Intra-Undulator Measurements at VISA FEL
Intra-Undulator Measurements at VISA FEL
Intra-Undulator Measurements at VISA FEL
A. Toor
Livermore, CA 94551
August 2000
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Intra-Undulator Measurements at VISA FEL
A. Murokh•, P. Frigola, C. Pellegrini, J. Rosenzweig, A. Tremaine, UCLA
E. Johnson, X. J. Wang, V. Yakimenko, BNL
L. Klaisner, H. D. Nuhn, SLAC
A. Toor, LLNL
UCLA Department of Physics and Astronomy, P.O. Box 951547, Los
Angeles, CA 90095-1547
We describe a diagnostics system developed, to measure exponential gain properties and the
electron beam dynamics inside the strong focusing 4-m long undulator for the VISA (Visible to
Infrared SASE Amplifier) FEL. The technical challenges included working inside the small
undulator gap, optimising the electron beam diagnostics in the high background environment of
the spontaneous undulator radiation, multiplexing and transporting the photon beam. Initial
results are discussed.
1. Introduction e-beam