In all cases monthly external conditions are defined in the Boundary data.
Example Output
An example report generated by the Condensation analysis tool is shown below.
- 803 -
Boundary Data
The Boundary data dialog can be accessed from the link on the info panel of the Condensation analysis tab.
- 804 -
There are 2 ways to enter Glazing component data depending on the Definition method setting:
1. Simple - the glazing properties for the overall glazing system are defined using basic U-value, Solar
Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC) and Visible transmittance (VT) data. This approach is recommended
when only manufacturers summary performance data is available.
Layers - where the properties of the glazing component is defined in much more detail through
selection of a series of glazing layers (Panes) separated from each other by window gas layers. In this
case there are two tabs on the Glazing data dialog:
Layers where the glazing panes and window gas layers are entered
Calculated where derived calculated data on the glazing system is displayed
from the Components tab on the opening screen (to view/edit library components if no file is open),
from the Components tab in the Navigator panel (to view/edit model components if a file is open),
by double-clicking on the glazing icon on the Openings tab in the model data,
by clicking on the Edit button when selecting glazing components from a list.
- 805 -
The 'Total solar transmission (SHGC)' (Solar Heat Gain Coefficient) is the fraction of incident beam solar
radiation that enters the zone. This includes the transmitted solar radiation and the inward flowing heat from
the solar radiation that is absorbed by the glazing. SHGC applies only to the centre of the glazed part of a
window construction; it does not include the effect of beam solar radiation absorbed by a window frame or
divider. SHGC is calculated for the following standard summer condition:
- 806 -
Solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC) and
Visible transmittance (VT) data.
You can read details of the method used behind the scenes in EnergyPlus to represent the simple glazing
definitions in the report Modeling Windows in Energy Plus with Simple Performance Indices by Dariush
Arasteh, Christian Kohler and Brent Griffith.
This field describes the value for window system U-Factor, or overall heat transfer coefficient. Units are in
W/m2K. This is the rated (NFRC) value for U-factor under winter heating conditions. The U-factor is assumed
to be for vertically mounted products.
Note: The maximum U-value is 5.8 W/m2K because this is the most conductive glazing system possible given
the above standard conditions that can realistically be achieved. If you need to model a glazing system with a
very high U-value (above 5.8 W/m2K) the published rating probably contains the frame, in which case you
should add a frame to obtain the required overall glazing + frame U-value.
Tip: You can find some detailed information about the U-value to use and how the NFRC and EU format Uvalues differ on the DesignBuilder b.i.g. website
Visible transmittance
Enter the visible transmittance for the glazing coefficient, a fractional value from 0 to 1. It is the rated (NFRC)
value for visible transmittance at normal incidence.
- 807 -
Simple glazing data can either include or exclude the effect of the frame. If the glazing data includes the frame
then you should make sure to switch off frames in the openings model data to ensure that they are not
Note: When using the simple glazing definition it is important to understand that there may be significant
differences in performance between the simple window system and the usual more detailed model. This
option should therefore only be used when layered data is not available.
Material data contains data accessed from these tabs:
from the Components tab on the opening screen (to view/edit library components if no file is open),
from the Components tab in the Navigator panel (to view/edit model components if a file is open),
by double-clicking on the material icon in the model data,
by clicking on the Edit button when selecting a material from a list.
Detailed properties including the thermophysical properties, surface properties and visual appearance
for the material.
Simple resistive material with no thermal mass. This option will typically be used to model air gaps.
Material Thickness
Force thickness
If the material should only be used in layers of a particular thickness then check this box and enter the
material thickness that applies below. When materials having this option set are selected on the Constructions
dialog the layer thickness will be fixed with the material thickness described below.
- 808 -
This option may be useful for materials such as bricks, tiles, insulation and PCMs which are usually supplied
with a particular thickness.
Material thickness
The fixed layer thickness of the material (in m or in) when selected.
This should be the dimension of the layer in the direction perpendicular to the main path of heat conduction.
Modelling layers thinner (less) than 0.003 m is not normally recommended; rather, add those properties to one
of the adjacent layers.
Detailed properties
Thermal bulk properties
Thermal conductivity
This field is used to enter the thermal conductivity of the material layer. Thermal conductivity must be greater
than zero.
This field is used to enter the thermal conductivity of the material layer (in W/m-K or Btu-in/h-ft2-F). Thermal
conductivity must be greater than zero. Modelling layers with conductivity higher than 5.0 W/(m-K) is not
normally recommended.
Specific heat
This field represents the specific heat of the material layer (in J/kg-K or Btu/lb-F).
Note: EnergyPlus uses scientific SI units but data reported in textbooks and references will often use kJ/kg-K
or J/g-K instead. Take care!
Only values of specific heat of 100 or larger are allowed. Typical ranges are from 800 to 2000 J/kg-K.
This field is used to enter the density of the material layer in (kg/m3 or lb/ft3). Density must be a
positive quantity.
Note: Some textbooks and references may use units of g/m3. Take care!
Simple resistance
Thermal resistance
This field is used to enter the thermal resistance (R-value) of the material layer (in m2-K/W or ft2-F-hr/Btu).
Note: Materials defined using an R-value do not contribute to construction (and hence building) thermal mass
in the calculations and so should be used with care, especially if you plan to use the model for dynamic
thermal simulations. You are especially advised not to use R-value materials on the innermost layer of
constructions and you should not generally use them for representing materials that have mass. They are best
used for modelling air gaps and insulation layers.
Vapour Resistance
You can enter vapour diffusion properties here if the material is to be used within a construction which is have
a condensation analysis carried out. Otherwise this data does not have to be entered for general simulations.
- 809 -
Note: The moisture diffusion data provided in the literature tends to be very approximate, much more so than
for thermal properties. This is due to large variations in these properties that have been measured in lab tests.
Vapour factor
Enter the vapour factor for the material. There are no units.
Vapour resistivity
Enter the vapour resistivity (in MNs/g).
Surface Properties
Surface properties tab on Materials Dialog
Surface properties are only used in simulations when the material is located on an inner or outer surface of
the construction.
Note: The absorptance values in this object impart surface properties to the construction and should be
applied to the thermally significant inner and outer layers in the overall assembly. Attempting to trick the
program by modelling thin paint layers to apply surface properties is not a good idea; the models were not
intended to support such strategies.
Solar absorptance
The solar absorptance field in the Material input syntax represents the fraction of incident solar radiation that
is absorbed by the material. Solar radiation includes the visible spectrum as well as infrared and ultraviolet
wavelengths. This parameter is used when calculating the amount of incident solar radiation absorbed by
various surfaces and affects the surface heat balances (both inside and outside as appropriate). Values for
this field must be between 0.0 and 1.0.
Visible absorptance
The visible absorptance field in the Material input syntax represents the fraction of incident visible wavelength
radiation that is absorbed by the material. Visible wavelength radiation is slightly different than solar radiation
in that the visible band of wavelengths is much more narrow while solar radiation includes the visible spectrum
as well as infrared and ultraviolet wavelengths.
In EnergyPlus, this parameter is used when calculating the amount of incident visible radiation absorbed by
various surfaces and affects the surface heat balances (both inside and outside as appropriate) as well as the
daylighting calculations.
In Radiance daylighting simulations the surface reflectance is calculated as 1 - Visible absorptance.
Values for this field must
be between 0.0 and 1.0.
- 810 -
This field is a character string that defines the relative roughness of a particular material layer. This parameter
only influences the the calculated exterior convection coefficient. A special keyword is expected in this field
with the options being VeryRough, MediumRough, Rough, Smooth, MediumSmooth, and
VerySmooth in order of roughest to smoothest options.
The colour data is used for display purposes when the texture is not available for any reason. It is not used in
any of the calculations.
The texture is used to represent this material when it is specified as either the inside or outside material of a
construction which is selected in the building model. It is also used to represent the material in diagrams of
any construction using this material.
Green Roof
Green roof tab Materials Dialog
To create a green roof in DesignBuilder, follow these steps:
Create a green roof material using data on the Green roof tab of the material dialog.
Create a roof construction using the green roof material as the outermost layer.
Specify the green roof construction on roof surfaces as appropriate.
The green roof can receive water during the simulation from an irrigation system and/or from site precipitation
(defined separately from the hourly weather data). The initial properties of the soil layer (day 0 of the
simulation) are defined on the Green roof tab of the Materials dialog.
EnergyPlus documentation states: "This model was developed for low-sloped exterior surfaces (roofs). It is
not recommended for high-sloped exterior surfaces (e.g., walls)." However it may be possible to
approximately model green walls, though we are not yet aware of any validation of the underlying EnergyPlus
model and certainly the irrigation would have to be treated differently to roofs as walls will not naturally trap
much precipitation.
Tip: EnergyPlus documentation suggests that green roofs may require "more timesteps" than normal
Note: Specifying a green roof material as the material for a component block will not work - these only use
materials for their reflective properties.
From A green roof model for building energy simulation programs, D.J. Sailor, Portland State
A green roof (aka ecoroof or vegetated roof) is a roof that contains a soil (growing media) and vegetation layer
as its outermost surface. The construction between the growing media and the roof structure varies, but
typically includes a drainage layer, a root barrier, and a waterproof membrane. Green roof growing media
depth is typically between 10 and 30 cm, although some implementations (referred to as intensive green
roofs) have deeper soils capable of sustaining large shrubs and even trees. The thinner implementations
(typically < 20 cm), known as extensive green roofs, are more common, but can only sustain smaller plants
and ground cover.
While green roofs have been in use for centuries, there recently has been a surge in interest in installing
green roofs in both retrofit and new construction applications. Potential benefits of green roofs include
aesthetic appeal, habitat, storm water reduction, and energy savings."
- 811 -
There is widespread recognition and a growing literature of measured data that suggest green roofs can
reduce building energy consumption. The EnergyPlus Green Roof capability can assist developers and
architects in assessing the likely magnitude of energy savings associated with various implementation options
(e.g., soil type/depth, irrigation options, plant type). It provides a quantitative and physically-based building
energy simulation tool that represents the effects of green roof constructions and facilitates more rapid spread
of green roof technologies and make it possible to account for green roof benefits in state energy codes and
related energy efficiency standards such as LEED.
The green roof model accounts for:
Long wave and short wave radiative exchange within the plant canopy,
Plant canopy effects on convective heat transfer,
Evapotranspiration from the soil and plants, and
Heat conduction (and storage) in the soil layer
The ability to track moisture-dependent thermal properties is not implemented yet due to stability issues in the
CTF scheme, but is under development for use with the finite difference solution scheme made available in
EnergyPlus starting in version 2. As implemented in EnergyPlus the green roof module allows the user to
specify ecoroof as the outer layer of a rooftop construction. The user can then specify various aspects of the
green roof construction including growing media depth, thermal properties, plant canopy density, plant height,
stomatal conductance (ability to transpire moisture), and soil moisture conditions (including irrigation). The
model formulation includes the following:
Simplified moisture balance that allows precipitation, irrigation, and moisture transport between two soil
layers (top and root zone).
Soil and plant canopy energy balance based on the Army Corps of Engineers FASST vegetation
models (Frankenstein and Koenig), drawing heavily from BATS (Dickenson et al.) and SiB (Sellers et
Soil surface (Tg) and foliage (Tf) temperature equations are solved simultaneously each time step,
inverting the CTF to extract heat flux information for the energy balance calculation. The detailed
energy balance analysis and resulting equations, being rather complicated, are summarized here. The
interested reader is referred to the FASST documentation cited herein for the complete development.
The end result is a set of two simultaneous equations for temperatureone for the soil surface and the
other for the foliage.
- 812 -
- 813 -
The table below is reproduced from the PhD Thesis of Chen Yu entitled The intervention of plants in the
conflicts between buildings and climate - A case study in Singapore
Mean Leaf
Plant description
Area Index Picture
- 814 -
Plant description
Mean Leaf
Area Index Picture
"Pink flowers"
- 815 -
Plant description
Mean Leaf
Area Index Picture
- 816 -
Plant description
Mean Leaf
Area Index Picture
"Palm tree-like"
- 817 -
Plant description
Mean Leaf
Area Index Picture
- 818 -
Plant description
Mean Leaf
Area Index Picture
- 819 -
Plant description
Mean Leaf
Area Index Picture
- 820 -
Plant description
Mean Leaf
Area Index Picture
Palm tree
Leaf Reflectivity
The fraction of incident solar radiation that is reflected by the individual leaf surfaces. Solar radiation includes
the visible spectrum as well as infrared and ultraviolet wavelengths. Values for this field must be between 0.1
and 0.4.
Leaf Emissivity
This field is the ratio of thermal radiation emitted from leaf surfaces to that emitted by an ideal black body at
the same temperature. This parameter is used when calculating the long wavelength radiant exchange at the
leaf surfaces. Values for this field must be between 0.8 and 1.0 (with 1.0 representing black body
Embodied Carbon
Embodied Carbon tab on Materials Dialog.
You can enter data on the embodied carbon that is associated with the material. This definition for embodied
energy is provided on the Bath ICE website:
- 821 -
Embodied energy may be taken as the total primary energy consumed during resource extraction,
transportation, manufacturing and fabrication of a product... to separate it from operational impacts.
Likewise embodied carbon is the carbon released in the above processes. It has become common practice
to specify the embodied carbon as Cradle to Gate, which includes all carbon until the product leaves the
factory gate. The final boundary condition is Cradle to Site, which includes all of the carbon emitted until the
product has reached the point of use (i.e. the building site).
Embodied carbon
Enter the amount of embodied carbon associated with the material. When using SI units, the units are
The source of the data in text form. Much of the data provided by DesignBuilder is derived from the Bath ICE
Cradle to Gate - the carbon emitted to bring the material to the factory gate (but not to transport it to
the building site)
Cradle to Site - as above but additionally includes consideration of transport from factory to the
building site.
Equivalent carbon
Equivalent carbon is similar to Embodied carbon (above) but also includes the effects of other greenhouse
gases so as to provide an equivalent amount of CO2 that would cause the same amount of global warming as
the actual greenhouse gases (which may include sulphur dioxide, methane etc) emitted by the processes
involved in production of the material.
- 822 -
Temperature-Enthalpy Curves
The temperature enthalpy set of inputs specify a two column tabular temperature-enthalpy function for the
basic material. Sixteen pairs can be specified. Specify only the number of pairs necessary. The tabular
- 823 -
function must cover the entire temperature range that will be seen by the material in the simulation. It is
suggested that the function start at a low temperature (-20C is typical), and extend to 100C. Note that the
function has no negative slopes and the lowest slope that will occur is the base material specific heat.
Enthalpy contributions of the phase change are always added to the enthalpy that would result from a
constant specific heat base material. Examples of simple generic enthalpy temperature function and also
manufacturers data is shown below.
- 824 -
Temperature x
This field is used to specify the temperature of the temperature-enthalpy function for the material. Units are C
or F.
Enthalpy x
This field specifies the enthalpy that corresponds to the previous temperature of the temperature-enthalpy
function. Units are J/kg or Btu/lb.
Solution Algorithm
Important note: The Finite Difference solution algorithm must be used to include the effect of material phase
change properties in simulations. If you instead use the CTF algorithm the material will behave as if its PCM
option were not selected. Note also that the CTF solution algorithm is the only option available for Heating and
Cooling design so the phase change effect of the material will not be seen in these calculations. An error
message to this effect will be generated for PCM simulations where the CTF solution method is selected.
Tip: With Learning mode active, the Info panel for the Phase change tab includes a link to load a set of default
simulation properties recommended for PCM analyses.
Recommended simulation parameters for PCM
12 (higher values should increase accuracy at the expense of
longer simulation times)
Solution algorithm
2-Finite difference
Difference scheme
1-Fully implicit first order
Space discretisation constant
Relaxation factor
Inside face surface temperature
0.01 (lower values should increase accuracy at the expense of
convergence criteria
longer simulation times)
- 825 -
Pane components holds data on the thermal, solar, visible and infrared properties of individual window panes.
Note that the Info Panel on the right of the Dialog contains information on the naming convention is used with
EnergyPlus glazing data.
There are five tabs on the Pane dialog:
Spectral data
Note: DesignBuilder provides an option to load Glass data directly from WINDOW6 mdb files through a link on
the Info panel.
Pane component data can be accessed:
from the Components tab on the opening screen (to view/edit library components if no file is open),
from the Components tab in the Navigator panel (to view/edit model components if a file is open),
by clicking on the Edit button when selecting panes from a list.
Panes - General
General tab on Panes Dialog.
Enter the name, description and category of the pane. Also enter the source of the data.
Data type
The Data type allows you to define whether the glazing pane has solar transmission and reflectance data in
spectral or broadband form. The options are:
1-Broadband - where transmission and reflection data is averaged across all wavelengths,
2-Spectral - the more accurate option where solar transmission and reflectance data is defined for a
range of wavelengths between 0.1 and 4 microns on the Spectral data tab of the dialog.
Note: Where possible you should use glazing panes which have Spectral data defined because the
calculations in EnergyPlus are more accurate accounting for the way solar transmission varies with
wavelength. In particular, the results for glazing systems using spectral data can be significantly more
accurate relative to the equivalent broadband data for panes with selective coatings e.g. low-e glass.
- 826 -
Enter the thickness of the pane.
Thermal conductivity
This field is used to enter the thermal conductivity of the material layer. Thermal conductivity must be greater
than zero.
Solar transmittance
The solar transmittance for the pane at normal incidence averaged over the solar spectrum.
Solar reflectance
The inside (back-side) and outside (front-side) solar reflectance properties of the pane at normal incidence
averaged over the solar spectrum.
Note, For uncoated glass, when alternative optical properties (thickness, solar index of refraction, and solar
extinction coefficient) are available, they can be converted to equivalent solar transmittance and reflectance
values using the equations given in 'Conversion from Alternative Specification of Glass Optical Properties' in
the EnergyPlus documentation).
Visible transmittance
The visible transmittance for the pane at normal incidence averaged over the solar spectrum, and weighted by
the response of the human eye.
Visible reflectance
The inside (back-side) and outside (front-side) visible reflectance properties of the pane at normal incidence
averaged over the solar spectrum, and weighted by the response of the human eye.
Long-wave transmittance
The long wave transmittance at normal incidence.
Note that although EnergyPlus data input allows a range of inputs between 0 and 1 the only value that is
allowed in the calculations is zero so this value is now fixed at zero.
Enter the inside (back-side) and outside (front-side) hemispherical emissivity properties of the pane. Note that
emissivity is 1 minus the infra red reflectance value.
- 827 -
Spectral Data
Spectral data tab on Panes Dialog.
Solar transmission and reflectance data is entered for a range of wavelengths between 0.1 and 4 microns.
This data will generally have been extracted from the IGDB (International Glazing Database) and supplied by
The data is arranged in comma-separated table form with a single line per wavelength, each line having 4
Wavelength (microns)
Solar transmittance (Tsol)
Solar reflectance, front (Rsol1)
Solar reflectance, back (Rsol2)
In cases where the pane layer has been flipped in the Glazing dialog then the last 2 columns (front and back
reflectance) will be reversed in the data supplied to EnergyPlus for the pane layer.
Note: DesignBuilder v3.1 and later allow spectral data to be edited either at library level or within the model.
- 828 -
- 829 -
Select the Glass type to be imported by clicking on the appropriate row of data and pressing the OK button. All
Glass data supported by DesignBuilder, including spectral data, will be loaded from the database into the
currently open Pane dialog.
Data is grouped by Manufacturer by default but other column headers can be selected as the grouping
category instead by dragging the existing group header back to the column header row and dragging the new
grouping column category header to the group box. The screenshot below shows the data grouped by the
IGDB version number (when the product was introduced) instead.
Buttons are provided to the right of the screen to allow you to expand or collapse all of the group headings.
- 830 -
You can sort the data by any column by clicking on the appropriate column header. Click again to toggle
between ascending and descending sort order.
Schedules are used in DesignBuilder to define:
Occupancy times
Equipment, lighting HVAC operation
Heating and Cooling temperature setpoints
Transparency of component blocks (usually seasonal)
Apart from their use for defining Transparency of component blocks, Schedules are only used in simulations
when the Timing model option is set to 'Schedules'
You can define schedules in one of 2 ways:
7/12 Schedules - where each day of the week and each month of the year has a unique daily variation
defined using profiles.
Compact Schedules - more flexible definition using EnergyPlus Schedule:Compact text-based data
Day schedules - special type of schedule defining the profile for a single day. Used for defining Cooling
design day range multipliers.
Use the Schedule type drop list on the Schedules dialog to make the selection.
Click here for information on temperature setpoint schedule definition.
Schedule data can be accessed:
from the Components tab on the opening screen (to view/edit library components if no file is open),
from the Components tab in the Navigator panel (to view/edit model components if a file is open),
by double-clicking on the schedules icon in the model data,
by clicking on the Edit button when selecting schedules from a list.
- 831 -
You can select multiple rows (months) or columns (days) and edit the data by clicking on the Edit selected
cells link in the Info Panel. Likewise, you can select individual profiles by clicking on the appropriate cell and
clicking Edit selected cells.
Design days
Winter and summer design day simulations are carried out when required for autosizing heating and cooling
equipment prior to a Compact HVAC simulation.
1. End-use Defaults
When the End use defaults option is selected you should define the intended use for the schedule
using the options below and DesignBuilder controls whether the schedule is active during heating
design using the options set on the Heating Design tab of the model options dialog:
General - include general purpose schedules in Compact HVAC heating autosizing calculations
Occupancy - defines occupancy
Lighting - Schedule to be used for lighting
Equipment - defines operation of equipment.
Heating demand - defines operation of heating equipment
Cooling demand - defines operation of cooling equipment
HVAC - defines operation of general HVAC equipment
Natural ventilation demand - defines operation of window opening and/or natural ventilation
airflow operation
DHW - defines operation of hot water equipment
It is also necessary to apply the behaviour for each category as defined on the Heating design tab of
the Model options dialog.
Behaviour of the schedule during the Summer design day when autosizing cooling systems is simply
taken from the profile for Wednesday, i.e. for any particular month, the schedule has the same
behaviour during the cooling design day as it has for Wednesdays.
Note that if the schedule is to used for heating or cooling operation then it is especially important to
select the appropriate setting.
Warning: This system of categories can be confusing and has been underlying cause of many queries
on the DesignBuilder support desk related to undersized HVAC systems. We therefore now
recommend that you to use either the 2-Profiles option where the schedule operation during heating
and cooling are defined explicitly using a profile or use Compact schedules where again heating and
cooling design operation is defined explicitly.
2. Profiles
In this option both heating and cooling design day operation are defined explicitly as a Profile. This is
more flexible and clearer than End-use defaults and is the preferred choice.
Heating design day profile - the profile defining the schedule output during the heating
autosizing design day.
Cooling design day profile - the profile defining the schedule output during the cooling
autosizing design day.
- 832 -
Important Note: When setting up schedules that will be used in Compact or Detailed HVAC
simulations it is important to consider whether the schedule will be active or inactive during the heating
and cooling sizing simulations used for autosizing equipment. Generally internal gains must be
excluded from heating sizing. So you should make sure to select the "Off" schedule for the Heating
design day profile if the schedule is to be applied to internal gains, occupancy, lighting etc.
Compact Schedules
General tab on Schedules Dialog.
Compact Schedules are defined using a slightly modified version of the standard EnergyPlus
Schedule:Compact format documented below.
- 833 -
Using the Compact Schedule definition all the features of the schedule components are accessed in a single
This field is for your own use and is replaced by DesignBuilder with the name of the Schedule when
generating data for EnergyPlus.
ScheduleType should generally be Fraction even for schedules to be used for temperature setpoint definition.
You can enter Any Number to enter values greater than 1 but please bear in mind:
The maximum gains values (e.g. people/m2) are multiplied by the values in the schedule to obtain the
actual value to use at each time step in the simulation. So if you enter large schedule values the actual
maximum value in the simulation will be higher than the 'maximum' value entered in DesignBuilder.
There is no problem with this, just a possible concern that if the DesignBuilder interface indicates that
the maximum occupancy density is say 0.1 people/m2 but the schedule has values > 1 then the
simulation results will, at first sight, appear incorrect. If you come back to the model 6 months later you
may not remember the reason.
Temperature set-point schedules should only have values 0, 0.5 or 1.0.
So generally we recommend using Fraction Compact schedules for clarity.
This field starts with 'Through:' and contains the ending date for the schedule period. You may define multiple
schedule periods in this way, for example to define seasonal variations. If there are no seasonal variations
then enter: Through: 31 Dec, to indicate that the data that follows applies to the whole year.
Note 1: each Compact Schedule must cover all the days for a year and it must have values for all 24 hours
and all values for all day types.
Note 2: The dates in the Through fields must be provided consecutively, starting at the beginning of the year
and finishing at the end of the year.
Note 3 only Month-Day combinations are allowed for this field.
This field starts with 'For: ' and contains the applicable days. Multiple choices may be combined on the line.
Choices are:
- 834 -
Interpolate (optional)
Schedule values are input to the simulation at the zone time step, so there is also a possibility of 'interpolation'
from the entries used in this object to the value used in the simulation. This field, if used, starts with
'Interpolate:' and contains the word 'Yes' or 'No'.
This field contains the ending time for the current days and day schedule being defined. The data should
represent clock time (standard) in the format HH:MM. 24 hour clock format (i.e. 1pm is 13:00). Note that 'Until:
7:00' includes all times up through 07:00 (7am). The time is followed by a comma and the value the schedule
takes until the given time. See note above on usual values. Generally you should enter values between zero
and 1.
Finally, the value field is the schedule value for the specified time interval.
Note: you can use 0 for Temperature type Compact Schedules to indicate that the heating/cooling system is
switched off during the specified period. See Example 2 below.
- 835 -
simulations. This is done as shown in Example 1 above, by using a value of 0 for WinterDesignDay for any
schedule to be used to control internal gains.
IMPORTANT NOTE: even if you are using IP units for the main interface you must use SI units for compact
schedule values as these are passed directly to EnergyPlus.
More on Temperature setpoint schedules.
See also the Timing, Schedules, Profiles and Holidays Tutorial
Day Schedule
General tab on Schedules Dialog.
Day schedules are a special type of schedule covering only a single day. They have format similar to that of
Compact schedules but because they only cover one day they don't include Through: and For: statements as
shown below.
Daily range multipliers for Design Days,
Any Number,
Until: 1:00, 0.88 ,
Until: 2:00, 0.92,
Until: 3:00, 0.95,
Until: 4:00, 0.98,
Until: 5:00, 1.00,
Until: 6:00, 0.98,
Until: 7:00, 0.91,
- 836 -
8:00, 0.74,
9:00, 0.55,
10:00, 0.38,
11:00, 0.23,
12:00, 0.13,
13:00, 0.05,
14:00, 0.00,
15:00, 0.00,
16:00, 0.06,
17:00, 0.14,
18:00, 0.24,
19:00, 0.39,
20:00, 0.50,
21:00, 0.59,
22:00, 0.68,
23:00, 0.75,
24:00, 0.82;
The syntax of Day schedule data is not checked by DesignBuilder in the same way as it is for Compact
schedules, so it is important to check the data carefully before pressing OK on the Schedules dialog.
Day schedules are only used for defining Range multipliers in cooling design data.
- 837 -
during weekends the equipment is controlled using the setback temperature setpoint. Weekends are defined
on the Activity tab at the building level under Occupancy by setting the number of working days per week.
The Seasonal control data allows you to set times when the equipment is switched off altogether. For
example the heating system data shown below indicates that the heating system will be switched on during
the winter only and switched off in the summer.
- 838 -
The DesignBuilder hourly weather data has been obtained from the Weather section of the EnergyPlus
website and processed using the DesignBuilder weather data translator, but you can use any weather data
provided it is in the correct format.
EnergyPlus format hourly weather data has extension 'epw' by convention.
Hourly weather data video tutorial
See also:
from the Templates tab on the opening screen (if no file is open),
from the Templates tab in the Navigator panel (if a file is open),
by double-clicking on the template icon in the model data,
by clicking on the Edit button when selecting templates from a list.
- 839 -
stat - a summary report on the data. Data from this file is loaded into the Statistics tab when an hourly
weather data file is selected.
ddy - design conditions.
Note: the above hourly weather data and associated statistics files are located in the Weather data folder.
Copy the EnergyPlus format hourly weather data .epw file to the weather data folder (File > Folders >
Weather data). If you have it, copy the .stat file there too.
From the Opening screen click on the Component libraries tab.
Click on the + to the left of Hourly weather data to open up the list of countries.
Select the country of the location (or a location within the country).
Add a new Hourly weather data set by clicking on the green + icon in the Toolbar.
Select the epw file and enter any extra information in the dialog as described below. Note that the
location and other statistics are automatically loaded from the .stat and .epw files when you select the
Click OK to save the new Hourly weather data.
See further below for the alternative steps to follow if you have a file open and wish to create a new hourly
weather data set just for that model.
Note 1: Any custom hourly weather epw file you select in your model will be saved with the dsb file so that
the model can be used on other computers without the need to copy weather files manually.
- 840 -
Note 2: Although DesignBuilder can been used with any valid epw data sets, you are strongly advised to
process the data first to ensure that each hourly record has year 2002. This ensures that daily, hourly and
sub-hourly data generated by EnergyPlus is correctly synchronised with the DesignBuilder graphics display. If
you do not set the year to 2002 it will not affect the results but it will affect the day of the week display in
DesignBuilder graphic output. In particular, daily, hourly and sub-hourly data will not necessarily show the
correct day of the week in the results display graphics.
The steps are shown in the screenshots below.
In the Hourly weather data, enter the details of the location and select the EnergyPlus epw filename as shown
- 841 -
Once the epw has been selected, DesignBuilder loads the Latitude, Longitude and WMO station identifier.
It also searches for the equivalent .stat file and if it is found (in the weather data folder) the data on the
Statistics tab is also loaded (below).
- 842 -
Note: If a stat is not available you should enter the information on the Statistics tab by hand in the format
shown above. The stat file is automatically generated by the Hourly weather data translation process.
When you click on the OK button you will be able to select this new Hourly weather data from:
Copy the EnergyPlus format hourly weather data epw file to the weather data folder (File > Folders >
Weather data). If you have it, copy the .stat file there too.
Go to site level, Location tab, open the Simulation Weather Data header and click on the currently
selected Hourly weather data selection.
In Learning mode, select the country of the location (or a location within the country) in the Info, data
panel on the right of the screen.
Add a new Hourly weather data set by clicking on the green + icon in the Toolbar.
Select the epw file and enter any extra information in the dialog as described above.
Click OK to save the new Hour weather data.
In this case you will need to export the hourly weather data you have just created from this model and reload
the ddf file to the library if you wish to use the weather data in other models.
If you don't have the data in epw format yet then it can be translated from a range of formats using the inbuilt
DesignBuilder weather data translation tool or if the format is not supported then you can use the EnergyPlus
translation tool that supports all weather formats. Obtain this from the EnergyPlus website. The documentation
can be found in the Auxiliary Programs document. It can be worth contacting EnergyPlus support about
obtaining weather data for particular locations as they have a lot of contacts and sometimes can provide data
that is not on the main website.
- 843 -
Each line to represent one hour - shorter time intervals are not supported.
Each file must have exactly 8760 records, one for each hour of the year, starting on Jan 1 and ending
Dec 31. The years do not have to be consecutive but should ideally be set to 2002.
Convert EnergyPlus epw data to be compatible with DesignBuilder day of week results for daily, hourly
and sub-hourly output (set the year to 2002).
Translate weather data in other formats to the epw format so that it can be used in DesignBuilder.
Generating modified weather data sets for investigating climate change scenarios.
Note: The Rocky Mountain Institute now provides a free .epw hourly weather data editing and translation tool
called Elements. Users may find this to be a more convenient way to edit epw files than the processor built
into DesignBuilder. It provides a spreadsheet environment and allows individual values to be edited or ranges
of data can be pasted in from an external spreadsheet program. For more information see the Big Ladder
downloads page
Translation Overview
Use this dialog to convert weather data to and from a range of file formats.
To edit/convert a file or files:
Select the folder containing the file(s) using the browse box at the top of the left-hand side of the
screen. All relevant weather data files are then loaded into the table on the left.
Check the check box next to each file that is to be converted.
Ensure that the correct options have been set on the Options tab.
Press the Convert button to start the process.
Converted files are stored in the Weather data folder. You can access these files by clicking on the
Edit/Review tab.
Input Data
On Input data tab you can select the name(s) of the source file (s) to be converted by checking in the
Use the Select all and Select none buttons for widespread changes.
Click on the Convert button to start the conversion.
On the Options tab you can select various options to be used during the conversion.
- 844 -
Error reporting
Change filename
You can apply the standard convention used by DesignBuilder to rename the output file. If you select this
option the output file will be named using the Country_Location_Source convention.
You can make some changes in the weather data as follows.
Fix year
You can fix the year to 2002. This is a recommended step for cases where you would like to view daily, hourly
or sub-hourly EnergyPlus results within DesignBuilder or within the Results Viewer. The reasons for this are
explained on the Add new hourly weather data page.
Modify climate
You can set the number of heating and/or cooling degree days or add a fixed delta to the dry-bulb outdoor air
temperature values in the weather data. If you select the degree day option DesignBuilder adds or subtracts
the same temperature difference to/from all dry-bulb outdoor air temperature values in the weather data so as
to give the requested heating and cooling degree day values based on the supplied base temperature. The
algorithm used is as follows:
For Each Hour in the weather file:
If Tdb < TDDBaseHeat Then
Tdb = Tdb - HeatAdj
Else If Tdb > TDDBaseCool Then
Tdb = Tdb - CoolAdj
Tdb is the Outdoor air dry bulb temperature
TDDBaseHeat is Heating base degree day temperature
TDDBaseCool is Cooling base degree day temperature
HeatAdj is the delta T required to be subtracted to give the correct overall number of heating degree days
CoolAdj is the delta T required to be subtracted to give the correct overall number of cooling degree days
HeatAdj = 24 * (HeatDD - OldHeatDD) / HeatDDCount
CoolAdj = 24 * (CoolDD - OldCoolDD) / CoolDDCount
HeatDDCount is the number of hours in the year where Tdb < TDDBaseHeat
HeatDD is the user defined required heating degree days
OldHeatDD is the number of heating degree days in the source data
- 845 -
CoolDDCount is the number of hours in the year where Tdb > TDDBaseCool
CoolDD is the user defined required cooling degree days
OldCoolDD is the number of cooling degree days in the source data
You can view all files in the current hourly weather data folder on this tab. You can open any of the files for
viewing/editing by clicking on the Open selected file link on the info panel or by double-clicking on it.
Use the EnergyPlus custom weather data translation tool. Detailed descriptions on its use are provided
in the Auxiliary Programs Guide (which is an essential guide for all epw weather data
conversion/analysis. The EnergyPlus weather converter tool can be obtained by downloading the
EnergyPlus software and is not supported by DesignBuilder support desk. However if you run into
problems with it, you should be able to get help from the EnergyPlus support desk or forum.
The second option is to use an existing epw file as a template and copy columns of data across from
your weather data source file using the csv spreadsheet format.
The rest of this section provides details on the second of these methods.
To translate weather data from any format follow these instructions. Note that as a starting point you will need
to have the main data required by EnergyPlus stored in a csv format file or spreadsheet. The data required is:
Air temperature
Dew point temperature
Relative Humidity
Atmospheric pressure
Global horizontal solar radiation
Diffuse Horizontal solar radiation
Direct normal radiation
Wind Speed
Wind Direction
Cloud cover
If any of the above parameters are missing and you are unsure about how to derive them, you may wish to
consider using the EnergyPlus custom weather translator instead which has built-functions to derive some
missing parameters based on other equivalent data. e.g. Direct normal radiation can be derived based on
known solar position and global and diffuse horizontal radiation.
If you do have all the required data in columns of a csv file then you are ready. The process is as follows:
To start the process, generate a template for a similar location in csv format. To do this use the weather
data translation tool, selecting the 'EnergyPlus 'comma separated values' files' output option on the
Options tab.
Load the csv file created in step 1 into a spreadsheet to use as the template.
