1) Identify The Legal Issue
1) Identify The Legal Issue
1) Identify The Legal Issue
Henares vs LTO and DOTC (G.R. No. 158290, October 23, 2006)
Resident Marine Mammals of the Protected Seascape Tanon Strait vs
Secretary Angelo Reyes (G.R. No. 180771, April 21, 2015)
Arigo vs Swift (G.R. No. 206510, September 16, 2014)
vs Swift in which the Court upheld the Rules that allow the filing of a citizen suit in
environmental cases and recognized the petitioners as stewards of nature with a public
right to a balanced and healthful ecology.
The cases are similar to the present case of the farmers vs BT Industries in that
they involve petitions which concern the environment and the same procedural issue
of whether or not the petitioners have legal standing to file the petition.
Arigo vs Swift
G.R. No. 206510 (September 16, 2014)
In 2013, the USS Guardian of the US Navy ran aground on an area near the
Tubbataha Reefs, a marine habitat of which entry and certain human activities are
prevented and afforded protection by a Philippine law. The grounding incident
prompted the petitioners to seek for issuance of Writ of Kalikasan with Temporary
Environmental Protection Order from the Supreme Court. Petitioners claimed that the
grounding, salvaging and post-salvaging operations of the USS Guardian violated
their constitutional rights to a balanced and healthful ecology since these events
caused and continue to cause environmental damage of such magnitude as to affect
other provinces surrounding the Tubbataha Reefs. Aside from damages, they sought a
directive from the SC for the institution of civil, administrative and criminal suits for
acts committed in violation of environmental laws and regulations in connection with
the grounding incident. They also prayed for the annulment of some Visiting Forces
Agreement provisions for being unconstitutional.
In this case, the legal issue is whether the petitioner should file their claim for
damages on environmental law violated separately.
The waiver of State immunity under the VFA pertains only to criminal
jurisdiction and not to special civil actions. Since jurisdiction cannot be had over the
respondents for being immune from suit, there is no way damages which resulted
from violation of environmental laws could be awarded to petitioners.
In any case, the rule on Writ of Kalikasan provides that a criminal case against
a person charged with a violation of an environmental law is to be filed separately.
Hence, a ruling on the application or non-application of criminal jurisdiction
provisions of the VFA to a US personnel who may be found responsible for the
grounding of the USS Guardian, would be premature and beyond the province of a
petition for a writ of Kalikasan.
was performed; therefore its activity was unlawful. Furthermore, the Tanon Strait is a
NIPAS area, and exploration and utilization of energy resources can only be
authorized through a law passed by the Philippine Congress. Because Congress had
not specifically authorized the activity in Taon Strait, the Court declared that no
energy exploration should be permitted in that area.
5) Write a short essay of the farmers' defense using the three cases to
substantiate your answer.
As declared in RA 8749 or "The Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999", citizens
have the right to breathe clean air and utilize and enjoy all natural resources according
to the principles of sustainable development. With this is the right to bring action in
court or quasijudicial bodies to enjoin all activities in violation of environmental laws
and regulations, to compel the rehabilitation and cleanup of affected area, and to seek
the imposition of penal sanctions against violators of environmental laws as well as
the right to bring action for compensation of personal damages resulting from the
adverse environmental and public health impact of a project or activity.
Sulfur dioxide is one of the emissions declared by the same Act as a hazardous
air pollutant that is detrimental to health and to the environment. It is being emitted by
the BT Industries' powehouse at a rate of 500 pounds per hour to which the farmers,
herein petitioners, are exposed. The right to clean air is not only an issue of paramount
importance to the petitioners for it concerns the air they breathe, but it is also
impressed with public interest.
In the cases of Henares vs LTO and DOTC, Resident Marine Mammals vs
Secretary Reyes, and Arigo vs Swift, the citizen petitioners were declared to possess
legal standing to file their petition based on the rationale that litigants must be enabled
to enforce environmental rights to file their cases as citizen suits to further encourage
the protection of the environment.