Bakker Et Al 2016 Groundwater

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Methods Note/

Scripting MODFLOW Model Development

Using Python and FloPy
by M. Bakker1 , V. Post2,3 , C. D. Langevin4 , J. D. Hughes4 , J. T. White5 , J. J. Starn6 , and M. N. Fienen7

Graphical user interfaces (GUIs) are commonly used to construct and postprocess numerical groundwater flow
and transport models. Scripting model development with the programming language Python is presented here as
an alternative approach. One advantage of Python is that there are many packages available to facilitate the model
development process, including packages for plotting, array manipulation, optimization, and data analysis. For
MODFLOW-based models, the FloPy package was developed by the authors to construct model input files, run
the model, and read and plot simulation results. Use of Python with the available scientific packages and FloPy
facilitates data exploration, alternative model evaluations, and model analyses that can be difficult to perform with
GUIs. Furthermore, Python scripts are a complete, transparent, and repeatable record of the modeling process.
The approach is introduced with a simple FloPy example to create and postprocess a MODFLOW model. A more
complicated capture-fraction analysis with a real-world model is presented to demonstrate the types of analyses
that can be performed using Python and FloPy.

The construction of a groundwater model can be a
complex task depending on the size and geometry of
the domain and temporal variability of the processes
simulated. Models are commonly constructed with a
graphical user interface (GUI). Various GUIs have
been developed, with different levels of complexity and
sophistication. GUIs generally consist of an interactive
1 Corresponding

author: Water Resources Section, Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands; [email protected]
2 Flinders University, Adelaide, South Australia.
3 Currently at Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural
Resources, BGR, Hannover, Germany.
4 U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, VA.
5 U.S. Geological Survey, Texas Water Science Center,
Austin, TX.
6 U.S. Geological Survey, East Hartford, CT.
7 U.S. Geological Survey Wisconsin Water Science Center,
Middleton, WI.
Article Impact Statement: Python/FloPy scripts are a powerful
approach to build and analyze MODFLOW-based models and are a
full record of the entire modeling process.
Received October 2015, accepted January 2016.
2016, National Ground Water Association.
doi: 10.1111/gwat.12413

environment in which the modeler can construct a model

grid, populate the model with hydraulic properties and
boundary conditions, and run and postprocess the model
results. GUIs provide a level of ease and intuitiveness that
is much greater than direct manipulation of the input files,
and have therefore become the de facto standard for the
construction of numerical groundwater models.
In this paper, an alternative approach is presented
for developing, running, and postprocessing groundwater models. The approach is based on the development of
Python scripts. Python is an interpreted, object-oriented
programming language that has gained widespread popularity in science and engineering (Perez et al. 2011);
a short introduction to object-oriented programming in
a groundwater setting is given by Bakker and Kelson
(2009). Python is a high-level programming language,
which means it has a more powerful syntax and a more
complete set of data structures than low-level languages
(Fortran or C, for example). In a high-level language,
complex tasks can be achieved with a few lines of
readable code. In addition to the core Python language,
there is an extensive library of Python packages for just
about any type of scientific analysis. Robust libraries are
available for working with arrays (Numpy; Oliphant

2006), making publication-quality graphics (Matplotlib;

Hunter 2007), optimization and statistics (Scipy; Jones
et al. 2001), working with geospatial information (Fiona;
Gillies 2014, Shapely; Gillies 2013), and performing
data analysis (Pandas; McKinney 2012). These packages,
together with the interactive IPython environment (Perez
and Granger 2007), form the core of what is called the
Scipy Stack and are at the heart of exploratory computing
with Python. Python itself, the Scipy Stack, and a long
list of other packages are open-source software, and can
be downloaded and used for free.
The approach presented in this paper is implemented
in FloPy, a Python package written by the authors
for developing, running, and postprocessing models
that are part of the MODFLOW family of codes (i.e.,
MODFLOW; Harbaugh 2005, MODPATH; Pollock
2012, MT3DMS; Zheng and Wang 1999, and SEAWAT;
Langevin et al. 2008). FloPy provides functionality for
creating new models as well as working with existing
models. The concept is that the user writes a script to
construct, run, and postprocess the groundwater model.
The script sets Python variables to define the grid,
hydrogeological parameters, initial conditions, boundary
conditions, solver parameters, and other information
required by the model. Python packages for reading
and processing geospatial information (e.g., GIS-based
shapefiles and rasters) can also be employed to facilitate
incorporation of property and boundary data from a variety of sources. Once the model information is defined,
FloPy can write input files for the specified models
(MODFLOW, MT3DMS, etc.). The script can then be
used to run the model, read the model results, including
binary model output, and make any type of customized
plot. Once model results are read, many other analyses
using Python functionality and packages are available.
The approach of using scripts to develop groundwater
models is clearly different from using a GUI. Some might
argue that it is antiquated because it requires the user to
write syntactically correct computer code. There are no
well-defined menu bars for performing common tasks,
nor is there a main graphic panel showing the model
grid, boundary conditions, and model results. In short, the
approach is reminiscent of decades-old Unix and DOS
batch scripting that so many practicing hydrogeologists
have tried to forget. This paper shows that Pythons
easy-to-read syntax and powerful features justify the
rejuvenation of the script-based approach. First, FloPy
is introduced with a basic example of one-dimensional
flow, followed by a discussion of the power, flexibility,
and benefits behind the scripting approach, which is
demonstrated by a more complicated example.

