LESSON PLAN Clasa Pregatitoare ARACIP
LESSON PLAN Clasa Pregatitoare ARACIP
LESSON PLAN Clasa Pregatitoare ARACIP
revising specific notions acquired during the previous lessons (numbers from 1 to 10,
school objects, Halloween vocabulary; verbs expressing different actions - ,,to listen, ,,to
say, ,,to count, ,,to colour, ,,to learn, ,,to repeat, ,,to draw ,,to play)
STAGE 1 Warm-up
SKILLS: speaking, listening
ORGANISATION: whole class
INTERACTION: student teacher; teacher student; student student;
COMPETENCES: checking possible difficulties in students assimilation of the previous
developing class interaction
developing communication skills
PROCEDURE: Teacher greets the students and then asks them what was the last English lesson
about; the students answer the question (numbers from 1 to 10) and then they listen to a
about numbers (One little, two little, three little Indians); they also have to repeat the
lyrics and count at the same time with the teacher; afterwards the students mime the
actions from a poem with numbers at the same time with the teacher;
STAGE 2 Didactic game
SKILLS: listening, speaking
MATERIALS: small flashcards
ORGANISATION: group work
INTERACTION: teacher students; student - teacher; student student;
COMPETENCE: increasing students interest in the topic
PROCEDURE: students are divided in two teams: window team and door team; in turns, each
member of the two teams chooses a small flashcard representing a number or a school
(without seeing it) and tells in English what is it; the students who answer correctly receive
one point; the winning team is the one that has the most answers that are correct; the teacher
formulates appreciations during and at the end of the activity; the winning team is cheered
by the teacher and by the other students;
STAGE 3 Semi - controlled Practice
SKILLS: reading, speaking, listening
MATERIALS: small flashcards, scissors, glue
ORGANISATION: individual work
INTERACTION: teacher students; students teacher;
COMPETENCES: developing communication skills
making sure the students are able to recognize and match some pictures with their names
in English
PROCEDURE: teacher asks the students to cut some small pictures on the last page of their
notebook and match them with their corresponding writing in English; they have to paste
the small pictures in the right places and finish the poster; the teacher formulates
appreciations and then she reads the words aloud; the students repeat them aloud as well.