One-Shot Learning With Memory-Augmented Neural Networks

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One-shot Learning with Memory-Augmented Neural Networks

Adam Santoro
Google DeepMind


arXiv:1605.06065v1 [cs.LG] 19 May 2016

Sergey Bartunov
Google DeepMind, National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE)
Matthew Botvinick
Daan Wierstra
Timothy Lillicrap
Google DeepMind




Despite recent breakthroughs in the applications
of deep neural networks, one setting that presents
a persistent challenge is that of one-shot learning. Traditional gradient-based networks require
a lot of data to learn, often through extensive iterative training. When new data is encountered,
the models must inefficiently relearn their parameters to adequately incorporate the new information without catastrophic interference. Architectures with augmented memory capacities, such as
Neural Turing Machines (NTMs), offer the ability to quickly encode and retrieve new information, and hence can potentially obviate the downsides of conventional models. Here, we demonstrate the ability of a memory-augmented neural network to rapidly assimilate new data, and
leverage this data to make accurate predictions
after only a few samples. We also introduce a
new method for accessing an external memory
that focuses on memory content, unlike previous
methods that additionally use memory locationbased focusing mechanisms.

1. Introduction
The current success of deep learning hinges on the ability to apply gradient-based optimization to high-capacity
models. This approach has achieved impressive results on
many large-scale supervised tasks with raw sensory input,
such as image classification (He et al., 2015), speech recognition (Yu & Deng, 2012), and games (Mnih et al., 2015;
Silver et al., 2016). Notably, performance in such tasks is
typically evaluated after extensive, incremental training on
large data sets. In contrast, many problems of interest re-

quire rapid inference from small quantities of data. In the

limit of one-shot learning, single observations should result in abrupt shifts in behavior.
This kind of flexible adaptation is a celebrated aspect of human learning (Jankowski et al., 2011), manifesting in settings ranging from motor control (Braun et al., 2009) to the
acquisition of abstract concepts (Lake et al., 2015). Generating novel behavior based on inference from a few scraps
of information e.g., inferring the full range of applicability for a new word, heard in only one or two contexts is
something that has remained stubbornly beyond the reach
of contemporary machine intelligence. It appears to present
a particularly daunting challenge for deep learning. In situations when only a few training examples are presented
one-by-one, a straightforward gradient-based solution is to
completely re-learn the parameters from the data available
at the moment. Such a strategy is prone to poor learning,
and/or catastrophic interference. In view of these hazards,
non-parametric methods are often considered to be better
However, previous work does suggest one potential strategy for attaining rapid learning from sparse data, and
hinges on the notion of meta-learning (Thrun, 1998; Vilalta & Drissi, 2002). Although the term has been used
in numerous senses (Schmidhuber et al., 1997; Caruana,
1997; Schweighofer & Doya, 2003; Brazdil et al., 2003),
meta-learning generally refers to a scenario in which an
agent learns at two levels, each associated with different
time scales. Rapid learning occurs within a task, for example, when learning to accurately classify within a particular dataset. This learning is guided by knowledge
accrued more gradually across tasks, which captures the
way in which task structure varies across target domains
(Giraud-Carrier et al., 2004; Rendell et al., 1987; Thrun,
1998). Given its two-tiered organization, this form of meta-

One-shot learning with Memory-Augmented Neural Networks

learning is often described as learning to learn.

2. Meta-Learning Task Methodology

It has been proposed that neural networks with memory capacities could prove quite capable of meta-learning
(Hochreiter et al., 2001). These networks shift their bias
through weight updates, but also modulate their output by
learning to rapidly cache representations in memory stores
(Hochreiter & Schmidhuber, 1997). For example, LSTMs
trained to meta-learn can quickly learn never-before-seen
quadratic functions with a low number of data samples
(Hochreiter et al., 2001).