A Basic FloPy Example

The use of FloPy requires a basic familiarity with
MODFLOW and its packages, see, for example, Harbaugh
(2005), as well as a basic understanding of object-oriented
code design. MODFLOW itself consists of packages that
are labeled with three letter acronyms in the MODFLOW

M. Bakker et al. Groundwater

documentation (e.g., BAS, LPF, WEL). These should not

be confused with Python packages. A FloPy script for
a MODFLOW model commonly consists of at least the
following eight steps:
1. Import the FloPy package.
2. Create a MODFLOW model object.
3. Define the model setup, including the discretization,
active model cells, starting heads, hydraulic properties,
and layer types.
4. Add packages to simulate features of the flow system
(e.g., wells, recharge, or rivers).
5. Define the solver that MODFLOW uses to obtain a
head solution.
6. Define what output MODFLOW needs to save.
7. Generate MODFLOW input files and call MODFLOW
to obtain a solution.
8. Read the (binary) output files for display and further
As a first simple example, consider steady, onedimensional, unconfined flow between two long canals
with fixed water levels equal to 20 m; the centers of the
canals are 2000 m apart. The bottom of the aquifer is at
elevation 0 m, and the top of the aquifer at elevation 50 m.
The hydraulic conductivity is 10 m/d and the groundwater
recharge is 1 mm/d. Two long ditches run parallel to the
canals, one at 500 m from the left canal and one at 500 m
from the right canal. Both ditches have an extraction rate
of 1 m3 /m/d.
The eight steps, as listed above, for developing,
running, and postprocessing this groundwater model are
as follows1 :
1. Import the MODFLOW and utilities subpackages of
FloPy and give them the aliases fpm and fpu,
import numpy as np
import flopy.modflow as fpm
import flopy.utils as fpu

2. Create a MODFLOW model object. Here, the MODFLOW model object is stored in a Python variable
called model, but this can be an arbitrary name.
This object name is important as it will be used as
a reference to the model in the remainder of the
FloPy script. In addition, a modelname is specified
when the MODFLOW model object is created. This
modelname is used for all the files that are created
by FloPy for this model.
model = fpm.Modflow(modelname = gwexample)

3. The discretization of the model is specified with the

discretization file (DIS) of MODFLOW. The aquifer
is divided into 201 cells of length 10 m and width 1 m.
The first input of the discretization package is the name
of the model object. All other input arguments are self

Computer-specific setup, such as specification of the
directory that contains the MODFLOW executable, is omitted here.

fpm.ModflowDis(model, nlay=1,
nrow=1, ncol=201, delr=10,
delc=1, top=50, botm=0)

Active cells and the like are defined with the Basic
package (BAS), which is required for every MODFLOW model. It contains the ibound array, which
is used to specify which cells are active (value is
positive), inactive (value is 0), or fixed head (value
is negative). The numpy package (aliased as np) can
be used to quickly initialize the ibound array with
values of 1, and then set the ibound value for the
first and last columns to 1. The numpy package
(and Python, in general) uses zero-based indexing and
supports negative indexing so that row 1 and column
1, and row 1 and column 201, can be referenced as [0,
0], and [0, 1], respectively. Although this simulation
is for steady flow, starting heads still need to be
specified. They are used as the head for fixed-head
cells (where ibound is negative), and as a starting
point to compute the saturated thickness for cases of
unconfined flow.
ibound = np.ones((1, 201))
ibound[0, 0] = ibound[0, -1] = -1
fpm.ModflowBas(model, ibound=ibound, strt=20)