In a separate spreadsheet load the new data.
Copy and paste the data column by column from the new data spreadsheet into the equivalent columns
in template spreadsheet. A 'missing value indicator' value can be entered in any of the places
EnergyPlus doesn't use the data. The 'missing value indicator' value is different for each field and
details can be found in the Auxiliary Programs Guide.
Check that the header data at the top of the template spreadsheet is correct.
Ensure the year is set to 2002 in all rows.
Save the template as a csv file.
- 846 -
Use the weather file translator to translate the template csv file to epw format.
Rename the epw file as required.
Check that the data has been copied correctly by loading the file into DesignBuilder and clicking on the
Simulation tab when at site level. You'll need to set up a new Hourly weather data component
referencing the new epw file and select this first.
Check carefully that data output from simulations that use the new weather file makes sense. Pay
particular attention to solar radiation. To do this you could check hourly incident solar radiation on a few
surfaces in a model.
Note 1: If your regional settings aren't like UK/US, you could run into a couple of problems, such as the
spreadsheet program changing the DataPeriods line from 1/1, 12/31 to 01-Jan -- you'd need to hand edit that
before step 7
Note 2: Be aware that specific year data is not usually deemed appropriate for Energy Analysis. See this
document for more information on selecting weather data:
Drury B. Crawley. 1998. "Which Weather Data Should You Use for Energy Simulations of Commercial
Buildings?" in ASHRAE Transactions, pp. 498-515, Vol. 104, Pt. 2. Atlanta: ASHRAE. (PDF 197 KB) PDF:
International sources
Meteonorm - a software application that can generate synthetic hourly weather data in epw format for
a wide range of locations. See
Weather analytics can provide weather data in epw format for a very wide range of locations on a very
fine grid. They use algorithms to interpolate between measured data sets held taking into account local
height above sea level and other factors. See:
Climate.OneBuilding - service established in 2015 as an unfunded project by Linda Lawrie and Dru
Crawley. See:
EnergyPlus support are sometimes willing to provide weather data. They have a large stock of
locations and can run Meteonorm to generate data. See:
National sources
UK - CIBSE, TRY, DSY and future climate hourly weather data for . See:,-Future,Combined-DSYs
Germany - DWD, TRY 2010 weather data for Germany can be downloaded free of charge from the
Europe page on the website.
- 847 -
Australia and new Zealand - NATHers, Latest hourly weather data for Australia and New Zealand can
be downloaded from NATHers at no cost. The link depends on your browser. Copy the links below into
the address bar of your browser.
Internet Explorer:
Portugal - LNEG, Download a free spreadsheet which can generate hourly weather data for the
various Portuguese regions. See:
Elements is a free, open-source, cross-platform software tool for creating and editing custom weather
files for building energy modelling. See:
Profiles define the variation in occupancy, equipment usage or temperature over the course of a single day.
They are used as building blocks in the definition of Schedules.
Constant - has the same value all day. Enter the constant value for the profile
Single period - define the 'on' period by setting the start and end times for the profile using the mouse.
The operation is assumed to be 'off' for the rest of the day
Custom - the profile is defined by a number of intervals, each of which can have a different value.
There are two ways to set interval values:
a. To change the value for a single interval (single histogram bar) select the top of the histogram
bar and drag up/down using the LEFT mouse button.
b. To apply a constant value over a range of intervals select the top of the histogram bar which has
the required value and drag left/right over the range of intervals to be set using the RIGHT
mouse button.
The figure above shows an example custom profile.
- 848 -
from the Components tab on the opening screen (to view/edit library components if no file is open),
from the Components tab in the Navigator panel (to view/edit model components if a file is open),
by clicking on the Edit button when selecting profiles from a list in the Schedules dialog.
Textures are used to represent the external surface of building constructions in the rendered views in the
Visualisation Screen.
Select the texture file and the real-world width and height represented by the texture. Textures are associated
with materials and used to render the model in the Visualisation Screen.
Note: If an image does not appear under the Image header this means that the selected file is not installed.
from the Components tab on the opening screen (to view/edit library components if no file is open),
from the Components tab in the Navigator panel (to view/edit model components if a file is open),
by double-clicking on the texture icon in the model data,
by clicking on the Edit button when selecting textures from a list.
Window Gas component data is used to define the thermal properties of the cavity fill gas between window
Panes in Glazing components.
The gas which fills the inter-glazing cavity affects the heat transfer through the assembly but has almost no
effect on the solar heat gain or the visible light transmission. Air, of course, is the most common cavity fill gas,
but the use of an inert gas (typically argon or krypton) can significantly reduce window heat transfer. Krypton
and argon are colourless, odourless and non-toxic. Argon is the most commonly-used fill gas because it offers
good thermal performance at low cost. Krypton is more effective at reducing heat loss, but is roughly 200
times more expensive than argon per unit volume. Because krypton works best at smaller pane spacings (8
mm), it is often used in triple and quadruple-glazed windows to minimize the overall thickness of the unit.
Other types of gases are used (e.g. sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) and carbon dioxide (CO2)) to reduce sound
transmission, but these gases do not offer the improved thermal performance of the inert gases.
This is the gas type. Select from:
- 849 -
The window gas you are defining does not fit with the available options select Other. Select Air for an air gap.
Enter the thickness of the inter-glazing cavity.
Conductivity Coefficient A
The A coefficient for gas conductivity (W/m-K).
Conductivity Coefficient B
The B coefficient for gas conductivity (W/m-K2).
Viscosity Coefficient A
The A coefficient for gas viscosity (kg/m-s).
Viscosity Coefficient B
The B coefficient for gas viscosity (kg/m-s-K).
Molecular Weight
The molecular weight (mass) of the gas (Kg/kmol).
Window gas component data can be accessed:
from the Components tab on the opening screen (to view/edit library components if no file is open),
from the Components tab in the Navigator panel (to view/edit model components if a file is open),
- 850 -
by clicking on the Edit button when selecting window gases from a list.
Metabolic rate data defines a category of human metabolic output. The metabolic rate can be selected in
Model data on the Activity tab by choosing a Metabolic rate component.
The metabolic rate per person data is supplied to EnergyPlus which multiplies it by the number of people in
the zone as the starting point for occupancy heat emission calculations.
Metabolic rate data can be found in the ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals, Chapter 8, Table 5.
DesignBuilder data is derived from this data and is for adult males having typical surface area of 1.8m2. For
women multiply the adult male value by 0.85 and for children multiply by 0.75.
Component data can be accessed:
from the Components tab on the opening screen (to view/edit library components if no file is open),
from the Components tab in the Navigator panel (to view/edit model components if a file is open),
by clicking on the Edit button when selecting window gases from a list.
Heat is generated in the human body by oxidation at a rate called the metabolic rate. This heat is dissipated
from the body surface and respiratory tract by a combination of radiation, convection and evaporation. The
relative proportions of sensible and latent heat from people is a complex function of the metabolic rate and the
environmental conditions.
EnergyPlus uses a polynomial function to divide the heat gain into sensible and latent portions.
More details can be found in the EnergyPlus EngineeringDoc.pdf documentation.
See also the section on metabolic activity data.
- 851 -
Local Shading component data can be selected from the Openings tab in Model Data and is applied to all
windows on the surface, including custom windows.
The data applies only to external glazing - roof and internal glazing do not use local shading data.
Overhang, louvre and sidefin blades are all assumed to be 100% opaque and made of the material specified
on this tab.
Note: the DesignBuilder Local shading devices allow a range of different overhangs, side fins and louvres to
be defined, but if you need to model a shading device not covered by the standard mechanism, you can draw
custom shading devices using Component blocks.
There are four tabs on the Local Shading dialog:
from the Components tab on the opening screen (to view/edit library components if no file is open),
from the Components tab in the Navigator panel (to view/edit model components if a file is open),
by double-clicking on the local shading icon on the Openings tab in the model data,
by clicking on the Edit button when selecting local shading devices from a list.
- 852 -
The number of louvres is a maximum value and if the window is not high enough to accommodate the
requested number of louvres blades, any louvres blades which would be positioned below the window are not
- 853 -
- 854 -
Window blind components can be selected for external glazing, roof glazing and interior glazing from the
Openings tab in the Model Data.
There are four types of window blinds, as selected in the Category data on the General tab:
Slat - slatted blinds which have different transmission properties with solar position.
Shade - assumed perfectly diffusing.
Transparent insulation - transparent insulation material to be positioned on the outer surface of an
external wall.
Electrochromic switching - switchable visible and solar properties based on solar gain.
Note: In the case where a Window blind is applied mid-pane, any dividers that may have been specified for
the window will not be applied in the model. EnergyPlus will generate a warning to this effect.
Window blind component data can be selected from the window shading data on the Openings tab in Model
Data and is applied to all windows on the surface, including custom windows.
The data applies only to external and roof glazing, internal windows cannot have window blinds.
Window blinds component data can be accessed:
from the Components tab on the opening screen (to view/edit library components if no file is open),
from the Components tab in the Navigator panel (to view/edit model components if a file is open),
by double-clicking on the window blinds icon on the Openings tab in the model data,
by clicking on the Edit button when selecting window blinds from a list.
- 855 -
This object specifies the properties of a window blind consisting of flat, equally-spaced slats. Unlike window
shades, which are modelled as perfect diffusers, window blinds have solar and visible transmission and
reflection properties that strongly depend on slat angle and angle of incidence of solar radiation. When in
place, the blind is assumed to cover all of the glazed part of the window, including dividers; it does not cover
any of the window frame, if present. The plane of the blind is assumed to be parallel to the glazing. When the
blind is retracted it is assumed to cover none of the window. The solar and thermal effects of the blinds
support strings, tapes or rods are ignored. Slat curvature, if present, is ignored.
Side Elevation
The slat angle is the angle between the glazing outward normal to the slat outward normal. A slat angle of 0
sets slats to be vertical and an angle of 90 sets them to be horizontal.
A slatted blind can be applied 1-Inside, 2-Outside or 3-Mid-pane by selecting the appropriate Position on the
Openings tab.
Slat Properties
Blind to Glass Distance
For interior and exterior blinds, the distance from the mid-plane of the blind to the adjacent glass (m). See
schematic above. Not used for between-glass blinds. As for window shades this distance is used in
calculating the natural convective air flow between glass and blind that is produced by buoyancy effects.
Slat Orientation
The choices are Horizontal and Vertical. Horizontal means the slats are parallel to the bottom of the window;
this is the same as saying that the slats are parallel to the X-axis of the window. Vertical means the slats are
parallel to Y-axis of the window.
Slat Width
The width of the slat measured from edge to edge.
Note: If the Blind is to be applied mid-pane then the gap between the inner pane and the second pane must
be at least large enough to accommodate the slat width. The gap thickness is defined by the Window gas
selected in the Glazing component.
- 856 -
Slat Separation
The distance between the front of a slat and the back of the adjacent slat.
Slat Thickness
The distance between the faces of a slat.
Slat Angle
The angle (degrees) between the glazing outward normal and the slat outward normal, where the outward
normal points away from the front face of the slat (degrees).
Slat Conductivity
The thermal conductivity of the slat.
- 857 -
The openings data allows you to define the distance between the blind and the window and also define the
fraction of the blind surface that is open to air flow on each side of the blind. The following opening multipliers
are defined in the same way as for window shades. Note that, unlike window shades, there is no input for AirFlow Permeability; this is automatically calculated by the program from slat angle, width and separation.
- 858 -
Shade properties
Thickness of the shade material (in m or in). If the shade is not flat, such as for pleated pull-down shades or
folded drapery, the average thickness normal to the plane of the shade should be used.
Tip: If you plan to apply the shade mid-pane then you should enter a very low thickness value such as
0.0001m. In this case, if the shade performs an important insulation function (as well as shading) then you
should adjust the conductivity accordingly. For example, in the case where the shade to be modelled is
actually 0.025m thick and has conductivity 0.040 W/m-K you should enter the thickness as 0.0001m and the
conductivity as 0.04 x (0.001 / 0.025) = 0.00016 W/m-K.
Shade material conductivity (in W/m-K or BTU-in/h-ft2-F).
Solar transmittance
Transmittance averaged over the solar spectrum. Assumed independent of incidence angle.
Solar reflectance
Reflectance averaged over the solar spectrum. Assumed same on both sides of shade and independent of
incidence angle.
- 859 -
Visible transmittance
Transmittance averaged over the solar spectrum and weighted by the response of the human eye. Assumed
independent of incidence angle.
Visible reflectance
Reflectance averaged over the solar spectrum and weighted by the response of the human eye. Assumed
same on both side of shade and independent of incidence angle.
Thermal transmittance
Effective long-wave transmittance. Assumed independent of incidence angle. We can approximate this
effective long-wave transmittance, eff, as follows. Let be the openness the shade, i.e., the ratio of the
area of openings in the shade to the overall shade area. Let the long-wave transmittance of the shade
material be . Then
Teff +T.(1 )
For most materials is very close to zero, which gives
Shade to glass distance
Distance from shade to adjacent glass (in m or in). This is denoted by s in Figures below. If the shade is not
flat, such as for pleated pull-down shades or folded drapery, the average shade-to-glass distance should be
used. (The shade-to-glass distance is used in calculating the natural convective air flow between glass and
shade produced by buoyancy effects.). Note used for between-glass shades. In the following, H is the glazing
height and W is the glazing width.
- 860 -
Vertical section (a) and perspective view (b) of glass and interior shade layers showing variables used in the
gap air flow analysis. In (b), the air-flow opening areas Abot, Atop, Al, Ar and Ah are shown schematically.
See Engineering Manual for definition of thermal variables.
- 861 -
Examples of air-flow openings for an interior shade covering glass of height H and width W. Not to scale.
(a) Horizontal section through shade with openings on the left and right sides (top view).
(b) Vertical section through shade with openings at the top and bottom (side view).
In (a) Left-Side Opening Multiplier = Al /sH = min(l/s,1) and Right-Side Opening Multiplier = Ar /sH =
min(r/s,1). In (b) Top Opening
Multiplier = Atop /sW = t/s and Bottom Opening Multiplier = Abot /sW = b/s.
Vent Components have a coefficient of discharge and a texture (used to represent a vent in the rendered
view). They can be selected from the Openings tab when the Calculated natural ventilation model option is
- 862 -
from the Components tab on the opening screen (to view/edit library components if no file is open),
from the Components tab in the Navigator panel (to view/edit model components if a file is open),
by double-clicking on the vent icon on the Openings tab in the model data,
by clicking on the Edit button when selecting vents from a list.
Vents - General
General tab on Vents Dialog.
Enter the name and category for this vent component.
The Zone Exhaust Fans category is a special category used with a corresponding Zone exhaust fan when
using Detailed HVAC with Calculated natural ventilation.
Note: Zone exhaust fan vents must be placed on external surfaces.
The texture is used to represent the vent in rendered views.
Vents - Airflow
Airflow tab on Vents Dialog.
Enter the discharge coefficient for this vent component. The velocity of the air moving through the vent is
given by the standard orifice equation:
v: Velocity
Cd: Discharge coefficient
P: Pressure either side of the vent
density of the air going through the opening
You can select this vent from the Openings model data.
Note: The discharge coefficient is only used in thermal simulations when the Natural ventilation Model option
is set to Calculated.
A 'Holiday schedule' is a list of intervals of one or more day which identify the days the building may be
unoccupied. The holiday intervals are listed in order, with holidays most likely to be taken at the top of the list.
The Holidays per year Model data on the Activities tab at building level defines how many holidays are taken
and this 'Holiday schedule' defines which days are holidays. Days are selected from the top of the list working
downwards. The data is used to specify EnergyPlus 'SpecialDayPeriods'.
There are two tabs on the Holidays dialog:
- 863 -
from the Components tab on the opening screen (to view/edit library components if no file is open),
from the Components tab in the Navigator panel (to view/edit model components if a file is open),
by double-clicking on the holidays icon on the Activity tab in the model data,
by clicking on the Edit button when selecting holidays from a list.
Ground domain objects are defined at site level under the Site Details > Ground > Ground Domain headers.
They are selected at surface level on the Construction tab under the Ground Domain header.
Tabs on the dialog are:
Enter a unique name for the ground domain component.
You can select 2 types of ground domain objects:
Slab is a horizontal slab sitting either on or just below ground level. Two types of the slabs can be
defined as shown below. Slabs are used to simulate ground coupled heat transfer with horizontal
building surfaces within EnergyPlus. Horizontal ground surfaces within EnergyPlus interact with the
slab ground domain objects by through connections made at surface level on the Construction tab. By
utilizing this object, multiple horizontal surfaces can be coupled to the same ground domain object.
Each horizontal surface may also have its unique ground domain, however, runtime will be adversely
affected in this case.
- 864 -
Slab ground domain objects are equipped to model 2 different scenarios: in-grade slabs, and on-grade
slabs. This selection is made below under Slab.
In Grade Slab
- 865 -
On Grade Slab
Basement - underground wall and floor objects adjacent to the ground. Horizontal and vertical ground
insulation are simulated by the ground domain, and therefore should not be included in the wall and
floor construction objects.
Aspect ratio
For slab domains - The height to width ratio of the slab.
For basement domains - this is the of ratio basement length to width, used to determine the aspect ratio of
the basement. This field along with the total basement floor area, which is taken as the combination of all
surfaces connected to the floor of the basement, are used to determine the size and shape of the basement
domain. Aspect ratios and the inverse of aspect ratios should produce identical results. i.e. AR = 2 equals AR
= 0.5.
Perimeter offset
The distance from the slab/basement perimeter to the domain perimeter (in m or ft).
Simulation timestep
Selection indicating whether the domain will update temperatures at each zone timestep, or at hourly intervals.
Options are:
- 866 -
Slab location
Alpha field indicates whether the slab is in-grade (top surface level with ground surface) or on-grade (bottoms
surface level with ground surface). Options include:
1-On grade which is used to simulate situations where the lower slab surface is near the ground
surface level. In this situation, the entire floor must be included within the floor construction object.
Vertical insulation is modelled by the Ground domain in this scenario. Horizontal insulation can only be
modelled as covering the full horizontal surface.
2-In grade which is used to simulate situations when the upper slab surface is near the ground surface
level. For this situation, slabs upper surface must interact with the zone via a boundary which is
specified at surface level. Because of this, the Floor construction object for the zone floor surface must
include a thin layer of the upper floor material. Horizontal and vertical insulation are modelled by the
Ground domain in this scenario. Horizontal insulation can be modelled as covering the full horizontal
surface, or it can be limited to the perimeter regions only. In the latter case, the perimeter insulation
width must be specified.
Slab material
Select the material component representing the slab material thermal properties. Only required for in-grade
Thickness of the slab (in m or ft). Only required for in-grade situations.
Basement depth
Depth of basement floor surface referenced from the ground surface (in m or ft). This domain should be the
distance from the ground surface down to the basement floor surface. In cases where the ground surface is
below the main above-ground building level, a separate wall surface should be employed between the
basement walls and the main level walls.
- 867 -
Kusuda-Achebach Correlation
Use Kusuda-Achebach correlation
Check this option if the Kusuda-Achebach correlation is to be used. If this option is not selected then data
from the Ground shallow temperatures are used.
Horizontal Insulation
Horizontal insulation is only applicable to in-grade situations.
1-Full and
2- Perimeter
- 868 -
Vertical Insulation
Include horizontal insulation
Checkbox indicates whether vertical insulation is present.
Vertical insulation
Material representing the vertical slab insulation. Only required if vertical insulation is present.
- 869 -
DesignBuilder templates allow you to quickly load data into your model in bulk. If you often work with similar
types of buildings you may find it useful to create your own templates. This will allow you to load the same
data into any models you work with in the future.
DesignBuilder Templates are databases of typical generic data. The following templates are available:
Activity templates
Construction templates
Glazing templates
Facade templates
HVAC templates
Location Templates
Hourly weather data
Pressure coefficients
Metabolic rates
Legislative regions
Energy codes
World time zones (predefined, not editable)
Library Templates are loaded into the model at the time the dsb file is created and from then on, they are
associated specifically with this model and so are known as Model Templates. Any changes made to the
Library Templates do not affect existing building models because they reference their own set of Model
Templates. The latest set of library templates can be loaded into a model using the Import library components
and templates to model command.
Also templates are used for loading data into models, so a change to a template will not affect the model
until the data is loaded.
Note: Templates are loaded to the model in the same way that components are so that any edit to Model
template data will be associated with that model only.
Add, Edit, Delete, Import and Export Template library data from the Opening Screen - Template
Libraries tab.
If a model file is loaded you can edit Model templates from the Templates tab in the Navigator panel
(Learning mode switched off) or by using the Data management panel on the right of the screen
(Learning mode switched on).
In either case, to add a template, open up the template type you wish to define by clicking on the + to
the left of the template icon, then click on the category of template you wish to define. Now click on the
Green '+' to add a template of the selected category.
Import/export Model template using the File > Export > Library data menu command to create a .ddf
file with the .dsb model file open.
To import the previously exported Model template data to the Template library close the .dsb file and
import the .ddf file to the library.
Load the latest library templates into your model using the Import library components and templates
to model command from the Tools menu when a model is loaded. Any new data that has been added
to the library since the model file was created will be imported to the model. Also if there have been any
changes to library template data, this new data will overwrite the original data.
- 871 -
Note: Any template you add while a model is open will be added to Model templates and not to the Template
library. It will only be added to the library and hence to new models if you export the new component model
data in .ddf form and import the .ddf file to the library before creating the new model.
Note: As well as importing DDF files created directly by DesignBuilder more advanced users can also create
their own component and template data sets (outside DesignBuilder) for importing. See the Importing Custom
Templates and Components topic for more information on the process involved.
Colour codes
Templates are coded by colour in all selection lists as follows:
Red shows user data, i.e. data that was not supplied by DesignBuilder.
Green indicates that the data is derived from a reputable national or international source (e.g.
Blue indicates that the data is generated internally by DesignBuilder.
Black is used for all other data.
Activity templates are used as a source of default activity (building usage) data for building models.
The data covers occupancy, equipment usage and suitable design internal temperatures, illuminance levels
and ventilation rates per person.
There are five tabs on the Activity Template dialog:
All gains
- 872 -
Other gains
from the Templates tab on the opening screen (if no file is open),
from the Templates tab in the Navigator panel (if a file is open),
by double-clicking on the template icon in the model data,
by clicking on the Edit button when selecting templates from a list.
- 873 -
demand from each space needs to be assigned to a DHW system even if the system itself is not present in
the space.
If there is never any heating or cooling, you can leave these set-points.
See Environmental Control under Activity Model Data for more details.
Construction templates are used as a source of generic construction data for loading into building models.
The template provides data on the construction of external walls, roofs, floors, partitions, roofs etc and airtightness data.
There are four tabs on the Construction template dialog:
from the Templates tab on the opening screen (if no file is open),
from the Templates tab in the Navigator panel (if a file is open),
by double-clicking on the template icon in the model data,
by clicking on the Edit button when selecting templates from a list.
- 874 -
Select default walls, partitions for exposed and semi-exposed surfaces for this Constructions template.
You can also select the external and internal wall sub-surface constructions here.
Cracks template
The Cracks template setting indicates the Cracks data template to use as a source for crack data when the
Calculated Natural ventilation model option is selected.
The default infiltration rate used when the 'Natural ventilation' model detail level is 'Simple'.
Glazing templates are used as a source of default glazing, frame and shading construction data for building
There are three tabs on the Glazing Template dialog:
- 875 -
from the Templates tab on the opening screen (if no file is open),
from the Templates tab in the Navigator panel (if a file is open),
by double-clicking on the template icon in the model data,
by clicking on the Edit button when selecting templates from a list.
from the Templates tab on the opening screen (if no file is open),
from the Templates tab in the Navigator panel (if a file is open),
by double-clicking on the template icon in the model data,
by clicking on the Edit button when selecting templates from a list.
- 876 -
Lighting templates data sets are used as a source of generic lighting systems for loading into the building
There are three tabs on the Lighting Template dialog:
from the Templates tab on the opening screen (if no file is open),
from the Templates tab in the Navigator panel (if a file is open),
by double-clicking on the template icon in the model data,
by clicking on the Edit button when selecting templates from a list.
- 877 -
See General Lighting under Building Model Lighting Data for more information on the use of this template data
in the model.
Continuous Control
For 'continuous' control, the overhead lights dim continuously and linearly from maximum electric power,
maximum light output to minimum electric power, minimum light output as the daylight illuminance increases.
The lights stay at the minimum point with further increase in the daylight illuminance.
The minimum input power fraction for 'continuous' control type is the lowest power the lighting system can dim
down to, expressed as a fraction of maximum input power. For 'continuous/off' lighting control, this is the
power fraction reached just before the light switch off completely.
The minimum output fraction for 'continuous' control type, is the lowest lighting output the lighting system can
dim down to, expressed as a fraction of maximum light output. This is the fractional light output that the
system produces at minimum input power. For 'continuous/off' lighting control, this is the power fraction
reached just before the light switch off completely.
Continuous/Off Control
'Continuous/off' control is the same as continuous control except that the lights switch off completely when the
minimum dimming point is reached.
Stepped Control
For 'stepped' control, the electric power input and light output vary in discreet, equally spaced steps. The
number of steps can be set.
- 878 -
HVAC templates data sets are used as a source of generic heating/cooling and ventilation systems for loading
into the building data.
There are four tabs on the HVAC Template dialog:
Air temperature distribution
from the Templates tab on the opening screen (if no file is open),
from the Templates tab in the Navigator panel (if a file is open),
by double-clicking on the template icon in the model data,
by clicking on the Edit button when selecting templates from a list.
- 879 -
Auxiliary energy - defines the energy consumption of fans, pumps and other auxiliary equipment when using
the 'Simple' HVAC model option. This energy is assumed to be consumed during periods when either heating
or cooling systems are operating.
Type - defines the EnergyPlus compact system type when the 'Compact' HVAC model option is set. Select
Unitary single zone - for modelling 'window' air conditioning units and any other system which does not
use ducted air
Unitary multizone - for modelling constant volume air conditioning systems.
VAV - for modelling variable air volume air conditioning systems.
When using the VAV compact system type you can define the system in more detail using:
Outside air control type - select either 'Fixed' or 'Proportional'. 'Fixed means that the minimum outside
air flow rate is fixed no matter what the actual system flow rate is. Proportional means the minimum
outside air flow rate varies in proportion to the total system air flow rate.
Supply air min flow fraction - is the fraction that the zone VAV box can reduce to based on the supply
air maximum flow rate.
Heating/cooling system CoP is the whole system seasonal coefficient of performance including distribution
losses when using the 'Simple' HVAC model option.
Boiler/chiller CoP is the seasonal coefficient of performance of the boiler/chiller, excluding any energy
consumption by fans, pumps etc and excluding distribution losses..
Outside temperature.
Inside temperature.
Inside-outside temperature difference.
Heating load.
Cooling load.
See Air Temperature Distribution for more information on defining vertical zone temperature profiles
(temperature gradients).
Location Templates are a database of locations from around the world based on ASHRAE design weather
data including daylight savings.
Each Location data set is located within a 'Legislative Region'. Most Regions in Europe include some basic
data on the energy codes which apply.
There are four tabs on the Location Template dialog:
Winter design weather
Summer design weather
Simulation weather
- 880 -
from the Templates tab on the opening screen (if no file is open),
from the Templates tab in the Navigator panel (if a file is open),
by double-clicking on the template icon in the model data,
by clicking on the Edit button when selecting templates from a list.
There are options for 99.6 or 99% confidence (i.e. 0.4 or 1% chance of more extreme winter weather
Risk can be specified based on dry or wet-bulb temperatures, for 99.6, 99 and 98% confidence (i.e. 0.4, 1 or
2% chance of more extreme weather occurring).
Crack data is used when the 'Calculated' natural ventilation option is set. In this case every surface in the
model has a crack and its size (characterised by flow coefficient and exponent) is determined by Airtightness
as set on the Constructions tab in the Model Data. The value of Airtightness is used as a key to look up
corresponding crack sizes in the Cracks database.
The cracks database has been set up empirically to give typical air change rates for each of the five
Airtightness categories in a range of building types.
There are five tabs on the Crack Template data dialog:
- 881 -
A source of information on crack data from AIVC is Numerical Data for Air Infiltration & Natural Ventilation
- 882 -
The current regions database is only sparsely populated with useful data (most of that is from countries within
Europe). But we expect to expand this in time.
There are three tabs on the Legislative Region Template dialog:
Standard insulation
from the Templates tab on the opening screen (if no file is open),
from the Templates tab in the Navigator panel (if a file is open),
by double-clicking on the template icon in the model data,
by clicking on the Edit button when selecting templates from a list.
Uninsulated - typical U-values for buildings in the region which are not insulated
Stock average - Average (estimated) insulation standards for real buildings in the region. This data is
used in some asset rating calculations.
Mandatory energy code - Defines the maximum U-values allowed in the energy code/building
regulations in force in the region.
Best practice - Defines the U-values to be expected in a state-of-the-art building in the region.
- 883 -
from the Templates tab on the opening screen (if no file is open),
from the Templates tab in the Navigator panel (if a file is open),
by double-clicking on the template icon in the model data,
by clicking on the Edit button when selecting templates from a list.
Sectors are used to categorise buildings according to their use/activity.
A sector is located within a legislative region and can only be accessed if the building is situated within the
region containing the sector.
The 'General' sector is an exception to this rule as it can be accessed from all regions if the 'List region data'
Program Options setting is 'All or 'General+Local'.
You can also associate a holiday schedule with the sector.
- 884 -
from the Templates tab on the opening screen (if no file is open),
from the Templates tab in the Navigator panel (if a file is open),
by double-clicking on the template icon in the model data,
by clicking on the Edit button when selecting templates from a list.
from the Templates tab on the opening screen (if no file is open),
from the Templates tab in the Navigator panel (if a file is open),
by double-clicking on the template icon in the model data,
by clicking on the Edit button when selecting templates from a list.
from the Templates tab on the opening screen (if no file is open),
from the Templates tab in the Navigator panel (if a file is open),
by double-clicking on the template icon in the model data,
by clicking on the Edit button when selecting templates from a list.
- 885 -
The Visualisation screen allows you to view the model in full 3-D rendered mode. This section describes the
process of creating and controlling rendered images.
From the Visualisation screen you can export rendered images in various formats and also generate AVI
movies of the scene.
To render a model, click on the Visualisation tab:
- 887 -
The following controls are available to customise the view:
View Rotation
Fit view
Pan view
Zoom window
Show shadows
Show north arrow
These controls are accessed from the Display Options panel on the Visualisation screen:
- 888 -
After clicking on the Apply button, a progress control appears to inform of shadow generation and then the
view is updated:
- 889 -
If you want to look at more detailed shading, you can include the window frame dividers in the shading
calculations by checking the Show window frame shadows check box and clicking the Apply button:
- 890 -
The month, day and time-of-day can be controlled using the controls under the Period header. Note that the
time specified here is local mean time excluding any daylight saving. You can account for daylight saving time
by adding 1 hour to the local mean time during summer months to see shading for clock time.
Note: Time is defined in decimal hours, e.g. '10.5' is the same as 10:30 a.m..
In the screenshot below the time has been changed to 10:00 and the shadows adjust accordingly.
- 891 -
You can display a Sunpath diagram for the building at its current location by checking the Show Sunpath
diagram Display option and pressing the Apply button. This will display a Sunpath diagram similar to that
shown below.
- 892 -
The Sunpath diagram provided in DesignBuilder can be a very useful way to view the paths taken by the sun
as it moves through the sky at all times of the year.
When both the Show Sunpath diagram and Show shadows Display options are set, the Change solar
position tool becomes available. This allows you to move the sun around the diagram. To do this first click on
the Change solar position toolbar icon (above). When this tool is active the cursor become a cross and you
can use it to click on a junction of time/month sunpath lines to set the new solar position. You can continue to
move the sun around the sky by clicking on the diagram in the same way. An alternative way to use this tool is
to drag the sun around the sky. You will notice that the Time of day and Month data in the Display options
panel are updated along with shadows as the sun moves through the sky.
When you have finished press the <Escape> key to return to Select mode.
Tip: You can use the Sunpath diagram with the Create movie tool to show the sun moving through the sky for
the current design month. To do this select the 2-Shading for design day option on the Movie options data
dialog box
Display options on Visualisation screen
- 893 -
The antialiasing option can be used to improve image quality. You may need to experiment with antialiasing to
confirm whether or not the graphics card fitted to your computer will facilitate this feature - with some earlier
cards, antialiasing can be very slow.
Tip: more advanced graphics cards can provide hardware antialiasing and in this case this software
antialiasing option may only provide marginal benefit.
To enable antialiasing, switch the Antialiasing check box on and click on the Apply button:
You can improve the quality of the image using the Increasing Quality slider control:
- 894 -
Bear in mind that as you increase image quality, the display speed will decrease.
Display option on Visualisation screen
With larger and more complex models, orbit and zoom control speed can be increased very significantly by
selecting 'Wireframe' from the 'Dynamics' control drop list.
Visualisation Limitations
Visualisations are based on the same model as that used for the calculations but you may notice some slight
differences in the way the model is displayed vis-a-vis the floor constructions and Zone volume calculation
DesignBuilder uses a single floor 'slab' for each block even when some floors in the block may
have different constructions. This is done for simplicity and also to ensure the most realistic images
are produced without step changes in the floor level throughout the block. So there is only limited
scope for adjusting the height of floor level in the visualisation.
Where there is external floor and internal floor in the same block you will notice that the internal
floor slab used to represent the floor in the rendered view is the same no matter what settings are
used in the Zone volume options. You will also notice that the floor slab takes on the texture of the
internal floor even for areas of the floor that are actually external floor and may have a different
Where the Ground floor construction is below ground and is not subtracted from zone
volume option is selected, the top of the ground floor will be shown in the visualisation screen as
being at ground level - this is consistent with the data. However you will not be able to see the
ground construction below the ground if you adjust the camera level to be below ground.
- 895 -
When on the Visualisation or CFD screens you can create AVI movies of your model. To create a video file
from a rendered view, click on the Generate AVI movie tool which opens the Movie options data dialog box:
1-Orbit - 360 orbit movie. This option generates a series of images, one for each angular Orbit
increment and then allows you stitch them together to create an AVI file.
2-Shading for design day - fixed camera position, varying the solar position over the design day as
specified on the Visualisation Display options panel.
Tip: The 2-Shading for design day option works particularly well with the Sunpath diagram displayed
Click on the OK button to generate the movie. After the movie generation has completed, a file save dialogue
will be displayed to allow you to save the movie file to any required location.
Note: smaller Shading time increments and Orbit increments can generate a lot of data and take a long
time to complete movie generation, especially for large models when software antialiasing is switched on.
- 896 -
There are four types of energy simulation:
Display Options in the Panel in the bottom left of the screen allow you to change the data displayed and the
presentation style.
Results can be exported in a variety of file formats or they can added as a Report topic.
Constant (Steady-state) external temperature set to the winter design external temperature.
Wind speed and direction set to design values.
No solar gain.
No internal gains (lighting, equipment, occupancy etc).
Heated zones are heated constantly to achieve the heating temperature set point using a simple
convective heating system.
Includes consideration of heat conduction and convection between zones of different temperatures.
Schedules are not used for Heating design calculations which are based on a steady state analysis
which does not account for timing.
Simulation continues until temperatures/heat flows in each zone have converged. If convergence does not
occur then simulation continues for the maximum number of days as specified in the calculation options.
The simulation calculates heating capacities required to maintain the temperature set points in each zone and
displays the total heat loss broken down as:
Solid floors
- 897 -
External infiltration
Internal natural ventilation (i.e. heat lost to other cooler adjacent spaces through windows, vents, doors,
The total heat loss in each zone is multiplied by a Safety factor (1.5 by default) to give a recommended
heating Design Capacity. This heating capacity can be written directly into the Heating capacity model data
depending on the setting of the Plant sizing model option on the Data tab under HVAC.
Customise the data displayed and display style using the Display Options panel.
Note: heating design calculations do not use any Natural ventilation data.
