EE 2310 Is A Required Course, Prerequisite For EE 3320/3120

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The University of Texas at Dallas

Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and

Computer Science

EE 2310
EE 2310 is a required course, prerequisite for EE 3320/3120.
Major topic areas:

Binary and hexadecimal numbers

Combinational and sequential digital logic
Assembly language programming
Computer architecture overview

EE 2310 Home Page: (

Syllabus, course information, lectures, announcements
Homework, work sheets, classroom exercise sheets
Review regularly!

Note: Acrobat Reader required. Obtain from Acrobat: , or UTD
software site:

Lecture #1: Introduction, History of Computing

N. B. Dodge 9/16

The University of Texas at Dallas

Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and

Computer Science

Note on 2310 Information

Note that I do not use eLearning.
EE 2310 information is available on my website
( ).
Do NOT look for any course information on
eLearning. I grade and return tests 1 and 2
promptly, so you will not have to worry about
your grade for long.
(Test #3 is NOT returned.)

Lecture #1: Introduction, History of Computing

N. B. Dodge 9/16

The University of Texas at Dallas

Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and

Computer Science

2310 Syllabus/Due Date Documents

There are three important EE 2310 documents: EE
2310 Syllabus, EE 2310 Homework Due Dates, and EE
2310 Lab Result Due Dates.
The syllabus is very complete. It describes lectures,
shows when tests and test reviews are scheduled, lays
out the semester schedule.
Most course questions are answered in the syllabus or
in the due date documents. The syllabus even has
references to the texts used in the course.
All three documents are on the 2310 website.

Lecture #1: Introduction, History of Computing

N. B. Dodge 9/16

The University of Texas at Dallas

Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and

Computer Science

Syllabus/Homework Due (Contd)

Read the syllabus carefully (preferably immediately).
Because 2310 documentation is so complete, here are
questions that I really do NOT want to hear:
Is homework due today? Is there a lab due this week?
When is the next test? Do we have a worksheet today?
What should I be reading? What is the lecture about?

Come to class prepared!

Class exercises printed.
Homework complete.
Lab report or results turned in.

Lecture #1: Introduction, History of Computing

N. B. Dodge 9/16

The University of Texas at Dallas

Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and

Computer Science

Announcements on the Website

At the top of the 2310 website is an announcements
Important announcements will be listed there, either
those made in class (e.g., about an upcoming test or
assignment) or special items concerning a lecture or
homework assignment.
Sometimes office hours must be changed or cancelled.
These will also be noted in the announcements area.
Scan the announcements section regularly!

Lecture #1: Introduction, History of Computing

N. B. Dodge 9/16

The University of Texas at Dallas

Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and

Computer Science

There are three kinds of homework in EE 2310:
Homework Homework is posted on the web site. Turn in at the
beginning of class on the due date (see due date schedule). Counts 10%
of final grade. Answers posted on-line 5 days after the due date.
Note: The semester project is a homework assignment, but is a more
difficult design assignment, that counts an additional 5% of your final
grade. This assignment will be posted later in the semester.
Test Review Sheets Bring each completed review sheet to class the
day of the test review. Will be checked by the instructor before class.
TR problems are worked in class. Each TR is worth 1-point on your
final grade (the +1 is a completion grade). Answers to test review
sheets are NOT posted! You must come to class for the answers.
Lab Report/Results. Due according to the lab result due date sheet.
Worth 10% of your final grade. More on labs below.

Lecture #1: Introduction, History of Computing

N. B. Dodge 9/16

The University of Texas at Dallas

Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and

Computer Science

Homework Procedures
All homework (including lab reports) will be turned at the
beginning of EE 2310 class on the due date listed, except for the
items noted below.
Software lab results (programs in labs 5 and 6) and programs in
Homework #s 6 & 7 will be emailed as an attachment directly to
the class TA. Each student turns in homeworks 6 & 7.
The TAs schedule, availability, and office location will be listed on
the EE 2310 web site as soon as TAs are assigned.
In the case of labs 5 and 6, only one program is required per team.
Make sure you list both partners names on each lab report and
program, so that proper credit is given to both lab partners!
Both partners submit the semester project independently,
although they may work on it together.