Usually, we try to choose parameters to minimize a learning cost L across some dataset D. However, for metalearning, we choose parameters to reduce the expected
learning cost across a distribution of datasets p(D):

Neural networks with a memory capacity provide a promising approach to meta-learning in deep networks. However,
the specific strategy of using the memory inherent in unstructured recurrent architectures is unlikely to extend to
settings where each new task requires significant amounts
of new information to be rapidly encoded. A scalable solution has a few necessary requirements: First, information
must be stored in memory in a representation that is both
stable (so that it can be reliably accessed when needed) and
element-wise addressable (so that relevant pieces of information can be accessed selectively). Second, the number
of parameters should not be tied to the size of the memory. These two characteristics do not arise naturally within
standard memory architectures, such as LSTMs. However, recent architectures, such as Neural Turing Machines
(NTMs) (Graves et al., 2014) and memory networks (Weston et al., 2014), meet the requisite criteria. And so, in this
paper we revisit the meta-learning problem and setup from
the perspective of a highly capable memory-augmented
neural network (MANN) (note: here on, the term MANN
will refer to the class of external-memory equipped networks, and not other internal memory-based architectures, such as LSTMs).
We demonstrate that MANNs are capable of meta-learning
in tasks that carry significant short- and long-term memory demands. This manifests as successful classification
of never-before-seen Omniglot classes at human-like accuracy after only a few presentations, and principled function
estimation based on a small number of samples. Additionally, we outline a memory access module that emphasizes
memory access by content, and not additionally on memory location, as in original implementations of the NTM
(Graves et al., 2014). Our approach combines the best of
two worlds: the ability to slowly learn an abstract method
for obtaining useful representations of raw data, via gradient descent, and the ability to rapidly bind never-beforeseen information after a single presentation, via an external
memory module. The combination supports robust metalearning, extending the range of problems to which deep
learning can be effectively applied.

= argmin EDp(D) [L(D; )].


To accomplish this, proper task setup is critical (Hochreiter et al., 2001). In our setup, a task, or episode, involves the presentation of some dataset D = {dt }Tt=1 =
{(xt , yt )}Tt=1 . For classification, yt is the class label for
an image xt , and for regression, yt is the value of a hidden function for a vector with real-valued elements xt , or
simply a real-valued number xt (here on, for consistency,
xt will be used). In this setup, yt is both a target, and
is presented as input along with xt , in a temporally offset manner; that is, the network sees the input sequence
(x1 , null), (x2 , y1 ), . . . , (xT , yT 1 ). And so, at time t the
correct label for the previous data sample (yt1 ) is provided as input along with a new query xt (see Figure 1 (a)).
The network is tasked to output the appropriate label for
xt (i.e., yt ) at the given timestep. Importantly, labels are
shuffled from dataset-to-dataset. This prevents the network
from slowly learning sample-class bindings in its weights.
Instead, it must learn to hold data samples in memory until the appropriate labels are presented at the next timestep, after which sample-class information can be bound
and stored for later use (see Figure 1 (b)). Thus, for a given
episode, ideal performance involves a random guess for the
first presentation of a class (since the appropriate label can
not be inferred from previous episodes, due to label shuffling), and the use of memory to achieve perfect accuracy
thereafter. Ultimately, the system aims at modelling the
predictive distribution p(yt |xt , D1:t1 ; ), inducing a corresponding loss at each time step.
This task structure incorporates exploitable metaknowledge: a model that meta-learns would learn to bind
data representations to their appropriate labels regardless
of the actual content of the data representation or label,
and would employ a general scheme to map these bound
representations to appropriate classes or function values
for prediction.

3. Memory-Augmented Model
3.1. Neural Turing Machines
The Neural Turing Machine is a fully differentiable implementation of a MANN. It consists of a controller, such as
a feed-forward network or LSTM, which interacts with an
external memory module using a number of read and write
heads (Graves et al., 2014). Memory encoding and retrieval
in a NTM external memory module is rapid, with vector

One-shot learning with Memory-Augmented Neural Networks

(a) Task setup

(b) Network strategy

Figure 1. Task structure. (a) Omniglot images (or x-values for regression), xt , are presented with time-offset labels (or function values),
yt1 , to prevent the network from simply mapping the class labels to the output. From episode to episode, the classes to be presented
in the episode, their associated labels, and the specific samples are all shuffled. (b) A successful strategy would involve the use of an
external memory to store bound sample representation-class label information, which can then be retrieved at a later point for successful
classification when a sample from an already-seen class is presented. Specifically, sample data xt from a particular time step should be
bound to the appropriate class label yt , which is presented in the subsequent time step. Later, when a sample from this same class is
seen, it should retrieve this bound information from the external memory to make a prediction. Backpropagated error signals from this
prediction step will then shape the weight updates from the earlier steps in order to promote this binding strategy.