The hydraulic properties of the aquifer are specified

with the layer properties flow (LPF) package (alternatively, the block centered flow (BCF) package may be
used). Only the hydraulic conductivity of the aquifer
and the layer type (laytyp) need to be specified. The
latter is set to 1, which means that MODFLOW will
calculate the saturated thickness differently depending
on whether or not the head is above the top of the
fpm.ModflowLpf(model, hk=10, laytyp=1)

4. Aquifer recharge is simulated with the Recharge

package (RCH) and the extraction of water at the two
ditches is simulated with the Well package (WEL); the
length of each ditch normal to the plane of flow is equal
to 1 m (delc = 1). The latter requires specification
of the layer, row, column, and injection rate of the
well for each stress period. The layers, rows, columns,
and the stress period are numbered (consistent with
Pythons zero-based numbering convention) starting at
0. The required data are stored in a Python dictionary
(lrcQ in the code below), which is used in FloPy to
store data that can vary by stress period. The lrcQ
dictionary specifies that two wells (one in cell 1, 1,
51 and one in cell 1, 1, 151), each with a rate of
1 m3 /d, will be active for the first stress period.
Because this is a steady-state model, there is only
one stress period and therefore only one entry in the
fpm.ModflowRch(model, rech=0.001)
lrcQ = { 0: [[0, 0, 50, -1], [0, 0, 150, -1]]}
fpm.ModflowWel(model, stress_period_data=lrcQ)

5. The preconditioned conjugate-gradient (PCG) solver,

using the default settings, is specified to solve the

6. The frequency and type of output that MODFLOW

writes to an output file is specified with the output
control (OC) package. In this case, the budget is printed

Figure 1. Steady, one-dimensional, unconfined flow between

two canals (at x = 0 and x = 2000) with areal recharge
and two ditches (at x = 500 and x = 1500) where water is

and heads are saved (the default), so no arguments are


7. Finally the MODFLOW input files are written (eight

files for this model) and the model is run. This
requires, of course, that MODFLOW is installed on
your computer and FloPy can find the executable in
your path.

8. After MODFLOW has responded with the positive

Normal termination of simulation, the calculated heads can be read from the binary output file.
First, a file object is created. As the modelname used
for all MODFLOW files was specified as gwexample
in step 1, the file with the heads is called gwexample.hds. FloPy includes functions to read data
from the file object, including heads for specified layers or time steps, or head time series at individual cells.
For this simple mode, all computed heads are read.
hfile = fpu.HeadFile(gwexample.hds)
h = hfile.get_data(totim=1.0)

The heads are now stored in the Python variable h.

FloPy includes powerful plotting functions to plot the
grid, boundary conditions, head, etc. This functionality
is demonstrated later. For this simple one-dimensional
example, a plot is created with the matplotlib package,
resulting in the plot shown in Figure 1.
MODFLOW input files contain much more information than is shown in the script discussed above. The
reason more information is not required is that FloPy
has default settings for nearly every MODFLOW input
parameter. The default value is used when a value is not
specified. For example, upon creation of the discretization
file, one of the input variables is whether flow is simulated
as steady state or transient. In this case, flow is steady,
which is the default, so it does not need to be specified. For
transient flow, the additional argument steady = False
needs to be specified (and the storage coefficient needs to
be specified as one of the hydraulic properties). FloPy also
M. Bakker et al. Groundwater

Figure 2. FloPy generated map showing inactive parts of the model, stream boundary conditions, and simulated head and
groundwater-flow directions in model layers 4 and 5 of the Upper San Pedro Basin model of Pool and Dickinson (2007).
Groundwater-flow directions are shown for every fourth model cell.

has a sophisticated approach for handling arrays that result

in MODFLOW input files that are as small as possible.
This flexibility allows entire arrays to be specified with a
single value, as was used above when the hydraulic conductivity of all cells was specified with a single number
(hk = 10).