Calculation Options
Heating system sizing
Advanced Calculation Options
Calculation description
Enter some text to identify the calculation. This will be used in reports and in the filename for automatically
generated ESO files.
Click on the OK button to start the Heating design calculation.
To update the data using different calculation options, click Update (Ctrl-U).
The General tab on the Display Options panel provides options for controlling the data displayed in the
Heating design data display screen. General Display Options are grouped under three headers:
The Detailed tab on the Display Options panel provides controls which allow you to select exactly the data
items you wish to display.
Data Options
Select an option to indicate the data you wish to display:
- 898 -
1-All - fabric and ventilation heat gains/losses, internal gains (not Heating Design), temperatures and
outside dry-bulb air temperature.
2-Site data - all site data.
3-Comfort - inside air, the radiant and comfort temperatures.
4-Internal gains - internal gains including equipment, lighting, occupancy, solar and HVAC
heating/cooling delivery.
5-Fabric and ventilation - heat gains to the space from the surface element (walls, floors, ceilings etc.)
and ventilation. Negative values indicate heat loss from the space.
Tip: to update the data using different calculation options, click Update (Ctrl-U).
Show as
You can display the data in one of four ways:
Graph and table
Note: you must select the Grid option to export data in spreadsheet format.
Note: you can only select 1-All areas if the building and block data includes occupied areas as set in Include
unoccupied zones in block and building totals and averages option in Heating design Output options,
Likewise you can only select 2-Occupied area if the building and block data excludes occupied areas.
Y-Axis Options
These options give you control over how the Y-axis is displayed.
Lock min/max
This option locks the extent of the Y-axes so that they keep their current maximum and minimum values. This
allows consistent comparison with the future results display.
The Y-axis keeps its current settings until you unlock it again.
You can achieve the same effect by clicking on the 'Lock Y-axis min/max values' toolbar command
When you lock the Y-axis the current settings are stored and displayed for each of the available Y-axes. You
can edit any of these to get a more precise setting. Remember to click on the Apply button when you are
ready to register a change to any numeric display option data.
Separate axes
Check this option to add a vertical space between each of the displayed axes.
- 899 -
You can control the details of the presentation of the graphical output by making selections on the Display
Options panel under the Appearance header.
EnergyPlus Script
You can view the input data script used to calculate these results by selecting the 'Tools | Display simulation
input script' menu option. If you do not have the EnergyPlus IDF editor installed, then you should associate
the .idf file extension with a text editor to make this option work.
Note: this shows the script stored with the model just before the simulation not the _Ref-600109359in.idf file
stored in the EnergyPlus folder.
Comfort temperature - The mean of the internal air and radiant temperatures (also known as the
'operational' temperature)
Steady-state heat loss - same as 'Heating delivered' on the Steady State tab - heat delivered to
maintain the internal heating design temperature.
Design capacity - is the Steady-state heat loss multiplied by the Design margin to give the design
heating capacity of the equipment.
Tip: Use the Export command to export this data in spreadsheet format.
- 900 -
For more on how the output is calculated see: Calculation of DesignBuilder Output from EnergyPlus Report
Note: The Heating delivered is the sum of the component heat loss values.
Surface heat loss data (walls, ceilings, floors etc) refers to heat transfer from the zone to the inside surface of
the building elements.
You can also customise the data displayed and display style using the Display Options panel.
- 901 -
- 902 -
response factor methods provided by CIBSE and ASHRAE. You can use DesignBuilder to carry out effectively
the same calculation using the EnergyPlus dynamic thermal simulation engine.
Click on the Cooling design Screen tab to view Cooling Design data. If the necessary data has not yet been
generated, a Cooling Design calculation is automatically started to generate the data.
See also the Cooling Design Calculations Tutorial
Cooling design simulations using EnergyPlus have the following characteristics:
Periodic steady-state external temperatures calculated using maximum and minimum design summer
weather conditions.
No wind.
Includes solar gains through windows and scheduled natural ventilation.
includes internal gains from occupants, lighting and other equipment.
Includes consideration of heat conduction and convection between zones of different temperatures.
For buildings situated in the Northern Hemisphere, Cooling Design calculations are made for the month of July
and for buildings in the Southern Hemisphere they are made for the month of January.
Simulation continues until temperatures/heat flows in each zone have converged. If convergence does not
occur then simulation continues for the maximum number of days as specified in the calculation options.
The simulation calculates half-hourly temperatures and heat flows for each zone and determines cooling
capacities required to maintain any cooling temperature set points in each zone.
The maximum cooling load in each zone is multiplied by a Safety factor (1.3 by default) to give a Design
Cooling Capacity. This design cooling capacity can be written directly into the Cooling capacity model data
depending on the setting of the Plant sizing model option on the Data tab under HVAC.
Customise the data displayed and display style using the Display Options panel.
Note: Cooling Design calculations use Scheduled Natural ventilation model data set on the HVAC tab even
when the Calculated natural ventilation option is set. This is to help you to document the input data for your
Cooling Design calculations. Calculated natural ventilation data input is too complex to be adequately
Calculation Options
Summer design day
Cooling system sizing
Solar Options
Advanced Calculation Options
Calculation description
Enter some text to identify the calculation. This will be used in reports and in the filename for automatically
generated ESO files.
Click on the OK button to start the Cooling design calculation.
- 903 -
For more on how the output is calculated see: Calculation of DesignBuilder Output from EnergyPlus Report
Walls - heat gain due to conduction through all external walls, including the effect of solar radiation and
longwave radiation to the sky.
Roofs - heat gain due to conduction through all external roofs, including the effect of solar radiation
and longwave radiation to the sky.
Ceilings (int) - heat conduction gain through internal ceilings (e.g. zone above is colder).
Floors (int) - heat conduction gain through internal floors (e.g. zone below is colder).
Floors (ext) - heat conduction gain through external floors (not ground floor, e.g. floor in cantilevered
space, roof eaves etc).
Ground floors - heat conduction gain through ground floors.
Partitions (int) - heat conduction gain due to heat conduction through all internal partitions from
adjacent zones at different temperatures.
Doors and vents - conduction heat gain through doors and vents.
External Infiltration - heat gain through air infiltration (non-unintentional air entry through cracks and
holes in building fabric).
External Vent - heat gain due to the entry of outside air through natural and mechanical ventilation (as
defined on the HVAC tab). You can exclude mechanical ventilation from the cooling design calculations
by unchecking the 'Mechanical ventilation On' Model data.
Internal Natural Ventilation - heat gain from other zones due to air exchange through open internal
windows, doors, vents, holes and virtual partitions.
Task Lighting - heat gain due to task lighting.
General Lighting - heat gain due to general lighting.
Miscellaneous - heat gain due to miscellaneous equipment.
Process - heat gain due to process equipment.
Catering - heat gain due to cooking.
Computer and Equipment - heat gain due to computer and other IT-related equipment.
- 904 -
Occupancy - sensible gain due to occupants. Please note that this can vary depending on the internal
conditions. With very high temperatures the sensible gain can drop to zero with all cooling effects
taking place through latent heat transfer.
Solar Gains Exterior Windows - (used to be called 'Transmitted solar gains'). Short-wave solar
radiation transmission through external windows. For a bare window, this transmitted radiation consists
of solar radiation passing through the glass and diffuse radiation from solar reflected from the outside
window reveal, if present. For windows with a shade, this transmitted radiation is totally diffuse (shades
are assumed to be perfect diffusers). For windows with a blind, this transmitted radiation consists of
beam + diffuse radiation that passes between the slats and diffuse radiation from beam-to-diffuse
reflection from the slats. Solar re-reflected back out of the external window and transmitted through
interior windows is not subtracted.
Solar Gains Interior Windows - Total beam + diffuse solar radiation transmission through interior
windows. Requires the 3-Full interior and exterior solar model option to be set.
Zone Sensible Cooling - is the sensible cooling effect on the zone of any air introduced into the zone
through the HVAC system. It includes any 'free cooling' due to introduction of relatively cool outside air.
Cooling always shows as a negative heat gain in the results. It is best thought of as part of the zone
heat balance.
Mech Vent + Nat Vent + Infiltration - The sum of outside air (in ac/h) flowing into the zone through:
The HVAC air distribution system +
Infiltration +
Natural ventilation
Zone Heating - energy supplied by local room heaters and reheat coils to maintain room internal
heating temperature setpoint temperature when using Compact HVAC data.
Total Cooling - depending on the Sizing method:
for the default ASHRAE sizing method Total Cooling is the rate at which total energy (sensible
and latent) is removed from the mixed outside and return air stream in order to bring the mixed
air stream to the specified temperature and humidity ratio of the supply air stream.
for Compact HVAC sizing method - at building level: sensible + latent cooling transfer to the
supply air from the AHU cooling coil + any single zone unitary and fan coil units in the building.
At zone level: sensible + latent cooling transfer to the supply air from a single zone unitary or fan
coil unit.
Sensible Cooling - depending on the Sizing method:
for ASHRAE sizing method Sensible Cooling is the rate at which sensible energy is removed
from the mixed outside and return air stream in order to lower its temperature to the specified
temperature of the supply air stream. Any energy needed for moisture addition or removal is
for Compact HVAC sizing method Sensible Cooling is sensible only cooling heat transfer from
the cooling coil to the supply air. Latent coil heat can be calculated as the difference: Total
Cooling - Sensible Cooling.
Surface heat gain data refers to heat transfer from the inside surface of the building elements to the zone.
You can also customise the data and the way it is displayed using the Display Options panel.
- 905 -
Detailed results - half-hourly heat balance and inside conditions displayed on 'Analysis' tab.
Summary table - cooling capacity data for each zone on the Summary tab.
- 906 -
To update the data using different calculation options, click Update (Ctrl-U).Data Options
The General tab on the Cooling design Display options panel provides options for controlling the data
displayed in the Simulation data display screen. General Display options are grouped under three headers:
The Detailed tab on the Display Options panel provides controls which allow you to select exactly the data
items you wish to display.
Data Options
Select an option to indicate the data you wish to display:
1-All - fabric and ventilation heat gains/losses, internal gains (not Heating Design), temperatures and
outside dry-bulb air temperature.
2-Site data - all site data.
3-Comfort - inside air, the radiant and comfort temperatures, relative humidity, ASHRAE 55 and
various comfort indices.
4-Internal gains - internal gains including equipment, lighting, occupancy, solar and HVAC
heating/cooling delivery.
5-Fabric and ventilation - heat gains to the space from the surface element (walls, floors, ceilings etc.)
and ventilation. Negative values indicate heat loss from the space.
Tip: to update the data using different calculation options, click Update (Ctrl-U).
Show as
You can display the data in one of four ways:
Graph and table
Note: you must select the Grid option to export data in spreadsheet format.
Note: you can only select 1-All areas if the building and block data includes occupied areas as set in Include
unoccupied zones in block and building totals and averages option in Cooling design Output options,
Likewise you can only select 2-Occupied area if the building and block data excludes occupied areas.
Y-Axis Options
These options give you control over how the Y-axis is displayed.
- 907 -
Lock min/max
This option locks the extent of the Y-axes so that they keep their current maximum and minimum values. This
allows consistent comparison with the future results display. The Y-axis keeps its current settings until you
unlock it again.
You can achieve the same effect by clicking on the 'Lock Y-axis min/max values' toolbar command.
When you lock the Y-axis the current settings are stored and displayed for each of the available Y-axes. You
can edit any of these to get a more precise setting. Remember to click on the Apply button when you are
ready to register a change to any numeric display option data.
Separate axes
Check this option to add a vertical space between each of the displayed axes.
You can control the details of the presentation of the graphical output by making selections on the Display
Options panel under the Appearance header.
EnergyPlus Script
You can view the input data script used to calculate these results by selecting the 'Tools | Display simulation
input script' menu option. If you do not have the EnergyPlus IDF editor installed, then you should associate
the .idf file extension with a text editor to make this option work.
Note: this shows the script stored with the model just before the simulation not the _Ref-600109359in.idf file
stored in the EnergyPlus folder.
1-Non-coincident - Summary results are for the time and month of maximum cooling load for each
2-Coincident - All summary results are for the time and month of the maximum building total cooling
- 908 -
2-Cooling system - loads are summed for each Cooling system type allowing you to calculate
system/block loads for sizing AHUs.
Summary Results
The Summary screen, 1-Zones display option shows design cooling loads and flow rates for each zone plus
other related data.
Design Capacity, shown in bold, is the maximum value of Total Cooling Load and Sensible
multiplied by the Design margin to give the design cooling capacity of the equipment. This value is
written into the Cooling capacity Model data on the HVAC tab if the appropriate Plant sizing Model
Option is set.
Design Flow Rate, shown in bold, is the flow rate required to deliver the Sensible cooling load using
the Design supply temperature and the zone air temperature at the time of the maximum load
multiplied by the Design margin.
Total Cooling Load is the total maximum Sensible + Latent loads for the zone at the time of
maximum Sensible Cooling load. If latent load is negative then it is ignored here and the Total Cooling
Load is the same as the Sensible load.
Sensible is the maximum Sensible Cooling load for the zone in the Design day.
Latent is the latent load for the zone at the time of maximum Sensible load, calculated as Total Cooling
- Sensible Cooling.
Air Temperature is the Air temperature in the zone at the time of maximum Sensible load.
Humidity is the humidity (%) in the zone at the time of maximum Sensible load.
Time of Max Cooling - the time at which the maximum sensible cooling occurs.
Max Op Temp in Day is the maximum operative temperature in the zone (using radiant fraction = 0.5)
over the design day including periods when the zone may be unconditioned.
Floor area is the floor area of the zone.
Volume is the volume of the zone.
Flow/Floor area (MBH/ft2 in IP units) is the Design Flow Rate divided by the Floor area of the zone.
It provides a useful check for the flow rates calculated.
Tip: Use the Export command to export summary data to spreadsheet format.
- 909 -
each zone have converged. If convergence does not occur then simulation continues for the maximum
number of days as specified in the calculation options.
You can customise the data displayed and display style using the Display Options panel.
Calculation Options
Display Options
Detailed Results
Comfort Analysis
Summary Output
Parametric Analysis
EnergyPlus Daylight Map Output
Calculation description
Enter some text to identify the calculation. This will be used in reports and in the filename for automatically
generated ESO files.
Simulation Period
The simulation period is described in the help for the Model options.
Selecting Monthly is required to obtain annual output. Monthly, daily, hourly and sub-hourly data can selected
by checking the appropriate boxes.
Note: selecting output at hourly or sub-hourly intervals can produce large amounts of data which slows
processing and results in large file sizes. If you want to generate hourly or sub-hourly data you may wish to
consider switching off some of the Output options to ensure you are only generating the data you require.
This dialog is always shown when you select 'Update' and will also be shown before all simulations if 'Don't
show this dialog' at the bottom is cleared.
See help for Simulation calculation options tab on the Model Options dialog.
See help for the Output Options tab on the Model Options dialog.
Simulation Manager
See separate help for Simulation Manager
- 910 -
Simulation Manager
The DesignBuilder Simulation Manager allows you to run and control multiple simulations and view their
results. Simulations can be run in parallel and over the network.
By default the localhost server is selected, which is the option to use the Simulation Manager installed on the
local machine. Choosing this allows you to run and control simulations from DesignBuilder, continue to work
on the model or another model or even close DesignBuilder down and the simulations will continue to run
unaffected. If the local machine is put into hibernate or sleep then the simulations will be suspended too and
will resume when the machine is switched on again. If the machine is shut down while simulations are running
then those simulations will be lost but should start again (from the beginning) when the machine is started up
Another option is to select a server on a different machine on the network from the drop down list. To enable
other servers to appear on the list for selection you should follow the steps on the Install Simulation Server
page. When running simulations on a server, as well as the advantages already mentioned above for the
localhost, you can also close your machine down and the simulations will continue to run unaffected. You
must of course be connected to the server over the network to start the simulation and to retrieve results.
Tip: With a good internet connection at both ends and a VPN service you can run simulations on your server
from your client machine when away from the office. Note that in this case there will be a transmission
overhead as input files are uploaded to the server and results are downloaded. This is of course more of an
issue for larger models, especially when large datasets are generated.
Dedicated Simulation Servers
Some advantages of using a dedicated simulation server for your EnergyPlus simulations are:
You can close the computer running DesignBuilder down once the job is submitted and the
simulation(s) will continue to run. This can be especially useful for long simulations. Results can be
retrieved later by opening the Simulation Manager dialog.
If you choose a powerful multi-core server with plenty of memory you can run many simulations more
quickly and simultaneously.
The processor of the computer running DesignBuilder doesn't get overloaded while you are working on
the model.
Tip: You can obtain a high-performance EnergyPlus simulation server configured and ready to run from
- 911 -
EnergyPlus - the default option where the Simulation Manager runs EnergyPlus directly.
JEPlus - select this option if you have an account on the JESS online service and would like the
Simulation Manager to run simulations via JEPlus and the JESS server.
Behaviour is different depending on whether the application is loaded from within DesignBuilder and if so
whether you are at building level or below. In this case only the simulation results for your building are
displayed. Alternatively if you start the SM client from outside DesignBuilder or from site level with a model
open or when no model is open from the Opening screen then all simulations (sometimes referred to as
"jobs") are displayed.
- 912 -
From here you can save a file to disk or open it using the application currently associated with the file
- 913 -
The Settings command provides access to the settings for the servers used in the Simulation Manager on the
local machine.
You can see the status of each of the servers with a connection as well as the maximum number of parallel
simulations that can be run on each. For the localhost server (i.e. the server running on the local machine)
you can edit the number of simulations from within this dialog. Depending on what else the machine is being
used for you should be careful not to allow the simulations to use all of the processing capacity of the
machine. The maximum value allowed is 1 less than the number of processors on the machine. For powerful
machines the number of processors will be equal to the number of physical cores x 2, so for a 4 core machine
with 8 virtual processors you cannot enter a value here greater than 7. If the machine is being used for other
applications as well as DesignBuilder you should leave at least 2 processors. For quad core machines with 8
virtual processors a good upper limit will be between 4 and 6.
You can also use this dialog to stop and restart the localhost server.
- 914 -
If it isn't running for any reason you may need to open a command prompt window (with admin rights) and use
the cd command to move to the folder into which you have the installservice.bat file and then run the
installation service from within the command prompt window.
6. Ensure incoming connections to the server are allowed and not blocked by a firewall. To do this you should
create an exception for the executable, DBJobServer.exe (not a particular port).
Note: The .NET Framework v3.5 or later must be installed on the server for the service to run correctly.
- 915 -
This list can be changed by editing the contents of JobServers.txt on the DesignBuilder client machine which
can be found at C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Local\DesignBuilder\JobServer. The above list was
generated by the following contents in JobServers.txt:
Each line in JobServers.txt represents a server that can be accessed from the client machine. The format of
each line is:
host (or IP address),Port,Username,Password
DesignBuilder comes with a pre-installed pre-defined host called localhost.which is the first line in the above
file. The second line points to a simulation server running on the network at IP address on port
27042 with username "User" and password "123456".
Note: In current versions you must only change the server IP address and port and keep the default
username and password ("User and 123456 respectively).
If you edit JobServers.txt you must reopen the Simulation Calculation Options dialog to see the effects.
Although JobServers.txt is provided in the distribution for installing on a server it is not used in this case and
should be left in its default state.
- 916 -
The Detailed tab on the Display Options panel provides controls which allow you to select exactly the data
items you wish to display.
Data Options
Select an interval from the list:
Note: be aware that requesting Hourly and Sub-hourly results in large buildings and/or long simulation periods
can result in very large data sets which take a long time to read in after the simulation.
Select an option to indicate the data you wish to display:
1-All - fabric and ventilation heat gains/losses, internal gains (not Heating Design), temperatures and
outside dry-bulb air temperature.
2-Site data - all site data.
3-Comfort - inside air, the radiant and comfort temperatures, relative humidity, ASHRAE 55 and
various comfort indices. If you set Interval to 6-Distribution you get temperature distribution curves.
4-Internal gains - internal gains including equipment, lighting, occupancy, solar and HVAC
heating/cooling delivery.
5-Fabric and ventilation - heat gains to the space from the surface element (walls, floors, ceilings etc.)
and ventilation. Negative values indicate heat loss from the space.
6-Fuel breakdown - fuel consumption broken down by system category (building level only).
7-Fuel totals - fuel consumption broken down by fuel (building level only)
8-CO2 production - CO2 production by weight (building level only)
Show as
You can display the data in one of four ways:
Graph and table
Note: you must select the Grid option to export data in spreadsheet format.
- 917 -
Note: you can only select 1-All areas if the building and block data includes occupied areas as set in Include
unoccupied zones in block and building totals and averages option in Simulation Output options,
Likewise you can only select 2-Occupied area if the building and block data excludes occupied areas.
Y-Axis Options
These options give you control over how the Y-axis is displayed.
Lock min/max
This option locks the extent of the Y-axes so that they keep their current maximum and minimum values. This
allows consistent comparison with the future results display. The Y-axis keeps its current settings until you
unlock it again.
You can achieve the same effect by clicking on the 'Lock Y-axis min/max values' toolbar command.
When you lock the Y-axis the current settings are stored and displayed for each of the available Y-axes. You
can edit any of these to get a more precise setting. Remember to click on the Apply button when you are
ready to register a change to any numeric display option data.
Separate axes
Check this option to add a vertical space between each of the displayed axes.
You can control the details of the presentation of the graphical output by making selections on the Display
Options panel under the Appearance header.
- 918 -
Environmental/Comfort Output
Glazing - the total heat flow to the zone from the glazing, frame and divider of exterior glazing
excluding transmitted short-wave solar radiation (which is accounted for in Solar Gains Exterior
Windows below).
For windows without an interior shading device this heat flow is equal to:
+ [Convective heat flow to the zone from the zone side of the glazing]
+ [Net IR heat flow to the zone from zone side of the glazing]
[Short-wave radiation from zone transmitted back out the window]
+ [Conduction to zone from window frame and divider, if present]
Here, short-wave radiation is that from lights and diffuse interior solar radiation.
For windows with an interior shading device this heat flow is equal to:
[Convective heat flow to the zone from the air flowing through the gap between glazing and shading
+ [Convective heat flow to the zone from the zone side of the shading device]
+ [Net IR heat flow to the zone from the zone side of the glazing]
+ [Net IR heat flow to the zone from the zone side of the shading device]
[Short-wave radiation from zone transmitted back out the window]
+ [Conduction to zone from window frame and divider, if present]
Walls - Sum of heat gains to the zone from external wall inner surfaces.
Roofs - Sum of heat gains to the zone from external roof inner surfaces.
- 919 -
Ceilings - Sum of heat gains to the zone from ceiling inner surfaces.
Floors - Sum of heat gains to the zone from internal floor inner surfaces.
Floors (ext) - Sum of heat gains to the zone from external floor inner surfaces (e.g. floor in cantilevered
space, roof eaves etc, not ground floors).
Ground floors - Sum of heat gains to the zone from ground floor inner surfaces.
Partitions - Sum of heat gains to the zone from internal partition inner surfaces.
Doors and Vents - Sum of heat gains to the zone from door and vent inner surfaces.
External Infiltration - heat gain through air infiltration (non-unintentional air entry through cracks and
holes in building fabric) when using Scheduled natural ventilation option.
External Natural Ventilation - heat gain due to the entry of outside air through natural ventilation, as
defined on the HVAC tab, when using Simple natural ventilation option.
Internal Natural Ventilation - heat gain from other zones due to air exchange through open internal
windows, doors, vents, holes and virtual partitions.
External Mechanical Ventilation - heat gain due to the entry of outside air through the air distribution
system. You can exclude mechanical ventilation from the cooling design calculations by unchecking
the 'Air Distribution On' Model Data.
External Air - heat gain due to the entry of outside air through external windows, vents, doors, holes
and cracks when using Calculated natural ventilation option.
Mixing Air - heat gain due to the entry of inside mixing air through internal windows, vents, doors and
holes when using Scheduled natural ventilation option.
Note: Surface conduction data for Walls, Roofs, Ceilings, Floors, Partitions and Doors and Vents represents
the heat conduction flow just below the surface of the construction and so includes all surface heat transfer
mechanisms (convection, long and short-wave radiation).
Mech Vent + Nat Vent + Infiltration - The sum of outside air (in ac/h) flowing into the zone through:
The HVAC air distribution system +
Infiltration +
Natural ventilation +
Airflow through earth tubes (mechanically or naturally driven)
Note: You will usually see a small difference in air changes per hour (ac/h) between the sum of
mechanical and natural ventilation and infiltration values you entered on in model data and the values
reported in simulation results. This is caused by the method used to calculate and report ac/h in
EnergyPlus. ac/h is reported including consideration of the air density and the exact values displayed
will depend on the density of the outside air being introduced into the building relative to the density of
the zone air. Cooler air is of course more dense than warmer air. More specifically, the design volume
flow rate entered in ac/h is converted to mass flow (kg/s) during the simulation using the current
outdoor air density. The simulated mass flow rate is then reported back out in indoor air density (for
infiltration and natural ventilation) or EnergyPlus standard air density for HVAC system outside air,
neither of which will ever (or extremely rarely) match the outdoor air density. So, the ac/h outputs will
never exactly match the inputs. The difference between input and reported ac/h will normally be less
than +/- 10%. At times when the outside air is cooler than inside there will be an underestimate of ac/h
and when it is warmer there will be an overestimate. The difference between input and output values is
in proportion to the difference in inside and outside air temperature.
Internal Gains
- 920 -
Occupancy - sensible gain due to occupants. Please note that this can vary depending on the internal
conditions. With very high temperatures the sensible gain can drop to zero with all cooling effects
taking place through latent heat transfer.
Solar Gains Exterior Windows - (used to be called 'Transmitted solar gains'). Short-wave solar
radiation transmission through all external windows. For a bare window, this transmitted radiation
consists of solar radiation passing through the glass and diffuse radiation from solar reflected from the
outside window reveal, if present. For windows with a shade, this transmitted radiation is totally diffuse
(shades are assumed to be perfect diffusers). For windows with a blind, this transmitted radiation
consists of beam + diffuse short-wave radiation that passes between the slats and diffuse radiation
from beam-to-diffuse reflection from the slats. The heating effect of solar radiation on opaque roofs and
walls is accounted for in the Roofs and Walls fabric heat conduction data. Solar re-reflected back out of
the external window and transmitted through interior windows is not subtracted.
Solar Gains Interior Windows - Total beam + diffuse solar radiation transmission through interior
windows. Requires the 3-Full interior and exterior solar model option to be set.
Zone Sensible Cooling - is the overall sensible cooling effect on the zone of any air introduced into
the zone through the HVAC system. It includes any 'free cooling' due to introduction of relatively cool
outside air and the heating effect of any fans present. Cooling always shows as a negative heat gain in
the results. It is therefore not the same as a cooling coil energy delivery when mechanical ventilation is
involved. It is best thought of as the overall HVAC cooling contribution to the zone heat balance.
More on this below.
Zone Sensible Heating - is the overall sensible heating effect of any air introduced into the zone
through the HVAC system including any 'free heating' due to introduction of relatively warm outside air
and the heating effects of fans. It is therefore not the same as a heating coil energy delivery when
mechanical ventilation is involved. It is best thought of as the overall HVAC heating contribution to
the zone heat balance. More on this below.
Surface heat gain data refers to heat transfer from the inside surface of the building elements to the zone.
Note: taken together the Internal gains and the Fabric and ventilation data above give an approximate
Zone Heat Balance, i.e. the data represents all of the heat flows into and out of the zone.
Technical Note
It is important to understand when looking at the Zone heat balance data that the values do not necessarily
add to exactly to zero. Factors which have a bearing on this are:
Solar radiation values reported by EnergyPlus are gross values and do not account for the radiation rereflected back out of internal and external windows. EnergyPlus tracks solar radiation in full detail but
does not report all of the calculated values. It is not currently possible to generate net solar radiation
gains from EnergyPlus.
Also bear in mind that solar and some internal gains are mostly radiative gains and find their way into
the fabric whereas the cooling is to the air. In thermal modelling terms it is not possible to make a
simple heat balance of heat which is added to different parts of the thermal network.More specifically,
heat transfer gains between the zone and the surfaces cannot be added directly to ventilation gains
because they are to different 'points' in the zone heat balance (surface heat transfer is to the 'rad-air'
point and ventilation is to the 'air' point).
Minor EnergyPlus inaccuracy in reporting of conduction through window frames causes a minor error
(~1%) in Glazing heat gain reported values. This does not affect the rest of the simulation, it is just in
the Glazing heat gain report.
There are issues such as heat conduction through walls, floors, roofs etc and diurnal storage of heat in
thermal mass, especially in thermally massive buildings to take into account. When doing heat
balances make sure to view data over a reasonable period (> week) to avoid such thermal storage
Zone Heating - energy supplied by local room heaters and reheat coils to maintain room internal
heating temperature setpoint temperature when using Detailed HVAC data.
- 921 -
Radiant + Convective Heating - energy provided by heated floors to the floor construction. Check the
Ground Floors and Internal Floors zone heat balance outputs to see the heat transfer from the floor
to the zone itself.
Total Cooling is the rate at which total energy (sensible and latent) is removed from the mixed outside
and return air stream in order to bring the mixed air stream to the specified temperature and humidity
ratio of the supply air stream. Total Cooling also includes any cooling energy provided by radiant
cooling systems.
Sensible Cooling is the rate at which sensible energy is removed from the mixed outside and return
air stream in order to lower its temperature to the specified temperature of the supply air stream. Any
energy needed for moisture addition or removal is ignored.
Zone Heating - energy supplied by local room heaters and reheat coils to maintain room internal
heating temperature setpoint temperature when using Detailed HVAC data.
Preheat - energy supplied by preheat coils to temper the outside air before it enters the outside air
mixing box when using Detailed HVAC data.
AHU Heating - energy supplied by the AHU heating coil when using Detailed HVAC data.
Total Cooling - at building level: sensible + latent cooling transfer to the supply air from the AHU
cooling coil + any single zone unitary and fan coil units in the building. At zone level: sensible + latent
cooling transfer to the supply air from a single zone unitary or fan coil unit.
Sensible Cooling - sensible only cooling transfer from the cooling coil to the supply air. Latent coil heat
can be calculated as the difference: Total Cooling - Sensible Cooling.
Heat Recovery Sensible Cooling - the sensible cooling rate of the supply air by the heat exchanger.
This rate is determined using the supply air mass flow rate through the heat exchanger unit, the supply
air inlet and outlet conditions, and the specific heat of the inlet supply air. A positive value is reported if
the supply air is cooled by the heat exchanger, else the rate is set to zero.
Heat Recovery Total Cooling - the total cooling rate of the supply air by the heat exchanger. This rate
is determined using the supply air mass flow rate through the heat exchanger unit, and the enthalpy of
the supply air entering and leaving the unit. A positive value is reported if the enthalpy of the supply air
is decreased by the heat exchanger, else the rate is set to zero.
Heat Recovery Sensible Heating - the sensible heating rate of the supply air by the heat exchanger.
This rate is determined using the supply air mass flow rate through the heat exchanger unit, the supply
air inlet and outlet conditions, and the specific heat of the inlet supply air. A positive value is reported if
the supply air is heated by the heat exchanger, else the rate is set to zero.
Heat Recovery Total Heating - the total heating energy added to the supply air by the heat exchanger.
- 922 -
Heating - total fuel consumption due to operation of heat generators such as boilers and heat pumps.
Cooling- total chiller fuel consumption plus any fuel consumption due to DX cooling coils, air-cooled
chiller condenser fans and evaporative coolers.
Heat rejection - cooling tower fan electric consumption.
Fans - total electrical energy consumed by HVAC fans (only available in Simple HVAC when using the
Separate fans and pumps model option).
Pumps - total electrical energy consumed by HVAC pumps (only available in Simple HVAC when using
the Separate fans and pumps model option).
Auxiliary Energy - total electrical energy consumed by HVAC fans and pumps (Simple HVAC only and
only when using the NCM model option).
Preheat - heating energy transferred from main plant preheat coils to HVAC system air when using
Detailed HVAC data.
Lighting - electricity consumed by general and task/display lights.
Room Electricity - electricity consumed by room equipment other than lights (computers, equipment,
process etc).
Room Gas - gas consumed by room equipment (miscellaneous, process and catering)
Room Oil - oil consumed by room equipment (miscellaneous, process and catering)
Room Solid - solid fuel (such as coal) consumed by room equipment (miscellaneous, process and
Room Bottled gas - bottled gas (propane) consumed by room equipment (miscellaneous, process and
Room Other - other fuel consumed by room equipment (miscellaneous, process and catering)
Fuel totals
Total fuel consumption for building, data available at building level only:
CO2 production
Total carbon dioxide emission for building, data available at building level only:
Note: Although Site weather data is stored at the Site level, it can be displayed at Building, Block, Zone,
Surface and Opening levels too.
Comfort Analysis
DesignBuilder EnergyPlus simulations can generate extensive data on environmental conditions within the
building and resultant occupant comfort levels. The following comfort-related output is available:
- 923 -
The above data can be displayed at all time increments. In addition, air, radiant and operative temperatures
can be displayed as distribution curves (below).
You can find more detailed information about Fanger, Pierce and Kansas State University Thermal comfort
prediction algorithms in the EnergyPlus Background Section.
The Mech Vent + Nat Vent + Infiltration data is the sum of fresh air delivered through the HVAC system,
infiltration and natural ventilation outside airflow in air changes per hour (ac/h). When used together with the
other environmental output it can be very useful in checking for occupant discomfort.
Note 1: It is possible to display comfort data for occupied periods only by selecting 2-Just occupied periods
as Zone environmental and comfort reports on the Output tab of the simulation options dialog. This option
applies to all data described in this Comfort Analysis help section.
Note 2: Comfort data are not generated when the Gains data model option is set to Lumped. This is because
in EnergyPlus the request for comfort calculations is made in the 'PEOPLE' statement and this is not used
with Lumped gains.
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There is one exception, Mech Vent + Nat Vent + Infiltration, which is calculated in a similar way but using
volume-weighted averages, i.e. using zone volumes instead of floor areas in the above equation.
Building data is calculated in the same way but including all blocks.
if the Include unoccupied zones in block and building totals and averages option is not set then
unoccupied zones are not included in the above equation.
Note: if all zones in the block/building are unoccupied and the option is not set the denominator is zero and an
error message is shown and results are deleted.
Temperature distribution
Summary description
To view temperature distribution graphs follow this procedure:
Select the Temperature distribution option on the Output tab of the Simulation options dialog before
running the simulation.
2. If, as is common, you need temperature distribution data for occupied periods only, then you should
select the 2-Just occupied periods option for Zone environmental and comfort reports on the Output
tab of the Simulation options dialog, again before the simulation. Note that if you do this and the zone is
always unoccupied then you won't see any output.
3. Run the simulation for the period of interest. There is no need to select sub-hourly, hourly, daily or
monthly output data if temperature distribution data is all you require.
4. Navigate to the zone of interest (you must be at zone level to view temperature distribution data).
5. Set the Interval option in the Display Options panel to Distribution and the Data option to Comfort
6. View the temperature distribution chart.
Detailed description
If you requested Temperature distribution data prior to the simulation, you can generate temperature
distribution curves showing 'hours at', 'hours below' and 'hours above' temperature levels in 1C temperature
intervals during the occupied period. Bins include data for the labelled temperature through to that
temperature + 1C, so for example, the bin labelled '12C' holds data for all temperatures in the range 12C
<= T < 13C.
The temperature distribution result set is calculated using sub-hourly data generated during the simulation
regardless of whether sub-hourly or hourly results were requested for output. You should therefore expect to
see slightly different distribution results between runs if you change the timesteps per hour setting.
To view temperature distribution data set the Interval option in the Display Options panel to Distribution and
the Data option to Comfort. This data can be useful for getting an overview of the levels of comfort (or
otherwise) provided by the building over time. The results can be compared with benchmark comfort criteria.
For example, CIBSE provides recommended benchmark summertime peak temperatures and overheating
criteria as follows:
Offices, schools, dwellings (living areas) should have no more than 1% of the annual occupied hours over
operative temperature of 28C. Bedrooms in dwellings should have no more than 1% of the annual occupied
hours over operative temperature of 26C.
