Affidavit - Valeroso

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Republic of the Philippines

City of Manila


l, PSSUPT. JERRY CRISOSTOMO VALEROSO. of legal age. Filipino.
married, a resident of Caloocan City. after having been duly sworn to in
accordance with law. do hereby depose and state that:
1 . I am a member of the Philippine National Police with the rank of Senior

Superintendent. I was formerly assigned to the Criminal Investigation

and Detection Group (CIDG) in the Philippine National Police
headquarters in Camp Crame, Quezon City.
2' . On October 1, 2016. l was informed that NONlLO At ARILE. an inmate

of the New Bilibid Prison in Muntinlupa City, has executed an affidavit

V with the assistance of counsel from the Public Attorney's Office

I. In said afdavit, ARILE stated that he was my asset whose responsibility

was to submit information to me from time to time regarding drug
transactions inside the national penitentiary.
. Aforementioned statement is true. Sometime in January 2014, I
personally recruited ARILE as a confidential informant. He was already
my friend. neighbor and brother in religion even before he was
incarcerated I believed that as a former police officer assigned at the
Western Police Distnct Detective Bureau. his intelligencegathering
skills and background in investigation and reporting would be essential
to the anti-criminality drive of the CIDG. True enough, the information
he relayed to us provided a clear understanding of the personalities and
the system in place with regard to the illegal drug trade inside the NBP.
As a religious leader, ARILE has open access to all areas and all groups
inside the NBP He is able to mingle and speak with everyone with0ut
the slightest suspicion. This is how he was able to obtain the information
he relayed to me.
I personally evaluated all information provided to me by ARILE and
forwarded the same to the ClDG for consolidation. In the year 2014. I
also conducted surveillance operations inside the NBP Maximum
Security Compound through the assistance of ARILE.
Through ARILEs efforts. coupled with a rigorous verification process on
our end. we were able to mount signicant anti-narcotic operations
inside the NBP itself, the most recent of which was the successful buybust operation conducted inside the Medium Security Compound on
August 25, 2016. The operation yielded 25 grams of shabu and led to
the ling of criminal complaints against ve inmates

Through my own intelligence build-up. I personally witnessed the

extravagant lifestyle of the inmates inside the NBP Maximum Security
Compound. I noticed inmates with pistols brazenly tucked in their

..,ilx."\th:,M f.liIt:.I,:".ii4; v.3. rigitgi; :iiift tin" waqiw, 'IininI-L-o ."~::I.~r',im of

v'vd\ alm- lu will I; .1 I? 1.1M wimp Whtlt'Ifi uniting upon Jdukg
"2? I'th-v iIwyian Poul, if) 5355! Hf}; hill". won: iiiul INJJM on mi, of the

In Hum,v tatuv .iiitl (11M llin (irimi- .thl' iiqu Cdll(,/.y thrown NJ/11nd
I K","il,'1y. for AI team- that the (inn; lrriili: III-V11: IIii- New Biitbir. Prsurm 15 sits"!
alive and well irmid: tho: I.<1r.-'tloi:i f-X'wurily (.,l3v'i'' Whom the F'NP
Sponm, Alttion Fort i; took owr tho '-.i.-',iirity at the IvLJ/malmi Sutton:IZI?.pUUh the dram mitt;- mm .K'in'liiiy tr.urr-Amtf. to the tutti/horn
:3!:';ority Compound WIN-H: if I'm vzt.'lfn'rf_:l,- corwonmm for tho 4qu Ityds
to 5% sitar) THIS IS pr)'-uiI,-,Iu tincausra it IS the prison quamz ttimnbeives
who bunt} in the drug and was lhrzm on to tho drzir} Ion}; mmrcuraied
lherom Four of them an; won Him/o cit. the lilhbv'xl Boys bawause of



the Toyota Irinova units .r,;iv<;-r.- to them by a drug lord It'inIdI

I am also much aware ot the In; time 71.23 (.I'\'CI,."?. drug
ll')5>ld(? the NBP who are unknmvo to the :iothmmeg-s (and the". public
ANG SE WILLY ANG, 5AM Ll CHUA an!) 'mmy others. In
NONILO ARILE is very dose to SAM Ll CHUA


Knowmg the Circuiation of huge amounts of money inside. the

NBP I firmly believe that SAM LI CHUA was indeed in possessmn of
Sixty five Million Pesos (FbbbQOOOOO) in cash IDSIde his kubol merely
weeks before the Demenitxar 15, 2014 raid inside the NSF MaXimum
Security Compound It also not impossmle that an amount even more
than Sixty-live Million Pesos (P65000000 ()0) has gone missmg


I am executing IhlS afdavit to attest to the truthfulness and

vemmty ot the foregoing facts and mrcumstance<;,


IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF I hereunto affixed my Signature this 5" day
of October 2016 in the City of Manila


\, ~Siosr""o""wiwo"VALEI?'0"so
M "Affi'a/rt,



T0. EFORE ME this :1 day of

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