representations being placed into or taken out of memory

potentially every time-step. This ability makes the NTM
a perfect candidate for meta-learning and low-shot prediction, as it is capable of both long-term storage via slow updates of its weights, and short-term storage via its external memory module. Thus, if a NTM can learn a general
strategy for the types of representations it should place into
memory and how it should later use these representations
for predictions, then it may be able use its speed to make
accurate predictions of data that it has only seen once.
The controllers employed in our model are are either
LSTMs, or feed-forward networks. The controller interacts with an external memory module using read and write
heads, which act to retrieve representations from memory
or place them into memory, respectively. Given some input, xt , the controller produces a key, kt , which is then
either stored in a row of a memory matrix Mt , or used to
retrieve a particular memory, i, from a row; i.e., Mt (i).
When retrieving a memory, Mt is addressed using the cosine similarity measure,

K kt , Mt (i) =

kt Mt (i)
k kt kk Mt (i) k


which is used to produce a read-weight vector, wtr , with

elements computed according to a softmax:

exp K kt , Mt (i)
wt (i) P
j exp K kt , Mt (j)
A memory, rt , is retrieved using this weight vector:
wtr (i)Mt (i).


This memory is used by the controller as the input to a classifier, such as a softmax output layer, and as an additional
input for the next controller state.
3.2. Least Recently Used Access
In previous instantiations of the NTM (Graves et al., 2014),
memories were addressed by both content and location.
Location-based addressing was used to promote iterative
steps, akin to running along a tape, as well as long-distance
jumps across memory. This method was advantageous for
sequence-based prediction tasks. However, this type of access is not optimal for tasks that emphasize a conjunctive
coding of information independent of sequence. As such,
writing to memory in our model involves the use of a newly
designed access module called the Least Recently Used
Access (LRUA) module.
The LRUA module is a pure content-based memory writer
that writes memories to either the least used memory location or the most recently used memory location. This
module emphasizes accurate encoding of relevant (i.e., recent) information, and pure content-based retrieval. New
information is written into rarely-used locations, preserving recently encoded information, or it is written to the
last used location, which can function as an update of the
memory with newer, possibly more relevant information.
The distinction between these two options is accomplished
with an interpolation between the previous read weights
and weights scaled according to usage weights wtu . These
usage weights are updated at each time-step by decaying
the previous usage weights and adding the current read and

One-shot learning with Memory-Augmented Neural Networks

write weights:



wtw .


Here, is a decay parameter and wtr is computed as in (3).

The least-used weights, wtlu , for a given time-step can then
be computed using wtu . First, we introduce the notation
m(v, n) to denote the nth smallest element of the vector v.
Elements of wtlu are set accordingly:

0 if wtu (i) > m(wtu , n)
wt (i) =
1 if wtu (i) m(wtu , n)
where n is set to equal the number of reads to memory.
To obtain the write weights wtw , a learnable sigmoid gate
parameter is used to compute a convex combination of the
previous read weights and previous least-used weights:
wtw ()wt1
+ (1 ())wt1


Here, () is a sigmoid function, 1+e1x , and is a scalar

gate parameter to interpolate between the weights. Prior
to writing to memory, the least used memory location is
computed from wt1
and is set to zero. Writing to memory then occurs in accordance with the computed vector of
write weights:
Mt (i) Mt1 (i) + wtw (i)kt , i


Thus, memories can be written into the zeroed memory slot

or the previously used slot; if it is the latter, then the least
used memories simply get erased.

4. Experimental Results
4.1. Data
Two sources of data were used: Omniglot, for classification, and sampled functions from a Gaussian process (GP)
with fixed hyperparameters, for regression. The Omniglot
dataset consists of over 1600 separate classes with only a
few examples per class, aptly lending to it being called the
transpose of MNIST (Lake et al., 2015). To reduce the
risk of overfitting, we performed data augmentation by randomly translating and rotating character images. We also
created new classes through 90 , 180 and 270 rotations
of existing data. The training of all models was performed
on the data of 1200 original classes (plus augmentations),
with the rest of the 423 classes (plus augmentations) being
used for test experiments. In order to reduce the computational time of our experiments we downscaled the images
to 20 20.
4.2. Omniglot Classification
We performed a number of iterations of the basic task described in Section 2. First, our MANN was trained using

one-hot vector representations as class labels (Figure 2).