UK DfES Building Bulletin BB87 recommends an allowable overheating criteria of 80 occupied hours in a year
over and air temperature of 28C.
Note 1: Temperature distribution data is only available at zone level.
Note 2: This data is not available when using Lumped gains model option as the data is tied in with the
EnergyPlus 'People' data set and this is not generated for Lumped gains.
Note 3: This data is not available if the 1 time step per hour option is selected
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Operative temperatures which can be very different in highly glazed spaces in the summer or poorly
insulated spaces in the winter.
Humidity levels are within range - you may find very high or very low humidity caused by inadequate
ventilation. Note that the minimum comfort temperature with winter clothes when the air is very dry is
21.7C / 71F which may be lower than some heating temperature setpoints. Likewise in the summer
when the air is very humid operative temperatures above 26.8C / 80.2F are considered too hot with
summer clothes.
- 926 -
Winter Clothes
Summer Clothes
Note: in ASHRAE 55 comfort assessments the criteria can be exceeded, regardless of the temperature, if the
relative humidity is too high.
You can also determine distributed comfort levels using CFD Comfort Calculations.
Note on discomfort hours calculations
The Discomfort hrs data displayed by DesignBuilder is similar to the "Time Not Comfortable Based on
Simple ASHRAE 55-2004" data displayed in the Summary report, but EnergyPlus uses a different method to
- 927 -
DesignBuilder for calculating building level discomfort hours. "Time not comfortable Based on Simple
ASHRAE 55-2004" is the summation of the number of hours over the year when one or more zones in the
building fail the ASHRAE 55 comfort criteria. DesignBuilder on the other hand calculates discomfort hours at
building level in the same way as other building average values as the floor area-weighted average of all
Criterion 1: The first criterion sets a limit for the number of hours that the operative temperature can
exceed the threshold comfort temperature (upper limit of the range of comfort temperature) by 1 K or
more during the occupied hours of a typical non-heating season (1 May to 30 September).
Criterion 2: The second criterion deals with the severity of overheating within any one day, which can
be as important as its frequency, the level of which is a function of both temperature rise and its
duration. This criterion sets a daily limit for acceptability.
Criterion 3: The third criterion sets an absolute maximum daily temperature for a room, beyond which
the level of overheating is unacceptable.
A room or building that fails any two of the three criteria is classed as overheating.
Note: TM52 outputs are only generated for zones without active cooling.
DesignBuilder automatically excludes results from unoccupied periods and from periods in the heating season
(October - March).
For example:
Criterion 1 is passed in Block1:Zone1 if RunPeriod output Block1:Zone1 Criterion 1 CIBSE_TM52 has a
value of 0.03 or less.
Criterion 2 is passed in Block1:Zone1 if no Daily output Block1:Zone1 Criterion 2 CIBSE_TM52 has a value
of greater than 6.
Criterion 3 is passed in Block1:Zone1 if RunPeriod output Block1:Zone1 Criterion 3 CIBSE_TM52 has a
value of 0. A value of zero indicates that the Delta T does not exceed 4K.
2 out of the 3 criteria must be passed.
Parametric Analysis
DesignBuilder can automatically run multiple simulations automatically adjusting up to 2 variables to create
design curves. Design curves can be very useful at conceptual stages of the design process to understand
how building performance is affected by variations. DesignBuilder allows you to generate curves to show how
performance parameters like carbon emissions and comfort vary as key elements of the building design vary.
You can select up to 2 design variables. For example you might want to plot the cooling energy consumption
- 928 -
for the base design with a range of window to wall % and glazing types variations. The selection of the design
variables is done using the Variables tab of the Optimisation and Parametric Analysis Settings dialog. Click on
the Parametric tab to carry out parametric simulations.
The design curves are generated by automatically running multiple simulations of the base design (i.e. the
model defined on the edit screen) with variations applied at the building level.It is important to take into
account how this data will be inherited to down to blocks, zones etc to ensure you are testing the design
variants you think you are. For example if the Window to wall % was hard set at block level then changes in
this data at building level would not influence the surfaces of the design variants and the results will indicate
that the Window to wall % does not influence results (see Troubleshooting below).
Because there is no visual check on the state of the design variants the parametric function would normally be
carried out on:
Well structured and checked models that have been set up to be compatible with parametric analysis,
that is allowing the appropriate data to inherit from the building level parametric changes, or,
Smaller models where it is easy to see how data inherits.
Parametric simulation results are stored with a record of the change made to the base case to create it and
this allows new variants to be added to the study without invalidating previous results.
The number of design variants that are tested for 2 variable tests is the number of variants for the first variable
multiplied by the number for the second variable. The variations in the above example would be different
combinations of Glazing type and Window to wall %. In all, 6 x 5 = 30 simulations would be required to
generate the design curves in this example.
Tip: Parametric simulations can take a long time to complete and DesignBuilder can keep grabbing focus
away from the window you are working in as it refreshes the progress bar. To avoid this you can minimise the
main DesignBuilder window. If you have a dual core processor, you should now be able to continue working
while the simulations continue.
- 929 -
The graph above shows the diminishing returns with extra louvre projection from 0.5m to 1.5m.
- 930 -
The image above shows a parametric analysis of total annual carbon emissions where glazing percentage is
varied in a building with lighting control, heating and cooling for 4 different glazing types. It illustrates how
optimum configurations can be identified using this approach.
Typical uses for parametric simulation are:
Generating design curves to assist with decision making at early design stages.
As a teaching aid to help students understand the impact of variations in the design.
To help communicate concepts with non-experts in building simulation, clients, architects etc.
Architects often particularly appreciate the visual nature of the parametric data.
Design optimisation
Available KPIs
The following Key Performance Indicator (KPI) outputs are available for selection on the Data setting in the
Display options panel:
- 931 -
5-Pierce PMV ET - average Predicted Mean Vote (PMV) calculated using the effective temperature
and the Pierce two-node thermal comfort model.
6-Pierce PMV SET - average Predicted Mean Vote (PMV) calculated using the 'Standard' effective
temperature and the Pierce two-node thermal comfort model.
7-Pierce DISC - the average Discomfort index calculated using the Pierce two-node thermal comfort
8-Pierce TSENS - the average Thermal Sensation Index (PMV) calculated using the Pierce two-node
thermal comfort model.
9-KsuTSV - the average Thermal Sensation Vote (TSV) calculated using the KSU two-node thermal
comfort model.
10-Transmitted Solar Gains - total solar gains transmitted
11-Discomfort (all clo) - the total time when the zone is occupied that the combination of humidity
ratio and operative temperature is not in the ASHRAE 55-2004 summer or winter clothes region. At
building level this is the zone area weighted average of the zone discomfort hours.
12-Heating load - sensible heating load (in most cases = total heating load)
13-Cooling load - total cooling load (sensible + latent)
14-Total energy consumption - sum of all onsite fuel consumption energy, available for the whole
building only.
15-Total CO2 - sum of operational carbon emissions for the building due to all building fuel
consumption, available for the whole building only.
For detailed definitions of the above outputs see Detailed Results. The outputs either refer to averages or
totals over the analysis period (i.e. the period set on the Simulation options dialog). The results cover the
whole building, when viewing results at building level or just the currently selected zone, when viewing results
at zone level. Note that outputs 14 and 15 are available only at building level.
Also note that the comfort-based outputs (PMV etc) are only available if Comfort outputs were requested on
the Output tab of the Simulation options dialog.
A common question from beginners with the parametric simulations goes something like this:
Q: "Why do I get a flat line variation of energy consumption/CO2/max temperature when running parametric
A: The usual reason for parametric analysis generating a flat line variation is that there is no clear data
inheritance path from the building level (where the parametric changes are applied) down to the individual
zones/surfaces. For example, when using Window to wall% as a variable, you should make sure that:
The Window to wall% value is not hard set at block, zone or surface level in positions in the building
where you wish the parametric changes to be applied.
Likewise, you are not using custom openings, whose opening areas cannot be modified as part of the
parametric variation.
You have one of the Facade types set that can accurately calculate window areas based on % glazing
(Preferred height and Continuous horizontal) and that this data is inherited from building down to
surface level.
Q: "Is it possible to change the intervals for variables? For example is it possible to change "Window operation
%" range from 20, 40, 60... to 10, 20, 30, 40..."
A: In the current version of the software there is no way to modify the intervals but this will be allowed in future
See also Optimisation.
Optimisation is a technique for efficient searching for and identifying design options that best meet key design
performance objectives. it is similar in many ways to Parametric analysis, a more well-known technique for
analysing how design performance varies with changes in the building configuration through use of design
- 932 -
curves. A parametric analysis would usually consist of 1, 2 or 3 design variables being adjusted in a
systematic way to illustrate trends and find designs with the most favourable characteristics (e.g. low energy
consumption, best comfort etc). With parametric analysis, a maximum of 3 variables is normally used because
a) the results of more than 3 dimensions to a design problem are difficult to visualize and b) the large number
of simulations required with 4 or more design variables would take too long to complete. For example a
designer might want to investigate the impact on carbon emissions of variable levels and types of glazing. The
results would be displayed as a series of parametric design curves. This can be a very useful way to visualise
simple comparisons over a limited range of design options, but is of less use for wider studies and for
optimisation as only a few variables and one key performance indicator can practically be included per
In DesignBuilder Optimisation, Genetic Algorithms (GA) (aka Evolutionary Algorithms or EA) are used to
search for optimal design solutions, much more efficiently than is possible with parametric analysis when more
variables are involved. In DesignBuilder, up to 10 design variables can be included in the analysis in
combination with up to 2 objectives, such as "minimise carbon emissions" and "minimising construction costs".
Cost and carbon are a frequently used pair of objectives in building design optimisation analyses because
they allow a study of the trade off between cost and carbon impacts for a large range of designs. For example,
an optimisation study might involve a base design which is to be optimised for cost and carbon emissions with
building orientation, wall and roof construction, glazing amount and type, degrees of shading and HVAC
system type being allowed to vary. The results might be displayed graphically with operational carbon
emissions on one axis and investment cost on the other and the performance of each design option that is
tested as part of the procedure plotted on the graph. The designs with lowest combinations of cost and carbon
form a "Pareto front" of optimal designs along the bottom-left edge of the data point "cloud".
Likewise "minimise carbon emissions" and "minimise discomfort" are often used to analyse the trade off
between carbon emissions and the degree of comfort provided by the design. In the example output below the
control parameters of a changeover mixed mode natural ventilation model is being optimised based on carbon
emissions and discomfort. The outputs indicate the control options resulting in minimal discomfort hours while
at the same having the lowest environmental impact.
- 933 -
Tip: A good starting point to learn more about design optimisation is follow through the Optimisation Basic
To get started with an optimisation analysis go to the Simulation screen and click on the Optimisation tab.
From the Simulation Optimisation screen you can:
Edit the Optimisation Analysis Settings (objectives, constraints and variables). This is a required first
step before running the first analysis.
Update the Optimisation Analysis which opens the Optimisation Calculation Options Dialog.
View Optimisation results.
Optimisation Contents
By entering data on 3 tabs you can use this dialog to set up the optimisation problem:
Objectives - define the objectives of the analysis - what constitutes a "good design".
Constraints - any limits on performance to be imposed.
Design Variables - the elements of the model that are to be allowed to vary during the optimisation
analysis and the new values that these elements may take.
On each of these 3 tabs are tables of objectives, constraints and design variables.
Parametric Analysis
Only 1 tab is used for parametric analysis:
Design Variables - the elements of the model that are to be allowed to vary during the parametric
analysis and the new values that these elements may take. When used for Parametric Analysis only
the top 2 variables on the list are used as parametric analysis only supports a maximum of 2 variables.
The Objectives tab allows you to define how the "success" of a particular design is be measured. This is done
by defining either 1 or 2 objectives for the analysis. Typical settings here might include 2 objectives: "Minimise
discomfort hours" and "Minimise carbon emissions" or alternatively "Minimise construction cost" and "Minimise
carbon emissions". See screenshot below.
- 934 -
To add a new Objective click on the Add new link on the info panel. This opens the Objective dialog which
allows you enter information on that objective. Other options are to Edit the currently selected objective or to
Delete the currently selected objective. It is only possible to have 1 or 2 objectives.
The number of objectives (1 or 2) radically affects the nature of the analysis. With a single objective
optimisation there is no trade off between 2 objectives, but simply a requirement to select designs that give
highest or lowest values of the objective KPI.
The Constraints tab allows you to define limits on the performance of the building. Examples of constraints
that might be applied to an optimisation analysis are "Discomfort hours must be less than 200" or "Daylight
availability must be greater than 50%".
To add a new Constraint click on the Add new link on the info panel. This opens the Constraint dialog which
allows you enter information on that constraint. Other options are to Edit the currently selected constraint or to
Delete the currently selected constraint.
- 935 -
The variables tab allows you to define the elements of the building design that can be allowed to vary as well
as the allowed values that the variable can take on during the analysis. You can select from a wide range of
variables such as Window to wall %, Heating setpoint temperature, HVAC Template, External wall
construction etc.
List data types such as constructions, glazing or templates require a set of options to be selected to define the
allowed variable options.
To add a new Design Variable click on the Add new link on the info panel. This opens the Variable dialog
which allows you enter information on that variable. Other options are to Edit the currently selected variable or
to Delete the currently selected variable.
Optimisation Objective
Accessed from Optimisation Analysis Settings dialog
Your name for the objective, e.g. "Minimise ASHRAE 55 discomfort hours"
Objective KPI
Select the Objective Key Performance Indicator (KPI) from the list:
1-Cost - total construction cost as reported on the Cost and Carbon tab.
2-Operational carbon - annual operational carbon emissions due to fuel consumption in the building.
Fuel consumption is calculated through an EnergyPlus simulation. Carbon emissions are calculated
from fuel consumption using the Carbon emission factors on the Legislative regions dialog.
3-Discomfort hours - number of discomfort hours based on ASHRAE 55 method. Area-weighted
average values for individual zones are used for the building level assessment. Note that this objective
is not the same as the building level aggregation method used by EnergyPlus in the Summary output
html data which adds up hours in which any zone in the building is uncomfortable. If you would like to
only consider occupied hours in your comfort analysis then make sure this option is set in the main
Simulation options dialog.
4-Daylight availability - % of the building working plane having natural daylight levels higher than the
threshold defined on the Daylight screen (2% daylight factor by default).
- 936 -
Minimise or Maximise
Select whether you wish to maximise or minimise the selected objective.
Optimisation Constraint
Accessed from Optimisation Analysis Settings dialog
Optimisation Constraints allow you to impose upper or lower limits on a building Key Performance Indicator
(KPI) such as Cost or Discomfort. Examples of constraints that might be applied to an optimisation analysis
are "Discomfort hours must be less than 200", "Daylight availability must be greater than 50%" or
"Construction cost must be less than $6m".
Note: The constraint KPI can be the same as a KPI used for an Optimisation Objective.
When viewing optimisation results with constraints applied you will find that some of the results generated
don't respect the constraints. This is normal, however you should also see that many more new points are
generated that do meet constraints because the optimiser favours such design variants when creating new
When using constraints you will sometimes find that the solution will appear not to converge to as clean a
Pareto front as occurs without constraints applied. This is likely to be due to the way constraints are modelled
as modified objectives in DesignBuilder. In a problem with 2 objectives and 1 constraint there are effectively 3
objective functions which will give rise to a 3-D Pareto front. This cannot be adequately visualised on a 2-D
scatter graph, but it is likely that the Pareto Front would be cleaner were it being viewed in 3-D with the
constraint as the 3rd dimension.
Your name for the constraint (e.g. "ASHRAE 55 discomfort hours < 200")
Constraint KPI
Select the Constraint Key Performance Indicator (KPI) from the list:
1-Cost - total construction cost as reported on the Cost and Carbon tab.
2-Operational carbon - annual operational carbon emissions due to fuel consumption in the building.
Fuel consumption is calculated through an EnergyPlus simulation. Carbon emissions are calculated
from fuel consumption using the Carbon emission factors on the Legislative regions dialog.
3-Discomfort hours - number of discomfort hours based on ASHRAE 55 method. Area-weighted
average values for individual zones are used for the building level assessment. Note that this objective
is not the same as the building level aggregation method used by EnergyPlus in the Summary output
html data which adds up hours in which any zone in the building is uncomfortable. If you would like to
only consider occupied hours in your comfort analysis then make sure this option is set in the main
Simulation options dialog.
4-Daylight availability - % of the building working plane having natural daylight levels higher than the
threshold defined on the Daylight screen (2% daylight factor by default).
1-Less than - the KPI must have a value less than that entered in the next text box.
2-Greater than - the KPI must have a value greater than that entered in the next text box.
Enter the upper or lower limit value for the KPI.
- 937 -
Enter text to define the units of the value. This text does not affect the calculations.
Design Variable
Variable type
Select the variable type from the list.
Note: In DesignBuilder v4 all variables are listed for selection regardless of the state of the model and care
must be taken to select variables that are appropriate. For example, if the Scheduled natural ventilation model
option is used then changes in the % External window opens variable (which only applies to Calculated
natural ventilation) won't affect results.
Min value
The lowest value that this numeric design variable can take on. This option is only visible when a numeric
variable type has been selected (above).
Max value
The highest value that this numeric design variable can take on. This option is only visible when a numeric
variable type has been selected (above).
Not used yet. This option is only visible when a numeric variable type has been selected (above).
Click on the browse button to open a list of components or templates for selection. Items can be selected by
checking the appropriate checkboxes.
When a template is selected as the variable type, one of the selected templates from the list are loaded in
each iteration of the optimisation analysis.
This option is only visible when a list variable type has been selected (above).
Target objects
This option allows you to select one or more object(s) to which the variations are to be applied.
Note: In the current v3 software this option is not selectable and all variations are applied at the building level.
While this can be limiting, it is still possible to achieve some control through appropriate use of hard and
default settings at block, zone, surface and opening levels in the model.
- 938 -
You can learn about the outputs generated on the graph on this dialog during the optimisation:
Optimisation Outputs
Calculation description
Enter a description for the calculation. This text will be used to identify the results on the graph and any other
related outputs.
Optimisation Options
Maximum generations
The maximum number of generations to be used will determine the time/computing resources required to
complete the analysis. The value entered here will usually reflect the complexity of the analysis. The default
value for maximum generations is 200 and typical values are in the range 50-500. You can of course set a
larger number at the beginning, and then manually terminate the search process when sufficient good
solutions have been found.
- 939 -
Advanced Options
Encoding length for floats
The number of bits used to define each float (numeric) design variable value. The number of options this gives
rise to can be calculated as 2n, where n is the encoding length. This value should normally be between 6 and
14. An encoding length of 10 for a float gives 1024 equally spaced samples within the specified range of the
design variable. This in most cases will be adequate. The default is 6.
Tournament size
The Tournament operator is used in this implementation of Genetic Algorithm for selecting better solutions
from the current generation. Tournament size means the size of a random sample taken in the current
generation. From this random sample, the best solution will be selected for reproduction. Default value is 2.
Crossover rate
This rate is in fact a relative probability (compared to individual mutation probability) of a new solution being
created by crossover. For example, if the crossover rate is 1.0 and individual mutation probability is 0.5, there
are 67% (1.0/1.5) chance that the new solution will be created by crossover, and 33% (0.5/1.5) chance it will
be created by mutation. The default value is 1.0. Typical range is 0.6-1.0
Lower and upper constraint margins
The lower and upper constraint margins are used as part of the constraint handling method used by
DesignBuilder, which is based on a generic penalty function approach. During a constrained optimisation each
design alternative is tested against any constraints applied and a penalty is generated based on whether the
- 940 -
design is feasible or not, i.e. whether it meets constraint requirements. If the function value is within the
feasible range then no penalty is applied and conversely if it is outside the feasible range then a penalty is
applied. There is a margin between the feasible and the unfeasible regions where a linearly ramped penalty is
applied. The upper and lower margins set on the Calculation options dialog are used to define these regions
as shown on the graph below.
- 941 -
Grid Output
Optimisation Calculation Options - Simulation Manager
Simulation Manager tab of the Optimisation Calculation Options Dialog
Optimisation studies require many hundreds or even thousands of simulations to be carried out in order to
achieve accurate results. DesignBuilder is provided with a Simulation Manager to help run these simulations
as quickly and efficiently as possible. To use the Simulation Manager tick the Use Simulation Manager
checkbox on the Simulation Manager tab and select the appropriate options below. If you don't choose this
option then simulations will be carried out sequentially, which will generally take a lot longer.
Select the server from the drop list. DesignBuilder comes with a server called "localhost"and if you don't add a
new server then this will be the only option to choose.
Contact DesignBuilder support for information on how to connect to a server running on a Local Area Network.
EnergyPlus - the normal option to choose which runs the standard version of EnergyPlus per your
select on the EnergyPlus tab of the Program options dialog.
JEPlus - if you have an account on the De Montfort University supercomputer then select this option
which will allow you to run your simulation using JEPlus. The first time you attempt to run JEPlus
through this option you will be prompted for your account details.
Optimisation Outputs
The screenshot below illustrates some of the main outputs of the Optimisation analysis.
- 942 -
Optimisation Limitations
DesignBuilder v4 has these limitations related to Optimisation:
You must run a simulation with monthly/annual output for the model (on the Analysis tab) before
clicking on the optimisation tab. If you dont have any monthly/annual results on this tab then you must
re-run the base simulation before updating the optimisation analysis.
The Daylight availability KPI is not yet enabled but we hope to have this working soon.
It isn't possible to store multiple optimisation results sets within the DesignBuilder model.
Analyse a single representative zone in the building and apply findings to whole building.
Use a representative simulation period instead of the whole annual simulation. For example, in many
climates using the first or second 6 months of the year would be a good approximation to use of the full
12 month simulation. Alternatively if the analysis is mainly related to summer overheating then you
might choose a shorter representative summer period for the simulations.
In most cases, the more variables that are defined in the analysis, the more data points that will be
required before convergence of the solution is achieved. Instead of trying to include all possible
optimisation variables in one analysis, you might consider splitting the problem into 2 or more sub
problems. For example it can be easiest to carry out HVAC controls optimisation studies independently
of component selection. Start with the most fundamental design decisions (e.g. window size and
- 943 -
position) and as the design solidifies and study details such optimal selection of system types and
control options later in separate analyses.
Use JEPlus or a network simulation server to maximise the number of simulations that are run in
parallel at one time. If you have a simulation server with many cores at your disposal then you might
consider increasing both the population size and Number of job per batch which allows more cases to
be analysed at once.
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Try using some of DesignBuilder's analysis tools to investigate the best settings in this case.
Drag the Status header into the dark grey area above the grid where it says "Drag a column header
here to group by that column"
Sort the grid data by Discomfort by clicking on the "Discomfort" header.
Scroll down to the bottom of the grid where you will find the optimal "Pareto Front" options coloured
green. These are the design configurations which most successfully achieve the design objectives
(minimise carbon and discomfort in this case). Because you sorted by discomfort you will see results
either in ascending or descending order depending on how many times you clicked on the header. You
will notice that when the discomfort results are in ascending order the carbon emission results in the
next column are in descending order and vice-versa.
All points on the Pareto front have 20% (or a little more) glazing . This is because it was the lowest
allowed value in the analysis and higher values increase both discomfort and cooling loads (hence
carbon emissions).
Heating setpoint temperatures range from 18C (lowest carbon emissions) to 23C (lowest discomfort).
Cooling setpoint temperatures range from 24C (lowest discomfort) to 27C (lowest carbon emissions).
The easiest way to identify a balanced result is to click on a point on the Pareto Front which gives to
right degree of emphasis to the 2 objectives. The corresponding item is highlighted in the grid giving the
corresponding design settings.
Next steps to learning. Try adding more design variables. Glazing type, shading systems etc. Try using
construction cost as a variable instead of discomfort.
What is CFD?
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is the term used to describe a family of numerical methods used to
calculate the temperature, velocity and various other fluid properties throughout a region of space.
CFD when applied to buildings can provide the designer with information on probable air velocities, pressures
and temperatures that will occur at any point through a predefined air volume in and around building spaces.
Boundary conditions are specified which may include the effects of climate, internal heat gains and HVAC
systems. DesignBuilder CFD can be used for both external and internal analyses.
See also the Introduction to CFD and External CFD Tutorial
- 948 -
- 949 -
- 950 -
The resulting grid, generated with 0.3m default grid spacing would be as follows:
- 951 -
By default, grid regions are spaced uniformly using a spacing that is calculated to be as close to the userdefined default grid spacing as possible. Notice the narrow regions created between key coordinates
associated with the tabletop and table legs. In this case, the distance between these key coordinates is of an
acceptable value. However, very narrow regions resulting in long narrow grid cells or cells having a high
aspect ratio should be avoided, as they tend to result in unstable solutions that can fail to converge. Highly
detailed component assemblies can result in very large numbers of closely spaced key coordinates resulting
in cells having high aspect ratios. Large numbers of key coordinates can also lead to overly complex grids and
correspondingly high calculation run times and excessive memory usage which can be avoided by replacing
very detailed assemblies with cruder representations for the purpose of the CFD calculation. However, where
very narrow grid regions are unavoidable, adjacent grid lines formed from key coordinates can be merged
together using the merge tolerance setting which is accessed through the new CFD analysis dialogs (see the
Setting Up a New External CFD Analysis and Setting Up a New Internal CFD Analysis sections). For
instance, in the above example, if the table assembly had been located closer to the edge of the adjacent
window, this could result in unacceptably close grid lines:
- 952 -
These closely spaced grid lines can be merged by creating a new analysis and increasing the grid line merge
tolerance setting to say 0.025m:
- 953 -
Due to the strict rectilinear nature of the grid, grid cells that lie in regions outside of the domain required for
calculation are blocked-off in order to cater for irregular geometries. It is important to take this into account
when creating a model in order to maximise the efficiency of grid generation and/or to ensure that surface
CFD boundaries will lie in the plane of a major grid axis to achieve accuracy of boundary representation. In
some cases, the model may be rotated in order to ensure that most of the wall surfaces are orthogonal with
respect to the grid axes. To take an extreme example, if a simple rectangular space has been drawn at a
45 angle to the Z-axis:
- 954 -
The resulting grid, generated using 0.3m default grid spacing, contains a great deal of redundancy in the form
of blocked-off regions and inaccuracy of surface representation:
- 955 -
The resulting grid exhibits no redundancy and there is no inaccuracy in surface representation:
The accuracy of the representation of non-orthogonal surfaces can be improved by using smaller default grid
spacing and in some cases specific grid regions can be modified to increase accuracy in a more localised
fashion as illustrated by the following example:
- 956 -
Using the Edit CFD Grid tool, the grid spacing within just the regions spanning the angled section is reduced
to 0.2m to improve the representation:
- 957 -
Grid regions between key coordinates can also be spaced using non-uniform spacing options and additional
key coordinate regions can be added. Further information is provided on grid modification in the Editing the
CFD Grid section.
- 958 -
incorporation of model assemblies representing occupants, radiators, fan-coil units, etc. DesignBuilder
provides default wall and window boundary temperatures automatically but it is important that you check that
these defaults are appropriate and that you correctly specify any additional boundary conditions required for
your project.
You can also calculate the internal surface temperature for each surface in the domain using EnergyPlus
simulation by switching on the appropriate options. You can also calculate airflow rates through open
windows, vents, doors and holes using the Calculated natural ventilation option.
See also:
Surface temperatures can be defined for all zone surfaces including windows and other openings.
Zone surface boundary conditions including supply diffusers, extract grilles, temperatures and heat
fluxes can be added in the form of surface patches using a similar method to that used for adding
windows and doors.
Component blocks and component assemblies can be defined as temperature or heat flux boundaries
or they can also have boundary condition patches added as described above for Zone surfaces.
In all cases the CFD boundary conditions can be edited on the CFD Model data tab.
- 959 -
Component Blocks
CFD attributes for component blocks are inherited down from the building level to component blocks located
at both building and building block levels. CFD attributes for component blocks are accessed on the CFD
model data tab.
The CFD assembly library that is provided with DesignBuilder contains a number of pre-defined assemblies
that can be used to add items such as occupants, radiators and furniture. Some of these pre-defined
assemblies already have CFD boundary attributes associated with them, e.g. standing occupant assemblies
have a defined convective heat flux of 56W. You can also define your own assemblies for use in CFD
analyses and you will find details of how to do this in the Assemblies Help section.
CFD attributes for component assemblies are inherited from the parent assembly to instances of the assembly
at the building and building block levels. CFD attributes for assemblies are accessed from the CFD tab after
moving down to an assembly instance level by clicking on it in the navigator or double-clicking on it in the Edit
screen. It is important to understand that if you change an attribute for a specific instance of an assembly, the
attributes will be changed for all other instances of the same assembly.
The following CFD boundary settings are available for both component blocks and component assemblies:
Thermal boundary type: The thermal boundary type can be set to one of the following:
If the thermal boundary type has been set to 2-Temperature, enter the temperature of the block.
- 960 -
Important Note: In the case of assemblies used to apply a heat flux boundary condition, the heat flux data on
the CFD tab of the component blocks can be treated in one of 2 ways depending on whether or not it inherits
this data from the assembly above:
a) When inheriting from the assembly above the same heat flux data as for the parent assembly appears in
blue on the CFD tab, but DesignBuilder doesn't use this directly. Instead the data is applied as if it is the total
for the whole assembly and the actual value for this component block is reduced by a proportion equal to the
ratio of the component volume to the volume of the whole assembly.
b) When hard set heat flux data is entered (data shown in red on the CFD tab) this is used directly in CFD
calculations and spread evenly around the component block surfaces.
The New CFD Analysis Data dialog is displayed which allows you to name the analysis, define grid
generation variables, wind data and the extents of the domain to be included in the analysis:
- 961 -
Grid type
With External CFD analyses you can select from 2 grid types:
1-Non uniform - where the grid is set up using a simple grid with fixed cubic cells using the Default
grid spacing as the cell size. This is the default option. This is the same setting as used for internal
CFD simulations, for which there is no option for a uniform grid.
2-Uniform - where DesignBuilder tries to set up a uniform grid but creates exceptions in order to
ensure that corners are located at the intersections of the grid. To achieve this, variations must be
created in the grid using the Grid line merge tolerance data.
Tip: Uniform grids are preferred for large and or very complex external CFD analyses to encourage
- 962 -
Wind Velocity
Enter the required free stream wind velocity in m/s (measured at 10m above ground).
Wind Direction
The wind direction is defined clockwise from North. The default direction is 270, i.e. Westerly.
Wind Exposure
The free stream wind velocity is corrected for height above ground and surrounding terrain using an empirical
relationship. The following exposures can be selected:
2-Suburban and
3-Open country .
Wind speed profile used by DesignBuilder (obtained from ASHRAE Fundamentals Airflow around buildings)
U(h) = wind speed (m/s) at height h (m)
Umet = wind speed (m/s) measured at 10m above ground level
met = meteorological site air layer thickness (270m Country exposure)
amet = exponent for meteorological site (0.14 Country exposure)
hmet = measurement height for meteorological (10m)
h = height above ground level (m)
Air layer thickness and exponent values for various exposures
- 963 -
- 964 -
As soon as a new analysis data set has been created, a default CFD grid is generated using the default grid
spacing defined as part of the data set. The default grid may be edited using the Edit CFD Grid tool which
allows you to change the spacing used for default regions, insert additional regions or remove previously
inserted regions.
When you select the Edit CFD Grid tool, the grid is displayed with the building outline overlaid as a ghosted
wire frame. Grid regions are displayed along the major axes bounded by dark grey lines, the auto-generated
grid region spacing lines being displayed in a lighter grey. The currently selected grid region is selected in
cyan or yellow if the region is a non-default inserted region. To select regions on one of the other major axes,
you can change the axis by clicking on the required axis of the axis selector displayed at the top right of the
- 965 -
To edit a grid region, move the mouse cursor across the grid to the required region that will highlight to
indicate that it has been selected and then click the mouse button. The selected region will then highlight in
red and the Edit CFD Grid data panel will be displayed at the bottom left of the screen:
The following settings are available on the Edit CFD Grid data panel:
- 966 -
Spacing Type
The spacing type can be set to one of the following:
2-Uniform - the region is sub-divided into a number of equal sub-divisions, the dimension of which is
calculated to be as close to the specified Spacing dimension as possible.
3-Increasing power-law - the location of each sub-division grid line within the region increases as the
power of the spacing number, which starts at the beginning of the region. So that if i represents the
index number of the grid line counted from the start of the region, the coordinate of the i th sub-division
grid line is calculated using the following relationship: x i=(region dimension)(i/n)power+xs
4-Decreasing power-law - the location of each sub-division grid line within the region decreases as
the power of the spacing number, which starts at the end of the region. So that if i represents the index
number of the grid line counted from the start of the region, the coordinate of the ith sub-division grid
line is calculated using the following relationship: x i=(region dimension)[1-(i/n)power]+xs
5-Symmetric power-law - the coordinate of the ith sub-division grid line is calculated using both
increasing and decreasing power-law relationships that meet at the middle of the region:
For i <= n/2: xi=[(region dimension)/2](2i/n)power+xs
For i >= n/2: xi=[(region dimension)/2][2-(2i/n))power]+xs
Spacing power
If the Increasing/Decreasing/Symmetric power law spacing type has been selected, this setting is displayed
and allows you to enter the power used in the associated power-law spacing relationship.
Number of divisions
If the Increasing/Decreasing/Symmetric power law spacing type has been selected, this setting is displayed
and allows you to enter the number of divisions used in the associated power-law spacing relationship.
After selecting an operation and adjusting the required settings, you then need to click on the Apply changes
button to update the selected grid region with the current settings.
- 967 -
Information about the CFD grid can be obtained using the Show CFD grid statistics tool, which displays the
CFD grid statistics dialog:
If the maximum cell aspect ratio exceeds the allowable limit of 50 or the required memory exceeds the
physical memory available, the Check will indicate a failure:
- 968 -
The CFD calculation process is iterative and is considered to have completed once convergence has been
achieved. The main indicator for convergence is the point at which the finite difference equations for all cells
are satisfied by the current values of the appropriate dependent variables. However, it can be very useful in
many cases to monitor the variation of the dependent variables at specific locations throughout the calculation
domain in order to observe the point at which they stabilise. It may be acceptable, in many cases, to terminate
a calculation as soon as the dependent variables have achieved adequate stability but before the residuals
have arrived at their defined termination values
When a project is first created, a default central cell monitor point is automatically added to the domain. The
Define CFD monitor points tool enables you to identify up to ten cells throughout the calculation domain at
which you want to monitor the variation of the calculated variables.
After selecting the Define CFD monitor points tool, the cell monitor screen is displayed which includes the
model view together with a cell selection frame, perpendicular to the currently selected axis. You can select a
plane along the current axis by moving the mouse cursor across the model in the direction of the axis. To
change the axis, click on the required axis on the axis selector tool, which is located at the top right of the
After selecting the required axis, move the cell selection frame along the axis, and then click the mouse button
to select a plane at the required distance along the axis. A cell selection grid is then displayed in the selected
plane allowing you to move the mouse cursor to the required cell in that plane:
- 969 -
After moving the mouse cursor to the required cell, click the mouse button to display the cell monitor data
panel at the bottom left of the screen.
The following settings are available on the cell monitor data panel:
This control is only active if you have selected a cell for which a monitor point has already been defined. The
following options are available:
1Update cell - add a monitor point or edit the name of a previously defined point.
2Remove cell - remove a previously defined monitor point.
To run the calculations, click on the Update calculated data tool. If a problem is found with the grid generation,
the CFD Grid Statistics dialog is displayed showing the error. There are three possible error conditions:
Maximum cell aspect ratio exceeds the limit - you will need to delete the existing project and create
a new one either reducing the default grid spacing dimension or increasing the grid line merge
tolerance by a suitable amount (see the CFD Results Manager section).
Required memory exceeds the available memory - you will need to delete the existing project and
create a new project with larger default grid spacing or consider simplifying the problem definition in
terms of complexity of assemblies, etc.
