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The key takeaways are that the document discusses the principles and workings of the lever escapement in a mechanical watch.

The escapement has three main parts - the escape wheel, pallet assembly, and rollers. The escapement allows the controlled transfer of energy from the mainspring to the balance wheel to keep time.

The main parts of the escapement are the escape wheel, pallet assembly, and rollers. The escape wheel is powered by the mainspring and interacts with the pallet assembly to provide an impulse to the balance wheel.

Chicago School of Watchmaking Home Study Course

The Chicago School of Watchmaking

Home Study Course

Master Watchmaking
A Modern, Complete, Practical Course

Lesson 22
Chicago School of Watchmaking Founded 1908 by Thomas B. Sweazy


The escapement has three main parts: The escape wheel,
the pallet assembly, and the rollers. Power from the
mainspring turns the escape wheel clockwise while the
rotation of the balance Wheel turns the rollers, which are
on the balance staff.
In Fig. A, the escape wheel is locked on the receiving
stone. Nothing is moving except the balance, which is
turning counter-clock wise, as indicated by the arrow.
(The balance and hairspring are not shown because they
would block the View of the fork and roller action.) The
roller jewel is approaching the fork.
In Fig. B, the roller jewel has entered the fork slot and (1 of 38)5/1/2012 6:12:01 PM

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struck its far side, putting the fork lever into motion.
This pulls up one arm of the pallet and also causes the
escape Wheel to back up slightly or recoil. The pallet
stone slides on the corner of the escape wheel tooth until
the corner of the tooth passes the corner of the escape
wheel. This releases the escape wheel.
Power from the mainspring now drives the freed escape
wheel clockwise. As it turns, the tooth of the escape
wheel slides on the impulse face of the pallet stone and
kicks it up out of the way, driving the pallet arm higher,
Fig. C. This speeds the movement of the fork compared
to the speed of the roller jewel. The fork strikes the jewel
from behind and gives it a shove. This gives the impulse
to the balance which continues to turn, causing the
hairspring to contract or wind up.
As the escape wheel tooth slides off the impulse face of
the pallet stone, the wheel turns freely for a short
distance. This phase is known as the drop. When the
impulse forces up the receiving arm of the pallet, it also
forces the discharging arm of the pallet to move down
and halt another tooth on the discharging stone. This
phase is called lock, Fig. D.
After halting the tooth, a force called draw causes the
stone to move further into the wheel. This movement
after the lock is called slide, Fig E.
With the escape wheel locked, the roller jewel , carried
by the balance, swings free of the fork slot and continues
to move counter-clockwise until it is stopped by the
contracting hairspring. At this point it reverses direction
and the same sequence begins again going the other way. (2 of 38)5/1/2012 6:12:01 PM

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SEC. 404 -- Unequal Roller Shake

The, guard pin should be perfectly central with the fork slot under all conditions. It should never tilt from the perpendicular in a single
roller escapement. In a double roller escapement, a line drawn from the point of the dart to the center of the pallet arbor should pass
through the center of the fork slot and be parallel with its sides.
Figure 22-1 shows an escapement with unequal roller
shake. The full lines show an escape tooth looked by
the receiving stone, the pin touching the left edge of
the safety roller. When the lock takes place on this
escapement the locking corner of the tooth strikes the
face of the stone at the position shown by the broken
line parallel with it, but in order that the dart should
free the safety roller, the left banking pin was opened
from the position shown as dotted line to that shown
as a full line. This allowed the pallet stone to slide
down on the tooth until the locking corner of the
tooth was at point b, and the locking corner of the
stone at point a. Now inasmuch as the banking pin
must be moved even more in order to give sufficient
freedom to the safety roller, the distance that the
stone projects below the locking corner of the tooth
will be further increased to the detriment of the
escapement, and entailing a loss of power.
The fork shown in broken lines in the same figure is (4 of 38)5/1/2012 6:12:01 PM