After training on 100,000 episodes with five randomly chosen classes with randomly chosen labels, the network was
given a series of test episodes. In these episodes, no further
learning occurred, and the network was to predict the class
labels for never-before-seen classes pulled from a disjoint
test set from within Omniglot. The network exhibited high
classification accuracy on just the second presentation of a
sample from a class within an episode (82.8%), reaching up
to 94.9% accuracy by the fifth instance and 98.1% accuracy
by the tenth.
For classification using one-hot vector representations, one
relevant baseline is human performance. Participants were
first given instructions detailing the task: an image would
appear, and they must choose an appropriate digit label
from the integers 1 through 5. Next, the image was presented and they were to make an un-timed prediction as
to its class label. The image then disappeared, and they
were given visual feedback as to their correctness, along
with the correct label. The correct label was presented regardless of the accuracy of their prediction, allowing them
to further reinforce correct decisions. After a short delay
of two seconds, a new image appeared and they repeated
the prediction process. The participants were not permitted
to view previous images, or to use a scratch pad for externalization of memory. Performance of the MANN surpassed that of a human on each instance. Interestingly, the
MANN displayed better than random guessing on the first
instance within a class. Seemingly, it employed a strategy
of educated guessing; if a particular sample produced a key
that was a poor match to any of the bindings stored in external memory, then the network was less likely to choose
the class labels associated with these stored bindings, and
hence increased its probability of correctly guessing this
new class on the first instance. A similar strategy was reported qualitatively by the human participants. We were
unable to accumulate an appreciable amount of data from
participants on the fifteen class case, as it proved much too
difficult and highly demotivating. For all intents and purposes, as the number of classes scale to fifteen and beyond,
this type of binding surpasses human working memory capacity, which is limited to storing only a handful of arbitrary bindings (Cowan, 2010).
Since learning the weights of a classifier using large onehot vectors becomes increasingly difficult with scale, a different approach for labeling classes was employed so that
the number of classes presented in a given episode could be
arbitrarily increased. These new labels consisted of strings
of five characters, with each character assuming one of five
possible values. Characters for each label were uniformly
sampled from the set {a, b, c, d, e}, producing random strings such as ecdba. Strings were represented as
concatenated one-hot vectors, and hence were of length 25

One-shot learning with Memory-Augmented Neural Networks

(a) LSTM, five random classes/episode, one-hot vector labels

(b) MANN, five random classes/episode, one-hot vector labels

(c) LSTM, fifteen classes/episode, five-character string labels

(d) MANN, fifteen classes/episode, five-character string labels

Figure 2. Omniglot classification. The network was given either five (a-b) or up to fifteen (c-d) random classes per episode, which were
of length 50 or 100 respectively. Labels were one-hot vectors in (a-b), and five-character strings in (c-d). In (b), first instance accuracy is
above chance, indicating that the MANN is performing educated guesses for new classes based on the classes it has already seen and
stored in memory. In (c-d), first instance accuracy is poor, as is expected, since it must make a guess from 3125 random strings. Second
instance accuracy, however, approaches 80% during training for the MANN (d). At the 100,000 episode mark the network was tested,
without further learning, on distinct classes withheld from the training set, and exhibited comparable performance.

Table 1. Test-set classification accuracies for humans compared to

machine algorithms trained on the Omniglot dataset, using onehot encodings of labels and five classes presented per episode.


1 ST

2 ND
3 RD
4 TH
5 TH

10 TH








with five elements assuming a value of 1, and the rest 0.

This combinatorial approach allows for 3125 possible labels, which is nearly twice the number of classes in the
dataset. Therefore, the probability that a given class assumed the same label in any two episodes throughout training was greatly reduced. This also meant, however, that the
guessing strategy exhibited by the network for the first instance of a particular class within an episode would prob-

ably be abolished. Nonetheless, this method allowed for

episodes containing a large number of unique classes.
To confirm that the network was able to learn using these
class representations, the previously described experiment
was repeated (See Table 2). Notably, a MANN with a standard NTM access module was unable to reach comparable
performance to a MANN with LRU Access. Given this
success, the experiment was scaled to up to fifteen unique
classes presented in episodes of length 100, with the network exhibiting similar performance.
We considered a set of baselines, such as a feed-forward
RNN, LSTM, and a nonparametric nearest neighbours classifier that used either raw-pixel input or features extracted
by an autoencoder. The autoencoder consisted of an encoder and decoder each with two 200-unit layers with leaky
ReLU activations, and an output bottleneck layer of 32
units. The resultant architecture contained significantly
more parameters than the MANN and, additionally, was

One-shot learning with Memory-Augmented Neural Networks

allowed to train on three times as much augmented data.

