Finned Tube Heat Exchanger
Finned Tube Heat Exchanger
Finned Tube Heat Exchanger
College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department
1. .. Introduction
7.. theory
9.. Calculation
12 finned tubing
13 Conclusion
System Description
The thermal hydraulic conditions of a typical finned tube heat exchanger are
simulated. Figure 1 shows a schematic of a typical finned tube heat exchanger.
Objective of simulation
The objective of the simulation is to simulate the response of a finned tube heat
exchanger due to a specified temperature and pressure transient.
Flownex model
The flownex finned tube exchanger model is a distributed model that is build up
form an integrated netwok of one-dimensional elements. These elements
represent either the flow paths on the finned or tube sides or they model the heat
transfer from the fluid on the tube side, through the tube wall and fins to the
fluid on the finned side. In Figure 2 it is shown that each intersection between the
finned side fluid path and the tube side fluid path is considered as a control
volume and the typical element network of a single control volume is shown. The
thermal inertia of the solid tube wall and fin material and the fluid volume are
taken into account in the modeling of transient simulations.
Description of simulation
In this case a finned tube heat exchanger with two parallel circuits, ten rows high
and five passes are simulated. Both sides use air as working fluid. The inlet
temperature and pressure of the air on the finned side is 150 C and 350 KPa
respectively. The inlet temperature and pressure of the air on the tube side is 30
C and 350 KPa respectively. The finned side has a pressure drop of 1 KPa and
the tube side has a pressure drop of 2 2KPa. During the transient event the
following events were specified:
a) at 1 second the finned side inlet temperature is changed from 150 C
to 300 C .
b) At 10 seconds the finned side inlet pressure is changed from 350 KPa
to 500 KPa.
c) At 20 seconds the tube inlet pressure is changed from 350 KPa to 500
d) At 25 seconds the finned side inlet pressure and temperature are
changed from 500 KPa and 300 C to 350 KPa and 200 C respectively.
At the same time the tube side inlet pressure and temperature are
changed from 500 KPa and 30 C to 350 KPa and 25 C respectively.
The flownex results are compared to a distributed model in XNet. The
comparison between the temperature results are shown in Figure 3. it can be
seen that at 1 second when the finned side temperature increases to 300 C, both
the finned side outlet and tube side outlet temperatures increases gradually. At
10 seconds when the finned side inlet pressure is increased, the outlet
temperature of both the finned side and tube side increases almost as quick as
the specified transient event. This is due to the sudden increase in mass flow on
the finned side. At 20 seconds the tube side pressure is also increased and this
causes the finned side outlet and tube side outlet temperature to decrease
suddenly. This is due to the sudden increase of mass flow on the tube side that is
able to remove more heat received from the finned side. At 25 seconds both sides
experience a pressure and temperature transient. The quick response of the
outlet temperatures are again due to the sudden change in mass flows.
Thereafter the gradual decrease of the outlet temperatures were changed the
outlet temperature on both sides only changed gradually due to the thermal
capacitance of the tube wall solid material. It can be seen that the thermal inertia
of the solid material is much larger that the thermal inertia due to the fluid
volume by comparing the transient temperature response of the outlet
temperatures when a step input was specified at the inlet.
The pressure difference across the tube wall, at the bends at the end of each pass
through the heat exchanger, during the transient event is shown in Figure 4. The
largest pressure difference across the tube wall is between 10 and 20 seconds and
has a value of 15 kPa. The fluid temperature distribution on the fin and tube
sides of the heat exchanger and the tube wall temperature for the last time step
of the transient is shown in Figure 5. It can be seen that the tube wall
temperature and the finned side air temperature stays constant for each tube
pass through the heat exchanger. The tube side temperature however, increases
gradually along the tube length. )) 1
(( Theory
In a heat exchanger, the two fluids namely: hot and cold, are separated by a
metal wall. Under this condition the rate of heat transfer will depend on the
overall resistance to heat transfer given by the equation:
Ui = Overall heat transfer coefficient based on inner area [Kcal/hrm2 C]
U0 = Overall heat transfer coefficient based on outer area [Kcal/hrm 2 C]
Hi,h0 = Inside and outside film heat transfer coefficients [Kcal/hrm 2 C]
Ai, A0 = Inside and outside surface are [m2]
When viscous liquids are heated in a double pipe heat exchanger or any standard
heat exchanger by condensing steam or hot fluid of low viscosity, the film heat
transfer coefficient of the viscous liquid will be much smaller that that on the hot
fluid side and will therefore, become controlling resistance for heat transfer. This
condition is also present in case of air or gas heaters where the gas side film heat
transfer coefficient will be very low (typically of the order of 0.01 to 0.0005 times)
compared to that for the liquid or condensing vapour on the other side. Since, the
heat transfer coefficient of viscous fluid or gas cannot be improved much, the
only alternative is to increase the area available for heat transfer on that side so
that its resistance to heat transfer can be reduced. To conserve space and to
reduce the cost of equipment in these cases, certain type of heat exchange
surfaces, called extended surfaces, have been developed in which outside area of
tube is increased many fold by fins and other appendages.