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in the position in which a tooth is released by the

receiving stone and is properly locked on the
discharging. Examining the position of the dart with
reference to the safety roller we find that it is at some
distance from its edge. This is the condition
technically called Out of Angle. There are several
impractical means resorted to for its remedy. One is
to bend the guard pin as shown in figure 22-2. This,
however, throws it out of line with the center of the
fork and should therefore not be tolerated. Another
method is to draw out the discharging stone and push
in the receiving stone a sufficient amount to correct
the out of angle; but moving a pallet stone in or out
produces several changes in an escapement and it
should never be done without previously thoroughly
examining the escape wheel and pallet action so as to
avoid the danger of creating another error.
Figure 22-2 shows the effect of bending the guard pin
out of line with the center of the fork slot. In this
drawing the guard pin is bent to the left to correct the
defect in the safety action shown in figure 22-1. This
alteration leaves the escapement with correct lock
and slide. The safety action is correct so far as guard
pin and roller are concerned, but the impulses,
delivered by the pallets to the roller jewel, are at
unequal distances from the line of centers. The
greatest portion of the impulse on the receiving stone
is delivered after the line of centers has been passed;
the least amount on the discharging stone. A
condition of this character would seriously affect
msochronmsm and position adjustment. A more
serious error has also been created. Referring to
figure 22-2 it will be seen that corner A of the fork
slot will not permit the impulse pin to pass freely out
of it, while at the other side at the point marked B,
there is more room than is required. This might be
remedied by grinding way the left horn of the fork,
but it would still leave the unequal pulse.
The condition just described, however, is not the (5 of 38)5/1/2012 6:12:01 PM

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most serious one resulting from bending the guard

pin to the roller shake. The escapement is liable to do
what is technically called trip. The escapement
shown in figure 22-2 would do this. If the fork should
be pressed to the left when the escape tooth is locked
on the discharging stone and the point of the guard
pin is opposite the passing hollow, the tooth might
unlock from the discharging stone. (6 of 38)5/1/2012 6:12:01 PM

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Figure 22-3 illustrates the above. In this figure an escapement is shown with the guard pin bent as in figure 22-2. The roller is assumed
to have moved from the position there shown to the position shown in figure 22-3, or until the passing hollow is opposite the guard pin.
In this position the fork has been pressed to the left. The safety action between the roller jewel and fork horn fails to arrest the
movement of the fork until the escapement has unlocked on the discharging stone as shown.
Moving the pallet stones for the sole purpose of changing the roller shake is a method often practiced, but it is not to be advised. It
necessitates more time and jeopardizes the escapment action. A pallet stone can not be moved without altering the escapement in at
least four particulars: Impulse, draft, lock and drop.
The simplest and best method of making the alteration is to bend the fork. This alters no other functions of the escapement.
Bending a fork is an operation of which many students stand in awe, but there is little danger if done carefully.
Before attempting to bend a fork ascertain whether it
is of sufficiently low temper to permit doing so with
safety. It is not necessary to disfigure a piece made of
steel in order to ascertain whether it is hard or soft.
Use a fine, sharp file. Place it on an unpolished part
of the piece to be tried. Without actually moving the
file,exercise a gentle forward pressure. If the steel is
hard it will offer no resistance to the movement of the
file. If it is not hard the file will cling to the steel,
more or less, in proportion to the temper. A little
practice will enable anyone to become expert at this
method. It is seldom that a fork is too hard to permit
bending, but should it be, there remains but one of
two courses to pursue: Let it alone or take the stones
out and draw the temper. There is no objection to
reducing the temper of a fork to a sufficient amount
to allow it to be bent with safety. Figure 22-4 shows
where the bend should be made. If it is done at point
a, a very little bending will be sufficient.
There are several methods practiced in bending a
fork. It may be set edgewise on a soft metal block
and struck lightly with a punch. It may be bent (8 of 38)5/1/2012 6:12:01 PM

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between dies or jaws of pliers especially shaped for

the purpose. Or it may be peened with a hammer.
To summarize the conditions necessary for correct
safety action: The guard pin central with the fork
slot; the sides of the fork slot parallel and of equal
length; the inside curves of the fork horn of the
proper arc and equal in relation to the fork slot; the
roller jewel squared in front and upright; the edge of
the safety roller perfectly polished and free from
imperfection; the escapement in angle.