The highest accuracies from our experiments are reported,
which were achieved using a single nearest neighbour for
prediction and features from the output bottleneck layer of
the autoencoder. Importantly, the nearest neighbour classifier had an unlimited amount of memory, and could automatically store and retrieve all previously seen examples.
This provided the kNN with an distinct advantage, even
when raw pixels were used as input representations. Although using rich features extracted by the autoencoder further improved performance, the kNN baseline was clearly
outperformed by the MANN.

(a) Five classes per episode


A good strategy to employ in this classification task, and
the strategy that was artificially imposed thus-far, is to wipe
the external memory from episode to episode. Since each
episode contains unique classes, with unique labels, any information persisting in memory across episodes inevitably
acts as interference for the episode at hand. To test the
effects of memory interference, we performed the classification task without wiping the external memory between
This task proved predictably difficult, and the network
was less robust in its ability to achieve accurate classification (Figure 3). For example, in the case of learning one-hot vector labels in an episode that contained five
unique classes, learning progressed much slower than in
the memory-wipe condition, and did not produce the characteristic fast spike in accuracy seen in the memory-wipe
condition (Figure 2). Interestingly, there were conditions
in which learning was not compromised appreciably. In
the case of learning ten unique classes in episodes of length
75, for example, classification accuracy reached comparable levels. Exploring the requirements for robust performance is a topic of future work.
Given the successful one-shot classification in episodes
with fifteen classes, we employed a curriculum training
regime to further scale the classification capabilities of the
model. The network was first tasked to classify fifteen
classes per episode, and every 10,000 episodes of training thereafter, the maximum number of classes presented
per episode incremented by one (Figure 4). The network
maintained a high level of accuracy even as the number
of classes incremented higher throughout training. After
training, at the 100,000 episode mark, the network was
tested on episodes with 50 classes. Similar tests continued, increasing the maximum number of classes to 100.
The network generally exhibited gradually decaying performance as the number of classes increased towards 100.

(b) Ten classes per episode

Figure 3. Persistent memory. To test the effects of interference,
we did not wipe the external memory store from episode-toepisode. The network indeed struggled in this task (a), but
nonetheless was able to perform comparably under certain setups,
such as when episodes included ten classes and were of length 75

The training limit of the network seemed to have not been

reached, as its performance continued to rise throughout up
until the 100,000 episode mark. Assessing the maximum
capacity of the network offers an interesting opportunity
for future work.
4.3. Regression
Since our MANN architecture generated a broad strategy
for meta-learning, we reasoned that it would be able to
adequately perform regression tasks on never-before-seen
functions. To test this, we generated functions using from
a GP prior with a fixed set of hyper-parameters and trained
our network using unique functions in each episode. Each
episode involved the presentation of x-values (either 1, 2,
or 3-dimensional) along with time-offset function values
(i.e., f (xt1 )). A successful strategy involves the binding
of x-values with the appropriate function values and storage of these bindings in the external memory. Since individual x-values were only presented once per episode, successful function prediction involved an accurate content-

One-shot learning with Memory-Augmented Neural Networks

(a) MANN predictions along all x-inputs after 20 samples

(a) One additional class per 10,000 episodes

Figure 4. Curriculum classification. The network started with
episodes that included up to 15 unique classes, and every 10,000
episodes this maximum was raised by one. Episode lengths were
scaled to a value ten times the max number of classes. At the
100,000 episode mark (when the number of classes reached 25)
the network was tested on episodes with up to 50 unique classes,
which incremented to 100 in steps of five.

(b) GP predictions along all x-inputs after 20 samples

Figure 5. Regression. The network received data samples that
were x-values for a function sampled from a GP with fixed hyperparameters, and the labels were the associated function values.
(a) shows the MANNs predictions for all x-values after observing 20 samples, and (b) shows the same for a GP with access to
the same hyper-parameters used to generate the function.

5. Discussion & Future Work

based look-up of proximal information in memory. Thus,
unlike in the image-classification scenario, this task demands a broader read from memory: the network must
learn to interpolate from previously seen points, which
most likely involves a strategy to have a more blended readout from memory. Such an interpolation strategy in the image classification scenario is less obvious, and probably not
Network performance was compared to true GP predictions
of samples presented in the same order as was seen by the
network. Importantly, a GP is able to perform complex
queries over all data points (such as covariance matrix inversion) in one step. In contrast, a MANN can only make
local updates to its memory, and hence can only approximate such functionality. In our experiments, the GP was
initiated with the correct hyper-parameters for the sampled
function, giving it an advantage in function prediction. As
seen in Figure 5, the MANN predictions track the underlying function, with its output variance increasing as it predicts function values that are distance from the values it has
already received.
These results were extended to 2-dimensional and 3dimensional cases (Fig 6), with the GP again having access to the correct hyper-parameters for the sampled functions. In both the 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional cases,
the log-likelihood predictions of the MANN tracks appreciably well versus the GP, with predictions becoming more
accurate as samples are stored in the memory.