Lecture #1: Introduction, History of Computing

N. B. Dodge 9/16

The University of Texas at Dallas

Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and

Computer Science

Class Exercise Sheets

Print out and bring (real paper!) class exercise sheets to
class. They are included in the lecture notes, which you
can read prior to the class if you wish.
Selected exercise sheets will be collected to earn points
on your next test (+1-3 per sheet; up to 5 points total).
You will not know in advance which in-class exercises
will be turned in, or which worksheets will be checked.
Certain exercise sheets will not be completed in class,
but will be assigned as a bonus homework, to be turned
in at the start of the next office hours or (occasionally)
at the beginning of class. (similar bonus points apply).

Lecture #1: Introduction, History of Computing

N. B. Dodge 9/16

The University of Texas at Dallas

Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and

Computer Science

Exercise 1*
Now lets try a few digital
circuit designs from the
Boolean expressions:
f = abc
f = (a + b) c
f = (a + b) (c d )
f =a + ( b c ) + d


Example exercise from Lecture #4

Lecture #1: Introduction, History of Computing

N. B. Dodge 9/16

The University of Texas at Dallas

Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and

Computer Science

EE 2310 Labs
There are six lab exercises in EE 2310.
The lab portion consists of four digital hardware
exercises which are to be completed in the EE 2310 lab.
You will work with a lab partner, and the partnership
will submit a joint report summarizing the exercise and
their results.
There are also two software assignments that count as
labs, but no report is required. Simply work with your
partner to complete the software design assignment,
and email your result to the class TA.
Labs count 10% of your final grade.

Lecture #1: Introduction, History of Computing

N. B. Dodge 9/16

The University of Texas at Dallas

Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and

Computer Science

EE 1202/2310 Lab Facility Overview

The EE 1202/2310 lab is ECSS 4.622, on the third floor of
the ECSS building.
As noted above, lab exercises will be done by teams of two
students, working together. You can choose your own lab
partner. If you do not have a partner, come to the
instructor and he will find you one.
You will do these labs on your own, at your own rate.
There are no scheduled lab times. Go to the lab and do
your lab work when you wish (subject to lab open hours).

Lecture #1: Introduction, History of Computing

N. B. Dodge 9/16

The University of Texas at Dallas

Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and

Computer Science

Lab Hours
The goal is to have ECSS 4.622 open ten hours a day, 10
AM to 8 PM, four days a week, Monday-Thursday. It
may be open somewhat less, due to TA availability.
You may work on your lab any time during open hours.
There are 12 workstations in the lab. You must reserve
a workstation. Workstations may be reserved in twohour slots, M-R.
If you come to the lab and a station is free, you may start
work immediately. Remember to put your name on the
reservation chart for the current period!

Lecture #1: Introduction, History of Computing

N. B. Dodge 9/16

Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and

Computer Science

The University of Texas at Dallas

Reservation Sheets


Each week, reservation sheets for the

next week be available in the lab at 10
AM Thursday morning.
You must reserve a lab station (you can
drop in and start immediately if a
station is free). Write your name in the
reservation block. Include the course
number, since EE 1202 and EE 2310
both use this lab.
You can reserve no more than four hours
per week, either in different 2-hour slots
or contiguously.
Please be prompt. If you are 15 minutes
or more late, your reservation is voided.
Reservations for the week may be made
from the previous Thursday through the
rest of the next week.


10 AM

Time Slot Reserved

12 Noon
2 PM

6 PM


Lecture #1: Introduction, History of Computing

N. B. Dodge 9/16

The University of Texas at Dallas

Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and

Computer Science

ECSS 4.622 Lab

The entrance to 4.622 is shown on the
There are twelve workstations in the
lab room.
Workstations have a number of
instruments, but you will only use the
IDL-800 digital prototyping unit and
possibly the PC.
Instruments leads are on hangars at
the front of the lab, although you will
probably not need these.

