Intracranial Tumors: An Ophthalmic Perspective: DR M Hemanandini, DR P Sumathi, DR P A Kochami

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IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS)

e-ISSN: 2279-0853, p-ISSN: 2279-0861.Volume 15, Issue 6 Ver. XII (June 2016), PP 60-62

Intracranial Tumors: An Ophthalmic Perspective

Dr M Hemanandini1, Dr P Sumathi2, Dr P A Kochami3

Head Of The Department ,Department Of Ophthalmology, Coimbatore Medical College Hospital,

Coimbatore, Tamilnadu
assistant Professor, Department Of Ophthalmology, Coimbatore Medical College Hospital,
Coimbatore, Tamilnadu
resident, Department Of Ophthalmology, Coimbatore Medical College Hospital, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu

Aim: This study was aimed at determining the ophthalmic manifestations of patients presenting with brain
tumors in a tertiary care centre
Materials and Methods: A prospective crossectional review of patients with brain tumors in a tertiary care
centre in Tamilnadu was conducted between Nov 2015 to April 2016.The study included 25 CT /MRI proven
cases of Intracranial space occupying lesions who underwent detailed ocular, neurological and systemic
Results: Out of 25 cases there were 9 males (36%) and 16 females(64%) and the mean age was 4025 years.
Headache(72%) was the common symptom followed by decreased vision(60%).Various Ophthalmic
manifestations included papilloedema ,diplopia ,defective vision, proptosis and optic atrophy.
Meningioma(32%) followed by CP angle tumor(20%) were the most common brain tumors encountered.
Conclusion: Ophthalmic signs and symptoms form a major part of presentation in patients with intracranial
tumors. By careful ophthalmic evaluation, early diagnosis of Intracranial space occupying lesions could be
possible thereby allowing localisation and early management of these tumors .
Keywords: Intracranial tumors, ophthalmic manifestation, headache

I. Introduction
Ocular features may be the earliest manifestation of intracranial tumors which help us to diagnose the
disease earlier and to decrease the morbidity and mortality of the patient. Intracranial tumors expand in volume
and replace normal neural tissues leading to an increase in intracranial pressure. Ocular features could result
from their effect on the visual pathway, ocular nerves and orbito-ocular tissues. Ocular symptoms of raised ICP
are deviation of eye, diplopia and diminution of vision (DOV) depending upon the area of brain involved .
Ocular signs include nystagmus,papilloedema, optic atrophy ,cranial nerve palsies with abducent nerve palsy
being common and scotoma. In patients with Intracranial space occupying lesions ocular features may be seen
much earlier than general signs. These signs have immense localizing importance .More than 50 percent of these
patients present to an ophthalmologist initially. Hence in cases of intracranial space occupying lesions,
ophthalmologists play a vital role in early diagnosis and proper referral. The purpose of this study was to assess
the types of intracranial tumors that caused impairment of vision, and thereby establish a relationship between
the various ocular effects caused by the intracranial tumors, aiding their localisation.

II. Materials And Methods

A prospective cross sectional study was conducted in a tertiary care centre in Tamilnadu from
November 2015 to april 2016 on 25 patients diagnosed with intracranial tumors visiting ophthalmology and
neurosurgery departments. Patients who were uncooperative on account of deteriorating general conditions,
patients with history of previous head injury, cases of demyelinating diseases were excluded from the study. All
the patients underwent detailed general and neurological examination in addition to CT scan and MRI .
Complete ocular examination was done. Distant and near visual acuity of both eyes were recorded. Any
abnormality in head posture that might be assumed to overcome diplopia was noted. The palpebral apertures
were compared and to rule out lid retraction or lagophthalmos. Conjuctiva ,cornea and anterior chamber were
examined. Pupils were assessed in terms of size, reactivity to light and any abnormal reactions. Uniocular and
binocular eye movements were tested separately. Corneal sensations in both eyes were tested. Fundus
examination of both eyes was done to find out any papilledema and optic atrophy. Cases of proptosis were
evaluated thoroughly and local causes were ruled out. Detailed examination of cases presented with ptosis was
done.. In cases of diplopia, chartings were done and charts were analysed.

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Intracranial Tumors: An Ophthalmic Perspective

III. Results
Age Distribution
The age of patients ranged from 15- 65 years. The maximum incidence in our study was between 35 to
55yrs of age. This was comparable with other studies by Helen OO et al, which showed a 43.2% % incidence
in36-55 age group.[1]
15-35 YRS
35-55 YRS



Sex Distribution
Our study showed a female preponderance of 64%.This was comparable with other studies by SefiYurdakul N.[7]


Symptoms And Signs

The most common systemic presenting complaint was Headache(72%). Diminution of Vision (60%)
was the most common ocular presenting symptom.[7]Many patients presented with more than one symptom.
Among the signs papilloedema (48%) was the most common ocular sign followed by Proptosis (4%), optic
atrophy (7%) and Nystagmus (3%). Pupillary defect was seen in 24% of cases. Among nerve palsies,VI Cranial
nerve palsy was recorded in 28% cases followed by VII cranial nerve palsy in 20% cases.

Distribution Of Icsol
In our study meningioma(32%) was the most common intraocular tumor encountered. This was
comparable with other studies.[3]The other tumors encountered were CP angle tumor(20%), pituitary
tumor(16%), astrocytoma(12%), cerebellar tumor(8%), ependymoma(8%) and craniopharyngioma(4%).
CP angle tumor
Pituitary tumor

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Intracranial Tumors: An Ophthalmic Perspective

Cerebellar tumor


Visual Acuity
In 15 cases visual acuity was in the range of 6/6-6/12. In 8 patients visual acuity ranged between 6/186/36 and in 2 patients it was finger counting at 1 metre distance
FC at 1m


Visual Field
Visual field defects were noted in 32% of cases. Blind spot enlargement was the most commonest.
Bitemporal hemianopia was seen in cases of craniopharyngioma.

IV. Discussion
In the present study majority of cases were detected in the 35-55 age group. Our study shows a female
sex preponderance which is comparable with other studies by Sefi-Yurdakul N.[7] Headache, seizure, cranial
nerve palsies and papilloedema have been reported to be the most common signs and symptoms of intracranial
tumors. Site of Intracranial space occupying lesion can be correlated with the ocular manifestation. Most of the
patient presented with headache followed by defective vision. Hence patients presenting with these symptoms
should be examined carefully. Papilloedema was the most common sign. Most common Intracranial space
occupying lesion was meningioma followed by CP angle tumors. Sixth cranial nerve followed by seventh
cranial nerve were involved commonly.

V. Conclusion
Ocular manifestations can occur very frequently in Intracranial space occupying lesion. These occur
with increasing frequency in most of but not all intracranial tumors, thus making these patients seek early
medical attention and most often help in localizing the lesion.. Early diagnosis and proper referral hence plays a
vital role in the management and outcome of these tumors.


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