Many important learning problems demand an ability to

draw valid inferences from small amounts of data, rapidly
and knowledgeably adjusting to new information. Such
problems pose a particular challenge for deep learning,
which typically relies on slow, incremental parameter
changes. We investigated an approach to this problem
based on the idea of meta-learning. Here, gradual, incremental learning encodes background knowledge that spans
tasks, while a more flexible memory resource binds information particular to newly encountered tasks. Our central
contribution is to demonstrate the special utility of a particular class of MANNs for meta-learning. These are deeplearning architectures containing a dedicated, addressable
memory resource that is structurally independent from the
mechanisms that implement process control. The MANN
examined here was found to display performance superior
to a LSTM in two meta-learning tasks, performing well in
classification and regression tasks when only sparse training data was available.
A critical aspect of the tasks studied is that they cannot
be performed based solely on rote memory. New information must be flexibly stored and accessed, with correct
performance demanding more than just accurate retrieval.
Specifically, it requires that inferences be drawn from new
data based on longer-term experience, a faculty sometimes
referred as inductive transfer. MANNs are well-suited to
meet these dual challenges, given their combination of flexible memory storage with the rich capacity of deep archi-

One-shot learning with Memory-Augmented Neural Networks

Table 2. Test-set classification accuracies for various architectures on the Omniglot dataset after 100000 episodes of training, using fivecharacter-long strings as labels. See the supplemental information for an explanation of 1st instance accuracies for the kNN classifier.
3 RD
4 TH
5 TH




1 ST

2 ND




















10 TH

tectures for representation learning.

Meta-learning is recognized as a core ingredient of human intelligence, and an essential test domain for evaluating models of human cognition. Given recent successes in
modeling human skills with deep networks, it seems worthwhile to ask whether MANNs embody a promising hypothesis concerning the mechanisms underlying human metalearning. In informal comparisons against human subjects,
the MANN employed in this paper displayed superior performance, even at set-sizes that would not be expected to
overtax human working memory capacity. However, when
memory is not cleared between tasks, the MANN suffers
from proactive interference, as seen in many studies of human memory and inference (Underwood, 1957). These
preliminary observations suggest that MANNs may provide a useful heuristic model for further investigation into
the computational basis of human meta-learning.
The work we presented leaves several clear openings for
next-stage development. First, our experiments employed
a new procedure for writing to memory that was prima facie well suited to the tasks studied. It would be interesting
to consider whether meta-learning can itself discover optimal memory-addressing procedures. Second, although we
tested MANNs in settings where task parameters changed
across episodes, the tasks studied contained a high degree
of shared high-level structure. Training on a wider range
of tasks would seem likely to reintroduce standard challenges associated with continual learning, including the
risk of catastrophic interference. Finally, it may be of interest to examine MANN performance in meta-learning tasks
requiring active learning, where observations must be actively selected.

(a) 2D regression log-likelihoods within an episode

(b) 3D regression log-likelihoods within an episode

Figure 6. Multi-Dimensional Regression. (a) shows the negative
log likelihoods for 2D samples within a single episode, averaged
across 100 episodes, while (b) shows the same for 3D samples.

One-shot learning with Memory-Augmented Neural Networks

6. Acknowledgements
The authors would like to thank Ivo Danihelka and Greg
Wayne for helpful discussions and prior work on the NTM
and LRU Access architectures, as well as Yori Zwols,
and many others at Google DeepMind for reviewing the

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One-shot learning with Memory-Augmented Neural Networks

Supplementary Information

addressing using a cosine distance measure, as described in

the main text, and is repeated below for self completion.

6.1. Additional model details

Our model is a variant of a Neural Turing Machine (NTM)
from Graves et al. It consists of a number of differentiable
components: a controller, read and write heads, an external
memory, and an output distribution. The controller receives
input data (see section 7) directly, and also provides an input to the output distribution. Each of these components
will be addressed in turn.