Two types of fins, are in common use viz: longitudinal fins and transverse fins.
Longitudinal fins are used when the direction of flow of the fluid is parallel to the
axis of tube and transverse fins are used when the direction of the flow of the
fluid is across the tube. Spikes, pins, studs or spines are also used for either
direction of flow.
The outside are of a finned tube consists of two parts: area of fins and the area of
bare tube not covered by the bases of fins. A unit area of fin surface is not as
efficient as a unit area of bare tube surface because of the added resistance to the
heat flow by conduction through the fin at its base. The expression for fin
efficiencies can be derived by solving the general differential equation of heat
conduction with suitable boundary conditions. Generally three boundary
conditions are used;
1. Fin of infinite length so that there is no heat dissipation from its tip, or in
other words temperature at the tip of fin is same as that of the
surrounding fluid.
( hC / KA
h = film heat transfer coefficient from the fin surface [Kcal/hrm 2C]
C = circumference of the fin [m]
K = thermal conductivity of fin material [Kcal/hr mC]
A = cross-sectional area of fin [m2]
From the above equation, it can be seen that the fin efficiency is a function of
mL, and as the value of mL increases, the fin efficiency decreases. A reasonable
value of fin efficiency will be around 50 to 75% for which mL should have a
value between 1 and 2. If the fin height L should be sufficient (of the order of 5 to
8 cm), then it can be seen that the value of h should be around 10 to 20 which can
be given by air in natural convection. The value of film heat transfer coefficient
for any other liquid in natural convection, or any gas in forced convection will be
much higher than 20. Thus, the given set-up is used for heat transfer to air in
natural convection region.
1. Finned Tube:
1. Height of fin (L)
Kcal/hr mC
2. Bare Tube:
1. Length of tube (1) :
2. O.D. of tube
3. ambient
1. Circumference of fin (C):
C 2( w b)
AB = ( l l D Nb) xw =
5. Total area of finned tube heat exchanger:
At = AF + AB =
6. Heat given out by steam through finned tube heat exchanger (Q1):
Q1 (m1 x) x
Kcal / hr
Kcal / hr
Kcal / hrm 2 C ;
A = llDL =
T (Tsteam Tambient )
9. m =
( hC / KA)
10. mL =
11. fin(Theoretica l ) tanh mL / mL
Kcal / hr
Kcal / hr
Q fin
)) 2
tubes with washer type fins. Tube materials can be of copper, aluminium,
stainless steel, admiralty brass, cupro-nickel or carbon steel.
Rugged construction for use in severe applications such as air laden with
abrasive particles, corrosive fluids and air heating with steam.
Designed for custom-built applications.
Finned Tubing
design and
enable us to
unique heat
for very
and demanding
Ferrous and
exchangers have
the Aerospace,
where quality
are very
demanding. )) 3
specialty heat
been used in
Medical, and
(( Conclusion
The thermal fluid transient simulation of a finned tube heat exchanger was
discussed. The thermal inertia of the finned tube heat exchanger was visible in
the temperature results. Depending on the design criteria, different variables can
be monitored during the transient event, e.g. velocities, pressure difference
between the fin and tube sides. From the temperature graph it can also be
determined whether the heat exchanger would provide the design point outlet
temperature for the specified transient even. )) 4
2..M.M. Abbott (chemical engineering thermodynamic) . 1996.
3..Papoulias, S.A., and I.E. Grossmann; ' A Structural Optimization
Approach to Process Synthesis-II. Heat recovery Networks, " Comp. and Chem.
Eng., 7, 707 (1983).