(IJCST-V4I5P28) : Thirunavukkarasu K, Dr. Manoj Wadhwa

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International Journal of Computer Science Trends and Technology (IJCST) Volume 4 Issue 5, Sep - Oct 2016



Spatial Data System: Architecture and Applications

Thirunavukkarasu K [1], Dr. Manoj Wadhwa [2]
Department of Computer Science and Engineering [1]
Galgotias University
Echelon Institute of Technology [2]
Database Management System has attained the highest level of changes and evolutuion in different types. Its process became
very complex. It is become very difficult to store large and different types of data. One such data type is "Spatial data" i.e. data
related to space. The System that manages this type of data is Spatial Database management System (SDMS). This paper
discusses the evolution of Spatial Database Management System, its architecture and application in real world.
Keywords:- Spatial data, RDBMS, OODBMS, ORDBMS, GIS, MMIS



There are various areas that require management of

geographic, geometric or spatial data i.e. data related to space.
Spatial data represents multi-dimensional data with points,
surfaces and lines, as a list of numbers using a particular
coordinate system. With the advancement in IT Technology,
Space information Technology has also developed with a wide
application in Geographic Information System, Computer
Aided Designing fields, data warehousing and NASA's earth
observation system. The management system that helps in
attaining this is Spatial Database Management System. Spatial
database management system [1] is one which focuses on
effective and efficient management of data such as space
[2](including points, lines and polygons), parts of living
organisms, engineering designs and a conceptual information
Spatial databases are suitable for answering
transactional queries where there are not a lot of historical
components or aggregation. Spatial database do not use
indexes for looking up values instead it uses spatial indexing
for speeding up database operations[2]. Some commercial
examples of spatial database management system are [1]
Informix's spatial data-blades, Oracle's universal server and
ESSRI's Spatial Data Engine.

processing and packaging of data. It also cannot deal with the

coinciding relationships, aggregation relationships and
relationships between specifics and generals.
2) Spatial database based on Object-oriented spatial
With reference to object-oriented thinking, each surface
features can be abstracted as a class object with public
properties, such as point , line , area and so on. Specific
surface features are an instance of the object. It also has its
own attributes and manages various objects hierarchically. It
is good at describing the complex data types. Its shortcomings
are lack of OODBS standard, development tools and defense
mechanism. Its model is complex.
3) Spatial database based on Object - Relational Spatial
Database (ORDBMS)
ORDBMS has the features inherited from both of SQL of
relation world and object world in essence. It also adds
flexibility in data server. It supports complex "user-defined"
application object and logic. It uses abstract data type which
can hide any complex internal structure and properties to
express spatial object. It also adds that type's operation in
user-defined data types.


The evolution of spatial database has gone
through three stages:
1) Spatial database based on relational model(RDBMS)
The technologies based on relational model for spatial
database are used for commercial GIS software, such as
ARCIINFO of ESRI, MGE of Intergraph etc. Its lacks in

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Spatial databases in ORDBMS must support (at minimum):

Complex (geometry) data types
Spatial data within related tables feature classes, feature
Validation rules - subtypes and domains
Spatial metadata


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International Journal of Computer Science Trends and Technology (IJCST) Volume 4 Issue 5, Sep - Oct 2016

Topologies and methods for analyzing spatial
Geometric networks
Multi-dimensional, hierarchical indexes for searching
spatial data
Storage of both spatial and non-spatial data in the same

Geographic Information System(GIS)[4] is a technology
for visualization and analysis of geographical data. It is the
very basic principle behind the implementation of Spatial
Database Management System. A GIS can be built as the
front-end for any Spatial Database Management System. GIS
applications consists of tools that allow users to create
interactive queries (user-created searches), analysing spatial
information, editing data of maps, and presenting the results
of all these operations. Example of GIS Application are
ArcGIS Online, CartoDB, GoogleMaps, TeraData.