SEC. 405 -- Guard Pin Too Far Forward

When the guard pin is too far forward the banking
pins are sometimes opened to allow the roller to pass.
This method should never be resorted to for the
reason that it increases the slide as well as the angle
of contact between the roller jewel and fork, both of
which incur a loss of power,
Figure 22-5 illustrates this condition in a single roller
escapement. The single roller is used for the reason
that it is desired to show how that form of
escapement can be corrected for errors caused by the
incorrect distance of the guard pin from the pallet
It will be observed that, in order to clear the guard
pin from the roller edge, the banking pins have been
opened, thus making the slide excessive as indicated
by the position of the receiving stone with relation to
the tooth which it locks. This imposes additional
work upon the balance in unlocking the escapement.
It also, as has already been pointed out, increases the
angular distance during which the roller jewel and
fork remain in contact. The full lines, AA, indicate
the angle of contact as it should be; the broken lines,
BB, indicate the angle of contact with the banking
pin open to allow the guard pin to clear the roller
edge. (9 of 38)5/1/2012 6:12:01 PM

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The angle of impulse of a roller is where the two

radii from the roller center through the roller jewel
center intersect lines running from the pallet arbor
through the center of the fork slot. In figure 22-5 this
angle is shown in broken lines. It will be noticed that
the lock in this figure is excessive. If reduced to the
proper amount the impulse angle would be as
represented by the full lines AA.
Experience has taught us that a short arc of impulse
produces better results than a long one. (10 of 38)5/1/2012 6:12:01 PM

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To remedy a guard pin in a single roller escapement which is too far forward, proceed as follows: Push the guard pin through a small
piece of tissue paper, the object being to prevent marring the polished face of the fork. With a fine file, dress the pin to a point as shown
at B, figure 22-6. A is the pin before being dressed down. It may be reduced as much as necessary without injury to the safety action. In
fact, a V-shaped safety pin is superior to a cylindrical one in this particular.
In the double roller escapement an alteration in the length of the guard pin is so simple that instruction is deemed unnecessary.

SEC. 406 -- Guard Pin Too Far Back

A guard pin which is too far back in a single roller can be corrected by simply driving the guard pin out, breaching out the hole in the (11 of 38)5/1/2012 6:12:01 PM

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fork and inserting a larger pin.

The guard pin in figure 21-27 is rather short. It is short the same amount as the guard pin in figure 21-26 is too far back. As has been
previously explained, the fork in figure 21-26 would go out of action, but while that in figure 21-27 not, its action would be improved
by stretching the dart.

SEC. 407 -- The Escape and Pallet Action

The escape and pallet action is the most intricate function of the escapement. A thorough knowledge of it calls for thoughtful study. Yet
there is nothing about it that can not be mastered by the student. In treating it, it is deemed best to divide it into five branches: Impulse,
Draft, Lock, Slide, Drop.

SEC. 408 -- Impulse

An escape tooth, in delivering impulse to a pallet, moves in an arc of 12 degrees.
In the ratchet tooth escapement all the pulse is on the pallet; otherwise the same rules apply to it as to the club tooth. A brief description
of the ratchet tooth escapement will be given later on.
The chief advantage of the club tooth escapement over the ratchet tooth is that the former can be constructed with less loss of power
from drop. A minor advantage is that there is less liability of wedging the guard pin against the roller edge when the train is reversed,
which sometimes occurs in setting the hands backward.
In the club tooth escapement, the circular impulse is divided between the tooth and the pallet stone. This division is in various
proportion, usually the narrow limits of four--tenths to the tooth and six-tenths to the stone, and equal amounts to both.
Figure 227
illustrates a
good type
of action.
In this
drawing an
tooth is
shown in
delivering (12 of 38)5/1/2012 6:12:01 PM

