ITEC 7410 SWOT Analysis Template For Technology Planning Needs Assessment
ITEC 7410 SWOT Analysis Template For Technology Planning Needs Assessment
ITEC 7410 SWOT Analysis Template For Technology Planning Needs Assessment
ITEC 7410 SWOT Analysis Template for Technology Planning Needs Assessment
What is the current reality in our school?
technology lessons knowing they have the technology on a more consistent basis.
Data Sources:
Responses from the survey instrument created by Adam Rich
Responses from administration interviews by Adam Rich
ITEC 7410 SWOT Analysis Template for Technology Planning Needs Assessment
What is the current reality in our school?
Hall County Schools vision plan is very thorough and research based and provides a solid guideline for schools and teachers to
base their practices. However this vision is not common knowledge amongst faculty members the school district and therefore not a
practiced upon their design. When polling teachers at Chestatee High School, none of the teachers were familiar with the Hall County
Technology vision. Also many schools in the area dont have their own vision plan toward technology and the strategies used to
implement technology are scattered and lack a cohesive plan of use. Though many schools are purchasing new technology and
resources for their students to use, many of their teachers lack the knowledge to challenge students with the use of the new resources.
Though the plan isnt clear now, schools can still create a vision and begin to steer their school toward best educational practices to
promote rigorous technology plans for their students. Using examples from successful schools, national, state, and ISTE guidelines
Chestatee can create a vision that can be endorsed by the faculty and put into action. Once the vision is in place, putting together a
technology team and support programs for teachers will allow the school to embrace the new technology and use the resources they
currently have to their full extent. They can also guide their future technology purchases toward the shared vision to enhance the
impact of those purchases.
Data Sources:
Responses from the survey instrument created by Adam Rich
Responses from administration interviews by Adam Rich
ITEC 7410 SWOT Analysis Template for Technology Planning Needs Assessment
What is the current reality in our school?
Chestatee has a plan to use
technology to increase
communication between
parents and stakeholders.
ITEC 7410 SWOT Analysis Template for Technology Planning Needs Assessment
What is the current reality in our school?
ITEC 7410 SWOT Analysis Template for Technology Planning Needs Assessment
What is the current reality in our school?
ISTE Definition: Educators and support staff skilled in the use of ICT appropriate for their job responsibilities.
Guiding Questions:
To what extent are educators and support staff skilled in the use of technology appropriate for their job responsibilities?
What do they currently know and are able to do?
What are knowledge and skills do they need to acquire?
(Note: No need to discuss professional learning here. Discuss knowledge and skills. This is your needs assessment for professional
learning. The essential conditions focus on personnel, which includes administrators, staff, technology specialists, and teachers.
However, in this limited project, you may be wise to focus primarily or even solely on teachers; although you may choose to address
the proficiency of other educators/staff IF the need is critical. You must include an assessment of teacher proficiencies.)
3 Teachers have or are
A group of teachers who dont
The ability to appoint a
Funding to hire a technology
currently acquiring their
have any interest in using
technology coordinator to help coordinator or funds for
educational technology masters technology in the classroom
guide the school to more
productive technology use in
2 highly qualified librarians
No set Technology
accordance with the current
Motivation but some staff to
with excellent technology
Coordinator with the role to
use technology or learn new
guide the school in technology
methods to increase technology
Continued training of the IT
1 IT person with the knowledge
person on maintenance and
of how to repair some of the
IT person who needs much of
trouble shooting.
the counties assistance on how
to fix the technologies being
Technology training on how to
An abundance of teachers who used.
use higher order lessons which
currently use and want to learn
are student centered.
how to use technology in the
Lack of higher order lessons
while using technology by the
current Teachers.
Administration who believes in
the use of technology to
promote rigor and
ITEC 7410 SWOT Analysis Template for Technology Planning Needs Assessment
What is the current reality in our school?
differentiation in the classroom.
Summary/Gap Analysis:
Chestatee High School has many qualified personal to help promote technology use in the classroom. First an administration who
believes in good teaching techniques and that many of these teaching techniques today will involve technology. We also have two
librarians who promote the purchasing and using of technology to help bridge the educational gap in learning. We have and IT person
whose job is to help trouble shoot technology problems in the school and works closely with the Hall County IT support. We also
have 3 teachers who have or are currently pursuing their educational technology degrees. These teachers all have taken active roles in
the school to promote educational lessons for teachers on how to use technology in the classroom and to help the administration
decide what technologies would benefit the school the most. Through polling 78% of teachers claimed they had the knowledge
necessary to use technology in their current lessons, however only 40% of them claimed to use the technology to promote higher level
student led learning.
One of the major weakness we have in the area of educational technology is the reluctance of some of the teachers to use
technology in the classroom or to challenge themselves by creating student centered learning assignments. However with a shared
vision and a focus on project based student centered learning assignments many of these teachers would see the benefits in their
classrooms. Another major difficult is a lack of a clear vision by the school and an Instructional Technology Coach to help guide
teachers toward their technology goals in their classrooms. Funding can be difficult as well in regards to hiring the Instructional
Technology Coach, as well as acquiring enough technology for the school to promote teachers use.
Data Sources:
Responses from the survey instrument created by Adam Rich
Responses from administration interviews by Adam Rich
ITEC 7410 SWOT Analysis Template for Technology Planning Needs Assessment
What is the current reality in our school?