- 970 -
Flow imbalance the total flow rate specified for supply diffusers does not balance with the total flow
rate specified for extract grilles. You will need to add supply diffusers or extract grilles or edit the
existing flow rates to establish the correct balance
If no problem is encountered in creating the grid, the Edit Calculation Options dialog will be displayed:
The Edit Calculation Options dialog is divided into two main sections, the Residuals and Cell Monitor graphs
and the Calculation Options Data panel.
There are also a group of buttons at the bottom of the dialog, which allow you to control the calculations:
Start, or if the calculations have been paused, re-start the calculations.
Interrupt or pause the calculations. Once the calculations have been paused, the calculation dialog can be
temporarily closed in order to review the results.
After pausing the calculations, the calculations may then be re-initialised to start from scratch. If the solution is
found to diverge and you pause the calculations to decrease the velocity false time steps, you will then need
to reset the calculations before re-starting.
The calculation settings panel incorporates the following settings:
Turbulence Model
The following turbulence model options are available:
1Constant effective viscosity: The constant effective viscosity model is a very simple approach
involving the replacement of the molecular viscosity in the Navier-Stokes equations with a constant
effective viscosity (typically in the order of 100-1000). Although this model is incapable of modelling
local turbulence or the transport of turbulence, it is computationally much less expensive than the k-e
model and can be numerically much more stable.
- 971 -
2k-e: This model is one of the most widely used and tested of all turbulence models, belonging to the
so-called RANS (Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes) family of models. These models involve replacing
the instantaneous velocity in the Navier-Stokes and energy equations with a mean and fluctuating
component. The resulting equations give rise to additional terms known as Reynolds stresses and
turbulent heat flux components. Reynolds stresses are replaced with terms involving instantaneous
velocities where molecular viscosities are substituted for effective viscosities and a similar substitution
is conducted for the energy equation. The effective viscosity is the sum of the molecular viscosity and a
turbulent viscosity, which is derived from the turbulence kinetic energy and the dissipation rate of
turbulence kinetic energy:
where k= turbulence kinetic energy and e = dissipation rate of turbulence kinetic energy
k and e are both derived from partial differential equations which are in turn derived from a
manipulation of the Navier-Stokes equations.
Discretisation scheme
The following discretisation schemes are available:
1-Upwind - The calculation process involves replacing the defining set of partial differential equations
with a set of finite difference equations. The conventional approach to this is to use a Taylors series
formulation, which leads to a set of central difference equations. However, although this approach is
physically realistic for diffusion, it is not found to be realistic for convection because of its one-way
nature, i.e. upwind conditions affect downwind conditions but not the reverse. The upwind scheme
allows the convective term to be calculated assuming that the value of the dependent variable at a cell
interface is equal to the value at the cell on the upwind side of the interface.
2Hybrid a more computationally expensive approach than the upwind scheme but it reduces
numerical diffusion at high values of Pe number.
3Power-Law - The power-law scheme is arguably more accurate than the hybrid scheme but is more
computationally expensive.
This is the maximum number of iterations conducted by the outer iterative calculation loop (see CFD
Calculations and Convergence section). The calculations will terminate when the number of iterations
reaches this value regardless of whether or not the solution has converged.
Temperature is assumed to be constant throughout the calculation domain and the energy equation is
removed from the calculations.
1Calculated - Surface heat transfer coefficients are calculated by the CFD calculation scheme if the
k-e turbulence model has been selected.
2User-defined - Surface heat transfer coefficients can be defined for ceilings, wall and floors.
Initial conditions
In some cases, a faster solution can be achieved by setting the initial conditions closer to the final expected
- 972 -
Cell monitor
Select any defined cell monitor point and associated dependent variable to be displayed on the cell monitor
(see Setting Up CFD Cell Monitor Points section).
Residual Display
Residuals give an indication of the extent to which the calculations have converged to the final solution. They
are a measure of the total 'error' still left on the solution. You can select the dependent variables and/or mass
for which residuals are to be displayed in the residuals monitor. The mass residual is similar to the dependent
variable residuals but is extracted from a continuity equation mass balance for each cell and is the most
significant residual in terms of indicating a successfully converged solution.
The residuals have no units and are normalised by scaling to enable similar termination residual magnitudes
for each variable.
See also the Termination residual section below.
It is also important to use monitor points (above) in conjunction with termination residuals because they can
provide a more meaningful indication of convergence (i.e. when the values of the dependent variables at the
monitor points level out).
Inner iteration
The number of iterations used for the calculation of the dependent variable.
Relaxation factor
This is used in the text book relaxation method, which can be used to allow only a proportion of the
calculated value of the current iteration dependent variable to be assigned to the variable. However, the false
time step is normally the preferred method of achieving under-relaxation.
Termination residual
The outer iterative calculation loop is repeated until the finite difference equations for all cells are satisfied by
the current values of the appropriate dependent variables, at which point the scheme is said to have
converged. The dependent variable residual is the maximum residual quantity for the equation balance
across all cells in the domain. The solution is deemed to have converged for each dependent variable when
the residual is less than the termination residual.
The CFD Calculations and Convergence section gives an overview of the calculation methodology that will
help in understanding the concepts used to initialise, control and monitor the calculations.
- 973 -
If you notice that the residuals are fluctuating wildly or steadily increasing over several hundred iterations, you
should pause the calculations and take remedial action (see Convergence Difficulties and Troubleshooting
The cell monitor graph displays the variation in the selected dependent variable for the currently selected
monitor cell (see Setting Up CFD Cell Monitor Points section and Cell Monitor setting in the CFD Calculation
Options section). The variation of monitored cell point variables provides a good indication of solution
convergence, i.e. when the variation of the variable stabilises.
- 974 -
Turbulence models
In some cases a solution can be very difficult, if not impossible, to achieve using the standard k-e turbulence
model. Particularly difficult problems involve very low velocity buoyancy-driven flows where diffusion is
dominated by convection and this can cause velocities to fluctuate around a mean value. In these cases,
reducing false time steps may not improve the situation. In order to force a solution, you may consider
introducing additional boundary conditions such as occupants, which can change the flow sufficiently to obtain
a solution without the problem necessarily becoming unrealistic.
Alternatively, you may consider using the constant effective viscosity turbulence model with a relatively high
turbulent viscosity or turbulent viscosity multiplier but bear in mind that this will introduce an artificially high
level of diffusion into the flow and also, the constant effective viscosity model is incapable of modelling the
transport of turbulence.
Displaying Results
After completing or pausing the calculations, the CFD Display Options data panel is shown in the bottom left
of the screen and the Select CFD slice tool becomes enabled (above). This is the main mechanism for
displaying results. It allows you to select a slice along one of the main grid axes and perpendicular to it, within
which any of the selected results can be displayed.
After selecting the Select CFD slice tool, the CFD results screen is displayed which includes the model view
together with a slice selection frame, perpendicular to the currently selected axis. You can select a slice along
the current axis by moving the mouse cursor across the model in the direction of the axis. To change the axis,
click on the required axis on the axis selector tool, which is located at the top right of the screen:
- 975 -
After selecting the required axis and moving the slice selector frame to the required position along the axis,
click the mouse button to add the slice to the display. Notice that as you move the slice selection frame to a
slice that was previously added to the display, the frame colour changes from green to red and if you click the
mouse button, the slice is removed from the display:
Slice variable plots are selected under the Slice Settings header on the Display Options data panel and
controlled under the Variable Settings header:
- 976 -
Note that any modifications made to items on the Display Options data panel will only come into effect after
clicking on the Apply changes button.
The Variable Settings group contains groups of variable banding data for velocity, temperature and pressure
variables. Also, under the variable settings Velocity header, there are two velocity vector settings, Maximum
vector length and Velocity scale factor. Velocity vectors are displayed as arrows, the length of which
corresponds to the magnitude of the velocity and with the default vector scale factor of 1.0, a length of 1.0m
corresponds to a magnitude of 1.0m/s. The maximum vector length is the maximum length of a vector that will
be displayed to prevent the display from becoming cluttered with excessively large vectors. Any vector, which
has a magnitude greater than this maximum, will be displayed translucently to distinguish it from vectors with
lengths that do represent magnitude.
The variable banding data comprises the defined band range, followed by twelve contour band values within
the defined range. The band range defines the minimum and maximum variable values between which data
will be displayed and the band values are the actual values within that range that are displayed in the form of
contours or in the case of velocity vectors, vector colours. The default minimum and maximum variable display
values are extracted from the calculated values and this range is then divided into twelve equal increments in
order to arrive at the dependent variable contour bands. Each contour band can be edited or switched off
altogether. When the band range values are modified, the individual band values are automatically recalculated.
The Slice Settings group is used to select the plots required to be included in subsequently added slices.
The last item on the Display Options data panel is the 3-D contours group that allows you to select any of the
available variables for which a 3-D contour plot is required:
- 977 -
DesignBuilder CFD comfort calculations allow you to carry out a distributed analysis of the comfort conditions
in the domain. The comfort calculations are carried out for each cell in the grid and include consideration of
the local air temperature and velocity. Radiant temperatures of the surrounding surfaces are also considered.
Note that solar radiation through windows or from zone equipment is not considered in DesignBuilder CFD.
After completing or pausing the CFD calculations the Update CFD comfort tool will become enabled. Clicking
on this tool opens the comfort Calculation options dialog.
Metabolic rate
Enter the metabolic rate to be used in the CFD comfort analysis. You should choose a value depending on the
activity, age and sex of the occupants. If you are aiming to reproduce conditions in a previous EnergyPlus
simulation then you should enter the same value used in that simulation. The default value for simulation is
0.90 met (the average of the recommended values for men and women). The default metabolic rate on this
dialog is also 0.9.
Clothing level
Enter the clothing level for the CFD comfort calculations. The default is 1.0 which represents typical winter
If you are aiming to match comfort calculations with those in EnergyPlus you should ensure that you use the
appropriate value. Note that EnergyPlus clothing levels are provided for summer and winter separately so you
should make sure to choose the right value depending on the season for this CFD simulation.
- 978 -
Relative humidity
DesignBuilder CFD does not calculate relative humidity (RH) so this value must be defined manually by the
user when calculating comfort. Again if you are aiming to reproduce the same values from a simulation you
should copy the appropriate RH from the EnergyPlus results to this dialog. The default value is 50%.
Comfort results
After pressing OK on the Calculation options dialog, a progress bar will be displayed indicating that mean
radiant temperature (MRT) calculations are in progress, followed by another progress bar for the comfort
calculations themselves.
After the comfort calculations have completed additional comfort data will become available and
corresponding comfort slice display variables are available on the Display options data panel:
PMV - Predicted Mean Vote calculated using Fanger equations according to ISO 7730
PPD - Predicted Percentage Dissatisfied calculated using Fanger equations according to ISO 7730
Mean Radiant Temperature
Operative Temperature
You can find out more about Fanger comfort calculations in the EnergyPlus Thermal Comfort section.
- 979 -
outdoor air supply. A short-circuiting flow pattern between the fresh air supply and return outlets, increases the
room-air age and causes ACE to be less than unity. Perfect mixing results in an ACE of unity. Preferentially
ventilating the breathing zone with outside air will cause the ACE to be greater than unity.
To calculate air change effectiveness use the ACE tool.
Page under development
The CFD results manager tool allows you to create new CFD projects, open existing projects or remove
existing projects. For example, considering the internal analysis example illustrated in the Displaying Results
section, you may want to conduct another analysis after moving the position of a radiator in order to look at
the effect on air distribution. You would first go to the Edit screen and modify the radiator layout:
After returning to the CFD screen, you can then click on the CFD results manager tool to open the CFD
Results Manager dialog:
- 980 -
The CFD Results Manger dialog incorporates a list of all available projects together with buttons that allow you
to create a new project, open a project or delete a project. For each project entry in the list, the first column
indicates the project name, the second column the model domain object used for the calculations (site,
building, building block, zone) and the third column indicates whether or not the model geometry contained
within the results is up-to-date. In this case, you would click on the New button to create a new project:
See the Setting Up a New Internal CFD Analysis section for details of creating a new internal analysis.
After creating the new analysis, you can then conduct the calculations:
- 981 -
You can then use the CFD Results Manager to open the previous project in order to compare results:
External analyses are simpler than internal analyses in that you do not need to define any internal boundary
conditions. Also they are isothermal and take account principally of only velocity and pressure.
It is possible to edit the grid and select monitor cells with external CFD as well as with internal CFD.
- 982 -
Click on the Add new block tool and change the Block type to Building block and the Height to 30.0m. To
place the origin of the building at the site origin, type in 0 0 and press the <Return> key. To then create the
block with a 30.0m x 20.0m perimeter, type in 30 20 and press the <Return> key. A block will be created with
the required dimensions. Alternatively create the block by drawing the base perimeter in the normal way.
- 983 -
Notice the rotation of the domain with respect to the building to account for the wind direction.
- 984 -
Go to the Display Options panel and open the Velocity header under the Variable Settings header and
set the Vector scale factor to 2.0 and the Maximum vector length to 5m.
Under the Slice Settings header, make sure that only Velocity vectors is switched on.
Click on the Select CFD slice tool. Use the grid axis selector to change the current axis to the Z-axis
and then move the mouse across one of the side surfaces of the site domain along the Z-axis until the
slice selection frame is located 25m above the ground plane. Click on the mouse to add the currently
selected slice to the display.
- 985 -
Clear the current slice from the display using the Clear all slices tool.
Switch off Velocity vectors under the Slice Settings header on the Display Options panel and switch on
the Velocity contours and Filled Velocity contours.
Click on the green tick Apply changes button.
Select the Y-axis from the grid axis selector and move the cursor over the top surface of the site
domain along the Y-axis until the slice selection frame is 50.68m from the origin and click the mouse to
add the slice to the display.
To add a horizontal slice 5m from the ground, select the Z-axis from the grid axis selector and move the
cursor over one of the side surfaces of the site domain along the Z-axis until the slice selection frame is
5.0m above the ground plane and click the mouse to add the slice to the display.
- 986 -
- 987 -
- 988 -
Click on the zone in the navigator and select the North-facing surface in the Edit screen. Double-click to
drop down to the surface level.
Click on the Normal view button to obtain a normal view of the surface.
Click on the Add CFD boundary tool. The CFD boundary data panel is displayed at the bottom left of
the screen.
Select Supply from the Boundary type drop list. Keep all of the remaining boundary defaults but change
the Y discharge angle to 45 in order that the supply jet will be projected upwards at an angle of
45 from the horizontal.
The supply diffuser is to be 1.0m x 0.2m and is to be located midway between the North and South
surface edges, 0.4m from the top edge of the surface. With the Increment snap switched on, move the
cursor to the top left corner of the surface and press <SHIFT> to lock the origin to the surface corner,
move the cursor away from the corner until the cursor is snapped 0.4m from the top edge and 1.5m
from the left edge and click the mouse button to place the top left corner of the boundary. Move the
cursor to place the bottom right corner of the boundary 1.0m to the right and 0.2m below the top left
corner and click the mouse to place the supply.
- 989 -
Extract Grille
A 0.5m x 0.5m extract grille is to be located in the corner of the ceiling 0.5 m from the North and east surface
Click on the zone roof surface in the navigator and again click on the Normal view button to obtain a
normal view.
Click on the Add CFD boundary tool and select Extract from the Boundary type drop list. Keep the
default flow rate of 200 l/s to match the supply flow rate.
Move the cursor until it is snapped 0.5m from the top edge of the surface and 0.5m from the right edge
and click the mouse to place the top right corner of the extract, move the mouse 0.5m to the left and
0.5m below the top right corner of the extract and click the mouse to place it.
- 990 -
Name field and leave the grid spacing and grid line merge tolerance at their default settings. More on grids in
the next exercise.
Click OK to create the analysis data set.
You will see the model in wire-frame mode by default and at this stage the CFD analysis has been created
including the default grid and the model is ready for calculations. If you were going to edit the grid now is the
time before starting the calculations, but for now we will use the default grid.
- 991 -
Notice that as you move the slice selection frame to a slice that was previously added to the display, the frame
colour changes from green to red and if you click the mouse button, the slice is removed from the display.
Try adding more slices in other planes to see the key characteristics of temperature and velocity distribution in
the zone.
Press the ESC key to cancel Select CFD slice tool.
- 992 -
Click on the Add new block tool and change the Block type on the Drawing Options panel to
Component block and the Height to 1.0m.
To place the origin of the radiator component block at the site origin, type in 0 0 and press the return
Now to create the radiator component with a length of 1.0m and say a thickness of 60mm to represent
a single panel convector type radiator, type in 1.0 0.06. The component block will then appear with the
specified dimensions. Alternatively use the mouse to define the component block dimensions in the
usual way.
To convert the component block to an assembly and add the resulting assembly to the model assembly
First select the component block and then click on the Add assembly to library tool. The selected
component block will be displayed with a wire frame bounding-box and the Add assembly to library
data panel is displayed at the bottom left of the screen.
Set the Assembly creation mode to Delete because the original component block will not be needed
after the conversion and type the name Radiator into the Name field.
Set the Thermal boundary type to Temperature in order to create a constant temperature radiator and
set the Temperature to 75.0C.
Make sure that the Mass check box is checked to ensure that the assembly will represent a solid
boundary and that air will not be able to pass through it.
The next stage is to select the attachment plane for the assembly, which is the surface plane of the
assembly that will be used when attaching the assembly to a model surface during the assembly
placement process. In this case, the base (bottom) surface of the radiator should be selected as the
attachment plane. To select the attachment plane, move the cursor over the radiator assembly and as
you do so, each surface of the assembly bounding-box will highlight in yellow, move the cursor to the
base surface of the bounding-box and click the mouse. The assembly will then be automatically added
to the model assembly library and because the Delete creation mode has been selected, the original
component will be deleted.
- 993 -
Click on the Place assembly tool and as you move the cursor back across the Edit screen, you will see that a
copy of the previously created radiator assembly is attached to the cursor and the Place assembly data panel
- 994 -
is displayed at the bottom left of the screen. Set the Offset to 0.1m to offset the base of the radiator 0.1m
above the floor level, set the Width to 2.0m, the height to 0.6m and leave the Depth at 0.06m. Move the cursor
to establish a snap on the construction line and click the mouse to place the radiator origin. Once the radiator
has been placed, a protractor is displayed at the assembly origin enabling you to define the rotation. Rotate
the radiator assembly until it is parallel with the nearest wall and then click the mouse to set the rotation.
Repeat this procedure to place a 3.0m radiator adjacent to the North-facing wall.
- 995 -
these calculations will be displayed. You should now create a new analysis because the model has changed
with the addition of the radiators. To do this click on the CFD Results Manager toolbar icon. This displays the
dialog below.
Note that the first Basic Vent analysis is flagged as not up-to-date. This is because the model has been edited
since the last calculation was made.
Click on the New button to create a new analysis using the model in its current state. The New CFD analysis
dialog is displayed. Enter Radiators and Vent in the Name field and leave the default grid spacing and grid line
merge tolerance at their default settings. The default grid spacing and grid line merge tolerance are used in
generating the CFD grid. During the process of creating a new CFD analysis data set, a 3-D CFD grid is
automatically generated by extracting key points from the model geometry along each of the major axes. The
spaces between the key points are known as grid regions and are automatically divided into sub-regions using
the default grid spacing entered on the Calculation options dialog. The grid line merge tolerance enables key
point grid lines that are very close together to be merged in order to prevent very high aspect ratio cells from
being created which can lead to calculation instability.
Click OK to create the analysis data set.
You will see the model in wire-frame mode by default and at this stage the CFD analysis has been created
including the default grid and the model is ready for calculations.
- 996 -
To change the current grid axis, click on one of the major axes in the grid axis selector tool that is displayed at
the top right of the CFD screen. To edit a selected region, click the mouse on the currently selected region.
The selected region will turn red and the Edit CFD grid region data panel will be displayed at the bottom left of
the screen. You can select Edit region from the Operation drop list to change the default spacing of the region
or Insert region to create a new region and in the case of a previously inserted region, you can select Remove
region to remove it.
- 997 -
To cancel the Edit CFD grid tool press the <Esc> key.
After editing the default grid, you can reset it to the default by clicking on the Reset CFD grid tool. Also, to
obtain information about the grid, you can click on the Show CFD grid statistics tool which brings up a dialog
indicating the number of cells, required memory, available memory and maximum cell aspect ratio.
For the purpose of this tutorial, the default grid will be used.
To set up a monitor point, click on the Define CFD monitor points tool.
Move the cursor along the current grid axis to select the plane in which the monitor cell is to be
selected. You can change the current grid axis using the grid axis selector tool as before.
Once the plane has been selected, you can the move the cursor to select the required cell in that
plane. With the current grid axis set to the default X axis, move the cursor along the axis to select a
plane about 1.0m from the supply diffuser and then move the cursor across the selected plane and
select a cell directly in front of the diffuser.
The Cell monitor data panel is displayed at the bottom left of the screen. Enter the name Supply in the
Monitor location name field and click on the green tick Apply changes button
When a monitor cell has been added, a cell marker is displayed together with the cell name.
- 998 -
You can press <Esc> to cancel the Define CFD monitor points tool.
- 999 -
and the resulting display would not be very informative. So in order to compress the contour bands to be
within the likely temperature range throughout the domain DesignBuilder automatically sets the Maximum
Temperature under temperature bands range to 24.0C and the minimum value to 18C.
You can manually change these maximum and minimum values in the Display options panel. Note that you
need to click on the green tick Apply changes button in order for the display attributes to take effect. Notice
also that the temperature contour bands are updated using the new temperature range.
You can revert to the absolute minimum and maximum values in the model by using the Tools > Reset CFD
display variables menu command.
Comfort Calculations
Click on the Update CFD comfort tool to carry out comfort calculations. After the calculations have been
completed, various comfort variables are available for display, PMV, PPD, operative temperature and mean
radiant temperature. Clear all slices from the display using the Clear all slices tool. Switch off Velocity vectors
and Filled temperature contours under the Slice Settings header on the Display options panel and switch on
the PMV contours and Filled PMV contours. Click on the green tick Apply changes button.
Click on the Select CFD slice tool and click on the Y-axis of the grid axis selector. Move the cursor over the
ceiling surface along the Y-axis to move the slice selection frame again to be midway between the North and
South-facing walls and click the mouse button to add the slice to the display.
- 1000 -
Term 1 represents the rate of change, term 2 represents convection, term 3 represents diffusion and S is a
source term.
Due to its non-linearity, the equation set cannot be solved using analytical techniques, which necessitates the
requirement for a numerical method. The numerical method employed by DesignBuilder involves re-casting
the differential equations into the form of a set of finite difference equations by sub-dividing the required
building space (or calculation domain) into a set of non-overlapping adjoining rectilinear volumes or cells,
which is collectively known as a finite volume grid. The equation set is then expressed in the form of a set of
linear algebraic equations for each cell within the grid and the overall set of equations is solved using an
iterative scheme. The non-linearity of the equation set is accounted for by the use of a nested iterative
scheme whereby each dependent variable equation set (velocity components, temperature, etc.) are
themselves solved iteratively within an overall outer iterative loop and at the termination of each outer
iteration, the most recent values of the dependent variables are fed back into the dependent variable
coefficients. The outer iterative loop is repeated until the finite difference equations for all cells are satisfied by
the current values of the appropriate dependent variables, at which point the scheme is said to have
converged. An appreciation of the requirement for convergence and the nested iterative procedure used to
achieve it will help in understanding the meaning of the various calculation options that are described in the
Conducting CFD Calculations section.
DesignBuilder provides 2 types of daylighting calculations:
Daylight illuminance contour plots and average daylight factor and uniformity are generated for each
zone calculated using the Radiance ray-tracing simulation engine. Standard reports detailing eligibility
for LEED EQ8.1, BREEAM HW1 and Green Star IEQ4 daylighting credits are provided. Click on the
- 1001 -
The rest of this section covers the detailed Radiance ray-tracing calculation of daylight.
The above data is passed to the Radiance simulation engine which calculates the distribution of illuminance
and daylight factors on the working plane using a ray-tracing method.
When the calculations have been carried out, the daylight data can be displayed.
1-Map - a daylight distribution contour map on the working plane of the current object is displayed.
2-Grid - a table of summary daylight statistics for each zone is displayed, including average, min and
max daylight factors and uniformity factor data.
3-LEED v2 Credit EQ8.1 Report - generates documentation that can be used towards obtaining LEED
v2 IEQ 8.1 credits.
4-LEED v3 Credit IEQ 8.1 Report - generates documentation that can be used towards obtaining
LEED v3 IEQ 8.1 credits.
5-BREEAM Credit HW1 Report, - generates documentation that can be used towards obtaining
BREEAM HW1 credits.
- 1002 -
6-Green Star Credit IEQ4 Report, generates documentation that can be used towards obtaining
Green Star IEQ4 credits.
If you do not require any particular report then select either 1-Map or 2-Grid.
Detail template
Select a detail template from the drop list to load a set of ambient parameters to the dialog as shown in the
table below.
You do not necessarily need to have an in-depth understanding of the meaning of each of these parameters
to carry out an accurate assessment in DesignBuilder. However knowing a little bit about the way the
calculations work and how the options affect the calculations will help you to understand how to get the best
trade-off between accuracy and simulation times.
It is important to understand that Radiance works using a statistical Monte Carlo approach and this means
that you will not get exactly the same results if you repeat a calculation using exactly the same model and
options. You can reduce this effect by using higher detail settings but you cannot completely eliminate it. This
is discussed in more detail under Advanced options below.
Detail template
For a discussion on the relative merits of using some of the above settings for daylight credit calculations see
Enter the margin (in m or ft) around the zone boundaries where illuminance data is not to be calculated or
included in summary results. This option can be used to help avoid inclusion of potentially misleading
- 1003 -
illuminance data close to walls and windows. A typical margin recommended by CIBSE is 0.5m. DesignBuilder
sets the margin to 0 by default as a margin is not required for most daylight credit calculations.
Sky model
Select the sky model to be used for the daylighting calculations. Select from:
1-CIE sunny clear day, the sky distribution corresponds to the standard CIE clear sky condition with
additional direct illumination from the sun included. Expect very bright patches due to direct illumination
from the sun with relatively dark areas where direct sunlight does not fall.
2-CIE clear day, the standard CIE clear sky distribution without direct illumination from the sun.
3-CIE sunny intermediate day, sky with intermediate conditions between the overcast and clear skies
(see graph below) with direct illuminance from the sun included.
4-CIE intermediate day, the CIE standard intermediate sky with illuminance distribution conditions
between the overcast and clear skies (see graph below). Direct illuminance from the sun is not
5-CIE overcast day, The CIE Standard Overcast Sky, originally known as the Moon and Spencer Sky,
was devised to represent the luminance distribution observed for overcast skies. Adopted as a
standard by the CIE in 1955, this description is the one most frequently used for illuminance modelling.
In this model, the sky brightness increases gradually with altitude from the horizon to the zenith, but it
does not vary with azimuth.
6-CIE overcast day (scaled) This option is similar to 5-CIE overcast day described above but is
scaled using a standard sky illuminance at the zenith. By default the zenith illuminance is set to 10,000
lux so that daylight factors can be calculated simply as working plane illuminance values divided by
100. This option is frequently used for daylight factor calculations. Other zenith illuminance values can
be entered though.
7-Uniform cloudy sky where the sky illumination is completely uniform.
Sky luminance profiles for 3 sky models (Source Rendering with Radiance: A Practical Tool for Global
- 1004 -
Zenith illuminance
When the Sky model (above) is set to 6-CIE overcast day (scaled) you can define the scaling illuminance at
the Zenith (in lux or fc). The default is 10,000 lux which allows daylight factors to be calculated simply as
working plane illuminance values divided by 100.
Grid Size
Maximum grid size
The main grid size that can be used to divide up the working plane when calculating illuminance. Larger
values will speed up calculations but give lower resolution in daylighting outputs.
You should consider the size and number of zones in the building when selecting the grid size. A very fine grid
will of course cause Radiance calculations to take a lot longer to complete. On the other hand a very coarse
grid in a small zone may not give a good enough distribution.
You should use a maximum grid size no greater than 5ft or 1.5m for LEED EQ8.1 calculations.
- 1005 -
Tip: If you aren't sure try experimenting with different values for this setting to
test sensitivity and learn impact on results.
Grid size
Max: 0.2m
Min: 0.05m
Of course, the finer the overall grid the more accurate the results. Perhaps less
obvious however is that using lower values for Minimum grid size can lead to
more accurate and higher illuminance results. This is because the small grid
cells generated with the low minimum grid size can fill in around the edges of the
working plane where often the highest levels of daylight are to be found.
Use a zero margin if you need the entire working plane to be included in the
results. This will often lead to higher % areas over daylight thresholds because
the edges of the working plane are usually closest to where many of the
windows are located.
Advanced Options
Ambient bounces (-ab)
The number of ambient bounces is the maximum number of diffuse bounces computed by the indirect
calculation. The number of ambient bounces that Radiance should apply varies depending on the type of
building and daylighting system you are analysing. It can be set based on the number of reflections typically
required by the light to reach the task plus one or two extra for inter reflection within the space.
The number of bounces should normally be set to 3 for most accurate calculations or 2 if some trade-off is
acceptable. 4 does not usually add much accuracy over and above 3 and 1 and 0 are inadequate for most
daylighting calculations.
When the number of ambient bounces is set to 0 the ambient lighting calculations are switched off, so only
direct sun/sky light patches are considered.
Tip: It is possible to calculate the fraction of the working plane which receives direct sunlight by setting the
Ambient bounces calculation option to 0 and the Illuminance threshold display option to 0, then viewing the
Floor Area above Threshold data in the Grid output.
If the number of ambient bounces is set to 1, light is considered to reach the interior surfaces from the sun's
direct rays, from the diffuse sky, and from first bounce reflections of direct sunlight rays from both interior and
exterior surfaces. Reflections of sky light off interior or exterior surfaces to other interior surfaces will not be
considered. Additional bounces can be added to consider additional flux paths.
Note that a value of 1 for the number of ambient bounces is often enough for daylight factor calculations.
However, if the daylight factor plot is "lumpy", setting a higher value alone will not fix it.
Doubling ambient bounces can double rendering time.
- 1006 -
The minimum possible spacing between hemispherical indirect irradiance sampling points is the maximum
scene dimension multiplied by the ambient accuracy divided by the ambient resolution. In other words, for
distances less than this minimum, the calculation will always resort to interpolation, rather than initiate more
sampling, regardless of the error estimate associated with that interpolation. This prevents the calculation from
spending unnecessary time resolving irradiance gradients over negligible scales. This distance gives the scale
at which the interpolation accuracy begins to deteriorate from the ambient accuracy setting. The minimum
separation for calculated irradiances, Smin, is:
Smin= Dmax Ambient accuracy / Ambient resolution
Where the scene dimension, Dmax, is a measure of the maximum dimension of the zone being treated.
The effect of increasing Ambient resolution depends on the scene but it can quadruple calculation times for
double the value.
Set Ambient divisions high enough to capture the visible luminous features at the first bounce.
Give sufficient ambient bounces to redistribute the light.
Set the remaining ambient parameters to sufficiently high resolution to deliver acceptably smooth
- 1007 -
Hemispherical sampling at the first level will always be initiated from the first point supplied to rtrace. From
these hemispherical sampling rays, the ambient calculation will predict the way the indirect irradiance is
changing about that point (the indirect irradiance gradient). The calculation also evaluates an estimation of
error associated with the prediction for the irradiance gradient. These quantities, together with the Ambient
accuracy parameter, are used to determine a radius of validity for the gradient estimate. If the next point
supplied to rtrace is within this radius, the indirect irradiance is evaluated from the gradient estimate and not
from further hemispherical sampling. In other words, the value is obtained by a form of interpolation rather
than by actual sampling.
Irradiance interpolation can occur across the points supplied to rtrace, so hemispherical sampling at the first
level will not necessarily be initiated from every point in the working plane supplied to rtrace.
It is important to appreciate the element of chance at work whenever hemispherical sampling is used. If the
number of initial sampling rays were set too small, the calculation might, for example, miss a bright patch even
though it was visible from the point at which the rays were spawned. Likewise, an unrepresentative chance
hit of a small bright patch by one of the sampling rays can produce a gross overestimate for indirect
irradiance. In a rendering, the artefacts associated with ambient undersampling can cause bright and dark
To minimise blotches we need to set a sufficiently high value for the number of initial sampling rays, Ambient
divisions. Hemispherical sampling is generally too expensive to initiate at every surface visible from the eye
point. The calculation needs good indirect irradiance estimates from sampling at a limited number of locations.
We then rely on the irradiance interpolation algorithm to estimate missing values. To generate a fairly smooth
rendering for a daylight calculation accounting for the first level of inter-reflection, we would need to set
moderately high resolution values for the ambient parameters.
1-Map - a daylight distribution contour map on the working plane of the current object is displayed.
2-Grid - a table of summary daylight statistics for each zone is displayed, including average, min and
max daylight factors and uniformity factor data.
3-LEED v2 Credit EQ8.1 Report - generates documentation that can be used towards obtaining LEED
v2 IEQ 8.1 credits.
4-LEED v3 Credit IEQ 8.1 Report - generates documentation that can be used towards obtaining
LEED v3 IEQ 8.1 credits.
5-BREEAM Credit HEA1 Report, - generates documentation that can be used towards obtaining
BREEAM HW1 credits.
6-Green Star Credit IEQ4 Report, generates documentation that can be used towards obtaining
Green Star IEQ4 credits
These options together with their associated Display options are described in more detail below.
- 1008 -
You can see that the zone boundary has a 0.5m margin around it where data is not calculated avoiding use of
potentially misleading data close to walls and windows. To calculate the daylight illuminance right up to zone
boundaries set the Margin calculation option to 0.
When at building and block levels maps of daylight distribution across the working plane of the current object
can be displayed. An example daylight distribution map displayed across multiple zones is shown below.
- 1009 -
You can see that each zone boundary has a margin around it.
Scale source
The scale of the daylight illuminance maps can be defined using data from the building, block or zone level or
it can be entered manually. It is a way to define the minimum and maximum values on the scale. Select from
one of these options.
1-Building, where all of the illuminance values calculated for the whole building are scanned and the
lowest and highest values are used. This allows illuminance plots to be generated using a consistent
scale even when displaying data at block or zone level.
2-Block, where all of the illuminance values calculated for the current block are scanned and the
lowest and highest values for are used. This allows illuminance plots to be generated using a
consistent scale even when displayed data at zone level.
3-Zone, where the scale is tailored to the current zone allowing in many cases a more even distribution
of colours through the map. When using this option images generated for each zone will use a different
scale and so will not be so easily comparable as if the 1-Building had been used.
4-User defined, where you can enter the minimum and maximum values on the scale manually. This
has the advantage of allowing a specific lower and upper scale value to be used. For example for many
calculations, daylight factors lower than 2% are considered to be inadequately daylit and entering .
These areas can be highlighted in a special colour to help provide a clear visual indication of the
success or otherwise of the daylighting of a building.
Low DF (%)
When using the 4-User defined Scale source you can enter the minimum daylight factor scale value to be
- 1010 -
High DF (%)
When using the 4-User defined Scale source you can enter the maximum daylight factor scale value to be
Working plane
When viewing data for a block or building there can be multiple zones and these can have working planes at
various heights. DesignBuilder therefore provides a drop list to allow you select which zones zones are to be
displayed based on all relevant working planes identified in the current building or block.
Available at building and block levels, the 2-Grid Report type displays information on average daylight factors,
daylight uniformity and illuminance values for each zone together with a total for the building. The following
data is calculated for each zone:
This option might be useful if the built-in daylight reports don't cover the particular calculation you need to
make. In this case you can export the summary data for each zone for further analysis in a spreadsheet.
An example grid output is shown below.
- 1011 -
Note all floor areas reported on the Daylighting screen are sum of the grid point areas which will usually be
slightly less than the
- 1012 -
- 1013 -
- 1014 -
- 1015 -
Construction Cost
Embodied and Equivalent Carbon
To be completed - the cost model is still under development.