Fig. 1. Evolution of Spatial Database



1) Spatial Measurements
length of lines, area of polygon, the distance between
geometries etc. can be measured easily in spatial

Fig. 2: GIS System


2) Spatial Functions
The architecture of Spatial Database Management System
Modify existing features to create new ones, for example,
layer architecture.
intersecting features, etc.
1) The top layer: The top layer comprises of the Spatial
3) Spatial Predicates:
Data Application through which user communicate directly
Allows true/false queries about spatial relationships with
between geometries.
GIS(Geographic Information System), MMIS(Multimedia
Information System) or CAD(Computer Aided Design). These
4) Geometry Constructors
can be used for capturing, storing, manipulating, analysing,
Helps in creating new geometrics by specifying the managing and presenting all types of spatial or geographical
vertices (points or nodes) which define the shape.
5) Volume
The size of spatial data are larger. It contains
multidimensional data that require more storage space.
Spatial database are more suited for multidimensional

ISSN: 2347-8578

2) The middle layer: The middle layer is the spatial

database where all of the domain knowledge are encapsulated.
The Spatial Data Application Communicates directly with this
layer. This layer interacts directly with both Application layer
and database server. This layer has three parts:


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International Journal of Computer Science Trends and Technology (IJCST) Volume 4 Issue 5, Sep - Oct 2016
A. Interface to Spatial Application

Abstract Data Types: Spatial data types provides

fundamental abstraction for modelling the
geometrical structure of objects in space,
relationships among them, their properties and
their operations. It includes point, line, region,
partitions and graphs (networks).
Data Model: Traditionally we store and present
spatial data in the form of a map. There are three
basic types of spatial data models for storing
geographic data digitally. They are[5]:


Raster Model: Raster data models use gridcell data structures where the geographic area
is divided into cells identified by row and
column. This data structure is commonly
called raster.

Interpretation of Spatial Data: It involves

searching of useful object in the given collection
of pixels data. It is used in Image Analysis and
uses supervised and unsupervised approaches for

Networks: Spatial Networks are the graphs[7] in

which geometric object are connected to each
other by help of edges and vertices.

Data Volume: The growing production of data[8]

everyday has exponentially increased the data
volume which are required to be managed and
processed efficiently.

Visualization: Information visualization [9]

technique is used to present the data in a visual
form allow users to derive insights from the data,
and support user interactions.

b) Vector Model: Vector storage implies the use

of vectors (directional lines) for representing
a geographic feature. Vector data is defined
by the use of sequential points or vertices to
make a linear segment. Every vertex is made
up of an X coordinate and a Y coordinate.

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Image Model: Image data is used for the

representation of graphical or pictorial data.
that differs significantly from raster data.


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Fig. 2 : Three Layer Architecture Of Spatial Database

B. Core
Most of the domain knowledge is encapsulated in core.
The core comprise of following :
Space Taxonomy: It refers to multitude of
description that are available to organise
space[10]. These spaces can be Topological,
Network, Directional, Euclidian.
Spatial Data Types and Operations: Spatial data
types[11] or geometric data types provide an
abstraction by modelling the geometric structure
of objects in space as well as their relationships,
properties, and operations. Spatial Data
Operations allow the storage of input data, their
analysis and obtaining new data as output

ISSN: 2347-8578

information[ 12]. Spatial Operation include

Spatial Fig.3: Three Layer Architecture of SD
Overlay, Spatial Search, Buffer Operation etc.
Spatial Query Language: The spatial query
language[13] has been designed as an extension
of SQL and represent SQL concepts for spatial
object and the integration of spatial operations
and relationships.
Spatial Index: Spatial indexing[14] is an
important mechanism that helps to improve
the spatial database information processing and
information management.