How must professional learning improve/change in order to achieve the shared vision?
Professional learning is based
Attendance at the Technology Hall County has purchased
Decreased motivation by
upon engaging student learning Tuesdays consist of mainly 10 many new technologies for
veteran teachers, whom are at
and differentiation in the
teachers out of 100.
teachers to use and with these
times teacher leaders.
require more teacher training
Many teachers only perform
and therefore more
Frustration by teachers to learn
Technology Tuesdays are
the tasks needed to be
opportunities to enhance their
new tools to enhance their
professional learning which are performed and dont use the
training for various reasons.
once a month to teach new
lessons to enhance their
technology and lessons to use
With the purchase of
them effectively and are
Chromebooks, teachers now
aligned with national standards. The main professional learning have a purpose to learn new
in the school doesnt emphasize lessons to incorporate these
Teachers have the ability to
create their own educational
technology learning through
our Ed Camp as well as outside
professional learning.
Summary/Gap Analysis:
Administration supports professional learning and helping teachers find the best educational practices to enhance their classroom.
This to them includes using the current technology resources available to teachers and providing professional learning to support this
learning. One emphasis this year was the Technology Tuesdays in which two teachers have focused on using educational
technology and promoting rigorous lessons which are student centered. The goal in those professional learning is to not only
introduce them to the technology but make sure they know how to use it and valuable lessons they can use in their classroom. The
administration also supports teachers going outside to learn in various professional learning opportunities as well as our annual Ed
Camp in which teachers create their own project to present to all of the teachers. The current SIP incorporates continued use of the
ED Camp to promote more teacher learning as well as continued use of Technology Tuesdays to promote technology learning.
The strongest opposition to building this knowledge in our school would be the skepticism by many veteran teachers to embrace
technology to enhance their lessons. Also many teachers feel that professional learning is an inadequate use of their time and only
perform the duties mandated by the administration. However I believe the current investment in technology by the County and
Chestatee opportunities will emerge that will increase teacher motivation to learn technology based student centered lessons. The
increase of availability of technology will also increase motivation of teachers to learn as they can now have more opportunities to use
these technologies in the classroom.
Data Sources:
ITEC 7410 SWOT Analysis Template for Technology Planning Needs Assessment
What is the current reality in our school?
Responses from the survey instrument created by Adam Rich
Responses from administration interviews by Adam Rich
No strong vision of
instructional technology for the
No current technology leader in
the school to help guide
teachers in their instruction.
Summary/Gap Analysis:
Hall County schools strength in technology is the counties IT support and the ability to continue to add technology and fix issues
at an efficient rate. Hall County is constantly working on building their technical support and any time issues arise they are quick to
address the situation. Hall County also hosts multiple professional learning opportunities to help train teacher leaders how to use the
new technologies to share with their colleagues. Chestatee High School has also upgraded its technology with new staff laptops,
ITEC 7410 SWOT Analysis Template for Technology Planning Needs Assessment
What is the current reality in our school?
shared teacher Chromebooks and teachers smart projectors. The use of three teachers with or working on Instructional Technology
masters degrees provides Chestatee with great resources to promote technology and provide teachers with lesson support in using
technology to advance their lessons.
Chestatee offers a hard working IT worker who works to solve all problems she is able to, however has a limited knowledge of the
technology and often has to use the supports offered by the county. The dependence on the countys support service causes a delay in
the needed assistance as well as frustration using technology to support lesson planning. Without an overall vision of the use of
technology, teachers lose motivation to implement technology and use technology primarily for research and rehearsal rather than
rigorous content and student centered. However Chestatees focus on technology instruction through Technology Tuesdays have
helped bridge the gaps in current technology instruction. Hall Counties focus on training IT support and teacher leaders in technology
and technology lessons will continue to help strengthen the technology level at Chestatee.
Data Sources:
Responses from the survey instrument created by Adam Rich
Responses from administration interviews by Adam Rich
ITEC 7410 SWOT Analysis Template for Technology Planning Needs Assessment
What is the current reality in our school?
assess technology literacy aside introduce ISTE standards for
Multiple resources are available from technology based
the teachers to increase their
Funding available to continue
now for teachers to use to help classrooms.
technology lessons and
to build library of technology
build their curriculum to
supports for teachers to use in
include technology.
Though increase in technology
their classrooms.
no guarantee to have
technology every day for your
Summary/Gap Analysis:
Currently Chestatee High School has an above average teaching staff who focuses on the best teaching practices to promote student
education and differentiation for all types of students. With the increase in technology at the school teachers have increased their use
of technology lessons and used more student projects to help prove student understanding of their topic. Though their isnt a specific
vision for technology the administration encourages use of all resources to bridge the gap between students and to create the best
teaching practices to help improve student learning.
With the focus on the best practices at times teachers are still not guaranteed to have technology every day and teachers cant plan
lessons constantly using technology. Due to the inefficient nature of using technology teachers dont focus their plans on technology
and use more traditional methods of teaching. Another difficulty would be the use of technology today is more research and rehearsal
based since there is a lack of instructional vision by the school administration. However with the new influx of Chromebooks,
Professional Learning based on ISTE instructional standards and administration pushing for the best educational practices these
lessons will be geared toward enhancing their technology lessons and focusing on rigorous student based lessons.
Data Sources:
Responses from the survey instrument created by Adam Rich
Responses from administration interviews by Adam Rich