Advantages of Scripting Groundwater Model

As was shown in the previous example, use of FloPy
to create MODFLOW models requires a certain familiarity
with Python, as well as MODFLOW and its packages. For
the example presented above, input was relatively simple
and could be entered by hand, but for more complicated
models, groundwater-related data are likely stored in a
variety of file formats. Python packages exist to read
and modify data from virtually any source, whether they
need to be scraped from websites, read from shapefiles,
or retrieved directly from a spreadsheet or database. All
that is required is familiarity with the Python package for
the specific task, and some lines of Python code to import
and convert the data into a format that FloPy can handle.
Once loaded into Python, model results can be written to a
large number of formats, including image files, shapefiles,
georeferenced images, or NetCDF files.
Python scripts can be written to automatically
rediscretize a model both in time and in space, in order to
analyze how a prediction of interest is sensitive to model
resolution. Determination of optimal model resolution
is not common practice in groundwater modeling,
because it is inefficient to do with existing GUI-based
software. Python scripts are ideally suited for analyses

M. Bakker et al. Groundwater

that require running the model repeatedly using slightly

different input such as sensitivity/uncertainty analysis, parameter estimation, drawdown analysis, and
capture analysis. Python packages exist for a variety of
parameter estimation and uncertainty analysis methods
including Levenberg-Marquardt, Markov Chain Monte
Carlo, Simulated Annealing, and Differential Evolution.
For a drawdown analysis or capture-fraction analysis,
groundwater pumping needs to be added to each cell in a
model, one at a time, after which the drawdown or water
budget is evaluated and stored.
Besides the unparalleled flexibility of using Python
scripts for groundwater model development, the most
important advantage is that a script forms a record of
the entire model construction process (e.g., Bakker 2014),
which makes it transparent and reproducible. Models can
easily be shared, web-based repositories can be used for
version control, and multiple variants of the model can be
created that share the same base data.

An Example of the Use of Python Scripts

and FloPy for Analysis
Leake et al. (2010) presented the capture-fraction
method to compute which fraction of pumpage comes
from which source. This method requires the addition of
groundwater pumping and the calculation of water budget
changes relative to a base case simulation for each cell
in a model layer and is straightforward to automate using
FloPy, as shown in the following example.
Leake et al. (2010) presented a capture-fraction
analysis for the Upper San Pedro Basin in southeastern
Arizona, USA, and northern Sonora, Mexico, based on

a simplified version of the steady-state predevelopment

model of Pool and Dickinson (2007). The San Pedro
River and associated riparian areas run in a narrow
northsouth trending band along the axis of the basin.
The model has 5 layers, 440 rows, and 320 columns
with a constant horizontal grid spacing of 250 m 250 m.
Head-dependent boundaries in the model include streams,
drains, and evapotranspiration. A constant inflow was
applied to upstream reaches of the stream network.
Recharge and constant-head boundary conditions were
also applied in the model. The model includes a steadystate stress period and a 100-year transient stress period
with 100 time steps of 1 year each.
FloPy was used to load the existing MODFLOW2000 (Harbaugh et al. 2000) model datasets (developed by
Leake et al. 2010) into Python, and rerun the steady-state
model using MODFLOW-2005 (Harbaugh 2005). FloPy
plot functions were used to plot the boundary conditions,
simulated head and specific discharge, and the inactive
parts of the model (Figure 2).
A short example of Python code using FloPy plot
functions to create a map showing inactive model cells
and simulated head and groundwater-flow directions is
shown in Figure 3, where it is assumed that the FloPy
Modflow object is aliased fpm, the flopy plotting package
is aliased fpp, simulated heads are stored in the array
h, and the flow right face and front face are stored in
the variables frf and fff, respectively. An existing
MODFLOW model is loaded into FloPy using the NAM
file (line 1). An instance of the FloPy model map object
(mm) is created for model layer 4 (model layer 3 in
FloPy, as numbering starts at 0) using discretization
information contained in the FloPy model object (line 2).
FloPy model map objects contain routines for creating
many common model plots, such as contour plots, color
flood plots, vector plots, and plots of model boundaries.
Simulated heads, inactive model areas, stream boundary

Figure 3. Python code to load the Upper San Pedro Basin

model and generate a map showing inactive model cells and
simulated head and groundwater-flow directions for model
layer 3 (zero based). Similar code was used to create the
maps shown in Figure 2.