C. Interface to DBMS


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International Journal of Computer Science Trends and Technology (IJCST) Volume 4 Issue 5, Sep - Oct 2016
Interface to DBMS forms the lower layer of Spatial
database and interact with the database. It has
following components:
Index Structure: Traditional Database uses B-tree
for indexing and data storage but for
multidimensional data single indexing is not
suitable. So, R-tree are used for Spatial database
Spatial Join: A Spatial join is a GIS operation that
join data from one feature layers attribute table to
another from a spatial perspective. Spatial joins
works by choosing a target feature and then
comparing it spatially to other feature layers. The
target features will inherit the attributes of other
features if and only if these two features share the
same spatial reference. Spatial join provides a
way so that information of one feature class can
be added to another feature class.
Cost Functions Selectivity Evaluation: For
efficient query optimization[17] it is important to
select highly accurate but efficient cost effective
mechanism for query processing.
Bulk Loading: As massive amount of data are
being saved in the Spatial Database. There
requires a management for smooth and concurrent
loading of data.
3) Bottom Level: This layer contains the Object Relational
Database Server that stores the data. It supports both object
oriented database model and relational database model.
Object-relational DBMS's i capable of dealing with very large
data volumes with great complexity.

1) Urban Planning
Urban planning requires analysis of long historical data
using computer for modelling and simulation. A database
management tool ,GIS, offers forward data mapping functions
that can be used for displaying geographical information and
at backhand data retrieval functions for 'querying' maps. These
front-end and backend operations helps analysts and planners
for better management. These analysis help in transportation
analysis , land use analysis, pollution analysis etc. Analysing
these type types of data we can plan for better use of resources
and services.[18]
2) Military Operations
Spatial data holds crucial importance to the Military
Commander in the battle field as it helps in decision-making

ISSN: 2347-8578

in the planning and development of a states growth. Use of

GIS in the management of military bases facilitates
maintenance of all stores which may be found on the base.
GIS allows military land and facilities managers to reduce
base operation and maintenance costs, improve mission
effectiveness, provide rapid modelling capabilities for
analysing alternative strategies, and improve communication
and to store institutional knowledge.[19]
3) Farming
Geographic Information Systems is helpful in being
able to map and present current and future changes in rainfall,
temperature, crop production and more. By mapping the
geographical and geological features of current (and potential)
farmlands scientists and farmers could work together in
creating more effective and efficient farming techniques; this
would increase production of food in different parts of the
world that are facing problems in producing enough food for
the people around them. GIS helps analysing soil data which
combines with historical farming practices to determine which
crops are best to plant, where they should be planted and how
to maintain the nutrition level of soil to best benefit the
4) Disaster and Emergency
All phases of managing diaster and emergencies
depends on data from various sources. The relevant data has
to be collected, organized and displayed logically to determine
the area (size) and scope of emergency management programs.
By the use of GIS, all departments could share information
through a database on computer-generated map in one
location. Without this capability, emergency workers must
must need to have access to a number of department managers,
its unique maps and its unique data. Most emergencies do not
provide time to gather these resources. This results in
emergency responders having to guess, estimate, or make
decisions without adequate information.[21].
5) Weather Forecasting
GIS is the key component in weather processing
systems which allows instantaneous plotting, interpolation
and animation of weather data across any isobaric level of
the atmosphere. GIS has facilitated the incorporation of
processing systems, upon which the satellite images
and topography can be superimposed; an approach
which greatly aids the skill of the weather forecaster.[22]



In this paper we aimed to provide guidance regarding the

evolution of Spatial Database Management System, its


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International Journal of Computer Science Trends and Technology (IJCST) Volume 4 Issue 5, Sep - Oct 2016
architecture, characteristics and applications. The paper
presents an abstract idea how the data related to space are
stored, managed and implemented. Today in this fast changing
world there is a need to utilize the resources efficiently and
spatial data can help us do it in many ways. The applications
that are mentioned in the paper are its real world
implementation. It has helped in cost reduction and increased
resource utilization.



We would like to take this opportunity to express our
profound gratitude and deep regards to Dr. Manoj Wadhwa,
my guide and mentor for his exemplary guidance and constant
support and supervision throughout the preparation of the
paper. His valuable feedback and suggestions were of
immense help throughout our paper work. His constant
encouragement kept us working to make this project in a
much better way. It was an extremely knowledgeable
experience for us working under him. We would also like to
give our sincere gratitude to all the friends and colleagues who
gave their reviews, without which this research would have
been incomplete.










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