Wood, D. (2001) - Scaffolding, Contingent Tutoring and Computer-Supported Learning
Wood, D. (2001) - Scaffolding, Contingent Tutoring and Computer-Supported Learning
Wood, D. (2001) - Scaffolding, Contingent Tutoring and Computer-Supported Learning
Abstract. This paper provides an overview of the application of principles of tutoring, derived
from studies of face-to-face tutoring, to the design of computer-based tutoring environments.
One of the main theoretical challenges facing work on tutoring is to develop a conceptual
framework to explain how the dynamics and the consequences of learner-tutor exchanges arise
out of the joint regulation of interaction. Ways in which computer-based tutoring have helped to
meet this challenge are illustrated. A primary focus for the empirical work presented is the
impact of individual differences in learners regulation of the tutor on learning outcomes. The
findings demonstrate the potential of contingent, computer-based tutoring for the dynamic
assessment of individual differences in prior attainment and learning. Ways in which computerbased systems might help to develop aspects of learners help seeking skills and their use of
time on task are identified. Important points of convergence between the findings of this work
and research into knowledge-based models of tutoring and learning are discussed, and the
advantages of synthesising the two approaches explored.
The main aim of this paper is to provide an overview of the theory, empirical findings and
issues that motivated the development of computer-based implementations of principles of
scaffolding and contingent tutoring derived from studies of face to face tutoring. It will also
identify and discuss implications of the ensuing research for our understanding of the tutorial
process and its impact on learning.
Early research into scaffolding and tutoring grew out of investigations into the acquisition
of rule governed activity by children under the guidance of an experimenter-cum-tutor (Wood,
Bruner and Ross, 1976). The children were confronted with a construction task that, unaided,
they were unable to master. The main aim of the investigation was to discover whether and
under what conditions 3-5 year olds might be able to master the task and to induce regularities
and patterns in their task activity when an adult helped them.
Although the rules for experimenter engagement with the learners were determined ahead
of time, the forms of interaction that emerged in learner-tutor interaction changed systematically
as a function of tutee age. The three-year-olds drove the experimenter/tutor to provide
qualitatively and quantitatively different patterns of activity than the four-year-olds, and these,
in turn, varied from those solicited by the five-year-olds. It would only be necessary to examine
the behaviour of the tutor to make confident inferences about the age, and task competence, of
the learner. The main features of tutorial support were identified in an analysis of what was
termed scaffolding functions, and the findings of the investigation were employed to illustrate
as to how and why these different functions might allow learners to master and learn with help
that which they could not achieve alone.
Further investigations, including a study of mothers tutoring their 3-4 year olds with the
same task (Wood and Middleton, 1975), demonstrated that learning outcomes for tutees varied
with specific features of tutorial activity. Successful post-tutoring task activity correlated highly
with the extent to which each of the tutors actions reflected the nature of the learners
immediately preceding activity. For instance, if the tutor had made a verbal suggestion with
Aspects of the role of the learner in regulating the process of tutorial interaction have been
explored in studies of individual differences in help seeking (Nelson-Le Gall, 1985; Nelson-Le
Gall, Kratzer, Jones & DeCooke, 1990; Puustinen, 1998; Winnykamen, 1993). Here, the claim
is that, by seeking help, the learner both participates in the construction of their own learning
environment and creates an opportunity to develop and practice didactic and auto-didactic skills;
learning how to regulate the learning of self and others.
One result of this research is the recurring finding that lower achieving learners are less
effective help seekers. This may imply, as Puustinen and Winnykamen suggest, that skills in
help seeking are symptomatic of individual differences in meta-cognitive abilities which, in
turn, contribute to the development of differential achievement. However, the interpretation of
such findings is problematic because the potential causal role of the tutor has not been explored.
There is no evidence advanced to rule out the possibility that any differences in help seeking
only emerge because tutorial activity is not contingently adapted to the needs of the lower
achieving learner. For instance, the level of task demands, the timing, specificity and
accessibility of instructional help have not been factored into the analyses as potential
differentiating influences on learner activity.
The findings from the work on face to face tutoring, contingency and assessment exhibit a
similar problem of interpretation. Is contingent tutoring only a way of identifying individual
differences in readiness for learning, or is it also a means for helping to optimise the conditions
under which that learning might take place?
The main reason for extending the work on scaffolding and contingent tutoring to computerbased applications was to provide a strategy for exploring the impact of individual differences
between learners on the processes and the learning outcomes of tutorial interaction. It could also
provide an informative strategy for investigating cause and effect in tutoring more directly,
providing a way of addressing issues that have proved extremely difficult to progress
empirically through studies of face to face tutoring.
