Applications of Terrestrial Laser Scanning For Tunnels - A Review PDF
Applications of Terrestrial Laser Scanning For Tunnels - A Review PDF
Applications of Terrestrial Laser Scanning For Tunnels - A Review PDF
1 5 325-337
Weixing Wang 12* Weisen Zhao 2 Lingxiao Huang 2 Vivian Vimarlund3 Zhiw ei Wang 2
Abstract In recent yearsthe use of terrestrial laser scanning TLS technique in engineering surveys
is gaining an increasing interest due to the advantages of non-contactrapidityhigh accuracyand
large scale M illions of accurate 3D points mm level accuracy can be delivered by this technique
w ith a high point density in a short time up to 1 million points per second w hich makes it a potential technique for large scale applications in engineering environments such as tunnelsbridgesand
heritage buildings Tunnelsin particular those w ith long lengthscreate great challenges for surveyors
to obtain the satisfactory scanned data This paper presents a short history of TLS techniques used for
tunnels A general overview of TLS techniques is givenfollow ed by a review of several applications
of TLS for tunnels These applications are classified as detecting geological features of drilling tunnelsmonitoring the geometry of tunnels during excavationmaking deformation measurementsand
extracting features The review emphasizes how TLS techniques can be used to measure various aspects
of tunnels It is clear that TLS techniques are not yet a common tool for tunnel investigationsbut there
is still a huge potential to excavate
Key words terrestrial laser scanning tunnel deformation measurement cross-section extraction
measurement planning
1 Introduction
In recent yearsthe use of terrestrial laser scanning
technique in engineering surveys is gaining an increasing interest due to the advantages of non-contactrapidityhigh accuracy and large scale This technique
delivers millions of accurate 3D points mm level ac*
difficult or impossible to use
The digital photogrammetry is inapplicable under
some extreme conditionssuch as the drilling tunnels
but the laser scanning is applicable in these complex
situations The measurement w ith a total station is also an optionbut the advantage of the laser scanning
is obvious instead of focusing on the rather limited
number of specified pointsthe laser scanning delivers
millions of 3D points in a complete monitored tunnel
ecentlythe improvements of this technique regarding the speed accuracy softw are algorithms
and the fall in price have introduced a high potential
of large scale applications in highly demanding engineering environments such as tunnelsbridgesand
heritage buildings Tunnelsin particular those w ith
long lengthscreate great challenges for surveyors due
to difficulty to obtain the satisfactory geometry of the
scanned data
The high resolution point clouds provided by laser
scanning techniques have several applications in construction of tunnels Decker and Dove 2008 Fekete
et al 2010 Fekete and Diederichs 2013 oca-Pardias
et al 2014 such as construction survey of tunnels
Kong and Ou 2013 extraction of cross-section
Han et al 2013 or feature line Yoon et al 2009
of tunnelsand deformation measurement of tunnels
Gordon and Lichti 2007 Han et al 2013b
Weixing Wang et al
Fig 1
Fig 2
Scanner type
Lecia HDS6100
Scan method
1-300 m
1-79 m
6 mm /50 m
3 mm /50 m
Weixing Wang et al
Fig 3
The study show ed that the laser scanning is a promising technique w ith a great potential to be used for
the collection of data required for the excavation of
tunnels The use of laser scanners allow s for effective
management of time and access constraints encountered typically during rock engineering projects since
it quickly provides a realistic and permanent representation of excavation surfaces M oreoverit requires
only a reduced number of physical targets to be installed for data referencing purposes Henceit is particularly w ell adapted to the study of inaccessible and
unstable surfaces as mappingw hich can be carried
out at any time from a safe location regardless of
lighting conditions
In 2009Fekete et al used laser scanning techniques in some projects of drill and blast tunnels in
Oslo Fekete et al obtained detailed rockmass and
excavation information w ithout costly delay or disruption of the construction w orkflow With the data they
did some useful operational applications support
evaluationscaling assessmentpotential leakage mappinganalysis of structurally controlled overbreak
structural discontinuity evaluationdiscontinuity spacing and 3D modelssurface characterizationidentification of discreteand textural geological features
Fig 4
are planned to overlap In this regardthe points lying w ithin the overlapped area are used to stitch the
individual scan areas together to form a continuous 3D
scan image
When the scan locations are statedsome special
targets are placed in the overlap area The coordinates
of these targets are know n in the coordinate system
w ith w hich the point clouds can be transformed to the
absolute position With the point clouds dataGikas
presented three example applications in the geometric
documentations of tunnels the tunnel surface documentations including the information at the excavation
facecross-section and volume calculations during
support measure operationsand a geometric documentation of the metal arch formw ork
In these studiesthe potential and applications of
the laser scanning technology for collecting high-fidelity data to support tunnel construction activities have
been thoroughly examined The capability of the laser