The outputs of the Cost calculation can be included automatically within the Construction cost data to be fed
to EnergyPlus for economic analysis.
- 1016 -
- 1017 -
You can use DesignBuilder to generate reports using the Compile Reports and Report topic mechanism or
you can Export individual report content to file, clipboard (for pasting into word processors) or directly to the
Export Data
Report Topics
Compile Reports
Export CSV
Edit Screen - exports a non-rendered 3-D image of the building. Alternatively a 3-D DXF file can be
Visualisation Screen - exports a rendered 3-D image of the building optionally including shading and
Heating and Cooling Design Screens - exports design data (graphical, tabular, spreadsheet).
Simulation Screen - exports simulation data (graphical, tabular, spreadsheet).
You can export to a range of destinations (depending on the nature of the data):
File - store output in a file which can be imported into your documents/e-mails.
Printer - sends output directly to the printer.
Clipboard - for pasting directly into word processors etc.
Report topic - for generating reports using the Compile Reports feature.
Export format options depend on the nature of the data. The full range of options is:
Bitmap - best bitmap based output quality but very large file sizes.
PNG - better quality compression than JPEG but sometimes have larger file sizes.
TIFF - best bitmap based output quality but very large file sizes.
GIF - good compression but black and white only.
JPEG - recommended for 3-D images of the model because of its good quality combined with small file
DXF - generate 3-D DXF data of the model - only available from Edit and Visualisation Screens. The 3D DXF file generated by DesignBuilder is suitable for reading into other CAD software. Two options are
1-Whole model with details which includes all of the details of the model as seen on the
Visualisation tab, and,
2-Zones which generates the internal surfaces as used in simulations and other energy
Windows metafile - results graphs only - scalable so graphs can be resized without losing quality.
CSV spreadsheet - grid results and library data only.
Text - reports only.
- 1019 -
Report topics are used to store snapshots of model data including model descriptions, graphic images of the
model and results.
You can export to a report topic by selecting 'Report topic' from the 'Export to' option on the Export Data
dialog. When Report topic is selected, a second tab becomes available called Report on which you can enter
a title and caption for the topic. You can also choose to include a model description with the topic. This allows
a building description to be included alongside the data when the report is compiled using the Compile Report
Report topics are retained within the dsb file and are available for compiling into a report if the file is saved
and reloaded.
The Compile Reports dialog allows you to control the generation of a report based on previously created
Report topics. Available report topics are listed and can be previewed by clicking on them.
The Title entered on this dialog is displayed in a table at the top of the report.
Check the checkbox to the left of the report topics to be included in the report and click on OK.
See also the Exporting Data and Compiling Results Tutorial
- 1020 -
The description to be included within the report.
Report type
The options are:
- 1021 -
Program Options
Program Options
The Program options dialog is accessed from the Tools menu.
The Program options apply to the overall application no matter which file is loaded. There are six tabs:
User interface
You should generally select Learning mode while you gain experience with DesignBuilder. In Learning mode,
the Info panel is shown to the right of the main screen, providing additional information and commonly used
tools relevant to each screen. Model data is accessed from tabs along the top of the screen.
With Learning mode switched off, the Info window is not shown and Model data is shown on the right of the
screen alongside the Model edit screen. This allows you to see the effects of updates to data as they are
See the New Project and Learning Mode Tutorial
Help system
Select one of:
1-Web-help - the default option where the latest help is displayed from the DesignBuilder servers using
the Web Help system. This option has the advantage of providing the most up-to-date help but it
requires an Internet connection and is slower than...
2-Local help - a chm format help file called Manual.chm is downloaded. Once the help file is
downloaded no Internet connection is required for help.
- 1023 -
Sort lists
By default DesignBuilder automatically sorts navigator and other data lists alphabetically. This can make it
easier to find the data you are looking for but also increases the time taken to generate lists and so slows
some program operations requiring lists to be generated. You can request unsorted lists by unchecking this
- 1024 -
Program Options
Tip: Disabling this option can be useful for identifying blocks, zones, surfaces by single-clicking in the
Navigator. It can also save time when renaming many zones at once from block level as it becomes possible
to click on the zone Navigator entries to rename them without navigating down to each zone and then having
to navigate back up again to block level.
- 1025 -
Calculation dialogs
These options control whether a calculation option dialog appears by default before every calculation. Note
that a dialog always appears when you press Update.
Detailed HVAC
Target all HVAC zones in group by default
By default in Detailed HVAC when you edit an HVAC zone equipment object, such as an HVAC zone, a FCU
a chilled ceiling or a sub-component within zone equipment such as a zone heating coil, any changes made
on the dialog apply only to that object, that is only the current HVAC zone equipment is ticked on the Target
tab of the dialog. However if you check this program option then the equivalent item for all zones in the current
HVAC zone group are ticked by default so any changes made will be saved to the equivalent component in all
HVAC zones in the group.
This option is switched off by default.
Show HVAC zone default data on the HVAC zone group dialog
When an HVAC zone is added to an HVAC zone group, default values are taken from the HVAC zone group.
This default HVAC zone group data is normally hidden because it can confuse new users who expect
changes made to HVAC zone default settings on the HVAC zone group dialog to be inherited by child HVAC
This option allows more experienced users who understand that the HVAC zone group defaults are only used
at the point when the HVAC zone is added to the group to control defaults. It is switched off by default.
Tip: The most important application of HVAC zone group default data is when saving HVAC templates where
specific HVAC zone settings are required. Any HVAC zone settings made in the source model are not saved
with an HVAC template, but the settings on the HVAC zone group are saved and applied to zones added to
the HVAC zone group when the template is subsequently loaded in the destination model.
- 1026 -
Program Options
DesignBuilder will by default make automatic backups of your current working file. Check the Automatic
backup option box and select a backup interval to enable this option.
DesignBuilder copies the auto backup file to the Backup folder below DesignBuilder Data folder.
See also Data recovery.
Note: DesignBuilder keeps files in the Backup folder for up to 30 days and removes old backups each time
the program is run.
Default folders
DesignBuilder stores the most recently used folders for:
You can select the version of EnergyPlus to use in your simulations. This can be useful to target a specific
DOE version you may wish to use or when a new version becomes available which might provide new
functionality or address previous problems.
You should generally select the recommended DLL option as it is more tightly integrated within
DesignBuilder and provides progress feedback.
DesignBuilder comes with 2 internal versions of EnergyPlus:
DLL - the default option, runs the internal version of EnergyPlus supplied with the program
asynchronously giving visual feedback of progress and allowing interaction with the computer during
the simulation.
Executable - an executable version of the program running in a command window.
Alternatively you can select an executable version of EnergyPlus supplied by DOE. If you are exporting IDF
data for use outside DesignBuilder you should select the appropriate DOE version to avoid incompatibilities.
Note: the EnergyPlus version selected here is used for simulations within DesignBuilder but also as the target
version when exporting IDF data for use outside DesignBuilder.
- 1027 -
If you select an executable version (internal or DOE) there are four options available to control the way
EnergyPlus is executed when simulating within DesignBuilder:
1-Executable (minimised) - runs the executable invisibly - you will just see a minimised window on the
Task bar but not the EnergyPlus command window.
2-Executable (visible) - runs the executable showing EnergyPlus screen output in a command
3-Executable (debug) - runs the executable showing EnergyPlus screen output in a command window
and pauses after simulation - intended for advanced EnergyPlus users who may want to see the stack
dump following a crash.
4-Executable (EP-Launch) - runs the DOE-supplied EP-Launch program, waiting until this is closed
before loading results. This option is only possible if you have selected a DOE-supplied version of the
EnergyPlus executable. This option can be useful for making quick minor changes to the IDF data prior
to simulation. Any changes made to the IDF data from within EP-Launch will be included in the
simulation but will not be retained for future simulations. Info on the EP-Launch option.
The screenshot below shows EP-Launch being used to control EnergyPlus simulations from
- 1028 -
Program Options
Note 1: If you use this method you must make sure to set the correct weather file manually.
Note 2: Any changes you make to the IDF data, either in the IDF Editor or using a text editor, will be
saved in a file called ip.inp in the EnergyPlus folder. This file will be overwritten the next time a
simulation is requested so if you wish to save the any changes you make to IDF data you should use
the File > Export option and edit the data and make simulations outside DesignBuilder.
Note 3: If you want to run EnergyPlus without DesignBuilder then use the File > Export > Export
EnergyPlus IDf file > Simulation option to generate the idf file and load this using EP-Launch outside
- 1029 -
Program control
Maximum number of threads
You can control the number of threads to be used per EnergyPlus simulation. The default is 1 thread. In cases
where a larger number of threads is entered, you may find that the computer becomes less response when
EnergyPlus simulations are running. If this becomes a problem you should enter a lower value here.
Output file
Save ESO simulation output
You can generate ESO output files containing Heating design, Cooling design and Simulation results. The
files can be loaded later using the File > Load results file menu option, provided the model hasn't changed too
The DesignBuilder model must still have same zones and surfaces it had at the time the simulation
data was generated
If you have modified these files and carried out further simulations in EnergyPlus you should find that
the results will read in OK provided you haven't changed zone or surface names in the IDF data.
You cannot read in ESO files generated from IDF data which was entered by hand (or by other
software) because the zone and surface references will be different.
Results must be loaded to the correct screen - you can't for example read Heating design results into
the Simulation screen.
Simulation only: the results to be read in must have been generated using the same simulation period
and number of timesteps currently set in the Simulation options.
If you choose to Save ESO simulation output then you can also select options to Prompt for filename and
Auto load ESO described below.
- 1030 -
Program Options
and reload the results later. It is often possible to read in very large ESO files after DesignBuilder has
restarted following a simulation and this can be a useful for avoiding a crash due to too much data. You may
also wish to switch the option off to avoid waiting for the results to read in when carrying out parametric
This option only refers to Simulation results no Heating/Cooling Design results.
IDF Options
Display extra warnings
Requesting Display extra warnings causes the statement:
to be included in the IDF data. This option is for experienced EnergyPlus users who understand the
significance of the extra warning messages generated.
IDF Formatting
The IDF data can be formatted using the options:
When the custom version has the same version number as a supported
Recompile your new version of EnergyPlus into EXE form (not DLL)
Select the EXE option from the EnergyPlus program options corresponding to the custom version.
This downloads and installs the appropriate standard version of EnergyPlus from the DesignBuilder
servers to the DesignBuilder EnergyPlus folder (if it hasn't already been downloaded).
Copy your custom EnergyPlus.exe (and Eplus+.idd if this has changed) to the DesignBuilder
EnergyPlus folder overwriting the standard the files downloaded by DesignBuilder.
Test by running simulations from within DesignBuilder to ensure that your custom version is being run.
Follow instructions 1-3 above selecting the standard version most similar to your custom version. This
ensures that all standard files are installed ready to be overwritten with custom files.
- 1031 -
Create a new version component from the EnergyPlus tab on the Program options dialog and enter the
custom version on the dialog. See below.
Copy all of the EnergyPlus files which have changed typically EnergyPlus.exe and Energy+.idd to the
DesignBuilder EnergyPlus folder.
Test by running simulations from within DesignBuilder to ensure that your custom version is being run.
DesignBuilder currently supports 5 languages:
When you change the language you must restart DesignBuilder for all screens and dialogs to be refreshed.
Two options for units are available:
Because the program uses SI units internally, and because the databases which come with the program have
mainly been built up using SI units, US users may find some limitations with the user interface when in IP
mode. For example the sliders used on some dialogs are replaced by text boxes.
- 1032 -
Program Options
Region filter
The region filter allows you to see only the data relevant to your particular region. Note that if you have a file
loaded then DesignBuilder will use the region associated with the location of the site. The region in this
dialogue is only used when no file is loaded. Data tables which can be filtered in this way are:
Metabolic rates
Activity templates
Construction templates
Glazing templates
Lighting templates
HVAC templates
DHW templates
- 1033 -
Library Management
Library Management
DesignBuilder is supplied with libraries of Templates and Components and these can be managed from the
opening screen (i.e. when no dsb file is loaded).
- 1035 -
Click on the + to the left of the component type (Glazing in the above screen shot).
Click on the category (folder icon) or on a component within a category.
Click on the green + on the toolbar to create a new component of the selected category.
Fill in the details on the dialog and press OK.
Click on the + to the left of the component type (Glazing in the above screen shot).
Click on the component you wish to copy.
Click on the clone icon on the toolbar to create a new component identical to the selected one. This
creates the copy and selects it,
To edit the new component click on the Edit toolbar button
Fill in the details on the dialog and press OK.
- 1036 -
Library Management
View Component
You can view the details of a component in the Info | Data panel on the right of the screen as shown in the
diagram above. Note that icons in the View panel indicate that you can click on the component to see its'
details. You can also use the Previous and Next Navigation buttons above the Info panel to navigate through
previously viewed components and templates.
Click on the + to the left of the template type (Activity templates in the above screen shot).
Click on the category (folder icon) or on a template within a category.
Click on the green + on the toolbar to create a new template of the selected category.
Fill in the details on the dialog and press OK.
- 1037 -
Click on the + to the left of the template type (Activity templates in the above screen shot).
Click on the template you wish to copy.
Click on the clone icon on the toolbar to create a new template identical to the selected one. This
creates the copy and selects it,
To edit the new template click on the Edit toolbar button
Fill in the details on the dialog and press OK.
View Template
You can view the details of a template in the Info | Data panel on the right of the screen as shown in the
diagram above. Note that icons in the View panel indicate that you can click on the template to see its' details.
You can also use the Previous and Next Navigation buttons above the Info panel to navigate through
previously viewed components and templates.
Note: You can work with templates with a file open from the Templates tab on the Navigator panel but in this
case you're working with Model Templates, i.e. templates specifically associated with a particular model not
the library.
Import component/template .DDF files previously exported using the File > Import > Library data menu
Import the data to the model by selecting the Import menu command with a file open.
Import to libraries by working from the Opening screen.
You can export your user DesignBuilder Component/Template libraries by selecting the File > Export >
Library data menu command to create a .DDF file. This file can be shared with other users, imported on other
computers in your office or simply used as a backup.
- 1038 -
Library Management
When exporting a complex set of data, DesignBuilder will check that where user data references other user
components, these referenced components are also selected. For example, if you select a construction for
export which uses your own materials, you must make sure that all materials used in this construction are also
selected. If any required user components are not selected DesignBuilder displays a dialog showing the
missing components. See below.
Press the OK button to continue with the export automatically including the missing data.
- 1039 -
Note: if there is any data that is referenced but does not exist it is flagged with a red '!' icon (above). In this
case you should press the Cancel button and make the necessary edits to ensure that all referenced data
exists. DesignBuilder will not prevent you from continuing so it is possible to create DDF files with missing
When you use the library data Export command with a model data file open, the data exported will be user
Model components/templates, not Library components/templates.
From the Opening screen you can also export entire data tables as csv-spreadsheet files suitable for
viewing in a spreadsheet. This data cannot be read back into DesignBuilder.
Back up your Component and Template libraries by clicking on the Backup toolbar icon. Backups created in
this way are stored in the 'Backup\Manual' folder beneath the rest of the library data.
As well as backing up the compiled .dbt files, DesignBuilder also exports the files in .dat format and packages
the whole backup into a zip file. If you have problems with your libraries you may find it helpful to send this zip
file to DesignBuilder Support for analysis.
You can use this data as a backup of your library data and can restore it at a later date using the Restore
libraries command.
Click on the Restore icon to open the Restore Data dialog which allows you to Restore previously backed up
Component/Template libraries. Select the source of the restore - you can either restore the libraries to their
state when you first installed DesignBuilder or you can restore library data from a previous backup (if one
exists). In the screenshot below, no backup had been made so the Previous backup option is not available.
If you choose to restore libraries supplied with installation you can use the Restore custom data (clear to
delete all custom data) option to either:
Restore the custom data which existed on the computer at the time the software was installed, or,
Clear all custom data to keep only the data supplied by DesignBuilder.
Note to restore the libraries supplied with the installation and clear any custom data select Restore libraries
supplied with installation and uncheck the Restore custom data (clear to delete all custom data) option.
- 1040 -
The DesignBuilder menu is located at the top of the screen and provides a full reference of all the currently
available commands.
The File menu can be accessed from the horizontal top bar menu at the top of the screen. The following
options are available when a file is open:
Save (Ctrl+S) - Save currently open DesignBuilder dsb file. If no file is currently loaded then this
command saves the libraries.
Save without output results - save the current DesignBuilder dsb file without output results reducing
the file size. Use this option if you plan to send the dsb file by e-mail or to the support forums.
Save as (F12) - save the DesignBuilder dsb file using a different name/location.
Save as template - save the DesignBuilder dsb file as a template so it can be used as a starting point
for subsequent new projects.
Import 2-D DXF floorplan - import a 2-D DXF floorplan into the model for tracing over.
Import detailed survey data - import a survey data file into the model (advanced option - contact
DesignBuilder support for more information on this)
Import building from external file - import a building into the current model from an external file. The
option assumes that there is only one building in the external file and requires that there is at least one
building in the destination file.
Import assembly library - imports an assembly library from an external asl file previously created
using the Export assembly library command.
Import library data - import library data from an existing DDF file.
- 1041 -
Export EnergyPlus Heating design IDF file - export an IDF file using options for heating design
Export EnergyPlus Cooling design IDF file - export an IDF file using options for cooling design
Export EnergyPlus Simulation design IDF file - export an IDF file using options for simulation using
hourly weather data.
Export model image - export the currently displayed image of the model.
Export 3-D DXF model - export the model in 3-D DXF format.
Export assembly library - exports the current assembly library to an asl file for importing into another
Export CSV report file - export a summary of the model in spreadsheet format.
Export library data - export library data in DDF format.
EnergyPlus folder - opens a Windows Explorer window in the folder used by DesignBuilder for storing
temporary EnergyPlus files.
Weather data folder - opens a Windows Explorer window in the folder where the hourly weather files
are stored.
Library data folder - opens a Windows Explorer window in the folder where library data files are
Template projects folder - opens a Windows Explorer window in the folder where dsb file templates
are stored. File templates are available for selection on the second tab of the Add new project dialog.
The Edit menu can be accessed from the horizontal top bar menu at the top of the screen.
- 1042 -
Equipment (zone level, Equipment tab when Detailed gains model option
The Go menu can be accessed from the horizontal top bar menu at the top of the screen.
The View menu can be accessed from the horizontal top bar menu at the top of the screen.
The Tools menu can be accessed from the horizontal top bar menu at the top of the screen.
- 1043 -
Results screens
Update calculated data - refreshes the results first opening the Calculation options dialog allowing you
to enter new options.
Lock Y-axis min/max values - locks the extent of the Y-axes so that they keep their current maximum
and minimum values allowing consistent comparison with the future results display.
Optimisation Analysis Settings - access optimisation settings.
The Help menu can be accessed from the horizontal top bar menu at the top of the screen.
- 1044 -
Modelling Advice
Modelling Advice
Modelling advice topics:
Tip 1: You can speed up modelling, and in particular the drawing and deleting of partitions in large models, by
switching off Automatic block zoning option. After having manually rezoned the block you can also save time
when renaming the new zones by a) switching off the Double-click to navigate site hierarchy Program option
and b) switching off the Automatically refresh site navigator lists Program option.
Tip 2: Another way to speed up modelling in large models is to zoom into the area of the building or block
where you wish to work. This eliminates consideration of objects that are not visible on the screen and allows
the screen to refresh much more quickly.
You can speed up simulations by using these techniques:
Reduce the number of windows in the model by increasing the Window spacing. Shading issues aside,
modelling a small number of large Windows has the same effect as a large number of small Windows
provided you get the frame area right.
- 1045 -
Reduce the number of surfaces by avoiding unnecessary "wiggles" and indents in block perimeters and
partitions - keep it as simple as possible. The larger the model the more important it is to follow this
advice. Where an indent in the perimeter gives shading then you could instead model this using a
single flat surface without indent and use local shading devices with sidefins to model local window
Avoid very large zones with many surfaces and windows. Contrary to intuition, from the simulation time
point of view, it is best to split such zones into more zones with fewer surfaces each.
Use the Lump similar windows on surface option to speed up simulations with many similar windows
per surface. Note that switching this option on has no effect for zones using Daylight lighting control or
if the Full interior and exterior solar distribution option is selected.
Wherever possible lump similar adjacent zones together. Only create zones to model areas of the
building with specific environmental conditions, and HVAC systems or internal gains schedules. A
common mistake made by the beginners is to model each room as a separate zone. This is often not
necessary for building energy simulations because many rooms will have reasonably similar operating
conditions. In this case you can use one of the DesignBuilder Merging features to reduce the number
of zones.
If there are multiple identical zones then you can use the Zone multiplier to reduce the number of zones
Try to use the smallest number of blocks possible to avoid the need for block connection surfaces and
keeping the number of surfaces down.
Use Simple HVAC descriptions.
Use the Scheduled Natural ventilation option.
If you need to use Calculated natural ventilation in your simulations then you should aim to minimise
the number of cracks and openings involved in the airflow calculations. One way to do this is to switch
off infiltration calculations. Normally DesignBuilder includes a single crack in each surface in the
simulation to simulate infiltration. If you have other openings such as vents, windows, doors etc in a
particular block/zone you can switch off infiltration. This approach can be used in roof blocks or
calculations such as cooling design in well sealed buildings where infiltration is relatively insignificant.
Switching off calculation of solar reflections in the Model options dialog
If you are interested in analysing a single zone within a much larger model, you could consider using
the single zone option to carry out simulations just on the zone, excluding consideration of the rest of
the building.
Alternatively if you want to model a only a group of zones then you can exclude unnecessary zones by
unchecking the Include zone model option.
Fit as much memory (RAM) to your computer as possible (8 GB or more ideally). Paging memory to
disk during simulations of large models can cause EnergyPlus to grind to a halt.
Only request the output you really need. This will speed up simulation initialisation and reading of
output (especially hourly and sub-hourly) at the end. If you are only looking at hourly results then you
can get noticeably faster initialisation and simulations by switching off monthly and daily results. For
example, simulation times for a test winter week simulation on a real model were:
1. - With hourly, daily, monthly outputs: 39 min
2. - Only hourly outputs: 14 min
3. - Only hourly outputs and checking 'Internal surface as adiabatic': 12 min
If you don't need surface data (Walls, Windows etc. heat transfer) switch the Surface heat transfer incl
solar output option off.
Restricting hourly and sub-hourly results to short simulations for investigation of detailed building
operation. Note that if you request large volumes of hourly or sub-hourly data this can result is a
program crash when results are being loaded into DesignBuilder. To avoid this you should switch off
automatic loading of EnergyPlus results to DesignBuilder and view results instead using the Results
It is sometimes possible to use less timesteps per hour to speed up simulations. Some models can give
reliable results using 2 timesteps per hour, however when complex Detailed HVAC systems are being
modelled, 6, 10 or more timesteps may be required. If you aren't sure, compare the hourly results you
obtain when using a range of timesteps per hour values and choose the minimum value that gives
results equivalent to the 10 timesteps case.
If all else fails then you can model very large buildings by splitting them into smaller units and summing
results outside DesignBuilder.
- 1046 -
Modelling Advice
To access ASHRAE 90.1 functionality the Mandatory energy code must be set to ASHRAE 90.1 2007
or 2010 . This can be done manually for existing models from the Regions tab at site level, or for new
models, follow the instructions in the next step.
When creating a new ASHRAE 90.1 project check the ASHRAE 90.1 App G PRM checkbox on the
Add new site dialog and choose one of the 1-ASHRAE 90.1-2007 or 2-ASHRAE 90.1-2010 options.
DesignBuilder uses the ASHRAE climate zone site level setting to identify the climate zone for
generating baseline constructions and glazing according to ASHRAE 90.1 building envelope
requirements. The default climate zone loaded will have been loaded from the Locations template and
that value was originally derived from the value shown on the Hourly weather data dialog which in turn
was derived by analysing the .epw hourly weather data. In some cases the climate zone may not be the
same as defined in ASHRAE 90.1 Standard Appendix D for the model location. In this case simply
select the correct ASHRAE climate zone at site level and the baseline constructions and glazing will be
automatically updated to reflect the new climate zone.
When the Mandatory energy code is ASHRAE 90.1 2007 or 2010 then on the Add new building dialog
the Model type template shows ASHRAE 90.1. This loads some appropriate model data settings such
as Detailed HVAC and 6 timesteps per hour to the building model.
On the Add new building dialog you can select either 1-Proposed or 2-Baseline for the ASHRAE 90.1
building type. DesignBuilder does not currently generate different settings based on this selection,
however it always generates baseline constructions and construction templates in accordance to
building envelope requirements defined in 90.1 Constructions from Standard chapter 5 (detailed in
Tables 5.5-1 through 5.5-8) can be selected as required for both proposed and baseline buildings.
For your proposed design you can improve the baseline construction (by copying and editing) or simply
replacing them with definitions shown on architectural drawings or as built for existing building
Following formal ASHRAE 90.1 PRM modelling procedure, you are strongly advised to create the
proposed building first and to create the baseline building from that. Tools will be provided in future v4
releases to generate baseline building automatically from the proposed building so that both proposed
and baseline buildings are stored in the same dsb file for an easy comparison of simulation inputs and
When a site is created or when the climate zone is changed, baseline constructions and glazing
systems as well as construction templates are generated for the selected ASHRAE climate zone ready
for assigning to the building.
- 1047 -
Glazing templates
Two special opaque construction types required by the ASHRAE 90.1 Standard, are F-factor ground
floors and C-factor below-grade walls. These are different from conventional layered construction in
that they don't use layers of materials but instead the overall thermal properties are defined as an Ffactor (for slab on grade floors) or a C-factor (for below grade walls). EnergyPlus uses these factors to
generate equivalent layered constructions behind the scenes. During the simulation these surfaces
exchange heat with the FCFactor ground temperatures only.
When running Heating or Cooling design calculations, if the FCfactorMethod ground temperatures
source data at site level has 1-Hourly weather file selected, a weather file containing ground
temperatures in the header should be selected and will be downloaded (if not yet in your weather file
folder on your computer) prior to the calculations. If 2-User defined is selected, the Heating and
Cooling design calculations do not require the weather file.
Terminology used in the ASHRAE 90.1 constructions list gives the climate zone, a description of the
construction, surface resistances in IP units and the U-value in IP units and in brackets the U-value in
SI units. For example construction CZ4 Non-Res, Wall, Steel-Framed, R-13.1+R-7.4 (2.3+1.3), U-.064
(.365) is a non-residential steel framed wall for Climate zone 4 with internal and external surface
resistances of 13.1 and 7.4 btu/hr-ft2-F respectively and a U-value of 0.064 btu/hr-ft2-F (0.365 W/m2)
The proposed building model geometry should be set up with reference to ASHRAE 90.1 Standard
Appendix G Table G3.1-1.
Define different thermal zone types using the Zone type option on the Activity tab. For ASHRAE 90.1
models additional Zone types can be selected per 90.1 requirements including:
5-Semiheated, for zones that are heated but not to normal comfort levels.
When the 2-Unconditioned Zone type is selected choose whether the unconditioned zone is
ventilated or unventilated using the Unconditioned zone ventilation setting below the Zone type
- 1048 -
Modelling Advice
Define each zone type as the model requires (checking with rules from Appendix G Table G3.1-7,8,9),
and then assign relevant construction/fenestration templates according to their Space-Conditioning
Categories (construction default is Non-Residential). Activity, lighting templates for each block/zone
should be updated with relevant templates as well.
Geometry convention
It is important for ASHRAE 90.1 based-work that the proposed and baselines buildings have identical floor
areas and zone volumes. The easiest way to ensure this is to use the Simple geometry convention for both
buildings. With the Simple template the block geometry drawn gives the exact surface geometry and zone
volumes to be used in the simulation. This means that when you copy the proposed building to create the
baseline building the zone geometry will be correct even after loading the baseline constructions.
If instead you used the External measurements template for example you would find that the baseline
building surface areas, floor area and zone volumes would be different after loading the baseline
constructions because these generally have a different thickness to those selected for the proposed building.
Lighting settings shall be either building area method or space-by-space method, but shall not the mix
these two schemes. The Building Area Method is generally used for early stage analysis where the
exact function of every zone in the building has not yet been determined. The Space-by-Space Method
is used more often as it is more flexible, allowing the user to use more detail/specific lighting settings.
Note: When loading an activity template, it will update the lighting schedule.
A set of Appendix G HVAC systems for loading to baseline building models is provided in the Detailed
HVAC templates list. The proposed building HVAC system should meet the requirements shown in
Appendix G Table G3.1-10. A modified copy of a baseline HVAC system can be used for the proposed
For the proposed building design, where no heating or cooling systems exist or have been specified,
the heating or cooling systems shall be identical to the systems modelled in the baseline building
Define the DHW system based on Appendix G Table G3.1-11.
Utility costs
Define the utility costs for the model to generate energy cost outputs based on purchased energy rates
using settings on the Tariff analysis dialog on the Economics tab at building level. LEED/ASHRAE 90.1
App G PRM method may only require tariffs object to calculate operational costs.
EnergyPlus provides a "LEED Summary" report which is displayed on the Summary tab after the simulation if
the appropriate option is checked on the Output tab of the Simulation options dialog under the Summary
Tables header.
- 1049 -
Unmet hours
"Unmet hours" of a building are the summation of the number of hours when the heating or the cooling set
point temperature of a zone is not met either by the HVAC system or by the plant. The data is provided in the
Summary report as:
There will be an "unmet hour" for "Time Setpoint Not Met During Occupied Cooling" in a particular zone
when the zone indoor temperature is higher than the cooling set point specified for that hour. Likewise
for heating when the zone heating setpoint temperature is not met.
The number or the percentage of unmet hours in a building is usually given as one of the outputs of the
Zone wise, unmet hours can be read from the EnergyPlus: Output Variable, Time Cooling Set point
Not met. When two zones are unmet at the same hour, this will count to one unmet hour for the
When two zones have unmet hours during different non overlapping times of a day, the total number of
unmet hours in that day is the summation of these unmet hours of each zone. This total for the year
should be considered as the total unmet hours of the building.
When each zone is unmet in the specified hours as beside
Zone 1 unmet during hours: 6 8 14 16
Zone 2 unmet during hours: 6 8 12 16
Zone 3 unmet during hours: 7 8 12 13
Total number of unmet hours of the building: 7 hrs and not 12 hrs.
6 7 8 12 13 14 16
When percentage of unmet is specified, then this is the percentage of total number of hours (1 year8760 hours) for which the simulation is performed (not just the occupied hours).
As per ASHRAE 90.1-2004, the unmet load hours of the total building should be less than or equal to
300 hours and unmet load hours for the proposed design shall not exceed the number of load hours for
the baseline building design by more than 50.
If unmet load hours in the proposed building exceed the unmet load hours in the baseline building by
more than 50, then the size of equipment in the baseline building shall be reduced incrementally, until
the condition is satisfied.
ASHRAE and USGBC say that it is OK if the baseline unmet load hours exceed the proposed unmet
load hours by more than 50, provided they are both below 300.
The above information on Unmet hours is sourced from a post by Ashu Gupta (and subsequent posts) on the
bldg-sim mailing list
Scheduled in which the natural ventilation change rate is explicitly defined for each zone in terms of a
maximum ACH value and a schedule and infiltration air change rate is defined by a constant ACH
value. A range of control options is provided.
- 1050 -
Modelling Advice
Calculated where natural ventilation and infiltration are calculated based on window openings, cracks,
buoyancy and wind driven pressure differences crack dimensions etc. Control options are provided.
You can choose Scheduled natural ventilation if you are able to make a reasonable estimate of the natural
ventilation rates and infiltration rates in the building. Other airflow scenarios are more difficult to estimate and
in this case it may be necessary to calculate airflows.
By default Calculated natural ventilation is controlled by timer (window and vent data on the Operation header
on the Openings tab) and by Ventilation setpoint temperature on the Activity tab.
The Crack data under Airtightness on the Constructions tab is used in the EnergyPlus Airflow Network to
calculate infiltration.
- 1051 -
Note 1: Using the Calculated option increases the complexity of the model and slows simulations down. You
should aim to simplify the model as appropriate to the requirements of the calculations. For example if you are
carrying out a summertime simulation of a naturally ventilated building you could consider switching off
infiltration modelling if infiltration heat flow is only a very small part of summertime heat balance.
Note 2: In Version 1 the calculated airflows through external windows, vents, doors, holes and cracks are all
lumped into 'External air' data on the Simulation results screen.
The ventilation rate (q) through each opening and crack in the model is calculated based on the pressure
difference using wind and stack pressure effects:
q = C.(DP)
q is the volumetric flow through the opening.
DP is the pressure difference across the opening/crack.
n is the flow exponent varying between 0.5 for fully turbulent flow and 1.0 for fully laminar flow.
C is the flow coefficient, related to the size of the opening/crack.
Wind-Driven Ventilation
When wind impinges on the surface of a rectangular building, a positive pressure is induced on the upwind
face. The flow separates at the corners resulting in negative pressure regions on the side of the building and
a negative pressure distribution on the leeward facade. The pressure distribution on the roof varies according
to pitch - the pressure on the upwind face being negative for roof pitches of 30 and positive for steeper
The pressure on any point on the surface of a building facade can be represented by:
Pw = 0.5 .rho. Cp . vz
Excluding Wind-Effects
When carrying out conservative design calculations you may prefer to exclude (or reduce) the effects of wind
from Calculated natural ventilation. To exclude wind-driven airflow from the analysis altogether set the Wind
factor to 0. For full treatment of wind effects set it to 1 and for intermediate treatment of wind set to a number
between 0 and 1.
- 1052 -
Modelling Advice
DesignBuilder uses the EnergyPlus Airflow Network method to calculate air flow rates. You should be aware
Airflow Network simulations can take considerably longer than the equivalent simulations with Scheduled
natural ventilation.
You can modulate the opening sizes to reduce the large temperature swings that can occur if the
windows/doors are too far open when they are venting, especially when there is a large inside-outside
temperature difference. Use the Modulation settings on the Advanced tab of the Model Options dialog to
control this. By default modulation is on and opening sizes are reduced to 5% of full values when the outside
is 15C or more colder than inside. This models the fact that occupants are unlikely to throw the windows wide
open when it is very cold outside (for manual control systems).
Modelling Infiltration
Normally when Calculated natural ventilation is set DesignBuilder includes a single crack in each surface in
the simulation to account for infiltration. The size and properties of this crack depend on the setting of the
Airtightness slider.
Tip: The effects of infiltration in some areas of the building and in some calculation types can be minor and so
in order to reduce simulation time for calculated natural ventilation models infiltration can be switched off. This
can be done by unchecking the Model infiltration checkbox for the areas of the building where infiltration in
not to be modelled. For example you may wish to switch off infiltration in roof blocks (and include the
roofspace ventilation using a smaller number of vents or holes instead) or you could switch it off in the whole
building for Summertime simulations where the effects of infiltration would be minimal relative to the much
larger flow rates due to open windows, vents, holes and doors.
Airtightness slider
The setting of the Airtightness slider indicates the Crack template applied when setting crack properties:
Very poor
Technical details
You can find more technical details of the Airflow network used in EnergyPlus including background,
algorithms, limitations and validation results in a paper by Lixing Gu at:
Demand control ventilation (DCV) is a ventilation system capability that provides automatic reduction of
outdoor air intake below design rates when the actual occupancy of spaces served by the system is less than
design occupancy. In most commercial buildings ventilation is provided to deal with two types of indoor
pollution: odours from people, and off-gassing from building components and furniture. When a space is
vacant, it has no people pollution so the people-related ventilation rate is not needed. Many types of high-
- 1053 -
occupancy spaces, such as classrooms, multi-purpose rooms, theatres, conference rooms, or lobbies have
ventilation designed for a high peak occupancy that rarely occurs.
Demand-controlled ventilation has the potential to provide significant HVAC energy savings by conditioning
only the amount of ventilation air necessary to maintain good indoor air quality. It can be particularly effective
in buildings or zones that have widely varying occupancy.