Lecture #1: Introduction, History of Computing

N. B. Dodge 9/16

The University of Texas at Dallas

Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and

Computer Science

Lab Cabinets


ECSS 4.622 is used for two sets of

laboratory exercises, those in EE 1202
and those in EE 2310.
As shown in the picture to the right,
there are three cabinets inside the 4.622
door, to your immediate left.
One cabinet contains EE 2310 parts.
The second contain parts for a previous
version of EE 1202.
The third is a general-purpose cabinet
for both labs, containing miscellaneous
support material required for both labs.
If any EE 2310 material is not in the
2310 cabinet, it is in the misc cabinet.
Lecture #1: Introduction, History of Computing

N. B. Dodge 9/16

The University of Texas at Dallas

Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and

Computer Science

Layout of 2310 Cabinet

The contents of the
2310 cabinet are
shown to right.
Note the layout of
the cabinet to be
sure that you can
quickly get required
components and get
to work.

Lecture #1: Introduction, History of Computing

N. B. Dodge 9/16

The University of Texas at Dallas

Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and

Computer Science

Layout of Miscellaneous Cabinet

The Miscellaneous cabinet
contains many items that will
not be used regularly.
Items such as the first aid kit
are available in case of minor
injuries (unlikely in EE 2310,
but possible).
Check items in this cabinet
when you first go into the lab to
make sure you know the various
items that are available.

Lecture #1: Introduction, History of Computing

N. B. Dodge 9/16

The University of Texas at Dallas

Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and

Computer Science

Digital Parts Kits

These kits are mainly for EE
They contain the digital
circuits, (ics or DIPs) also
arranged in partitions in
groups of digital circuits.
Circuit parts needed for each
lab exercise are identified on
the last page of the exercise.
You can select ics from the
kit by their part numbers.

Lecture #1: Introduction, History of Computing

N. B. Dodge 9/16

The University of Texas at Dallas

Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and

Computer Science

Wiring Kits
Wiring kits are used to
connect digital circuits
together for each experiment.
The wires are various lengths,
made of multi-strand copper,
with hardened tips to plug
into the circuit boards.
Please be certain that the
wires are returned to the kits
and properly arrange in the
various kit partitions.

Lecture #1: Introduction, History of Computing

N. B. Dodge 9/16

The University of Texas at Dallas

Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and

Computer Science

Bench Layout
The layout of the bench
instruments is shown to
the right.
The items as shown to the
right are:


Power supply
Digital multimeter
Signal generator
Digital prototyper
LC meter (stations 5, 12)
Lecture #1: Introduction, History of Computing

N. B. Dodge 9/16

The University of Texas at Dallas

Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and

Computer Science

Instrument Identification


Instrument identification:
A Power supply
B Digital multimeter
C Signal generator
D Oscilloscope
E Digital prototyper (only instrument used in EE 2310)
F LC meter (stations 5, 12)

Lecture #1: Introduction, History of Computing

N. B. Dodge 9/16

The University of Texas at Dallas

Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and

Computer Science

Lead Hangers
Leads are stored on the
hangars at the front of
the lab as shown in the
picture to the left (leads
also on the other side of
the cabinet).
You will probably not
need these in EE 2310
they were mainly used in
EE 1202.

Lecture #1: Introduction, History of Computing

N. B. Dodge 9/16

Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and

Computer Science

The University of Texas at Dallas

Lab Layout














TA Table









EE 1202

Lecture #1: Introduction, History of Computing


EE 2310

N. B. Dodge 9/16

The University of Texas at Dallas

Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and

Computer Science

Lab Report Due Cycle

Lab assignments are due per dates in the due date chart
(generally two weeks after assigned).
Late lab reports are generally NOT accepted.
Exceptions can be made for very severe problems (such
as your death).
For the two software lab assignments, no reports are
required. Simply complete the assignment jointly with
your partner and turn in on the assigned date. The
method of submission is to email the assembly language
program in Notepad as an attachment to the class TA.