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impulse to
stone. It
will be
that when
the tooth
begins to
pass over
the stone,
as at A, the
from each
other. In
only the
face of the
stone, and
from this
point the
to the
corner of
the stone.
At B the
tooth is
further (13 of 38)5/1/2012 6:12:01 PM

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along on
face of the
stone and a
at a
less angle
is seen. As
the faces of
the tooth
and stone
coincide in
shown at
C. From
that point
begins to
appear in
the reverse
direction as
at D, and
tooth is
This is
called a
It is less
apt to
cause wear
and also
friction. (14 of 38)5/1/2012 6:12:01 PM

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stated, an
made in an
by movmg
a stone in
or out
Figure 228 shows
the effect
position of
a receiving
stone. In
order to
the actual
result of
moving a
stone, the
pallets are
drawn in
in relation
to the
Wheel. At
A, the
stone is
shown in
position in (15 of 38)5/1/2012 6:12:01 PM

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full lines.
It is shown
in dotted
lines drawn
out. It is
shown in
pushed in.
The back
as well as
face of the
stone is
by similar
lines. The
centers of
the three
pallets are
from the
center of
the escape
wheel, as
by the line
DD. The
position at
A is
that at B is
with the
drawn out
to the
dotted line;
that at C is
with the
stone (16 of 38)5/1/2012 6:12:01 PM

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pressed in
to the
It will be
seen that
moving the
outward as
at B
from the
corner of
the Wheel;
moving the
inward, as
at C
produces a
in the
The latter
a bad
action for
the reason
that the
corner of
the stone
across the (17 of 38)5/1/2012 6:12:01 PM

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face of the
wearing it
Moving a
to those
moving the
Figure 229 shows
the effect
on the
impulse of
moving a
stone. At
C, where
the stone is
pushed in,
at B, where
the stone is
the (18 of 38)5/1/2012 6:12:01 PM

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is in the
at A, where
it is in
There is
result from
moving a
pallet stone
must not
It changes
the extent
of the arc
of the
pallets. In
words- it
the lift.
The term
lift is
applied to
the thrust
given to
the pallets
by an
escape (19 of 38)5/1/2012 6:12:01 PM

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tooth. In
the lift the
swing on
their own
center and
the extent
of that
swing is
called the
arc of
It has been
that the
impulse is
from the
center of
the escape
wheel and
is divided
between an
tooth and a
stone. The
lift is
from the
pallet stone
and is also
between an
tooth and a
Figure 2210 shows (20 of 38)5/1/2012 6:12:01 PM

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variation in
lift caused
position of
a receiving
of the
stones B
and C are
with those
marked in
figure 228. That is,
they are
located in
the same
position at
B, figure
22-10, as at
B, figure
22-8; also
at C, figure
22-10, as at
C, figure
22-9. Both
wheel and
stone are
shown in
full lines at
of the lift
and in
dotted (21 of 38)5/1/2012 6:12:01 PM

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lines at the
to B, the
lift begins
at a and
ends at b.
The lines
from the
the pallet
stone at the
corner at the
and end of
the lift.
to C, it
begins at c
and ends at
d, the lines
at the
Now it is
that the
inclosed by
the lines ee
is greater
than the
angle (22 of 38)5/1/2012 6:12:01 PM

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inclosed by
ff, which
shows that
out a
the lift.
about by
moving a
It is this:
out the
the lock on
stones, it
the lock
more on
stone than
on the
out the
discharging (23 of 38)5/1/2012 6:12:01 PM

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stone has
it more on
than on the
Figure 2211 will
show more
how the
in the lift is
The pallets
have both
shown in
with regard
to the
stone is
with that
shown in
figure 2210. The
the face
and back (24 of 38)5/1/2012 6:12:01 PM

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of the
with C,
figure 2210, and the
full lines
with B in
the same
figure. In
stone the
by dotted
and by full
lines. This
clearly that
out the
out the
it. (25 of 38)5/1/2012 6:12:01 PM