scanning to provide a precise and accurate 3D mapping of the excavation site enables the construction to
be more transparentfasterand more reliable compared to the data obtained from traditional surveying
approaches Alsothis capability benefits the tunnel
engineers for the better understanding and controlling
the various issues geologicalstructuraletc arising during construction
4 Applications of laser scanning in as-built tunnels
The surveying and mapping of tunnels are crucial for
the optimal use after construction and in routine inspections M ost of these applications focus on the geometric information of the tunnels extracted from the
laser scanning data Tw o kinds of applications are
w idely discussed deformation measurement and feature extraction Several representative applications are
show n below
4.1 Deformation measurement
The traditional deformation measurement in an underground environment is performed w ith a series of permanent control points installed around the profile of
an excavationw hich is unsuitable for a global consideration of the investigated area Nuttens et al
Weixing Wang et al
Fig 5
Deformation detection
Fig 6
Cylindrical coordinate
= x + y
= arctan y / x
z = z
In this w aythe all deformations occur along the
range coordinate Secondthe value of at location
z is obtained by averaging all observations w ithin a grid cell
z 0 zz 0 + z 0 0 +
Thirdthe difference of the range coordinate betw een tw o epochs in the same grid point is determined At lastthe deformation points are tested by a
stability test to remove the measurement noise
Lindenbergh et al 2009 made an attempt at the
accuracy and precision in a millimeter level in quantifying deformation This w ork presented tw o major
steps tow ards obtaining sub-noise level accuracy in
surveying applications using the terrestrial laser scan
data The first step aimed at obtaining a point cloud
of the optimal quality for each measurement epoch
The second step consists of an adjustment and a testing procedure that identifies deformation by gaining
an k k1'
a2 + b 2 + c 2
bn k k1'
yk' = yk 2
a + b2 + c2
cn k k1'
z k' = z k 2
a + b2 + c2
The vector n stands for the face normal of the plane
formed by the three points k1' k2' k3' The parameters a
band c are the orthogonal coordinates of the vector n
n = abc = k2' k1' k3' k1' 7
xk' = xk
Fig 7
xk 2 + yk' yk 2 + z k' z k 2 8
A real case analysis using this approach was performed in a highway tunnel in Taiwan This fast and
automatic approach was easy to implement with fewer
analysis steps and less quality loss compared with the
earlier approaches Furthermorethis approach is a
surface-based analysis that determines both the magnitude and distribution of the deformation signalswhich
enables a comprehensive evaluation of tunnel dynamics
The laser scanning technique has a great potential in
deformation measurement of tunnelsbut the computational burden of analyzing millions or billions of 3D
points costs more time than the other measurement
steps This problem can be overcome w ith the rapid
development of computer technology and the improvement of algorithms
4.2 Feature extraction
It is necessary to extract some features of a tunnel for
the acceptance inspection and the tunnel mapping
such as the cross-section Delaloye et al 2014 the
Weixing Wang et al
the extraction of the tunnel profile cross-sectionsurface form and column eccentricity Comparing these
three features w ith the ideal design planthe profile
tolerancethe form deviation and the straightness tolerance of a column axis are computed depending on
the requirement of the accuracy of the assessment
Tab 2
Seo et al 2008 developed a tunnel cross section m anagem ent system using the terrestrial laser
scanning w hich can be practically em ployed for
determ ining the cross-section of tunnels more
prom ptly and accurately One exam ple is show n in
Fig 8
Feature type
Type of tolerance
Individual feature
elated feature
Undetermined feature
Fig 8
ited w ith respect to the identification of cracks and installations The accuracy of this system is 5 mm
Han et al 2012 developed an automated and efficient method for extraction of tunnel cross-sections
using TLS data Firstthe point cloud of a tunnel w as
projected onto a horizontal plane to produce a binary
image Then the image w as processed w ith the
boundary tracing and filling to remove the holes proTab 3
duced in sparsely scanned regions that w ere far-offnadir or occluded from the scanner With a skeletonizing algorithmthe object in the image w as transformed to a 1-pixel-thick linew hich w as the extraction of the centerline after vectorizing and smoothing
Finallyas show n in Tab 3 and Fig 9the cross-sections w ere extracted according to the points of the
Total station
Outside scanning
Inside scanning
Instrument installation
Scan registration
45 25 + 20
60 20 3 stations
Not estimated
2D projection to skeletonizing
Instrument installation
eporting results
255 15 17 stations
85 5 17 stations
Not estimated
Fig 9
Extracted cross-sections
Weixing Wang et al
Fig 10
is the possibility to develop a standard w orkflow for
the optimal use of the capacities of laser scan instruments There is still a huge potential to excavate in
tunnel data in the future
This research is financially supported by Special Fund
for Basic Scientific esearch of Central Colleges
No 2013G2241019 Shaanxi Province Science
Technology Fund No 2013KW03 and Xi'an City
Science Technology Fund No CX1252 8
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