Lecture #1: Introduction, History of Computing

N. B. Dodge 9/16

The University of Texas at Dallas

Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and

Computer Science

Lab Routine



Read your lab exercise in the text before the briefing.

Reserve your lab space (can do on previous Thursday).
Go to the lab at your reserved time and get out a parts kit.
Do the lab exercise at your reserved station.
When finished, have the lab TA initial your results, put
away parts and equipment and make sure that your
workstation is clean. The lab TA will check your station.
Each team submits one lab report, turned in to the EE
2310 class TA (his/her information will be posted on the
2310 website). Make sure to follow report guidelines as
posted on-line. Lab reports only on labs 1-4.
Submit programs (labs 5 and 6), as discussed above, by
email no lab reports for these labs.
Lecture #1: Introduction, History of Computing

N. B. Dodge 9/16

The University of Texas at Dallas

Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and

Computer Science

Lecture Ground Rules

Turn off your cell phone.
Please close and put away your laptop. DO NOT
use your laptop in class (except as directed).
Please pay attention and perhaps take a few brief
notes. EE 2310 material is tough and it is
easier than most courses to come!
Bring required materials to class (test review
sheets and class exercise sheets). These are
worth points on tests or on your final grade.

Lecture #1: Introduction, History of Computing

N. B. Dodge 9/16

The University of Texas at Dallas

Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and

Computer Science

Purpose of EE 2310




and Designs


EE 2310 lays the foundation for an understanding of computer

architecture (that is, the way computers are put together, the
identity and characteristics of their component parts, and their
basic instruction sets).

Lecture #1: Introduction, History of Computing

N. B. Dodge 9/16

The University of Texas at Dallas

Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and

Computer Science

What is a Computer?
Computer: A collection of electronic switches that can
perform mathematical and logical calculations.
It can be programmed to solve problems by loading
instructions which the computer can execute.
Computer components circuits, chasses, peripherals
are called hardware.
Computer programming instructions are called software.
Most computers have common hardware components:


CPUs (central processors, 2 or more) performs calculations

Data and instruction memory (called RAM or DRAM)
Permanent storage memory (hard drive or CD-ROM)
Input/control devices (keyboard, mouse, CD/DVD)
Information output devices (LCD display, printer, CD/DVD)
Lecture #1: Introduction, History of Computing

N. B. Dodge 9/16

The University of Texas at Dallas

Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and

Computer Science

History of the Computer

Although mathematical computation devices go back
into the middle ages (e.g., the abacus), modern
electronic computers have a relatively short history.
This history is one of the most remarkable stories of
technological innovation in the history of mankind,
made possible by the invention of the transistor in the
What follows is a brief history of the electronic
computer since its invention only a few decades ago
(although we start with a few antecedents of the
electronic digital computer).

Lecture #1: Introduction, History of Computing

N. B. Dodge 9/16

The University of Texas at Dallas

Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and

Computer Science

History of the Electronic Computer

In the beginning, there were only a very few computers, and
they were VERY, VERY LARGE.
First mechanical (cams and levers), early 1900s-1940s.
Then large, HOT vacuum tubes (a picture later), 1940s-1950s.
Computers in the future may have only 1,000 vacuum tubes and
perhaps only weigh 1 tons.Popular Mechanics (1949).