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SEC. 409 -- Draft

The draft of an escapement is that power which draws the fork away from the roller after it has delivered an impulse. It is secured by
setting the pallet stones at such an angle in relation to the direction in which the force exercised against the locking face that it will
draw the fork against the banking.
The term resisted is used for the reason that a misunderstanding on this point prevails to some extent.
The draft is determined by the inclination of the locking face of a pallet stone from a line drawn at right angles to a radius from the
pallet center to the point of contact between the locking corner of the wheel tooth and the locking face of the pallet stone. Figure 22-12
will make this detailed explanation of draft more clear.
At A is shown what is known as Tangential Locking. In this form the broken radial line a from the wheel center to the locking point b
forms a right angle with the broken line c, from the pallet center to the same point. In the form shown at B, the broken radial lines d and
e do not form a right angle. This is known as non-tangential locking. (26 of 38)5/1/2012 6:12:01 PM

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In the former case the force exercised by the escape wheel is directly towards the pallet center and the resistance to that force is
precisely on the same line. In the latter case the force is directed as indicated by the dotted line f, while it is resisted in the direction of
the broken line e. In other words, at the tangential locking the force and the resistance are on the same lines, while at b non-tangential
the force and the resistance are on different lines. The resistance being in the same direction in both cases, the draft angle must be
relation to a radial line from the center of the pallets to the locking point.
The dotted line g is termed the tangential line, meaning that touches the arc ii at the intersection of the radial line e. The draft angle is
laid out from this tangential line. In the escapement shown at A, the broken radial line a is continued by the full line h in order to show
that the tangential and the radial lines are in this case identical.
Insufficient draft is a serious error. Where it exists there is a constant liability that when the watch is subjected to some sudden motion,
the fork will leave the banking and strike the safety edge of the roller, thus retarding the motion of the balance. It is a of time to attempt
adjusting a watch having this fault.
A common method of testing the draft of an escapement is to lay the watch in a horizontal position, then draw the fork slightly away
from the banking and see that it returns to its original position. It is advisable to try the banking under the most unfavorable conditions
to which the is likely to be subjected in its owner.s possession. First, see that the watch is let down to the point it would have reached
after a run of 24 hours, then hold the watch in a vertical position. If the fork is poised it will make no difference in what position the
watch is held as long as it is vertical, but if the fork is unpoised it should be held with the heaviest part lying in a horizontal line with its
center. If the fork is without a counterpoise the arm would then be horizontal. In this case first try the fork by drawing it slightly away
from the banking while the fork is in horizontal position to the right. This will usually be on the receiving stone. Then turn the fork to
the left which will be on the discharging stone. The object of using this method is to insure against insufficient draft. If the draft is not
sufficient to draw the fork against the banking under the conditions stated, it should be increased.
It is rarely that an escapement is found With too much draft. Should there be a suspicion that such is the case it can be easily
determined: Take a small piece of Wax and attach it to the fork by inserting it on the guard pin or by any other method that may suggest
itself; then try the draft as before. Judgment will dictate the additional weight that should overcome the draft.
Draft can sometimes be changed by tilting a pallet stone in its slot. This, however, cannot be done when the stone is closely fitted.
Another method by which the draft may be altered is by pushing in one stone and drawing out the other. Drawing out the receiving and
pushing in the discharging stones increases the draft on both stones. Drawing out the discharging and pushing in the receiving stones
decreases the draft on both stones. That is, drawing out the receiving stone causes an escaped tooth to drop farther upon the locking
face of the discharging stone, which of course increases the draft on the discharging stone, but it also increases the lock, which must be
remedied by pushing in the discharging stone. This causes a tooth to drop farther down on the receiving stone, increasing the draft. A
slight movement of the stone in or out will change the draft to a considerable extent. In changing a draft by this method extreme care
should be used to avoid introducing other errors.
It should be borne in mind that drawing a receiving stone increases the drop on the discharging stone, but does not alter the drop on the
receiving, but in pushing in the discharging stone to correct the lock, the drop is decreased on the receiving stone. (27 of 38)5/1/2012 6:12:01 PM

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It should also be borne in mind that drawing out the receiving stone increases the divergence of the impulse face of the wheel with that
stone, and that pushing in the discharging stone creases the divergence on that stone in the same manner.
That is, drawing out the receiver and pushing in the discharger increases the divergence on both stones.
Pushing in the receiver and drawing out the discharger decreases it.
When the draft is altered by pushing and pulling the stones, that operation puts the fork out of angle, which must be corrected by
bending. Later on in this Work, directions will be given for making a drawing of an escapement.