EXPLAIN (EXperiments in PLanning and INstruction)
The first attempt to formalise and implement principles of contingent tutoring involved the
construction and evaluation of system designed to support teaching of 3-8 year olds with the
construction task used in the early studies of face-to-face tutoring (Wood, Shadbolt, Reichgelt,
Wood and Paskiewitcz, 1992).
One result of the implementation was a more articulated formulation of the demands
involved. The goal of tutoring is to provide instruction and support that is contingent upon the
learners (potentially changing) level of domain knowledge in contexts where the tutor is
challenging them to master tasks that present manageable problems; problems whose mastery
promises to enhance their domain knowledge. This involves tutorial decisions about what
challenges to set for the learner, if and when to intervene to support them as they attempt tasks,
and how much help to provide if they appear to need support.
Decisions about what tasks to set, or about how to decompose a difficult task down into
potentially easier sub-tasks, are characterised as attempts to realise domain contingency by
which the tutor seeks to engage the learner in levels of challenge that are contingent upon their
current levels of domain knowledge.
When the learner is involved in attempts at problem solving, tutorial decisions about if and
when to intervene are characterised as efforts to achieve temporal contingency. This involves
interpretations of situations in which, for example, the learner is performing operations that are
unlikely to progress problem solving, or in which they are currently inactive. The tutor needs to
decide if and when to treat task inappropriate operations as errors to which the learner appears
committed, or as solution attempts that they are likely to reject as inappropriate for themselves.
Similarly, a tutor may have to decide whether inactivity should be interpreted as a result of
learners are free to abandon problems at will. Thus, the structure and contingencies in learnertutor interaction are dictated by the interplay between system design and learner decisions.
Before taking sessions on the tutor, each learner was pre-tested on a standardised test of
mathematical attainment. The measures used to assess learning gains included tests of each
learners ability to expand quadratic expressions. These were assessed, off-line, before and after
tutoring sessions. On-line measures designed to explore each learners ability to generalise what
they had learned from tutoring in quadratic expressions to support their learning about other
polynomial expressions were also developed.
Data analyses were designed to model the structure of relations between performance on
the pre-tests of mathematical attainment, measures of learner-tutor interaction collected on-line,
and the indexes of learning gains. A specific aim was to test the hypothesis that the measures of
learner-tutor interaction would provide a basis for reliable and valid (dynamic) assessments of
individual differences in mathematical attainment. This was done by comparing pre-test
attainment scores with on-line performance to provide powerful support for the prediction. The
most powerful statistical model based on the learner-tutor interaction measures accounted for
well over 70% of the variance in pre-test attainment scores.
The investigation also assessed the claim, following the work of Brown and her colleagues
(op cit), that the dynamic, on-line measures would provide information about learning gains
independently of that provided by the off-line, static test measures.
When compared on the same learning gain measures, learners with the higher attainment scores
showed greater evidence of learning that their lower scoring peers. The correlations between the
attainment scores and the magnitude of gains in handling quadratic functions, and with the online measures of the learners ability to generalise learning to related polynomial expressions,
were significant. The strength of the relationship between attainment and gains showed an
increase over the period of tutoring and persisted at post-test.
The on-line interaction measures displayed a similar pattern of association with the gain
scores. Learners who worked through the tutor more quickly, made fewer errors and requested
less help showed most evidence of gains. Because the prior attainment scores and on-line
interaction measures were so highly correlated they accounted for a great deal of shared
variance in learning gains. Learners with higher attainment who showed greatest gains worked
more quickly, accurately and autonomously with the tutor. However, the interaction measures
also provided information about learning outcomes independently of any association with the
off-line test scores. The time that learners spent before seeking help was not related to prior
attainment, but it did predict gains.
More informative were the results that emerged when the variance in learning gains
associated with prior achievement were partialled out of the relation between the learner-tutor
interaction measures and learning gains. For instance, because the lower attaining learners
worked more slowly on the tutor and also did less well in learning to expand quadratic
expressions, a slow rate of working with the tutor emerged as a negative indicator of likely
gains. With individual differences in prior achievement partialled out, however, this relation
moves from negative to positive. In other words, when differences due to prior achievement
were controlled for, it emerged that learners who work more slowly showed most gain. The
frequency of errors followed a different pattern. Even after controlling for prior attainment,
error frequency remained a negative correlate of learning outcomes, as some theories of learning
would predict (e.g. Anderson, 1987; Anderson, Boyle, Farrel, & Reiser, 1987). Thus, it is not
the case that the relations between learner-tutor interaction and learning gains can be explained
away simply as evidence of the assessment of individual differences in learner knowledge or
attainment: An analysis of the process of interaction between learner and tutor adds predictive
and explanatory power.