DCV is most successful when reducing ventilation rates and so reducing fan energy use when meeting the
demands of indoor air quality (IAQ). It is not necessarily so successful, in energy terms, for high design
cooling loads, since airflows will increase above the required IAQ minimum to meet space cooling loads.
Practically, this is likely to mean that IAQ-driven DCV is most effective in ASHRAE climate zones 4 and
Schematic of a typical DCV system from Demand-Controlled Ventilation and Sustainability with
permission from author Tom Lawrence and ASHRAE.
- 1054 -
Modelling Advice
activity data option is being used or on the HVAC zone dialog if using the Detailed HVAC activity data
You can check the success of the DCV control in various ways, for example:
1. Use the ac/h data for zones and for the building within DesignBuilder:
Check CO2 levels within selected zones using the Results Viewer. You should find that the
Zone Air CO2 Concentration report is automatically included in the .eso output file when DCV
control has been specified.
How it works
In EnergyPlus, heat is transferred between zones and the ground through one-dimensional ground floor
surface elements. The 2-D and 3-D effects in the ground heat conduction that occur in reality are not treated
by default. EnergyPlus uses ground construction data to model the storage of heat in the ground and it can
accurately model heat transfer processes over several days (so it can model the effect of say a warm week
followed by a cool week) but it cannot directly model long-term ground thermal storage effects (periods
measured in months). For more on advanced ground modelling see bottom of this topic.
EnergyPlus applies a constant temperature boundary condition for each month on the lower surfaces of
ground adjacent elements.
There are 3 ways to create an adjacency to ground in DesignBuilder:
- 1055 -
Using DesignBuilder's Auto adjacency detection where ground adjacency is set for all surfaces at or
below ground level. By default, all external surfaces which are at or below ground level are considered
to be adjacent to ground. Surfaces that are partly above ground (z=0) and partly below, are modelled
as entirely adjacent to outside (if the Adjacency setting is 1-Auto - see below).
Using Ground component blocks - any surfaces (or part of surfaces) touching a ground component
block are considered to be adjacent to ground.
Using the Adjacency model data on the Construction tab at block, zone and surface levels where
external surfaces can be defined as being adjacent to ground by changing the Adjacency model data
on the Construction tab from 1-Auto to 3-Adjacent to Ground. If a surface is below ground level but is
not adjacent to ground you can select 2-Not adjacent to ground.
When using Separate constructions, and when the Add ground construction layers to surfaces in contact with
ground option is selected, DesignBuilder automatically combines the site ground construction (0.5m of earth
by default) with the main construction (typically ground floor or wall) set on the Constructions tab. With
Combined constructions the earth layers must be explicitly included in the ground floor/wall constructions if
you wish to define ground temperatures within the earth.
Ground temperatures
Monthly ground temperatures are defined at the site level under Site details.
Note: You should not use the ground temperatures in the EnergyPlus weather file header because these are
for undisturbed sites. The temperature beneath buildings is significantly affected by the building itself - the
EnergyPlus documentation recommends using ground temperatures of 2C below average internal
temperatures for large commercial buildings (where perimeter heat loss is relatively less important). Note that
this temperature should be applied directly below the slab and should not include ground material - so if you
use this approach to ground temperature definition, you should switch off use of the ground construction at the
site level.
EnergyPlus cannot model very thick constructions so it is necessary to use less thick constructions (2m or
smaller) combined with some assumptions about temperatures at about half a metre below the floor.
Many modellers prefer to define the ground temperature just below the slab and exclude the earth layers from
the model. This has the advantage of simplicity and clarity and is the approach recommended by EnergyPlus
Note: the default ground temperatures provided in DesignBuilder assume that an earth layer is included in the
constructions adjacent to ground. If an earth layer is not included then you should increase the default site
ground temperatures to values closer to those typically found just below the ground slab (as described in note
- 1056 -
Modelling Advice
Step 1
Draw 3 blocks on the z=0 ground plane. The lowest block will be the basement (completely buried), the middle
block will be the ground level block, partially buried and the top block will be the second level. So far only the
bottom surface is adjacent to ground because it sits on the z=0 plane.
Step 2
Draw 2 ground component blocks around the basement building block to give it's surfaces ground adjacency.
Note this step could be avoided by moving the whole building down so that the basement is fully below
ground. To do this go to building level, select all the blocks, select the move command, click on one of the
bottom corners of the middle block to create a reference point then click on a blank part of the screen to move
the reference point down to z=0.
Step 3
- 1057 -
Draw three new ground component blocks to create the sloping ground and the upper ground levels.
Step 4
The zone of the middle block is shown above. Notice how 3 of the surfaces have been split into external and
ground adjacencies (ground adjacencies are flagged by green ground symbols). Note also that the portions of
the surfaces touching the ground component block cannot have windows but DesignBuilder attempts to set up
the correct % glazing for the remaining external parts of the surface.
Step 5
The ground component blocks probably do not need to shade this model as they are mainly below all surfaces
that can receive solar radiation/light, but if you are modelling reflections you will probably need to include the
reflection of solar radiation and light from the ground blocks during simulations. In other cases you may prefer
to switch off the generation of the component blocks shading/reflection surfaces to speed simulations. Do this
on the Constructions model data tab under Component Block.
- 1058 -
Modelling Advice
Step 6
The finished model. The texture of Ground component blocks is defined by the material set under Component
blocks on the Constructions tab.
Use the average temperatures produced by the slab program for the GroundTemperatures object. This
will provide an average ground temperature at the outside face of any heat transfer surface whose
OutsideFaceEnvironment field is 'ground'.
If two or more ground temperature conditions are desired, it is necessary to utilize the ground
temperature modification feature of other side coefficients (OtherSideCoef field in
OutsideFaceEnvironment). Then, for example, if core and perimeter temperatures are wanted, the
perimeter temperatures from the slab program should be specified in the GroundTemperatures object,
and the surface associated with that condition is treated as in Option 1 above. The surface that is to be
exposed to the core temperature should be given the OtherSideCoef designation, and the
OtherSideCoefficients object should be used to specify the temperatures. To do this, all of the
numerical fields in this object should be zero except field N5. This field should contain the ratio of the
average annual core temperatures and average annual perimeter temperatures. In other words, the
resulting core profile values will be N5 times the perimeter values. This same procedure can be used to
generate as many profiles as needed. However, it should be noted that they will all have the same
profile as the GroundTemperatures object values.
Detailed ground modelling may only give a marginal difference in results and you might want to carry out a
sensitivity study to check the influence of ground temperatures on simulation results before deciding on the
most appropriate level of detail.
DesignBuilder version 2 does not account for 2-D and 3-D thermal bridging effects but future versions may.
- 1059 -
Adjacent buildings (i.e. other buildings that are touching the modelled building) usually modify the boundary
conditions relative to external and also provide shade.
There is no explicit way in DesignBuilder to model temperatures and heat flows in 2 buildings simultaneously
and account for energy transfer between them. Future versions may allow this, but in the meantime there are
two options:
Model the adjacent building using component blocks (for shading/reflection) and adiabatic surfaces
between the buildings. This is the usual way to treat an adjacent building not requiring full simulation
and is accurate if the temperature of the adjacent and actual buildings are similar or if there is insulation
between the two buildings.
If the adjacent building does require simulation then model it as part of the actual building and separate
simulation results at the end.
You can set adiabatic adjacent condition data under Constructions on the Constructions tab at surface level.
Merging buildings
Where two separate buildings have been created inadvertently, the blocks of one building can be transferred
to the other building using the Transfer blocks command from the Edit menu.
If there is airflow between the two buildings and the adjacent building is at the same temperature as the
modelled building then you could probably ignore its effect. To model the effect of the airflow through an
opening between buildings in detail you should model both buildings as one DB building using the Calculated
natural ventilation model option. If you do it this way and the adjacent building uses energy you must separate
results for the two buildings at the end. You can use different boiler and chiller fuels to differentiate fuel
consumption between the two buildings.
If you use the Simple natural ventilation instead of Calculated, DesignBuilder uses an assumed mixing of air
between the two buildings based on 'flow per opening area' as set on the Model options dialog on the
Advanced tab under Natural Ventilation.
Electrochromic windows are part of a new generation of technologies called switchable glazing-or 'smart'
windows. Switchable glazing can change the light transmittance, transparency, or shading of windows in
response to an environmental signal such as sunlight, temperature or an electrical control. Electrochromic
windows change from transparent to tinted by applying an electrical current. Potential uses for electrochromic
technology include daylighting control, glare control, solar heat control, and fading protection in windows and
skylights. By automatically controlling the amount of light and solar energy that can pass through the window,
electrochromic windows can help save energy in buildings.
A variety of electrochromic technologies and media have been developed. One type is darkened by applying a
small electrical voltage to the windows and lightened by reversing the voltage. Light transmittance during
operation varies from five to 80 percent. Once the change in tint has been initiated, the electrochromic glazing
has 'memory' and does not need constant voltage to maintain the tinting. Further, the film can be tuned to
block certain wavelengths, such as infrared (heat) energy.
Another switchable technology, the liquid crystal suspended particle device (SPD), contains molecular
particles suspended in a solution between plates of glass. In their natural state, the particles move randomly
and collide, blocking the direct passage of light. When energized, the particles align rapidly and the glazing
becomes transparent. This type of switchable glazing can block up to about 90 percent of light.
You can easily model electrochromic glazing in DesignBuilder using the Window shading data and defining
the properties of the outer Window Pane to be used when the shading is active. The procedure is:
- 1060 -
Modelling Advice
Specify the glazing type to be used when the electrochromic glazing system is clear (bleached) in the
standard way on the Openings tab under External glazing.
Under External Glazing and Shading headers, check the 'Window shading' option.
Select the Type as 'Electrochromic absorptive 6mm' (for example).
Select the Position as 4-Switchable.
The Shading Type defines the properties of the pane which is to be used in place of the standard outer
glazing pane according to the control data in the Control type.
Set the Control type together with any supplementary setpoint data.
A model using the data in the above screenshot would enter its' darkened state whenever the solar radiation
incident on the outside of the window is greater than 200 W/m2..
Trombe walls are passive solar devices designed for thermal storage and delivery. A Trombe wall consists of
a thick wall (150mm to 300mm) [8" to 16"] faced with a selective surface solar absorber, air gap, and high
transmissivity glass pane. Trombe walls are usually South facing (in the Northern Hemisphere) for maximum
sun exposure. An overhang above the wall is used to decrease exposure in the summer when the sun is high
in the sky and heating is not required, yet still allows for full exposure in the winter when the sun is low in the
sky and heating is desirable. In DesignBuilder, there is no Trombe wall object per se; rather, it is composed of
other standard building components. This approach provides flexibility in specifying the various wall
parameters and allows the freedom to explore unusual configurations.
To simulate the Trombe wall, a narrow zone is coupled to the desired surface via an interzone partition. The
depth of the zone corresponds to the size of the air space usually 18mm to 150mm (" to 6"). In most cases
the Trombe zone will be a sealed zone with no ventilation. The exterior wall of the Trombe zone contains a
single or double-pane window. Optimally, the window covers nearly all of the wall area and has a very high
transmissivity to allow the maximum amount of solar flux into the Trombe zone. Frames and dividers can be
defined as usual for the window. The interior wall is usually constructed of very thick masonry materials with a
solar absorber surface as the innermost layer of the wall. The absorber is a selective surface material with
very high absorptivity and very low emissivity, e.g. copper with a special black surface treatment. It is
important to make sure the Solar Distribution is set to 3-Full Interior and Exterior so that the majority of the
solar flux is directed on the absorber surface and not just on the very small area of the Trombe zone floor.
The Zone type on the Activity tab should be set to 3-Cavity at zone level in the Trombe wall cavity zone and
this causes the following further changes to be made to the model:
The zone is set as unoccupied by loading <None> Activity, HVAC and Lighting template data.
Suspended floors and ceilings are switched off when using Separate constructions.
The 5-Cavity Internal convection algorithm is set for Cooling design, Heating design and simulation
calculations to correctly model the air space.
The 3-Full interior and exterior Solar distribution algorithm is set for Cooling design and simulation
calculations because it allows solar radiation to be accurately distributed onto zone internal surfaces.
The default option 2-Full exterior assumes all solar radiation falls on floor which is not good for
modelling solar absorption by a Trombe wall.
Finally, an overhang should be attached to the Trombe zone to control the amount of seasonal sun exposure.
There is considerable freedom to experiment with different materials, sizes, and configurations.
- 1061 -
- 1062 -
Modelling Advice
The screenshot below shows the configuration of vents in the partition between the 2 zones allowing warm air
to move into the occupied space. The calculated natural ventilation model option has been used to allow
detailed calculation of air movement between the 2 zones.
The hourly results below are for the occupied zone and illustrate the delayed heating effect of the Trombe wall
mass on the occupied zone during the evening and also the lesser but more instantaneous heating effect of
the warm air entering through the vents during the daytime.
- 1063 -
- 1064 -
Modelling Advice
This definition includes only references to the constructive and structural aspects of the facade. No reference
is made to the ventilation of the cavity. Thus formally, the term "double-skin facade" does not designate a
ventilated double facade. It is for this reason that the term Ventilated Double-Skin Facade has been
proposed as the generic term to designate these facades.
DSFs can be categorised according to the type of ventilation.
Type of
Name of the
facade concept
Passive facade
Active facade
This table contains the commonly used names referring (only) to the type of ventilation and thus giving no
indication about the partitioning of the facade or the ventilation modes. In the literature, the double facades
adopting the air supply ventilation mode are called airflow window or also ventilated window. The facades
adopting the air exhaust ventilation mode are also called extract air or exhaust airflow.
The model was created using a single block with a partition to divide it into 2 zones, one zone to represent the
occupied space and the other for the ventilated cavity. The glazing for the partition was set up at surface level.
- 1065 -
Modelling Considerations
There are some important considerations when using DesignBuilder to model double facades. Firstly, the
Zone type on the Activity tab should be set to 3-Cavity at zone level in the cavity zone and this causes the
following further changes to be made to the model:
The zone is set as unoccupied by loading <None> Activity, HVAC and Lighting template data.
The 5-CavityInternal convection algorithm is set for Cooling design, Heating design and simulation
calculations to correctly model the air space.
The 3-Full interior and exterior Solar distribution algorithm is set for Cooling design and Simulation
because it allows solar radiation to be accurately transmitted through the interior glazing in the partition.
In the example model a simple ventilation control system has been defined in the cavity zone to provide 10
ac/h of outside air into the cavity when the air temperature in the cavity is greater than 24C. This helps to
ensure that the cavity does not overheat, reducing cooling loads in the occupied zone. The schedule and
setpoint could be adjusted to fine-tune the ventilation. The model assumes no transfer of cavity air into the
occupied space. This could be modified using an approach similar to that in the Trombe wall example model
where vents in the partition between occupied and cavity zones are used to transfer air between the 2 zones.
Finally, an overhang has been added to control the amount of summer sun exposure.
Because the model uses a zone to model the cavity in the double facade, the inner glazing is 'interior'
and so requires the Full interior and exterior solar distribution option to allow solar radiation to pass
through exterior and then through interior windows. You should read the information about the
restrictions associated with this option before using it.
Take care when comparing the exterior solar radiation transmitted into the double facade zone with the
interior solar radiation transmitted into the occupied zone. These do not include the re-reflection of solar
back out of the external windows. Read the definitions for the output data.
Internal gains should normally be excluded from Winter design day calculations.
You therefore shouldn't use the same schedule for equipment, occupancy and HVAC operation
because equipment and occupancy should be off for heating autosizing and HVAC should be on.
Typical workday gives the easiest route to defining autosizing operation - the appropriate Winter Design
Day schedule data settings are used.
Summer design day schedules are normally the same as the general ones so are easier to deal with.
- 1066 -
Modelling Advice
If you are using Compact schedules then you should ensure that a specific line of WinterDesignDay
data is included for all schedule periods.
If you are using 7/12 Schedules then there are 2 options: End-use defaults and Profiles.
You can include intermittent operation by using a time-varying Heating demand or HVAC schedule.
This would normally provide heating equipment sizes with higher capacity than a steady-state
calculation where the heating is on all day.
Simulation results are displayed in 'local mean time'. This means that during the summer, occupancy
will appear to start 1 hour earlier in the day than it does in the winter. To help you pinpoint this,
DesignBuilder prints the times when daylight saving starts and ends on the graph.
Visualisations use local mean time when setting the position of the sun for site shading analysis. Again
you should add 1 hour to the time to see shading for local time.
- 1067 -
Schematic view of sky showing solar radiance distribution as a superposition of three components: dome with
isotropic radiance, circumsolar brightening represented as a point source at the sun, and horizon brightening
represented as a line source at the horizon.
The proportions of these distributions depend on the sky condition, which is characterized by two quantities,
clearness factor and brightness factor, defined below, which are determined from sun position and solar
quantities from the weather file.
The circumsolar brightening is assumed to be concentrated at a point source at the center of the sun
although this region actually begins at the periphery of the solar disk and falls off in intensity with increasing
angular distance from the periphery.
The horizon brightening is assumed to be a linear source at the horizon and to be independent of azimuth.
In reality, for clear skies, the horizon brightening is highest at the horizon and decreases in intensity away
from the horizon. For overcast skies the horizon brightening has a negative value since for such skies the sky
radiance increases rather than decreases away from the horizon.
Solar Gains
The total solar gain on any exterior surface is a combination of the absorption of direct and diffuse solar
radiation given by
a =solar absorptance of the surface
A =angle of incidence of the sun's rays
S =area of the surface
Ss = sunlit area
Ib =intensity of beam (direct) radiation
Is =intensity of sky diffuse radiation
Ig =intensity of ground reflected diffuse radiation
Fss = angle factor between the surface and the sky
Fsg = angle factor between the surface and the ground
If the surface is shaded the program modifies Fss by a correction factor that takes into account the radiance
distribution of the sky (see Shadowing of Sky Diffuse Solar Radiation). Shading of ground diffuse solar
- 1068 -
Modelling Advice
radiation is not calculated by the program. It is up to the user to estimate the effect of this shading and modify
the input value of Fsg accordingly.
Solar Distribution
As discussed in the Solar Model options section, the Solar Distribution determines how EnergyPlus will treat
beam solar radiation entering a zone through exterior windows. The three choices: 1-Minimal shadowing, 2Full exterior and
3-Full Interior and exterior are discussed in the Solar options topic.
EnergyPlus calculates the distribution of short-wave radiation in the interior of each thermal zone. This
radiation consists of beam solar radiation, diffuse solar radiation, and short-wave radiation from electric lights.
The program determines the amount of this radiation that is (1) absorbed on the inside face of opaque
surfaces, (2) absorbed in the glass and shading device layers of the zones exterior and interior windows, (3)
transmitted through the zones interior windows to adjacent zones, and (4) transmitted back out of the exterior
windows. The effects of movable shading devices on the exterior windows are taken into account.
- 1069 -
During simulations, the ground is considered to be snow-covered when the SnowDepth data in the hourly
weather file is > 0.
Beam distribution
If the Solar Distribution option is Minimal shadowing or Full exterior, it is assumed that all beam solar from
exterior windows falls on the floor. If Solar Distribution is Full Interior and Exterior the program tracks where
beam solar from exterior windows falls inside the zone, and wall as well as floor surfaces can receive beam
Diffuse distribution
Diffuse solar transmitted through exterior and interior windows is distributed according to the approximate
view factors between the transmitting window and all other heat transfer surfaces in the zone. This variable is
the amount of transmitted diffuse solar that is initially absorbed on the inside of each heat transfer surface.
The portion of this diffuse solar that is reflected by all surfaces in the zone is subsequently redistributed
uniformly to all heat transfer surfaces in the zone, along with interior reflected beam solar and shortwave
radiation from lights. The total absorbed shortwave radiation is given by the next variable.
Shadowing surfaces. These are surfaces like overhangs, component blocks or surfaces of the
building Examples are shown in Solar Options. These surfaces can have diffuse and/or specular
(beam-to-beam) reflectance values that are specified with the based on the material surface properties.
Exterior building surfaces. In this case one section of the building reflects solar radiation onto
another section (and vice-versa). See Figure 47. Opaque building surfaces (walls, for example) are
assumed to be diffusely reflecting. Windows and glass doors are assumed to be specularly reflecting.
The reflectance values for opaque surfaces are calculated by the program from the Absorptance:Solar
and Absorptance:Visible values of the outer material layer of the surfaces construction. The reflectance
values for windows and glass doors are calculated by the program from the reflectance properties of
the individual glass layers that make up surfaces construction assuming no shading device is present
and taking into account interreflections among the layers.
The ground surface. Beam solar and sky solar reflection from the ground is calculated even if the
Reflections option is not used (the default). But in this case the ground plane is considered
- 1070 -
Modelling Advice
unobstructed, i.e., the shadowing of the ground by the building itself or by obstructions such as
component blocks is ignored. This shadowing is taken into account only if the Reflections option is
used. In this case the ground view factor calculated by DesignBuilder is not used.
See Solar Options,
A total of 90 rays are sent out into the exterior hemisphere surrounding each receiving point. An upgoing ray
may hit an obstruction or the sky. A downgoing ray may hit an obstruction or the ground. See diagram below.
Two-dimensional schematic showing rays going outward from a point on a receiving surface. Rays 1-6 hit the
ground, rays 7-11 hit an obstruction, and rays 12-15 hit the sky.
- 1071 -
Two-dimensional schematic showing rays going upward from a ground hit point.
Two-dimensional schematic showing specular reflection from an obstruction such as the glazed faade of a
neighboring building. The receiving point receives specularly reflected beam solar radiation if (1) DB passes
through specularly reflecting surface EF, (2) CD does not hit any obstructions (such as RS), and (3) AC does
not hit any obstructions (such as PQ).
More detailed information on can be found in the EnergyPlus EngineeringReference.pdf document.
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Modelling Advice
- 1073 -
The process described below is also illustrated in the Office in Warehouse Tutorial
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Modelling Advice
2. Draw the 1st floor block representing the high-level warehouse space.
3. Draw a hole in the floor of the 1st floor block to connect the upper and lower warehouse zones together.
The upper warehouse zone should look something like the screenshot below. The green line shows the
perimeter of the hole.
4. Select the Merge zones connected by holes model option to merge the upper and lower parts of the
warehouse into a single zone.
- 1075 -
5. The 'floor' on top of the office zone is not usable floor area so go to this floor surface and select the
Exclude this surface from total zone floor area option. This indicates that the surface is not part of the
building useable floor area. This step ensures that this floor area is not counted in the floor area provided to
certification tools such as SBEM. This step is not currently required for EnergyPlus simulations.
Note: if the excluded floor surface contains some external adjacencies as well as internal ones these external
areas will not be subtracted from the zone floor area.
So the building now consists of 2 zones - an Office and a Warehouse zone. This model is available as one of
the DesignBuilder example templates.
- 1076 -
programming language called EnergyPlus Runtime Language (Erl) is used to describe the control algorithms.
EnergyPlus interprets and executes the Erl program as the model is being run. Thus the EMS provides a
powerful way to extend the capability of EnergyPlus without the need to become an expert in programming
the EnergyPlus source code.
This help on the DesignBuilder EMS is intended to be read together with the main EnergyPlus EMS
application guide which provides most of the information required to understand how to use EMS with
detailed descriptions and examples.
The Energy Management System (EMS) is one of the high-level control methods available in EnergyPlus. An
EMS is able to access a wide variety of sensor data and use this data to direct various types of control
actions. The original concept was to emulate, inside EnergyPlus, the types of controls possible with the digital
energy management systems used in real buildings. However there are many other application for the EMS
Obtain more precise control over simulated behaviour for HVAC systems, glazing, lighting etc (e.g.
override default EnergyPlus control linkage between economisers and heat recovery).
Linking one system with another (e.g. link earth tube to HVAC inlet).
Provide special outputs not provided natively by EnergyPlus (e.g. generate CIBSE TM52 outputs).
Researching new building systems.
The EMS allows the functionality of many of the existing high-level control objects to be overriden. For
example the EMS can:
Turn on and off pumps and fans and adjust their performance characteristics.
Turn on and off lights and electric equipment,
Change the set points on zone thermostats,
Dispatch on-site generation.
Change the set points on system nodes.
Turn on and off supply-side heating, cooling, and heat rejection equipment such as boilers, chillers,
cooling towers.
Turn on and off on-site generation equipment.
The EMS uses the concept of sensors to obtain information from elsewhere in the model for use in control
calculations. Actuators are the mechanism for influencing changes on the model and code is written to tell
the Erl processor how to apply the control laws.
Sensor objects are used to declare Erl variables which are linked to EnergyPlus output variables or meters.
Actuators map Erl variables to control actuators elsewhere in EnergyPlus. The EMS then initiates control
actions by changing the value of this variable inside an Erl program.
- 1077 -
The way it works is probably best understood by studying working EMS scripts such as those provided by
DesignBuilder alongside this documentation and that in the EnergyPlus EMS application guide.
Note: EMS is an advanced feature of EnergyPlus and is not for beginners. To use it you will need to be
comfortable writing your own custom code and have a thorough understanding of how you want your models
to behave. If you are intimidated by the idea of writing programs to adjust the fine details of how an
EnergyPlus model runs then EMS is probably not for you. However, if you relish the idea of being able to write
code to override default behaviour, you will find that EMS can help you model many features to your exact
specification, significantly extending EnergyPlus' normal range of capabilities.
DesignBuilder Extensions
DesignBuilder includes some important extensions to the standard EnergyPlus EMS and Erl system allowing
DB EMS programs to reused and shared:
Using EMS
The DesignBuilder EMS functionality can be accessed from the Tools > EMS and FMU menu option which
opens the External Interface Program Manager dialog.
Previously created EMS programs are listed on the data panel to the right. These can be selected, copied,
deleted and edited:
The Use EMS checkbox on the External Interface Program dialog must be checked.
- 1078 -
The Enable program checkbox on the Edit EMS Program dialog must be checked.
Note: Selecting an EMS program on the External Interface Program dialog is not enough to ensure its script
is included in the simulation - the Enable program checkbox is the important setting.
DB Erl scripts are defined on the EMS Program edit dialog which provides utilities for quickly adding template
script for new sensors, actuators, internal variables and programs.
It is possible to write quite complex EMS programs and there is plenty of scope for making mistakes, which
can take time to track down and fix.
Please be aware that the DesignBuilder Support Desk is not generally able to offer a service for debugging or
advising on the possible cause of errors in EMS programs.
The EnergyPlus EMS application guide provides a section on debugging EMS programs which is a good
starting point for tracking down problems.
- 1079 -
When you press the OK button Program code is inserted into the script at the cursor.
At the point the dialog is opened DesignBuilder asks you if you would like to update the list of available
sensors by automatically running a preliminary simulation to generate an edd file with a list of all available
sensors for the current model.
Select the Sensor Variable type and the choose one of the sensors listed in the right hand data panel.
When you press the OK button Erl code for the sensor is inserted into the script at the cursor position.
- 1080 -
At the point the dialog is opened DesignBuilder asks you if you would like to update the list of available
sensors by automatically running a preliminary simulation to generate an edd file with a list of all available
sensors for the current model.
Select the Actuator Variable type and the choose one of the actuators listed in the right hand data panel.
When you press the OK button Erl code for the actuator is inserted into the script at the cursor position.
- 1081 -
At the point the dialog is opened DesignBuilder asks you if you would like to update the list of available
sensors by automatically running a preliminary simulation to generate an edd file with a list of all available
sensors for the current model.
Select the Internal variable Variable type and choose one of the built-in variables listed in the right-hand data
When you press the OK button Erl code for the internal variable is inserted into the script at the cursor
Beta test feature
DesignBuilder provides access to the full EnergyPlus Runtime Language (Erl) which is described in detail in
the EMS application guide. You can enter Erl script to modify your simulations on the EMS Program dialog.
This page describes a powerful set of extensions to Erl which allow code to be made portable between
models. Zone loops, if blocks and site, building and zone attributes offer ways to reference the model data
without referring to zones by name in the Erl scripts.
The combined Erl plus DB extensions language is referred to as DB Erl in the documentation.
Note: Erl is case sensitive.
Zone loops
In models having more than one zone it is usually more convenient to write code using Zone loop statements.
These have the general format:
IF <LoopZoneVariableName>_DeltaT < 0 ,
SET <LoopZoneVariableName>_DeltaT = 0,
- 1082 -
When code is written in this way it becomes easier to manage, especially in models having more than a
handful of zones or where the code is to made portable for use in any model.
A summary of all the zone loop-related statements is given in the table below.
DB Erl statement
Loop through all zones in the current building.
Loop through all occupied zones in the current building.
Loop through all unoccupied zones in the current building.
Loop through all zones in the current building that do not have the
Cooled checkbox on the HVAC tab checked.
Loop through all occupied zones in the current building that have the
Cooled checkbox on the HVAC tab checked.
Loop through all occupied zones in the current building that have the
Heated checkbox on the HVAC tab checked.
Loop through all occupied zones in the current building that do not
have the Heated checkbox on the HVAC tab checked.
End of the zone loop.
Replace <LoopZoneIDFName> with the IDF zone name of the current
zone in the loop.
Replace <LoopZoneVariableName> with the IDF zone name of the
current zone in the loop modified to be a legal Erl variable name.
LoopZoneVariableName are the same as LoopZoneIDFName but with
characters ":" and "." replaced by "_".
Replace <Any_Occupied_ZoneIDFName> with the IDF zone name
of any occupied zone in the model.
Look up and replace with current loop zone attribute. E.g.
<LoopZoneAttribute OccupancySchedule> might be replaced with
Office_Open_off. See full list of valid attribute names below.
Occupied zones are the zones where number of occupants are > 0 and Zone type is 1-Standard.
Where Boolean expression is an expression evaluating to True or False. E.g.
<If BuildingAttribute HourlyOutput = 1 Then>
Erl statements for hourly output
Boolean expression must be in the form:
This is correct:
<If LoopZoneAttribute MechanicalVentilationRateType = 2 Then>,
This is incorrect:
<If LoopZoneAttribute MechanicalVentilationRateType = 2-Min Fresh Air (Per
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- 1131 -
Library folder
EnergyPlus folder
EnergyPlus folder
EnergyPlus folder
EnergyPlus folder
EnergyPlus folder
EnergyPlus folder
EnergyPlus folder
EnergyPlus folder
EnergyPlus folder
EnergyPlus folder
EnergyPlus folder
- 1133 -
EnergyPlus folder
EnergyPlus folder
EnergyPlus folder
EnergyPlus folder
EnergyPlus folder
EnergyPlus folder
Typical Location*
XP: My Documents\DesignBuilder Data
Vista/7/8: Documents\DesignBuilder Data
XP: My Documents\DesignBuilder Data\Backup
Vista/7/8: Documents\DesignBuilder Data
XP: C:\Documents and Settings\User\LocalSettings\Application
Library data
XP: C:\Documents and Settings\User\LocalSettings\Application
Vista/7/8: C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\DesignBuilder\Radiance
XP: C:\Documents and Settings\User\LocalSettings\Application
- 1134 -
Default location for
storing DesignBuilder
dsb data files.
Default location for
automatic backup files
and file copies made
when opening existing
Storing files related to
files folder
Vista/7/8 C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\DesignBuilder
XP: C:\Documents and Settings\User\LocalSettings\Application
Diagnostic files
Vista/7/8: C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\DesignBuilder
Weather data
used by
DesignBuilder dsb
files stored in this
folder can be used as
templates for future
models. Click on the
Templates tab on the
Create New Site
dialog for a list of
available template
EnergyPlus hourly
weather data is stored
in this folder. The data
may have been
downloaded from the
DesignBuilder website
or it can be added
* The actual names of the folders on a particular computer will depend on the language setting and on your
Windows user name. The above locations assume English as the language and are given for Windows XP
operating system (XP) and for Windows Vista and Windows (Vista/7/8). The Windows user name 'User' is
used as an example.
Tip: the above folders can most easily be accessed from the File > Folders menu group of commands.
DesignBuilder is a professional graphics application and requires a high standard of computer hardware for
successful use. This page contains information on the minimum system requirements and also the
recommended specification. The main areas you should pay attention to if you are buying or upgrading your
computer system to run DesignBuilder are:
Graphics adapter - a good 100% OpenGL compatible graphics adapter is required to run
DesignBuilder. The mid-range and better NVIDIA cards seem to be the most reliable. Some graphics
adapters integrated with the motherboard we have tested are unable to run DesignBuilder. See also
note below.
Memory - DesignBuilder will use all the memory you can throw at it - at least 2 GB is recommended for
serious modelling or more if you are running under Windows Vista which itself uses 1 GB.
CPU speed - get as fast as you can afford.
Cores - having more than one processor core does not necessarily speed up simulations in
DesignBuilder version 1 but it does allow you to continue using your computer while simulations are
running. Dual core processors also make the software more responsive in use.
Minimum Requirements
- 1135 -
The above specification will allow you to successfully model small buildings using DesignBuilder but we
recommend a more powerful computer for best results especially when working with larger building models.
Windows 7
2.4 GHz dual core processor or faster. Dual Core processors are recommended as they allow you to
continue using your computer while simulations are carried out.
4 GB (or more) RAM.
5 GB free disk space
Pointing device
100% OpenGL compatible 3-D graphics adapter with hardware acceleration running in 32-bit color
1280x1024 pixels or larger screens for efficiency during the modelling process and for displaying highquality visualisation images and walk-throughs of DesignBuilder models and CFD results.
DesignBuilder works well with wide screens, including iMac 27" screens.
Windows 7
DesignBuilder works under Windows 7, but you must ensure that you follow the advice on the support
knowledgebase to switch off desktop composition and set XP-compatibility mode.
- 1136 -
Standalone DesignBuilder Results Viewer
The Results Viewer is a separate application which can be used to view EnergyPlus results stored in one or
more .eso files. It can be downloaded from the main Downloads > Software area of the DesignBuilder
website. When installed the application allows you to view any results contained within EnergyPlus .eso and
.htm results files. There are 3 ways to open .eso results files:
Multiple .eso and .htm files can be opened at a time. Use the combo box below the toolbar to select the
current results set for plotting.
With an .eso file open the first view will be something like that shown below.
- 1137 -
Display Results
To show results for a particular interval use the Frequency drop list to select the interval.
Sorting the Reports can be a useful way to help find particular data and can be achieved by clicking on the
column headers. For example to see data sorted by "Area" click on the Area header. This will collect together
all data for each zone, HVAC component, Environment etc. in the list.
To plot a report on a graph use one of these methods:
Select one of the toolbar options Add selected row to current graph or Add selected row to new
Right-click on the item in the grid and select the Add selected row to new graph menu option to add
the report to a new graph.
Double-clicking on the report in the grid will add it to the current graph (or if no graph exists it creates a
new graph and adds it).
Selecting a graph
If you have more than 1 graph set up you can select the current graph simply by clicking on it. You will see the
graph heating highlight in a different blue when selected as shown below.
- 1138 -
Menu Commands
You can access a range of options from the top bar menu, toolbar and right-click context menus. These are as
- 1139 -
Display graph
Display the data as a graph instead of a grid.
Display grid
Display the data as a grid instead of a graph.
Undo zoom
Undo any zoom settings previously made.
- 1140 -
Border Style
Font Size
Grid Options
Customise Dialog (more detailed Font and Colour changes)
If you make some changes and want to revert back to the default styling at any time, select the Tools >
Restore Graph Styling menu option.
Any styling changes made to the currently open session will be made permanent once the session has been
When you have more than one data set open it usually helps to Include the dataset name in the legend. This
is set by default and can be controlled from the Options dialog.
Options Dialog
The Options dialog is accessed either from the toolbar
Autosave session
Select this option if you would like the session to be saved automatically when closing the Results Viewer.
- 1141 -
To change the name of the current graph right-click on the graph and from the DesignBuilder Options, select
the Rename graph title option. Enter the title for the graph in the dialog and press OK.
- 1142 -
The output above shows how the dataset name is added to each legend.
In some cases you may find that too much data is displayed on the X-axis at one time and you need to focus
on a section (time period) of the results graph. You can use the mouse to do this simply by dragging a time
region of interest. This allows you to zoom in on data for particular days.