Figure 22-13 shows effect on the drop of moving a stone. At A the pallets and wheel are shown in two relative positions. In the first
position they are shown in full lines and the teeth marked 1, 2, 3, 4. The will move forward when a tooth is released by the receiving
stone. The pallets are then in the position shown in dotted lines and the wheel teeth, in dotted lines, are marked 1, 2, 3. In the drawing
shown at A the drop is equal. The distance between the releasing corners of the receiving stone and tooth 1, as shown at a, is exactly the
same as the distance between the releasing corners at b.
Now referring to the pallets shown at B, it will be observed that the receiving stone has been drawn out, as indicated by the black space
in the pallet slot, and that the discharging stone has been pushed in, as indicated by the disappearance of the black space that was (28 of 38)5/1/2012 6:12:01 PM

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shown in the discharging stone slot in pallets A. At B the escapement is shown under the same conditions as at A: Lock on the receiver
in full lines; on the discharger in dotted lines. It will be plainly seen that the distance between the releasing corners at c is greater than
at d. This is to say that while the lock was equal with the stones in position, as at A, drawing out the receiving stone and pushing in the
discharging made them unequal, as at B.

Figure 22-14 shows a pair of pallets with escape wheel teeth in three positions on each stone. The three positions are indicated by the
wheel teeth shown in dotted lines and in broken lines. From the points of contact are drawn dotted, broken, and full lines running
radially to the pallet center and at right angles to the radii. These lines are marked a, b, c on the receiving side and d, e, f on the
discharging side. The inclination of the locking faces of the stones toward these lines determines the draft. The drawing is for the
purpose of showing the opposite effects produced by moving a receiving stone from that produced by moving a discharging stone.
Referring to figure 22-14, it must be evident to the observer that the farther up the locking takes place on the receiving stone the less
will be the draft, and that the further up it takes place on the locking face of the discharging stone the greater will be the draft.
In case the foregoing is not perfectly clear to the student, let him suppose the tooth locked on the receiving stone at the junction of the
lines cc and that a tooth dropped on the discharging stone at the junction of the lines ff. In this position the draft will be represented by
the angle formed between the locking faces of the stones and the lines c and f, respectively. Now if -- leaving the wheel as it is -- we (29 of 38)5/1/2012 6:12:01 PM

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draw out the receiving stone until its locking corner coincides with the junction of the lines aa, we have not changed the draft; but when
the stone is thus drawn out the pallets will have to swing further to release the tooth, with the result that the lock will now take place on
the discharging stone at the junction of the lines dd. Thus it would be seen that the moving of a stone does not alter the draft on it, but
on the opposite stone.

SEC. 410 -- Lock

Lock is the distance from the locking corner of a pallet
stone to the point at which the wheel strikes it at the
instant it drops. It should be as little as possible,
consistent with the proper allowance which should be
made to cover certain unavoidable mechanical defects,
such as side-shake in the pivot holes, inaccuracy in the
escape wheel teeth, etc The amount of lock measured
in angular distance is about three-quarters of a degree.
In actual measurement it would be, on a 16 or 18 size
escapement, 2 to 3 hundredths of a millimeter.
Figure 22-15 will give an idea of this amount in
proportion to the size of the escapement.
Moving one pallet stone either outward or inward
alters the lock on both stones. While it does not alter
them exactly in the same proportion, yet the difference
is trifling for ordinary alterations of this nature. In equidistant center escapements, when the lock is equal as
to angular measurement, it will be slightly greater in
actual measurement on the receiving stone than on the
dmscharger. This is due to the fact that the locking
face of the receiving stone is farther from the center of
the pallet than the locking face of the discharging
stone. Judgment should be used when making an
alteration for lock. Bear in mind what has been said in
reference to the effect, in other particulars, of moving a