The network has an external memory module, Mt , that is

both read from and written to. The rows of Mt serve as
memory slots, with the row vectors themselves constituting individual memories. For reading, the controller cell
state serves as a query for Mt . First, a cosine distance measure is computed for the query key vector (here notated as
kt ) and each individual row in memory:

K kt , Mt (i) =

kt Mt (i)
k kt kk Mt (i) k


Next, these similarity measures are used to produce a readweight vector wtr , with elements computed according to a

exp K kt , Mt (i)
wt (i) P
j exp K kt , Mt (j)
A memory, rt , is then retrieved using these read-weights:
wtr (i)Mt (i).

Figure 7. MANN Architecture.

The controllers in our experiments are feed-forward networks or Long Short-Term Memories (LSTMs). For the
best performing networks, the controller is a LSTM with
200 hidden units. The controller receives some concatenated input (xt , yt1 ) (see section 7 for details) and updates its state according to:
f , g
i , g
o , u
= Wxh (xt , yt1 ) + Whh ht1 + bh , (9)
gf = (
gf ),


g = (
g ),


go = (
go ),


u = tanh(


ct = g ct1 + g u,


ht = g tanh(ct ),


ot = (ht , rt )


where g
f , g
o , and g
i are the forget gates, output gates,
and input gates, respectively, bh are the hidden state biases, ct is the cell state, ht is the hidden state, rt is the vector read from memory, ot is the concatenated output of the
controller, represents element-wise multiplication, and
(, ) represents vector concatenation. Wxh are the weights
from the input (xt , yt1 ) to the hidden state, and Whh
are the weights between hidden states connected through
time. The read vector rt is computed using content-based

Finally, rt is concatenated with the controller hidden state,

ht , to produce the networks output ot (see equation (16)).
The number of reads from memory is a free parameter,
and both one and four reads were experimented with. Four
reads was ultimately chosen for the reported experimental
results. Multiple reads is implemented as additional concatenation to the output vector, rather than any sort of combination or interpolation.
To write to memory, we implemented a new content-based
access module called Least Recently Used Access (LRUA).
LRUA writes to either the most recently read location, or
the least recently used location, so as to preserve recent,
and hence potentially useful memories, or to update recently encoded information. Usage weights wtu are computed each time-step to keep track of the locations most
recently read or written to:
wtu wt1
+ wtr + wtw ,


where is a decay parameter. The least-used weights, wtlu ,

for a given time-step can then be computed using wtu . First,
we introduce the notation m(v, n) to denote the nth smallest element of the vector v. Elements of wtlu are set accordingly:

0 if wtu (i) > m(wtu , n)
wt (i) =
1 if wtu (i) m(wtu , n)
where n is set to equal the number of reads to memory.

One-shot learning with Memory-Augmented Neural Networks

To obtain the write weights wtw , a learnable sigmoid gate

parameter is used to compute a convex combination of the
previous read weights and previous least-used weights:
wtw ()wt1
+ (1 ())wt1


For string label classification, the loss is similar:

where is a dynamic scalar gate parameter to interpolate

between the weights. Prior to writing to memory, the least
used memory location is computed from wt1
and is set to
zero. Writing to memory then occurs in accordance with
the computed vector of write weights:
Mt (i) Mt1 (i) + wtw (i)kt , i


6.2. Output distribution

The controllers output, ot , is propagated to an output distribution. For classification tasks using one-hot labels, the
controller output is first passed through a linear layer with
an output size equal to the number of classes to be classified per episode. This linear layer output is then passed as
input to the output distribution. For one-hot classification,
the output distribution is a categorical distribution, implemented as a softmax function. The categorical distribution
produces a vector of class probabilities, pt , with elements:
exp(Wop (i)ot )
pt (i) = P
j exp(W (j)ot )


where Wop are the weights from the controller output to

the linear layer output.
For classification using string labels, the linear output size
is kept at 25. This allows for the output to be split into
five equal parts each of size five. Each of these parts is
then sent to an independent categorical distribution that
computes probabilities across its five inputs. Thus, each
of these categorical distributions independently predicts a
letter, and these letters are then concatenated to produce
the five-character-long string label that serves as the networks class prediction (see figure 8).
A similar implementation is used for regression tasks. The
linear output from the controller outputs two values: and
, which are passed to a Gaussian distribution sampler as
predicted mean and variance values. The Gaussian sampling distribution then computes probabilities for the target
value yt using these values.
6.3. Learning
For one-hot label classification, given the probabilities output by the network, pt , the network minimizes the episode
loss of the input sequence:
L() =
ytT log pt ,

where yt is the target one-hot or string label at time t (note:

for a given one-hot class-label vector yt , only one element
assumes the value 1, and for a string-label vector, five elements assume the value 1, one per five-element chunk).