In the intervening years, things have changed

the cost of computing has fallen 10 million-fold since the
microprocessor was invented in 1971. Thats the equivalent of getting
a Boeing 747 for the price of a pizza. If this innovation had been
applied to automotive technology, a new car would cost about $2; it
would travel at the speed of sound; and it would go 600 miles on a
thimble of gas.Bob Herbold, COO of Microsoft, in letter to Ralph
Nader (11/13/97)
Quotations courtesy C. Cantrell

Lecture #1: Introduction, History of Computing

N. B. Dodge 9/16

The University of Texas at Dallas

Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and

Computer Science

The Need for Computers Drove Development

Scientific Needs:
Accurate math tables,
complex scientific

Business automation:

Artillery Calculator

Payroll, accounting

Government needs:
Census tabulation, employee
records, tax files (!)

Military requirements:
Artillery tables, decryption,
nuclear weapon design
Eniwetok Atoll, 1952

Lecture #1: Introduction, History of Computing

N. B. Dodge 9/16

The University of Texas at Dallas

Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and

Computer Science

The First Computers


Scientists begin to design calculating

machines in the 1800s.
Charles Babbage (1791-1871)
designed the first complex
mechanical computer in 1834.
He and colleagues attempted to build
a steam-powered model with 20,000
funding from the British government.
The machine was never finished (due
to limitations of mid-19th century
technology), but a copy built in the
1990s actually worked!
It was the work of mathematician
George Boole, later in the 19th
century, that would lead the way for
modern computing.

Reproduction of the Babbage Difference

Engine built in the early 1990s.

Lecture #1: Introduction, History of Computing

N. B. Dodge 9/16

The University of Texas at Dallas

Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and

Computer Science

Two Other Early Mechanical Computers


Just prior to and during WW

II, Germany invented
Enigma, a mechanical
cryptographic device that
enabled supposedly
undecipherable messages
during wartime.
Germany sold this technology
to Japan, their WW II ally.
As the British computing
center at Blechley Park had
deciphered the Enigma code,
allied forces got to listen in
to axis messages, a terrific
tactical advantage.

Enigma Cipher

Lecture #1: Introduction, History of Computing

N. B. Dodge 9/16

The University of Texas at Dallas

Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and

Computer Science

Two Other Early Mechanical Computers (2)

Also prior to WW II, the
mechanical punchedcard sorter was
invented, enabling the
automatic sorting of
large amounts of data.
IBM entered the
computing business
making these sorters.

Hollerith Card Sorter

Lecture #1: Introduction, History of Computing

N. B. Dodge 9/16

The University of Texas at Dallas

Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and

Computer Science

The First Electrical Computers


One of the first computers powered by electricity was the Harvard

Mark II, which used direct-current electrical relays to do all its
Such a relay is shown above.

Lecture #1: Introduction, History of Computing

N. B. Dodge 9/16

Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and

Computer Science

The University of Texas at Dallas

The First Computer Bug

The term computer bug was

born when a small moth flew into
one of the Mark II cabinets and
stuck a relay open.
Searching for why the computer
had ceased operation, a young
female computer scientist, Grace
Hopper, discovered the Bug.
The page shown is reputed to be in
the Smithsonian Museum.
Grace Hopper was a career Naval
Officer and retired as an Admiral
(she also invented COBOL).

The First Computer Bug

Grace Hopper as a Young

Naval Officer (and Computer


Lecture #1: Introduction, History of Computing

Rear Admiral
Grace Hopper

N. B. Dodge 9/16

The University of Texas at Dallas

Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and

Computer Science

The First Electronic Computers

After the advent of electrical computers using relay switches,
designers began to incorporate vacuum tubes, which were becoming
readily available due to their use in radios.
An early computer was ENIAC, a monster that weighed 30 tons and
was designed to calculate artillery ballistics tables.
John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert, who designed it (with help
from many others) are generally accorded the title of designers of
the first computer.
History has pretty well ignored womens contribution to the
development of this first computer (and computing in general).
In fact, a group of women were the first programmers on the
ENIAC. In those days (circa 1943-44), programming was a really
hard task, since there was NO software (and no manuals!).
These talented young women take their place beside Grace Hopper
as some of our most important computer pioneers.