SEC. 411 -- Slide

Slide -- sometimes called run -- is the distance from
the point at which the wheel tooth strikes the locking (30 of 38)5/1/2012 6:12:01 PM

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face of a stone at the instant of drop to the point it

reaches when the motion of the pallet is arrested by the
fork coming in contact with the banking. The purpose
of the slide is to allow proper freedom for the impulse
pin to pass out of the fork slot; also, freedom between
the guard pin and the edge of the roller. Its amount
should be about the same as the lock. Figure 22-15
shows both lock and slide on the receiving stone as
indicated by the lines radiating from the pallet center.
Lock and slide, in combination, are sometimes referred to as total lock. This term seems confusing as it necessitates the use of the two
terms lock and total lock. It leads to a confusion of terms. Lock and slide are two distinct functions. Opening or closing a banking
alters the slide but does not change the lock. A pallet stone must be moved to change the lock.
Referring back to figure 22-18, it will be seen that a wheel tooth is locked on the receiving stone, but the fork is not quite in contact
with the left banking. Moving it into contact will make the slide on the stone. The slide is very easily changed by moving the banking,
but should never be increased beyond an amount equaling the correct lock.

SEC. 412 -- Drop

Drop is the space that the escape wheel passes through during the interval between the release of one tooth by a pallet stone and the
arrest of another tooth by the opposite stone. The drop is clearly shown in figure 22-15. At the point marked A the tooth has just been
released by the discharging stone; at B a tooth has contacted the locking face of the receiving stone. The space intervening between the
releasing corners of tooth and stone at A exactly equals the space between the locking corner of the tooth and its point of contact with
the stone at B before it dropped. This is the drop and should be alike on both stones.
Drop may be altered by spreading the stones apart or closing them. The former increases the drop from the receiving stone to the
discharger and decreases the drop from the discharger to the receiver. Closing the stones has the opposite effect; hence it is seen that
change made in this manner may affect a correction with a very slight movement, as its effect is always multiplied by two. Another
way in which the drop may be altered is by moving a pallet stone in or out. Moving a pallet stone does not change the drop on that
stone, but on the opposite one.
Moving the receiver out increases the drop on the discharger; moving the discharger out increases it on the receiver; moving it in has
the opposite effect. Drop is sometimes termed inside and outside shake, meaning that when a tooth has been released by the discharging
stone and another locked on the receiving, if the pallets are then swung so as to almost -- not quite -- lock, the wheel may be moved to
and fro. The locking corner is arrested by the receiving stone and the releasing corner of another tooth is arrested by the discharging
stone. This is called the outside shake. With a tooth just locked on the discharging stone there will be three teeth embraced by the
stones and the play between them is called the inside shake. (31 of 38)5/1/2012 6:12:01 PM

Chicago School of Watchmaking Home Study Course

Figure 22-13 will illustrate what is meant by inside and outside shake. In both A and B the escapement in full lines shows the outside
shake; that in dotted lines the inside shake. At A the lock is equal and the inside and outside shakes are equal, While at B the locks are
unequal, making the outside shake close. In speaking of shake as applied to pallets, it is technically termed close inside and close
outside, the former meaning that the drop is less on the discharging stone, the latter that it is less on the receiver. (32 of 38)5/1/2012 6:12:01 PM

Chicago School of Watchmaking Home Study Course

The effect upon the drop -- shake -- of moving a pallet stone is clearly demonstrated by figures 22-16 and 22-17. In figure 22-16 the
full line a gives the distance that embraces three escape wheel teeth when the escapement is properly locked on the discharging stone.
The broken line b gives the distance when the receiving stone has been drawn out to the position shown in dotted lines. This proves that
drawing out the receiving stone increases the inside shake. Figure 22-17 shows the effect of drawing out the discharging stone, which
decreases the outside shake, but not to so great an extent as the effect of moving the receiving stone.