conditions, and groundwater-flow directions are added

to the model map object (lines 38). Specification of
masked values=[888,999] in line 3 masks
head values in inactive and dry model cells, respectively.
Groundwater-flow directions are plotted for every fifth cell
(istep = 5 and jstep = 5) because of the large number
of grid cells in the model, and the normalize=True
keyword plots groundwater-flow directions instead of
specific discharge rates (lines 68). When the plot is
complete, it is displayed on the screen with a standard
matplotlib call (line 9).
A function cf_model was written to add a well
to any cell, and to compute the combined fraction of
the well discharge that comes from drains, streams, or
a reduction of evapotranspiration during the simulation
period of 100 years (Figure 4). The six input arguments
are the FloPy model object model for the Upper San
Pedro Basin model, layer, row, col of the model
cell to which the well is added, the simulated unstressed
head-dependent boundary flow base, and the simulated
pumping rate Q.
The cf model function removes the existing well
package (there are no other wells in the model), creates

Figure 4. Python function to compute capture fraction of a well in a specific cell.

M. Bakker et al. Groundwater

total of 1530 model runs and approximately 10 hours to

complete the capture-fraction analysis. Parallelization of
the capture-fraction analysis using the multiprocessing Python package and three cores reduced the analysis
time to approximately 4 hours (representing a speedup of
2.4). Further speedup could easily be attained by wrapping this scripted model in a high-throughput run manager
(e.g., Fienen and Hunt 2015) and distributing over many
machines in a way that would be difficult with a GUI.


Figure 5. FloPy generated map showing the computed capture fraction of water from head-dependent boundaries as a
function of well location in the Upper San Pedro Basin model
layer corresponding to the lower basin fill after 10 years of
pumpage. The maximum areal extent of the active model
domain and the location of stream boundary conditions in
all model layers are also shown.

a dictionary specifying the location and discharge of the

well for stress period 1 (similar to the previous example),
adds the new well package to the model, and writes the
new well package file (lines 25). Next, the modified
model is run and file objects are created for the head
file and the cell budget file (lines 68). The model name
is DG, and the precision is specified as double, because
use of a double precision version of MODFLOW-2005
improved model convergence. A list of time steps and
stress periods is read from the head file object, the heads
are read for all saved time steps at the specified cell, and
an empty array is created for the capture fraction at all
saved time steps (lines 911). Finally, for each saved
time step, the net flux to all head dependent boundaries
are summed and the capture fraction is computed and
returned by the function (lines 1224). The function
returns not-a-number (np.nan) for time steps where the
layer, row, and column location passed to the function is
dry (lines 1314).
With the capture-fraction calculation available as a
function call, it is straightforward to embed the analysis
in a loop that iterates over every cell (or a subset of cells)
in a model layer to develop an array of transient capturefraction values for each time step in stress period 2.
The computed capture fraction for the lower basin fill
(model layer 4) after 10 years of pumping is shown in
Figure 5.
Because of the large number of grid cells in the
model, pumping locations were only considered in active
cells and in every fourth row and every fourth column
in model layer 4. This subset of model cells required a

M. Bakker et al. Groundwater

Use of Python and FloPy allows programmatic creation and postprocessing of MODFLOW-based models. A
programmatic modeling approach facilitates analyses that
can be difficult or impossible to complete using currently
available GUIs, especially when many model runs with
slightly different input are required, such as for parameter estimation, uncertainty analysis, drawdown analysis,
and capture-fraction analysis. (Any of these analyses can
be built into a GUI by the GUI developers, of course.)
Use of a high-level programming language such as Python
allows relatively complicated tasks to be achieved with a
few lines of readable code.
The first FloPy example presented in this paper shows
how to create and postprocesses a simple MODFLOW
model. The capture-fraction analysis using the Upper San
Pedro Basin model presented in this paper demonstrates
the utility of advanced model development using Python
scripts. More than 1500 model runs were automatically
executed and postprocessed using the Python script
developed for the analysis. The final script serves as
a record of the steps performed and can be distributed
along with the original data and reproduced by other
FloPy is a community based open source project
hosted on The scripts
discussed in this paper and the supporting files are
available on the FloPy website. Installation instructions,
documentation, as well as examples demonstrating how
to use FloPy to create and postprocess MODFLOW-based
models can also be found on the FloPy website.

The authors welcome additions, suggestions, and
assistance from the groundwater community, and thank all
past contributors for their work. Any use of trade, product,
or firm names is for descriptive purposes only and does
not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.

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M. Bakker et al. Groundwater

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