L() =


ytT (c) log pt (c).


Here, the (c) indexes a five-element long chunk of the

vector label, of which there are a total of five.
For regression, the networks output distribution is a Gaussian, and as such receives two-values from the controller
outputs linear layer at each time-step: predictive and
values, which parameterize the output distribution. Thus,
the network minimizes the negative log-probabilities as determined by the Gaussian output distribution given these
parameters and the true target yt .

7. Classification input data

Input sequences consist of flattened, pixel-level representations of images xt and time-offset labels yt1 (see figure
8 for an example sequence of images and class identities
for an episode of length 50, with five unique classes). First,
N unique classes are sampled from the Omniglot dataset,
where N is the maximum number of unique classes per
episode. N assumes a value of either 5, 10, or 15, which
is indicated in the experiment description or table of results
in the main text. Samples from the Omniglot source set
are pulled, and are kept if they are members of the set of n
unique classes for that given episode, and discarded otherwise. 10N samples are kept, and constitute the image data
for the episode. And so, in this setup, the number of samples per unique class are not necessarily equal, and some
classes may not have any representative samples. Omniglot
images are augmented by applying a random rotation uni

formly sampled between 16

and 16
, and by applying a
random translation in the x- and y- dimensions uniformly
sampled between -10 and 10 pixels. The images are then
downscaled to 20x20. A larger class-dependent rotation is
then applied, wherein each sample from a particular class is
rotated by either 0, 2 , , or 3
2 (note: this class-specific rotation is randomized each episode, so a given class may experience different rotations from episode-to-episode). The
image is then flattened into a vector, concatenated with a
randomly chosen, episode-specific label, and fed as input
to the network controller.
Class labels are randomly chosen for each class from
episode-to-episode. For one-hot label experiments, labels
are of size N , where N is the maximum number of unique
classes that can appear in a given episode.

One-shot learning with Memory-Augmented Neural Networks

for a LSTM), learning rate (1e4 ), and number of reads

from memory (4). Other free parameters were left constant: usage decay of the write weights (0.99), minibatch
size (16),
(a) String label encoded as five-hot vector

9.1. Comparisons and controls evaluation metrics

For the human comparison task, participants perform the
exact same experiment as the network: they observe sequences of images and time-offset labels (sequence length
= 50, number of unique classes = 5), and are challenged
to predict the class identity for the current input image by
inputting a single digit on a keypad. However, participants view class labels the integers 1 through 5, rather than
one-hot vectors or strings. There is no time limit for their
choice. Participants are made aware of the goals of the task
prior to starting, and they perform a single, non-scored trial
run prior to their scored trials. Nine participants each performed two scored trials.
9.1.2. K NN
(b) Input Sequence
Figure 8. Example string label and input sequence.

8. Task
Either 5, 10, or 15 unique classes are chosen per episode.
Episode lengths are ten times the number of unique classes
(i.e., 50, 100, or 150 respectively), unless explicitly mentioned otherwise. Training occurs for 100 000 episodes.
At the 100 000 episode mark, the task continues; however,
data are pulled from a disjoint test set (i.e., samples from
classes 1201-1623 in the omniglot dataset), and weight updates are ceased. This is deemed the test phase.
For curriculum training, the maximum number of unique
classes per episode increments by 1 every 10 000 training
episodes. Accordingly, the episode length increases to 10
times this new maximum.

9. Parameters
Rmsprop was used with a learning rate of 1e4 and max
learning rate of 5e1 , decay of 0.95 and momentum 0.9.
A grid search was performed over number of parameters,
with the values used shown in parentheses: memory slots
(128), memory size (40), controller size (200 hidden units

When no data is available (i.e., at the start of training), the

kNN classifier randomly returns a single class as its prediction. So, for the first data point, the probability that the
prediction is correct is N1 where N is number of unique
classes in a given episode. Thereafter, it predicts a class
from classes that it has observed. So, all instances of samples that are not members of the first observed class cannot
be correctly classified until at least one instance is passed
to the classifier. Since statistics are averaged across classes,
first instance accuracy becomes N1 ( N1 + 0) = N12 , which is
4% and 0.4% for 5 and 15 classes per episode, respectively.

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