Lecture #1: Introduction, History of Computing

N. B. Dodge 9/16

The University of Texas at Dallas

Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and

Computer Science

The First Programmers

Programming the ENIAC
meant physically configuring
the computer processing
elements to do the calculating
This involved not software,
but switches, plug panels, and
a thorough knowledge of the
Shown at right is one of these
first programmers.
Women were major players
in computing technology from
the start.

Courtesy IEEE Spectrum

Lecture #1: Introduction, History of Computing

N. B. Dodge 9/16

The University of Texas at Dallas

Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and

Computer Science

Vacuum Tube Computer Elements

To the right is a typical
vacuum tube computer
This circuit (about as big and
complicated as the entire
electronic assembly of a
modern PC) was only one tiny
part of a vacuum tube
As noted earlier, vacuum tube
computers typically weighed
many tons.


Courtesy University of Virginia Computer Department

Lecture #1: Introduction, History of Computing

N. B. Dodge 9/16

The University of Texas at Dallas

Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and

Computer Science

Second-Generation Electronic Computers

The second generation of
digital computers were
developed in the early 1960s
using transistors, invented in
the late 1940s and now
beginning to be available
One such computer was the
Burroughs B5000 series,
developed about 40 years ago.
An early transistor circuit is
shown as well.


Lecture #1: Introduction, History of Computing

Both figures courtesy

of University of
Virginia Computer

N. B. Dodge 9/16

The University of Texas at Dallas

Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and

Computer Science

Early Integrated Circuit Computers


The third generation of electronic computers were the first built with
integrated circuits, solid-state circuits with multiple transistors
(and other circuit elements) on the same chip of silicon.
The computer shown above is the Control Data Corporation Model
7600, one of the first computers built with integrated circuits and also
one of the first scientific super computers (cost: > $5 million!).
Lecture #1: Introduction, History of Computing

N. B. Dodge 9/16

The University of Texas at Dallas

Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and

Computer Science

Fourth-Generation Electronic Computers

The next generation of electronic

computers featured VLSI
integrated circuits (circuits with
many transistors per chip).
Computer processors still
consisted of many custom VLSI
modules on multiple printed
circuit boards.
Computers of this era included:
General-purpose computers such
as the IBM 3xxx, 43xx series.
The first minicomputers, such as
the Digital Equipment VAX
8400, PDP 11, the Data General
Nova, and the Honeywell 516.
Supercomputers such as the
Cray-2, Cray X-MP.


The Cray X-MP. Cray computers were the premier

supercomputers in the 1980s. Cray Computer was
founded by Seymour Cray, a former Control Data
employee, who quit CDC and started his own
company because he thought that CDC was moving
too slowly in bringing out new models.

Lecture #1: Introduction, History of Computing

N. B. Dodge 9/16

The University of Texas at Dallas

Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and

Computer Science

Computer Memory
Early memories were exotic: Magnetic
drums, columns of liquid mercury (!).
In the 1950s, magnetic core memory
became the standard for working data
memory. Data was stored by magnetizing
tiny donuts of magnetic material.
Electronic memory (or DRAM) brought
about the era of cheap computer memory
in the 1970s.
Magnetic disks remain a primary method
of bulk data storage due to their very low
(and constantly decreasing) cost.

Computer Core Memory.

Intel 1K DRAM

Lecture #1: Introduction, History of Computing

N. B. Dodge 9/16

The University of Texas at Dallas

Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and

Computer Science

Computers on a Chip Generation 5

Starting in the mid-late 1970s, computer processors on a
chip and large electronic memories became available.
This led to the first affordable personal computers
(Altair, Apple I, Osborne I, and the IBM PC).
Single-chip processors included the Intel 4004, 8008,
8086, 80286 and 80386 and the Motorola 6800 and 68000.
Later single-chip computers included the Sun SPARC
(made by TI), the Digital Equipment Alpha, the Motorola
PowerPC and 88000 (as well as the 68010-68040) and the
Intel Pentium, Pentium II, III, and IV.