In order to identify classes of problem that were contingent upon each learners knowledge
of the learning domain, DATA was designed to undertake on-line assessment prior to tutoring.
Briefly, each learner was first asked to solve 6 problems of intermediate levels of difficulty
using Fusons framework. These, classified by Fuson as missing start problems were of the
type John had some marbles. His aunt gave him three more. John now has eight. How many
marbles did he have to begin with?. In such cases, it is the first term in the statement of the
problem that represents the unknown. For the initial test set, only integers less than ten were
used in the statement of the problem. Learners who succeeded with these problems were
presented with missing start problems involving multi-digit addition and subtraction. Those who
made no errors with these problems were not offered any tutoring. Those learners who had
succeeded in solving the single digit missing start problems but made errors with multi-digit
ones were offered tuition with multi-digit problems.
Learners who did not succeed in passing the initial, missing start problems were confronted
with the simplest class of missing end problems of the form Mary had three sweets. She
bought four more. How many sweets does she have now?. Any learner who failed on these
items was tested on similar items with the addition of voice over presentation to test for
possible difficulties in reading. Those who could not solve such items were presented with
similar problems expressed in arithmetical notation to investigate possible difficulties in relating
verbal to arithmetical expressions.
In all, DATA classified learners into one of eight categories ranging from the most
advanced. who succeeded with multi-digit, missing start problems, to ones who failed to solve
missing start problems under any form of presentation (oral, written text or arithmetical
notation). After the on-line testing, all learners were offered instructionally contingent tutoring
in the classes of problems with which they had shown evidence of error.
In order to assess the validity of the on-line testing, the classification produced by DATA
was compared to learners scores on attainment tests presented before tutoring and off-line.
Significant correlations between the two sets of scores provided support for the validity of
Fusons taxonomy and for the assumption that DATA succeeded in differentiating tutorial
demands contingent upon learners prior mastery of the domain.
One motivation for the evaluation was to help adjudicate between the conflicting
interpretations of relations between learners prior attainment and the probability of help
seeking. If low achievers are less likely than higher achieving peers to seek help when they
make an error, the findings from DATA should parallel those from QUADRATIC and from
investigations of face-to-face tutoring. Conversely, if the relations between achievement and
help seeking with the QUADRATIC tutor are attributable to differences in problem difficulty,
performance in tutoring with DATA should exhibit an attenuation or elimination of the
association between attainment and help seeking.
The evidence from DATA supported the second interpretation. In fact, there was no
evidence of any significant associations between scores derived from off-line tests of prior
attainment with individual differences in the probability of correct solutions, errors or help
seeking under tutoring.
Exploring and explaining individual differences in learning outcomes with domain
contingent environments is problematic because each learner is provided with tutoring in
problems that are selected on an individual basis. One potentially useful metric was derived
with DATA by determining the number of problems that each learner experienced before they
achieved autonomous, successful solutions on the problems they initially failed to solve during
testing (i.e. before they drove the tutor to fade completely). On this measure, there were no
correlations between measures of prior attainment and the outcomes of the learner-tutor
interactions. However, learners who exhibited longer time intervals between actions on the tutor
did achieve successful, autonomous performance after fewer problems, mainly because they
also made fewest errors. In contrast to findings from QUADRATIC, however, there was no
association between prior attainment and speed of working with the tutor indicating that
differences in rate of working are dependent upon the relative difficulty of the problems being
attempted. As with help seeking, any correlations between prior attainment and measures of
versions of contingent tutors build no model of the learner at all; their performance is local and
situated - constrained by contingencies in the learners current activity. Although the systems do
aggregate data for purposes of evaluation and assessment, this information currently plays no
part in driving any tutorial action by the systems, thought it is currently being used to specify
and to evaluate when tutoring in help seeking might enhance learning.
As argued elsewhere (Wood and Wood, 1999), the two approaches could benefit from a
degree of integration. Student modelling could be extended to exploit information derived from
learner help seeking and from indexes of the impact of tutorial help provision as a means of
informing the construction of the learner model (in line with the approach taken by Luckin and
Du Boulay, 1999, for example). This should help to improve the assessment of the learners
grasp of domain knowledge and extend the scope of the models of learning to integrate
information about aspects of how learners learn with the assessment of what they have learnt.