SEC. 413 -- Equi-distant Locking and Equi-distant Center Escapement

It is well that the student should learn the precise meaning of the above terms and the different conditions they produce. They apply
solely to the pallet. (33 of 38)5/1/2012 6:12:01 PM

Chicago School of Watchmaking Home Study Course

Figure 22-18 shows both forms. At A is shown equi-distant locking. The locking corners of both stones are at equal distances from the
center of the pallet as indicated by the full circular line. This feature gives the escapement its name. The releasing corner of the
receiving stone is nearer the center by the distance between the broken and full circle. The releasing corner of the discharging stone is
farther from the center by the distance between the dotted and the full line circle; thus it will be seen that, while the locking corners are
equi-distant, the releasing corners differ in distance by double the width of the stone.
At B is shown the equi-distant center escapement. In this drawing two full circular lines are drawn from the pallet center. The locking
corner of the receiving stone and the releasing corner of the discharging stone are at equal distances from the pallet center. The same is (34 of 38)5/1/2012 6:12:01 PM

Chicago School of Watchmaking Home Study Course

the case with the locking corner of the discharging stone and the releasing corner of the receiving. This brings the centers of the
impulse faces equi-distant from the pallet center, which gives this escapement its name.
As has been explained, the lift -- the angular impulse -- is measured from the pallet center. It is shown at A as indicated by lines
embracing the angles 1 and 2. It will be noticed that the impulse face of the discharging stone forms a greater angle with its locking
face than the impulse face of the receiving stone does with its locking face. At B the angles 3 and 4, determining the impulse angles of
the stone, are the same as 1 and 2, but in this case the impulse faces form equal angles with the locking faces.
Another feature in connection with these escapements is that in the equi-distant locking the discharging stone must embrace a greater
angle than the receiving. This peculiar feature will be demonstrated in the latter part of this Work when the subject of drafting an
escapement is taken up.

Supplement to Section 409

Students often have trouble understanding what is meant by draft (or draw, as it is more commonly called nowadays) and how draw
differs from slide. Draw is a force which cannot be seen. It is created when the teeth of the escape wheel and the pallet stones are set at
such an angle as to cause the tooth to pull (or draw) the fork against the banking.
The result of draw is slide (Sec. 411), which can be seen. A simple experiment will make this relationship clear.
You will need two unsharpened pencils and two pins (push pins preferred). Drill a small hole through the center of one pencil and just
before the eraser cap of the other. Pin the two pencils at right angles on a piece of flat board or heavy cardboard as shown below: (35 of 38)5/1/2012 6:12:01 PM

Chicago School of Watchmaking Home Study Course

If you now try to push Pencil A towards Pencil B, as indicated by the arrow, nothing happens, because the two opposing forces are
equal and cancel each other.
If you new turn both pencils slightly, so they form less than right angle as shown above at the right and again put pressure on A, both
pencils will move, with B sliding down A. What you have seen is slide. The force which caused it is draw.
The angle which causes draw is set by the manufacturer of the watch, The repairman is seldom justified in changing it and normally
doesn.t. What appears sometimes as a lack of draw is usually the result of improper cleaning and oiling rather than an improper angle
of draw. When you replace a pallet stone, therefore, you should fit it snugly in the slot Without sideplay in order to keep the correct
amount of draw. (36 of 38)5/1/2012 6:12:01 PM

Chicago School of Watchmaking Home Study Course

You can test the draw with the balance out of the movement by pushing the fork away from the banking with a pointed pegwood but
not to the point of unlocking. If you now lift the pegwood and release the fork, it should return promptly to the banking pin.
When the balance is in the movement, you can test draw by turning the balance wheel so the jewel is outside the fork horns. While it is
in this position, push the fork away from the banking with a pointed piece of pegwood or small broach until the guard dart contacts the
roller. Now take away the pegwood. If draw is present, will at once return to the banking.

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