Lecture #1: Introduction, History of Computing

N. B. Dodge 9/16

The University of Texas at Dallas

Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and

Computer Science

One of the Chips That Started It All

Intel 4004 (introduced November
Clock speed: 108 KHz (yes, thats
right, 108,000 Hz).
~2300 transistors (!).
10 feature size (1 = 106 m).
Used initially in some of the first
small, portable calculators that
were produced.
Also used to provide imbedded
intelligence in some early
computer-controlled devices.
Notice 16 output wires/pads.

Lecture #1: Introduction, History of Computing

N. B. Dodge 9/16

The University of Texas at Dallas

Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and

Computer Science

State of the Art

Intel Core i7 Extreme 6950X*, ~140
Features: Up to 3.0 GHz, 25M Cache,
up to 2133 MHz FSB. (Core i7s can
run up to 3.5 GHz.)
Ten cores, 20 threads.
Currently built with the 14 nanometer
(Broadwell) process (14 nanometers
= 0.014 microns, < 0.3% minimum
feature size of the Intel 4004!).
* Summer, 2016

Lecture #1: Introduction, History of Computing

N. B. Dodge 9/16

The University of Texas at Dallas

Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and

Computer Science

State of the Art

Intel Xeon Phi

72 cores* 1.5 GHz, 260 Watts.

36 MB cache.
14 nm lithography.
Ships 10/16; ~ $ 6500-7000.
Aimed at high performance workstation and scientific
* 76 cores on chip; only use 72 to increase production yield.


Lecture #1: Introduction, History of Computing

N. B. Dodge 9/16

The University of Texas at Dallas

Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and

Computer Science

AMD FX Processors
Eight compute cores
(also offers processors
with 4 CPUs, 8 GPUs).
Up to 5 GHz (probably
with liquid cooling, also
offered), ~125 W.
Lithography not clear,
probably 14 nm.
Said to be aimed at

Lecture #1: Introduction, History of Computing

N. B. Dodge 9/16

The University of Texas at Dallas

Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and

Computer Science

AMD Graphics Cards

AMC Radeon Pro Duo
Memory bandwidth: ~ 1
Up to 8Gbyte memory.
Can drive multiple displays.
Power: ~300 Watts.
Price: ~ $3-4K.
Very competitive with
NVIDIA and similar GPUs.

Lecture #1: Introduction, History of Computing

N. B. Dodge 9/16

The University of Texas at Dallas

Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and

Computer Science

Generation 6 Embedded Processors

Today, computers are not only an invaluable tool for
almost everyone (e.g., the personal computer), they are
also embedded in just about any device and appliance
that one can imagine:
Every mobile telephone has a computer in it.
Many appliances have embedded computers (washers, dryers,
televisions, cable boxes, computer printers, DVD players/
recorders, microwave [and regular] ovens, etc).
We are even beginning to see smart clothing apparel that
has embedded computing as a part of the material.

Lecture #1: Introduction, History of Computing

N. B. Dodge 9/16

The University of Texas at Dallas

Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and

Computer Science

Smart Clothing


An example of embedded processing is

the Adidas 1.
Introduced in 2005, it features active
cushioning. A processor in each shoe
constantly measures sole forces as the
user runs, then activates a motor, which
shortens or lengthens a cable attached to
a cushioning element.
The cushion is compressed or relaxed by
the cable, making it softer or firmer
depending on the need of the runner.
Cost $250 at introduction in 2005,
discontinued in 2006-7. Still available
from some sources for $100-150.
Lecture #1: Introduction, History of Computing

N. B. Dodge 9/16

The University of Texas at Dallas

Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and

Computer Science

Wearable Computing
Today, computing
elements are being
embedded in
From Google Glasses to
smart watches to health
monitors, computers are
making their way into
every aspect of out lives.

Lecture #1: Introduction, History of Computing

N. B. Dodge 9/16

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