The results from QUADRATIC and DATA suggest ways in which it would be possible to
monitor and identify learners who could benefit from tuition in help seeking, or from advice
about their use of time on task, on the basis of their performance data. If this information was
integrated with a model of learner knowledge, it should be possible to enhance the detection any
problems in the learners self-regulation and to generate and test hypotheses about their origins.
For example, help abuse would be signalled when a learner seeks help to solve problems
demanding knowledge that the learner model suggests they already possess; help refusal when
they persist in attempts to escape from an impasse without help, despite inadequate knowledge.
Allied to a theory that models the connection between domain knowledge with help seeking and
the distribution of time on task, it should also be possible to explain when and how any changes
brought about through tutoring, and which impact on subsequent assessments of learning gains,
are mediated.
Both QUADRATIC and DATA make use of multiple representations (diagrammatic,
arithmetical and, in QUADRATIC, algebraic) to support learning. The rationale underpinning
their use rests on the claim that conceptual understanding resides in the learners construction of
integrated knowledge structures (Baxter and Glaser, in press). A key element in the
construction of such knowledge is an appreciation of the equivalencies and correspondences
across superficially different but theoretically related representations. An important mark of
domain expertise is the ability to select a representational system which is most likely to fit the
demands of particular tasks (e.g. Kaput, 1992) or ones own cognitive strengths (Nelson-Le
Gall, Kratzer, Johnes & DeCooke, 1990).
Findings from QUADRATIC illustrate how changes in the processes observed in learnertutor interaction provide potential measures for tracking the construction of such structures
(Wood and Wood, 1999). This approach exploits changes in demands for help by learners and
in the level of help provided by the tutor as a means of exploring learning generalisation. For
instance, the amount of help that learners requested (and made successful use of) to solve
specific quadratic expressions (e.g. (x+2)2 etc..) was compared with the amount of help
requested to expand the more general case (x + n)2. Similar measures were derived as, later in
the tutorial sessions, the learners solved specific and more general cases of cubic expressions
(e.g. (x + n)3). Learners requested more help to solve the initial cases of cubic functions than
they had asked for in solving the initial cases of the quadratic ones, implying that they found the
cubic cases more difficult initially. However, tutorial fading was more rapid when they moved
on to the general case of the cubic, which was solved with less help than that requested to solve
equivalent examples of the quadratic case. This may indicate that learning about a generalisation
from specific instances to a general case proved easier with the cubic function, and that this
resulted from the transfer of experience from previous problem solving with the quadratic. If so,
the would provide evidence that the learners were acquiring a degree of abstract and conceptual
understanding, not only specific procedures for solving particular types of problem. Here too, an
considerable evidence in the research literature that, even in well-structured domains like
elementary school mathematics, learners often develop their own problem solving strategies
which differ from those taught. If our intuitions about the nature of domain contingency are
sound, then the competent tutor should make any help or guidance they provide contingent upon
such learner conceptions, even if the ultimate goal is to help them to learn more powerful
conceptions and methods. None of our current tutors are able to reliably diagnose such
idiosyncratic conceptions and, hence, cannot offer any guidance that is contingent upon them. In
this sense, critics of contingency theory are correct in the claim that current versions of the
theory have no compelling explanation as to how and when a human tutor might accommodate
to the learners task perspective when this differs from their own.
The current limitations of the approach, which underpin weaknesses in both temporal and
domain contingency, are, of course, reflections of more pervasive constraints on our ability to
describe, formalise and implement the process of communication. As du Boulay and Luckin
(1999) observe, the limiting factor in the development of effective intelligent learning and
teaching environments will continue to be, for some time, more their impoverished ability to
deal with language input and output than their ability to model. And language subsumes nonverbal aspects of communication whose interpretation underpins the capacity to offer
temporally contingent guidance to the learner.
These theoretical limitations on our ability to develop adaptive learning environments seem
likely to be with us for some time and, this implies, as du Boulay and Luckin also argue, that we
need to design systems for educational application in a way which respects and exploits the
classroom as a social forum in which discussion about what is being learned is a central aspect
of learning. However, the creation of environments which help to inform such discussions
with well founded knowledge about the nature of what and how individuals learn, provides
ample scope for useful contributions to educational practice as we continue to try to overcome
the current theoretical limitations.
CREDIT is supported by the Economic and Social Research Council, whose support is
gratefully acknowledged. The main architect of much of the work reviewed in this paper is Dr
Heather Wood, whose contribution is acknowledged with gratitude.
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