To return back to the original "un-zoomed" state, use the Undo zoom toolbar option.
When you move the mouse over a point on a plot, a floating tooltip window appears with data for that point
only. Left clicking with the mouse causes the value at that point to be plotted on the right hand side of the
graph legend block and a cross hair is displayed with a vertical and horizontal line centred on the point of
- 1143 -
interest. The crosshairs can be useful for checking simultaneous values for a range of reports. The value for
all other reports currently plotted will also be plotted for the current time indicated by the crosshair.
It can take some time to load.eso files and to select results so DesignBuilder provides methods to save preprocessed results files and session files to speed loading and setting up reports the next time.
- 1144 -
The .eso file is automatically generated and you are prompted for a
filename for the .eso file and asked if you would like to open it in
the Results viewer. The results data is also loaded to DesignBuilder
for your convenience. You may wish to avoid this option if you have
generated very large hourly or sub-hourly data sets which could
cause long delays or a program crash if loaded.
DesignBuilder creates two types of diagnostics files on startup, "diagnostic log" files and "installation
diagnostics log files":
The "dd_mm_yyyy_hh_mm_ss" part of the filename is the date and time the file was originally created. For
example the file "Diagnostics_01_08_2010_09_26_53.log" was created at 1 August 2010 at 9:26:53 am.
You may be asked to supply these files to DesignBuilder Support if you have problems with program operation
on your computer. One typical request from the Support desk is to supply the diagnostics file from a particular
program run and this will usually be the most recent one. To find the most recently created diagnostics file,
simply sort the files in Windows Explorer by using the "Details" view and clicking on the "Date modified"
column to carry out the sort. Alternatively you can scan the files by eye to find the most recently created file
using the "dd_mm_yyyy_hh_mm_ss" part of the filenames.
The meaning of most surface types listed in the Navigator should be obvious. This section provides further
information on the meaning of 3 less obvious surface types:
Inter-block partition
Wall (with hole)
Link body edge surfaces
These special surfaces are required because DesignBuilder uses 3-D surface slabs to represent building
fabric. Using 3-D surface slabs allows accurate calculation of zone volumes, definition of blocks using external
dimensions and realistic rendered images. Zones for EnergyPlus simulations and other calculations provided
by DesignBuilder are generated from the interior faces of the block geometry.
- 1145 -
Inter-block partition
An Inter-block partition surface is the shared partition wall between 2 zones in different blocks. Inter-block
partition surfaces are generated whenever 2 blocks touch along a plane. They are listed in the Navigator
twice, once in each of the 2 zones in which they appear. They are however a single partition object within
DesignBuilder and in the thermal calculations. So if, for example, you change the Partition construction model
data for an inter-block partition (or draw windows) the change will also be reflected in the equivalent interblock partition surface in the adjacent zone.
- 1146 -
- 1147 -
At building level
At surface level
Note that at surface level you can only draw openings on the grey areas of the surface. The white 'hole' is
actually where the inter-block partition is located (above).
The surface is split into 2 (often equal area) polygons that, together, enclose the 'hole' left by the interblock
partition. You should bear this in mind when looking at EnergyPlus IDF data.
- 1148 -
Link body edge surfaces are included by default, but you can exclude them by unchecking the Generate
fully enclosed zones Advanced model option. When included, these surfaces are modelled using very high
resistance zero mass elements. The purpose of Link body edge surfaces is to:
Allow EnergyPlus to calculate zone volumes avoiding warning messages about volume mismatches.
This does not actually affect the results because EnergyPlus uses the accurately calculated zone
volumes supplied by DesignBuilder.
Provide a slightly more accurate picture of the actual internal zone surface area and so potentially
provide a more accurate convective/radiant calculation.
The pictures below show how the link body edge surfaces are used to connect the 2 blocks and ensure that
zones are enclosed.
- 1149 -
EnergyPlus Model with link body edge surfaces - zones are enclosed and the zone volume
includes the volume enclosed by the link surfaces and the inter-block partition. This volume is
the thickness of the block wall x inter-block partition area).
Equivalent EnergyPlus Model without Link body edge surfaces - zones are not enclosed and
the zone volume excludes the link body (volume enclosed by the link surfaces and the inter-block partition).
- 1150 -
Roof perimeter blocks are created behind the scenes by first generating a conventional plan extrusion using
the current external wall thickness and then generating the roof inner profile topology from the resulting block
outer perimeter:
- 1151 -
The roof geometry is created as if a stub wall existed from the original extrusion, cut to fit within the roof space
and on top of which the roof assembly sits:
The resulting roof block is composed of a polyhedron representing the inner zone, which is created from the
original inner block perimeter and is cut to fit within the roof space and a number of slabs that represent the
actual roof construction. The roof slabs are generated from the inner roof profile and an outer profile created
using the roof construction thickness.
- 1152 -
EnergyPlus model
DesignBuilder automatically generates overhangs for Pitched roof block types using EnergyPlus shading
devices. The diagram below shows EnergyPlus DXF output of the building model generated using the above
data. It shows the overhangs in grey.
- 1153 -
Simple HVAC
Boiler energy = EnergyPlus heating loads / Heating system CoP
Chiller energy = EnergyPlus cooling loads / Cooling system CoP
Compact HVAC
Boiler energy = (EnergyPlus heating loads x Heating distribution loss factor) / Boiler CoP
Chiller energy = (EnergyPlus cooling loads x Cooling distribution loss factor) / Chiller CoP
Heating distribution loss factor = 1 + (Heating Distribution Loss) / 100
Cooling distribution loss factor = 1 + (Cooling Distribution Loss) / 100
- 1154 -
This page summarises the known limitations in DesignBuilder simulations together with workarounds were
they exist.
In Simple HVAC it is not possible to use radiant heating together with cooling in any particular zone. If
you need to use radiant heating with cooling then you should consider using Compact HVAC single
zone unitary systems.
In Compact HVAC there are only limited options for defining heating and cooling sizes manually. These
limitations are due to EnergyPlus generally requiring all HVAC data to be either autosized or manually
defined. DesignBuilder Compact HVAC does not provide access to all of the data required to do this.
One example of a known related issue is that it is not possible to manually define sizes of
radiant/baseboard heating systems in unitary single zone Compact HVAC systems using the "2Replaces main heating" option. Possible workarounds to this problem are to not use autosizing or to
use Simple HVAC instead.
When using the zone inner geometry option for surface geometry, component blocks placed close to the
window at building level may not be as close to the window in the simulation as might be expected from the
view in the model. For example, in the simple model shown below a component block has been placed
directly in front of a window, which cannot be seen as it is hidden by the component block. It is placed so that
it touches the outer surface of the block. So one would think that it is touching the window in the simulation
model and therefore no solar gain and light could pass round or through the component block shade.
- 1155 -
However results from simulations will show quite a lot solar gain entering the window. This is because the
window is actually placed on the zone surface which is on the inner surface of the block, the difference
between the inner zone surface and the block outer surface being due to the External wall thickness. In this
model the wall thickness is 0.23m so there will be a gap of 0.23m between the component block shade and
the window in the simulation model. This can be seen in the example DXF output shown below which
corresponds to the model above.
- 1156 -
The DXF output above shows the gap between the window and the component block shade caused by the
External wall thickness.
The solution in this case was simply to use either one of the External measurement Geometry conventions
or a zero External wall thickness which removes the gap between window and shade.
There can be times when data is lost due to a program crash or a power failure at a time before you had a
chance to save the model. DesignBuilder keeps track of the model in its various stages using 3 different
An optional incremental backup system where the current working file is automatically saved to the
Backup folder every 10 minutes (by default). These files have names such as My File Autosave
18_01_2012_14_05_50.dsb. In this example the original file was called My File.dsb and the backup
was made at 14:05:50 on 18 January 2012.
When opening an existing file the original file is copied to the backup folder. In this case the file is
called something like My File Archive 18_01_2012_13_49_01.dsb. In this example the original file
was called My File.dsb and the file was opened and copied at 13:49:01 on 18 January 2012.
If for any reason DesignBuilder does not close down cleanly and is unable to save data, a skh backup
file will remain in the same folder as the dsb file and DesignBuilder will ask whether you want to recover
- 1157 -
this data the next time you open the dsb file. The skh file will have the same name as the original dsb
file but will have a ~ character prepended. e.g. ~My File.skh.
Files in the Backup folder are stored for up to 30 days before being automatically deleted.
To recover data you should check the files in the Backup folder and find possible candidates based on the
filename and time of saving. Then copy the files you would like to check up to the DesignBuilder Data folder
and open them in DesignBuilder to find the most complete data set.
See also Program options, Backups
How used in
Air temperature (C or F)
Radiant temperature (C or F)
Clothing (Clo)
Activity level method - choose from one of:
Activity (MET) or
Activity (W/person or Btu/hr-person)
Air speed (m/s or ft/min)
Relative humidity (%)
Outputs are:
Operative temperature
Predicted mean vote (PMV)
% people dissatisfied (PPD)
A curve illustrating the relationship between PMV and PPD is displayed to the right on the dialog.
- 1158 -
- 1159 -
To use the tool, enter the environmental conditions and press the Update button at the bottom of the dialog.
This causes the graph and PPD/PMV outputs to be updated. If the PMV value is within the comfort region (0.5 to +0.5) then the outputs and the line between the PPD axis and the curve are displayed in green,
otherwise they are displayed in red as shown in the example outputs above.
You can read more about Fanger comfort calculations on the EnergyPlus Thermal Comfort page.
UPRN: Unique Property Reference Number-extended for Scottish use (10 digits as oppose to 12 digits
for rest of UK)
Building Inspection Date
Transaction Type
Primary Energy conversion factor for District heating Systems (only available once a district heating
system has been specified)
- 1160 -
1. Project details
a. Your email address
b. Accreditation scheme web address
c. Restriction status of xml
d. EPBD Recast (new buildings only)
2. On calculation dialogue (EPC)
Simplified Process
Temporarily change the UPRN to a 12 digit number as required for E&W assessments, for example
you could add 00 to the beginning of the correct UPRN. This is set in Model Options on the Project
Details tab.
Click on the Calculate tab and Update. Select Assessment Type EPC England or EPC Wales
When calculation complete note down the numerical Rating from the EPC or Summary Report. Check
on the summary report that the Weather is set to GLA. If not then use the more detailed instructions
Reset UPRN
Enter E & W Asset Rating on Calculate dialogue, check that calculation type is set the EPC Scotland
Detailed Process
Temporarily change the UPRN to a 12 digit number as required for E&W assessments
At site level, set the location to Glasgow.
Click on the Calculate tab and Update. Select Assessment Type 'EPC England' or 'EPC Wales'
When calculation complete note down the numerical Rating from the EPC or Summary Report.
Reset UPRN
Reset location to Scotland and enter E & W Asset Rating on Calculate dialogue, checking that
calculation type is now set the EPC Scotland.
- 1161 -
Typical values for various system types are shown in the table below.
System Type
Central mechanical ventilation
including heating, cooling and
heat recovery
Central mechanical ventilation
including heating and cooling
All other systems
Local ventilation units within the
local area, such as
window/wall/roof units, serving
one room/area
Local ventilation units remote from
the local area, such as ceiling void
or roof mounted units, serving one
Fan coil units (rating weighted
Specific Fan
Export a .ddf file containing similar model data to that which you would like to import.
Rename it to have extension .zip so it can be opened in WinZip, WinRAR or similar zip file editor.
Open the .zip file to see a series of .cdt (compressed .dat files).
Extract the .cdt files and open them in a text editor.
Study the format - there is no documentation to explain the format, but it is usually fairly easy to work
out by reference to the corresponding DesignBuilder dialogs and the headers. Each .cdt file consists of
a line of category ids, followed by a header line which indicates the meaning of the fields below. Each
further line is a record with fields separated using the "#" character. See below for an example of
If you need to make more widespread edits then it is usually easiest to import the .cdt file into a
spreadsheet. Here the data can be edited and exported again using tab delimiters and replacing tabs
with "#" in a text editor. Note you must avoid including adjacent "#" characters in the .cdt and the
easiest way to ensure this is to search for "##" and replace with "# #". Note the first column starts with
To create a .ddf file for importing to DesignBuilder use the reverse process. Create the .cdt files (by
modifying equivalent existing files) paying careful attention to all fields. Then create the .ddf by zipping
the .cdt files to be imported and renaming to use the .ddf file extension.
Import the .ddf file to the DesignBuilder model.
- 1162 -
Accessed from the Tools menu
You can lock the model to ensure that no further changes are possible. This may useful in cases when you
wish to send a model on to colleagues or clients to allow them to view inputs and run calculations but not to
make any changes to the model itself.
To lock the model you must first enter a password which can be used to later to unlock it again. Please make
sure to keep a note of the password when locking the model to ensure that you can unlock it again if
- 1163 -
EnergyPlus Documentation
Exporting EnergyPlus IDF Files
EnergyPlus Version Compatibility
EnergyPlus IDF Window Dimensions
Calculation of DesignBuilder Output from EnergyPlus Report Variables
EnergyPlus Errors and Warnings
EnergyPlus Daylight Calculations
EnergyPlus Thermal Comfort
EnergyPlus Date Definition
When DesignBuilder output is different from unprocessed EnergyPlus Output
Custom EnergyPlus Reports
EnergyPlus Daylight Map Output
Results Viewer
You can download the EnergyPlus user guides at no cost from:
- 1165 -
Tools | Display simulation input script from Simulation or Heating/Cooling design screens.
Using the DOE executable EnergyPlus simulation option to open the EP-launch application before
Note that DesignBuilder will automatically generate compatible IDF files with the target version of EnergyPlus
as set on the Program options dialog.
It is important to set the EnergyPlus version you intend to use before exporting the IDF data.
- 1166 -
DesignBuilder will automatically generate compatible IDF files with the target version of EnergyPlus as set on
the EnergyPlus tab Program options dialog. If you are generating IDF files for simulation outside
DesignBuilder you should note that, by default, DesignBuilder targets an internal version of EnergyPlus which
has an extended IDD data definition file to allow:
So if you attempt to use IDF files generated for internal versions of EnergyPlus in a version of EnergyPlus
supplied by DOE, you may find some surface or HVAC data errors related to the above changes. To avoid this
situation you should either:
Explicitly target your DOE EnergyPlus installation by making the appropriate setting on the Program
options dialog (preferred option), or
Carry the DesignBuilder IDD extensions over to your standalone version of EnergyPlus by copying
Energy+.idd from the DesignBuilder EnergyPlus folder (use the File > Folder > EnergyPlus folder menu
command) to your standalone EnergyPlus folder (e.g. C:\EnergyPlusV2-0-0).
omfort Output
Internal air temperature
Internal radiant
EnergyPlus Report
Zone Mean Air Temperature
Zone Mean Radiant
Temperature [C]
Internal operative
Relative Humidity
Zone Air Relative Humidity
- 1167 -
Fanger PMV
Pierce PMV ET
Time Not Comfortable
Summer Clothes [hr]
Time Not Comfortable Winter
Clothes [hr]
Time Not Comfortable
Summer or Winter Clothes
Window Heat Gain [W] Window Heat Loss [W] Window Transmitted Solar
Window Transmitted
Solar is subtracted so
that Glazing heat gain
represents the transfer
of all heat through the
window excluding beam
and diffuse short-wave
solar heat effects. This
makes it more
comparable with the
opaque surface
conduction results.
NB The subtraction of
solar from glazing heat
gain is done as a post
process on the output
results and does not
affect the simulation
External natural
External mechanical
- 1168 -
Scheduled Natural
ventilation only
Scheduled Natural
ventilation only
Scheduled Natural
ventilation only and only
when the Mechanical
ventilation method model
Internal Air
External Air
AirflowNetwork Mixing
Sensible Loss Rate [W] +
AirflowNetwork Mixing
Sensible Gain Rate [W]
AirflowNetwork Infiltration
Sensible Loss Rate [W]+
AirflowNetwork Infiltration
Sensible Gain Rate [W]
Calculated Natural
ventilation only
Calculated Natural
ventilation only
Zone Mechanical Ventilation
Air Change Rate [ach]
ghts* [J]
Internal Gains
Task lighting gains
alLights* [J]
Miscellaneous gains
riorEquipment* [J]
Process gains
- 1169 -
The 'GeneralLights'
EnergyPlus output is a
lighting fuel consumption
and is summed to give
the Lighting fuel
consumption (below).
The gain to the zone is
calculated from this in
each zone by multiplying
by (1 - Return air
EnergyPlus output is the
miscellaneous internal
gains fuel consumption
and is summed to give
the Room fuel
consumption (below).
The gain to the zone is
calculated from this in
each zone by multiplying
by (1 - Fraction lost).
riorEquipment* [J]
Catering gains
riorEquipment* [J]
riorEquipment* [J]
Zone People Sensible Heat
Gain [J]
Zone Heating
Zone Heating
Zone Heating
AHU Heating
- 1170 -
ZoneId Ideal
Loads Air
ZoneId AHU
AHU Heating
Total Cooling
ZoneId Ideal
Loads Air
ZoneId AHU
ZoneId Ideal
Loads Air
ZoneId AHU
Total Cooling
Total Cooling
Total Cooling
Total Cooling
Sensible Cooling
Sensible Cooling
Sensible Cooling
Sensible Cooling
Sensible Cooling
VAV/CAV with
Gas/Electric AHU
heating coils and Unitary
Simple HVAC convective
and ASHRAE Cooling
VAV/CAV with Chilled
water coils
Unitary Multizone
Unitary single zone
Fan coil
Simple HVAC convective
and ASHRAE Cooling
VAV/CAV with Chiller
Unitary multizone
Unitary single zone
Fan coil
Heat Generator
Compact and
Detailed HVAC
Simple HVAC
- 1171 -
Compact and
Detailed HVAC
Simple HVAC
ZoneId AHU
Simple HVAC with
2-Separate fans
and pumps
Auxiliary option
System Fans
System Fans
System Fans
System Pumps
System Fans
System Pumps
Auxiliary Energy
ZoneId DHW 1
Auxiliary Energy =
Auxiliary energy
(kWh/m2) x Floor area
DHW energy (kWh) =
1000 (kg/m3) x 4.187
(KJ/kg-K) x (Domestic
Hot Water Consumption
[m3]) x (Delivery water
temperature - Mains
water temperature) /
DHW CoP is Heat
- 1172 -
Preheat Energy
Room Electricity
Room Gas
Room Oil
Room Solid
Room Bottled gas
Room Other
2-Natural gas
4-Coal + 7-Anthracite +
8-Smokeless fuel
(including coke)
5-LPG + 6-Biogas
9-Dual fuel appliances
(mineral + wood) + 10Biomass + 11-Waste
Bottled gas
Other fuel consumption
Outside dry-bulb
Simulation: Direct
from EPW - spot
Outdoor Dry Bulb
Cooling design:
Outdoor Dry Bulb
- spot value.
- 1173 -
Simulation: Direct
from EPW - spot
Outside dew-point
Direct Solar
Cooling design:
Outdoor Dew
Point - spot value.
Direct from EPW preceding hour,
Cooling design:
Direct Solar preceding hour.
Simulation: Direct
from EPW preceding hour,
Diffuse Solar
Cooling design:
Diffuse Solar preceding hour.
Simulation: Direct
from EPW - spot
Wind speed
Wind Speed
Cooling design:
Wind Speed preceding hour.
Simulation: Direct
from EPW - spot
Wind direction
Wind Direction
Cooling design:
Assumed wind is
from North.
Simulation: Direct
from EPW - spot
Atmospheric pressure
Solar altitude
Solar azimuth
Pressure preceding hour.
Calculated - spot
Altitude Angle preceding hour.
Calculated - spot
Azimuth Angle -
- 1174 -
preceding hour.
* Variables shown in green represent EnergyPlus output.
'Direct from EPW' means that the values in the hourly weather file itself are displayed.
EnergyPlus hourly output always represents totals and averages over the preceding hour so data for 12:00 is
for the period 11:01 to 12:00.
See also: When DesignBuilder output is different from unprocessed EnergyPlus Output
** Severe
You may have entered a semi-colon character (;) at the end of one of the lines in a Compact schedule
when you meant to enter a comma (,).
- 1175 -
** Severe ** For Ideal Loads ZONE 21438 Ideal Loads serving Zone 21438
** ~~~ ** ..the supply air temperature for cooling [10.00] is greater than
the zone cooling setpoint [8.99].
This severe error can occur when using Simple HVAC, or Cooling design calculations with Operative
control in zones with strong radiant heat gains causing high radiant temperatures (e.g. un-insulated roof
or zone is highly glazed). The supply air temperature is fixed (to 10C in the above example) but the
zone air temperature must be cooled lower than this (8.99C in the above example) to give the required
operative setpoint (.e.g. 24 C). Operative temperature, Top, is calculated as:
Top= 0.5 x (Ta + Tr)
Top is the operative temperature.
Ts is the air supply temperature.
Ta is the zone air temperature (T a must be > Ts).
Tr is the zone radiant temperature.
So there is a requirement:
<= 2 Top - Ts
If the zone radiant temperature is higher than Tr max and Operative temperature control is used then this severe error will occur.
The solution may be to use Air temperature control and to reduce the radiant temperatures using solar shading/insulation as appropriate.
See the discussion on Operative temperature control under Calculation options for more on this.
- 1176 -
Make holes in the floor smaller. Bear in mind that with the default "Full exterior" solar distribution
option, all solar gain is received by the floor, but if there is no floor due to a full-sized hole then a
very large gain could be absorbed by a very small area of floor surface.
Avoid R-value (or other very low mass materials) on the inside surface of constructions.
It may be possible to use zone merging to combine zones which are being modelled individually
separated by large holes. This can sometimes help to avoid the error.
Try switching off the Generate fully enclosed zones Advanced model option. This has helped in a
few cases because the construction applied to surfaces used to fill in the gaps in zone geometry is
low mass and has very high R-value which could cause a build-up of heat.
- 1177 -
For a zone sizing run, there must be at least 1 Zone Sizing object input.
- 1178 -
This warning can be safely ignored. These messages can be prevented by switching on the Surfaces
within zone treated as adiabatic option in Simulation Advanced Calculation Options
This warning will occur for partitions between 2 merged zones. Because of the merging, the zone is the
same on both sides of the partition and EnergyPlus flags this as a potential mistake. To avoid this message,
you can select the 'Surfaces within zone treated as adiabatic model option for Heating design, Cooling
design and Simulation calculation options. In this case such partitions will instead be modelled using an
adiabatic formulation where the Outside face environment surface is the same as the actual surface and
the warning is not generated. The warning can in any case be safely ignored.
Daylight factors, which are ratios of interior illuminance or luminance to exterior horizontal illuminance,
are calculated and stored. The user specifies the coordinates of one or two reference points in each
daylit zone. EnergyPlus then integrates over the area of each exterior window in the zone to obtain the
contribution of direct light from the window to the illuminance at the reference points, and the
contribution of light that reflects from the walls, floor and ceiling before reaching the reference points.
Window luminance and window background luminance, which are used to determine glare, are also
calculated. Taken into account are such factors as sky luminance distribution, window size and
orientation, glazing transmittance, inside surface reflectances, sun control devices such as movable
window shades, and external obstructions. Dividing daylight illuminance or luminance by exterior
illuminance yields daylight factors. These factors are calculated for the hourly sun positions on sunpaths for representative days of the run period.
A daylighting calculation is performed each heat-balance time step when the sun is up. In this
calculation the illuminance at the reference points in each zone is found by interpolating the stored
daylight factors using the current time steps sun position and sky condition, then multiplying by the
exterior horizontal illuminance. If glare control has been specified, the program will automatically deploy
- 1179 -
window shading, if available, to decrease glare below a specified comfort level. A similar option uses
window shades to automatically control solar gain.
The electric lighting control system is simulated to determine the lighting energy needed to make up the
difference between the daylighting illuminance level and the design illuminance. Finally, the zone
lighting electric reduction factor is passed to the thermal calculation, which uses this factor to reduce
the heat gain from lights. The EnergyPlus daylighting calculation is derived from the daylighting
calculation in DOE-2.1E, which is described in [Winkelmann, 1983] and [Winkelmann and Selkowitz,
1985]. There are two major differences between the two implementations: (1) In EnergyPlus daylight
factors are calculated for four different sky typesclear, clear turbid, intermediate, and overcast; in
DOE-2 only two sky types are usedclear and overcast. (2) In EnergyPlus the clear-sky daylight
factors are calculated for hourly sun-path sun positions several times a year whereas in DOE-2 these
daylight factors are calculated for a set of 20 sun positions that span the annual range of sun positions
for a given geographical location.
The Air Temperature (Ta), a direct environmental index, is the dry-bulb temperature of the environment. The
Mean Radiant Temperature (Tr) is a rationally derived environmental index defined as the uniform black-body
temperature that would result in the same radiant energy exchange as in the actual environment. The Relative
air velocity (v) a direct environmental index is a measure of the air motion obtainable via a hot wire or vane
anemometers. The Water vapor pressure in ambient air (Pa) is a direct environmental index.
The physiological variables that influence the conditions of thermal comfort include:
Where the Skin Temperature (Tsk), the Core Temperature (Tcr) and the Sweat Rate are physiological indices.
The Skin Wettedness (w) is a rationally derived physiological index defined as the ratio of the actual sweating
rate to the maximum rate of sweating that would occur if the skin were completely wet. One more
consideration is important in dealing with thermal comfort - the effect of asymmetrical heating or cooling. This
could occur when there is a draft or when there is a radiant flux incident on a person (which is what is of
primary interest to us here). Fanger (5) noted that the human regulatory system is quite tolerant of
- 1180 -
asymmetrical radiant flux. A reasonable upper limit on the difference in mean radiant temperature (Tr) from
one direction to the opposing direction is 15_ (1). This limit is lower if there is a high air velocity in the
- 1181 -
- 1182 -
The Pierce model thermally lumps the human body as two isothermal, concentric compartments, one
representing the internal section or core (where all the metabolic heat is assumed to be generated and the
skin comprising the other compartment). This allows the passive heat conduction from the core compartment
to the skin to be accounted for. The boundary line between two compartments changes with respect to skin
blood flow rate per unit skin surface area (SKBF in L/hm2) and is described by alpha the fraction of total
body mass attributed to the skin compartment (13).
Furthermore, the model takes into account the deviations of the core, skin, and mean body temperature
weighted by alpha from their respective set points. Thermoregulatory effector mechanisms (Regulatory
sweating, skin blood flow, and shivering) are defined in terms of thermal signals from the core, skin and body
The model for Standard Effective Temperature (SET) also uses skin temperature as part of it's limiting
conditions, but uses skin wettedness (w) rather than sweat rate for the other limiting condition. The values for
Tsk and w are derived from the Pierce `two-node' model of human physiology (see Nevins & Gagge (1972)).
SET relates the real conditions to the (effective) temperature in standard clothing and metabolic rate and 50%
RH which would give the same physiological response. Effective temperature can then be related to
subjective response.
The latest version of the Pierce model (15) uses the concepts of SET* and ET*. The Pierce model converts
the actual environment into a "standard environment" at a Standard Effective Temperature, SET*. SET* is the
dry-bulb temperature of a hypothetical environment at 50% relative humidity for subjects wearing clothing that
would be standard for the given activity in the real environment. Furthermore, in this standard environment,
the same physiological strain, i.e. the same skin temperature and skin wettedness and heat loss to the
environment, would exist as in the real environment. The Pierce model also converts the
actual environment into a environment at an Effective Temperature, ET*, that is the dry-bulb temperature of a
hypothetical environment at 50% relative humidity and uniform temperature (Ta = MRT) where the subjects
would experience the same physiological strain as in the real environment.
In the latest version of the model it is suggested that the classical Fanged PMV be modified by using ET* or
SET* instead of the operative temperature. This gives a new index PMV* which is proposed for dry or humid
environments. It is also suggested that PMV* is very responsive to the changes in vapor permeation efficiency
of the occupants clothing.
Besides PMV*, the Pierce Two Node Model uses the indices TSENS and DISC as predictors of thermal
comfort. Where TSENS is the classical index used by the Pierce foundation, and is a function of the mean
body temperature. DISC is defined as the relative thermoregulatory strain that is needed to bring about a state
of comfort and thermal equilibrium. DISC is a function of the heat stress and heat strain in hot environments
and equal to TSENS in cold environments. In summary, the Pierce Model, for our purposes, uses four thermal
comfort indices; PMVET-a function of ET*, PMVSET- a function of SET*, TSENS and DISC.
- 1183 -
The KSU model's TSV was developed from experimental conditions in all temperature ranges and from clo
levels between .05 clo to 0.7 clo and from activities levels of 1 to 6 mets (6).
ASHRAE, High Intensity Infrared Radiant Heating, 1984 system Handbook, American Society of
Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers, Atlanta, GA, Chapter 18, 1984.
Fanger, P.O., Thermal Comfort-Analysis and Applications in Environmental Engineering, Danish
Technical Press, Copenhagen, 1970.
ASHRAE, Physiological Principles for Comfort and Health, 1985 Fundamental Handbook, American
Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers, Atlanta, GA, Chapter 8, 1985.
Du Bois, D. and E.F., A Formula to Estimate Approximate Surface Area, if Height and Weight are
Known, Archives of internal Medicine, Vol.17, 1916.
Fanger, P.O., Radiation and Discomfort, ASHRAE Journal. February 1986.
Berglund, Larry, Mathematical Models for Predicting the Thermal Comfort Response of Building
Occupants, ASHRAE Trans., Vol.84, 1978.
Fanger P.O., Calculation of Thermal Comfort: Introduction of a Basic Comfort Equation, ASHRE
Trans., Vol.73, Pt 2, 1967.
Gagge, A.P., Stolwijk, J. A. J., Nishi, Y., An Effective Temperature Scale Based on a Simple Model of
Human Physiological Regulatory Response, ASHRAE Trans., Vol.70, Pt 1, 1970.
Gagge, A.P., Fobelets, A.P., Berglund, L. G., A Standard Predictive Index of Human Response to the
Thermal Environment, ASHRAE Trans., Vol.92, Pt 2, 1986.
Azer, N.Z., Hsu, S., The prediction of Thermal Sensation from Simple model of Human Physiological
Regulatory Response, ASHRAE Trans., Vol.83, Pt 1, 1977.
Hsu, S., A Thermoregulatory Model for Heat Acclimation and Some of its Application, Ph. D.
Dissertation, Kansas State University, 1977.
ISO., Determination of the PMV and PPD Indices and Specification of the Conditions for Thermal
Comfort, DIS 7730, Moderate Thermal Environment, 1983.
Doherty, T.J., Arens, E., Evaluation of the Physiological Bases of Thermal Comfort Models, ASHRAE
Trans., Vol.94, Pt 1, 1988.
ASHRAE, Physiological Principles and Thermal Comfort, 1993 ASHRAE Handbook- Fundamentals,
American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers, Atlanta, GA, Chapter 8,
Fountain, Marc.E., Huizenga, Charlie, A Thermal Sensation Prediction Tool for Use by the Profession,
ASHRAE Trans., Vol.103, Pt 2, 1997.
Int-Hout, D., Thermal Comfort Calculation / A Computer Model, ASHRAE Trans., Vol.96, Pt
Month / Day
Day and Month
Month and day
Numbered weekday of month
Last weekday of month
Month can be one of:
- 1184 -
12 / 31
31 Dec
Dec 31
1st Saturday in April
Last Sunday in October
- 1185 -
For HVAC system node temperature, mass flow and humidity ratio outputs make the appropriate
selections under the Miscellaneous Outputs on the Outputs tab of the Simulation Calculation options
Any other extra reports required can be added to an IDF file stored in the DesignBuilder EnergyPlus
Include this IDF file by making a selection in DesignBuilder Simulation Calculation Options.
Run the simulation as normal from DesignBuilder.
Locate the EnergyPlus eso output file generated by the simulation.
View the eso output file using the 3rd party xEsoView utility.
The sections below describe each of the these stages in more detail.
In any text editor such as Notepad (which comes with Windows) or UltraEdit (an excellent commercial
text editor which includes an IDF keyword highlight option).
Using the IDF Editor supplied with EnergyPlus.
- 1186 -
A single "report" can be thought of as a single set of output data or alternatively as a line of data on a graph
and is defined using a single line of text using this syntax:
Output:Variable, <Object name>, <Report Name>, <Interval>
Output:Variable is an IDF keyword which indicates that what follows is a request for output data.
<Object name> is the name of the object for which data is required, e.g. the zone or the HVAC
component name. In some cases it is possible to enter "*" to indicate that the data is required for all
relevant objects (e.g. all zones).
<Report Name> is the name of the report (output data) required. Thousands of reports are available in
all and you should refer to the EnergyPlus help file for details on what is available.
<Interval> should be one of the following keywords:
Timestep - corresponds to the sub-hourly interval in DesignBuilder terminology.
Detailed - a special interval provided by EnergyPlus where detail down to the level of the HVAC
timesteps can be provided. the actual intervals reported will often vary during the simulation, but
it can at times provide useful debugging information.
For example to generate a new hourly data set for the "Time Heating Setpoint Not Met While Occupied" report
for the zone having IDF name "Block1:Zone1" add this line of text to the IDF file:
Output:Variable, Block1:Zone1, Time Heating Setpoint Not Met While Occupied, hourly;
To generate sub-hourly data on the activity of the ideal loads economiser for all zones use:
Output:Variable, *, Ideal Loads Time Economizer Active, timestep;
Note the use of the "*" character to mean all objects and the semi-colon at the end of the line. For further
clarification on how to specify requests for EnergyPlus outputs you can refer to the Output:Variable data
provided by DesignBuilder in previously generated IDF files.
The above is just one way of obtaining outputs. Once familiar with EnergyPlus reports you can be creative
with use of additional IDF to request further outputs. For example consider using these options.
This data can be very useful when checking operation of the HVAC system.
Tariff Analysis
These reports can be used to run very sophisticated tariff analyses in EnergyPlus:
- 1187 -
This example from the EnergyPlus manual shows how to specify a basic utility cost (e.g. cost of kWh of
electricity). The data indicates that Electricity costs a flat 0.08 (currency e.g. - $ or ) per kWh.
RDD file
You can obtain a full list of available report types for a particular DesignBuilder model by running a quick
simulation and viewing the eplusout.rdd file generated by EnergyPlus.
Note: for each zone, surface and opening in the DesignBuilder model, the IDF name for the object used the
last simulation is displayed on the Options tab.
- 1188 -
Alternatively you can xESOView, which is a free basic software 3rd party utility. It is not a perfect tool and
outputs are not presentation quality but the software can be very useful for quickly checking results.
xESOView can be downloaded from:
Once the program is installed, double-clicking on the eso file in Windows Explorer opens the file and loads it
into xEsoView.
The screenshot above shows an example of how to use xEsoView to display the supply air mass flow rate into
a zone.
Note: The DesignBuilder Support Desk cannot provide support for use of xEsoView
- 1189 -
More sophisticated daylight analysis tools using Radiance are also available on the Daylighting screen.
- 1190 -
Frequently Asked Questions
These video tutorials are provided on demand to all registered DesignBuilder users free of charge. They
mostly last about 10-20 minutes.
Tip: You will probably learn most effectively by "doing" rather than "watching" so make sure to try out the
techniques shown in the tutorials while they are fresh in your mind before moving on to the next tutorial.
Getting Started
The Getting Started tutorials provide an overview of how to create DesignBuilder models and run simulations.
Basic Geometry
The Basic Geometry series of tutorials explain how to create and modify the blocks used to define building
geometry in DesignBuilder.
- 1191 -
Constructions data 1
Constructions data 2
Drawing windows, doors and sub-surfaces, editing openings at building level
Openings model data
Shading data
Lighting and daylight control data
HVAC data (heating, cooling, ventilation, DHW)
Timing, schedules, profiles and holidays
Hourly weather data
The Calculations tutorials explain how to set up DesignBuilder EnergyPlus simulations and analyse results.
Natural Ventilation
Introduction to Daylighting
Detailed HVAC
Note: These Tutorials and Webinars are also available on the Learn section of the DesignBuilder website and
on the DesignBuilder YouTube Channel
- 1192 -